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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  April 6, 2024 8:00am-9:01am PDT

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out tyrvaya. i love the great outdoors... [ nature sounds ] from indoors. it's a vibe. do i enjoy being in nature? mmm. do i like looking at it? fo sho. so if maintaining forests maintains my happy place, yeah i'm gonna be a papertarian. living room? sanctuary. bathroom? sanctuary. other living room? well, that's just extra. in america we have private forests. so when you choose this, the forest people will replenish that. so those outdoor creatures can [ yells ] stay where they belong! >> whit: good morning, america. it's our second hour. an earthquake felt from maine to maryland rattles the east coast. people and pets startled by the rocking and rolling. forcing a temporary ground stop
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at airports. millions now on alert for more possible aftershocks. >> janai: "gma's" parenting playbook. how to handle cyberbullying, whether your child is the bullied or the bully. what parents need to know. >> gio: countdown to the eclipse. two days until the big event. we bring in the experts for tips on how to view it for total enjoyment. ♪ it's going to be a good, good day ♪ >> whit: and "gma" live from orlando for disney dreamers academy at walt disney world. >> all: welcome to the academy! >> whit: all the festivities, plus dream-bassador dara renee talks the new "descendants" movie and they're saying -- >> all: good morning, america! >> janai: good morning, america. the disney dreamers academy is such an incredible program that
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put on every year down there in orlando. we have been gushing because we are just two days away from a solar eclipse, and counting down to totality and talking about how cool it is and everything you'll feel and get to see. we've also got fun crafts for the kids and how you can view indirectly if you haven't gotten your glasses yet. >> gio: sure to be an emotional experience and the towns in that direct path of that solar eclipse bracing for never before seen crowds, sold out hotels, sky high prices being paid for rentals, just incredible. >> whit: and it's a heightened period of solar activity so i'm just saying if you get it see that corona in the path of totality it will be amazing. we can't wait. first, mother nature of a different surprise. that 4.8 earthquake and the aftershocks overnight, the u.s. geological survey said over 42 million people might have felt friday's quake. daily routines interrupted by sudden shaking. let's go back to abc's morgan
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norwood in lebanon, new jersey. morgan, good morning. >> reporter: hey, good morning to you. this is lebanon, new jersey, the epicenter of this quake. this is where most people felt the strongest of the shakes. now, thankfully there was no major damage across the region, but this morning millions are on alert for potential aftershocks. this morning, the northeast dodging major damage after this 4.8 magnitude earthquake rattled tens of millions of people across the region. the initial quake's epicenter was here in whitehouse station, new jersey, and could be felt all the way from washington, d.c., to maine. security cameras around the region capturing the moment the quake struck. the tremors sending patrons scrambling out of this new jersey cafe. >> why is an earthquake here? >> reporter: the violent shakes interrupting a customer getting a haircut. >> what in the heck is that? >> reporter: even briefly disrupting a united nations security council meeting in new york city. >> is that an earthquake? >> yeah. >> oh. >> reporter: and atop the statue of liberty, the earth cam rattled by the shake. inside homes cameras capturing
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pets confused and startled by the earthquake. the quake began at 10:23 friday morning and lasted for more than 30 seconds. >> it was pretty scary would because the whole room was shaking. >> reporter: while damage was limited throughout the region, these homes in newark, new jersey, had to be evacuated. and in new york city, officials using drones to check for damage to the city's historic bridges. thankfully the big apple spared from any major damage. >> if it had been located under manhattan you probably would have had damage from this earthquake. >> reporter: with the region still on alert for aftershocks, new york governor kathy hochul warning new yorkers to take precautions. >> inspect your home for damage, check walls, floors, doors, window, staircases, and if you see any damages at all, you may need to relocate. >> reporter: so far there have been close to a dozen aftershocks. again, millions on alert for more potentially throughout the week. this is the strongest earthquake in this region in more than a hundred year, gio.
