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tv   ABC7 News 600PM  ABC  April 15, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT

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protests live for hours because of the big impact they had. the first target was northbound 880 at fifth avenue in oakland, just after 6 a.m. protesters chained themselves to 55 gallon drums filled with cement. the chp had to jackhammer those apart and didn't get all lanes open until 1 p.m. it took about four hours to open the golden gate bridge. here's the moment that those cars finally got moving. protesters used chains and pipes to secure themselves to cars that they had parked across all three southbound lanes, attempting to block or shut down a freeway or a state highway to protest is unlawful. >> it's dangerous, and it prevents motorists from safely reaching their destinations, the chp says it got all lanes of southbound 880, reopened at 1 p.m, but some drivers crossed the median to get out of the gridlock. >> 300 people walked up the seventh street on ramp onto the freeway around 8 a.m. and happening now. another protest, this time in fremont. the target
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is the tesla factory. abc seven news reporter tim johns is live at the warm springs bart station, where people are gathering tonight. tim, what can you tell us? >> yeah. that's right. now, these protesters have been out here for about a half hour. i'm going to step out of frame here to give you guys at home a look at some of what we're seeing here. now these group of protesters say about 50 to 60. their numbers have grown over the past 20 or 30 minutes or so. these folks are associated with the a 15 group. now that's the same group that you guys were just talking about who shut down the golden gate bridge and parts of 8-80 earlier today that a 15, obviously a symbolism for today being tax day, april the 15th. and the thing that's different about these protests and other ones that we have seen around the bay area in recent months, is these ones say their main focus is shutting down the global economy and having an impact on what they say is the u.s. government and major economic players support sort of the israeli, as they call it, a
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genocide in gaza. now, these folks are going to be walking down in the next 5 or 10 minutes to the tesla factory. we're only about about a half mile away from the factory. there where they will be continuing their protest. they say tesla is also a company that they want to target. they say that they support all the things going on in gaza and that they want to make their voices heard. now, i am also going to tell you guys, we did just speak to one of these protesters just moments before we came here to talk to you guys. he told us that they are prepared to be arrested if it does come down to that, that they want the federal government to hear their voices, and they really believe that this is the best way for them to get their voices to be heard. we're going to stay out here and follow these folks down to tesla. but for now, i'm dion. i'm going to send it back to you guys in the studio. >> all right tim, thank you for that update. organizers say today's actions are, quote, an economic blockade against palestinian genocide. there protests on the golden gate bridge stopped traffic for hours, sending the morning
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commute into chaos. abc seven news reporter cornell bernard is live at the bridge with more cornell. >> hey, dion, you know, many commuters probably wish they had worked from home today. it was certainly a day to remember. as you can see behind me, the bridge is back. open traffic is flowing. but earlier that was not the case. and many travelers say what happened today actually put their health at risk. >> we just want to get to home, man. or work. everybody just mad . >> monday morning's commute turning into a carmageddon nightmare after pro-palestinian protesters blocked both lanes on the golden gate bridge. the demonstration closing the span for hours and leaving drivers like aung zin frustrated. >> i think this is like the only way they will listen, but at the same time, i wish there was like a resolution around it. >> traffic was backed up for miles on southbound 101 through marin county. the chp turning cars around at alexander avenue
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in sausalito. frustration spilling over when a motorist confronted protesters on the bridge. you understand think i care? >> you're in the wrong. >> some say their health was put at risk by the closure remote. donnelly was late for surgery. >> i'm supposed to be at ucsf at 930. i left san rafael at 830 and surgery department said i have to be there by one or i have to reschedule, and i'm supposed to have colon surgery. rachel mckim from larkspur, was hoping to make her medical procedure. >> i'm heading into the city for a medical procedure that involves some stem cells, which are frozen and are now defrosted and waiting for me. i was supposed to have them put in at 9 a.m. this morning, so they have to get in today, so i have to get there. >> how are you feeling about all of this? >> i'm feeling pretty frustrated. you know what? i believe in the right to protest. and i believe in the right to express your point of view. but i think causing this type of
