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tv   ABC7 News 600AM  ABC  April 19, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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now at six, israel retaliates against iran. the attack coming just five days after iran launched hundreds of drone missiles at israel.
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>> chaos and confusion. that's how san francisco officials describe the oakland airport. name change, how the city attorney is now responding. >> and pandemonium. mayor london breed announcing san francisco will be getting giant pandas from china. how much is going to cost to get the zoo ready for them? >> a lot. good morning. it is friday, april 19th. >> yes, we're excited about that and also about what's going on with our forecast. but first going to check in with amanda for a look at traffic. yeah, we're keeping our eyes on the sig alert in the east bay. >> this is through pleasanton cruz. we're hoping to reopen the roads at six. that has not happened yet. but this is southbound 680 before castlewood drive. all the lanes are currently shut down due to sweepers cleaning up gravel in the area from that solo crash. uh- stop traffic is from 580 now with more than an hour delay, so try to avoid this area. please use foothill road as an alternative route. >> drew. hey amanda, thanks for that information and the accuweather forecast. we'll take
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a look at the tam cam and you notice our marine layer is back in a big way this morning. there's a lot of low cloud cover. even some drizzle along the coast is just an indication that we're going to experience a cooler afternoon on the way. later on today. temperatures right now at 47 in san rafael. good morning oakland 5351 in san jose. so it does feel a lot cooler in the south bay compared to this time yesterday. 47 that current temperature in danville. so the sky looks partly sunny early on our sunrise here less than a half of an hour away at 6:28 a.m, we'll burn off that marine layer for brighter skies. but the warming trend is slower today, so keep that jacket on for much of the morning. it's that cooler afternoon. that's the big headline today. we'll go to about 63 in the city only 67 in oakland, 76. the high in san jose, about 73 in napa. warmer weather does move in for the weekend. reggie, we'll show you those details in about eight minutes. >> drew. thank you. developing news out of the middle east overnight, israel carried out a strike on iran. that military move is in retaliation for
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iran's direct attack on israel last weekend, when more than 300 drone missiles were launched at israel. amanda, what do we know about the attack? >> ability inside iran early this morning, local time, there have been no reports of casualties or the exact nature of. however, iranian media is reporting it hit a city in central iran about 200 miles from tehran. iranian media also reports at least one explosion where the missile landed. that location is known to have heavy military equipment and personnel on the site. commercial airliners have since been diverted from that area. >> there is an international airfield in that area. there are military or air force bases in that area, as well as possible iranian nuclear assets, as well. >> the retaliation comes five days after iran launched that unprecedented historic load of missiles, drones and ballistic missiles against israel. israeli forces say 99% of them were
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knocked out of the sky. that attack was in retaliation from an israeli strike that killed some top generals in syria. now, the white house urged israel to show restraint and said overnight it got last minute information about the attack. back to you at the desk, reggie. >> thanks, amanda. much more on the conflict in the middle east. head to abc seven or the abc seven news app for a complete page of live updates. >> this morning, three alameda police officers facing charges after da pamela price's review of the in-custody death of mario gonzalez price pledged to reexamine the case when she first took office. she talked about the decision yesterday, saying her office has charged eric mckinley, james fisher and cameron lee with involuntary manslaughter. price says she's not solely responsible for the charges. the public accountability unit that she started reached that determination. >> if people don't believe that police officers or law enforcement can be held accountable, then witnesses won't cooperate. we can't do our
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job without witnesses. we won't be able to administer justice if the community doesn't trust that the system is going to work for everyone. >> 26 year old mario gonzalez died in the officer's custody three years ago today. an independent investigation found he lost consciousness when he was pinned face down, and two other officers pressed down on his body for more than five minutes. one autopsy said he died from toxic effects of methamphetamine, but a second cited restraint, asphyxiation in a review by the previous, da found the officers were not criminally liable. there are new developments related to the antioch police texting scandal that broke last year. one of the sergeants named in that fbi investigation will be returning to work. sergeant rick hoffman was put on paid leave last year. documents from the fbi and the contra costa county district attorney's office show hoffman on a series of text chains that used racist, misogynistic,
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homophobic language and memes. >> if you sent a message, received a message, laughed at a message. if you didn't report these messages, we don't need you in antioch, abc7 news has learned that an investigation was conducted which cleared hoffman to return. >> that could include a demotion in rank. details of the investigation have not been made public. >> now to the hotly contested name change of the airport in oakland. they want it to be the san francisco bay oakland international airport. however, the city of san francisco is now officially officially suing the port of oakland over that name. the lawsuit claims the renaming could, quote, damage the travel industry for the entire region. due to confusion and chaos among travelers, san francisco city attorney david chu says it also infringes on sfo's landmark. >> we are concerned about how oakland is trying to intentionally divert traffic from sfo to itself. that will create economic harm for us.
