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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  April 17, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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seven, a rare birth at busch gardens in tampa. >> this baby orangutan was born over the weekend via c-section. weighing just 3 pounds four ounces. there are only a few thousand of them left in the world, and everybody is doing well. you better cuddle up and be cute. >> i love the whole beanie, everything. they really took care of that baby. that's cute. >> very cute. did you ever go to the d.c. zoo? i did, they had the o line with the orangutans, went right over you. >> oh, that was cool. yeah. >> that's amazing. yeah it's fascinating. >> have a good day. >> michael: good morning america for our viewers in the west. the first jurors have been selected in the criminal trial of donald trump. trump on trial. seven jurors sworn in to hear the case against a former president. what we know about the three
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women and four men incluing a nurse, teacher and two lawyers as trump tests the patience of the judge while president biden hits the campaign trails in battleground state. >> george: twisters tearing through. >> oh my god. tornado on the ground. >> george: two dozen tornados reported in the midwest. winds up to 95 miles per hour rip off roofs as the threat moves east. ginger tracking it all. >> rebecca: the judge in the idaho murders giving the suspect's lawyers a chance to submit details about his alibi and what happens if they don't. >> george: zepbound and sleep apnea. how it helped people with obesity and what it could mean for insurance coverage of the drug? >> rebecca: arizona abortion rights vote. the crucial vote as some lawmakers look to roll back the civil era ban in the state and what it could mean for the ballot in november. >> michael: show her the money.
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>> caitlin clark, university of iowa! [ cheers ] angel reese. cameron brink, stanford. >> michael: the rookie salary reality check sparking reaction from fans. >> she could make millions from the wnba. but she's getting $76,000. >> michael: will the new wnba class spark change? >> rebecca: big escape. >> an elephant going down the road. my god. >> rebecca: why this massive elephant was on the loose. >> george: save of the game. >> oh my god! >> george: the fast acting fan who blocked a 4-year-old boy from a flying hockey puck. and their emotional reunion on the ice. ♪ >> michael: oh my orangutan. meet the adoable baby girl born to mama luna. a tiny miracle snuggling her way into the world.
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>> announcer: live in times square, this is good morning america. >> michael: good morning america. looked pretty good to snuggle with this morning. >> rebecca: very cute. i love that she even has the newborn hat they all get in the hospital. i can't wait to hear more about that baby orangutan. there's only about 1,000 left in the world. >> george: we are looking forward to that. we're going to begin with historic criminal trial of donald trump. first seven jurors will sit in judgment have been selected. aaron katersky is at the courthouse. what we know about the jurors and how trump is reacting. good morning, aaron. >> reporter: george good morning. he now knows more than half the jurors who will decide whether he is guilty of criminal charges. there's no court today but jury selection has been moving briskly the judge suggested opening statements could begin as soon as monday. this morning seven jurors are sworn in to hear the historic criminal case against donald trump. so far three women and four men. the foreman is originally from ireland and still has the accent. there's an oncology nurse who said no one is above the law.
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when asked her opinion of trump responded, i don't really have one. a teacher from a family of police officers says president trump speaks his mind. i'd rather that than someone you don't know what they're thinking. a grandfather called him fascinating and mysterious. saying, he walks into a room and sets people off one way or the other. a software engineer from disney pledged i will be fair and impartial. the judge wasn't so sure about other potential jurors excusing a man who posted about trump, get him out, lock him up. at a campaign stop after court he asked whether he thinks the ones that were chosen will be fair. >> i'll let you know after the trial. >> reporter: at one point he tested the patience of the judge who scolded him for muttering while his lawyers were questioning a woman about her social media activity. he was speaking in the direction of the juror, the judge said, i will not tolerate that. i will not have any jurors intimidated in this courtroom. kara magee was excuseed because
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of scheduling conflicts. >> i don't like him. i don't approve of what he did as president. but the right to a fair trial is really important to me. >> reporter: trump is standing trial on charges he falsified business records about his $130,000 payment adult film actress stormy daniels before the 2016 election so he could silence her long denied claim of a sexual liaison. his lawyer at the time, michael cohen, wired the money. prosecutors said trump relabeled the payments to cohen so voters wouldn't find out. >> i was paying a lawyer and marking it down as a legal excuse. marked it down as a legal excuse. that's exactly what it was. and you indict me over it. >> reporter: court is in session mondays, tuesday, thursdays and fridays. trump must be off the campaign trail and here on each of those days.
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tomorrow a new batch of 96 potential jurors will begin answering questions. the seven jurors who were seated were told to come back to court as soon as monday so it seem, george, the judge seems to think they can get the rest of the jurors by the end of the week. >> george: right. no doubt there are lots of twists and turns ahead. right now the trial does appear to be moving relatively quickly. >> reporter: it does. but we'll see how it goes. once testimony gets under way the judge said the trial could last about six weeks. a lot of that's gonna depend on the defense cross-examination of the state's witnesses. during jury selection one woman told the judge her sister was getting married in september prompting the judge to joke that if we're all still here in september, we're all in a lot of trouble. george. >> george: thanks. donald trump is tied up in court, president biden is on the campaign trail in pennsylvania. mary bruce is on the screen in scranton. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, george. president biden is trying
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to seize this moment and create a real split screen, leaning into his roots in scranton, arguing he and donald trump have very different values. he said he understands the middle class in a way that donald trump simply never will, saying trump will always put the wealthy and himself first. while the president has been careful not to comment on details of trump's trial, he has been taking more swipes at his rival joking about trump's legal debt, telling supporters here last night that he would never take advantage of a woman. the president is spending three days in pennsylvania this week. it is a battleground where he has spent the most time, by our count visiting 30 times since taking office. the president well aware this state is a must win. >> michael: it is a must win, mary. thank you very much. now the severe weather outbreak in the midwest with nearly two dozen tornados touching down. rob marciano is in smithfield, missouri, which was hit by a twister. good morning, rob. >> reporter: good morning, michael. this is one example of what some folks are going through.
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that tornado coming through this area, flipping this home on its side. all of their belongings thrown out including this bed. this is typically where the couple would be sleeping. this hit midmorning. thankfully the family has one harrowing story of survival because of it. >> oh my god! board the windows! twister! >> reporter: this morning the midwest reeling after more than two dozen reported tornados ripped through the region. >> oh my god. tornado on the ground. >> reporter: this massive twister tearing through iowa, one of at least ten tornados reported in the state. >> it's getting bigger! >> reporter: those powerful winds sending debris flying. >> look at that funnel up there. >> reporter: in nearby nebraska, this tornado drilling its way across the ground. in missouri an ef-1 in smithfield, with winds up to 95 miles per hour, tearing the roof off this lodge, flipping over this camper, forcing one family to flee for their lives. with the warnings going off, they were inside their now destroyed home. they ran up that hill.
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the only place they could take cover, inside this brick bathroom. >> survivor mode kicked in, i guess. it felt like the longest run of my life. >> reporter: crystal's husband kevin still recovering from a trucking accident. that shredded camper was their home. >> the most important is my wife and son. i really don't know what to do right now. family's got to stick together. >> reporter: my heart just breaks for this family. the folks at the red cross were kind enough to put them up at a local hotel. they've been in and out of here all night long because they're worried about leaving a mess at this camp grounds. the kansas city has put together a go fund me page. they have a long road ahead. on top of that, there's another threat for severe storms through this area later tonight. michael? >> michael: our heart breaks for all of them. rob, thank you very much. let's bring in ginger. good morning. >> ginger: as much as nebraska, missouri, you think okay it's april. we've seen tornados. they've had very few until this latest outbreak. look who is in the threat today. cleveland, columbus, detroit.
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so far ohio has seen the most tornados this year. we're going to see more of that today. pittsburgh in the risk, cincinnati, columbus, ft. wayne up to lansing, michigan. as rob was mentioning, back in missouri, late tonight, tomorrow morning, it's the damaging winds that come through northeastern kansas. tomorrow we don't let go of this threat. it spins back up southern illinois, indiana, western kentucky, even tennessee there. back from arkansas, oklahoma, even texas. just to give you the update, the numbers keep ticking up in the midwest. you see where the highest number of tornados so far, illinois, ohio, florida, which usually gets them, but still a little shifted. >> george: thank you. capitol hill, mike johnson's under growing pressure from some members of his own party over support for foreign aid packages. senior congressional correspondent rachel scott spoke with him. >> what is your response to republicans who say this move should cost you your job? and if you don't resign, they will try to oust you?
