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tv   ABC7 News 600AM  ABC  April 6, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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abc seven mornings live now at six. >> the run for mayor aaron peskin officially launching his campaign today. and his message for san francisco go and help on the way. how neighbors are coming together to reopen a bay area church shuttered by fire. plus, the countdown to the total solar. communities preparing so you can get a glimpse of this rare event. good morning. it's
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saturday, april 6th, i'm stephanie sierra. lisa is here with some more on the sun today that we get to see, but it's chilly out there this morning. it certainly is. >> we have a frost advisory through 9:00 for pretty much everyone except the coast and the bay shore. starting out with live doppler seven, where it is quiet. we're not expecting anything in the form of rain today it is 39, in concord, with 41 in fremont and palo alto. awfully cold, upper 30s in gilroy with freezing temperatures from calistoga to 34 in napa and mid and also by the water in vallejo. so 4 to 7 degrees colder for years. saturday and a look at how low it could go into the low 30s the next couple of hours. and as we go through the morning hours it's still chilly. but by noontime we are in the mid and upper 50s trying to turn a corner on this cold snap. and as we get towards the afternoon, it's below average, but we have a few low 60s inland. more sunshine to start the day and we'll talk about increasing clouds, maybe a sprinkle arriving on sunday. but what about that long advertised warm
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up? i'll have the details in a few minutes. stephanie. >> lisa, thank you. new. this morning a woman was rescued after she drove her car into a canal in bay point overnight. you're looking at video. the woman, who is in her 60s, was driving on highway four before she crashed about 200 yards from the road when firefighters arrived, they used ladders to get down the canal and they broke the car windows to get to her. crews say the woman was shaken up after they pulled her to safety. definitely cold and scared. >> we got her out of there and then she made she made her way to the ambulance. >> firefighters say neighbors overheard the crash and called 911. today, convoys escorting drivers along a stretch of highway one are expected to resume after a portion of the road collapsed last weekend. the recent rain shut down the convoys between carmel and big sur for two days. caltrans says it is focused on stabilizing the edge of the highway after a chunk broke off last weekend,
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crews paved over a part of the dirt shoulder so drivers have more room in the one lane that's now considered safe. there's no timeline to get all lanes open. now to your voice. your vote. san francisco supervisor aaron peskin will launch his campaign for mayor today. the rally comes one day after peskin filed the paperwork to put his name on the november ballot. he's currently the president of the board of supervisors. supporters on the progressive side of politics in the city have been urging him to run. i want to be a neighborhood mayor that honors every neighborhood in san francisco. >> i don't think that this is about progressive or moderates. this is about taking care of san francisco and being a mayor who knows how peskin's rally will be held in chinatown's portsmouth square. >> hundreds of people are expected to attend from elected officials. to neig leaders. there is expected to be another rally against his campaign at the same place in
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the east bay. now neighbors are stepping in to help a church that's been closed because of a recent fire. it's a story we first ld you about on abc seven mornings. it happened at saint john the evangelist church in san francisco's mission district. abc seven news reporter tara campbell has the story. >> we are all coming together to say, let's support each other and rebuild. >> one week after a fire forced saint john the evangelist church to shut the doors of its sanctuary, its nonprofit partner is working to make sure people don't get cut off of services like it's daytime shelter. >> what we're hoping to do is to be able to raise money for the church, to be able to bring it back to its original glory, and also to be able to do it quickly . >> lydia bransten is the executive director of the gubbio project, and she says quickly is the key so that we're not in a position where we're having to wait a long time to do the construction or that the construction takes a really long time. >> so it disrupts services. so that's that's the goal and the community is showing up. >> this is a very tight knit community in this part of the
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mission. we've been through a lot over the last few years. we take care of each other many. >> rutile is the owner of manny's, a civic event space and popular restaurant in the neighborhood. >> this place is extremely special in this community. in this neighborhood, it's more than just a church. it's a community space. it's a joy vortex. it's a place where people go for shelter, for support, for love. >> the church has a link where people can already donate, and community members like manny are also taking on the task. >> i'm the president of the valencia merchants association, and so we'll be getting all the merchants on valencia street, especially those with large social media followings, to post the link. and then manny's will be hosting an in-person fundraiser where all the proceeds will go towards repairs . >> meanwhile, the san francisco fire department is confirming the incident is still under investigation. >> if there's anything that the last three, four years have taught us, it's that we're resilient, but we need to work together to get through tough times. >> tara campbell, abc seven news. >> officers are trying to find
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the person who shot another driver on a freeway in berkeley. it happened at the ashby avenue on ramp to 80 eastbound just before five last night. the chp says a driver in a silver toyota camry crashed after someone in another car shot them. their passenger is okay, but the driver is now in the hospital. no word on how badly they're hurt. >> we kind of have to work backwards to determine where this all started. our detectives are hard at work right now, gathering as much evidence and other information that they can to help us answer these questions. >> chp has not released details about a suspect. the ashby on ramp is back open. a judge has appointed a special master to oversee the federal women's prison in dublin. it's an unprecedented step for a troubled prison facing allegations of widespread sexual abuse. a lawsuit claims. the abuse there has not stopped, despite the former warden and several other officers facing
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charges. a judge has appointed veteran corrections officer wendy stille to oversee the prison. the fbi raided the prison last month. the man convicted of kidnaping and killing 12 year old polly klaas, more than 30 years ago, is trying to get off death row. attorneys for richard allen davis made their case in court. davis is convicted of stealing klaas away from a slumber party in 1993 and killing her. davis now says recent criminal justice reform should give him a chance at a new sentence. his lawyers appeared before a judge in a santa clara courtroom and the victim's father, marc klaas, says he was blindsided by it. >> they've used a new law, a new trick to relitigate this thing, to bring it back into the public view, to bring it back into my mind. i don't think about richard allen davis until something like this happens. so here we are, 30 years after the fact, and i'm having to relive my daughter's murder again.