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disturbance to thousands and thousands of people isn't the right way to go about it. >> the chp arresting 26 protesters on the bridge, allowing it to reopen just after 12 p.m. yeah the chp brought in busses to take those protesters off the bridge and to san francisco county jail. we're live in san francisco. cornell, bernard, abc seven news. cornell. i've got to ask you, when there are logistic problems, such as covering a demonstration on a bridge, how do you get to the scene? >> in this case, there was so much traffic. >> it was quite a journey. i have to say, for myself and photographer andrew shepherd, who was with me right now, i thought i knew every side street and back road in marin county. unfortunately others had the very same idea. at one point i jumped out of the van and started walking up. alexander avenue just to get to the bridge. i passed about ten chp cars. they were also in the backup, so lots of frustration. we finally made it there but it
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took several hours. >> wow, no one can question your dedication. well done out there to you and your photojournalist partner today, cornell. thank you. the pro-palestinian protesters first made their presence known around six this morning on 8-80 in oakland. the protests took place at two locations first on 880 northbound near fifth avenue, then two hours later at 880 southbound at seventh street. the first site proved to be the most problematic. the protesters chained themselves to 855 gallon drums. each filled with concrete and rebar, traffic backed up for miles. it took crews several hours to break through that material before police could remove the protesters and take them into custody. we have to use jackhammers and saws to cut to basically break in and cut through those. >> thus, the reason it took a while to open up the roadway in all, 12 people were taken into custody at both sites. >> the southbound lanes were closed for about five hours. the chp finally reopened the northbound lanes around 115 more than seven hours after the
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protests began. this time lapse video shows traffic starting to move again some six miles away near the coliseum. now, a live picture of how traffic looks right now. hey, a lot better. this is 880 now. protesters did not get onto the bay bridge, but there certainly was a ripple effect. take a look. the off ramp from eastbound i-80 onto southbound 880 was closed because of the protesters. the chp blocked the grand avenue on ramp to westbound i-80, increasing the gridlock on nearby surface streets. drivers stuck at the golden gate bridge streamed abc7 on their phones for news while they waited. we were live on the protests and their impact on traffic for hours. you can live stream us on abc seven, or make it easier and download the abc seven bay area app. you can also set up the app for push alerts for breaking news like this, so you can avoid getting stuck in traffic like today. coming up, why does it take so long for cops to clear out these protests , and how can we prevent it from happening again? we found
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answers to those questions next, and the recount begins today. the process is underway to determine if we'll really have three candidates advancing from the primary to the general election. in the race for anna eshoo's congressional seat, i'm meteorologist sandhya patel. temperatures trending higher this week. i'll show you the warmest day. and when changes will arrive. coming up. and because of today's extensive live coverage of the traffic stopping protest, the view did not air at 10 a.m. like usual. today's episode
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high speed chase from san francisco to oakland. sky seven captured video of the white car cruising along the freeway. police were chasing it after several people were spotted using drugs and throwing trash out the window. investigators say the vehicle was also involved in a recent carjacking. the occupants eventually ditched the car in oakland and ran off. police haven't said yet if they arrested anyone. well, these are live pictures of the golden gate bridge as well as interstate 880 in oakland. you can see there traffic is moving well in both of these live shots. that's a great sign after a pretty terrible morning commute because of those protests. now, the demonstration snarled traffic and frustrated many commuters. but what will happen to the protesters? and why did it take so long for police to clear the scene? abc seven news reporter luz pena spoke to legal experts who explain what the consequences could be, and the response from law enforcement. she joins us live from the newsroom. louis >> that's right. dion. pro-palestinian protesters shot down the golden gate bridge and interstate 8-80 in oakland for