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>> i am not resigning. it is in my view an absurd notion that someone would bring a vacate motion when we are simply here trying to do our jobs. >> george: rachel joins us now. rachel, this threat is not going away. >> reporter: no, george. in fact, this is becoming all too familiar. speaker of the house mike johnson is defiant. but, look, his job is now in jeopardy. the speaker still vowing to push through with this complicated plan, bringing that $95 billion bipartisan package over from the senate with aid for israel, ukraine and taiwan and separating it into four different bills. he pitched this to republicans behind closed doors. some leaving that meeting very angry. in fact, congressman thomas massey now joining marjorie taylor green in an effort to try to oust speaker johnson from this position. johnson knows he is faced with a razor thin majority so if just one more republican joins this effort, he could lose this job. of course, that would put the house into chaos, with no speaker of the house yet again. johnson says he still wants to
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have votes on these bills by the end of the week but no one on capitol hill has seen any of the details of this legislation. he could soon be faced with the stark reality that he may need the support of democrats to not only save his job but push that foreign aid across the finish line. >> george: homeland secretary mayorkas impeachment is all for show now. >> reporter: yeah. this could be over very quickly. look, republicans want a full trial. they impeached secretary mayorkas over his handling of the the border but it is democrats who control the senate. they point out there is no evidence of high crimes and misdemeanors. this is all over a policy dispute and they will be looking to dismiss these charges. >> george: rachel scott, thank you very much. michael? >> michael: overseas now to the situation between israel and iran. the u.s. is set to announce new sanctions against iran for its drone and missile attacks this weekend as israel weighs a response. matt gutman is in southern israel for us. good morning, matt. >> reporter: good morning, michael. behind me is one of israel's
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iron dome missile batteries part of the anti-missile network that knocked most of those iranian missiles out of the sky. not only did it save lives, but it bought israel time, which is one reason for days in we've heard so little from the israeli government. israeli military saying there has to be some sort of military response. american officials say it is likely to be limited in scope and israeli analysts tell me the likely options are something like a covert action or symbolic attack against some sort of iranian facility. but there are also major diplomatic efforts. treasury secretary yellen saying the u.s. will soon impose sanctions on iran missile and drone programs and the more diplomatic wins the u.s. can provide israel, the more likely it is to mitigate israel's military response. meantime, in gaza, not far from here, the death toll continues to rise. that u.s. official says the israel impending invasion has likely been put off by several weeks. rebecca? >> rebecca: matt, thank you.
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we turn now to the abortion rights fight in arizona. a key vote is set for today on repealing the 160-year-old law that virtually bans abortion in the state. elizabeth schulze is in phoenix. good morning, elizabeth. >> reporter: good morning, rebecca. this is a critical moment as some lawmakers seek to roll back that controversial civil war abortion ban. the state supreme court last week reinstated the law from 1864 that bans abortion in every instance except to save the life of the mother. democratic lawmakers immediately tried to pass legislation to repeal the ban but were blocked by republicans. today democrats in the state house are set to try again. they'll need the support of at least two gop lawmakers for the repeal of the law to pass. it would then head to the state senate, where it would also need two republican votes. arizona's attorney general says if legislation isn't passed, the soonest the ban will take effect is this june. arizona is one of 24 states to
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forbid or severely restrict access to abortion since the ends of roe v. wade. it will be put directly to voters in november. arizona is among up to 14 states expected to include an abortion measure on the ballot. we are told activists on both sides of the debate will hold rallies here. george? >> george: thank you very much. now the supreme court. the justices appeared divided over the charges against some of the january 6 protesters in arguments yesterday. that's a decision when it comes it could affect president trump's federal election case. senior national correspondent terry moran is at the court. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, george. it was a good day here, looked like it for many of the january 6 defendants. maybe even for donald trump. the conservative justices were sharply skeptical of the way the department of justice has been using a felony obstruction law that was written to address financial crimes, but has been used more than 300 times to prosecute january 6 defendants including donald trump. so at issue here, whether that law enacted to prevent things like destroying of evidence in
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business crimes or witness tampering can be used to prosecute those who disrupted or attempted to disrupt the certification of the 2020 election. joseph fisher, a former police officer who breached the capitol that day, brought the case. his attorney argued the justice department has gone too far here and that attempting to disrupt certification of elections very different thing than tampering with evidence in a business law case. the court's conservative majority seemed very sympathetic to the police officer's case. the justice alito in particular kept raising the possibility that the justice department can go after peaceful political protesters including maybe hecklers in the supreme court itself were obstructing official proceedings. but the court's liberal members kept coming back to the plain text of that law which said it is a crime to, quote, obstruct, influence or impede any official proceeding. so we'll have a decision in this case by june. it could have a big impact on many defendants who have been sentenced under this law. maybe even donald trump. prosecutors feel they have
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enough evidence outside of what the other protesters had done to continue that case. rebecca. >> a lot riding on that decision. terry, thank you. we turn now to aviation safety taking center stage in washington today with two hearings including one featuring a boeing whistleblower. transportation correspondent gio benitez is on capitol hill. we covered all these stories about issues with air planes. now they will be questioned directly about them. >> gio: that's right, rebecca. good morning. it is a big day on the hill. the first hearing is to review an faa safety report. the second is that testimony from the boeing whistle blower. this whistle blower has been a boeing engineer for several years, long time engineer. he worked on the 787 dream liner. he said parts of the plane's fuselage are fastened together incorrectly and after extreme use could cause the plane to break apart in mid air. he has not provided any proof so far. now, boeing, boeing strongly
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denies this claim and says there are no safety issues and that these concerns were addressed when boeing stopped delivering dream liners for two years to investigate. they put the 787 through extreme stress tests with 165,000 takeoffs and landings. that's more than three times what it would fly in its life time and they say they didn't find issues. the faa will investigate these claims from this whistle blower. what we don't know is if these are new issues or if boeing already dealt with those issues, guys. >> michael: thank you very much for that, gio. coming up key deadline for the decision in the idaho college murders case. >> george: and weigh loss drug's impact on sleep apnea. >> rebecca: and the outcry after some fans were shocked when they learned how much new wnba star caitlin clark will earn on the court. first let's go back to ginger. >> ginger: several ski resorts are extending their season in colorado. copper mountain a foot and a half. some parts of colorado had up to 33 inches. the spring snow is on.
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but not so when you're under the ridge in the east. we could even see record highs. atlanta tomorrow 86, orlando 93. tallahassee close to 90. that's where you want to go if you want warmth. your local weather in 30 seconds.
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>> michael: coming up one of the best saves you will ever see at a hockey game, and it wasn't on the ice. we'll be right back with more gma. ♪ stay ahead of your moderate—to—severe eczema, and show off clearer skin and less itch with dupixent. the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists
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and allergists, that helps heal your skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent. (♪) [shaking] itchy pet? (♪) with chewy, save 20% on your first pharmacy order so you can put an end to the itch. get flea and tick medication delivered right to your door. [panting] ( ♪ ♪ ) start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. ♪(music playing)♪ (♪)
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treatments like vabysmo can cause an eye infection or retinal detachment. vabysmo may cause a temporary increase in eye pressure after receiving the injection. there is an uncommon risk of heart attack or stroke associated with blood clots. severe swelling of blood vessels in the eye can occur. most common eye side effects were cataract and broken blood vessels. open up your world with vabysmo. a chance for up to 4 months between treatments with vabysmo. ask your doctor. ♪ crunchy. ohh ♪ ♪ tasty ♪ ♪ ohh ♪ ♪ sweet or savory ♪ ♪ always satisfying ♪ ♪ gimme blue diamond ♪ ♪ crunchy ♪ ♪ tasty ♪ ♪ sweet or savory ♪ ♪ always satisfying ♪ ♪ gimme blue diamond! ♪ ♪ crunchy ♪ ♪ tasty ♪ ♪ sweet or savory ♪ ♪ always satisfying ♪ ♪ gimme-- ♪ blue diamond almonds. >> always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning everyone. i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven mornings. the city is one step closer to installing 33 speed cameras. yesterday, the san francisco municipal transportation agency board of
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directors unanimously approved the locations for them. they're expected to be installed as soon as next year. these cameras are a part of a statewide pilot program that will ticket drivers who exceed the speed limit by at least 11 miles an hour. >> amanda kumasi a motorcycle crash in the east bay is impacting traffic on westbound 80. before gilman street, there's stopped traffic from cutting boulevard, but traffic is slow. from richmond parkway, one lane is blocked and there's a 30 minute delay back to you. >> thanks, amanda. meteorologist drew tuma has a quick look at
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russ brown. >> motorcycle attorneys. >> hey, everybody, it's me, tracy turnblad from hairspray, broadway's tony award winning best musical is back, featuring songs that are fresh, winning and tuneful. come see the mega hits about a girl from 1960s baltimore. me who dares to dream big and changes the world. don't miss the warm hearted musical comedy hairspray. >> coming to the orpheum theater for one week only beginning april 16th. tickets on sale now. live is giving you more of what you love >> looking outside from sutro tower, we have partly cloudy conditions and we are on our way to a warm afternoon temperatures. we're at 50 in san rafael right now. good morning oakland. we're at 53 there. 56 in san jose, parts of the north bay a little bit cooler. santa rosa right now is at 46 degrees, but we have partly cloudy skies
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out there. it's looking lovely. will warm pretty fast this morning. by noon we're already well into the 70s away from the coast, and then by 4 p.m. we'll head into the 70s and 80s. and in some areas that's about ten degrees above average. your sunset today coming at 748 this evening. so 75 the high in oakland, a warm 70 in the city, 81 in san jose, near 80. in santa rosa, 79 in concord. just a quick look at your pollen forecast. trees are running high, weeds and mold low levels. kumasi. >> thank you. if you're streaming on the abc seven bay area app, abc seven at seven is next. for everyone else, it's gma. >> when we tell people it took 138 iterations to refine the tiguan chassis, they say, oh cool. but when we tell them it also took our engineers 189 pizzas, 22 birthdays, 4005 miles commuted through 13 thunderstorms, 16 neglected haircuts, 52 all nighters and 19 nightmares about chassis. they usually go, oh wow. the meticulously refined tig1 hop
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>> she won't eat anything. she doesn't want to eat. there's no faking it with her. >> we sent you blue taste bulls dry food. >> she loved it. what's for dinner tonight? it's tasteful. it's from blue buffalo for this little girl. >> pick up blue taste bulls today. >> certain. that's just the wind. are you for imprint? certain certainty matters be for imprint certain. >> your promo products will arrive on time. it's guaranteed. visit for imprint. com for imprint for certain. >> i brought in ensure max protein with 30g of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. here, i'll take that. ensure. i'll take that. ensure. >> max protein (♪) ♪ when you want it the most there's no easy way out ♪ ♪ when you're ready to move and your heart's left in doubt ♪ >> michael: welcome back to gma.
