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tv   ABC7 News 600PM  ABC  April 4, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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it official he is moving his major league team to a minor league stadium in west sacramento starting next year, shunning oakland's efforts to hold on to the team for just a little while longer. good evening. >> i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley. thanks for joining us. it's a day of conflicting emotions. our neighbors to the east welcome the a's to town. while oakland mourns the loss of its third professional sports team since 2019, abc seven news sports director larry beil joins us to try to sort it all out. >> yeah, raiders, warriors and now the a's. i mean, it's very difficult. although we knew this was coming, this was inevitable. and we now know for sure thursday, september 26th will be the last day that the a's actually play in oakland at the coliseum. today, a group of sacramento officials joined a's owner john fisher to make the announcement on a gloomy day in west sacramento. they were celebrating the future without paying any notice or homage to the past, to the city or the fans that championed the organization for nearly six
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decades now, nobody's been on top of this a's situation more than our own. casey pratt, who was at today's announcement, and casey is joining us live now. it seems fitting casey, this took place on a gloomy day with john fisher taking off without taking any questions. it is so on brand for this organization. >> yeah. larry fitting that his sun sets on the future of baseball in oakland. there are thunder clouds ahead. lightning side rays, rain and wind. it has been an interesting day out here. and yes, john fisher took off before answering any questions. when the press conference ended. what we got out here was a hastily thrown together press conference. they scheduled this when they knew the a's were on the road so people couldn't answer questions in the bay area, and they also gave the release just two hours before the event, which made it extremely hard for bay area media to get here. and the weather sort of made them pay. >> i'm just so excited. i can hardly contain myself. >> and so began the a's tenure in sacramento.
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>> well, actually, the negotiations were not that intense. john and i are friends and so they will be here for three years, and then they have an option on another year, whether they be athletics players or aaron judge. >> and others. uh- launch home runs out of this very intimate, the most intimate ballpark in all of major league baseball for the next three years. >> this is the city of the future. we don't have to play second fiddle to any other city in the world. >> ranadivé may not want sacramento to play second fiddle to anyone, but the simple reality is that hosting the team for three years paves the path to vegas. and in the interim, the a's won't even be adding the state's capital to the team name. >> well, yeah, we're going to play as the athletics. you know, i think because we're kind of in an interim period, we can prove that there's a market here, we can make the team successful. >> i think we're in pole position to get the new franchise pole positions. >> nice. but is there any assurances at all or is this just something he said he would be willing to entertain?
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>> yeah, i know there's no guarantee. >> and we're looking forward to this being our home until we move on to our stadium in las vegas in 2028. >> my sources tell me the city of oakland offered the a's a $20 million per year deal contingent on a year of expansion exclusivity. that price was just too steep for the a's. >> i mean, we were just too far apart. like, it just it was not a competitive offer. >> and with the move comes the harsh reality, the human element . oakland fans lose their team, and many a's employees will lose their jobs. >> that is a unfortunate part of the situation and one that we take very seriously. and we want to treat people appropriately and in the right way. >> now, as the cold winds whip through here, larry, you really get a feeling of how frigid everything is between the a's and their employees. it really is a somber day. a's fans lose their team, but it's the team employees that will likely be replaced by kings and river cats front office members that really
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end up losing in this whole situation. >> yeah, it certainly lose lose for everybody on the oakland side of this. you talked to vivek ranadivé. he's obviously helping out his billionaire buddy john fisher, but it's clear he has bigger plans than just hosting a team for a few years. they want their own team. >> yeah. vivek says that rob manfred, the mlb commissioner, told him that once the a's go to las vegas and maybe another market's figured out, he would like another team in california, vivek thinks he has pole position on that team, but what he didn't do was negotiate expansion or any kind of guarantee for that. in this deal. the city of oakland, they held firm. they said, we're not signing anything until you tell us we will get a team expansion, new owners, something like that. vivek said. hey, let's just get the team here and see what happens. so now kings fans, river cats fans have to support the a's. otherwise they will not be considered a major league market. it's a tough sell when you have the lowest payroll in