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>> legal experts we spoke to say this case will likely be appealed to a higher court. the current top prosecutor in the county, where davis was originally sentenced, says he no longer believes in the death penalty. santa clara county d.a. jeff rosen is trying to move other convicted men off death row. he's petitioning to resentence more than a dozen inmates to life without parole. families of the victims will weigh in first. now to the can't miss celestial event that has thousands of people ready to travel this weekend. the countdown is to on monday's total solar eclipse. abc seven news reporter tim johns has how the bay area is getting ready. >> with just days to go until the solar eclipse, the excitement is building. monday's event will be a total solar eclipse where the moon completely blocks out the sun. if you're in the so-called path of totality for us here in northern california. experts say we can expect to see an eclipse
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of about 35% in our area. >> you might notice some subtle effects from the partial eclipse. you might notice a slight dimming of the light, the slight cooling of the air. >> dozens of watch parties are happening all around the bay area monday morning, and many are even traveling to places like texas, where the eclipse will be the most complete. that includes brian mendez from the uc berkeley's lawrence hall of science, who will be seeing his second total eclipse in person. >> i was utterly blown away. never seen anything quite like that. no picture of a of a solar eclipse ever does justice to the full experience. >> come monday, you'll probably see a lot of people walking around with glasses just like these. these are critical if you're going to be viewing the eclipse to make sure your eyes are protected from the sun. one tip, though if you're going to buy them, make sure you get them from a reputable source to make sure your eyes stay protected. one of the places you can pick up a pair is at san francisco's exploratorium, where they tell us they can hardly keep them on the shelves. >> they have been incredibly selling well, i think they've been our top seller for the last
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three months. everyone has been trying to get some, and even in this last stretch, we have sold 500 in the five days of this month so far. >> while the last eclipse visible from the us was back in 2017, mendez says the next one won't happen until 2044. so if you're interested, monday is the time to check it out. >> you uh- are waiting for one to cross by your home. you'll be waiting a while in san francisco. >> tim johns, abc seven news. >> well, if you can't watch the eclipse in person, abc seven is your home for complete coverage. we will be bringing you the excitement from across the country, starting at 11 a.m. on monday. how's it looking outside, lisa? >> a pretty nice, in fact, the sun already seen part of that at 647 from mount tam. isn't that beautiful? with the frosted advisory all across the bay area except right at the shoreline, temperatures easily dropping to near freezing in some of the protected valleys of the north bay. so we'll talk about our slow warm up and then a big jump in the temperatures for next
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week in a few minutes. >> lisa, thank you. also ahead, another body recovered in baltimore. the president's pledge as he visits the city and crews race to restore access to the key bridge. then new purpose with the help of puppies. how canine companions are making a heartfelt difference at san quentin stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only
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our exploratorium camera pointing at the bay bridge. this morning with a peek of that beautiful orange sunrise. it's 612. we have new developments in the deadly baltimore bridge collapse. divers recovered the body of another missing worker. that means three bodies have now been recovered. three other workers remain missing in are presumed dead. president joe biden toured the site of the bridge collapse. he met with the families of the construction workers who were killed. biden
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promised his support to the city of baltimore and financial help to build folks. >> finally, we're going to move heaven and earth to rebuild this bridge as rapidly as humanly possible, and we're going to do so with union labor and american steel. >> some congressional republicans are pushing back on biden's promise of federal funding. meanwhile the army corps of engineers shared a plan to make a passage for smaller cargo ships over the next month. they aim to reopen the entire port by the end of may. a major announcement is expected from the white house on student loans on monday. president biden is expected to share his latest attempt to forgive student loan debt at the supreme court, squashed his original plan to cancel debt for millions of borrowers last year. since then, the biden administration has slowly rolled out forgiveness to narrow groups of people like those who owe more in interest than their original loan. in
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northern california, a decades old dream to build a massive new trail is getting closer to reality. there's now a new roadmap to turn a historic rail line into a hiking trail. the great redwood trail would be connected to the sonoma county smart commuter line. it would extend 300 miles through coastal redwoods into humboldt county. a planning document released this week lays out the possible route. the project is still decades away from being built, with an estimated $1 billion price tag in the north bay, some service animals are learning new tricks while helping to build a better bay area. inmates at san quentin are now in charge of their training. abc seven news reporter ryan curry takes us to the federal prison, where these dogs are changing lives behind the walls of san quentin, a new way for inmates to better their lives. >> it involves a lot of pets, treats, wagging tails and yellow vests. these dogs will soon become service animals, and
