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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM  ABC  April 8, 2024 11:00pm-11:36pm PDT

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-christine ended up appealing, and, unfortunately for her, losing her appeals for the conviction. now she is serving that life sentence in gatesville, texas. -i felt like justice was served. ♪ forced to ditch their cars and evacuate on foot as a truck catches fire. >> the fight over who gets to claim san francisco bay, a proposed airport rebrand, has san francisco threatening to go to court. >> a celestial show to remember tonight. people who traveled across the country for the perfect view of the total solar eclipse say it was totally worth it. abc seven news at 11 starts now. >> always live abc seven news
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starts right now. >> and right away we begin with breaking news tonight. a large fire in the east bay. you can see flames shooting out from the roof. this is just west of 8-80 in hayward on hall road at industrial parkway. this fire started a little more than an hour ago, and firefighters are just getting a handle on it. it does appear to be some kind of industrial building. there are no reports of injuries right now, but of course we will keep you updated as soon as we learn more. moving on now to that developing situation on the roads, the posey tube, alameda back open after a fire stopped traffic with that we say, good evening, i'm dionne lim and i'm dan ashley. >> thanks for joining us. it was a scary situation for drivers forced to leave their cars and walk out through the smoke. the tube connecting downtown oakland and alameda just reopened in the last two hours. a car fire stopped traffic about 730 tonight. abc seven news caught video of crews pulling that burned truck out of the tunnel. fortunately, the fire did not
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spread and no one was hurt, but it made for a frustrating drive for people stuck in the tube than forced to evacuate and leave their cars behind on foot. the posey tube reopened just after 9:00 tonight. all right, our other top story tonight, a community once plagued by violence. that's really pulled off a major turnaround tonight. >> community advocates in east palo alto are trying to make sure violent crime doesn't make a comeback. >> this impacts everyone in the community, the family, the friends, the police. >> the police are trying to solve their first homicide of the year and investigating whether a death today is criminal as well. abc seven news reporter lauren martinez has the latest. a death investigation is underway in east palo alto. >> police say they found a man off newell road on monday. the chief of police said it's too early to determine if a criminal act occurred last year, east palo alto had zero murders. the chief called it a momentous
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milestone for a community once marked by adversity. in the early 1990s, it was once known as the u.s. murder capital. >> the resources were not there always. >> since the late 1980s, margaret petros has helped families of murder victims in east palo alto and throughout the bay area. >> families tend to be scared. so we're here as a community organization, doing it on behalf of the families, on behalf of the community as well. >> this year, police are asking the public's help to solve the city's first murder of 2024. east palo alto police said. a man stabbed on february 8th died from his injuries a month later, the department is still looking for his attacker. they released this surveillance video. it shows a white suv stop and appear to witness the attack on the corner of university avenue and bell street. police are asking those who were inside that white suv to come forward.
