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tv   ABC7 News 600PM  ABC  April 18, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT

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can bring you an update about what is said. her office just issued a press release saying three officers now face involuntary manslaughter charges . >> mario gonzalez died in alameda police custody three years ago tomorrow, april 19th, 2021. an independent investigation found the 26 year old lost consciousness when he was pinned face down and two officers pressed down on his body for more than five minutes, the report says no department policies were violated and the officers were cleared of wrongdoing. the da at the time, nancy o'malley, said she found no evidence in the report to charge the officers. however, the city of alameda agreed to pay the seven year old son of mario gonzalez, $11 million and gonzalez's mother, $350,000. good evening. i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley. >> thanks for joining us again. we're monitoring that, but we'll move on to new developments related to the antioch police texting scandal that broke last year. since then, more than 40% of the antioch police department has been put on paid leave. >> and now we're learning one of
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the sergeants named in the fbi investigation will be returning to work. abc seven news reporter anser hassan has the latest. >> antioch resident frank sterling's 2009 encounter with then antioch police officer rick hoffman left him hospitalized. he was awarded compensation as part of a settlement alleging excessive use of force. last year, hoffman, now a sergeant, was put on paid leave after being linked to the police texting scandal. now he's coming back. >> well, definitely. we're all very upset that rick hoffman has come back. he's known for committing violence in the community. he's mentioned in the text message scandal, laughing at violence. >> last year, an fbi investigation uncovered a racist texting scandal at the antioch police department. documents from the fbi and the contra costa county district attorney's office show rick hoffman on a series of text chains that used racist, misogynistic and homophobic language and memes. >> if you sent a message, received a message, laughed at a message. if you didn't report these messages, we don't need
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you. in antioch, abc7 news has learned that an investigation was conducted which cleared hoffman to return. >> that could include a demotion in rank, but details of the investigation haven't been made public. >> they're back on the force. so were there no findings in this investigation? why hasn't there been any, disclosure on that? why isn't it the public been made aware and why has, you know, it it felt like a secret. >> antioch police commissioner devin williams says he's troubled by the lack of transparency despite being on leave. hoffman is still listed as the president of the antioch police officers association. documents from the contra costa county district attorney's office show hoffman was the ranking officer who cleared some officers for use of force. the fbi later indicted officers in those same cases. williams says he's concerned about how this will influence new recruits. the culture right of the department. >> our new police chief, addington, is saying that he wants to have a culture of accountability, but that hasn't
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been shown in the past. so how can you ensure that this will be the new way going forward? >> in an email to abc7 news, interim police chief brian addington writes, i can confirm that officer rick hoffman is employed as an antioch police officer, a source tells abc seven news. it was addington who made the decision to bring back hoffman. commissioner williams now wants to call hoffman before the police commission. >> we're not here to, you know, have a hearing, but, you know, we want to have some some, some answers. we want to see if this if it's his character has changed, right. for the for the benefit of us all in antioch. >> anser hassan abc seven news. >> both lanes of highway one at devil's slide in san mateo county are back open after a deadly single car crash. the chp says a vehicle went over the cliff at gray whale cove state beach around 1230. this afternoon, according to authorities. a 79 year old man was killed. he was the only person in the car crews were able to retrieve the body. at this point, though, authorities are not releasing any other information on the driver or the cause of that crash.