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inmates play a big part in helping them get there. >> the level of training that these puppies have received here is nothing short of perfection. >> once these puppies are born, they usually need volunteers to teach them basic commands before trainers turn them into service. dogs but instead of volunteers, canine companions for independence is letting inmates do the basic training. it's designed to help not only the dogs, but also the inmates. be a great opportunity for me to help out and be able to, give back to my society. >> i mean, that i took so much from. >> how you doing? >> jorge ramirez has been incarcerated since he was 16. he thought he would always be stuck behind prison walls. now he has hope that he will get out soon and see his family. >> i was lost, you know, if i could actually say i was lost. and i found myself now in, today , i'm a i'm. i'm a better brother, i'm a husband, you know, i'm about to have a kid. >> yeah, it started off with two puppies. now there are six being
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trained by inmates. canine companion says they just got a grant from the state they hope to use to expand the program here at san quentin. the dogs who first got their artemus and wendell are now leaving san quentin to go for more advanced training. these dogs changed the lives of people with disabilities. how do i know? get meat chip my mom cci service dog give. he was trained by female inmates at a prison in oregon. >> oh my gosh, they changed my life. >> she feels a sense of independence she's never had. knowing how impactful these dogs can be motivates inmates like george to keep training dogs. >> it's going to make all of us proud, you know, especially san quentin. like we're trying to make sure that that we represent, you know, that we represent like that this organization is going to lead in the right direction in the north bay. >> ryan curry, abc seven news. >> building a better bay area. one delicious meal at a time. san francisco restaurant week is underway, bringing out deals and
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flavors all over the city. it's a chance for people to show their support for their favorite spots, or try out somewhere new. food lovers have ten days to dine out at a discount. hopes are high that it will bring much needed boost to business. >> it helps a lot, this is typically our our slower week, our slower month actually. and what i love about restaurant week is it gets it gives us a chance to kind of tap into a, a pool of guests that we just we normally don't, don't get palette tea house in gridley square is one of many places offering specialty dishes, like their peking duck with caviar. >> there is a long list of participating eateries to check out every day. restaurant week runs through april 14th. new this morning, the grapevine on i-5 is back open after snow shut it down overnight. chp said it opened the highway in both directions while escorting traffic yesterday. officers
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tried to keep speeds on the summit under 25mph to prevent accidents, but multiple crashes ended up closing the stretch of freeway. a winter weather advisory remains in place for the region until 3 a.m. on monday, and take a look at this. the bay area's highest peaks are still coated in white after this week's unusual spring snow. sky seven caught the dusting atop mount hamilton, making for a winter like picture here. in april, we got the april snow survey this week as well, and above average snowpack statewide for the second straight season. but today we get a break from the moisture. it is cold out though, but we can look forward to some sun today. lisa is tracking the latest. how's it looking? >> yeah, it looks nice out there. 25 minutes till sunrise and you can see it. it is going to be a beautiful day. in fact, we'll still be below average but manage a few 60s further inland. now yesterday we were anywhere from about 5 to 9 degrees below average. today another day cooler than it should be for
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early april. but we will fine tune that as we get into your sunday and then beyond that, wait till you see the seven day outlook. 647 is the sunrise. it sets at 738. live doppler seven quiet out there right now as high pressure builds in next week, we'll get an offshore flow right now it is all about the light winds. 48 in oakland, 46 in san francisco it is 43. in san jose and on top of mount tam just in the mid 30s. a look from our sutro tower camera. pretty nice view out there. how about 33 in petaluma, 34 in napa, 35 livermore, santa rosa and fairfield with upper 30s in concord. so it is going to take a bit to warm up with our frost advisory for everyone except along the bay shore and our coast. and over the weekend we get our sunny day today, increasing clouds late in the day and then a mixture of clouds and sun on sunday. maybe a sprinkle, a big warm up comes next week. we're going to be ten degrees above average, with many cities seeing some 80s by next wednesday and thursday. so
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here's a look at the next few hours. by late in the day. some high clouds, then overnight, maybe a few sprinkles. but we'll get into partly cloudy skies for your sunday warmer day and looks like the higher elevations, the diablo range, maybe the hills of fremont there could see a sprinkle, and if we do, it will amount to not much out there. most of you won't see anything at all. great viewing for the eclipse, although we're only going to see about 35% of that sun obscured while texas looking like maybe better conditions. it was looking really cloudy. maybe we'll see some more sun in dallas, and then it cuts right through southern missouri, kentucky, western new york into vermont and canada. and yeah, a lot of folks really excited about that. but we'll be looking at a nice sunny afternoon and a warm up. here's tuesday with mid 70s arriving mid 60s along the coast and one of the warmest days of the week for san francisco in the low 70s will be wednesday. the rest of us warm