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they may have vital information. margaret petros is organization mothers against murder is offering a $10,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person responsible. >> there is always hope and if some reward can help, then we're willing to justice to the family , justice to the primary victim and to keep our community safe. it's well worth it in the south bay. >> lauren martinez, abc seven news. >> tesla has settled a high profile case involving a driver who died after his model x crashed while the autopilot was on. jury selection for the wrongful death trial was set to begin today. former apple engineer walter wong died when his tesla hit a concrete highway median in the south bay back in march of 2018, the ntsb's investigation found that the car had been on autopilot for nearly 19 minutes before the vehicle veered off the highway. terms of
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the settlement were not disclosed in foster city tonight. >> the faucets are flowing normally again after aeak in a water main. crews finish emergency repairs about 9:00 tonight. they found the break yesterday morning and had crews working along east third avenue overnight to deal with this. the city declared a local emergency and asked people to lit water usage as it drew from reserves. well, now that it's fixed, the backup plan of an overnight water shut off will not be necessary. >> new developments tonight in the battle between two bay area airports, sfo is fighting to stop oakland airport from adding san francisco bay to its name. san francisco's city attorney is now threatening to sue to stop the rebrand. the port of oakland board of commissioners is due to vote on the name change just days from now. abc seven news reporter tim johns has been following the story for us since last week, and looks at the latest escalation in the branding fight. >> if oakland chooses to move forward with its proposal, we
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will have no choice but to pursue legal action. >> harsh words monday from san francisco city attorney david chu. earlier in the day, chu sending a letter to the port of oakland commissioners over the potential name change of oakland airport. >> we also believe the currently proposed name infringes on sfo's trademarks. sfo has been in operation for almost a century. since 1927, we've used san francisco international airport or san francisco airport throughout most of that history. >> last month, the board announcing its intention to rename the east bay airport to san francisco bay oakland international airport. in a statement monday, the port doubling down on the proposal in a statement that reads the proposed name modification will clarify, not confuse. the new name identifies where okay is actually located, which is on the san francisco bay. if the proposed name modification is approved by the board, the port will take all appropriate measures to defend its right to use this accurate geographic identifier. while the possible
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name change has gotten a lot of condemnation in san francisco, across the water in oakland, many local leaders have come out in support, several citing the economic benefits it could bring by attracting more tourists. >> adding san francisco to it certainly makes it more attractive or more recognizable to those that are traveling. traveling from out of the state, out of the country. >> but that could be exactly the problem, says henry hertefeld, that if they go forward with this, it's going to be a disaster. >> it's going to absolutely be a customer service disaster. >> hertefeld is a travel industry analyst and marketing expert. he says if it goes through, he thinks the name change would cause confusion for travelers, many of whom he says might even accidentally fly to the wrong airport. >> that's going to create frustration. it's going to create customer service problems for airlines and it risks leading to a lot of unhappy, frustrated, travelers who could badmouth the bay area. as a
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result, the port of oakland board of commissioners is set to meet thursday to consider the potential name change in san francisco. >> tim johns abc seven news. >> part of building a better bay area is finding sustainable solutions to fight climate change. a new analysis found. the bay area is leading the nation when it comes to cutting emissions from transportation. san jose came in at the top spot, according to streetlight data's report. the south bay ranked high for cutting the number of miles traveled and ev adoption. san francisco and oakland ranked third among metro areas. transportation is still the biggest driver of planet warming emissions around the country. >> the east bay is about to get an influx of new e-bikes. lyft and the metropolitan transportation commission are set to announce tomorrow. the expansion of the bay wheels bike sharing program. 500 next generation e-bikes will be rolled out in oakland, berkeley and emeryville, along with 24 new docking stations. lyft says
