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tv   2020  ABC  April 5, 2024 9:01pm-11:01pm PDT

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>> deborah: so many of us are on social media but few take it this far. >> david: creating a fantasy world and playing a game of catfishing that leads to murder. "20/20" starts right now. >> if someone had let you see
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everything that had gone on, on facebook, they're talking and saying nasty things about each other, would you ever have imagined it would have wound up with two people dead in this house? >> no, never would have. >> i got a phone call telling me that she was gone. i just can't believe it. i was sobbing. >> this is the bedroom where clay was found. >> single shot? >> single shot in the face. >> through the back of the house? >> right. >> did they catch billie jean as well, asleep? >> my impression was it looked like a hit. >> a contract hit? >> right. >> people thought there was a killer on the loose. >> i'm sorry it happened, bud i mean, that's all i can tell you is they, they had been harassing the living crap out of me. >> what kinds of things would people saying about you? >> that i was a bad person, i was horrible, threatening to get hurt. >> what started all this hatred? >> i've had my life threatened, my wife has been threatened, they've threatened to take
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janelle, caught her head off. >> all part of what prosecutors call the craziest, deadliest, craziest catfishing scheme you have ever seen. >> we're done. this is mountain city, a postage stamp hamlet nestled in the mountains in east tennessee. >> mountain city is a 2x4 town. you know, it's two miles wide and four miles long. >> a sign greeting visitors calls mountain city a friendly hometown. >> johnson county is considered a very safe place. i was the assistant district attorney there for over six years, and there was only a handful of homicides. maybe one a year, if that. >> you grew up with people, and you're going to see them at the grocery store. you go to the gas station, and you run into somebody you know. everybody goes to the same church, it's the quintessential
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small town america. >> definitely a place where everybody knows everybody. everybody's in everybody else's business. >> johnson county 911. >> honey, i need an ambulance bad. james davis lane, please. >> that call is coming from this house, where billy payne lives with his fiancee, billie jean hayworth. when two neighbors stop by, they discover unspeakable horror. >> the back door's always unlocked. so, he goes in, hollers, nobody answers. he thought, well, it's strange that billie jean's car is here, billy's truck is here, but nobody's answering. so, he goes down the hallway and finds bill on the bed. >> billy payne is not moving. his face is bloodied. >> i can't find the pulse. all i see is blood on his neck. oh my god. >> blood on his neck? it's okay. >> i'm trying to be calm. >> they heard a noise in the second bedroom, which is farther
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down the hall from the first. they went back and they found the 7-month-old baby. >> there's blood on the baby, honey. >> there's blood on the baby? >> yeah. >> he found billie jean laying on the floor, and the baby was there with her. she had her arms wrapped around him, and he was laying there on the floor with her. the child was covered in blood. >> he's breathing okay and everything? >> i'll be honest with you, i'll be honest with you. i don't know how long they've been laying here like this. the baby, kind of to me, as a parent, looks like maybe its been upset, crying for a while. and probably cried 'til he can't cry no more. >> miraculously, the baby, tyler, seen here in photos released by the johnson county sheriff's office, has no physical injuries and appears to be unharmed. sadly, the same can't be said for the 7-month-old's parents. >> no, there's no pulse. i know there's no pulse on him. >> okay. do you want to do cpr or anything? >> ma'am, there's no pulse. there's no pulse on either one of them. they're white, they're dead.
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>> this was around 10:40 a.m. in the morning. that's whenever the first call had came in. here i am, i'm driving down through here and i'm thinking, it is hard to believe that there is actually two people that's been murdered down here. because you would just -- it's something that's very uncommon here. >> if one thing happens, the whole community knows about it. and this situation of two people being murdered in their own home, murdered in their pajamas in the early morning hours, was a great shock and nobody really knew what happened. >> this is where billy payne and billie jean were murdered, in this house. >> law enforcement officers took me to the crime scene back in 2015. and you were the first on the scene because you live pretty close to here, right? >> i live approximately a mile and a half down the road right below here. >> reese says they found no sign
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of break-in. that's because anyone could've walked right into the small house, just like the police did. >> so, they go to the back door, do they just open it up? it's unlocked. >> sliding glass door, and they just slide it open and walk in. >> if this is the kind of place where people don't really lock their doors, i guess, walk right in. was there any sign of a scuffle, a fight, anything? >> no, there was no sign of anything of that nature, no. looked like billy had just gotten out of bed, and that's where we found his body. >> from what we understand -- >> special agent scott lott with the tennessee bureau of investigation takes me into the home where the young couple was killed. >> this is the bedroom where billy payne was found. >> single shot? >> single shot in the face. >> bill, he also had slice marks across his neck in the front. it was like he was going from the left side over towards the right side was how the slashes were.
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and it wasn't one, it was like multiple slashes. i left from there and went down to the next room, which was the baby's room, and i saw billie jean hayworth lying on the floor, and i could tell that she had an injury above her right ear. >> like billy, billie jean is shot once in the head. police theorize billy is killed first. >> the bedroom should be right inside this window right here. first window. >> that was the child's room? >> billy's bedroom was here. >> and the child's room was next to it. >> so, they walked through the back of the house. >> right. >> and did they catch billie jean as well, totally asleep or was she -- >> no, billie jean wasn't sleeping from what we gathered. she was holding the baby. >> once the intruder came in, she jumped up and ran out with the baby to try to -- >> try to get away. >> police think billie jean ran into the baby's nursery and tried to shield him from the attack. >> so it didn't take much time
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to get from that room to this room to shoot? >> no. >> this is five feet. >> right. it takes a cold-blooded person to shoot someone holding a baby. >> was that the most shocking thing about this murder? >> when that information got out, people were disturbed by that. small community like this. >> you've been involved in police work, law enforcement, what, 30 years? >> almost 30 years. >> you ever see anything like this? >> i've never seen anything like this. who could kill people in this way? it's a question that will ultimately uncover ugly family feuds, divide a mountain city, and have these small-town cops looking into a possible cia plot. >> my impression after, you know, the first week was, it looked like a hit. >> like a contract hit? >> right. of the kia sorento x-pro toughness and the kia sorento turbo-hybrid... (♪) ...we recreated some of the wettest springs... (♪)
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she doesn't have a pulse, no breathing either? >> neither one of them do. >> do you know how long, maybe they've been there? >> no, i don't know. they're cold. they're white. >> it's a home invasion, double murder that has a small tennessee mountain town on edge and authorities scratching their heads. >> when they first asked me if i knew anybody that would hurt them, nobody came to mind. nothing hit me right off. i didn't know what had happened. and then they asked me if they had any enemies.
