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tv   ABC7 News 600AM  ABC  April 8, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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live now at six square on southwest. the engine cover of this plane ripping off, hitting the wing flap just minutes after takeoff. the tense moments for
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passengers on the jet. >> emergency repairs underway. caltrans crews working to stabilize a portion of highway one after it collapsed a week ago. how the road's closure is affecting businesses in big sur and count down to the eclipse excitement building for this celestial event. >> everything you need to know about the solar show. >> good morning. it is monday, april 8th. >> yes, i'm going to start the check of our eclipse day forecast with drew. yes >> i mean, the week ahead is gorgeous. spring is back. we have clear skies this morning and a warm afternoon on the way. hello to our south beach camera this morning a live look at the bay bridge. we have not a cloud in our sky this morning which will lead to really good viewing conditions for the eclipse later on tonight. now for us in northern california, it's not a total solar eclipse. it's a partial one. and that will occur at 1113 later on this morning. that's when about 34% of the sun will be obscured by the moon. and again, never look directly at the sun. you want to have the sunglasses or another way to
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view the eclipse safely. and that eclipse will end here at 1215 later on. so we're finding temperatures this morning. we're cold in some areas. saint helena, you're at 3938. in danville. we're at 43 in oakland right now, 48 in san francisco. but we are going to rebound very nicely later on this afternoon. get used to this type of forecast. it repeats for several days. your sunrise here at 644. we have sunshine this afternoon feeling very nice in the 60s and 70s, but it gets even warmer than that in the days ahead. we'll show you that coming up in a few minutes. guys >> thank you. drew. we're just hours away from today's total solar eclipse. 15 states from texas to maine are in the path of totality, and the rest of the country will see it in some form. more than 30 million people live in places where the sun will be 100% covered. millions of others have traveled to cities in the path. so many people, some local officials, have issued emergency declarations. a lot of people have been planning their trip for this eclipse since the last 1 in 2017.
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>> we've been talking about coming here for this event since , what, three months before she was born. >> nasa scientists say the path of totality is slightly narrower than they originally predicted. they're encouraging people to get as close to the center of the eclipse path as possible. if you're here in the bay area, the peak of the eclipse will block out 34% of the sun, and they are going to be viewing events across the bay area for people who want to experience it with others. >> so the exploratorium in san francisco will welcome visitors for its eclipse party starting at ten. then in berkeley, the lawrence hall of science is hosting an event that is now sold out. but in oakland, you can check out the chabot space and science center's party. it includes a pair of glasses to view the eclipse, and that is where we find abc seven news reporter lena howland this morning. good morning. lena >> hey, kumasi, good morning to you. and that's right. we are at the chabot space and science center, where they are preparing
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to hold their own sold out solar eclipse viewing party on their own observation deck. that's where they say they are expecting to have a stellar view of the sun as it passes through 34% totality over oakland. now, folks will also have the opportunity to watch the nasa live stream in their 20 inch telescope. rachel across the bay in san francisco, exploratorium visitors can watch the total eclipse broadcast from texas and mexico, although the bay area will only see a partial eclipse, you will still need safety glasses that eyewear was going fast at the exploratorium at the exploratorium store over the weekend. >> how many eclipse glasses have you sold? do you know? >> yeah, we've been selling for weeks now. about 100 a day. we're down to our very last stock. >> if you don't have safety glasses, i would say you can do things like observe shadows so you can punch holes in cards. you can use a colander or like a slotted spoon.
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>> and a very important reminder to make sure the glasses you buy are legit and have the iso certified seal. and this is an eclipse that you will not want to miss. experts here at the chabot space and science center tell me that this is going to be our last chance to experience a solar eclipse until our in our own backyard, until the year 2045. and again, the viewing party here at chabot space and science center kicks off at 10:00 this morning live in oakland. lena howland abc seven news. >> all right. thank you lena. so if you want to know more about today's eclipse, you can go to abc seven we have everything you need to know, including the local events lena just mentioned and how you can make your own eclipse viewer at home if you don't have the right protection. maybe you want more context about the eclipse, or you just want to see what's happening across the bay area in the country. our special coverage starts at 11 a.m. wherever you stream abc seven news. >> developing news now the faa is looking into a very scary situation for passengers on
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board a southwest flight out of denver. gloria, the plane's engine cover blew off and passengers could see it outside the window. >> yeah. so scary. reggie. the plane only made it to about 10,000ft before it had to turn around. and make an immediate emergency landing. take a look at this. passengers were watching the whole time in fact, they were the ones that alerted the flight crew because the pilots could not see it. 143 passengers were on board. nobody was hurt. one woman says she felt a jolt before looking out the window to see the metal cover peeling back. >> the flight attendant walked back, looked out my window and went, oh my god, we're a lot of people who were really quite nervous. lots of don't take off your seat belts, hopefully they're going to get us on the ground. they must be turning around. >> the faa has opened an investigation and is also looking into two other southwest flights that experienced similar issues back in march. southwest is calling it a mechanical issue
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and says that their maintenance teams are reviewing the aircraft right now. this comes after another issue with a southwest 737 aircraft last week. the plane had to abort takeoff in texas after the crew reported a possible engine fire. and we should note that while this did happen on a boeing plane, the engines are not made by boeing. kumasi. >> thank you. gloria. tomorrow, crews will begin work to stabilize a portion of highway one that collapsed near big sur. caltrans says the work will include installing vertical anchors under the damaged southbound lane. in the meantime, convoys will continue to lead drivers through that damaged area along the northbound lane. over the past week, that lane has been widened to make it safer to drive through, but it's still not clear when the road will reopen to traffic. the big sur chamber of commerce says businesses there are losing an estimated $1 million every single day that this road is closed. kicking off his mayoral campaign, board of
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supervisors president aaron peskin making it official over the weekend, his message to san francisco voters the future of baseball in oakland, the new minor league team hoping to fill its roster to keep the sport in the east bay after the invasion. >> after the a's using our brand new grocery outlet app. it's been really fun seeing what everyone's doing with the extra money they save. nice shirt. just got back from vacation. a butler?
