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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  April 11, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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customers into its restaurants. it's they have scented billboards. and guess what? they smell like fries. you can see them putting the fries in there. okay. right. >> okay. >> i wonder how. >> so they just blow the smell of those fries out. they don't even have to put the logo on there. it is just a red board with the fries smell. you know what it is. >> i will say right now unmistakable. >> it would work. it's only in the netherlands now. but come on, bring it over here. >> bring it here. >> bring it over here. >> we're very susceptible to smell o vision >> michael: good morning america for our viewers in the west. violent storms tearing through the south and on the move this morning. at least seven reported tornados leaving a frightening trail of destruction.
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people seeking shelter, some in bath tubs like this police sergeant's family. >> out of the 14 years i have been doing this job, i haven't been that scared or nervous. >> michael: rob marciano on the scene where hundreds of hopes and businesses were destroyed. new orleans getting a month's worth of rain in just seven hours. >> come on. >> michael: horses rescued and led to higher ground. ginger's tracking it all as the storm heads north, with seven states waking up with flood alerts. >> george: abortion showdown. the new fallout after arizona state supreme court reinstated a 160-year-old law banning abortion. what happened when some lawmakers tried to repeal it. >> there is no reason to rush on this very important topic. >> george: plus what former president trump said, and which state could see this issue on their ballot in november? >> robin: missed signals? the former assistant principal now facing criminal charges in the case of a 6-year-old boy who shot his first grade teacher.
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the new report revealing stunning new allegations. >> george: police in dallas issue an arrest warrant for chiefs receiver rashee rice for his part in a chain reaction car crash. >> robin: porch pirate crackdown. the latest state to come down hard on criminals who swipe packages. >> someone who will hell to pay for stealing. >> robin: and strict penalties for retail theft. >> george: gold rush. >> i think this gold bar will hold its value so i don't think i spent that much. >> george: what's behind the dash to get gold bars at costco? >> robin: second chance super hero. 12 years after my sister was my perfect match -- she's going to be my donor. now her son's journey to give someone else the gift of life. ♪ jump on it jump on it ♪ >> michael: plunge of the baby penguins. leap of faith captured on camera for the first time ever.
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and holy stroke! [ cheers ] get ready to find out who's the master. and meet the little caddy who jumped on it. ♪ jump jump on it ♪ >> announcer: live in times square, this is good morning america. >> george: whole lot going on this thursday morning. lot going on. good morning. we cannot wait for that inspiring story about your nephew. >> robin: oh my goodness. he was given a second chance to give someone a second chance at life. we'll explain that a little bit later this morning. thank you. >> michael: we're looking forward to that. but we're going to begin with the storms across the south, bringing at leaf seven reported tornado, heavy rain and flooding. rob marciano starts us off in hard hit slydell, louisiana with the latest. good morning, rob. >> reporter: good morning, michael. this has been a ferocious storm. look what it did here.
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this brick structure torn apart. this tree taking out power lines onto this truck. the roof of this apartment building completely ripped off. there were injuries. the rest o are displaced for sure. there are hundreds of damaged homes and businesses across the area. this is just one area where this deadly storm blew through. this morning the massive cleanup begins as violent storms pour into the south. this swifter touching down in alabama. >> that is a tornado. ten football fields away. >> reporter: hundreds of homes and businesses destroyed in slydell, louisiana, just outside new orleans. >> this has been a catastrophic event for the city. >> reporter: this apartment complex gutted, the roof ripped right off. first responders, rescuing more than 50 people. workers rushing for cover as the tornado took aim at this building complex. seven people were working in this building when the tornado hit. a group of them scrambled to a back room. twister comes through, blows it out top to bottom. bumps and bruises but remarkably nobody hurt.
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>> everybody started scrambling in the warehouse. i ran down the hallway, went to the kitchen door. i could barely open the kitchen door from all the pressure. just as they it go open, we saw the wall just start crumbling. >> it is a miracle nobody was hurt. >> reporter: the children of jake morris taking cover in a bathtub. >> out of the 14 years i have been doing this job i haven't been that scared or nervous. >> reporter: new orleans getting a month's worth of rain in seven hours. a drone capturing vehicles stranded by the floodwaters. >> i said i was in my car. there were cars stranded. they were in the middle of street because of the flood water. i had flood water coming into my shop as well. >> come on. >> reporter: horses rescued and led to higher ground by boats after their barn flooded. in the suburb of houston, texas, an ef-1 tornado touching down, causing significant damage there. this area has a history of
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tornados. we're not done with it yet. we still have today to deal with. there's one fatality to report out of mississippi. i talked to the mayor here yesterday. he said there's not even any serious injuries. remarkable, considering the amount of destruction. >> michael: that's something good at least in that, rob. you can see the dangerous weather, it is on the move. ginger, of course, is tracking it all. good morning, ginger. >> ginger: hey, good morning. that heavy rain made its way to tallahassee this morning where they had a flash flood emergency. that's the kind where officials say don't go out. that is moving east. perry, florida, right now in severe thunderstorm warnings. there are flood watches up to indiana and ohio. that's where we expect some twist from the actual low to bring tornado possibilities. charleston, west virginia, is in it today. eastern ohio, northeastern kentucky. georgia, north florida, you also have a shot at getting some twists. then the rain just sticks to places have been so inundated.
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that's a flash flood threat including scranton, roanoke. as we get into tonight, early tomorrow, we'll be seeing that rain as well. >> robin: gonna keep on it. ginger, thank you. now the latest on the showdown over abortion rights and the fallout in arizona. in the wake of court decision that upheld an 1864 law banning the procedure with almost no exceptions. rachel scott is in phoenix with that and how it could impact voters across the country in november. good morning, rachel. >> reporter: hey, robin. good morning to you. there is outrage and frustration playing out here in arizona. almost immediately after the state supreme court said that abortion ban passed during the civil bar could go into effect, we heard from democrats and republicans demanded that the law be revealed. now it is republicans who are reversing course and blocking those efforts. this morning the intense political fight playing out in arizona. after the state supreme court's decision to reinstate a
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160-year-old law banning abortions in all but one circumstance, for the life of the mother. >> should the 1864 ban on abortion remain the law in arizona, people will die. >> reporter: one day after the ruling there was bipartisan outrage with state lawmakers on both sides pushing to reveal the law. with democrats trying to move forward with a vote, republicans blocked it. >> there is no reason to rush on this very important topic. >> it was chaos. all because our republican majority refuses to do what they said they would do. >> reporter: donald trump appointed three of the six supreme court judges who overturned roe versus wade. clearing the way for 21 states to ban or restrict access to abortion. now trump says arizona went too far. >> did arizona go too far? >> yeah, they did. that will be straightened out. you know all about states'
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rights. that will be straightened out. >> reporter: just weeks ago trump was floating the idea of a national abortion ban, but now said he would not sign one. >> president trump, would you sign a national abortion ban? >> no. >> reporter: he said states should decide whether doctors should face punishment for performing abortions. do you think a doctor should be punished for performing an abortion? >> i'll let that be to the states. everything we are doing now with the states. >> reporter: abortion providers like dr. joe gibson could face fines and five years in prison under the ban. >> how can we not have justices that recognize that a law that was enacted before arizona was a state, before women had the right to vote should be applicable in today's society? >> reporter: the biden campaign says it's trump that owns the suffering and chaos that's happening now. and said voters could have the final say, with abortion rights expected to be on the ballot this november. abortion rights could be on the ballot in as many as 14 states this november including battlegrounds like right here in arizona, pennsylvania, nevada. democrats counting on this issue
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to drive out their supporters this november. vice president harris will be in arizona tomorrow as clinics brace for that abortion ban to go into effect sometime in the next several weeks george. >> george: we'll be watching. okay, thank you very much. now capitol hill, where a key law in the fight against terrorism is in limbo. house republicans blocked passage of the foreign intelligence surveillance act after former president trump called on them to kill pit. this comes as the fbi director is warning of an elevated terror threat. selina wang is on capitol hill. good morning, selina. >> reporter: good morning, george. that's right. house republicans blocked that controversial surveillance law after trump urged republicans to kill the bill that would extend it. fisa gives the government authority to collect information on foreign nationals without a warrant and sometimes it speeds up communications of american private messages. what happened in congress is another example of the influence that trump has over republicans in congress and also yet another major blow to house speaker johnson. yet again failing to advance major legislation. now, the white house and
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national security expert, they say fisa is critical to protect americans national security. they say without it, we lose information about threats to the homeland, threats to america's infrastructure, information on russian war crimes, supply chain information, bringing deadly drugs through the u.s. border and much more. the fbi director, he is set to tell congress he is concerned about groups carrying out attacks in the homeland because of the conflict in the middle east. he's also going to urge congress to reauthorize fisa. george? >> george: thank you very much. now to donald trump's legal troubles. another attempt by the former president's legal team to delay his election interference case has been denied. aaron katersky is at the courthouse in lower manhattan. >> reporter: good morning, george. all week former president trump's been trying to scuttle his criminal trial with this haphazard strategy that has his lawyers rushing to this courthouse with emergency appeal for delays, but three times in the last three days, judges here have turned him down.
