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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  April 5, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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move comes after president biden warned prime minister benjamin netanyahu that future us support for the war depends on new efforts to protect civilians and aid workers. >> number six, we're taking you to the santa cruz mountains, northbound 17, before idlewild road. two separate crashes are blocking both lanes. traffic is backed up from old santa cruz highway number seven, baseball back in san francisco, it is opening day at oracle park and we are taking a live look at the stadium right now. >> of course, san diego padres first pitch at 135. go giant >> george: good morning america. the israeli prime minister under intense pressure from president biden. breaking news. israel allows more aid into gaza after a major shift from the white house on the war. president biden warns israel
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risk u.s. support if it doesn't increase humanitarian assistance and reduce violence against civilians and aid workers while calling for an immediate cease fire. top national security official john kirby join us with what must happen next. >> michael: spring snow. with more on the way for parts of new england, and tens of thousands still without power. chaos at airports nationwide, with 25,000 flight delays. ginger is tracking it all as we brace for a new cross country storm just in time for the eclipse. >> george: deadly crane collapse. emergency responders rush to the scene. the debris crushing this car. the driver says he's lucky to be alive. >> i couldn't believe that i was still alive. >> george: now the investigation into what went wrong. >> rebecca: missing moms mystery. the urgent search for two oklahoma women who vanished on their way to pick up kids. why authorities suspect foul play. >> george: security breach. the alarming report, how
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hundreds of people manage to get past airport check point, and what some airports are doing about it. >> rebecca: trashy crime. the porch pirate disguised as a garbage bag? ♪ i really need you tonight forever's gonna start tonight ♪ >> michael: and we need the final four more than ever. the stars are aligning this weekend, chasing perfection. who will steal the nation's heart? and chasing the sun. with just three days to go, millions searching for the best eclipse seats in the house. >> announcer: live in times square, this is good morning america. >> michael: good morning america. great song. can't beat that. lots of excitement on this friday morning for the final four. will is ready in cleveland for us. there he is. maybe he'll try a three point shot. we're all ready for the eclipse. >> rebecca: he is not quite caitlin clark. we are turning around bright eyes. it's okay, will.
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we'll see you in a minute. we will see if the new cross country storm could impact the eclipse show. we've got the latest on the spring snow this morning and if there is more on the way. >> george: we're going to begin with president biden stepping up pressure on benjamin netanyahu to protect civilians and get more humanitarian aid into gaza. biden warned the situation is unacceptable. israel appears to be responding, opening more routes for aid to get through. we'll talk to the president's top communications adviser for national security. our chief white house correspondent mary bruce starts us off. good morning, mary. >> reporter: good morning, george. this is a critical moment in the u.s. relationship with israel. six months into this war and the biden administration is dramatically shifting its tone, telling israel it has not done enough to limit humanitarian suffering and warning if they do not change course, there will be consequences. this morning under intense pressure from president biden, israel agreeing to allow more desperately needed aid to flow into gaza, reopening a port and a major border crossing.
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the white house saying the steps were at the president's request and must now be fully and rapidly implemented. it comes after biden delivered a stark warning. in a tense 30 minute phone call, biden telling prime minister netanyahu that israel must take concrete steps to address these humanitarian suffering in gaza or risk u.s. support. >> if there are not changes to their approach, it is very likely we're going to change our approach. >> reporter: the president demanding israel increase humanitarian assistance, open additional crossings and reduce violence against civilians and aid workers. biden also calling for an immediate cease fire. as part of the deal to release the remaining hostages. the tipping point, the deadly israeli strike that killed seven aid workers including dual american citizen 33-year-old jacob flickinger. his partner calling him a man of honor and of service. >> we will always remember how great he was. that's what i'm going to tell my kids.
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>> reporter: their deaths the latest in this growing humanitarian crisis. roughly 200 aid workers have now been killed. more than in any other conflict in such a short time period. and over 33,000 palestinians have been killed according to the hamas run health ministry. secretary of state blinken quoting jewish scripture to urge israel to do more. >> whoever saves a life saves the entire world. that's our strength. it's what distinguishes us from terrorists like hamas. >> reporter: so far biden has resisted calls to limit or condition u.s. military assistance to israel. the administration recently approving the delivery of thousands more bombs in the coming year, but now making clear the u.s. could change course. while the white house is welcoming these steps from the israelis to allow more aid into gaza, the big question now, will it be enough to satisfy the president's demands? and if not, how far is the u.s. willing to go to hold israel
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accountable? george? >> george: thanks, mary. we are joined by the president's national security communications adviser john kirby. john, thank you for joining us again. let's get right to that question mary posed at the end. has israel done enough to meet the president's demands? >> we're going to have to watch and see where they go from here, george. just overnight they announced some very welcome agreements, to open up crossings, additional crossings, for aid to get into gaza. they talked about the commitment to increase the number of trucks that will get in. those are good starts, but we have to see them implement those things over time. >> george: if they don't? >> i don't want to get ahead of the president. or close down his decision space. i think he was very clear with the prime minister yesterday. if we don't start seeing meaningful changes in the way israel is prosecuting these operations and allowing for humanitarian assistance and working towards the hostage deal and cease fire, then we're going to have to make changes. >> george: that means conditioning aid, doesn't it? >> again, i wouldn't close down
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decision space for the president. he was very clear with prime minister netanyahu. we've got to see some changes. we've got to see the humanitarian situation improve in gaza. otherwise, we will have to try to look at our own policy and make decisions and change the way we're supporting israel. >> george: president biden also told the prime minister an immediate cease fire is essential. a cease fire without the release of hostages? >> no. he's been very consistent. we want to see those hostages home. we want to see that aid increased. the way to do that is through an immediate cease fire, temporary cease fire to allow all that process to under go. >> george: you could actually have the cease fire before the hostages are actually released? >> again, this has all been part of a larger deal we are trying to negotiate. i think there's been some confusion here. nothing's changed about the president's desire. an immediate cease fire in exchange for getting those hostages out and for getting that extra aid in.
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that's what negotiators are meeting this weekend to talk about in cairo. we're going to be part of those conversations. we want to get this done as quickly as possible. as the president said yesterday, we need it immediately. >> george: iran is warning of retaliation for the strike in damascus. israel seem braced for that retaliation. what do we know about what's coming? >> well, again, i want to be careful here on the intelligence front, george. it is a very real, very viable and legitimatehreat that iran is posing here. we have got to make sure that israel is ready in case there is a set of strikes and certainly we want to make sure, and the president made this clear to prime minister netanyahu, that they will continue to have our support. i think it's important to remember, this is a great segue. israel lives in a tough neighborhood. everybody is focused, rightly so, on gaza and the humanitarian situation there. but they face threats from hezbollah to the north, from militia groups in iraq and syria, and from iran proper itself. they are even getting strikes
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from houthi controlled territories in yemen. they've got a range of things they got to be worried about. the u.s. will stay committed to making sure they can defend themselves. >> george: john kirby, thanks as always. >> yes, sir. >> george: michael? >> michael: now the wintry weather slamming new england. more snow is expected on top of the foot that's already fallen. hundreds of thousands of customers are without power. morgan norwood is in portland, maine. good morning, morgan. >> reporter: good morning, michael. yes, this is the hub for maine central power. you see right behind me, we've got trucks loading up their utility trucks. you can see the cranes lifting the poles on to the trucks. they've got transformers, wire, everything they need. boy do they have their work cut out for them today. close to half of the state at one point during the storm was without power. it's gotten a little bit better overnight. they were able to restore power to about 100,000. still this morning, 300,000 customers are in the dark. across the region, we're talking 450,000 customers in the dark without power.