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>> gio: just incredible that happened. morgan, thank you. millions of people will be on the move to catch the show in the sky. if you haven't heard yet, the total solar eclipse now just two days away. abc's jaclyn lee is here with more on that. good morning again, jaclyn. >> reporter: good morning again, gio. like you said, the countdown is on with two days to go and this growing frenzy try to get as close as possible to view the great north american eclipse. first it will go over mexico then it will span the entire united states starting in dallas, texas, going to little rock, arkansas, cleveland, ohio and going as far as caribou, maine. what's so cool about that, that is the path of totality and
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what's going to happen is everyone along that path will descend into total darkness for a few minutes. that is what people want to experience and because of that, there is a surge in hotel bookings with airbnb reporting a 1,000% increase in searches along that path of totality and we even saw an airbnb in indianapolis going for as much as $4,000 a night so the demand is there. and people take this very seriously. we did speak with one woman would on monday will be her 21st eclipse, so she really lives for this stuff. janai? >> janai: we were just talking about how cool it'll be. what you'll feel and everything. >> gio: i feel chills already. >> janai: so excited for that. thank you so much, jaclyn. overseas iran is reportedly readying its response against israel for striking its consulate in syria. israel defense forces releasing their version of the events leading up to the strike that killed seven world kitchen aid workers. the idf firing two officers after conducting an investigation into the strike calling it a tragedy and a terrible chain of errors. >> whit: coming up here in our "gma morning menu" we are breaking through bullying. our experts on how parents, teachers and coaches can help navigate different scenarios. >> gio: tory johnson is here with "deals & steals" with all the products you need to boost your wellness.
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>> janai: we are kicking off our "gma" comfort food series. something to look forward to. this cornbread is my favorite. this cornbread is my favorite. stick around. i switched to h&r block this year and had one of their experts do my taxes for me. kind of a big win. oh yeah? yeah they're so on top of it, they guaranteed my taxes were 100% accurate. and my maximum refund or i get my money back. wow! nice. i don't know if my guy's got any guarantees. you should definitely switch it up. —we're gonna go do a victory lap now. get a 100% accurate return and your max refund or your money back. it's better with block. at tj maxx, you can afford to turn your closet into a place of endless expression. with the quality, styles, and prices you love. ♪ i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein!
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those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪) long after guests leave, viruses and bacteria linger. air fresheners add a scent. but only lysol air sanitizer helps erase the trace, eliminating odor and killing 99.9% of viruses and bacteria in the air. scent can't sanitize. lysol can. (owner) purina one... we switched and wow! from day 1, its proven natural nutrition scent can't sanitize. supports charlie's strong immune system... and ginger's healthy heart. (vo) healthy differences today and for a lifetime. purina one. a difference from day one. you can see the store's inventory. so you guys really have mangoes in stock? yup. what about frozen pizza?
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here they are. fresh salmon. too easy. coffee? yup. business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning. it's the go-tos that keep us going. the places we cheer. trust. hang out. and check in. they all choose the advanced network solutions and round the clock partnership from comcast business. powering more businesses than anyone. powering possibilities.
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>> whit: welcome back to "gma" and we're starting with our parenting playbook series. the world health organization released a study from 2022 revealing one in six school-aged children have experienced cyberbullying. joining us now for what parents need to know parenting expert ericka souter, child psychologist dr. judith joseph and coach jason sacks. dr. judith, let's start with you. obviously bullying now can happen in person.
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it can happen in social media and online. what should parents do if they find their children in this situation? >> you know, when i was growing up there was a saying, sticks and stones may break your bones but words will never hurt you. >> whit: wrong, right? >> research is showing words hurt more. so it's important to be proactive better than reactive. know your school's anti-bullying policies because states have clear laws to protect children from bullying. also, once you meet with the school don't think that that's it. it's done after one meeting. make sure you follow through and that you make sure that these policies are being implemented. >> whit: jason, i want to go to you. there's this recent headline, this incident about a teammate who put peanuts in another teammate's -- there was a child that was allergic to peanuts and it turned out the district determined that legally it didn't qualify as bullying. but in a case like this what should coaches, what should teachers and parents look out for and how can they stop something like this from happening? >> yeah, with coaches, it's really their job to set the expectation of what the team
