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tv   ABC7 News 600AM  ABC  April 18, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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god. we're going to be together! ♪ i see your face everywhere ♪ ♪ we belong to the light ♪ ♪ we belong to the thunder ♪ ♪ we belong ♪ —oh my god ♪ we belong ♪ ♪ we belong together ♪ ♪ we belong ♪ —hulu on disney+. available with disney bundle. plans starting at $9.99 a month. shooting in oakland. police officers opening fire on a homicide suspect overnight. what we're learning about the
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incident, the anniversary of the great earthquake of 1906, san franciscans gathering on market street this morning to remember the lives lost 118 years later, plus, these people aren't just rich, they're crazy rich. >> now, you really should have told me that you're like the prince william of asia. >> that's ridiculous. much more of a harry broadway bound. >> the blockbuster film crazy rich asians heading to the stage in the big apple and the director of the new musical from right here in the bay area. >> good morning. welcome to thursday, april 18th. >> it's going to start with a check of our forecast with drew. >> yeah, it's going to be another gorgeous day out there. temperatures still mild to warm later on. today we'll take you to sutro tower high above the city. you can look at the golden gate bridge right now. you can see the marine layer is really trying its hardest this morning. you see just a little finger of some thin cloud cover, but we are mainly fog free this morning and that's going to lead to a warm afternoon. a little bit of a stronger onshore breeze this
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afternoon. so the coast is breezier than say, we were yesterday. current temperatures right now, most of us beginning in the 50s at 53 in oakland, 51 in the city, san jose is step outside in parts of the south bay, and it feels pretty mild temperatures in the upper 50s right now, cooler in the north bay, santa rosa coming in at 46 degrees, looking quite lovely from our tam cam. so a lot of sunshine today. it's another morning where those temperatures take off pretty fast and into the afternoon. it's a warm april day with those sunny skies, 70 and 80 away from the coast along the immediate coastline. it's slightly cooler than yesterday thanks to a stronger breeze, but still, 60 in half moon bay is nice. 69 in the city, 74 in oakland, warm in san jose at 8078, in santa rosa at 79, in concord. >> reggie kumasi drew thank you. new developments out of west oakland, where police say an officer shot and killed an alleged homicide suspect. this happened around 930 last night near defremery park on the corner of 16th and adeline street. oakland. police say sacramento police officers were in oakland conducting a homicide investigation. those officers asked oakland for help arresting
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a suspect. >> oakland police officers arrived on scene and as they began securing the area and requesting additional resources, the suspect emerged from the residence with the firearm. oakland police officers discharged their service firearm, fatally striking the suspect. >> no officers were hurt and there's no current threat to the public. oakland police now investigating the shooting this morning, house speaker mike johnson is facing threats from his own party that could cost him his job, and amanda, it appears to be over federal funding for ongoing foreign conflicts. >> yeah. >> kumasi speaker mike johnson says he will call for a vote on funding for the war in ukraine, saying, quote, this is not a game. earlier this week, johnson announced plans to break up the $95 billion bill that would send money to israel, ukraine and taiwan into separate bills. conservative republicans oppose funding for ukraine, saying they want more spending on us border security. first congress woman marjorie taylor greene
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threatened to try and remove johnson as speaker if he brings up ukraine funding for a vote. but last night, greene said she would not start that process until after the foreign aid packages go to the house floor. >> to put it bluntly, i would rather send bullets to ukraine than american boys. my son is going to begin in the naval academy this fall. this is a live fire exercise for me as it is so many american families. this is not a game. it's not a joke. >> yesterday in northern ukraine, at least 17 people were killed in an airstrike. it's an attack officials say could have been stopped if ukraine had adequate air defenses. those house bills on aid for israel, ukraine and taiwan are due for a vote by saturday. reggie. >> all right. thanks so much, amanda. google confirms it fired 28 employees over the decision to hold a sit in protest in their offices on monday via live stream. we saw people taken into custody from the google campus in sunnyvale. google says a small number of employees did disrupt things as some of its
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offices. here's their statement. it says, quote, physically impeding other employees work and preventing them from accessing our facilities is a clear violation of our policies. and completely unacceptable behavior. after refusing multiple requests to leave the premises, law enforcement was engaged to remove them to ensure office safety. san francisco's da is asking for anyone who was stuck in that traffic because of monday morning's protests on the golden gate bridge to come forward, she says. you could be entitled to restitution. protesters shut down the golden gate bridge and parts of 8-80. in oakland, police arrested 26 protesters from the bridge demonstration. they were released pending further investigation. potential charges include unlawful assembly, resisting an officer, false imprisonment and conspiracy to commit a crime, a possible felony that requires us to have specific evidence related to each one of the 26 people. >> we need video evidence. we need statements from people impacted by the protest who were witnesses to what occurred in