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and the trees have been the problem here. they've been crashing down on homes, business, blocking the streets. speaking of the roads, all of that snow we got yesterday, freezing overnight making travel conditions treacherous. you can expect throughout the midwest and new england for road crews to be back out in full force today. as far as the situation on the ground, despite this national response getting ready to happen right behind me, crews say it could still be several days before power is fully restored here in the state. michael? >> michael: need to get that up and running as soon as possible. thank you very much. the storm creating a spring break travel mess. trevor ault is at la guardia airport. good morning, trevor. >> reporter: good morning. this has been unfortunate timing to have such storms. there have been 25,000 flight delays, just from monday through this morning, including 8,000 wednesday alone. this is happening in the midst of a travel surge. you have spring breakers mixed with easter travellers and now mixing with people who are getting on the road for the
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coming total eclipse. not to mention along the plains and the air are having to battle some pretty severe turbulence including a southwest flight having to make an emergency landing in tampa because a flight attendant and passenger were injured. rebecca? >> rebecca: not what you want to hear if you're about to travel. okay. thank you. we want to bring in ginger with when the storm will move out and the warnings. good morning. >> ginger: good morning. this storm is a real subborn toddler. that's what i'm going to call it. at this point it's done a lot of the damage but it's not going to leave until saturday night, early sunday. we still have an avalanche warning that includes mount washington. couple advisories. we're going to see peppers of snow and rain throughout the next 36 hours. on the west coast, hollywood, california, that home was one week from being complete and that land slide into it. others were hurt by that as well. that storm moves across. that's the one we're watching for monday that will bring in some clouds and certainly post eclipse, has a chance of severe storms. i'll have an eclipse forecast that's looking better and better coming up. >> michael: like the sound of
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that. thank you, ginger. now the alarming report about the number of people who have been able to breach airport security. transportation correspondent gio benitez is at la guardia airport with the details. this is a very eye opening story, gio. good morning. >> gio: it really is, michael. very surprising. a tsa spokes person told "the washington post" that these attempted breaches are a trend, and a larger number than they realize. this morning as millions take to the skies for spring break travel, an alarming alert. attempted security breaches at some of the busiest airports. the tsa, america's first line of defense at airport, telling "the washington post" that hundreds of people have bypassed airport security in the past year. the numbers are startling. 300 people bypassing check points like a woman in nashville who was arrested but not charged for boarding a flight to l.a. without a ticket. the fbi taking her when they landed. 200 people going the wrong way in exit lanes. newark liberty seeing an uptick in people doing that.
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>> there's so many layers, multiple layers of the screening process. one may break down, but others, hopefully, will catch that individual that penetrated security. >> reporter: it's the latest in a series of concerning incidents at american airports. this man seen in video running through the airport in salt lake city and managing to get on the tarmac, ultimately losing his life in the plane's engine. last month the man caught on camera taking photos of other passengers' boarding passes, making it onto a flight, hiding ou in the bathroom. he was removed before takeoff. some airports have introduced security measures like runway exit lanes. former tsa federal security director keith jeffreys said it is concerning enough to face the problem, but he has faith in the system. >> is this something the traveling public should be alarmed about? not in my opinion. nothing to be concerned about. skies continue to remain safe.
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>> gio: and the tsa telling us overnight that 1 in every 11 million passengers try to bypass some part of the security process but most all of them are unintentional. george? >> george: now the latest on donald trump's legal troubles. a series of set backs in three separate courts. senior investigative correspondent aaron katersky is tracking the cases. good morning, aaron. >> reporter: good morning, george. judges in three states have now rejected attempts by former president trump to dismiss criminal indictments including here in new york where trump is more than a week away from trial. in georgia trump said the charges over election interference violated his first amendment rights to challenge the results of the 2020 vote. the judge said even political speech is not insulated from prosecution. then in florida the judge rejected his effort to throw out charges over his handling of classified document based on the idea that a president can somehow turn national security records personal. judge may still allow that argument though at trial. this morning there are questions
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about the bond trump posted in his civil fraud case. new york attorney general leticia james is not convinced the california company underwriting the bond is financially capable of paying $175 million if necessary. she asked for additional proof. the judge is going to hold a hearing later this month. george, we spoke to the head of the bond company. he told us the attorney general is just being thorough, but trump's lawyer accused her of trying to stir up a baseless public quarrel in a desperate effort to regain relevance. george? >> george: thanks. now the deadly train collapse in ft. lauderdale. it fell onto a bridge. andrew dymburt has the story. >> reporter: this crane came crashing down in the heart of busy ft. lauderdale just before the rush hour commute. >> oh my god that crane just broke off and fell down. >> reporter: this morning authorities investigating a deadly crane collapse on a bridge in ft. lauderdale, florida. >> there are vehicles on the bridge with damage, heavy damage. >> reporter: a portion of the crane falling during construction, killing one worker
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who fell with it. debris landing on the bridge, crushing this car. the driver saying he's lucky to be alive. >> i looked up and i saw the blue structure coming down. i slammed on my brakes. it hit the front of my car. it was like slow motion. i couldn't believe that i was still alive. >> reporter: three people on the ground sustaining minor injuries. witnesses left shaken. >> it was kind of like a horror movie. you know? you don't understand how heavy it is until it reaches the ground. in this case it reached a car. it was very scary and surreal. >> reporter: emergency responders rushing to the scene. now authorities rushing to figure out what went wrong. >> it was not the crane per se that actually failed. it was a platform they had equipment on that had failed at the time of the incident. it is unbelievable. the amount of cars and traffic backed up. this could have been a whole lot worse.
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>> reporter: this morning state and federal investigators will be here on scene trying to figure out exactly what wrong. the crane is still hanging. michael? >> michael: thank you, andrew, for that. now the latest in baltimore. president biden will be there meeting with some families of the six workers killed in the francis scott key bridge collapse. elizabeth schulze has been covering this from the start. there's also an update on access to the port. good morning. >> reporter: yeah, the army corps of engineers now says it hopes to open one channel for commercial ships in and out of the port of baltimore by the end of this month and to fully open the port by the end of may. but president biden's visit to baltimore will underscore the long road to rebuild after the collapse of the francis scott key bridge. the president will get an up close look including an aerial visit of the mangled wreckage that is encasing the cargo ship that crashed into the bridge. he will also meet with the families of those six construction workers who lost their lives when it collapsed. the federal government already
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released $60 million in emergency funds to help reopen the critical port. this morning the white house is officially requesting that congress cover the full cost to rebuild the bridge which could be in the billions. guys? >> george: thanks you very much. coming up search for two missing oklahoma moms. why investigators now suspect foul play. >> rebecca: plus the eclipse hunters on the move. meet the people chasing total darkness and clear skies. >> michael: the women's final four tips off tonight. espn's andrea carter and will reeve are in cleveland with what the star players and coaches are saying ahead of the big showdown. first back to ginger. >> ginger: in california winter is hanging on. this is santa cruz county where you can see the snow flying there. they had such a nice couple days earlier this week. quite the change that's come into play. it's making it down to southern california, where winter storm warnings are up outside los angeles, up the hill from burbank. you can see snow, on the order of 3 plus inches above 3,000 feet.
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snow levels are low. we're getting lear in the season especially to have frost alerts. your local weather in just 30 seconds.
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>> michael: coming up, with food prices rising again and again, we're gonna take a look at what $100 gets you today versus four years ago. rebecca still has some ways you can save money. >> rebecca: you know it. >> michael: of course you save us money. we'll be right back. ed entyvio. doctors have been prescribing entyvio for nearly 10 years. infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after treatment. entyvio may increase risk of infection, which can be serious. pml, a rare, potentially fatal brain infection cannot be ruled out. tell your doctor if you have an infection, flu-like symptoms, sores, or are prone to infections. liver problems can occur. entyvio. relief. remission. for real. ♪ entyvio, entyvio, entyvio ♪
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the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, that helps heal your child's skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes, including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your child's eczema specialist about dupixent. >> always live. abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning everyone. i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven mornings. if you're here in the bay area on monday, we will have a partial view of the solar eclipse. it's going to be happening between about 1015 and
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1145 in the morning. for a list of eclipse events, including viewing parties, you can head to our website, abc seven and don't forget, if you cannot watch the eclipse in person, abc seven bay area is your home for complete coverage. we will bring you the excitement from across the country starting at 11 a.m. amanda kumasi a headache. >> if you're heading through emeryville, here's a live look. northbound 880 to eastbound 80. the right lane of the connector ramp is blocked by a portable building stay to your left. >> thanks, amanda. meteorologist
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using our brand new grocery outlet app. it's been really fun seeing what everyone's doing with the extra money they save. nice shirt. just got back from vacation. a butler? super nice guy. i got to start using the app. bargain market >> 96.5 koit feel good at work the way you are, old gold jay.