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culture is going to be and the most important thing is going to be the well-being of student athletes at the center of that culture and so we want to also make sure that anybody that is getting bullied, we want to make sure as a parent, coach, teacher, it is not their fault. so how can we support them through that? but at pca we encourage coaches to coach with empathy. that means you're not making any assumptions, every day you're showing up to listen, learn, and connect with all of your student athletes and validate what they're going through and make sure that as a coach, if we're modeling that behavior, then that's going to go a long way for all the kids on the team. >> whit: interesting in this case too. it's like the definition of bullying. at the end of the day was the child harmed in any way and how do we intervene. ericka, i want to come to you. on the flip side of this, what if you're a parent and find that your child is the one doing the bullying or making other kids
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unko uncomfortable? >> this is such an important question because we need to also direct the conversation to the bully and the bully's family. so the first thing you want to do is talk yo you are kid and let them know their behavior is wrong and you don't stand for that and teach them a lesson. i just saw a video. it was amazing, on tiktok and it was a mom who made her daughter apologize for being a bully. she made her buy gifts, do a public apology and that's really important, but it's also important for parents of bullies to dig deeper. you want to find out why is your child behaving this way? why do they feel it's okay to mistreat another child? and this may require a parent to do a little self-reflection. how do you behave? are you aggressive? are you a bully in your home? is the child learning the behavior from you? >> whit: that is a great tip. jason, i want to come back to you. hazing, you say it can happen as early as high school. help us understand the difference between hazing and bullying and what can we do about it? >> well, i mean i think hazing is bullying. it's a form of bullying, and i think hazing is this long traditional thing where it's
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like this is how we'll welcome you to into our team. it's a cycle that everybody goes through. but all the studies show that people that are hazed, it drives them apart from the team. it's more negative than a positive and so with coaches, we ask them to try to come up with positive initiation type of events where you're welcoming kids into the team and pairing up an older player with a younger player. making them feel connection and welcoming to that team and we also want to make sure that parents and coaches are providing spaces for kids to, you know, share what's going on. so have those check-ins one-on-one, make sure you're allowing that space and also we want to make sure that all the kids that are involved feel like they have a place to go. and if you're a parent and you're seeing that your child is feeling disconnected or disengaged and they don't want to go to practice, but they're not telling you why, that could be something you want to look
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into a little bit more. >> whit: i think we have a little bit of time. dr. judith, i have an 11-year-old now in middle school. cell phones have changed the game. these kids don't even know how to talk to each other in person and now they're trying to communicate through text message. what are some things you can talk to your kids about and just how to talk to each other through text message and on cell phones? >> it's important to realize that, when you send a mean text, you can't see the other person's face so you have no idea that what you're doing is actually harmful. so it's important to have open conversations with children, don't judge them, let them share what they're thinking and you'll learn a lot from listening to them. >> it's also really important parents have 10, 11, 12-year-old, even 13, look at your child's phone. see what they're sending other people. make sure you're aware of all the information that they're sending out and that they're receiving. >> whit: exactly. thank you so much. an important conversation, truly appreciate it. gio, let's send it over to you. >> gio: such an important conversation. whit, thank you for that. now to last night's star-studded evening and some
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of the biggest names came together to celebrate the launch of hulu on disney+ and will reeve is in los angeles with the scoop. good morning, again, will. >> reporter: good morning, gio. an event in the heart of hollywood. the stars and creators of all your favorite shows under one roof walking in on a disney+ blue and hulu green carpet, which is where i caught up with them to talk about this big launch. an exciting night in hollywood. award winning actors, the marvel cinematic universe, teachers, doctors, a chef and more all together. >> it's the usual squad. it's like everything under abc, disney, hulu. >> reporter: stars from "abbott elementary," "grey's anatomy" and "grown-ish" celebrating disney+ and hulu's combined stream offering. >> fire it up and you have a whole new world. >> "grey's" is on hulu now. all the seasons. i think that's exciting, right? >> reporter: we got a front seat. >> don't you love the fact that everything is now in one place? and being in one place, people don't have to switch on and off to be over here, be over there
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and it makes it far more affordable. i like that. >> i guess, streaming. what are you watching these days? >> i just started watching "shogun." >> i'm obsessed with "shogun." >> "shogun" is at the top of my list. >> i'm so happy to hear that. >> reporter: and our friend and host of "american idol" and soon "wheel of fortune" ryan seacrest dropped by to tease another epic crossover. >> rumor has it there is a big guest joining "idol" on monday night. >> a legend, a household name, a superstar named vanna white is making a cameo on "american idol." check it out. >> monday night on -- >> "american idol." >> hi. >> hey. >> reporter: to get in on the disney+ and hulu action, all you need is a bundle subscription. >> you're trembling. >> one thing it demands is great consumer experience and one of the things consumers want is variety and volume and quality and this does all of that.