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>> most of the time, if we have a murder, it's usually somebody that they know or a family member or one of the friends that got upset. but this is one of those that we always call it like a whodunit murder. >> the squad's coming, can i hang up now, please? >> the details are even more horrifying. 36-year-old billy payne is not only shot in the head, his throat is sliced. and 23-year-old mother billie jean is holding her 7-month-old son when she's killed. pretty cold-blooded to shoot a woman holding her child, huh? >> yes, it is. sure is. especially point blaipgs. i mean, just right there. >> shook people up, huh? >> it did. sure did. people thought there was a killer on the loose. >> did you know the people who lived here? >> yes, i did. very familiar with them. i know billy and his sister from the time they were small. >> billy payne's sister tracy told me she is still struggling with losing her brother. >> i was shocked, but i -- i thought that wasn't true, you know. i just -- i don't know, it's
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like impossible. i still don't think it's true. >> everybody liked billy. billy was one of these type of people that was outgoing and was friends with everybody. he liked to get together with friends. go four-wheeling with your truck in the mountains and do stuff like that. go camping. >> billy worked at parkdale mills, a textile factory, as a machine operator. >> billie jean hayworth, who was a few years younger than billy payne, she started working at parkdale, and that's where billy payne and billie jean met. they started dating. >> she was a good person, fun-loving, outgoing, kind of person everybody wanted to be around. she liked swimming, big outdoors. >> yeah, ever since she was little. >> the romance moves quickly in no time at all billie jean moves in with billy and his father.
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and a short time later, she gives birth to baby tyler. >> she was so excited. he was her world. this glow she had about her when he came into the world was just unbelievable. >> she told me the night before she got murdered, she was happy. her son meant the world to her. and bill did, too. she said, "sis, i'm in love." she finally found out what love really was. >> i got a phone call telling me that she was gone. that somebody shot her. in my head, i just couldn't believe it. i was shocked. you just don't ever think of something like that happening to your baby sister.
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>> it was one of the hardest days of my life. nobody should have to go through finding out that their friends have been murdered. >> so, who would want to murder a young family like this? at this point, police are desperate for any clues. were you able to glean very much forensic evidence from this scene? >> there is very little. it was a very clean scene as far as, you know, physical evidence goes. >> so, no prints, no shell casings, no dna left behind. >> not that we found, no, sir. >> it was because whenever the suspects entered the house, they didn't do anything else. they did not go through the drawers, the closets. the wallets were all left in their places. some money was laying around. it was left just as it was. so, nothing was taken from the residence.
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>> investigators at the scene don't find any shell casings, which leads them to believe that the murder weapon was a revolver. but they do find two bullets there. >> billie jean was laying in the floor in a semi-fetal position. to me, it looked as if she was bending over to pick up her child from the bouncy seat and was shot at that point. i guess as the bullet landed in the bouncy seat. it was amazing. you would think that we would have to, you know, look for the bullet in the room, either in a wall or something. but it was just laying right there. and the bullet was still in good shape. >> a bullet recovered from billy's pillow is also mostly intact. that bullet has an "x" carved into its tip. this is a technique that's used to craft what is sometimes
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called a poor man's hollow point. the idea is that the bullet would break apart upon impact and cause even more damage. >> and you never found the murder weapon or the knife that apparently slit the throat? >> neither one. my impression after, you know, the first week was it looked like a hit. >> like a contract hit? >> right. they either had some training or they were self-taught. we didn't know. you know, we initially started questioning family and friends. >> billy's father tells investigators that when he leaves for work at about 5:30 that morning, billy is still sleeping and billie jean is feeding the baby. >> bill payne would always ride with a guy to work. and that morning, he went up and knocked on the door, but no one would come to the door. so he just figured that, you know, he wasn't going to go to work, so he just left and went
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on to work. and that was sometime around maybe 6:00 or so. >> now police have isolated a half-hour window when they believe the murder happened, but they still need to find out who did it. >> the first day when we were talking to friends of the victims, someone had mentioned that there was some kind of altercation or grievance. >> if someone had let you see everything that had gone on, defriending each other on facebook, and they're talking and saying nasty things about each other, would you ever have imagined that it would have wound up with two people dead inside this house? >> no. (restaurant noise) introducing allison's plaque psoriasis. she thinks her flaky gray patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis allison! over here! otezla can help you get clearer skin
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into the vending area. oh, not the fries! where's the ball? -anybody see it? oh wait, there it is! -back into play and... aw no, it's in the water. wait a minute... are you kidding me? you got to be kidding me. rolling towards the cup, and it's in the hole! what an impossible shot brought to you by comcast business. in 2012, the small town of mountain city is very online. >> a lot of people know about everything that goes on here because of, you know, facebook. >> back in 2012, there was facebook. but there was a now-defunct website called topix. topix became a big deal in johnson county. >> people can go on there and make their own topic and have discussions.
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it's usually confined to different areas. around here, it's very popular. >> one of the biggest users of topix and other social media sites in mountain city is a 30-year-old, jenelle potter, who will become a key player in this murder mystery. so let's start off in the beginning. where did you grow up? >> i grew up in kennet square, pennsylvania. >> what was it like? >> it was nice. um, small town. um, everyone pretty much knew everybody. >> they moved to mountain city from pennsylvania in the early 2000s. from all accounts, jenelle was someone who didn't really leave the house very much. she lived most of her life online. the potter family was known pretty well in johnson county as keeping to themselves and just being a little weird. they didn't really interact with a lot of people. they didn't work. it seemed very, very -- like a very paranoid family.
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>> jenelle's father, marvin, also goes by the name buddy. now, buddy's a vietnam vet who says he did covert missions for the cia. his wife barbara admits she doesn't exactly know what he did overseas. was he ever in the cia or attached to the cia? >> oh, he is -- he said he was. >> is he allowed to talk about what he did? >> no. never. i just saw him as a gentle giant. >> buddy's a gentle giant who's on disability. he suffers from debilitating back pain and periodically relies on oxygen tanks to breathe. but he still sees himself as the protector of this family. >> my understanding of jenelle and why she was still living with her parents is that she had some learning disabilities that were diagnosed pretty early in her life. >> buddy and barbara are protective, and they barely let their daughter out of their sight. what were the rules? what kind of rules were they? >> don't be out past, you know, 12:00 at night.
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no smoking. no drinking. no partying. no drugs. stuff like that. >> tell me about jenelle. >> very naive. can make decisions sometimes that aren't quite right for her 'cause she is young in her mind, more young than her age, i think. you know. >> her parents had a lot of control over her. she was not allowed to use their computer unmonitored. she was not allowed to use her cell phone unmonitored. >> she wasn't allowed to have friends over socially, to be around people in person, without them getting in good with buddy and barbara beforehand. so this forced jenelle to seek out relationships online. >> jenelle also suffers from chronic health issues which keep her indoors most of the time. jenelle did have some interactions in real life. these photos presented in court show jenelle with new friends billy payne and his sister, tracy.
