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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  April 18, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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man got creative after this bird flew into his home. he used a lacrosse stick to catch it. his girlfriend took the video. he says they were about to let the dog out. this poor bird. when that bird flew in. this poor bird. oh but what would i do if a bird flew in my. i'd think about that often because i like to keep my windows open and the birds are out and about. >> has anyone ever had that happen? no. >> new happened at, you know, just a squirrel. >> oh that's okay. that's that's worse. actually i think that's worse to the squirrels. >> worse squirrels. cause a bird you think will fly out. >> but a squirrel, it might just live with you. now, if you like, say >> good morning, america. for our viewers in the west, widespread 911 outages overnight. ♪ ♪ 911 down. overnight, police forces across
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four states reporting their emergency phone lines were down, including the las vegas police department. this morning, the homeland security warning about 911 call centers targeted for cyberattacks. >> severe weather threat. millions bracing for a new round of storms after at least 27 reported tornadoes in seven states in just three days. ginger is tracking it all. >> jury selection set to resume in the election interference trial of former president trump. what we know about his plans to campaign while on trial. >> boeing hits back. overnight, boeing releasing rare video from what it calls fatigue testing. how the company is fighting after a whistle-blower's testimony on capitol hill claiming the company's 787s are at risk of breaking apart in midair after extensive use. >> alibi in the idaho student murders. lawyers for the suspect now say he was nowhere near the scene of the crime that night. how they plan to prove he was more than 20 miles away without
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any eyewitnesses. >> simone biles like never before, talking about her mental health struggles. >> as an athlete, that was the hardest thing for me to process, too. because, if you get injured, you go to the doctor and they're like, "okay, 3-6 months, three weeks," or whatever. and this is, like, years. i'm like, why do i not feel better? >> the moment she decided to withdraw from some olympic events. the years of trauma that led up to that moment, and how she is healing. >> royal return. prince william making his first public appearance this morning since princess kate's diagnosis. >> and t-minus 17 hours until t-swift fans get more taylor at midnight. we're just hours away from her brand-new album dropping. >> what does it mean? i need to know right now. >> and the superstar is dropping clues as we dance into thursday. ♪ ♪ >> announcer: live in times square, this is "good morning america."
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>> that was a topic at our family dinner last night, taylor's countdown. good morning, america. hope you're doing well this morning. >> they are doing good, taylor swift is coming at midnight. also ahead, the story of a taco bell manager whose split-second decision led to a life-saving moment. >> thank goodness for that. but we begin with the widespread 911 outage in at least four states last night. >> nebraska, south dakota, nevada, texas unable to call the emergency number from cell phones or land lines. pierre thomas starts us off. good morning, p.a. >> potentially thousands of americans with added stress overnight as they dialed 911 for help, when every second counts. police forces across four states reporting their 911 lines were down, including the entire state of south dakota, a county in nebraska, a police force in del rio, texas, and two departments in nevada, including las vegas. vegas residents were urged to dial 911 on a mobile device so the police would be able to see
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the number and call you back right away. service was later restored to las vegas and south dakota, but today there will be an urgent effort to figure out why this happened and whether these are somehow connected. it is unclear how widespread the situation was. this comes as new analysis from the department of homeland security warns that fiber-optic lines supporting 911 call centers have likely become a target. but a similar outage in february appears to have been a technical glitch. much more to find out, michael. >> yeah, a lot more to find out on that, pierre. thank you so much. we turn now to severe weather on the move. millions are bracing for a new round of storms, 27 reported tornadoes in seven states in just three days. ginger is tracking it all for us. good morning, ginger. >> remember how we talked about how ohio was leading in tornadoes this year so far? they did get likely another one, and many others coming through. the last three days, we have had more than 350 severe storm reports including damaging winds in excess of 60 miles per hour,
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hail, where all the green dots are, and the red dots for tornadoes. so it's been a busy couple days and we're not done yet. this is the damage from likely tornado, which they will get out and survey in northeastern ohio, and damage outside of detroit, the northern suburb of ferndale. this was likely straight-line winds, but can still do so much damage. it doesn't matter if you get damaging winds or tornadoes on the weaker end of the scale. they are similar in what they look like afterward. today the highest tornado threat includes st. louis, much of missouri, western kentucky, tennessee, and southern illinois, also evansville, indiana, but all the way down to dallas and fort worth. this afternoon they will get damaging wind threat. we are watching it in many parts of the country. >> we turn now to the latest on donald trump's criminal trial. jury selection set to resume this morning and is proceeding quickly. aaron katersky is at the courthouse in downtown manhattan. good morning, aaron. >> one of the jurors who had already been seated was just excused. she said she slept on it overnight and felt she could no longer be fair and impartial
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because she had concerns about serving on this jury. the judge excused her without objection from the lawyers, so now we are down to six sworn in jurors, and six more will need to be seated, along with six alternates for testimony can begin. also today, prosecutors have complained that former president trump has violated the gag order against attacking witnesses in this case seven more times since they already complained he had been in violation of the gag order. so it is making court off to a bit of a rocky start before jury selection begins a new, with a new batch of prospective jurors called into start answering questions about whether they have strong views of trump that would inhibit them from being fair, about whether they had ever been to a trump rally, or a rally against the former president. right now the former president is in court listening to all of this, and we are waiting for the
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judge to decide, george. >> dan abrams and rachel scott from capitol hill this morning. let me begin with you. this jury selection seems to be going more quickly than a lot of people thought. >> it is definitely moving quickly, but, remember, it is about to get a little slower. why? because, once they are out of their peremptory challenges, once each side can no longer just dismiss a juror for any reason apart from race, then the fights start over whether and why jurors should be dismissed. it is called "for cause." they can still fight over jurors right now for cause, but when you have got no more challenges left, the for cause fights become a little more vicious, and i expect to see that as this jury selection process continues. >> and, rachel, this timing has cross purposes for donald trump. >> exactly. legally, the former president has tried to delay, delay, delay. politically, he has to get back on the campaign trail. every single day he's inside that courthouse is a day he's not making his case to the
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american people. he can come out and say this is all a witch hunt, and that might rev up his base, but is it really appealing to the independent voters, the republicans who are not sold on the former president, that he needs to win over in order to clinch the white house? that is something his campaign is very concerned about. president biden has had four campaign stops already this week. donald trump has to wait until saturday until he gets to north carolina. >> opening statements could come as early as monday. it's possible. what will we learn about the strength of the case? >> i don't know that we will learn a ton about the case. this is a rare case where just about everything has been litigated in the court of public opinion. but there are legal arguments. what is the legal theory, exactly, of the d.a. here that got it to the level of a felony? that's one thing i'm very interested in. and, from the defense perspective, are they going to come out and say it is not true that he had sex with stormy daniels? i don't think they're going to actually say that. but how detailed the defense
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gets is also going to be something i'll be looking for. >> in the meantime, rachel, on capitol hill, the president has endorsed speaker mike johnson but he's facing a threat this weekend. >> this move he's pushing forward to take that $95 billion package passed in the senate, separate that into four separate bills, it could cost him his job. he was asked very directly about this yesterday, why he believes it is worth risking his job over providing additional aid to ukraine. he says it's because it's the right thing to do. so it's unclear when they can move forward. but if he loses one more republican, we could have no speaker of the house, thrust into chaos yet again, george. >> rachel, dan, thanks very much. michael? >> now to boeing fighting back this morning after a whistle-blower testified on capitol hill about safety concerns at the company. transportation correspondent gio benitez joins us with more. >> that whistle-blower made some alarming allegations, but this morning boeing is pushing back
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in a way we haven't seen before, even releasing video from some of its testing. take a look at this. overnight, boeing releasing rare video from what it calls fatigue testing. boeing intentionally and repeatedly damaging a panel used for the 787 dreamliner to show its strength, as the company fiercely fights back following a whistle-blower's testimony on capitol hill. >> i am here today because i felt that i must come forward. >> long-time boeing engineer sam salehpour testifying that 787s are at risk of falling apart from extensive use because he says there are gaps in the fuselage. >> i found gaps exceeding the specifications that were not properly addressed 98.7% of the time. >> after raising concerns, salehpour says he was moved to the 777 program, though he claims he saw employees jumping on the pieces of the airplane to force them to align. >> i called it the tarzan effect. i raised concerns internally. i was sidelined. i was told to shut up. i received physical threats. >> salehpour did not present
