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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM Repeat  ABC  April 18, 2024 1:06am-1:41am PDT

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he ♪ >> andrew: finally tonight, they came, they danced, and they stayed on pointe. tonight's "nightlight." at the plaza hotel in new york city 500 ballerinas from around the world ages 9 to 19 gathering to raise awareness for the ballet scholarship program youth american grand prix and set a new world record by dancetion on pointe on their toes for 60 seconds straight. >> three, two, one, go! >> andrew: they needed at least 306. and in the end 353 set a new record. >> it was a proud moment for all of us ballet dancers. >> i had never broken a record before and it was really exciting. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> andrew: that's "nightline." you can watch all of our full episodes on hulu. we'll see you right back here at the same time tomorrow. thanks for staying and cache in, at cache creek casino resort, to rock and to roll. to go all out or... go all in. with four stars and rising stars, northern california's premier casino resort is the perfect place... do as much -or as little- as you want. make your get away now and cache in at cache creek casino resort. norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that.
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a major police presence that we were keeping an eye on, all rushing to this corner of west oakland. oakland police just told us that whatever happened here, police did fire shots. now you're taking a look at a live picture. there you can see some of the police cars there from the scene, all of it really intensifying in the last half hour. >> and we have other video into the newsroom. just minutes ago.
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you can see the police tape going up around this intersection with a heavily armored vehicle and several oakland squad cars in that area. >> yeah, all of it's unfolding right near defremery park on the corner of 16th and adeline. we will have an update as soon as we learn more. police, however, say they won't be releasing more information until later tonight. good evening. i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley. >> thanks for joining us. our other top story a 14 year old boy is suspected of setting a fire that destroyed a waymo robotaxi in san francisco's chinatown in february. >> fireworks were set off inside the vehicle and video showed people smashing its windows with a skateboard and committing other acts of vandalism. >> san francisco police say they searched the boy's home last month and found evidence linking him to the crime. prosecutors have filed charges, but it is up to the juvenile probation department as to whether the boy will be arrested. >> new developments with the protests yesterday at google offices around the country over the war in gaza. the company confirmed tonight it has fired 28 employees after individual investigations. we saw people
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taken into custody in sunnyvale, but it's not clear if they were workers. google says a small number of employees did disrupt things at some of its offices. in a statement, it says, quote, physically impeding other employees work and preventing them from accessing our facilities is a clear violation of our policies and completely unacceptable behavior. after refusing multiple requests to leave the premises, law enforcement was engaged to remove them to ensure office safety. >> pro-palestinian protesters who shut down the golden gate bridge on monday may have to pay the people they inconvenienced. san francisco district attorney brooke jenkins is urging anyone who was, quote, trapped on the bridge to contact her office. jenkins wants to know what happened to them to determine whether they're the victim of a crime, which may entitle them to restitution. officers arrested a total of 26 people on various charges, including felony conspiracy and false imprisonment for shutting down the span for hours. jenkins has not yet filed charges, saying
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more investigation needs to be done. well, so far no charges have been filed against pro-palestinian protesters arrested in alameda county. 12 people were taken into custody after they blocked lanes on 8-80, essentially shutting down the freeway in oakland. in a statement, alameda county district attorney pamela price said prosecutors are prepared to receive case information for those arrested during that incident. she adds, while my office supports the essential right to protest, it is important to note that public safety should never be compromised in exercising the first amendment right of free speech. >> we make it our mission every day to find the breakthroughs in our neighborhoods, the stuff that builds a better bay area. and tonight we wanted to highlight one breakthrough in progress in the south bay. neighbors and city leaders in san jose all came together for a town hall to address several street encampments along one part of town. they say the encampments lined several sections of willow street, and now city leaders are working through their options. abc seven news south bay reporter lauren martinez has more.
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>> i'm opting for option number one. you try to do a better job finding solutions for a san jose homeless encampment brought dozens of residents out to a community forum. >> the ad spaces that are managed. and then we shut down spaces that are unmanaged. >> on wednesday, mayor matt mehan and council members omar torres and dev davis held a town hall on what to do about the homeless encampment off willow street and la long. the mayor brought up two options the first to continue what he called the status quo approach and increase cleanup and some enforcement. but the encampment would remain as is. >> or we could take valley waters offer and take that paved area. i know some of you don't like it. no no. >> the second option garnered some heated reaction. the mayor proposed the city could use the land across the street owned by valley water, and create a safe sleeping site with rules with tents in a row, with trash pickup, with some amount of security and case management.