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super nice guy. i got to start using the app. hi.
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hey. nice to meet you. (♪) you're so amazing. (♪) in between the earth and the sun. looking across the country, the path of totality will stretch from texas up to the midwest into new england. but we will see a partial solar eclipse that will occur at 1113 this morning. we're about 34% of the sun is blocked by the moon, and we have great viewing conditions. we'll have clear skies today and we're going to have a warm afternoon. get ready for spring like conditions.
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going to be nice. 69 in oakland. we'll go to 72 in san jose, 74 in santa rosa, 65 in the city, 73 in concord, even warmer in the days ahead. look at that. wednesday, 80s return. we'll take a closer look at those daytime highs on the 70 forecast. reggie aqui coming up in about seven minutes. thanks drew. >> a real life joker. the new wax figure of lady gaga that has left people speechless. crab season closing. this year's already shortened season is ending early, and as we head to break a live look outside, it's 610. rescue inhaler, but it's a bit of a dinosaur, because it only treats your symptoms, not inflammation. treating both symptoms and inflammation with rescue is supported by asthma experts. finally, there's a modern way to treat symptoms and asthma attacks. airsupra is the first ever dual-action rescue inhaler that treats your asthma symptoms and helps prevent attacks. airsupra is the only rescue fda-approved to do both.
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san francisco supervisor aaron peskin officially in the running to become the city's next mayor.
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the board president kicked off his mayoral campaign in an already competitive race over the weekend, passing an address a large crowd in portsmouth square in chinatown saturday. >> there's 213 days between now and the election, and i'm going to walk every corner, every neighborhood of this city and listen to voters talk about my plan. but this morning was incredibly heartening. uh. i mean, we've had probably 700 people here today, and we're off to a great start. >> peskin is running against incumbent mayor london breed supervisor asha sapphire. levi strauss heir daniel lurie and former interim mayor mark farrell. keeping baseball in oakland that is the message behind the ballers as the new minor league team looks to fill its roster. spring tryouts were held over the weekend. it was just days after the a's announced they are leaving to go to sacramento, before they finally move to las vegas. about 100 amateur and professional players converged on laney college, hoping to make the roster. ballers co-founder paul
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freeman believes the departure of the a's is a big opportunity for his new team. friedman says baseball plays a vital role in the community. >> oakland needs baseball. oakland is a baseball town. we love baseball in oakland, and baseball has brought the community of oakland together more than any other sport. >> other sports teams are looking to make the east bay a permanent home. the oakland roots and soul soccer teams hope to play at the coliseum in the near future. >> the dungeness crab season in the bay area got a late start and now it's ending early. the season closes today. this is a move to protect whales and to help prevent them from getting tangled in the crab gear. the closure means commercial crab fishing season lasted less than three months. it officially opened january 18th here in the bay area after a number of delays to protect whales. it usually opens mid november. >> local scientists getting ready to share in the solar eclipse moment. physicists
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doctor desiree whitmore from san francisco's exploratorium is getting ready to watch the sun vanish for several minutes. she is in junction, texas. we're crossing fingers that the forecast is going to be all right. her staff will broadcast it live on the exploratorium's website and youtube channel. texas is one of 13 states which will experience totality about four minutes of darkness. >> i just can't wait. it's going to get dark and cold and the light's going to be weird. and i'm just going to be surrounded by amazing humans that are just as curious as i am. >> more eclipse enthusiasts from here in the bay area made their final travel rush to get to viewing the to get to the viewing hot spots and gloria locals tell us they don't mind driving thousands of miles to get the perfect view. >> that's right reggie. yeah, some bay area residents have already hit the road in preparation of today's total solar eclipse, and we talked to some who finally made it to their destination. and are now waiting to see thatagic happen. mike urrea of brentwood
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says he's living out of his car for the event. horia has been driving across texas looking for the best spot to get a shot of. the eclipse live is a professional photographer is not easy because of the fluid nature of chasing the weather. >> you really can't book any, make any solid plans like that. so i have been, without a without running water or a toothbrush, since, early yesterday morning. >> and concord's mike zeigler made his way to ohio. he says it's a once in a lifetime opportunity. >> so flew out of oakland, connected in chicago and then flew into cleveland and then drove from cleveland down. so it's about an hour and a half drive this. >> and leslie failing of hayward have made it to austin. the couple experienced the 2017 solar eclipse in oregon. they believe a moment like that this year with friends will be equally as special. >> it was just such a visually life changing moment that
