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tv   ABC7 News 500PM  ABC  April 18, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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>> the goal is to make the neighborhood safer for pedestrians and drivers. but people in san francisco's west portal district say a new city plan is simply unnecessary. good evening. thank you for joining us. i'm dan ashley, and i'm ama daetz. >> this all comes a month after a family of four was killed when an suv crashed into them at a bus stop. >> just a terrible tragedy. and now the city wants to change up the neighborhood's main roads. despite pushback from local businesses. >> abc seven news reporter luz pena has been following the story. she joins us live with a look at this new proposal. luz >> ama, this community is still shaken by that tragedy, and soon sfmta could be making changes that will impact pedestrians as well as business owners. here dramatic changes are coming to san francisco's west portal neighborhood. over a month after a driver plowed into a bus shelter, killing a family of four. >> this has long been what we would call a high conflict intersection. >> sfmta's director jeffrey tumlin confirmed the agency was
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directed by mayor breed and west portals supervisor, myrna melgar, to come up with immediate changes. today that proposal was announced cars would be restricted from traveling through the west portal intersection. >> and again, what this does is it prioritizes people going to shop in the west portal commercial district and supports significant pedestrian safety by eliminating all of the left turns west portal merchants and residents learned of the changes last night. >> some believe it will hurt businesses. >> this is a half baked plan. there's no data behind it. >> the president of the west portal merchants association views the urge to make changes now as a political strategy, pointing to both mayor breed and supervisor melgar campaigning for reelection. >> the accident horrible tragedy that it was didn't happen in the intersection. it was up the street. so it is clearly, i think, a politically motivated ploy to say to their
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constituents, their supporters, that, hey, look, we did something. >> business owner lisa moore is asking for more data before any changes. i asked sfmta, why there is this sudden change and in fact, are there statistics that show that this intersection is in fact dangerous? >> and do we have a disproportionate amount of, you know, injuries, accidents? and the answer was no. >> we asked sfmta's director for the data. >> a lot of the data that we are using is that conflict data that stretches back for many, many years. >> the san francisco bicycle coalition said a change here is long overdue, and we think that the turn restrictions are a good starting point, but we need to see the physical infrastructure that we know will really keep pedestrians safe >> it's planning several community meetings in the coming weeks before presenting this
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proposal to the sfmta board of directors. changes in this community could come as soon as this summer in west portal. luz pena, abc seven news. >> lucy. thank you. both lanes of highway one at devil's slide in san mateo county are back open after a deadly single car accident, according to the chp. the car went over the cliff at gray whale cove state beach around 1230 this afternoon. authorities say the driver, a 79 year old man, was killed. he was the only person in the car. crews were able to retrieve the body a short time ago. at this point, authorities aren't releasing any other information about the driver or the cause of the accident. >> new developments in the fight over a proposal to rename the oakland airport today, the battle of the bay took a legal turn with san francisco filing a trademark infringement lawsuit against oakland. abc seven news reporter suzanne fawn is here with the latest on this. suzanne. suzanne. they threatened a lawsuit. here it is . >> yeah, well, city attorney dave chew says others say renaming oakland's airport san francisco bay, oakland international airport is going
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to create chaos and confuse millions of travelers. chu also says it infringes on sfo's trademark. a lot of travelers love flying in and out of oakland international airport, including this man from los angeles. why do you like about flying into oakland's airport? >> it's a lot easier. it's like going to burbank airport at home versus lax, but not everyone is on board with the proposed name change changing oakland international airport to san francisco bay oakland international airport. >> i think it's ridiculous that they should just leave it be. >> last week, port of oakland board of commissioners voted unanimously to change the airport's name. final approval is required may ninth. the airport's code would remain o.r.k. supporters say the rebrand is important to let travelers know that oakland is part of the bay area, and to draw more visitors, city attorney david chu says. otherwise we are incredibly concerned that the proposed name is going to lead to immense
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confusion and chaos for travelers, particularly travelers for whom english is not their first language, chu says the port of oakland did not want to discuss or collaborate on the renaming efforts. >> we would prefer to work it out, but if we don't, we will defend our infringement rights and that is why we are filing this lawsuit today, chu says. >> the lawsuit seeks to immediately stop the new name from being used. one airline has already started using it. >> we are concerned about how oakland is trying to intentionally divert traffic from sfo to itself. that will create economic harm for us. it's unfair and it infringes on our long standing trademark rights. we reached out to the port of oakland for a response. >> the port attorney, mary richardson, responded, saying in part, quote, sfo cannot lay claim to the geographically descriptive terms. san francisco , let alone claim exclusive rights to the san francisco bay. the port trusts that travelers understand that san francisco bay, like virtually every other