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evidence of his claims, but boeing telling abc news overnight that retaliation is strictly prohibited at boeing and that, "we have painstakingly inspected and reworked airplanes and improved production quality. we are fully confident in the safety and durability of the 787 dreamliner." on the 777, boeing calls it the most successful wide-body airplane family in aviation history. >> boeing has been pushing back hard against these claims, saying these aircrafts are safe. do you believe them? >> the aircraft as a whole may be safe insofar as people getting on planes shouldn't panic. but they need to be made fully safe. >> and i asked the senator if he had seen any documented evidence of the whistle-blower's claims. he says he has seen a lot of it. now the senators are asking for more whistle-blowers to come forward. rebecca? >> and we know you will continue to stay on it. okay, gio. thank you. we turn now to the abortion rights showdown in arizona. republicans in the state legislature once again blocked a
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democratic effort to repeal the civil war era law that virtually bans abortion in the state. elizabeth schulze is in phoenix. good morning, elizabeth. >> good morning, rebecca. this is the second time that arizona's legislature has failed to repeal that civil war era abortion ban after it was reinstated last week by the state supreme court. >> this morning, arizona republican lawmakers defiant, refusing to repeal a 160-year-old law banning nearly all abortions in the state. >> legislatures are not built for knee-jerk reactions. >> all but one republican in the statehouse declining to join democrats to fast-track legislation that would roll back the law. >> we have a lot of time to work on this issue. >> state senators are now trying to move forward with their own bill to repeal it, but that process could take weeks. >> this is a stain on our history that this ban even exists. from a time when the age of consent was 10, from a time when women didn't have the right to
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vote. >> the law prohibits abortion in every instance except one, to save the life of a mother. if no repeal is passed, the band could take effect as soon as june. >> effectively, our ability to provide abortion care goes away. so, if this law stands, you can no longer provide abortions here. >> that is correct. >> at her clinic in phoenix, telling patients they might not be able to get the care they need. >> we are having conversations to let them know that we are going week by week, because there will come a time when we will have to stop. >> the house and the senate here are not expected to meet again until next wednesday. michael? >> elizabeth, thank you so much for that. we turn now to the gambling scandal rocking the nba. toronto raptors player jontay porter has been banned for life after an investigation concluded he bet on basketball. whit johnson is here with the latest. good morning, whit. >> hey, michael. good morning to you. nba players are specifically
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prohibited from gambling on league games or anything connected to the nba. jontay porter is now facing a range of allegations from disclosing personal information to bettors to limiting his own participation in games to influence bets. this morning, the nba banning jontay porter of the toronto raptors for life. the 24-year-old's professional basketball career derailed for violating the league's rules on sports betting. an investigation concluded he allegedly placed at least 13 bets on nba games under an associate's account, ranging from $15 to $22,000, totaling more than $54,000. >> this will have a definite impact on the gaming market and what is offered from sports books on the nba. >> porter is also accused of betting against his own team, and disclosing private information about his health status to someone placing bets on his game stats, and then even leaving a game early, citing illness. the nba commissioner releasing a
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statement, saying in part, "there is nothing more important than protecting the integrity of nba competition, which is why jontay porter's blatant violations are game rules are being met with the most severe punishment." >> bet on anything in florida! >> just last year alone, sports betting in this country passing the $100 billion mark, with easy-to-use apps and celebrity endorsements helping to fuel its popularity. >> since we had the visibility of those bets that were placed on these games that porter was involved in, it was able to identify them and come to this investigation pretty quickly. >> and the nba says the investigation into porter is not over, and they are sharing information with federal authorities, guys. >> what a story, thanks very much. now to the drive-through rescue by a taco bell manager in pennsylvania who jumped into action to save the baby struggling to breathe. morgan norwood has the story. >> good morning, george. imagine you're at a drive through and your baby stops
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breathing. what would you do? fortunately, a taco bell employee knew the answer to that question in that heart pounding rescue all caught on camera. >> it's a fast food franchise known for thinking outside the bun. >> with the new monterey chicken quesadilla, think outside the bun. >> this morning, the franchise is living up to its tagline thanks to a taco bell manager whose split-second decision led to a life-saving moment. >> i pulled him out and he turned completely blue and was lifeless. >> natasha long was going through the drive-through with her 11-month-old son, miles, when she realized he was struggling to breathe. >> at that point i just completely blacked out. i didn't know what to do. >> enter taco bell manager becky arbaugh to the rescue. >> i threw my headset and i ran outside, so i took the baby and started to do chest compressions on the baby, and he finally started to breathe. >> baby miles was rushed to a local hospital for treatment where his mom reports he is doing well. all of this, as doctors try to figure out what caused his condition. the next day, long called taco bell to thank arbaugh for saving her son's life.
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>> we couldn't be more grateful to becky. she saved my son's life. >> i just thought of myself as a mom with another mom that needed help. >> ugh, just chilling video. long and arbaugh said that they have been in close contact every day, with arbaugh even offering to sit in the hospital with baby miles so his parents can get more time to themselves. both said it was the beginning of a bond that they say will withstand the test of time. so glad baby miles is doing well. but it just hammers home the importance of cpr and knowing what to do in those situations. >> it's incredible. >> and moms helping moms. love to see that, too, from a becky. >> thank you, morgan. coming up, lawyers for the suspect in the idaho student murders outline his alibi. how they claim they can prove he was nowhere near the scene of the crime. dan abrams back to break that down. >> plus, olympic champion simone biles sharing new details of her mental health struggles,
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why she says it was like fighting demons. >> and why red lobster might be in trouble, considering filing for bankruptcy. but first, we go back to ginger. ginger, you've got these tornadoes everywhere, all these severe weather threats still. >> still, and a lot of that is being fueled by heat. i know there's a debate, people don't like "hotlanta," but it is going to live up to its name. we will just do atlanta -- atlanta will be quite warm today. much above average and could even tie or break a record. the record for today is 87. if they go above that, they would be breaking it. but a lot of folks from texas up through the south and even into the ohio river valley are 10-15 degrees above average. so that heat is going to really hone in on florida. you had a nice weekend last weekend with less humidity. samantha, our producer up there, was enjoying it. but look at this, the temperatures could go to 90 and break records in tampa, tallahassee could break the record, orlando will end up in 94 territory. so that's gonna be a steamy one if you're going to the parks. and right in the middle of the
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nation, the end of april, beginning of may, the hot stays in the middle. so it's going to be those high plains, into the plains of the united states here, into the midsouth and then even the great lakes. we had a very warm winter in a lot of these areas, and it's going to keep on. your local weather in 30 seconds now. ♪ early in the morning ♪ ♪ it's the dawn of a new day ♪ ♪ new hopes, new dreams, new ways ♪ ♪ i open up my heart and ♪ ♪ i'm gonna do my part and ♪
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♪ make this a positively beautiful day ♪ ♪ la la la la la ♪ ♪ it's a beautiful day ♪ ♪ good morning, america ♪ >> coming up, should you feed your kids dessert at breakfast? well, our parenting experts are going to break down the surprising answer, and maybe we'll hear if they did it. ♪ ♪
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near defremery park, on the corner of 16th and adeline street. opd says sacramento officers were in oakland conducting a homicide investigation. those officers asked oakland officers for help to arrest a suspect. no officers were hurt. >> mass transit riders take note bart is reporting a 20 minute delay on the san francisco line in the east bay direction because of a medical emergency, then on caltrain, all in the northbound direction. train 105 and 702 are delayed. train 301 out of diridon station has been canceled. look for train 403 instead. >> thank you. amanda. meteorologist
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another day with temperatures above average this afternoon. right now, most cities are starting out in the low to mid 50s this morning. that light jacket your best accessory. but again, just like yesterday, you can get rid of it pretty fast. this morning we warm quickly by noon. we're into the 70s away from the coast and then later on this afternoon it is warm sunshine, 70s and 80s once again, your sunset coming at 749 this evening. so highs today, 69 in the city, 74 in oakland. about 78 in santa rosa, san jose. feeling warm today with a high of 80 degrees kumasi. >> thank you drew. if you're streaming on the abc seven bay area app, abc seven at seven is next. for everyone else, it is gma finally home and that long stretch of road falls behind that line won't stop. >> don't stop. believe it. tell