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the east bay, alameda county, da pamela price is investigating protesters who shot down 8-80 in oakland. >> in a statement to abc seven news, she writes, our prosecutors are standing by and prepared to receive case information for individuals arrested during that incident. while my office supports the essential right to protest, it's important to note that public safety should never be compromised. >> a man is suing the city of san francisco, claiming officers wrongly arrested him during the bay bridge gaza protest in november, the lawsuit claims. the pleasanton man was jailed during the protests that blocked traffic on that bridge for four hours. it happened the same week as the apec summit when president biden and chinese president xi jinping were both visiting san francisco. so the man says he was not a part of the november protest and should have never been arrested. he is seeking damages and financial relief. san francisco police say a 14 year old boy is suspected of setting this fire that
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destroyed a waymo robo taxi in chinatown back in february. fireworks were set off inside the car. the video shows people smashing its windows with a skateboard and committing other acts of vandalism. police say they searched the boy's home last month and found evidence linking him to the crime. prosecutors have filed charges, but it is up to the juvenile probation department to determine whether or not he will be arrested. >> san francisco marking the 118th anniversary of the 1906 earthquake and fire that nearly destroyed the city. abc seven news reporter ryan curry is live at lotta's fountain, where a pre-dawn ceremony got underway. ryan >> yeah. reggie. hi. good morning. that ceremony wrapping up a little less than an hour ago. a lot of people have now dispersed, but this is the wreath that they laid on top of the fountain. you can kind of see it's a little bit tough to make out, but there is a banner on the bottom dedicating it to the late senator dianne feinstein. she's being honored at this event today for her work, obviously, for years in
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the city of san francisco, while they also honor those many lives who were lost during that 1906 earthquake. people started gathering around 445 this morning for mayor willie brown, the fire department, police, sheriff's office, all were here, as well as the department of emergency management. at 511, there was a moment of silence dedicated to those who lost their lives and also the survivors who went on to help rebuild the city. a minute later, sirens from police and fire trucks went on for about 30s because that is when the fire happened. following that earthquake. there is a great significance of this fountain. it is one of the last surviving monuments from that 1906 earthquake. survivors came here to post notices looking for family or friends in the rubble. it's the oldest surviving monument. from that day, i spoke with officials who remember that this is a time to also think about what's going to happen when that earthquake hits san francisco again, and also how resilient this city is. >> would i be wrong if i said
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every san franciscan should here the reading of the quake of 1906, information that has made this city so believable in its ability to recover from everything just right back. >> well, we want people to, you know, take time to think about preparedness. what would you do if you lost power, if we had no phone, you know, cell internet connection? what if water wasn't coming out of the tap? have you taken the steps to prepare yourself, your family and your community for that kind of condition and we have a lot of information at the department of emergency management and at sf, to help people get ready . >> more than 3000 people died and hundreds of thousands lost their homes in that 7.8 earthquake. and those subsequent fires following this morning
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ceremony and later on, a lot of the people there are going to dolores park where they're going to be building the fire hydrant that they say was there in 1906, that helped them save the entire mission district. so a lot of history here in san francisco, and good tips for what's going to happen when an earthquake hits san francisco again. but for now, reporting live downtown. ryan curry, abc seven news. >> thanks, ryan. 609 this morning. what a view from the exploratorium camera. we are totally cloud free from this camera angle, and we're not seeing any dense fog developing this morning. and the bay waters there calm. if you're taking the ferries this morning, it should be a nice ride throughout the entire bay. looking at the morning drive, if you're hitting the roads, we will find very easy weather conditions. it's just a mix of sun and clouds throughout the morning. temperatures pretty mild starting out in the 50s. another morning just like yesterday where those numbers do quickly warm already into the 60s. by 10 a.m, here's live doppler seven along with satellite. we have pretty quiet conditions as we
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find that last image on satellite just blinking a bit. future weather as we head through the hour by hour forecast. by ten, we're into the 60s, into the afternoon. another warm one under mostly sunny skies, 70s and 80s. for many cities. and this evening, if you have anything outside, it is going to be pleasant. once again. that breeze onshore keeping the coast in the 50s but 60s and 70s. even at 7 p.m. across the state. if you are traveling, it is warm 80s for the central valley, southern california in the 60s and 70s, the deserts in the 90s, south lake tahoe, lovely today, sunny in near 60 degrees. back here at home, warm sunshine today. a little bit cooler tomorrow. but those temperatures start to rebound over the weekend and we will get a dry and sunny weekend on the way. we'll have that complete weekend forecast coming up in just a few minutes. >> reggie drew, thank you. redesigning streets the proposed changes to a san francisco intersection that was the site of a deadly crash and luxury experience. the premium amenities american airlines is unveiling just in time for the summer travel season, bidding on
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tony bennett's belongings. the auction happening today that includes dozens of items the late legendary singer once owned
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norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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this happened in august at the intersection of fourth and king streets. police say it was an accident, and the 71 year old driver has pleaded guilty to a
