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tv   ABC7 News 600AM  ABC  April 11, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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we're going to be together! ♪ we belong ♪ ♪ we belong together ♪ ♪ we belong ♪ hulu on disney+. available with disney bundle. plans starting at $9.99 a month. new at six. the wild moments a tow truck driver tries to tow a moving car with people inside.
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the couple in the car speaking only with abc seven news. >> then the vote in oakland set for today to add san francisco bay to the beginning of oakland airport's name. now, san mateo county is coming out in opposition of that name change, and mcdonald's knows just a small cent of the fries is going to make you want some. >> their new billboard in citing customers through smell. >> i mean it's very powerful. >> yeah, that would absolutely will do it. >> it would work on me. it would work on me right now. right now, i would leave this desk right at this moment just talking about it by. i'm loving it. on this thursday, april 11th. >> yes. we have a lot to get to. we're going to start with the traffic alert with amanda. yeah. >> drivers in the east bay. you'll want to avoid 238 altogether. and that's because a sig alert is still in place. this is in the hayward and san lorenzo san leandro area. this is all in the border there
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because of an overturned big rig. this is on the northbound 238 southbound 8-80 connector. traffic is stopped from five 8-80. we know diesel radiator fluid and oil leaked onto the roadway there. elsewhere, things are beginning to slow down as well. you can see tracy to dublin, 51 minutes. antioch to concord 30 minutes. back to the desk. no, drew. >> hey, amanda. >> i'll take him there we are looking at a gorgeous forecast today. we'll take a live look outside from our sutro tower camera, showing you we have just a little bit of fog right now. pretty much confined to the coastline. you can see it going through the golden gate, but it's not too thick. you can see the bottom of the bridge there, even the top. so a very thin marine layer this morning. it's all just an indication that tomorrow everything is going to change with colder weather moving in. but we get one more warm day today. temperatures right now a little bit warmer compared to this time yesterday. mid 40s to the upper 50s out the door. so light jacket maybe for the next 2 or 3 hours, but by 9 a.m. it is mild already. we have
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a ton of sunshine out there, 60s and 70s away from the coast. by noon, and then it's just another warm afternoon, maybe one or 2 or 3 degrees cooler compared to yesterday. but certainly these numbers are above average for this time of the year. so get out. enjoy that sunshine, that warm weather for another day. 71 for a high in oakland, 80 in santa rosa and san jose. the same in concord, 67 in the city today we'll hit about 74. in palo alto. we'll track those colder changes. kumasi and rain coming away this weekend in eight minutes. >> all right. thank you. drew a live look at the abc seven oakland airport camera. the future of the airport's name is scheduled to be up for a vote today. the port of oakland board of commissioners is considering changing the name to san francisco bay oakland airport and this idea has kicked off a fight with officials from san francisco international airport and city of san francisco officials. they are threatening to sue to stop this name change, saying it would confuse travelers. san mateo supervisors were. sfo is located also
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against this plan. oakland airport officials say the idea will help travelers and businesses uh. >> we really feel as though their confusion is not is not going to be an issue for us. we serve different markets uh- from between san francisco and oakland. this is about bringing jobs, bringing good paying jobs to the oakland area. this is about bringing people to the oakland area. it's really about showcase ing what's happening here in the region with oakland being the center point, the public portion of that port of oakland board meeting starts around 330 this afternoon. >> an east bay couple are sharing details of the scary turn of events when a tow truck tried to tow them while driving through san francisco, video shows the incident playing out along busch and montgomery. the couple thought the specialty towing truck was moving toward a nearby waymo car, but then they realized no, it's backing up into us. they are trying to hook us while we are driving. >> they were able to get around
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the tow truck and drive off, but the truck followed them for several blocks before the couple finally lost them. >> came from the side and he started doing the reverse and all the lights came on. that's when we were like, okay, something is really wrong. and his lover came down. >> in february, city attorney david chiu charged the company for fraud and illegally towing parked cars. they're now banned from bidding on or receiving city contracts. we reached out to specialty towing. we haven't heard back. >> governor gavin newsom is applauding an increase in arrests in the first two months of a chp crime crackdown in oakland and the east bay. so over the past eight weeks, chp has arrested 181 people that they say were involved in organized theft rings, carjackings, drug trafficking and other crimes. now, this video is chp video of an ongoing anti-crime operation. officers also recovered 31 firearms
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linked to crimes and 415 stolen vehicles in just those two months. goes to show the severity of what officers are facing, and abc seven data team analysis shows oakland averages 279 stolen vehicles in just a week. >> now it's your voice, your vote, abc seven news has learned. it was voters who requested the district 16 recount. it could begin as soon as monday. former san jose mayor sam liccardo secured a spot in november's election, but it was a tie for second with assemblyman evan low and santa clara county supervisor joe simitian coming in with the exact same number of votes. that meant that all three could go on to the general election. but now two voters have requested a recount. a person filing a recount request has to select a candidate and pay for the recount themselves. here's where it gets interesting. if their selected candidate wins, they
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get reimbursed. abc seven spoke with a voter who requested the recount in san mateo county. >> statistically very unlikely that these guys would tie, i like to say, you know, the counties can't even keep track of how many cars they have, much less count the same number twice. >> the person who has the most at stake is probably, sam liccardo, who is betting that he would have a better chance in a two person race than in a three person runoff. >> registrars confirm a man named jonathan padilla requested the recount in santa clara county on behalf of evan low, according to padilla's linkedin profile. he was a policy and finance director for liccardo's 2014 san jose mayoral campaign. he released a statement on social media saying in part, our democracy is resilient when we put people above politics and our laws are designed to protect the will of the people. let's count every vote, evan low's campaign issued a statement saying in part, there's zero doubt that sam liccardo
