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tv   ABC7 News 900AM  ABC  April 6, 2024 9:00am-9:31am PDT

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woah! ta-da! hulu on disney+ is now available. hello, everyone. what's up, new friend? we're about to go on a little adventure together. i think we just found our new home. you're gonna love this. your favorites from hulu and disney+. this is a destination spot. so are you in? yeah. together like never before. we have everything we need. this is the greatest moment of my entire life. oh my god! now, for disney bundle subscribers, hulu on disney+ is here. now at nine, the run for mayor. aaron peskin officiall launching his campaign today. his message for san francisco and help on the way. how neighbors are coming together to reopen a bay area church shuttered by fire. plus, the countdown to the total solar
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eclipse. local communities preparing so you can get a glimpse of this rare event. good morning. it's saturday, april 6th. i'm stephanie sierra. lisa is here, and if you've been out this morning, you know it's chilly out there. >> oh yeah, we had our frost advisory and it has expired because temperatures with the clear sky and that sun have warmed up significantly. no rain to track. today we will be looking at the radar overnight tonight though. more on that in a moment. but what a view from our exploratorium camera. low 50s san mateo, half moon bay 50 oakland, san francisco still a chilly 46. look at all the blue sky, the golden gate bridge and light winds right now. a sea breeze this afternoon. 44. in santa rosa, 41 petaluma. you are down to near freezing earlier, so the next couple of hours we're out of the 40s. then to the upper 50s, slowly a little bit warmer than yesterday, but still a lot below average. but wait till you see how much our temperatures jump next week. today we'll see some low 60s inland cool 50s at the coast,
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and then we'll cloud up for tomorrow and maybe see a few showers. we'll talk about that and 80s coming into the seven day outlook in a few minutes. stephanie. >> lisa, thank you. new. this morning a woman was rescued after she drove her car into a canal in bay point overnight. the woman was driving on highway four before she crashed about 200 yards from the road. when firefighters arrived, they used ladders to get down the canal. they then broke the car windows to get to her. crews say the woman was understandably shaken up after they pulled her to safety. >> it's definitely cold and scared. we got her out of there and then she made she made her way to the ambulance. >> firefighters say neighbors overheard the crash and then called 911. new this morning, convoys escorting drivers along a stretch of highway one have resumed this morning after a portion of the road collapsed last weekend. the recent rain had shut down the convoys between carmel and big sur for two days. caltrans says it is
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focused on stabilizing the edge of the highway. after a chunk broke off last weekend, and crews have now paved over a part of the dirt shoulder so drivers have more room in the one lane that's now considered safe. there's no timeline on when all lanes will reopen. now to your voice. your vote. san francisco supervisor aaron peskin will launch his campaign for mayor today. the rally comes one day after peskin filed the paperwork to put his name on the november ballot. he's currently the president of the board of supervisors. supporters on the progressive side of politics in the city have been urging him to run. >> i want to be a neighborhood mayor that honors every neighborhood in san francisco. i don't think that this is about progressive or moderates. this is about taking care of san francisco and being a mayor who knows how. >> peskin's rally will be held in chinatown's portsmouth square. hundreds of people are expected to attend from elected officials to neighborhood leaders. there is a expected to
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be a rally against his campaign at the same place in the east bay. now neighbors are stepping in to help a church that's been closed because of a recent fire. it's atory we first told you about on c seven mornings. it happened at saint john the evangelist church in san francisco's mission district. abc seven news reporter tara campbell has the latest. >> we are all coming together to say, let's support each other and rebuild. >> one week after a fire forced saint john the evangelist church to shut the doors of its sanctuary, its nonprofit partner is working to make sure people don't get cut off of services like its daytime shelter. >> what we're hoping to do is to be able to raise money for the church, to be able to bring it back to its original glory, and also to be able to do it quickly. >> lydia bransten is the executive director of the gubbio project, and she says quickly is the key, so that we're not in a position where we're having to wait a long time to do the construction or that the construction takes a really long time. >> so it disrupts services. so