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through the 70s into the low 80s on thursday. it's crazy right? can't believe we're going to be that warm after temperatures below average today and that snow on our peaks. so upper 50s from palo alto to oakland with 62. in san jose, partly cloudy with some higher clouds towards the latter part of the day. and then looking at milder but a few more clouds on sunday. maybe a sprinkle monday. we'll see. low 70s inland, mid 70s tuesday, and then those mid 70s arrive along the bay shore on wednesday. and looking at the end of the week it is well above average for everyone.
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been on good morning america. >> good morning. coming up here on gma. millions on alert after that rare 4.8 magnitude earthquake in new jersey yesterday. felt from maryland all the way up to maine inspections now underway. the
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warnings about aftershocks and what authorities are saying to be prepared for. and a gma exclusive a son speaking out about losing his mom after the american tourist was killed in an elephant attack while on safari in africa. what he's saying about the tragic incident plus final four frenzy, the women's national championship game is now set. the highlights, plus what to expect on the men's side. that's all ahead right here on gma. >> well it's time now for our segment. it's a big deal where we showcase some of america's most beloved products. and this week it's all about spring cleaning. sam champion and danny beckstrom have the best cleaning products you can shop for right now. >> welcome to it's a big deal. scan that qr code and let's get to shop. and danny, it's spring cleaning time and my life is a filthy mess. >> i don't believe it because sam already says he has three out of four of these, but we're about to make it four out of four. and i know you're a fan of this product. the bissell little green. >> so clean water chamber, dirty
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water chamber, coffee stains, wine stains, pet stains. clean them right out of the carpet. and it's done. >> the emotion that you have, the passion you have for this product makes me know it's a big deal. >> if you're a clean freak, the satisfaction of getting that stain out is just, oh, it's everything. >> and think of the tough spots the under the couch, the under the bed. that's where this swiffer power mop comes in, right? >> really and truly, because it's nice and flat, you can get under the sofa, you can get to the middle of the bed, the place that's so hard to get to. this does it? a little quick spray automated for great sweeping the floors and getting the hard stuff off with the wet cleaner. >> it's compact. it's a lightweight design because i think that cleaning is hard enough. you don't need to make it a workout. >> you don't need to make it a workout. now this comes attached or detached. and this is the shark navigator upright vacuum. also have this. >> this is a product that's tried and true by sam champion. so i know it's a good one. it has the multiple accessories including the crevice tool, the upholstery tool a large capacity dust cup because you don't want to have to get your hand down in there and pick up the stuff that
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you've had on the floor every time you vacuum. >> this can stay there for a while. it's large capacity. >> love it. and maybe you cleaned out the filter. there are some dust particles floating around. that's where the air purifier comes in. you're a big fan of air purifiers because it's spring season and you take your medication for your allergies when you go outside, but inside, you want your air to be purified. >> this does that. it even has it's compact and portable, but has a night mode available. >> i love the night mode, so it's not keeping you up at night. it's almost an ease and season, so it's the time of year that you need to grab the air purifier, scan that qr code, and get to shopping. >> as we like to say, until we see you next time on, it's a big deal. >> now for all of those products you just saw and more, you can check out abc seven coming up in our next half hour. a bay area farm accused of negligence. the suit, filed by victims and
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live. >> we originally thought that something exploded outside and it started shaking very, very, very violently. >> the strongest earthquake to hit new jersey in nearly 240 years. residents recount when the rare quake shook their homes and buildings. good morning. thank you for joining us this half hour. before we get to that story, lisa is in the weather center and she's tracking the latest on our saturday forecast. how's it looking? >> hi, stephanie. it's cold out there. we have a frost advisory for the entire bay area, except for the bay shore and the shoreline, where temperatures have easily dropped into the 40s. this is the view from vollmer peak where you can see this panel. low 40s for oakland, 43in san jose with 45 in san mateo and half moon bay. beautiful view of the golden gate bridge protected in them valleys, all in the 30s. petaluma and chilling out at
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3035 livermore, fairfield, santa rosa and 34 in napa. so compared to yesterday, 4 to 7 degrees colder and that frost advisory right on through 9:00. and as we get through the morning hours, it's going to take a minute to warm up by 9:00, barely out of the 40s in the north bay. but by the afternoon a few low 60s arrive, increasing clouds mid and upper 50s at the coast. and you see some of that shower activity lurking in the north bay. we'll talk about that. how it influences your sunday in a few minutes. stephanie lisa. >> thank you. developing news now the u.s. says it is anticipating retaliation from iran for an airstrike on a syrian embassy. u.s. officials believe israeli forces launched that airstrike, which killed seven iranian authorities. the u.s. tried to make it clear to iran it had nothing to do with the airstrike. but officials say a retaliation would target u.s. or israeli assets in the middle