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that is celine dion with her hit "that's the way it is." this morning we have a first look at the documentary about her battle that took her off the stage. lara has that in pop news. >> george: that is coming up. following headlines including the trial of former president trump. seven jurors have now been sworn in, three women, four men including a teacher, nurse and two lawyers. there's no court today but the judge signaled opening statements could begin as early as monday. also this morning former florida governor and senator and presidential candidate bob graham has died. his family said in a statement overnight, we are deeply saddened to report the passing of a visionary leader dedicated public servant and even more importantly, a loving husband, father, grandfather and great grandfather. bob graham was 87 years old. >> rebecca: dubai got two years worth of rain in just 24 hours causing severe flooding there. dubai international airport briefly diverted flights due to extreme weather as more than 6 inches of rain fell. government offices and some
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schools were forced to go remote. and take a look at this wild video out of bute, montana, after an elephant escaped from a traveling circus and roamed the streets. it was apparently scared by a car that backfired. the enormous animal was recovered unharmed and is safe and sound back with its handlers. can't help but think of dumbo. [ laughter ] maybe it's because my daughter loved that ride at disney. i don't know. yeah. >> george: just glad it was caught. >> rebecca: we are so glad. if only he could fly. we have a lot more ahead including expert tips on dealing with inflation and planning for retirement. that's all coming up. >> george: now the idaho college phurders. attorneys for bryan kohberger have until today to submit documents related to his alibi on the night of the murders. kayna whitworth has the story. >> reporter: you'll remember his lawyers said bryan kohberger was driving around alone but idaho state law says
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specific names and addresses need to be provided for an alibi. and in bryan kohberger's case, that needs to be done today. it's deadline day for bryan kohberger's defense team. >> all rise. >> reporter: the judge requesting his lawyers provide additional details about the former ph.d. student's alibi the night four university of idaho students were stabbed to death in an off campus home. overthe summer, his lawyers say the suspected murderer was instead driving around alone as he often did in the late evening early morning hours when the murders were committed in november of 2022. they added, he's not claiming to be at a specific location at a specific time and said, they have no specific witness to say precisely where he was at each moment. the judge earlier entered a not guilty plea on kohberger's behalf. >> mr. kohberger is standing silent, i am going to enter not guilty pleas.
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>> reporter: the lack in details and inability to corroborate kohberger's where abouts were criticized by the top prosecutor who called the alibi vague. the judge agreeing. >> so called alibi, not really an alibi. >> if bryan kohberger does not present an alibi, the defense will have to rebut the evidence and the information that the state is putting forward. if he doesn't have an alibi he could have been at the murder scene. >> reporter: the parents of kaylee goncalves, they are frustrated by the delays that are on going in this case and they are waiting for alibi information. bryan kohberger's lawyers also need to provide a witness list as well as any evidence they want to present at the change of venue hearing held next month. that's something the goncalves family hopes is denied. a reminder, guys, no trial date has even been set yet. >> rebecca: we know you will be following that. thank you.
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we turn to reaction when some fans learned how much professional women's basketball players earn as a base salary compared to the men. zoreen shaw has more. zoreen, this was quite the contrast to the men but caitlin clark, angel reese, they might be changing things in the future. >> reporter: rebecca, they absolutely could. i mean look, the ratings for monday's draft rival 2003, that is when lebron was chosen by the cavs. and, look, before possible endorsements, base salary for every wnba rookie is a fraction of 1% of the highest paid nba rookie, but millions of fans glued to women's college basketball this year follow those players into the wnba, we could be looking at a whole different ball game. >> clark, oh my! >> reporter: as the major stars in women's basketball prepare for the bright lights of the wnba -- >> angel reese! >> reporter: the salaries that await them, which some are calling extremely low, exposing
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a wide but very real gender pay gap in professional basketball. >> she can make millions for the wnba and getting $76,000 next year. >> reporter: caitlin clark, cameron brink, camilla cordoso are all tied for the highest female rookie salaries estimated to make $76,535 this year. this is slightly less than the average mean wage in america last year. >> are they going to have to do door dash to survive? i mean, i know you ain't buying a house on that salary. >> reporter: players already cashing in on other ways piggy backing off their deals with endorsements and partnerships that far exceed the wnba salary, but most players need to supplement their income by playing overseas. it is a stark contrast to last year who average around $10 million a year. the wnba has never generated the same amount of revenue as the nba.
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>> it's because of fans not watching, not buying tickets. not buying products. that's why we are where we are. but that can change. i think it will change because of what we're watching. >> reporter: the much anticipated wnba season driven by the record ratings for women's college basketball. draft night saw more viewers than the nba draft has seen in more than two decades. it shake up the professional sports landscape. >> we are witnessing a transformational moment in sports that we may not experience for generations. support for the wnba is continuing to grow. >> reporter: tuesday clark's spoke to gma about going pro. >> i earned it. i deserve it. >> clark steps back, fires. you bet! >> all of this is a really good sign to move the conversation forward as the wnba starts to negotiate a new rights deal, tv rights deal, which they will be doing very soon.
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>> reporter: tv rights and corporate partnerships dictate how leagues pay their players. once new tv contracts are negotiated and you have bigger female college stars going into the wnba, we should gradually see less of a pay difference. guys? >> rebecca: great point. the more you see these star players, the more people visit the game, the more money they make. this is the first contract for caitlin clark. i predict things get very different in round 2. >> michael: she's going to open up things for other players. all the young ladies in the draft this year will open up the game for the players coming after them, which is great. >> rebecca: which is great to see. okay. coming up later, actress olivia munn on discovering her breast cancer just months after getting a mammogram. next a quick save at a hockey game saving a 4-year-old from a flying puck. you don't want to miss this. stay with us.
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for possibilities, searching discover a different first treatment. immunotherapies work with your immune system to attack cancer. but opdivo plus yervoy is the first combination of 2 immunotherapies for adults newly diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer that has spread, tests positive for pd-l1, and does not have an abnormal egfr or alk gene. opdivo plus yervoy is not chemotherapy, it works differently. it helps your immune system fight cancer in 2 different ways. opdivo and yervoy can cause your immune system to harm healthy parts of your body during and after treatment. these problems can be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have a cough; chest pain; shortness of breath; irregular heartbeat; diarrhea; constipation; severe stomach pain; severe nausea or vomiting; dizziness; fainting; eye problems; extreme tiredness; changes in appetite, thirst or urine; rash; itching; confusion; memory problems; muscle pain or weakness; joint pain; flushing; or fever. these are not all the possible side effects. problems can occur together and more often when opdivo is used with yervoy. tell your doctor about all medical conditions including immune or nervous system problems,
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if you've had or plan to have an organ or stem cell transplant, or received chest radiation. your search for 2 immunotherapies starts here. ask your doctor about opdivo plus yervoy. a chance to live longer. (man) excuse me, ask your doctor about opdivo plus yervoy. would you mind taking a picture of us? (tony) oh, no problem. (man) thanks. (tony) oh, yeah that's a problem you need verizon. trade-in that old thing and get a new iphone 15 pro with tons of storage. so you can take all the pics! so many selfies. a preposterous amount of pano! that means panoramic. and as many portraits of me as your heart desires. (woman) how about none? (boy) none. (man) yea none feels right. (vo) trade-in any iphone in any condition and get a new iphone 15 pro - on us. only on verizon. ugh, when is my allergy spray going to kick in? -you need astepro. -astepro? it's faster, bro. 8x faster than flonase. it's faster, bro! it's faster, bro! it's faster, bro! it's mom to you. astepro starts working in 30 minutes. astepro and go!
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(vo) purina is supporting more touch therapy dogs to make a astepro starts difference in the lives of more kids like me. purina cares here. a perfect day for a family outing! shingles doesn't care. but shingrix protects. only shingrix is proven over 90% effective. shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingrix today.
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>> michael: back now with one of the best saves you'll ever see at a hockey game. it wasn't on the ice. will reeve is here with the story. >> this is a happy tale of a near miss that could have been terrible, but thanks to the quick reflexes of the hero of the story and of the internet, what could have gone wrong didn't. and everyone has been reunited. >> oh my god!