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misdemeanor vehicular manslaughter charge. that means she won't go to jail, and that's a decision that is not sitting well with some people. >> she is beyond remorseful, and her life is has been forever changed. >> i mean, i think there's a dangerous precedent set when you give really lenient, you know, sentences for people killing other people with their cars. >> as part of the deal, the driver will be on probation for two years and have to do 400 hours of community service, as well as complete a driver's ed course. happening today, sfmta is set to propose changes to a traffic intersection that was recently the site of a fatal crash. the transit agency will take up the proposed reconfiguration that would prevent cars from cutting through the intersection of yulo street and west portal avenue. this is the same area where just a month ago, an suv crashed through a bus stop, killing a
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family of four. among the proposals, drivers heading toward the muni station from west portal avenue or yulo street would be forced to make a right turn. cars would no longer be allowed to access yulo from claremont avenue nearby, and lenox way, which also crosses yulo, would be converted into a one way with cars rerouted the roadways would form what sfmta officials call a grand welcome plaza at the front of the west portal. muni station. issues continue to mount for boeing, the plane maker once again at the center of a senate hearing in washington, dc, and amanda, a former employee, had a lot to say to lawmakers about the company's culture of safety. >> reggie, that former boeing employee, testified yesterday accusing boeing of taking shortcuts to save time and money . new video released by boeing shows so-called fatigue testing on its plane. it's a device that bangs on the panels, which simulates what planes experienced during long time use. in this video, boeing intentionally damaged the panel
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to see if the banging would cause the fuselage to tear. unlike previous generation planes where metal fatigue caused holes to tear. boeing claims the composite material on the 787 dreamliner prevented further damage. boeing released the video following several of its employees testifying on capitol hill, questioning the quality and safety of boeing's planes. >> in a rush to address its bottlenecks in production. boeing hit problems, pushing pieces together with excessive force to make them appear that the gaps don't exist, even though they exist during the hearing, that former employee provided no evidence to support his claims. >> boeing calls the claims inaccurate and says it is confident in the safety and durability of its 787 jets. >> this is a watershed moment for boeing. it doesn't mean that they are going downhill in terms of overall quality. it does mean that they've got to change the way they view on the front lines. their responsibilities
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towards personal responsibilities, towards safety, and that's what's been slipping over time. the idea that they could they could have things wrong with the airplane as it's going down the production line, but still push it to the next position on the line, rather than stopping the line and making sure it was right. >> boeing is standing behind its fleets, saying it's fully confident in the 787, which, quote, has safely flown more than 3.9 billion passengers around the world. boeing says it encourages employees to say something if they see something wrong. back to you at the desk. >> thank you. amanda. american airlines is gearing up for the summer travel season with its new onboard luxury experience. the world's largest airline just unveiled its first ever rotating collection of premium amenities for passengers. so the features include new bedding, diverse designer brand amenities and brand new inflight dining options. american airlines is planning to roll out these new features. >> memorial day weekend crazy rich asians is going to broadway. the blockbuster 2018
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film is being developed into a new broadway musical, and palo alto native jon m chu is going to make his broadway directorial debut. he also directed the movie. the musical will be, quote, taking a fun, engaging and hilarious look at what can happen when young love collides with old money. we don't know the timeline of the musical, but if you follow such things, you already know that jon is directing the wicked musical starring cynthia erivo. oh and also ariana grande. so he's directing a musical for movies now he's going to do it for real. for real on broadway. that's pretty cool. >> yeah, he's busy? embarked and looking busy there. yeah. and wicked. >> it's the untold story of the witches of oz. i don't know if you know that, but i think it's been told for 20 years, so. >> yeah. >> long time. it is a good play this morning. it is going to be a gorgeous day again. we're getting spoiled by this warm weather live look from our bay bridge camera showing you in south beach we have clear skies
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for signs of that sun getting up here. it's another sunny day today along the coast. we'll see a little bit of a cooldown compared to yesterday, but we're still warm inland friday area wide. we will find those temperatures closer to average for this time of the year. it's still nice tomorrow and then over the weekend it's sunshine and warmer days are ahead. looking at your pollen index trees remain high. oak, pine, juniper and cedar are still up there. weeds and mold at low levels. live look from our sutro tower camera. just a little bit of coastal cloud cover early on this morning, but away from the coast we are seeing totally clear skies, sunshine throughout the afternoon. it is warm, a little bit of a breeze that will keep the coast slightly cooler compared to yesterday. those winds about 15 to 20mph. but all in all, it's a very nice day ahead. temperatures above average once again 74 in oakland, 80. in san jose, 69 in the city. so that's a couple of degrees cooler compared to yesterday. yesterday we hit 73 in san francisco, 78 in santa rosa, 80 that high in fairfield.
