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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  April 8, 2024 11:35pm-12:38am PDT

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it's one of the top stories on our website right now. when is the next total solar eclipse? the next one happens in just two years, but totality will only be visible in greenland, iceland and spain. you can read up on the eclipse calendar and the timing of the next us eclipse on abc seven >> gotta travel a little further for that one, right? well, thanks so much for watching everybody. i'm dionne lim and i'm dan ashley for sandhya patel. >> bill, we appreciate your time. we'll leave you with more images of that rare solar eclipse right now on jimmy kimmel. henry cavill and mike epps. >> lou: from hollywood, it's “jimmy kimmel live”! tonight -- henry cavill. mike epps. and music from tori kelly. with cleto and the cletones. and now, jimmy kimmel! [ cheering and applause ]
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♪ >> jimmy: very nice. hi. hi, everybody. i'm jimmy. i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching. thank you for joining us here in hollywood. we've got a -- i know, this is a big night. [ cheering ] in america, there is a lot going on. we had the ncaa men's basketball final tonight. i want to wish everyone a merry eclipse-mas too. we had a total solar eclipse today. only the third one since 1979. this is how it appeared in cleveland, ohio. if you're in what they call the path of totality, you witnessed a fairly spectacular phenomenon. the moon almost fully blocking out the sun. if you were anywhere else, it
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was like when you accidentally leave your shades open an inch. not so interesting. all across the country today, americans were clamoring for eclipse glasses. it was kind of nice to see people lined up at drug stores again for something other than toilet paper. they were very hard to come by i guess. and now they are all in the garbage. we have no use for them. i bought a pack of cardboard glasses from amazon last week. because i was a cub scout, and i like to be prepared. and this morning, we put them on, my wife, my kids, we went outside. and as we were looking up to the sky into this black hole of cornea-burning ultraviolet light, i realized i have no idea if these work. i'm just trusting. i'm trusting that my eyeballs, the eyeballs of everyone in my family to the people who mail me beard oil and wiper blades. but i'm fine. it was quite a sight. and if you're excited about the eclipse, wait until you hear about nighttime. it goes on for hours! and it is awesome. president biden will be 101 when
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the next total eclipse happens. and you don't get to his age without taking care of yourself. gram-potus put out an official white house message warning us not to look up! >> folks, enjoy the eclipse, but play it safe. don't be silly. >> jimmy: that's right. don't be silly. this is no time for malarkey. and we won't tolerate it. by the way, you can tell how little faith our doctors, our scientists, even our news organizations have in us by the amount of times they had to tell us not to look directly at the sun today. >> today is the solar eclipse, and a reminder, if you still haven't heard, do not look directly at the sun without proper glasses. >> eye doctors are warning people do not look at the sun. >> i have to tell you, don't look at the sun. >> please do not at any point today look at the sun. >> do not look at the sun. >> please don't just look up at the sun. >> avoid looking directly at the sun. >> do not look directly into the sun. >> do not look directly into the
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sun. >> do not look directly into the sun. >> don't look directly at the sun. >> do not look directly at the sun. do not look directly at the sun. >> don't look directly at the sun. it should be an everyday thing actually. >> jimmy: and yet somehow it makes me want to look directly at the sun. you know the last time the sun dared to pull a stunt like this was in 2017? when our then-leader stared directly at it and said “not today sun!” not today. he wasn't wearing any wimpy cardboard glasses. trump handles an eclipse the same way he does porn stars. unprotected! [ applause ] that's the kind of man he is. and then his team, his election team used the eclipse to make some kind of a point on truth social. ♪
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♪ [ laughter ] >> usa, usa! >> jimmy: yes, we will save america. we will save america by plunging it into complete and total darkness with my giant head. nothing says “i won't be a dictator” like blocking out the sun. you know, marjorie taylor greene? i feel like this didn't get enough attention. on friday i think she tweeted about the earthquake in new york and the eclipse, saying "god is sending america strong signs to tell us to repent. earthquakes and eclipses and many more things to come. that's right, there is a godzilla coming too. i don't know if you guys know that. "i pray that our country listens." what makes this spectacular display of dim bulbery is the