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hours as part of a worldwide economic blockage, calling for a cease fire in gaza. a similar disruption happened last year during apec. today, 38 people were arrested and for hours the golden gate bridge and interstate 880 were blocked by pro-palestinian protesters on the bridge, chp reported. protesters used their vehicles to chain themselves. >> it was pretty clear on the 880 corridor you saw those those black barrels that had been filled with cement. and we're also dealing with individual individuals on the golden gate bridge who are utilizing vehicles as devices for slowing us down. >> this frustrated driver was caught confronting protesters. you think i care if we allow those individuals to engage in such disruption without any form of accountability, then we can absolutely expect more of the same in the future. san jose state university professor greg woods categorized today's actions as illegal without the benefit of a license to engage
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in protest at these particular locations, these individuals are engaging in trespass. today's demonstrations are a flashback to nearly five months ago, when 80 protesters were arrested on the bay bridge calling for a cease fire in the middle east while president biden was in san francisco for the apec summit. >> the question is, is what is it that we demand from local law enforcement and also those districts attorney that are ultimately going to have the responsibility to respond to this type of mass movement after the 2023 bay bridge demonstration, san francisco district attorney brooke jenkins charged 80 protesters with five misdemeanors. >> it remains to be seen whether brooke jenkins will use the same tactic in which she charged uh. this large group of people, it was overcharged and it was very unusual that they were all charged together. >> recently, district attorney jenkins agreed to dismiss the
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criminal case against those 80 protesters. in exchange, the group would need to complete five hours of community service. their attorney says they're following the agreement. we also asked just to confirm, you're saying that the people who you represent the last time are not the same ones who are on the bridge today? >> no, not the same ones who are on the bridge part of the global community. >> during last year's protest, ucsf transplant organs were delayed by the bay bridge protest. today, sf fire said they didn't get any 911 emergency calls, but they were ready. >> the fire department can coordinate with law enforcement and possibly get an escort or closed lanes on the opposing side of the roadway to reach you, extricate you, safely, move you out of harm's way on interstate 880, chp said there were hundreds of protesters, 12 were arrested on the golden gate bridge, chp said. >> 26 people were arrested and are in custody in the newsroom. luz pena, abc seven news. >> all right, luis, looking ahead, what is the next step for
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the protesters who were arrested today? >> well, don, it's still too early to know. we're talking about two counties, san francisco county and alameda county. so it will be up to alameda county district attorney pamela price and san francisco's district attorney, brooke jenkins. last year, jenkins charged 80 protesters with several charges, including false imprisonment, refusing to disperse and refusing to comply with a peace officer. experts believe that could potentially be the case this time around. >> all right, we shall wait and see what develops. lose. many thanks to you, alameda county district attorney pamela price appears headed for a recall election this year. this evening, the county's registrar of voters announced there are enough valid signatures on a petition to force a recall election. county supervisors must now choose an election date. the registrar says it received 74,757 valid signatures on the recall petition. the threshold was 73,195. more than 48,000 of the signatures submitted by the group save alameda for everyone, were found to be invalid, and a recount
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started today in silicon valley in the congressional race that ended in a tie. take a look. right now, three candidates are moving on to the general election unless the recount finds different results. a recount has been requested due to that tie between evan low and joe simitian. abc seven news reporter zach fuentes got a look at the start of the recount process. >> recount procedures are underway at the santa clara county registrar of voters office. >> right here behind us, we have 40 plus pallets of ballots from all the various precincts within congressional district 16. >> the district is made up of santa clara and san mateo counties. former san jose mayor sam liccardo secured a spot on november's ballot, but second place is tied between assemblyman evan low and santa clara county supervisor joe simitian. >> two candidates tie exactly for second place. i mean, this has never happened before. >> initially, two people requested a recount. the santa clara county registrar's office confirmed, though, that dan stedingk, the person who