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east. a top u.s. commander warned of danger to american troops. an attack could come as soon as next week. more than 600 people are still stranded after that. 7.4 magnitude earthquake in taiwan. rescue crews and search dogs continue to look for victims who may be trapped under the rubble. you see video here. authorities say the death toll is now 13 people. more than 1100 others are being treated for injuries. rescue operations were called off yesterday afternoon because of aftershocks. multiple aftershocks have also been reported in the northeast after friday's earthquake, the biggest to hit the area since the 1700s. thankfully, no injuries or major damage was reported, but it did send a jolt through multiple states. abc news reporter chuck sivertsen has more. reporter >> millions along the east coast rattled by aftershocks after a 4.8 magnitude earthquake on friday, just after 10 a.m, people near the epicenter in new
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jersey feeling the quake for 30s many calling into our new york station, wabc-tv. >> we originally thought that something exploded outside and it started shaking very, very, very violently. i mean, this explosion was near deafening. it was nuts. >> it was the strongest earthquake to hit the region in more than two centuries. the earthquake. i spoke to the governor, who thinks everything is under control. >> he's not too concerned about it. >> from maine to maryland and in major cities like new york and philadelphia, millions are feeling the jolt. >> we were actually stopped on the george washington bridge and we felt something rumble. we didn't know if it was cars going by us or what it was, but it felt like a joke. >> and you saw cars go like this kind of shake back and forth. >> officials using drones to make sure bridges are still safe. >> we are scanning the bridges up and down, looking for any type of anomalies, looking for any structural defects, looking for anything that's out of the ordinary. >> no reported injuries, but the
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shaking damaged three multifamily homes in newark, new jersey, forcing evacuations. >> and now we just basically sitting here just waiting. we don't know what to do. >> seismologist doctor lucy jones says things could have been worse if the epicenter had been under a more densely packed city. >> i think to be getting substantial damage, you need to be getting larger five and a half to six, and you need to be putting it in an urban area. >> the earth cam on top of the statue of liberty shaking even batting practice at yankee stadium, feeling the tremors, i felt something i thought right and yeah, i'm glad to hear it because i know that i'm not going crazy now. chuck sivertsen, abc news, new york. >> new this morning, treasury secretary janet yellen is in china to discuss the nation's economic relationship at the top of the agenda, addressing the oversupply of chinese goods like electric vehicles and solar panels. the biden administration has suggested raising the tariffs on chinese imports to
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help reduce trade tensions. yellen says the u.s. wants to create a more level playing field for american workers and firms. she says this would be done while working with china to counter illicit finance and on global issues. >> president biden and i firmly reject the idea that the united states should decouple from china. a full economic separation is neither practical nor desirable. >> former president trump has said he would impose a 60% tariff on imports from china if reelected. closer to home now, there are new developments in last year's mass shooting in half moon bay. a survivor and families of victims are now suing the owner of california terror garden mushroom farm. they claim the farm failed to properly respond to previous reports of violent incidents, and to take steps to prevent others for workers were killed at the mushroom farm. three others died at a second farm. investigators say the shooter
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acted after a dispute with his supervisor. the lawsuit seeks unspecified damages for economic losses related to the deaths and injuries. april is distracted driving awareness month and police officers around the bay area are getting out the message concord police are cracking down on distracted driving, which includes everything from texting and driving to eating or applying makeup and driving. the first ticket you can expect to pay is around $160. but if you get a second ticket with an 18 months, that cost will go up. >> the penalty for that gets greater and greater as the more fines you accumulate, and then obviously then it can count as a point against you on your record . >> according to chp, using a cell phone while driving increases your chances of being involved in an accident by 400. other data suggest that five seconds is the average time your eyes are off the road while texting. so if you're driving at
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55mph, that's enough time to drive the length of a football field blindfolded. still ahead on abc seven mornings. overcharged for groceries walmart settles $1 million class action lawsuit. how some customers can try to get their money back. and we'll take you outside for a live look from our exploratorium camera. looking at the bay bridge this morning with a beautiful sunrise ♪ you've got a friend in me ♪ ♪ ♪ you've got a friend in me ♪ ♪ ♪ you just remember what your old pal said ♪ ♪ boy, you've got a friend in me ♪ ♪ it's a celebration of friendship & beyond. from the new parade to together forever - a new nighttime spectacular fireworks show. pixar fest. at the disneyland resort for a limited time. starting april 26th. and done. can we just call my dad now? ohh. ahh! gorilla glue.