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the mayor says if this were to become a safe sleeping site, people would be required to use it or leave with again, the noise, the drums, the crime, all the issues you're facing. >> you've got to give us an option of where people can go. >> some residents were upset the safe sleeping site is similar to an idea council member davis proposed years ago. >> i don't see how moving that same group of people across the way and suddenly managing them is suddenly going to change those entire people and change the environment. >> i think our city needs to sue the county. i think the county needs to do their job and as one person said earlier, find some unincorporated property somewhere else, not smack dab in the middle of neighborhoods. >> other residents were supportive of the interim housing site. >> for one thing, it's a temporary location and these people need to go someplace. it's a very human problem. we're
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having, so this isn't the best solution. but it is a move in the right direction. >> the mayor says this open conversation to find a solution will continue in san jose. lauren martinez abc seven news. >> pumping life into downtown san francisco has grabbed lawmakers attention at the state capitol. there now multiple proposals weaving their way through the legislature. one bill introduced today by assembly member phil tang, would help the city with its plan to turn vacant office space downtown into housing. ting estimates the city has 32.5 million square feet of empty office space. that's the equivalent. listen to this. of 23 salesforce towers, his bill would create a revitalization district that would rely on tax incentives. >> while many people know our famous office buildings, the newer office buildings, those really won't be the ones that will be converted. it will probably be some of the older buildings, the buildings that
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are smaller or less famous because those are the ones that are easier to convert into housing. >> there's a second bill backed by scott wiener that made it out of committee today. >> the warm weather has been an early taste of summer, but that may all be changing for some of us. abc seven news meteorologist sandyha patel is peeking ahead in our 24 hour accuweather forecast. sandhya. >> yeah, and ama, we really had a beautiful day. no doubt about it. it did feel like summer in our inland areas and even in places like san jose. check out the high temperatures for today 81 in san jose, 80 in san rafael got up into the 70s from san francisco to oakland, all the way out towards santa rosa. concord livermore is 61 degrees in half moon bay. it is still really mild across many parts of the bay area. 63 in san jose and concord, 62 in hayward, 55 in the city, north bay. you're looking at 63 degrees right now in fairfield. as we check out your day planner tomorrow morning, we'll start out with mild conditions a few clouds, temperatures in the 50s, sun and
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clouds at noontime, and it is going to be a warm one inland, but not the case along the coast in bay. that's where we notice the temperatures are dropping off. and in the evening it's going to be cooler and cloudier. i'll be back with a look at your weekend preview coming up in just a few minutes. dan ama all right. >> thank you. sandhya. >> the other major story we're following tonight, sex charges swirling around and speculation coming from one bay area high school, a p.e. teacher in american canyon is behind bars accused of multiple sex crimes against a female student. >> the principal is now on leave pending an investigation into the events of the case. >> now, this evening, the school district held a meeting to inform and to update parents. abc seven news reporter jeff stone was at that meeting and has new information. >> this is a booking photo of brad rall, physical education instructor at american canyon high school who has been charged with multiple felony sex crimes against a female student. >> our son said that he was actually a really nice guy, and that he was a lot harder on the
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guys on the boys than the girls, that he had really good relationships with. a lot of the girls and was very like friendly and buddy buddy with them. my son, when this initially happened, i said, what's the deal? >> he said, i don't know. he said he seemed cool. he said he seemed like a nice guy. he said, but he was very friendly with the female students parents we spoke with at this district-wide community meeting wednesday night learned that rao has been charged with 21 felonies. >> court documents say the alleged crimes began sometime last summer and continued until last week. the victim said to be 15 and 16. during all of this, the napa county sheriff says rao was first arrested on april 9th after the school resource officer looked into the matter. >> he came across some very disturbing evidence. we're kind of pushed it past the rumor realm into the evidence realm, and then the decision was made to immediately arrest him. >> rao bailed out and was then arrested again on the 12th. when authorities say more evidence surfaced, he is currently still