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epicenter in new jersey that she thinks is god is going to warn us is literally on donald trump's golf course. that's not a joke. god put it on the tan andreas fault to warn us. at mar-a-lago, this is good. trump accepted an award on behalf of his wife melania, who is apparently too busy not attending to attend. >> i know the first lady couldn't be here, but we want to give melania trump the child advocacy award. she did so much for children when she was the first lady. [ applause ] >> jimmy: that's right. she couldn't be here to accept an award at her house! okay. she wanted to be here. and she was, but she also wasn't. melania was given the “child advocacy award” from trump's
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former director of i.c.e., which is not like getting a teen choice award from r. kelly. i dont know why this was necessary. here's a tip: if you're making up an award in the first place? you can give it to the person whenever they can make it downstairs. you don't have to -- melania did make a rare appearance alongside her husband at a fundraiser saturday night. trump claims he raked in $50 million that night, which seems a bit high, but he is not one to exaggerate. at the fundraiser, trump said he wants immigrants to come from “nice” countries, like denmark, switzerland and norway. nice. whenever trump says nice, he means white. he is also working hard to reimagine his official stance on abortion. secretly, he's for it. he's very for it. and of course, he can't say that. after appointing enough supreme court justices to take away a woman's right to choose, a lot of americans are mad. even republicans. so, in an effort to have his cake and eat it too, he got a hot new spray tan and lined up in front of two enormous american flags.
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>> it must be remembered that the democrats are the radical ones on this position because they support abortion up to and even beyond the ninth month. the concept of having an abortion in the later months and even execution after birth. and that's exactly what it is. the baby is born. the baby is executed after birth is unacceptable and almost everyone agrees with that. >> jimmy: that's right. you didn't know there were baby firing squads going on around here? and to prove it, trump is going to allow them to abort eric and don jr. at age 40. [ applause ] >> jimmy: here is something of trump i want to look in to. of all the stuff artificial intelligence can supposedly do, this is one i know i never imagined. there is an app that uses ai to determine if you have an s.t.i., which used to be called an s.t.d. but they changed it to confuse us.
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a ufo is now a u.a.p., and an std is an s.t.i. if you come in contact with either one of them, call the space force immediate ly so anyway, a start-up out of san francisco just launched an app called calmara, which is trained to recognize diseased human penii. ♪ ♪ >> jimmy: wait a minute, if it's clean, you give it a bite. and you know. it's an interesting idea. the only problem is, doctors say it isn't effective. calmara claims its accuracy rate is 65 to 95%. which one expert described as "terrible.” oh, you're 65% herpes-free. let's do this!" back to the eclipse. as you might imagine, this was a very big deal for the weather channel. even though i am not sure it qualifies as weather, this reporter, who was on the scene in texas today.
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she showed a tremendous amount of enthusiasm for the moon blotting out the sun. >> i can even see a blue spot right there. come on! we've got four minutes. the crowd is willing it, yeah! we can see it! just for a minute. just for a second! but i'll take it. i will take it. look at it! oh my god, we got it! we got it! agh! >> jimmy: i'll have what the eclipse is having. nice. sounded like lauren boebert at "beetlejuice!" that was wild. it's exciting i guess. when i came into work this morning, everybody was in the parking lot looking at it, which made me wonder, how many people know what an eclipse even is. so we went out on hollywood boulevard and asked pedestrians a simple question. a good question, even. we asked “what is an eclipse?” and here's what it is. ♪
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>> what is an eclipse? >> what is an eclipse? ooh, i don't know what it is. i know we got to wear sunglasses for it. >> i don't know, it's clips in a movie? >> what is that? >> i don't know. is this a trick question? >> it's the -- when the moon is under cover by the clouds, i believe. >> i believe it's like when the moon and the sun collide and there is a space in between. >> what happens during an eclipse? >> um, it is when -- it has to do with the sun. and that it is when the sun becomes covered. and it ends up being dark for a while. >> how long do you think eclipse will last? >> i think 72 hours, three days. because the reason i think that
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the solar eclipse may happen for three days is because that's what gilbert told me. gilbert was referring to the three days that people were going to have to stay inside. there is going to be a lot of crime happening. there is going to be a lot of dangerous activities, more than what we already experienced. >> what does it become covered with? >> i think -- i think with another planet or yeah, yeah. because it wouldn't be clouds. >> do you know a planet? >> was it pluto? i don't remember. but and i don't know where this one. but i think it's happening in mexico. because we were on a plane, and people were all going on a cruise to mexico to see the eclipse. so i think that's where you see it. >> what is an eclipse?