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of course. gorilla glue is incredibly strong and versatile, even outdoors. for the toughest jobs on planet earth i'm engaged and i am getting married next april. if i hadn't done invisalign i probably would be dreading the wedding photos, which is not how you want to feel going into your wedding day. ♪ ♪ ♪ rise ♪ ♪ rise ♪ ♪ rise ♪ (alarm beeping) ♪ rise ♪ ♪ and thrive! ♪ (♪) belvita! nutrish whole health blend. for happy, healthy dogs. [dog food pouring] ugh. i'm a stick. made out of stick. nutrish whole health blend for balanced energy, active mind and immune support. helping dogs dog healthy.
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walmart is selling a $45 million class action lawsuit claiming it overcharged for food. the suit claimed walmart sold bulk bags of citrus meat and seafood for more than the advertised price. the company denies it did anything wrong, but says a settlement was in its best interest. shoppers can submit claims for cash payments if they bought certain products over the last six years. have you ever heard of russell city? the town
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is now a part of current day hayward back in the 50s and 60s, black and latino families purchased land there because it was one of the only places they could here in the bay area. but eventually they were forced out or in many cases, burned out of their homes. and a new abc seven originals documentary reporter julian glover explores the push to get that land back. >> california is moving to consider reparations for slavery. >> we'll just start here by signing this. >> a california reparations task force is making history with a major decision on who will receive compensation. >> the descendants of slaves are standing in the shoes of their ancestors in in fighting to complete this sacred political project. what do we want when great grandfather was a sharecropper who had 17 children and worked from sunup to sundown and died with absolutely nothing , i would hope that he would be proud and know that i stand on
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his shoulders and there are no better shoulders to stand on. >> after hours of testimony and debate, the group has voted 5 to 4 that reparations should be paid to descendants of black slaves who were living in the united states during the 19th century. >> it's not just a study anymore . we are a history in the making right here, right now. this is groundbreaking work that they've done in the nation that has oftentimes denied it's its responsibility for slavery and the impact of slavery on the lives of others. >> i think reparations could be a part of the solution, because it would address historic acts of racism. >> i would like to say that to my fourth great grandparents, who were born slaves. our time has come. >> reparations is alive as a discussion now. it's not going to end now. it's going to keep going until reparations is a reality. folks may or may not be ready, but we're here now. >> i think our mantra has to be
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this time. it has to be different this time it must be different. >> california has at least stated that it is different, and i think i'm calling on californians to remember their difference in that way and to do something. >> reparations is not charity. it's not a handout. it's not a gift. it is what was promised it. it's what is owed. and it's something that is 160 years overdue to african americans who built this country. >> this was ours, and it was taken. you gave my great grandmother and grandmother and grandfather pennies on the dollar. and this is what you want to do. continue that narrative. it's time for a repayment >> the johnson family is just one of the many families pushing for the state of california to consider reparations for slavery and decades of anti-black
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policies. you can explore their journey in the abc seven originals documentary, california's case for reparations. it's streaming right now. wherever you watch abc seven, and you can see it tonight at eight on abc seven and our streaming apps as we head to break, let's check in with lisa. how's that sunrise looking? >> it's pretty, but boy, only 39 degrees in santa cruz going for a high today of 58. but you know, by thursday they'll be in the 70s down in santa cruz. so what does that mean for the rest of the bay area? yes, a warm up on tap. maybe
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he is really boxed in here. -not a good spot. off the comcast business van. into the vending area. oh, not the fries! where's the ball? -anybody see it? oh wait, there it is! -back into play and... aw no, it's in the water. wait a minute... are you kidding me? you got to be kidding me. rolling towards the cup, and it's in the hole! what an impossible shot brought to you by comcast business. ( ♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪ )
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mugs. ♪ bmo ♪ is holding open tryouts at laney college in the east bay. the club is looking for local players to fill their roster. registration opens at 9:00, followed by camp from 10 to 3. interested players are asked to purchase a ticket through the team's website, and those