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orchestrated this recount and padilla's declaration that the recount is on our campaign's behalf is simply disingenuous. liccardo's campaign did not claim any connection to the recount request, but sent us a statement saying in part, every vote should be counted. and that's why recounts are part of the state's electoral process. to ensure accuracy, wu hmm'hmm arizona is on its way to enforcing one of the strictest abortion bans in the country, despite critics saying it just goes too far. >> this civil war era law criminalizes all abortions, with just one exception. and amanda, democrats tried to repeal that law. >> jack kumasi, arizona's republican led legislature, blocked democrats efforts to repeal the law yesterday, saying it needs more time. >> the 1864 law bans all abortions except to save the life of the mother. former president trump says he's proud of appointing three supreme court justices who helped overturn roe v wade, but that abortion should be left up to
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the states. however, on arizona, he says they went too far on the campaign trail. he has made it clear his stance is rooted in politics, abortion rights have won in all six states where it has been on the ballot. president biden called the arizona ruling extreme and dangerous. the arizona law won't go into effect for several weeks. in doctor's offices across the state, patients are waiting for clarity. >> i'm having patients who have received abortions last week call and say, am i still going to be able to receive my follow up care? >> the legal challenges are causing a delay in enforcement. vice president kamala harris is set to visit arizona tomorrow to keep a spotlight on reproductive rights. back to you at the desk, reggie. >> more business owners have filed claims against the city and county of san francisco over the valencia street bike lane. today. they'll speak about the impact the lane has had on their businesses during a news conference. the change was made last year, and move the bike lanes from the sides of the road
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to the center in february, sfmta said it improved safety for cyclists, but local merchants say it's made the road very confusing and has led to a big decline in business because dozens of parking spots were eliminated. sfmta has said that it's considering changes to the lane if you live in the south b, officials want you to check your property for standing water. they're concerned about invasion of a dangerous type of mosquito. today, santa clara county vector control will be talking about this issue. they say the mosquito has been found in east san jose after being eradicated in 2022. they call the species aggressive. it's known to carry diseases like dengue and yellow fever. the county is asking residents to check their properties for standing water because that is where mosquitoes often breed. >> happening now, more than two dozen veterans are getting ready for their honor flight to the nation's capital. abc seven news reporter gloria rodriguez is catching up with some of them before that flight. she is live at sfo this morning. hi, gloria. >> good morning. yeah. you know
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those veterans have just started going through the doors behind me. they're getting ready for their flight, which takes off at 8:00 this morning. and a lot of the veterans have been going to that flag behind me taking photos before they get ready to go on that honor flight. so today there will be 27 veterans. that includes one world war two veteran, six korean war veterans, and 20 vietnam veterans going on that honor flight. there will be 53 people total on the flight, including guardians who help out the vets during their trip. honor flight bay area says they'll be going to washington and visiting about a dozen memorials, and one of the organizers tells me this is to thank the veterans for their service. >> washington will be mobbed with students, and they will come up and greet the veterans. and the veterans just feel they get hugged and loved and appreciated for the first time. and they respond, really well to that. we had a veteran who said he went to therapy for vietnam,
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veteran went to therapy for four years, the honor flight trip of three days cured him more than therapy for four years. so that's what this does. >> and they will be returning on saturday. and i had a chance to talk to the only world war two veteran who is going on the flight. so you'll hear from him coming up in the next half hour live at sfo. gloria rodriguez, abc seven news. >> thanks, gloria. that is just an incredible story. looking at highs today versus our average. another day of warm weather similar to yesterday. you can see the first column most of us going into the 70s and 80s for another day average this time of the year is generally in the 60s. so some spots 11, 12, 13 degrees above average. look at the morning commute. the only issue you'll have is just some bad sun glare out there. once that sun is up here around 640 this morning, in less than a half hour, it's nothing but sunshine. and those temperatures look how fast they warm once
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again, by 9 a.m. we're finding areas already into the 60s. by 11 a.m, 70 are popping up on the board. looking at your weather wellness today, air quality is good. unfortunately no change to the tree pollen that is high, but we do have changes to the uv index. we're now getting more of the sun's direct rays, so we're at a seven out of 11 that is high. wear that sunscreen you can burn in less than a half hour under sunny skies. future weather showing you we're warming nicely this morning. sunny skies gets us back into the 70s and low 80s later on this afternoon away from the coast. so one more warm day this week and then everything changes . we basically do a 180 colder air moves in here tomorrow. so do the clouds. and then over the weekend another weekend with rain, the possibility of some thunderstorms and even snow on our highest peaks. reggie will go hour by hour in future weather. plan out your weekend coming up in about seven minutes. drew. >> thank you. still ahead, the san francisco gym shutting down after three decades in business and the new push to make it easier for pet owners to find places to live. howie would
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limit landlords from denying housing to certain tenants. then why san francisco was near the top of a list
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aware that southbound 680 before 242 traffic is stopped from taylor boulevard with a four minute delay because of an overturned car. as you can see, two lanes are blocked there. as i had mentioned. and we want to take you back down to the san lorenzo, hayward and san leandro area, where a sig alert remains in place. traffic is stopped from stockbridge avenue to westbound 580. now there's a 13 minute delay there. avoid 238 if you can. and that's because of that overturned big rig we've been following all morning long. reggie, back to you.
