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tv   ABC7 News 500AM  ABC  April 18, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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and the east bay now at five. what led up to this interaction on. >> trapped in traffic day, brooke jenkins wants to know if you were stuck on this traffic on the bay bridge. reach out. >> now, this parking enforcement will really make it clear that you shouldn't be parking on a sidewalk or in a crosswalk or in
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a bike lane. >> drivers in san francisco beware that secret parking spot that's been safe for years, may now earn you a ticket. good morning to you. it is thursday, april 18th. >> got a lot to get to. want to start the check of our forecast with drew. >> yes, we'll repeat yesterday's forecast. it was so lovely out there. warm temperatures again this afternoon. this morning we have clear skies out there. live look from sutro tower showing you the bright lights of san francisco. you can see the east bay hills way off in the background and no pockets of fog developing so far. we'll keep our eyes on that. and it's another afternoon on the way where temperatures are going above average right now. some of our cooler spots, like sonoma, santa rosa, we're in the 40s right now, 54 in oakland, 58 in san jose. so we still have some of that mild air hanging on this morning from yesterday. 56 in hayward. we're at 51 right now in danville. so outside this morning from san jose. we have clear skies. it's a mild morning. we'll just have a few clouds from time to time and again by noon. we're already into the 70s away from the
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coast. the coast will feel a little cooler today. will stay right around 60 degrees for our daytime highs, but away from the coast, we're still looking great. in the 70s and in the 80s. so highs today feeling lovely once again. 74 in oakland will hit 80 in san jose about 69 in the city. napa feeling nice at 67 degrees reggie aqui. >> thanks drew new developments out of west oakland where police say an officer shot and killed an alleged homicide suspect. this happened around 930 last night near defremery park. that's on the corner of 16th and adeline street, oakland police say sacramento police officers were in oakland conducting a homicide investigation. those officers asked oakland officers for help arresting a suspect. >> oakland police officers arrived on scene and as they began securing the area and requesting additional resources, the suspect emerged from the residence with the firearm. oakland police officers discharged their service firearm, fatally striking the suspect. >> no officers were hurt and there's no current threat to the
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public. oakland police are investigating the shooting this morning. >> house speaker mike johnson, facing threats from his own party that could cost him his job. and amanda, it appears to be over federal funding for ongoing foreign conflicts. kumasi speaker mike johnson says he will call for a vote on funding for the war in ukraine, saying, quote, this is not a game. >> earlier this week, johnson announced plans to break up the $95 billion bill that would send money to israel, ukraine and taiwan into separate bills. conservative republicans oppose funding for ukraine, saying they want more spending on us border security. first congress woman marjorie taylor greene threatened to try and remove johnson as speaker if he brings up ukraine funding for a vote. but last night, greene said she would not start that process until after the foreign aid packages go to the house floor. >> to put it bluntly, i would rather send bullets to ukraine than american boys. my son is going to begin in the naval
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academy this fall. this is a live fire exercise for me as it is so many american families. this is not a game. it's not a joke. >> yesterday in northern ukraine, at least 17 people were killed in an airstrike. it's an attack officials say could have been stopped if ukraine had adequate air defenses. those house bills on aid for israel, ukraine and taiwan are due for a vote by saturday. back to you at the desk, reggie. >> google confirms it fired 28 employees over their decision to hold a sit in protest in google's offices on monday via live stream. we saw people taken into custody from the google campus in sunnyvale. google says a small number of employees disrupted things at some of its offices in a statement, it says, quote, physically impeding other employees work and preventing them from accessing our facilities is a clear violation of our policies and completely unacceptable behavior. after refusing multiple requests to leave the premises, law enforcement was engaged to remove them to ensure office safety, the san francisco da is asking for anyone who was stuck in traffic because of monday
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morning's protests on the golden gate bridge to come forward, she says they may be entitled to restitution. protests are shut down the golden gate bridge and parts of 8-80 in oakland, police arrested 26 protesters from the bridge demonstrations. they were released pending further investigation. potential charges include unlawful assembly, resisting an officer, false imprisonment and conspiracy to commit a crime, which is a possible felony that requires us to have specific evidence related to each one of the 26 people we need video evidence. >> we need statements from people all impacted by the protest who were witnesses to what occurred in the east bay, alameda county district attorney pamela price is investigating protesters who shut down 8-80 in oakland. >> in a statement to abc seven news, she writes, our prosecutors are standing by and prepared to receive case information for individuals arrested during that incident. while my officers, my office supports the essential right to protest, it's important to note that public safety should never