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baseball and the worst team in baseball. >> larry, as as they continue to have. casey, thanks so much for your reporting all day long. one big question after this announcement, what now for the oakland coliseum? who's the tenant there? abc seven news reporter ryan curry with a look at some possibilities. >> if you talk to a's fans frustration is the first word that comes to mind. you would think that they would understand our fight to try and keep the a's in oakland. >> and now they're facilitating and making it easier for the a's to move out of oakland. >> with the a's saying goodbye to the coliseum after this year, what does the city plan to do with land that used to be home to the raiders, warriors and a's? >> hopefully with major league baseball and the nfl to reach out and see if there's a an opportunity to reestablish uh- a professional team here in oakland. once again, that's the hope. >> but the future of the site is complicated. a's owner, john fisher, owns half the land of the coliseum. the city owns the other half, and they control what can be developed there. but
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fisher already blocked the oakland ballers from playing at the coliseum, with the a's leaving, city officials want him out of the way entirely. mayor shang tao saying in a statement oakland offered a deal that was fair to the a's and was fiscally responsible for our city. we wish the a is the best and will continue our conversations with them on facilitating the sale of their share of the coliseum site. a potential buyer, the african american sports and entertainment group. >> we see it as the most developable site in the country. >> ray bobbitt, one of the group's partners, says the site has enormous potential housing, new stadiums, restaurants, all are possibilities for this land. sitting right by bart and right by the freeway. but bobbitt says the best way to make that happen is to negotiate a fair deal with fisher. >> well, our plan is to just continue to negotiate until we can come to terms and complete an acquisition. we're really excited about that because it's important for us to move the development forward. >> it's a deal he says can take a while, and any future development can take years. one thing is clear he and the city of oakland are ready to move on from the a's.
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>> we're excited about a new beginning for oakland, and oakland is a resilient city and it always bounces back, and so we feel like we're very blessed to be in the middle of that. >> he hopes this opens a door to new possibilities for the city in oakland. ryan curry, abc seven news. >> but there's no getting around it. really a sad day for a's fans in oakland. they supported this team for 56 years, saw four championships. it has absolutely nothing to do with any lack of fan devotion or support. this is all about one guy, john fisher, who was botched every single attempt to build a stadium wherever. getting a hand from his billionaire buddy vivek. remember they still don't have any financing plans for the vegas stadium. so all of this is to be continued. i thought one of the interesting things is that the team is not going to be the sacramento a's. they're just the a's. this no, no, no franchise is more tempoorary know where they belong. there's no nomadic tribesmen. where can we play a game here? i mean, it's sad what this has devolved
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into. >> it's been a mess the whole time. and i feel so bad for oakland. the raiders they lose the warriors now they lose the a's fans. yeah it's. >> and the likelihood of them getting an expansion team is slim and none so slim. >> just left hand. >> oh by the way sacramento the river cats the normal tenants there they average 5000 fans a night. what do you think the a's are going to draw, maybe less so because they're like the triple a's at this point. we'll see. we'll see next year. >> all right. thank you larry. >> all right. well the gloomy mood of a's fans can only be matched by the weather. >> we're experiencing today. the skies opened up in oakland bringing hail and heavy rain for a time this morning, while mount tamalpais looked a little bit like the sierra getting a good dusting of snow. >> abc seven news meteorologist sandhya patel is here to show us what's going on out there. sandhya. yeah and ama and dan, we have winter back in the forecast. let me show you live. doppler seven. this storm is cold. it is intense for this time of year. it almost feels like february getting you into street level radars. santa clara, san jose, evergreen getting some downpours. right now it is switching over to snow
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over mount hamilton. it's been the case all day long. we've seen snow levels as low as 1500ft. scattered showers right now, a steady rain from san francisco into oakland, east bay and also around the santa cruz mountains. we are seeing the snow rain mix as we take you back in time to the north bay. we did see a few flurries there over mount tam looking to our north. we do have some snow showers and this is going to continue with this upper level low still over us light level one system as we time this out for you this evening, hang on to the rain gear late tonight. we're still looking at that wintry mix. tomorrow morning we have those scattered showers. showers continue into the afternoon and the evening before this system. winds down. more snow coming for our local hills, and it is a one on our storm impact scale. cold showers, gusty winds, snow on the peaks, thunder and hail. here's a look at a rainy san jose, where 12 hundredths of an inch has accumulated. a third in san francisco. oakland. just over that. you will notice napa 4000/900 of an inch. the view