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your boat, beach and surf forecast. those winds will be out of the west southwest today. they're pretty light your waves 2 to 3ft. with that period uh- 15 seconds in the ocean. water temperature between 53 and 56 degrees overnight tonight, partly cloudy skies. we stay relatively quiet. upper 40s to the mid 50s. future tracker temperatures. you'll notice that area wide cool down tomorrow. we're no longer in the 80s in our warmest areas, but we will still be very pleasant with temperatures closer to where we should be for this time of the year. then over the weekend, it's a minor warm-up. both days. saturday, sunday expect sunny skies. we are storm free. sunday is the warmer of the two days by a few degrees, but all in all shaping up to be a really nice weekend ahead. here's the accuweather seven day forecast showing you warm sunshine today. minor dip in our temps tomorrow. then we have that lovely weekend on the way and then next week we get that reality check cooler and cloudier weather on tuesday with temperatures only in the 50s and 60s. guys. >> drew. thank you. now we bring
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in ginger zee with a look at what's happening on gma today. >> good morning ginger. >> hey there reggie kumasi nice to be with you. so it's a thursday here and we are following the latest on police forces across four states reporting that their 9-1-1 one phone lines were down. homeland security warning about 911 call centers being targeted for cyber attacks. and then lawyers for the suspect in the idaho student murders now claim that he was nowhere near the scene of the crime. how they say they can prove his alibi and our parenting playbook. the expert advice this morning on things like, should you let your kids have dessert at any meal? my kids would really like that in every meal. but we try to only do after dinner, and it's definitely us making them say, you know, you'll get dessert if you eat something good. oh, yeah . also on the program, by the way, we have simone biles and then a lot of people are excited for taylor swift's new album. so we're going to tell you what we know. okay. >> oh, something about poets, that's all. that's the extent to which i know, i know, yeah, i'm
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in the loop. i'm on the edge. >> i don't know very much either . >> right. >> be surprised. >> yes. >> enjoy the surprise. >> yeah. >> we will be when we see you at 7:00. yes okay. say it. what were you going to say? >> see you later. no, i was going to say kumasi. that was a good one. i'm with you. >> that feeling you get when you can... du more with less asthma. it starts with dupixent. dupixent is not for sudden breathing problems. it's an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma. and can help improve lung function for better breathing in as little as two weeks. dupixent helps prevent asthma attacks... and can even reduce or eliminate oral steroids. can you picture it? dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. get help right away if you have rash, chest pain,
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worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines, including steroids, without talking to your doctor. who knows what you can do when you du more with less asthma. ask your doctor about dupixent. the most prescribed biologic for asthma.
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getting a costco, according to the napa valley register. it will open in october. it will be highway 221. costco also applied for permits for a fuel canopy with a gas station near the parking lot. costco is looking to hire 300 people for many different positions. there are both part time and full time customer service jobs, cashiers, medical technicians and pharmacy technicians. happening today dozens of items that once belonged to the late singing legend tony bennett are up for bidding. many of his career mementos and awards up for auction in new york city. bennett was known for his music, but is almost as famous for his ties to the bay area, thanks in part to his biggest hit, i left my heart in san francisco. the items available include a cable
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car bell that was gifted to bennett, a jersey given to the singer by the giants and a signed version of the album, i left my heart in san francisco. you can bid on the items today and tomorrow at julien's next at 630, asking the state to intervene. the action from santa clara county officials in hopes of saving a trauma center and end of an era. the last ride for bart's legacy trains first. here's drew kumasi. >> check this out. pier 39 the sea lions. they are busy this morning. a live look as they jump into the bay waters. i love this picture. we're looking at temperatures right now. we're mainly in the 50s. to start out your day, break it down. region by region. the coast upper 50s to lower 60s 70s near 80s once again away f
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♪ you've got a friend in me ♪ ♪ ♪ you've got a friend in me ♪ ♪ ♪ you just remember what your old pal said ♪ ♪ boy, you've got a friend in me ♪ ♪ it's a celebration of friendship & beyond. from the new parade to together forever - a new nighttime spectacular fireworks show. pixar fest. at the disneyland resort for a limited time. starting april 26th.
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sleeping sites. the mayor of san jose meeting with residents to talk about solutions for homeless encampments, sites. >> asians coming, why san francisco is cracking down on illegal parking throughout the city and it swivels. >> it's also here to take your soul. i added that last part,
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but it definitely swivels. the new electric humanoid robot that's designed to more efficiently complete tasks. oh see, something about the head turning and something about a circle. no eyes, no mouth, no nose. >> if there's one thing we will do is update you about a robot. any new robot we will let you know. give. you know, you got to be on it on top of it. >> just so you know what's going to end. you >> good morning everybody. it is thursday, april 18th. >> here's something to look forward to. a forecast. yeah totally. >> it's going to be very nice. once again we have a warm afternoon on the way just like yesterday. here's the exploratorium camera calm bay waters that sun just about to rise over the horizon. we have clear skies from this vantage point, but along the coast we do have a little bit of cloud cover. first thing this morning, we're starting at 45 in half moon bay, but hop over to san jose and it's a lot warmer at 58 right now. good morning oakland 5352. that current temperature in fremont in the north bay.