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even though we're going to have more dry periods, more sun. today it's cold, just 40, in oakland, inland valleys of the north bay and east bay. will the north bay into the 30s wind chill of 34. petaluma. so we'll continue to see the below average highs today. only in the mid 50s for most, but for the giants it looks partly cloudy, breezy only in the low 50s. and then the chance of an isolated shower throughout the afternoon, primarily in our inland east bay and south bay. the accuweather seven day forecast still chilly over the weekend, but much warmer next week. >> thanks, lisa. if you're streaming on the abc seven bay area app. abc seven at seven is next. for everyone else, it's gma. >> in all of san francisco, there's no place like wicked. so if you care to find me, look to the western sky. >> wicked the untold true story of the witches of oz flies back to the orpheum theater from august 28th through october
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sis, i'm turning into a mom, the sweater vest. oh my super soft skin. see jergens original cherry almond lotion. smooth. >> mom would be so proud. you're like one big baby button and energizing citrus body butter. jergens. oh, what a good time we will have. >> you can make it happen. yeah >> i'll try dietary supplements from voltaren for healthy joints . >> what makes special case so special? although vitamins and minerals are the real almonds ye. special k. special for a reason. ♪ nothing i can say a total eclipse of the heart ♪ ♪ and i need you now tonight ♪ >> michael: welcome back to gma. you're not gonna get enough of this.
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we're gonna play it until it's in your mind forever. excitement's building for the total eclipse. no one is more excited than our guy whit johnson, who has the latest all coming up. >> george: the ultimate eclipse fan. >> michael: he is. >> george: following a lot of headlines including president biden stepping up pressure on israeli prime minister netanyahu to get more humanitarian aid into gaza. biden warns the situation is unacceptable. israel appears to be responding. this morning they've opened up more routes for aid to get through. >> rebecca: another victim of inflation. 99 cents only will close all of its 371 locations. 99 cents worked a decade ago. not so much today with inflation. just when you thought porch pirates could not get more brazen there's the chief in sacramento disguised as a trash bag. by the time the homeowner realized what happened the suspect and package were gone. they actually got away with it. we've got more ahead including
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the final four. espn's andrea carter and will reeve are live in cleveland with what the star players and coaches are saying ahead of the big showdown. it's all coming up. hey, guys. >> george: the search for two moms who vanished in oklahoma. officials suspect foul play based on evidence found inside the women's abandoned vehicle. eva pilgrim is here with story. >> these women have been missing for six days. investigators retracing their steps trying to piece together their day. this as they have found alarming new clues as to what happened before they disappeared. this morning foul play now suspected in the case of two missing mothers. authorities urgently trying to find the women after what they are calling a suspicious disappearance. >> we're piecing everything that we can together right now. >> reporter: the two were last seen saturday jillian kelly hopping in the car with veronica
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butler to pick up veronica's 6-year-old daughter and 8-year-old son. to celebrate her daughter's birthday. according to kbii, the two never arrived. >> we have not identified the suspect or suspects at this time. now, we are continuing to look at everybody who could be involved. >> reporter: local authorities recovering the small blue suv they were in, abandoned along a highway south of the kansas border. investigators saying analysis based on what they found in the suv revealed evidence to indicate foul play. >> that area, there aren'ted a lot of people who live in that area. the people who are are there, they're very, very concerned about this right now. >> there's two primary directions i believe the police will go in this case. the forensic side of it, dna, fingerprint, etc, to people that are known in their lives. people they've had relationships with.
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>> reporter: veronica, a known business woman in the community, was reportedly in the midst of a custody battle. jilian, is a pastor's wife. she was set to be riding along for support. >> totally out of nature for both of them. i would say we are expecting your return, look forward to greeting you when you come home and to hug your necks when you return. >> reporter: investigators say they have gotten a lot of tips from the public. they are hopeful people will continue to call in. their goal is to bring these two women home. the area is so rural so the tips are important. >> michael: hopefully, they are safe. thank you. coming up the big showdowns tonight. will reeve and andrea carter are at the final four. we'll be right back with more gma. r we would be back with more gma. it works for me and my schedule. kesimpta is a b-cell treatment for rms
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is a little help from your friends. ♪ everyone's invited to pixar fest at the disneyland resort... for a celebration of friendship and beyond you won't want to miss. starting april 26th. >> michael: back now with final four fever. both the men and women are gearing up to play this weekend. will reeve is in cleveland right now where the women will tip off tonight. he's joined by espn basketball analyst andrea carter. we cannot wait to hear her insight. but first will, we're gonna start with you. whatcha got? >> i don't got much because andrea here is one of the best basketball analysts in the business. i'm gonna clear out and let her play. we are so excited for tonight. right behind us here on this court, caitlin clark, page bueckers and more are ready to
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rock cleveland. history and legacy on the line. >> for three! got it! >> reporter: the women's final four is here. first up number one south carolina looking to stay undefeated taking on three seed north carolina state. >> super cool opportunity for us to play in another final four. kind of what our players came to south carolina for. >> reporter: then a primetime showdown between two of basketball's best. >> people didn't ever really think we would get to the final four. here to be here back to back is amazing. >> clark steps back fires, you bet! >> reporter: iowa caitlin clark the all time leading scorer and college basketball history taking on uconn's paige buckets bueckers. >> bueckers off the bounce! for two! >> reporter: averaging 24 points a game, leading the huskies a record extending 23rd final four. getting here after their upset over one seed usc. >> the coaching staff has done a
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good job instilling confidence in us. we instill confidence in each other. no matter who we have, we're confident in the group that can go out there. >> reporter: ticket sales sky rocketing to $2,000 a pop. hall of fame coach geno auriemma relishing in the growth and exposure for the women's game. >> i like how all these other coaches are getting a ton of attention. lot of pressure being put on them to have to win. you know? they always thought i had it easy. now they realize, they wish they could go back to being anonymous. >> reporter: in the men's final four on saturday, the cinderella of the tournament. 11 seed nc state, takes on number one seed purdue. on the other side of the bracket the uconn juggernaut marches on to face alabama. and there was some hardware already doled out yesterday for the women. caitlin clark winning her second consecutive ap national player of the year. she's just the sixth player to win that award twice. dawn staley wins her second coach of the year.
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but the big hardware gets handed out on sunday. to get there you have to win here tonight, guys. >> michael: lot of great players in this game. so excited to see it. andrea carter is one of the best in the business. i love watching her on espn. let's look at the women. you have under dog nc state. they're gonna take on the undefeated team south carolina. isn't that your team? no, that's eva's team, south carolina. how can the wolf pack break this undefeated streak? it's gonna be tough. >> it's going to be extremely tough. that's the first thing they have to understand. it's going to be really difficult. south carolina has a plethora of talent, a ton of depth. one thing they have, they have 6' 7" camilla cardosa. she already declared for the wnba draft. if you're nc state, you have to play big, strong, play without fouling.
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they have to box out. the other key for nc state, if they want to pull off an upset, they need to knock down threes. they hit nine in their last game. they still found a way to win. three pointers for nc state can keep the game close. >> rebecca: michael, my team isn't in there, but paige bueckers, going head to head, minnesota, going head to head with caitlin clark. that is the second matchup. andrea, what can we expect from these two super star athletes? >> oh my goodness. these two, you said it, super stars. they're so good. it's amazing because they're very different. caitlin gets her numbers by a ton of volume. she puts up a lot of shots. uconn is gonna have to slow her down. keep nika mule. she is an elite defender. she's got to play defense without fouling. caitlin is going to get a lot of shots. paige puts up big number, but
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paige has to be efficient. paige is the more efficient player as far as field goal percentage goes, knocking down shots. they're both so good at manipulating defense. caitlin has deep range, paige has an incredible midrange gauge. they both score in different ways but both impact the game at an immense level. >> george: you are good at analysis. how is your bracket doing? >> george, we don't need to talk about that. [ laughter ] i think we're fine. >> it's perfect. >> we're going to skip right past my bracket. i'm going to give you a stat before i get out of here. every ten years the uconn men and women win in the same year. 2004, 2014. what's going to happen this year? they're both in the final four. >> george: we will find out. >> michael: more important than will's bracket, can i ask will, how's your three point shot going? are you going to shoot a three for us? >> i don't see any basketballs near me. oh, no, a basketball. >> michael: there we go. come on, will! [ laughter ]
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>> rebecca: bracket and three shot exactly identical as of today. >> michael: he's a good sport. andrea is one of the best at what she does. great to watch. >> rebecca: we love it. can't wait to watch tonight. you can see all the action in the women's final four tonight on espn starting at 7:00 p.m. eastern. and next from the final four to the final three days until the eclipse, our eclipse dream team truly the eclipse dream team right there, whit and ginger, are tracking it all. stay with us. us. us. >> risky business. so you can take all the pics! so many selfies. a preposterous amount of pano! that means panoramic. and as many portraits of me as your heart desires.