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be compromised. >> san francisco police say a 14 year old boy is suspected of setting this fire that destroyed a waymo robotaxi in chinatown back in february. fireworks were set off inside the vehicle and video showed people smashing its windows with a skateboard and committing other acts of vandalism. san francisco police say they searched the boy's home last month and found evidence linking him to the crime. prosecutors have filed charges, but it's up to the juvenile probation department as to whether the boy should be arrested. >> happening now. people are gathering in san francisco to mark the anniversary of the 1906 earthquake and the fire that nearly destroyed our city 118 years ago today. >> that quake struck at 5:12 a.m. abc seven news reporter ryan curry live at the fountain and ryan, the ceremony is underway today to senator dianne. >> hey, guys. >> good morning. i know you cannot see me, but i'm here at
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the scene. you can see the emcee is speaking right now as we're about to get this event underway. you can see the wreath above his head on the fountain commemorating the many lives who were lost that day, 118 years ago. a very incredible event. in just a few moments, they're going to be hearing a moment of silence, and then you're also going to be hearing a lot of sirens from all the police and fire who were on hand as a way to honor those who passed away all those years ago. it happened around 511, 512, five, 13 in the morning, depending on which historian you ask. incredible earthquake that changed the city for the rest of its time and the rest of its history. former mayor willie brown is on hand. the fire department, police, sheriff's office, they're all here, as well as the department of emergency management. this is a great significance because this is lotta's fountain. this is a site of where the great quake during 1906, a lot of survivors came here leaving notices, hoping to find loved ones and others who were buried in the rubble or lost in the
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fire. while that was raging on. and in moments, we're going to be hearing more from the city officials about this incredible event and how we also need to be more prepared and ready for when that next earthquake comes. so after this event goes on, i will give you more of an update. for now, this is a live look at what's going on. a lot of people are on hand. a very historic day for san francisco. so guys, right now i'll send it back to you. >> and we'd be remiss if we forgot to mention the ringleader in pr impresario, the fabulous lee. >> thanks, ryan. we'll take a look at the accuweather forecast. it's another warm afternoon on the way yesterday was so lovely out there with temperatures in the 70s and 80s. a live look from our mount tam cam this morning. we have great visibility. we have clear skies up above. so looking at the morning drive over the next several hours, your sunrise close to 630 this morning, we'll have mostly sunny skies. it's pretty mild out there this morning, mainly starting out in the 50s, and it's another morning where we warm pretty fast already into the upper 50s, lower 60s by about 9 a.m. and later on today we're back into the 70s and mainly 80s in our
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warmest spots. live doppler seven along with satellite. today's our last day under this influence of high pressure. there is a trough approaching us and this arrives here tomorrow to bring a minor cool down to finish out the week. but it's short lived because temperatures bounce back for the weekend. future weather showing you later on this morning by about 1030. we're well into the 60s under mostly sunny skies. this afternoon we're into the 70s and some 80s for daytime highs and even this evening again, very pleasant. most of us quite comfortable in the 60s, even close to 7 p.m. tonight, the pollen forecast a little change from yesterday. trees still running high, weeds and mold are at low levels. so looking at the next three days, it's warm sunshine. today we do have a minor dip in our temperatures tomorrow as that trough arrives. it's breezy and it's cooler, but over the weekend we start to rebound again with a minor warm up. saturday, looking lovely. sunday's even warmer than that. we'll show you those numbers coming up, reggie in about eight
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minutes. >> drew. thank you. a new national list solidifying golden gate park's reputation as one of the best parks in the country, and a popular coding boot camp in here in the bay area isn't cracked, isn't all it's cracked up to be, i should say. >> the reason federal agents are cracking down on this program. >> you can grab a seat at the castro theater without even leaving your house. a part norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling.
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visit to learn more. doc?