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>> thanks, amanda. a state lawmaker from the bay area has put in motion an effort to ban property owners from refusing to rent to people with pets. a bill that would limit landlords from denying housing to pet owners is making its way through the legislature. san francisco assemblyman matt haney, who authored the bill, says 70% of california renters have pets, but only 30% of available rentals actually accept them. in san francisco, only 21% of rentals on the market allow pets. >> landlords simply need to have a reasonable rationale for whatever limitation and restrictions that they're providing for. if you've got a brand new building, you can't just say no dogs or cats allowed. that's not reasonable. yeah right. >> haney says the bill is about trying to strike a balance. it's not forcing every landlord to take a pet. he's currently in negotiations to amend parts of the bill. >> san francisco is being ranked as one of the best cities for children's playgrounds. mowing company lawn starter compared the biggest u.s. cities in terms
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of access, quality and safety. san francisco ranked number five after new york, cambridge, somerville, massachusetts and chicago. the study found california had more than 30 cities in the top 100. >> mcdonald's is trying out a new method to lure customers into its restaurants. scented billboards. they smell like fries. the billboard simply show the color red or yellow without the mcdonald's logo, so not at all what you just saw. hopefully we're going to show it. they're only in the netherlands right now, and if you're wondering how they get the smell, an employee puts a tray of fries inside the billboard and fans blow the smell out for people to experience. i swear i saw a video of this in cities. where is it? >> i did too, i saw the people and it's just like a big red board, right? >> yes. so disregard everything yore seeing here. >> just look into it. look into our eyes. look so imagine people going up to a board. you're the board.
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>> i feel like i'm smelling them right now. >> that's what. >> yum. >> and why the netherlands. why never us. give me the board of fries. >> give me know how to act. >> i want to know how many fries i have to put in there to get that smell. >> super high tech. >> are you surprised that it is that manual that simple? i just assume simple creatures clearly you assume they'd be like a fry spray. >> no, i mean, i know i'm disneyland obsessed, but if i may, they do that at disneyland. >> they have smell o things that blow out. yeah, but it's not. it's not like someone brought a cookie up there and they're blowing the cookie. it's just like a it's a smell that exists that they the best chemical. >> it's the best ever. i mean, it's going to get better than french fries, i guess. so but once it goes, once it goes cold, you got about ten minutes. nothing goes, nothing gets. >> nothing's worse. >> you're not loving it. then here is a live look from the exploratorium. camera it is clear from this vantage point we do have some coastal cloud cover
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out there right now, but we get one more warm day that is the big headline for your thursday 70s and 80s in the south bay. we'll go to 75 in santa cruz, 78 in santa clara, 82 in morgan hill. the coastline of the peninsula cooler than yesterday. low 60s. but you hop away from the coast. redwood city, much warmer at 75. we'll hit 74. in mountain view, the city today not as warm as yesterday. we hit 72 yesterday afternoon. today it's cooler with a stronger onshore breeze at 67 downtown, along the coast were cooler in the low and mid 60s. from the sunset to daly city, the north bay 70s and 80s away from the coast above average. we'll hit about 64, though in sausalito, 80. in santa rosa, the east bay sunny and 7073 hayward, 75, in orinda, 76 in fremont and inland. upper 70s to the lower 80s, about 13 degrees above average, 80 in walnut creek 82. the high in brentwood now tonight we'll start to see clouds move in here ahead of rain this weekend. so partly cloudy conditions and temperatures dipping into the 40s. here's future weather tomorrow. you'll notice a lot
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more cloud cover in the sky. it's partly sunny at night. we'll start to see that front move onshore late at night. we're talking nine 10:11 p.m. friday night, early saturday morning. i've stopped it here at 3 a.m. because we're not only tracking rain, but also snow. the rain is in the green and yellow. the snow is in the pink and white. so our highest peaks are going to see some snow saturday. and then this system pulls away during the day on sunday. rainfall totals were thinking higher amounts along the coastline where we could see more than an inch, and then away from the coast. those numbers do drop off. here's the accuweather seven day forecast. warm and sunny today. a lot colder tomorrow. it's a rain snow mix here. on saturday we could have a thunderstorm. it's just cold temperatures in the mid and early morning sunday, giving way to drier skies in the afternoon and then we'll find another warming trend hitting us next week. guys >> all right thank you drew. now we are checking in with ginger zee who is live with what's coming up on gma. good morning ginger. >> good morning to you kumasi