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>> reporter: disney ceo bob iger called hulu on disney+ the marriage of the creativity and technology of disney saying this is disney's biggest streaming endeavor since the launch of disney+. makes sense there were so many stars in the building last night. so if you've got that bundle subscription, go be the star of your household and turn on hulu on disney+. >> gio: that was a great line. i love that. what a fun night and good to have it all together on one app. thank you, will. i'm here with my eclipse buddy somara. we're going to be in indianapolis together on monday. >> somara: yes, we are. >> gio: how are we going to look? >> somara: we're looking good, the texas crew, a little clouds but we should be on the good side of things. all right. >> gio: tell us what you got. >> somara: for now i do want to go ahead and start with the weather that we've been seeing on the west coast. actually we're just going to go right into this. big sur had a landslide there. lots of rain, snow moving through the west coast and a fire hazard that we could be seeing, extremely critical just to the northern -- north of the
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panhandle in texas and severe weather moving through nebraska and we have that threat for severe weather >> janai: she said janai because asking about the eclipse, they'll all be part of the coverage. where will i be? on spring break with the kids, tory. time for "deals & steals" this morning focusing on wellness with products from small businesses. tory johnson is here with
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everything we need starting with working out. >> so this is really all about tracking how much activity you have and it could be everything from steps to sleep. i think quite frankly as the weather is getting nicer and i'm outside more, i want credit for every single step i'm taking. >> janai: amen. >> so i think that having a tracker helps to motivate you because you can reach specific goals. you're so proud of the progress you've made. so these from cubitt help you do just that. they look good on your wrist. >> janai: they're cute. >> can track everything from sleep, steps, blood oxygen, heartrate. there's even ones that have gps monitoring. this one has 60 different sports options that you can monitor. so if you're really active, there's an option for you. if you're not really active there's also an option for you. it helps you to feel more active and that motivation is so fabulous. all 50% off today. >> janai: i'm going to get the one that motivates me to sleep.
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>> there you go, tracking your sleep is very important. >> janai: okay, shoes. >> if your spring into summer plans include anything near the water, lake, beach, boating then these shoes from frogg toggs are great. they're waterproof. they feel good. extremely lightweight. they're slip-on and, again, waterproof so you're not going to have to worry about ruining your shoes and also sturdy on the bottom which i happen to love. they are $40 and free shipping from frogg toggs. >> janai: amazing. compression socks. >> if you've got travel coming up, you're about to get on an airplane dr. jen says she doesn't fly without wearing compression socks. these from sockwell are great. graduated compression that helps reduce swelling, fatigue, just when you get to the end of the day or your destination, your legs and feet feel better, whether you wear the long ones or the little ankle ones, as well, no matter the shoes, there's an option for you, plus it's a great fabric that naturally eliminates odor which is important. >> janai: good to know. >> starting at $10.
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>> janai: okay. the ponies. >> these are fabulous. so on the back there -- >> janai: my mom era. >> what's great about this, instead of having to shove the pony in there, this opens up to accommodate any kind of hairstyle. plus, we have some different styles. we've got -- if you care about your hair a lot, satin lined is important then we have these are great for uv protection, the fabric as well as the longer front to help if you're going to be in the sun from ponyflo all slashed in half. 13 to $15. >> janai: i'm going to take the pony. >> you want the pony. >> janai: yeah. >> leave the hat, take the pony. bring the medi spa home. it has the serum built right in. all you do is press down on that and you'll see -- yep, it dispenses just the right amount of serum and then that roller is
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going to go -- depending on whether you choose lips, neck, face, eye, there is a serum specifically for that area. it's so easy to put on and you get that medi spa benefit at home. >> janai: what is this? >> this is a heated glove that is specifically to help rejuvenate the laook of skin on aging hands. >> janai: you can see the age on neck and hands. >> 15 minutes a day and warmth feels good. everything slashed in half and starts at $40. >> janai: yes. >> it's one of those things, you pop on and use it when you're driving. >> janai: easy peasy. >> one of our favorites, spongelle. >> janai: so good. >> smells so good. that's a t-rex. when your kids use this, it is a body wash infused buffer so the body wash is all in there. we've got all their new shapes for kids and the buffers for men. they're delightful for women. it literally makes the shower experience into your ah moment. these start at $7. >> janai: amazing.
