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tv   ABC7 News 600AM  ABC  April 12, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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of o.j. simpson. the complicated life and legacy of a bay area football star accused of murder
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and convicted of a felony. >> then the port of oakland agrees to change the name of their airport, and that could very well lead to a lawsuit from san francisco and san mateo. >> and jump all your troubles away. the world's largest bounce house coming to the bay area. and soon. where and when you can catch it. this month. >> good morning. welcome to friday, april 12th. yes, we're going to start with a check of our forecast with drew. >> yes. so the big headline today is going to turn much colder out there this afternoon. we're saying bye bye to that summer warmth we had the past couple of days this morning. we have partly cloudy skies out there. we'll find those clouds increasing ahead of our front that will impact us with rain tomorrow. winds are already picking up in these winds are going to usher in some of that colder air later on this afternoon. it's pretty windy over the city right now. we have winds gusting to about 25mph. so looking at temperatures right now, we're mainly starting out in the mid 40s to the low 50s. that jacket your best friend. and you'll likely keep it on all
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day in some areas as temperatures are very slow to warm. so looking at your day planner today, we'll have partly sunny skies throughout the morning. look at these temperatures. no longer in the 70s and in the 80s. we're in the 50s and 60s, so in some areas that's a 10 to 20 degree temperature drop in daytime highs compared to yesterday, 59 in the city, 62 in oakland go to 69. in san jose, only 63 in napa, where yesterday we were in the 70s and 80s. we'll take a closer look at that rain coming up in about seven minutes. let's check in with amanda and see that traffic alert. >> yeah, drew an update to that sigalert we've been talking about in hayward. the good news is that one lane is open, but it is still, of course, slow moving. here's a live shot. we initially reported it as a two big rig crash. this is only involving one big rig with one with two trailers. one of those trailers on its side right there. the right lane is now open. traffic is getting through. also on the winton avenue ramp, this is out southbound 880 after winton avenue. now to get around exit
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at washington avenue and use hesperian. if you're coming from castro valley, use mission boulevard back to the desk. >> thank you. amanda. the port of oakland approves a controversial name change to the title of the oakland airport, and now it could be facing a lawsuit. abc seven news reporter gloria rodriguez joining us with reaction from both sides. >> good morning. kumasi the vote by the port of oakland board of commissioners was unanimous. they say changing the name to san francisco bay oakland international airport will improve awareness about the location and help increase the number of travelers. that's despite staunch opposition from san francisco international airport and san francisco city officials. sfo officials addressed the board, cautioning the name change will lead to confusion. >> nobody owns the san francisco bay the port operates and is the steward for 20 miles of land along the san francisco bay. our airport is on the san francisco bay. >> we're very disappointed that oakland has chosen not to collaborate with us, to come up
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with a solution that kind of meets their needs and addresses our concern. >> this is far from a done deal. san francisco city attorney david chu has threatened to sue over trademark infringement. his office told us in a statement, quote, we are disappointed that oakland did not take the opportunity to work collaboratively with us to develop alternative names and to avoid litigation. we will have further updates in the coming days, and the still needs to go through a second reading and approval at a meeting on may 9th. live in the studio gloria rodriguez abc seven news. >> thanks, gloria. san francisco police and the city attorney are investigating the now viral video showing a tow truck trying to tow a moving car. you can see the tow truck backing up to try to drag the car behind at bush and montgomery streets, city attorney david chu confirmed that the company, specialty towing, is known to his office for violating state laws. prior to this incident. after seeing the video, chu says this latest
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incident is illegal and it could likely be violating a number of laws uh- potentially criminal laws. >> the fact that we have seen yet another way in which this company is violating the law. unfortunately, it's not surprising. >> before this incident, the city received complaints from multiple victims who were allegedly scammed by specialty towing. the city has blocked it and other towing companies under the same ownership from working with the city on enforcing parking laws. >> sonoma county sheriff's deputies want to find a teenage swimmer who disappeared in the russian river yesterday. the teen was last seen near steelhead beach, north of forestville and the swimmer is believed to be 15 years old, according to the santa rosa press democrat investigators used divers, drones, helicopters all to search yesterday. a second teen who was found was taken to the hospital. no word on their condition this morning. >> reaction continues to come in over the death of oj simpson.
