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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  April 11, 2024 11:35pm-12:38am PDT

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himself in now that he's facing federal charges for allegedly stealing $16 million from the slugger. that story is one of the top things people are clicking on right now at our website. it's up for you on the top news sidebar at abc7 well with that we say thanks so much for watching. i'm dionne lim and i'm dan ashley for sandhya patel chris alvarez. >> all of us. we appreciate your time right now on jimmy kimmel. tom hiddleston and joey king, have a good night. >> we'll see you in the morning. >> lou: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- tom hiddleston, joey king, and music from phosphorescent. with cleto and the cletones. and now, jimmy kimmel!
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: thank you, thank you, thank you. hi, everybody. thanks. hello. thanks, everybody. i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching. thank you for coming. welcome to hollywood. you know what i have to say i really appreciate that. it was a tough day. god, i miss o.j. so much already. [ laughter ] i really do. as most of you probably know -- the big story today was that o.j. simpson went to hell today. [ laughter and cheers ] he arrived at 6:04 this morning. turns out, not much than florida. rather rather it's rare that a celebrity as famous as o.j.
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doesn't get an outpouring of love after news of his death. it makes sense. this was from his old friend, caitlyn jenner. "good riddance #ojsimpson." [ laughter ] bruce jenner loved o.j., caitlyn, obviously not a fan. tough week for l.a. first we lost the 99 cents store, and now this. [ laughter ] we have a special tribute to the juice and all the madness that surrounded him in a bit. but first we go to washington, where the mood was celebratory. the prime minister of japan, fumio kishida, was in town. they had a state dinner. i don't know -- this prime minister, i had no idea, at one time lived in new york. he lived here when he was a child. and he reminisced about that time in his life today before a joint session of congress. >> and i remember things that were strange and funny to a little japanese boy, like ing
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although i could never translate "yabba dabba do." >> jimmy: what a delightful man. who would have guessed that the only leader, who could finally bring both sides together would be the prime minister of japan? [ laughter ] meanwhile, things are not looking good for yabba dabba doofus donald trump. [ laughter ] the porn star hush money trial starts monday. all his many last-minute efforts to delay it have failed. his only move left is to have sex with everyone in the court and pay them $130,000 to keep their mouths shut. [ laughter ] trump has lost three appeals in the last three days. he does this in every trial to gum up the mechanism. he keeps challenging and challenging and it works. all his trials are behind schedule. now most won't likely happen until after the election, if at all. which i don't know, seems like quite a bit of due process for a witch hunt to me. [ laughter ] "we can't burn this witch yet! her attorneys are saying the water we used to see if she floats wasn't distilled!"
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[ laughter ] but you know what they say, if at first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, or tenth you don't succeed -- cry, cry again. [ laughter ] >> at what point are the actions of a sitting president, using warfare and weaponization against his opponent for purposes of election interference, considered illegal? i believe, as do various highly respected legal scholars that crooked joe biden has long since crossed over that very sacred threshold. he is a criminal. he is a horrible president. he can't put two sentences together. he can't do anything. so they weaponize government, and they take me to court on bull [ bleep ]. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: right. biden simultaneously can't do anything, and is a ruthlessly calculating criminal mastermind! makes total sense. by the end of the week, he'll be saying joe biden's the one who had sex with stormy daniels. not him. [ laughter ] at mar-a-lago tomorrow, donald trump and speaker of the