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requested the recount in san mateo county, withdrew his request. that left jonathan padilla, who requested it in santa clara county, according to his linkedin profile. he was a policy and finance director for liccardo's 2014 san jose mayoral campaign. he requested a recount on behalf of low low's campaign, said they are not connected with him, insisting padilla is acting on behalf of liccardo's campaign. liccardo's team also has not claimed a current association with padilla. it's not known how padilla is financing the cost of the recount, but the registrar's office says he has by ten each morning to pay the day's deposit. the cost approximately $16,000 a day. >> again, that's an estimate based on counting the ballots only if the requester would like to see additional materials, the and it would incur additional labor. and you know, time for us to pull those things which would increase the cost and the deadline as well. >> despite questions from low's campaign about the law regarding recount refunds, santa clara county maintains that there is a possibility padilla could be paid back. >> let's say if one of the
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candidates we find wins and the requester is requesting the recount on behalf of that winning candidate, then the requester would then receive their money back. >> we reached out to san mateo county to find out where it is in the recount process, and have not heard back. santa clara county estimates their process to take 1 to 2 weeks to finish in santa clara county. zach fuentes, abc seven news. >> all right, i'm ready for warmer weather. how about you? i think not just you, but me and many, many people. sandhya. >> yeah, and you know what? all of you are going to be happy the next couple of days, diana and ama, because we have plenty of sun in the forecast along with that warm up. let me show you a live picture. people are enjoying the sun right now at pier 39. you can see the sea lions are also soaking it up. gorgeous view right now as we take a look at your temperature trend for livermore, average high is 69 degrees. you're going to go above average pretty much right on through the weekend, but it's the uptick in temperatures from 76 tomorrow to 81 on wednesday. you're going to
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really feel it. thursday is still going to be warm before those temperatures drop off. high pressure is starting to build in, and as it continues to build, those temperatures will go up and they're already there coming up today. but you probably weren't noticing it too much. nine degrees warmer in livermore and santa rosa. it was in the 60s and 70s across the bay from san jose. right now you can see the sun is shining. 66 in san jose, san francisco 58, oakland. you're at 62 hayward, not far behind, and half moon bay chilling at 55 degrees from our oakland airport camera. you can see just a clear view right now. 64 in santa rosa. it is in the 60s, from napa to concord to livermore, and a live view from golden gate bridge. camera blue skies overhead overnight areas of fog forming tomorrow. warming trend continues and midweek we are talking about temperatures that will run above average. let's talk about your hourly forecast. 7:00 tonight 50s and 60s. it's still going to be pretty comfortable at 9:00 50s for most of you. and then those numbers will drop off early
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tomorrow morning. we're going to see some areas of fog forming. so be aware of that in the afternoon. it's a mix of sun and high clouds, mild weather though by noontime and by the early afternoon. we're already talking about many 70s showing up away from the coast and parts of the bay. morning temperatures will be in the 40s. we will see patches of fog tomorrow afternoon. here's a look at what you can expect in the south bay, san jose 77 degrees along with gilroy, 76, in santa clara on the peninsula. nice looking day 74, in redwood city, los altos, 61, in half moon bay, downtown san francisco, 67 degrees. so these temperatures coming up a few degrees in the north bay. santa rosa 75 along with vallejo, 72, in san rafael in the east bay going up to 70. in oakland, 74, in fremont, had an inland and it's going to be nice looking weather. 76 in concord and livermore, 75 in pleasanton, 78 in brentwood. here's a look at the accuweather seven day forecast. and we're going to bring you spring warmth tomorrow. summerlike warmth coming your way by midweek. uh-
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80s inland 60s coast side is going to turn a little cooler by the end of the week, and heading into the weekend. nice spring weather for you. a nice range of temperatures from 60 to 70. a minor dip on monday, but right now the accuweather seven day forecast is dry ama and dan, so we're not expecting any rain. and the climate prediction center is saying that the 6 to 10 day outlook may be below average in terms of rain. so stay tuned. yeah, for a change it's totally different. >> thanks, sandhya. well it is tax day today. so next what to do if
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stocks tumbled on wall street today as investors anxiously await israel's response to iran's attack over the weekend. here's a look at the numbers. the dow fell almost 250 points after some wild swings earlier in the day. the nasdaq dropped 290 points. the s&p 500 fell 60 points. tesla is slashing jobs. according to reports, the company is cutting 10% of its workforce. ceo elon musk notified employees this morning, saying the company needs to reduce costs and increase productivity. it's unclear which teams will be directly affected by the layoffs. the layoffs come amid lessening demand for electric vehicles. tesla is expected to announce their quarterly profits next week. happening today. it's tax day.