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trump's latest request to postpone argued that the trial judge should be off the case. trump's attorneys complaining of an unacceptable appearance of impropriety because the judge's daughter did political work for democrats. they said this trial can only be done once and it must be done right because of the potential impact on the election. but prosecutors said the independent political activities of the judge's daughter are no reason to challenge his credibility. a lawyer representing the judge said there's absolutely no evidence to show the judge will stand to benefit from the outcome of the trial. prosecutors also said delaying this case now would be incredibly disruptive. in all likelihood, jury selection will start on time, four days from now, and former president trump, michael, will be standing trial on charges he falsified business records to cover up a long denied affair from voters. michael? >> michael: i'm sure you will be watching it for us. thank you very much for that. we're going to turn overseas to the middle east. the u.s. is warning that iran could retaliate against israel
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in the coming days. foreign correspondent britt clennett is on the scene in jerusalem. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, michael. yeah, israel is on high alert as threats from iran escalate. tehran issuing new warnings that it will retaliate for an attack on its consulate in syria last week that killed a senior iranian. president biden has pledged iron clad u.s. support in the event of any iranian strike. abc news confirming that u.s. central command general is traveling to israel to coordinate on this iran threat. as the u.s. has been warning that a significant strike from tehran is imminent. israel's minister of defense vowing to respond quickly with attacks on its enemy's territory. the idf has pulled its combat units and boosted air defense. israel has not claimed responsibility for the attack that killed that top commander.
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robin? >> robin: thank you. back here at home, charges against a former assistant principal at a virginia school where a first grade teacher was shot by a 6-year-old student last year. a grand jury report is offering new details about that incident. our chief justice correspondent pierre thomas joins us. good morning, pierre. >> reporter: robin, good morning. that assistant principal has yet to give a public response to the charges accusing her of failing to protect her children and a shocking level of indifference. this morning the former assistant principal where a 6-year-old boy intentionally shot his teacher facing criminal charges. ebony parker indicted charged with eight counts of felony child neglect in an incident that nearly took the life of 1st grade teacher abby zwerner. >> the look on the student's face, a haunting look. >> reporter: special grand jury in virginia accusing parker of ignoring repeated warnings. >> it confirmed that there were multiple opportunities for the
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school administration to call the police. >> reporter: it began the morning of the shooting going to see parker and allegedly telling parker the child was in a violent mood. according to the grand jury report, the boy who previously choked a teacher and fellow student had just threatened to beat up a kindergartener. parker did not respond, the report said, and never even looked from her computer screen. a short time later two students told another member of the school staff the child had a gun in his backpack. child's backpack was searched but nothing was found. grand jury says zwerner, still worried, told colleagues she thought she saw the boy put something in his pocket, which was also told the parker. still no expansive search or patdowns. then after reset one of the boy's friends came up to another teacher and told her the child had a gun and showed him the bullets. 1:58 p.m. according to the grand jury the boy turned to zwerner, pulled a gun out of his pocket
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and, at less than six feet away, pulled the trigger. >> it was preventible. that's just what is heartbreaking. >> reporter: it could have been worse. according to the grand jury the gun had 7 more bullets but jammed. this is the second time this week an adult has been in court on charges after a child shoots someone. those michigan parents were sentenced for their part in their son's murder of high school classmate, robin. >> robin: the biden administration is announcing a new measure aimed at gun safety. >> reporter: doj is moving to close the so-called gun show loophole authorizing the atf to require anyone selling guns commercially to register and do background checks on gun sales no matter the circumstances. >> all right, pierre. thank you. george? >> george: latest on the former interpreter for baseball super star shohei ohtani. he is negotiating with prosecutors over a guilty plea for federal crimes. will reeve is tracking the story. good morning, will. >> the face of baseball calling himself the victim of a massive theft claiming his interpreter
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stole millions of dollars from him to cover gambling debts. now shohei ohani's interpreter faces federal charges as the scope of his alleged crimes comes into clear focus. >> shohei! first home run! >> reporter: this morning the former interpreter for major league baseball super star shohei ohtani facing charges relating to the illegal gambling scandal that's gripped the sport. according to the new york times he is in negotiations to plead guilty to the charges, the details of which are not known at this time. he allegedly stole more than $4.5 million from ohtani to pay off gambling debts and according to "the times" that number could be higher. he reportedly was able to do so by changing the settings on ohtani's bank account so the
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pitcher didn't receive alerts or confirmations regarding transactions. >> he said shohei never knew about the gambling. >> reporter: the the super star two way player spoke out in march, denying he had any knowledge of his interpreter's activity. espn reported the federal investigation concluded ohtani was in the dark about the actions. overnight espn reporting sources with direct knowledge of the investigation said ohtani's claims that he didn't know about the activities were accurate and ohtani claims he's never gambled on any sport. guys? >> george: okay, will. thank you very much. coming up, an arrest warrant issued for super bowl champ rashee rice. >> michael: plus the latest state to crack down on porch pirates. >> robin: why costco has become a hot spot for the gold rush. first back to ginger. >> ginger: we've got fog, drizzle. like i said, the heavier rain is gonna come in tonight. look out in parts of the northeast for that. but with this storm it's going to come with a considerable amount of wind.
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it's going to get gusty. we're talking gusts 41 miles per hour. this is by early tomorrow morning. you'll be walking in going, 45 mile per hour gust there, atlanta city 50s. that's the kind that could even potentially impact some flights. we'll watch that tomorrow. your local weather in 30 seconds.
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>> michael: coming up we're diving into thursday. you don't want to miss the rest of this video, yeah. we'll be right back. bipolar 1, i got help to push back. i got help to push back. we got help to push back with lybalvi. once-daily prescription lybalvi is proven to treat manic or mixed episodes of bipolar 1 in adults to help you push back. elderly patients with dementia have increased risk of death or stroke. do not take lybalvi if you are taking opioids or are in opioid withdrawal. the samidorphan in lybalvi can cause severe opioid withdrawal that can lead to hospitalization or increase risk of life- threatening overdose. get emergency help if you have trouble breathing, become very drowsy with slowed or shallow breathing, feel faint, very dizzy, or confused, or have a fever,
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dupixent is an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma that's not for sudden breathing problems. dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. get help right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines, including steroids, without talking to your doctor. ask your specialist about dupixent. target circle week is here, including steroids, without talking to your doctor. with thousands of deals join target circle for free... and get automatic savings on the things that make you... you! target circle week... april 7th to the 13th. it's a big deal! >> always live. abc seven news starts right now. good morning. >> i'm reggie aqui from abc seven mornings. if you live in the south bay. officials want you to check your property for standing water. they're warning
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about an invasion of a dangerous type of mosquito. today, santa clara county vector control will talk about the issue. officials say the mosquito has been found in east san jose after being eradicated in 2022. they called this species aggressive. it is known to carry diseases like dengue and yellow fever. the county is asking residents to check their properties for standing water because that is where mosquitoes often breed. amanda house traffic this morning reggie a mess in the san leandro san lorenzo and hayward area. >> there's a motorcycle crash on westbound 580 at strawbridge avenue. two lanes are blocked and there is stop and go traffic from grove way. traffic was already sluggish here from a sigalert on the northbound 238 and southbound 880 connector. an overturned big rig there. >> reggie and i'm meteorologist drew tuma has
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more warm day this week before everything turns colder tomorrow. temperatures this morning. we're starting out mainly in the 40s and in the 50s. but just like yesterday, temperatures will take off pretty fast. this morning, a live look from our east bay hills camera showing you clear conditions. it's a mild morning by 9 a.m. it already feels quite warm by noon, 60s and 70s away from the coast and then heading into 4 p.m. 1 or 2 degrees cooler than yesterday. but still another warm april day. temperatures in the 70s and 80s away from the coast. look at your weather, wellness. air quality is good. tree pollen is high. oak cedar and pine are your top allergens. >> reggie and i'm feeling all of them. thank you. drew, if you're streaming on the abc seven bay area app. abc seven at seven continues. everybody else is watching. >> gma when we tell people it took 138 iterations to refine the tiguan chassis, they say, oh, cool. but when we tell them it also took our engineers 189 pizzas, 22 birthdays, 4005 miles commuted through 13 thunderstorms, 16 neglected haircuts, 52 all nighters and 19 nightmares about chassis. they
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they retired her number 22. she's expected to go number one in the wnba draft monday. we're going to hear from the woman who will be announcing clark's name, wnba commissioner cathy engelbert on h madness is i woman's game. >> george: looking forward to that. following a lot of headlines including the major storm system moving east and north. the tornados left a trail of destruction in the south. ginger's tracking the weather with seven states on flood alert. the army corps of engineer leaked new sonar images of the francis scott key bridge wreckage site. it shows the collapsed bridge. the ntsb said the agency is focusing on the ship's electrical system. experts are here helping with the equipment in the engine room. they're focusing on the circuit breakers. >> michael: check out the par 3 competition for pros and their families leading up to the master's. bubba watson's daughter on the putting green.