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thank you so much, tory and, of course, we partnered with all of these companies. find each on our website still coming up here, we are kicking off our comfort food series. you don't want to miss this. trying out great foods across the country starting in the tri-state area. tri-state area. stick around. so. you like your job? i love it. what i do is really important. you give eye exams. i give ... fresh starts. better vision, healthy eyes ... everybody wants that. that they do. and they don't want to spend more money than they have to. true. but good eye health? that's priceless. “hero doc saves vision!” (laugh) well, i- “hero owl saves money!” ... sure. great eye exams from great doctors at a great price. better eye health ... from america's best. when i was twelve years old with cancer, i spent most of the year looking out a hospital window.
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all i wanted was to be outside. i owe the people at st. jude everything because i'm seventeen years cancer-free. my marathon is for st. jude. and helping all those kids with cancer who just want to be kids again. (♪) (vo) if you have graves' disease... ...and blurry vision, you need clear answers.s again. people with graves' could also get thyroid eye disease, or t-e-d, which may need a different doctor. find a t-e-d eye specialist at [ ♪ "baby, i'm a star" by prince ♪ ] ♪ hey, look me over ♪ yes! ♪ tell me, do you like what you see ♪ ♪ baby, i'm a star ♪ ♪ yeah. oh ♪
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♪ we belong ♪ ♪ we belong together ♪ ♪ we belong ♪ hulu on disney+. available with disney bundle. plans starting at $9.99 a month.
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stephanie sierra. today, we've just learned convoys escorting drivers along a stretch of highway one have resumed this morning. the recent rain shut down the convoys between carmel and big sur for the past two days. caltrans says it is focused on stabilizing the edge of the highway. crews paved over a part of the dirt shoulder so drivers have more room in the one lane that's now considered safe. there's no timeline on when all lanes will reopen. let's get a check outside with lisa. how's it looking? >> still pretty cold out there, stephanie. we've got a wind chill factor in our inland valleys. you see the mid 40s here from hayward to san jose. and then it feels like it's 33 in napa and feels like 35 in
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livermore, upper 50s to low 60s. partly cloudy today. >> lisa, thank you. and thank you all for joining us. the news continues ri
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♪ we're going to break this down ♪ ♪ we're gonna rock the town ♪ >> gio: we should take the camera right now to janai.
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if you thought that was the end of the story, think again, "the descendants: the rise of red" will be out this summer and we'll be talking to one of its stars dara renee. >> whit: i thought you were a better dancer. >> janai: i was mocking you. >> whit: bit of a surprise. looking forward to that. first, millions on alert this morning for possible aftershocks after a 4.8 magnitude earthquake in new jersey shook the ground from maryland up to maine. the quake began at 10:23 friday morning and lasted for more than 30 seconds. the damage was limited throughout the region, but some homes in newark had to be evacuated and drones were used to check for any damage to new york city's historic bridges. >> gio: police in vermont are looking for a suspect wanted for an alleged arson incident at senator bernie sanders' burlington office friday morning. authorities say a
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the vestibule and sprayed an apparent accelerant on the door to the senator's office, lit the accelerant then fled. no injuries reported. sanders was not there at the time. >> janai: we are getting down to the last dance as purdue and north carolina state go head-to-head today followed by uconn and alabama. that will decide the men's national championship game. on the women's side caitlin clark and the iowa hawkeyes are back in the title game with a shot at redemption after falling short to lsu last year. iowa takes on south carolina in the women's final sunday on espn and abc at 3:00 p.m. eastern. oh, boy, are we excited. if you could smell this studio right now. >> gio: i don't think we've ever had this much food. >> janai: man, oh, man. something now we all love, comfort food. we are kicking off our week-long comfort food america series right here right now with our own personal favorites here in the new york area. so, first up, this is my go-to spot. i don't even have to look at the card for this, for soul food. this is cornbread.