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it's unfair and it infringes on our long standing trademark rights. the port responded to the suit saying, quote, sfo cannot lay claim to the geographically descriptive terms san francisco, let alone claim exclusive rights to the san francisco bay. >> by the way, a final vote for that name change is scheduled next month. >> san francisco is getting giant pandas. the mayor has been in talks with china for months about bringing these animals to the city, and now it looks like it's finally happening. abc seven news reporter ryan curry is in the studio and we want to know everything. ryan. >> well, there's not much we know quite yet. we're hoping to learn more in the coming weeks and months. but mayor breed's been asking for this for a long time, and it looks like her persistence seems to have paid off. she first brought this up during apec back in november. chinese president xi jinping indicated the animals could make an appearance in california. the giant pandas are considered sacred in china, so sharing them with other countries is a big deal. they call it panda
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diplomacy. the zoo ceo told us back in february, the last time pandas were in san francisco was back in 1984, and it was the most crowded the zoo has ever been. back in february, china announced san diego would also be getting pandas, but breed did not give up back then. she recently has been in china, and now she made this announcement last night. >> i have some really exciting news. we have some cute, cuddly black and white beauties coming to our city. ladies and gentlemen, welcome pandas to san francisco, the highest attendance we have ever had on thanksgiving in the history of the zoo. >> even though they were just here for three months, we were over a million visitors. >> now, this won't be cheap. our media partners at the sf standard say the zoo will have to renovate a current facility, and that will cost around $4 million, followed by a $20 million for a new exhibit. the mayor hopes this will be a big boost to the economy and to tourism, just like it did 40
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years ago. ryan curry, abc seven news. >> guys, ryan, thank you. and the north bay cal fire is already gearing up for the 2024 fire season. cal fire's sonoma lake and napa unit hosting this training academy this week. 30 seasonal firefighters are taking part. >> we go over basic skills like ems, wildland firefighting, structural firefighting, hazardous materials response. >> a total of 250 new and returning firefighters will be hired for the summer >> take a look at the accuweather forecast live. look outside the exploratorium camera showing you we do have partly to mostly cloudy skies out there. if you are taking to the skies, i do just want you to be aware of this. we are tracking some severe weather across parts of the south, so atlanta is going to see some severe thunderstorms later on this afternoon. they could have some gusty winds. just be aware of that. other areas denver just some rain in the afternoon. most of our major hubs are looking okay if you are
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hitting the roads today. no issues. we just have some early morning cloud cover. our marine layer is back. just an indication that we're in store for a cooler afternoon. with that onshore push, brighter skies prevail this morning as we break down that marine layer by about 10:11 a.m. as you look at future weather, we'll have those clouds early on, giving way to brighter skies this afternoon. noticeably cooler today compared to yesterday and into the evening. any plans? do have the layers with you as we do cool off pretty rapidly later on tonight looking at your weather, wellness, air quality is good, tree pollen is high. that uv index is a six, so today it's all about a cooler afternoon on the way. but those temperatures rebound very nicely both saturday and sunday. no issues when it comes to the weather, sunshine and warm temperatures, but we do have some problems on the road. amanda has a traffic alert this morning. >> yeah, drew an update here at 610 that sigalert we've been following out on pleasanton thai
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>> thank you. amanda. weighing in on the accusations with the san francisco police department is saying about the claims against a former local housing nonprofit leader improving accessibility tsay the agreement, bart just reached to make some much needed upgrades at its stations, and sustainability at starbucks changed. the coffee company is
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of recent sexual assault accusations against a political leader in san francisco. now the police department is weighing in. amanda is at the live desk with the new details on the growing investigation. kumasi. >> several women have come forward with an array of allegations against former local housing nonprofit leader john jacobo. jacobo was the director of the influential housing nonprofit tenants and owners development corporation, or talko. he resigned from his position after the sexual assault accusations became public. our media partners, the sf standard, uncovered the report revealing disturbing stories from the woman standard partners say allegations range from domestic violence, including strangulation, threats, harassment, stalking, sexual assault and rape. the allegations date back several years and come from at least four women. the sf, sfpd says