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reggie. nice to be with everybody. so coming up we'll start with the new fallout this morning after the abortion showdown in arizona. we're going to look at which states could see this issue on the ballot in november. and then the new gold rush at costco. why so many people are buying gold bars at the warehouse store. and an exclusive first look at a new documentary that helps answer the question, exactly what is my teenager thinking? and then the incredible moment that was caught on camera for the first time. baby penguins diving into the water from a cliff for their first swim. we're going for the low hanging fruit making you stick with us here because you may. >> you know what? >> just be upfront about it. that's what i appreciate. >> yeah, and that's fine. >> also. >> you're welcome i feel like do we need do they need to jump off of a cliff on their first swim? like, can't they just waddle in? you know what i'm saying? like, i know my kids didn't walk till they were a year and a half old, let alone jumping off a cliff. >> so i don't know who's evolved. >> but now, don't you want to not us. >> you want to see?
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>> well, now i want to see it. >> i want to see them. >> i got to see wild penguins in south africa. oh, isn't that why people don't. i don't think a lot of people realize that penguins live in south africa. like, that's one of the two places where they live. it was amazing. yeah. >> i learned that at the, at the zoo in philadelphia, i think, or know, in trenton, because they have these african penguins that we were doing the story on extreme heat, and they were like loving life because they come from a part that warms up a lot. and so for them, 110 was like, all right, get it? so i did learn that a decade ago. >> it's just really weird to be like, i'm in africa and i'm also standing next to a penguin. okay. yeah. >> the big continent. >> what a world. what a world. all right, ginger, we'll see you and the mamas pushing babies into off of cliffs, coming up at seven. that's right. that's that feeling you get when you can... du more with less asthma. it starts with dupixent.
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san francisco has closed after 30 years. the gym was just not able to recover from the economic impacts of the pandemic. this is accorng ta sign that was posted on the window at 55 new montgomery street in downtown. you can see it on theap there. the memberships have been transferred to the chains closest locationthat's at three 53rd street since 2020. crunches hours have been reduced and it eventually stopped staying open on weekends. we all know bay area home prices are high, but the one i'm about to tell you about has really caught a lot of people's attention. a tiny home in cupertino, it is for sale for $1.7 million. and look at it. it is 384ft■!s, whih is a smidge bigger than the average size of a american hotel
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room. so the house itself might not be what the buyer is after. instead, it's the potential of a 7800 square foot lot at the end of a cul de sac. i imagine, like a like i mentioned earlier, like an investor or a builder would look at the opportunities that this property has and, you know, build a nice 32, 36,000 square foot home and then ended up selling it for like, you know, 4 or $5 million. >> okay. >> so the home already had six offers as of wednesday. the highest was more than 300,000 over asking. so that would put it around $2 million. the foodie scene on market street in san francisco getting a big boost today. a massive food hall is opening inside the ikea. sally hall is going to have 11 places that you can eat and drink and hang out. the dishes include noodles, skewers, vegan tacos. there will also be a soft serve
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stand, a bakery and three bars. indian fusion chain curry up now will be one of the vendors selling its popular chicken tikka masala burritos and the everything bagel naan, and the food hall opens just in time for lunch. so at 1130 you can be there and it'll be open wednesdays through sundays. next at 630, prince harry in the bay area, the event that brought him to san francisco with a popular star from the office, then the oakland ballers signing several players, including a woman. why she may be a familiar face to some here in the bay area, and different baseball player. here's drew with a look at the forecast. >> hey kumasi 628. this morning, a live look from san jose. it is bright out there this morning. nothing but sunshine today we get one more warm day today with temperatures going to the 70s and 80s. so get out and enjoy!