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♪ ♪ >> >> rebecca: we are back now with our eclipse countdown. just three days to go. so many eclipse hunters are on the move to find the best seat in the house. whit johnson you're following it all. >> whit: good morning everyone. millions from around the world will be descending to the path of totality. it is supposed to be the longest lasting in 100 years. t minus 3 days until parts of the world go black for the total solar eclipse. an event that won't be seen in the u.s. for another two decades. >> we'll both be in our 80s for the next one. >> whit: janet and her husband neil, who of the estimated
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million people planning to travel to texas for the eclipse. that's on top of the more than 30 million people already living in the path of totality. >> we've seen sop partial eclipses here in fresno before, but seeing the complete totality where you can see the sun and everything, it will be awesome if the weather will cooperate. >> whit: laura and natalie are hoping for clear skies in indianapolis. >> we've got our chair, the glasses, hats. >> we're all together. to share this experience, rain or shine, you know, rainbows or clouds we'll see what we get. >> whit: eclipse chaser mike has chased eclipses all over the world, but plans to be flexible. >> get to a staging ground or pivot point. then you check the weather. i can go north or south 1,000 miles in hopes of finding clear weather.
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>> people want to be part of this event. 1100% increase in searches. that's for hotel, air fare, car rentals, private vacation rentals. >> whit: some hotels sold out for months. >> i have received calls from people hoping they had a cancellation so they could get closer. >> whit: tim stevens grateful for the boom. >> we're really in the middle of mud season. usually that's our down time. it would be a great boost to the economy. >> whit: of course, my favorite eclipse chaser is my very own mom dr. sharon johnson. this will be her seventh total solar eclipse. here's us back in 2017 at the eclipse in madras. we also have a photo of my mom off the coast of libya in a boat in 2006. she's been all over the world chasing this experience. she will be in mexico this time around. i'm on my way.
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>> michael: do you know what? hey. follow in your family footsteps. right? lot of people worried about the weather. what's it looking like? >> ginger: clear skies are starting to look better in some places. quick look at the map. some sinking air could happen ahead of storms around north texas. that might be good up through little rock, carbondale, minneapolis, cleveland. the best spot still look likes new england, vermont through maine. >> michael: if you're not in the path of totality you can watch the coverage beginning on gma and then continues at 1 p.m. with the main event starting at 2 p.m. anchored by david muir and linsey davis on abc and all our streaming platforms. stay right there. we'll be right back. kerendia presents the abc's of ckd. c is for chronic, because chronic kidney disease in type 2 diabetes gets worse over time. k is for kidneys, because kidney damage can lead to kidney failure and dialysis. d is for doing more to protect your kidneys.
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>> ginger: coming up ai and healthcare. how the tech is being unlocked to help parents now. local news and weather next. he is really boxed in here. -not a good spot. off the comcast business van. into the vending area. oh, not the fries! where's the ball? -anybody see it? oh wait, there it is! -back into play and... aw no, it's in the water. are you kidding me? you gotta be kidding me. >> rolling towards the cup and it's in the hole impossible shot. brought to you
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by comcast business. >> volkswagen doors are tested 100,000 times by a machine. because it would take humans a really long time, sturdy design that lasts. the atlas get 1.9% apr financing or $3,000 customer bonus on a new 2024 atlas during the volkswagen 75th anniversary sales event. >> good morning america is sponsored by liberty mutual insurance. only pay for what you need. >> and god forgive a murderer. tonight, 2020 is all new with what prosecutors call the deadliest catfishing scheme you have ever seen. >> how did a catfish end in a double murder? >> you can't do this. >> 2020 always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning everyone. i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven mornings. we're going to get a look at traffic now with amanda. >> good morning. kumasi we're going to go to emeryville northbound 880 to eastbound 80. the chp is taking the portable off the roadway. it's a portable building that was causing some issues, but you can still see
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some very heavy delays because of it. 580 westbound is jammed from 24 northbound. 880 is slow from the 80 split. >> all right, amanda, and we see the sun out there. but that's going to work to develop some thunderstorms later on today. wet weather from highway one, pescadero through the santa cruz mountains. it's snow, mount hamilton, more snow. we've had rain by the delta. wind chill factor in the north bay. some sun here from mount tam 45 downtown. our exploratorium camera partly cloudy. won't do enough to warm us up. we're in the 30s now, only mid 50s for the giants opener. windy conditions. the rest of us may be upper 50s. scattered showers, perhaps a thunderstorm. level one system today. kumasi. >> thank you lisa. if you're streaming with us on the abc seven bay area app, abc seven at seven is next. for everyone else, it's gma. about me, wicked the untold true story of the witches of oz flies back to the orpheum theater from
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august 28th through october 13th. >> only visit broadway to get wicked with our new grocery outlet app. >> you can see the store's inventory. >> so you guys really have mangoes in stock? yep what about frozen pizza? >> here they are. >> fresh salmon. >> too easy coffee? yep >> see what's in stock? download our app. grocery outlet bargain market it. >> i'm reggie aqui from abc seven mornings. join me for the show of hope gala friday, april 19th and help provide affordable health care for so many of our neighbors in need. it's a wonderful evening of celebration benefiting san francisco community health center, featuring dinner, drinks, dancing and some surprise performances. you won't want to miss the show of hope gala friday, april 19th. for tickets,
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visit sf community health. org or call 415292 3400. >> after a car accident. you might think it's best to wait and see before calling a lawyer, but if you've been injured, wait and see could turn into wait and lose. when the insurance company thinks you need money, they usually offer less than you really deserve, often a lot less . at berg injury lawyers, we don't believe in wait and see. we believe in fight and win car accident. get bird one 800 400 berg. >> you made a cow? >> actually, it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. >> how about a more solid way to save? >> i'm listening. >> well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward. every month. you save cash reward, and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow >> anything you can't do
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>> mugs bmo. >> improving your home is easy when you visit the alameda fall home show. whether you're building remodeling, or simply redecorating, the fall home shows the place to be october 6th, seventh, and eighth at the alameda county fairgrounds. we're going to be together. >> are we belong? >> we belong together. >> swease hulu on disney. available with disney bundle plans starting at 9.99 a month. >> track >> george: good morning america. it's 8 a.m. breaking news. israel allows more aid into gaza after a major shift from the white house on the war. president biden warns israel risks u.s. support if it doesn't increase humanitarian assistance and reduce violence against aid workers and civilians while calling for an immediate cease fire.
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>> michael: teens and drugs used for weight loss. young people turning to medications like ozempic. one mother/daughter share their journey. >> rebecca: turn back time on grocery prices. how you can still find savings at the supermarket. we got you. ai and your health. how the technology is being implemented in medicine. doctors using it to help make decisions for patients. >> you can support a clinician in real time making key decision force patients. >> rebecca: why it may only be the beginning. ♪ watch me dance dance the night away ♪ >> michael: we're dancing this friday with an exclusive announcement from derek hough and his wife hayley as they're saying -- >> good morning america! >> announcer: live in times square, this is gma. >> michael: good morning america. we are looking forward to
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hearing from derek and hayley. also looking forward to talking to a group known as the retirement house. >> rebecca: this is not a retirement home. they are a huge huge hit on social media. also ahead a reality check. >> george: we start with president biden, stepping up pressure on israeli prime minister netanyahu to protect civilians and get more humanitarian aid into gaza. biden warns the situation is unacceptable. israel appears to be responding, opening more routes for aid to get through. want to go back to our chief correspondent mary bruce. >> reporter: good morning. this is a shift in tone from this administration. the president bluntly telling israel that it has not done enough to limit humanitarian suffering and warning if they do not change course, there will be consequences. this morning under intense new pressure from president biden, israel agreeing to allow more desperately needed aid to flow into gaza, reopening a port and major border crossing.