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because, at midnight tonight, a new taylor swift era begins with a new record. our will reeve is here with all the superstar's clues. he is our resident swiftie. [laughter] that's all coming up. >> he's got a lot of different beats. following the headlines right now, including the investigation underway after a major 911 outage in at least four states overnight. people in nebraska, texas, south dakota, and nevada were unable to call the emergency number from cell phones or land lines but could still text 911. the justice department is hearing a settlement for former u.s. gymnastics team doctor larry nassar to resolve claims the fbi failed to investigate abuse allegations. >> and take a look at this robot, straight out of a sci-fi movie. boston dynamics has unveiled its next generation of humanoid robots. yes, it is a big "wow." the company says it is fully electric and designed for real-world applications. the company plans to share more about what it can really do, like just take over the world or
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something. something simple like that, low-key. [laughter] we've got a lot more ahead, including our experts answering your parenting questions, including what to do if you are anxious about your baby's big milestones. i hear that. that's coming up. >> now to the idaho college murders. lawyers for bryan kohberger filed documents outlining his alibi, claiming he was in a driving in a remote area of the night of the murders and say that cell phone data backs up his story. kayna whitworth is covering the case. >> this is the first time we are seeing how bryan kohberger's defense team plan to give evidence. they claim to have testimony that proves he was more than 20 miles away from the crime scene in a rural area at the time of the murders. overnight, lawyers for bryan kohberger, the former phd student accused of stabbing four university of idaho students to death, saying they plan to use analysis of cell phone tower data to show kohberger was not near the crime
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scene at the time of the murders. >> all rise. >> last august, kohberger's lawyers claimed in a court filing the suspected murderer was instead driving around alone, as he often did, when the murders were committed in november of 2022. the judge requesting kohberger's lawyers provide specific details, like names and addresses about his alibi, that could be corroborated. the finding claims he was driving in the opposite direction of the king road home to hike and run, and/or see the moon and stars, something he did on several occasions, and that his cell phone contained numerous photographs taken on several late evenings and early mornings, including in november, depicting the night sky. authorities say kaylee goncalves, madison mogen, xana kernodle, and ethan chapin were killed between 4:00 and 4:20 a.m. on november 13th in their off-campus home. experts say that, while cell phone records can estimate where a person is, it is
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difficult to pinpoint someone's exact location, especially in rural or remote areas. >> i can tell you with scientific certainty from his cell phone records if he was connected to the moscow cell tower or the pullman cell tower, but i can't pinpoint him. >> authorities also say, for a two-hour period his phone stopped reporting to the network entirely, which is consistent with the phone being out of service or in airplane mode. >> his lawyers also say he is an avid runner and hiker, and because the school year got busy, those hikes turned into nighttime drives in the countryside. the next time he'll be back in court is next month for a change of venue hearing. guys? >> kayna, thanks. dan abrams is back. is cell phone data strong? >> it can be. it's used in a lot of cases now. but remember, prosecutors here
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also want to use cell phone data to show he was at the home or near the home and that he had been there multiple times before. here's the difference. prosecutors are linking up the phone with video of the car which matched bryan kohberger. we haven't even talked about the dna evidence yet. but when you talk about even just those two pieces of evidence, cell phone in conjunction with surveillance video of what they believe is his car, together prosecutors believe they have a strong case. but, as you can tell, when it comes to cell phone evidence, there can be different interpretations and different experts can make different assessments, and that's what it seems we're going to see here. >> can you think of another case where cell phone data was such a critical part? >> there are a number of cases i've seen where cell phone evidence becomes critical, but it tends to be supporting evidence. because there is ambiguity around it, because there's a lack of certainty as to exactly where someone is, it is typically used to support a case and not to say, "see? this proves the entirety of our case."
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>> and how about that dna evidence? >> it's going to be critical. they will have to make another argument as to why his dna was found on a sheath on the knife at the scene. so they've got a challenge for them. the reason they're laying out the alibi now is because, under idaho law, they actually have to present the alibi defense at this point in the case. under idaho law, if you're going to say "i was somewhere else," you actually have to lay it out before the case starts. for some of the other pieces of the defense, we may learn that as the case moves on. >> but if the dna is there on the knife -- >> look, there's a lot of evidence in this case, all right? let's be really clear: if the dna is there, they will either challenge the way the dna was done, they may say it was planted. who knows? >> thank you as always, my friend. coming up next, simone biles speaking about the olympics and her mental health like never before. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ >> tech: cracked windshield? schedule with safelite, and we'll come to you to fix it. >> tech vo: this customer was enjoying her morning walk.
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7:40 am
>> back now with simone biles. speaking like never before about the mental health struggles that forced her to withdraw from events at the tokyo olympics. and the years of trauma that led up to that moment. lara has the details. >> good morning to you, michael. four-time olympic gold medalist simone talks about how a physical injury would have been easier to explain and for people to understand. a mental health issue is something that felt like, at least to her, very few could relate to.
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>> america hates me, the world is going to hate me, and i can only see what they're saying on twitter right now. >> this morning, gymnastics goat simone biles opening up like never before about the mental health battle she faced at the tokyo summer olympics in 2021 that led her to withdraw from multiple events. >> i would literally tell my teammates, i'm fighting demons. i'm fighting demons right now. so i literally felt like i was fighting my body and my mind to do these tricks. >> the four-time olympic gold medalist sitting down with alex cooper on the "call her daddy" podcast, talking about her decision to remove herself from the women's gymnastics all-around final after experiencing what she called the "twisties." >> it's like your mind and body are at a disconnect, your body will try to do something and your mind will be like, you're not doing this. that's how it feels like. you've been doing something for so long and you no longer have control.
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>> terrifying. >> biles recalling the shaky vault routine that prompted her to withdraw. >> very uncharacteristic vault for simone. >> i go to tell my coach, and i said, i'm done, i'm not doing anymore. if i survived that, i don't know how much else i will survive. i always say i'm a cat with nine lives, but i think that was my ninth. i'm done. >> that decision sending shock waves across the globe as she pulled herself from remaining events. but eventually managing to compete on the beam where she won a bronze medal, the women's team going on to win the silver. >> if she, at the olympic games, the grandest stage in her sport, with so many expectations, says she can't go on, that gives so many people, athletes or not, the understanding and the opening for them to say, "hey, i need help." >> biles saying that moment was the culmination of years of trauma, including the abuse she suffered at the hands of convicted gymnastics doctor larry nassar. >> it wasn't just a mental injury that happened, called the
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twisties. it's, like, compressing all of this [bleep] for so many years, it just unfolded. like, you can't compress trauma that much longer. >> experts praising simone's ability to stop and work through it. >> one thing that simone did teach the world is that this is not necessarily a lifelong affliction. this is something that can be managed, dealt with. >> with the help of therapy and training, biles now has her sights set on a potential comeback for paris 2024. >> continuing to work on my body and my mind, just like i have the past year and a half, and it has worked, so to just stay on top of that. it's exhausting, but i have to do it. it's working. i didn't think therapy was going to work, and it is working. >> she is working through it and the olympic trials are at the end of june. we wish simone great success.
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she said she wished she had been there for her teammates the way she was supposed to be, and it is something she will never forgive herself for her, then she was all in, becoming your team's best cheerleader. i do want to ask you, michael, so many parents watching this see their kids struggling with pressure to succeed in sports. what advice would you give to them about that fear of failure and the pressure to win? >> i think pressure is normal, and fear is normal in all of us, but i think it's important that, if you feel your kids are going through that, talk to them. have that conversation. i love when you have young athletes, i love when they compete, but i don't like it when they feel that their only way and everyone wants them to be professional. >> "will i be d1?" >> it's supposed to be fun. keep it fun for your kids. like i said, if they have anything, have them talk about it. send them to someone to talk because maybe they don't want to talk to the parents. >> great advice. thank you so much. >> truly great advice, and great to see simone biles back at it again. what a great human to watch as
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a young person. and then advocate, too. >> next, will reeve is counting clues. it is our play of the day. things will go wrong for your customers. but your business can make it right, with watsonx assistant. ai that can help resolve problems by understanding your customer requests with 90 percent accuracy. let's create customer service in service of customers, with watsonx assistant. ibm. let's create. ahhhhhhh! (elsa) oh, i'm so glad you're here. the royal historians of arendelle have been sharing our story. (anna) that was a very good story you told. all though the... choosing a treatment for your chronic migraine - 15 or more headache days a month, each lasting 4 hours or more - can be overwhelming.