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major metropolitan area throughout the world, can contain more than one airport. attorney mary richardson says the port of oakland will quote, take all reasonable measures to ensure clarity for travelers with respect to oakland's geographic location and distinctiveness. back to you. >> all right, suzanne, thank you so much. when it comes to cleaning up homeless encampments across the state, governor newsom wants to see results, and he's backing it up with millions of dollars in funding. abc seven news south bay reporter dustin dorsey explains which bay area cities and counties will receive a part of the nearly $200 million dollars in grant money. >> i care about this state. i care about our reputation. i care that people can't afford to live here, can't afford to raise their family here. i care that people visit here and go, what the hell is going on with the encampments and what's going on on the streets and sidewalks? >> governor gavin newsom says he's fed up with the state's response to the homelessness crisis, or make that the lack of response highways, parks, sidewalks covered by encampments with too few places for the unhoused to go, newsom says he's
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now investing millions more to get more done. >> people want to see these tents and encampments removed, but they want to see them removed in a compassionate and thoughtful way. and we agree and so this is a program that i think aligns with that. and certainly a program that builds on success. >> the encampment resolution fund has given out three quarters of $1 billion to address the underlying issues that lead to encampments. now, another nearly 200 million will permanently house 2200 people and 17 cities and counties in the bay area. marin county received just over 18,000,014 million for san mateo county. oakland received 7 million, and 4 million will go to the city of santa cruz. >> this grant here that we received today is going to expected to serve hundreds of our most complex, unsheltered individuals living across 26 encampments. >> san mateo county ceo mike kelly says the grant will build upon their existing homeless outreach and homekey programs. >> anyone who doubts homekey, i want you to come to san mateo
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county. i want you to see the 600 people that we've housed and this program, this this grant that we're receiving today is going to augment those efforts. >> to receive funding from the grant, organizations must undergo a specific analysis by the state to ensure positive outcomes. this after a state audit found california has not done enough to assess the effectiveness of homeless programs. newsom wants to see this program make a difference. >> it's cleaning up these encampments. it's cleaning these sidewalks, taking the sidewalk backs, cleaning them up permanently by not just pushing things from one part of town to the other part of town, dustin dorsey, abc seven news some community leaders stood up today in support of a ballot measure that they say will make neighborhoods safer. >> it's called the homelessness drug addiction and theft reduction act. it would enact changes to proposition 47, which made some nonviolent property crimes and some drug possession offenses. misdemeanors. supporters held a rally today in san francisco. they submitted more than 900,000 signatures to
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get the statewide measure on the november ballot. >> let's tell our lawmakers, let's be the ones that, you know, dictating where we're going to go. let's protect our seniors, our women, our businesses, our employees. >> it's not about just the businesses. it's about you, the community. do you want your favorite restaurant? do you want your favorite store to close? where do you work? think about that. it's time for all of us to step up and help ourselves. >> the acts would toughen penalties for retail theft and require drug treatment for people charged with simple drug possession. retailers including target and home depot, largely funded this measure. >> dozens of people gathered on the uc berkeley campus this afternoon to protest the war in gaza, and a recent incident during a dinner at the home of the law school dean. now it went viral after a student said a professor took a microphone from her as she was expressing her support for those in gaza and calling for the university to divest from corporations involved in the war. she was at
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today's rally outside the school of law, and says while she is a little shaken up, her message remains the same. >> i think that while this incident was of course traumatizing for myself, it's important to remember the reason why i went to, that dinner in the first place, which is to make a larger statement about the fact that the uc has invested over $2 billion into weapons, arms manufacture companies. and we are complicit in this. >> the dean who hosted the dinner is jewish. the university put out a statement the day after the incident, supporting him. >> coming up, warriors general manager mike dunleavy and head coach steve kerr share their thoughts on this season. cut short before the playoffs and the future. we'll hear from them when abc seven
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on leave. he met with the media for a final wrap up of the 20 2324 season. the warriors finished 10th in the west, but lost to sacramento in a play in game monday. one of the biggest questions going into the off season involves klay thompson's future with the team. he'll be in unrestricted free agent this summer. both kieran dunleavy say they want him back. >> i think it's a mutual feeling, i mean, the guy's been here a long time. he means so much to the organization, man, you know, we really, really value him. and so there's nothing that would make me think that he wants to go somewhere else or we don't want him back. and for that reason, i'm hopeful we can make it happen. but, you know, it's a it's a deal. both sides got to be be good with it. >> we've got to be able to plan less. but in order to do that we've got to have more shooting to the roster. frankly, if we can add more shooting then and limit, you know, klay's minutes, i think he'll be much more effective in a season long. >> monday's loss means the warriors have missed the playoffs in three of the last five seasons.
