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tv   America This Morning  ABC  April 12, 2024 4:30am-5:01am PDT

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does this mean you did not make a big wager? zero dollars. $21,800. emily, you are our first semifinalist. congrats. [cheers and applause] the toc continues on monday. we'll see you then. captioned by los angeles distribution and broadcasting, inc. on america this morning, the death of oj simpson from his fame to his fall from grace reaction to his death at age 76. >> what we're learning about a phone call he made during the
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infamous chase in the white bronco, and how little of the $33 million civil judgment he reportedly paid after the deaths of his ex-wife and her friend ron goldman. >> flood emergency the heavy rain slamming the northeast hours after the same storm triggered tornadoes in the south. what to expect today a spy program u.s. intelligence officials say is critical to preventing terror attacks now set to expire. >> the changes that could be made in a new deal to reauthorize it. >> the nfl star now surrendering to authorities for his role in this chain reaction hit and run crash. chief star rasheed rice posting bond overnight. >> the nationwide shortage of potentially life saving drugs getting worse, reaching a record high. what's behind the problem and the patients most affected? >> a rescue straight out of a hollywood movie. three men stranded on a remote island for ten days are finally found after spelling help in the sand. we'll hear from the rescuers. plus the
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unexpected family reunion and a stunning discovery from ancient rome. >> from abc news in new york. >> this is america this morning. >> good friday morning, everyone. i'm rhiannon ally. >> i'm andrew dymburt. we begin with new reaction to the death of oj simpson. >> his success on the football field led to a broadcasting and movie career, but simpson will be remembered most for being acquitted of the murder of his ex-wife, nicole brown, and her friend ron goldman. >> he was a polarizing figure in life, as he is now in death. this morning, the reaction to oj simpson's death at age 76 appears to reflect his complicated life. >> i wish to express my love and compassion to the goldmans. >> kato kaelin, who lived in simpson's guest house at the time that simpson's ex-wife, nicole brown, and her friend ron goldman were murdered. expressing his condolences to their families. >> nicole was a beacon of light. she was bright and she was always burning bright. >> ron goldman's father saying
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oj's death is just further reminder of ron being gone all these years. that is the only thing that is important today. magic johnson, a former friend saying praying for o.j. simpson's children and his grandchildren. simpson's family announced yesterday that o.j. lost his battle with prostate cancer just two months after sharing this update on his health. >> my health is good. i mean, obviously i'm dealing with some issues, but hey, i think i'm just about over it. >> simpson was widely considered one of the greatest running backs of all time. his celebrity soared as a sportscaster, actor and pitchman in the 1980s. >> nobody does it better than her. >> but in 1994, nicole brown simpson and ron goldman were murdered outside nicole's los angeles home. simpson was suddenly a fugitive, leading police on this infamous white bronco slow speed chase. as 95 million americans watched live on tv last night, sportscaster bob costas revealed that simpson tried to call him from the back of that bronco. costas was covering the nba finals at the
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time, and finally, on whatever attempt it was by o.j. a technician answered the phone and he heard, i need to speak to bob costas. >> he's not here. i have to speak to him. well, he's not here. i have to speak to him. well. who's calling? oj simpson yeah. right click. >> simpson ultimately surrendered the country, mesmerized by his 11 month murder trial. >> i've never seen a case go to trial with more evidence than they had against o.j. simpson. you had blood evidence. you had a glove. one of them bloody. >> his lawyers included johnnie cochran, f lee bailey and alan dershowitz. dubbed the dream team, they argued simpson was framed by racist police, and cochran delivered the trial's most famous words. >> remember these words? if it doesn't fit, you must acquit, referencing the moment in court when simpson appeared unable to put on black gloves found at the crime scene. >> dershowitz later called the prosecution's decision to ask simpson to try on the gloves the greatest legal blunder of the 20th century.