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the white house saying the steps were at the president's request and must be rapidly implemented. it comes after biden delivered a stark warning. in a tense 30 minute phone call, biden telling netanyahu that israel must take concrete steps to address the humanitarian suffering in gaza or risk u.s. support. >> if there are not changes to their approach, it is more likely we'll change our approach. >> reporter: the president demanding israel increase humanitarian assistance, open additional crossings and reduce violence against civilians and aid workers. the tipping point, the deadly israeli strike that killed seven aid workers. so far biden has resisted calls to limit or condition u.s. military assistance to israel. but the white house this morning declining to say if these latest steps go far enough and, if not, what the u.s. will do to hold them accountable. >> george: has israel now done enough to meet the president's demands?
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>> well, we're gonna have to watch and see where they go from here. we got to see them execute and implement those things over time. >> george: and if they don't? >> well again, i don't want to get ahead of the president or close down his decision space. i think he was very clear with the prime minister yesterday. if we don't start seeing meaningful changes in the way israel is prosecuting these operations an allowing for humanitarian assistance and working toward a cease fire, we'll have to make changes in our gaza policy. >> reporter: the white house still not saying if the president would put limits or conditions on u.s. arms to israel. instead, for now, they are waiting to see how netanyahu and israel continue to respond to the president's demands. michael? >> michael: mary, thank you. now the latest check on our economy. with the march jobs report out this morning, elizabeth schulze is back with that. >> reporter: the jobs market is defying expectations. this morning, it will tell us if employers are keeping up this fast pace of hiring. it's expected to show 200,000
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jobs were added to the work force in march. the unemployment rate has been picking up but it is still near a 50 year low. what that means is most people looking for a job right now are able to quickly find one. when you look at which industries are hiring the most you got to look at healthcare which has been adding 58,000 jobs every month over the past year. we've also seen job gains in restaurants and construction. the other important number is how much americans are earning in their salaries. on average wages are up 4.3% in the past year. that is actually going up at a faster pace than inflation at 3.2%. in other words, workers higher salaries are helping absorb some of those frustratingly high prices for everyday expenses like groceries, gas or housing. guys? >> george: thank you very much. coming up our gma morning menu, teens and drugs used for weight loss. one mother and daughter share their story. we'll talk about what they want
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other families to know. >> michael: also ahead turning back time on your grocery bill. how to save at the supermarket. >> rebecca: pretty in pastels. we are checking out the hot fashion trend and ways to wear it at work, weddings and on the weekend. sam is with lori bergamotto. hi, guys. >> sam: good morning. we are changing lives. you are going to love this. we'll be right back. we got you covered with the right stuff. right here on gma. tuff" right here on gma. okay to show off. with dupixent, show off your clearer skin and less itch. because you have plenty of reasons to show off your skin. with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, you can stay ahead of your eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your skin from within. many adults saw 90% clearer skin.
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[ ♪ "baby, i'm a star" by prince ♪ ] for the ultimate gillette ♪ one, two, three ♪ yes! ♪ hey, look me over ♪ ♪ tell me, do you like what you see ♪ ♪ baby, i'm a star ♪ ♪ yeah. oh ♪ for people who feel limited by the unpredictability of generalized myasthenia gravis and who are anti-achr antibody positive, season to season, ultomiris is continuous symptom control, with improvement in activities of daily living. it is reduced muscle weakness.
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and ultomiris is the only long-acting gmg treatment with the freedom of just 6 to 7 infusions per year, for a predictable routine i can count on. ultomiris can lower your immune system's ability to fight infections, increasing your chance of serious meningococcal infections, which may become life-threatening or fatal, and other types of infections. complete or update meningococcal vaccines at least 2 weeks before starting ultomiris. if ultomiris is urgent, you should also receive antibiotics with your vaccines. before starting ultomiris, tell your doctor about all of your medical conditions and medications. ultomiris can cause reactions such as back pain, tiredness, dizziness, limb discomfort, or bad taste. ultomiris is moving forward with continuous symptom control. ask your neurologist about starting ultomiris. [ doorbell rings ] you must be isaac. come on in. ask your neurologist [ sighs ] here's my pride and joy. [ romantic music plays ] ♪
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beautiful stair renovation, sir. and they're covered with your home and auto bundle with progressive, so you get round-the-clock protection. so, is gabby coming down? oh, she said she'll meet you at the prom. >> george: we are back with our gma cover story. teens using drugs for weight loss. it is raising questions about how safe they are for young people.
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one mother and daughter are sharing their story. erielle reshef is here with that. good morning, erielle. >> reporter: good morning, george. we talked to a mother who says no matter what her daughter did, she could not move the needle on her weight. with the remembering recommendation from her doctor, her daughter started taking weight loss medication and finally started seeing results. >> i started gaining a lot of weight during puberty. >> reporter: 16-year-old demi is one of many teens now turning to prescription weight loss medications to treat obesity. >> she's done basketball, volleyball. she has done marching band. she has done cheer. the weight just wasn't coming off until she had the healthy eating, going to the gym then adding the glp1 medication to it. >> reporter: glp1 medication like ozempic can work by slowing digestion an reducing hunger cues leading to weight loss.
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her mom says seeing her daughter struggle, along with her own experience, losing nearly 150 pounds on monjauro convinced her to talk to demi's doctor about getting her a prescription. after starting it at age 15, demi went from 198 pounds to 143 pounds losing 55 pounds overall. >> this year for cheer when i tried on my old uniform, it was way too big. that was a huge confidence boost. >> reporter: semaglutide was approved for ages 12 and up in december of 2022. last year the american academy of pediatrics issued new guidelines recommending the eupbtd integration for treatment plan for kids with obesity which now impacts one in five children and teens. >> we're treating obesity as a chronic disease not because of a number on a scale but to reduce
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any long term health risks. these medications are really important and have changed how we manage pediatric as well as adult obesity. >> reporter: demi says she doesn't want to lose any more weight and plans to focus on building muscle going forward. >> i never could have done that. >> reporter: despite some backlash, they have no regrets about her decision to introduce her daughter to weight loss drugs. >> i know that it was the right thing to do for her when she said i'm happy at this weight. we want other parents and children to know that there is hope out there. >> reporter: in addition to the typical side effects associated with glp1 use including nausea, teens may be susceptible to eating disorders and should be screened by their doctors. a deeply personal decision in concert with your family physician. >> michael: thank you very much, erielle.
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now to sticker shock at the grocery store. according to new data that first appeared in the wall street journal, obtained by abc news, prices for hundreds of food items have jumped more than 50% since 2019. rebecca, you have more. including how you can turn back time on your grocery bill, which is so important. let's look at what $100 got you in 2019 and what it gets you now. >> rebecca: the visual is what really creates the contrast. this is 2019. this is what you got for $100. come here. this is current day. what you get. and you see, there's an entire section that's missing because you're getting about 30% less these days for your money. >> michael: wow. >> rebecca: back then you could have done frozen food, meat, hot dog, steaks, strawberries. you see that's missing from over here because $100 then will now cost you about $130. so you want to buy all of that then. today it would cost you $130.
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if your budget is $100 then you're sticking to $100, but getting less. >> michael: you have some tips. going to turn back time as much as we can on your food bill. you can do that starting with apps. >> rebecca: apps are really helpful, michael, in putting the whole thing together. they're also helpful in making sure you stick to that budget. cash back apps will help you save. all the stores have apps. what we found is this particular can of mayonnaise we could save $3 if we shopped at wal-mart using the i bought app. that's one item. once you make that for all the items in your shopping cart, you're going to add up. >> michael: how about buying in bulk? how do you make that work for you? >> rebecca: one of the things about buying in bulk, it can work as long as you're not overbuying. if you end up buying too much in bulk, you end up spending more. think about how much you'll burn through. play it out over the week. make sure you shop at the right places if you are trying to shop at some of the discount stores.
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it's important to remember, these warehouse clubs if you buy it for delivery, sometimes you don't have to pay their membership fee. always check into that and you can save yourself some money. >> michael: i may ask you to help me shop. >> rebecca: i'm happy to do it. >> michael: loyalty clubs. i always get asked, do you want to sign up? i usually say no. i just say no. >> rebecca: you don't want the nuisance of it. here's the deal. they're free. give them your phone number, e-mail address. i like to have an e-mail address that's only for loyalty clubs. that way i'm not getting a bunch of spam in my inbox. sign up for that and then save on everything. we figured out there were some things to save here. you can also, by the way, do the social media thing. you follow a brand on social media. oftentimes they'll have things on sale. when they go on sale you find out about it and save money. >> michael: you are saving money on everything. i am surprised by how much you don't get now that you got just four, five years ago. >> rebecca: that's such a contrast.
