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tv   ABC7 News Getting Answers  ABC  April 5, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT

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you can see the store's inventory. so you guys really have mangoes in stock? yup. what about frozen pizza? here they are. fresh salmon. too easy. coffee? yup.
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clips on monday, what to expect and how much of it we'll to see here. the district congressional race is officially down to not two, but candidates with a rare tie shaking up the thanks for joining us for getting answers on this i'm julian glover. we don't say this often about
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but it's officially a tie. two certification process that was just completed. talk to us about this and how we got this tie. >> vote the same passion every time. yeah, we certify the election results, yest from you know, it was going down for cd 16, it was
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from, like at one point i one vote, two votes apart, and we into the runoff. so there will be three people. action. >> that's right. i that race in sunnyvale where they actually had to pull the winner literally out of a hat. it sounds like something from a movie, but here we are with this tie, in the 16th congressional district race, we were closely watching to see if either low or simitian would ask for a recount , but they both decided not to. how would that have worked? if
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they actually did ask for that recount, it would have been a gamble for them. >> yeah, they would, so we allow for voter requested recounts. and in that case and, they would just they would, they would have to, do the recount in santa clara county and as well as san mateo county. >> so we were with both evan low and joe simitian for quite some time, as the votes were kind of jockeying back and forth for second and third place. they were mum until recently, but we did catch up with them last night. let's hear what they had to say. >> i am so excited about the opportunity, to go into the general election to reaffir
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importance of earning the trust of the voters of this congressional district. >> well, you know, it's been call it call it what you will, you know, it's been a wild ride, a roller coaster, a cliffhanger, but, you know, a win is a win is a win. we're in. and that's the exciting news. >> and then we heard again from both joe simitian and evan low right there, reacting to the unbelievable the voter. and they can do it day by day, but they can do it for one day or, or however. so okay.
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>> and as you mentioned, it could have been a long protracted process where it took up to ten days and again, hundreds of thousands of dollars, and clearly we didn't see anyone a i believe that would had to have happened before the votes were certified. is that right? >> what they sent to me, no, actually, they have until april 9th to request, the voter requested recount. okay. >> so they have a couple of more days left or a few more days until they can no longer ask for that recount. i want to talk about what happens next. i saw a lot of chatter online,
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questioning if there could even be three candidates in the general election, but it looks like that's the case. you explain, because it's a federal election. i talk about that. >> yeah. so in that case federal election, they, a tie, is both people second and third place or second place would have to go into the runoff. but if it was in the local race, it would be an automatic, recount. >> and clearly that no one drawing a name out of a hat here. >> exactly. or flip of a coin, something like that. >> yeah. or flip of a coin, talk
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about democracy at work, speaking of democracy at work, i want to talk about a voter turnout there in santa clara county. what was the turnout for the primary and for the presidential make it count. and i think, cd6 really exemplifies that your really exemplifies that your vote really does matter ♪ we belong ♪ ♪ we belong together ♪ ♪ we belong ♪ hulu on disney+. available with disney bundle. plans starting at $9.99 a month.
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as their temporary home for at least the next two seasons, as the team tries to get a ballpark built in vegas. will that happen? we will have to wait and see. we have experienced the last a's opening day in oakland, but the oakland ballers have made it their mission to make sure that there will be many more opening days in the town. joining us live right now, the ballers co-founders paul friedman and brian carmel. we appreciate your both. thanks for joining us.