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the center of a senate hearing in washington, d.c, and amanda, a former employee, had a lot to say to lawmakers about the company's culture of safety. >> reggie, that former boeing employee testified yesterday accusing boeing of taking shortcuts to save time and money. new video released by boeing shows so-called fatigue testing on its plane. it's a device that bangs on the panels, which stimulates or simulates, i should say, what planes experience during long time use. in this video, boeing intentionally damaged the panel to see if the banging would cause the fuselage to tear. unlike previous generation planes where metal fatigue
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caused holes to tear. boeing claims the composite material on the 787 dreamliner prevented further damage. boeing released the video following several of its employees testifying on capitol hill, questioning the quality and safety of boeing's planes in a rush to address its bottlenecks in production, boeing hit problems, pushing pieces together with excessive force to make them appear that the gaps don't exist. >> even though they exist. >> during the hearing that former employee provided no evidence to support his claims. boeing calls the claims inaccurate and says it is confident in the safety and durability of its 787 jets. >> this is a watershed moment for boeing. it doesn't mean that they are going downhill in terms of overall quality. it does mean that they've got to change the way they view on the front lines, their responsibilities towards personal responsibilities, towards safety, and that's what's been slipping over time. the idea that they could they could have things wrong with the airplane as it's going down, the
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production line, but still push it to the next position on the line rather than stopping the line and making sure it was right. >> boeing is standing behind its fleet, saying it's fully confident in the 777 87, which, quote, has safely flown more than 3.9 billion passengers around the world. boeing says it encourages employees to say something if they see something wrong. back to you, reggie. >> all right, amanda, thank you. now, a story you'll see only on abc seven. there's a plea deal in san francisco where a driver killed a four year old girl in a stroller. this happened in august at the intersection of fourth and king streets. police say that it was an accident, and the 71 year old driver has pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor vehicular manslaughter charge. that means that she will. she will not go to jail. it's a decision that doesn't sit well with some people. >> she is beyond remorseful uh- and her life is has been forever changed. >> i mean, i think there's a dangerous precedent set when you give really lenient, you know,
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sentences for people killing other people with their cars. >> as part of this deal, the driver will be on probation for two years, and we'll have to do 400 hours of community service, as well as complete a driver's ed course that's happening today. >> sfmta is set to propose changes to a traffic intersection that was recently the site of a fatal crash. the transit agency is taking up a proposed reconfiguration that would prevent cars from cutting through the intersection of lola street and west portal avenue, and that is that same area where just a month ago, an suv crashed through a bus stop and killed a family of four. now among the proposed changes, drivers heading toward the muni station from west portal avenue or lola street, you, lola street would be forced to make a right turn. cars would no longer be allowed to access lola street from claremont avenue nearby, and then lennox way, which also
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crosses lola, would be converted into a one way street with automobiles rerouted, the roadways would form what sfmta officials called a grand welcome plaza at the front of the west portal muni station, and you need to watch where you park in san francisco, because the city is preparing to crack down on illegal parking and issue more tickets. >> sfmta's director says city parking enforcement officers will finally be able to start enforcing all the parking rules after they've been short staffed following the pandemic. abc seven news spoke with a transportation advocate who said this approach is key for public safety, but not everyone agrees. >> we know that people who park on sidewalks or in bike lanes or in crosswalks or really close to intersections reduce safety for all people, but especially for children and seniors. people with disabilities who walk, bike or use mobility devices to get around, well, the whole city is trying to get more money because of the deficit.
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>> the budget deficit. >> sfmta anticipates a $12.7 million deficit during this fiscal year and next. the pacifica pier will be off limits today and tomorrow. the city is closing it to allow crews to fully assess the damage done during powerful storms in december and to and to determine exactly what repairs are needed. the pier is 67 years old, has long been a popular spot for fishing and sightseeing. >> golden gate park made it on a new list of best parks in the nation, so the list was not made by experts and then voted on by readers of usa today. our iconic ggp is number two. wait a minute . we'll move on. it's beloved for its trails, museums, its gardens, athletic fields, boating lake, and of course, the bison paddock. a riverfront park in tulsa, oklahoma, took first place. tulsa's gathering place is known for its five acre adventure playground, and it has
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water spaces. >> for a few hundred dollars, you could buy the red orchestra section seats from san francisco's castro theater. advocates fought hard to preserve the historic seating at this landmark building, but it seems that this renovation sale is the closest they're going to get to keeping them. single seats are going for 350 bucks, and doubles are 500. another planet entertainment's website says proceeds will be donated to oasis arts and the castro organ devotees association. >> mardan. >> i saw pictures from this renovation the other day and they are well underway. oh good. >> oh great. what did you see? >> like the. >> i could see that they have the scaffolding built up so that they're working on the ceiling. so it was interesting to see that it was very it was giving sistine chapel michelangelo. they're not doing that. i'm just saying it was just reminding me of that. >> yeah. in your mind. there you go. >> very nice. today we're on our way to another warm day and then we'll see some minor cooling tomorrow afternoon. outside this morning. here's our exploratorium camera. you can see some stars out there. we
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have clear skies. it's another sunny day today. one little difference. the coast will be slightly cooler today with a little bit of a stronger onshore flow, but we still stay rather warm inland. friday we have this cool down, but that just means temperatures are closer to average for this time of the year. tomorrow is still looking like a nice day. the weekend outlook. we have sunshine, warmer weather moves in here. the weekend is looking fantastic . i can't wait to show you that in a second. our beach, boat and surf forecast winds out of the west southwest today. waves lower than yesterday about 2 to 3ft with that swell period around 15 seconds. the ocean water temperatures sitting between 53 and 56 degrees. live doppler seven visibility mode. we're watching parts of the north bay, santa rosa has dropped a little bit, but still the fog is not too thick out there. we'll have some low cloud cover in parts of our north bay valleys. first thing this morning, we'll widen out the picture. we'll add satellite. we're in between two features high pressure to our south, low pressure off the coast. we'll have a nice day today, but eventually that low pressure tomorrow will bring us some
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cooler weather for friday afternoon. but today you'll find temperatures mainly in the 70s and 80s, except the immediate coastline where you have a stronger onshore flow where half moon bay, santa cruz will stay in the 60s, 74 in oakland, 80, in san jose today, 78 in santa rosa, about 79. the high in livermore overnight tonight, we'll have partly cloudy conditions and temperatures pretty close to where we are right now. in the upper 40s to the mid 50s for overnight lows tomorrow afternoon. it is slightly cooler out there, but these numbers are close to our april averages for this time of the year. and then over the weekend we do have a minor warm-up. the weekend's looking fantastic. some morning fog, the sun on saturday with full sunshine in the afternoon and sunday slightly warmer with temperatures topping out in the 70s and 80s in most spots. here's the accuweather seven day forecast, showing you it's warm sunshine today. a little bit cooler tomorrow, the weekend looking fantastic. and then next week we'll have much cooler weather with temperatures dipping below average by tuesday. >> guys thank you drew. coming up, the seven things to know this morning a youth baseball
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league is facing a different kind of opponent. >> thieves. the effort and the east b and i'm ready for a rematch. game on. i've been practicing. what the cello? you want me to lower the hoop?
