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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM  ABC  April 12, 2024 11:00pm-11:36pm PDT

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a bad situation. >> even worse, new extremes for california's home insurance crisis. thousands of homeowners are losing their insurance. and now we're learning. even fire stations can't get coverage. >> san francisco is sending its mayor to the other side of the globe, trying to bring back new business and possibly pandas. it's all tonight on abc seven news at 11. >> always live. abc seven news starts right now.
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>> a large stretch of warm weather is done. the rain is on the way tonight. good evening, i'm diane lim and i'm dan ashley . >> thanks for joining us. let's get straight to the storm heading for the bay area abc seven news meteorologist sandhya patel is tracking it for us. yeah >> and dan and dion is closing in on the bay area already. let me show you live doppler seven. as we are seeing some wet weather along parts of the coast and the north bay. so let's get you into street level radar on live doppler seven. it is getting wet from fort ross, fort ross road into jenner area. we're going to take this back the last couple of hours, and you will notice those showers beginning to rotate in. rainfall totals have been a few hundredths to about a few tenths of an inch in the north bay, but a few hundredths of an inch have been reported along the coast as well. with this level one storm that is cold for this time of year as we go, hour by hour, you will notice at 3 a.m. some downpours coming through snow over our higher peaks at 7 a.m. and really just bands of showers will continue to rotate in. we also have the risk of thunderstorms for tomorrow. it
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is a shaky view from sutro tower as the winds are gusting 39 miles an hour. lahonda 41 mount eminem, atlas peak you're gusting to about 40 miles an hour. i'll be back to let you know if the entire weekend will include this, which is a level one storm for tomorrow. it's going to be brief downpours with the rain chance of thunder, hail and snow on our highest peaks. the full forecast coming right up, diane. >> all right, we'll see you soon. that wet weather could mean setbacks for people in the south bay, cut off by a landslide that hasn't stopped moving the main road into their neighborhood is still crumbling. dozens of families live off mountain charley road near highway 17, in the santa cruz mountains. tonight, abc seven news reporter lauren martinez hiked up to see the damage that keeps getting worse. >> so this used to be connected to the end of the driveway over there. >> don farris and his wife charlotte live in one of five homes now isolated by a massive landslide. >> they park their car off mountain charley road in los
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gatos and use a makeshift trail to hike home. >> but all this has been kind of crushed up. i'm trying to catch my breath. >> according to the county, this landslide is still active. they're seeing 1 to 2ft of movement weekly since it started at the end of february. on friday, a geotechnical team used a drill rig to install an inclinometer. >> it's about a 70 foot deep boring that enables us to see subsurface movement so we can detect where the slide plane is. >> the county says they'll be collecting data on saturday, monday and next week. >> not only will it measure subsurface ground movement, but we'll have instrumentation in there to measure groundwater elevations as well. >> the data will help crews figure out what type of repairs are needed. >> to me, it's encouraging because this is some action that's taking place. >> the biggest concern to farris how will the county get the funds to repair it? >> but it'll probably be a year to 2 or 3 years that that we're
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going to be in this. and that means winter, winter and winter. >> farris said his neighbors are helping each other out. one of the oldest is 85 years old. one of the youngest is benjie, who is almost two. >> we can't go anywhere. i mean, we wouldn't be able to move anything. so we're here. >> they do miss having friends or family over. >> i mean, my dad is. i told him he wants to come in a few months. i don't know, i told him you're going to. you're going to hike because he seems to be okay. so we'll see for now, it's wait and see. >> for these residents. >> we're still kind of in shock, trying to make the adjustments in terms of, okay, how do we how do we navigate this in the santa cruz mountains? >> lauren martinez, abc seven news tragedy on the russian river a teenage boy out for a swim has died. >> sadly, the boy and another teen were swimming at steelhead beach with a group yesterday when they got into trouble. the other swimmer was rescued but the teenager disappeared. his body was found this afternoon. officials say the rains have
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left the water level high at the russian river, and the current is very strong. they're asking everyone to be aware of that and take precautions. >> new at 11 a major rat infestation has part of a nursing home shut down in the north bay. sonoma county health leaders discovered the gross situation last week. an inspection report for north bay post-acute in petaluma says the county found rat droppings all over the place, and bags of food with teeth marks. the county shut down the kitchen while the nursing home gets pest control help. the inspection report says the company will be bringing in meals from another nursing home nearby. north bay post-acute did not have comment for us tonight. >> california's wildlife or wildfire insurance crisis is getting so bad you ready for this? the state can't even get coverage for fire stations. it came up this week as part of a cal fire budget discussion. cal fire tells state lawmakers it can't get coverage for two fire stations because no insurers would take them, citing the
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wildfire risk. it's an obstacle for cal fire as it tries to pay for renovations at those facilities. lawmakers are calling it ironic and just plain crazy. >> i mean, we can't get in fire insurance at a fire station. it's going to be manned by firefighters. that's that's where we are in california. that's to me is just crazy. >> it's wild, isn't it? state farm is planning to drop thousands of homeowners across the bay area this summer because of fire risk. the insurance company says it's necessary for its financial solvency in the event of a big fire. >> well, the city of san francisco is celebrating completing recommended police reforms. these goals were initially set out by the us department of justice way back in 2016, intended to better connect police with the communities they serve. an objective police chief bill scott says they've accomplished. >> now we're starting to see use of force going down again. we've increased diversity in hiring and recruitment. that was one of