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from mount tam right now is certainly a gray one. thunderstorm risk tonight remains elevated. i'll be back with a full look at the forecast to let you know how long the storm is sticking around. dan. >> all right, sandy, thanks a lot. well, this is not exactly spring break weather, but families are still trying to make the most of it. abc seven news south bay reporter dustin dorsey brings you the sights and sounds from a wintry mount hamilton. >> look it the perfect south bay spring break trip. no not a drive over the mountain to the beach. we took a drive up mount hamilton to the snow and we weren't alone. >> this beautiful snow. there's a san jose is a. it's a nice. so, my kids like it. >> we found wilmer hernandez and his sons enjoying the snow. it's a rare sight for many in san jose, and they made the most of it. >> it was really, really fun. this is my third time, and this is my little brother's second time. we were throwing snowballs at each other on our drive up to the lick observatory. >> we pass by many others who
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took in the snowy april views. when it comes to snow in the south bay, this is the spot i've been snowed on on memorial day up here. >> so well, we get snow pretty regular. >> when we made it to the observatory visitor center, we were shocked with what we saw. no one was there. while we were surprised, lick observatory chief mechanic dan espinoza had a different reaction. >> imagine ten parking spaces and a thousand cars. that's not an exaggeration. i've had people backed up single file for turns down, but not today. >> and we later learned why, just after we made the trek up, chp closed the road due to driving safety concerns, meaning aaron and his family were luckier than they even know. >> you had fun, though, right? >> yeah. >> how much fun? >> like 100% fun. >> and that's what it's all about in san jose. dustin dawsey, abc seven news. >> now to a rarity in a congressional race, two candidates tied for a chance to
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move on to the general election. we are talking about the primary election for the 16th congressional district. former san jose mayor sam liccardo earned the top spot, but the top two vote getters are supposed to face off in november, and that is a rarity. both santa clara county supervisor joe simitian and assemblyman evan low tied for second. all three candidates will now appear on the ballot. >> a lot more to come. fare evaders cost muni millions every year. up next, the agency's new plan to deal with them. but all riders, and even those who don't take it, are going to have to pay a price. plus how did this happen in the first place? >> you need is right here. can you tell me how this happened? here we go. are you going to give their money back? that's it? >> later, the i-team reporter, dan noyes confronts a shop owner who charged an alzheimer's patient $7,000 for skin care supplies that she never requested you can see the store's inventory. so you guys really have mangoes in stock? yup.
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the country, yet it's struggling financially. the sfmta board is about to approve a budget that would attempt to close a deficit of $12.7 million over the next two years. as abc seven news reporter lyanne melendez shows you, it will affect muni riders and even those who don't take it. abc seven news first told you about muni riders who don't pay nearly a year ago. >> and so again, this week we got on a bus to see if anything had changed, except that one of the clipper card readers wasn't working right over here. we finally found a reader that worked and paid our fare. we found that when boarding from
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the front of the bus, people were more likely to tap their card monthly pass or mobile device, but those getting on from the rear of the bus were not always paying. not all. in fact, we saw a few people attempting to do the right thing, but then when they discovered that the reader was not working, they gave up. and transit fare inspectors are seldom seen. >> it's mostly recently, because i haven't really seen a lot of the fare inspectors on the busses as of lately. i think pre-pandemic it was very used to see him a lot, but before the pandemic, the san francisco municipal transportation agency estimated that 16% of riders got on without paying. >> today, they believe that number is north of 20, and that's costing them. the bulk of their money comes from the general fund. 35, 32% comes from revenues such as parking fees and transit fares. so doesn't it make sense to go after the fare