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in jail. superintendent of napa valley schools rosanna musetti spoke at this meeting. she says the alleged sex acts are believed to have occurred on the american canyon high school campus, in the weight room, in a vehicle and in a janitorial closet. she addressed her concerns with us wednesday night. >> it's extremely concerning. it's absolutely unacceptable to us. and so we are going to look at our systems. we are going to investigate the matter comprehensively and thoroughly. >> the complaint also says that rao was in possession of material that showed a minor engaging in sexual conduct. parents said the details in this case are painful to hear. >> heartbroken because this is such a tight knit community. we have great parents, we have great students and it just shouldn't have happened. >> now law enforcement is trying to determine if there are any more victims in american canyon. j.r. stone, abc seven news. >> sfmta is set to propose changes to a traffic
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intersection that was recently the site of a fatal crash. the san francisco chronicle reports tomorrow that transit agency will propose a reconfiguration that would prevent cars from cutting through the intersection of yulo street and west portal avenue. that's that same area where just a month ago, an suv crashed through a bus stop, killing a family of four. among the proposed changes, drivers heading toward the muni station from west portal avenue or yulo street would be forced to make a right turn. cars would no longer be allowed to access yulo from claremont avenue nearby, and lenox way, which also crosses yulo, would be converted into a one way street with automobiles rerouted, the roadways would form what sfmta officials call a grand welcome plaza at the front of the west portal muni station. >> all right, coming up, a fire truck slams into a california home, and the homeowner finds out from right across the street. plus, this pretty traumatic to be pulled out of a tree like that. >> definitely stop the selfies. the story behind these teens and some very harmful photos.
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>> and the caitlyn clark craze is only getting started. the new reports tonight about what might be coming next. >> first, a look at what's coming up tonight on jimmy kimmel live! right after abc seven news at 11. jimmy. >> thanks, dan. and ama. tonight we go to war. tell me honestly, is it a sin or wishing i'd been born a third? born a third? >> olsen twins i love that my daughter still needs me. but sometimes i can't help due to burning and stabbing pain in my hands, so i use nervive. nervive's clinical dose of ala reduces nerve discomfort in as little as 14 days. now i can help again. feel the difference with nervive. wanna know a secret? more than just my armpits stink. facts. that's why i use secret whole body deodorant for clinically proven odor protection everywhere. so i smell great all day, all hike, and all night. secret whole body deodorant. if you feel like things don't add up right now... you're not alone. rent is up, and every family outing costs an arm and a leg.
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fire engine slamming into a home in stockton. the fire fire engine slamming into a home in stockton. the fireocked an eo repeal the state's 19th century ban on almost all abortions, which the supreme court recently ruled was enforceable. democrats in the state house couldn't overcome procedural obstacles to advance a bill to repeal the law. the lone arizona republican who voted to try to bring the repeal vote to the floor says he's still encouraged a vote could happen next week. >> make no mistake about it, this law will be repealed. there
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are enough votes in this chamber to repeal the territorial law. it will happen. it's just a matter of time. >> meanwhile, in the state senate, a new abortion ban repeal bill was formally introduced today. the earliest it could be voted on is in two weeks time. arizona's attorney general continues to try to find a way for providers there to practice here in california. it could help with the expected influx of patients seeking care across state lines. sleep apnea is something that millions of americans struggle with at night. maybe you do, and a helpful solution may be found in something far different a popular weight loss drug. zep pound is now going to be put up for expanded use with the fda. reporter tony cabrera with our sister station in los angeles, has some encouraging results from a new study. >> drug maker eli lilly says it's found a new use for its popular weight loss drug. zep bound research say it can also
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treat sleep apnea on top of obesity. >> what we saw in patients was up to a new use for its popular weight loss drug. zep bound research say it can also treat sleep apnea on top of obesity. >> what we saw in patients was up to a t injectable treatment isn't new. >> under the name manjaro, it's approved to treat type two diabetes under the name zep bound. it treats weight loss. >> the generic name is called tirzepatide, and then we commonly use these brand names, which confuses people. >> doctor raj dasgupta is excited about having another