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tickets start at $150 to the ice. now where the nhl playoffs begin in just about two weeks. today, you can watch the games right here on abc seven. pittsburgh takes on tampa bay at home and they face off at 10:00. then florida takes on boston. and that game starts at 1230 on the court. golden state missed a chance to clinch a spot in postseason play. abc seven sports director larry beil details the downfall. >> good morning everybody. warriors on fumes kind of coming down the stretch of the regular season here, but trying to keep their winning streak alive. no andrew wiggins. no jonathan kuminga both hurt. no luka doncic for the mavs. dallas still was up 16 in the first half. fourth quarter dubs down eight. brandon pisemsky lobbing for gary payton. the second gets up with authority under a minute to play steph curry. unlimited range one of five threes for steph. he was not finished. down to under 15 seconds to play. curry is going to go for the two in the tie 28 for steph. so are
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we going to overtime here tied at 106 dubs need just one stop one stop kyrie irving to pj washington in. he had 32 points. last chance for the warriors. you know steph is going to be double teamed over to cp3 who finds klay thompson. this is a three for the win. and it is no good dallas ends the warriors six game win streak 108106. they're still up by four on the rockets, though. the dubs with five to play the incredible caitlin clark in iowa taking on uconn winter play. south carolina the championship game on sunday. clark zero for six on threes in the first half, heats up in the third quarter. four point play finished with 21 points, nine boards, seven assists. two minutes left, kate martin, little spin around to the hoop. hawkeyes by six, but uconn would not go away. nico mueller the three and suddenly the huskies are down one had a chance to take the lead. aaliyah edwards is called here for an offensive foul on an illegal screen. this decides the game. you don't call that and geno auriemma understandably livid at
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that call. iowa victorious, 7169. the giants. they brought out the 49 ers for their home opener. and if you've never seen a guy punt a football into mccovey cove, well now you have courtesy of mitch wishnowsky deebo samuel and fred warner ceremonial first pitches. look out if fred is throwing anything at you. or maybe not because he's going to be like five feet off. whatever michael conforto is eating. i want some three for four in this game, hitting 419 double to right. jungle scores one one after one. jordan hicks throwing smoke seven innings, allowing just one run. struck out five. you'll get nothing. and like it. fast forward to the ninth. we're tied at two. matt chapman's at first thairo estrada with the drive up against the wall and left. here comes chappie. fly around. third, play the plate safe. good night. game over. drive home safely. giants win in dramatic fashion three two. a's and tigers. oh 42 degrees in detroit. top seven abraham toro
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first hit of the season. happens to be a homer, tying it up at four apiece. then in the eighth, gio urshela with a double to right scoring. spencer torkelson . that turns out to be the game winner. a's fall five four. that is a wrap on morning sports. have a great weekend everybody i'm larry beil. well there is good news for giants fans hoping to avoid those long security lines this season. >> oracle park is one of the first ballparks to use facial verification technology when scanning fans tickets at home games. so all you have to do is take a selfie and upload it to the mlb ballpark app. once you're approved, there's no more waiting in the ticket line. speaking of the giants, it was nice to see that opening day win yesterday and tonight. they're at it again against the padres here at home. first pitch is at 605. lisa how's it looking. >> well it's certainly going to be cool. not as cold as it was yesterday. just 54 for the high in san francisco. that's nine degrees below the average live
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doppler seven right now. showing you the clear sky. eventually high pressure builds in in an offshore flow is going to take over. that is mount tam and the sunset tonight. seven 3846 san francisco. it is 41 in oakland. so low 40s in san jose, 45 in hayward. it's going to take till about 10:00 till we really get out of those 40s and then 50s by about noontime. for some of us, santa rosa dropped off to 34. how about petaluma at 30? and we're in the mid 30s in uh, fairfield, livermore. it is just cold out there turning the corner today. tonight won't be as cold. we'll have some cloud cover. could even see a sprinkle. but for this morning the frost advisory through 9:00 for everyone except at the bay shore and the coastline as we look at the rest of the day today, it's dry, it's sunny, some high clouds throughout the later part of the day, and then by sunday, a weak system may bring us a few sprinkles. next week it's all about the warmth and offshore flow. 80 arriving inland, even 70 in san francisco
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. here's a look at today where you'll notice we start out clear . then by about 5:00. here are the clouds overnight, a few sprinkles arriving, and this weak system still wants to bring in a couple of light sprinkles. mainly the upper elevations, throughout the day on sunday. but we'll still manage more 60s for the second half of your weekend. and the rainfall potential. it's very much nothing unless you count a couple hundreds there in your neighborhood as we look at san jose, upper 60s is where we should be for early april. low 60s for your sunday. the 70s arrived monday and tuesday. upper 70s, couple days of low 80s for you and over in oakland, temperatures really climb after the weekend. at least we're in the 60s tomorrow. near average and then low 70s. monday tuesday, upper 70s should be your warmest day on wednesday. still holding on to the warmth on thursday, a little cooler for friday, and even the city managing above average warmth as we get into monday. tuesday? how