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>> one month after a family of four was killed at a bus stop in san francisco, the city is announcing a plan to make the streets safer. the city wants to change up the main roads in the west portal neighborhood, despite the pushback they're getting from local businesses. as abc seven news reporter luz pena has been following this story and is out live in san francisco. with this new proposal, luz. >> dan, this community is still shaken by that tragedy, and very soon sfmta could be making changes that will impact pedestrians as well as business owners. here dramatic changes are coming to san francisco's west portal neighborhood. over a month after a driver plowed into a bus shelter, killing a family of four. >> this has long been what we would call a high conflict intersection, sfmta's director jeffrey tumlin confirmed. >> the agency was directed by mayor breed and west portals supervisor, myrna melgar, to come up with immediate changes. today, that proposal was announced cars would be
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restricted from traveling through the yellow west portal intersection. >> and again, what this does is it prioritizes people going to shop in the west portal commercial district and supports significant pedestrian safety by eliminating all of the left turns west portal merchants and residents learned of the changes last night. >> some believe it will hurt businesses as this is a half baked plan. >> there's no data behind it. >> the president of the west portal merchants association views the urge to make changes now as a political strategy, pointing to both mayor breed and supervisor melgar campaigning for reelection. >> the accident, horrible tragedy that it was, didn't happen in the intersection. it was up the street. so it is clearly i think, a politically motivated ploy to say to their constituents, their supporters that, hey, look, we did something. >> business owner lisa moore is asking for more data before any changes, i asked sfmta, why
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there is this sudden change and in fact, are there statistics that show that this intersection is in fact dangerous? >> and do we have a disproportionate amount of, you know, injuries, accidents and the answer was no. >> we asked sfmta's, director for the data. >> a lot of the data that we are using is that conflict data that stretches back for many, many years. >> the san francisco bicycle coalition said a change here is long overdue. >> we think that the turn restrictions are a good starting point, but we need to see the physical infrastructure that we know will really keep pedestrians safe. >> and the sfmta is planning to hold several community meetings in the coming weeks. before presenting this proposal to the sfmta, a board of directors change here could come as soon as this summer in west portal. luz pena, abc seven news. >> luce, thanks very much.
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>> abc7 news is following the story of the accusations against a rising political star in san francisco, john jacobo resigned from his position at a local housing nonprofit after the sexual assault accusations. now, the san francisco police department is weighing in. here's abc seven news reporter tim johns. >> it does such a disservice to say that we aren't investigating cases like this or we delayed. that's absolutely couldn't be further from the truth. >> pushback from the san francisco police department thursday, sfpd calling a news conference to reaffirm they are actively working on the cases of three women who have made allegations against john jacobo. jacobo was a rising star in democratic politics in san francisco and the former director of the powerful housing nonprofit tod co on tuesday, an explosive report by our media partner, the san francisco standard, revealing the stories of several women who have made a slew of allegations against jacobo. >> everything from domestic violence, which included strangulation to threats to
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harassment, stalking and then sexual assault and rape. >> josh cain, the reporter who spearheaded the year long investigation and joined us for abc seven's getting answers on tuesday. jacobo resigned the day cain's investigation was published. cain says the allegations date back several years and come from at least four women, three of whom filed police reports. cain tells us the accusers often felt like they weren't being heard due to jacobo's high profile people who could have done something didn't. >> people who could have actually looked into this and tried to help these women did not take that extra step. >> the report also sending shock waves throughout city hall made me sick to my stomach. supervisor hillary ronen saying she's been in touch with the police chief about the ongoing investigations. >> it's been three years and that's a long time to wait for some action on the part of the city. >> in the meantime, sfpd says they want victims of all crimes to know they're here for them, taking their cases seriously and walking with them hand in hand
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until the end. >> it's important for survivors of these kinds of crimes to know that i am in charge of this unit . i read every single police report in san francisco. >> tim johns, abc seven news. >> as the city of san francisco promised it, filed suit today against the port of oakland over the plan to change the name of oakland international airport. here's a live picture from the abc7 oakland airport camera. last week, port commissioners voted to change the airport's name to san francisco bay oakland international airport. well, san francisco city attorney david chu says the change will confuse travelers and infringes on sfo's trademark. we are concerned about how oakland is trying to intentionally divert traffic from sfo to itself. >> that will create economic harm for us. it's unfair and it infringes on our long standing trademark rights. >> the port responded to the suit saying that, quote, sfo