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>> we, the jury in the above entitled action, find the defendant or orenthal james simpson, not guilty of the crime of murder. >> many black americans saw simpson as a victim of racism, while many white americans were stunned that he could be exonerated, simpson was later found liable for the murders in a civil lawsuit, and was ordered to pay $33 million in damages. kim goldman last night told abc news her family has received only $114,000 of that judgment, but that wasn't the end of simpson's legal troubles. in 2007, he was convicted of armed robbery for stealing his own memorabilia. he served nearly a decade in prison, largely staying out of the public spotlight after his parole. in a way, simpson wrote his own farewell many years earlier in a handwritten letter to the public found the day of the bronco chase, he wrote i've had a great life, great friends. please think of the real o.j. and not this lost person. coming up later, this half hour, a closer look at how o.j. simpson and his trial changed american pop culture and the media. >> a flood emergency overnight
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in parts of the northeast getting slammed with heavy rains. that same storm system that spawned tornadoes across the south is now moving into new england. up to four inches of rain fell near pittsburgh last night. the flood waters reaching six feet high in some areas, stranding vehicles there. several people had to be rescued. earlier yesterday, a tornado roared through saint augustine, florida. the path of destruction stretched more than two miles, but luckily no injuries are reported. heavy flooding also trapped people in tallahassee. we will check your full forecast in just a few moments this morning. >> israel is bracing for an attack by iran in retaliation for an airstrike last week that killed two iranian generals, the wall street journal reports. israel is preparing for iran to retaliate with a direct attack on israeli soil any day now. the state department has issued travel restrictions for u.s. personnel in israel. military experts say a number of targets may be at risk. >> i think we could also see strikes against u.s. forces in iraq and syria. i think you could see iranian back strikes
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against softer targets around the world, against civilians, against israeli embassies or consulates. >> this iran has reportedly conveyed to the u.s. that any action it takes will seek to avoid a major escalation in washington, a new twist in the battle over a controversial u.s. spy program, which supporters say is critical to fighting terrorism. >> but some lawmakers want to rein in the program over concerns about privacy. abc's christiane cordero has the latest on this. christiane. good morning brianna. >> good morning. republicans emerged from a meeting last night confident that they can pass a revised version of this national security surveillance program, which intelligence officials say is critical to uncovering threats overseas. this morning, congressional leaders say they're hopeful they can pass a bill reauthorizing a u.s. spy program known as fisa after a late night agreement. >> we all know each other. >> we've all been talking about how we can get there. it makes it a smoother path to getting the bill passed. >> 19 republicans previously
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voted to block the reauthorization of fisa concerned. it goes too far and can jeopardize the privacy of americans. one change now being made potentially reauthorizing fisa for two years instead of five. >> now is not the time to take away tools that we need to punch back. it would be dangerous and put americans lives at risk. >> one major area of concern is section 702 of fisa, which allows u.s. intelligence agencies to spy on the communications of foreign nationals without a warrant. critics say americans communicating with those targets can get inadvertently swept up in that surveillance. but now a new proposal the house is set to vote on possible reforms to fisa. one would require a warrant before accessing data from americans. not everyone is on board the white house opposes the requirement of a warrant, saying it would prohibit officials from reviewing critical information that the intelligence community has lawfully collected. but some democrats, including the congressional progressive caucus, say they support requiring a warrant. a vote is
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expected today in the house, and the clock is ticking. fisa officially expires one week from today. andrew christiane. >> thank you. kansas city star, kansas city chiefs star rasheed rice has surrendered to police in dallas on felony charges stemming from a hit and run crash. this mug shot was released last night and rice posted $40,000 bail. he admits driving a lamborghini during this chain reaction crash last month, another man facing charges was behind the wheel of a corvette leased in rice's name. four people were injured in the crash. rice could face decades in prison if convicted, but he's expected to avoid prison time because the injuries were not serious and he's promised to compensate the victims. he could also face a suspension from the nfl. well the former interpreter for la dodgers star shohei ohtani is expected to surrender to federal authorities today. >> ippei mizuhara is facing bank fraud charges for allegedly stealing $16 million from ohtani. it was to pay off gambling debts. prosecutors say mizuhara helped ohtani, who does