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that's how people are doing it. inflation has come down. prices aren't going up as fast but it is a big difference. >> michael: hard to feed a family out there. hopefully, your tips will help people. thank you very much. we appreciate you. time for pop news with our guy sam. hey, sam. >> sam: you want to come over here? george and i are here by ourselves. it's friday. let's have some friday pop news. very good news is how we start with dancing with the stars judge derek hough and his wife hayley. just months after she had emergency brain surgery, they've got an exciting update for all of us. >> hi, everyone. i am so excited to announce that i have been cleared to rejoin the symphony of dance tour. i will be dancing when the tour begins april 14th in mel bourne, florida. >> we cannot wait to dance together again on stage and be back with all our fans. thank you all for the amazing support that you have shown during this time. so we cannot wait and we'll see you very, very soon. >> george: great news. >> sam: isn't that great news? nicest thing to hear.
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that was such a tough drop of the emergency surgery. all right. now they are already hard at work rehearsing for the tour. that's hard work. "dancing with the stars" is no joke. hayley will be joining not just for the premiere, she will be on stage for every date of the tour. this is derek's first national tour in four years. features every dance style you can imagine. imagine dogs doing the salsa, dogs doing the modern and even more. symphony of dance will start in florida. thank you for the chuckle. 27 cities wrapping up in san diego this may. tickets are available right now. now pop newsers, it's not our fault we want parking every day. we were influenced. ♪ i wanna rock 'n' roll all night and party every day ♪ >> sam: i love to listen to good music. these days my rock 'n' roll ends around 8. anybody still party all night
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long? rebecca? let's talk about kiss. legendary rock band has just sold their massive catalog for $300 million. now, it includes songs like rock 'n' roll all night, crazy crazy night an heaven's on fire. kiss is keeping it in the music family. they just sold their catalog to pop house. it was founded by one of the stars of abba. the pop house's ceo said we can't wait to expose everyone to the music. >> michael: remember the kiss lunch box? >> sam: did you have one? >> michael: i did. i had a spider-man one, a kiss one. >> sam: george? >> george: i did not, no. [ laughter ] >> sam: if you're like me, you feel comfortable using legal jargon in every day life, like i object. okay, legally blonde fans.
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grab your gavel and approach the bench. huge news. legally blonde is getting turned into a tv show. it's about time. variety reporting that amazon is working on the series. it will be set in the world of reese witherspoon's now classic blockbuster hit. no plot details are being revealed but we know witherspoon is on board to executive produce along with the writing producing duo behind gotham girls. the first movie hit theater backes in -- how can it be, 2001? it was a box office smash inspiring two sequels and a tony nominated broadway musical. you better start practicing now. [ laughter ] anybody? anybody? george, if i did it, my back would be out. it would ruin the weekend. it's friday. i can't. [ laughter ] >> george: fair enough. let's go to ginger. >> ginger: did you say bend and snap? >> oh!
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>> ginger: i have been practicing that for 23 years. right? also when used appropriately, it has an 83% rate of return. i'm a fan. >> sam: exactly. >> ginger: just in case you forgot that line. there was two feet of snow up in vermont. they had about 15 inches of wet snow. as that storm pulls away, you'll still see some showers. what a spring season. everybody extending there. we will see some relatively warmer spring weather return by early next week. new york upper 60s as does detroit.
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♪ the right stuff ♪ >> michael: lori trying to teach me to bend and snap. we'll work on it when we get a break. now time for the right stuff with our lori bergamotto. this morning we're looking at everyday essentials we could all freshen up with. towels. do you know what? towels are so, so important. they dry you off. >> very good. thank you, michael strahan, for that. we got you covered. how often do you think you're supposed to replace your towels? >> michael: every two showers. you mean get rid of your towel? >> start over.
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>> michael: you replace towel whens they have a hole in them or you can't get the color back to where they originally started. >> this is going swimmingly. experts say you should replace them every two to five years. you have a big family, lot of pet, everything like that. let me tell you what towels you should be replacing them with. >> michael: going to start with the best overall towel. >> these have over 10,000 five star reviews. feel that. >> michael: pretty soft. >> if you like the hotel feeling towel. you go to a hotel and say, these feel amazing. they're soft, plush, warm. this is the towel for you. our tester has a family of five. said she's been using them for over a year and they wash really well. these start around $37. they are incredible. they come in over 20 colors. we can't say enough good things. >> michael: good to know. what do we have here? >> this is our super plush option.
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when you're shopping for towels you may see gsm on the towel. grams per square meter. that's how you measure a towel. if you would be so kind and hold this up for us. it's heavy. brooklyn makes a great one. they also have lori bergamotto size towels. that's too big for me. they have regular towels. what's great about these they have an 820 gram per square meter. they will be your plushest softness. feels incredible. these wash really well as well. so we love these. these are super plush. >> michael: what about light weight and absorbant? >> this is from parachute. has a honeycomb texture. these are different if you like something lighter, dries quickly.
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this will be great for you. our tester said this dries quicker than his terry cloth option. and he likes what it added to his bathroom. little bonus there. >> michael: we always want high quality towels, but we don't want to break the bank. >> this is our best value option. this is from amazon. you will be hard pressed to find something lower priced and high quality than this. you get six pieces for under $30. pretty affordable. two wash cloth, two hand towels. 40,000 five star reviews. this is a great starter set. if you have someone going to college or first apartment, that's fantastic. okay, so this was getting lots of oohs and ahs on set. people were coming out of the woodwork for this one. this is from riley holm. this is our splurge worthy option. you're going to love this. so a couple of things that are different here. they have a banded edge here and they're
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rounded up on the sides. go ahead and feel that. that's egyptian cotton. it washes beautifully and it's low linting. what does that mean. it means when you wash it you know sometimes you wash it, it sheds and you're like, oh, this isn't as good as it was the first time. this is a low linting fabric, so it won't do that, which means you're going to have a lot of life in these towels. so yes these are splurge. you can get the set for 240 but it's one of those cry once save later items. yeah we're going to spend that money now. but you are. these are going to last you for that five years where we started. >> and i like the low linting because i've showered you take it, you dry off and it is on you. instead, let me show you this fun little feature a little hook. it has a little loop. >> so it's great because it dries quickly. >> well, you know, you you taught me a lot today. replace my towel every 2 to 5 years. don't even wait for them to fade. all right. thank you. big thank you to lori. be and coming up, we're getting your wardrobe ready for spring. showing you how to make pastels work for you from office to the weekend.
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we'll be right back. >> tuesday. get ready to dance with gma and conan gray tuesday on tour on gma. sponsored by live nation. >> this is going to be delicious. next week gma in search of america's best comfort food. from sweets to burgers, tacos, fried chicken mac and cheese. oh my mouth's watering just reading this promo. will we be at your favorite comfort food spot? it's one tasty week on gma . >> ramadan mubarak from abc. >> what would you do if you saw this? can you sing? >> very uptight. >> you're asking me to go to your hotel room? >> a young woman being harassed by her manager. >> do you know how the music industry works? >> would you step in to help? what would you do sunday night? always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning everyone. i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven mornings. let's get a look at traffic now with amanda. hi, kumasi. >> the biggest issue on our bay area roads is right here in emeryville. as you can see, it
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is still slow moving, but hey, it's moving. the chp has taken a portable building off the roadway there, but you can see still very heavy delays from the maze to golden gate fields. westbound 580 is jammed from 24. northbound 880 is slow on the connector ramp as well. kumasi thank you. >> meteorologist lisa argen has your accurate forecast after the break. >> it took 138 iterations to refine the tig1 chassis, but it also took 22 birthdays and 16 neglected haircuts to meticulously refined tig1. get 0% apr financing or a $2,000 customer bonus on a new 2024 tig1. during the volkswagen 75th anniversary sales event, i got her in a car accident. >> give me one good reason why i should call the law brothers. >> how about three great reasons? you should call us one. >> it's easy. you never even have to leave your house. >> two. it's fast. we can start helping you today. >> three the results. we've helped thousands of people get great settlements. just listen to this. >> i called the law brothers after my accident, and they got me $1.25 million. we're the law
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brothers. >> call 1-800-222-2222 or visit law >> it is not safe to be here. >> europe is a war zone. >> we have to get out >> we must find another way through. >> our families are out there >> we will make it >> volkswagen doors are tested 100,000 times by a machine. because it would take humans a really long time. sturdy design that lasts. the atlas get 1.9% apr financing or $3,000 customer bonus on a new 2024 atlas during the volkswagen 75th anniversary sales event. >> happy friday to you! a level one system continues today, although many more breaks with
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partly cloudy skies. you can see the showers running parallel and even right through davenport highway one. santa cruz mountains still looking at some snow as well as mount diablo. temperatures remain cold today. a frost advisory tonight for upper elevations. 45 in hayward. look at pier 39. some sun there, but certainly chilly in the north bay. it is 39, in petaluma , 43 in concord. so today another ten degrees below average. a late day shower or thunderstorm possible. we could see one at any time. mid 50s for the giants home opener. kumasi. thank you lisa. >> we'll have another abc seven news update in about 30 minutes. you can always find the latest on our news app on our news app and at abc seven the news continues now ♪ once upon a time there was light in my life ♪ >> announcer: welcome back to gma live from times square. >> george: have you memorized the song by this time this morning? [ laughter ] we will have coverage all morning long monday, path of
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totality to see the eclipse. we will show you how to view it safely even if you don't is glasses. rebecca? >> rebecca: sing it, george. sing it. okay. time to spring into fashion. style expert kathy buccio is here to show us how to look pretty in pass pastels. everybody is excited about this. it is all shopable. so nice to see you, kathy. >> so nice to see you. spring is springing. >> rebecca: we all crave the spring. now people are just craving pastels. >> we want those pastels. i feel this is a nice welcome to the season. right? the colors are soft, nice, easy on the eyes. the best part, we'll show you how you can incorporate them anywhere without breaking the bank which is key. >> rebecca: we're going to bring out margaux who is wearing a wedding look. >> yeah! strutting her stuff. spring kicks off that wedding season. i love it because you can bring out these romantic and whimsical colors. this look is from forever 21. i love the one shoulder.