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they are actively working on the cases it does such a disservice to say that we aren't investigating cases like this or we delayed. >> that's absolutely couldn't be further from the truth. >> captain alexa o'brien says she's in charge of the unit investigating, and she wants survivors to know. she reads every single police report as sfpd reaffirmed their position, saying they want crime victims to know the department is here for them. back to you, kumasi. >> thank you. amanda. new developments with governor newsom's plan to clear out death row at san quentin prison and converted into a rehabilitation center. some of the condemned have already been relocated. now, one of the prisons is in chino in southern california. the chino mayor says she's concerned after learning 26 prisoners had been transferred there. she knows prison sits in the middle of the town. there's a school, a park and businesses nearby. >> oh gosh, these prisoners are the worst of the worst. i mean, they have committed murder. they have committed rape. they have committed atrocities that you
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wouldn't even want to know about . >> last month, when abc seven news visited san quentin for a tour of the prison, we learned about the effort to reform those on death row. one prison official says the program has been around for about two years and so far it's working. >> we have several, programs here that have a 0% recidivism rate. as far as the guys that are, transferring out, one of the reasons why the condemned cannot stay at san quentin is because it doesn't have an electrified fence. >> the goal is to move all of them out of the prison by july. the construction company involved in a deadly trench collapse in san francisco is now facing a $371,000 fine, 25 year old javier romero died when the trench he was working in at divisadero and oak streets caved in. last september, cal osha just announced it's now cited darcy and hardie construction inc. the agency said the company
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did not have a way for employees to get out in case there was a collapse, and they apparently had been warned about this in a previous inspection. a lawsuit settled by bart is expected to bring sweeping changes for riders who have disabilities. the suit claimed the transit agency violated the americans with disabilities act. bart is going to renovate dozens of station elevators and repair elevators and escalators that are out of service. it will also improve the cleanliness of stations and come up with an emergency preparedness plan. >> another tiny home that's going for a big price. this time it's in washington dc. it's only six feet wide and it has two floors. it's 600ft■!s. it's on e market for $600,000. now, this is still cheaper than the one that's in san jose right? >> because that one was half the size and that was going for what. what was it 1.7. >> it was a land these folks
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tell people magazine they bought the lot with plans to build a 15 foot wide home. >> but zoning confined them to just six feet. what. they weren't sure if it was going to be possible, but they were able to fit all the necessities. and what's being called the skinniest house in dc? >> well, i mean, it is it does look nice, six feet wide though. kumasi how much space do you really need? that's more than six feet wide for one person? >> two people. we couldn't even lie down, right, i wouldn't fit, i could not lie down. no >> nobody asked you all to be this tall. >> well, it's god's gift. including us. yeah. god just gave us. you know what? >> blessings. blessings, a little sprinkle, sprinkle. >> tall, tall. >> i'm over here for 11. >> yeah, that would be like a mansion to you. >> how are you? you be be be be good. >> that's a good house for you, actually. yeah, actually. you want to buy it thousand dollars square foot? >> sure. >> okay. it's got to move though. 600 dc. there we go. this morning. it already looks colder out there from this picture. live look from the exploratorium camera. it's quite cloudy. not nearly as sunny as the past couple of mornings. our
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marine layer. it is back and it will create a cooler afternoon on the way. so we have these morning clouds that will break down for sunshine this afternoon. it's a bright finish to the day, but it's also cooler today. the weekend outlook will bounce back a little bit with our temperatures as warmer days ahead with sunshine both saturday and sunday. and then next week we're talking about a big, cool down temperatures stuck in the 50s and 60s. some days with a lot of cloud cover. look at the pollen index. little change for the past 24 hours. trees still high. there's your main offenders. weeds and mold. still at low levels today. you will notice that cooler day. we're in the 50s along the coast, a lot of 60s around the bay shoreline, maybe a few low 70s and inland, our warmest spots. no longer in the 80s, will stay in the 70s for daytime highs. your beach, boat and surf forecast winds out of the southwest today about 5 to 10mph. waves 2 to 3ft with a swell period of about 15 seconds. here's your ocean water temperature 54 to 56 degrees. it does stay pretty cloudy along
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our coast for a big portion of the day. today overnight tonight we'll have partly cloudy conditions, but fog redeveloping along the coast and around the bay. shoreline temperatures in the 40s and 50s heading into saturday. now saturday those temperatures reverse. we'll see warmer weather start to move in here. sunday is the warmer of the two days, but do expect a lot of sunshine both days across the region. take a look at the tahoe forecast. we'll find morning clouds to sun today. partly cloudy skies tomorrow and then we're really warming up for the back half of the weekend. look at sunday 66 degrees with a lot of sunshine. here's the accuweather 70 forecast back here at home. clouds the sun today. cooler after noon and then we'll see warmer weather move in over the weekend. that warmth holds for on monday, but then cooler weather moves in here. cloudier conditions by wednesday with temperatures in the 50s and 60s. reggie kumasi drew. >> thank you. now we're going to bring in ginger zee with a look at what's happening on gma. >> good morning ginger. >> oh yeah. >> hey kumasi reggie great to be with you. so it's a friday