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that's that's the goal. >> and the community is showing up. >> this is a very tight knit community in this part of the mission. we've been through a lot over the last few years. we take care of each other. >> manny teel is the owner of manny's, a civic event space and popular restaurant in the neighborhood. >> this place is extremely special in this community. in this neighborhood, it's more than just a church. it's a community space. it's a joy vortex. it's a place where people go for shelter, for support, for love. >> the church has a link where people can already donate, and community members like manny are also taking on the task. >> i'm the president of the valencia merchants association, and so we'll be getting all the merchants on valencia street, especially those with large social media followings, to post the link. and then manny's will be hosting an in-person fundraiser where all the proceeds will go towards repairs . >> meanwhile, the san francisco fire department is confirming the incident is still under investigation. if there's anything that the last three, four years have taught us, it's that we're resilient, but we need to work together to get
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through tough times. tara campbell, abc seven news. >> also in the east bay, officers are trying to find the person who shot another driver on a freeway in berkeley. it happened at the ashby avenue on ramp to 80 eastbound just before five last night. the chp says the driver in a silver toyota camry crashed after someone in another car shot them. their passenger is okay, but the driver is in the hospital. no word yet on their condition. >> we kind of have to work backwards to determine where this all started. our detectives are hard at work right now, gathering as much evidence and other information that they can to help us answer these questions. >> chp has not released details about a suspect. the ashby on ramp is back open this morning. a judge has appointed a special master to oversee the federal women's prison in dublin. it's an unprecedented step for a troubled prison facing allegations of widespread sexual abuse. a lawsuit claims the
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abuse there has not stopped, despite the former warden and several officers facing charges. a judge appointed veteran corrections officer wendy stille, to oversee this prison. the fbi raided the prison last month. the man convicted of kidnaping and killing 12 year old polly klaas, more than 30 years ago, is now trying to get off death row. attorneys for richard allen davis made their case in court. davis is convicted of stealing class away from a slumber party in 1993, and killing her. davis now says recent criminal justice reform should give him a chance at a new sentence. his lawyers appeared before a judge in a santa clara courtroom. the victim's father, marc klaas, says he was blindsided. >> they've used a new law, a new trick to relitigate this thing to bring it back into the public view, to bring it back into my mind. i don't think about richard allen davis until something like this happens. so
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here we are, 30 years after the fact, and i'm having to relive my daughter's murder again. >> legal experts we talked to say this case will likely be appealed to a higher court. now, the current top prosecutor in the county where davis was originally sentenced says he no longer believes in the death penalty. santa clara county da jeff rosen is trying to move other convicted men off death row. he's petitioning to resentence more than a dozen inmates to life without parole. families of the victims will have to weigh in first. now to the campus stellar event that has thousands of people ready to travel all around this weekend. the countdown is on to monday's total solar eclipse. abc seven news reporter tim johns has how the bay area is getting ready with just days to go until the solar eclipse, the excitement is building. >> monday's event will be a total solar eclipse, where the moon completely blocks out the sun. if you're in the so-called path of totality for us here in
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northern california, experts say we can expect to see an eclipse of about 35% in our area. >> you might notice some subtle effects from the partial eclipse. you might notice a slight dimming of the light, the slight cooling of the air. >> dozens of watch parties are happening all around the bay area monday morning, and many are even traveling to places like texas, where the eclipse will be the most complete. that includes brian mendez from the uc berkeley's lawrence hall of science, who will be seeing his second total eclipse in person. >> i was utterly blown away. never seen anything quite like that. no picture of a of a solar eclipse ever does justice to the full experience. >> come monday, you'll probably see a lot of people walking around with glasses just like these. these are critical if you're going to be viewing the eclipse to make sure your eyes are protected from the sun, one tip though if you're going to buy them, make sure you get them from a reputable source to make sure your eyes stay protected. one of the places you can pick up a pair is at san francisco's exploratorium, where they tell us they can hardly keep them on
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the shelves. >> they have been incredibly selling well, i think they've been our top seller for the last three months. everyone has been trying to get some, and even in this last stretch, we have sold 500 in the five days of this month. so far. >> while the last eclipse visible from the us was back in 2017, mendez says the next one won't happen until 2044. so if you're interested, monday is the time to check it out. you uh- are waiting for one to cross by your home. >> you'll be waiting a while in san francisco. >> tim johns abc seven news. >> if you can't watch the eclipse in person, abc seven is your home for complete coverage. we will bring you the excitement from across the country, starting at 11 a.m. on monday. how's it looking outside, lisa? >> well, you know, it's obviously pretty sunny, but it is warming up. temperatures are mainly in the 40s, but a few low 50s in and around san francisco. and we're going to see temperatures warmer than yesterday. but as we get into the week ahead, we will see 10 degrees jumps from monday to