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everybody else was sold on us. one having a vacation together and two, why not see the eclipse at the same time? >> for those traveling across the country, weather might play a factor. there is cloud cover in some areas that could block the view, and people in those areas may not be able to see the sun, but it will still get dark outside. so of course we'll have all of your coverage of the eclipse today. kumasi. >> all right. thank you gloria. well, ripley's believe it or not has a lot of people saying not to their newest wax figure to see how people get. so the company unveiled a new lady gaga figure dressed up as harley quinn, alongside joaquin phoenix as the joker, in anticipation of the new joker film that will be in theaters in october. now, the reactions online have not been kind, okay, one person says they were traumatized by the figure. >> was that person lady gaga? >> somebody else said, i'm
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speechless. and then somebody said, this person hates lady gaga. >> and this person, alejandro, at the bottom of the screen says , omg, cover it up. oh no, honestly. please do. >> oh wow. sometimes you take chances, but did anybody ask? >> like there's been nice figurines of lady gaga who wanted this? i don't know, the movie studio, maybe the movie studio promo, because now we're talking about their movie. >> yeah, early, but you'd think they'd want a flattering one, right? >> right. >> you would hope for we protest at noon. obviously and if there is an arson, i mean, investigate lady gaga because i want and do not put her on, you know, do not arrest her because it would be justified. >> let me take a long time for that wax to melt. she's like, come on, that's her. >> it's the only thing standing at the end.
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>> oh, man. here's a live look outside from our time. cam. we just have a really gorgeous week ahead. it starts today. you can see those clear skies. we have warm temperatures coming for the eclipse today. that maximum here locally occurs at 1113 in the morning where we have about 34% of the sun blocked by the moon. we'll have great viewing conditions for that. it's just a warming trend this week. sunny skies above average temperatures for much of the week ahead. by wednesday and thursday we're talking 80 making a comeback inland. it's going to feel very nice later on this week. if you like those warm temperatures, live doppler seven along with satellite. really quiet. we have high pressure building in and that will be the main forecast feature this week. high pressure supplying us with that sunshine and that warm weather. here's. future weather showing you at the time of maximum eclipse this morning. it's quite pleasant. upper 50s to the low 60s with clear skies out there. then later on this afternoon you can see those temperatures going above average. we'll get into the low 70s and our warmest
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spots away from the coast. so highs today we're going above average in most cities 74 in santa rosa hit 69 in richmond and oakland, 73 in concord, a very pleasant 72. in san jose, 70 in san mateo, the city going for high of 65 degrees. now, overnight tonight, we'll keep those clear conditions and temperatures. they will be dipping into the mid 40s and into the low 50s. now future tracker temperatures. as we get into tuesday, we'll start to get high pressure build even more and more what that means by tuesday afternoon you can see more areas getting into the 70s, but those temperatures just continue to warm even more heading into wednesday. and that's when we see 80s pop up in our warmest cities and a lot of spots. big portion of the north bay, the inland east bay, the south bay going for a high of 83 in san jose by wednesday, 82, in danville, 80, in santa rosa. even along the coast, quite pleasant in the 60s and in the 70s. and we'll do it again on thursday. so we keep this above average pattern for much of the week ahead. by friday, we'll find cooler weather moving in here. we'll call it back to reality to finish out the week.
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here's the accuweather seven day forecast. great viewing conditions today for the eclipse warmer weather for the week ahead. well above average wednesday and thursday. then a drop in temperatures on friday but the weekend looking nice with sunshine continuing in those temperatures. comfortable. gloria good morning drew. >> good morning everyone. we do have a traffic alert for you this morning. we're tracking a couple of crashes that are causing some delays. one of them is over in petaluma. so let's zoom in and show you exactly where this is happening. this is over on southbound 101 before state route 116. and this is a two car crash right now, one lane is blocked and so speeds are down to 13mph in this area. we also have a two car crash over in san jose. this crash is over on southbound 101 as well. this is before mckee road and two lanes are blocked in this area. so this is also causing some delays here. so we'll keep tracking this for you throughout the morning. but if you are driving in these areas in san jose and petaluma, expect delays today. >> reggie thanks so much gloria.