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morning. and of course we have to start with that. breaking news from overnight israel retaliating against iran. our team there with the developments and a jury has been seated in the criminal trial of former president trump here in new york. dan abrams is here to tell us what we can expect next. and american tennis star danielle collins on her decision to retire while she's playing some of the best tennis of her life. we also have an incredible ray of sunshine this morning, honoring a beloved choir director at a dallas area school. also an unforgettable surprise and actually many surprises for her. you'll see it all on gma. >> this makes me happy. i'm a choir nerd. did you sing to ginger? i know you got the skills. >> i didn't, not really. i mean, i like took voice lessons later in life, but i know not during school. i was i played the oboe. >> oh play it. >> yes. you know what's so funny? adrian's in the moment of his life right now. where they're making him choose. like, do you want to play an instrument or do you want to be in choir, or do you want to do neither? and i'm like, this is
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kind of big because it's big. i want him to sing in choir. and he's like, absolutely not. he's all, i'm playing a saxophone. >> do both. oh we'll see. >> oh, hey, ginger, as long as it's not, you know that one person who played the cello and they had that huge. it was the. yeah. no but i was the oboe one. >> like i'm the one person i'm not. >> right. >> but very important instrument. but you can carry an oboe the you know true. >> these huge like cellos or you know, they got the tuba that they're trying to roll around like, no thank you. that's true. >> yeah. and you also know what's so funny? you can't march with an oboe. so once it came to marching band, they were like, now you got to play the xylophone. i was like, what? the xylophone? >> that's when i. oboe. >> yeah. because you like, step in a hole and the double reed could, like, puncture your mouth or something, i don't know, listen. >> and we that was what they told me. >> that is hilarious. i did not know that. >> okay. xylophone. >> i don't see you on the xylophone. that's not for, you know, once they handed me that big thing, i was like, ding ding. >> i got to go like, goodbye.
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>> all right, well, two choir nerds and one oboe lady. cheers to that. well, we're happy friday. we'll see you at centrum silver is clinically proven to support memory in older adults. so you can keep saying, you mastered it! you fixed it! you nailed it! you did it! with centrum silver, clinically proven to support memory in older adults. hey hon. hey dad...(sniffs) that smell could be 8,000,000 odor causing bacteria. good thing adding lysol laundry sanitizer kills 99.9% of bacteria that detergents leave behind. clean is good, sanitized is better. ♪ ♪
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of new trails and pathways to the city. construction just started on what will connect the delta de anza regional trail with the pittsburg center bart station, by way of railroad avenue. the city of pittsburg and e contra costa transportation authority are partnering on the goal t connect several new developments along the avenue to bart and to other public transportation in the area. this is all planned to reduce car traffic. if you go to oracle park this year, you'll notice one change. the anchor brewing area in center field has been rebranded. it's now simply called giants brewhouse, and it sells different brands and flavors of beers from various brewers. the team says the sponsorship with anchor expired after last season, and there are no plans to renew. anchor, of course, has an uncertain future after shutting down last year. the team still sold anchor beer last season, even after the company shut down. there are currently attempts to buy the company at auction. a winning bid is expected to be announced this month. starbucks is giving its plastic cups a makeover. the
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goal is to make them more sustainable. the new cups look a lot like the current ones, only they're made with up to 20% less plastic. starbucks estimates these new cups will keep more than 13 million pounds of plastic out of landfills annually. it's part of the company's goal to cut its carbon output in half by 2030. the new cups debut at select u.s. and canada locations this year. next, at 630, helping unhoused residents in california. the new funding governor newsom is promising to get people off the streets. plus i'm abc's perry russom in washington. >> israel strikes iran. we have the latest on the attack from overseas. and we're taking a look at your morning commute. we'll have early morning clouds giving way to sunshine as our marine layer breaks down. but it will be a cooler morning with those temperatures slow to warm. you can see those clouds from our south beach camera. we'll have partly sunny conditions giving way to brighter skies this afternoon, but it will feel cooler compared to yesterday. most of us in the 60s and 70s.
