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tv   ABC7 News 600AM  ABC  April 13, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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mornings live now at six, waking up to rain across the bay area.
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>> live doppler seven is lit up in green as the latest storm is moving through. meteorologist frances dinglasan has your wet and windy forecast. plus, the san francisco mayor heads to china today. from tourism to pandas, the topics of discussion expected over the weekend, plus, it would probably be a year to two uh- or three years that that we're going to be in this. >> and that means winter. winter winter slide set back in the santa cruz mountains, residents left with few options of getting around. >> as the county reports, there is some progress being made. good morning. it's saturday, april 13th. i'm stephanie sierra and we begin with the weather and that level one system. francis dinglasan is back and we're so happy to have you with us. what's the latest? >> all right. you're going to want to grab your winter coats and your parkas because it is going to be wet and windy throughout the day. and definitely on the cool side, here's live doppler seven. lots of light rain in the green falling over the bay area with
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some heavier rain closer towards the santa cruz mountains and just past san jose. and this system will bring us wet weather through the weekend. as you can see how widespread it is. it's going to be a cold one too, on our storm impact scale. it's a level one storm out of five light, but we can we can see brief downpours at times, gusty conditions, even a chance of thunder and small hail bringing snow to some of our highest peaks. so for the next couple hours we'll see some heavy rain. 6:00 this morning, the yellow there moving through napa. that's a heavier rainfall. the pink and white is the snow. and then by 8:00 this morning, you'll notice it starts to slide east. 10:00 we get a little bit of a break along the peninsula and then by lunchtime it really moves towards central valley. but the showers will continue to pop up throughout the day. so don't be caught by surprise. you'll need your jacket. i'll let you know how much rainfall you can expect this weekend, and i'll talk about a warm up.
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stephanie. >> all right, francis, thank you. today mayor london breed is flying to china for a week long visit. president xi jinping has extended that invitation during last year's apec summit. abc seven news reporter tara campbell asked the mayor what san francisco will get out of it. san francisco mayor london breed making an appearance at the chinatown night market friday ahead of her trip to china this weekend. >> i'm most excited about going to china and bringing back pandas. >> i'm like, fingers crossed, i want to see a panda in person in china too. >> but breed's trip is about a lot more than bringing pandas to the san francisco zoo. >> i'm also excited about what this means about our relationship between san francisco and china, and what the future holds. >> the mayor, hoping to drum up business for the city, traveling with asian business and community leaders to several cities, including beijing and shanghai, making sure that we're making a connection to businesses to make investments in san francisco, we're going to be meeting with airlines to talk
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about some more direct flights. she's also going to meet with several universities to talk about campus partnerships. >> so we're definitely going to be talking about exchange program as well as satellite campuses. everything is on the table. >> and from business owners to lawmakers, people at the night market are getting behind the mayor's visit, having more international tourists for our city. >> i think it's very helpful. we do have a lot of asian uh, a lot of people from china, it's good for her to go there and visit. and also, i know she's, looking forward for the panda. >> san francisco's relationship with china and with east asia and south asia is an incredibly important state, senator scott wiener says despite significant political disagreements with the government of china, breed's trip is still important. the people of china are so deeply connected to the people of san francisco, and we need to keep those cross-cultural ties
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strong. >> tara campbell, abc seven news. >> now to this multiple lanes on eastbound 580 in livermore are blocked after a big rig carrying nearly 22,000 pounds of wood overturned last night. two lanes are currently open. here's a live look from 580 right now. it happened near the north livermore off ramp, and chp says the crash did cause some minor injuries. it's not known when all lanes will be back open. the wet weather this weekend could mean setbacks for people in the south bay, cut off by a landslide that hasn't stopped moving the main road into their neighborhood is still crumbling. dozens of families live off mountain charley road near highway 17, in the santa cruz mountains. abc seven news reporter lauren martinez shows us the damage that keeps getting worse. >> so this used to be connected to the end of the driveway over there. >> don farris and his wife charlotte live in one of five homes now isolated by a massive
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landslide. they park their car off mountain charley road in los gatos and use a makeshift trail to hike home. >> but all this has been kind of crushed up. i'm trying to catch my breath. >> according to the county, this landslide is still active. they're seeing 1 to 2ft of movement weekly since it started at the end of february. on friday, a geotechnical team used a drill rig to install an incline ometer. >> it's about a 70 foot deep boring that enables us to see subsurface movement so we can detect where the slide plane is. >> the county says they'll be collecting data on saturday, monday and next week. >> not only will it measure subsurface ground movement, but we'll have instrumentation in there to measure groundwater elevations as well. >> the data will help crews figure out what type of repairs are needed. >> to me, it's encouraging because this is some action that's taking place. >> the biggest concern to ferris how will the county get the funds to repair it?
