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tv   ABC7 News 600PM  ABC  April 12, 2024 6:00pm-6:59pm PDT

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good. how both schools are doing when it comes to protecting jewish students from hate. >> always live abc seven news starts right now. if your job gave you 272 new recommendations , how much time would it take you to do that? >> this is an accomplishment, but each and every one of us know that there is a lot more work to be done. >> san francisco's mayor and police chief both praising a job that took the department more than a decade to complete and overhaul of how sfpd operates on a number of fronts. good evening. thank you for joining us. i'm dan ashley, and i'm diane lim. >> the department has completed a list of reform recommendations first handed down by the us justice department in 2016. >> yeah, the police department had been rocked by a series of scandals, including racist text messages and officer involved shootings. abc seven news reporter tim johns is in the newsroom with more on the story. tim. >> yeah. dan dion, these recommendations were meant to
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transform the police department and in particular with how it deals with communities of color. now, eight years later, sfpd says it's proud of the work it's done. but critics say it's too early for celebration. let's be clear about that. >> this is an accomplishment. >> congratulations at san francisco city hall friday, police chief bill scott joining with mayor london breed and other local leaders to celebrate sfpd completion of recommended reforms first set out by the us department of justice back in 2016, the reforms are intended to transform the police department and make it a model for other agencies around the country. the goal to better connect the police with the communities they serve an objective chief scott says they've accomplished that. >> now we're starting to see use of force going down again. we've increased diversity in hiring and recruitment. that was one of the five areas of focus. >> despite the progress, some think the celebrations are premature. on friday afternoon, the sf public defender's office releasing a statement saying racial bias and excessive force
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still exists within sfpd. >> we can't forget that the racial disparities in terms of who gets stopped, who gets searched and who has force used on them are still, grossly problematic. and they still exist. >> reporter. others, like criminal justice professor lisa hill of cal state east bay, say the department should be applauded for undertaking the reforms. >> the concern is that we've gone through a check off list. >> professor hill says transparency will remain key for sfpd moving forward, taking steps to repair the harm that's been done in the past. >> there has to be some efforts to reunite with this community. you know, policing is community and public service work. >> as for city leaders, they say they recognize that in spite of completing the current reforms, they know a lot more work still needs to be done. >> this does not mean that we won't continue the great work that we are doing to balance the reforms that we need to implement, as well as making sure that we focus on public
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safety for san francisco. >> now, in total, sfpd says they've implemented all 272 recommended reforms. i'm live in the newsroom. tim johns, abc seven news. >> all right, tim, thanks very much. a warning to people visiting the russian river after a teenage boy out for a swim died there yesterday. the teen and a friend were swimming with family at steelhead beach when they got into some trouble. sonoma county firefighters were able to rescue one of the swimmers, but they were not able to locate the other. sadly, tragically, his body was found this afternoon. officials say the race has left the water level very high at the russian river, and the current is quite strong. they're asking the public please be careful and take precautions. >> a stand in solidarity today against a growing number of anti-muslim hate incidents across the country. it happened at a san francisco mosque that was vandalized during the ramadan holy month. as abc seven news reporter anser hassan tells us, the man accused of that crime pled not guilty in court today. surveillance video from
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masjid al-tawhid in san francisco captures a man smashing the mosque's windows last week, during the muslim holy month of ramadan. >> you see the mosque being in at its at its fullest during the month of ramadan, imam mohamed al-nasiri leads daily prayer services at the mosque. >> he was joined by city and faith leaders ahead of its weekly friday congregation prayers. the show of solidarity amid an increase in reported anti-muslim hate incidents across the country. >> we realized that we had to do something today on behalf of the muslim community in san francisco, as well as on behalf of masjid al-tawhid, imam al ghazali says he confronted the suspect when he allegedly targeted the mosque for a third time on april 10th, the same day he was arrested. >> some racist remarks, which i told him, like, you know, these are not justifiable causes for you to come and vandalize our property and cause, you know, our, our people to be unsafe. >> that suspect is 35 year old robert gray in court on friday, he pled not guilty to charges of