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they hope this expansion will grow ridership and reduce operational costs. and there it is, complete totality. >> amazingly beautiful. once in a lifetime. >> i had no idea we would see this much of it here. it's so cool. >> i'm just grateful to be here. it's a blessing. >> the incredible show that we waited for and we'll wait a long time to see again. millions of people spent the morning looking up as the skies went dark for that total solar eclipse. >> now, here in the bay area, we didn't have that 100% totality view even so, people still packed the viewing party at the exploratorium to admire the rare celestial event and truly, we've seen so many amazing images from the eclipse from all around the country. >> we really have just incredible. the excitement has built up for weeks, and the solar show certainly did not disappoint. we know so many people traveled a long way for the perfect eclipse experience. thousands of miles for that
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perfect shot. >> abc seven news reporter j.r. stone talked with people arriving home to the bay area after their eclipse trips. >> travelers headed every which way at san francisco international airport monday. the better believe that some of them just saw the total solar eclipse and other parts of the country. it sort of like see the eclipse and then go to the airport. or how did that work exactly? >> it turns out you can schedule a lyft or uber ride to pick you up right at the end of the eclipse, and it will scoot you back to the airport just in time to catch your flight. >> and that's just what dan russell of palo alto did. he managed to take these photos of the eclipse monday in austin, texas. russell stopped there on the way back from raleigh so he could see friends and of course the eclipse. >> it was cloudy, but every so often there would be a little parting in the clouds and you'd see it, and then it would go away and you'd see it and go away. so it was really nice, actually. >> i talked to several people who flew to other parts of the
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country to see the total solar eclipse and told me they're not flying back monday or tuesday because of the high prices. mark ziegler of concord, who i spoke with sunday night, was one of those individuals. he's not flying back yet, but did send me these images monday of what the total solar eclipse looked like 2500 miles away in ohio. he described it as breathtaking. everyone online and off the plane, talking about the daytime darkness within the path of the total solar eclipse. i came from texas and i and i looked at the eclipse. >> it was really dark and a duration about three four minutes going from like a middle of the day and then to the middle of the night. >> so got pretty dark. >> yeah, very dark. >> it was surprisingly dark. it wasn't. it was very slow to get dark. and all of a sudden it got very dark. street lights came on, the birds went away. it was really dramatic. >> was it worth it? >> absolutely, absolutely. you
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should have gone. >> maybe next time. dan, at sfo, j.r. stone, abc seven news. >> maybe next time or you couldn't ask for better eclipse viewing weather here in the bay area. and we're just getting started with the warming trend. yeah. >> abc seven news meteorologist sandhya patel joins us with a look at your 24 hour accuweather forecast. hi, sandy. >> hi there. yeah, dion and dan we had spectacular weather and we just can't get enough of that partial eclipse. so let me show you a view from a follower out of foster city who actually captured this through the cell phone. just an amazing view there. and it is looking stunning from our sutro tower camera as we look at the golden gate bridge, a sign of what's to come. 7 a.m. tomorrow morning. mostly clear skies, a few patches of fog, temperatures in the 40s. by noontime it's already milder, and in the afternoon we're going to have that spring warmth with a lot of 70s around the bay and inland, breezy at the coast and cooling later on in the evening. here's a look at your san jose high temperatures 78 tomorrow. even warmer on wednesday before the
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temperatures start to slide. and it's going to be a dramatic cool down on friday. average high of 68. so ten degrees above average. i'll be back with a full look at your forecast. that's going to feel more like summer midweek. dan and diane. >> all right sandhya thank you. well dating advice or dating defamation tonight there is a legal fight over posts about bad dates and the women just got a win. >> social media trends have young girls buying skin care meant for adults. there's a new bill that may try to stop that. >> and a beautiful sign for california water future in more
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all my mouth's watering just reading this promo. will we be at your favorite comfort food spot? it's one tasty week on gma . >> all right, back now with more incredible images of today's total solar eclipse from around the world. millions of people grabbing those eclipse glasses, the pinhole cameras, or maybe the calendars. that was one good trick to see the moon cover up the sun. great shots. all right, women in los angeles are fighting a legal battle because they posted about a bad date on social media. >> now they say they were just venting to other women about some all too common experiences with the man, though, that they posted about says it's defamation. >> yeah, this is all centered around a facebook group growing in popularity. are we dating the same guy? it's basically a crowdsourced background check for women on the lookout for toxic men. >> all right. olivia berger posted there after she went on a date with a man named stuart lucas. murray now, murray claims