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it's faster, bro! it's faster, bro! it's faster, bro! it's mom to you. astepro starts working in 30 minutes. astepro and go! >> ♪ are you ready for it? ♪ >> are you ready for it? we are back with our play of the day and will reeve is counting the seconds until taylor swift's new album's drops. less than 24 hours to go.
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>> good morning everybody. the days have kept by at a petty pace since taylor swift last original album drops. in this 18 months she has strutted her hour upon the stage and now it is finally time for that new album. the buildup is full of clues signifying everything. >> ♪ it's me, hi ♪ ♪ i'm the problem, it's me ♪ >> the countdown is on for taylor swift's new album, and swifties everywhere are in a frenzy. >> what is the true meaning? i need to know right now. i'm tired of these games, sister. please, tell us. >> in true taylor fashion, easter eggs abound. the megastar dropping clues about friday's "tortured poet's department." >> half of tiktok right now is fans dissecting every frame of every little video. >> the album drops at midnight and swifties are ready for it, not with a whimper, but with a bang. swarming this pop up in los angeles, serving those who stand in wait with plenty of tea. how many clues?
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let us count the ways. >> we've got new lyrics. "even statues crumble if they are made to wait." then there's the cabinet drawer wall with six open drawers, all the clocks point to 2:00. are we getting another surprise 2:00 a.m. drop, taylor? >> and hark, a qr code. footage from our chicago station wls showing this billboard going up in the windy city. scan it, and it takes you to a peculiar error page, and taylor chiming in herself on instagram, posting a video going from the set of her previous "midnights" album to the new one with another clue. the first music video set to drop tomorrow night. >> taylor has always been hiding little hints for her fans as she has really plotted out the strategies for these past few albums. especially this one. >> welcome to the eras tour! >> do not go gentle into that good night, swifties. rage against the dying of the light, because you've got to stay up. at midnight, "tortured poets department" comes out. surely we will have close analysis of it all by daybreak. >> we have got to give a slow
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clap to will reeve. you leaned in. he leans into a taylor swift piece with macbeth. that is incredible. [laughter] >> it's very swift-like. feels so right. >> i was a tortured english major in college, and this is what i got out of it. [laughter] it's not bad, right? >> the moral of the story is it's coming, everybody! >> thank you, will. thank you, george, for capturing every easter egg and letting us know everything we need to know. coming up, we are getting a jump-start on earth day with eco-friendly deals and steals, all from small businesses. stay with us. ♪ ♪ for my copd, i had bad days. [cough] flare-ups that could permanently damage my lungs. with breztri, things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing. starting within 5 minutes, i noticed my lung function improved. it helped improve my symptoms, and breztri was even proven to reduce flare-ups,
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a few degrees below average for morning lows, and philadelphia going to be there by monday morning, the coldest. here's some of the numbers. minneapolis, about 38 is average, so slightly below. coming up, our experts are here for our parenting playbook, answering your questions, including what to do about picky eaters. your local gives us granite expo has everything you need to remodel your home or business. we have the best selection of quartz and granite countertops. choose from a wide variety of cabinets and
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vanities. visit us at our emeryville location or at the granite >> after a car accident, beware of insurance companies bearing small checks. you may feel pressured to settle too soon and for too little money. choose jacoby and meyers. we've turned low insurance offers into big settlements. jacoby and meyers, because everyone deserves justice. >> a tragedy in a small town. a church pastor is dead, shot in the back. >> people were like, what? the preacher's wife. >> there had to be a good reason . some speculated you pick up that shotgun and shoot her husband. 2020 friday night always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning everyone. i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven mornings news amanda now with a look at traffic. hi, amanda. hi kumasi. >> there's a 20 minute bart delay to tell commuters about. this is on the san francisco line in the east bay direction. and they're saying this is because of a medical emergency.
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so just be aware of that. >> drew. hey, amanda. we'll go to pier 39. still checking out the sea lions this morning. they're having some fun out there dipping in and out of the waters. as folks look on this morning, it's already off to a nice start. pretty comfortable in a lot of cities. look at this, oakland. we're close to 60 degrees already 59. in san jose we're at 51 in the city and the same in santa rosa. ocean water temperature currently 56 degrees. a mild morning out there. our sunset today at 749. so it's a nice long day. we have a few clouds from time to time. warm sunshine this afternoon pretty close to where we landed yesterday. 70s and 80s away from the coast. so high of 74 in oakland, 69 in the city, 80 in san jose will hit about 77 in napa, kumasi thank you, drew. >> if you are streaming with us on the abc seven bay area app, abc seven at seven is next. so everyone else is gma. >> everyone likes surprises, except when you get a bill that's higher than expected.
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hits and yesterday's favorite girls like you run round with guys like somebody. start your day with the 7:30 a.m. commercial free work to kick off . stand a little taller by by number one for listening while you work. today's hits and yesterday's favorites 96.5 co. it so if you care to find wicked the untold true story of the witches of oz flies back to the orpheum theater from august 28th through october 13th. >> only visit broadway sf. com >> only visit broadway sf. com >> good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m. 911 down. overnight, police forces across four states report their emergency phone lines were down, including the las vegas police department. this morning, the homeland security warning about 911 call centers targeted for
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cyberattacks. ♪ ♪ a house divided. with robert kennedy jr. running for president, much of his family's politically endorsing president biden. sister kerry kennedy is joining us live. why she believes her brother's campaign is dangerous. >> best-selling author of the "shopaholic" books, sophie kinsella, revealing she's been diagnosed with an aggressive form of brain cancer. her message to her fans and anyone facing a major health challenge. >> royal return. prince william making his first public appearance this morning since princess kate's diagnosis. why he chose this cause to mark the occasion. ♪ ♪ >> and, look cool at any age. >> style has no age. >> women rocking fierce fashion at 50 and beyond. how you can make some hot trends work for you. as we say, "good morning, america." >> announcer: live in times square, this is "gma."
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>> the way you said that perked me up! good morning, america! that's right. our parenting playbook is back, everybody. our dream team of experts is ready to answer the questions. >> a pediatrician, nutritionist, and psychiatrist are answering your questions about kids' early years, including one that has all the parents at "gma" talking. should you serve your kids dessert with breakfast? i don't know, are they eating breakfast right now? looking forward to hearing the answer to that one. >> first, top stories breaking 8:00. the widespread 911 outage in at least four states overnight. people in four states unable to call from cell phones or land lines. we want to go to pierre thomas. >> george, good morning. when you dial 911, you expect immediate help, and every second counts in an emergency. for potentially thousands of
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americans, that was not the case last night. police forces across four states reporting their 911 phone lines were down, including the entire state of south dakota, a county in nebraska, a police force in del rio, texas, and two departments in nevada, including las vegas. service has been restored to departments in nevada, south dakota, and nebraska, but today there will be an urgent effort to figure out why this happened and whether these outages are somehow connected. it's unclear how widespread the situation was. this comes as new analysis from homeland security warns that fiber-optic lines supporting 911 call centers are becoming targets. the similar outage in february appears to be a technical glitch. we are pressing homeland security officials and local officials for more information about this cause, because it is such a serious situation for those needing help, michael. >> very serious, pierre. we turn now to trouble for red lobster. eva pilgrim is here with the latest. >> we know it for its endless shrimp and lobster fest and
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those delicious cheddar bay biscuits, but it may be the end of the line for red lobster. the restaurant giant is considering filing for bankruptcy, according to a new bloomberg report. filing for chapter 11 would allow the chain to stay open while dealing with its debt, giving the company a chance to help its bottom line by reevaluating some long-term contracts and leases. this, after its ultimate endless shrimp promotion backfired. that deal, which has been running for more than 18 years, allows customers to eat as much shrimp as they want for a set price. last time a red lobster decided to offer the promotion every day instead of just once a week. while that promotion brought in diners, red lobster said it underestimated the overwhelming response. red lobster reported $11 million in losses after launching the promotion in the third quarter, and a $12.5 million loss in the last quarter of the year. more recently, the restaurant's owner said it was out. the chain seeing internal changes, as well, a new ceo with experience in restructuring brought into the company to help
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rehab it. >> you have to think about the employees getting pulled every which way in the middle of this, too. eva, thank you. we turn now to prince william making his first public appearance since his wife, princess catherine, revealed her cancer diagnosis last month. maggie rulli is live in london with all the details. good morning, maggie. >> hey, rebecca. good morning. yeah, prince william has officially returned to his public royal duties. he's taken the last couple weeks off to be with his family and postponed several engagements leading up to kate's announcement. just this morning we saw him out in public, he visited west london in surrey, about an hour south of us here in london. he visited charities about food waste. we know environmental causes like this one are so close to the prince's heart. now, as for princess kate and when she could be returning to any official royal duties, right now there's no official timeline from the palace, but we know from the video she posted that she says she's doing well and she is "getting stronger every day." but we understand she will only
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be returning to official royal duties when her doctors advise her to do so. guys, we do expect to be seeing a lot more of prince william, one of just a handful of senior working royals that are still making public engagements, and we also know he's been shouldering many responsibilities for his father, king charles, as he undergoes cancer treatments, as well. we last saw the monarch on easter sunday here in london. he is still taking those weekly audiences with the prime minister, but in terms of when he could be back making public appearances and going to public events, no official timeline. again, it is only when his doctors give him the okay. >> maggie, thanks very much. coming up on our morning menu, kerry kennedy is talking about why she and much of her family are endorsing president biden as her brother, robert, is running for the white house. >> also ahead, best-selling author sophie kinsella announcing she has an aggressive form of brain cancer. her message to others with the difficult diagnosis. >> plus, women 50 and beyond, celebrating their style.