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cannot lay claim to the geographic descriptive terms san francisco, let alone claim exclusive rights to the san francisco bay. a final vote on the name change is scheduled for may 9th. >> bart has settled a lawsuit that's going to result in significant changes for riders who have disabilities. the suit claimed. the transit agency violated the americans with disabilities act. bart is going to renovate dozens of station elevators and repair elevators and escalators that are out of service. it will also improve the cleanliness of stations and come up with an emergency preparedness plan. >> coming up here, sacramento will send the bay area tens of millions of dollars to help reduce homelessness. next, which counties are getting the most and what the money will be used for? also ahead, it's only april, but cal fire is getting ready for fire season. >> i'm cornell bernard in napa county. >> we'll take you to this year's seasonal firefighter training academy. >> i'm meteorologist sandhya patel. cooling is underway and
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will continue tomorrow. i'll let you know what's in store for the weekend. coming up when abc seven news
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park area of los angeles has built an entire house. a city council member says outreach teams are addressing safety issues posed by the home. it sits right next to a river along the 110 freeway. governor gavin newsom is stepping up his effort to clear homeless encampments across the state. he's backing it up with millions of dollars
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in funding. abc seven news south bay reporter dustin dorsey explains which bay area cities and counties will receive a part of that. nearly $200 million in grant money. >> i care about this state. i care about our reputation. i care that people can't afford to live here, can't afford to raise their family here. i care that people visit here and go, what the hell is going on with the encampments and what's going on on the streets and sidewalks? >> governor gavin newsom says he's fed up with the state's response to the homelessness crisis, or make that the lack of response highways, parks, sidewalks covered by encampments with too few places for the unhoused to go, newsom says he's now investing millions more to get more done. >> people want to see these tents and encampments removed, but they want to see them removed in a compassionate, thoughtful way. and we agree. and so this is a program that i think aligns with that. and certainly a program that builds on success. >> the encampment resolution fund has given out three quarters of $1 billion to address the underlying issues
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that lead to encampments. now, another nearly 200 million will permanently house 2200 people in 17 cities and counties in the bay area, marin county received just over 18,000,014 million for san mateo county. oakland received 7 million, and 4 million will go to the city of santa cruz. >> this grant here that we received today is going to expected to serve hundreds of our most complex unsheltered individuals living across 26 encampments, san mateo county ceo mike kelly says the grant will build upon their existing homeless outreach and homekey programs. as anyone who doubts homekey, i want you to come to san mateo county. i want you to see the 600 people that we've housed and this program, this this grant that we're receiving today is going to augment those efforts to receive funding from the grant, organizations must undergo a specific analysis by the state to ensure positive outcomes. >> this after a state audit found california has not done enough to assess the effectiveness of homeless programs. newsom wants to see this program make a difference.
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>> it's cleaning up these encampments. it's cleaning these sidewalks, taking the sidewalk backs, cleaning them up permanently by not just pushing things from one part of town to the other part of town. >> dustin dorsey, abc seven news in the north bay, cal fire is already gearing up for the 2024 fire season this week. >> dozens of new and returning seasonal firefighters are undergoing training academy to prepare them for summer. in a story you'll see only on abc seven, reporter cornell bernard gives us an inside look at the training in napa county and firefighter predictions for the upcoming fire season. >> hose ready for war 1 or 2 four feet. >> this is what training looks like at cal fire, which did a progressive hose starting from the engine, and we mocked a fire on the right side. firefighter brendan o'connor is here for all the good, bad and exhausting moments. >> this is not easy work, but it's very rewarding work. what come in. >> he's one of 30 seasonal firefighters taking part in this