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berger lied. he is suing her and other women who reacted to her post today. a judge granted one of them what's known as an anti-slapp motion, a way to quickly dismiss a meritless lawsuit around free speech. >> there's more people that could possibly be pulled into this. and so, it's great news, the ruling, and we're excited to be done with this. >> now. in a statement today, murray said the ruling was based on only part of one woman's statement saying, quote, this is a situation that is bigger than mere libel. we face a threat to privacy and i am prepared for the long fight ahead. >> president biden today introduced sweeping new student loan forgiveness plans that could slash debts for tens of millions of americans. it targets what's called runaway interest. the plan cancels up to $20,000 for people who owe more than they borrowed because of the interest. it also eliminates interest from borrowers making
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$120,000 a year or less. but before the plan kicks in, it has to survive legal challenges that doomed a similar proposal last year. >> a concerning trend of children using anti-aging products has caught the attention of lawmakers. assembly member alex lee introduced a bill to ban the sale of these skincare products to kids under the age of 13. lee says they contain powerful, active ingredients that bring unnecessary risks. social media is full of influencers promoting beauty routines, prompting the recent phenomenon of something called sephora for kids, where youth are buying up trendy products. oftentimes i-team's made for adult skin. >> the slow economic recovery of downtown san francisco has the attention of other california city leaders who are dealing with the same problem today. san francisco mayor london breed met with the mayors of sacramento, long beach, and riverside at the state capitol for the first legislative hearing on california's post pandemic recovery. mayor breed expressed support for a series of bills
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created by bay area lawmakers, which would encourage renewed investment in downtown san francisco. the ceo of san francisco's union square alliance also attended today's session, and says the meeting gave her hope. >> bar and restaurant boom in union square. were actually expecting quite a few more announcements of new restaurants this year and into next year. >> mayor breed told the group. both violent crime and property crime downtown are improving. she says the shift to remote work remains the biggest reason for the slow recovery. a milestone for the water reserves of california. the morning glory spillway at lake berryessa is in use. the spillway usually sits above the water waiting to catch the overflow. the recent rainy season has answered its calls. the spillway is 72ft wide and drops 200ft down, made to flow into putah creek near harbin hot springs in napa county. it is a really interesting technology, but it's back in use because of
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all the rain. >> all right, speaking of the weather, we will need shorts and sweaters just this week. >> it's a fast moving game in the weather department. meteorologist sandhya patel is here. >> sandy is sure is. and you're going to need the umbrellas later this week, too. dan and diane, let me show you a beautiful view sent to me via twitter by a follower from brentwood of the partial eclipse from today. just absolute gorgeous. so if you didn't get a chance to see it, we're showing you those pictures. still live views. speaking of pictures from all of our tower cameras around the bay area and you can see just spectacular conditions right now. high pressure, taking control of our weather and with a north northwesterly wind flow, temperatures are definitely going to continue to trend higher today. it was warmer. livermore's average high of 68 degrees. tomorrow you're up to 77 degrees. getting up into the low 80s for midweek, but don't get too used to this idea because you notice that temperature drop off is sharp come friday and saturday. here's
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a view from uh- i shouldn't say a view. here's a look at your air quality the next two days. it is going to be good tomorrow if you want to get outside everywhere you look. wednesday you start to notice. as the temperatures rise, the air quality begins to go into moderate mode for coast, central bay and santa clara valley. still safe for you to get outside. and as we look at a view from live doppler seven don't have any rain to speak of, but patches of fog? certainly not. out of the question. tomorrow morning, 40 and 50 a live view from san jose camera where it is absolutely beautiful. the next few days, sunny and noticeably warmer. wednesday and thursday we have summer-like warmth coming your way and for the end of the week, temperatures will tumble and rains back. so let's go hour by hour. no rain tomorrow morning. 40s and 50s to start your day at 5 a.m. for those of you commuting right at 5:00 a noontime, you're looking at 60s and 70s, and it is going to be a gorgeous day. by early afternoon . you're already popping up into the 70s in many locations. so first thing tomorrow morning,