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it's a little bit cooler with a little bit of cloud cover around santa rosa at 46 right now, 47 in mill valley, clearlake coming in at 57 degrees. so we'll take an hour by hour. look at the forecast. but it's a mild morning out here. we'll have just a few clouds from time to time. temperatures warm fast just like yesterday and into the afternoon we'll find 60s coast side, the bay shoreline back into the 70s and inland back into the 80s and our warmest city. so a little bit of a stronger onshore breeze this afternoon keeps half moon bay at 6069. in the city today, 80 in san jose, warm inland at 79. in concord, 74 in oakland. santa rosa, up to 78 degrees. right kumasi. >> thank you. drew. the near-total abortion ban in arizona will be moving forward after republicans in the state house blocked an attempt to repeal it yesterday. and, amanda, we are learning that now state senators have started working on a new bill aimed at abolishing the law and kumasi it could be weeks before that bill is introduced. >> it's a response to the failed attempt by democrats to repeal the 1864 abortion ban. yesterday
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arizona is now one of 21 states to ban or restrict abortion. since the overturning of roe v wade and arizona is one of 14 states where abortion could be on the ballot this fall, abortion rights have won every time it's gone before voters, even in conservative states. democrats in arizona are now using the civil war era law to mobilize voters ahead of november's election. >> if you believe that a 12 year old who has been raped by her stepfather should be forced to give birth, vote for the republican party. if you believe that families and medical providers should make their own decisions about their futures, vote for democrats. >> the biden campaign is tying the issue to former president trump, who appointed three of the justices who helped overturn roe. trump has said arizona did go too far with this ban and now says he is against a national abortion ban, although in february he said he'd consider supporting one. back to you at the desk, reggie.
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>> thanks, amanda. new developments on east san jose's regional medical center. santa clara county officials are asking the state to help stop the closure of its trauma center. it's scheduled to close in august. in february, the hospital announced the shutdown of its level two trauma center and stemi program for cardiac arrest treatments. the county's board of supervisors and residents say closing the hospital could lead to more deaths and further harm patients. the county is expected to submit its case to deny the closure to the state public health department tomorrow. >> neighbors and city leaders in san jose all came together to address several street encampments in one part of the city. they say these encampments lineeveral sections of willow street, and now city leaders are working through their options. the mayor brought up two options. the first would continue what he called the status quo approach and increase cleanup and some enforcement. but the encampment would remain as is. the second option garnered some heated reaction. the mayor proposed the city could use the land across the
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street owned by valley water, and create a safe sleeping site with rules. >> add spaces that are managed, and then we shut down spaces that are unmanaged. or we can take valley waters offer and take that paved area. i know some of you don't like it. no, no. >> the mayor says this is an open conversation that will continue in order to find a solution. >> pumping life in the downtown san francisco has grabbed lawmakers attention at the state capitol. there are now multiple proposals weaving through the legislature. one bill introduced yesterday by assembly member phil ting, would help the city with its plan to turn vacant office space into housing. his bill would create a revitalization district that would rely on tax incentives. >> while many people know our famous office buildings, the newer office buildings, those really won't be the ones that will be converted. it'll probably be some of the older buildings, the buildings that
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are smaller, less famous because those are the ones that are easier to convert into housing. >> ting estimates the city has 32 point 6,000,000ft■!s of empty office space. that's the equivalent of 23 salesforce towers. there's a second bill backed by scott wiener that made it out of committee. >> watch where you park in san francisco. the city is preparing to crack down on illegal parking and give out more tickets. sfmta's director says cities the city's parking enforcement officers will finally be able to start enforcing all the parking rules after being short staffed after the pandemic. abc seven news spoke with the transport advocate, who said this approach is key for public safety. >> we know that people who park on sidewalks or in bike lanes or in crosswalks or really close to intersections reduce safety for all people, but especially for children and seniors, people with disabilities who walk, bike or use mobility devices to get
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around. >> well, the whole city is trying to get more money because of the deficit. the budget deficit. >> sfmta anticipates a $12.7 million deficit during this fiscal year and next. >> new at six. the oakland baller is expected to have some major upgrades to its baseball field. the oakland city council unanimously voted to approve $1.6 million to upgrade raymond park. it will allow the independent baseball team to play its inaugural home games on the field. funding for upgrades to the west oakland park will come from private investors. the city council will vote again for a final approval at its meeting at the end of the month. the team's home opener is june 4th. >> san francisco is marking 118 years since the 1906 earthquake and fire nearly destroyed the city. abc seven news reporter ryan curry live at lotta's fountain with a look at the ceremony today. ryan >> yeah. kumasi. good morning. that ceremony ending about over an hour ago. but this is lotta's
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fountain, and you can see the wreath that is on top of the fountain with those honoring the many victims of the 1906 earthquake, including that of late senator dianne feinstein. she is being honored as well with this year's ceremony. lotta's fountain holding a huge piece of history for san francisco. and that day, 118 years ago, a lot of people came here posting notices uh- looking for loved ones, looking for family members who were lost in the rubble while that fire was ongoing and so this to this day, being a piece where people can remember that same day, years and years and years ago, a lot of people were on hand. we're talking about fire department, police, sheriff's department. all of them were here around 445 in the morning. and at about 511, there was a moment of silence. uh- honoring those who lost their lives years ago. and at 512, a minute after siren sounded to commemorate the many fire departments and police who held those dealing with the fire. when that earthquake hit back in 1906, 3000 people died
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and the fires nearly destroyed the entire city and those i spoke with today say we need to be ready for when that next earthquake comes. >> i just want to thank everybody for being here at 512 in the morning. but as the fire chief and everybody that's spoken has said, you know, san francisco show resiliency is in our dna. >> thing about this day that we commemorate every year. it is just a crucial reminder of where we live and the risks, the earthquake risks that we have here. one of the challenges of being prepared as a city is the length of time we've gone since we've had an earthquake, so it's just not on top of mind this day. and then also in october, or when we really try to remind people, reflect on what happened and what we know is not a matter of if, but when will happen again.