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they have got locations -- a new one in montclair, good choice, maplewood and new york, new jersey. >> and brooklyn. >> janai: and brooklyn. you kept me and my family sustained during the pandemic. okay, so explain to us what your favorite dishes, some of my favorite dish. >> for me it's always the collard greens and yams. love, love that. >> mine is the catfish, the collard greens. >> we got the best fried chicken in last brooklyn last summer. best fried chicken in brooklyn. >> janai: tell us your names. elzadie smith and -- >> adenah bayoh. >> janai: i will say our family always gets -- >> gio: can you pass me one of those cornbreads? >> janai: the kids love the candied yams and the mac and cheese. the greens, we haven't gotten them on yet. >> gio: so good. mm-mm. >> janai: so good. who's next? >> gio: i'm next and i'm cuban american and one of my favorite
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restaurants, we have chef ortiz here. tell us about this. these are some of my favorite dishes. we have the -- [ speaking in a non-english language ] we got all these things. >> we have the -- [ speaking in a non-english language ] we have it with cheese. >> gio: chicken and rice. what i love about this, i used to eat this all the time as a kid, it's filled with beef so that's the beef. oh, you're going for -- so good. it's like mashed potato in a ball. it's so good. >> croquettes, chicken croquettes. you got to try this. it's so good. [ speaking in a non-english language ] >> gio: it sounds awful when you translate it. how is it? >> janai: delicious and really juicy. >> gio: gracias. >> whit: for me i'm from
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california so it's all about tacos. so let's taco 'bout it. dad jokes. here with andres galindo, and we have a little bit of everything right here. >> yes, we do. >> whit: tell us why tacos are the perfect comfort food. >> there's a reason there is a taco tuesday in america. >> whit: what am i jumping into? >> we have our classic tacos, which are what we're known for here in brooklyn. it's a little spicy so -- >> whit: which one? >> this one. >> whit: i can do a little spice. i just need to know which one. >> dip it on the consomme. >> whit: when i dip, you dip, dip. >> that's the beauty of tacos. you got to get dirty. >> janai: mm-mm. >> whit: forgive me but we are out of time. thank you guys so much. we'll check out more spots all across the country starting in cleveland on monday.
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coming up we are live in orlando, dreambassador, dara renee. stay wit (vo) dan made progress with his mental health... ...but his medication caused unintentional movements in his face, hands, and feet called tardive dyskinesia, or td. so his doctor prescribed austedo xr— a once-daily td treatment for adults. ♪as you go with austedo♪ austedo xr significantly reduced dan's td movements. some people saw a response as early as 2 weeks. with austedo xr, dan can stay on his mental health meds- (dan) cool hair! (vo) austedo xr can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington's disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, or have suicidal thoughts. don't take if you have liver problems, are taking reserpine, tetrabenazine, or valbenazine. austedo xr may cause irregular or fast heartbeat, or abnormal movements. seek help for fever, stiff muscles, problems thinking, or sweating. common side effects include inflammation of the nose and throat, insomnia and sleepiness. ♪as you go with austedo♪ ask your doctor for austedo xr.
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♪austedo xr♪ [customer service rep] discover customer service, this is maya. jennifer: oh, hi maya. you robots are sounding more human every day! [customer service rep] at discover, everyone can talk to a human representative. jennifer: alright, prove it. [customer service rep] wait, are you a robot? 24/7 u.s.-based customer service. jennifer: how would i prove that i'm not?
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♪ you've got a friend in me ♪ ♪ ♪ you've got a friend in me ♪ ♪ ♪ you just remember what your old pal said ♪ ♪ boy, you've got a friend in me ♪ ♪ it's a celebration of friendship & beyond. from the new parade to together forever - a new nighttime spectacular fireworks show. pixar fest. at the disneyland resort for a limited time. starting april 26th.