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>> but it'll probably be a year to 2 or 3 years that that we're going to be in this. and that means winter, winter, winter. ferris said his neighbors are helping each other out. >> one of the oldest is 85 years old. one of the youngest is benji, who is almost two. >> we can't go anywhere. i mean, we wouldn't be able to move anything, so we're here. >> they do miss having friends or family over. >> i mean, my dad is. i told him he wants to come in a few months. i don't know, i told him you're going to. you're going to hike. he seems to be okay. so we'll see. >> for now, it's wait and see. for these residents. >> we're still kind of in shock. uh- trying to make the adjustments in terms of, okay, how do we how do we navigate this in the santa cruz mountains ? >> lauren martinez abc seven news in the north bay, a teenage boy who was out for a swim has died. the boy and another teen were swimming at steelhead beach with a group on thursday when they got into trouble in the water. the other swimmer was
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rescued but the teen disappeared. his body was found yesterday afternoon. officials say the recent rain has led to high water levels at the russian river, and the current is very strong. a major rat infestation has part of a nursing home shut down in the north bay. sonoma county health leaders discovered the situation just last week. an inspection report for north bay post-acute in petaluma says the county found rat droppings all over the place and bags of food with teeth marks the county shut down the kitchen while the nursing home gets help from pest control. the inspection report says the company will bring in meals from another nursing home nearby. north bay post-acute did not have a comment for abc seven. california's wildfire insurance crisis is getting so bad the state can't even get coverage for fire stations. it came up this week as a part of a cal fire budget discussion. cal fire told state lawmakers it could not get coverage for two specific fire stations because no insurers would take them, citing wildfire risk. it's an
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obstacle for cal fire as it tries to pay for certain renovations at those facilities. lawmakers called it ironic and crazy. >> i mean, we can't get in fire insurance at a fire station. it's going to be manned by firefighters. that's that's where we are in california. that's to me, is just crazy. >> state farm is planning to drop thousands of homeowners across the bay area this summer because of fire risk. the insurance company says it's necessary for its financial solvency in the event of a big fire. the city of san francisco is celebrating completing recommended police reforms. the goals were initially set out by the us department of justice back in 2016, and intended to better connect police with the communities they serve. an objective police chief bill scott says they've accomplished. >> now we're starting to see use of force going down again. we've increased diversity in hiring and recruitment. that was one of
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the five areas of focus. >> despite the progress, some think the celebrations are premature. the public defenders office said racial bias and excessive force still exist within sfpd. as we head to break, let's check in with francis. how's it looking? >> it is looking wet and windy out there. live shot from emeryville shows you the maze and we've got raindrops on the camera lens. we can get anywhere from half an inch to an inch, and even more in some of our north bay locations. i'll let you know when the heaviest rain is expected to fall in your neighborhood. >> francis. thank you. and that rain is also hindering repairs near big sur. again on what changes are being made on highway one starting today. but first new this morning. bay area biotech workers take a hit. the latest companies to lay off hundreds in the coming month
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you're not alone. rent is up, and every family outing costs an arm and a leg. well, we want to help.