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now we bring in ginger zee, the woman of the hour from illinois with a look at what's coming up on gma. >> yes ginger i'm so excited. things look bright and clear behind you for the eclipse. >> yes. you know what i don't know if you can hear that song, but here in saluki stadium, they are getting ready for a big show and they are singing let the sun shine. we are hoping so much for these high clouds to be the only thing that obscures the eclipse, because it should be. we should be in good shape here, at least with some high clouds. maybe here. arkansas, indianapolis the same. but you know, i'm going to have the forecast all over the path of totality. what's so unique about the spot i'm standing in is we're at the eclipse crossroads of america. you know, most places on a map only see a total solar eclipse about once every 400 years. but they said, here, hold my espresso in carbondale because they have had it for twice in just seven years. and so we're here to celebrate these stadium or this stadium will be filled with some 15,000 people. hopefully all seeing that
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beautiful, unifying moment across our nation. so all of the forecast gma is full of way too much eclipse fun. and then robin also joining in cleveland not just for the eclipse but for the women's basketball. so a lot to get to coming up here on gma. and again kumasi i got an extra bed in the room. i'm just saying is it is it too late. >> if i leave right now it might be too late. i'm just going to have to live through you friend. i feel the excitement already so i can't wait. i hope it goes well and are your glasses nearby? >> i just want to make sure that we're protecting your eyes. >> yes they are. hold on. okay. >> i want to see that. >> yep. you know, i got them. i wasn't about to walk out without that. >> there they are. >> and my kids have got them. everybody's good because that's the thing. like in the lower 48, everybody's got some sort of partial eclipse. so and you all have great eclipse weather as drew was just mentioning. so if you're not in the path of totality, you definitely have to have these on at all times. >> yes. we can't wait. ginger i'm so excited for you.
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>> we are thinking only good thoughts about the weather and i'm so excited. there's nothing better than having a band there to play along, right? so a whole stadium full of people, right? >> it's going to be like a like some sort of choreography with, with planets and suns and moons, like i'm going to jump in, you know i am. >> yes. guys, can i play the sun? yes. >> oh my gosh. please do. constellation choreography is the new thing that all the kids are talking about. the streets are. we can't wait to watch you. thanks, ginger. we'll
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the warriors got a win with the rockets loss. golden state clinched a spot in the play-in tournament last night. the warriors beat the utah jazz by eight points. they've won seven of the last eight games. they are playing the lakers tomorrow night in la. you saw it right here on abc seven. the ncaa
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women's national championship. south carolina had an unstoppable season an undefeated 38 and zero. they beat caitlin clark in iowa to earn their third national title. the second in three seasons. coming up on gma coach don staley is talking about south carolina's incredible season. you can watch that full interview at seven right after abc seven mornings. teachers at a school in canada are showing us adults can have fun, too. check it out. they put on inflatable costumes for a little race they had, which led to a lot of laughs, especially when somebody fell on the snow. it said they say that it helps them regain their mind, body and spirit. maybe not that person. well, maybe after a long day at work i can see it. next, at 630, high quality of life. the bay area city ranking in the top five across the country, and
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billionaires battle the plan to build a new bay area city facing pushback from solano count
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you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪ we're about to go on a little adventure together. ta-da! hulu on disney+ is now available. i think we just found our new home. your favorites, together like never before. this is a destination spot.
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for disney bundle subscribers, hulu on disney+ is here. piece of work underway to clean up after the baltimore bridge collapse. >> count down to the eclipse. millions of people have traveled to cities along the path of totality to witness the solar event. >> plus, you can take home an entire disney hotel room. how much would it cost? if you want one of their cabins? oh, from fort wilderness. oh, he's the whole thing. >> yeah. >> wow. they'll send it to you. you'll give them your address. >> just plant it right on market street. >> you have, like, an acre of land. yeah, right in the heart. figure it out. san francisco. >> you know it needs a house. >> good morning everybody. it is monday. it's april the 8th. it's
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eclipse day. yes. >> it's going to be beautiful, hydro. >> it will be. we have great viewing conditions for the eclipse later today. here's a live look from our south beach camera. not a cloud in the sky. this is going to be the trend for the week ahead. it is springlike conditions over the next couple of days. temperatures. right now we're in the 30s and 40s for the most part, so definitely want to take the jacket with you. you do not need it later on this afternoon. here's how the day shapes up. that sun is getting up here very soon. at 644 this morning, we have clear skies all day long. it's nothing but sunshine. those temperatures feel quite pleasant around noon in the 50s and 60s, but even warmer later on. today, by 4 p.m, away from the coast, we will be going into the 70s. let's talk about the eclipse for us here locally. we're not going to see the total solar eclipse that will occur in areas like texas, the midwest, and the northeast. but right around 1113, that's when we'll see the maximum partial eclipse for us, 34% of the sun will get blocked by the moon. so don't look
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directly at the sun as that event occurs. and the partial eclipse will end later on by about 1215. we have warmer weather coming our way in the days ahead. we'll show you those numbers. kumasi coming up in a few minutes. >> thank you. drew so we're just hours away from today's total solar eclipse. 15 states from texas to maine are in the path of totality. the rest of the country will be seeing it in some form. more than 30 million people live in places where the sun will be 100% covered. nasa says the path of totality is slightly narrower than they originally predicted, and there's also cloud cover and a lot of parts along totality path. people in those areas may not be able to see the sun, but it will still get dark outside. >> now, we're not going to get the full eclipse here, but there's still plenty of excitement for the slice that we do get to see. abc seven news reporter lena howland is live this morning at chabot space and science center in oakland, just one of the places in the bay area hosting a viewing party. hi, lena. >> hey, reggie. that's right.