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tuesday. even sunday to monday is looking really warm. stay tuned by accuweather. seven day forecast is next. >> and he said thank you. also ahead, another body recovered in baltimore. the president's pledge as he visits the city and crew
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in half moon bay, a survivor and families of victims are suing the owner of california taro garden mushroom farm. they claim the farm failed to properly respond to previous reports of violence and take steps to prevent others. four workers were killed at the mushroom farm, three others died at a second farm. investigators say the shooter acted after a dispute with his supervisor. the lawsuit seeks unspecified damages for economic loss related to the deaths and injuries of those victims. new developments now in the deadly baltimore bridge collapse, divers recovered the body of another missing worker. that means three bodies have now been recovered. three other workers remain missing and are presumed dead. president joe biden toured the site of the bridge collapse, and he met with the families of those construction workers killed. biden promised his support to the city of baltimore and financial help to rebuild folks. finally we're going to move heaven and earth to rebuild
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this bridge as rapidly as humanly possible, and we're going to do so with union labor and american steel. some congressional republicans are pushing back on biden's promise of federal funding. meanwhile, the army corps of engineers shared a plan to make a passage for smaller cargo ships over the next month. they aim to reopen the entire port by the end of may. we're also learning about another major announcement that's expected from the white house on student loans on monday. president biden is expected to share his latest attempt to forgive student loan debt. the supreme court squashed his original plan to cancel debt for millions of borrowers last year. since then, the biden administration has slowly rolled out forgiveness to narrow groups of people like those who owe more in interest than their original loan. it's that time again. yeah, the deadline to do your taxes is closing in april 15th. as that last day to file,
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and it's just a little over a week away. if you owe and you don't file, the irs will give you a 5% penalty for each month you're late. but if you file an extension by april 15th, you will have until october 15th. you will still be able to send your return to the irs electronically or by mail. now take a look at this. the bay area's highest peaks are still coated in white after this week's unusual spring snow. sky seven caught the dusting atop mount hamilton, making for a winter like picture here. in april, we got the april snow survey earlier this week too, and showing above average snowpack statewide for the second straight season. but today we get a break to see that sun. it's still chilly out there though. lisa is tracking the latest. good morning. >> good morning. yes, we have a below average weekend in terms of temperatures. but then things really turning around. i don't think it's the end of the rain though. still a weak system. wants to visit us tomorrow and then again maybe the middle of
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the month, but as we look outside, you can see a little hazy there from mount tam. it is 49, in san francisco with 50 oakland and san jose. good morning. hayward, 51 for you. you picked up almost an inch of rain yesterday with those heavy downpours over the diablo range late in the afternoon. as we look out towards our roof camera, it is 41. in petaluma. you are down to near freezing 44 santa rosa, napa and 46 in livermore. the golden gate bridge there sunny and cool today. some increasing high clouds late in the day. sprinkles are possible tomorrow as the tail end of the system wants to visit us overnight, and then next week a big warm up as much as ten degrees above average for the latter to the middle part of next week. there's a look at the clear sky, then some high clouds throughout the afternoon. here is sunday early morning, where we see a few blips on the radar and as we go into the afternoon, this is 130. you can see the north bay into san francisco and even through the later part of the afternoon, possibly an isolated shower, but amounts will be anywhere from nothing to maybe
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one one hundredths. so we can't rule that out. we're still looking at great viewing for monday, the eclipse, although we will only see about 35% of that. while dallas is pretty heavy on the cloud cover kentucky into the northeast, we'll have better viewing. so for tuesday, well into the 70s, inland 60s downtown wednesday, san francisco into the 70s, and we're looking at 80s for thursday. it's going to be a nice several days. but as for today, still in the 50s at the coast, we were only 54 yesterday in the city, 57 today, partly cloudy, 61 in concord today in the accuweather seven day forecast. so a little milder. a little cloudier for your sunday. maybe a sprinkle monday. look at that. almost a 10 degrees jump in temperatures another 5 to 7 degrees tuesday and wednesday. and we've got that summer like warmth arriving and staying with us through the end of the week. we'll be back after the break. >> lisa. thank you. the california legislature is the first in the country to seriously consider reparations for the legacy of slavery, and