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so when prices go up, we find new ways to go low. and now, we've lowered the price on hundreds of your favorite products. designing something beautiful is easy. designing something beautiful with great quality for a low price? that's a different story. it's why we're here. that's a promise. not a promo. ♪ heatin' up the kitchen ♪ ♪ we got somethin different ♪ ♪ spreadin' good vibes all day ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ nada se puede comparar ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado ♪ hi. hey. nice to meet you. (♪) you're so amazing. (♪)
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at, i believe, the san francisco oak. this is oakland airport, and you can see the raindrops on our lens making for a blurry view here. most of the rain is moving through the area right now as we're tracking this level one system at 612 new this morning, south san francisco based biotech companies genentech and sanofi are expected to lay off hundreds of workers. genentech will lay off more than 430 employees from its headquarters starting on june 5th. it's all part of a plan to wind down production. french pharmaceutical company sanofi says it's closing its facility at two tower place. that closure will affect about 100 employees starting on june 3rd. in the south bay, a business in downtown san jose is struggling after their third major break in this year. the latest involved their safe being stolen. and now the owners are demanding the city make some changes. abc seven news reporter dustin dorsey explains how the city
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hopes to curb crime downtown. >> since 2017, guildhouse has been an entertainment destination for gamers in downtown san jose, but it's also been a hot spot for crime. eight break ins total three this year, and the latest has founder kevin wick at a breaking point. >> it's a bigger problem than it should be, and the reason we're talking about it now, in the past, we've always kept it under wraps. and, that wasn't working. >> and the event on march 26th was different. just after closing down for the night, owners say burglars cut a hole through the back door of the guild house. surveillance footage captured them stealing their safe. co-owner david faria says the thieves evaded security put in place after previous break ins, including a motion sensor on the door that was cut open. >> the sensor is only gets out here. it doesn't get directly under the door. they were under it and they went straight through our storage room into our office. >> every time we've had a break in, we've increased our cameras. we've increased our, closing procedures, we've increased our
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locks and it just is not helping. >> besides the loss of stolen goods, it cost to repair damage and beef up security. it's somewhere in the ballpark of $50,000. >> we're a small business. small businesses operate on very thin margins. this is just one more hit that, you know, we didn't want to take. >> theft has been a major problem in the sofa neighborhood. wick says. academic coffee, original joe's and touchstone climbing have all been burglarized this year. city leaders met with guildhouse owners friday in an attempt to tackle the problem. we're going to keep pushing hard to properly staff our police department. >> i'm going to continue to advocate for the rest of the system to hold people accountable, particularly when they are repeat offenders, as we've talked about before. and we'll continue to lean into technology like the crime capture program. >> after repeated attempts to stop the problem on their own, these owners hope anything can make a difference, not because we want to make it feel like san jose is not a safe place to have a business, but because we want
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to make it better in san jose. dustin dawsey abc seven news well, there's some exciting news for swimmers in walnut creek. >> the city plans to build a brand new pool. the latest design consists of a new olympic size pool, a smaller pool and a playground. plus some new offices and locker rooms. the project could cost around $77 million. >> the priority for the aquatic foundation was to see that the needs of the community are met. well, there's a huge need for facilities that can host competition. there are few and far between. believe it or not, most of the facilities in the bay area are older facilities. >> the city council is expected to vote on it next week. if approved, the council will commission additional renderings and get a better idea for when construction would start. oakland first fridays is back. the event took a three month break because of some financial problems, and then skipped last week because of the rain, abc seven news anchor dan ashley has
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the fight to keep the event going. despite all these challenges. >> the music, the food, the crowds they're all back on telegraph avenue for oakland first fridays. this is where we celebrate, this is where we have fun. >> and it's a safe space for a city that's about to lose its last pro sports team and seen restaurant closures along hegenberger road because of crime. >> this event is an oasis. >> first fridays wasn't here, then it would just take away like our pride and joy of the city. >> organizers expect 30,000 people at today's event. first fridays has been around over a decade. it started as an art crawl. now it's a place to come, eat, sing and shop. >> there's a lot of stuff that's going away from oakland, so this definitely needs to stay at first friday definitely needs to stay for ruffato yousef. >> first fridays is an important way to connect with customers and make a living. i have a lot of customers, the only waiting for me a once a month to come
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here. but financial problems forced oakland first fridays to shut down in december. the koreatown northgate community benefit district organizes this festival. it spends about $45,000 a month to put it all together, and loses about $10,000 every month. >> we were living off of grant and pgp loans and things that we were actually had from the covid situation, so we balanced that out for a couple of years, and it just we watched the money dwindle last year, kono ended up nearly $100,000 in debt. >> it used the three month hiatus to raise money. it needs $150,000. so far, it's only collected less than 37,000. dan ashley, abc seven news. >> organizers are looking for a corporate sponsor, and they're also hosting a golf tournament in june to raise money. crews are still working to fix a part of highway one that collapsed a couple of weeks ago near big sur, south of the rocky creek bridge. caltrans hopes to