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the five areas of focus now, despite the progress, some think the celebrations are premature. >> the sf public defender's office saying today racial bias and excessive force still exist within sfpd. >> we can't forget that the racial disparities in terms of who gets stopped, who gets searched and who has force used on them are still, grossly problematic and they still exist. >> mayor breed says the work will continue to balance reforms with public safety for the city. right. >> we want to give you a look at some of the headlines that you'll see in the days to come. so here is abc seven news at 11 advancer. and as we give you a look at some of the things that we can expect, first here, a trip that could lead to a business and tourism boost for san francisco. at least that's the hope. mayor london breed is flying to china this weekend for a week long visit. president xi jinping extended the invitation during last year's apec summit. abc seven news reporter tara campbell asked the mayor what san francisco might get out of
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it. >> san francisco mayor london breed, making an appearance at the chinatown night market friday ahead of her trip to china this weekend. >> i'm most excited about going to china and bringing back pandas. i'm like fingers crossed, i want to see a panda in person in china, too. >> but breed's trip is about a lot more than bringing pandas to the san francisco zoo. >> i'm also excited about what this means about our relationship between san francisco and china, and what the future holds. >> the mayor hoping to drum up business for the city, traveling with asian business and community leaders to several cities, including beijing and shanghai, making sure that we're making a connection to businesses to make investments in san francisco, we're going to be meeting with airlines to talk about some more direct flights. she's also going to meet with several universities to talk about campus partnerships. >> so we're definitely going to be talking about exchange program as well as satellite campuses. everything's on the table. >> and from business owners to lawmakers, there's people at the
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night market are getting behind the mayor's visit, having more international tourists for our city. >> i think it's very helpful. we do have a lot of asian uh, a lot of people from china, it's good for her to go there and visit and also, i know she's, looking forward for the panda san francisco's relationship with china and with east asia and south asia is an incredibly important state, senator scott wiener says despite significant political disagreements with the government of china, breed's trip is still important. >> the people of china are so deeply connected to the people of san francisco, and we need to keep those cross-cultural ties strong, tara campbell, abc seven news. >> our next advancer tonight is the timeline to get highway one back open near big sur. crews are working to fix a part of the road that collapsed a couple weeks ago, south of the rocky
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creek bridge. caltrans hopes to complete initial repairs to stabilize the edge of the road by memorial day. convoys will continue to transport cars through the damage. in the meantime. once initial work is done, alternating one way traffic can be signaled through the area. >> all right, our next adventure. you may need a reservation the next time you go to visit yosemite national park. because of their new system, officials are trying to limit overcrowding in response to hours long backups at the entrances. a so starting this saturday, you'll be required to make a reservation on weekends, and then it picks up to seven days a week for about six weeks during the summertime. but we'll return to weekends only going forward through most of october. just go to the park's website to reserve your visit ahead of time, and our final abc seven news at 11 advancer. >> tonight is a very busy weekend ahead for san francisco tomorrow morning at 11, the cesar chavez parade steps off from dolores park, celebrating
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the legacy of california's legendary labor leader. the festival on 24th street between folsom and bryant, runs from 11 to 6. it's just one of several events happening in the city this weekend. japantown is celebrating the first weekend of the northern california cherry blossom festival, and tomorrow kicks off san francisco's first ever weed week, with events and businesses across the city. >> a lot more to bring you this friday night. a deadly crash at a cruise ship terminal in hawaii. the shuttle driver tried to stop it but smashed into a crowd instead. and some good news for a community in desperate need of it. >> we'll take you to the return of oakland's first fridays and look at what it will take to keep the celebration going. the future of work could be working less. >> why? a growing number of ceos say a shorter workweek could actually solve some problems. we'll ha
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us scary moments in paradise as a tour bus plowed into a crowd of people in hawaii. one woman is dead and five others hurt in the crash at a cruise ship terminal in honolulu this morning, police say the driver had stepped out of the bus when it just started rolling forward. investigators believe the driver ran back to the bus, but he pressed the gas instead of the brakes. >> somebody screamed and then i looked over and the bus hit into the crowd. and then it just kept going until it hit the wall. there it knocked over the cement, big cement block was pushed out and the bus hit into the wall. >> police are investigating whether alcohol or drugs played a role in the crash. tourism
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officials say most of the victims are from illinois. >> the us government expects iran to carry out strikes against multiple targets inside israel in the coming days, and intends to intercept them. the biden administration is warning tehran not to interfere with its global ally. involvement from iran could escalate conflicts in the middle east, a situation that the us has sought to avoid since the israel-hamas war started. when asked if us troops were at risk, the president emphasized they are devoted to the defense of israel. vice president kamala harris is in los angeles tonight, hours after delivering a blistering speech on abortion rights. speaking in tucson, arizona, harris laid blame on arizona's near-total ban on one person former president donald trump. >> overturning roe was just the opening act, just the opening act of a larger strategy to take women's rights and freedoms part