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house mike johnson will hold a joint press conference on election integrity. [ rimshot ] [ laughter ] that's not a joke. tomorrow, trump and mike johnson really are holding a press conference to talk about election integrity. [ rimshot ] i just told you that's not a joke. [ horn honking ] okay. never mind. trump has to make his speech about integrity tomorrow, because starting monday, he'll be in court for cheating on his wife with a porn star shortly after melania gave birth to their son. so, time was of the essence. trump and johnson are quite a pair. they don't just act like a ventriloquist and his dummy. they look like one, too. [ laughter ] is trump tickling his belly? what's happening there? [ laughter ] this comes at a moment when marjorie taylor greene, who is trump's second-biggest fan, after himself, is actively threatening mike johnson. johnson's hoping that if he starts hanging out with trump, she'll stop taking his lunch money. meanwhile, donald may be getting
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help from his former rival, meatball ron. ron desantis has reportedly started telling donors he intends to fundraise for trump. which should be easy, given his natural magnetism and charm. [ laughter ] ron desantis, as you know, spent the better part of a year trashing trump. now he wants to raise money for him. there's actually a very good reason why. he's a little bitch. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] it's another chicken with its backbone removed. that's called spatchcocking. speaking of the spineless -- trump's occasional concubine ted cruz is having a tough week. [ laughter ] a watchdog group named the campaign legal center filed a complaint with the federal election commission saying the company that produces cruz's podcast has been funneling money to his superpac, which would be a violation of campaign finance law. you can't sell advertising and give that money to yourself. ted's superpac is called "truth and courage." which is rich coming from the
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guy who fled to cancun during a snowstorm and blamed it on his daughter. [ laughter ] his campaign claims that no laws have been broken because ted does the podcast as a volunteer. they say he appears on the show three times a week for free. the same way his face appears in our nightmares. [ laughter ] that is a very loopy loophole. and the watchdog group that file the complaint, this is interesting, is led by the same watchdog ted abandoned in the storm. [ laughter ] snowflake. in arizona, i'm sure you heard, the state supreme court decided it was okay to enforce a law from 1864 that bans abortion. yesterday, republican lawmakers in arizona refused to repeal that law. and if you're wondering what kind of people would do something like this, this is incredible. this happened right before the ruling republican state senator anthony kern with a group of anti-abortion extremists on the floor, and i mean on the floor of the senate chamber, praying in tongues together.
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>> let it be so, let it be so, let it be so. [ chanting ] >> now we receive the presence of the lord in the senate chamber, humbling glory of got almight almighty. >> jimmy: and guess what, it worked. [ laughter ] these are the people taking over your womb right there, writhing on the carpet in arizona. president biden condemned the decision in arizona. he says he wasn't in favor of it when they passed it back in 1864 -- [ laughter ] and he's not a fan of it now. [ applause ] the biden campaign, they're on a very different page. yesterday they launched a new program to engage voters in the lgbtq+ community. it's called "out for biden-harris." which as clunky title but definitely better than their
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original slogan, which was "i'm a joemosexual." but team biden sees an opportunity here, and they're going all in. >> what's up, bitches? it's me, joe biden. out for biden-harris, a new campaign all about you lgbtq cute tizz out there. listen, i may be straighter than a bamboo fishing rod, but i'm the most gay-friendly president in history. my dear mother always used to say, you can't spell biden without "bi." if trump wins this november, democracy as we know it will sashay away. remember when i accidentally forced obama to support you people before he was ready? b.o. was p.o.'d, i got my bottom reamed and not in a good way. so, whether you're a teddy bear, a twink ankle little star, an
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indigo girl, she/her, they/them, parade gay, i love ya. i want to sneak up behind you and give you a shoulder rub, no matter who you are or if you want it. so please vote yaas, queen, for me, joe biden. i'll make sure the white house stays the down boots, i may be cis but i got your back, sis. i'm joe biden. i ate that up and left no crumbs. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: he said it well. all right. back to o.j. before there was donald trump, before there was d.j., we had o.j. it's hard to explain to people of a certain age how big this o.j. story was. it was everything. it changed the way news was covered. there was constant o.j. non-stop, on every channel, and we made the most of that.