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>> i worked at the pharmacy in town, and they were coming in there and getting their medicine. and we felt sorry for jenelle because she was sheltered because she was sick. so i got to talking to my brother about these people that had come in. she gave me her phone number, and i started calling her. >> tell me about your relationship with tracy. >> it was a good -- she was a good friend to me. i would go out with her to, um, the mall, to her house a few times, uh, out to eat, took her son different places. we were okay. >> what did you think of bill? >> he was nice. >> just nice? >> mm-hmm. >> but jenelle says she's also being cyber bullied, and hateful, anonymous comments begin appearing on her facebook page. soon this war of words explodes online between jenelle and billie jean hayworth, who jenelle accuses of starting the online feud. what was her relationship like
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with billie jean? >> oh, she hated her. >> from the get-go? >> mm-hm. she would call her all kinds of bad names. >> now, at one point, did they unfriend you on facebook? >> i think that we did it to each other. i unfriended them. they unfriended me. >> who unfriended who first? >> i did bill first, and then i think billie did me. and i unfriended her. >> but jenelle says the online venom keeps coming and escalates to physical threats. jenelle's mother barbara intervenes. >> i wrote, "please, do not do these things." i begged them, "please don't do this." >> what kinds of things were people saying about you? >> just that i was a bad person. um, i was horrible. threatened to get raped. um. threatening to get hurt. >> must have been pretty scary. >> yes. >> why would people say this about you?
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>> i don't know. >> what started all this hatred? >> i'm not sure. >> those are the exact same questions police want to ask the potters the day after jenelle's facebook friends-turned-foes are murdered. >> the potters, they live right -- they live right up here. >> so this is the house? >> this is the house. >> and you told them this is a conversation? this is no search warrant? >> right. this is just something just to get some interviews, just to sit down and talk about what type of problems that they all had with each other. >> hey. >> how you doing today? mr. potter, hey, my name's scott lott. >> unknown to the potters, investigators record the interview. >> what we're doing right now is investigating a double homicide. very serious matter. >> everybody always points a finger at us for something.
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>> oh, no, there ain't nobody pointing their fingers. >> instead of talking about how tragic the murders were, instead of talking about what an outrage it was, the potter family, especially jenelle, just started trashing on billy payne and billie jean hayworth. >> they've been harassing me, in my driveway, on our property. and then yesterday morning, when i got on facebook is when i found out. and, um, i'm sorry it happened. but, i mean, that's all i can tell you is they -- they had been harassing the living crap out of me. >> why would they be harassing you? >> the came out to be a jealousy thing. they said i was too pretty. >> buddy and barbara potter definitely saw their daughter as a victim. they saw the facebook posts. they saw the emails that were sent back and forth. they really thought that people were out to rape her, people were out to kill her. >> did you ever put on the internet that you wished that they were dead? >> no. >> or they were in a car
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accident or something like that? >> no. i'm not that mean. i just wanted them to leave me alone. that's all i've ever asked. >> what did you come away with? >> i had nothing to do with it. i did not have anything to do with it at all." >> so were you really suspicious when you walked away from that house? >> we were suspicious. yes. >> why are investigators suspicious? because jenelle brings up another person who is involved in this online feud. they were just cussing at me, but i stood with my father, with jamie and them all. >> we had talked to some of the other people, and they had heard jamie curd had threatened to cut billy payne's throat. , i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. thanks to skyrizi, i'm on my way with clearer skin. 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months.
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as mountain city investigators are interviewing the potters about an online feud with murder victims billy payne and bille jean hayworth, they ask about a local man named jamie curd. >> who's jamie to you? >> he's just a friend. we've been friends for years. >> he's friend of our family. >> yeah. >> he's friend to all of us, to me. >> jamie curd was from johnson county, had lived there his whole life. he was a pretty solitary guy, kept to himself. >> every time you see him, he's always wearing sunglasses. he says that the sun always bothers his eyes. >> jamie curd was billy's second cousin. jamie had grown up with billy. they were more like brothers than cousins. >> jamie, like billy payne and billie jean, worked at parkdale mills. and like billy, he's brought into jenelle's orbit thanks to
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tracy, who sets the shy jenelle up with her cousin. >> so, why did you think to set up jamie and jenelle? >> well, jamie didn't have a girlfriend, and she really didn't have a boyfriend. so, we just -- that's the only two -- i mean, they didn't look like they'd go together by no means. >> why not? >> well, jamie was sort of rough-looking, you know, greasy. and she was neat, so -- >> jamie also moonlights fixing home computers around town. >> the potters used jamie as a person to come and fix their computers whenever something was wrong, which would give jenelle a reason to be able to see jamie. >> and when jamie was there, jenelle would be allowed to go into the computer room and talk to jamie and be around jamie. >> so, jamie and jenelle got closer and closer. >> but the potters didn't want jenelle dating, and they certainly didn't want jenelle dating jamie. >> jenelle's mom and dad did not approve of jamie.
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so, jamie was in love with her. so, jamie had purchased her a cell phone, and he would come here, bring it, and hide it in the bushes, and she would come and get it. >> they started talking some, i believe that they text message and instant messaged back and forth. they used email frequently. this undercover relationship between jamie curd and jenelle just kept growing and growing. >> you and jamie got pretty serious at one point? >> yes. >> how often would you talk? >> every day. >> for long periods? >> uh, for an hour, two hours at a time. >> wow. what would you talk about? >> our days. he would tell me about his life, i would tell him about mine. >> in typo-filled messages, . he would tell me about his life, i would tell him about mine. >> in typo-filled messages, jenelle tells jamie "you will always be in my life," "i will always love you," and "you're not just a part of me, you are all of me." jenelle even signs the message "your wife."
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>> but when police ask jenelle about her relationship with jamie, she lies. >> is jamie kind of like your boyfriend? >> no. >> no. >> no, he's a just really good friend. >> does he want to be your boyfriend? >> not that i know of. i'm just, like, a really good friend to him. >> but police have evidence that shows that's not true. >> we located photographs in the cell phone, and the photographs show them kissing at one point. >> what'd you think of jamie? >> i am nice to everybody. he told me how he worked on computers. he could build them from the bottom up. >> he did more than work on your computer. he worked on your daughter too. >> yeah, and i didn't know that, for a long time, that he was interested in her, or vice versa. it was secret. >> police also know jamie got
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dragged into the online feud, and his feelings for jenelle pit jamie against his own cousin. >> jenelle convinced jamie that billie jean hayworth and billy payne were targeting jenelle and sending her death threats, threatened to rape her, threatened to kill her. he started having problems with billy payne at work. >> they had got into an argument down there, and some of the people had heard jamie say something about slicing his throat. billy's throat had been slashed, so yes, that's the reason that we brought jamie curd in. we just asked him, "hey, would you take a polygraph?" and sure enough, he said that he would. that didn't go very well. jamie is more involved with jenelle than what he was letting on to us. >> have a seat there. >> have a seat there, jamie. >> so, that's whenever agent
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lott and agent hannon basically confronted him about the deception of some of the answers of the questions. >> jamie, of those eleven questions, which ones do you think you had the most reaction? >> you could tell he's nervous. we confront him with the results of the polygraph. you could tell that he is apprehensive about talking. >> i think you went in there and said, "i'm gonna take care of this situation. i'm gonna take care of people who mess with jenelle. people ain't gonna mess with my girl no more." >> she's not my girl. >> you may say that out loud, but you know in your heart the difference. >> we sort of, you know, asked him the same questions. what's your overall relationship? what's yours and jenelle's relationship? and, you know, he kept on saying they were friends. >> that you, made a statement at work, fair, that you gonna cut his throat? you made that statement and i know you did. >> i know i didn't. >> but eventually, jamie changes
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his tune, and he starts singing. >> jamie finally admitted that he went to the house. >> who shot them? >> he did. >> he who? buddy? >> yeah. >> i'm sorry? >> yes. >> okay. let's talk about it now. >> jamie said that he was involved in it. he didn't do much, but he had told us that buddy had been the one to have shot the two people. and he said something about on the lines that, you know, he was the one that did the cutting of the neck. >> jamie was formally charged on the 7th of february. we put him back in the cell. he wasn't going anywhere. >> now that jamie's on the hook, he agrees to help reel in his alleged partner in the double murder, jenelle's father, marvin "buddy" potter. >> we asked jamie, if he made a
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phone call to marvin, if marvin would admit to anything during that phone call. he said, "i think he might." >> well, they're pointing fingers. >> oh, jiminy christmas. crazy. oooh! this is our night! shingles doesn't care. but shingrix protects. only shingrix is proven over 90% effective. shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingrix today. hurry to kohl's for our spring savings bash! you'll find tees for the family at $7.99 shorts for the family at $19.99. women's dresses and sandals for 30% off.