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>> eclipse, oh, eclipse is a thing that is in the air. it doesn't -- i think it comes maybe once a year or twice a year. but you see it in the sky. >> and what is it? >> guillermo: it's like a -- like a rainbow, i think. >> what is an eclipse? >> oh, man, i wish i knew this. >> do you know the song "total eclipse of the heart"? >> i do. so it comes, you know, it's such a special event that they've even written songs about it. >> do you want to show us what happens during an eclipse with the moon and the sun? and the earth. >> this is cute. >> and the earth. >> god, i wish i paid more attention in school. what happens? well, here is the earth. here is the moon.
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from what i think happen, because there is a lot of different speculations about how things happen in the world. so this is my version of an eclipse. it's coming along, it's kind of like and goes over, and it shoots. it's like a shooting star. yeah? >> jimmy: yeah. no, not at all. oh, boy. well we have a fun show here. mike epps is here. [ cheering ] we've got music from tori kelly. and we'll be right back with henry cavill. so stick around. ♪ >> lou: abc's "jimmy kimmel live!" brought to you by petsmart.
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using our brand new grocery outlet app. it's been really fun seeing what everyone's doing with the extra money they save. nice shirt. just got back from vacation. a butler? super nice guy. i got to start using the app.
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hi. hey. nice to meet you. (♪) you're so amazing. (♪) ♪ >> jimmy: hi there. welcome back to the show tonight. one of the funniest mikes around, mike epps is with us. then later,a grammy award-winning singer. her latest album “tori” came out on friday. music from tori kelly. this week, we have new shows with tom hiddleston, freddie highmore, joey king, sherri shepherd, henry hall and jon bon jovi. plus, music from phosphorescent,
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madi diaz, lemon stella and mk gee. >> jimmy: our first guest has a jawline that could slice a boulder clean in half. you know him as sherlock, the wimper and super man too. his latest is guy ritchie's “the ministry of ungentlemanly warfare." it opens in theaters a week from friday. please welcome henry cavill. [ cheering and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: how are you, henry? good to see you. >> good to see you too. how you? >> jimmy: you said a very nice thing. you said in america we'll go how are you doing? we don't really mean. but you said it sounded sincere. are you well? >> are you well? >> jimmy: not mentally, but yeah, i'm well. i'm fine. are you well? >> i am. >> jimmy: everything is good? >> everything is really good, actually. >> jimmy: i have to say, we're a
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little bit concerned that you would not make it today because i know superman is powered by the sun. >> right. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: what with the eclipse and all, we thought you might have low energy. you seem to be fit. >> small window. >> jimmy: are you a nerd? are you really a nerd? i was looking on your instagram. you certainly, you shouldn't say somebody looks like a nerd or doesn't look like a nerd. you don't look like a nerd. you look like the opposite of a nerd. >> right. >> jimmy: you look like the quarterback or even the offensive lineman or something like that. you're a big handsome muscular guy, and yet you have hobbies, the hobbies of a nerd. [ laughter ] >> i do, yes. >> jimmy: you do. this is something i'm told you are very involved with. and you're painting. what is this thing you're painting? . >> that is a helmet, a very
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small helmet. >> jimmy: and this is the full figure. that is the body attached. >> jimmy: to the helmet. you painted this? >> i did. >> jimmy: and then you play with it? >> you paint many of them. and then you play with them with other people. >> jimmy: how many of them? >> it depends. >> jimmy: how many did you paint? >> ah, well, um. >> jimmy: more than one? >> within the confines of the hobby, we call it our gray pile of shame. >> jimmy: your gray pile of shame? >> yeah. because they start off gray, and i have a very large gray pile of shame. >> jimmy: are they metal or plastic? >> they used to be metal. but now they're plastic. >> jimmy: it's called war hammer. >> it's been around since the '80s. >> jimmy: and you picked up on it when and how? >> i probably picked up on it late '80s. and then really got into it early '90s, went to boarding school, was already unpopular.