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foul! what? you going to tell on me again? foul yah? foul bro! here take a free shot go ahead knock yourself out. your about to get served. seriously? get allstate, save money, and be better protected from mayhem, like me. love you mom! wait till your father gets home. dry skin is sensitive skin, too. and it's natural. treat it that way. aveeno® daily moisture with prebiotic oat is proven to moisturize dry skin all day. you'll love our formula for face, too. aveeno® (nicole) welcome to blue buffalo's one taste is all it takes. (katie) gill wants food that tastes good, if he doesn't like his food he will walk away. (nicole) we sent you blue tastefuls dry food... (katie) he devoured it. clearly he was a big fan. it's healthy, and he loves it. (vo) pick up blue tastefuls today.
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a fatal shooting involving an officer. it happened near defremery park on the corner of 16th and adeline, when police were working to arrest a homicide suspect. police say the suspect initiated the gunfight and that is what led to police shooting him. >> number two, a teacher at american canyon high school, is in jail accused of multiple sex crimes against a female student. the principal is now on leave pending the results of the case. >> number three san francisco's district attorney is hoping to hear from people who were stuck on the golden gate bridge during monday morning's protest. d.a. brooke jenkins has not filed charges against any of the 26 people arrested, but says some people impacted by this may be entitled to restitution. >> number four, donald trump will be back in court today for jury selection in his hush money trial. seven jurors have already been seated. 11 more people still have to be sworn in. opening statements in the landmark case to be given could be given as early as monday.
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>> and number five, warm sunshine continues today. temperatures still above average heading into friday. we have a minor cooldown, but those temperatures start to rebound heading into the weekend. >> number six a look at drive times. the typical slowdown from tracy to dublin that is taking you 43 minutes and then nothing in your way from san rafael to san francisco. that's 15 minutes. and then antioch to concord is going to take you 16 minutes. >> number seven, today marks 118 years since the 1906 earthquake that devastated parts of san francisco. people are gathered at lotta's fountain right now on market street this morning, repainting the monument. today's ceremony has a dual purpose to remember those lost and to remind people to have a quake safety plan in the east bay. >> a nonprofit youth baseball and softball league is trying to raise money after a thief stole nearly $20,000 in gear. the junior optimist baseball league's property in concord got broken into saturday. the thief stole an atv trailer generator,
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water pumps and maintenance items. the league serves kids ages 4 to 13 and is entirely volunteer based. >> kids are most important here. i'm not here for anybody else, but them. >> the league filed a report with the contra costa county sheriff's office, which says an investigation is ongoing. >> a beloved south bay teacher is still giving back to her community even after her unexpected death. this is video virginia wright from 2019. she mentored and inspired students in san jose for more than 35 years. tragically, she lost her life in a car accident last year, something wright was known for. among her students was her jordan shoe collection. she had more than 200 pairs back in 2019. south bay based shoe palace even ended up recognizing her and creating air jordan ones in her honor. in her honor, now the company is working with her family to auction her shoe collection for a san jose state university scholarship that is
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her ama mater. >> i just feel in my heart it was the right thing to do with her collection. she's still helping kids and she's helping kids succeed. i know that's, what she would be really proud of. >> they are more than 60 pairs of shoes left to auction so far, it's raised more than $20,000. the goal is to get to 50,000. if you want to bid, we have a link in this story on our website abc seven >> an end of an era happening this weekend in the bay area. saturday will be the last run for bart's legacy trains. these are the trains that have been running for more than 50 years. the transit agency will be holding a celebration at macarthur station in oakland, with food activities as well as a bart merchandise pop up. this will also mark the end of the transition to bart's so-called fleet of the future. these more modern cars have been phased in, and there are now more than 700 of them. as for the legacy cars, at least three of them are headed to a museum in sassoon