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about some 70s on wednesday and a bit more of a sea breeze on thursday? highs today. still on the cool side 57 downtown, mid 50s, half moon bay. with that afternoon sea breeze will manage just a few low 60s by about 3:00, and then we'll have those high clouds throughout the afternoon. overnight tonight with the cloud cover. we've got those 40s, so it's not as cold, but we could see a random sprinkle and the accuweather seven day forecast looking at a beautiful start to your cold saturday. and then for the afternoon, upper 50s, bay side, low 60s inland a little warmer for sunday. a few more clouds, maybe a sprinkle. and with that eclipse viewing fantastic for your monday. and then it's all about the warmth arriving next week. we'll be back
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your favorites are in one place. let's take a roll call. the bear? -hello. -so sorry, that's confusing. i meant the other the bear. -yes, chef. -yes, chef. -yes, chef. hulu on disney+. available with disney bundle. she got that dress with the extra money she saved using our brand new grocery outlet app. it's been really fun seeing what everyone's doing with the extra money they save. nice shirt. just got back from vacation. a butler? super nice guy. i got to start using the app.
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samurai to popular modern art like anime. abc seven news
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anchor dan ashley shows us how it captures centuries of evolution in japan >> the technique may be ancient, but the images at san francisco's legion of honor are actually a fast forward ride through centuries of change. the exhibit is titled japanese prints in transition from the floating world to the modern world, and curator lauren palmore says the discipline required to make the woodblock prints is the magic behind the art. >> but what i find most exciting is you can see just how precise the color printing has to be to in order to make each color line up perfectly. wherever you see a different color on this print, that means a completely different block was carved. >> the centuries old technique is still in use today, and it has the power to transport from
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the ancient edo period of the samurai through the amazing flight of fancy touched off by 19th century western contact. >> when prince began to incorporate an interest in new forms of transportation hot air balloons, locomotives, steamships we see an interest in new fashions from the west. crinolines skirts and western style military uniforms, and these developments take place in rapid at a rapid pace. japan changes quite quickly. >> a driving sense of movement captured in perhaps the era's most famous print, the great wave. the work is on display for the first time in a decade because of its delicate colors, but the exhibits motion sweeps into our own modern era with commentary like america's fast food culture saturating japan. artist masami teraoka uses the woodblock form to capture old and new. >> i started to realize, oh
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yeah, this country, you know, people really are interested in uh- our ethnic background and their cultures. so i said, since i love woodblock print so much that maybe this is the way i should, you know, express myself. >> the style is even credited with influencing popular japanese anime like these, commissioned for display by bart. and while the journey is sweeping, the sense of style is enduring. a japan that's constantly evolving, surrounded by tradition >> longtime game show host pat sajak, sajak's final wheel of fortune episode will be on june 7th. he actually announced last summer that season 41 would be his last. his tenure began in 1983, and he agreed to stay as a consultant for the show for
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three years. ryan seacrest will now take over in the fall. sajak original co-host vanna white will return after renewing her contract through 2026. you can watch wheel of fortune weeknights at 730 right here on abc seven. happening tonight, you have another chance to be the next billionaire. that is, if you have the winning powerball ticket. the jackpot is now an estimated $1.3 billion, and the cash payout option is estimated at more than $600 million. tonight's drawing starts at 8:00. good luck lisa. >> all right. it is chilly out there. we're going to look at some temperatures quickly as we head outside the golden gate bridge. there. sunny and just 46 downtown, 42 in san jose, 40 in oakland. and at the airport. isn't that pretty? over in oakland? how about 30 petaluma and 35 santa rosa? 36 in livermore. so today, still below average, but a lot of sunshine. and then tomorrow slightly warmer. a few more clouds. and
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then it's all about the sun and warmth. >> next week we look forward to that because ♪ you've got a friend in me ♪ ♪ ♪ you've got a friend in me ♪ ♪ ♪ you just remember what your old pal said ♪ ♪ boy, you've got a friend in me ♪ ♪ it's a celebration of friendship & beyond. from the new parade to together forever - a new nighttime spectacular fireworks show. pixar fest.
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at the disneyland resort for a limited time. starting april 26th. >> janai: good morning, america. shaken up. an earthquake felt from maine to maryland rattles the east coast. people and pets startled by the rocking and rolling.


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