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>> reporter: this morning, this is the moment a fun night at the rink nearly turned tragic until a good samaritan saved the day. asia davis and her son were watching the cleveland monsters when a puck flew out of play and headed straight for the 4-year-old boy. it could have been catastrophic, but watch as a fast acting man seated near the pair swoops in to block the puck. >> that puck was coming so fast, you know? especially when i realized it was coming, it was already there. >> reporter: wondering how the puck got there in the first place. >> they shooted it. >> it came from the ice. it came from one of the hockey players. >> yeah. i know. >> reporter: blissfully unaware of what could have happened. >> he doesn't realize he almost got taken out by a hockey puck. >> reporter: it was all caught on video, but they didn't catch the man's name. >> tik tok, i need your help finding someone. >> reporter: taking to tik tok, asia asking viewers to help find the man who saved her son.
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the video went viral and the monsters caught wind of it and tracked down andrew padolek. >> i was coming out trying to enjoy a hockey came. then everything is blowing up on social media, this, that, the other. whole bunch of people contacting me. truly a good feeling. >> reporter: on saturday, after the heartwarming tale of heroism and gratitude made the rounds. >> monster fans direct your attention to center ice. tonight's vip puck drop. >> reporter: the three were united at the rink where it happened for a ceremonial puck drop and chance for asia to thank andrew in person. >> i'm really thankful that he was there. thanks to andrew, everything was fine. >> everything is fine. andrew told a cleveland affiliate it all happened in an instant. he had no time to think, just react. asia says she's eternally grateful to him and everyone who helped find andrew. they hope to stay friends. >> michael: that's great. most people would recoil. he reached out. >> had to jump in front. good thing he did.
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now we get to tell a happy tale. >> michael: thank you for bringing that to us, will. coming up later on the show, shark tank's robert herjavec is here with some expert tips on dealing with inflation and planning for retirement. next we have our adorable play of the day. ♪ it's hard to put it into words ♪ ♪ when i tried i felt absurd, ♪ ♪ you light the rooms of my soul ♪ ♪ and i tell myself not to lose control ♪ ♪ i'll take it slow, but it's hard to do ♪ ♪ when you're a lion like me and a lion like you ♪ ♪ you got the hands that i wanna hold ♪ ♪ you light the rooms to the house of my soul ♪ ♪ crunchy. ohh ♪ ♪ tasty ♪ ♪ ohh ♪ ♪ sweet or savory ♪ ♪ always satisfying ♪ ♪ gimme blue diamond ♪ ♪ crunchy ♪ ♪ tasty ♪ ♪ sweet or savory ♪ ♪ always satisfying ♪
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♪ gimme blue diamond! ♪ ♪ crunchy ♪ ♪ tasty ♪ ♪ sweet or savory ♪ ♪ always satisfying ♪ ♪ gimme-- ♪ blue diamond almonds. (vo) if you have graves' disease... ...and blurry vision, you need clear ♪ people with graves' could also get thyroid eye disease, or t-e-d, which may need a different doctor. find a t-e-d eye specialist at you wanna know how i get this glow? i get ready with new olay indulgent moisture body wash. it smells amazing and gives my skin over the top moisture. from dull to visibly glowing in 14 days. ♪ see the difference with olay. nature's bounty hair growth. help grow thicker, fuller hair with just one capsule a day of advanced hair complex. conquer hair thinning... ...and fall in love with your hair all over again. only from nature's bounty. it's good to get some fresh air. fresh air? hi guys! bill, you look great! now that i have inspire, i'm free from struggling with the mask and the hose.
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inspire? inspire is a sleep apnea treatment that works inside my body with a click of this button. no mask! no hose! just sleep. give me this thing. where are you going? i'm going to get inspire. inspire. sleep apnea innovation. learn more and view important safety information at [dog whimpers] [thinking] why always the couch? does he need to go to puppy school? get his little puppy diploma? how much have i been spending on this little guy? when your questions about life turn into questions about money... there's erica. the virtual financial assistant to help you spend, save, and plan smarter. only from bank of america.
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>> michael: back now with our play of the day and the miracle birth of a very rare orangutan at bush gardens in tampa bay. janai is here with wonderful news. good morning. >> wonderful news. kind that makes you feel good. you see this adorable little baby here. the orangutan is the largest species of ape that live in trees. they're considered critically endangered. there aren't too many left. that's why for conservationists, every birth is a big deal. oh, baby. this morning a critically endangered bornean orangutan born at bush gardens in tampa. it's a girl. >> there's only a few thousand left in the world. every time a new baby is born, we're very very excited about it. >> reporter: everyone going bananas over the adorable orangutan, who's already winning hearts, seen here cuddling her stuffed animal. she was born april 13th via c-section n to mom luna weighin
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just 3 pounds 4 ounces. >> during the ultrasound process we discovered that the baby was in that breach position. we did the c-section that same day to make sure we could ensure the health and safety of luna and her baby. >> reporter: now both luna and her baby getting stronger every day. as the staff who care for the baby help her grow, they're also hard at work finding the perfect name for their little star. >> i'll let you in on a little secret that most have to do with celestial events. after all, mom's name is luna so that seems to fit. >> luna, skylar. aura. i was thinking of some names. they are still looking for some. luna and her baby will be reunited once they are both feeling okay. the thing for the orangutans they only have young every seven to nine years so they're not reproducing much. they're already limited.
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and oh baby on abc saturdayand sundays. it's nice when the two worlds come together. >> rebecca: great crossover. thank you very much. coming up, if you are a new parent like mama luna, lori b is back with the top must haves if you have a little one at home. stay with us. the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd like to be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ what's a walt disney world thrill feel like? it's like... and like... and it feels even better... together. disney thrills us like... [screaming]
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you can't leave without cuddles. but, you also can't leave covered in hair. with bounce pet, you can cuddle and brush that hair off. bounce, it's the sheet. (♪) ♪ you must know what it's like ♪ ♪ to love somebody, to love somebody ♪ ♪ the way i love you ♪ (♪) (vo) tear into it... ♪ ta new adventure.u ♪ a new discovery. it's... all... out... there. they just need the crunch of nature valley to get after it. life happens. out there. [car traversing over uneven ground.] [silence in the vehicle.] [car traversing over rocky ground] (vo) we got a subaru forester wilderness to discover all of the places that make us feel something more. [minimalist piano plays throughout.]
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[heavy sound of water coming from waterfall.] (vo) subaru is the national park foundation's largest corporate donor, helping expand access for all. get 2.9% apr financing for 72 months on a new 2024 forester, going on now. [customer service rep] discover customer service, this is maya. jennifer: oh, hi maya. you robots are sounding more human every day! [customer service rep] at discover, everyone can talk to a human representative. jennifer: alright, prove it. [customer service rep] wait, are you a robot? 24/7 u.s.-based customer service. jennifer: how would i prove that i'm not? there it is... that feeling you get when you can... du more with less asthma. it starts with dupixent. dupixent is not for sudden breathing problems. it's an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma. and can help improve lung function for better breathing in as little as two weeks. dupixent helps prevent asthma attacks... and can even reduce or eliminate oral steroids. can you picture it?
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dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. get help right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines, including steroids, without talking to your doctor. who knows what you can do when you du more with less asthma. ask your doctor about dupixent. the most prescribed biologic for asthma. >> dubai has seen 2.4 inches of rain in 24 hour. that was in 100 years of data. that was until yesterday when they got 6.3 more than doubling that number.
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coming up the new study on the popular weight loss drug zepbound and sleep apnea. don't miss that theatrical event of the season. funny girl, playing april 30th through may 26th at the orpheum theater. tickets at broadway sf. com >> if your garage is starting to
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feel more like a cluttered storage room, one 800 got junk is here to help. we'll help you get your space back with garage cleanup starting at just $197. call one 800. got junk >> tonight the cunners are back. >> i'm scared. daddy. >> celebrate a brand new season. >> if you bring over a large bouquet of beer. >> i'm planning on making a stunning arrangement for my belly. >> the conners new tonight on abc. >> and then it was very. so i apologize. >> it's time for us to do the cutting. oh, sorry. that was worth it. right tell the players thank you again for giving us both a heart attack. seriously, you shaved off one of our. >> always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning everyone. i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven mornings. going to check in now
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with amanda for a look at traffic. >> amanda kumasi heads up bart riders. there is a ten minute delay on the berryessa line in the dublin, pleasanton, berryessa, richmond and daly city directions. and this is because of police activity at bayfair. drew, let's check in with you. >> hey, sfo amanda, it's partly cloudy out there with temperatures in the 50s right now. we'll switch it on over and you can see we're near 60 already in hayward, some 40s in our cooler spots in the valleys of the north bay. right now outside to our east bay hills camera, where you can see we have partly cloudy skies. we warm pretty fast today, and temperatures 5 to 10 degrees above average. 70s and 80s for daytime highs kumasi. >> all right. thank you drew. you may have seen part of abc seven at seven starting this news update that continues on our stream next. for everyone else, it is gma. >> in all of san francisco there's no place like wicked. so if you care to find me, look to the west and sky wicked. the
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untold true story of the witches of oz flies back to the orpheum theater from august 28th through october 13th. only nbc nightly news calls it the most successful broadway show ever. visit broadway to get wicked, replacing your old, ugly interior doors is the best whole home improvement, because it's the only home improvement that updates every room in the home and can be done quickly, easily, and affordably. >> and right now, with one day doors and closets, it's the best whole home improvement you can make during our buy one get one free event. >> our revolutionary 3d mapping technology, robotic door sizing, and in factory painting allows us to arrive at your home with perfectly fitting doors that can be installed in just a few hours. it's fast, easy, and incredibly affordable. in fact, one day doors cost significantly less than the big box stores or a handyman. >> they're scheduled, they're structured, they show up with the team, they're ready to go
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systems work together, expanding what we know and sharing what we discover to accelerate breakthroughs and inspire the next generation of code breakers . stanford medicine advancing knowledge, improving lives >> the floor store spring sale save on every type of flooring plus 18 months interest free financing floor. store your bay area flooring authority. >> our spring clearance sale is going on now. save up to 50% off storewide and 18 months interest free financing >> george: good morning america. it's 8 a.m. trump on trial. seven jurors sworn in to hear the case against the former president. what we know about the three women and four men including a nurse, a teacher and two lawyers, as trump tests the patience of the judge. >> rebecca: olivia munn sharing new details about her breast cancer journey.