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we'll show you to make the current trends work for you no matter what your age is, and lara is upstairs with tory. hey, lara. >> tory is lighting up my life today because we are getting an early start on earth day with deals and steals. she has found great green products that will save you a lot of green. coming up right here on "gma." i was going to throw it, but i won't. ♪ ♪ when your child has moderate—to—severe eczema, it's okay for them to show off. show off their clearer skin and noticeably less itch with dupixent. because children 6 months and older with eczema have plenty of reasons to show off their skin. with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, they can stay ahead of their eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your child's skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe.
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tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ♪ show off to the world. ask your child's eczema specialist about dupixent. some people just know there's a better way to do things. like bundling your home and auto insurance with allstate. yeah, she knows. and some people... don't. like... come on. yikes! ughh... no. you know, there's a better way. save time and money by bundling your home and auto with allstate. you're in good hands with allstate. (terrie) if you're a smoker. i have a tip for you. make a video of yourself...
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before all this happens. (announcer) you can quit. call 1-800-quit-now for help getting free medication. i would describe my mom as... incredibly nurturing and encouraging. honest! truly my rock. she's hilarious. —cheeky. —cheeky? yeah, you think you're funny. i am funny. she really truly makes me feel loved. i love that they're true romantics, in spite of it all. (giggles) the most authentic and real person in the world. thanks, dyl. yeah! i am who i am because she is who she is. diamonds for all mothers. pandora. lab-grown diamonds. ( ♪ ♪ ) start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. (♪) is this normal? yeah. i mean, he does look happy. when you've got questions, chewy's got answers.
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too happy? ask the chewy vet team. how much is too much catnip? chat with our vet team for free. [thud] [purring] mike had a heart attack a year ago. but he's still living in the red. with a very high risk of another attack. with his risk factors his recommended ldl-c level should be below 55. find out if you're living in the red. learn how to get a free ldl-c test. (man) excuse me, would you mind taking a picture of us? (tony) no problem! (man) thanks (tony) oh, yeah that's a problem you need verizon get the new iphone 15 pro with tons of storage. so you can take all the pics! (vo) trade-in any iphone in any condition and get iphone 15 pro - on us. only on verizon ♪ crunchy. ohh ♪ ♪ tasty ♪ ♪ ohh ♪ ♪ sweet or savory ♪ ♪ always satisfying ♪ ♪ gimme blue diamond ♪ ♪ crunchy ♪ ♪ tasty ♪ ♪ sweet or savory ♪ ♪ always satisfying ♪ ♪ gimme blue diamond! ♪ ♪ crunchy ♪ ♪ tasty ♪ ♪ sweet or savory ♪ ♪ always satisfying ♪ ♪ gimme-- ♪ blue diamond almonds. (♪)
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(♪) (♪) get exclusive offers on select new volvo models. contact your volvo retailer to learn more. because when we come together, hope and joy will shine. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> welcome back to "gma." tomorrow we hear from tennis star danielle collins fresh off her miami open win. she will tell us about her decision to retire from the sport after years of competing with rheumatoid arthritis.
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george? >> our "gma" cover story, the kennedy family divided. with robert kennedy jr. running for president to challenge president biden, much of the kennedy clan is set to endorse biden in an event later today. we will talk to kerry kennedy in a moment. first, a look at her brother's run. >> he is the fourth kennedy to run for president. >> i'm here to declare myself an independent candidate. >> but the first break with the democratic party. robert f. kennedy jr., famously known for espousing conspiracy theories about the efficacy of vaccines, officially launched his presidential bid last year. he's running as an independent, which means his campaign must collect anywhere from hundreds to thousands of signatures, depending on the state, to get on the ballot. only utah has confirmed that kennedy is qualified, but his campaign says they have enough signatures to get him on the ballot there and in seven other states. several of his family members are worried he could swing a close race between donald trump and joe biden. some of his siblings are calling his run dangerous. cousin jack schlossberg,
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president john f. kennedy's grandson, calls it an embarrassment. >> i know him. i have no idea why anyone thinks he should be president. >> i am concerned that voting for bobby is going to take votes away from biden and lead to a trump election. >> but the 70-year-old says he has many relatives, including his daughter-in-law who runs his campaign, that support his candidacy. >> i come from a family, from a milieu where we came home at night and ate dinner with my father and he would orchestrate debates between us. the same way his father did with him. and we could disagree on issues, and we could disagree with passion and information, but we still love each other. >> and kerry kennedy joins us this morning from philadelphia where she and her family members will be appearing for president biden. thanks for joining us. why do you think your brother's run is dangerous? >> well, i think this is the
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most important election of my lifetime. we are up against donald trump, who said he's going to be a dictator on day one, who lays claim to overturning roe v. wade, who has said he wants to change the constitution in order to go after his enemies and his critics. the list goes on and on and on. and so we really must elect president biden, and that is where all our energy has to be. >> a lot of people see the name "robert f. kennedy jr." on the ballot and think he's carrying on the legacy of your father and your uncles. how do you respond to that? >> well, i think nobody competes with president biden when it comes to carrying on the legacies of john kennedy and robert kennedy and ted kennedy. he has spent his whole life working on behalf of working
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people, of gig workers. he marched with the uaw and helped to end that strike early. he is an extra ordinary leader. he has brought us over 800 million jobs, historic job growth, and -- sorry, 15 million new jobs, and 800,000 in manufacturing alone. he cares about all of us. and he was inspired to get into politics because of my father. so i think there is no competition with him. we need to assure that he is elected. >> why do you think your brother is running? he must know that he can't win. do you think he's trying to elect donald trump? >> you know, i think the point here today is electing joe biden. it is a two-man race. there's only two people in this race who can get to 270
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electoral votes, donald trump and joe biden. joe biden stands for the middle class. joe biden has built up our economy. under joe biden's leadership, crime has gone down 10% over the last several years. he is an extra ordinary leader. he cares deeply. he shares my family's values. we need every single person to vote, and vote for joe biden. if everyone who can vote goes out and votes, joe biden wins, and that is what we are here to do today. >> did you try to talk your brother out of this? and can you still get together as a family? >> we absolutely -- you know, in a big family, you have to love everybody, but you don't have to like them. in our family, we love bobby and we like him, but that's not what this race is about.
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this race -- donald trump is an existential threat to our country and to our world. he is abandoning ukraine. he is harmful to lgbtq rights. he doesn't believe that you should be able to love who you love. he has abused women in the most egregious ways, as we all know. he has overturned roe v. wade. he's packed the supreme court. as i said, he wants to be a dictator on day one. what else do we need to know about him? as opposed to joe biden, who cares about women, who has fought his whole life for women and to stop violence against women. this is the man who we all need to vote for. >> kerry kennedy, thanks for your time this morning. michael? >> thank you, george. now to the diagnosis for the best-selling author of the "shopaholic" series.