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live now at 630. a big and potentially expensive win for san francisco, san francisco is absolutely thrilled to be
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welcoming giant pandas to the san francisco zoo. >> mayor london breed in china with exciting news for the city. when the giant pandas are expected to arrive at the zoo and how much it is going to cost also be pretty penny. >> be uganda. this honoring th late music star selena. >> the tribute happening in san francisco tomorrow. >> good morning everybody. it is friday, april 19th. >> we're going to get to all that. but first it looks like we're going to have a great weekend. hi, drew. hey good morning you guys. >> we will have a nice weekend. it is going to be cooler out there. here's a live look at sfo this morning where we have that cloud cover overhead. it just looks cooler this morning compared to days past. because we don't have those bright skies early on our marine layer is back and that's going to create a cooler afternoon on the way. take a look at temperatures right now. the jacket your best accessory out the door. 40s and low 50s in most cities. and that jacket, you'll keep it on a lot
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longer this morning compared to the past couple of mornings, because we are slow to warm thanks to that marine layer live look from our south beach camera showing you those cloudy conditions overhead. it's partly sunny early on we'll find brighter skies heading into the afternoon. you can see those temperatures not as warm as we have been the past couple of days. inland will stay in the 70s today around the bay shoreline. we'll go into the 60s and along the coast. it will stay pretty cool and quite cloudy in the upper 50s, so a high of only 63. in the city today, 67 in oakland, 76, in san jose hit about 72. in vallejo, it does turn warmer over the weekend. we'll show you those numbers, reggie coming up in about eight minutes. >> thank you. drew developing news now israel has retaliated against iran just five days after iran launched more than 300 drones and missiles at israel, nearly all of them were intercepted. >> israel launched a missile today at major at a major air base and nuclear site in central iran. abc news reporter perry russom has the latest developments. >> reggie and kumasi. good morning to you. israel's strike
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on iran is threatening to push the middle east deeper into conflict. we are still waiting to see the scope of this attack in video posted online. these flashes in the sky show iran's air defense in action. a senior us official telling abc news. israeli missiles hit a site in iran. >> the united states has not been involved in any offensive operations. >> secretary of state anthony blinken did not say if the united states was given a warning ahead of the attack. iranian state media. >> there were some loud sounds that were heard in the east of the city of isfahan, and this was related to the air defense system triggered by the presence of three small drones that were present in that area. >> iranian state media reports. an explosion was heard not far from a major military base and nuclear facility, adding the nuclear facility was not damaged . state media seemingly downplaying the attack, reporting everything is back to normal. >> that seems to indicate that
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iran is seeking to step down off the ledge, minimize the impact of the attack, and perhaps walk back down the escalation escalation ladder from here, at least some ten hours before the attack, israel's defense minister saying israel has the freedom of action to do what it wants after sunrise. >> video from isfahan shows life continuing our tom soufi burridge in israel, it appears, appears at this stage that the iranian regime is trying to play this down and the israelis are not trying to own it. >> and therefore, i think both sides at the moment at least, are trying to de-escalate, even though we've had this pretty incredible series of strikes potentially overnight. >> the white house has been urging israel to show restraint in hopes of preventing a larger war. they're saying if israel did strike, they would do so alone in washington. perry russom abc seven news. >> thank you. perry we have much more coverage on the conflict in the middle east. head to abc seven or the abc seven news app for a complete page of
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live updates. >> dozens of demonstrators against the war in gaza rallied on uc berkeley's campus. there protesting against that war and a recent incident during a dinner at the home of the law school dean. the incident went viral after a student said a professor took a microphone from her as she was expressing her support for those in gaza and calling for the university to divest from corporations involved in the war. she also attended this rally outside the school of law, and says while she is a little shaken up, her message remains the same. >> i think that while this incident was of course traumatizing for myself, it's important to remember the reason why i went to, that dinner in the first place, which is to make a larger statement about the fact that the uc has invested over $2 billion into weapons, arms manufacture companies. and we are complicit in this. >> the dean who hosted the dinner is jewish. the university put out a statement the day after the incident, supporting him. >> abc seven news has been following the story of a 12 person jury now seated in former president donald trump's
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criminal trial in new york. the former president accused of paying hush money to adult film star stormy daniels to hide their alleged affair prior to the 2016 election. and amanda, there is still work to be done before the trial begins. >> yeah, kumasi seven men and five women will decide whether former president trump falsified documents to cover up the payment to daniels first. five more alternate jurors need to be selected. the judge had to remove two jurors who were selected earlier this week. those on the jury include a physical therapist, a security engineer, an investment banker and a man who works for an eyewear company. one juror openly expressed her view on trump to the court, saying she, quote, doesn't like his persona, but promised to be fair for the trial. trump left the court calling the proceedings of a trial very unfair. >> it's a shame, and i'm sitting here for days now from morning till night in that freezing room, freezing. everybody was freezing in there and all
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this. >> opening statements could come as early as monday. trump's attorney asked the prosecution to provide the first three witness names that will be called next week. the prosecution said no out of concern. trump would start posting about them on social media. back to you, reggie. >> thanks, amanda. governor newsom promising more money to help get people off the california. he announced $192 million in new grants to 17 california communities marin and san mateo counties received grants, as well as the cities of oakland and santa cruz. the money will help fund about 20 projects to get people into permanent housing. >> what's great about this program, in particular uh, this one is targeted. it's specific, it's tangible. you can see it and you see it in real time. real lives changed. you drive by something one day and it's gone the next. >> the grants will provide direct support and services to nearly 3600 people in both rural
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and urban areas. >> president biden wrapped up a campaign swing through pennsylvania with a key endorsement. the kennedy family joined the president for an event in philadelphia to formally put their support behind his reelection campaign. now they've had their own drama to deal with. robert f kennedy jr is running as a third party candidate. his sister spoke at a rally yesterday. >> we want to make crystal clear our feeling that the best way forward for america is to reelect joe biden and kamala harris to four more years. >> pennsylvania is viewed as one of the battleground states in this upcoming election. former president donald trump won that state in 2016. in 2020, swung back to democrats and went to president biden. new at six. the biden administration just announced changes to title nine, expanding protections for lgbtq plus and pregnant students. the new regulations go into effect in august. they'll be reversing