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it's a time to mourn in mountain city, tennessee. billy payne and billie jean hayworth are laid to rest. the murdered couple survived by
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their infant son. >> i'm just as shocked today over my friends, bill and billie jean, losing their lives over someone who created her own hell. >> days later, jamie curd confesses and i.d.s the killer as buddy potter. investigators then have curd call potter, hoping he'll incriminate himself. >> everything going all right? >> well, they're uh, pointing fingers. >> oh, jiminy christmas. crazy. >> you got rid of everything that was from bill's, didn't you? >> uh-huh. >> okay, that makes me feel a lot better. >> yeah. >> we never did really find the weapon that was used to kill billy payne and billy jean hayworth. we took buddy potter's statement that he took care of it to mean that he'd gotten rid of the murder weapons. >> with jamie locked up, it's
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back to the potter house, but this time, buddy's not so welcoming to investigators. >> we knew he had a weapon, and at one point, we thought he made a gesture to us. >> what kind of gesture? show me. >> just like, he was gonna do like this, and we grabbed his arm. >> my father hugged on us and treated us like we were angels. he was a very protective father. and at all cost, he was going to protect his wife and daughter. >> down at the sheriff's office, buddy, who's in jeans, a red sweatshirt, and handcuffs, settles into an easy chair for some hard talk, with that pair of tbi agents. >> you know why you're here, right? >> yeah, i'm assuming. >> okay, why do you think you're here? >> that somebody's told you i'm the one who killed somebody. >> but buddy potter is no jamie curd. >> here's the thing. mike and i, we've been investigating this case.
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we don't think you killed them, we know you killed them, okay? >> i didn't. >> wait a second, just a sec. that's not just a december, it's not a gut feeling, it's a know, okay? we know. >> that's fine. i didn't kill them. i did not kill billy payne. i'm not going to admit something i didn't do. >> he denied everything. and we pressed him and pressed him and pressed him. >> cold-hearted killer? protector of your family? which one are you? >> i'm protector of my family, to start with, but i did not do this. >> then tell me what happened. >> i don't know. >> the agents repeatedly assure buddy they understand how he must have felt. >> i believe you are sick and tired of the most precious
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person in your life being attacked and harassed constantly. i know that, okay? >> ever since all this crap started, i've been -- i've had my life threatened. my wife has been threatened. they've threatened to take jenelle, cut her head off. >> finally, at one point he starts to say, "when people are threatening your daughter's life --" >> when you hear people plotting to take your -- catch your daughter in a restroom and murder her. they wanted to rape her because she's a virgin. >> investigators getting the sense that buddy might be ready at last to confess -- just not to them. special agent lott has an idea. >> i made the suggestion, "buddy, would you like to call barbara and tell her first before you tell us?"
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and he said, "yes." so we let him make a phone call to barbara. >> barbara. >> yes? >> before you find out from somebody else, i want you to know, i was involved in it. i did it. >> what? >> at least some of it. >> i don't understand. >> because of what all they'd been trying to do to you and jenelle. i just wanted to tell you first. >> he told barbara, "i did it." and that's as close to a confession as we got from him. >> your husband confessed to it. >> yeah, but there's questions about that. >> so why would he admit to it? why would he confess? >> when they took him, they took no oxygen. they took no medication. and they interviewed him for hours. when he -- his oxygen gets low, he says things that don't make sense or are incorrect.
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>> authorities beg to differ, saying, even without his oxygen tank and medication, potter was lucid and understood the questions. now the question becomes, who convinced buddy potter his family was in danger? >> why would your father go and shoot those two people? >> i don't know. >> no idea? >> no idea. >> you said that your father was always protective of you. >> yes, but i don't think he would kill over silly stuff like this. >> authorities say it didn't seem silly to buddy potter. he very tearfully recounted that these people had put a bounty on his daughter's head. that they had threatened to rape her, cut her up into pieces. and you could tell from the, the way he said that, he believed it. >> when i found out that they had arrested marvin potter and
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jamie, i knew what it was over. it was over jenelle and the stuff that she had pretty much put in their heads. >> he said he was trying to protect you. he said that they had threatened that they would chop you up and rape you and kill you. >> yes. >> is that what you told him? because they weren't telling him that directly. somehow, he had to be getting word that these people were going to do some grievous, serious harm to you. >> he would go in town, and there was people that would tell him that, that there was people out to hurt me, to get me. >> case closed? far from it. buddy potter and jamie curd, according to investigators, they're not even the half of it. >> you started to realize that this is bigger than just marvin "buddy" potter. this is something to do with the other people in this house? >> exactly. exactly. >> more mystery, more murderers, and now a mastermind. a new character enters the
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story, a purported cia assassin. >> a lot of killing, a lot of killing people. >> all part of what prosecutors call the craziest, stupidest, deadliest catfishing scheme you have ever seen. if you're one of the millions of people with diabetes who suffer from low and high blood sugar, dexcom g7 is one of the easiest ways to take better control of your diabetes. my blood sugar would suddenly spike or really go low out of nowhere. it was really scary. (dr. swamy) this small wearable alerts you 20 minutes before you go too low or when you're high so you can take action in the moment. now we're talking a game changer! i'm back in control! (announcer) dexcom g7 helps protect against highs and lows. call now! target circle week is almost here, with thousands of deals join target circle for free... and get automatic savings on the things that make you... you! target circle week... coming april 7th to the 13th. it's a big deal!
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this is where billy payne and billie jean were murdered in this house. >> there's no pulse. there's no pulse on either one of them. they're white. they're dead. >> i mean, this was one of the biggest, craziest things that
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had happened in years. >> you give him the pictures of the people you say are taunting you. you don't think he's going to do anything about it? did you ever want and bill payne to die? >> no, never. >> it appeared there was some type of conspiracy here. they kept referring to a guy named chris. >> who was chris? >> a cia agent. tall. blond hair and blue eyes. >> jason bourne. did he ever talk about the kinds of things he did for work? >> he did. >> what were those things? >> a lot of killing people. >> i think someone else was playing games with our minds, our computer, our life. >> there is nothing in your lives that has prepared you to understand the potter family. >> if you had to describe jen nel and barbara with one word what would you use? >> evil. that's what i would say, evil.