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of a full on attack state by state, on reproductive freedom. former president donald trump did this. >> trump says he would not sign a national abortion ban if he is elected president. again. that contradicts his stance during his first tum. >> new at 11 instagram is testing some new features in an attempt to crack down on teenage sextortion. the features include blurring nude images sent in direct messages to or from users under 18, and in-app warnings about potential scams. there's been a new trend of scammers convincing minors to send nude photos. they then threaten posting the photos online unless the teens send money or gift cards. experts tell abc news these new features are a good step, but still not enough to protect kids. >> well, the weather might have been a tad chilly, but the ambiance was very warm tonight as oakland's first friday returned. the event took a three month break because of financial
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problems. the music, the food and the crowds, they're all back on telegraph avenue for oakland first fridays. this is where we celebrate. >> this is where we have fun. >> and it's a safe space for a city that's about to lose its last pro sports team and seen restaurant closures along hegenberger road because of crime. this event is an oasis. >> first fridays wasn't here, then it would just take away like our pride and joy of the city. >> organizers expect 30,000 people at today's event. first fridays has been around over a decade. it started as an art crawl. now it's a place to come, eat, sing and shop. >> there's a lot of stuff that's going away from oakland, so this definitely needs to stay at first friday definitely needs to stay for rafaelito yusef. >> first fridays is an important way to connect with customers and make a living. i have a lot of customers. >> they're only waiting for me a once a month to come here. >> but financial problems forced oakland first fridays to shut
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down in december. the koreatown northgate community benefit district organizes this festival . it spends about $45,000 a month to put it all together, and loses about $10,000 every month. >> we were living off of grant and pptp loans and things that we were actually had from the covid situation, so we balanced that out for a couple of years, and it just we watched the money dwindle last year, kono ended up nearly $100,000 in debt. >> it used the three month hiatus to raise money. it needs $150,000. so far, it's only collected less than 37,000. >> well, the way we go to work has changed so much over the last few years. with the rise of remote work, the next big change may be longer weekends. a new survey of ceos found nearly a third of large companies in the u.s. are exploring a four day workweek. some bosses say burnout is such a big problem. shortening the workweek could help with retention. studies of
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companies with four day work weeks right now found productivity improved. >> and do we get to vote all for it? well the beloved golden bachelor couple, gary and theresa are getting a divorce. >> yeah, to the dismay of so many and the delight of others, this relationship did not withstand the test of time. >> the two married on live television three months ago, so not much time. and today on good morning america, they announced their bittersweet end. >> we looked at homes in south carolina. we considered new jersey, and we just looked at homes after home. but we never got to the point where we made that decision. >> so will you both continue to look for love? >> oh yeah. yes, yes. >> and we tell everybody else to continue to look for love. >> you know, i still love you. i still love you. >> so yeah. >> well they say at their age they had no interest in wasting any time playing pretend for the public eye. they'd rather live apart and near their own families.
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>> well, we wish them well. >> yeah, good for them. >> all right, let's return to the weather now. and that wet weekend storm that's on the way. >> yes, we have been bracing for it all week long. meteorologist sandhya patel has all the details. hi, sandy. hi, there. >> yeah, diane and dan. it is going to be a stormy start to your weekend, but don't worry, it's not going to end completely like that. let me show you live doppler seven and you will notice across parts of northern california they've been seeing the rain here in the bay area the last couple of hours. the rtbay and parts of the coast picking up some wet weather. as we get you into street level radar, i'll show you where the rain is falling. it's pretty light around. see ranch annapolis road as we look at cloverdale. highway 101 heading into hopland. ukiah also sfo reporting some light showers. so this wider perspective showing you two areas of low pressure spinning around this cold storm for this time of year. it's pretty late in the season. here's the first low. here's the second one. so first comes the cold front that is starting to move into the north bay. it will
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push through overnight. and then comes the low. so that's why we have the instability in the forecast for thunderstorms tomorrow. winds are gusting out of the south 28 miles an hour and a half moon bay 21 in livermore, 30 in napa. those winds even stronger over the higher terrain temperatures right now in the 40s and the 50s. as we take a look at some of the storm concerns tomorrow, as we do see some downpours at times, there will be some ponding on the roadways. it's a pretty high likelihood trees down and power outages is low. lightning risk will be in the moderate category, even bordering high. if enough instability develops overnight. wet and windy weather tomorrow. wintry mix. thunderstorm chance and on sunday we are talking about occasional spotty showers so it's not going to be a complete washout. it's a level one, a light storm for tomorrow. rain, brief downpours, gusty winds, definitely a chance of thunder and hail with snow on our highest peaks as we go hour by hour. notice at midnight it's still pretty windy. hopefully it doesn't keep you up at night.