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controversial trump era guidance around how schools should handle sexual assault cases. title nine prohibits sex discrimination at federally funded schools, notably absent from biden's policy. however is any mention of transgender athletes. the administration originally planned to include a new policy forbidding schools from enacting outright bans on transgender athletes, but that provision is on hold. >> giant pandas are heading to san francisco, the mayor has secured a deal with china, and now the animals are coming to the city. abc seven news reporter ryan curry is here with the news and also some of the information, although there's still a lot to come. yeah that's right, we might still have to wait till 2025. >> but mayor breed made the announcement last night that they're coming to san francisco. she hopes it will be a big boost to the economy. the mayor has been in china recently. she has been trying to get pandas for a while. she first brought the idea forward during apec back in november, and chinese president xi jinping hinted at the possibility of them coming to
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san francisco. they are sacred animals in china, and sharing them is a way to increase relations with other countries. they call it panda diplomacy. the last time giant pandas were in san francisco was 1984, and the zoo says it was the most crowded it has ever been. in a story back in february, the zoo's ceo told us they've been working for a decade to try to make this happen. and this past christmas, china told him they were interested on christmas day , we received news that there were visitors and experts coming from chengdu. >> they want to get a sense of the zoo, a sense of our community, our sense of our dedication to conservation, also to medicine and to animal wellness. >> san francisco is absolutely thrilled to be welcoming giant pandas to the san francisco zoo. >> welcoming pandas will not be cheap. our media partners at the sf standard say the zoo will have to renovate a current space and build a new habitat, a project that could cost more than $20 million. we still don't
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know how many pandas will be coming, though china usually sends them in pairs. the zoo also says they hope this will teach people about animal conservation. ryan curry abc seven news guys, thanks, ryan. >> bouncing is in the north bay. what's new at the world's largest bounce house opening today in santa rosa. >> and let's take a live look right now at the big board, the new york stock exchange up by about 120 points right now. how the markets are doing next history in san jose, a sneak peek at its first spanish language opera. >> but first, here's drew. >> hey, 640 this morning we're taking a live look from the tam cam because it is showing you a lot of changes compared to yesterday. first, our sun is up here, but we have a lot of low cloud cover. our marine layer is back in a big way. most areas reporting cloudy skies. the only areas that are clear right now the inland east bay, concord and livermore. once we burn off that cloud cover, we will have a lot of sunshine, but it will be a cooler afternoon on the way. your morning drive has that overcast sky early on, giving way to more sunshine as we break down that marine layer, but you
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can see temperatures a lot slower to warm compared to the past couple of mornings. still stuck in the 50s by 10 a.m, so you'll keep that jacket for on much longer than past mornings. future weather showing you into the afternoon sunshine prevails, but you'll notice that cooler air moving in here. the evening looks nice for any friday night plans, but just know it does turn chilly a lot faster than yesterday. looking at the oracle park forecast for the giants first pitch 715 temperature right around 56 degrees. and it gets a little cooler by the ninth inning 54 degrees under a mix of stars and clouds. your weather wellness today. good air quality, high tree pollen and a high uv index. next three days. clouds the sun. today a cooler afternoon, but then we warm up over the weekend. we'll take a closer look at those weekend highs coming up in about
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shoes at a san francisco intersection last month, a family of four was killed after an suv crashed into them at a bus stop in the west portal neighborhood. so yesterday, we told you right here on abc seven mornings that there's a new plan that will dramatically change how people drive and walk in this area. sfmta presented that plan, and there are big changes
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to the traffic flow designed to protect pedestrians, supports significant pedestrian safety by eliminating all of the left turns. >> here in san francisco, on a typical year, about 40% of our traffic deaths are a result of drivers making left turns and not seeing pedestrians in the crosswalk, some west portal business owners told us they are worried about potential impacts, as sfmta is planning to hold several community meetings in the coming weeks. >> community leaders are standing in support of a ballot measure they say will make neighborhoods safer. it's called the homelessness drug addiction and theft reduction act. it would enact changes to prop 47, which made some nonviolent property crimes and some drug possession offenses, misdemeanors. supporters held a rally in san francisco. they submitted more than 900,000 signatures to get the statewide measure on the november ballot. >> let's tell our lawmakers,
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let's be the ones that, you know, dictating where we're going to go. let's protect our seniors, our women, our businesses, our employees. >> it's not about just the businesses. it's about you, the community. do you want your favorite restaurant? do you want your favorite store to close? where do you work? think about that. it's time for all of us to step up and help ourselves. >> the act would toughen penalties for retail theft and require drug treatment for people charged with simple drug possession. retail include target and home depot largely fund, including target and home depot largely funded this measure. >> new developments on a story we've been closely following in the north bay, the tamalpais union high school district in marin county is considering restrictions for teenagers who ride certain types of electric bikes. now, under this proposal, all students riding e-bikes to the district's high schools would be required to register with the schools in order to park in bike racks on campus. this is the latest attempt to reduce the number of injury
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accidents involving students and e-bikes. >> now it's our morning money report. elon musk has apologizing to laid off tesla employees, saying some received incorrect severance packages. he blamed an error for the issue and said it will be fixed and the employees will get more money. tesla recently laid off 10% of its workforce. the company is facing a slump in sales as it's facing more competition in the electric vehicle market. and now a live look at the new york stock exchange. as trading gets underway on this friday. we are up 184 points happening tonight. the san francisco community health center is hosting its show of hope gala emcee once again. this is the third time i've done it. the gala helps provide affordable health care to the people in our community who need it most. they have a dinner, drinks, dancing, and some pretty cool performances. it starts at 530 tonight at the hyatt regency in san francisco. tonight we are honoring the ladies at asia sf. we are also honoring doctor fauci.