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what kind of person would take a revolver to a man who's sleeping and shoot him in the face, and then go to a woman who's running away with a child -- >> i don't know. >> -- an infant in her arms? >> cold-blooded, and he's not that. he's not cold-blooded. that whole thing is so sad. so sad they died. that, it's -- it's always bothered me that it had to involve my family. >> this situation, of two people being murdered in their own home, was a great shock. i think there was some relief once marvin and jamie were arrested. >> the shootings of billy payne and billie jean hayworth seem close to being solved, but unlike horseshoes and hand grenades, close doesn't count in a murder case. and authorities are wondering whether all the killers have actually been caught. >> while buddy potter is
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interrogated, other investigators search the potter home and pickup truck. >> i was left there along with other investigators to conduct a search of the potter residence in an attempt to look for ammunition, any type of firearms that would be for a .38 special or a 9 millimeter. >> they were searching the house? >> yes, they did do that. >> did they go into your room? >> no, they went to my parents' room first. and then they went to the second bedroom that we had which, where my dad would keep his clothes and his stuff, and then my room, and then the computer room. >> there's deputy joe woodard, and a stunned looking barbara and jenelle potter during the search. >> so, did you notice anything odd in the house or anything unusual? >> whenever the investigators went downstairs, there was a lot
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of firearms. we had rifles, shotguns, semis, i mean, it's just one of those -- >> an arsenal. >> an arsenal, basically, yes. >> guns in the basement, guns in the bedroom, guns in the dresser drawer and guns under the mattress. there's even an ammo belt on his oxygen tank. and knives. lots of knives all over the house, even hanging from the antlers on the wall. >> the search also turns up pictures printed from facebook, including, one of the recently murdered billie jean hayworth. >> even found pictures of the victims that were in the living room. >> you found pictures of the victims in the living room? >> yes, we sure did. >> investigators say about seven months before the murders, jenelle grabbed this photo of billie jean hayworth from facebook, emailed it to herself, then printed it off. the subject line, billie whore. >> a printed out picture of
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billie jean hayworth with the title, whore. >> which is kind of an odd thing to find after someone has been murdered in their house holding their baby. >> yes, exactly. >> you printed out a picture of her and wrote "bitch" across the top? >> no, my dad wanted pictures of who was bothering me. >> so, you gave your dad pictures of the people who were bothering you? >> yes. >> why would you do that? >> he just wanted to know 'cause if he was out or if someone who was harassing me, he would want to know who they were. >> just then, barbara potter does something she will come to regret. >> barbara was sitting on the couch next to chief investigator joe woodard, who's logging the evidence. at one point, barbara picks up a stack of papers, looks at them. >> then all of a sudden, she ripped it in half. and i stopped her and i said, give me those pieces of paper. >> why did you fold up the picture of billie jean and try to hide it and tear it up?
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>> i didn't, and i've tried to explain that over and over, but -- >> you didn't do that? >> i was tired, and i was kind of nervous. i said, "well i'm getting bored," you know. i just started doing that, not thinking that there was even a picture in there 'cause i didn't know it was there. and then when i -- whenever i picked it up, and i just made a little tear. i thought it was just trash. >> you didn't rip it in half? >> authorities aren't buying it. they charge barbara with tampering with evidence. >> they also seize what may have been barbara and jenelle's fondest possession, the family computer. >> i believe there was just one desktop computer that they all used, jenelle and barbara. marvin didn't get on the computer at all that i know of. i don't think i've ever heard him say anything about being on the computer. >> remember how the bullet that killed billie had been scratched, marked with an "x"? investigators find similar .38-caliber bullets in buddy's pickup. >> marvin had taken a knife and
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scratched xs into the tip of the bullet to basically create hollow points. >> investigators also discovered something in the bed of buddy's pickup that will prove to be even more incriminating in the long run, and not just for buddy. >> they notice several bags of shredded paper. so, they went ahead, closed everything back up, and the vehicle was then transported to the tbi lab in knoxville, tennessee. >> those shreds of evidence lead investigators to a shadowy figure. >> they kept referring to a guy named chris that's supposedly a cia operative or -- or something. >> who is chris? some people just know that the best rate for you is a rate based on you, with allstate. because there's a right way to. stop!
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marvin buddy potter is in jail awaiting trial, and so is jenelle potter's boyfriend, jamie curd. but the feeling in town and at the courthouse is that justice has not been fully served. >> i blamed jenelle. >> immediately? >> mm-hm. because, i mean, it was her fault.
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she was the one that we was friends with, and she was the one that started the lies. >> jenelle should have been held just as accountable as them. >> billie jean's sisters beverly and janie say, even before the murders, they believed jenelle was the troublemaker. >> jealousy, attention. she's an attention-getter. and like, just -- she would do the same thing to billie jean. she would follow them around all the time. billie would call me and she'd be like, "jenelle's behind me. there she is again." i mean, just constantly. >> if you had to describe jenelle and barbara with one word, what would you use? >> evil. that's what i would say, evil. >> it was several months after the arrest of jamie and buddy that i came into the case. i knew there was some thought in the community that the women were behind the killings but they hadn't been charged.
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>> i think that jenelle and barbara were the ringleaders. i think they were the ones that were the manipulators. i think they convinced marvin and jamie to do something awful to bill and billie jean, and they followed through with it. >> early on, we wanted to charge barbara and jenelle, but really didn't have enough. >> we mentioned yesterday about potter's daughter. she was in court today as an observer, although she has not been charged with any crime at this point. prosecutors say she is at the center of this investigation. they say she is the common link to all of the parties involved. >> throughout the investigation, buddy maintained that barbara and jenelle really didn't have anything to do with the homicides, that he acted unilaterally in an attempt to protect his family. >> now investigators take note of barbara potter's conversation with jamie curd when he made that phone call to the house after his confession. >> whenever jamie had called
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their residence, barbara was the one that first answered the phone. >> did it go all right? >> yeah. >> really? >> yeah. >> and they just let you go, and that's it? it's over? >> yeah. >> well, that's wonderful. we've been praying our hearts out. jenelle even saw an angel today, come in the computer room. and i said, "oh that's good." we've all been praying so hard. >> and, you know, she was asking, "how did the polygraph go?" >> did you have a lie detector? >> yeah. >> and you passed it? >> yeah. >> well, that's wonderful. i'm so glad, honey. >> and investigators are even more suspicious of barbara's reaction when her husband calls and confesses to murder. >> does jenelle and barbara know what you did? >> no. >> after his confession, he made a recorded phone call to his wife, barbara, where he told her that, "i did it. i killed them." >> before you find out from somebody else, i want you to
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know, i was involved in it. i did it. >> i don't understand. >> immediately barbara turns into mama bear saying, "oh no, honey, you didn't. you were right here the whole time. tell them that you didn't do it. i saw you. there's no way you could have done it. you were right here next to me all night." >> you don't have no rest, and you don't have your oxygen, and you're not yourself right now. >> i know. i'm sorry. i just -- it don't matter no more. >> has the nurse checked you? >> no. >> they said a nurse would check you. you need to tell her what meds you're on and your oxygen and all that. but, um, you need to just say, you know, you're not guilty, you're not guilty. and that's that. >> i don't think she was really shocked. it's just like, i think she was
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shocked -- she was probably shocked that he told, but i don't think that she was shocked that he had done it. because in my mind, i think she knew that he did it. >> i don't know that he did it. far as i know, he was in my home all night. he was in that lounge chair asleep. >> not in bed, though? >> he -- he sat up at night every night because of what was happening. and -- when i woke up at 7:00, he was in bed. >> i thought he was in a lounge chair. >> he came to bed. >> oh, i see. >> i didn't hear him come to bed. >> she was telling marvin that, "you didn't have anything to do with it. i saw you. you were here all night." >> just stick with not guilty because you were here. you have to say that. >> no. >> yes siree, you say that. >> she was trying to convince him that, "no, you didn't do this." >> buddy they -- they try to trick you. you know that. they try to trick you and say things that didn't happen. >> no.