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training academy hosted by cal fire. sonoma lake and napa unit. a total of 250 new and returning firefighters are getting hired for the summer patrol. >> how was that? >> it was good. it's still early in the year, got a lot to improve on, but we're doing good so far. >> we go over basic skills like ems, wildland firefighting, structural firefighting, hazardous materials response. >> this drill simulating a fuel spill from a tanker truck. cal fire says it has enough firefighters to staff stations and engines this summer, but more are needed. >> but i will say that our pool of candidates, compared to a number of years ago, has gotten a little bit smaller after a very wet winter and spring, all this green grass could be dry and brown in a month's time, and firefighters have thoughts about what that could mean for this year's fire season. i think we'll see a delayed in a delay in fire activity due to the rainfall, so i can't really speak to what we'll see later on in the year. i mean, we had a
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lot of rain, like you said, so it could mean that we get more fires, just because everything's been growing. but you never really know until summer hits. >> but not everyone is willing to make a guess. >> if i could predict fire weather, then i should go buy a lottery ticket. >> good or bad, these firefighters say they'll be ready this season. >> there's no other job like it. >> i love it in the napa valley. cornell barnard, abc seven news. >> boy, they are working hard. it's always interesting, isn't it? i mean, if we don't get a lot of rain, it's dry. we get a lot of fires. if we do get a lot of rain, everything grows. we get fires. >> so we need to be careful. either way. all right, let's check on our weather for now. >> sandhya patel is here with the forecast. >> yeah, definitely is interesting. and we do need to be careful. dan and anna, let's take a look at a live picture right now from our mount tam cam. you probably have noticed that karl, the fog is back and that marine layer is rapidly deepening up above. we've got a lot of high, thin, wispy clouds,
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cirrus clouds. and as we take a look at another live picture from golden gate bridge camera, you can see that it is sucked in and there's a nice breeze blowing. temperatures are dropping down ten degrees. oakland and napa right now. here's a look at where those numbers are going for livermore. it's going to be even cooler than today. you got up into the low 80s today. tomorrow 76 degrees saturday in the mid 70s. and then a nice little recovery low 80s sunday, monday before temperatures go down tuesday and wednesday. here's a look at live doppler seven high clouds just kind of coming in streaming in. they'll continue to do that through this evening. we do have fog down below. and it's really, like i said rapidly expanding the marine layers 1600 feet deep. now it's going to get in across the bay as we head towards later on tonight. 23 mile an hour winds right now in san francisco onshore. and that's going to help to push this marine layer along that you're looking at from emeryville. camera as we look towards sutro tower, upper 50s san francisco, oakland. it's still pretty mild in san jose,
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72 degrees, palo alto, 66 a live view from our santa cruz camera. and you can see pretty much gray skies right now. 70 in santa rosa, 61 in petaluma. you're getting a stiff breeze there, 70 for concord, fairfield and livermore, a live view from sutro tower. i want to show you the clouds over downtown san francisco overnight tonight. coastal fog and patchy drizzle. tomorrow is going to be breezy and cooler. afternoon we've already started that cooling for parts of the coast and bay today and for the weekend. it's dry and a little warmer, particularly the second half of the weekend. so let me show you hour by hour what's going to happen. high clouds continue to move in down below. the fog will be with us first thing tomorrow morning, along with the drizzle. and then really, the fog doesn't budge. it's almost like a summer pattern where it sits tight all afternoon and evening, but away from the coast you're going to see plenty of sun again. just lower temperatures, 40s and 50s tomorrow morning. tomorrow afternoon in the south bay. it's going to be a nice day. 76 degrees in san jose, 73 in milpitas, 65 in santa cruz, on
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the peninsula, you're looking at low 70s from redwood city to palo alto to los altos, upper 50s right near the coast. the fog will be around in sunset district in daly city. low 60s 63 downtown san francisco, north bay. temperatures 70 and san rafael 73. napa 74 degrees in santa rosa. i mean nice and mild in the east bay 67 oakland 71. in newark, 72. fremont. head inland and these temperatures will drop closer to average still above though 75. in concord, 76 in livermore. here's a look at the accuweather seven day forecast. temperatures trending lower tomorrow. and then over the weekend we'll bring back some 80s again. so we'll have that spring warmth around 60s coast side, a nice little variety pack there. and monday is still going to be very similar. okay. cooling ridge valley gets underway as we head into the middle of the workweek. i mean, when you're dropping down to 64 from 80. yeah, over the weekend, you're going to notice. yeah. ama and dan. thanks, sandy. san francisco is
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marking 118 years since the 1906 earthquake and fire that nearly destroyed the city today. there was a moment of silence, followed by sirens from police and fire trucks at 5:12 a.m. that is the time when the earthquake struck. the estimated 7.8 magnitude quake killed 3000 people. >> today's ceremony was held at lotta's fountain. survivors of the earthquake posted notices at the fountain looking for family or friends. >> boston dynamics has robot dogs and dancing robots, but this new generation, it moves like you've never seen before. stay with us.