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>> and a key thing to remember from the department of emergency management is to understand that despite the fact we live in this technological, advanced society, if a big earthquake happens to that magnitude, it knocks out power and knocks out communications. it's going to be difficult, even still, to get a hold of loved ones and to find out really what's going on and where people need to go. so understanding that and being prepared for that is why this day is so important to help. remember that it's important to be prepared. and also the people who were here this morning, they're holding another ceremony near dolores park in the mission to build a fire hydrant that the fire department used back then to help save that district from burning down. so a big day, a big piece of history for san francisco. but for now, reporting live downtown. ryan curry, abc seven news. >> ryan, thank you. temporary closure. why an east bay library is shutting its doors until at least the fall. >> and you are looking live right now at the big board at the new york stock exchange. we're up right now by about 125 points. another update on the markets next giving back even after her passing. >> how south bay teacher is
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still helping her students after she unexpectedly died and how you can help too. but first, here's drew. >> hey reggie, 640 this morning we'll take you to santa cruz where it is quiet gloomy this morning, a live look where we have some cloud cover along the coast. but you quickly hop away from the coast and we have nothing but clear skies and that sunshine on its way up here. live. look from the tam cam. look right along the coast. you can see a little bit of fog right there, but it's a day where we'll find a lot of sunshine and above average temperatures. once again, the morning drive we're finding just a blend of sun and clouds out there. temperatures mainly in the 50s right now and will warm quickly, just like yesterday gets into the 60s already by about 10 a.m. here's future weather. let's go hour by hour, then plan the entire day. there are those 60s on the board by 10 a.m. heading into the afternoon. this is 230. you will find mostly sunny skies and 70 to near 80 degrees by that hour. and even this evening it does stay quite pleasant. close to 7 p.m. we're still well into the 60s and 70s. looking at your weather wellness today. good to
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moderate air quality. tree pollen is high. that uv index a six out of an 11 that is high. the next three days it's warm sunshine. today we'll see a minor dip in our temperatures with a bit of a breeze tomorrow afternoon, and then we rebound. a minor warm-up headed our way for the weekend and the weekend is looking fantastic. we'll preview that coming
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libraries in the bay area will temporarily close for six months for repairs. oakland's main library public library on 14th street near lake merritt, is set to close on may 27th. it will be undergoing overdue repairs to its infrastructure, including installing a new roof, a new boiler control system, a heat pump and upgrades to the electrical system. the library is expected to reopen in november, but there's no set date. a beloved south bay teacher still giving back to her community even after her unexpected death. this is video of virginia wright from 2019. she mentored and inspired students in san jose for more than 35 years. tragically, she died in a car crash last year. something wright was known for. among her students was her jordan shoe collection. she had more than 200 pairs back in
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2019. south bay shoe palace even recognized her and created air jordan ones in her honor. now the company is working with her family to auction off her shoe collection for a san jose state university scholarship that is wright's ama mater. >> i just feel in my heart it was the right thing to do with her collection. she's still helping kids and she's helping kids succeed. i know that's, what she would be really proud of. >> there are more than 60 pairs of shoes left to auction off. so far, this has raised $20,000. the goal is $50,000. if you want to bid, we have a link in this story on our website, abc seven >> an end of an era happening this weekend in the bay area. saturday will be the last run for bart's legacy trains. these are the trains that have been running for more than 50 years. the transit agency will be holding a celebration at macarthur station in oakland with food, activities and a bart merch pop up. this will also
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mark the end of the transition to bart's so-called fleet of the future. these more modern cars have been phased in, and there are now more than 700 of them. as for the legacy cars, at least one of them is going to go to a museum. >> the pacifica pier will be off limits today and tomorrow. >> the city is closing it to allow crews to fully assess the damage done during powerful storms. in december, and to determine exactly what repairs are needed. the pier is 67 years old. it has long been a popular spot for fishing and sightseeing. >> golden gate park made it on a new list of best parks in the country. the list was nominated by experts and voted on by readers of usa today. we come in at number two. i think that's good, but you want a number one? >> yes, always. >> of course. the park is beloved for its trails, museums, gardens, athletic fields, boating lake, and the bison paddock, a riverfront park in tulsa, oklahoma, took first place away from us. tulsa is