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we'll call it 40s and 50s. mainly clear, except for a few patches of fog along the coast. south bay temperatures 78 in san jose, 77 for you in santa clara on the peninsula, 75 in redwood city, 60 one half moon bay. you still have a little bit of a sea breeze. 67 downtown san francisco, daly city, mid 60s north bay temperatures upper 70s from napa to santa rosa 74 in san rafael in the east bay. oakland 7275 fremont. it's going to be a beautiful day inland 78, concord 77. in livermore now, for those of you waiting for rain, it does come back. it comes back as early as friday night, but it's a better likelihood for saturday. and then early sunday we still have a few more showers trailing, so that's when you'll need the rain gear. but until then you need the shades and the shorts. as dionne and dan were talking about. accuweather seven day forecast warming trend for tomorrow. it's summer-like warmth for wednesday thursday in the 80s coast starts to cool, but then friday it's that dramatic drop off in temperatures in a level one for saturday and part of sunday. diane and dan will
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in the women's ncaa championship game will go down as one of the most watched games in recent years. sunday's game had a
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preliminary audience of 18.7 million viewers. >> pretty fantastic. those numbers could even be larger when the final stats are released tomorrow. we'll keep tabs on that. the only sporting events in the united states to draw a bigger tv audience since 2019 have been football, the world cup and the olympics. it's the most watched basketball game men's or women's since 2019. wow. all right. the ncaa championship game was played tonight. >> yeah. larry beil joins us now with a look at sports. >> hi there dan dion. could the defending champs from uconn stop the giant seven foot four inch zach edey. plus blake snell on the hill for the giants for the first time. how would the newest giant fa
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leaving, the giants made a late splash in free agency, signing two time cy young award winner blake snell. snell making his giants debut tonight against the washington nationals, did not last as long as the giants were hoping. snell signed a contract that will pay him $30 million a year. expectations high. still, getting his arm in shape. lefty with a big hook strikes out jacob young, first hitter he faced as a giant, then high heat to get joey gallo to end the
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inning. giants actually got on the board first in this game. lamonte wade jr with a double to left and the ball is going to get away as he slides into second. and young who really heads up play as he races home to score to make it one. nothing giants. but they were zero for ten with men in scoring position. hard to win like that. two on for snell in the second who had some issues with command. trey lipscomb base hit. there's his first run allowed as a giant ties the game at one after another. rbi single. snell has luis garcia junior in a pick off, but lipscomb breaks for home. snell fires a seed to the plate. patrick bailey can't get the tag down. snell three innings allowed three earned runs. fans five walks two. then in the fifth, lane thomas a two run jack off landon rupe and the giants lose eight one. ncaa basketball championship. purdue taking on the defending champs from uconn. you know those hats fit perfectly on the big man, seven foot four inches zach eady a force down low. the hoop plus the foul. eady went for 37 points, but uconn would pull away in the second half from purdue. tristan newton knocks down the triple. he led uconn with 20. but here comes the play
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of the night. eady no camden heidi with authority on the putback slam. who wants to be on my poster. here you are. but uconn would build an 18 point lead newton lobbing to sampson johnson and the huskies are back to back champs 7560 is your final with steph curry resting last night. klay thompson went off for 32 as the warriors beat the jazz. klay was a guest on draymond green's podcast and was asked to be brutally honest about what goes through his mind when draymond gets ejected from a game. >> when you're not out there, it's like a piece of us is gone. we could never be ourselves and have the freedom we do on the court without you. so i know the other team is very happy you're not out there. they can they relax a little bit. our muscles gone, our enforcer, the guy. the heartbeat of our team is not out there. and we've been through so many battles. reached the mountaintop, been down the mountain. had to climb back up. and now we have another real shot at this. so at the end of the day, we just need you. >> and the masters starts thursday. tiger woods with a big
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gallery as he practiced at augusta national today, the five time masters champ withdrew early last year due to foot issues. 'll see if he can make you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪
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norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school.
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it's one of the top stories on our website right now. when is the next total solar eclipse? the next one happens in just two years, but totality will only be visible in greenland, iceland and spain. you can read up on the eclipse calendar and the timing of the next us eclipse on abc seven >> gotta travel a little further for that one, right? well, thanks so much for watching everybody. i'm dionne lim and i'm dan ashley for sandhya patel. >> bill, we appreciate your time. we'll leave you with more images of that rare solar eclipse right now on jimmy kimmel. henry cavill and mike epps. >> lou: from hollywood, it's “jimmy kimmel live”! tonight -- henry cavill. mike epps. and music from tori kelly. with cleto and the cletones. and now, jimmy kimmel! [ cheering and applause ]


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