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complete repairs to stabilize the edge of the road by memorial day. daily convoys escorting drivers are canceled today because of the rain. convoys are expected to resume tomorrow morning at seven, and that rain continues today with more on the way. francis is tracking it all. and you know, i woke up to it this morning. i was telling you earlier, but there's something soothing about it, too. i mean, do you find it soothing or do you love it? >> it's kind of like white noise when you're sleeping. yeah, except then we had to wake up early and head into work, and i grabbed my winter parka because temperatures are definitely a lot cooler than what we would expect for this time of the year. in fact, it's feeling more like winter as we show you live doppler seven the satellite radar image. we have some light rain in the green falling all around the bay area, some heavier rain in the orange and yellow falling in the santa cruz mountains. and then just east of san jose where we had a few accidents earlier this morning. a live shot of the san mateo
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bridge shows you some of these wet conditions you'll be facing. if you're heading out this morning, and check out the 40s right now in san francisco. 47. oakland 49. san mateo 48 degrees and half moon bay only 46. a little bit milder, though, in san jose, at 53 degrees from emeryville, we're looking south towards the maze. we see more 40s in the north bay, like santa rosa, 46, petaluma 45, and fairfield, concord and livermore have also cooled down. they're now in the upper 40s, as we show you live shot of the gray skies and some rain over san jose. here are the headlines for the week ahead for today. it's going to be wet, windy with a chance of thunderstorms. when the thunderstorms move through, we could even see some small hail and heavy downpours. tomorrow it will turn into spotty showers and then like this, we do have a warm up midweek where temperatures will be in the 80s for our inland locations. forecast animation shows this heavy rain moving east in the next couple hours,
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so the areas of yellow show the heavier rainfall and the pink and white is snowfall on some of our highest peaks. by lunchtime, we'll get a little bit of a break near san rafael, san francisco, and part of the peninsula, which is great news for people heading to dolores park. but you will notice that the showers will continue throughout the evening and through tomorrow. we'll still get some rain in the north bay 9:00 tomorrow morning and even some showers moving through sunday evening before things finally dry out. so here's what you can expect in terms of rainfall estimates. generally half an inch to possibly three quarters of an inch. the areas there in blue, like san francisco, richmond near three quarters, more than that in the north bay, possibly over an inch. the winds will be gusty, especially this afternoon, possibly even over 30mph in sfo. half moon bay and oakland, and it will remain breezy throughout the evening. temperatures well below average only in the mid to
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upper 50s for almost everyone, with the exception of san jose and then in the south overnight tonight rather will be in the 40s, so it's going to be chilly. here's the accuweather seven day forecast a level one storm today, tapering off tomorrow, but then warming up midweek thursday and also even
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coming up on gma israel on high alert amid the possibility of an attack from iran in retaliation for the deadly strike on the iranian consulate in syria, sources say iran has readied more than 100 cruise missiles. president biden with a warning to iran. our report from the region and breaking news. at least five people killed after a stabbing attack at a busy shopping center in sydney, australia. authorities shooting
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and killing the suspect. the major police response plus spring sales, big retailers pulling out all the stops to get you to stop in from clothing to backyard items. why you need to act fast to save. it's all coming up right here on gma. >> speaking of sales, it's time now for our newest segment called it's a big deal, where we showcase some of america's most beloved products. this week, we're rounding up the best audio gear. sam champion and danny beckstrom have the best audio essentials you can shop for right now. hello again and welcome to it's a big deal, where we bring you all the hottest deals on the best products and listen, it's a big deal has never sounded better because this week we're talking audio. >> scan the qr code to get shopping. you know it's all about that bass when it comes to marshall. well, and speaker absolutely true. >> you're going to be surprised about the amount of bass you get out of the size of this speaker. hefty bass for its size, dust and water resistant. plus, danny, can i tell you a little bit about this design? it's a
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little bit retro, but a whole lot sexy kind of chic, right? right, i think so take this to the park and everyone's going to love the design of the marshall. >> small but mighty. under $100. that's 16% off. that is a big deal. >> 16% off. very big deal. all right. every time we offer this abc favorite, it goes fast. so why not do it again, right. >> we've got the sony headphones noise cancellation comfortable ear cups so you can keep them on all day long. block out that noise you don't want to hear with a 30 hour battery life. >> great for travel. and by the way, alexa is built in for voice control so you can wear your headphones and operate the entire house. >> ladies and gentlemen, i like it. i also really love the matte colors. i just think they look really cool. >> i agree with you. that's a nice extra earbuds. speaking of colors, yes, you don't want to wear the same white color. everybody else has. >> so customize the google pixel buds pro, but they're compatible with both android and apple ios products up to 30 hours of battery life, so you're not constantly dropping them into a charging station. because you know what? i've started going
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back just to the corded headphones because i can't keep mine charged, but it's because mine don't come with 30 hour battery life. >> so look at the colors here. this is amazing. adaptive sound technology automatically adjusts to the sound based on your surroundings. >> that's a big deal. all right, these are cool. this is the jbl clip three. i know you're a fan of the brand as it is. >> i do like jbl for their sound quality, but i like this for you too because i've seen your backpack and it's very, very sparkly. >> me with an obnoxious accessory doesn't track, but this might class it up a little bit, right? let's hang a speaker off of it in case no one noticed me. i like the multiple colorways. i like the ten hour battery life, and it's just the kind of product that i see in the summer. you're riding the bike to the park, you got your tunes blasting. i love it again. >> don't worry about the water, don't worry about the dust. this is water and dust resistant. now all in one bar. it is the roku streambar. >> this has great sound quality and it's 20% off and abc exclusive. we love that giving you access to hundreds of streaming apps with that surround sound quality audio.