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>> it was a lot tougher than i expected. >> rebecca: her diagnosis coming just three months after she had gotten an all clear. this morning what to know about breast cancers that mammograms miss. we're diving in with shark tank star robert herjavec. all the money moves you can make to help fight inflation now and for retirement. >> what are some ways i can keep my costs down? >> rebecca: and what small business owners can do. >> michael: from the power of love to the power of resilience. celine dion sharing a first look at her new documentary. ♪ >> george: killers of the flower moon star lily gladstone is live in times square on her new series that's being called a murder mystery like you've never seen before. she's saying -- >> good morning america. >> announcer: live in times square, this is gma. >> michael: good morning
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america. can't wait to catch up with lily gladstone. happy to have her here. >> rebecca: so happy. also ahead, lori bergamotto is back with an april baby shower bringing us the best new gifts for new parents. that is coming up. >> george: first top stories breaking at 8. we start with the latest in the trial of donald trump. first seven jurors have been selected. want to go back to aaron katersky with how trump is reacting. good morning, aaron. >> reporter: good morning again, george. those seven jurors are from manhattan's diverse neighborhoods and backgrounds but all made a common pledge to give former president trump a fair shake. they will be weighing 34 felony counts of falsifying business records related to hush payment to adult film actress stormy daniels. it was just before the 2016 presidential election and prosecutors allege trump wanted to keep voters from learning of her claim of a sexual liaison, which he denies. the jurors include an oncology nurse who likes to walk her dog in the park, a salesman born in
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ireland who still has the accent and a charter school teacher who said she admires how trump speaks his mind. now, in court, trump shifts around in his seat, cranes his neck to have a look at the people who are going to decide whether he's guilty. but when the judge heard him audibly muttering in the direction of one of the potential jurors, the judge raised his voice and said he would not tolerate juror intimidation. tomorrow a new batch of 96 potential jurors will begin answering questions as the court seeks to find five more jurors and six alternates. the judge signaled opening statements could begin as soon as monday. michael? >> michael: appreciate that from you, aaron. now to news just released about a popular weight loss drug success in helping obese people suffering from sleep apnea which could affect up to 30 million people in the u.s. chief medical correspondent dr. jen ashton is here with the details.
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doc, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> michael: this study was funded by eli lilly and company. tell us about the study. >> phase 3 clinical trials. not yet peer reviewed or published, so limited data. let me take you through the headlines. they looked at people with moderate to severe sleep apnea both with and without c pap therapy. what they found after 52 weeks was that people on zepbound lowered their apnea events. this is the number of times during the course of one hour they stop breathing by up to 63%. unsurprisingly also lowered their body weight by about 20%. what is not known what the drug maker released is how much of this improvement in their sleep apnea was obviously due to weight loss. we know that's the primary result of this medication. we know many people with sleep apnea are obese. where that connection is is not clear yet. >> michael: those are big numbers. how would you know if you have sleep apnea? >> well, i think -- first of
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all, about 85% of people with sleep apnea are undiagnosed and, therefore, untreated. there are signs and symptoms that are important. first of all very loud snoring that would be observed by the person sleeping next to you. witnessing an apnea episode during sleep which is literally means the person stops breathing. if they're gasping for air. if they wake up with a dry mouth or very very tired and fall asleep during the day. these are hallmark signs and symptoms. definitive diagnosis is made with a sleep study and the gold standard treatment is c pap machine. >> michael: i get daytime sleepiness. that's one thing that kicks in sometimes i think for all of us. if they can prove this does treat sleep apnea, does that change the access to it? does it change the cost of it? >> well, the hope is that once a drug is fda approved, that, yes, insurance coverage will improve. right now with this class of medication, obviously the demand is far exceeding supply. they are still incredibly
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expensive. bottom line is insurance will start to cover these drugs more when they realize that it's less expensive to cover the drug than it is to treat the consequences of obesity. >> michael: that will be a big move. thanks, doc. >> you bet. >> rebecca: okay, michael. who out there is on their phone? you got to be honest. listen up here. one restaurant is fed up with everyone scrolling their phones during dinner. you have a choice when you dine here. sure, you can use your phone, or you can hand over your phone before dinner and get a free bottle of wine. how many people are taking the free wine, guys? >> michael: a lot. >> rebecca: the owner says it's about 90% of their customer, which seems like it's working out. i had to check on my phone what the google rating is for this restaurant. 4.9. do you know how hard it is to get a 4.9?
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>> michael: it's tough. >> rebecca: it's working. >> george: they're giving away wine. >> michael: i'll give mine for an appetizer. >> rebecca: i'll investigate. >> george: coming up, olivia munn shares new details on her fight against breast cancer and why her diagnosis was tougher than expected. >> michael: plus shark tank's robert herjavec is here with ways to help beat inflation, answering your questions. >> rebecca: also ahead a first look at the celine dion documentary she calls a love letter to her fans. lara' s with a special guest. >> laura: so glad to have lily gladstone here. she was here promoting killers of the flower moon. now a new series being described as mysterious and addictive. she'll tell us all about it coming up on good morning america. now the part, stand and wave. if you have wet amd, you never want to lose sight of the things you love.
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some things should stand the test of time. long lasting eylea hd could significantly improve your vision and can help you go up to 4 months between treatments. if you have an eye infection, eye pain or redness, or allergies to eylea hd, don't use. eye injections like eyla hd may cause eye infection, separation of the retina, or rare but severe swelling of blood vessels in the eye. an increase in eye pressure has been seen. there's an uncommon risk of heart attack or stroke associated with blood clots. the most common side effects were blurred vision, cataract, corneal injury, and eye floaters. and there's still so much to see. if you are on eylea or a similar type of treatment, ask your retina specialist about eylea hd today, for the potential for fewer injections. ♪ crunchy. ohh ♪ ♪ tasty ♪ ♪ ohh ♪ ♪ sweet or savory ♪ ♪ always satisfying ♪ ♪ gimme blue diamond ♪
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♪ crunchy ♪ ♪ tasty ♪ ♪ sweet or savory ♪ ♪ always satisfying ♪ ♪ gimme blue diamond! ♪ ♪ crunchy ♪ ♪ tasty ♪ ♪ sweet or savory ♪ ♪ always satisfying ♪ ♪ gimme-- ♪ blue diamond almonds. 100% of dark spots are intensified by the sun. bright reveal daily sunscreen. no whitecast. wear spf every single day, rain or shine. anti-dark spot sunscreen by l'oréal paris. target circle is free to join... and you get deals antiautomatically?screen i love automatic! hey, wanna see a trick? sometimes i eat the barcode stickers! love my job! (man) excuse me, would you mind taking a picture of us? (tony) no problem! (man) thanks (tony) oh, yeah that's a problem you need verizon get the new iphone 15 pro with tons of storage. so you can take all the pics! (vo) trade-in any iphone in any condition and get iphone 15 pro - on us. only on verizon (terrie) if you're a smoker. i have a tip for you. make a video of yourself
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before all this happens. read a children's story book or sing a lullaby. i wish i had. the only voice my grandsons ever heard is this one. (announcer) you can quit. call 1-800-quit-now for help getting free medication. it's time to feed the dogs real food, not highly processed pellets. the farmer's dog is fresh food made with whole meat and veggies. it's not dry food. it's not wet food. it's just real food. it's an idea whose time has come. i told myself i was ok with my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms. but just ok isn't ok. and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. rinvoq is a once-daily pill
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that can rapidly relieve joint pain, stiffness, and swelling in ra and psa. relieve fatigue... and stop further joint damage. and in psa, can leave skin clear or almost clear. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin; heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. done settling? ask your rheumatologist for rinvoq. and take back what's yours. abbvie could help you save.