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the san francisco native died from prostate cancer. he was an nfl star, actor, broadcaster. that remark career off the was, i should say eclipsed from actions off the field. his 1995 trial in the killings of his ex-wife and her friend, which became a spectacle seen around the world. amanda has more now on simpson's life. >> yeah, reggie. oj simpson died in las vegas on wednesday. he had been living there since 2017, when he was paroled after serving nine years in a nevada prison for armed robbery. >> simpson grew up in potrero hill in the city he played football at galileo high school and city college before going to usc. he spent 11 seasons in the nfl. in 1985, simpson was inducted into the hall of fame, but all of this was overshadowed by the murder trials of his ex-wife, nicole brown simpson and her friend ron goldman. simpson was accused of stabbing them to death. the nine month trial ended with a dramatic acquittal. two years later, the families of brown, simpson and goldman sued o.j. he was found
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liable for their deaths, his assets were seized, and he was ordered to pay $33.5 million in restitution to both families, but only ever paid a fraction in many ways, he moved to florida to avoid having to pay these judgments, and it will be a question as to just what is left if anything, to compensate the goldman family and nicole's family. simpson is survived by four children, two from his first marriage and two from his marriage to nicole brown simpson. his two children with nicole did reportedly visit o.j. in the days before his death. kumasi back to you. thanks, amanda. >> you probably remember if you're old enough when you were when you heard the verdict. abc seven news reporter liam melendez covered the trial, remembers it very vividly, and she shared her thoughts during our 3 p.m. show getting answers. >> i think it started to divide america as well. >> you know, a lot of people, were adamant that he had not
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done it. that and they defended him. and while others were saying, oh, yes, we believe i think, you know, public i think you were right. but to say that the public opinion, the vast majority of people think that he really did it, so it really i think it was, it was coming out that it really king it was coming after a lot of things that mistrust towards the police department and then mistrust towards the media as well, so it was very, you know, it was very trying times on all, you know, fronts. >> the family of ronald goldman says the news of simpson's death was a mixed bag of emotions and said his death means, quote, the hope of true accountability has ended. for more on oj simpson's life and death, check out all of our stories there on abc seven >> another bay area high school is reporting multiple cases of pertussis, also known as whooping cough. over a dozen cases have been reported in san francisco since january. most of
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the cases were among vaccinated. high school students at sacred heart cathedral prep. that's according to the san francisco department of public health. there was a recent outbreak at tamalpais high in mill valley, where over 60 students had whooping cough. >> a plea deal has been accepted in the case against a drunk driver who killed champion cyclist ethan boyce. boyce was cycling in san francisco's presidio when he was hit and killed last april. 81 year old arnold lowe pleaded guilty last month to vehicular manslaughter and driving under the influence of alcohol. the san francisco chronicle is reporting. the judge in this case accepted the plea, but criticized prosecutors for failing to charge lowe with a felony, fearing that this could become a problem in future drunk driving cases. >> in the south bay, a well known brewery is closed for good, and the owner is blaming not enough foot traffic. the owners of camino brewing company in san jose say the volume of customers dropped since the pandemic. they've had trouble getting more people to their
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taproom ever since we've seen a big shift, you know, people don't come out the way that they used to come out, and our business has primarily been driven by, you know, our community uh, you know, and the taproom sales camino's last day of business was sunday. some people in the beer business say the industry is changing because it's no longer only about beer. for example, you have places that serve seltzer, ciders, nonalcoholic beers, all competing with each other. >> 609 this morning we're taking a look at live doppler seven along with satellite. we have a cold front that is approaching us this morning. it will bring cloud cover, colder air today and then rain coming our way to start out the weekend. look at the dramatic drop in temperatures. that's about to hit us today. yesterday in the first column, our daytime highs were well in the 70s and 80s in most cities today. they were stuck in the 50s and in the 60s you can see places like san
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rafael. that's a 22 degree drop from yesterday's daytime high of 84 degrees. so a lot of areas will feel double digit drops. it's going to feel cold out there compared to the warmth we had the past couple of days. future weather, 50s and low 60s by 11 a.m. partly sunny skies this afternoon and again, temperatures below average in a lot of cities friday night. plans. you're looking good early saturday morning. here comes our storm moving onshore so it's a lot colder today. then tomorrow we have a rain snow mix. the chance of a thunderstorm and daytime highs are cold. only in the low 50s and even into sunday, we have the chance of a scattered shower. saturday is definitely the wetter of the two days of this weekend. it's a level one both saturday and sunday for those showers. an isolated thunderstorm and snow falling on our highest peaks. kumasi will take a close look at the details coming up in eight minutes. thank you. drew. >> coming up, why major airlines are asking president biden to block additional direct flights to and from china. then the reason fish and wildlife experts are having an issue finding a distressed whale off the coast.