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one of the great traditions of golf. and she does it again! that's right. what a putt. she's following in her dad's footsteps. he may be able to use her out there. 2024 master's tees off this morning on espn. and we've got a lot more ahead including the new way some people fighting inflation at costco. that is all coming up, george. >> george: right now the car crash involving chiefs receiver rashee rice. dallas police issued arrest warrants for rice and the other driver accused of causing the crash. chief national correspondent matt gutman has details. good morning, matt. >> reporter: george, good morning. those arrest warrants were issued yesterday. the chiefs star receiver who apologized for the incident faces serious charges for that six car crash included aggravated assault. dallas police telling me overnight neither rice nor the other driver is yet in custody.
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this morning kansas city receives wide receiver rashee rice waking up a wanted man, criminally charged for his involvement in that dallas highway crash that left four people injured. >> the impact was crazy. we could have flew out. >> reporter: the dallas police department issuing arrest warrants to both rice, who they say was driving the lambourghini and 21-year-old theodore knox, allegedly behind the wheel of a corvette. police say the vehicles caused a chain reaction collision involving four other vehicles. kayla quinn had her 4-year-old in the back seat of the car, which was totalled. >> it was traumatic. >> reporter: authorities say the objectccupants then ran fro scene without seeing if anybody needed medical help or providing their information. that can allegedly be seen walking down the highway away from the crash before authorities arrived. rice and knox face one counted of aggravated assault, one count of collision involving serious
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bodily injury and six counts of bodily injury. rice posted on instagram last week, i take full responsibility for my part in this matter and will continue to cooperate with authorities. i sincerely apologize to everyone impacted in saturday's accident. the nfl saying they continued to monitor developments. rice's attorney said his client has taken full responsibility for the crash and has been cooperating with authorities. dallas police decided on charges that could change the trajectory of rice's career especially that aggravated assault charge which carries a maximum 20 year sentence. guys? >> michael: matt, thank you very much for that. now the porch pirate crackdown in florida. governor ron desantis signed a bill to make the sunshine state the latest to raise penalties for stealing packages from outside homes as well as for retail theft. melissa adan is in miami with more. good morning, melissa.
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>> reporter: good morning, michael. so the state of florida is gonna make it a felony if you steal $40 or more worth of property. the police chief welcomes this news, as he sees hundreds of these cases in his city. he thinks the criminal charges will make a difference. this morning the thieves striking in broad daylight and in the night. this porch pirate disguised as a trash bag captured stealing a package in sacramento. some homeowners like this one, have had enough, using a decoy package to catch this alleged thief. >> yo! yo! >> reporter: in florida the governor cracking down. a new law going into effect this october. if you steal property worth more than $40, it will be considered a felony. >> someone's going to have hell to pay for stealing. >> reporter: the law, replacing an already existing one. this time lowering the property value from $100 to $40. it also includes stricter
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penalties for retail theft. >> everything in our store is a candy store for a criminal, things they can grab, sell fast and take from us. >> reporter: in coral gables, the police chief welcoming it, sharing these videos of thiefs in action. >> we are able to make cases against these people. also kind of giving other diversionary sentences for people who are facing felonies. >> reporter: it's a growing trend across the country, with at least nine other states making porch pirating a felony. that's not all. according to the national retail federation, organized retail crime cost consumers $112 billion in 2022. the state topping the list, california. a proposed bill there calling for repeat shoplifters to serve jail time after a third conviction. mean time last month in new york, the governor announced a $45 million plan to fight back against organized retail crime theft.
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guys? >> robin: all right, melissa. our thanks to you. now we have a heart pounding rescue of a swimmer caught in a rip current. the life saving efforts were caught on camera, after the man was pulled from the water with no pulse. erielle reshef is here with more. good morning. >> good morning, robin. that 21-year-old is lucky to be alive after she was swept by that rip current. his heart stopped for several terrifying minutes. the rescue caught on camera. it may be tough to watch, but he is okay. this morning the heart pounding moments as rescuers rush to save this unconscious man who nearly drown off the coast of florida. deputies say the 21-year-old was swimming with a friend in an unstaffed area when they got caught in a rip current. this body camera footage picking up the frantic scene after he is pulled from the water. according to official, the water carried desouza about 100 yards
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off new smyrna beach. >> one of my friends is in the ocean and can't swim. >> reporter: the life guard heard the call. >> one of the men on the boogie board was too tired to walk himself so i was carrying him out of the water. he let me know that his friend was still in the water. >> reporter: smith and two other life guards pulling him to shore. officials performing chest compressions before quickly moving him into the ambulance. ty carno was one of the paramedics on scene trying to revive him. >> we had no idea this young man was going to pull through. >> reporter: he said it took minutes to get a pulse, as they arrived at the hospital. rip currents cause 80% of coast line rescues. the rescue team calling this a miracle. all reunited with filipe just days ago. >> we are very happy with the outcome.
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great to see him. >> yeah. a relief to see that. a remarkable rescue. you see that filipe reunited with the heroes who saved his life in the hospital. this is remarkable. he is making a full recovery. >> robin: wow. >> this is not the way it goes sometimes. rip currents are so incredibly dangerous. it's important to heed those warnings. thankfully, he's okay. >> robin: i love that picture of them all in the hospital room. >> i know. nothing like a good reunion. >> robin: that's right, erielle. thank you. customers go to costco to get paper towel, famous hot dogs. now we'll tell you why customers are panning for gold at the big box store. store. musical meets bold new thinking. musical at 88 years old, we still see the world with the wonder of new eyes, helping you discover untapped possibilities
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i think we just found our new home. your favorites, together like never before. this is a destination spot. for disney bundle subscribers, hulu on disney+ is here. >> robin: there is gold in dem hills. back now with a modern day gold rush. with inflation stubbornly high, some people are looking to gold as an investment. one place they're buying it, costco. trevor ault is here with more. good morning. >> good morning, robin. it's a fun little addition to the shoppers list for people going to costco. you have your produce, snacks, paper towels. how about a one ounce bar of solid gold? it feels like a novelty, but people are buying these up to the tunes of hundreds of millions of dollars. this morning consumers across the country are grabbing hold of gold amid inflation and economic uncertainty, the precious metal
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is tempting more and more shoppers. >> this is a currency that has been around for thousands of years. it is one thing that holds its value and increases its value over a duration of time. >> reporter: the phenomenon is playing out in giant numbers at costco. a report from wells fargo says since last august when the retail giant started selling these 1 ounce gold bars at a slight markup, they're now generating up to $200 million a month in sales. >> i just had to pay 2359 for it. >> reporter: humphrey yang is a personal finance content creator. he now owns one of those costco bars. >> i think this gold bar will hold its value, so i don't think i spent 2359. i more just converted one currency into another. >> reporter: his tik tok video documenting the process has been seen about 3 million times since monday. >> i'll hold on to it as long as i can. maybe i can pass it down to a future generation. >> reporter: craig beauregard
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and julia edwards decided to buy a bar on a whim while shopping for groceries. >> we were walking around the store. we couldn't get it off our minds so we went back. >> reporter: they see it as a good investment especially with a wedding to plan. >> feels good to know that i can hold it. i can bring it home. i know where it is. >> reporter: the price of gold has risen over the years. its current price is $2348 per troy ounce. that's way goal is measured. that's up $359 from this time last year and almost ten times what it was worth back in 2000. it's not a guaranteed investment. the price topped $1800 in 2011 but plummeted below $1100 in 2015 eventually climbing its way back up to today's record high. >> the idea of it is that gold holds its worth and that is why people want to have that as a potential investment in their portfolio. >> keep in mind costco does limit your gold purchases to just five ounces per customer,
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so you should not show up with your life savings in a bag of cash hoping to get all those gold bars. >> robin: say you do buy it. what should you know about selling it? >> i can see the dollar signs in your eyes. [ laughter ] step one, don't sell it to the first place you find. right? there's a lot of places that will buy gold. get a lot of different rate, fees. make sure you get the best deal. you also should know if this is a short term investment you have the possibility of short term capital gains tax 10% up to 30%. it's not pure profit if you do flip it. also, we cannot stress this enough. it's not a certainty that the price will keep climbing higher and higher. like any kind of investment, it also might go down. you have to keep that in mind if you're going to buy gold. with your lettuce and hot dogs. [ laughter ] >> michael: get a little chisel hammer. >> shave off a little bit. >> michael: there you go. >> george: play of the day is next.