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sophie kinsella revealing her battle with an aggressive form of brain cancer. our morgan norwood is back with the story. good morning again, morgan. >> good morning to you, michael. that's right, sophie kinsella says she's been battling this brain cancer for more than a year, but that she held off on telling her fans so that her five young children could adapt to what she described as her family's new normal. this morning, best-selling book author sophie kinsella sharing a deeply personal story of her own. the diagnosis of brain cancer. the 54-year-old writer of the "shopaholic" book series posting on instagram, "at the end of 2022 i was diagnosed with glioblastoma, a form of aggressive brain cancer. i did not share this before because i wanted to make sure my children were able to hear and process the news in privacy." >> it grows very quickly. even with treatments, most people will have a recurrence of their tumor, and the median survival is about 15 months from the time of diagnosis. >> while it's rare, affecting fewer than 50,000 people, glioblastoma is the most common
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brain tumor in adults. while it can develop at any time of life, 70% of cases occur in people ages 45-70. >> what is so scary about glioblastoma is that it can happen to absolutely anyone, and most of the time we don't know why it's happened. >> kinsella's laugh-out-loud romances and relatable leading ladies defining the romantic comedy movement. >> declined. >> can you try again? >> really declined. >> her first two novels were adapted into the film "confessions of a shopaholic." and while she says she is stable right now, kinsella opening up about the importance of support, writing in her post, "it can feel very lonely and scary to have a tough diagnosis, and the supporting care of those around you means more than words can say." >> not only is it completely isolating to suddenly have your life put on hold, but also a brain cancer changes the way you interact in the world.
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we are learning more and more every day about the genetics that underlie these tumors and the most effective treatments for them. so i'm hopeful that, in the coming years, we will be making some strides. >> speaking of treatments, kinsella says she has undergone surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation, which she says is still ongoing, and we are wishing her well as she continues her treatment journey. guys? >> we definitely wish her well and thank her for sharing that. hopefully she will help someone else out there. thank you for that, morgan. let's go to ginger. >> as we talk about these tornadoes, i think it's helpful to put into context, april is the third busiest month of the year for the united states to get tornadoes. we are doing it. at least 27 reported in the last three days, one of them in northeastern ohio, which puts ohio at 39 for the season so far. leading the country. also, damaging wind can do just as much damage. ferndale, michigan, north of detroit, they were seeing 60 or 70 plus mile-per-hour winds.
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both of those threats today, tornado and damaging wind, the tornado threat is highest in southeastern missouri, southern illinois, indiana, ♪ ♪ >> all right, it is time for deals and steals. with earth day on monday, tory johnson is bringing us eco-friendly products all from small businesses. good morning to you, tory. i know you want me to get right into it because you have some
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many good ones. >> not just promoting, but i also am a user of these. >> you are a user and a purchaser. you have greenpan in your kitchen and you told me you wanted to add this color to your collection. >> i sure do. >> what's awesome about this collection specifically is it is recycled aluminum, finished with their nonstick surface that they are known for. that is what greenpan is known for, with none of the bad chemicals. you often see the pfas chemicals that you don't want in any of your nonstick cookware. these are incredibly durable, scratch resistant. these will go the long haul. we have got a variety of assortments for you, a 17-piece set. if you got that, but we also have a 3-piece set and a 12-inch frying pan if you want to add to your collection. everything from greenpan, 50% off, starting at $50. >> you don't need to use any kind of butter or oil. it's so good. >> for healthy cooking, too. >> i'm demonstrating. >> you are. 1.6 billion people in this world live without electricity,
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and solight is focused on -- >> what happens now? >> you start it flat, and then you can pop on the light right here. >> oh, so great for storage. >> it is great for storage, it's origami-inspired, and they are all about bringing light where there is no electricity. so whether it is a power outage, camping, sitting on your porch -- >> oh, i'm in. >> you are in, and they also have options with a built-in charger if you need to power up on the go. they're not only beautiful but incredibly functional, and the company does incredible work around the world. 50% off, starting at $11. >> summer entertainment season coming, everyone! >> and power outages to prepare for. plants boost moods and make every space prettier. rooted has an eco-conscious greenhouse in florida where they grow really beautiful houseplants. they have put together just really delightful bundles. that one right there is a maidenhair fern, this right here is a green prayer plant. i'm learning my plant types.
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>> good girl. >> they are all beautiful, quite frankly, and all the bundles they have created, 50% off today. >> all green thumbs welcome! i love this idea. >> this is really cool. it was created by two moms who said there's got to be a better way to battery, so they created the better battery. it is a carbon-neutral, alkaline battery that has a built-in recycle program. so you get the box of batteries, that's, quite frankly, very organized in your drawer instead of having them rolling all over the place where you can't find them. as you use them, you pop it back into this box, and once you are done, you return this to them, and these are designed from scratch to be fully recyclable. so they will take apart all of the components, they have a zero landfill commitment, so you can be confident that your batteries will not wind up in a landfill. so better battery, these moms have solved the problem. 50% off the set. >> all your little video gamers will love that. >> exactly. all right, friendsheep.
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we love a good dryer ball. what is awesome about these, not only are they pretty -- i got the little heart one for you here. >> thank you. >> 100% premium new zealand wool, reduces drying time, also reduces wrinkles. up to a thousand uses, so reusable, as well. and they look good, work great. you will get three of them for $9. >> oh, my goodness. >> it's a good one. plus, reduces energy because not as much drying time. finally, ethique. i love this. you can go totally plastic-free with your shampoo and conditioner bars. ginger posted on instagram the other day some of her bars. >> yeah, she's a big fan. >> i was like, i've got bars coming perfectly lathered up, just really great for all hair types. so dry, itchy, oily, frizzy, blond, you name it. there's a specific type for your hair. we also have, face scrubs,
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deodorant. this deal is unbeatable starting at 650 plus free shipping. you can't beat that 46,005 star reviews. can't be wrong. yeah, cannot. >> and you never are wrong. thank you so much. all right, so we have partnered with these companies on the deals. thank you to the companies by the way. and you guys can take advantage of them. just go to our website. good morning and tory i know you are bringing us more deals on saturday on gma. very exciting. any previous uh- good stuff okay good stuff and more online today when you go to our website. coming up fierce and fashionable at 50 and beyond, well, let's just stick with fishing. >> monday, k-pop sensation itzy performs live untouchable. no time on monday, it's itzy, but buddy loversall on tour on gma. sponsored by live nation. this friday morning, we're about to get one incredible teacher. >> the surprise of a lifetime live on gma and trust me, this
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teacher deserves it in. just wait until you see the surprise celebrities join in the fun friday on good morning america. >> she's the star of growing up chrisley. and tomorrow morning, in an emotional new interview, savannah chrisley opens up about her parents, their prison sentences and taking custody of her younger siblings while her parents are incarcerated. >> that's the tough part. good morning america. >> tomorrow. let the games begin. >> american idol live sunday and monday on abc. >> what would you do >> i was thinking, i want to open up our marriage. >> have you heard a husband beinasked to open up his marriage? >> i do not want another man in our marriage. >> hell, no. they got dinner and a show. >> what would you do sunday night? >> always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning. i'm reggie aqui from abc seven mornings. and here's a look at traffic. hi, amanda. hi, reggie. >> things are slowing down on
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the peninsula. well, let's take a look at menlo park. because of a three car crash. northbound 101. after marsh road. it's blocking one lane there, stopping traffic from university avenue with a 17 minute delay. speeds are down to 12mph. reggie we're going to check in with meteorologist drew tuma. >> another nice day after the break. >> adventure begins at your local jeep suv dealer with the most awarded suv brand right now . >> during the jeep celebration event, well qualified lessees can lease the 2024 wrangler sport s4 by aev for 369 a month. don't miss this great offer. >> this is jimmy butler and this is jimmy butler's butler. jimmy butler loves hulu plus live tv. it's got over 95 live channels, but jimmy butler's butler is old school for your media social sur. he doesn't realize hulu plus live tv is like cable, only better buckets. >> you get disney+ and espn plus all in one plan. >> indeed. >> watch live tv like jimmy
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butler. >> where are you going to cut the cord in all of san francisco , there's no place like wicked. >> so if you can't find me, look to the western sky. wicked the untold true story of the witches of oz flies back to the orpheum theater from august 28th through october 13th. only nbc nightly news calls it the most successful broadway show ever. visit broadway to get wicked adventure begins at your local jeep suv dealer with the most awarded suv brand right now during the jeep celebration event. >> well qualified lessees can lease the 2024 wrangler sport s for by e for 369 a month. don't miss this great offer. >> hey! bay area live with kelly and marcus. >> coming up, we'll chat with jesse tyler ferguson, plus corey cott from broadway's the heart of rock and roll is here. >> that's at nine on abc seven.