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our old pal jake byrd who was very supportive of o.j. and michael jackson and paris hilton. any time a celebrity got arrested, jake was there to protest. and so, way back when, we sent jake to o.j.'s arraignment in nevada. o.j. committed a number of crimes, trying to steal back his own memorabilia in las vegas. so we sent jake hurd, who not only did he cover the story, he became part of the story. so let's set the clock back to 2007, and enjoy jake byrd at the o.j. trial. ♪ >> ready? ready? jake byrd here live in las vegas. they called the o.j. simpson trial a trial of a century. now it's a painting on a diner. dead johnnie cochran with his hand on the chicken. let's go to cord, come on, come on. you can't catch me! >> i've been following this the whole time -- >> we're here to support o.j. we know o.j. is innocent, he's
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been railroaded by a bias that keeps african americans like us down, thank you. what? doesn't matter if o.j. broke into a room and -- and committed armed robbery or kidnapping with a deadly weapon. the point is, he should bible to get away with this because he's gotten away with stuff that's way worse. [ laughter ] >> well, i mean, but -- >> way worse. people get on o.j.'s case. what, you've never made mistakes? i mean, look at those pants. where you from? >> we expect mr. simpson to be processed and released -- >> yes! >> -- fairly quickly. >> because you all knew who his lawyer was. >> this guy right here.
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>> innocent or not guilty? >> i'm not sure there's a difference in the eyes of the law. >> he's both, innocent and not guilty, thank you. >> my only focus up to this point in time has been securing mr. simpson's release from -- >> nice work, dude, up high. >> thank you very much, thank you. thank you. thank you, thank you, thank you. and i appreciate that. >> thank you, buddy, nice work. >> you know, and that's been our focus. all right. thank you, everybody. >> thank you, joe pesci. no more questions! no more questions. >> pardon the sideshow there. yale galanter. >> o.j. simpson's attorney being welcomed into the world of o.j. simpson and the criminal law by a man wearing an "i love famous people" hat. >> you saw this cast of characters there. baseball cap, "i love famous people." >> note the man with the "oj t-shirt. >> our favorite part of the o.j. circus yesterday -- >> it's getting me through it.
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>> jake byrd. >> he was repeatedly interrupted by jake byrd, wear an o.j.t sure. >> the number one story on "the countdown," he's the one on the right, the guy wearing the "oj 07" t-shirt. >> it was hard to take your eyes off one of the people in the crowd. more on the man who's been getting way more than his 15 minutes of fame. >> yeah, john, much of america has been watching these 15 minutes, and i for one hope these 15 minutes are up. >> so-called celebrity avenger showed up, jake byrd. >> i support the famous because they don't have a voice to speak out themselves. i came out here to let o.j. know this all of america, all of america supports him 1,000%. >> the big loser of the day? the ultimate fool, jake byrd. >> i missed the thing about the winner and the loser. >> you were the big loser. but you're a winner. >> i'm real concerned you think this whole thing is a joke, dan
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abrams. what's o.j.'s favorite soda? slice. but it's not a joke. okay? not a joke. >> we appreciate you taking the time to come on the program. >> can i just tell you something? >> i've got to wrap it, jake. >> this is an opportunity for the white people to jump on the not guilty bandwagon. >> i've got to go, see you. >> come on, white people. >> o.j. back in a suit walking out -- >> there he is! touchdown simpson! the juice is free! the juice is free! see you, o.j.! and he drives american. he drives american. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: oh, wow. oh my gosh, oh, jake. >> you know what? i'll tell you something. he might not have been the greatest husband in the world, but he was my buddy! [ applause ] >> jimmy: i'm so sorry, jake. thank you for being here.
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>> bless you, juice! bless you, juice! >> jimmy: jake byrd, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] we've got a fun show. for you tonight. joey king is here. we have music from phosphorescent. and we'll be right back with tom hiddleston.
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ta-da! hulu on disney+ is now available. i think we just found our new home. your favorites, together like never before. this is a destination spot. for disney bundle subscribers, hulu on disney+ is here.