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>> thanks for having us. thanks for having us. >> we're excited to have you here and excited for what you all are doing in the town as well. we know you all are oaklanders. we know you are clearly passionate baseball fans . how much did yesterday just really sting with that announcement? >> i mean, it really hurt. i mean, it really did in surprisingly, because it wasn't a surprise. i mean, we knew it was coming, you know, it was seemed like this was where we were headed. but still yesterday was, a pretty hard day for myself. i honestly, you know shed a couple tears, but today i woke up a lot more optimistic,
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you know, oakland is just such a resilient city. we have such a resilient fan base, and we do have teams like the ballers, like the soul, like the roots that want to be here, and, you know, i think that, you know, with this fan base, we can build an exciting future. >> yeah. folks, talk about the warriors, this chapter that we, you know, were in at the time, that felt like an incredibly negative one. let's start a new chapter, start a new team. >> and we are excited to be on this journey with you all as we start this new chapter again of oakland being a thriving sports city with a thriving sports fan base and again staying here in the town, this
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is really cool. tomorrow you're holding some open tryouts out atlantic college. talk to me about this. i mean, who are you really looking for here, guys? getting off the couch, pulling hamstrings or what are you actually expecting to find? >> no, i mean, you know, this is we play a high level of baseball. you know, pitchers throw in the 90s. you know, our hitters, you know, can hit the ball. you know, well over 400ft over a fence like this is pro baseball. there's a lot of talent that isn't on affiliated rosters. this these days. and we have you know, what we think is going to be an incredible team in this league. but we have some slots left, we have a handful of slots of, of players that we want to bring to spring training and maybe add to the, to the roster. and we really would love as many of the of our players to
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come from oakland, to come from the east bay. and we know there's great talent out there that just hasn't been identified , and so we invite you to come out, show your stuff. if you got it, you could be part of this part of this with us. we do have a couple of slots left in terms of availability to come out to the open tryouts. so this could be the moment. you could be the last. add to the team, and, and maybe the best player on the squad. >> if you're looking to make history. either way, you know, here's your chance to actually be about it and not just be talking about it, how many folks are you actually expecting to bi don't think he's not going to make it. >> he's not going to make it. but we're going to have fun with him.
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>> i think he's got a shot. i think he's got that whatsoever. >> but we're gonna have fun with him. there we're going to have, you know, fun. i've seen some clips of him from, fantasy camps in the past, and actually, he's not bad. he's actually not not bad. kind of more of a contact hitter. not not in, i think record we've got less than two months to do it. so, you know, we're uh- at this point. we're field. we're working the grass,
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i think that the, the, the bleachers are going partnership with the city of oakland, and if don't know their elected officials two months. but we're going to make be an exciting opening day. >> i think that's really important for a lot of folks to
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hear who think that it to come. >> yeah, well, well, thank very much. like know, the, the, the really wells really well. and brian's shirt is a really there's going to
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those. our to
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(packet tears) (tea bag clanks) (water pours) - listening to people that drink bigelow tea is so important to my family, because making that perfect cup, it's the reason we do what we do hi, guys! - hi! - hey! - so what are you guys drinking? - constant comment. - when i'm drinking bigelow tea, it's just a moment for me. it's just me time. - that's what a cup of tea is. - it is. - a moment for you, someone you love. - aw! (customer sighs) - it tastes really great. - yes! it was always bigelow tea - wow! that's what my family hopes for. cheers. - cheers. (bright upbeat music) ♪ cheers. ♪ you've got a friend in me ♪ ♪ ♪ you've got a friend in me ♪ ♪ ♪ you just remember what your old pal said ♪ ♪ boy, you've got a friend in me ♪ ♪ it's a celebration of friendship & beyond. from the new parade to together forever - a new nighttime spectacular fireworks show. pixar fest. at the disneyland resort for a limited time. starting april 26th.