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>> crews working to get historic raymond park ready for the inaugural season. the oakland ballers are making progress today. we spotted workers applying fresh topsoil and preparing to install new sprinkler system on the field. the team is spending $1.6 million to improve the park and surrounding infrastructure. the ballers begin play in the independent pioneer league in late may with their home opener in june gearing up for wildfire season. >> an exclusive look at cal fire's training academy that's preparing crews for the front
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7.8 magnitude earthquake shook san francisco. the great 1906 quake this morning. hundreds turned out to mark the anniversary at lotta's fountain. former san francisco mayor willie brown was among those attending in attendance. some of them attended, chose to wear early 1900s clothing. the quake killed 3000 people. the survivors rebuilt the city at
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5:11 a.m. a moment of silence was held at the exact moment the great quake struck. there was also a separate tribute held today at dolores park in san francisco in the north bay. >> cal fire is already gearing up for the 2024 fire season this week. dozens of new and returning seasonal firefighters are undergoing training academy to prepare them for summer. in a story you'll see only on abc seven, reporter cornell bernard gives us an inside look at the training in napa county and firefighter predictions for the upcoming fire season. >> hose ready for war 1 or 2 four feet. >> this is what training looks like at cal fire, which did a progressive hose lay starting from the engine, and we mocked a fire on the right side. firefighter brendan o'connor is here for all the good, bad and exhausting moments. >> this is not easy work, but it's very rewarding work. >> wanna come in? he's one of 30 seasonal firefighters taking part in this training academy hosted by cal fire, sonoma lake and napa unit. a total of 250
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new and returning firefighters are getting hired for the summer, as well. >> how was that? >> it was good. >> it's still early in the year, got a lot to improve on, but we're doing good, so far. >> we go over basic skills like ems, wildland firefighting, structural firefighting, hazardous materials response. >> this drill simulating a fuel spill from a tanker truck. cal fire says it has enough firefighters to staff stations and engines. this summer, but more are needed. >> but i will say that our pool of candidates, compared to a number of years ago, has gotten a little bit smaller after a very wet winter, and spring, all this green grass could be dry and brown in a month's time, and firefighters have thoughts about what that could mean for this year's fire season. i think we'll see a delayed in a delay in fire activity due to the rainfall. i can't really speak to what we'll see later on in the year. >> i mean, we had a lot of rain like you said. so it could mean
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that we get more fires, just because everything's been growing. but you never really know until summer hits. >> but not everyone is willing to make a guess. >> if i could predict fire weather, then i should go buy a lottery ticket. >> good or bad, these firefighters say they'll be ready this season. >> there's no other job like it. >> i love it in the napa valley. cornell, bernard, abc seven news. >> they will be ready. >> yes. all right. time now to get a check on the weather. lovely. again today. >> yeah. it was still warm, although looked a little hazy to sandia. yeah. we have some high clouds and some fog out there. >> and dan and ama, we're already seeing those changes getting underway. notice most of you are running cooler now compared to 24 hours ago. six degrees cooler in san jose, down eight in napa. the wind is playing a role as you take a look there, 26 miles an hour onshore in san francisco. so 21 at sfo. the fog is back and it is going to impact our temperatures, along with the sea breeze. so this evening at 7:00,
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still pretty nice inland, 72 degrees uh- 10 p.m. temperatures dropping down into the low 60s going into 1 a.m. around the bay. you will notice some cloud cover around as 7 p.m. we're already seeing it right now. upper 50s dropping off into the low 50s by late night. and along the coastline, we've got the fog . the temperatures are dropping. you'll be in the low 50s. so if you do want to step outside, that's a quick look at your planner here are some live views from our tower cameras. beautiful skies, a mix of sun and high clouds. gorgeous views from there we have some fog along the coast, which is why half moon bay is only 54 degrees. but notice it is still 80. in brentwood, 74. in san jose, 59 in the city, 62. oakland in the north bay, calistoga 7574. in santa rosa. really nice looking weather out there. high clouds have been coming in as we look at live doppler seven, and they'll continue to stream in down below . we've got fog reestablishing right near the coastline. here's a live view from our east bay hills camera, and it is