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>> you just say you're not guilty, and you're not. you were here. i saw you. >> in that call, jenelle also encourages her father to claim he's innocent. >> daddy? >> yes? >> are you okay? >> no, jenelle. >> i've been so upset. >> honey, don't worry about it. you just take care of yourself. >> i am, but this isn't right. you didn't do anything. you were here. i'm so sorry you have to go through this. >> in 2013, buddy potter is found guilty of the murders of billy payne and billie jean hayworth, getting two consecutive life sentences. >> if barbara and jenelle know more than they're saying, authorities suspect those three trash bags found in buddy's pickup could contain a shredded paper trail. >> we took those shredded
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documents. one of our agents spent a month of her life taping those back together. >> and what they were, were printouts of emails, printouts of instant messages, printouts of pictures from facebook. >> emails from barbara, emails from jenelle. >> authorities said that buddy potter didn't have much use for the computer. so they said that barbara would pull the family protector into the online war of words by printing out the alarming emails in social media posts and anything she wanted him to see. >> barbara tells buddy about everything that goes on and sort of gets him all upset because jenelle's upset. because he's afraid somebody's going to hurt them. >> but some of those emails also talk about murder. >> you know, they talked about killing billy, killing billie jean. >> it appeared that there was some type of conspiracy here. they kept referring to a guy named chris that's supposedly a
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cia operative or -- or something. >> who is chris? >> i'm not sure. i don't know. i don't know. >> when jamie curd was interviewed, at the end, he asked -- >> is the cia here? >> cia? no. >> very strange question, to me. >> why did you ask about the cia? >> i had certainly never experienced anything like this in my career to this point. and i can say, a decade later, that i haven't seen anything else like it since. w, there's s. ♪ things are looking up, i've got symptom relief. ♪ ♪ control of my crohn's means everything to me. ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ feel significant symptom relief at 4 weeks with skyrizi, including less abdominal pain and fewer bowel movements. skyrizi is the first il-23 inhibitor that can deliver remission and visibly improve damage of the intestinal lining.
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we knew that they had to be looking at a computer somewhere because they're the type that's always got to be doing something on a computer. >> we are going to the library, right in the middle of town. >> law enforcement isn't ready to close the book on the murders of billy payne and billie jean hayworth. >> investigators follow barbara and jenelle, photographing their ford explorer outside. >> so, we made contact with the library, and the library said that they usually came here. so they called us whenever they were here. >> the johnson county sheriff's department did keep an eye on the potter women. and there is surveillance video of them going to the local library. >> they videotaped them at sitting at these two computers, and they got them as they walked
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through. and they even went and was shining at the key fob camera through the books just so that we could see what they were doing each. >> they were logging on to topixs. logging into their email. logging on to facebook. and just continuing this narrative of jenelle being a victim. >> not a crime. but evidence, investigators say, of how obsessed these two women are with what people are saying about them online, even after two people have been murdered. >> it shows jenelle has to have a computer to know what's going on and, you know, what are they saying about her? that way she can reply back. >> and now enters one of the spookiest characters ever to appear in a murder investigation. and his name is chris. >> after we did subpoenas and
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search warrants and got emails, instant message records, text message records, we started seeing this name chris pop up. >> barbara is talking back and forth to, supposedly, a cia agent named chris. >> when jamie curd makes his confession, everything's done. there's silence in the room and jamie just all of a sudden asks, "i've got one question i need to ask you." they go, "what's that?" >> is the cia here? >> cia? no. >> mike and scott were sort of shocked by, where did that even come from? >> the officers had no idea what he was talking about. >> why did you ask about the cia? >> because they're, uh -- he works for them. >> he assumed and probably hoped that the cia was on the other side of that door, ready to take
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this case away from the tbi set him free. >> who is chris? >> he was a cia agent. tall, blond hair, blue eyes. >> jason bourne. what kind of stuff did he do? >> um, he said he was down here to protect me, protect my parents. >> he communicated with them through jenelle's email account, through her facebook. they're tight as could be, and they were close. >> barbara would receive emails from this guy, chris, but the emails were still coming from jenelle potter's email address. >> do you find it odd that chris was written from your personal account? that all those emails were written from your personal account? >> yes. >> and you never noticed that? you never asked the question? in all of that correspondence there's not a single question, "hey, why is this person writing from my account?" >> yes, i -- and it never showed
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up, but yes, i had asked how. >> who? >> i emailed him through my email and i said, you know, "how'd you get my, um, screenname, password?" i changed my password lots of times. i've done everything. >> it really does seem like bad fantasy fiction. a secret agent mixed up in a small town drama falling for a damsel in distress. >> he would never show up in person. i would ask him to come over, meet me, nothing. >> how'd you feel about him? >> well, he was a friend. >> he wasn't just your friend, he was -- >> um -- >> from the emails i've read it seems like you guys were very, very intimate. >> we were. actually, he told my mom he wanted to marry me at one point. >> jenelle says this chris seems to know her as well as she knows herself. >> he would say things like, "well, i saw you today." and he would tell me what i was wearing, what i was doing, how my hair was.
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and i was like, "okay, this is weird." >> uncanny. >> really weird. >> chris even emails jamie curd via jenelle's account, gushing about jenelle. "she just put up some new pics on facebook, you might want to look, she is cute." and love advice, tips on how to be a better boyfriend to jenelle. >> there were some chris emails out there where chris would suggest, "why don't you get jenelle to go out with you tonight and take her out somewhere?" >> here's romantic tradecraft cia chris probably did not pick up at langley, but he offers it to jamie. "make sure you have candles and a card. make the bed really pretty, and just love on her. she is a wonderful, sweet, caring girl." >> but chris also has a cold streak, and he's supposedly a bloodthirsty assassin.