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felony vandalism with special allegations of a hate crime and ordered held without bail. his lawyer believes the mosque attack did not constitute a hate crime. >> there are some statements made, but nothing that appears to be kind of ethnic or religious. animus at all. >> but it is brazen and it is bold, and you're going to just keep coming over and over again, we're very thankful for the partnership with the mosque assistant chief david lazar says in response to the attack, sfpd officers were stationed in front of mosques across the city the last week of ramadan. >> he has a message for the community. >> we don't want, mosques or places of worship or churches to just see incidents and not think about calling us. we want them to report everything going on. it's really important to us. >> imam al-nasiri says his mosque is being vigilant. he adds with the show of community support, they now know they're not alone. >> we hope peace and blessings do are spread across all communities, and we hope that
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such incidences do not impact anybody in san francisco. >> anser hassan abc seven news. >> we'll move now to some developing news on the tension in the middle east. president biden saying tonight that he expects iran to launch a retaliatory attack against israel sooner rather than later. speaking with reporters today, the president issued a message to iran don't president biden reiterated america's commitment to the defense of israel. us military assets have been deployed in the region to protect american troops stationed in the conflict zone. there are heightened fears iran will launch strikes following israel's attack on an iranian diplomatic compound in syria last week. that killed three iranian generals on the peninsula, a man is facing battery and hate speech charges after a clash during a rally calling for a gaza cease fire resolution. >> that incident happened on wednesday in south san francisco , and as abc seven news reporter lena howland explains, it's all part of what victims say is becoming an alarming trend on bomb palestine. >> bomb bomb palestine
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pro-palestinian demonstrators calling for peace were met with hate on wednesday just outside of south san francisco's civic center. >> pull your mouse down. you wait, man. don't don't do that. >> well, my first initial reaction is like survival mode. like i need to i need to document everything. >> this woman is a representative for the group ca 15 for ceasefire. she doesn't want us to use her name over safety concerns. she identifies as a palestinian muslim and had just spent the day celebrating eid to mark the end of ramadan when she shot this video, he verbally assaults everyone in our group with me. >> he elbowed me in the face. he spit on a friend of mine, he pushed another friend of mine and then my other friend got her head bumped into. >> i can do whatever they want. >> their demonstration called for the south san francisco city council to adopt a gaza ceasefire resolution. it escalated quickly and intensely, and, you know, among other things, in front of my 11 year
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old child, which is extremely distressing and hard to process. this organizer from change sf says she was concerned things were about to escalate in front of her son. both women say the same man approached their groups last week. >> two also really scared that it would escalate. you know, especially with the comments that he's making, like you said, bomb, bomb palestine and talking about, you know, have you ever killed someone and all of these just very bizarre sentiments, i was just really concerned that he would have some kind of weapon on him, perhaps. >> and these hate crimes are part of a growing trend. earlier this month, the council on american islamic relations reported a 419% increase of hate crimes in 2023, which is when the israel-hamas war began in gaza. >> i just can't help to think like if the roles were reversed, how the reaction of the city and our elected officials and the community would be. i feel like we constantly get swept under the rug when hate crimes like this happen to my community. >> police say the man in the video, a 57 year old south san
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francisco resident, was arrested shortly after the incident. he's facing charges of battery threats and hate speech in south san francisco. lena howland abc seven news the anti-defamation league claims it's stanford, and cal are not making the grade when it comes to protecting jewish students. >> the organization's first campus anti-semitism report card gives stanford an f and cal a d. 85 schools nationwide were reviewed. 12 others, along with stanford, received an f, including harvard and princeton. two schools received an a, brandeis and massachusetts and elon university in north carolina. the adl says the report card assesses jewish life on campus as well as policies and actions related to combating combating anti-semitism and protecting jewish students. >> all right, sandhya has prepared us for several days now, but it is time for us to say goodbye to spring and welcome another season. >> i guess they say all good things come to an end, but it will be back. nice brother.