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ckin. we're talking about cashbackin. we're talking about cashbackin. not a game! we've been talking about practice for too long. -word. -no practice. we're talking about cashbackin. we're talking about cashbackin. i mean, we're not talking about a game! this is an abc news special report. >> good morning. i'm diane macedo. we're coming on the air because we have breaking news. oj simpson has died >> oj simpson has died. he succumbed to his battle with cancer surrounded by his children and grandchildren. it was revealed in february simpson was battling prostate cancer but he refuted rumors at the time that he was in hospice care.
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alex, what do we know at this point? >> his family said he died yesterday. we believe in las vegas where he had been living. it was only a couple weeks ago where he refuted the claims that he was in hospice care, right around the super bowl word had come out that he may have been in hospice care. he put a video on x saying he was feeling fine, going golfing. his impact on southern california and really the world cannot be overstated. going back to his time in the nfl and at usc and the nfl. the infamous trial in the '90s for the double murder of nicole brown simpson and ron goldman. he was acquitted of that. there were a number of years where he was in and out of the for a number of months the hotel room armed robbery case in las vegas. ended up going to prison for that. got out. has been living in las vegas.
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his family now saying on x that he has died, diane. >> he became such a national focal point during that trial for the murders of his wife, his ex-wife at the time, and her friend. what legacy does oj simpson leave behind now, so many years later? >> i think depending on how one looks at o.j. simpson. there is the football part of it, the star that he was. the hertz commercial, running through the airport. he was the biggest of the big stars before that trial. and the shock of the trial, there are many americans who will always believe that he committed that double murder. others who believe that he did not. you remember the lines that came out of that "if it does not fit, you must acquit." the impact of that trial for those who were not alive during that time or not old enough to remember it, was incredible. the whole world watching that
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trial during that time. the whole world watching tv and listening to the radio, waiting for that verdict to come down. then when it came down, much of america did not agree with it. and then he was sometimes almost comically in and out of the headlines over many years. then to get in trouble again in las vegas, to get back his own memorabilia. he got into the memorabilia trade and selling his items over many years. and then went into retirement, always claiming he was looking for the real killers of nicole brown simpson and ron goalman. there were those saying he wasn't doing enough t he wasn't doing enough to do that if he wasn't involved in the murders. he even went into retirement in florida and nevada and had been relatively quiet the last couple years. >> alex stone, thank you. again, breaking news that o.j. simpson has died. his family said he succumbed to his battle with prostate cancer.
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o.j. simpson was 76. we'll return you to your regularly scheduled programming. we will have the very latest on world news tonight. have a good rest of the day. >> the first made its slide including how that photographer managed to get those rare shots. one after coming up in our next hour. >> michael: i would have slid. >> ginger: wasn't that a dive? >> george: i wonder what was going through their heads. >> michael: i know what was going through mind. >> ginger: what were you doing at 6 months old? >> michael: i don't remember. that was great e. >> robin: thanks to our friends at nat geo. we will be right back. nat geo. we will be right back. for pneumococcal pneumonia. because k come on.
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>> ginger: coming up the big question for a lot of parents. what is going on in my teenager's brain? the answer a orpheum theater from august 28th through october 13th only. nbc nightly news calls it the most successful broadway show ever.
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visit broadway sf. com to get wicked. >> if your garage is starting to feel more like a cluttered storage room, one 800 got junk is here to help. we'll help you get your space back with garage cleanup starting at just $197. call one 800. got junk? >> i'm late. for what? my period . >> nick took my son to the hospital. gray's anatomy. viewer discretion advised. >> always live. abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning. i'm reggie aqui from abc seven mornings. amanda, how are the roads? >> reggi that sigalert in the east bay remains in effect on northbound 238 because of an overturned big rig from earlier this morning. the connector ramp to southbound 880 is shut down
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and their stop traffic from 580. there's also a second crash on westbound 580 at strawbridge avenue, blocking two lanes. stop and go traffic from eden canyon. >> hey, amanda, exploratorium camera. that sun is looking great out there in our morning sky temperatures right now. we're already closing in on 60 degrees in san jose. a little bit cooler right now in the north bay with pockets of 40s on the board. live. look from our east bay hills camera showing you that sunshine. it's another warm day today. get out there and enjoy a temperatures going above average. we'll find those numbers in the 70s and 80s away from the coast 67. in the city today, but 71 in oakland, 80 in san jose and santa rosa. cooler. cloudier weather moves back into tomorrow. showers over the weekend. >> reggie, thanks for streaming us on the abc seven bay area app. abc 77 continues. everybody else is watching gma. >> the alameda spring home show is back this weekend at the alameda county fairgrounds. whether you're improving, remodeling or simply
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redecorating the home shows the place to be. shop, compare and save at hundreds of exhibits this weekend at the alameda county fairgrounds. >> what does it take to take on alzheimer's awareness? that memory loss and confusion that disrupt daily life could be signs of alzheimer's? knowledge that among those 65 and older, 1 in 6 will develop alzheimer's and the courage to have important conversations with family, friends and your health care provider. you have what it takes to take on alzheimer's. learn more about signs, screening and early detection at take on als. com brought to you by the california department of public health. >> when we tell people it took 138 iterations to refine the tiguan chassis, they say, oh, cool. but when we tell them it also took our engineers 189 pizzas, 22 birthdays, 4005 miles commuted through 13 thunderstorms, 16 neglected haircuts, 52 all nighters and 19 nightmares about chassis. they usually go, oh wow. the meticulously refined tig1 hop
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in. it's a vw. get 0% apr financing or a $2,000 customer bonus on a new 2024 tig one. during the volkswagen 75th anniversary sales event. >> you made a cow, actually, it's a piggy bank. >> my inspiration to start saving. >> how about a more solid way to save? >> i'm listening. >> well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward. every month. you save cash reward, and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. >> anything you can't do. >> mugs bmo >> cirque du soleil presents kooza an adrenaline rush of acrobatics in a zany kingdom of characters. kooza opens april 18th under the
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big top at santa clara county fairgrounds. kooza thanks its official partner, air canada. tickets on sale at cirque du >> after my car accident, i wondered what my case was worth. so i called the barnes firm. >> when that car hit my motorcycle insurance wasn't fair, so i called the barnes firm. it was the best call i could have made at the barnes firm. >> our injury attorneys work hard to get you the best result possible. call us now and find out what your case could be worth. you might be surprised. the barnes firm injury attorneys call one 888 million. >> robin: good morning america. it's 8 a.m. violent storms tearing through the south. at least seven reported tornados leaving a frightening trail of destruction. >> that was a tornado. two football fields away. >> robin: hundreds of homes and businesses destroyed.
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new orleans getting a month's worth of rain in just seven hours. >> come on. >> robin: ginger is tracking it all, as the storm heads north, with seven states waking up to flood alerts. >> george: inside the teen brain. an exclusive look at a new documentary for anyone who has wondered what their teenager is thinking. >> lot of it is a roller coaster. >> george: what it reveal, how it can help parents understand their kids. >> robin: we're going one on one with the commissioner of the wnba talking the future of women's basketball. how the caitlin clark effect is already giving the league a boost as we gear up for next week's wnba draft. # ♪ put my hands up playing my song ♪ >> michael: we're ♪ i put my hands up they're playing my song ♪ >> michael: we're bringing the sizzle to our comfort food tour. >> time to make some magic. >> michael: with a stop in boston, for a burger that's like a taste of paradise. >> the food here is outstanding.