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right. >> so you've heard of roku in this, you get your stream bar, you get your sound, but you also get that access to every one of your favorite apps. quick and easy to set up. it says so right on the back of the box, and it's got easy instructions inside all these incredible audio essentials. >> on sale for a limited time only. >> don't miss. just scan the qr code and get to shopping. >> in our next half hour on abc, seven mornings abortion debate ahead of the election, the vice president giving an intense speech pointing to donald t
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we are devoted to the defense of israel. we will support israel. we will defend, help defend israel, and iran will not
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succeed. >> now, at 630, a warning to u.s. personnel in israel. the president's message as concerns over retaliatory strikes rise. good morning. we'll have more on that story in just a moment. but first, frances is here and she is tracking the latest on this rain. >> and it is wet out there right now. i want to show you live camera shot at the oakland airport. roads are slick. the runway is slick. also, sfo's reporting one hour and nine minute flight arrival delays right now as. doppler seven light green shows light rain falling all around the bay area, with some heavier rain in yellow and orange falling near san jose and the south bay. on our exclusive storm impact scale. it's a level one for today. rain with brief downpours and gusty winds expected a chance of thunder and even small hail bringing snow on our highest peaks. in the next few hours. we'll see the heavier rain move slowly eastward. so
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7:00 this morning we'll see some heavy rain through napa and oakland. the pink and white is a snow falling through some of our highest elevations, like in the mountains east of san jose. you'll notice by about midday we start to get a bit of a break right around the bay, but the showers will continue to wrap around this evening and tomorrow i'll have those total rainfall amounts coming up. >> stephanie francis, thank you. breaking overnight, six people are dead after a stabbing attack at a shopping center in sydney, australia. multiple people, including a child, are also injured. police say one person stabbed a total of nine people before an officer shot and killed him. crowds of people rushed out of the mall while this incident was happening, trying to get to safety. witnesses and shock describe what they saw. and then there was i saw a woman lying on the floor in chanel. >> sorry. what do you mean, the fight, i didn't see him properly. i was running, but, it's just. >> it was insane. >> i saw people running, like,
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quite clearly in one direction and behind them was a man with a knife running towards different people. he was running up to them or, you know, trying to. i don't know what he was doing. >> the motive is unclear. sydney shopping center is a well-known destination for locals and for tourists. we're also following breaking news in the middle east to abc news has confirmed a vessel linked to an israeli billionaire has been seized by iran's revolutionary guard. initial reports suggest navy special forces used a helicopter to board and seize the container ship in an area off the coast of iran, between the persian gulf and the gulf of oman. the ship was last located off dubai on friday, and we're learning it turned off its tracking data, which sources tell abc news is common for israeli affiliated ships moving through the region. now, this comes as the u.s. and israel are preparing for a retaliatory attack by iran. here's a live picture from tel
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aviv right now. abc news reporter derek dennis has president biden's message amid rising tensions, the u.s. is beefing up its presence in the middle east, moving additional ships and aircraft amid heightened concern about an imminent iranian retaliatory attack on israel. >> u.s. officials say iran has readied more than 100 cruise missiles and a sizable number of drones for a possible strike against israel. the retaliatory attack is a response to an israeli airstrike earlier this month on the iranian consulate in syria that killed top commanders. friday afternoon, president biden, very blunt in his message to iran after telling reporters he expects an iranian strike sooner than later . >> mr. president, to iran, in this moment, don't we are devoted to the defense of israel? >> we will support israel. we will defend help defend israel, and iran will not succeed. >> hours later, the president addressed concerns about americans in the region. mr.