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city. >> another round of layoffs happening at google. still ahead. the departments and offices the company says will be affected. >> and a live look outside it is 526. we'll be right back. >> this is abc 724 seven. >> in san francisco, live at levi's stadium in san jose. >> live in oakland. yay! you're watching abc seven news live anytime, anywhere. >> we are, we are, we are, we are, we are, we are where you are. >> never miss a moment of the news that matters to you. download our abc seven bay area streaming app. join us
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tackling the issue of
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homelessness in the south bay, now a 530. the solutions proposed to directly address a sprawling encampment in san jose . >> arizona republicans once again blocked an effort to repeal its ban on almost all abortions. some in the party were. the issue could have an impact on the november elections. >> what happens when inmates run the prison? a new show aims to put that social experiment to the test. >> good morning everybody. it's thursday, april 18th. >> first we start with a check on the weather. drew, you're saying we're getting a repeat? yeah we are. >> we'll find mild to warm temperatures today and more sunshine later on this morning. a live look from sutro tower. we are fog free right now. we have clear skies above us, and we'll have that sun coming up here in about an hour. close to 630 this morning. it's mild in spots. san jose right now is in the upper 50s at 58 degrees, currently at 52, in the city, 54 in oakland. good morning. danville you're at 51 degrees, a little bit cooler in the valleys of the north bay where santa rosa and sonoma coming in with a temperature of
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47. right now, looking at the day planner, it's a bright looking forecast. your sunrise here at exactly 630 this morning and it will be mild. we'll just have a few clouds from time to time. very similar to yesterday, and will quickly warm again where you can get rid of that jacket by about 9 a.m. 70 away from the coast by noon, and then by 4 p.m. 70s and 80s once again across a huge portion of the region 74 for oakland today, we'll go to 77. in napa, the city about 3 or 4 degrees cooler compared to yesterday, 69 for a high. san jose. it is warm today with a high of 80 degrees kumasi. >> thank you drew. the near total abortion ban in arizona will be moving forward after republicans in the state house blocked an attempt to repeal it yesterday. and amanda, we're learning that now state senators have started working on a new bill aimed at abolishing the law kumasi. >> and it could be weeks before that bill is introduced. it's a response to the failed attempt by democrats to repeal the 1864 abortion ban. yesterday, arizona is now one of 21 states to ban
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or restrict abortion. since the overturning of roe v wade and arizona is one of 14 states where abortion could be on the ballot this fall. abortion rights have won every time it's gone before voters, even in conservative states, democrats in arizona are now using the civil war era law to mobilize voters ahead of november's election. >> if you believe that a 12 year old who has been raped by her stepfather should be forced to give birth, vote for the republican party. if you believe that families and medical providers should make their own decisions about their futures, vote for democrats. >> the biden campaign is tying the issue to former president trump, who appointed three of the justices who helped overturn roe. trump has said arizona did go too far with this ban and now says he is against a national abortion ban, although he said he'd consider supporting one. in february. back to you. >> thanks, amanda. neighbors and city leaders in san jose all
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came together for a town hall meeting. they're hoping to address several street encampments along one part of town. those encampments are along verasections of willow street. and now city leaders are working through their options. abc seven news reporter south bay reporter lauren martinez has more on that. >> i'm opting for option number one. you try to do a better job finding solutions for a san jose homeless encampment brought dozens of residents out to a community forum. >> the ad spaces that are managed, and then we shut down spaces that are unmanaged. >> on wednesday, mayor matt mehan and council members omar torres and dev davis held a town hall on what to do about the homeless encampment off willow street and the long. the mayor brought up two options the first to continue what he called the status quo approach and increase cleanup and some enforcement. but the encampment would remain as is. >> or we could take valley waters offer and take that paved area. i know some of you don't like it. no, no.