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live now at 630. caltrans getting millions for a frequently used highway to be more resilient to climate change. the money coming to the north bay. >> then another setback for vendors in san francisco's mission district. they are set to lose the storefront where they've been able to sell, and a music festival to honor one of the most popular bay area bands of all time is abruptly canceled, and customers may not get their money back. good morning everybody. it is thursday, april 11th. >> we're not playing with your money. this is free. hi, drew. >> hi. good morning. it was warm yesterday. we'll get one more warm day here today. a live look from sutro tower this morning. we have a little bit of cloud cover along the coast, but away from the coast we have clear skies out there. this morning. temperatures right now we are starting out a little bit warmer compared to this time yesterday. some 40s on the board in the north bay, but 50s around the
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bay shoreline. we're at 57 in san jose, 51 in cloverdale, 53, that current temperature in oakland. so we say hello to the east bay hills with those clear skies. it's another day just like yesterday where those temperatures they warm pretty fast. you'll feel that mild air early on this morning. our sun is getting up here in about seven minutes. we will find 60s and 70s already by noon away from the coast. and then today, maybe 1 or 2 degrees cooler than yesterday, but still well above average for this time of the year. we'll hit about 71 in oakland today, 80 in san jose and santa rosa, 82 in antioch. a bit of a sea breeze today in the city, but above average coming in at 67 degrees. we'll talk cooler changes and wet weather returning this weekend. coming up in a few minutes. kumasi >> thank you. drew. new at six. a flood prone highway in the north bay will receive millions of dollars in funding to make it more resilient to weather related events. man is at the live desk with the biden ministrations. efforts to improve infrastructure amanda. >> yeah. kumasi. the white house
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just made the announcement this morning in total, $830 million will be spent to make transportation infrastructure in 37 states. more resilient to climate change here in the bay area, $20 million will go toward improving highway 37 from sears point to mare island, and some changes would include installing retaining walls and reinforcing slopes to resist erosion. the highway has seen major weather impacts in past years, including in 2019 when floods closed 37 in both directions. we want to give you a live look from the highway right now, federal officials say the project is a part of a larger plan to reduce emissions and improve safety and accessibility for disadvantaged communities in sonoma, napa and solano counties. the money for this program comes from the bipartisan infrastructure law. back to you at the desk. kumasi >> thank you. amanda. happening now, a huge fire look at this burning several acres of wooden pallets at a recycling center.
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this is east of tracy. we've learned at least six homes had to be evacuated overnight. at that recycling center is near an elementary school. at this point, we're not sure. it's not clear how the fire will affect the school. we don't know how the fire started, but we know no injuries have been reported. >> a tense moments at a private dinner party at the home of a uc berkeley dean and his law professor wife, now, students are accusing professor catherine fiske of assault. you'll see the moment in the video here when professor fiske tries to take a microphone from a protester voicing support for the people in gaza around the world. >> fast. not only from this is not your house. not only it is my house, okay? >> you don't have to get aggressive. i'm just. >> please leave our house. you are guests at our house. >> this happened during an annual dinner. fiske and her husband, law school dean erwin chemerinsky, hold for students the group protesting released a
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statement. it says in part, quote, fisk's assault was a symbol of the deeper islamophobia anti-palestinian racism and religious discrimination that runs rampant within the university of california administration. chemerinsky did not want to speak on camera, but responded to the incident with a statement saying, i'm enormously sad that we have students who are so rude as to come into my home, in my backyard and use this social occasion for their political agenda. uc berkeley's chancellor issued a statement saying while they support free speech, the university cannot condone using a private event for protest. the foundation for individual rights and expression agrees. >> there is this misperception that a lot of students have, across the country right now that taking over someone else's event, disrupting their event is an exercise of first amendment rights. and that's just wrong. >> krinsky, who is jewish, said that he was recently the subject of anti-semitic fliers posted on campus. he says security will be present for two other dinners he has planned.