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did he ever talk about the kinds of things he did for work? >> he did. >> what were those things? >> a lot of killing. a lot of killing people. >> cia chris claims he's monitoring billy payne and billie jean hayworth. has their house bugged, phones tapped, says he knows they're up to no good. >> he was watching these people he said were harassing her on the computer. >> he would say how upset he was. you know why would anyone want to mistreat me? >> he got mad. >> yes. >> how mad did he get? >> he got mad. i mean, he got really mad. he wanted to hurt everybody. >> who specifically did he want to hurt? >> i think it was bill, billie jean. everyone who was picking on me. anyone that picked on me, he was after. >> the emails show cia chris is angry. authorities say he and barbara talk about settling scores.
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>> this was actually in the shredded documents that were found in the truck. she writes to chris, "bud is so mad, and i'm one hundred percent behind whatever happens. you guys meet when you are ready, chris. maybe bud can use cia guns et cetera for his protection. get the jobs done, you know. they all need to go, and the ones left need to be given a big scare as they watch and wonder, am i next?" that's chilling. >> "the job" is obviously the murder. >> absolutely. >> the job needs to get done. >> absolutely, but bud can't do it by himself. he needs cia guns with him. >> at this point, identifying this fantastic character, cia chris, becomes key to closing this murder case. >> who is chris? is jamie curd chris? jenelle? >> i don't know. i can't do this.
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in the months after billy payne and billie jean hayworth were gunned down, jenelle and barbara potter report being threatened by members of the community who suspected that the potter women were also involved in the murders. >> a lot of people are -- are sort of harassing them. >> they are trying to set me up, but i don't like this, cause i'm very sick. >> they threw rocks at the house. i was calling the police a lot. >> they even threw rocks in the yard there, just to leave a message. with billie jean's name on it, with bill's name on it. >> their guardian angel, cia chris, seems to be missing in action. but when authorities take a closer look at the computer seized from the potter house, they have a eureka moment. and that's because the ip address on chris' emails leads back to only one place.
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>> every one of them pointed straight back to barbara and jenelle's home address. >> it was the same ip address. meaning that the emails were all generated at that house. >> authorities develop a theory that jenelle's a sort of keyser soze of the keyboard. remember him from the movie "the usual suspects"? >> i work for keyser soze. >> there is no keyser soze. >> creating the identity of chris to con those closest to her and convince them that shes in danger and needs help. >> once we started looking at the communications between the potter family, between chris, between jamie curd, that's when we started building the case against barbara and jenelle. >> investigators have their theory, but no definitive proof. at least, not until the potter women show up at the sheriff's office to file complaints of harassment. that's when authorities devise a test. >> i had them type out statements so that we can see
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how barbara writes and see how jenelle writes. >> the reports that they made about this alleged harassment, the word choice, the spelling, the grammar, the punctuation, was compared against these emails. and it was interesting that this chris character had the same spelling mistakes, had the same grammar mistakes as jenelle. that's when the pieces started falling into place. >> authorities believe that jenelle wrote messages as chris to her mother barbara that falsely reported threats of rape and murder by the victims. >> barbara would take this information and show it to buddy. "buddy, look. look what they're trying to do to janelle. look what they're trying to do." and finally, they just pushed him to his limit. >> marvin potter and barbara potter truly believed these people were out to harm jenelle. >> they really thought that people were out to kill her. >> she knew exactly what to do to get to her mom. she knew exactly what to do to get to her dad. jenelle manipulated everybody that she dealt with.
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>> jenelle was writing these chris emails. >> jenelle was pretending to be the cia agent. >> she was masterminding a murder conspiracy. the events that she set into motion ultimately resulted in the death of two innocent people. >> so she's catfishing her mom from the same house, from the same computer. >> it's hard to believe that you could do that from the same house. >> this is the worst catfishing i've ever heard of. >> yeah, it -- it -- >> i mean, it's beyond absurd. >> in all catfish cases, at some point the victim of the catfishing is -- is guilty of some degree of being naive. >> barbara has no idea that jenelle is using the same computer and her own email address to create the fictitious chris? >> she bought it hook, line, and sinker. >> i don't think she created anyone. i think someone else was playing games with our minds, our computer, our life.
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>> but jenelle's mother barbara is about to go from naive to nefarious. and in the email exchanges with chris, it sure sounds like she really wants billy payne and billie jean hayworth dead. in one email, barbara writes -- "we've had enough. no one wants to kill anyone, but we will." why did you write to chris that you wanted them dead? >> i didn't. >> yeah, you did, from these emails. >> well, you can believe those emails if you want. i would never want anyone dead and i would never plan a murder, that is not me. >> and you write, "i will kill if i have to. not just hurt but kill." >> that's not me. that is not me. >> barbara says someone hacked into her email. but authorities don't buy it. they say that her writing style from the harassment complaints matches what's in the emails to chris. >> the more i studied them, the more i realized these crimes do not happen without these two
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women prodding these men along. >> a year and a half after the murders of billy payne and billie jean hayworth, barbara potter and her 32-year-old daughter jenelle are under arrest for murder. >> we finally got the word from the d.a. to go ahead and arrest. >> a mother and daughter charged with murder. >> accused of killing a johnson county couple. barbara and jenelle potter are charged with first degree murder of bill payne jr. and billie jean hayworth. >> i jumped for joy. i think i said "hallelujah, about time." >> authorities claim jenelle's motive for creating chris was jealousy. if jenelle couldn't have billy payne, nobody could. >> jenelle had a crush on bill payne. and the chris emails start after billie jean hayworth moves in with bill payne and gets pregnant. chris would talk about the baby -- baby tyler. they would call him "that damn baby. that baby needs to die." no one talks that way about an
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infant, other than a woman, perhaps, who is jealous that that's not her infant. >> jenelle is behind bars at the johnson county jail in 2015, when she and her attorney sat down for an interview with me about the case. you don't have any responsibility for the murder of billy payne and billie jean? >> i don't, no. >> none? >> no. >> but you hated them. >> no, i didn't hate them. >> you hated them enough to tell your father that they were really torturing you. and you must've hated them if what you say is true, that they were harassing you time after time, again and again. >> i didn't hate them. i just disliked them. i wanted the -- to quit. i wanted the harassment to stop. i went through a lot with them. but i never wished them dead. i never wanted them dead. >> and then, i bring up chris. chris was you. >> no. >> you are chris. you invented him. >> no, i didn't. >> you didn't? >> no. >> just happened to be from your email, happened to know all the
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most intimate details about you, and it just so happened that the only emails chris has ever written are exclusively about jenelle. >> no. because he was writing to my mom, and he was writing to jamie. >> of course, from your computer with your fingertips. >> no, because -- >> it was from your ip address, from your email address. >> i don't think we're going to get into that, she said -- >> everything leads back to chris. chris apparently created the scenario. >> and she stated she's not chris. that's what she maintains. >> i can't do this. >> jenelle potter shuts down in tears and walks out of our interview. jenelle may deny the authorities' allegations that she is chris and that she's behind the online threats, but when this case actually does go to trial, you're never going to believe who shows up. >> my name is christopher tjaden. >> turns out, chris isn't total fiction. g a picture of us? (tony) oh, no problem.