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and could tom brady return the 46 year-old not shutting the door on yet another unretirement
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we're about to go on a little adventure together. ta-da! hulu on disney+ is now available. i think we just found our new home. your favorites, together like never before. this is a destination spot. for disney bundle subscribers, hulu on disney+ is here. is just getting to the scene of this sig alert over in hayward. this is southbound 880. after winton. we know that this truck crashed earlier this morning. it has two trailers, one of its trailers on the side. you see
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there. it's a big rig, so it's causing quite a bit of damage. we want to show you one lane kind of getting through at this hour, wanting to get you around this exit at washington avenue, then use hesperian to get around. if you're coming from castro valley, be sure to use mission boulevard. but things are slow moving in hayward. back to you kumasi. >> thank you amanda. time now is 614 and we're learning more about an invasive mosquito detected in santa clara county. we told you yesterday that health officiaerwarning people about it. the aedes aegypti mosquito was found along machado ne in the east san jose foothills. a mitbite could bring on diseases like yellow fever or zika. the mosquito has dark legs with bright white stripes and spots. people who live in the area are urged to dump out any standing water so that the insect cannot breed. >> i always collect rainwater over the winter, so yeah. so now i've got all my buckets capped.
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the ones that are still have any water in them at all. >> county is carrying out an eradication plan and inspecting neighborhoods. vector control says the mosquito prefers humans over animals. so they're using human lures that smell like sweaty socks to try to trap them . fog and an upcoming storm hampering efforts to locate a distressed gray whale off the california coast. that whale was last seen tuesday in the waters west of daly city. it was dragging a fishing net that got tangled around its tail. fish and wildlife officials are trying to find the whale so they can put a tracker on it, and hopefully remove the net from its tail. an ocean system that protects whales along our bay area coastline, expanding to the east coast and canada. the system is made of acoustic buoys that detect migrating whales, and it warned ships to slow down to avoid deadly collisions. the information could be critical for an endangered species on the east coast, known as the north atlantic right whale. the
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population has dwindled to the hundreds, and they're already sitting on the edge. >> this precipice of extinction. and to that gets scary. and that's where tools like this then come through and we hope will help make a difference for their survival. >> nearly three dozen major shipping companies participate in this voluntary program. researchers hope more cooperation will help protect threatened whale populations around the world. the world's largest bounce house back here in the bay area, the big bounce america 2024 tour stopping in santa rosa this year and this time, the 16,000 square foot bounce house will be inflated at the sonoma county fairgrounds. now there are different sessions for different ages toddlers, little kids, big kids, adults, everybody. so the price ranges from $22 for toddlers, $45 for adults. and look at this time
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window. you got to get on it. it's going to be open april 19th to the 21st. >> you got three days next week. >> you better get over there and bounce. >> i love a bounce house. i used to love it too. you know, it is so much more cost effective to purchase rather than rent. >> so if you guys ever want to come over, we purchased one. >> you have a bounce house. >> bounce house? yeah. we blow it up when we can. >> let's have a party for no reason. loves it. i know you have little kids, but it's way more cost effective if you guys are in the market weight. >> so i know i need to know a little bit more. okay. is it in the shape of a castle? it's a castle. okay. okay. yeah. do you have an air generator thing? >> yeah, we have it all. it blows up in, like, two minutes. >> okay. >> what? how many adults can be on it? >> is it big enough for big people? it's for little people. it's for little people. >> we've we've jumped in it. >> so if i were on one side. yes oh, and you were on the other side when i launch you into the
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air. >> no, it's a bounce house. i'll have you guys turn into rapunzel real fast in the tower. >> yeah, sure. i'll have you. i'm a little worried. >> okay? i need videos of this, this morning is all about colder air moving our way for the afternoon. here's a look at rain chances. so all day today, you'll just notice clouds moving in as a cold front gets closer. it's not until late tonight. early tomorrow morning. this is early saturday morning after midnight. that's when the rain chances really ramp up. so friday night plans don't be worried about any rain. it's just going to be a chilly day. temperatures today about a 10 to 20 degree drop compared to yesterday. 50s and 60s for daytime highs. no 70s and 80s on the board today. tonight we'll track that rain moving through with overnight lows in the 40s. here's future weather saturday morning showing you we have that rain falling but also snow. that's that pink and white you see on our higher peaks, mount hamilton, parts of interior mendocino and lake county will be in and out of the showers all day saturday afternoon and saturday evening. there's a
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chance of a thunderstorm popping up if one does. hail could also be a potential. even a clap of thunder. now sunday is the drier of the two days, but we still include the chance of an isolated shower from time to time. but saturday is really the more active day this weekend. rainfall totals closer to the coast will likely see some areas more than an inch of rain out of this system. and then those numbers really do fall off. and the biggest impact with this rain is likely just some ponding on our area roadways. tomorrow morning, let's talk snow on our peaks. you can see in the santa cruz mountains, mount hamilton, we have that chance of a couple of inches and there you can see in parts of lake county and mendocino county, probably above 3000ft. that's where we'll likely find a little bit of snow , just an indication that we have a real cold storm bringing in some cold air this weekend. any snow in tahoe is going to be very light because our snow levels are pretty high, and the snow is mixing with rain from time to time. so that brings those totals down. we'll find anywhere from 4 to 6in over our highest peaks. just know saturday is likely some slick