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it's delicious. it never fails. >> michael: as we say good morning america. >> announcer: live in times square, this is gma. >> michael: oh, good morning america. our comfort food tour is making a stop at bred gourmet. jess sims is there to tell us all about the beloved burger joint. nothing says breakfast like a burger. that's right. that's all coming up. >> robin: putting jess to work already. one match, second chance and the latest chapter in my stem cell transplant story. my sister sally-ann's son, jeremiah, becoming a donor. little jer. that's what i call him. he tells his story, including his hesitation to donate that turned into a personal commitment to give the gift of life. >> george: we are looking forward to that. first the top stories breaking at 8. we start with storms across the south bringing at least seven tornado, heavy rain and flooding. go back to rob marciano on the scene in louisiana. good morning, rob. >> reporter: good morning, george. this one came through around 10 a.m.
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a tornado that blasted it. trees down, power lines. this one coming onto this truck. also tearing into this apartment building where the winds ripped apart some of the brick structure and the roof. take a look at this drone video. the second story completely ripped off. people were hurt in this building. they were rushed to the hospital. no serious injuries. but everybody here is displaced. the business district also had businesses torn up there. it was very difficult to get around because of the flooding yesterday. not just here, but across new orleans. then tornados kept going east. through alabama. they had an ef-1 tornado there doing some damage. we're not done just yet. we still have a severe weather threat today. we had severe flooding across parts of tallahassee, from jacksonville up to the carolinas. potential for severe storms this morning. later today eastern ohio up river up to western pennsylvania, we could see more in the way of tornados there. we obviously have a history with this thing as it pushes off to the east. into the northeast tonight with wind and rain through tomorrow
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morning eventually getting out to sea on saturday. we can't be done with this system soon enough. robin? >> robin: you said that right, rob. thank you. >> george: we have breaking news. >> we have breaking news for our viewers in the west. o.j. simpson has died at the age of 76. the former football super star, winner of the heisman trophy at usc, had an 11-year career in the nfl, most spent as a star running back with the buffalo bills. with athletic ability and star quality, he became one of the first black athletes to win off the field in lucrative endorsementes. he starred in commercials, on tv and in movies, creating a celebrity lifestyle. but that changed in june 1994 when nicole brown simpson was found brutally murdered. she had been stabbed repeatedly, her throat slit. simpson quickly became a suspect. now after the infamous white bronco slow speed chase, carried
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live on tv stations around the country, he was arrested and charged with both murders. the nine month murder trial broadcast to millions referred to as the trial of the century. two years later sued in civil court by the parents of nicole brown simpson and ronald goldman. simpson was found liable for those deaths. his assets were seized. he was ordered to pay $33.5 million in restitution to both victims' families. in 2007 he was arrested after he and friends entered a las vegas hotel room to retrieve sports memorabilia he claimed had been stolen from him. the jury disagreed. simpson was sentenced to 33 years in prison but was released on parole after nine years. simpson leaves behind five children who wrote in a statement, on april 10th our father succumbed to his battle with cancer. he was surrounded by his children and grandchildren. during this time of transition, his family asks that you please
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respect their wishes for privacy and grace. back to you, robin. >> robin: now the latest on the showdown over abortion rights and the fallout in arizona in the wake of court decision to up held an 1864 law banning the procedure with almost no exceptions. let's go back there to rachel scott in phoenix. good morning, rachel. >> reporter: good morning, robin. it has been a chaotic 48 hours here in arizona. there was bipartisan outrage after the state supreme court ruled that an abortion ban passed during the civil war could go into effect. but when state democrats tried to bring a bill to the floor to repeal that law, it was republicans who stood in the way. now arizona is in state of limbo. the ban is expected to go into effect in the next several weeks. the biden campaign placing the blame on former president trump saying he owns the suffering and chaos we are seeing play out in the state. it was the former president who appointed three of the six supreme court justices who overturned roe versus wade, clearing the way for 21 states to ban or further restrict access to abortion.
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now trump said the arizona ban goes too far. we know this could be a defining issue in the november election. we know that abortion rights could be on the ballot in as many as 14 states including several battlegrounds including right here in arizona as well as pennsylvania and nevada. the vice president expected to be here in arizona tomorrow, robin. >> robin: all right, rachel. thanks so much. michael? >> george: coming up a big question for parents. what is going on in my teen's brain? >> robin: also ahead, the wnba commissioner joins us to talk about the game, including caitlin clark, angel reese, days from being drafted. >> michael: plus look who's diving into thursday. you don't want to miss more of the baby penguins taking the plunge. tory johnson is back with more deals and steals. hey, tory. >> hey, michael. get ready to soak up the sun in our deals and steals spring bonanza. i have got terrific bargains for enjoying the outdoors.
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plus a must have for your next vacation. all starting at just 10 bucks. that's coming up right here on gma. [birds singing] for nourished, lightweight hair, the right ingredients make all the difference new herbal essences sulfate free is now packed with plant-based ingredients your hair will love. like pure aloe. and camellia flower oil. and none of the things it won't. hair feels deeply nourished, soft and lightweight. plant power you can feel. new herbal essences sulfate free. ♪ stay ahead of your moderate—to—severe eczema, and show off clearer skin and less itch with dupixent. the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, that helps heal your skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes
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including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent. ♪ “don't let go” ♪ by terrace martin, mr talkbox, pj morton ♪ don't let me go ♪ ♪ no ♪ ♪ don't let me go ♪ ♪ no ♪ ♪ don't let me go ♪ ♪ no, no, no don't let me go ♪ ♪ don't let me go ♪ ♪ no don't you ever let me go ♪ ♪ don't you ever let me go ♪ ♪ don't you ever let me go ♪ ♪ when i was twelve years old with cancer, i spent most of the year looking out a hospital window. all i wanted was to be outside. i owe the people at st. jude everything because i'm seventeen years cancer-free. my marathon is for st. jude.
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and helping all those kids with cancer who just want to be kids again. (♪) >> tech: at safelite, we'll take care of fixing your windshield. but did you know we can take care of your insurance claim? be kids again. that means less stress for you. >> woman: thanks. >> tech: my pleasure. have a good one. >> woman: you too. >> tech: schedule today at >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ (psst! psst!) ahhh! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily gives you long lasting non-drowsy relief. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills. with so many choices on there are so many tina feys i could be. so i hired body doubles. indoorsy tina loves a deluxe suite. ooh! booking.yeah
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wow. that's good. almond breeze? you like the almond breeze i got you... that's sooo interesting. what's happening, dad? with delicious taste and 50% more calcium. blue diamond almond breeze. don't just milk it. almond milk it. (♪ ) why did i keep missing out on this? before you were preventing migraine with qulipta? do you remember the pain, the worry, the canceled plans? and look at me now. you'll never truly forget migraine but qulipta reduces attacks making zero-migraine days possible. it's the only pill of its kind that blocks cgrp and is approved to prevent migraine of any frequency. to help give you that forget you get migraine feeling. don't take if allergic to qulipta. most common side effects are nausea, constipation and sleepiness. learn how abbvie could help you save. qulipta, the forget-you-get migraine medicine.
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>> george: lot of people in times square. we're back with our gma cover story, a look at the new documentary, the teen brain, designed to break stereotypes and help parents understand their kids. great to have maggie rulli here in the studio to tell us about it. >> good morning. in this film we hear directly from teens in their own words. one of the things they say they want to know is why don't adults understand us? this film not only shows them why, but also has a unique teen brain and how it could be a
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super power. >> you want to know what it feels like to be a teen? >> reporter: thrilling, scary, stimulating. just a fraction of the emotions teens say they experience. >> everything is a roller coaster. >> what is going on in the teen brain? >> reporter: that's the big question asked and answered by director tiffany shain in her exploratory new film the teen brain. >> we talked to all the top neuroscientists in the state. then we talked to so many teenagers. we wanted to hear directly from teens. what do you want to know about your brains? what do you wish adults knew about you, what you're feeling? >> reporter: just ten minutes one of the goals of the film is to destigmatize those formative years. >> when you promote adolescence as a time of brokenness, adolescents will think they're broken. >> we are using an adult yard
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stick to understand teenagers. we wouldn't say infants are deficit toddlers but yet we think of teenagers as not quite adults and we measure them that way. that really affects how we talk to them. >> reporter: author of the break through years reinforces how understanding a teen's brain can help parents guide and interact with teens in a better way and help them understand themselves. this loud emotional space, part of the limbic system becomes much more sensitive during this period. it grows in size. >> emotions are so strong. it felt like i was set in this moment, and it's hard to sort of see the bigger picture. >> reporter: experts say focusing on the brain can reveal passions and pursuits that are most fulfilling, all while honoring those emotions that are the essence of the teen experience. >> this is a time when the highs are really high, but the lows are really low. this is a time when you are just
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experiencing everything in a way that people go to movies to feel. >> reporter: actress goldie hawn ceo and founder of mind up says, i have wanted to create a film on adolescent brain because it's important to understand that being a teen is an extraordinary time to be alive. and, guys, what i just loved about this film is it takes a more positive spin and gives teens and their parents the tools to actually take advantage of this unique time in their lives. >> george: how do parents help teens? how do they help them balance independence and structure? >> that's always a struggle. parents are the most important people in their teens' lives. little pressure for us. she also gives us tools to take advantage of this. she says, first, check in on yourself. take pause before responding to a difficult situation. second, consider your child's pointed of view. third, share your expectations and limits. finally, problem solve together and let those moments be a lesson. the teen brain is out monday.