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and for the first time since 2017, folks here in the bay area will get to experience a partial solar eclipse. and folks here at the chabot space and science center, they are ready to celebrate it with their own solar eclipse viewing party. now on shabbos observation deck, they are expecting to have a stellar view of the sun as it passes through 34% totality over oakland. folks will also have the opportunity to watch the nasa live stream in their 20 inch telescope. rachel and enjoy some hot chocolate, coffee, and eclipse crafts for viewing up the north bay. experts are recommending some wide open spaces with unobstructed views like lagoon park in san rafael, a marin county parks ranger told us. the spot near the civic center is accessible by smart train and bus. >> i'm excited i you know, i think it's a unique opportunity to get outside and to see something different, see natural phenomenon. >> absolutely. i plan to see it. yes. i think it's really going
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to be an exciting event. >> although the bay area will only see a partial eclipse, you will still need safety glasses to protect your eyes. just make sure the glasses you buy are legit and have the iso certified seal. today's watch party here at the chabot space and science center kicks off at 10:00 this morning and is expected to go until about 1:00 this afternoon. live in oakland. lena howland, abc seven news lena, thank you for a list of eclipse events, including viewing parties and how to make your own eclipse glasses. >> head to our website abc seven there's a link on our home page and we are counting down to the big moment. we have special coverage from the bay area and abc news is live across the country. it all starts at 11 a.m. wherever you watch abc seven. >> in baltimore, crews have started to remove containers from the deck of the cargo ship that crashed into the francis scott key bridge last month. officials say removing the containers will allow them to
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access a piece of the bridge that now lies across the ship. the crew of the ship has been stuck there this whole time, but this week's work could allow them to finally be able to leave. the governor of maryland says fully reopening the channel, leading to the baltimore port by the end of may is an aggressive but realistic timeline. but we are going to do everything in our power to make sure we are bringing closure and comfort to these families to be able to reopen this channel, to be able to support our workers and support families who have been impacted by it, and also begin the process of the rebuild of the bridge. there is a vigil in baltimore over the weekend to remember the lives of the six workers killed when that bridge collapsed last month. divers are still trying to recover three of them. >> there was another incident involving a cargo ship over the weekend. gloria. this ship lost power. a very similar incident to what happened before the crash in baltimore. >> yeah, it was reggie, the ship lost power friday night as it was crossing through the new york harbor, and the coast guard
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does confirm it also has a loss of propulsion. now. tugboats escorted the ship through the waterway as crews managed to get the ship partially working again . authorities note that even if the ship had come close to the bridge, the design of the bridge would likely have prevented a major collision. >> it is a time to go out and rethink what you have and make sure that all the inspections and all the studies have been made for the individual bridges themselves, and the incident serves as a reminder for bridge officials nationwide to be on alert. >> that ship was allowed to continue on its journey to norfolk, virginia, after getting repairs. of course, we'll have the latest for you on that, reggie. >> gloria. thank you. a new poll reveals an uphill battle for a group of billionaires behind the plan to build a new city near fairfield. out of 400 solano county residents surveyed about 70% said they would not back the california forever project. the plan includes building a community with homes for 400,000
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people, a group against the development says the poll reflects public mistrust of the builders. it needs voter approval before moving forward. california forever proponents say people have not heard enough about the project. >> in the north bay, people living on boats anchored out in richardson bay near sausalito faced eviction in by october, according to our partners at the sf standard, it's all a plan to relocate the group within the next two and a half years. conservationists claim these anchors on the small boat community damaged eelgrass, which is a sensitive and vital food source for migratory shorebirds. housing vouchers are being offered to residents on the bay, according to a new us news and world report. >> san jose ranked among the top five cities in the country for a high quality of living. the company compiled what residents considered satisfied in their daily lives. factors include crime levels, quality of health care and education, plus the average commute and ann arbor, michigan took the top spot. the
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runner up is boulder, colorado. number three madison, wisconsin. san jose at number four, followed by portland, maine. this morning, transgender christians are slamming a new document from the vatican that declares gender affirming surgery as a threat to human dignity. gloria can you tell us more about this statement that was signed off by the pope? >> well, reggie, this is a 20 page document. >> and it not only targets gender affirming surgeries, but also surrogacy and gender theory as threats. and it all puts three of them on par with abortion and euthanasia as practices that violate god's plan for human life. the text rejects gender theory, saying that men and women were created as separate beings, and it claims any gender affirming surgery risks threatening, quote, the unique dignity of a person. the text says that attempts to obscure the quote, sexual difference between man and woman should be rejected. lgbtq plus advocates immediately criticized the document as outdated, harmful, and contrary