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: hi, there, welcome back to the show. tonight, a talented actress you know from "the act" and "the kissing booth." her new show on hulu is called "we were the lucky ones." joey king is with us. [ cheers and applause ] then later, a singer-songwriter based in nashville. his eighth studio album is called, "revelator." music from phosphorescent. [ cheers and applause ] next week, we have quite a lineup next week. we have new shows with top-notch guests including -- zendaya, seth meyers, rob mcelhenney, nick offerman, riley keough, the vice president of the united states, kamala harris will join us. plus we'll have music from black pumas, bleachers, and the great chris stapleton too. so please join us for all of that. [ cheers and applause ] our first guest tonight is a star of stage and various-sized screens. you know him best as the god of thunder's brother from another
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mother. his tv show "loki" can be found on disney plus. please say hello to tom hiddleston. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: it's very good to see you. >> it's great to see you. >> jimmy: you flew out from england, from jolly old england, yes? >> i did indeed, yes. >> jimmy: yes, yes. how are things there? [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you so much. things are okay. it's very wet in england. >> jimmy: more so than usual? >> yes, i think we had the wettest february since records began. >> jimmy: well, i didn't know that. >> it's a lot of rain. so as a rather pale and wet brit, i'm very grateful for the sunshine. [ cheers and applause ] it's nice to feel -- it's nice
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for the vitamin "d," i think you call it. >> jimmy: yeah, we do. that's what we call it. is that not what you call it? "vit-a-min. >> i was translating on the hoof. >> jimmy: thank you for speaking our language while you're here. >> exactly. >> jimmy: you are doing, i know a big event, a panel for "loki" with the cast, the creator, et cetera. some of the key people on "loki" at paly fest on saturday. >> yes. [ cheers and applause ] the director, the writer, owen wilson will be there. you know paly fest, it's a television festival in los angeles. we'll be sitting around a table and talking all things "loki." [ cheers ] >> jimmy: i do want to ask you some questions about that. you played loki for 14 years. >> you've done the math, yes. >> jimmy: did you have any idea it would be such a long period of time? >> as you say that, it -- it is
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like -- absolutely none. i had no idea. and every time someone says that, it kind of blows my mind. because when i was cast in 2009, i was 29 years old. 28? i don't know how old i was. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: guillermo, grab the adding machine we have in the other room. >> that's right, i was 29. no, i was 28. [ laughter ] sorry. >> jimmy: remember, you're under oath. >> sorry. and i'm 43 now. and so that's a big chunk of my adult life. >> jimmy: yeah sure. >> i've been playing this amazing character, and it's changed the course of my life completely. >> jimmy: are you done with the character? >> i don't know. >> jimmy: you really don't know? >> i really don't know. >> jimmy: because a lot of times, especially from the marvel world, and sometimes from "star wars," people will come out and lie. and they feel like it's -- [ laughter ] it's easier to lie than to -- >> to tell the truth, yeah.
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i don't know. i know that we've reached a -- some sort of narrative conclusion. >> jimmy: yes. >> with season two, which feels very satisfying to me. >> jimmy: i think maybe if people are in the middle of bingeing it or something like that, just plug your ears for a second. but at the end, you kind of wind up holding all the timelines, loki does, anyway. >> correct. >> jimmy: do you think of loki as a villain? >> no. >> jimmy: you don't. have you ever thought of loki as a villain? because you should sometimes. [ laughter ] >> i'm aware that he's made some interesting choices. [ laughter ] which could be accumulated into a picture that looks like he's a villain. >> jimmy: uh-huh? >> and once upon a time, he was making some misguided choices. you know, trying to take over new york. the avengers having to assemble to stop him, halves a bad day. >> jimmy: frequently letting his brother lie in peril. >> yes, reeling his brother in, then betraying him immediately.
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>> jimmy: yes. >> all bad choices. >> jimmy: yeah. >> i like to think, 14 years later, he's making some slightly more generous, loving, and heroic choices. >> jimmy: right. and yet every time loki does something nice, loki does something terrible right afterwards, like immediately afterwards. i could see loki going -- >> throwing the spaghetti away, just chucking. >> jimmy: did you get to keep the horns? >> i never did, never did. >> jimmy: so that means maybe they still need to use those? [ whoops ] >> that's a thought, yeah. the horns have changed every time. >> jimmy: i see. you never get them? do you think to ask, do you want them? >> where would they go? >> jimmy: if it was my house, i'd mount them on the wall like people do with big game. >> right, right, right. >> jimmy: i'd put the horns right there. have a room full of horns. a horny room, if you will. [ laughter ] >> i don't know what message that sends to guests who come over for dinner.