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for more information go to let it >> george: thank you, maggie. let's go over to robin. >> robin: great having maggie on this side of the pond. all right. we have women's basketball as we know taking center stage. this year's ncaa women's national championship game had a record number of viewers. and for the first time meeting a men's final. wnba commissioner cathy engelbert is live to talk more about the state of the women's game. i know how busy you are, with just days from the draft. cathy, appreciate you stopping by to speak with us like this. i love to get your take on what we are seeing in the women's game right now. >> well, robin, it's great to be here. and if you think about the confluence of so many positive elements going on in women's basketball. everybody is talking about it. you know, the rise of women's sports, these players coming out with big social media following because of, you know, just the way that they're presenting
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themselves on and off the court. capital. we raised the capital two years ago, $75 million in capital. deploying that to get ready for this moment, quite frankly. maybe we didn't know we were getting ready for this moment. and then expansion is on the rise for us, as well as globalizing the game. really, just, it's all coming together at one time. >> robin: it's the perfect storm, the perfect storm. with the record viewership, how will that translate? how do you want to it translate to the pro game? >> well, i have been reflecting a lot on how it does translate. so when the one thing i learned in sports after coming in from a long career in business is you need household names, rivalries and games of consequence. march madness delivered on all three of those coming off last year's national championship with angel and caitlin, little rivalry. they met in the elite eight this year, then paige and caitlin on the friday night. then obviously undefeated south carolina versus iowa on sunday. there's a lot that translates into our game.
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we do have a 40 game season not just a three week tournament. we're already seeing such positive ticket sales and merch. we just put out our broadcast schedule yesterday. everybody is excited about the matchups. that's drawing a lot of attention and lot of eyes to the game. >> robin: we talk about caitlin clark, the caitlin clark effect. angel reese. there are a lot of rookies coming in. this is a very deep draft. is it not? >> really deep draft monday night. camilla cardoso, most outstanding player in the final. she's 6' 7" and really increased her draft stock. rakia jackson. this was, robin, the funnest part of my week is calling these college players and inviting them live in brooklyn for the wnba draft monday night. funnest part of my job because they're so excited and so fresh coming off their seasons.
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really looking forward to reading their names on monday night. >> robin: i'm sure that you are. they're looking forward to hearing you read their names monday night at the draft. full disclosure, you're there in augusta at the master's. you are saying even there you are feeling the effects, the impact of the women's game even there. how so? >> oh, everybody's talking about it, whether they know i'm the commissioner or not. i can just hear people talking about it. yesterday, by one of the practice putting greens there was a guy in a caitlin clark jersey. he was watching zach johnson, who's from iowa. he and caitlin had played in a pro am, the john deere classic. fun to kind of mix golf and basketball. nellie carter is doing some amazing things in golf. got asked about caitlin clark and the hype around her. you know when you're at a venerable place like this and they're talking women's basketball, it's fun for me. it's fun to chat with -- by the
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way, lot of girls, men, families. lot of people watched that game sunday. as you said, 18.7 million. 24 million at peak. >> robin: yeah. >> it's been fun to listen and watch to everybody's perspective on why they love this game. they love watching the women's tournament. >> robin: i knew you would know the exact numbers. you had it to the t, to the t. peaking over the 24 million like that. finally, you kind of touched upon this, upon this. tangibles, what are the tangibles that you are seeing that there is proof that there's anticipation for the upcoming wnba season? >> right. so one, everybody is talking about it. two, we're seeing it in ticket sales, merch sale, corporate partnerships stepping up, increased media coverage. it is a little bit like the, if you build it they will come, and that magic moment from 1979 when two great stars came in to the
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ncaa be a big rivalry and coast to coast, boston/l.a. it was our phoment. we're going to build and market. marketing will be really important this year. story telling. we also have the olympic, where usa women's national team will go for their eighth consecutive gold medal. that will be a great moment. lots of excitement. lots of stories to tell. i think that's what draws fans in to watch, to buy, to attend. i'm really excited to see our arenas full this year. >> robin: we are, too. cathy, thank you again. enjoy augusta. enjoy your time there. >> thank you. i'll be back. i'll be back saturday. getting ready for the draft. >> robin: we know that. we will let everybody know the 2024 wnba draft will take place monday, april 15th starting at 7:30 p.m. eastern time. now let's go to ginger. >> ginger: thanks, robin. tampa, in a tornado watch this morning until 3:00 p.m.
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not just tampa. many other people in north florida. jacksonville included. southeast georgia. that line is strong. it has history of making tornados and gusts above 70 miles per hour. please be safe the next couple hours. there's a tornado threat throughout the day and the evening in ohio, west virginia and pennsylvania. ke >> michael: now to day 3 of our deals and steals spring bonanza. tory johnson is back with more
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great deals. good morning, tory. >> hello. >> michael: hi. >> outdoor pizza oven. this is an awesome one from stoke. what's great about this is it uses wood chips to create the heat. heats up to 900 degrees in 20 minutes. then in just two minutes it cooks your pizza. no propane, gas, electric none of that need. looks like you're ready. i wish you came with it. comes with all of the accessories. slashed in half today. if you're going to plan for out door entertaining this is one to get. >> michael: that's a good one. especially here in the city. >> all right. check that one out. what's great. they are making their deals debut. go ahead. >> michael: i need some light. oh, it glows in the dark. [ laughter ] >> yes. it lights up. we got every single kind of ball. what's great about these balls is it's regulation size. official size, official weight as well. it's got the added fun to be so much cooler with the light. between spring and summer,
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spending more times outdoors with sports. we've got every option including the light up nets. these are all slashed in half. start at $10. they feel good, right? absolutely. for robin, fan cloud. we got to stock up with all of the new patterns. time to replenish the assortment. turkish cotton. gets softer with every wash. really great for the outdoors, but very versatile. you can wear it as a wrap, sarong, on a chilly night or as a beach cover-up. your choice. six new patterns, each $20. look at you. that's perfect. fold up, too. okay. our place. they make some of the best kitchen accessories. cooking is more fun and efficient when you've got all the right tools. that's the oven mitt. it's got an extra cuff. it feels really good, too. this is their most gorgeous. this is the sheet pan. sheet pans have never looked so pretty. these are fabulous. what's great is that you can prep in this, cook in this and
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then serve in this, too. it looks great. we've got their utensil sets. the oven mit s are back. slashed in half starts at $22.50. keep those pans. that is it. all right. then this is one of the easiest ways to keep your beverages chilled. so this particular chiller here. oh. getting a lot of oohs and aahs. this is great. you put your chilled bottle of wine in here and it will keep it chilled. what's also great, we've got their tumblers as well. this is specifically for champagne, coffee, water, whiskey, wine. here's what's great, michael, that you only are drinking from glass, as opposed to that metallic taste. taste. yep. these start at $15. and then finally. that is so smart. right. the glass and it pops into the dishwasher. rosetta
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stone, this is one of the best ways to learn a new language. so you can either challenge yourself, spring or summer to learn a new language, or do it to prepare for a vacation. you're going to get unlimited lifetime access to the language of your choice. 25 languages to choose from. they've got so many options to help fit into your schedule. you do it either on the app or desktop. it's a great gift for yourself or for someone you love. $89. >> well, i'm going to start by learning english. how about that? all right tori, thank you so much. and we partner with these companies on these great deals. make sure you check them out. and coming up our comfort food tour is in boston for burgers. >> the crown in crisis impact by nightline, now streaming on hulu friday night. did these friends have secrets so dangerous? >> i kept asking her, what are you so scared of? >> they would do the unthinkable. >> police find this ominous video friends playing a dangerous game. >> would you guys rather suffocate or get shot? 2020
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friday on abc. >> hi, i'm andy and i'm sabrina, and we're moms juggling tons of stuff every day. like all you moms out there. and you know what? we love really love pop culture. so what happens when being obsessed with pop culture collides with being a mom? you get us. so listen now to our new podcast, pop culture moms, available ad free on amazon music standard. >> fillled 9-1-1 is on abc tonight and stream on hulu. >> this is a national landmark in the heart of seattle. the world is watching herrera find the source of that smoke. >> move! mayday, mayday. >> flags to fly. free fire. sullivan. warren. report. >> done. mirda. she was worth waiting for. >> always live. abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning everyone. i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven mornings. here's a look at traffic with amanda kumasi, a headache for drivers who are heading through hayward, san leandro, san lorenzo, that