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changing. the weather is on the way. sandy is here with that. >> yeah that's right. and dan and dion we're going to bring winter into the picture just in time for your weekend plans. but don't worry, it is not going to be a complete washout. a live view, a beautiful one, a little peek of blue from our golden gate bridge camera. but the clouds are gathering. and here's a look at your rain chances. if you have friday night plans, you're fine until about 11 p.m. that's when the rain chances begin to come up and they pretty much increase going into your saturday. here is the storm. it's a level one on live doppler seven and i want to time it out for you. so if you have weekend plans 11:00 tonight that rain is in the north bay. it starts to spread tomorrow morning at 7:00. we're going to see steady rain, some downpours and snow over our higher peaks like mount hamilton. possibly in the santa cruz mountains, certainly in the lake and mendocino county areas and the interior portions. scattered showers are going to continue at 4 p.m, and we even have a risk of thunderstorms where entire bay area is highlighted. so anybody can get it tomorrow. it's a level one
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with those brief downpours, gusty winds, rain, chance of thunder and hail and snow over our highest peaks. we certainly have noticed that dramatic drop off in those temperatures 18 degrees cooler right now in fairfield compared to 24 hours ago. winds are onshore and they're playing a role. gusts to 28 at sfo, san jose, 25 miles an hour. i'll have the full look at that weekend timeline and let you know when we'll be back to spring again. in just a few minutes. >> diane and dan, we are so ready. sandhya. thank you. >> we're coming up next. the search for the crooks responsible for a south bay break in this business targeted for a third time in just a few months. >> also, more good news from the white house. for thousands of people still trying to pay
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a road was being used to assemble and sell illegal firearms. officers went into the home on river ash court and found numerous assault rifles manufacturing parts and multiple rounds of ammunition. they arrested two men at the house, then learned one of the men had a storage unit about two miles away. >> in searching the storage unit, they located various other assault rifle parts for manufacturing and sales. >> police say they confiscated numerous assault rifle magazines and thousands of rounds of ammunition. the men face various charges, including conspiracy to manufacture assault weapons for sale for a business in downtown san jose is struggling after its third major break in this year. >> the latest involved their safe being stolen, and now the
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owners are demanding that the city make some changes and do something about this. abc seven news south bay reporter dustin dorsey explains how the city says it hopes to slow down crime downtown. >> since 2017, guildhouse has been an entertainment destination for gamers in downtown san jose, but it's also been a hot spot for crime. eight break ins total three this year, and the latest has founder kevin wick at a breaking point. >> it's a bigger problem than it should be, and the reason we're talking about it now, in the past, we've always kept it under wraps. and, that wasn't working. >> and the event on march 26th was different. just after closing down for the night, owners say burglars cut a hole through the back door of the guild house surveillance footage captured them stealing their safe. co-owner david faria says the thieves evaded security put in place after previous break ins, including a motion sensor on the door that was cut open. >> the sensor is only gets out here. it doesn't get directly under the door. they were under it and they went straight through our storage room into our office.