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>> the second option garnered some heated reaction. the mayor proposed the city could use the land across the street owned by valley water, and create a safe sleeping site with rules, with tents in a row with trash pickup, with some amount of security and case management. the mayor says if this were to become a safe sleeping site, people would be required to use it or leave with again the noise, the drugs, the crime, all the issues you're facing. >> you've got to give us an option of where people can go. >> some residents were upset the safe sleeping site is similar to an idea council member davis proposed eight years ago. >> i don't see how moving that same group of people across the way and suddenly managing them is suddenly going to change those entire people and change the environment. >> i think our city needs to sue the county. i think the county needs to do their job and as one person said earlier, find some unincorporated property
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somewhere else, not smack dab in the middle of neighborhoods. >> other residents were supportive of the interim housing site. >> for one thing, it's a temporary location, and these people need to go someplace. it's a very human problem we're having. so this isn't the best solution, but it is a move in the right direction. >> the mayor says this open conversation to find a solution will continue in san jose. lauren martinez abc seven news pumping life into downtown san francisco has grabbed lawmakers attention at the state capitol. >> there are now multiple proposals weaving through the legislature. one bill, introduced yesterday by assembly member phil ting, would help the city with its plan to turn vacant office space downtown into housing. his bill would create a revitalized mission district that would rely on tax incentives. >> while many people know our famous office buildings, the newer office buildings, those really won't be the ones that
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will be converted. it'll probably be some of the older buildings, the buildings that are smaller uh- less famous because those are the ones that are easier to convert into housing. >> ting estimates the city has 32 point 6,000,000ft■!s of empty office space, which is the equivalent of 23 salesforce towers. there's a second bill backed by scott wiener, and that made it out of committee as well. >> the feds are going after a high profile coding boot camp in the bay area. it's known as bloom tech or the lambda school. it's based out of san francisco. it advertises dream jobs to silicon valley's top tech companies. yesterday, the consumer financial protection bureau said the group is tricking students into taking high risk loans and making false claims about graduate hiring rates. bloom tech is now permanently banned from any lending activity as another round of layoffs at google. >> the mountain view based tech giant, announced yesterday it plans to lay off a significant number of employees, according to business insider. layoffs
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will primarily affect google's finance and real estate departments. some positions will be relocated overseas to hubs in india, ireland and mexico, and a first of its kind move. >> california officials have voted to start monitoring groundwater use in the central valley. the resource accounts for nearly 40% of the state's annual water supply. now california's water resources control board will oversee groundwater pumping in san joaquin valley. that's where many crops are grown. so this will primarily affect farmers. regulators will watch how much water can be pumped from the ground and charge a fee for it. if you live in the south bay, water rates could be going up. santa clara valley water district is proposing an increase. the nearly 13% increase could end up costing customers just under $9 more per month, on average. the money would go toward infrastructure upgrades at places like anderson dam and the rinconada treatment plant. >> a reliable water supply is something we all take for
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granted. you know, you just expect to turn on your faucet and the water to come out, but that takes investment. we can't not invest in the infrastructure that provides the water here, because if we don't invest now down the road, it could have impacts, obviously, on the reliability of our water supply. >> the valley water board will meet next tuesday afternoon to hear from the community and vote on the proposal increases. >> san francisco is marking 118 years since the 1906 earthquake and fire that nearly destroyed the city. abc seven news reporter ryan curry joining us live at lotta's, fountain and ryan. people have been gathering there since really before dawn. >> yeah. kumasi. good morning. and the people actually are still here. some of them are dressed up, still in their victorian garbs. i don't know if you can see the people behind me that turn of the century kind of garb as of more of a ceremonial aspect of it. but yeah, it's an event to mark and remember that incredible event 118 years ago that changed the city for the course of its time, that earthquake and the fire.
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subsequently, after almost destroying nearly the entire city. and today, a wreath over my head commemorating that moment where all of that went down, all those lives were lost. this fountain, lotta's fountain is a very significant piece of history for the city of san francisco. this was where people gathered, while that was all unfolding, to leave notices, trying to find loved ones amidst all that was going on. remember, this is during a time before we had phones, before we had any sort of really advanced tech technology to communicate with each other. and so a lot of people were really desperate to try to reach out to loved ones. and now this moment today is a message of remind me trying to get people to understand that it could happen again. a big earthquake could happen again. and so they want people to be ready. they want people to understand what possibly could happen again. and we spoke with mayor willie brown, who said that earthquake and what happened in the years after the history of san francisco, after was about the resiliency of this city and all the bad things they say about this city. >> it goes right out the window. when we san franciscans did
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decide to do whatever we do. when i served as mayor, i had the responsibility of trying to put water back in this fountain. it wasn't there. lo and behold, it is now there. >> san francisco, open your golden gate. you let no stranger wait outside your door. san francisco, here is your wandering one. say a good wanderer. no more, no more >> and there's the glimpse of the event that happened moments ago. the fun singing of one of the many songs about the city here in san francisco back from that time. all the people dressed up in those victorian era garbs you can see the wreath on top of the fountain right there. 118th anniversary. also, it is a little bit tough to see with the way the wind is blowing, but this year is also honoring the late senator dianne feinstein, former mayor of san
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francisco as well, who played a big part in trying to make sure people were ready for when the next earthquake was going to hit san francisco. and yes, again, that message about togetherness, that message about resiliency, people needing to be ready for when that next earthquake comes. and i just spoke moments ago with the office of emergency management. they want people to understand that even if a big earthquake happens in this advanced technological age, we live in, things are going to be hindered. things are going to be disrupted, and so people need to be ready. and so that's why today is also about reminding of what possibly can happen when that earthquake occurs. but for now, reporting live in san francisco. ryan curry, abc seven news thank you ryan, a landmark attraction hawaii being taken away by bad tourist behavior is being blamed. >> but first, to check on the weather with meteorologist drew tuma. >> hey good morning, 541 we're looking at your travel forecast today. if you're going to southern california looking great highs in the 70s. we will have some late day showers across new york, even some wet weather in chicago today, but it's looking quite lovely from denver, atlanta to seattle.