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president, are you worried iran will kill americans says it is focused. >> vice president kamala harris delivered a blistering speech on abortion rights in los angeles. speaking in tucson, arizona, harris laid blame on arizona's near-total ban on one person former president donald trump. >> overturning roe was just the opening act, just the opening act of a larger strategy to take women's rights and freedoms part of a full on attack state by state, on reproductive freedom. former president donald trump did this. trump says he would not sign a national abortion ban if he is elected president again. >> but that does contradict his stance during his first terms. house speaker mike johnson
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pushed through the renewal of the foreign intelligence surveillance act, also known as fisa, which allows u.s. intelligence agencies to collect the communications of foreign nationals without a warrant. it's sometimes collects data on americans who interact with persons of interest. the fbi says fisa is critical to the security of all americans, especially in the fight against terrorism. >> our most immediate concern has been that individuals or small groups will draw some kind of twisted inspiration from the events in the middle east to carry out attacks here at home. >> we should not be expanding fisa. we should be creating safeguards to protect foundational civil liberties rights. the revised version shortens the law's lifespan from 5 to 2 years, and it will lapse if it is not reauthorized by next friday before we head to break, here's a reminder to file your taxes by the april 15th deadline. if you need more time,
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you can certainly file for an extension. you'll have until october 15th to do that. if you miss monday's deadline and you don't file anything, the irs will penalize you for each month that you're late. if you're still able to send your return, you should do that to the irs electronically or by mail. still ahead this morning, detecting cancer faster and up close. look at how a bay area facility is using ai to help patients on their road to recovery. and here's a live look from our golden gate bridge camera. some wet roads. you'll see this morning as we are tracking a level one
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you're not alone. rent is up, and every family outing costs an arm and a leg.
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well, we want to help. so when prices go up, we find new ways to go low. and now, we've lowered the price on hundreds of your favorite products. designing something beautiful is easy. designing something beautiful with great quality for a low price? that's a different story. it's why we're here. that's a promise. not a promo. here's a live picture to show you that on our lens here. from our exploratorium camera. looking at the bay bridge this morning, it's 639 in the bay area. a company is now using fda approved artificial intelligence to help detect types of breast
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cancer. i want to show you the experience. now being offered at san francisco's eve wellness. >> what stage were you in stage three? >> at age 38, jenna williams was diagnosed with stage three breast cancer. she was in disbelief. >> there's just no way i'm too young. this can't be possible. i didn't know where to go. i didn't know who to talk to. >> after noticing the lump, she couldn't get an appointment with her doctor, so she tried eve wellness, an ultrasound imaging center in san francisco that's using fda approved artificial intelligence. >> and within what period of time were you in the clinic? >> 12 hours. within 12 hours, she got screened. eight days later, she had her diagnosis. >> i was overwhelmed breast cancer will impact about 1 in 8 women in the united states. >> uh- 1 in 4. if you have a family history. >> eve wellness co-founder brendan foley says his clinic uses what's called an automated breast ultrasound machine. it's
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one of only three in san francisco that scans several images on each side of the breast. you can see we're taking a square image. >> this is a reproducible image. we're taking with the gea bus. and with that, the scan will go across the breast. >> the ai scan uses a software that compares the images taken against roughly 200 million other breast scans. >> i tried it myself, okay, i just want to verify that kiersten taylor, the clinical imaging specialist, performed a risk assessment. this will assess your risk of breast cancer in your lifetime. they're going to be doing a total of six images. >> the screening began lying down. >> it's going to be adding quite a bit of gel just on this first one here. >> the scan costs about $350, takes about 20 minutes, with results back in 48 hours. >> typically speaking, cancers do appear white on mammograms, so in all of these white areas, it's going to be a lot more difficult to identify if there's
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a cancer. we capture images right up in that armpit area. >> the clinic's physician says the ai software hasn't misdiagnosed any breast cancer since using it three years ago. the typical breast screening age is 40. some women prefer ultrasound screening because it's free of radiation, and there's no age restrictions or doctor referral needed, and for others, it may be more effective than traditional mammograms. a study by the national cancer institute found mammography is more likely to miss cancer among women with dense breast tissue. >> we've actually looked at this very carefully, and this has been going on for a long time. so if you have dense breast tissue, it it does you it's hard to get sound waves or x rays through the tissue. >> doctor laura esserman is a surgeon and breast cancer oncologist at ucsf, where she is the director of the breast cancer center. she says ultrasounds typically have high false positive rates, adding other options for women with dense breast tissue, especially
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if you're a mutation carrier. our contrast based exams like iv contrast mammography or an mri, because that allows you to look at how well vascularized what the blood flow is to a tumor and those that's a much more sensitive exam. esserman leads the wisdom study that compares annual mammograms versus personalized approaches to breast screening. that's based on individual risk. >> the rates of breast cancer have been increasing, in the united states as well. >> a recent study published in the journal of the american medical association found rates of early onset breast cancer has increased by nearly 4% among us women from 2016 through 2019. and while women over 50 are at higher risk, this study found a rising trend of breast cancer among women under 40. >> again, in young women, it isn't as common, but it's still common enough that you have to be aware and you can't have your
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head in the sand and think, oh, i'm not at risk. i'm a young woman and i don't have family history. look at patients like williams, know family history and diagnosed in her 30s. >> coming here expedited my entire experience. >> it wound up to be like a very rare, very aggressive cancer. if i waited months for appointments in the hospital systems, it could have been even worse. >> after six months of chemo, we're happy to report she's now cancer free. jenna shared so much strength and as her story pointed out, when it comes to ultrasound screening, it's never too early to try it. and that screening does cost $350 if you try it at eve and you can learn more on their website. eve all right. how's it looking outside, frances? >> it is looking wet and very cloudy, especially from mount tam. as we look towards the bay in kentfield, we already have 0.55in of rain just this
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morning. more to come through the next few hours and i'll let you know when we can expect some breaks in the wet weather. we'll be with you, my name is david. i've been a pharmacist for 44 years. when i have customers come in and ask for something for memory,
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i recommend prevagen. number one, because it's safe and effective. does not require a prescription. and i've been taking it quite a while myself and i know it works. and i love it when the customers come back in and tell me, "david, that really works so good for me." makes my day. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. we're about to go on a little adventure together. ta-da! hulu on disney+ is now available. i think we just found our new home.