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travel heading to tahoe. here's the accuweather seven day forecast. much cooler today. rain snow mix tomorrow. the chance of a thunderstorm. it's just cold to start out the weekend. scattered showers on sunday and then we're dry on monday with warming trend hitting us once again next week. guys >> thank you drew. now we are checking in with ginger zee who is live with what's coming up on gma. >> good morning ginger. >> hey reggie kumasi nice to be with you. so coming up here on gma we're following the latest reaction to the death of oj simpson. and looking back at the trial of the century. also our interview with golden bachelor gary turner and his wife teresa. they've got something personal to share and why some skin care companies are now telling teens and tweens not to buy some of their products. we're also sitting down with the american idol judges and ryan seacrest. katy perry preparing to leave the judges table, and then we'll also have a riveting sneak peek of the new bluey special. you do not want to miss it on gma. >> people love this bluey and i didn't really even know who
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bluey was love until i did an interview with the bluey creators. they are in australia and they were so lovely and you know, preparing for the interview. i watched bluey episodes and i couldn't believe how good the show was. it's really good. it's so nice. yeah, that's. >> you are not alone. look at this. wait till you see the way that bluey gets charged today by children. >> oh, is there a walk around bluey? >> woo! yes! and blue is not safe. i'll say that much. >> safe. protect, protect bluey at all costs. >> we must protect bluey. okay that's a tease. i will be watching this because i want to see these people go wild for bluey and also gary and teresa >> i know, how about it? that was quick. you know who's going to be really upset? my stepfather, a man who had never watched one episode of the bachelor prior to this. so he's not used to the idea that they might split like he's still in lala uh. everything's disneyland
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and he is going to be devastated. cannot wait to talk to him. actually get all the tea. >> i was really sad this morning. >> i cannot believe that it is really found on a reality tv show broadcast across america. i just cannot believe it. >> gary and teresa gary and teresa. >> okay, i know different, but you know what? >> it's too bad for them. but it doesn't mean we won't watch next time. >> that's right. >> that's exactly true. and we need you to watch because it was a ratings winner.e'll see you at seven, ginger, and we'll be there are places you'd like to be. like here. and here. not so much here. farxiga reduces the risk of kidney failure which can lead to dialysis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ ♪ farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal,
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camera. now stanford scientists are sending it to south america. this is the 3200 megapixel legacy survey of space and time camera. it can capture images faster and with better quality than any camera before. >> we like to say that the quality of the camera is roughly about 250 iphone cameras. one of our scientists did a calculation that it would be able to see a golf ball from the distance from earth to the moon. >> oh, that is a good description. the camera will now head to chile and will be mounted on top of a telescope to take images of space seven times wider than the width of a full moon. scientists hope the images
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will give them a better picture of cosmic creation. we'll see the first images from the camera early next year. new at six san mateo native tom brady says he is not completely closing the door on a football comeback. during a recent interview, brady did not rule out returning to the game if a team needs help for a playoff push, the niners were specifically mentioned. so are the raiders as potential destinations. brady retired after the 2021 season, and then unretired for one more year. he says he's still in good shape and can still throw the ball. brady is trying to become a partial owner of the raiders in a deal that is still pending. he is set to join fox sports as a game analyst later this season. next, at 630, a south bay business broken into for the third time this year and eighth time overall, the owner asking for help. then more student debt wiped out overnight. we'll tell
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now at 630. imminent danger in the middle east. reports say iran could attack israel within days. the concerns over what could be a major escalation of violence. >> then a violent heist at one
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of the oldest jewelry stores in oakland's chinatown. store owners saying they are staying open and staying strong. >> an island rescue fishermen stranded on a deserted island used their own resources and resourcefulness to get help. good morning everybody. happy friday. hope it's a good day for you. it's april 12th. let's go check on that forecast. >> drew. hi. >> good morning. so the big story is cooler weather starts to move in here today a live look from the exploratorium camera. we have partly cloudy skies from this vantage point. it is breezy out there across the city. we're seeing those winds from time to time gusting as high as 30mph, and this wind is out of the northwest, and that's going to help to drag in some colder air later on this afternoon. right now, as you go outside mid 40s to the mid 50s, as you take that jacket with you, you'll like it likely keep it on a lot longer today compared to the past couple of days, as temperatures are slow to warm out there. a bit of fog from sutro tower. it's a mix of sun and clouds all day today, but these temperatures later on this afternoon about a 10 to 20
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degree drop in our daytime highs. compared to yesterday, we're stuck in the 50s and 60s, no longer the 70s and 80s from the past couple of days. 59 in the city, 62 in oakland, 69. in san jose. hit about 63. in napa, 66 in concord. we'll take a closer look at the rain coming our way this weekend. but amanda has a traffic alert this morning. >> yeah, drew, a second day of traffic trouble for people traveling through the east bay, specifically hayward. we want to take you to a live look at southbound 880, a big rig with two trailers crashed this morning. one of those trailers overturned. but the good news is there are tow trucks on scene working to remove it now. it's still going to take some time at least one lane is letting traffic through. you should exit at washington avenue and use hesperian to get around. and then from castro valley, use mission boulevard. back to you, reggie. >> thanks, amanda. now to a story you'll see only on seven. the owners of an oakland jewelry store have doubts about staying in business after their family run shop was targeted in a