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weapon for sleep apnea, but he thinks it's only one piece of the puzzle. >> is this going to be the magic bullet? is this going to be the drug? and now you don't need to get evaluated. you don't need cpap, you don't need to do other things. i don't think we're at that stage yet. >> well, this may be a turning point for sleep apnea patients, he says. we still need to learn more about the long tum effects. >> when we talk about what is the gold standard, of course, it's still going to be wearing that mask for right now. >> remember, zepp bound is already approved for weight loss. eli lilly will now submit it to the fda for it to be used to treat sleep apnea as well. they hope to do so in the coming months. tony cabrera, abc seven news. >> new at 11. this is something you definitely should never do, no matter what. video shows some people pulling bear cubs out of a tree in asheville, north carolina. the reason they wanted to take selfies with them. wildlife officials were called out. by the time they got there, only one of the cubs was still
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around. the others had wandered back into the woods. look. look at this. so stupid. the people responsible. well, they got a talking to. >> total selfishness. this is not what we talk about when we talk about co-existing, we did confront them on site that day. we let them know how irresponsible and potentially deadly it could be for that cub to be separated from its mom. >> the cub was rescued and is at a rehab facility. it will eventually be released back into the wild. there is an investigation and the people who pulled the cubs out of the tree, they could face charges. what are you thinking? waiting to watch that. >> come on, let's have some. >> the poor mama bear somewhere. it's like, where are my babies? >> all right, let's move on. talk about the weather forecast changing a little bit. yes. >> sandhya patel is here with those changes. sandhya. yeah? >> we're going to start you off with some minor changes tomorrow. dan and anna. and then we'll move on to some bigger changes. let me show you some live views right now from our tower cameras. really glorious
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views from all of our tower cameras. we have a few high, thin, wispy clouds passing through, but other than that, skies are clear. and here's a look at the forecast. so today's high temperatures in the first column tomorrow in the second. and you will notice 79 in napa today going down two degrees, san rafael will drop four degrees from 80 to 76. certainly we'll see four degrees cooling in san francisco. but san jose only a 1 degrees drop off. so you get the drift here. minor fluctuations, high pressure in control of our weather. that's what brought us the warmth. temperatures anywhere from 8 to 12 degrees above average for this time of year. this system is pretty strong in the pacific now. right now it's not going to bring us any rain, but we certainly will see those changes occurring in the form of more cloud cover, more fog by friday, and cooler weather on live doppler seven. all is quiet. your temperatures at this hour, 50s and 60s. it's pretty mild outside. you can even feel it out there as we look at a live picture from our mount tam cam tomorrow. co schools warm inland friday. temperatures drop in all
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areas and as we head towards your weekend, mainly sunny and warmer weather. so let's talk about your weekend in case you're making outdoor plans. 60 to 78 degrees saturday morning fog will give way to brighter skies. a little breezy. sunday 62 to 80 degrees, so it is going to be a warmer one. we're going to start you off tomorrow morning with some patchy fog, which we have in half moon bay right now. and then as the afternoon goes on, high clouds will increase. low 60s to the mid 70s. early in the afternoon we'll see those temperatures rise up into the 70s and a couple of low 80s. your morning numbers 40s and 50s mainly clear to the north. partly cloudy to the south tomorrow afternoon. it is really going to be another nice day. 80 in the south bay and san jose 77. gilroy 76. sunnyvale on the peninsula 76. in redwood city, 60. and half moon bay, downtown san francisco 69 degrees. so if you like today's weather, i think you're going to love tomorrow. 78, in santa rosa, 76 in san rafael, 69 sausalito in the east bay. still above average, 74. in oakland, 77. fremont. and i think you could get away with short sleeve
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weather once again. and shorts 79, in walnut creek and concord, 80, in fairfield and brentwood. now i want to show you very quickly what's going to happen as we head towards the end of the workweek and into next week. so more cloud cover. friday's cooler by next week on tuesday we could see a couple of drops around here. certainly looking like changes are ahead. the accuweather seven day forecast is featuring the warm weather inland, cooler coast and then breezy and cooler for all areas. friday. temperatures do rebound over the weekend. it should be nice. and then next week we'll introduce cooler than average introduce cooler than average and a slight chance did you know... 80% of women are struggling with hair damage? just like i was. dryness and frizz could be damaged hair that can't retain moisture. new pantene miracle rescue deep conditioner, with first-of-its-kind melting pro-v pearls... locks in moisture to repair 6 months of damage in one wash, without weigh down. guaranteed or your money back! for resilient, healthy-looking hair...