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>> if you're not done or not even ready to start, you have until midnight to request an extension form from the irs to try to avoid penalties. bad timing, though, for h&r block, some desktop software users had problems filing their tax returns. this software, which is available on the company's website, is separate from online tax filing. >> coming up next, trying to save a place that saves lives. who's behind the push to keep the trauma center at san jose regional medical center open? >> plus, the protests that blocked the golden gate bridge in 8-80 were part of a nationwide disruption. see what else people across the country dealt with. >> this is abc 724 seven. >> in san francisco, live at levi's stadium in san jose. >> live in oakland. yeah, you're watching abc seven news live anytime, anywhere. >> we are, we are, we are, we are, we are, we are where you are. >> never miss a moment of the
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news that matters to you. download our abc seven bay area streaming app. join us and start watching
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in an effort to make a political statement. pro-palestinian protesters held three simultaneous protests this morning, causing traffic gridlock as intended. the first began at about 615 this morning on northbound 8-80 at fifth avenue. then another group of protesters blocked southbound lanes on the golden gate bridge, while even more activists shut down southbound lanes of 8-80. >> you can protest any which way you want, but it is unlawful to block a roadway and to prevent people from getting to work. emergency personnel from getting to help people. you can't do it. >> this is video of the protest on northbound 8-80 in the area of embarcadero and fifth avenue, where protesters brought barrels filled with concrete onto the highway and chained themselves to those barrels. lanes were fully closed for nearly two hours, and southbound 8-80 was closed by protesters just before
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eight this morning. activists blocked an on ramp and all lanes of traffic. the on ramp and all lanes reopened just before two this afternoon. it took nearly five hours to open all lanes of the golden gate bridge. they reopened at about 1215 this afternoon. the chp says a combined total of 38 people were arrested. >> other big cities dealt with similar demonstrations in chicago, pro-palestinian protesters blocked the road to terminal one at o'hare airport. some people, as you see, ended up walking to the terminal to catch their flight. police say they took a number of protesters into custody, and this was the scene on wall street filled with protesters. they also blocked lanes of the brooklyn bridge. organizers say they intentionally chose this day, tax day, to send a message that they don't want their tax dollars used to fund arms to israel. well the world is watching as israeli officials consider how to respond to iran's first ever direct attack on israel. >> while world leaders denounced this weekend's assault, they are
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calling for stability in the region. iran already saying that if israel strikes back, iran will respond with even greater force. here's abc news reporter alexis christoforous with the details. >> today, world leaders urging restraint as israel decides how and when it will respond to this weekend's unprecedented aerial assault by iran. the attack, in retaliation for an israeli airstrike in syria this month that killed two top iranian generals. president biden, speaking publicly for the first time since israel and an international coalition, stopped 99% of iran's barrage of more than 300 missiles and armed drones. >> we mounted unprecedented military effort to defend israel . together with our partners. we defeated that attack. united states is committed to israel's security. >> in a call with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, president biden said he should consider the events of saturday night a win that demonstrated
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israel's, quote, remarkable capacity to defend itself. >> given the scale of this attack, iran's intent was clear to cause significant destruction. >> but the president stopped short of saying the u.s. would take part in any counterattack. >> s this is an israeli decision to make whether and how they'll respond to what iran did on saturday, and we're going to leave it squarely with them. >> israel's war cabinet met for a second day, determined to respond to iran's attack, in addition to a potential military response. the cabinet is also reportedly considering diplomatic options, including sanctions, to further isolate iran on the world stage. oil traders are also keeping a close eye on israel's response to the attacks. analysts say. if the conflict escalates, we could see oil easily top $100 a barrel as turmoil in the middle east threatens oil supply in the region, putting key shipping routes in jeopardy that could send gas prices above $4 a gallon and push inflation even higher. alexis christoforous,
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abc news, new york. >> the hush money trial for former president donald trump kicked off today with jury selection. it's the first time a former us president has stood trial as a criminal defendant. trump is accused of falsifying payments to adult film star stormy daniels while campaigning in 2016 to cover up an affair. trump has denied the affair and says the payments were for legal services provided by his former eternity attorney, michael cohen. the defendant claimed that he was paying michael cohen for legal services performed in 2017. >> this simply was not true. >> before the trial, trump addressed reporters outside the courtroom, echoing claims that the trial is, quote, election interference. the trial is expected to be in session four days a week for about six weeks. >> the driver of a stolen pickup truck has been arraigned on murder and other charges in connection with a deadly crash on interstate 580. that crash happened last month in oakland, and authorities say 35 year old
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patrick sheckles was arraigned from his hospital bed thursday. investigators say sheckles and another man were involved in a burglary at a tobacco store in el cerrito that was captured on surveillance video. they say sheckles was driving the stolen truck the wrong way on the freeway after the break in, when he struck another vehicle head on. the driver of that vehicle was killed, and the driver of a third vehicle involved in the crash suffered serious injuries. the other person charged in the case, 56 year old andre alberti, was arraigned today in court in martinez. he remains in custody. a major announcement today from the federal bureau of prisons. it plans to close the women's prison in dublin that has been plagued by problems. the prison has been at the center of a years long sexual abuse investigation, where at least eight employees, including a former warden and chaplain, have been charged with sexually abusing inmates. last month, the fbi raided the prison and a judge appointed a special master to oversee the facility.