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brazen armed robbery. that violent heist was caught on camera. look at this. owners say eight people stormed into fung jewelry with guns drawn. they bashed the glass cases. they took everything they could. wednesday afternoon, you can see tony tran, 69 year old mother diane duck for cover. there was no security guard at the time. diane's husband eventually came out with a gun, which scared the suspects away. tony tran says their business insurance lapsed because of rising premiums, so they don't have insurance right now. >> her entire life's work savings is gone in a few minutes, but it is rough. you know, my mom is the leader of the pack, and she's been running the business as she suffers. i, i kind of suffer through the same pain. >> the oakland chinatown improvement council is running a gofundme to help the business and e-sports gaming bar in downtown san jose has been burglarize for the third tim this year. guildhall shared a post on social media saying the
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latest incident on march 26th was by far the most devastating. they say the thieves used tools to cut through a sealed back door from thconstruction site behind their building. they broke down the door, they stole their safe and other items. it's unclear how much guildhouse lost, and we don't know if the thieves have been caught. >> oakland international airport one step closer to a name change and potentially a lawsuit. abc seven news reporter gloria rodriguez joining us in studio with the opposition to this potential change. >> good morning. kumasi. san francisco officials say the name change will lead to confusion, and the city attorney has already said he is considering a lawsuit to stop it, despite the threat. yesterday, the port of oakland board of commissioners voted unanimously to approve changing the airport's name to san francisco bay oakland international airport, they say, will improve geographic awareness and also increase the number of travelers and airlines. but san francisco's city attorney, david chu, says a new name would be trademark infringement, and there has been
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staunch opposition from san francisco city officials and san francisco international airport. >> we certainly understand as an airport how important it is to grow air traffic, the benefits of air traffic. but we don't think this is the right approach. we think it's ultimately customers that are going to pay for this. >> we don't think their lawsuit will succeed. so we're going to go ahead. i'm not going to wait for a lawsuit, city attorney chu's office told us in a statement, quote, we are disappointed that oakland did not take the opportunity to work collaboratively with us to develop alternative names and to avoid litigation. >> and they say they will have updates in the coming days. this is not a done deal yet. it still needs to go through a second reading and approval at a meeting on may 9th. live in the studio gloria rodriguez abc seven news. >> the effort to curb crime in san francisco's tenderloin neighborhood has led to more arrests. san francisco police say 42 people were taken into custody on wednesday in their latest operation. 30 of the
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suspects taken into custody have outstanding warrants. officers seized several different drugs, including fentanyl and meth. the operation involved assistance from the sf sheriff's department, u.s. marshals service and several other law enforcement agencies. >> a man has been arrested for allegedly vandalizing a mosque in san francisco. the district attorney says she intends to prosecute the case as a hate crime. surveillance video shows a man using a skateboard smashing six windows at the mosque on sutter street, near polk, last thursday. we have blurred his face because he has not been formally charged. investigators say the man came back on tuesday and tried to smoke inside, the local council on american islamic relations says in a statement, quote, this arrest sends a clear message that hate driven behaviors will not be overlooked and serves as a reminder of the ongoing challenges we face in combating islamophobia. >> for more, san francisco businesses have filed a legal
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claim against the city over the controversial center running valencia street bike lane. those businesses claim the lane has decimated their bottom lines and dissuaded customers from visiting. attorneys say the city failed to adequately study the economic impact of the protected bike lane before it was installed. three businesses had previously filed claims in addition to yesterday's four new plaintiffs, lawyers say three more valencia street business owners are in the process of filing, and this neighborhood was a destination neighborhood. >> it was a vibrant part of the city. you know, the city, and it had restaurants and other businesses. and now it is not it isn't what it used to be because of the problems that this installation of this bike lane did. >> the sfmta has said they are open to modifications that improve business and protect cyclists. san francisco city attorney's office tells us, quote, the three claims filed in february were denied regarding the new claims filed. we're reviewing the claims and will respond in the appropriate time frame. >> new at six. the biden
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administration is forgiving another round of student loan debt totaling $7.4 billion. so this impacts nearly 277,000 borrowers, including 23,000 right here in california. this round targets groups like public sector workers for loan forgiveness. republicans argue biden is transferring the cost of student debt to taxpayers who did not go to college or have already paid off their loans. >> today, congress will take up a bill that the government says helps fight against terrorism. it's the foreign intelligence surveillance act, otherwise known as fisa. amanda has more now on the bill. support and opposition. >> reggie. republican lawmakers argue fisa gives the government too much power over americans. >> they refuse to reauthorize it this week without certain changes, fbi director christopher wray says without fisa, american lives will be at risk. the program allows our intelligence agencies to collect data on foreign nationals without a warrant. it sometimes collects data on americans to