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gathering place is known for its five acre adventure playground and water spaces >> five acres well for a few hundred dollars, you could buy the red orchestra section seats from san francisco's castro theater. >> advocates fought really hard to preserve the historic seating at the landmark building, but it seems that this renovation sale is the closest people will be getting to keeping those seats. single seats are going for $350. doubles are $500. another planet entertainment's website says the proceeds from the sales will be donated to oasis arts and the castro organ. devotees association. >> and now it's time for your morning money report. ford motors is recalling 450,000 vehicles because of potential drive power issues. the car manufacturer company is recalling its ford bronco sport suvs made between 2021 and 2024, and ford maverick pickups made between 2022 and 2023. the national traffic safety administration says the vehicles could lose drive power or hazard
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lights due to a low battery charge. dealerships will fix you up for free, and now let's see what the new york stock exchange is doing today. we're up about 100 points. >> i'm not going to say it's live because it's a robot. the new humanoid robot from boston dynamics has more movement capability. is what? my goodness. so the design was meant to keep a bipedal formed robot without sacrificing movement. so it swivels at the joints. the company says it makes it, quote, uniquely capable of tackling dull, dirty and dangerous tasks. they wanted this new version to be stronger and more agile. they say while it looks human, they don't want it to be limited. so you have to come up slow like that. but did you see how the human movements, the legs, go backward? >> it just a human just doesn't move this way. it's the head
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first. >> everything. boston i mean, it's just boston dynamics will come out with something. >> i mean, that didn't even look real. that looked like it was. i generated, but i right. it's hard to tell if it's a computer generated or if it's actually something that's been filmed. >> yeah, let's hope it's i have we learned nothing from hollywood. >> i know nothing at all. no. >> well, i have something to teach you about a delay on caltrain. let's get to some traffic. a commuter alert for you. a 34 minute delay on train 105. this is heading northbound approaching santa clara station. drew to you, amanda. >> we'll find that accuweather forecast is going to be lovely today. here's a live look outside our exploratorium camera. that sun is up here. it's a sunny day today. the coast sees some minor cooling today, but all in all, it's a warm day away from the coast tomorrow. it's an area wide cooldown, but temperatures friday afternoon closer to where we should be. this time of the year. the weekend is looking
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lovely, sunny and warm days are ahead now. the pollen forecast trees are still high. oak, pine, juniper and cedar are still out there. weeds and mold is low today. highs across the region. we'll find temperatures above average 74 in oakland, 69. in the city. it's warm in the south bay again today. 80 in san jose will hit 78. in santa rosa, 70 for the high in san mateo. your boat, beach and surf forecast. winds are out of the west southwest today. waves 2 to 3ft, not too high. swell period is 15 seconds and your ocean temperature is between 53 and 56 degrees, depending on which beach you are at today. overnight lows, partly cloudy skies. we'll see upper 40s to the lower 50s now heading into friday, we have that cool down across the entire region, but still it's very pleasant afternoon. these temperatures are closer to average for this time of the year, but the weekend will find those temperatures rebounding just a little bit. a lot of sunshine with saturday and sunday. sunday the warmer of the two days by a couple of degrees, but both days are looking fantastic. if you
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have any outdoor plans, tahoe headed there over the next couple of days. couldn't ask for better april weather. i mean we have sunshine. temperatures are mild today, 59 degrees and then we'll start to warm up even more over the weekend. we'll get those high temperatures in the low 60s saturday looking absolutely lovely. here's the accuweather seven day forecast next seven days for you. warm today. minor dip tomorrow. and then we'll find that weekend spectacular before it's back to reality, so to speak. with much cooler weather and cloudier conditions on tuesday. amanda. all right. >> thanks, drew. now it's time for your toyota tahoe report. good news here. no chains needed at all during your travel up north but palisades tahoe to get there. it's going to take you three hours and 17 minutes from the city. you can see north star. it's closed so keep that in mind. heavenly though if you're headed that way. three hours and 18 minutes. and on this next slide you can see again no chains needed, which is the good news to get to sugar bowl resort. it's going to take you two hours and 53 minutes. sierra tahoe two hours and 57