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>> jimmy: and you guys didn't have video games. you guys didn't have a sega genesis i guess what happened? >> weirdly enough, my brothers and i all had pcs when we were growing up. >> jimmy: oh, yeah. >> we stole our mother's dining room table, which she is still unhappy about. and we just put all our pcs on there and connected them by cable and played games that way. >> jimmy: to play games. but this is really old-fashioned. this is like a game with no computer engineering whatsoever. >> yeah, yeah. you actually have to hang out with real people. >> jimmy: you have to hang out with real people. was it like dungeons and dragons where you roll dice? >> in a sense, but not like dungeons and dragons. dungeons and dragons are more like an adventure you take with your other friends who have one little model. this is more about armies. so you build armies of these guys, and then you play against someone else in a war scenario. >> jimmy: and it is like marbles where you get to keep the marbles, you get to keep the figures if you kill them? >> no, no, no, no.
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>> jimmy: so there is no penalty whatsoever for losing? >> it's not about the losing. >> jimmy: it's about the winning? >> it's about the taking part. >> jimmy: i see. it's about the journey. >> that was very british. it's not winning or losing. it's about being there. >> jimmy: it's about being there and inhaling a lot of paint fumes with your friends. >> yes. >> jimmy: and this relaxes you, assume? this brings you down to zero? >> i love it, but i get very frustrated with it at times. >> jimmy: why? >> because you want to be good at it, right? >> jimmy: what do you mean good at it? >> painting, for example. and you can mess up painting for many, many years before you get one thing right. and then you have to do an army of them. and then you have to compare them next to someone else's who is really good. >> jimmy: right. couldn't you just grab a mirror and look in it and go yeah, i'm fine. [ laughter ] [ applause ]
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where did you grow up? >> jersey, the island of jersey. >> jimmy: okay, not our island of jersey. surprised. jersey? what town in jersey? >> the solar eclipse. >> jimmy: i think i saw you at springsteen last night, i think. >> old jersey, the original jersey. >> jimmy: the original. oh, yeah, i guess that's named after. yeah, okay. >> go figure. and new england. >> jimmy: and in jersey, did they invent uniforms and stuff there? is that a thing jersey? >> i actually think there may be something to that. >> jimmy: oh, interesting. >> but we're otherwise famous for cows. >> jimmy: oh, okay. right. jersey cows. >> jersey cows. >> jimmy: did you have any cows growing up? >> i did not. there were lots of cows around. beautiful cows, by the way. and if anyone plans on getting into farming, very small cream yield for a small cow. >> jimmy: speaking of cows, this is up my alley now. you've got this -- i know guy
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richie, the director, who we worked on this project, you worked on multiple projects, he has this thing, what do you call this? >> a wild kitchen. >> jimmy: a wild kitchen, which is like a kitchen setup. it's a tent with barbecue implement. >> yeah, yeah. you see the two tables there. there is two cooking elements on either side of the table. >> jimmy: uh-huh. >> and you get charcoal or you can use wood. and you can use this in any weather, which is the key bit. like in winter, you just tuck your legs underneath that skirt around the outside, and you stay warm. in any temperature. >> jimmy: does the dog come with it? or just wander in there smelling the meat? >> he was just wandering in and smelling the meat. >> jimmy: do you dress like this when you barbecue? >> sometimes. that time certainly. >> jimmy: because it's very formal. you're not wearing an apron or anything like that. >> no, no. >> jimmy: what do you make? what kinds of things? >> everyone okay? >> jimmy: we got off to a weird start with the audience in the