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interact with persons of interest after late night negotiations, house republicans agreed to move forward without a shorter reauthorization of two years. instead of five. now, wray is vouching for the part of fisa that can collect data on americans. this week, an 18 year old idaho man was arrested and charged after allegedly planning an isis k attack here in the u.s. it is crucial to identifying terrorists in the homeland, working with or inspired by a rogues gallery of foreign terrorist organizations who have publicly called for attacks against our country, a possible reform to the bill would require a warrant before accessing data from americans. that has mixed reviews from republicans and democrats. a vote is expected today in the house and the clock is ticking. fisa officially expires one week from today. back to you, reggie. >> thanks, amanda. airlines are asking the biden administration to stop approving additional flights to and from china. they
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say china's anti-competitive policies hurt u.s. carriers and its workers trade association airlines for america, whose members include american airlines, delta and united, sent a letter to secretary of state antony blinken and transportation, transportation secretary pete buttigieg. they say china closed its market to us airlines at the start of the pandemic and imposed rules that still affect their operations and crews. they say this is harmful to 315,000 workers. still to come with the recent inflation numbers mean if you're trying to buy a house and a look right now at the big four at the new york stock exchange down right now by almost 200 points. >> another update on the markets next. >> and salmon season canceled the impact to bay area anglers first. here's drew. >> yeah 640 this morning. we're wiping away the warmth from the past couple of days. it's going to feel a lot colder this afternoon. the reason why a cold front is approaching us. you'll notice that first, in the form of increased cloud cover today, the colder air. and then
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tomorrow we do track rain returning to kick off the weekend. but look at the dramatic drop in temperatures. we are going to see today. yesterday it was warm temperatures were in the 70s and 80s. today this is where we'll land your forecast. highs in the 50s and 60s in places like san rafael. that's a 22 degree drop in our daytime highs today compared to yesterday. so a lot of areas will see double digit drops as colder air arrives from the north. here's future weather. we're still climbing through the 50s at 11 a.m. this afternoon is partly sunny, below average temperatures at. colder air is here. if you have friday night plans, we are dry that rain does not arrive until early saturday morning. it's a rain snow mix as cold air descends upon us. much colder today. there's that stormy weather this weekend. saturday is definitely the wetter of the two days this weekend. it's a level one both days though for scattered showers. the chance of thunderstorms, and snow on our highest peaks. we'll take a closer look at the timing of
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that rain, show you when you might find some
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east iran could be just 48 hours away from an attack on israel. amanda. the u.s. is now sending
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resources to try to stop it. >> yeah. reggie. high level u.s. officials are trying to put pressure or to pressure iran to back down from its threat to launch a retaliatory strike against israel. a top general is heading to israel as part of the effort. we know that this attack would be in response to an airstrike on iran's consulate in syria last week. israel has not taken responsibility, but it is believed the country is behind the attack. these developments have caused a big concern for u.s. personnel in israel. the u.s. embassy is now restricting travel for diplomats and their families as a precaution. on wednesday, president biden voiced strong support for israel, saying the u.s. is commitment to the country's security was, quote, ironclad. back to you at the desk, kumasi. >> thank you. amanda crews near big sur will be spending the weekend drilling into the cliff below the washed out road of highway one. they're trying to stabilize the cliffside before crews can start any permanent road work. there is only one way in and out of big sur, and
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that's being restricted to residents and first responders at this point. there's a convoy guiding traffic through one lane. caltrans confirms they are planning to install a temporary signal light to help that flow. now, tourists keep being turned away despite navigation maps showing the highway is open. there's no timeline yet on when any of this is going to be done, but caltrans says they are working nonstop. >> three fishermen who were stranded for days on a remote island are fine, thanks in part to their own resourcefulness. they left on march 31st for a fishing trip large swells damaged their boat and they arrived at a nearby island. for the next seven days. they survived on coconuts and water from a small well. on saturday, a family member reported them missing. the next day, the coast guard spotted them on this tiny island about 100 miles from their home island. rescuers covered more than 100,000 miles before spotting their sign on one of the more than 600 islands that make up micronesia. these
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people spelled out help on the beach with palm leaves. >> the help sign was pretty visible. we could see it from a couple thousand feet up in the air on tuesday. >> ten days after this all started, a coast guard ship finally reached them and the rescue turned out to be a sort of family reunion. a coast guard officer from micronesia on the ship turned out to be a distant cousin of one of the castaways. >> devastation. that is the reaction from bay area fishers after the state salmon fishing fishing season was closed for the second straight year, fish and wildlife officials say low fish populations and not enough water to the main reasons it's closed. salmon captain sarah bates says it's putting people on her fleet out of work. >> many of us are unfortunately not finding work on land. bank accounts are unhealthy. mental health is even more unhealthy right now, and i do fear that we are going to start losing members of our fleet.