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>> michael: nice shot there of new york city. we're back now with our gma cover story. olivia munn sharing details about her breast cancer journey, telling "people" magazine that it was a lot tougher than she expected. eva pilgrim is here with more details. good morning, eva. >> good morning. when olivia munn found out she had breast cancer, her mind immediately went to her son and how she would tell her partner. then she went into action mode, determined to fight this. olivia munn revealing new details of her breast cancer journey, opening up the "people" magazine about her fight. >> having a little baby at home made everything much more
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terrifying. it makes you realize that, like, cancer does not care who you are. it comes at you and you have no choice but to face it head on. >> reporter: one year ago munn was diagnosed with a fast growing and aggressive type of breast cancer. the diagnosis, she says, was a complete shock. just three months prior she got an all clear after her mammogram. when her ob/gyn asked her if she ever gotten her life time breast cancer risk score, she filled out a questionnaire discovering her score was high due to family history and having her first child over 30. her doctor ordering an mri and ultrasound of the breast, finding multiple tumors. tissue samples revealed stage 1 breast cancer. within 30 days she under went a double mastectomy where doctors found another cancer mass the size of a tangerine. >> i really tried to be prepared.
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the truth is that nothing, nothing could prepare me for what i would feel like, what it would look like. >> reporter: while many breast cancers can be found through a screening mammogram, some 20% of breast cancer cases like munn's are missed. >> she feels grateful that she was given the opportunity to fight. and as she underscores the reason she was able to fight this fight is because of a prevention tool that her ob/gyn utilized. >> the very profound journey to find out how much strength and resilience i have. >> she tell us she's now on hormone suppression therapy which she said put her into a medically induced menopause. her story, a reminder that it's important to talk with your doctor about your personal risk to know what imaging test is right for you. guys, so many people have said to me, a tangerine sized cancer. how did the mammogram miss that? this story is a reminder that
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you really need to know what imaging is the best one to look at. and talk to your doctor about that. >> michael: fortunate she was willing to share this story so other people can see her fight, her journey and help them. yes. all right. thank you very much, eva. george? >> george: thank, might be. here with shark tank's robert herjavec. talking money. welcome back. good to see you. >> thank you. always happy to be back. >> george: let's go straight to inflation. numbers coming in hotter than expected. we saw the fed chair say the interest rates will remain higher for longer. what changes should people make? >> i think you're going to see inflation stay pretty high. i think we are going to see interest rate cuts but not as many as we thought. i think consumers just have to be careful about how much money they're spending. try to buy in bulk. i love costco. i never go there and spend less than $300 but you buy a lot in bulk. try to defer some big purchases. interest rates are going to come down.
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>> george: we've got some viewer questions coming in. michael from instagram asks, should i make any changes to my retirement plan due to inflation? >> well, now that i'm getting older, i'm realizing, george, we're all going to live a lot longer. great thing about retirement is lot of people have a lot of expertise that young people are willing to pay for. a side hustle is not just for the young. i think a lot of people in retirement can take up a contracting job or other things. the reality is you got to make that money last longer. thankfully, we're all living longer. >> george: jennifer owns a company called whiplash. >> the beauty industry is very competitive, with so many bigger brands. how can i personalize myself as a small business owner against these larger conglomerates? >> well, the smaller you are, the narrower your focus. one of the biggest mistakes small businesses make is they take on too much. i always tell people, small
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laser like focus. you can't take on the big guy, but you can be more flexible and move faster. >> george: angela is doing that. she's an empanada food truck owner. here's her story. >> love empanadas. >> what are some ways i can keep my prices down, but not affect the quality of the food i serve to my customers? >> well, first of all, who doesn't love empanadas. in this economy, don't be afraid to raise your prices. here's the thing. you're worse off to keep your prices low and let your quality suffer. your consumers and your customers will feel that more than slightly raised prices. reality may be, you may just have to raise prices. >> george: number one tip for everybody concerned about inflation? >> hold off major purchases. i think you're going to see inflation come down, but i think you're going to see interest rates come down. >> george: thanks, as always, for coming in. ginger? >> ginger: weather service offices in parts of iowa and missouri are going to be busy today because they've got to finish surveys from the tornados
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that have been blowing through. we know that was a tornado. thankfully it looks like it's not impacting anyone. today this system has already shown us what it can do. that's a precursor to what could happen. toledo, cleveland, columbus, even pittsburgh down to cincinnati. late tonight, 'cause that's a daytime thing. late tonight damaging winds back in northeast kansas and missouri from a new system that will stick around tomorrow for these two pockets.
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>> michael: it's that time. pop time with lara. >> laura: good morning to you. we're going to begin with celine dion. she sang about the power of love. and now she's ready to teach us about the power of resilience in a new documentary amazon announcing "i am celine dion." it is set to hit the streamers june 25th. the studio also releasing this first image from the doc they say will be a raw and honest behind the scenes look at the iconic super star's struggle with a life altering illness. celine shared the news she had been diagnosed with stiff persons syndrome in 2022 when she had to postpone her world tour. the documentary is directed by irene taylor. celine says she opens it will raise awareness of this little known condition. she calls it a love letter to her fans. so looking forward to that. i adore her. hey, also this morning, travis
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kelce is going hollywood. the super bowl champ will try his hand at hosting a new game show called "are you smarter than a celebrity?" [ laughter ] amazon and mgm production is a spinoff of "are you smarter than a fifth grader." that was hosted originally by jeff foxworthy. like the original, each game will have a regular contestant who gets to rely on a, quote, classroom full of celebs to help them answer questions and possibly win $100,000. kelce is pumped about the gig and said he is excited to be following the steps of former icons. he went on to joke he's happy to be on the hosting side of the equation. no word on a premiere date. the first season will have 20 episodes and stream on prime video. you know what that's like. >> michael: i think he's going to crush it. he's a great guy with a great personality. lot of people don't realize it because you see him on the field. when they see him off the field
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they'll be surprised how great he is. >> laura: i love it. we got to have him on so you can show him the ropes. >> michael: maybe i know somebody who knows somebody. [ laughter ] >> laura: finally this morning the brand new airline, i love this, just for our furry friends. the dog toy company bark is teaming up with a charter jet service to ease the challenges of long distance travel with pets by creating bark air that offers white glove experiences with refreshments, towels, treats, calming jackets and noise canceling ear muffs. take a look at their new commercial. >> introducing bark air. finally dogs will fly the way they always deserved to. >> laura: hilarious. [ laughter ] i don't think they offer all that stuff. the company does promise the first ever in flight dog park and all that luxury comes at a cost.
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it will cost you a few bones. [ laughter ] new york to london is $8,000 for you and your furry friend. new york to los angeles for the two of you is $6,000. that's one way. the first bark air flights take off may 23rd. >> george: i hope ali doesn't let cooper and daisy watch that pop news segment. [ laughter ] >> laura: i hope ali didn't watch it. [ laughter ] >> rebecca: lara, thank you so much for that. hope they don't hit any turbulence along the way. also, we are springing into action. i'm going to head over to lori bergamotto. very timely segment. april baby showers. hello, lori b. you can shop all of these on our website. so great to see you. i see familiar things. >> it's so funny. we have our good morning america crew here, so many moms and dads. everybody's been coming up, oh, i have that, i love it, oh, do i need this? the answer is yes. the most common birth month is september.
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which means baby showers are happening in june and july. when are you registering for those? right now. >> rebecca: get on it. >> we're going to start with strollers. strollers can be pricey. plus they're like the cars of the baby world. right? you're going to use them all the time. you want something safe and reliable and durable. i know you are a fan of this one. >> rebecca: we use this all the time. >> great. we got this from nordstrom which is a great resource for all things baby. what we love about this one, versatility, manageability and the fact that it's light weight. i'm going to show you how it becomes a car seat. this will actually save parents time, money and energy because you have one infant car seat and it converts into a stroller. this is great if you live in a place where there's taxi cabs or ride share, like new york city. or also in a suburb and they're getting in and out of grandma and grandpa's car, or the baby-sitter's car.
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nothing is as manageable and versatile. >> rebecca: and super light. >> super light. now the mockingbird. this is great if you have a twin. >> rebecca: multiples. >> yes. this can fit up to three children. great. if someone is having a sprinkle, for the next kid. the mockingbird has nearly 5,000 five star reviews. people are -- this has like a cult following. for good reason. it can fit so many things. it's really user friendly. people just love the way that it rides. just the durability. that safety factor is unparalleled. we love that from mockingbird. this is great because it is only $70. this is the umbrella stroller. great gift to give somebody. >> rebecca: super light. >> if you have a tall parent, as high as -- what do you call it? the handles. thanks, rebecca.
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handles are 43 inches high so great for tall parents. >> rebecca: all right. >> do you have one of these? >> rebecca: he sits in one of these every day. >> oh my gosh. we were obsessed with this. i couldn't get anything done without this. we got this from pottery barn kids. people will register there for decor, but they also sell thing like this. other vendors. this is the baby bjorn rocker. for over 60 years, it is and effective. you just strap the baby in exactly. it's all about being hands free sometimes so that you can multitask. also hands free for cooking dinner. i use it all the time. do you really? i love that. so this is the ergobaby now. there are so many baby carriers out there, but the reason this one felt like a
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universal crowd pleaser is because it really marries both that soft baby wrap with the more structured baby carrier. so again, we got this at baby list, which is one of the premier places to register. this is a great gift and it's nice and lightweight. eva pilgrim was just over here telling me she's like, oh, this keeps you nice, keeps you cool. when you're walking around with the baby all day long. yes. that's important, a nightlight. i think we're going to dim the lights here so we can see how these guys work. these are under $20. this is a great thing. if you're going to like a sip and see or again, that little sprinkler, you're just going to visit the baby. i think a toddler would like this. a toddler would like these again under $20. and there are eight different, colors. so it's just something that's like fun and easy and you're going to want to have. and speaking of something you're going to want to have covered in oatmeal and yogurt. and everybody loves the mushy bib. and i love them because you don't have to put anything in the laundry. they can eat, make a huge mess, which they will. you can just dump out the food, wipe it clean and use it again.