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commercial break. there is something going on. >> okay. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: we're trying to help somebody. and he just doesn't -- [ applause ] >> jimmy: sorry. any way, what are you cooking in this thing? >> yeah, yeah. so, for example, this thing is going to sound like i'm selling them now. this thing is so magnificent. we did an entire christmas dinner on that for 13 people. >> jimmy: nice. >> yeah. >> jimmy: and what did you make? >> okay, so. >> jimmy: a goose? is that what you guys have? [ laughter ] >> no. turkey. and a prime rib. but we had the prime rib sitting over the turkey so the dripping from the prime rib basted the turkey. >> jimmy: you know what you're doing. i like that. >> amongst all the other things,
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mashed potatoes, cauliflower cheese, stuffing and yorkshire pudding. >> jimmy: all right. that's nice. who knew. oh my god, what a man you are. this wasn't enough and now you're dripping prime rib on your turkey? forget about it. henry cavill is here. he is the ministry of ungentlemenly warfare. we'll be right back. ♪ [ applause ] >> lou: portions of “jimmy kimmel live” are brought to you by allstate. save money and protect yourself from mayhem with allstate. i told myself i was ok with my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms. but just ok isn't ok. and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that can rapidly relieve joint pain, stiffness, and swelling in ra and psa. relieve fatigue...
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freddie, should we be worried? >> oh, i don't think so, sir. it's a rather explosive, so i set a rather large fuse. i located the outside of the powder room. so when he goes back, it merely should go bang. >> should be any second now, chaps. ready? good work, fredrick. >> that is henry cavill in "the ministry of ungentlemanly warfare." it opens in heat areas week from friday. that's funny. that's alan ritchson in there with you. >> sure is. >> big fellow. >> he is a very large fellow. >> jimmy: you probably don't
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meet that many guys of your size. >> you'd be surprised actually. >> jimmy: really? >> yeah, yeah, yeah. and he is bigger than i am. considerably so. >> jimmy: i didn't want to say that, but yeah, he is bigger than you. [ laughter ] the movie is based on, which i find completely shocking, loosely, of course, based on real events and real people. >> yes, indeed. yeah. this mission was carried out by the special operations executive, which essentially gave birth to deniable operations with these very small groups. and these guys, they changed the course of the war. they changed the course of the war because they took down this nazi u-boat operation. u-boats were submarines essentially. >> jimmy: sure, yeah. >> which would stop any kind of allied support coming across the atlantic. and they shut it all down. of course, the shot wasn't fired in real life. but in guy ritchie's life. >> jimmy: thousands of nazis get mowed down.
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it's more fun guy ritchie's way. your character, and this is pretty crazy too, was said to be the inspiration for james bond. >> yes. yeah. i mean, ian flemming was part of this special operations executive. and -- >> jimmy: who wrote james bond of course. >> who wrote james bond. apparently based james bond on gus march phillips, the character i played. i reckon it was more than that, probably other characters as well. but it's my understanding, controversially, my character, gus marsh phillips, in real life, wrote a novel with a spy character based on his various adventures, but he died during world war ii. and so he never got to continue writing his books. had he survived, maybe he would have beaten ian flemming to the punch. maybe. >> jimmy: so you're saying ian may have stolen this idea from gus. >> that's exactly what i'm
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saying, yeah. >> jimmy: have you ever seen these things where they ask celebrities the most asked questions on google? >> yes. >> jimmy: this is -- these are the least searched questions for henry cavill. would you be willing to answer a couple of them? >> slightly more terrifying. >> jimmy: has henry cavill ever made gauacamole? >> no, natalie does that. >> jimmy: what is henry cavill's ideal hot tub temperature? in fahrenheit, please. we can't convert. >> yikes. i wouldn't even know. does 95 sound right? >> jimmy: it sounds good to me. has henry cavill ever shoplifted, and if so what did he get? >> yes, i think i was 6, and it was chewing gum. and i felt so guilty i gave it back. >> jimmy: before you chewed it or after? [ laughter ] >> before. >> jimmy: what does henry cavill order at cheesecake factory?