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your favorites, together like never before. this is a destination spot. for disney bundle subscribers, hulu on disney+ is here. 8-80 closed. as you can see, all lanes closed heading towards the bridge. this is due to an accident you see towards the top of your screen. so if you are in the emeryville area heading into the city, give yourself some extra time. this morning at 646, shohei ohtani's, ex-manager and interpreter, has been ordered to attend gambling addiction counseling. he was released on bond after his first court appearance yesterday in los angeles. ep mizuhara is accused of bank fraud for allegedly stealing over $16 million from ohtani to use for illegal sports betting. he's been barred from gambling, surrendered his passport and cannot have any
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contact with witnesses or victims in the case. and that includes ohtani. >> mr. ohtani is considered a victim in this case. there is no evidence to indicate that mr. ohtani authorized the over $16 million of transfers from his account to the bookmakers if convicted, mizuhara faces up to 30 years in prison. >> his next hearing is scheduled for may 9th. today on abc seven, you can watch as teams race for a spot in the nhl playoffs. with less than a week to go in the regular season. first, the rangers take on the islanders face off is at 930. then seattle faces dallas on the road starting at noon, and the penguins take on the bruins at home. that game starts at five for bay area basketball fans, last night's warriors game at chase center was a major letdown. abc seven sports anchor chris alvarez explains the new playoff picture for the dubs. >> good morning. last night, the
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second to last game of the regular season for the warriors hosting the pelicans, they entered the night ninth in the west by the end of the regular season. tomorrow, they could reach as high as eight or drop to 10th in the standings. a lot to be decided. dub nation ready for a show at chase. warriors were up nine after one, but new orleans outscored the warriors 4522, in the second. trey murphy triple. final play of the first half. great execution. steph curry beats the buzzer. warriors down 14 at the break zion williamson was a beast. three of his 26 part of an 11 zero run. they trailed by as many as 16. but in the fourth six point game klay thompson three ball. yes part of a 12 one run under three and a half. warriors break down on defense and herb jones wide open corner three. it's a 12 point game but stephen curry 16 of his 33 in the fourth. how good is he. warriors down three under 20s to go. chance of tie steph got a look at it for the
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tie. no. and that would do it. warriors lose 114 109. dropped to 10th in the west as it stands. would have to play at the number nine seed. kings the regular season finale is tomorrow versus utah. baseball giants open a three game set in tampa bay. michael conforto nice play on defense. jorge soler a little later on strikes out looking. he's not happy. and then bob melvin, the manager not happy ejected. we go to the ninth. giants down one tying run on third. two out. jungwoo lee flies out. and that's your ball game. giants lose two one. they're five and nine overall. a's host the nationals. hey he's got a foul ball. really happy lawrence butler hit a homer earlier in the game and in the 10th delivers the first game winning hit of his career as the a's walk off two one winners in ten second round of the masters. windy tough day at augusta national. tiger woods taking cover. the stanford man made history chip in birdie on six. he's been fantastic from around
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the green. the first two days made the cut a record breaking 24th consecutive time at augusta. a three way tie atop the leaderboard. 2022 masters champ scottie scheffler from the fairway on ten. that would lead to birdie. he's at six under calum max homa number four long, long birdie putt. homa played with woods and outplayed him in the group. he's at six under par. and then there's clovis native bryson dechambeau actually moved a sign himself that was in his way on number 13. that led to a birdie. he's at six under par as well. not pictured. cal's collin morikawa tied for fifth, just three strokes off the pace. that is your look at sports. have a great saturday. send it back to you. >> thank you chris. the giants will be escaping the rain today as they play on the road in tampa bay and francis, i have an important question for you. have you ever had a crazy crab sandwich? no. >> have you? >> i have, i have a small obsession with it. that's why giants are on the road, though. so no crazy crab for me. >> yeah, i'm allergic to crab, but i love crab. of course i'm