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just living in it for indiana fever. jersey is the hottest item they sold out in an hour online, and if you want one, you're going to have to wait. >> unbelievable. they won't be available until the middle of august. the wnba season starts in may. clark was formally introduced today by her new team, and she talked about growing the game, obviously the new media rights deal that can be negotiated can be life changing for a lot of players in this league. it's going to be a huge deal, but also like expansion, i think expansion is really important. this is one of the most this is the most competitive league in the world. >> multiple reports tonight say clark is closing in on an eight figure endorsement deal with nike. >> for now, clark will be coming
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to san francisco in 2025 when we're her new team, the indiana fever will play the new, yet to be named bay area wnba team at chase center. >> she is becoming a huge superstar. all right, speaking of chase center, no more games for the warriors this season. >> no chris alvarez is here with sports. chris >> hi, dan. and i'm coming up in sports. the warriors season has come to a close, but is it a come to a close, but is it a close to klay so i didn't think i needed swiffer, until, i saw how easily it picked up my hair every time i dried it! only takes a minute. look at that! the heavy duty cloths are extra thick, for amazing trap & lock. even for his hair. wow. and for dust, i love my heavy duty duster. the fluffy fibers trap dust on contact, up high and all around without having to lift a thing. i'm so hooked. you'll love swiffer. or your money back!
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all eyes shift towards a very important off season for the warriors, including the future of unrestricted free agent klay thompson. the future hall of famer had a night to forget last night in sacramento. he went scoreless zero for ten from the field in the loss to the kings. now look klay is a four time champion. missed just five games during the regular season this past year averaging just under 18 points per game. he hit 268 threes and led the league in free throw percentage. and despite one of the worst games of his pro career, klay is looking at the bigger picture here. >> i'm not going to let one sour night or beer ruin a decade plus of great work and success. >> what klay has meant to this franchise, as good as he still is, we desperately want him back. >> can never see myself, you know, not with those two guys. >> obviously we want klay back. you know it's obvious that we want to continue what we've been doing. we'd like to win again.
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>> one for the thumb would be nice. >> stephen curry will make his olympic debut this summer in the 2024 paris games, led by warriors head coach steve kerr. team usa is curry, a two time world cup champion with team usa in 2010 and 2014, becomes the fifth warrior in franchise history to play for team usa in the olympics. >> i mean, representing team usa uh- in the olympics is a dream come true. i've played on two world championship teams that represented our country where the usa jersey, but this is another level. >> stanford women's basketball welcome in new head coach kate paye. she's a woodside native and has been a part of two of the three national titles at stanford, one as a player and one as the associate head coach back in 2021. giants rubber match against the marlins in miami. logan webb bringing out the lineup card. pregame. top of the seventh tie to one two on for nick ahmed. and check out this play by louisa rice. diving stop tags the bag with his glove and throws across for the out. a run does come home, but a very
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nifty double play. two one giants in the eighth. matt chapman added some insurance, an rbi double to right and the giants get a series win three one. the final a's hosting the cardinals series finale. there rickey henderson in attendance in oakland. and he must have liked this estuary ruiz two run homer. second and three games after returning from triple a, two nothing oakland and the a's may have found themselves a closer six three lead in the ninth. mason miller strikes out brandon donovan, 102 mile an hour fastball ends the game. a's hour fastball ends the game. a's win six three. sports mr. clean magic eraser powers through tough messes. so it makes it look like i spent hours cleaning, and you know i didn't. it makes my running shoe look like new! it's amazing. it's so good. it makes it look like i have magical powers. magic eraser and sheets make cleaning look easy. ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well ♪ ♪ jardiance! ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's start! ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to see ♪
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on right now on our website. it is up for you on the top news sidebar at abc7 all right. thank you for watching tonight. i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley for sandyha patel chris alvarez, all of us. >> we appreciate your time right now on jimmy kimmel rob mcelhenney and chris stapleton. >> have a great night thousands with mesothelioma have trusted us to represent them against those responsible. we have local offices throughout the us. mesothelioma really is all we do and there is no risk to you. let us put a plan in place for you and your family. call now. call us at 800 363 15 or go to facebook. >> com i love my work caring for people. i often assist women who struggle with urinary incontinence, women who have fallen trying to reach the
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