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minutes is your travel time. and then kirkwood is three hours and 38 minutes. back to you. kumasi >> thank you. amanda. kristin, you check the wife of 40 niner. kyle music is paying tribute to the warriors by showing off a jacket she made for ayesha curry . so in her social media video, you can see the designer working on the warriors style jacket and you can see the finished product , she wrote. the season may have not ended the way we hoped for, but we are always rooting for the bay. stanford has a new women's basketball coach. kate pay was formally introduced yesterday. oh, the jacket is really cute. pay has been a part of the university for more than three decades. first as a player and then as an assistant coach. i assure you all, you could not have found anyone who feels a greater sense of honor, privilege, responsibility, enthusiasm and passion to lead stanford women's basketball into the next chapter of our storied legacy. congratulations! the 50
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year old replaces legendary coach tara vanderveer, who retired after 38 years at stanford with the most wins of any coach in college basketball history. pay thanked vanderveer for her support and for entrusting her with, quote, her life's work. a new korean sandwich, restaurants opening up in san francisco just a few weeks, toast and egg will sell ten different korean toasts, including flavors like beef and kimchi, wagyu beef curry chicken, vegan mushroom i like the little thing that it comes in. >> they also have coffee tea and croissant waffles. plus you. >> oh thank you. >> what's a croissant waffle i mean exactly what it sounds like i guess i've just never had one before. toast and egg opens may 1st in the sunset district. that's on irving street between 19th and 20th avenues. >> can i tell you i don't know how i forgot to tell you this all morning. so, you know, many bills we talked about is opening in the fillmore on fillmore street. two today. oh. grand
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opening. check it out. but yesterday i was in the fillmore because julian did a screening of julian glover, abc seven news anchor and reporter of his reparations documentary. and it was right across the street from where many bells is going to be, and they brought us some food to try. >> what chicken? >> chicken friend. delicious it was good. >> it was fresh. >> it was hot. it was fresh and hot. and there's something in the flavoring, the that something. it's like a little a little something extra. >> is there a little kick? yeah a little spice. >> not too much. >> okay. >> you must go. >> is it like the starbucks refreshers? but on chicken, the hot one we can say yes. >> kind of feel a little something. >> it gives you a little something extra good. it was so good. >> oh that's exciting. >> so i'm excited to right there on the fillmore. it's great. >> take me there, friend. >> we shall go. >> and we left the seven things you need to know. our next reminder. you can watch all of our newscasts live and on demand with abc seven. bay area connected tv app. you can see us on apple tv, google tv, amazon
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fire tv and roku. all you have to do is download the app and start streaming. >> and as we head to break a live look outside right now,
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things to know this morning. number one, investigators in oakland are looking into a deadly shooting. it happened near defremery park on the corner of 16th and adeline when police were working to arrest a homicide suspect. police say the suspect initiated the gunfight and officers opened fire on the suspect. >> number two, san francisco's da is hoping to hear from people who got caught up on the golden gate bridge during monday morning's protests. brooke jenkins has not yet filed charges against any of the 26 people arrested, but says some people may be entitled to restitution. >> number three san francisco, marking 118 years since the 1906 earthquake and the fire nearly destroyed the city. people gathered before dawn at lotta's
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fountain on market street for a commemoration ceremony. >> number four. governor newsom is one of time magazine's 100 most influential people of 2020. for time, highlighted newsom's liberal impact, outspoken quarrels with republican politicians and his anticipated run for president in 2028. >> number five, let's check out the sea lions at pier 39 this morning. you see that sun is up here. we have totally clear skies except along the immediate coast. we're dealing with a little bit of cloud cover, but today's another day where temperatures are warm this afternoon. we're starting out right now in the mid 40s to the mid 50s. looking at that day planner, as the exploratorium shows you, that sunshine this morning, it's a sunny day. we'll have those numbers quickly climbing later on today into the afternoon at 70s and 80s, again away from the coast and number six, we're going to take a look at our south beach cam. >> you can see flashing lights on the upper deck of the bay bridge just after treasure island. there's a stall being moved to the shoulder. you know that one lane is blocked.
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>> and number seven, a michigan man got creative after this bird flew into his home. he used a lacrosse stick to catch it. his girlfriend took the video. he says they were about to let the dog out. this poor bird. when that bird flew in. this poor bird. oh but what would i do if a bird flew in my. i'd think about that often because i like to keep my windows open and the birds are out and about. >> has anyone ever had that happen? no. >> new happened at, you know, just a squirrel. >> oh that's okay. that's that's worse. actually i think that's worse to the squirrels. >> worse squirrels. cause a bird you think will fly out. >> but a squirrel, it might just live with you. now, if you like, say >> good morning, america. for our viewers in the west, widespread 911 outages overnight. ♪ ♪ 911 down. overnight, police forces across


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