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certainly nice to see the green hills overnight tonight. coastal fog, patchy drizzle tomorrow. it's going to be breezy and cooler. afternoon than today. we already started noticing the cooling across parts of the bay area today. a weekend forecast is dry and a little bit warmer. going to start this computer animation off at 6:00. we'll have the combination of the cloud deck high above and down below. tomorrow morning we're going to have a lot of fog around near the coast. even some drizzle. so just be aware of that as you're doing your morning commute and in the evening, that fog is still going to be around near the coastline. elsewhere you will see the sun temperature is 40s 50s out the door tomorrow morning with the heaviest fog layer around the coast and parts of the bay. tomorrow afternoon, partly cloudy along the coast. breezy there 50s inland areas. you're in the 70s. a nice looking end to the workweek, and as we check out what's ahead for the weekend, we're going to notice those temperatures coming up a few degrees away from the coast. you're in the low 80s. sunday's even warmer, so if you do have any outdoor activities you're good to go. now i'm really going
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to show you the computer animation going into next week. so here is the trough that's coming. our way. that's already setting the stage for cooler weather tomorrow. the marine layer has deepened and it will continue to deepen the next couple of days. now the middle of next week, the sierra will see a chance of some showers and thunderstorms and things start to change late in the workweek. we could be talking about some showers here in the bay area. still quite a days. a few days away, so we'll stay tuned. accuweather seven day forecast. it's a breezy, cooler friday. we'll bounce back over the weekend with 80s showing up again inland 60s coast side, and then the warmth holds for the start of the workweek, but temperatures will really drop next week. we're talking about 60 really for the warmest spots. yeah, so it's going to be a lot cooler. 50s coast ama and dan. >> thanks, sandhya. well the city of pittsburg and the contra costa transportation authority have broken ground on a project that will add more than a mile of new trails and pathways to the city. >> the new project will connect the delta de anza regional trail
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with the pittsburg center bart station by way of railroad avenue. the ultimate goal here is to connect several new developments along the avenue to bart, and to the public transportation. in that area as a way to reduce car traffic. >> still ahead, get ready for a lowrider cruise in san francisco's mission this weekend. we're going to tell you who the lowrider council plans to honor. this is abc 724 seven. >> in san francisco, live at levi's stadium in san jose. >> live in oakland. >> yeah, you're watching abc seven news live anytime, anywhere. >> we are, we are, we are, we are we are we are where you are. >> never miss a moment of the news that matters to you. download our abc seven bay area streaming app. join us and
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friendly tribute in the form of a lowrider cruise is scheduled for this weekend in san francisco's mission district. >> yes, it's being organized by members of the san francisco lowrider council in honor of selena quintanilla, the late queen of tejano music. the cruise is scheduled for saturday at 4 p.m. on mission between cesar chavez and 24th street. >> selena, of course, was one of the most celebrated mexican american entertainers of the last century. she was killed in 1995, tragically, by the president of her fan club. she was only 23 years old, but her impact on the music world lives on to this day, which is remarkable. she was so young, mom. >> all right, we still have much more news ahead. >> we do. let's go to abc seven news anchor julian glover for a look at what's coming up at 530. julian >> hey dan. and i'm a good evening. coming up next here at 530. what we're learning about a plea deal reached in the deadly case of an accident near oracle park. a four year old killed. now the driver will not be facing any jail time. how the community is reacting. we'll speak live to a transit safety advocate. plus, reviving a now
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extinct butterfly. the science behind the mission and how the presidio and the academy of sciences is now teaming up. and we take you inside a tony and pulitzer award winning musical opening tonight at the act. join us for those stories and more at 530. you know where to see us. abc seven bay area streaming tv app dan and ama. fantastic >> thanks, julian. >> all right. and you can head to the. you can actually download the abc seven app or head to abc seven and join julian in two minutes. >> do that. and if you're watching us here on tv world news tonight with david muir is next for sandhya patel all of us. we appreciate your time. >> i'm dan ashley and i'm ama daetz. we'll see you again at six.
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>> david: tonight, breaking news as we come on the air. the full jury has just been seated in donald trump's criminal trial. what we know about the jurors who will decide trump's fate, and when this trial now begins. also breaking news tonight, the scare on the runway. two passenger jets just missing each other.


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