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>> cheesecake? >> jimmy: you ever been there? >> yeah, but it's been a while. >> jimmy: you have. do cats respond well to henry cavill's energy? >> some do, some don't. >> jimmy: could henry cavill beat big foot in a fight? >> yes, yes. [ cheering ] >> jimmy: two more. would henry cavill have try riding a unicycle or does he not believe in himself? >> i would. >> jimmy: and finally, will henry cavill look into the camera and just tell this guy everything is going to be okay, will you? >> it's okay working for your mum. don't worry. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: henry cavill, everybody.
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"the ministry of ungentlemanly warfa warfare", he will won't be working for him much longer, opens a week from monday. we'll be back with mike epps. ♪
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mike epps and tori kelly are coming up. but first, mayhem comes in many shapes and sizes. sometimes it comes in the exact shape and size as our friend guillermo. >> excuse me, did you just throw a chair through my window? >> no, i blew it through. i am the wind. >> the wind? >> yes. from downtown! >> oh, come on. >> guillermo: sorry, it's my job to be the wind, because i am mayhem in training. >> mayhem? i wonder if i should call
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you know we're not actually pirates, right? of course we be pirates! look at me hook. hidden valley ranch. only serious about flavor. marshalls buyers hustle for the latest trends, from fashion... double denim is back. got it! to beauty, so you don't have to. that is a deal! we get the deals, you get the good stuff. marshalls. ladies and gentlemen, please take your... [crunching] mmmm. place... mmmm. on the conveyor belt. let's move it— oh... [crunching] [alarm beeping] [crunch] [crunch, crunch, crunch] turn up the fun with crunch!
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♪ >> jimmy: hi there. welcome back. music from tori kelly is on the way. our next guest from two "fridays," two “hangovers” and one “girls trip." he's like a one-man spring break. new episodes of his popular show “the upshaws” premiere april 18th on netflix. please welcome mike epps. [ cheering and applause ] ♪
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>> jimmy: how are you? good to see you. this is a very dad on vacation kind of look for you. i mean that as a compliment. >> you think so? >> jimmy: yeah, like in the '60s. >> hey, hey. >> jimmy: yeah. >> these are like easter pants, man. i had these on since easter. >> jimmy: easter wasn't that long ago. that's okay. how you doing? everything okay? >> man, you know, i'm hanging like is not, man. i ain't doing nothing, you know what i mean? >> jimmy: a couple of questions for you. what is mike epps's ideal hot tub temperature? >> ideal hot tub temperature? >> jimmy: yeah. >> probably about 120. >> jimmy: oh. i think that's a lobster's hot tub temperature. >> a lobster! >> jimmy: has mike epps ever shoplifted, and if so, what did he get? >> i have shoplifted.