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>> this kind of abrupt closure really feels like a total evasion of accountability to survivors, incarcerated people and advocates, the bureau of prisons director says. >> some of the measures to fix the issues in dublin simply haven't worked. problems with recruitment and retention were also cited as reasons for the closure. >> there is growing concern a possible closure will worsen health care disparities on the east side of san jose. now, several city and county ficials are making the case to keep the trauma center at regional medical center open. abc seven news south bay reporter dustin dorsey explains, in medical emergencies, every second counts. >> san jose city council members peter ortiz and domingo candelas know it personally. ortiz's mothers and candelas grandfather's lives were saved at regional medical center. if critical services close here in august, the council members worry about others in similar emergency need. >> without access to regional medical center, people like my mom would never have had a
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second chance. >> this closure signifies more than just the end of services. it represents a loss of hope and support for those who need it most. >> in february, regional medical center announced the imminent closure of its level two trauma center. stemi services and other cardiac services. the center said they were just not being utilized enough to outweigh the cost of keeping them open. but santa clara county supervisor cindy chavez disagrees. >> we are here because this is an emergency. >> we rely on these services to protect lives and well-being of our community every day. and we're demanding that health care corporation of america and regional medical center maintain these critical services, and the board of supervisors aimed to take action. >> the emergency medical services agency studied the impact that closing these services will have on the community. chavez and her colleagues will hear this report and from residents of east san jose during a meeting tuesday. >> we want those community comments because we think it's very important to make the case to the state that they should
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step in. >> it wouldn't be the first time the board of supervisors stepped in during matters of public health. when san jose hospital closed down, the county bought saint luis and o'connor to help with the increase in demand. >> whenever one of these institutions makes a change, it has huge impacts on the life and well-being of the community and forces the public sector. for us to use public dollars because they don't think they're making enough money to provide the services that we think they should be providing. >> if the board votes to fight the closure tuesday, they'll take the concerns from ems and the community to the department of health services in san jose. dustin dawsey, abc seven news. >> a last part of the bay area's natural environment is coming back to life, and it's helping to build a better ba
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it says, is bringing a lost part of the bay area's natural environment back to life. yeah, this is a melding of science and conservation. that's about to take flight. abc7 news anchor dan ashley has details. >> and if you look through that, you can see the wings. not many butterflies get the celebrity treatment, but then again, this bunch is about to make history.
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>> turning the clock back nearly a century in san francisco's presidio, durrell capon is a senior research fellow at the california academy of sciences. he says the butterflies will replace a long lost species called the xerces blue, that went extinct in the 1940s. >> syracuse blue was a beautiful blue butterfly that was restricted to the dune habitat from fort funston to baker beach. >> that was before the west side of san francisco transformed from sand dunes to development, wiping out their habitat. but ecologist lew stringer says the presidio has spent decades restoring the native dunes around the former army post, including butterfly friendly plants like the edible deerweed. >> if we didn't have this habitat, we wouldn't have the plant and we wouldn't have the ability to bring back the species that was lost to san francisco. >> so with butterflies in tow, the team hit the trail. but they say the scientific part of the journey actually began much earlier in the sand dunes of monterey. that's where
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biologists from the academy were able to identify the closest living relative to the extinct blue cerseis. combining sophisticated genetics with matching samples from their own collection, the results pointed to a species known as the silvery blue. >> in fact, we sequenced the complete genome of three different subtypes of the silvery blue butterflies so we could say which one was closer. just push it right in there and with a delicate touch, wildlife ecologist phoebe parker shams helped settle the presidio's newest residents into their adopted home. >> oh my gosh, look at it, look. oh, look at that already. it already jumped out, placing them underneath a protective net to let them get acclimated and even giving them a quick drop of gatorade for hydration. >> and they get a sense of this is good habitat. and then they stay, hopefully stay put, sort of get the way worked into the plant, hopefully lay some eggs, on those plants. >> for the presidio, it's the latest in a string of native reintroductions, ranging from coyotes to pond turtles to the
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western fence lizard. and they believe partnering with the academy of sciences could offer new opportunities. >> absolutely. it's a place of experimentation and innovation around conservation in the 21st century, a living lab with a potential to bring native environments back to life in san francisco. >> dan ashley, abc seven news do phenomenal work. >> the teams will also be using a citizen science platform called inaturalist. it allows volunteers to help track those butterflies. there's a dry week ahead. see what else to expect in the seven day forecast next i'm aline and i live in castle valley, california. my husband, barney, and i have been married for 32 years. i think the most important thing in life is to stay healthy.