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not speak english, open a bank account and then gain control of the account so he could use the money to pay bookmakers. ohtani has been cleared of any wrongdoing. >> mr. ohtani is considered a victim in this case. there is no evidence to indicate that mr. ohtani authorized the over $16 million of transfers from his account to the bookmakers. >> court documents say mizuhara racked up $40 million in gambling losses in just over two years. he could face up to 30 years in prison if convicted. >> let's take a look now at your friday weather. >> good morning. this troubling storm system still slowly moving through canada with it. some of the heavy rain moving out in new england. but there's still going to be rounds of rain on the back side of this storm system. soggy ground and in wind gusts of more than 40mph. and that could mean some trees down, some power outages in some locations. storm system hangs around the great
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lakes, but high pressure keeping things warm and dry across the plains this weekend, as another storm works into california that will bring a severe weather threat monday from accuweather. i'm melissa constanza >> coming up, the nationwide shortage of potentially life saving drugs just got worse. we'll explain why. also ahead, the dentist accused of fatally poisoning his wife faces new charges. >> what he allegedly asked his daughter to do. >> and later, a stunning discovery nea
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morning, their emotional all new interview that will have everyone talking on good morning america. >> welcome back. a colorado dentist accused of fatally poisoning his wife is facing new charges. prosecutors now say james craig tried to enlist the help of his daughter and another person to help cover up evidence
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of the murder. police began looking into craig after learning he had ordered several drugs not typically used in his dental practice, including a potentially lethal amount of potassium cyanide. craig's wife, angela, died of poisoning last year. >> a nationwide shortage of potentially life saving drugs is getting worse. the shortage now the worst on record, according to a top pharmacist group. the question now is why and what can be done? here's abc's andrea fujii. >> this morning doctors and pharmacists are sounding the alarm as a nationwide drug shortage hits a record high with more than 320 medications. now in short supply. >> this is one of the worst times that that we've had as far as we've been tracking, especially with the total number of ongoing and active shortages, experts say some patients are having to forgo critical medication because hospitals and pharmacies just can't get it. >> cancer treatments, diabetes, adhd and injectable drugs critical in life saving operations are just some of the
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medications in low supply. marilyn martin has type two diabetes and has had trouble finding her prescriptions. >> i started it and everything was going really good, and then all of a sudden i can't get the dose that i'm on. >> kimberly yards daughter is taking the stimulant vyvanse for her adhd for years, but her insurance company wants her to switch to adderall, another drug in short supply. >> so you want me to potentially not have consistent medication for my daughter instead? and really, why? >> experts say there are several reasons. as to why supply and demand manufacturing and raw material issues following the pandemic and lack of incentive for big pharmaceutical companies to produce the generic drugs that have now become so cheap. data shows 90% of americans now rely on generic drugs, and experts say there are often alternative medications. but they come with challenges. >> it creates a lot of problems inside the hospital potential for dosing errors, potential for medication errors, and in some
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cases, patients have to go without therapy or have their care rationed. >> so what can be done? the biden administration is now urging congress to pass a law rewarding hospitals that buy drugs from a variety of drug manufacturers, and the ftc is investigating drug distributors to look into whether they misused their market power. andrew rhiannon all right, andrea, thank you. >> coming up, a big change at instagram to protect teens. >> also ahead, the remarkable rescue on a remote island in the pacific. three sailors stranded for over a week are found after spelling help in the sand
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ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) with 30 grams of protein. started detroit. we're freaking out. >> the first instinct was to make sure that we get away with a terrifying moment in san francisco. >> as a woman says, a tow truck operator tried to hook on to her moving car. she and her husband were inside of it. they backed