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>> mayor london breed is leaving for china on saturday, hoping to drum up business for san francisco. she's traveling with asian business and community leaders to several cities, including hong kong, beijing and shanghai. she'll be meeting with airline executives to increase travel and several universities cities to extend their campuses in san francisco. >> we're going to be talking to some businesses that are already looking at investments in san francisco, and the desire to have them do more to develop and grow in our city. >> breed will also be making a push to bring pandas to the san francisco zoo. the trip is being paid for by a nonprofit group. >> this morning we're looking into why gas prices are so high in the bay area and the rest of the state right now. here's a look at the latest gas prices from overnight in san francisco. it's 571 in oakland. 559 the state averages five 4541. and look at the national average way down at 363. abc seven news
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spoke to the head of energy analysis at the oil price information service. he says there's two main reasons why prices are high. first, local refineries are focusing more on maintenance rather than production. >> you've got refinery maintenance that's scheduled for chevron at richmond. you've got refinery maintenance for chevron uh- at el segundo in the south, and you have refinery maintenance for pbf, which operates the martinez refinery >> now, the second reason is a recent change at the phillips 66 refinery, one of the refineries that was contributing about 50,000 barrels a day of gas isn't making it anymore. the expert we spoke to thinks that prices should start to drop this summer. >> there's been another setback for the permitted street vendors in san francisco's mission district. they're now losing the storefront. the city had been writing for them. the goal was to end with the city, categorize it as extremely dangerous fencing operations. that meant
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vendors who did have permits also could not sell on mission. but the president of the street vendors association said the site simply didn't work, so the target was not the right approach. >> exactly. there was no the right thing for us. the city tried. they tried to do it. marketing they tried to do the best, doing marketing announced. and everywhere. and it doesn't work. >> all the vendors are being asked to move to the outdoor location on 24th street. the city is working with state representatives to find a solution that would tackle the illegal fencing. >> this morning we're hearing from stanford women's basketball coach tara vanderveer. she announced on tuesday she's retiring. vanderveer coached for a total of 45 years, won three national championships and has 1216 wins. she holds the record for most wins in college basketball by a head coach at a news conference yesterday, she talked about the conversation she had with her father when she took the job in 1985. he
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proceeded to tell me that it was an impossible to win at stanford , and the job was a graveyard job. >> my father was right about one thing. the stanford job involved digging, but instead of a graveyard job, it has been a gold mine job. >> kate paige takes over as head coach. pei played for vanderveer in the 90s and then coach alongside her for the past 17 years. >> the oakland ballers have signed the team's first woman player, kelsey whitmore is a pitcher from temecula. she's already made history in 2022 as the first woman to sign a professional contract with a major league baseball partner, league team and she played professional ball years earlier for the sonoma stompers. whitmore is one of three players that the independent ballers hired after open tryouts last weekend. they have 31 players heading to spring training before the season starts next month. this morning, a very special trip getting underway for some bay area veterans. they are meeting at sfo right now to take part in the first honor
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flight of 2024. abc seven news reporter gloria rodriguez live at the airport with more on this. hi, gloria. >> good morning. kumasi. yeah, the group has already gone through the doors behind me. they're getting ready for their flight, which takes off at 8:00 this morning. and it's really going to be a special trip. they have a total of 53 people that are going on this trip. and i'm told from honor flight, bay area that they're going to be going to washington and visiting about a dozen memorials. now, in that group is 27 veterans. that includes one world war two veteran, six korean war veterans , and 20 vietnam war veterans. and there will also be guardians there. those are people who are helping out the veterans during their trip. i had a chance to talk to the only world war two veteran who is going on that trip very much. >> it's emotional. it's very serious. it's an opportunity as i say, to reconnect with all these veterans and i certainly
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do take off my hat. i take my hat off to the families as well, by the way, and obviously the service contribution that these gentlemen and women have made to, to the united states military. oh yeah. >> so this is an all expense paid trip for those veterans. and those veterans have not seen their memorial before. so i'm told that it's a really emotional experience for a lot of them. and i'm told that when they're there in washington, they often get congratulated. people shake their hands, they thank them for their service. and i'm told that really just touches them. and it's just such an emotional trip. they will be returning on saturday and we're hoping to get a full, full breakdown of the trip when they come back live at sfo. gloria rodriguez, abc seven news. >> gloria, thank you. still to come, many eclipse watchers from the bay area say they still aren't home because of nightmares at the airport. >> and we are looking live right now at the big board at the new york stock exchange, down about
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30 points right now. >> another update on the markets next and why amanda knox is returning to an italian courtroom nearly a decade after her acquittal. the first. here's drew. >> hey. good morning. time now, 641. we'll take you to our mount tam camera. we do have generally clear skies along the immediate coast. we have a little bit of fog, but it will be another sunny day with above average temperatures. looking at your highs versus average. again, most of us, just like yesterday going into the 70s and 80s. for reference, our average daytime highs for the middle of april. typically we land in the 60s. so some areas like san jose, santa rosa, livermore, anywhere from 11 to 13 degrees above normal today. looking at your weather, wellness, air quality is good. no change to tree pollen that's still high. oak, cedar and pine are top allergens, but we do have a change to the uv index. we're now getting more of the sun's direct rays. we're up to a seven out of an 11 that is high. wear your sunscreen because sunshine will be out today. future weather by 10 a.m. 60s