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>> we'll see you guys in 30 minutes. here's a live look outside from our sutro tower camera. the golden gate bridge. sunny out there. we're warming up pretty fast already. look at all those 50s and low 60s. it's another day where temperatures will be warm about ten degrees above average. very similar to yesterday. we'll leave you from the exploratorium. camera. mild morning. you've waited just a few clouds later on this afternoon. we'll call it warm sunshine. today temperatures in the 70s and 80s for most cities. your sunset coming after 745. so highs today 74 in oakland, 69. in the city, 78 in santa rosa, about 80 degrees in san jose. >> reggie what a beautiful forecast. thanks, upd0 minutes. you can always catch us on our news ♪ ♪ >> announcer: welcome back to "gma," live from times square. >> tomorrow on "gma," we have a ray of sunshine surprise for a
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very special teacher, with celebrity guests joining in on the fun. you don't want to miss that. now to lara. >> thank you, michael. we turn now to our series, "older and bolder," embracing life in your 50s and beyond. the fashion industry is focusing more on older women. from the runway, to retail, to social media. check it out. >> style has no age. >> fashion trends come and go, but beauty is timeless and ageless, and the fashion industry is starting to catch up. >> the idea that you turn 50 and suddenly you're going to turn in your fashion card and ride off into the style sunset, never wear anything that expresses your taste or style again, that is patently not true. >> designer batsheva hay stacking her recent new york fashion week runway show with women over 40, including 55-year-old molly ringwald. and at paris fashion week, balmain including models of all ages. beyond the runway, with a voice that reigns supreme, 79-year-old diana ross is the new face of
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saint laurent's ad campaign, and at 89, actress dame maggie smith models loewe handbags. >> designers are embracing and celebrating the women actually buying their clothes, which is exactly as it should be. >> okay, where are all my over-50 ladies? >> age representation making its way on social media, as well, with fashion influencers over 50 bringing fashionable and affordable styles with a twist of pride. >> teaching other women of all ages that it doesn't matter what age you are, that we are cool, and we have a lot going on for us, and, really, you shouldn't care what other people think. >> so, lifestyle and fashion expert and our dear friend, gretta monahan, is here on current fashion trends and how to style them so they look great at any age. and you can shop all of these looks at
8:33 am welcome, so happy to see you! i love talking fashion with you, and i want to talk about a trend that, well, i wouldn't have thought we could pull it off. i love a cargo, but i have not thought about crochet. and you said "yeah, way." >> yes, way. women ask me all the time. if i rocked these trends once back in the day, can i do it now? obviously you can. we did a crochet top. the thing is, you don't have to literal like we did it, a huge amount of crochet or see-through crochet. choose a cropped, classic piece with the trendy vibe, and take a look at those cargos. >> they are really cute. >> walmart, under $20. and they don't add a lot of bulk, because the old cargos were very utilitarian and thick and heavy fabric. now they are slinky and they drape and they look cool. we tossed a little jacket over the shoulder. old navy. >> you sure did. work it. >> and anthropologie, that is an
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espadrille with a sneaker bottom. comfy all day and cool. >> not just for schoolgirls anymore. >> we can rock it. erika, thank you so much. now we have another trend that i really didn't think about, but fabienne is going to show us why the romper is good at any age. >> i had to prove it, because you can do a romper. women ask me all the time, "that's for my daughter, not for me." obviously it is so for fabienne. all you do is go for the more relaxed shape. that's the tip. and a little longer. we are healthy, working out. show it off. don't hide behind your clothes. also, patterns and prints. you can go bold with patterns. and florals, as you know, are huge. we also think of those as little girl. my tip, go with a white background if you want to keep those florals weekend cool fresh. if you go with a dark background
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like me, more elevated and dressy. >> i see what you're doing here. looking great as always. fabienne, looking great. so stylish, and the sandals are fab, too. and everything is shoppable, which i love. wynettka is combining a couple of trends you want to tell us about? >> yes. first, shine on! and wynettka is shining on because i picked the pants. this is scoop for walmart. how cool? now, i love the pant because it is shiny fabric. what i want to say right now, wear your shine every day. you can wear it from morning to evening. this is a pull-on, easy pant. exactly, the old rules are out. it's a relaxed leg, but here's the big one. everyone has a button down shirt. i brought this on today to show you the new way to wrap it cool. do not wear your shirts to cover you, ladies. and if you have a closet full of these, lara, you can actually restyle them like we do. either wrap it and do a little side tie, we did this this morning. you can do it in the front.
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>> i like how it's a little off-kilter. and a little tee underneath it in the same color, and it goes together. >> women don't think you can wear a crop, but you can with a layer. you don't have to show your skin. you get that look, you take it over to the side, because anytime we go asymmetrical, what do we get? a nice whittled waist. >> i like a whittled waist! and a little sexy slit, i see what you're doing there. i'm onto you, wynettka! >> you like those? those are from zappos. pick those up for them to see, honey. you can see that little kitten heel. she can wear it with jeans or a skirt or these pants. >> i wear those all the time. great look. great, great ideas. we are older and we are bolder. yeah, i said it. coming up, everybody. andrew jarecki -- ladies, come on out. one more look. the director of the award-winning series, "the jinx," andrew jarecki is
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with us telling about the new sequ
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♪ >> i'm here now with award-winning director andrew jarecki. he's back with "the jinx part two," picking up where they left off nearly ten years ago, after unraveling the unsolved criminal case involving real estate tycoon robert durst. welcome back. i can't believe it's been ten years, because i can still remember the moment when you showed me the final scene of the
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first season, where robert durst, on a hot mic in a bathroom, basically admits to killing three people. it's the most shocking and probably the most satisfying ending to a documentary ever. so how do you top it in season two? >> first of all, you were the first person other than the filmmaking team who ever saw that. i actually needed a journalist who i could trust. it wasn't a deal you could make. i just said, i can show this to you, and you would know not to talk about it. because if somebody had talked about it, he would have gone on the run. so it was a very nerve-racking time. this season obviously is quite different. it's about something different, in a way. so it's not going to have that surprise, but it has a lot of other surprises. >> what is the heart of the season? >> we always said when we were making the film the first time, when we were making the first "jinx," we would say, how do you kill three people over 30 years
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and get away with it? it takes a village. who are these people? if you pull the camera back, who were there for bob over all these years, and helped in one way or another, even if they saw themselves as good, decent people? somehow they were drawn into a number of murders. so, for us, this season is very much about complicity. it's about who participates, whether they know it, they don't know it, they think they know it. that was a theme that's been very much on my mind, just in terms of what's going on in the world. >> i'll bet. let's take a look at a clip. >> and there begins this conversation that sounds almost like a plea bargain. >> you know, it's like i said before. this is all voluntary. >> no, i hear you, and i have no problem with what you're saying. >> okay. >> what's going through my mind is, if i tell you what i know, that answers your questions, what can you possibly do for me? >> okay. >> incredible jailhouse tape
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right there. you also had pretty remarkable cooperation from law enforcement here. >> yeah, what is interesting about this part two, also -- part one, everybody wanted to participate. bob durst called me, because he knew that i had made a film about him, and he wanted to see the film. ryan gosling plays him in the film, i think he was flattered, and he loved the idea of being able to tell his story. this part two is very different. almost nobody wants to be in this part two. there is a level of accountability, and there are questions that get asked, and law enforcement obviously was a big part of that. >> you came close to talking to robert durst again? >> i did. you know, i felt responsible. i don't want to say i felt bad, exactly, but i felt responsible. i had gotten to know this man very well, and suddenly the film that i had made had caused him to be incarcerated and ultimately to be brought to trial. so i went to visit him, because he was in jail in new orleans,
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and i went down there with my daughter to go to the jazz fest, and i thought, this is probably when i've got to go out to the st. charles parish jail and try to see him. and i did see him for a minute. he was coming in a van, because he had been at a medical appointment, and the woman said to me, "oh, he's out." and i said, "wait, he's out? you can go out?" which made me very nervous. and she said, "he's coming in soon." when i saw him, he came out of this van with these two corrections officers, he had leg irons on an handcuffs on, and he looked at me through the gate and i looked at him, and he sort of moved on. i went back and i said, "he's back, is it possible for me to see him?" she called and said he declined the visit. >> [laughs] not shocking right there. could you ever have imagined you would spend 20 years of your life, a feature film, two documentaries, with robert durst? >> not at all. it was a total surprise, but it
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is such a human story. the story, it is not this one-dimensional murder story. it is really a story of all the people around him, also. and that drew me in, because it is such a deep dive into human behavior and how people get wrapped up in something like this. and we are seeing that every day in the culture now. we are seeing people who say, "i don't know how that happened. i was climbing on the capitol building, but two weeks before that i was a soccer mom." there is the spellbinding quality you see in bob. he has this hypnotic voice, he's a very dominant person, and he brings people into bad behavior who never imagined that they would have been involved in that kind of thing before. >> an allegory for our times. andrew jarecki, thank you for coming in. "the jinx part two" debuts this sunday 10pm eastern on hbo. let's go to ginger. >> we have been super stoked for the beginning of the year. philadelphia, for example, the top five wettest starts to the year on record. a lot of other cities have that
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top five. all through the northeast, and a couple back in california. los angeles had a big one, and northern california, even. but we are going to see wetter than normal conditions. this is the end of april into early may, for the desert answering your questions about tackling the first years of parenting. the first y
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♪ you've got a friend in me ♪ ♪ ♪ you've got a friend in me ♪ ♪ ♪ you just remember what your old pal said ♪ ♪ boy, you've got a friend in me ♪ ♪ it's a celebration of friendship & beyond. from the new parade to together forever - a new nighttime spectacular fireworks show. pixar fest. at the disneyland resort for a limited time. starting april 26th.