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>> every time we've had a break in, we've increased our cameras, we've increased our, closing procedures, we've increased our locks. and it just is not helping. >> besides the loss of stolen goods, it cost to repair damage and beef up security. it's somewhere in the ballpark of $50,000. >> we're a small business. small businesses operate on very thin margins. this is just one more hit that, you know, we didn't want to take. >> theft has been a major problem in the sofa neighborhood, wick says. academic coffee, original joes and touchstone climbing have all been burglarized this year. city leaders met with guild house owners friday in an attempt to tackle the problem. we're going to keep pushing hard to properly staff our police department. >> i'm going to continue to advocate for the rest of the system, to hold people accountable, particularly when they are repeat offenders, as we've talked about before. and we'll continue to lean into technology like the crime capture program. >> after repeated attempts to stop the problem on their own, these owners hope anything can make a difference, not because
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we want to make it feel like san jose is not a safe place to have a business, but because we want to make it better in san jose. dustin dawsey, abc seven news. >> do you think it's too early to look ahead to the weekend weather? >> well, we've seen what it looks like. i want to look past the other meteorologist, sandhya patel is it's not too bad this weekend, though, sandy. >> no, i know you both want to skip over the weekend weather because we are expecting changes. >> dionne and dan. but here's the deal. it's not going to be wet. all weekend long, so let me show you some live pictures right now from our tower cameras. i hope you had a chance to get out and enjoy the weather . upper 50s to upper 60s for the highs today, 2 to 5 degrees above average. but we didn't see those 80s. we expected a dramatic cool down. we experienced it a lot more cloud cover from our tower cameras and certainly breezy to gusty out there, but we are seeing peeks of blue. here comes the storm on live doppler seven. you can see just how large this storm is. cold, unstable air behind it. it is pretty intense for this time of year, so do expect some
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downpours at times tomorrow, especially so on live doppler seven. a lot of cloud cover along the coast and parts of the north and east bay. beginning to see that cloud cover. it's going to continue to increase. beautiful view from our san jose camera right now. still seeing some peeks of sun there. 55 in san francisco, oakland you're at 58 degrees, san jose 59 and half moon bay, 54 degrees from our east bay hills. camera you are looking towards mount diablo, where the clouds are stacking up on multiple levels. 50s from santa rosa to petaluma. right now it is 62, in concord and livermore. sutro tower camera. it is a nice view tonight. clouds up late night rain arriving tomorrow. wintry mix, thunderstorm chances. well and as we head towards your sunday you'll see scattered showers. but you'll also see some sun breaks along with some clouds. it's a level one storm for tomorrow. rain, brief downpours and gusty winds with a chance of thunderstorms. any storms that do develop could drop a lot of hail. so you probably remember this from recent weeks. that is going to be the case again
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tomorrow. snow on our highest peaks as we time out the winds. it's gusty out there. it's going to remain that way at 7:00 tonight as we go into the overnight hours, over 30 mile an hour winds along the coast and then they really remain gusty out of the south. tomorrow afternoon and going into the tomorrow evening time period. so we'll time out the rain now here it comes. 11 p.m. in the north bay. it starts to spread while you're sleeping tomorrow morning. if you have early plans , make sure you have your rain gear with you. be prepared for the chilly conditions. layer up. you're going to need the jackets and sweaters. mount hamilton looking at snow along with some snow over lake and mendocino counties in the hills there. santa cruz mountains could be seeing a few snow showers as well. tomorrow afternoon at 2:00. you're still seeing that wintry mix. 630 you're going to see downpours. may even have a clap or two of thunder sunday morning. we have a few more showers and then a break for most of the day, but then you have a few more coming through here in the evening. so really
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overall, your outdoor activity day, the best day will be sunday indoors. tomorrow will probably be a better day for that. now here's a look at the rainfall projections. about 1800 in brentwood to almost two inches there in half moon bay. everybody else in between the santa cruz mountains could pick up as much as two inches. but right now the model projections are just over an inch, 30s and 40s on your temperatures. chill will be in the air tomorrow and even chillier tomorrow afternoon. we're talking about 40s and 50s for most of you. windy san jose will get up into the low 60s. the accuweather seven day forecast a level one tomorrow and sunday. a wintry mix for tomorrow. monday will start that shift in the pattern that will bring the warmth back into the forecast by midweek. with 80s inland, 60s coast. this is the kind of spring weather that i know you both crave and want along with a lot of other people who complain about the rain. but we need it. >> we tease you, but it's fine, but it is nice to have a little bit of change. absolutely. thank you very much. >> well, up next, an ambitious plan to pool resources in walnut creek. >> the $77 million proposal that
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could give residents a much nicer
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to build a new city pool. abc seven news reporter ryan curry has a look at the design and why some hope it could become one of the top swim centers in all of the bay area. >> for decades, this pool has