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>> governor newsom has requested a federal fishery disaster declaration. in a statement, he said, we will continue working with the biden administration and congress to ensure california's fisheries and impacted communities are supported during this critical time. >> now it is your morning money report. you're going to pay a little more if you're trying to buy a house. rates for a 30 year fixed mortgage reached a 6.88 reach 6.88% this week. that's up from 6.82 the week before. experts say a disappointing inflation report could be to blame. economists don't expect mortgage rates to fall under 6% anytime this year, and taking a live look at the new york stock exchange as trading gets underway, we're down this morning, almost 200 points. >> san jose is streamlining its 3-1-1 service request line. the city activated a new vehicle concerns feature for cars that may be abandoned, possibly stolen or causing blight in a neighborhood. san jose has received more than 6000 such
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reports so far this year, but many times they might not get routed to the right department. well, with this new service, residents can report vehicles anonymously and track what the city is doing about it. in a neighborhood where somebody's been looking at the same car, in the same spot for months on end, and wonders, does anybody actually own this car? >> why is it in the same spot, and why is it getting harder to park in my neighborhood? >> if a vehicle is stolen, the case will now go directly to the police department. san jose residents can call to report potholes, graffiti and report burned out streetlights to the 3-1-1 service line. >> it's an atm for dogs, but they don't need a bank account to use it all. they have to do is walk up and get a treat. the automated treat machine was just unveiled at a td bank in philadelphia. the treats are free, so no deposits required. the machine also plays doggy centric content. it's hosting a dog adoption fair at that location tomorrow. that's cute. >> that is super cute. >> we need this.
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>> it's even the color of the bank, they did a good job with that one. >> all right, td dog. that's cute. yeah. >> and here for travelers through hayward. no treats just traffic. that's because of a sig alert that we've been following all morning long. another headache a big rig with two trailers crashed earlier this morning. one of its trailers overturned. but the good news is, you can see that they're working on getting it upright and out of the way for now, it is slow moving. one lane is open. that onramp also at winton avenue open, but here we'll give you a way around it. exit washington avenue and then use hesperian. if you're coming from castro valley, use mission boulevard. drew. >> hey, amanda, today it's all about dramatically colder air moving in. no longer. those warm temperatures from the past couple of days. today we'll see about a 10 to 20 degree drop in our daytime highs 50s and 60s. rain arrives late tonight with a level one storm. we'll dip into the 40s. let's talk about that
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rain friday night plans. you'll be okay. it's just mostly cloudy . that rain really moves onshore early saturday morning. here six 630. not only rain, but also snow in our highest peaks as we transition into the afternoon tomorrow, we have the chance of thunderstorms popping up. if one does, we could see some hail, even hear a clap of thunder. now sunday is the drier of the two days. we'll start out sunday morning which is mostly cloudy skies and isolated shower. midday. it's pretty quiet and then another chance of an isolated shower on sunday. so just know that saturday is definitely the more active of the two days this weekend. rainfall totals highest along the coast. we'll see areas above an inch lower as you move inland , and the biggest impact is likely going to be some standing water on our area roadways, particularly saturday morning. just be aware of that. we'll take a look at the snow forecast here. locally, it's our highest peaks like mount hamilton, the santa cruz mountains, parts of lake county, mendocino county that could see a dusting to a few inches of snow. just a little snow coming to tahoe, 4
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to 6in across our highest peaks. at times that snow will mix with rain and most of the snow is falling on saturday. here's the accuweather seven day forecast back here at home. much cooler today. that rain, snow mix and stormy weather tomorrow. some scattered showers on sunday before we dry out and warm up. next week. amanda. hi, drew. >> yeah, you heard drew talk about that snow forecast. we're going to get straight to your toyota tahoe report. the good news here. no change needed in your travel palisades tahoe. it's going to take you three hours and ten minutes from the city. north star, california three hours, nine minutes. heavenly. three hours and 13 minutes. on this side, you'll see no chains needed here either. sugar bowl resort two hours, 48 minutes sierra tahoe is going to take you about two hours and 53 minutes. and then to get to kirkwood, three hours and 29 minutes back to the desk. >> two national monuments in california are expected to expand in the coming weeks. president biden plans to extend the perimeters of the san gabriel mountains national monument, which is east of los angeles. he plans to do the same for the berryessa snow mountain