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>> jimmy: i think the message is, "i'm loki, dammit." [ cheers and applause ] i'm guessing the answer is no. have you ever met a person named loki? does anybody ever name their kid loki? >> i've never met a person called location your, i think. i've met lots of dogs called loki. i once was walking my own dog in a park in london, it was very late in november. pouring with rain. windy. i had a scarf on. baseball hat. hood. the park was lit by lanterns. mercifully, he started playing with another dog, a beautiful dog with bluize. i could feel the owner was there. he was like, "you have a nice dog." "thank you so much, you too." "my dog's name is loki." "cool." "you know loki?" "got it." he clearly had no idea who i was. he's like," people say to me, you named your dog after that
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actor who's in the marvel films, but no, i named my dog after the norse god of mischief and chaos, that's the real loki." i'm like, "yep." [ laughter ] plause. >> jimmy: that's very strange. >> completely true story. to be standing in the rain with this guy, he had no idea hoy was, you couldn't make it up. >> jimmy: do you regularly talk to other dog owners when you're out walking the dog? >> i mean, sometimes. it's a good social network. there's a -- actually, there was one time about five years ago, i was in a play, an adaptation -- a production of "betrayal" in broadway in new york. and i took my dog with me. and -- obviously we have to walk him every day. as all new yorkers know, you can walk your dog in central park off the leash between 6:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. so i was up -- i got out of my place about 7:30, walking around
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central park, beautiful day, late august, early september. i was making some calls to london five hours ahead. i must have lost track of time. i'm walking down the west side towards columbus circle and i hear, "whoop, whoop, whoop!" what's going on? i turn around and this very distinguished new york police officer is winding down the window of his car. he goes, "hey, loki, put your dog on a leash, it's after 9:00!" [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: well done. tom hiddleston is here. we'll be right back. >> lou: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by allstate. save money and protect yourself from mayhem with allstate. is a rate based on you, with allstate. because there's a right way to. stop! and the speed limit definitely isn't. 700 million mph.
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: we are back. tom hiddleston, who is -- of course, we know you as loki, but you have another great show that is beloved, i think, in an equal way. "the night manager" which has now been on for how many years now? >> so -- yeah, the show came out in 2016. >> jimmy: 2016. you did one season. then everybody's been waiting for the next season. >> well, december what? this morning we announced we're making a second and third season. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's exciting. >> thank you very much. thank you. >> jimmy: as someone who literally controls time, it seems like you could have got
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this done sooner. [ laughter ] why didn't you? >> could have sped it along a little bit. honestly, we were just really trying to get the story right. >> jimmy: uh-huh, okay. >> we were talking -- working very closely with john lay caray, the great writer who wrote the original novel and many others, who sadly passed away a few years ago. but he's had a huge input on the story. and -- >> jimmy: he wrote this great novel, then you committed it to series. you did the story. >> yeah. >> jimmy: then you wanted to do more, but that was the end of the novel? >> that's the end of the novel. >> jimmy: so you had to come up with the rest? >> right, alongside him and his son, who are the producers. and i am so -- honestly, the first series, the first season, was one of the most creatively fulfilling projects i've ever worked on. >> jimmy: it's a great show. >> jonathan pine is just complex. >> jimmy: you are a producer on the show. hugh laurie is a producer on the show. >> hugh laurie is an executive producer on the show.
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>> jimmy: will hugh laurie be an actor on the show? >> i don't know. he is a huge influence. he knows la caray better than anyone. >> jimmy: this seems for sure like a lie. [ laughter ] i'll tell you why. you just said you figured out the story. how could there be the story figured out without knowing if hugh laurie is in the story? yes! [ laughter ] >> it's really -- it's good math. [ laughter ] honestly, i -- it's something we're still, you know -- he is involved as a producer. that's been great. >> jimmy: okay. >> he's been in -- >> jimmy: i'm going to have to get him in here, i'll interrogate him. >> okay. >> jimmy: when was the first time you saw yourself on television? do you remember? >> i do. it was -- so i had my first professional gig ever as an actor, it was 2001, easter weekend. and it was an adaptation of "the life and adventures of nicholas nickelby" by charles dickens. so period, you know.