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to the stated goal of recognizing the infinite dignity of all of god's children. and they warned it could have real world effects on trans people feeling anti-trans violence and discrimination. reggie kumasi, thanks so much, gloria. >> update on student loans president biden is set to make a major announcement that could impact tens of millions of americans, and the first ever jeopardy! >> invitational tournament. the contestants from the bay area taking part in the show's new competition. here's drew. >> kumasi. let's go outside live. look for pier 39 camera. the sea lions taking a little snooze this morning before that sun gets up here. we have clear skies. it's all about that solar eclipse later on this morning. the path of totality on the map shows you it stretches from texas up through the midwest into the northeast. locally we'll see a partial solar eclipse. about 34% of the sun gets blocked by the moon this morning. that will occur at
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11:13 a.m. local time. and we will have great viewing conditions. it will feel mild out there later on this morning and into the afternoon. we're going to the 60s and 70s for daytime highs, feeling a lot like spring today with that sunshine. 69 in oakland, 71 in napa, 65 in the city. we'll hit 72 in san jose, looking nice in santa cruz, a high of 69 degrees. however, the latest update to our weather and health today showing you tree pollen still high oak, cedar and pine. your main offenders that uv index a six that is high. wear that sunscreen because the sun is in full force not only today but the next three days. warmer weather is going to hit us midweek. look at wednesday 80s back in our warmest spots inland. it's even warmer on thursday. we'll break it all down for you closer. look at those afte
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with our new grocery outlet app, you can see the store's inventory. so you guys really have mangoes in stock? yup. what about frozen pizza? here they are. fresh salmon. too easy. coffee? yup. new plans to forgive student loan debt glories at the live
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desk with that. >> good morning reggie. millions of americans could start seeing debt relief as soon as this fall . the white house says that the plan targets specific groups. black and latino borrowers are on the list, along with borrowers who attended community college. also, borrowers who are financially vulnerable because of debt but never had the chance to complete their degree. they are also included in the plan. people who have balances bigger than what they originally borrowed due to interest, and people who enrolled in low financial value programs, which left them in debt but without good job prospects, could also see some relief. the proposals still need to be finalized and it could be months before that happens. this is biden's second attempt to implement broad student loan forgiveness after the supreme court struck down his first plan last summer. and tomorrow, president biden will announce the details of the administration's plan while on the campaign trail, and he will be in wisconsin. kumasi >> thank you, gloria. the biden
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administration is increasing pressure on israel after airstrikes killed seven food aid workers in gaza, president biden told israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. future us support depends on protections for civilians and aid workers, and said an immediate cease fire is, quote, essential. it's a step toward what pro-palestinian activists here in the bay area have been pushing for months. people are really starting to rise up in the masses to say, we have seen enough of the way in which israel has desecrated the palestinian community, has desecrated palestinian culture, netanyahu's office says the israeli government is taking immediate steps to send more humanitarian aid into gaza. yesterday, negotiators for a cease fire and the release of hostages picked up in cairo. officials say more than 33,000 people have died in gaza since the fighting started, and this is now israel's longest war in
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more than 40 years, with no end in sight. gas prices are on the rise across the country, but it is hitting us here in california, as you can imagine, harder than anywhere else. just last week in our state, the cost of a gallon went up $0.23 on average to 527. one factor is a local refinery halting gasoline production for renewable diesel. an expert tells yahoo finance. the change at phillips 66 refinery and rodeo made an impact on the market. those prices across the bay area right now oakland at 549 san jose, just a couple cents shy of that, and san francisco, the most expensive at 560. >> now for your morning money report. elon musk's electric car company tesla, might be rolling out an autonomous taxi service this summer. in a vague message on social media, musk simply wrote tesla robotaxi unveil on eight over eight. musk has spoken about a robotaxi project for years. some analysts say it's a risky bet. competitors like cruise and waymo have both
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been testing self-driving cars on roads for years. >> all right, everyone, we are just a few hours away from the total solar eclipse and sudden darkness that comes from it can lead to some pretty unusual behavior from animals. so researchers say birds can get really quiet, nocturnal animals. they get vocal because the eclipse disrupts their internal clocks and they get confused. nasa has teamed up with scientists across the path of totality to document animal behavior during the celestial event. you know what? so reading, like at some zoos, the flamingos, they get in a circle around their babies to try to protect them. when this happens and the draft start galloping around their enclosures, like all sorts of things start to happen. >> what do they know? >> they say, you know what? they know something. they know a little something. you know who else knows a little something? our guest. this morning, we're