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entire area sigalert in the east bay remains in effect on northbound 238 because of an overturned big rig. >> the southbound 880 connector ramp is still shut down. there's also a second crash on westbound 580 at strawbridge avenue, blocking two lanes there, so avoid that area if you can. >> thanks, amanda. meteorologist joe tuma has your accuweather forecast after the break. >> in all of san francisco, there's no place like wicked home. you can find me. >> look to the west. since guys wicked the untold true story of the witches of oz flies back to the orpheum theater from august 28th through october 13th. >> only nbc nightly news calls it the most successful broadway show ever. visit broadway sfcv. com to get wicked precision is an excellent company. >> we had an idea of what we wanted, but we weren't sure how to put it together. it's kind of
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one of those things that i personally take pride in making sure that the business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning. the go-tos that keep us going. the places we cheer. and check in. they all choose the advanced network solutions and round the clock partnership from comcast business. see why comcast business powers more small businesses than anyone else. get started for $49.99 a month plus ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. don't wait- call today. >> fast, reliable speeds right where you need them. that's wall to wall wi-fi with xfinity. >> the alameda spring home show is back this weekend at the alameda county fairgrounds. whether you're improving, remodeling, or simply redecorating, the home shows the place to be. shop compare, and save at hundreds of exhibits this weekend at the alameda county fairgrounds. >> let's go outside. hi, exploratorium camera. it is sunny out there. temperatures are starting to warm. already
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60s in brentwood, a lot of 50s around the bay shoreline. so you feel that mild air this morning and we'll just continue to up those temperatures pretty quickly over the next couple of hours. here's how the day shapes up. sunny skies throughout the entire day. 60s and 70s, away from the coast by lunchtime and then heading into the afternoon. it's another warm one, about 1 or 2 degrees cooler compared to yesterday, but temperatures close to 13 degrees above average in spots, so 80 in san jose will go to 71. in oakland, 67 in the city, napa, a mild 76 this afternoon. >> kumasi thank you drew. we'll have another abc seven news update in about 30 minutes. you can always 30 minutes. you findt can always find the latest on our news app and at abc >> announcer: welcome back to gma live from times square. >> michael: our comfort food road trip is stopping in boston this morning. jess sims is there with an american comfort food favorite,
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the burger. good morning, jess. >> reporter: good morning, y'all. i mean, is there anything more comforting than taking a big bite of a juicy burger? i don't think so. we are live at bred gourmet, home of one of boston's favorite burgers. before we dive into this delicious food, let's look at what makes this place so great. boston is flipping for the burgers at bred gourmet. >> making magic. >> reporter: the owner has been running the burger joint for nearly a decade. >> look at that. that's a classic. >> reporter: known for their unique creations, using plantains, pineapple, crispy fried onions. >> it is outstanding. it's delicious. it never fails. they treat you like family. i come here weekly. we'll never stop. >> reporter: it's comfort and variety for bred gourmet's window. the restaurant even awarded best
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of boston in 2021. >> we started from scratch and to get this, the city i grew up in, best burger. that means a lot to us. [ cheers ] >> i am here with bred gourmet's owner and his beautiful family as well as the head chef and manager. of course, big shout out to all the family and friends that came out here. yes. talk to me. you haven't always been in the restaurant business. you were in insurance. what inspired this transition? >> i was in insurance for awhile. i always knew i wanted to do something that involved food. i was walking my dog one day. i saw this place. i had a big idea. the rest is history after that. >> okay. speaking of big, we're about to build this maui burger. this is your favorite. why? >> this was the first burger we created. all my favorite comfort food toppings in one. i want to build this with you. >> i want to build this with
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you. what do we do first? >> we'll start with a sweet barbecue sauce. we'll put that on the bottom bun. you can be generous. don't be shy. don't be shy. >> i'm not shy. >> cool. so then we'll take my favorite topping, which is a fried sweet plantain. my mother is from trinidad. my father is from barbados. i saw plantains on every plate. from there we'll take the star of the show, the smoked prime beef patty. >> oh my gosh. >> there you go. from there, we're going to lay the applewood smoked bacon. make sure it doesn't topple over. >> you said lay it down. >> just lay it down. >> gentle. gentle. >> from there we do the sliced pineapple. top with some crispy onions. >> i'm going to be very generous with these. my gosh. wow.
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>> go crazy. then we'll take the sauce and go more generous on the sauce bun. take it, boom. then can dig in. i already have. >> wait. before i take a bite, i'm going to be out of business once i start eating this. eudine, how cool is it to be part of the creative genius of these burgers and bringing what you have to life on the menu? >> it's a very unique experience. i love being here. i always have ambition for food and beverage. this is like a home away from home. i love creating new ideas and seeing it come to life. honestly, has been the best experience so far. i have a great team to work with. i have a great boss, great coworkers. we are like a family here. everything is awesome. [ cheers ] >> i wouldn't eat anything or anywhere else if i worked here. it's not just burgers. what else do you have? >> sure. we have powdered begnit which i picked up on my trip to new orleans.
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we smoke our wings. we have smoke, honey garlic wings. then, of course, we have these kinds of fish fry. it's become a fan favorite. cousins is a rapper, our favorite cousin. we had to make a fry after him. >> oh, yeah. >> we'll put our special sauce on there. yeah. right? >> i can't believe there are fries under there. >> oh, man. for sure. >> ooh. >> scallions. there you go. perfect. >> this is absolutely incredible. thank you so much for, one, coming here super, super early, and letting us crash the restaurant. as a little token of our appreciation -- [ cheers ] yes. i have a question. where are you going to hang in? >> we might put it here. i'm thinking about putting it in our new location coming in cambridge in the fall of 2024. [ cheers ] >> okay!
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you heard it here first. michael, we have a special message for you. >> mike, i'm still mad at you, man. i'm a big patriots fan. >> mike, i'm gonna leave that to y'all. [ laughter ] >> michael: do you know what, jess? tell him he needs to get in line with all the other patriots fans. [ laughter ] but i understand. >> he said get in line with all the other patriots fans. [ laughter ] >> michael: i do understand. i do understand. the burger looks fantastic. tomorrow jess thank you very much for that. tomorrow we're bringing all of our favorite comfort food spots in new york here to our studio. >> robin: uh-oh. >> michael: we're gonna be eating good tomorrow. george, ready for a burger in the morning? all right. [ laughter ] robin's nephew, jeremiah, little jer you call him. he's given a second chance at becoming a super hero. this is a s ♪ you've got a friend in me ♪ ♪
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♪ you've got a friend in me ♪ ♪ ♪ you just remember what your old pal said ♪ ♪ boy, you've got a friend in me ♪ ♪ it's a celebration of friendship & beyond. from the new parade to together forever - a new nighttime spectacular fireworks show. pixar fest. at the disneyland resort for a limited time. starting april 26th.
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>> robin: we are back with our series, one match second chance. when we talk about second chances, it's usually referring to the person in need of a stem cell transplant. this time it's about a donor. this story is very close to my heart. it's my nephew jeremiah. here's his journey. sometimes treatments for cancer can lead to other serious medical issues. that's what i'm facing right now.
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this was the moment i shared my diagnosis of mds. mylodysplastic syndrome. it is a rare blood disorder that affects the bone marrow. and my need for a stem cell transplanted. thankfully, my eldest sister sally ann was my perfect match. she is going to be my donor. she's going to be my donor. but 70% of patients strangers. my sister's healthy cells giving me the gift of life. >> after you recover from transplant, you will get her allergy, her blood type. you won't get her taste for music though. [ laughter ] >> robin: promise? promise? >> there is nothing but joy in knowing that you have something
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in your body that can save another human being's life. >> robin: my nephew jeremiah, who i lovingly call little jer, a kid who loved wearing his spider-man suit, watching throughout the journey. >> i think what stands out to me most at that time was my aunt's unwaivering strength. >> robin: to his surprise, his mom told him to sign up. >> my mom told me to sign up. kind of like a mandatory suggestion. >> robin: shortly later, he got the call. he was a match. but he said no. >> unfortunately, at the time, i was just thinking about me. i was acting selfishly. i didn't heed the call up until this point. i was very very sure that that was going to be the biggest mistake of my life. >> robin: but he'd have a second chance. this past january, jeremiah learning once again he's a match.