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a mixed day for the stock market. the losers outpaced the winners, and all the major indices are heading toward a losing week. the dow managed a 22 point gain, but the nasdaq and s&p both ended trading in the red. an update today for artificial intelligence that's used on meta's platforms facebook messenger, whatsapp and instagram ceo mark zuckerberg posted a video on instagram to explain the bottom line is that we believe that meta ai is now the most intelligent ai assistant that you can freely use. >> we built it into the search box that's right at the top of whatsapp, instagram, facebook and messenger. so anytime you have a question, you can just ask it right there. >> the ai technology is called lama3. it's open sourced and
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some of the technology is from together ai, a san francisco company. >> the new humanoid robot from boston dynamics has more movement capabilities. as you're going to see, the design was meant to keep a bipedal formed robot without sacrificing movement. so it swivels at the joints. watch this thing as it turns. now the company says it makes, quote, uniquely capable, it uniquely capable of tackling dull, dirty and dangerous tasks. they wanted the new version to be a stronger, more dexterous and agile. they say, well, it looks human. they do not want it to be limited to human movement. that's wild. i was not freaked out at all watching that. >> all right, enough is enough. that is the message from mail carriers who are getting attacked while on the job. also ahead, you know you're taking advantage of someone who's 94 years old and has dementia. >> tonight, seven on your side with the story of changes and charges
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♪ you've got a friend in me ♪ ♪
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♪ you've got a friend in me ♪ ♪ ♪ you just remember what your old pal said ♪ ♪ boy, you've got a friend in me ♪ ♪ it's a celebration of friendship & beyond. from the new parade to together forever - a new nighttime spectacular fireworks show. pixar fest. at the disneyland resort for a limited time. starting april 26th. review of the in-custody death of mario gonzalez da pamela
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price pledged to reexamine the case when she first took office. now, just minutes ago, she talked about the decision, saying her office has charged officers eric mckinley, james fisher and cameron leahy with involuntary manslaughter. price says she's not solely responsible for the charges. the public accountability unit that she started reached this conclusion. >> if people don't believe that police officers or law enforcement can be held accountable, then witnesses won't cooperate. we can't do our job without witnesses. we won't be able to administer justice if the community doesn't trust that the system is going to work for everyone. >> 26 year old mario gonzalez died in the officer's custody three years ago. an independent investigation found he lost consciousness when he was pinned face down and two officers pressed down on his body for more than five minutes. one autopsy said he died from toxic effects of methamphetamine, but a second cited restraint, asphyxiation. a review by the previous da found the officers
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were not criminally liable while jury selection is moving along, and former president donald trump's hush money trial, there are now 12 members, including one who is originally from california. >> lawyers must now select six alternates. >> abc news reporter reena roy has what happened in court today? >> a full jury of 12 seated now in the historic criminal trial of former president donald trump. six alternates will also be needed before opening statements. earlier thursday, two jurors who had been seated earlier this week were excused. juror number two saying after sleeping on an overnight she had concerns about serving on the case after questioning, she was sent home. juror number four also dismissed after prosecutors determined he had been arrested for ripping down right leaning political posters. back in the 90s, the judge asking jurors that have been seated to show up on monday for possible opening statements. the prospective jurors in court going through a seven page questionnaire that asks things like whether they've
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been to a political rally for or against trump and whether they have strong views about him that would prevent them from being fair and impartial. jurors. about half the pool immediately dismissed, saying they were unable to be unbiased. one prospective juror, who was excused speaking out. >> you're not here to say, oh, i hate this guy, or oh, i like this guy. your job is to say, all right, i understand what the law is. this is the evidence of his behavior. is he or is he not guilty of committing these acts? >> trump is facing felony charges related to a 2016 hush money payment to adult film actress stormy daniels in order to allegedly cover up an affair with her. he denied that affair and pleaded not guilty to a 34 count indictment charging him with falsifying business records. >> but all of these are stories from legal experts saying how this is not a case. >> prosecutors are also asking the judge to hold trump in
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contempt, bringing up what they say are more gag order violations. a hearing on that is scheduled for next week. reena roy, abc news, new york. >> president biden wrapped up a campaign swing through pennsylvania today with a key endorsement at the kennedy family, joined mr. biden for an event in philadelphia to formally put its support behind his reelection campaign. they have had their own drama to deal with. robert f kennedy jr is running as a third party candidate. his sister was one of those who spoke at today's rally. >> we want to make crystal clear to our feeling that the best way forward for america is to reelect joe biden and kamala harris to four more years. >> pennsylvania is viewed as one of the battleground states in the upcoming election. former president trump won it in 2016, and in 2020, it swung back to the democrats and went to joe biden. >> the us postal service is being called out by some of its
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mail carriers. they say not enough is being done to protect those workers from robbers. the national association of letter carriers says more than 2000 carriers have been robbed or assaulted on the job since 2020. mail carriers held a rally in las vegas this week to raise awareness. they say the threat of attack makes an already stressful job even more difficult. >> while i'm sorting sorting the mail, they snuck around and come up and punch me as hard as they could in the side of the head with the goal of just knocking me out. unfortunately, it makes you a lot more nervous. >> mail carriers are calling for the postal service to spend more money on investigating the assaults. they also want stronger sentences for those convicted usps says some progress has been made, reported robberies decreased 19 excuse me, 19% from october through march from seven. >> on your side tonight, a story about some bay area residents who got a phone call offering to save money on gas, but wound up with bills twice as much as before. abc seven news reporter