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>> doctor fauci is going to be there. >> yes, she is. >> this is going to be so exciting to see you. reggie is going to be there. yes, i'm more excited for reggie. >> she's like, read about you. >> that's that was bad. doctor fauci and other fabulous people. >> of course. yeah, yeah, yeah. dressed to the nines, my friend. you should her loyalty. you didn't know. >> i thought i told you that you did, but i forgot, i forgot it came back to me. >> well, i saw a show of hope in your face. >> you did. >> but it's so fun. every year. it really is. we dance. we have a time. like every year. is such a good, positive energy. and it's really great to learn about all that the organization does in the community. >> yeah, it's a really nice event, so i'm looking forward to doing it. i'm looking forward to seeing some of you. >> oh, some keyword, you know, i'm not available, but will you facetime me with doctor fauci? >> you looked available when i said the doctor fauci we make some changes. and she's like, sorry friends, change some plans. so good.
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>> how's our forecast going to be tonight? >> looking fantastic for us. for us next to each other. >> oh, also, y'all don't have to be like that. >> you don't have to be like everyone. >> everyone knows we're the three musketeers. >> wait a minute. >> okay, let's go outside. wait, wait. hurry up. get outside. go here's the thing. or here's our east bay hills. >> camera. you can see a lot of fog down below, so we'll burn that off for sunshine. that's the accuweather headline today. it is cooler today. as we see those clouds are marine air influencing our weather forecast . but over the weekend sunshine is in full effect. we have some warmer days ahead. and then next week a cooldown is coming with dramatically cooler air and cloudier conditions. your pollen forecast unchanged from yesterday. trees are high, weeds and mold are low. highs today you will notice it is cooler, 50s along the coast, 60s and low 70s around the bay shoreline and then inland. no longer any 80s will stay in the low and mid 70s for daytime highs. looking for
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beach boating are forecast. winds are light out of the southwest today. waves 2 to 3ft high. swell period 15 seconds. your ocean water temperature between 54 and 56 degrees. evening plans looking great out there. we'll have clear skies early on giving way to that marine layer coming on back between 9 and 10 p.m. you can see those temperatures do cool off pretty fast. you do want to have a couple of layers with you for your friday night plans. looking at overnight lows will stay partly cloudy and temperatures dropping into the 40s and into the 50s. now, future tracker temperatures will start to see warmer weather return coming on saturday. temperatures in the 70s and 80s in most cities sunday is the warmer of the two days but is looking really great the entire weekend with sunny skies to tahoe. we go the forecast today we'll call for a high of 59 degrees. afternoon sunshine. we start to warm up over the weekend. the warmest day will be sunday. temperatures. look at that 66 degrees. here's the accuweather seven day forecast for the next seven days for you. morning clouds. the sun. it's a cooler afternoon today, but we bounce back over the weekend
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with a lot of sunshine. those warm temps hold on for monday, but then it's dry quickly, cooler and cloudier by midweek next week. amanda yeah, beautiful weekend ahead. >> and here we are with our toyota tahoe report. the good news here you won't need chains at all if you're traveling up north palisades tahoe. it's going to take you three hours 24 minutes. and you can see northstar california still seeing it as closed. that was the news we delivered yesterday. heavenly. it's going to take you three hours and 12 minutes from the city. and then to sugar bowl resort from the city two hours, 48 minutes sierra at tahoe two hours and 52 minutes. and then kirkwood, three hours and 28 minutes. enjoy >> thank you. amanda. happening tomorrow. a tribute to selena a family friendly event will be paying tribute to the queen of tejano music in the form of a lowrider cruise starting at 4 p.m. and goes through the mission from cesar chavez and 24th streets. the president of her fan club killed her in 1995, and she was just 23 years old. but her impact on the music world lives on now to san jose's
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opera house for the opening of a historic new performance. >> abc seven got a sneak peek at the show this year. colombian novelist. amazonas by daniel catan is the theater's first ever spanish language opera performance. it's a rich story inspired by magical realism of an opera diva in search of her lost lover. one singer says. it will be a first for him to perform a piece by a latin american composer. >> it's a great opportunity to bring in all of these people that may not 100% identify or feel familiarized with italian or german or french opera. >> the debut performance happens tomorrow and it runs until may 5th. >> the world's largest bounce house is back in the bay area today. the big bounce america 2024 tour in santa rosa is there today through sunday only, so