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up and pulled around the truck before escaping. she says the driver then followed them for a few blocks. police are investigating, but officials say the owner of the towing company has a history of illegally towing cars. >> instagram is testing a new tool aimed at preventing sextortion on the social media platform. that's when someone blackmails a user after getting them to send explicit photos of themselves. the new feature will automatically blur all images with nudity sent in direct messages. it's part of instagram's effort to shield teens from sexual scams that have been on the rise lately. the nudity blur will be automatically activated on the accounts of minors. >> we turn now to that incredible rescue on a remote island in the pacific, straight out of a hollywood movie. help it's a story that would make tom hanks proud. three castaways stranded on a remote island in the pacific, rescued after making a help sign out of palm fronds. >> the help sign was pretty visible. we could see it from a
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couple thousand feet up in the air. >> the men set out a march 31st on a fishing trip, but large swells damaged their boat and they scrambled to a nearby island for the next seven days, they survived on coconuts and water from a small well on the island. a family member reported them missing saturday. the next day, the coast guard spotted them on this tiny island about 100 miles from their home island. rescuers covered an area of more than 100,000mi■!s. spotting their sign on one of the more than 600 islands that make up micronesia, a navy p-8 aircraft from kadena air base in japan was able to fly over the island and confirm that there were indeed three people there on tuesday, ten days after the men's ordeal began, a coast guard ship finally reached them and remarkably, the rescue turned into a family reunion. a coast guard officer from micronesia on the ship turned out to be a distant cousin of the castaways and perhaps even more amazing. back in 2020, three other castaways were
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rescued from the same island after they made an sos sign word, though if any volleyballs were found with either group, we okay, well said. the men are now back home and they are reportedly in good health. >> all right, coming up, a very different kind of bank atm. >> yes, a cute one. plus, 30 years after o.j. simpson's highway chase where that ford highway chase where that ford bronco has finally i'm a bird stuck in larry bird's attic. and i'm goin' cuckoo. what the heck. what you got larry? may the best bird win. brick. you may be a legend on the court but you're an amateur up here. heads up lar. so get allstate... save money and be protected from mayhem... me. now you're the bird stuck in the attic. if it's been a minute since you've been to panera, you might not want to wait a second longer. more new sandwiches and salads,
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display at a crime museum in pigeon forge, tennessee. next, could it happen? another tom brady returned to the nfl. the 46 year old was asked about it during a podcast. >> brady did not rule it out. he did the interviews sitting in a barber's chair. >> i'm always going to be in good shape. i'll always be able to throw the ball so to come in for a little bit, like mj coming back, i don't know if they let me, but i wouldn't be opposed to it. >> specifically, brady was asked if he would return if the team's quarterback was injured late in the season. brady is already a busy guy, though he starts work as a broadcaster later this summer. >> about 20 teams would be interested, i think. >> absolutely. next, a new glimpse of ancient rome unearthed in the city of pompeii. archeology has discovered a dining room covered with 2000 year old paintings inspired by the trojan war. >> they depict couples like helen of troy and paris. >> yeah, the walls were painted black to hide the smoke from oil lamps. incredible. next, the teenage mutant ninja turtles, like we have never seen them before. >> apparently their next movie is meant for adults. it will be a live action feature in which
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one surviving ninja turtle seeks revenge against a rival. the story is being called bloody and intense. no word yet on a release date. and finally an atm just for dogs. >> it's a new service that a td bank in philadelphia. it's adorable. it's not a cash machine, though. look at this. this atm stands for automated treat machine. all your pooch has to do is put its paws on the mat and then out pops a treat. no bank account necessary. they're free for these adorable little dogs. >> that is one tasty tip. paws >> no word when it's coming to a city near you. city near you. >> top headlines next did you know... 80% of women are struggling with hair damage? just like i was. dryness and frizz could be damaged hair that can't retain moisture. new pantene miracle rescue deep conditioner, with first-of-its-kind melting pro-v pearls... locks in moisture to repair 6 months of damage in one wash, without weigh down. guaranteed or your money back! for resilient, healthy-looking hair...
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we're learning more about the towing company involved in this now viral video. now a what happened when abc seven showed up to the business to get some answers, and the oakland airport name change is officially moving forward, san francisco officials now threatening legal action. a life of fame and infamy. a closer look at o.j. simpson. born and raised in san francisco


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