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>> whit: we're back now on "gma." live in florida, disney dreamers academy is underway at walt disney world resort making wishes come true for a very lucky 100 high school students. and joining us now is this year's dreambassador, dara renee. good morning to you. so great to have you. >> good morning. thank you so much for having us. >> whit: of course, of course. all the excitement this morning. you actually said that being part of this weekend was a dream come true for you. why is that? >> oh, my goodness. i mean, these young people are so impeccable and so brilliant in so many ways and i'm so honored to be here because they are so much cooler than i am and i'm learning so much from them. so they are my role models. it truly is an honor. >> whit: well, we think you're pretty cool. what's the number one thing that you want to get across to these kids as you're meeting and speaking with them? >> oh, my gosh, one thing to
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never give up. there's going to be a lot of people that will tell you this is too much. you can't be this. it has to be like this or we don't want that but literally the sky is the limit and everything that you can do is accomplishable. so continue to strive and continue to work best at everything you dream of because it's possible. i mean, look at these brilliant young people over here right now. >> whit: love that. love that message. let's talk more about you too, while we have you. you play a villain in this summer's "the descendants: the rise of red." how excited are you about that? >> oh, my gosh, i am so excited. the cast of "the descendants: the rise of red" is so cool and i'm so honored to play a villain. i usually player a good guy. it was definitely intimidating but i get to play an octopus and i got tentacles. it's really dope. >> whit: i love it. we had a little sneak preview. i understand the movie is coming out this summer which is also when you hope to release a single. tell us about the music. >> yes, i'm definitely starting to write music. i'm definitely trying to find my voice and i write in my own
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reality so i hope a lot of people can relate to it. it definitely is something that comes from my heart so i hope that people like it, people stream it and people listen to what i got to say. >> whit: we will. we know you have so many talents. dara, such a pleasure speaking with you and great to meet some of the kids out there at the disney dreamers academy. so many wonderful things being done for those bright futures. >> yes. >> whit: all right. thank you so much. let's turn now and get another check of the weather and head back to somara. good morning. >> somara: let's do it. we'll wrap up the eclipse forecast. if you're viewing the eclipse down towards dallas, little rock, you have the highest chance of seeing more cloud coverage. some clearing taking place in carbondale and indianapolis. better viewing in the northeast and some afternoon thunderstorms or evening thunderstorms should i say throughout areas like northern texas. that's a look at the forecast across the c
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>> janai: now to this month's "gma" book club pick. award-winning baker and writer abby jimenez is here. welcome. thank you so much for being here with your cupcakes. >> yep. >> janai: that you ship. >> yep. >> janai: what's the name of the company? >> nadia cakes. >> janai: check these out. they look delicious. did you ever think you'd be here sitting here with your cupcakes and your sixth rom-com? >> no, never in a million years. >> janai: how does it feel? you said you weren't sure people would relate to the book but now there is an abby verse and people are making art, getting tattoos. >> it is surreal. this book has a theme of trauma in it and i was worried it wouldn't be as relatable as it is turning out to be so --
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>> janai: we partner with little free library to get copies of our "gma" book club picks to readers all across the country and this morning one of our stewards, jenny, has a question for you. take a look. >> how do you balance complex, difficult subject matter like mental health with lighter romantic happier elements within your novels? >> you know, i think you can laugh at a funeral. i think that humor is weaved into the threads of everyday life no matter what is happening to us and, you know, that's just sort of my signature in my books is i make you laugh and i make you cry and this book is no different. >> janai: you were really diligent in even bringing in some professionals to make sure that you were handling some sensitive topics the right way, right? tell us about that. >> yes, i always have sensitivity readers, beta readers and advisers on all of my books. so i had several psychologists that helped me depict the mental health aspect with accuracy and most of all i want my books to be harmless to people. i want them to entertain and i want people to walk away from them like they've learned
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something and i think i really did that with this one which is why so many people are loving it, which is fantastic. >> janai: how did it feel for you writing it? was it therapeutic for you at all? was it just fun to do? >> i love writing my books. you know, i fall in love with these characters just like everybody else does. this one i really, really enjoyed it and i'm just happy to see so many other people enjoying it. >> janai: yeah. what's up next for you? >> i have another book coming out next year. i do one a year. so follow me on all the platforms and see what i have coming up. i don't know if i'm allowed to say the name yet. >> janai: okay. we almost got some breaking news here. it's so fun. thank you so much for being here. "just for the summer," you can read along with us now. out now and available and don't forget the cupcakes too. stick around. we are counting down to the solar eclipse, total totality. totality. we'll be right back.