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served walnut creek. the olympic sized clark swim center hosts a variety of swimming events, but some say its age is starting to show. >> this pool is an anchor of the community and to improve it, to rebuild it. it's 50 years old. >> they hold swim lessons here. lifeguard training and year round competitive swimming. but the current state of the pool limits what they can do. >> you can no longer teach a person how to dive into less than five feet of water, and the current facility only has a single five foot lane, which means swim meets or any event that involves diving is a challenge. >> the city is planning to build a new one. this is the latest design the council will vote on next week. it contains a brand new, deeper olympic size pool, a smaller pool and a playground. they will build new offices and locker rooms, a project that could cost around $77 million. >> the priority for the aquatic foundation was to see that the needs of the community are met. >> mike heaney is head of the group that represents a lot of the programs using the pool. he
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says the city needs to build a new one, not just to replace the old one, but to also turn it into one of the top aquatic centers in the bay area. >> well, there's a huge need for facilities that can host competition. there are few and far between. believe it or not, most of the facilities in the bay area are older facilities. >> no one from the city was available to do an interview, but they did tell me this old pool has to go. they're spending way too much money to maintain it, and the best thing they could do now is to build a new one, heaney says. about 300,000 people use it each year, he says not only would the new design support those currently swimming, it could bring more people to the pool. >> this facility would be able to host usa swimming meets, united states masters swimming meets. >> if the council approves this plan, they will begin drawing more renderings and get a better idea for when construction will start in walnut
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idea for when construction will start in walnut idea for when construction will start in walnut creek. ryan curry abc seven news the bills e
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passed in sacramento. >> now, you can check out the abc seven originals documentary, california's case for reparations, as it's available now on abc seven and wherever you stream abc seven news. >> coming up next, the latest on what seems to be oakland's never ending pothole problem, why it's going to take much more than new pavement to fix it. >> also, the golden bachelor and his new wife back in the headlines for all the wro reasons. gary and teresa explain why they'r
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city. and while leaders say they have a paving plan, residents are skeptical, complaining that it's going. going now at a
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snail's pace. >> now, as part of our efforts to build a better bay area, we went to oakland to find out why it's taking so long, and abc7 news reporter lyanne melendez dug deep into this to find the answer. >> well, it was one of those stories that we had to do because we received so many complaints and many people from this newsroom who live in oakland, so, yeah, so oakland had set a goal to repave 55 miles of roads, roads this year. so far it's only completed ten miles now, according to the oakland department of transportation, the city will not meet this year's goal, and you will see why they are so behind and blame it on the rain. in the meantime, city officials are asking oakland residents to have patience when filling those potholes. but really, how long can a city and its people put up with this nuisance? tell me what you see every day, every day we see people come off the freeway. >> you're watching me. if you
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keep standing here long enough, you'll see the people swerving in and out. swerve over. they'll slow down, see. and it just every day. and if you're parked here, they will side swipe your car. it has been many people who have had accidents here. >> we drove around oakland for two days documenting what residents were experiencing. call them what you want. potholes, craters. some of these are too big to avoid. let's measure. this 22. wow. and at times we got too close to the road. >> i just got soaked >> some neighbors have even spray painted around potholes to make sure drivers see them ahead of time. >> i just got my tire fixed because this street been messing up my tire. >> we went to oakland's department of transportation. they're the ones coordinating
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the street repairs. they they sent us to city hall. so we came to city hall to try to talk to a city council member. and found this. the offices were closed on a wednesday. nobody is here. and of course, the city council members aren't here either. not everyone is back in person. they did leave their phone numbers though. next up, the mayor's office. except that it too was closed. wait it says here we are away. so please ring the bell. what's going on in oakland? someone eventually came out and referred us to a press person, who then sent us information on the status of oakland's five year paving plan work under the £0.05 continues to be behind schedule, primarily due to a slowdown in contract processing, as well as some equipment challenges impacting in-house crews. council member noel gallo agreed to meet us outside city
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hall this past year. >> we did have a good number of vacancies and certainly i had to subcontract with even auto repair shops to make sure that our vehicles that fix the streets, are in operation. >> that's because the city's truck repair shop cannot handle the overwhelming demand. we were told that there are 20 employees currently working on 700 pieces of equipment. so what are we looking at here? >> we're looking at, you know, vehicles that need to be serviced so we can get them on the street for example, the city should have four designated city trucks that work exclusively to fill potholes. >> here's their status. one truck burnt in an accident. two are currently waiting to be repaired as parts are hard to find. that leaves oakland with only one working pothole truck, so they rely heavily on private companies to do the work. this