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>> because i have been thinking about that person every single day, it was just impossible for me to not say yes. >> he did not hesitate. he was ready. >> robin: this time jer's all in. he'll need five days of injections to help stimulate his blood stem cells to prepare for donation day. >> all right. that's how you do it. nmdp, formerly, be the match, facilitating it all, covering the cost for flight, hotel, transportation. jeremiah traveling from new york to houston for the big day. >> all right. i'm at the hotel. everything is fine. definitely feeling some of those aches. >> robin: as donation day arrived, i couldn't help but check in on my nephew to wish him well. hey, jer. >> hey, auntie. >> robin: the fears you had the first time around, how are you feeling? >> what i'm feeling versus what
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this person is going through is incomparable. >> robin: you are a super hero. >> i'm trying to do the right thing for the second time. >> robin: a temporary inconvenience for a life saving impact. i'm very proud of you. you know how much i love you. mwah. >> i'm just grateful to god that i can go from pretending to be a hero to growing older learning what is important and saving a life. very thankful. >> robin: needless to say, i am so proud of little jer. the courage and candor to share the complete story. when we talked about the story, when he told me -- we do a family zoom prayer the last saturday of every month. he said, auntie, i'm a match. i grade, that's great. my producer mind goes into work. i said we should do something on the show to show full circle. he called and said, it's set. he said, i didn't
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do it the first time. i never knew it. he said, but i want to make sure people realize i didn't do it, but i'm doing it now to show, you can -- that happens so many times for various reasons people decide not to do it. he just wanted to show, it's okay. he knows the fears. but if you just work through it. it's so important for young people like my nephew. research has shown that they are -- the outcomes for the recipient are better when you have young donors. >> george: he is lucky to have a second chance. >> robin: he's gotten a second chance. he has given a stranger a second chance. all he knows is she lives in england. he is so relieved he's gotten a second chance. >> michael: he said it was the biggest regret. he thought about it every day since he said no. >> robin: yeah, yeah. >> michael: glad he said yes. what's being done to make it easier for those who get the call? >> robin: i'm glad you asked that. lot of people can't take time off from work and things like that. so nmdp, former by be the match,
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they are working on a life saving leave act with congress to offer stem cell donors the same protection that the medical and family leave act provides. you can find out how to be a stem cell donor by scanning the qr code on your screen or by going to good morning i told you last time when we saw the piece on him being an actor. how that spider-man outfit that he kept on for like two years. he had it with him when he was donating. i said, he always wanted to be a super hero and he is now. he said no, just an average person that wanted to get the word out that you, too, can do it. way to go, jer. >> michael: glad he shared. >> robin: yeah. ginger? >> ginger: thank you. wow. i have tears in my eyes. thank you, jer, everybody. let's start with las vegas. they finally made it to 80, the latest they've hit 80 in 42 years. the benefit of a cool winter. you see the warmth is not just there.
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phoenix hitting their 90s right on time. they'll stay there. 95 tomorrow. looks like las vegas will drop off after today and tomorrow. let's get a check closer to home. >> george: little teaser. penguins cliff diving captured on camera for the first time. morgan norwood has more of the story. >> they were about 10,000 strong. lot of noise. lot of fun smells. lot of great characters. we spent two months with them. >> reporter: nat geo explorer gregory has spent the last decade to capture penguins in the wild. this time tracking a flock of baby penguins. >> the thing that gets my blood
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racing the most is the idea that if we just keep going around, the next corner or the next corner, we might get to see something that no one has ever seen before. >> reporter: that's just what happened. >> it's called fledging when they take their first swim. normally they jump off sea ice which is one or two feet high. we were noticing the trains of chicks were going past to a different place. so i launched the drone, flew it over there to see what was going on and realized they were stacking up at the edge of a huge 50 foot ice cliff. one by one they started to jump off this 50 foot ice cliff. take their first swims in the ocean. >> reporter: for the first time ever capturing this rare cliff diving behavior on video. >> they were falling.
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there were big chunks of ice floating in the water underneath them. it's like falling on to a chunk of concrete. to my amazement they were not just surviving but popping up going, i can swim! this is their first swim ever. first swim of their lives. >> so incredible. that footage will be featured in a new documentary coming out next year. for now, for more amazing earth month content check out the our home collection on disney +. george? >> george: so cool. coming up, alice randall on celebrating country music's roots. award-winning sonx
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♪ we belong ♪ ♪ we belong together ♪ ♪ we belong ♪ hulu on disney+. available with disney bundle. plans starting at $9.99 a month. >> robin: back now with award winning songwriter alice randall whose impact on country music and beyond runs deep. she's written a book called "my black country a journey to country music" past, present and future. deb, you had a chance to speak with her. >> i did. you know country music so you
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know of her. many don't know her name. before cowboy carter had us tapping our feet, alice randall was the secret sauce behind so many country music stars. now she wants you to know her story and so many of those black americans who shaped country music. for award winning songwriter novelist and author alice randall, country music is deeply personal. >> i love country because country is optimistic. even when it's mournful it dances. country has hope in it. >> in her new book "my black country" randall celebrates country music's black roots by introducing the first family of black country. >> the papa was the opry's first super star. lil harden armstrong in 1930 record on jimmy rogers blue yodel number 9. some people say that's the most iconic country single of all time. then ray charles dropping modern sounds in country and western
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music. that many people think is the most important country album of all time. herb jeffreys 40s he made a series of black singing cowboy songs. charlie pride, he was entertainer of the year in 1971. that's the first family of black country. >> randall all sharing the isolating experience of being a lone black woman songwriter in nashville in the '80s and '9 os. >> it was hard. i was always the unexpected body in the room when i showed up. >> being an only didn't stop her in 1994, randall became the first black woman to co-write a number one country single. trisha yearwood's x's and o's. ♪ she used to tie her hair up in ribbons and bows sign her message in x's and o's ♪ >> yet even with that success, randall longed to have black musicians sing her songs.
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>> it created a kind of profound frustration. when white singers were singing the songs, listeners believed all the heroes and sheros in my songs were white, too. they did not see the portrait of black and brown and indigenous people that i had created. >> now beyonce ground breaking album "cowboy carter" she says is changing the game. ♪ this ain't texas ain't no hold em ♪ >> i listened to it over and over because it was, for me, an absolute juneteenth. it was good news at long last. it was a family reunion and the whole family was being invited. >> a family celebration. randall's book "my black country" is out right now. loaded with her dream lineup of country singers. you heard one just now called the ballad of sally ann.
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>> robin: yes. >> comes out tomorrow. it is quite, quite an album. we're going to get our country outfits together, cowboy boots and hats. all right? >> robin: i'm so glad she did this book. thank you for sharing it. just the history, we need people to be more aware. we'll be right back.
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to cancel anytime. deal ends friday, april 12th. >> i'm chris smith, president of cresco. you already know we rent the small stuff at cresco. but don't forget we rent the big stuff too. from bulldozers and
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puede comparar. living in the golden state within el estado dorado we're ram. >> and when trucks are what you do, you do truck month better than anyone else. you do trucks that work harder and play harder, and you do trucks that win by breaking every rule of what a truck should be. so this truck month, what you should do is drive a ram. trucks are what we do during ram truck month. >> commercial customers now get 3500 total bonus cash on the 2024 ram, 2000 503,500 tradesman crew cab always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning everyone. i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven mornings. here's a look at traffic now with amanda kumasi. >> it is a mess in the san lorenzo, san leandro and hayward area. we've been talking about the sigalert because of an overturned big rig since earlier this morning, but drivers are also dealing with a two car
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crash on 238 right before hesperian. so just keep that in mind. things are all in the red there and then. hercules to the toll plaza. you can see the travel. the travel on westbound 80 is also slow. 39 minutes to make that trip as well. drew. >> hey, amanda sutro tower, we've got those sunny skies this morning. temperatures were already at 60 degrees in oakland, 63 in san jose. so the warm weather, you can already feel it out there. right now. we'll find nothing but sunshine today above average temperatures. get out there and enjoy the warmth. colder weather arrives tomorrow with rain over the weekend. kumasi >> thanks, drew. now it's time for live with kelly and mark and we'll be back at 11 for midday


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