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fantastic dickensian tale. i was number 75 on the call sheet. i was playing a dickensian lord, and my job was at this big banquet. nicholas nickelby's sister goes to a banquet for the really boorish and sort of indulgent men. the job was literally just -- this banquet was, eat and drink as much as you can and create a very toxic atmosphere for this poor young woman. we shot the -- this is absolutely true. we took awhile to do some establishing shots. we ended up shooting the master of the eating and drinking, the master shot, the big wide that you start with, about 12:30 p.m. and i'd been on set since 5:00, and i was like, oh my god, this is the perfect time. i've got a huge lunch, i can just eat it. they want me to eat it fast and fulsomely. it was a seafood salad. i ate as much as possible, drank all the juice, laughed with my food in my mouth. cut. director's like, "fantastic,
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let's break for lunch." well, i've already had lunch. then we came -- i came back from lunch and sat back down, and the props master who was in charge of continuity said, "so in the master you ate all the seafood salad, three bread rolls, you drank glasses of wine, you had another bit of pork chop over here, and you have to match that in every shot the rest of the afternoon." and i was like, oh my god. it was -- it was a lifelong lesson in continuity. although, get this, all the other, more-experienced lords had taken a sort of nibble of lettuce leaf. they knew better than to stuff their face with seafood salad. come to the final cut. the director was like, "i used you every time." [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: well, there you go. and free seafood salad. >> free sea fooled salad, although they must have rolled me out there. by the end of the day i was like, i can't see any food ever
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again. >> jimmy: i can understand that. when will "the night manager" come back? do you know? >> starting this summer. then i guess -- yeah, next year. >> jimmy: great to see you. tom hiddleston, "loki" is on disney plus. we'll be right back with joey king. plastic is not wasted... where but instead remade over and over... into the things that keep our food fresher, our families safer, and our planet cleaner. to help us get there, america's plastic makers are investing billions of dollars to create innovative products and new recycling technologies for sustainable change. because when you push for smarter solutions, big things can happen. crème on the left, i program you to think for yourself my boy. you're sure that's a good idea? what's the worst that can happen? i'm going to twist on it. hello, father.
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>> jimmy: joey king and phosphorescent are coming up, but first, it's thursday night, that means it's time to bleep and blur the big tv moments of the week. it is "this week in unnecessary censorship." >> upstate new york city, people will see the total solar eclipse. for about four minutes, the sun will take the appearance of a black [ bleep ]. this is incredibly rare. >> ladies and gentlemen, we have got some hard [ bleep ] to give out. >> now a.i. is probing that most human of places, our [ bleep ]s.
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>> coach staley likes [ bleep ], we know this. >> the giraffes loped around, going what's happening? the flamingos covered their [ bleep ]s. >> there are millions of gators in the state of florida. sometimes they can get a little too close. >> and they can come inside your [ bleep ]. it's not fun for one woman. >> trying to [ bleep ] randy down. >> i wish i could have the whole class over for shabbat dinner, a special meal we have every friday, so they can see what it's like to be in a family that shares two different [ bleep ]s. >> wait a minute, her family has two [ bleep ]s? two [ bleep ]s? ha ha ha! [ cheers and applause ] if you're living with hiv, imagine being good to go without daily hiv pills. good to go off the grid. good to go nonstop. with cabenuva, there's no pausing for daily hiv pills.
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12:21 am
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let's go again! like a good neighbaaa, state farm is there. cut! neighbaaa. still no. neighbor. neighbaaa. -br. -baaa. get me out of this choppa! like a good neighbor, state farm is there. cut!