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truck from the oakland fire department is out of commission after the torsion bar broke when you guessed it, the truck hit a pothole. warren logan is running for a council seat in oakland and has been outspoken about the city's pothole problem. the reason we're only showing you pictures of him is because the day we were supposed to interview him, he had an accident. he sent us a text from the emergency room, quote, i'm unfortunately not available because i'm. and the irony isn't lost on me just arriving at the er, having flipped my bike over, hitting a pothole. here's the culprit. council member gallo agrees oakland lacks the necessary equipment to keep the city running properly. >> yes, some have to be some ar, that, you know, we need to buy new vehicles for our employees. that's the bottom line. >> but it's hard to buy new equipment when oakland is facing a nearly $200 million budget deficit. now, for those of you
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who want to know the status of the repairs on your street, there's an interactive map which will give you the construction start date. now you can find that on our website, abc seven a lot of complaints. >> yeah, understandably you know there's always reasons things don't get done. but but certainly doing something like fixing streets and potholes is blocking and tackling our city and just basic things that have to be taken care of. >> and it's costing people so much money to repair their cars as well. and council member got hurt. >> yeah. you know ironically. yeah, yeah. all right. thanks, liane. >> well, after chaotic week of infighting, house speaker mike johnson pushed through the renewal of fisa, the foreign intelligence surveillance act, or fisa, allows us in us intelligence agencies to collect the communications of foreign nationals without a warrant. it sometimes collects data on americans who interact with persons of interest. the fbi says fisa is critical to the security of all americans, especially in the fight against
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terrorism. >> our most immediate concern has been that individuals or small groups will draw some kind of twisted inspiration from the events in the middle east to carry out attacks here at home. we should not be expanding fisa, we should be creating safeguards to protect foundational civil liberties rights. >> the revised version shortens the law's lifespan from 5 to 2 years. it will lapse if it is not reauthorized by next friday. >> comin version shortens the law's lifespan from 5 to 2 years. it will lapse if it is not reauthorized by next friday. >> coming up heren the streets this second friday.
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these just kicked off its first event of the year. the town's free street festival has returned after a three month hiatus. it was originally scheduled to take place last friday, but the rainy weather forced organizers to postpone this much anticipated and enjoyed event. first friday hasn't happened since december
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because of some ongoing financial roadblocks, but the festival is going until 9 p.m. also, san francisco is bringing back first thursdays on may 2nd. >> all right, now the story that has broken the hearts of fans of the golden bachelor. the couple who we thought found love on the tv show, is calling it quits after just three months of marriage. gary and teresa made the shocking announcement that they are separating on abc's good morning america today. you might recall, they just got married in a televised wedding ceremony back in january. the two say they were originally looking for a house in south carolina, and also considering moving to new jersey, but they never made a decision. and after several heart to heart conversations, the disagreement about where to live has made a divorce necessary. >> we've kind of come to the conclusion mutually, that it's probably time for us to, dissolve our marriage. >> i don't think we can tell you how many people told us that. it gave them so much hope. we want
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none of that to change for anybody. >> though the split comes after a short time married, the couple said they still love each other and are still open to finding love. >> well, next, a warning about a practice that's supposed to be good for you. why some big name brands are now pushing back on skincare and urging younger kids not
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the details. >> gonna be doing my morning skincare routine. ulta. how can you do a morning routine? >> the videos are all over social media, teens, and even tweens touting their skincare routines. 11 year old zoya has a nine step nighttime regimen, but now some big name brands are pushing back, urging younger kids not to buy certain products hugely in demand. drunk elephant posting on social media that many of their products are safe for kids and tween skin. but reminding gen alpha to stay away from their products containing acids and retinols, the wildly popular skincare line bubble,
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which markets itself to teens putting out disclaimers after releasing its exfoliating serum called moonwalk earlier this year, saying moonwalk is a gentle exfoliator, but all exfoliators are serious business. don't exfoliate unless you're 14 or older. younger faces can be more sensitive, telling a marketplace don't use this product if you're under a certain age, certainly that's responsible. >> skincare giant kiehl's posting a new campaign including these photos to social media saying childhood goes by fast. don't let your kids waste it on a ten step skincare routine. and the ordinary owned by estee lauder, echoing with a post reading teens you don't need ten steps. >> i'm in my happy place for millions like zoya, the skincare craze has been a creative outlet and source of fun. >> but mom abby says navigating what products are appropriate for her daughter can be overwhelming.