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evaders? most muni riders can relate. in a survey conducted by the sfmta to, the number one concern expressed by the public was transit fares and evasion holding everyone accountable supposed to be enforcing the law ? yeah. does it bother you, though, that you pay yet? some people don't pay. do you ever feel like, man, i'm a sucker? >> yeah. okay. yeah, i'll agree with you. >> yeah. i do feel like i'm a sucker for paying because no one else pays sfmta is finally doing something to generate more money. >> we are not yet at the optimal number of transit fare inspectors. when you look at the revenue that they generate on the transit fare compliance side, 35 inspectors will now be added to bring the number back to pre-pandemic levels, which should be around 80. >> still, there are those who believe muni should be free. >> i am one of the people who doesn't pay. i work two
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different jobs. i have no health insurance. my rent is very high. you know, i really cannot afford to spend more money on the bus. >> there are other ways sfmta is planning to bring in revenue and close a $12.7 million deficit over the next two years. >> we had to make a lot of really difficult choices in order to balance the budget, the chief financial officer laid out the plan before the sfmta board fares for clipper card users will increase from $2.50 to $2.75. >> the first year and 285 the following year. the $3 cash fare will remain the same, and for car owners, parking meter fines will go up. so will residential parking permits and street cleaning tickets will set you back $108. but the agency's financial woes are far from over. during the pandemic. >> as we all know, people stopped moving around. and when you're not moving around, you're not paying to park and you're
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not paying to ride transit. as a result, we lost an incredible amount of revenue and thankfully, the federal and state government have stepped in to provide relief to transit agencies by 2026. >> those funds will run out, leaving sfmta with a projected deficit of $220 million in francisco. lyanne melendez abc seven news. >> i feel like we're taking the calendar back a few pages. >> we were making progress and now we've taken a step back. all right, meteorologist sandyha patel is here. really wild weather today. >> yeah. you know what? it really feels more like february. dan. and let me show you live doppler seven. and i'm going to show you what's going on right now. we are picking up quite a bit of rain at this hour. it is steady across the region and we're going to continue to see it. so light to moderate showers right now in the santa cruz mountains. as you will notice, we're also seeing some rain right around san rafael street level. radar, larkspur san quentin in the east bay from hayward to union city, taking
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you into street level radar right around niles boulevard definitely is going to be a little bit difficult to get around tonight. san francisco, the peninsula, seeing that steady rain as well. so we will look back at the snow that has been falling not only in the mount hamilton area, the santa cruz mountains. as you will notice, we've seen the snow all the way down to the santa lucias , where they have picked up a pretty good amount of snow. the snow level has been as low as 1500ft, so mount tam picked up a little bit of snow as well. and up to our north, right around lake and mendocino counties. we're going to continue to see this wintry mix as that low is still spinning off the coastline. it is bringing snow to the sierra tonight. temperatures are down ten degrees cooler in concord compared to 24 hours ago. 13 degree drop in san jose. you can feel it. you can tell 40s and 50s right now for most areas. lake area, clear lake area is 37 degrees. gusts to 37 at hayward, 25 in oakland. so it's making it
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feel even chillier. and from our exploratorium camera, you can see the raindrops on the lens. showers and snow through tomorrow. thunderstorms with brief downpours and hail will continue. and for the weekend weather, it's going to be dry and sunnier on saturday. this is a level one storm. it's a light storm tonight and tomorrow. cold showers, gusty winds, snow on the peaks, thunderstorms and hail is what you need to watch out for. 7:00 tonight. the activity is still going. it's unsettled at 9 p.m. you're going to have a greater likelihood of seeing more accumulation. snow at 11 p.m. tonight. not just in the mountains, but as low as about 1500 to 2000ft. 830 tomorrow morning, some showers, skirting through the area. 2:00 spotty, 4 p.m. you will notice a few showers redeveloping and some snow over the higher terrain through the evening. hours before the system winds down additional rain. we're looking at a few hundreds to about 9/10 of an inch more snow for the mountains. it's going to accumulate and continue to accumulate a few more inches from the santa cruz mountains to mount hamilton and mount tam. a
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few more flurries as you will notice some more snow expected in the lake and mendocino county interior areas where a winter weather advisory is going above 2000ft until 11:00 tonight, a few more inches of snow there. same thing for the sierra until 11 p.m. tomorrow. that's a winter weather advisory. snow levels down to about 1000ft in times up there. 30s, 40s. on your temperatures tomorrow morning, grab your heavy coats and your umbrellas. tomorrow afternoon you'll need the shades as well. highs will be in the 50s, so coming up a few degrees. a look at the accuweather seven day forecast. it's a one for your friday showers and snow on our peaks. slight chance of thunder continuing the morning chill. mainly sunny on saturday. sunday we'll see a mix of sun and clouds. there's a slight possibility a weak system brushes the coast. one model is dry, the other ones keep bringing in a few drops, but nothing major. mostly clear for viewing the eclipse on monday and it's going to warm up into the 70s and 80s inland. more like spring and then summer. by thursday