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honolulu a high of 80 degrees later on this afternoon. back here at home, the morning drive is an easy one when it comes to the forecast. we just have mainly clear skies, temperatures pretty mild out there this morning in the 50s. and you can see we're warming into the 60s close to 10 a.m. and again today is another afternoon where you'll get away with a t shirt. just a light jacket this morning. and we'll have temperatures above average for this time of the year. the reason why we're still under the influence of a ridge of high pressure. but today is our last day. tomorrow. this trough back here will move in and bring an area wide cooldown. but tomorrow, temperatures closer to where they should be for this time of the year. here's future weather. let's plan your day hour by hour today 1030. we're into the 60s under mostly sunny skies. we warm pretty fast again, just like yesterday into the afternoon, 2 to 30. we're into the 70s, close to 80 degrees and our warmest areas and then any evening plans today? we are good. it stays pretty comfortable. we'll have a bit of an onshore breeze close to the coast with those winds
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about 5 to 15mph. so looking at the next three days, warm sunshine today, a little bit cooler tomorrow as that trough arrives. but again, temperatures still closer to average for this time of the year. we'll have a minor rebound for our temperatures. will start out with morning fog on saturday to sunshine, and those temperatures get even warmer here on sunday. we'll have the full weekend forecast. the high temperatures an business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning.
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expense. it will take at least six months and costs $2.5 million to tear down the site, according to the mayor's office. >> now to a major gold heist and new arrests being made. this investigation is being called project 24 karat. it stems from canada to the us. abc's rhiannon ally reports on how it all went down. >> one year after the largest gold heist in canada's history. police arresting multiple suspects for stealing gold and cash from toronto's airport worth more than 16 million usd in what appears to have been an inside job. >> this one is a carefully planned and well organized group of criminals. >> authorities say one suspect, 25 year old darronte king mclean, used a falsified pickup form at air canada's cargo warehouse, signed by an employee at the airport, allowing him to park his white cargo truck at a docking bay a short time later, a forklift arrived with a
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container of gold and foreign currency and loaded it into the rear of the suspect's truck. 6600 gold bars, along with millions in currency, were transported from the airport. months later, mclean was pulled over in pennsylvania for a traffic violation. police say they found him with 65 guns caught. >> authorized search warrant for the vehicle led to the recovery of those firearms that were allegedly destined to be smuggled into canada. >> they say that led them to the white cargo truck, 430,000, in cash, six gold bracelets and tools to melt gold. while mclean remains in u.s. custody. these five men have now been arrested by canadian authorities, including an air canada employee and a jewelry store owner, but only a fraction of the gold has been recovered, and we believe the gold has been melted down and reconstituted into local and possibly international markets. the investigation isn't over yet. arrest warrants have been issued for three more men, including a former air canada
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employee. rhiannon ally, abc news, new york. and a traffic alert here at 547. >> metering lights are on. on the bay bridge, you can see a live look at the bay bridge toll plaza. the backup just about mid uh- the middle of the parking lot. i should say. it'll take you 16 minutes to get from the toll plaza into the city. back to the desk. >> if you've been to asheville, north carolina, it is really gorgeous. but this isn't so pretty. oh my goodness, these are people pulling bear cubs out of a tree because they want to take selfies with them. wildlife officials were called out and by the time they got there, only one of the cubs was still around. the others had wandered back into the woods. >> total selfishness. this is not what we talk about when we talk about coexisting. >> we did confront them on site that day. >> what is wrong with people? the cub that was left behind was rescued and is at a rehab facility. it will eventually be
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released back into the wild. there's an investigation, and the people who pulled the cubs out of the tree could face charges. oh, boy. but really, you should go to asheville. it's great. in today's gma first look, a popular new reality series is a social experiment showing what happens when incarcerated men are allowed to run their own prison cell. here's abc news reporter steve osunsami in this morning's gma first look. >> it's the new show that has people on social media buzzing. >> we were inspired. now unlocked a jail experiment shows what happens when the jail cells are unlocked and the prisoners run their own community in prison. >> no locks and no officers and let your will be a community. and this morning, the man who agreed to the experiment, sheriff eric higgins, is speaking out to gma. >> it showed that people can can change. people can change for the better if given the opportunity. it takes time, and it's a process. and you see that that process go on in this, in