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>> gio: how cool is this set? we're just two days away from the total solar eclipse, the big event that we won't witness again in the u.s. for another 20 years. mike shanahan from the liberty science center joins us now, the largest planetarium in the western hemisphere. >> right in jersey city. >> gio: amazing. thank you for being here. let's talk -- everyone is talking about safety here. why are the glasses so important? >> most of america will see a partial eclipse monday not a total eclipse. it is never safe to observe a partial eclipse directly. >> gio: because it's just like looking into the sun. >> you don't ever want to do that ever. you need safe protection for that. >> gio: how do you know which ones to get? >> if they're labeled iso
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122, 123. that's the right filter to protect your eyes. >> gio: iso 122 or 123, perfect. what are other techniques to sigh the eclipse? >> if you can't use viewing glasses -- want to try those out? >> gio: yes. >> just to show how powerful these are -- >> gio: i see a little bit of light. >> this cuts all but one millionth of the sun's power and i'll take this flashlight and shine it in your eyes. are you ready for this? >> gio: whoa, wow. i wasn't expecting that. >> very effective. that's the ideal way to do that but there are also indirect methods if you want to try using, for example, a common household item like a colander or a cheese grater to protect the sun's image. >> gio: how do you do that? >> i'll talk my colander. during the actual eclipse where you see holes, the round holes, you see crescents by using this or even a humble cheese grater
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will achieve the same effect, so you can use your household utensils to view the sun indirectly. >> gio: you brought a lot of fun stuff because clearly this is for the kids right over here. so what is this? >> we have a craft you can make to give more protection if you have the glasses already. putting them into a paper plate provides even more solar projection -- protection and also really, really fun. >> gio: what kid wouldn't want to wear these? it's for a kid so doesn't fit me. this is a lot of fun. >> have fun and observe the eclipse all at the same time. >> gio: if you're looking for that one moment to see, what's that moment you want to look at? >> so, at liberty science center we have have a whole eclipse and the sweet spot moment is going to be 3:25 in the afternoon when through our solar telescopes you'll see 91.2% of the sun blocked by the moon so that's the deepest moment. the eclipse lasts for 2 1/2 hours so with safe viewing
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devices you have 2 1/2 hours but that deepest moment is the window to look for, 3:25. >> gio: basically you want to keep your glasses on no matter what unless you're in the zone of totality, in the path of totality and only during totality, right, that's when you can just take it off for a moment. >> exactly. totality only lasts for a few moments. of course, we're not seeing it here in new york city or new jersey. but if you're in a total zone for 90 seconds and 4 minutes and 28 seconds of the magic total moment, yes, take your glasses off and enjoy the most beautiful sight you'll ever see in nature. when it's partial like we'll have in new york and new jersey, keep those glasses on. >> gio: mike shanahan, thank you so much. happy eclipse, right. >> thank you. >> gio: eclipse coverage begins on "gma" monday and continues at 1:00 p.m. with the main event starting at 2:00 p.m. eastern anchored by david muir and linsey davis right here on abc. we'll be right back, folks.
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>> whit: we're so excited and getting all nerdy. >> janai: oh, my gosh, you can't see anything. >> whit: the colander thing i
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recommend for the kids in the partial eclipse. good stuff. thanks for watching, everybody. >> janai: see you sunday. >> whit: see you tomorrow.
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good morning. i'm stephanie sierra. san francisco restaurant week is currently underway, bringing out deals and flavors all over the city. it's a chance for people to show their support for their favorite spots, or try out somewhere new. food lovers have ten days to dine out at a discount. there's a long list of participating eateries to check out every day. restaurant week runs through april 14th. speaking of flavors, celebrity chef guy fieri is known as the mayor of flavortown, and now he's the honorary mayor of his hometown. to the host of diners, drive-ins and dives is from ferndale up in humboldt county for dale city council declared april 5th as guy fieri day. on this day each year, fieri gets to be honorary mayor. fieri grew
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up in ferndale, and he started his culinary venture with a pretzel cart at the age of ten. today, the oakland ballers minor league team is holding open tryouts at laney college in the east bay. the club is looking for local players to fill their roster. registration opens in just a few minutes at 9:00, followed by camp from 10 to 3. interested players are asked to purchase a ticket through the team's website, and those tickets start at $150. it's chilly out there this morning. let's check in with lisa. good morning. good morning. >> all that sun is allowing for a quick warm up here from our sutro tower camera. we're looking at numbers already at around 50 oakland, hayward and san jose. upper elevations though freezing. mount diablo, mount hamilton as we look out, live from our east bay hills. camera. it is still 39, in petaluma, but 48 in concord. so today numbers a little bit warmer still below average with mid 50s on the coast near 60 inland. >> lisa thank you. up next, an unprecedented step for the troubled dublin prison
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woah! ta-da! hulu on disney+ is now available. hello, everyone. what's up, new friend? we're about to go on a little adventure together. i think we just found our new home. you're gonna love this. your favorites from hulu and disney+. this is a destination spot. so are you in? yeah. together like never before. we have everything we need. this is the greatest moment of my entire life. oh my god! now, for disney bundle subscribers, hulu on disney+ is here. now at nine, the run for mayor. aaron peskin officiall launching his campaign today. his message for san francisco and help on the way. how neighbors are coming together to reopen a bay area church shuttered by fire. plus, the countdown to the total


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