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decades of policies that excluded and harmed black californians. one of the bills currently being considered is an apology to the black community. >> let's start with that apology . do you think that there is the political will here in the capitol to even get an apology passed? >> i think there is a will. i think we have a governor who understands the importance of apology now. and i hope our colleagues in the legislature are both in the assembly and the senate will see the importance of that as well. >> if reparations in california stops there with the apology, what will it say to the people here in california? >> i'd say we're not serious. >> so why should california be on the hook for reparations? find out and explore the journey of the first and only state level reparations task force in the abc seven originals documentary, california's case for reparations. it's streaming now. wherever you watch abc seven, and you can see it tonight at 8:00 on abc seven and our
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seven pittsburgh takes on tampa bay at home. they face off at 10:00. then florida takes on boston, and that game starts at 1230 on the court. golden state missed a chance to clinch a spot in postseason play. abc seven sports director larry beil details the downfall. >> good morning everybody. warriors on fumes kind of coming down the stretch of the regular season here, but trying to keep their winning streak alive. no andrew wiggins. no jonathan kuminga both hurt. no. luka doncic for the mavs. dallas still was up 16 in the first half. fourth quarter dubs down eight. brandon james lobbing for gary payton. the second gets up with authority. under a minute to play steph curry. unlimited range one of five threes for steph. he was not finished. down
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two under 15 seconds to play. curry is going to go for the two in the tie 28 for steph. so are we going to overtime here tied at 106. dubs need just one stop one stop kyrie irving to pj washington in. he had 32 points. last chance for the warriors. you know steph is going to be double teamed over to cp3 who finds klay thompson. this is a three for the win. and it is no good dallas ends the warriors six game win streak 108106. they're still up by four on the rockets, though. the dubs with five to play. the incredible caitlin clark and iowa taking on uconn winter play. south carolina the championship game on sunday. clark zero for six on threes in the first half, heats up in the third quarter. four point play finished with 21 points, nine boards, seven assists. two minutes left, kate martin, the spin around to the hoop, hawkeyes by six, but uconn would not go away. nico mule the three and suddenly the huskies are down one had a chance to take the lead. aaliyah edwards is called here for an offensive foul on an illegal screen. this decides the game. you don't call that and geno auriemma,
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understandably livid at that call. iowa victorious, 7169. the giants. they brought out the 49 ers for their home opener. and if you've never seen a guy punt a football into mccovey cove, well now you have courtesy of mitch wishnowsky deebo samuel and fred warner ceremonial first pitches. look out if fred is throwing anything at you. or maybe not because he's going to be like five feet off. whatever michael conforto is eating. i want some three for four in this game. hitting 419 double to right. jungle scores one one after one. jordan hicks throwing smoke seven innings, allowing just one run. struck out five. you all get nothing. and like it. fast forward to the ninth. we're tied at two. matt chapman's at first thairo estrada with the drive up against the wall and left. here comes chappie. fly around. third, play the plate safe. good night. game over. drive home safely. giants win in dramatic fashion 322 a's and tigers oh 42
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degrees in detroit. top seven abraham toro, first hit of the season, happens to be a homer, tying it up at four apiece. then in the eighth, gio urshela with a double to right scoring. spencer torkelson. that turns out to be the game winner. a's fall five four. that is a wrap on morning sports
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available with disney bundle. plans starting at $9.99 a month. jackpot is now an estimated $1.3 billion with a b. it's been over three months since somebody last won the prize. the cash payout option is estimated at more than $600 million. in tonight's drawing starts at 8:00. good luck. you got to buy a ticket. i don't know, how are you? i'm thinking about it myself. yeah, i was wild. >> we're winning here with our forecast because it's dry. it'll
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still be cool. mid 50s, half moon bay. we've got about 59. palo alto, 60, in livermore. increasing clouds late in the day. more clouds, maybe a sprinkle. sunday but slightly warmer than the big warm up starts on monday. takes us through the entire week, well above average. >> we look forward to that. and nice to see the sun finally come out. yeah, it'll be pretty. yeah. thank you lisa, thank you all for joining us and sharing part of your saturday morning with us. we'll see you back here at 430. have a great day.
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your favorites are in one place. -let's take a roll call. meredith? -here. -officer grant? -copy that. -rookie? -officer john nolan reporting. -my aunt loves you. -i'm big with aunts. hulu on disney+. available with disney bundle. >> announcer: this is espn on abc. coming up on today's abc hockey saturday, the penguins face-off against the lightning.


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