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>> jimmy: music from phosphorescent is on the way. our next guest is a talented young lady with a popular new series. "we were the lucky ones" is on hulu now. please welcome joey king. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: very good to see you. >> it's good to see you too. >> jimmy: congratulations. i know you got married since the last time i saw you. [ cheers and applause ] >> i did. thank you so much. >> jimmy: is that going well? >> it's fabulous. >> jimmy: good, good. >> life is great. i don't know why more people
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aren't doing this. >> jimmy: i hear your grandma's with you too? >> she's right there. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hi, there, how are you? is this your favorite? favorite grandma? >> it's my only grandma. >> jimmy: oh, all right, yeah. >> but she's also my favorite. [ laughter ] she's here. i'm so happy she's here. she's so, like -- she's the best. she's so proud of me. this show is, you know, "we were the lucky ones," my new groove. she's just so happy. >> jimmy: i get it, yeah. this is something your grandma probably -- >> feels personally. >> jimmy: this is a heavy subject. explain what it is for those who don't know. >> "we were the lucky ones," a true story based on georgia hunter's novel about her family, a polish jewish family who all got separated during the holocaust and all survived. it's truly an amazing, amazing story. it was such a -- it was such a beautiful show to film, but also, you know, very, very heavy. >> jimmy: yeah. >> when you film something like that, you know, i don't want to sound precious, obviously, but
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it does take an emotional toll. at the same time, the least we can do as actors is feel that emotional toll, because we're not actually experiencing it, we're just portraying it. it was an honor. >> jimmy: it's interesting you say that. people have different reactions. sometimes i'll speak to actors about being in a horror movie, and there's nothing scary about it, they just have fun the whole time. but this is a horrible -- obviously a -- >> i think the -- it's different when it's a true story. >> jimmy: right. >> you feel this responsibility to really just kind of -- i mean, about dehave moments of -- i did thankfully get some break. i had a rare three days off in the middle of films. and i -- it's a hard head space to be in for such a long time. i was in romania, my family wasn't there, my husband was at home. with these three days off, "i really want to go somewhere." >> jimmy: where did you go? >> well, okay. i miss my husband, let's go somewhere, have a romantic getaway, go somewhere fabulous.
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we're both huge foodies. let's go to barcelona, it's a great food city. because we're such foodies, right when we get off the plane, let's have a reservation set up for one of the best restaurants in the world. and so -- >> jimmy: i'm guessing it disappointed? i don't know. >> unfortunately. >> jimmy: yes, sometimes you get -- yeah, you will get excited because you read about a place. then you -- >> well, it really was the best restaurant in the world. that's what they say. so basically, we go there, and we're just -- we're so pumped. we get there. it's 28 courses. >> jimmy: oh, wow. >> it's 28. i just want to repeat myself, it's 28 courses. >> jimmy: even for me, that's pushing it. that's two too many. [ laughter ] >> it's a lot. every single dish came out looking like a work of art. people in the kitchen with teasers and foam flying.
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they weren't speaking to each other, which was also weird. they kept bringing out food that looks like grapes on a vine, then we plucked one off and popped it in our mouth, and i was like -- i looked at the waiter, "shrimp cocktail?" [ laughter ] and he was like, "yeah." and i was like, "all right." so then -- we wrap up this meal. we're, like, so full. i mean, to be honest, i was full at course 17. >> jimmy: right. >> but the chef was standing there, his arms are crossed. >> jimmy: they work hard on that. >> still, no one's talking to each other. so you keep on eating food that looks like other food. >> jimmy: does your husband help you and jump in and eat some of your stuff? >> no. it's my plate. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: if i was your husband, i would. >> i still want it. even though i'm dying, i still -- >> jimmy: my wife goes like this. >> slide across the table, no one's looking! we do -- like, it was an experience. we were so grateful, like, to start our vacation, our romantic