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$49.99. do you know what i love about lavender? it goes with any skin tone. we took it up a notch with the accessories. >> rebecca: she is glowing. >> can we go to a wedding after this? maybe? we have the hand bag from forever 21. let's not forget the accessories like shoes. these are from macy's. i love a slip on. she looks wed perfect from head to toe. >> sam: that is stunningly beautiful. >> i feel like a secret garden look. >> sam: all right. thank you very much. can men actually pull off pastels, too? i'm in the dark of night right here. can i light it up? >> i know how fashionable you are. i know very well that, yes, sam.
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yes, gentlemen, you can rock pastels. i want all men to embrace the pastels. especially for wedding season now. key is, please, do not upstage the bride. we do not want to do that. i love what we are wearing here. this is a splurge item from banana republic. i love this. linen suit, high quality. it's absolutely gorgeous. it's $600. we paired it with a crisp white top with macy's. a dress shirt. let's talk about the tie. it literally ties it all together. great way to incorporate the pastels. we want a loafer that's light. these are from macy's. these are fantastic. less than $40 for this wedding look. he's going to be -- >> rebecca: super chic. >> sam: makes me want to go blonde again, my friend. this may happen next week. >> rebecca: did you ever do a linen suit? >> sam: i love a linen suit especially down south.
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>> rebecca: let's bring out rachel. she's got our professional look. >> yes. >> rebecca: there she is. >> professional pastels. i love that we did a little pastel on pastel here. you can wear it in the workplace. great way to add personality and fun to that wardrobe. i love this ann taylor suit. the jacket is $179. pants are $79.50. here's what i love about the pants. she can wear it with whatever kind of shoes. anything. she can do a sneaker, a heel. there was a cool shoe for 2024 it was the mary jane flat. i love the return to the feminine girl look. these are from sam edelman. she can wear this look with so many different options. i love that she paired it with a top from amazon. we need fashionable but we also want functional. pastel on pastel.
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she looks fantastic. not stuffy, sophisticated. >> rebecca: i love the silver flats. so cute. >> don't you love that they're back? >> sam: thank you so much for that. we are all ready for the weekend. what can we get this weekend that we can wear next weekend? >> i am sure after the work week you want cool, comfy and chic. check out lauryn. she is ready to go for a day of shopping, maybe brunch with friends. here's what i love about a zip up hoodie. it's $78. i love it. >> rebecca: so soft. >> it's soft. versatile. i know you want to go like that. >> sam: i do. [ laughter ] >> you can wear it with a crop top, a tank, a tee. again, you can wear it with so many different options. we paired it with denim. right now the barrel jean is in. they're $98. i love that it goes well.
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she can show off her sneaker game. again little bit of that pink ties it all together. we want an easy bag for the weekend. nice cross body bag that she can wear with any look. shining in pastels. >> sam: gorgeous. >> let's bring out all of our models. >> rebecca: sam, you are going to curl up in that sweat shirt later. >> sam: that is fantastic. >> rebecca: thank you to all of our models. hope you are happy shopping for all of them. coming up ai and health care. how technology is being used to help treat patients and what the future may hold. this is real, folks, not ai. this is real, folks, not ai.
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>> michael: back now series all in on ai. this morning rebecca is bringing us a look at its role in the medical field. >> rebecca: it's a scary thing sometimes when we talk about ai. it can really help us. technology is making its way into health care. allowing doctors to expand their research and helping create break throughs for patients. dr. fajgenbaum was a third year medical student when his life was forever changed. >> i was diagnosed with castleman's disease. unfortunately, i kept relapsing on chemotherapy. >> rebecca: he almost died five times before starting a journey to find his own cure.
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>> my only chance of survival would be to find a drug that was already on the pharmacy shelf. >> rebecca: it's called drug repurposing. discovering alternative uses for existing fda approved drugs. now he's celebrating ten years in remission. throughout that time making drug repurposing his life's work co-founding the nonprofit organization every cure. >> for 80% of drugs that are generic there is no research being done to find alternative uses for the drugs. we feel there's more potential. >> rebecca: recently every cure was awarded over $48 million from a federal agency to develop an ai driven platform to revolutionize the future of drug repurposing. >> that way we can score and identify the most promising opportunities to treat patients as rapidly as possible. >> rebecca: it's just one major way health care is imphre menting ai. to rapidly expand research and more efficiently help patients. over at boston children's hospital many physicians are
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using a new clinical reference tool called clinical ai. >> take all the textbooks all the literature out there and mine that information with a chat interface. you can support a clinician in real time in making key decisions for patients. >> rebecca: dr. chase parsons has been trying it for the last few months. >> i can just type it in. if you have an atypical infection and they are allergic to antibiotics what would be my next step? >> rebecca: the tool saving doctors time. and providing a more expansive search with conversational ability. >> we're always adjusting to new information that's coming in on a daily basis. clinical pai is up dated on a daily basis. >> rebecca: even as ai is becoming a more important tool in health care, physicians are still proceeding with caution. >> we're spending a lot of time utilizing these tool, evaluating and making sure that they're operating quickly. at the end of the day our
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providers are making the decisions, but they are being augmented with ai. that, to me, serves patients in the best possible way. they are taking advantage of all the world's content. >> michael: so interesting. what's next for ai in health care? >> rebecca: it's interesting because we've really only just scratched the surface. you look at a company like invidia. they make semiconductor chips. they just announced partnerships with johnson&johnson and ge health care. they're doing medical imaging with ai. helping ai to do better medical imaging to help people pinpoint causes of their diseases. they're introducing a bunch of new thing, tool, that will help both doctors, as well as patients. that's one of the reasons the stock market is booming because tech stocks and this promise of what ai can do is one of the things that has generated so much of the impact that we have seen in the stock market. >> sam: when i hear ai the first
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thing i want the guardrails. are there restrictions here? >> rebecca: especially when it comes to your health. the first thing every doctor will tell you is they take an oath to do no harm. all the doctors i have been talking to about this say they're going into it with eyes wide open. they are using the technology, but they're also working themselves on all of this. and we're not gonna see a world any time soon where you don't have a doctor and just talk to the computer. that's the good news. i really think it's one -- this is one of the positive stories with ai at this point. >> george: thank you, rebecca. ginger? >> ginger: we're seeing the earth cam bounce as of yesterday with the wind in the grand canyon. we're going to see more of that. there are a lot of high wind alerts out with this storm from arizona to utah, down through nebraska, even texas. got a lot of red flag warnings, fire alerts that go up that spine east of the rockies. some wind gusts could be 40 to 80 miles per hour colorado,
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mexico into kansas. let's get a check closer to home. >> george: time for our gma buzz pick. this week is "where was god." one of the 13 children who survived years of extreme abuse at the hands of parents who are both serving life sentences. jennifer shared this message with us. >> hello, everyone. my name is jennifer. i am oldest of the 13 in the house of horrors. i grew up in a very abusive house hold and kept away from the public. i wrote this book. it's on my past, how i got through it, everything i went through and getting out of it. i hope this book brings awareness that these kinds of things happen right under our
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noses. you wouldn't even know if your next door neighbor was going through something like this. i also hope that if you are in that circumstance or situation, that this book gives you hope to get out of it. thank you, everyone. i hope you have a wonderful day. >> george: thank you. where was god is available now. we'll be right back. ta-da! hulu on disney+ is now available. i think we just found our new home. your favorites, together like never before. this is a destination spot. for disney bundle subscribers, hulu on disney+ is here.