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francisco. after years of businesses leaving economic hardship and talk of a so-called doom loop, there may be signs of recovery. at least that's according to some city and business leaders. >> abc7 news reporter tim johns spoke with some of them. >> downtown san francisco in
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2024 is not what it was prior to the pandemic shuttered storefronts, empty streets and an office vacancy rate hitting an all time high of over 35. however in the midst of all that, there are signs that things may have finally bottomed out. >> i think we may be beginning to reach an inflection point. we're seeing, for example, an increase in tenant demand, which is the, you know, the starting point for leases being signed. >> ted egan is the chief economist for the city. he tells me in the past few months, several large companies have expanded their footprint downtown. one crypto company, ripple, recently moved their headquarters to a new space on battery street, and on wednesday, tech company rippling, also signing a new 123,000 square foot lease down the road on california street. local leaders say despite the challenges, san francisco has faced in the past, the city still has unique qualities that make it success difficult to copy. rodney fong is the president of the san francisco chamber of commerce. >> it's largely the intellectual capacity that is here in san
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francisco. a lot of smart people able to do this great, innovative work in san francisco yet again, is on the cutting edge of so many things that affect the world. >> downtown does still have its problems, though. robert salmons is a commercial real estate expert with cushman wakefield, who says the pandemic altered the market with hybrid work. he predicts the city's core will eventually bounce back from the downturn, even if it takes some time. >> after downturn. it took almost ten years to get back to where we were previous because with so much venture capital and new industries like artificial intelligence expanding in the city. >> egan says san francisco is still the place of the future. >> we're hearing venture capitalists and wanting to be in san francisco saying, you have to be in san francisco to be part of this action. we're starting to see the talent saying, i need to be in the office more, and i need to move back to the bay area because it's starting to happen again in san francisco. >> tim johns, abc seven news. >> just ahead, a husband's anguish, his wife living with alzheimer's, taken advantage of.
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>> my wife was in tears. she was shaking. i'm absolutely demoralized. >> next, the i-team confronts the south bay shop owner, who charged the woman thousands of dollars for skin care supplies. she never requested and didn't
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he is really boxed in here. -not a good spot. off the comcast business van. into the vending area. oh, not the fries! where's the ball? -anybody see it? oh wait, there it is! -back into play and... aw no, it's in the water. wait a minute... are you kidding me? you got to be kidding me. rolling towards the cup, and it's in the hole! what an impossible shot brought to you by comcast business.
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money back. that's it. aren't you embarrassed? >> the owner of a south bay shop facing a grilling from the abc7 news i-team after he charged an alzheimer's patient more than $7,000 for skin care supplies that she didn't want. >> and our i-team reporter, dan noyes began investigating after a tip from an alzheimer's family support group. and dan, of course, joins us now from the newsroom with the latest. dan. >> well, i quickly found out that the shop in los gatos has an f rating from the better business bureau. this latest episode is causing a lot of stress for a couple already dealing with a very difficult diagnosis. a woman i'll call
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sophie doesn't want to use her real name or show her face because she hasn't told all her friends that she has early onset alzheimer's disease. >> she turned 60 this week and also with alzheimer's. i'm not always going to be prescient and complete. >> is that frustrating for you? sometimes, yeah, every day. >> but it was important for sophie and her husband. >> i'll call him mark to do this interview. >> our objective here is to figure out how to not have people go through what we have. >> the alzheimer's progressed to the point that sophie lost her driver's license, so she enjoyed walking her los gatos neighborhood during a stroll up north santa cruz avenue two and a half weeks ago, a worker at elements skincare invited her in. sophie thought it was a hair salon. >> he was kind and he did. you know, a few little things for like, you know, one's eyes. once you're over 25, and he said, do you like that? and i go, i go, yeah, that was nice. he goes, okay. he goes, well, we can try a couple more things. and then, you know, see if you like him.