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of the same ways their children and even grandchildren are. here's abc news reporter eva pilgrim. >> check it out. >> let me see. let me see. yeah. let's see. oh, my. >> all right, i'll date the dog. >> looking for love doesn't get any easier with age. in fact, 30% of adults over 50 are single, and 57% of those are interested in finding a partner.
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>> the biggest benefits to dating over 50 are you know who you are. all of that stress about getting married and having kids all of that is gone. it's all about you and what makes you happy. >> gene and diana kasturia met later in life and created a blended family. >> our relationship was sort of built on so many challenges, but you have the maturity to deal with it in a different way. you're more partners. >> i always felt i had that big question mark of like, what's that person going to be like? and i think that i lucked out with this one. >> finding that special someone has proven health benefits as well, including stronger heart health and delays in mental and physical decline. >> one of the best ways to find someone when you're older is using the dating apps. pick one app per month and see what kind of results you're getting. >> and our time is made exclusively for daters 50 and up
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daters like dj flirty. >> when i read someone's profile, i like to look for someone who's looking for a committed relationship and i love to meet people who share similar activities. >> experts also recommend joining meetup groups or clubs based on your interests, and say yes to social gatherings that may be outside your close circle. >> there is so much help out there to help you find that perfect lid to your pod. >> eva pilgrim, abc news, new york. >> and if you go out and enjoy the weather, never know who you might run into. >> oh yes, perhaps on a stroll, maybe playing pickleball. >> yeah. never know. don't injure yourself. yeah uh- ama and dan. let's take a look at live doppler seven. we're going to give our radar a break. this week is going to be dry. let's take a look at your high temperatures for tomorrow in the 60s and 70s. warmer than today. a mix of sun and high clouds. if it's not warm enough for you, wednesday, we'll go even higher. 80s, inland, 70s and 80s for
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your thursday for our warmest inland valleys, 60s coast side. so don't worry if you're not a big fan of this. there's definitely some variation here. and let's talk about your pollen index. trees are running high oak, pine, juniper and cedar grasses are coming up. so if you suffer from allergies, i know your pain. i feel your pain. here's a look at the accuweather seven day forecast warming trend the next few days from the 70s to the 80s, inland 60s, coast side and then we'll notice a little bit of a cool down by the end of the workweek. heading into the weekend, it is still looking very pleasant with our typical springtime pattern, but the temperatures will be above average. >> diana, i like that you emphasized minor dip. we'll take minor, minor, minor. yeah, yeah. all right. >> we can handle that. yes. all right, well, chris alvarez is handling sports tonight. >> actually, i'm handling traffic. >> oh, okay. >> because we got to get traffic . all roads lead to sacramento. oh. and sports. there's a big game up there. all right, i got you a little bit. all right, let's run it back. warriors. kings elimination game. eve the
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nba play in tournament begins tomorrow as we like to say traffic on the seventh. we also have dubs on seve
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is well tomorrow, setting up for some great theater in sacramento. less than one year after the warriors beat the kings in an epic seven game, first round series, they're
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going to do it all over again. this time in the nba play in tournament. now, on the injury front gary payton the second is out. would also miss friday as well if the dubs can't or they can't advance to the next game. plenty of guys though playing, including a rested stephen curry and draymond green, who sat out yesterday's final finale against utah. remember, curry scored 50 in the game seven clincher last season in sacramento. but unlike last year, this is not a best of seven series. it is win or go home. >> it comes down to one game and then one game, and then hopefully more. but we understand what it's like in this type of environment. a must win scenario, you know the history of last year with sacramento. so just the vibes are go win a basketball game and we know we can do that. >> it's not just in our record and our offensive defensive rating. it's the vibe and it's a good vibe. and obviously we're in a in a tough spot. we got to win two games just to get into the playoffs and anything can happen. but i do really believe in this group and i believe in