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widespread away from the coast and then that warming just happens very fast. later on this afternoon by 2 p.m. we're in the 70s and in the 80s, so we get one more warm day this week. tomorrow, everything is going to change. colder air arrives abruptly, we have clouds moving in and then rain is back here over the weekend with a level one light storm. we'll break your whole weekend down. plan out that rain hour by
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launching an attack on israel. it comes after a recent airstrike that killed two iranian generals. a man we're now hearing from president biden about this threat. >> yeah, reggie, u.s. officials are warning israel of an imminent attack by iran in the coming days. they could possibly use drones and missiles to hit israel's regional assets. iran has vowed to retaliate for an airstrike last week at its consulate in syria, which killed two of its generals. israel has not admitted responsible. but pentagon officials say israel was behind the strike. israel's defense minister is now threatening a powerful response if iran launches an attack. iran often uses middle east proxies like hezbollah to hit certain targets, but the wall street journal reports defense officials have warned this time iran could use its own military forces. president biden reiterated u.s. support for israel. >> as i told prime minister netanyahu, our commitment to israel's security against these
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threats from iran and its proxies is iron clad. let me say it again ironclad. >> meanwhile, while negotiations for a cease fire deal may have hit another snag, hamas now says it does not have enough hostages in custody to meet the terms of the proposed deal. that's raising concern. more hostages may no longer be alive. back to you with the desk, kumasi. >> thank you. amanda. amanda knox is back on trial in italy, this time for slander after she wrongly accused a man of murdering her roommate. knox was convicted of the 2007 murder, but then exonerated in 2015. at the time, she accused the owner of a bar where she worked of killing her 21 year old british roommate. those claims appeared in statements typed by police. however, she recanted the accusation in a letter. knox, who's now 36, didn't appear in yesterday's hearing in florence. >> now it's your morning money report. more bay area rite aid locations are set to close after the company announced that it's filing for bankruptcy. two
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stores impacted our san jose location on south white road and a union city rite aid on decatur road. they were listed as part of 53 upcoming closures. in a court filing by the company. it did not say when those stores would be permanently closed. more than 150 stores were closed last october. another 31 were closed in november. now let's see what's happening on wall street right now as trading gets underway. we're down about 75 points. >> the annual tribute festival to the bay area band the grateful dead, has been canceled , and fans should not expect a refund. this event was scheduled for next weekend in ventura, but on tuesday, the founder of the skull and roses concert said they can't put the event on because they don't have enough money and a letter posted on social media, he clarified that tickets were sold on a nonrefundable basis. he also explained that they explored all possible alternatives to keep the festival going. it's not even clear at this point if the performers will be paid. >> you can own a home inspired
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by some scary monsters in movies. this goth house in york, pennsylvania can be yours for $245,000. it has three bedrooms, two baths. many say the interior is reminiscent of a tim burton film. there's a room with a life size figures of cinema's most chilling monsters, including the clown pennywise. from it. if you're not into black basically everywhere, the owners are offering a $5,000 credit for a paint job, along with new flooring. oh oh, that room oh, i have relatives in york. >> maybe i should let them go check it out. don't put them through that. why not? >> don't put them through. >> i want pictures, i want to, i want a facetime. i want to see what i want to see what it really looks like in there. interesting everyone has a style, a taste. when it comes time to sell that part, you got to paint those walls back, i'm saying and take pennywise out. i know also it's hard to cover black up again. $5,000. yeah >> who's a fan of pennywise i
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mean like the child abusing clown who lives in the sewer. you only ever see like this much of his face, you know, when he's like, handing out the red balloons. >> so, i don't know, it sounds like that's what nightmares are made of. >> speaking of nightmares, with your transition, it's going to be a nightmare on the road specifically because of the sig alert. >> this isn't the san lorenzo, hayward and san leandro area. the northbound 238 to southbound 880 connector and overturned big rig leaked diesel radiator fluid and oil. so there's a cleanup element that's taking some time. traffic is stopped from stockbridge avenue on westbound 580. just avoid taking 238 if you can. drew. >> hey, amanda. look at this lovely view from our moratorium camera. that sun is up and we are in store for one more warm day out there. highs above average again, anywhere from about 10 to 13 degrees above normal in our warmest cities. you notice away from the coast, we'll get you into the 70s and
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80s once again. in fact, it's another warm day across the entire state, traveling anywhere in california. it's going to be above average 80s in the central valley, southern california 70s for la, the deserts, palm springs closing in on 100 this afternoon. south lake tahoe looking lovely today with a high of 60 degrees. speaking of tahoe , we have sunny skies today. it's warm tomorrow though. we have stormy weather. it also turns windy in the evening with rain falling and then over the weekend it's a mix of rain and snow. certainly cooler temperatures, little to no snow accumulation is expected out of this storm. back here at home overnight tonight clouds move back in. we'll find temperatures dipping into the 40s now. tomorrow, everything starts to change. it's partly sunny out there. you'll notice it's cooler as well. and then rain starts to arrive late at night. friday and then that continues into saturday morning. not only rain will also get snow on our highest peaks. once again, thinking hamilton, also the santa cruz mountains. and then we're in and out of the showers.