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>> sophie spent more than two hours there. she says they offered champagne and asked her to try a full body led device. she didn't want to take off her clothes. sophie tells me she didn't notice when the workers started bagging up skin care products. what did you think you were buying? >> i didn't think i was buying anything, i just thought it was going to be a hair salon. i mean, chalk it up to having alzheimer's and not thinking through if i could have a new brain, i'd have it. >> but sophie had a feeling something was wrong. she called her mother in the midwest and put her on the phone with the elements staff. her mother tells me it was not a friendly conversation, and that she made it clear sophie did not want any of their products. sophie doesn't remember giving the staff her debit card or signing for a $1,600 loan. the staff rang up facial cream, cleansing mousse, stem cell, body butter, eye serum, overnight mask, handheld skincare, light and more. the total gave sophie three bags as she
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left. >> well, that was a pretty hard sell. i mean, they're like, no, no, no, no, this is yours. this is yours. yeah, this is yours. >> you didn't know that you had purchased those things? i did not after she left the shop, sophie met a longtime friend who returned with her to elements, explained her alzheimer's diagnosis and demanded a full refund. the staff refused. then sophie called her husband, who rushed there. >> my wife was in tears. she was shaking, absolutely demoralized. >> mark did his best to explain the situation to the staff and to elements owner yevgeny goldin. when he arrived, what sorts of things were you saying to them? >> i said, you don't understand. she has no memory. you have to take this product back. you gave her a product she didn't want. she didn't even know she has. and now i'm here 15 minutes later, just asking you to refund the product. >> the argument escalated, so mark called the police. the officer decided it was a civil matter, but urged yevgeny goldin to refund the couple's money.
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mark tells me the shop owner stuck to the same answer. >> it was. it is what it is. we charge the card to debit card. there's no refund. now get out of here. >> it was that direct? >> absolutely. >> wow. it was awful. >> i called yevgeny goldin, who also goes by zach or zeev, for an interview. he agreed to meet wednesday morning. morning. how's it going? are you zach? that's your statement? are you zach or zeev? i'm zach, i need to talk to you for the story. what are you talking? you know, you can actually do the right thing right now and give their money back, will you do that? no. will you give their money back? >> here's our official statement. >> i'm happy to have the official statement, but will you give the money back? there you go. golden statement reads in part, in alignment with our dedication to exceptional customer care, we have refunded the purchase price minus restocking fee as a gesture of goodwill. the statement did not answer the core issue. how could you do this? an alzheimer's patient, you took advantage of her this way for $7,000 worth. >> just read this, this is
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golden wooden. >> answer. my follow up questions either. what's the restocking fee? it turns out golden did refund $5,456 for the skin care devices after i got involved, but is now telling the couple he won't allow them to return the creams and lotions he's keeping more than $1,700. i called the better business bureau about yevgeny golden and his element shop. >> they have an f rating on their b-bbee profile. uh. an f rating is, of course, on a scale of a to f. not very good. >> steve mcfarlane tells me elements gets that f based on the number of complaints compared to total customers they have and the number of unanswered complaints, he says. yevgeny golden should have taken action at the very least. by the time sophie's friend, her husband and the police clearly disclosed the health challenges she faces. >> if they knew the company knew that there was a capacity issue, that's a problem, and they should take all the merchandise
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back. >> there are dozens more complaints about elements los gatos on the b-b-b site, on yelp and yahoo! meanwhile yevgeny golden has been posting on social media for new salespeople . golden wrote, we will teach you the system of selling our products is a bulletproof system that has proven itself over and over again. sophie hopes word gets out about her experience at yevgeny golden shop. >> it's bad enough to have an all timers. >> it's even worse when you have people who are predatory. i can't even imagine harming people like that. >> in his written statement, yevgeny golden says he's committed to exceptional service and the well-being of our guests. i'll let you know if he changes his mind about refunding that last $1,700. >> all right. what an incredible story, really, dan, thank you very much. yeah, well, making the case for reparations in california, there are many people who feel as strongly as i do about this and viscerally so. >> and we're not black next
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hour, julian glover joins us with a look at our new abc seven originals documentary, explaining how the state is looking to make history, righting decades of wrongs stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya.