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obviously these are bpa and phthalate free, so safe to use and it's a great gift. thank you laurie. thank you as always taking care of us. all these products are on good morning america .com. and coming up oscar nominee lily gladstone is here live. stay with us >> i ate that they are the very best. they are champions. >> kind of blowing my mind. who are the jeopardy masters? >> six all time greats. one incredible tournament. i think i'm doing this correctly. bring it. jeopardy! >> masters prime time event starts wednesday. >> always live abc seven news starts right now. >> hello there. i'm reggie aqui from abc seven mornings. here's traffic with amanda. >> yeah. good morning, bar rider. something to be aware of is a ten minute delay. this is on the berryessa line in the dublin, pleasanton, berryessa, richmond and daly city
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directions. because of earlier police activity at bayfair. this is what's causing the delay. but know that they're still making those stops at bayfair at this time. back to you, reggie. >> thanks, amanda. we're going to check in with meteorologist drew tuma. it's already getting a little warmer out there than usual. right after the break. >> hey, everybody, it's me, tracy turnblad from hairspray, broadway's tony award winning best musical is back, featuring songs that are fresh, winning and tuneful. come see the mega hits about a girl from 1960s baltimore. me who dares to dream big and changes the world. don't miss the warm hearted musical comedy hairspray coming to the orpheum theater for one week only beginning april 16th. >> tickets on sale now. >> so long, happy little blue car. we get it. >> it's hard to say goodbye to your car. >> goodbye. speed demon. >> but sometimes you have to autonation is here to make it easy for you to see how much
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your car is worth. visit us at or come see us in person. we'll get you top dollar fast and with over 25,000 used vehicles available online and in store, we can help you say hello to your next car at autonation. what drives you? drives us that precision garage door. >> our technicians can repair your door the same day or order you a new garage door. we only use high quality parts and a precision garage door. we warranty all of our work so you get the ultimate peace of mind precision door service, a name you can trust. >> she was born with a nonfunctional leg. her family wasn't sure what to do. find out how shriners children's gives her the strength to stay active and to inspire others. watch our next local spotlight this saturday morning, sponsored by shriners children's. >> hey, bay area live with kelly marcus. coming up, we'll chat with lillie gladstone. >> plus, we'll celebrate mark's one year anniversary at live. >> that's at nine on abc seven. >> well congrats, mark. we'll take a live look outside sfo
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this morning showing you partly cloudy conditions. temperatures. look at that danville. you're at 61 and it's only 830 this morning a lot of 50s on the board. so it is going to be a warm day. our east bay hills camera showing you that filtered sunshine. we're warming quickly today 70s appear already by lunchtime. and then by nine or by 4:00 rather about ten degrees above average. in the 70s and in the 80s. so 70 in the city, 75 in oakland, 81 in san jose, 79 in concord, hit about 77. >> in napa, reggie aqui i went out without a coat. and i'm not a particularly brave person. another abc seven news update in about 30 update abou minutes. ys you can always find us on our news app and abc seven >> announcer: welcome back to gma. live from times square. >> george: we're here with lily gladstone. she starred in killers of the flower moon. she has a new series called "under the bridge." great to have you here.
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congratulations on your amazing year. >> thank you. >> george: for those who don't know the story tell us about "under the bridge." >> it's about a very well known case in canada. it's definitely one that holds especially the way we explore it in the series, lessons that we could adopt and examine today. it's about a 14-year-old girl who goes out with a group of, who she thinks are her friends one night and doesn't return home. >> michael: you star aside riley keough. you became friends on instagram which led to this role. how did that happen? >> she slid into my dm. [ laughter ] we had been on the same award circuit and campaign trail for our independent films we had out in 2017. she for american honey, me for certain women. there were some crew that the film shared. we've always kind of, since then, we've had -- i have been a fan of hers. she said she's been a fan of mine. she starts following me a year later. >> rebecca: took a year?
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>> i didn't go on instagram. back then i only had around 2,000, 3,000 followers and that blue check followed you around. [ laughter ] just an instagram friendship. clap backs, you know, heart emogis on everything. beautiful love story. i really appreciated a lot of the thing, some of the posts i would make she would amplify, about savannah gray, boosting mmiw awareness. like, she was very conscious about sharing and amplifying some of the posts i would post. >> rebecca: you've both been there for each other. >> yes. >> rebecca: let's take a look at a clip. >> excuse me. >> look, we're not trying to be unhelpful, okay? just trying to be honest with you. we get a lot of missing kids around here, you know? usually girls.
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wasting our resources while they're off skipping school. >> i don't think that's what this is. >> has she done this before? reena? has she ever run away? >> yes. but she always tells me where she's going. she doesn't just disappear. >> rebecca: there's been so much conversation about this series. chilling, incredibly entertaining. but you also talked about this a little bit. radical empathy is one of the things you're using to describe it. >> yeah. it's an incredibly difficult case. it's a heartbreaking one. it's so difficult to wrap your head around when you consider how young all of the kids were who were involved. i think riley said it quite a bit, i think because of the age of all of the kids, it forces us to examine maybe some of the social inequities that made reena very vulnerable to
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bullying, but also created this culture of bullying for those kids. you know, bullies are hurt, powerless people. so what are the systems in place that create that? what creates that disparity? what creates marginalized people in our society that are both more vulnerable to violent crime, but also penalized more heavily when it does happen. so we had a lot of those conversations over the course of the show. and rightfully just as in reality, her family are the ones who really lead that conversation. i was so grateful that my character, even though she's fictionalized she's a woman in the police force at the time and really just became a representative of an indigenous presence in the story. in canada, and this conversation is worth having, indigenous communities have been leading the charge and really the practice of restorative justice.
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that's kind of where we want the compass of the show to point in the end. >> rebecca: as you said, this is based on a true story, as was killers of the flower moon. so celebrated, that movie was. so much so that it brought you an oscar nomination. can you share with us a little bit about that pinch me moment, that time in your life and that night in particular? >> yeah. it was incredible, you know? something most actors only dream of, being there was -- it was really important, especially because my mom sat by me at the golden globes, that my dad got to be with me at the oscars. he was the one with me when i was little with so much creativity. [ laughter ] he was always putting that oscar word in my ear. it was lovely to have him next to me. i know that he had a great time. i have had enough time, the fuse for celebrity blows at some
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point and you just see people. i have already acclimated into that. every once in awhile i get starstruck. my poor dad got thrust right into the middle of it. [ laughter ] he was sitting next to jodie foster. love, adore. my dad's been a fan of hers since before i was born. she asked him very kindly, so, where are you from? he blanked. he completely forgot where he was from. [ laughter ] he had to ask me when i got back from talking to marty. i hope that's just being star struck. >> george: great story. >> laura: lots of good things coming up. you'll be at the met gala. >> very excited for that. thank you for having me. >> george: "under the bridge" is streaming now on hulu. coming up lynn richardson's here with financial
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♪ ♪ >> laura: back with our series older and bolder. this morning we're focusing on financial freedom and the opportunities for women entering their 50s and beyond. financial expert lynn richardson is joining us with some helpful tips. hey, lynn. thank you for being here. it's an important topic for so many people. lot of people tend to think when you hit a certain age, if you've been in a career for decades,
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that you'll be set. but that's not always the case. what do you want women to know about savings once they hit the big 5-0? >> the first thing is to not beat up on yourself, okay? we think we're supposed to have it together. the truth is we're taking care of ourselves, sometimes our children, sometimes parents and their parents. forgive yourself. start where you are. wherever you are, just start there. i also want you to start today. don't think about what you could have done 20 years ago or 30 years ago. start today. start where you are. if it's $1 you can save, save $1. if you do $1 week one, $2 week two, $3 week three, you'll get somewhere. the other thing you can do is take a look at your income. if you have a lower income range, start there. if you have a mid level range, start with $4 a week. if you have a higher income range start with $6 a week. it is important to start today, start where you are, and start smart.
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take that money and put it in a high yield savings account. right now they're paying between 4% and 5%. >> laura: really? that's great to know. what are three thins you advise women to do beyond 50 when it comes to maintaining finances? >> maintaining your finances. first of all, some say money talks, but i say money walks with you quietly and you don't know where it went. so you want to save more money by living by the 10-10-30-50 method. first 10% give. first 10% give. next 10% save. 30% you want to put as incidental. 50% in your budget. you also want to get more money. one stream of income is hazardous to your welt. so you want to go out and get additional income streams. then get your money back. when you drive your car for personal reasons you don't get it back. when you drive for business, you do. when you go out to eat for personal reasons you don't get your money back. when you go out for business, you do. >> laura: how are people
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supposed to change that? >> you have a home based business so that you can get more tax exemptions and keep more money in your pocket. >> laura: good advice. okay. we have some viewer questions. start with ormie is in livingston, new jersey. take a look. >> hi, lynn. i know it's crunch time for saving for retirement but i'm also paying for my kids' college and haven't been focusing on my savings plan. what are the ways to reach my retirement goals? >> first of all, you've got to focus on you. it's time for self care. grab all the extra money you can find. money for unused subscriptions, money you would just put anywhere. make sure you're putting that money in your retirement funds or your mutual fund. next thing, you want to research mutual funds and etf's that earn 8% annual return over time. research that.