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all day on saturday before the storm kicks out of here late on sunday. accuweather seven day forecast shows you one more warm day today before colder weather arrives tomorrow. there's that rain snow mix to kick off the weekend. morning showers to a drier afternoon on sunday, and then a warming trend moves back in for next week. amanda. >> yeah, when it comes to tahoe, we're going to get to your toyota tahoe report. drew with the good news with the weather, even better news, no chains are needed. >> palisades tahoe to get there. it's going to take three hours and 16 minutes from the city. northstar, california three hours and 12 minutes and then heavenly three hours and 23 minutes. and on this next, no chains needed here at all sugar bowl resort, two hours and 54 minutes here at tahoe. it's going to take you three hours from the city and then to get to kirkwood, three hours and 40 minutes back to you, reggie. we're learning. >> prince harry was in san francisco yesterday. he posted photos from a better up event on his website. he is the chief impact officer for the life and career coaching service company. his speech centered on stress and burnout. actresses mindy
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kaling, tracee ellis ross and author bonnie brown were also speakers. can you give us a heads up next time? i mean, stop by. just say it in the east bay, two state championship basketball teams are being celebrated the girls basketball team from oakland high and the boys basketball team from oakland technical high were honored at last night's board of education meeting. >> i just want to say in this year of women's basketball, i am so proud of the women in basketball team of oakland high. i think continuing, and i expect to see you all at the ncaa women's finals in a few years. so congratulations, certificate of achievement presented to the oakland tech bulldogs for winning the 2024 cif division two boys basketball championship . >> that was the boys team's first championship and the girls second. >> well, next year's oscars are going to be moved up a week. the
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academy of motion pictures arts and sciences says the ceremony is going to be on sunday, march 2nd, and the show will start earlier at 4 p.m. west coast time, like it did this year. about 19.5 million people watched the ceremony this year, and you can watch it right here on abc seven. >> walk this way to chase center sap center this fall, because a legendary rock band just announced new and rescheduled farewell tour dates. the mission . she knew what she was doing and an old love was here to stay when she told me to walk this way. aerosmith had to postpone their peace out farewell tour last year because lead singer steven tyler needed treatment for a fractured larynx. the band is making two stops in the bay area. the first is saturday, november 30th at chase center. the second, wednesday, december 4th at sap center. tickets go on sale tomorrow at 10 a.m. >> up next is seven things you need to know today. >> a reminder you can watch all of our newscasts live and on demand through the abc seven bay area connected-tv tv app. it's
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available for apple tv, google tv, amazon fire tv and roku. just download the app now. you can start streaming as we head to break a live look outside right now at 654. ♪ we belong ♪ ♪ we belong together ♪ ♪ we belong ♪ hulu on disney+. available with disney bundle. plans starting at $9.99 a month.
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renamed the oakland airport to san francisco bay. oakland airport. the city of san francisco is threatening to sue if this idea moves forward. >> number two, more business owners have filed claims against the city of san francisco over
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the controversial valencia street bike lane. they claim the lane has hurt their business. today, they're expected to speak about the legal action they're taking. >> number three, the biden administration announced this morning that caltrans is getting $20 million to make highway 37 in the north bay more resilient to climate change. the money is part of the bipartisan infrastructure law. >> number four, santa clara county leaders are warning about an invasion of a mosquito that can carry dangerous diseases like yellow fever. they want you to check your property for standing water. that's where most mosquitoes breed. >> and number five, we get one more warm day out there. here's live. look at our rooftop camera at kgo along the embarcadero. you can see one of those ferries going into the ferry building pier. we will find a lot of sunshine today. your day planner is going to find clear skies. it's a mild morning already. by noon, we already have temperatures in the 60s and 70s away from the coast, and it's another warm one, maybe a 1 or 2 degree drop from yesterday, but temperatures above average. once
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again, we'll hit 71. in oakland, 80. the high in san jose, 67. in the city with an afternoon breeze, 80 in santa rosa, 82. the high in antioch. so get out and enjoy the warm weather. things will change in a big way tomorrow. colder air will arrive . you'll notice clouds are back in the forecast for friday. temperatures closer to average and then on saturday it is just cold. we're stuck in the 50s. a front moves through here. it will bring us rain, even some snow on our highest peaks and even the chance of a thunderstorm. with winds continuing into sunday and number six drivers in the san lorenzo, hayward, san leandro area avoid 238 an ongoing sigalert his traffic stopped from sturbridge avenue on westbound 580 because of an overturned big rig from earlier this morning on the northbound 238 southbound, 880 connector. >> and then i'm going to leave you here with some drive times. you can see things are slow moving this morning across the bay area. >> all right, everybody, look at number seven. mcdonald's is
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trying out something new to lure customers into its restaurants. it's they have scented billboards. and guess what? they smell like fries. you can see them putting the fries in there. okay. right. >> okay. >> i wonder how. >> so they just blow the smell of those fries out. they don't even have to put the logo on there. it is just a red board with the fries smell. you know what it is. >> i will say right now unmistakable. >> it would work. it's only in the netherlands now. but come on, bring it over here. >> bring it here. >> bring it over here. >> we're very susceptible to smell o vision >> michael: good morning america for our viewers in the west. violent storms tearing through the south and on the move this morning. at least seven reported tornados leaving a frightening trail of destruction.


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