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operations for slavery and decades of anti-black policies at the state and local level. >> abc7 news anchor julianne glover joins us now with the first look at a documentary he's produced on this effort. >> julianne, you've seen some of the reports right here on abc seven news at six. and now, finally, a comprehensive look at this as you know, i've spent years documenting that movement and getting answers to questions that you probably have, like, why should california be on the hook for reparations? how will it work? and has this ever been done before? those answers are in the abc seven news original documentary california's case for reparations, streaming now. here are the first couple of minutes. >> california is moving to consider reparations for slavery. >> we'll just start here by signing this a california reparations task force is making history with a major decision on who will receive compensation. >> the descendants of slaves are standing in the shoes of their
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ancestors in fighting to complete this sacred political project. what do we want? >> when my great grandfather was a sharecropper who had 17 children and worked from sunup to sundown and died with absolutely nothing, i would hope that he would be proud and know that i stand on his shoulders and there are no better shoulders to stand on. >> after hours of testimony and debate, the group has voted 5 to 4 that reparations should be paid to descendants of black slaves who were living in the united states during the 19th century. >> it's not just a study anymore . we are history in the making right here, right now. this is groundbreaking work that they've done in the nation that has oftentimes denied it's its responsibility for slavery and the impact of slavery on the lives of others. >> i think reparations could be a part of the solution, because it would address historic acts
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of racism. >> i would like to say that to my fourth great grandparents, who were born slaves. our time has come. >> reparations is alive. as a discussion now. it's not going to end now. it's going to keep going until reparations is a reality. folks may or may not be ready, but we're here now. >> i think our mantra has to be this time. it has to be different this time it must be different. >> california has at least stated that it is different, and i think i'm calling on californians to remember their difference in that way and to do something. >> reparations is not charity. it's not a handout. it's not a gift. it is what was promised. it's what is owed. and it's something that is 160 years overdue to african americans who built this country. >> this was ours, and it was taken. you gave my great grandmother and grandmother and grandfather pennies on the dollar. and this is what you
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want to do. continue that narrative. it's time for a repayment. >> julian, part of this is meant to level the playing field. right? but will there actually be any money seen to these families? >> that's a great question. so we know there are a number of bills that are currently making their way through the california state legislature. as we speak right now. one of them looks at illegal land taking s.b. 1050. that would get the johnson's like, you'll meet in the documentary california's case for reparations, potentially get them their land back or compensation for their land. >> and it's not just money. financial compensation programs, scholarships, other ways to offer reparations. right >> exactly. this first batch of bills, there are about a dozen of them. they are comprehensive. they look at a number of things. and one of them, i will say is not cash payment. so that is off the table right now. but there are a number of programs that would help for homeowner assistance, to help for home loans and things like that, to help the black community
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educational opportunity education. exactly but there are still so many things of that 115 recommendations that the state task force put forward that still need to see their light in sacramento. so much more to come as we continue to follow this issue. great work. >> you've been on it for years. thank you julian. >> now, julian's documentary, california's case for reparations is available right now on abc seven and wherever you stream abc seven news, do check it out. >> it's in the bag. up next, the trashy move by a porch pirate to steal a package from a northern ca
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the bachelor reporter george pennacchio from our sister station in los angeles, was given an exclusive invitation to the set for this prime time event. >> it's been an amazing season of high adventure so far on 911. >> you hear that? >> but things are taking a bit of a romantic turn as the show celebrates its 100th episode with an epic crossover. it's this really cool crossover between 911 and the bachelor two
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shows on abc sort of coming together and our worlds colliding. >> joey and i are already having an absolute blast. >> from my understanding, it's just going to be a night one where some of the women do normal entrances and then someone finds their way in to do a crazy entrance. so i'm just going to be playing myself and trying to go along with it. is she gonna be okay? >> i'm super happy to be here and it's very exciting and cool that we actually get to be in the real bachelor mansion where the roses. i want to see those. >> forget the roses. how about some cake to celebrate the big 100 being a part of 9-1-1? >> i mean, i never envisioned that i would be on a series for six years, 100 episodes. so this is evidence of dreams. you didn't know you were having coming true. >> i'm glad that we sort of semi still like each other at 100 episodes. >> a little bit, a little bit. >> george pennacchio reporting 9-1-1. can be seen at tonight right here on abc seven,