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the other thing you want to do, money works harder for you than you can ever work for it. consider a business investment for your child that's going to college. so that money you're saving can actually start earning money to pay for college. >> laura: here's another question. this one is from maria on instagram. sometimes i get road blocked when i'm planning my finances. i have been hesitant about talking to a financial adviser. do you think it's worth it to do so. >> let me tell you something. therapy is the easy word of the day. everybody wants and needs a therapist. why? because therapists help you get through your thoughts so you can get to where you want to be. consider a financial therapist or adviser. make sure you are seeking out reputable sources. let me tell you, if somebody is promising that you'll be a millionaire in two days, don't believe it. don't fall for any schemes. i would just say stick to it. stick to it, keep going, get some help. guess what? it's your future. >> laura: that's right. that's right, lynn. thank you very much. great advice. appreciate it so much. we're going to head over to ginger.
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>> ginger: thank you very much, lara. now we have a gma exclusive. "time" is revealing the annual list of 100 most influential people in the world. four special covers featuring honorees dua lipa, patrick mahomes, taraji p. henson. the new issue hits newsstands this friday. abc news is going to give you access to the "time" 100gala. the special airs may 12th and the next day on hulu. >> michael: coming up shogun star anna sawai is here live. there she is.
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>> michael: back now with one of the stars of the critically acclaimed limited series "shogun." it's been called the best show on tv right now, and i can agree with that. anna sawai has been getting praise for it. she plays lady moreco. let's look at a clip. anna, welcome back to gma.
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>> thank you for having me. >> michael: so excited to have you here. you were here when we were about to kick off the show. there was so much excitement about it. it has lived up to all of that. that was a clip from the ultimate episode yesterday. so many incredible moments for your character. keep this spoiler free as possible. >> okay. [ laughter ] >> michael: please. what was your reaction when you read this script? >> i think that throughout most of the season you really see her having to conceal her emotions. and so when i read episode 9 it just felt so good that she was moving forward with conviction and reclaiming her identity. it felt so liberating as an actor. >> michael: with one episode left in the series, how do you think playing her has impacted you? >> i feel like she's allowed me to ask very difficult questions. i don't want to talk about it too much because i might spoil something. >> michael: don't do that.
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[ laughter ] you talk about how emotionally tough it is to play this role. what did you do to relax and kind of download on set? >> weekends i would do yoga. i think the thing that was most helpful was just being with the horses. i had to learn how to ride a horse on this show. at one point they were like, you've had enough lessons. let's focus on something else. i was like, no, i need to see the horses. i need to feed them apples, need to brush them. >> michael: you had to learn a sword fight, caligraphy, horses. they say you couldn't stay away from the horses. >> no. like, any time i was lost, they would be finding me, i was with the horses or getting apples. >> michael: you have a favorite snack on set. what is your favorite snack on set? >> i love hi-chews. the aides would just live them on my chair, i would be in a good mood. >> michael: before you became an actress, you were in a girl
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group. >> i was. >> michael: have you ever thought about putting the two together? broadway maybe? >> i mean that sounds amazing, but i feel like you really need to train for that. a musical movie, that might be something i'm interested in. >> michael: okay. musical movie. that would be great. yeah. do you know what? before you go, we have a little something for you. we have a gift for you. bring it on out, you guys. >> you do? >> michael: yeah. we want to make sure you go home with your favorite. >> oh my god. >> yeah! whoo! >> stop it. oh my god. >> michael: there you go. a hi-chew tree. >> thank you so much. >> michael: nice skewers. >> these are like the ones we have in japan. >> michael: really? >> yeah. banana, kiwi. i love it. >> michael: we hope you enjoy that as much as we enjoy the show. >> thank you. >> michael: i absolutely, absolutely love it. the finale of "shogun" drops tuesday, april 23rd on hulu. anna, everybody. we'll be right back. >> thank you.
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>> yeah!
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norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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>> michael: this friday morning we are about to give one teacher the surprise of a life time live on gma. trust me, this teacher deserved it. just wait until you see the surprise celebrities joining in the fun. >> friday on good morning america.
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>> michael: before we go, we have a big congratulations to one of our stage hands, eddie and his wife amanda on their new baby girl. yeah. [ applause ] mom and baby are doing very well so congratulations everybody. >> george: that's great news. have a great day. >> she's the star of growing up chrisley. tomorrow morning, savannah chrisley opens up about her parents, their prison sentences. good morning america tomorrow. >> tragedy in a small town. a church pastor is dead. >> shot in the back with a shot gun.
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>> people were like what? the preacher's wife? >> there had to be a good reason to pick up that shot gun and shoot her husband. >> she appeared to have a marriage made in heaven but behind closed doors it was a living hell. >> all new 20/20 friday night at 9/8 central on abc. >> what would you do if you heard a husband being asked to open up his marriage. >> i don't know that i feel comfortable that you've already made decisions without me. >> just wait until you see what our hidden cameras catch. this is what i want. he is on his way. whoa >> dinner and a show. and just wait till you see what happens when he walks in. hell, no. what would you do sunday night? all new abc. >> so what's good to read? and
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we mean really good to read right now. well, that's where charlie and kate gibson can help . >> join us for the new podcast series. it is called the bookcase with kate and charlie. >> we will make sure you love what you read. listen wherever you get your podcasts. >> can you believe it? it's 25 years of breakfast in bed, surprising moms across america. oh my god, oh my goodness for our 25th anniversary, we're making it the biggest surprise yet. >> a full on breakfast in bed extravaganza like you have never seen before. so go to good morning or scan this qr code to find out how to enter a deserving mom you love for breakfast in bed. >> hi, i'm andy and i'm sabrina, and we're moms juggling tons of stuff every day. like all you moms out there. and you know what we love really love pop culture. so what happens when being obsessed with pop culture collides with being a mom? you
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get us. so listen now to our new podcast, pop culture moms, available ad free on amazon music. >> danger had never looked like this before. >> this girl's been missing for three days. >> can you keep a secret? >> take me under the bridge in the next 30s 250 couples will need to make room for a nursery. >> 26 people will go all in this family will get two bathrooms. and finally, one vacationer will say, yeah, who? >> i'm gonna live here. >> but as the euphoria subsides, the realization hits. i got to sell the house. don't worry. just sell and buy in one move. when you start with open door. wow. oh, yes. start out with an all cash offer at open door. com >> hey everybody, it's me, tracy turnblad from hairspray, broadway's tony award winning best musical is back, featuring songs that are fresh, winning and tuneful. come see the mega
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hits about a girl from 1960s baltimore. me who dares to dream big and changes the world. don't miss the warm hearted musical comedy hairspray coming to the orpheum theater for one week only beginning april 16th. >> tickets on sale now. >> i was injured in a car crash. i had no idea how much my case was worth. i called the barnes firm when the truck hit my son. >> i had so many questions about his case. i called the barnes firm. it was the best call i could have made. >> your case is often worth more than insurance offers. call the barnes firm to find out what your case could be worth. we will help you get the best result possible. the bondsman injury attorneys call one 808 million. >> stop your search for the one and find your perfect mattress match at mancini's sleep world. and for a limited time, we'll pay the sales tax on top brands like sealy, beautyrest and more.
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feel the relief of the all new tempur-pedic adapt mattresses starting at $47 per month. or try avocado organic mattresses starting at 6.99 with guaranteed best prices, free next day delivery and set up in your home plus old mattress removal. your perfect match is waiting for you online or in stores at mancini's sleep world. >> if it weren't a drink from mcdonald's, you wouldn't try this hard. >> pick up a medium oreo frappe for just 3.89, or a medium iced coffee for just 2.79. ba da ba ba ba. >> always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning. >> i'm reggie aqui from abc seven mornings. here's amanda with traffic. >> good morning reggie. we're going to start with our drive times. we're seeing the typical slowdowns from castro valley to the maze. that's going to take you 31 minutes and then 85 to sjc in the south bay, 24 minutes. highway one to san francisco is going to take you about 13 minutes. and a live
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look at the san mateo bridge from the toll plaza to foster city. that will take you 17 minutes. drew >> hey, amanda, we'll go to our exploratorium camera, where it is partly cloudy out there. we're warming up already. 60 in oakland, 62 in san jose, and it's just a day where it will feel more like summer than spring. we'll find those temperatures already into the 70s by noon, and then by 4:00, we'll get you into the 70s and 80s away from the coast about 5 to 10 degrees above average, 70 in the city, 75 in oakland, 81 in san jose. reggie. thanks, drew. >> now it's time for live with kelly and mark. we are back on the air ate air at 11 ♪ ♪ >> deja: it's the one-year anniversary of of live with kelly and mark! ♪ ♪ today, and the limited series "under the bridge," lily gladstone. plus, kelly and mark look back


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