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getaway, with this this experience. then i was like, all that's left to do is explore barcelona, came in the city. let's go back to the hotel and change our shoes. we get there, and then i'm like -- whoa. whoa. you know what i mean. i think some of you are ahead of me. [ laughter ] and then i realize, like, oh god. i think i'm going to experience all 28 courses again. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah. >> i just want to say -- i don't want to get graphic. but i spent way more time with the toilet than my husband that trip. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: did he get sick too? >> no. >> jimmy: oh. >> the lucky son of a -- >> jimmy: you do seem disappointed. >> i'm glad it was only one of us, but you know when you're that sick, every noise, every smell is so irritating. so i'm in, like -- i'm in the thick of it. i am dying. and from the other room i just
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hear the "seinfeld" theme song. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: so he's watching "seinfeld"? >> so i come out guns blazing. "will you turn that off!" so i'm really glad he got to have a good trip, though. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: well, you know what it could have been worse. he could have been watching "chopped" or something like that. >> i know. it was -- it was just -- it was horrible. then i got on the plane, just haunted by the worst food poisoning in my life. >> jimmy: wow. this is crazy. you know what, you can't eat a shrimp cocktail that looks like grapes. [ laughter ] >> you cannot. honestly, it ruined -- not that anyone really cares but it ruined fine dining for me. that's such an annoying thing to say. but i can't -- if there's foam on the menu? >> jimmy: i'm totally with you. i don't like foam, i don't want to eat foam. >> i did like foam, but i can't do it anymore. >> jimmy: never liked foam, for me. no, i appreciate it, it's
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beautiful. but -- and you know, i love good food. but honestly, i would rather have a hamburger than foam. [ cheers and applause ] >> yes, i agree. but i loved -- it was like a show. i love the experience of it. but i took all these amazing photos of this food, and i can't look at it without getting nauseous. i didn't have the heart to bleat it so i put it in a hidden fold in my phone. the funny part is it's just this meal and all the wedding dresses i didn't pick. [ laughter ] the most random folder. >> jimmy: a sad, lonely folder. it's very good to see you. congratulations on everything other than the meal. [ cheers and applause ] really, everything's going swimmingly, sounds like. joey king, everybody. new episodes of "we were the lucky ones" premiere thursdays on hulu. we'll be back with phosphorescent.
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♪ we belong ♪ ♪ we belong together ♪ ♪ we belong ♪ hulu on disney+. available with disney bundle. plans starting at $9.99 a month.
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>> jimmy: thanks to tom hiddleston and joey king. apologies to matt damon. "nightline" is next but first, his album is called "revelator," here with the title track, phosphorescent! ♪ ♪
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♪ i got tired of sadness i got tired of all the madness i got tired of being ♪ ♪ a bad ass all the time it's only survival only not dead upon arrival only ahead of every rival ♪ ♪ that we find and we've ridden beyond where we could safely touch down ♪ ♪ and we're out in the void past where we could've had ♪ ♪ turned around i tried my feet on the floor tried to beat ♪ ♪ on the door but it didn't even make a sound got my heart open wide ♪
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♪ but the city been shutdown ♪ ♪ it's easy to go babe it's just an easy yes or no babe ♪ ♪ just an easy way to throw away what we have ♪ ♪ i don't need a letter i don't need anybody better ♪ ♪ i don't need anybody ever i never have and you've ridden beyond where you could ♪ ♪ safely touch down and you're out in the void ♪ ♪ past where you could've had turned around ♪ ♪ hey i told you before i needed you more but it didn't even make a sound ♪ ♪ i got my heart open wide but the city been shut down
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♪ ♪ now sooner or later ♪ ♪ it's just an empty elevator just the song of the revelator ♪ ♪ on every floor now how can i get it right i don't even ♪ ♪ like what i write i don't even like what i like anymore ♪ ♪ but i stand in the yard and watch the evening come down and i shuffle the cards ♪ ♪ when all the idiots
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come around hey i told you before i needed you more ♪ ♪ but it didn't even make a sound ♪ ♪ i got my heart open wide but the city been shut down ♪ ♪ got my heart open wide but the city been shut down ♪ ♪ got my heart open wide but the city been shut down ♪ [ cheers and applause ] tonight, o.j. simpson. >> o.j. simpson breaking through! >> the nfl famer and "naked gun" star. >> hiya, buddy! >> disgraced after the grisly murders of his


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