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stephanie sierra has this seven on your side report. >> and are you aware that you will receive a welcome package from triple a natural gas that will include 94 year old ramona martinez? >> doesn't remember getting this call. >> you know, i don't know what you're talking about there. >> right now, ramona is listening to a recording of that call triple a natural gas of oklahoma, says it proves ramona agreed to a binding contract. >> i can't understand you very well, so get. let's get on with it. what are we doing? >> ramona also doesn't realize this is a recording. >> triple a will charge you $1.2. >> oh, goodbye. get off! stop! you know you're taking advantage of someone who's 94 years old and has dementia. >> ramona just celebrated another birthday. she has advanced dementia and 24 hour care, so her trusty ingrid kirsten was surprised to see this p-g-and-e's notice, saying ramona had switched her gas supplier to triple a energy
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services. how did that happen? she called triple a and they said, well, we do it over the phone and we got phone verification, triple a said. ramona agreed to a 36 month contract and that the phone recording proves it. ingrid is not convinced there's a series of yes or no questions, and then you hear a just a yes. >> and i can tell by the yes that it's not ramona on the recording, an agent reads off contract terms, then asks ramona if she understands each one. >> yes or no. triple a will charge $0.85 per day customer fee. >> is this your understanding on the recording? >> there's a 10 or 15 second delay after each question, then a one word reply. >> why yes, thank you ramona says nothing, but yes, this is not even her voice and the 10 to 15 second delay after every single question is suspicious in and of itself. >> now it seems clear ramona does not understand. >> yes, still, triple a said
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ramona would have to wait 60 days and pay a $100 fee to cancel the contract. >> you can clearly tell my mother did not know what she was was signing up for karen markey said her 90 year old mother, mary, thought she was getting a discount on her gas bill. >> instead, she wound up switching her gas supplier from p-g-and-e's to triple a. they basically said, your mother agreed to it and you can't cancel it for two months, and there's a penalty fee if you do so. triple a sent karen the phone recording as proof. karen says it proved questionable tactics. i'll be completing your enrollment today with triple a gas ecore transportation. >> oh my god, can you hold on just a minute so i can write all that down? >> oh, you're going to get all this in the form of paperwork as well then i don't need to. >> is that correct? >> yes, ma'am. >> they keep pushing, pushing, pushing and get her to say yes. >> do you agree that the agent has not offered you any other incentives? >> i guess so, yeah, but this is
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the discount. is that not true? >> and again, i don't work for triple a, so let me read the statement again. do you agree that the agent has not offered you any other incentives? >> i guess so i just need a yes or no for the recording. i guess i'll say yes, but that's only because i'm getting tired. >> i was painful, i think i shed a few tears. >> the program will be applied to your gas. >> oh, my god, this is so complicated. jesus mercy. >> so triple a began billing mary. but instead of saving money, mary's gas bill actually doubled. same for ramona. mary's utility bill shows p-g-and-e's would have charged her $90 for the gas she used last month. triple a charged $187. ramona's bill shows p-g-and-e's would have charged her $130 for gas, triple a charged $261. triple a tells us we do not target or discriminate based on age, race or any other basis. a live,
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independent third party explains and obtains customer consent to each sale. this includes informing the customer that their gas charges may be higher or lower than what p-g-and-e's would charge them for. seven on your side i'm stephanie sierra, abc seven news. >> california's public utilities commission allows third party gas suppliers like triple a natural gas to sell you gas. p-g-and-e's will still charge you to deliver gas to your home. we found it's often more expensive to buy gas from a third party. now contact seven on your side. if you have any consumer related problems, just go to abc seven on your side. >> the oakland library is overdue for repairs. it's going to close one branch to make that happen. next. how long it
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jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction. you may have an increased risk for lower limb loss. call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of infection in your legs or feet. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. ♪ jardiance is really swell ♪ ♪ the little pill ♪ ♪ with a big story to tell! ♪
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venture capitalist backed corporation california forever funded a study on solano county's economy. a former director of the state department of finance led the study. mike jones says solano lags behind all other bay area counties in income and has higher poverty and unemployment rates. california forever's plan includes building a city near fairfield with homes for 400,000
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people. the project will be on the county ballot in november. >> one of the biggest libraries in the bay area will temporarily, temporarily close for six months for repairs. oakland's main public library on 14th street near lake merritt, is scheduled to close may 27th. it will undergo a overdue repairs to its infrastructure. these include a new roof, a new boiler control system, a heat pump, and upgrades to the electrical system. the library is expected to reopen in november, but there is no set date. we'll see how the repairs and renovations go. well, after years of waiting, napa is getting a costco. according to the napa valley register, it will open in october on kaiser road near highway 221. costco applied for permits for a fuel canopy with a gas station near the parking lot. costco is looking to hire 300 people for many different positions, both part time and fultime. a customer service cashiers, medication technicians and pharmacy technicians as well. >> another warm day with sunny
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skies today. >> look at this gorgeous shot. will we get a repeat tomorrow? sandhya has a look ahead to the a super thin, flexible patch with maximum otc strength lidocaine that contours to the body to relieve pain right where it hurts. and did we mention, it really, really sticks? salonpas, it's good medicine.