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talking with the principal scientist at san francisco's exploratorium. >> julie yu is joining us now from junction, texas. julie, we have been crossing our fingers, our toes and everything else about the weather. i do see that it looks pretty bright outside. so are you hopeful this morning? >> i am very hopeful. there's some cloud cover and, i'm i'm i'm hopeful. all we need is a little bit of sun. and then during the actual eclipse, during totality, our weather forecasts really aren't prepared to estimate what's going to happen when all of that solar radiation is blocked. so i'm very hopeful and i'm happy to hear that you all have lovely weather in san francisco. to view the partial, we really do. >> and honestly, this is a day where i would actually trade you because i want you to have the best view because you traveled so far. junction, texas is not the easiest place in the world to get to. i mean, it's kind of in between san antonio and austin and the hill country, but it's a teeny tiny town. >> it's a pretty tiny town, and we're really grateful to be hosted by texas tech university
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site here at junction. and we have a lovely location out in the field of bluebonnets, and we are really hoping for clear skies and a lovely experience today. >> so, julie, i know so many people have traveled to witness this just to be a part of it, but i know you are also taking in the majesty of it, but you're also researching and working. so talk to me about during this time what you are going to be doing. the data you're going to be gathering and what you're hoping to learn. >> yes. so there's a lot happening here at the junction site. my responsibilities today are to host the english language language broadcast that we are transmitting on the web. so anyone can watch live. it's going to start at 1045 pacific daylight time. and we actually have programs in english and in spanish. in the broadcast, we're going to be talking with scientists who are taking data, here for at the site and then representing programs, taking data across the country. so we're going to have a balloon
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launch from the nationwide eclipse ballooning team. they're taking temperature, humidity, weather sort of data. and then we're going to hear from a representative of the globe project, which is a citizen science project at nasa, where you wherever you are, whether you're in totality or experiencing partial eclipse, you can take temperature data and upload, and we're going to have as much data as we can on what really happens to temperatures on earth. during an eclipse. >> i saw on the exploratorium's instagram that you had a fancy little machine. what was it called, a sun spotter. >> what sun spotter? thanks for watching that, reggie. yeah, the beauty of that thing is, it's not fancy at all. it's a really simple telescope, and it's designed so that you can view an image of the sun. i wish i had it in here, but you can view the image of the sun in a really safe way. you actually cannot. even a small child cannot get their head into that space. and so multiple people can see an image of the sun that's about
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like maybe yay, big. and so it's in between what we will see through our eclipse glasses. so when you put on eclipse glasses, you're taking a direct view of the sun, which is incredible. and the sun only takes up like half an, degree of angular view of the sky. and so it's really itty bitty and then we have these higher powered telescopes that are zooming in and giving us close up images of the sun, but that takes it's pretty complicated. we have an expert telescope engineer, calibrating those for us. so the sun spotter is this halfway point. it's really good for educational purposes because a lot of people can come around and look at it. and i've actually gotten some of the most beautiful images of an eclipse that i have just by taking a photo of what's projected in the sun spotter. oh, nice. >> so it's sort of like a better version of taking the cereal box that drew has taught us how to make and look at the little box is awesome. >> you don't need any, optics, pinhole projections. that is the most basic, actually, the most basic is taking your, your
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hands. and, you know, when you put your fingers like this, there are holes between your fingers and when sun shines through those holes, it actually projects an image, even though these holes are kind of, you know, almost square, rectangular, you'll see that the images are circular, except today you will see a crescent sun. the sun spotter is actually a telescope. it has two lenses and some mirrors, it's just a more robust and simpler version of the telescopes that we will be using here. and other nasa feeds will be using. >> well, thank you so much for everything that you're doing. all the information you're gathering and the info you're sharing back with us here in the bay area. the exploratorium is going to be so fun today. the whole party that is the place to be. yeah >> we will have a, a watch party at the exploratorium. there's free outdoor programing starting at 10 p.m. or 10 a.m. in san francisco, at. and we're giving out eclipse glasses while supplies last. oh okay. >> that's good to know, because the run across the street and get some, it's right across the