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the window is small. the 24,000 square foot bounce house is at the sonoma county fairgrounds, and new this year is the deep sea foam party inflatable octo blast. the what? the deep sea foam party inflatable octo blast. okay, that's something who it is. there's also an obstacle course there is a sports slam area. they have a space themed land. the tickets go from 22 to $45. and it's not just for the littles. i think they have some. can we get. >> can we get octo blasted with the yes. i don't want foam. no no no no. that's stage in your life is over. >> yeah. >> oh no not for me. >> do you want foam all over you. you know you don't. you're gonna do it. >> do it. >> and then what. you got to get cleaned off. see this. no i want oh i mean it is an amazing
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structure though. see. okay, i'll think about it. also, a new musical is now playing in san francisco. they had their first performance last night. it's called a strange loop. and it has some amazing credentials. it won the pulitzer prize before it got to broadway. then once it opened on broadway, it won the tony for best new musical. it's based on a frustrated writer working as a lion king usher who's writing a musical about being a lion king, usher who's writing a musical about being a lion king usher. and there you have the strange loop. it's playing in san francisco's act theater only until may 12th, and then it continues its very limited run along the west coast, meaning literally san francisco and la. this is your chance to see it, and you should also, it's not for kids. this is grown folks. theater. >> okay, that's good to know too. >> it is a black gay man telling his journey okay. which gets, you know, pretty spicy, well, your story was amazing. and so i'm excited about the show. >> i'm excited about it, too, i'm going to post my story later on instagram so you can see it there. >> up next, the seven things you need to know today as we head to
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and things to know this morning. number one israel launches an attack on iran in retaliation to last weekend's drone and missile assaults. so far, the israeli military did not respond to requests for comment, but israeli politicians are making comments hinting that the country launched that strike. >> number two, the us vetoed a widely backed un resolution that would have paved the way for full membership for palestine. the vote in the 15 member security council was 12, in favor and the united states opposed, while the united kingdom and switzerland abstained. us allies france, japan and south korea all supported the resolution number three, starting in may, california will no longer provide weekly updates to the public on covid 19 and flu admissions. >> new hospital admissions for both viruses will also no longer appear in the state's
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respiratory virus dashboard, further signaling the end of the covid pandemic era. >> number four, pandas are coming back to san francisco, mayor london breed posted an update on social media during her visit to beijing. the sf zoo says they are beginning plans to raise money and prepare for their arrival. >> number five, we have a cooler afternoon on the way today. part of the reason why our marine layer is back this morning. that's what you see with that live look from our exploratorium camera. we'll have partly sunny conditions early on, giving way to brighter skies this afternoon , but you'll notice that cooldown highs today in the 50s along the coast, 60s and low 70s around the bay shoreline. mid 70s and our warmest spots inland. but over the weekend, those temperatures do rebound saturday and sunday. a lot of sunshine, 70s and 80s away from the coast. >> and number six taking a live look at our south beach cam metering lights were flipped on at the toll plaza at 545 with no major backups this morning, but traffic is slow, especially from treasure island to fifth street. it will take you about 20 minutes to get into the city from the toll plaza.
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>> number seven. guess who else was slow? this hippo crossing the street, bringing traffic to a standstill. a tourist visiting south africa took the video after spotting the hippo just moseying along. i like this take your time. >> is that common? i don't know, you got to let the hippo do what the hippo does because hippos are a dangerous. >> yeah, the animal that kills the most people. >> what? really? yes. get out! >> yeah, i learned that when i was in. i don't know if i told you, but i wanted safari. oh, for sure. >> yes, i've been to south africa. yeah >> and they'll speed up real quick. >> they look slow but >> michael: good morning america for our viewers in the west. israel strikes back against iran. breaking overnight, israel retaliating for iran's attack. this morning concerns about iran's response and fears of a wider war.


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