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people vote for rfk jr. based on this is an abc news special report. good evening. i'm juju chang at abc news headquarters here in new york. we're interrupting your regular program with some breaking news. israel has initiated a retaliatory strike against iran, according to a senior u.s. official. this comes just five days after tehran launched a direct military assault on israel, firing more than 300 drones and missiles. most were intercepted by israel.
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since that unprecedented attack, israel has vowed to retaliate. we turn to matt gutman, who is in israel with the latest reporting. matt, what are you hearing? >> reporter: juju, a senior u.s. official telling us that israeli missiles have hit at least one site inside iran. no reports yet on casualties or what specifically this site was. as you mentioned, israel has been telegraphing that it will respond. officials telling me at the time and place of their choosing. they did not specify what that response will be like. didn't know when it would it would come. and of course, this is in response to that massive missile salvo from last saturday, the largest ballistic missile salvo in history. and, of course, iran has said that if israel chooses to respond, the iranian response would be severe and immediate. >> juju matt, thank you from the latest in israel. it's turned now to chief global affairs anchor martha raddatz in dc with the latest. martha, what are you hearing?
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>> it is a single senior us official who said that it had started that israel had retaliated and hit one site in iran. there are reports this evening that other places, iraq and syria have been hit. this us senior official said they simply cannot confirm that. there were reports yesterday that israel would would hold off on these strikes until after the passover. after passover. but today we started getting indications that it could come much quicker than that. the senior official also said the israelis have been quite secretive about this, so there's very little information we have at this point about the strike that the us senior official said that israel had made inside iran. >> well, martha raddatz, thank you for that update. of course, we will return to our regular reporting. reporting. this has been a special report. stay tuned, of course, for the latest updates. and we return you now
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to your regular programing. >> thank you juju. we'll keep you updated on that situation in the middle east. but let's come back here now and focus on our weather. yes, let's get to meteorologist sandhya patel for another check. >> sandhya. yeah. ama and dan. let's take a look at the winds. right now. it is onshore and it is gusty right now. sustained to 26 in san francisco, sfo 20. and that is blowing some of that tree pollen around which is running high oak, pine, juniper and cedar grasses are up there as well. taking a look at the forecast for tonight, it is going to cool off rather quickly. not so much inland, 73 degrees and then dropping to the low 60s late tonight. but around the bay where the marine layer has really started to redevelop and regroup. and along the coast you're going to go from the 50s to the low 50s. and a look at live doppler seven. we have fog, we have high clouds. tomorrow afternoon. it's even cooler than today, upper 50s to the mid 70s. as we check out what's ahead for the weekend, it will warm up both saturday and sunday, but some morning fog and drizzle to start your saturday. here's your
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accuweather seven day forecast. we'll bring you nicer weather for the weekend if you do miss the warmth. and then next week you're going to notice a big drop off in those temperatures. midweek, we may even introduce some rain late in the workweek. dan an ama man. >> all right. goodness. thanks, eddie. >> all right. >> we have casey pratt in for sports tonight. hey, casey. yeah? >> it seems like there's more questions than answers around the warriors right now, right? but you know, the season is over. so what about the big three? will klay be back as the end of theynasty here. the warriors brass weighs in and trie
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years deep runs into the postseason that we're used to them being forced to turn the page right away. once the season ends, the nba draft is right after the nba finals, so typically the dubs don't have the luxury of time to figure out their next steps. but with this season's early end, they have months now to figure things out. primary questions will include what to do about unrestricted free agent klay thompson. can draymond green find a way to keep his temper under control and be more available? can you find a trade partner for the inconsistent andrew wiggins? what to do with chris paul and his expiring $30 million deal? and with the dynasty on a downslope how do you support the big three? >> well considering they've won four before, i would say it's