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national monument north of napa. the expansions would protect sacred sites for native american tribes. the monuments are first designated by former president barack obama. san francisco's free outdoor movie series is coming back for a sixth season. sundown cinema kicks off may 17th with a sing along version of selena at dolores park in june. you'll be able to see the 1968 hit bullitt at the presidio . july brings labyrinth. august is the barbie movie. in september, it's lost landscapes, which is a collection of home movies from decades of san francisco history and the series wraps up in october with two movies, princess and the frog and nightmare before christmas. >> this weekend, the norcal cherry blossom festival kicks off in san francisco's japantown. thousands of people come out to enjoy this annual bloom and dozens of activities, performances and vendors. it runs this weekend and next weekend. the grand finale and grand parade will be on the 21st. listen to this forget dating apps, one woman in butte
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county is going old school in her search for a companion. so miss linda howard is advertising her availability on billboards in the town of paradise. back in december, she put up holiday themed billboards hoping to find someone to spend the rest of her years with. none of those people worked out. so now she's back with these new ones, with an updated list of requirements. a christian man between 50 and 80 years old. willingness to learn to weld and must not be boring. >> i think god's in control of our lives. we just know that he has a plan for all of us. and i've been single for 34 years. so do you think he'd be a little faster on this one? i just wanted a good friend to go and laugh with and send them home. when i get bored with him, and i get bored easily. >> miss linda says if a date does not work out with her, she will set them up with one of her friends to see if they're compatible. she's hoping this brings more companionship to her and her friends lives.
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>> she really needed a millennial, perhaps even someone from gen z, to help her out. yes, right. perhaps it's giving clip art, but maybe that's the charm of it. and then she goes on tv and says, i get bored and i just want to send him home because i get bored easily. that part, that part, the pr is not where we need it to be. sell yourself, you know, be charming. >> up next, the seven things you need to know today. >> esthetics matter. you can watch all of our newscasts live and on demand through the abc seven bay area connected tv app. it's available for apple tv, google tv, amazon fire tv and roku. download the app now and you can start streaming. >> as we head to break, we're taking a live look outside. 655 we'll be right back. dramatic
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♪ we belong ♪ ♪ we belong together ♪ ♪ we belong ♪ hulu on disney+. available with disney bundle. plans starting at $9.99 a month.
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oakland airport to san francisco bay, oakland airport, and it is set up likely a court battle. san francisco city attorney has vowed to sue to stop the change, saying it will confuse travelers. >> number two, terrifying video shows the moment eight armed people cleared out one of oakland's oldest jewelry stores. police are asking the public to come forward with information about suspects. >> number three today, congress is set to take up a bill to renew part of the foreign intelligence surveillance act. it allows the government to spy on foreign nationals without a warrant. some have opposed the renewal because sometimes data from americans ends up being collected. >> number four, if you're heading to wine country this weekend, highway 37 will be open. a full closure of the highway for roadwork has been postponed because of the weather. and speaking of that weather today, first you will feel colder air arrive about a 10 to 20 degree drop in our
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daytime highs compared to yesterday. >> 50s and 60s under partly sunny skies. now tomorrow and sunday it's a level one light storm. saturday is the wetter of the two days. it's a mix of rain and snow. that snow falling on our highest peaks. a chance of a thunderstorm tomorrow. so close. look at those details. that snow on our highest peaks. that's thunderstorm chances saturday afternoon. the scattered showers, the heaviest will fall early saturday morning. >> and number six, a live look from a sigalert scene in hayward. a solo big rig crash blocked a few lanes and is slowing down traffic on southbound 880 after winton avenue tow trucks are on scene trying to clear the way, but only one lane is open. >> number seven sadness, gold and bachelor is about to be a bachelor again. gary turner and teresa nest announced this morning they are getting a divorce. they've only been married three months now. you can hear out i am really sick. i
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am sad about this. i was rooting for gary and teresa. i got to interview gary. such a kind man and this i know love is dead. >> my family's group chat is just not fire. they are upset, but mom's upset. >> i know you could hear it. >> they still love each other though, but i think that the locations with their friends. >> it seems like you should have figured that out before. >> that's what i'm saying. >> sometimes you think you can and you can't. they said they looked at places in new jersey and south carolina. >> he's invested mad. i'm sad. >> sure >> george: good morning america. reaction to the death of o.j. simpson. the life and complicated legacy of o.j. simpson. from football great to hollywood actor, to the murder that


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