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i think i stole a pair of drawers before. i needed some underwear, man. but i stole them out of a liquor store so it didn't matter. liquor store underwear don't count. >> jimmy: they probably weren't even for sale. [ laughter ] you said, and correct me if i have this wrong you said you were not a good criminal. what does that mean exactly? >> it's when you go to jail. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i see. in your youth, when you were up to no goo. >> guillermo: you know, you know the thing about -- and try to tell kids all the time. i say, you know, crime don't pay unless it's paying you. >> jimmy: is that a positive message? or is that a like -- [ laughter ] >> pretty much. ain't going to get paid really. >> jimmy: if you're going do it,
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do it right. >> that's right. and then you got give all the money to restitution. >> jimmy: oh, do you? yeah. >> because guys go to prison, and they sell all the stuff they have outside. they tell their wife, sell them car, get rid of everything. and take the money to the lawyer. so i'm like dang, why go to jail and spend all this money to get out when you can just spend all the money to stay out. >> jimmy: that's a very, very good way of looking at it, i think. >> but you can't make to money so you don't stay out. >> jimmy: being funny helps you get out of trouble, i would assume, or in it? >> not with my wife. >> jimmy: she doesn't care for jokes? >> i am not funny to her things get serious. that's the only person i can't make laugh. >> jimmy: do you feel like police?
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you feel like you try to derail a serious conversation with your wife by making jokes? >> i do sometimes. >> jimmy: and she does not like that? >> her favorite word is "this ain't the time." >> jimmy: i get that too, yeah. >> wait until you go do your show. but right now ain't nothing funny. >> jimmy: but the police appreciate a little bit of levity every once in a while inner in jobs. >> yes. because i remember back in the day. this is how i knew i was funny. the police pulled me over one time. why was you going so fast. and i was so scared, i said "because i didn't see you." [ laughter ] and he started laughing. oh, lord. i might get out of this ticket tonight. it worked. >> jimmy: and now you're beloved in your hometown, right? there is a mike epps day and everything in november. >> yeah, i got a mike epps day. >> jimmy: do you go back every year for mike epps day? do they have a thing every year?
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a lot of times they'll say this is mike epps day, and then you never hear about it again. >> i don't know exactly what day it is myself. >> jimmy: it's november 20th. >> it is? it's november 20th. yeah, i don't go back there. you know. when i go back to indianapolis, i got to -- i got to do like this now. >> jimmy: why? >> because people walk up to me and say, man, mike, you're doing real good, man. look out for me, baby. >> jimmy: and that means what? >> guy in my pocket. >> jimmy: a little something. >> as soon as i get off the plane i got to have at least $5,000 in my pocket. riding around indianapolis. and the people in the city, they connected to the airport people. >> jimmy: oh. interesting. >> so the airport people he just got off the plane just now. they got their own tmz throughout, you know what i mean? >> jimmy: and do you give it willingly? >> i do. i love giving.
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i love giving. >> jimmy: how do you decide how much to give to somebody? >> depending on the story. >> jimmy: uh-huh. okay. >> some people's story don't require a lot of money. >> jimmy: uh-huh. >> you know what i mean. >> jimmy: what's the most you ever handed to a stranger on the street? >> $500. >> jimmy: $500? it's a lot of money to give a stranger on the street. your friends with shaq, right? >> i'm friends with shaq. that's my man. >> jimmy: have you ever seen him? he'll give somebody. >> oh, yeah. >> jimmy: a lamborghini or something like that. >> see, i ain't giving that. i'm keeping that for myself right there. but shaq is a real -- shaq is a generous dude. shaq is one of them guys you can talk about him, because most nba players, athletes, they don't like you talking about them. >> jimmy: i've noticed that myself too. i have a theory as to why. why do you think it is? >> i don't know. i guess they like, you know, i i'm who i am. you ain't supposed to talk about me. >> jimmy: i think it's more like they were so big and strong,