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day for a short period of time. the sky will darken and it will look like it's sunset in the middle of the day. there are events happening across the bay area and the country for people to take a few moments and take in the eclipse. and joining us live now to get us prepared for this out of the world event is jason rhodes, research scientist at nasa's jet propulsion lab in pasadena. we appreciate it. thanks for joining us. >> thank you for having me. >> we are excited to talk about the eclipse. okay. so you got to reorient us because it's been a long while since my last science class. remind me of what an eclipse is and how it all works. >> so the earth is very unique in that in our sky, the sun and the moon have about the same size. so once every once in a while, the moon will go in front
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of the sun and be able to completely block the sun. it's just the right size to do so. and the last time this happened in the continental us was 2017. so not so long ago. but the next time it's going to happen is not until the 2040s. so a long time from now. so this is a really unique chance to see the moon completely block the sun. >> certainly such a cool event. i was there in kentucky actually in 2017, so we were very close to totality there, and it was a remarkable event to be able to witness. let's talk about the timing of when we can expect to see the eclipse here in the bay area, and how long it will last on monday. >> oh, i don't remember the exact time it's going to be at the bay area on monday. i apologize uh- for that, but the whole event lasts, close to an hour as the, moon goes in front of the sun and starts to block
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it. of course, in the bay area, we're not going to have, totality. that is the moon completely blocking the sun. but it's still a pretty amazing thing to see happen as the disk of the moon slowly crosses the sun, it becomes dark, nature starts to take notice. and animals and things like that start to wonder what's happening as it turns, nighttime time into. sorry, it turns daytime into nighttime. >> yeah. it's so cool to be able to see it. we have some images from years past here. that 2017 eclipse. and again, it's not because the sun and the moon are the same size. it's because of the distance of the sun, right? in comparison to the distance of the moon, walk folks through that as well. >> yes. so in our sky they appear to be the same size, because the sun of course, is much further away than the moon. it's also much larger. and it's just a lucky coincidence that at earth, the moon is about the same apparent size on the sky as
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the sun. and what's really exciting about this is there's an outer layer to the sun, and this is called the corona of the sun. and this is the atmosphere of the sun. and we can never see the corona of the sun, because it's much less bright than the disk of the sun. the only time we can see that corona or crown, that corona is latin for crown of the sun. the atmosphere of the sun is during this eclipse. so when the moon moves across the sun, it blocks out the brightest part of the sun and we can see that corona or atmosphere of the sun. and we can, as scientists, that gives us a great chance to study the atmosphere of the sun, during these eclipses and for the past 100 years or so, scientists have made instruments called coronagraphs, which allow us to block out the sun and study the outer atmosphere of the sun. but still, the best coronagraph in the world is the moon. when it gets right in front of the sun,
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it's my understanding that you're also part of a team that is developing a coronagraph, so we might be able to see some hidden planets, is that right? that's exactly right. so one of the programs i work on at nasa's jet propulsion laboratory is the nancy grace roman space telescope. this is nasa's next big space telescope that we plan to launch by 2027. and one of the instruments on that telescope is a coronagraph. it's an instrument that blocks out the light from a sun, not our sun, but distant stars. and it allows us to then see the planets orbiting those stars. so it's a way to discover and explore new planets by using the same technology that allows us to study the sun during an eclipse. >> all right. well, again, we are so looking forward to the solar eclipse come monday. we will have all of that coverage coming up on abc seven. jason rhoades with nasa. we appreciate your time. thanks for being here. >> thank you very much.
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>> and again, don't forget, if you can't watch the eclipse in person, aka walk outside for a few minutes. abc seven bay area. we are your home for complete coverage. we'll bring you the excitement from across the country, starting at 10 a.m.
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back in the 50s and 60s, black and latino families purchased land there, but eventually they were forced out by policies like eminent domain so that land could be developed. others were burned out of their homes. now there's a push to get that land back. >> you can give me the land back. i don't need any money. the land would suffice if you steal something and you have the
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opportunity to give it back. you hand it over. this. this tangible place that we're at now, you give us this back, and then we'll figure out how we want to develop it. and do it. that would be a better reparation to me. the johnson family, just one of many families pushing for the state of california to consider reparations for slavery and decades of anti-black policies like the ones that forced them out of their home, explore their journey in the abc seven originals documentary, california's case for reparations. >> it's streaming now wherever you watch abc seven. we'll show it here on abc seven tomorrow a preliminary reading in these aftershocks, 4.0. this was the strongest quake in the region sinceat


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