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allergic to the stuff. i'm. i love. okay, here's a look at live doppler seven. we've got widespread light rainfall, even some heavier rain falling towards the south bay. right now. you can see that here with the red and the yellow. and that's where we've had some accidents. but we also have an accident that we've been following. stephanie mentioned to you, westbound 88, as you head towards the maze right at powell, traffic is already jammed towards ashby. and right now all lanes are blocked. temperatures also on the very cool side in san francisco it's 47. oakland, hayward 49. san jose 50. san mateo 47 and half moon bay only 46 degrees right now. so road conditions have been tough. if you can avoid driving this morning, it's best to hold off until a little bit later because we will get some breaks in santa rosa. it's 46. petaluma has dropped down to 43. we'll see. mid and upper 40s through napa, fairfield, concord and also in livermore. this time we're showing you live shot from sutro with gray clouds. and here are the headlines today. wet windy with the chance of
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thunderstorms that could even bring us some small hail at times. tomorrow showers will continue, but it will be spotty. so we'll get more breaks in the rainfall and then the winter weather is gone. next week we'll be warming up, especially midweek where inland areas will see temperatures in the 80s. so here's a futurecast model. we'll see this wide band of rain moving slowly eastward. and notice by about lunchtime we'll get a bit of a break there in san francisco along the peninsula coast. so that's good news if you're heading towards dolores park for the festivities. but always have an umbrella handy because these pop up showers could linger throughout tonight and even tomorrow. 9:00 tomorrow morning, some light rain falling in the north bay, and then even some showers passing through the bay area once again tomorrow night and then clearing out by tomorrow evening. so rainfall amounts generally about a 2:45 quarters of an inch for most areas. and then we could get more than an inch in the areas of green in parts of the north bay. and winds will be picking
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up. it will be gusty, picking up to over 30mph in some spots. late morning, even 31mph, 37 in half moon bay and then it starts to die down. but it will still be breezy this evening. now temperatures are well below average in santa rosa. our average is 69. today, only 56, san francisco 57, oakland 58, san jose 60 degrees. and we'll see lots of mid 50s elsewhere in some of the inland valleys. it will cool even more overnight with temperatures dropping into the low 40s through parts of the north bay. and we'll see mid and upper 40s around the bay. san francisco 45, san jose 47 degrees. so here is the accuweather seven day forecast a level one storm today and tomorrow with this stormy start tapering off into spotty showers for sunday, then partly cloudy. high pressure will build through the week and check out the temperature difference for the inland areas in the 80s, wednesdays and thursdays at wednesday and thursday, and then
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even around the bay. we'll see mid 70s. stay ♪ we got somethin different ♪ ♪ spreadin' good vibes all day ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ nada se puede comparar ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado ♪
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popular music and arts festival, bringing in all ages dressed in their best festival attire. the headliners today include tyler, the creator and the much anticipated reunion set from no doubt. shakira announced she is going on tour when she performed yesterday. tickets are still available for weekend two, which is next weekend. today is the start of an extra busy weekend here in san francisco this morning at 11, the cesar chavez parade begins at dolores park. it celebrates the legacy of california's legendary labor leader. the festival on 24th street between folsom and bryant
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, runs until six. and here's a look at some of the other events happening this weekend. japantown is celebrating the first weekend of the northern california cherry blossom festival. so beautiful. and today, san francisco will kick off its first ever weed week. businesses around the city will take part quite a variety there. >> yeah, and if you are heading to those events, even though we'll get some breaks in the rainfall, you'll want to bring your parka with you and an umbrella. some light rain falling over most of the bay area right now, with some heavier rainfall in parts of the south bay. it's also going to be much cooler than average, with temperatures only in the mid 50s to some upper 50s around there. here's the accuweather seven day forecast. so stormy start today and spotty showers linger tomorrow. but then drier and warmer next week. >> and dare i ask, do you think this may be it? i'm hoping i know, i think it is so far. nice to see that dry pattern through next week. yes, yes, thank you francis. thank you all for
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joining us. we'll see you back here at 430.
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>> janai: good morning, america. breaking news, sydney stabbings. at least six people killed by a suspect armed with a knife at a busy shopping center. the massive police response with


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