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karma. i think this this group has earned some some good, some good karma. so we'll see what happens. >> now up in sacramento, former warriors assistant mike brown is in his second season as the head coach of the kings. de'aaron fox and company. they're going to be short handed guard malik monk is out as well as kevin huerter. two of their top guys a lot of firepower missing but no excuses allowed. >> so good so talented offensively. they can put up a you know 140 points in the blink of an eye. steph can put up a 40 or 50 peace in the blink of an eye. and if we let them get comfortable, it can be a long night for us. >> we have the exact same record, like i said, three of the last four games have been decided by one point. like there's been, very close proximity with the way that we've been with them. this past year. but, all that's out the door, you know, right now it's win or go home. >> it's going to be so much fun tomorrow. the wnba draft currently underway. no surprise here at number one. former iowa superstar caitlin clark went number one overall to the
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indiana fever. and at number two, a familiar face with the second pick in the 2024 wnba draft. >> the los angeles sparks select cam brink, stanford university all right, cam stanford's cameron brink, selected second overall by la. >> and through all the emotion she made sure to share the spotlight. >> i'm sorry. i'm going to cry. okay. it's just such a nerve wracking environment. but we work so hard for this, and i just have to shout out all my girls. i'm so proud of all of us. >> i just love that. 40 niners quarterback brock purdy held his first ever youth football camp yesterday at levi's stadium. now the team is currently holding their voluntary offseason workouts. but yesterday brock was miked up and met an adoring camper. here we go. >> let's see if you can beat me. ready go! come on. beat me, beat
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me, beat me, beat me. let's go, let's go, let's go. flip run! there you go. good job. dude, are you ready? yeah, man, you're my favorite. >> you ready? >> i love that. >> this is abc seven sports report, sponsored by northern california honda. hey, you, brock purdy. >> oh, yeah. you're my favorite. oh, what a cool thing. >> so, a lot of action tonight. you got the giants. they beat the marlins tonight. miami brandon crawford, the former giant. he plays for the cardinals. they're in oakland tonight okay. sharks are in action against the oilers stephen curry is probably going to be an olympic team. kind of. that was a report from woj of espn. uh- what else do i have. warriors. kings tomorrow. warriors kings tomorrow. we don't have that much time. >> so we have a little 45 seconds. don't. good. we're good. don't get stuck in traffic tomorrow. that's all. oh i know or weather. >> weather is going to be fantastic. >> thank you. yeah. >> indoors are always good. yeah. always okay. >> all right. tonight on abc seven at eight. it's american idol at ten. the interrogation tapes a special edition of 2020. then stay with us for abc seven news at 11. remember that we are
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streaming 24 seven. get the abc seven bay area app so you can join us whenever you want, wherever you are. all right. that'll do it for this edition of abc seven news. thanks for joining us. i'm ama daetz and i'm dionne lim for sandhya and chris. >> and really all of us here at abc seven. thanks so much for joining us. we'll see you right back here tonight for the news at 11. >> we're following the golden gate bridge and interstate 880. breaking news this morning. protesters shutting down both of those central roadways here in the bay area. >> also looking at this live picture from sky seven, because they're over another protest, they have a strong message that they are trying to send. >> have been telling people take 580 instead of that northbound 880 direction. >> if you had to take several different side streets because of how blocked 880 is, you see another person detained
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but this... is actually progress at 225 miles per hour.
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shell renewable race fuel. reducing emissions by 60% in all ntt indycar® series races. ♪ we're moving forward with indycar. because we're moving forward with everybody. ♪ shell. powering progress. shell. from the alex trebek stage at sony picture studios... this is "jeopardy!" ♪♪ here are today's contestants... an attorney from los angeles, california... an ethicist originally from knoxville, tennessee... and our returning champion, a writer and creative executive originally from san jose, california...
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whose two day cash winnings total $61,700. and now, here is the host of "jeopardy!"... ken jennings. thank you, folks. thank you, johnny gilbert. and welcome to a brand new week right here on "jeopardy!" our champion, alison betts, had a big runaway win in friday's game, which meant she was able to spend the weekend celebrating both, becoming a two-day "jeopardy!" champion, and she told us her birthday. but we'll soon find out who will be rejoicing at the end of today's game as we invite two new challengers, joshua and adam, into the mix. good luck to all three of you. here are your categories in the jeopardy round... we have... up first, followed by... a... and yes, you must spell your response. then... and finally... alison, select. places that are also first names for $800, please.


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