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>> we are back now with our parenting playbook. for a look at the first years, everything from milestones to dessert at breakfast. pediatrician dr. edith bracho-sanchez, registered dietitian malina malkani, and psychiatrist dr. judith joseph are here to answer your
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questions. >> welcome, ladies. so good to see all of you. i am in this zone. this is the zone i live inside. >> i'm out of this zone. >> a lot of our viewers are also in the zone, and have a first up question. it's a video question for you, dr. edith, from a mom struggling with breastfeeding. let's take a look. >> i've been breastfeeding for months, and i'm exhausted. when can i stop and move on to regular milk? >> i understand this, yes. >> yes, don't you want to just take that little baby, play with them for a little bit and that this mom take a nap? i would say, listen, breastfeeding is really, really hard. it is exhausting. you really need a village. the first thing i would do if this mom came to see me was to say, what can people around you do so you can get a little rest and meet whatever your goals are? the official recommendation from the american academy of pediatrics is to breastfeed for two years or longer, as long as it is mutually desired by the mom and the baby. you exclusively breastfeed the first six months or so, then introduce solids. if you make it to a year, you
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transition to whole milk between that year and two years. ideally from a cup, no longer a bottle. if you didn't quite make it to a year, again, the mutual desire is really important. then you are transitioning to formula, but again, at one year we want to transition to cups to protect those teeth and limit the milk to two cups per day so you don't interfere with the absorption of other important nutrients. >> such an important point. i also know i completely struggled with this. it's an emotional thing, you know what you're supposed to do, but it's really hard at times to make that work. we really struggled with that with isabel, my first child. there's also this question, we've been talking about it this morning, about dessert for breakfast. this really buzzy tiktok with a mom giving her kid dessert for breakfast. what do we think of this? >> i actually end up using this strategy lot in my private practice, believe it or
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not, and it has positive effects for some families. particularly families who find mealtimes turn into these battlegrounds over dessert, and families who find their kids are really focused on sugar, hiding sweets and treats and sneaking them. personally, i like to use this strategy more for dinner than desert, because a lot of dessert foods tend to be on the sweeter side. when we offer dessert with the meal, it has the potential over time -- and it can take some time to get there, but it helps neutralize the idea that dessert needs to be earned by enduring the broccoli, or the eggs, or whatever other less desirable healthier foods we are serving. it also eliminates the back and forth about requiring that your child take x number of bites of xyz, broccoli or whatever it is, and it gives us this really great way to approach sweets as just another food that we can
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fold into the context of a balanced diet without restriction. and it is that restriction that is often driving the sugar fixation. so, if the goal here overall is to raise kids who are listening to their bodies, eating intuitively, enjoying a lifelong healthy relationship with both food and their bodies, this can be a really effective strategy for some families. >> give them one m&m. [laughter] >> one?! i'm glad you're not my mom! [laughter] dr. judith, this is another viewer question about feeling like a bad parent when your kids don't hit those milestones. check it out. >> what do you do if you have a kid who's a late talker? i see some of my friends with kids talking already, and it's making me feel like a bad parent. am i doing something wrong? >> dr. edith, what are the big milestones to watch for, and when should you ask for help? >> so, this is important.
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in my practice, i help parents to separate the noise from the knowledge. the noise are family members trying to be helpful when they lovingly remind you that your kid is slower than you were at their age, or another child is faster. this is the noise. this can be frustrating and confusing for you. they are trying to be helpful but they are not experts. the knowledge are the pediatricians, the developmental specialists who use guidelines set forth by the american pediatric association to tell you when your child should be reaching certain milestones. but, remember, these are guidelines, so there will be kids who are faster and a bit slower. as long as the experts aren't overly concerned, you are probably okay. and just remember that there is a window of opportunity from months zero to 36 where a program called early intervention can be implemented to support your child to get on track and stay on track. >> what are some of those really big milestones you want to see them hit? >> i'm happy to chime in.
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as a pediatrician, this is what i do, and i love doing. but you definitely can find all the milestones online. it is really, really easy. there is really good information from the cdc, american academy of pediatrics, and generally at around two months kid should be starting to look at you, starting to smile. around four months, starting to roll. six months, they're starting to sit up. nine months, that stranger anxiety kicks in. they realize, you are my mom, you are not my mom. [laughter] and this is not oka and by one year, they start to walk, they start to stand up. again, be informed, look for those guidelines online, the milestones online, but do not stress yourself out. we are seeing you so much, as pediatricians, in the first year of life. bring it up if you are worried. don't let it stress you out. just like breastfeeding, don't let it stress you out. you're a good parent. let's just get information and keep it going. >> thank you all for that information. it is important information. talk, ask your pediatrician, ask
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your psychiatrist, ask whoever you can ask for help. you've all helped a lot of people out there this morning. more than one m&m, okay? [laughter] you guys stay right there. we'll be right there. one m&m?!
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next matters, make sure to call sweet james accident attorneys. every month, my firm and i help hundreds of people get the medical treatment they need and the financial compensation they deserve, all without paying a dime out of pocket. recently,
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five out of the top 50 settlements came from sweet james. call the firm awarded best attorneys in america. call sweet james. >> if you feel like things don't add up right now, you're not alone. rent is up and every family outing costs an arm and a leg. well we want to help. so when prices go up, we find new ways to go low. and now we've lowered the price on hundreds of your favorite products. designing something beautiful is easy. designing something beautiful with great quality for a low price. that's a different story. it's why we're here. that's a promise, not a promo. >> k-pop sensation itzy performs live on touchable monoculture on monday. it's itzy. bum bum bum body. >> lovisa on tour on gma.
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>> and california lottery a little play can make your day. >> the lazy boy two. great chairs event la-z-boy furniture galleries has a great selection of recliners. get two great chairs for one low price from 9.99. don't miss the lazy boy two great chairs event la-z-boy. live life comfortably, always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning. i'm reggie aqui from abc seven mornings. here's a look at traffic with amanda. hi, reggie. >> we're going to take you to the south bay to san jose, where there's a three car crash on southbound 880. this is before bascom avenue. you can see speeds are down to 12mph there. traffic is stopped from old
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bayshore highway with a 13 minute delay. >> true. amanda sutro tower this morning, a live look showing you we have that sunshine out there this morning. we are warm already. 66, in concord right now, 62, in san jose. we're at 59 in oakland, 53 in the city, 50s and 60s in the north bay. so it's a mild morning already. we're going to warm even more throughout the afternoon. we see those temperatures in the 70s and 80s away from the coast. so just like yesterday, above average 74 in oakland, 80 in san jose, 69 in the city. >> reggie, please enjoy the day today. time now for live with kelly and mark and we'll see you at we'll see you at deja vu: it's live with kelly and mark. today, award-winning actor, jesse tyler ferguson. plus, star of the broadway musical, the heart of rock and roll, corey cott.


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