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followed by gray's anatomy at nine, then station 19 at ten, and then we'll be back with you for abc seven news at 11. >> all right. here's some must see tv. a thief in sacramento was so desperate to steal a package, they pretended to be a bag of trash. oh, come on, that was moving. yeah. surveillance video shows a person crouched underneath the garbage bag, approaching a front door and stealing a package. the homeowner said he originally thought his package may be blew away on a windy day. he said he was shocked to find out the truth after checking his security camera footage. >> that is one of the most preposterous things i've ever seen. >> but yet you can't tell who was taking it. no. >> it's true, it's absurd. >> all right, let's revisit the weather forecast and the latest on this rain. >> yes. sandhya patel is here. sandhya. >> yeah. and ama and dan, i want to show you a live picture right now from our mount tam cam. because it is looking like winter snow is really coming down. hard to see visibility right now as we look at live doppler seven, we are tracking a thunderstorm right over danville , uh- highway 680 san ramon street level radar showing you where it is and it is heading
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towards antioch 726 tonight. so watch out for heavy rain. possible hail around the south bay, the santa cruz mountains. also seeing some downpours at this hour as we track the snow that has been falling in the santa cruz mountains, mount hamilton, we've been seeing that snow over mount tam as well. it is a level one cold core low for this time of year. will continue to produce those scattered showers at 730 this evening, along with the snow showers this carries on into tomorrow. although not as widespread, we are expecting spotty showers and snow showers to continue through tomorrow evening. your afternoon highs in the 50s hang on to the rain gear and for the giants home opener, i think we're going to get fortunate there. 54 degrees first pitch isolated shower chance in the ninth inning. we're looking at breezy and partly cloudy as they take on the padres level one tomorrow. will dry it out, and then next week we'll warm it up for eclipse viewing. okay. nice. should be nice. >> thanks, sandhya. >> all right. gloomy day all around, larry. >> yeah. dark and foreboding. we knew the day was coming, but
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today it's official. now, with the a's announcing they're leaving oakland after the season and heading to sacramento in a minor league park
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as we reported earlier, the a's announcing they'll be leaving oakland to play the next three
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years in sacramento at the home of the river cats, the minor league team. abc seven's casey pratt has been covering the stadium saga for years. he was expecting to talk with a's owner john fisher. fisher took off, leaving team president dave kaval alone to answer questions expecting to talk with a's owner john fisher. fisher took off, leaving team president dave kaval alone to answer questions on a fittingly gloomy day in sacramento. >> the transformation from the oakland a's to the triple a's has become complete. the team with the lowest payroll in baseball, the team that traded away all of its biggest stars, is now coming to play in a minor league ballpark in sacramento, and the people of sacramento don't even get any assurances that major league baseball will be here to stay. >> i mean, we were just too far apart like it just it was not a competitive offer and unfortunately, that we couldn't
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get close enough to really put it in the consideration set. and we had a really viable and robust offer here from the kings. >> but we can prove that there's a market here. we can make the team successful. i think we're in pole position to get the new franchise pole positions. >> nice. but is there any assurances at all or is this just something he said he would be willing to entertain? >> yeah, i know there's no guarantee. you know, we have to show what we can do. and i have complete confidence that if we set our mind to something, this is an incredible city. we have the best fans in the world. and at the end of the day, the best fans in the world will make it happen. >> casey pratt reporting now to some other former oakland residents, the warriors trying to move on and one step closer to securing a play in bid tonight in houston. steph curry scored only 13 points in the win over dallas on tuesday. came out focused here. and look at steph i didn't know he had this in the
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repertoire. little baby skyhook there baby kareem warriors led by as many as 14 early klay thompson. they know what he can do in houston at 21 points at the half. rockets got it to within five. but curry helping to extend the lead. he had 12 at the half. and the warriors up 15 at the break. to the third quarter. and gary payton the second is going to steal and score. extending the lead to 20. they're just about starting the fourth quarter. and the warriors are leading 99 to 83. abc seven sports sponsored by your northern california honda dealers with six games left. if the warriors win this game, they've almost put houston away and then get the 10th seat at minimum. good. all right. thanks, lee. >> all right. that is going to do it for this edition of abc seven news. thank you for spending some time with us. i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley for san diego. >> larry, bill, all of us. we appreciate your time. we'll see you again at 11. have a nice evening.
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from the alex trebek stage at sony pictures studios, this is the... ♪♪ introducing our third group of semifinalists-- a writer and television personality from pittsburgh, pennsylvania... a bon vivant and man about town
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from pacific grove, california... and a grad student in computer science and public policy, originally from washington, d.c... [applause] and now here is the host of "jeopardy!"--ken jennings! [cheers and applause] thank you, johnny. welcome, folks, to the last of semifinal games in this "jeopardy!" invitational tournament. so far, the jit finals are shaping up to look a lot like the022 tournament of champions finals, or last year's masters field, because amy schneider and andrew he have both secured spots in the finals. sam buttrey, that could bode well for you today, but as you know, you're facing some tough competitors in matt and victoria. good luck, champions. let's get right into the game. here are your categories in the jeopardy! round. we have european capitals up first, then... some... we have...


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