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>> like one time you did pick up something with retinol and i was like, yeah, yeah. i was like, no, that's not for you. >> experts say with gen alpha getting in on the self-care frenzy, companies need to carefully weigh risks in marketing to younger customers. >> it was abc's erielle reshef reporting. now in california state legislatures have just introduced a bill that aims to ban the sale of anti-aging products to children under the age of 13. it would ban products containing vitamin a, which is what retinol is made with and alpha hydroxy acids as well. >> all right, one last check of the weather. we are looking forward to the weekend. well, maybe not weekend weather, the after weekend weather, the weather is a little spotty this weekend. >> not a washout, sandy. not terrible, but, you know, not spring like we've enjoyed this week. >> yeah, it's really going to be back to winter tomorrow dan and diane. but it will improve the second half of your weekend. so we are expecting some snow over mount hamilton, the hills to our north uh- santa cruz mountains over the weekend. by sunday
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night we will be seeing that accumulating snow, certainly in the sierra a few inches up to four inches there in donner on live doppler seven, you can see the clouds are all gathering. the storm is just off the coastline and it will get here late tonight going into the early part of tomorrow morning. it's a level one, so we're going to time this out for you. you'll notice at 1130 the rain is moving in. it's going to be snowy and rainy tomorrow morning at 630. it's still going to be windy and chilly in the afternoon, with some more wet weather coming in in the afternoon and the evening hours, so it's a level one. watch out, there's potential for thunder and hail. certainly snow on our highest peaks with those brief downpours at times 40s and 50s. high temperatures well below average cooler than where we were today. if you thought was to today was cool. wintry mix level one tomorrow and then sunday you will see some sun breaks and some spotty showers. okay, all is not lost. >> and diana and diana, you will have nice spring weather back into the forecast all week. >> no, i mean, you know, it's beneficial rain. you'll be thankful during the fire season.
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>> thank you for clarifying. yes, it's all good. >> all right, all right. >> chris alvarez is here with us. sports night. hey, chris. >> hey. hey, guys. how are we doing coming up in sports warriors? a huge game tonight against the pels. a lot going on with the playoff scenarios. plus bryson dechambeau muscles up the masters. why? he did some redecorating. plus the guys atop the leaderboard. day
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to last. warriors host the pelicans tonight in a matter of minutes. they enter the night as the ninth seed in the west. and depending on how things play out through the end of the regular season sunday, they could reach as high as the eighth seed or as low as the 10th seed. klay thompson, draymond green sat out last night in portland. they're in tonight. but jonathan kuminga gary payton the second are out. the dubs close the game on a 21 to 7 run. secure the win. warriors finish the season winning 17 of the last 21 road games. and now with two more home games, their huge a chance to climb in the standings when the next game. >> we understand they're playing well. there's a lot to play for on both sides and we obviously can't control everything about our destiny, but it gives us a great opportunity to keep climbing the standings and keep our morale high, knowing that everything is connected to next tuesday. wherever, wherever we play, whoever we play, we're a really good team.