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well within the realm of reasonable, but we gotta, you know, certainly we want klay back first and foremost. i expressed that to him yesterday. i think our players have expressed that our coaches front office ownership. look everybody wants klay back. he's still a really good player. and i think we have enough good players in our system. we have enough assets to acquire good players and we have the ability to keep getting better. so given that, as long as those guys are still really good, like, yeah, we can, i think we can contend and compete, but we just unequivocally have to improve. >> you know, the discussion of those three is, to me is a much easier discussion than when they're still good, which they are. they all showed that this year, so maybe in a couple of years we'll be having this discussion where, you know, they're not as effective and maybe it becomes more of a ceremonial thing. i do think there's tremendous value in the three of them being warriors for life. it matters that kobe was a
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laker for life, that that's meaningful to the laker franchise. i think it would be incredible if these three guys could play their whole careers here. that's meaningful matters to our fans. it matters to our franchise. so i hope it happens. but fortunately right now they're they're all still good. hopefully they can keep that core together. >> now the oakland ballers continue to move at warp speed. the upstart oakland baseball team just received unanimous approval to finish their $1.6 million investment into historic raymond park. the upgrades were already underway as the team bet on oakland and started the work ahead of official approval. the new field and scoreboard, along with the new seating, will be available for community use when the team is not playing. my baller sources tell me the grass for the field is going in next week. their first game there will be in june and emotions were high last night in arizona. the coyotes played their final game before being moved to salt lake city. fans have been enjoying desert dogs hockey for 27 years now. both the fans and players are left in a lurch. >> this is people's lives here
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and, you know what they love to do. and obviously coyotes are a big part of that. so it's unfortunate, it's sad. and you just tried to give back as much as possible. >> it's the little things for players like us like i don't know where to live or things like that, where a practice facility will be or how it's going to work. so i think these next couple days will get some answers and figure things out. >> this abc seven sports report is sponsored by your northern california honda dealers. and just like the a's situation as they move to sacramento and then maybe las vegas after that, it's not just the players and fans that suffer, it's the employees at the arenas. i mean, these guys don't even know where they're going to live next year, where they're going to practice, where they're going to play. so it just leaves so much in question is really when you really think about how disruptive it is to everybody. >> it's all right. thanks, casey . >> all right. tonight on abc seven it is three hours of 911, followed by abc seven news at 11. and remember that abc seven news is streaming 24 seven. get the abc seven bay area app so you can join us whenever you
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want, wherever you are. all right, that'll do it for this edition of abc seven news. thanks for being here. i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley for sandhya patel. >> casey pratt. all of us. we appreciate your time. hope you have a great evening and that we see you again at 11. all right. >> leaving you with a gorgeous look over san jose tonight. oh, wow. >> this is abc 724 seven. >> in san francisco, live at levi's stadium in san jose. >> live in oakland. yeah. >> you're watching abc seven news live anytime, anywhere. >> we are, we are, we are, we are we are we are where you are. >> never miss a moment of the news that matters to you.
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and our returning champion, a writer and creative executive originally from san jose, california... whose 5-day cash winnings total $121,500. and now, here is the host of "jeopardy!"-- ken jennings! thank you so much. thank you, johnny gilbert. and welcome back to "jeopardy!" in yesterday's game, our reigning champ, alison betts, secured her fifth victory and thereby an official qualification to our next tournament of champions. look at this, we're just six games into the regular shows of season 40, and already you might have to ask yourself, could we be witnessing a new super champ in the making? rob and marko certainly hoping no. they're our challengers today, hoping to cement champion status for themselves. good luck to all three of you. here we go, into the jeopardy! round, you'll be dealing with these categories. up first...


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