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in the johnson county community, there was an immense amount of anticipation for this trial. i mean, this was one of the biggest, craziest things that had happened in years. the interest in it never really died down. >> the trial of a mother and daughter charged with murder for the 2012 deaths of a johnson county couple under way right now in joansborough. >> the biggest factors in barbara and jenelle's trial was making the jury understand that all of this drama was being driven by jenelle. it was about jenelle by jenelle for jenelle. >> there is nothing in your lives that has prepared you to understand the potter family. >> investigators realize that there are even more people than they thought caught up in jenelle's web.
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turns out, jenelle does know a real person named chris. we were able to get chris tjaden, the real chris, to come down to court. >> my name is christopher tjaden. >> we determined chris tjaden was a guy that jenelle went to high school with. >> she was, you know, one of those kids that is just very strange. >> ends up he was a police officer in delaware. >> we asked him directly, do you work for the cia? and him saying, "no." i think that that kind of put a face on the faceless cia threat that jenelle always had in her back pocket. but, cameron hyder, who represented jenelle, tried to present her as not capable of doing something like this. >> she is not capable of directing anyone to commit murder. it's just not in her. >> jenelle's defense attorney even called an expert to testify about jenelle's level of intelligence.
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>> very severely impaired cognitively, is functioning very much like a child. >> she may be operating on a fourth grade level, but she's got a ph.d. in manipulation. you know, even kids can manipulate their parents, and she did it to the hilt. >> she always had my parents to go to, and when she had problems at school, they went to school and took care of it. >> would you say that she was intelligent? >> she was more intelligent than people gave her credit for. >> in what way? >> manipulative. >> so she wasn't good at schoolwork, but she was good at working people. >> yes. >> especially her parents. >> yes. >> it's very difficult for barbara to discern what is fact and what's fiction. she has been catfished. >> prosecutors say that despite barbara being entangled in jenelle's manipulation, she still bears responsibility for the murders. and prosecutors have found evidence that they say shows that barbara knew exactly what was going to happen to billy payne and billie jean hayworth. >> she had emailed herself a
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link to a billy graham article saying, "can god forgive a murderer?" >> couple weeks before the murders you had searched, "can god forgive a murderer?" >> no i didn't, that's not me, no, i did not. i saw that in court, and i said, "where did that come from?" why would i do that? i don't want anybody murdered. >> today the state called six witnesses to the stand, one of which we've been anticipating all week, mr. jamie curd. >> we had worked out a plea deal with jamie curd in exchange for his cooperation. >> i can't kill nobody, i mean, having a gun and being able to use it is two different things. >> looking back on it, do you feel like you've been manipulated in any way by the potter family? >> yes. >> if you're wanting the case to be everyone sitting around a table, mapping out how they are going to go do the killing, you know, we never had that. our belief was that, cozying up to jamie was an effort to get
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jamie conditioned to assist buddy. >> jamie curd ultimately pleaded guilty to facilitation of first-degree murder and received two concurrent sentences of 25 years. >> it's a story of a manufactured conflict born out of the mind of a very bored, lonely, 30-year-old woman. >> one thing that was very telling about jenelle being involved in the preparation for the killing is the text messaging she does with jamie up through the morning. she's telling jamie, leave your cell phone at home. >> messages on there showed, "dad's starting the truck, and he's on his way." >> and then all of a sudden, the text messaging ends. and presumably around 5:00 in the morning, buddy picks up jamie, and they drive over there. >> so that, to me, linked her knowing exactly what was going to happen.
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>> where's the evidence? easy to say, hard to prove. >> this was an act of an overprotective father who went way too far. my client is not culpable. marvin potter is behind bars and is fully culpable for these homicides, as is jamie curd. >> this may have been more than what barbara or jenelle intended, but that doesn't change what they did. that doesn't change how they manipulated buddy potter and jamie curd into taking this drastic, horrible action. >> the evidence in this case has been completed, and it's now my duty to instruct you as to the law. >> it was up to a jury to decide whether this duo, jennelle potter and barbara potter, were capable of plotting a double murder. >> now the jury must deliberate the potter women's fate. >> the families of the victims
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less than 24 hours after closing arguments, the jury delivers a verdict in barbara and jenelle's double murder trial. >> the families of the victims were in court today. >> it was just, like, you're sitting there on pins and needles. >> it's been physically and emotionally exhausting. >> will you please bring the jury in, please. >> we the jury find the defendant, jenelle potter, guilty of first degree murder. barbara may potter, guilty of first degree murder. >> barbara and jenelle were both found guilty of two counts of first-degree murder and two counts of conspiracy to commit first-degree murder. barbara was also convicted of tampering with evidence. >> it's a relief that the people most responsible are going to be held accountable. >> it was hard, but we have justice. >> this part's over, but it will never be over.
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i think about it every day. >> i know me, god knows me. >> did you ever want billie jean and bill payne to die? >> no, never. >> you didn't even want them dead? >> no. >> it seems to me that you are either completely innocent and blameless in this, or you are an exquisite liar. >> oh, well, well, what do you believe? >> the victims' families have the last word at a sentencing hearing. with billy payne's mother addressing the potters directly. >> barbara, you wanted to know if you're going to hell. yeah, you're going to hell. and if i have to forgive any of you to stay out of hell, i'll see you there. >> jenelle potter, the court hereby sentences you to a term of imprisonment for life. barbara potter, the court hereby sentences you to imprisonment for life. >> barbara potter's post-conviction attorney was able to latch on to a conflict of interest that her trial
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counsel had by representing both barbara potter and her husband. >> so she gets a new trial, it starts back from square one. rather than go through all of that, she had requested to enter into a plea agreement. >> i have a clean conscience about having a part of this, but i'm a part of it because i've been pulled into it. >> you wouldn't take a hit for your daughter? >> i love her, but i'm not gonna serve life for her, no. >> so years after our conversation where barbara insisted she was innocent, she finally admits guilt. >> i plead guilty, your honor. >> barbara pleads guilty to facilitation of first-degree murder. >> her original sentence was life without parole. this plea agreement changes that, making her eligible for parole. >> jenelle and buddy potter also filed for appeal, but they were denied. this is a story that has shaken that little mountain town for over a decade now.
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and what remains etched in everyone's minds is the memories of the victims. billy payne and billie jean and their infant son tyler. >> it's the little boy. just thinking about him just breaks my heart. >> you're lucky in life to meet people who i think touch everybody they come in contact with. that was bill and billie jean. they were just always happy and loved life. >> deborah: and above all, the couple loved their son, tyler. after the murders, he was taken in by his maternal grandmother. he's now 12 years old. >> david: meanwhile, jenelle's secret boyfriend and coinvestment jamie curd has now been released from prison on parole. he declined to be interviewed. that is the program for tonight. i'm david muir. >> deborah: and i'm deborah roberts. from all of us here at "20/20" and abc news, good night.
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this is the last place that you get attacked by anyone, because this is a place of good. >> tonight, neighbors are stepping in to help a place that has helped so many. a week ago tonight, a fire closed the doors of a church in san francisco's mission district. investigators are still trying to figure out how that fire on good friday started. good evening. i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley. >> thanks for joining us. abc seven news reporter tara campbell shows youow


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