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>> you know, we've been great on the road all year, but now it's time to, you know, take care of home court the last two games. you know, we need to be better there. but, you know, in the playoffs says if you make the playoffs as a lower seed, we're going to be on the road to start. so it's good to, you know, be battle tested and know that we're capable of winning anywhere. >> good to see loon have a nice impact. last night second round of the masters. really windy and hard day out there. tiger woods taking cover. the stanford man made masters history today. chip in birdie on six. he's been fantastic from around the greens the first two days. then woods with the three wood on number 15. a perfect lead for the five time masters champ. he would two putt for birdie. sits at one over par. made the cut for a record breaking 24th consecutive time at augusta. we have a three way tie atop the leaderboard. how about 2022 masters champ scottie scheffler from the fairway on ten? that would lead to birdie. he's at six under callum max homa on number four a long birdie putt. homa played with woods and really outplayed tiger today. he's six under par.
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beautiful shot there. and there's clovis native bryson dechambeau who actually moved to sign himself. that was on in his way on 13. never seen that. got that out of the way. led to the birdie. he's at six under par. not pictured cows collin morikawa tied for fifth just three strokes off the pace. the a's are back at the coliseum for the first time since last week. announcement that they would. this would be the final season in oakland. the team's tempoorary going to move to sacramento in the next three seasons as they await what they hope is a las vegas ballpark. here's reaction from the teams ahead of tonight's game. excuse me against washington. >> this is one of those things that us as players, you know, you don't really have much of a say to it. you just got to take your punches and go along with it and, just continue to play baseball. >> we're focused on, you know, being a successful baseball team here in oakland and now that this is the last season, you know, it's our, our, our will to go out and, you know, have a september that's really meaningful. >> marcus is done a good job with some tough circumstances.
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giants open a three game set in tampa bay in the ninth. down one runner on third to tie the game. but juju lee flies out to left. giants lose two one. they drop to five and nine over all. abc seven sports is sponsored by your northern california honda. there's big warriors highlights coming up tonight at 11. >> good stuff. get down to the wire here chris. thank you. >> and a reminder that abc seven news is streaming 24 over seven. make sure to get the abc seven bay area app and join us wherever you want, wherever you happen to be. >> finally, this friday, a few thoughts about what really matters. when i was a kid, we lived for a few years in buffalo, new york. it's where i first started figure skating, something i continue to do and to teach through college. next to the rink in buffalo was the practice field used by the buffalo bills in those days, the late 60s, the nfl facilities were not very fancy, so players often came over to the rink to dress out, including one oj simpson. my mother spoke with him on a couple of occasions and said that he was courteous and
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very nice. like so many kids playing backyard football, i pretended to be the juice running the ball so it was a bit sad. 25 years later to be standing outside the l.a. courthouse reporting on the murder trial of a childhood hero . it was a spectacle and an american tragedy. two innocent people killed and a barrier breaking icon's fall from grace. o.j. simpson's death this week ends a painful chapter in this country on so many levels. perhaps what really matters is how his trial exposed some uncomfortable truths about race and justice in america. i always love to hear from you. let me know what you think. follow me on social media at dan ashley abc seven. >> well, that's all the time we have for this edition of abc seven news at six. i'm dionne lim and i'm dan ashley for the sandhya patel chris alvarez. >> all of us here, we appreciate your time. hope you have a nice rest of the evening and that we see you again for abc seven news at 11. >> yeah. have a good night. we'll see you soon.
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>> this is abc 724 seven. >> in san francisco, live at levi's stadium in san jose. >> live in oakland. yeah. you're watching abc seven news live. >> anytime, anywhere. >> we are, we are, we are, we are, we are, we are where you are. >> never miss a moment of the news that matters to you. download our abc seven bay area
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and our returning champion, a writer and creative executive originally from san jose, california... whose one day cash winnings totaled $28,600. and now, here is the host of "jeopardy!"... ken jennings. thank you, johnny. welcome to "jeopardy!" in yesterday's game, alison betts had that big payday, pulled off an exciting win, but perhaps even more impressively, managed to keep secret from her three kids where she was spending the day. cat may be out of the bag today as sarah and brian join us as the new challengers. good luck to all three of you. let's get into the round. your "jeopardy!" categories will be... first... then... followed by... and finally...


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