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nobody messed with them growing up, and they don't know how to react to it. they're like what? i should crush you, right? >> yes. >> jimmy: and then oh, yeah. i can't crush you. it's illegal. and they don't know where to go from there. >> right, right. yeah, it's really weird for them. but shaq, you can talk about him. >> jimmy: shaq you can say anything too. >> say that again, say that again! [ laughter ] go ahead and talk about me again. hey, man, what did you say about me that night, man? >> jimmy: he wants to hear it over again. >> yeah, he want to hear it over again. >> jimmy: what about this guy? >> oh, man. >> jimmy: this is indiana royalty right here. you and larry bird. where did this happen? >> that was at the all-star. they had the all-star in indianapolis this year. nba all-star was in my hometown. i hooked up with the pacers. all the athletes were there, and we were about to go on stage, me and larry bird were back there kicking it. larry is actually a white guy
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that will punch you in the eye. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you know what -- >> most white people are like hey, i'm going give you a chance to leave me alone. larry bird is like what? bam! [ laughter ] and he's from indiana, you know what i mean. most white guys, you know what i mean, hey, man! get the cops over here. but larry bird, you might get your nose busted messing with him. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it's nice. it's a nice quality. you got a new season of "the upshaws." this is part 5? >> yeah, part five. [ applause ] >> thanks to the people! thanks to y'all. [ cheering ] >> the people made that happen. >> jimmy: is "the upshaws" the
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most successful streaming sitcom now of all? >> it is on netflix. >> jimmy: which is the biggest one, right? >> it's definitely the biggest black show. >> jimmy: oh, is that right? >> yeah. but it is a great show, man. and it's universal. like we got some of the greatest people on the show. like i got the great wanda sikeston show with me. >> jimmy: she is great. one of the funniest people there is. >> don't get no better than that. we've got kim fields. >> jimmy: she was here last week. >> and we got, i mean, the kids are incredible, man. and the writers are incredible, man. so we got lightning in a bottle with this. this was a blessing, man. my child support, it went up a little bit. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, yeah. >> you got the child support. a couple of student loans and stuff like that. >> jimmy: are you still paying off your student loans? >> i didn't go to college. i didn't go to college. i don't want to sit here and lie to you. i went to lincoln tech, man. >> jimmy: well, it's great to see you.
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"the upshaws part 5" premieres april 18th on netflix. mike epps, everybody. we'll be back with tori kelly. ♪
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>> jimmy: thanks to henry cavill and mike epps. apologies to matt damon. "nightline" is next. but first, her album “tori” is out now. here with the song “thing you do” tori kelly! [ cheering and applause ] ♪ i can't wrap my brain around it ♪ ♪ i can't wrap my brain i can't wrap my brain around ♪ ♪that thing you do do do do do do do do do do do do do ♪ ♪ that thing you do do do do do do do do do do do do do ♪
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♪ i can't wrap my brain around it ♪ ♪ feel some type of way about it ♪ ♪ i can't go one day without it ♪ ♪ and i can't believe it's all for me ♪ ♪ you make my dream come true ♪ ♪ that thing you do do do do do do do do do do do do do ♪ ♪ that thing you do do do do do do do do do do do do do ♪ ♪ that thing you do do do do do do do do do do do do do ♪ ♪ that thing you do ♪ that thing you do ah ah ah that thing you do ♪ ♪ deep down in my soul i feel it ♪ ♪ oh my spirit knows i need it ♪ i lose all control i'm deep in ♪ ♪ cause i can't believe it's all for me ♪
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♪ you make my dream come true ♪ ♪ that thing you do do do do do do do do do do do do do ♪ ♪ that thing you do do do do do do do do do do do do do ♪ ♪ that thing you do do do do do do do do do do do do do ♪ ♪ that thing you do ah ah ah ♪ ♪ that thing you do ah ah ah that thing you do ♪ >> kimmel, how y'all feeling tonight? [ cheering ] we're about to have some fun. ready, one, two. ♪ that thing you do do do do do do do do do do do do do ♪ ♪ that thing you do do do do do do do do do do do do do ♪ ♪ that thing you do do do do do do do do do do do do do ♪ ♪ that thing you do ah ah ah ♪
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♪ that thing you do that thing you do ♪ ♪ that thing you do do do do do do do do do do do do do ♪ ♪ that thing you do ♪ [ cheering and applause ] . this is "nightline." >> tonight, eclipse across america. >> amazingly beautiful. >> the wonder and wow moments of young and old. >> it's the most beautiful thing i have e


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