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the winds will remain gusty all the way through tomorrow evening , dying down at times and picking right back up again. 4 a.m. tomorrow. we're seeing some heavy rain going through at 7 a.m. notice the snow over mount hamilton, the santa cruz mountains, seeing a mixed bag of precip and up to our north lake and mendocino counties in the hills. it turns over to scattered showers rapidly by noontime, and those showers just keep coming through. in the evening you will see some pockets of moderate rain in the evening as well. sunday morning a few showers and then you get a lot of breaks and you get some clouds and sun. and then 3:00 here come a few more showers so you will notice far less coverage, less frequent on sunday. that's your better day to get outside. rainfall projections 4/10 of an inch in brentwood over an inch and half moon bay, ukiah. some of the santa cruz mountains, some locations could pick up an inch and a half to two inches. and speaking of mountains, snow over the santa cruz mountains, mount hamilton will likely accumulate a few inches and up to our north, so be prepared for the
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chill. have your umbrellas handy and tomorrow morning will be the stormiest time period. temperatures in the 40s and 50s as we look at our afternoon highs, they'll be in the 40s and 50s for most of you today we saw double digit drop in temperatures for many areas. tomorrow is even chillier, believe it or not. accuweather seven day forecast. it's a stormy start to your weekend level one with rain, snow mix, spotty showers for your sunday. it's a level one. you'll see sun breaks and then we're going to switch it up dry and warmer for next week will bring spring back with 80s inland 70s around the bay and 60s coast side. dion and
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ballers. millions of fans are anticipated to tune in to monday night's draft, and 1000 will join in person for the first time. caitlin clark, angel reese and stanford's own cameron brink are headed to the pros. you can watch the draft monday night on our sister network, espn. >> some great female players now in the league. fantastic. well, a busy day of sports golf, baseball and a huge warriors game at chase. >> chris alvarez joining us now with a look at sports chris. >> hey dan and deion coming up in sports. second round of the masters. giants and a's both in action. and as the warriors playoff push continues. could
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steph curry save the day in a massive game against the pelicans?
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ninth in the west, and by the end of the regular season could reach as high as eight or drop to 10th in the standings. a lot to be played out by sunday. dub nation ready for a show. warriors led by nine after one. new orleans outscored the warriors 4522, in the second. trey murphy a deep three. final play of the first half. perfect execution steph curry beats the buzzer. warriors down 14 though at the half. zion williamson was a beast for new orleans. three of his 26 here part of an 11 zero run. dubs trailed by as many as 16. but in the fourth six point game, paul dishes to klay thompson dubs down three part of a 12 one run under three and a half. warriors just break down on defense. herb jones corner three. uh- pels back up a dozen but stephen curry scored 16 of his game. high 33 in the fourth. splash warriors back down three under. 20s chance of tie steph in scramble mode. three pointer off the mark and that would do it. warriors lose 114 109 dropped to 10th in the
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west. as it stands they would have to play at the nine seed kings. regular season finale though sunday versus utah baseball now. giants open the three game set in tampa bay michael conforto with a lovely effort. jorge soler strikes out looking here. bob melvin not happy. he was ejected. see you later. take a seat. top of the ninth now. giants down one tying run on third. two out. jungwoo lee flies out to left ball game. giants lose two one. they dropped a five and nine overall. a's hosting the nationals this young man got a foul ball. he'll never forget that lawrence butler hit a homer earlier and in the 10th delivers the first game winning hit of his career. a's walk it off two 1 in 10. second round of the masters. windy tough day. tiger woods taking cover stanford man though made masters history. chip in birdie on six. he's been fantastic from around the greens. the first two days. made the cut for a record breaking 24th consecutive time at augusta. we have a three way tie atop the leaderboard. 2022
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masters champ scottie scheffler from the fairway on ten. that would lead to birdie. he's at six under. cal alum max holm for on long birdie putt. yeah it's going to go and he outplayed tiger. actually he was in the same group. he's at six under par. then there's clovis native bryson dechambeau. actually moved to sign himself. it was in his way on 13. never seen that. but that led to a birdie. he's at six under par. not pictured. cal's collin morikawa tied for fifth just three strokes off the pace. sports oabc seven, sponsored by riv
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