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( ♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪
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>> michael: we are back with what is the coolest group of seniors to hit social media. [ applause ] they're known as retirement house. with thousands of followers on instagram and tik tok. featuring videos that show aging with grace, style and coolness. lot of fun. let's welcome them to gma! [ applause ] your videos racked up 3.5
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billion views. billion. chuck, my question, i'm going to start with you. did you ever think you would find viral fame at this stage of your life? >> no. i had never even heard of tik tok. [ laughter ] got on the show. kind of a dream come true. i love making people laugh and getting paid for it. the numbers just blow me away. we have over 7 million followers on social platforms. we got 1 million in our first week. >> sam: you guys are on fire. >> i love the fact that we are also making people happy. we make them laugh. they had a bad day, we get a comment, had a bad day, but you made me laugh. i'm not afraid to grow old. i want to be like you. that's a very good feeling. go home, you're a star. >> sam: you are. patty, how did this all happen? how did it get together? >> we all went to a live audition not knowing one
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another. i take it back. chuck and galen knew one another. we all met at this live audition. we seemed to do all right together. as we got to know one another better, we started having a lot of fun. i would go for a shoot and i was exhausted from laughing. [ laughter ] we come to the point where we all feel like a family. even if we don't live together, we have that kind of relationship. >> michael: you are like a family. you do a lot of stuff together as a family. you have all kind of videos. >> we do a lot of stuff together. since we started traveling so much, it's really, it couldn't get better. >> michael: you do skit, travel stuff, stunts, you give advice.
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you said you feel like this is a bridge to young people. >> it is. it's a wonderful creation that has taken older people and young people to work together smoothly and beautifully and creatively. [ applause ] >> sam: it's beautiful to watch. when people watch your videos, what do you hope comes across? what do you hope they're picking up? >> of course we want them to enjoy the videos. we want to connect the generations. when older people look at tik tok, they learn what the young people are doing. and when the young people watch, we try to give them good advice. [ laughter ] and share things that will make their lives more pleasant. but they do really want to be us when they grow up. it's the most fun i have had in years. >> michael: i love it.
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we try to give good advice. [ laughter ] monterrey, let me ask you, what have you learned about yourself? what advice do you give people about what to do in retirement? >> number one, if you don't have to retire, that's not a bad thing. i have enjoyed retirement every time i have tried it. [ laughter ] and you know, i mean, kids that comment back to us, it's always, you're helping us not to be afraid of going forward. >> michael: yeah. >> we don't have to give things up when you get older. you just find better, easier, safer ways to do it. we do a lot of new things that we haven't tried before. that's possible. but i mean, if you've got people that mean something in your life, tell them that they mean something. tell them. [ applause ] >> michael: great advice. >> sam: there's wisdom in it. there's fun.
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jerry, and dj steve aoki, who is one of the hottest out there. you guys are in da club i guess. >> he is. he heard we were coming to vegas and he invited us to be on his show. [ laughter ] there we are. 3 a.m. in the morning this was the only time we could get on there. [ laughter ] as we're going in the club, i'm dealing with vertigo. thousands of people in the club. so we're holding hands going through there. i'm going back and forth like this. one young man said, you had enough, have you, grandpa? [ laughter ] >> michael: are you kidding me? one thing you're known for, your dance moves. your dance moves. >> sam: are you ready? can you show us something? let's go live.
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i'll get in position. you guy, you start your thing. >> everybody! everybody! >> sam: show us how it's done. ♪ all right! let's see if i can get everybody in there. we'll be right back, everybody! using our brand new grocery outlet app. it's been really fun seeing what everyone's doing with the extra money they save. nice shirt. just got back from vacation. a butler? super nice guy. i got to start using the app.
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let's go. give it to you for you to get it on your own and go deliver to you. don't let it go. go let's go get it. i don't
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it to you. don't give it to you. he don't give up. tuesday. get ready to dance with gma and conan gray. >> tuesday on tour on gma. sponsored by live nation. >> oh, we have to say thank you to the retirement house into the weekend. >> have a great weekend, everyone. >> more americans choose abc news america's number one news source. hi. >> i'm andy and i'm sabrina, and we're moms juggling tons of stuff every day. like all you moms out there. and you know what? we love? really love pop culture. so listen now to our new podcast, pop culture moms, available ad free on amazon music. >> did god forgive a murderer tonight? >> 2020 is all new with what prosecutors call the deadliest catfishing scheme you have ever
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seen. how did a catfish end in a double murder? >> i can't do this. 2020 tonight on bbc monday afternoon. >> all eyes to the sky for a total solar eclipse. a breathtaking celestial event. eclipse across america streaming on abc news live. national geographic channel, nat geo wild, disney, hulu listening to people that drink bigelow tea is so important to my family because making that perfect cup, it's the reason we do what we do. >> hi, guys. hey so what are you guys drinking? >> constant comment when i'm drinking. >> bigelow tea. it's just a moment for me. it's just me time. >> that's what a cup of tea is. a moment for you. someone you love. >> oh, it tastes really great. >> yes, it was always bigelow tea. wow >> that's what my family hopes for. >> cheers. cheers >> una persona promedio de mas de cuatro libras de material al dia. por eso es importante recycler. las normas de reciclaje en cambiado aprenda a
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recycler bien la classification de residuos comienza en su lugar sepa qué material recyclable se acepta en su contenido mantenga los materials recyclables, vacios limpios y secos ponga los articulos sueltos en el contenedor evite usar bolsas clasificar correctamente los materials reciclados tengan una segunda vida. visita oakland recycles punto com. >> at this chateau, it has to be a team effort. >> we are here to make this the best experience possible to france, where we. >> our job is to make sure that the guests have a good time. they are thirsty right now. >> good, good. >> what? on earth is going on here? >> are you trying to take my job? i'm taking it. stop! >> stop talking. what? what happened to us sticking together? >> if you have an issue with someone, just say it. wow wow wow. >> i don't know what's going to happen. yeah. what you want? >> car accident at jakobi meyers. when we get justice for you, it can make a big difference in your life. here's what that means. insurance offer
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$35,000. that jakobi meyers result $500,000. insurance offer $0. our result $2 million. insurance offer $100,000. our result $4.65 million. that's the difference experience makes jacoby and meyers, because everyone deserves justice. >> improving your home is easy when you visit the alameda fall home show. whether you're building remodeling, or simply redecorating, the fall home shows the place to be october 6th, seventh, and eighth at the alameda county fairgrounds. >> always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning everyone. i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven mornings. here's a look at traffic with amanda. >> hi kumasi. we have two separate crashes in the santa cruz mountains that are causing some issues. this is on southbound 17 just before the summit. the crashes are blocking one lane and one car is overturned. you should expect
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delays into santa cruz. you can see speeds are down in some spots to 14mph. lisa the roadways are slick down there. >> they've had some snow and some rain. level one system with us as most of the rain is parallel to the coast, but we'll see those build ups throughout the afternoon. right now it's partly cloudy, looks nice, but it's cold. 45 san francisco, 49, san mateo. and look at the clear sky at sfo. that won't last long. we'll see a partly cloudy sky still dry for the giants opener. only mid 50s and gusty winds. kumasi >> thank you lisa. now it's time for live with kelly and mark and we'll be back at 11 for a mid ay live. have a deja vu: it's live with kelly and mark. today, straight from the big screen, actor matthew broderick. and grown-ish star marcus scribner. plus, nicole "snooki" polizzi.


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