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street and that's been a hot item. sportatorium has been selling 100 per day, so. well, that was really fun. bye, julie. >> that was hi, julie. >> yeah, i know, i'm hoping maybe we could sneak over there because it's close to us. i don't have my glasses, so that'd be a good spot to get them. >> yeah, now i know i can just do this. >> just do that. that's true. that's that's good. i put your put your back to the sun while you do that. right. that's that's the best way to do it. okay. you know, viewing anything like that, i'm excited. >> i'm excited. yeah. >> it's awesome. it will be cool. okay. so the whole thing from beginning to end is about two hours. so the partial eclipse will begin at 1014 this morning. it will reach its maximum. we're about a third of the sun is blocked by the moon at 1113 this morning. that is when you'll see, that uh- shadow. if you put your hands out, you'll see that shadow on the ground. and then the partial eclipse will end at about 1215 this afternoon. it's just gorgeous viewing conditions with that solar eclipse today. it's a warming trend for the week ahead. 80s coming back wednesday
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and thursday. you like spring. you're going to love the seven day forecast. quiet out there on live doppler seven along with satellite. we are finding lots of sunshine today. by the time that eclipse is at its maximum for us, we're in the upper 50s to the lower 60s. and later on this afternoon we'll get you into the 60s and into the 70s. feeling warm today, feeling very nice. 73 in concord today, 65 in the city, 72 in vallejo, 72 in san jose, 70 in san mateo. you get the picture. feeling very nice where we go above average for daytime highs overnight tonight. we'll get you into the mid 40s and lower 50s under clear skies. looking at tomorrow, temperatures even warmer. more of us getting into the 70s. and by wednesday there you can see 80 are back in our warmest spots away from the coast. here's the accuweather seven day forecast the next seven days for you. great viewing for the partial eclipse today for us. sunshine, warmer weather through midweek. our temps dip a bit on friday, but we're looking great for the weekend, saturday and sunday. dry and sunny guys. >> thank you drew. happening
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tonight. jeopardy is invitational tournament continues right here on abc seven and two local contestants are taking part. oakland's amy schneider and san francisco's andrew he both competing. so far, schneider has one win under her belt. both of them are facing previous winner victoria gross in tonight's finals. the first to win two games will get the $100,000 grand prize and an invitation to the jeopardy! master tournament. you can watch that special edition of jeopardy! tonight at seven right here on abc seven. >> sometimes you just don't want your vacation to end, and now it doesn't have to. kind of cabins from the fort wilderness area at walt disney world in florida are now for sale. furnishings and all. disney is replacing the cabins and making this a part of their disney vacation club. so these older cabins are now going for $50,000 each. moving them is free for people within 25 miles of orlando, florida. otherwise you'll have to pay to ship them. disney is a parent company of abc seven. a lot of people are very nostalgic about these cabins. >> so sweet.
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>> like they spent years their family, going to them year after year. fort wilderness is like an iconic place at the walt disney world property. i've never been. it's one of the few places i haven't been on the property. you got $50,000 for me? no no, we'll be right back. you g glasses for me?
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number one, we are just hours away from the solar eclipse and people from texas to maine have a chance to see it in totality. but weather is threatening to block some of the best viewing. number two, if you are staying local, remember you still need to wear special glasses to view the eclipse so that you don't hurt your eyes. >> you can find out how i should say more about what to look for. the special events happening in the bay area, and watch our live coverage at abc seven >> and number three, as we take a look at the weather conditions, to view that partial eclipse here locally, that will occur at 1113 this morning. and the skies will be clear. we are in store for a nice sunny day
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and warm temperatures. highs today feeling very spring like. we'll go to 65 in the city, near 70 in oakland, 72 in san jose, up to 74. in santa rosa. >> number for the faa is investigating after the engine cover on this southwest plane blew off during takeoff yesterday. the plane was headed from denver to houston. it turned around, landed safely, and all passengers were put onto other planes. >> number five, you may get more choices when it comes to concert tickets. today oakland assembly member buffy wicks plans to detail her new bill that would end ticketmaster's exclusive control of ticket sales. wicks compares ticketmaster to a monopoly she wants to lift restrictions on reselling and allow multiple companies to sell tickets, similar to the way airline ticket sales work. >> and number six, we are tracking a crash in petaluma. that's causing some delays in this area. this is on southbound 101 before state route 116. and right now the speeds are down to nine miles per hour. in this area, traffic is backed up from petaluma boulevard.
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>> number seven eclipse advice from nasa. think twice before taking pictures with your smartphone. the agency says your phone's sensor could be damaged if you pointed directly at the sun. so nasa says hold your eclipse glasses in front of the device when you are trying to take a photo or anything at any point other than totality. that's all the time for us here. so if you're going to take a picture, picture, picture, enjoy it. >> we're going to have millions of pictures. >> that's true. yeah. just will not do it justice. >> you're exactly not gonna be. exactly. yeah so good >> michael: good morning america for our viewers in the west. we are counting down to the eclipse. just hours away from the total solar eclipse. with 32 million americans in its path of 100% totality and


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