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this unit, and that i want people to know that the doors are still open. that's what this is about. >> and coming up at 7 a.m, we'll have much more from sheriff higgins. and what's next for the detention center with your gma first look, i'm steve osunsami, abc news, atlanta in this. >> oh, what's, i want to, >> i am kind of intrigued what is going to happen. right. >> >> we do reality shows in prison now. >> i mean and what's the goal. just to see if they live in harmony. >> yeah. he said doors are still open. so i guess that's a sign it might be a success i don't know. >> are they getting paid and is it like $0.05 an hour. >> like is it just like the person pay? i don't know, i don't know how this works. lots of questions. >> do they sign contracts? i don't understand this. i'm intrigued though i will watch. all right outside this morning. we're starting to see some hints of sunrise out there live look from our tam cam. we are beautiful this morning. bay area. we have clear skies, no dense fog out there. we'll keep
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our eyes on the visibility map, but we are dealing with a nice start to our thursday here are the accuweather headlines. it is sunny today, but the coast will feel just a little bit cooler compared to yesterday, with a bit of a stronger onshore flow. we still remain warm inland in the 70s and 80s now. tomorrow we will have a cooldown, but that cooldown will bring those temperatures closer to average for this time of the year. the weekend outlook, sunshine, warm days ahead. it's going to be a nice day saturday and sunday. your weather, wellness city. the air quality fluctuates between good and moderate. today. that's different than yesterday when we were all just in the good category. tree pollen is high oak, cedar and pine are top allergens and the uv index, a six out of an 11 that is high. so wear that sunscreen. looking at the 12 hour forecast today, it is a mild morning out there. we have temperatures and a lot of cities starting out in the 50s. just a few clouds throughout the afternoon. it's looking lovely. we'll have warm
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sunshine and there's that coastal breeze we're talking about gusting between about 15 and 20mph. we have a mild evening on the way. if you have any outdoor plans, you're good. the next 24 hours highs today will hit 74. in oakland, 69 in the city says a little bit cooler than we were yesterday thanks to that onshore flow. 77 in napa, 80 in san jose. we'll go to 79 in concord for a daytime high overnight tonight, partly cloudy skies and overnight lows dropping into the upper 40s to the mid 50s. now looking at future tracker temperatures, we have that minor cooldown coming our way friday. but again temperatures. this is where we really should be for this time of the year. but over the weekend, a minor rebound with some warming coming our way both saturday and sunday. expect a lot of sunshine, some early morning fog saturday, but it is a bright looking day and then sunday just a little bit warmer compared to saturday. a west wind both days between about 14 and 17mph headed to tahoe. it's lovely. we have sunny skies and we'll see a gradual warming trend through. the weekend will be in the 50s today, but by
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saturday and sunday we'll have those temperatures in the low 60s with sunny skies. here's the accuweather seven day forecast for the next seven days for you. warm sunshine today, a minor dip tomorrow, but then over the weekend we'll rebound with sunny skies, some warm temperatures the next week. get ready for a reality check. we have much cooler weather moving in here by tuesday. we're staying in the 50s and 60s with mostly cloudy conditions. guys >> thanks, drew. new at six, buying in bulk. the bay area city that will get its first costco warehouse later this year. >> first though, the caitlin clark craze only getting started, we're going to tell you how quickly her new wnba jersey sold out and
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her indiana fever jersey is
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selling out quick. it only took an hour for supplies to run out, and if you want one, you're going to have to wait. they won't be available until the middle of august. the wnba season starts in may. clark was formally introduced yesterday by her new team, and she talked about growing the game, obviously the new media rights deal that can be negotiated can be life changing for a lot of players in this league. it's going to be a huge deal, but also like. >> multiple reports say clark is closing in on an eight figure endorsement deal with nike. for now, we know clark will be coming to san francisco in 2025, when the new yet to be named wnba team starts playing at chase center. you know what our name, what we want it to be. we've said this multiple times. >> bay area, betty's, betty's. we'll see. stanford has a new women's basketball coach. kate spade was formally introduced yesterday. pay has been part of the university for more than three decades now. first, as a
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player, then as an assistant coach. >> i assure you all, you could not have found anyone who feels a greater sense of honor, privilege, responsibility, enthusiasm and passion to lead stanford women's basketball into the next chapter of our storied legacy. >> the 50 year old replaces legendary coach tara vanderveer. tara vanderveer, who retired after 38 years at stanford with the most wins of any coach in college basketball history. congrats well, new at six. built tough, but not tough enough. why? ford is recalling hundreds of thousands of its vehicles funding for the field. >> the oakland ballers getting some upgrades to its ballpark ahead of their inaugural season, set to start in less than two months. >> and we'll take a live look outside of south beach. cameras already looking beautiful this morning. we are cloud free temperatures right now in most cities. it is a little mild in the low to mid 50s. as we get
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you out the door on this thursday. so light jacket needed. but again like yesterday afternoon you could probably get away with t shirts and shorts in most cities going into the 70s and 80s
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