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tv   ABC7 News 600PM  ABC  April 19, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT

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after he was pinned face down by alameda police officers for several minutes. one autopsy found he died from toxic effects of methamphetamine. in a second cited restraint, asphyxiation. gonzalez was 26 years old and left behind a son who is now seven. an independent investigation investigation cleared the officers and they faced no charges. but shortly after taking office, newly elected alameda county district attorney pamela price created the public accountability unit. now, just over a year later, its review has resulted in involuntary manslaughter charges against the three police officers involved. >> those officers, eric mckinley, james fisher and cameron leahy, had been restored to full duty today. alameda, as chief of police said leahy and mckinley have been placed on leave. fisher transferred and now works for the contra costa county sheriff's office. >> it's been three years to the day since mario gonzalez died and right now his family and supporters are gathered in
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alameda. >> abc seven news reporter tara campbell is there to tell us what it's like tonight. tara >> yeah, dan and ama. well, it's extremely loud right now. there's a celebratory spirit here as family, friends and advocates gather to celebrate the charges that were laid down by the da yesterday, we did speak with a family representative yesterday. at the time, she said mario's mom just wasn't quite ready to talk yet. she was still absorbing the news that she had just received about her son. but today, that change, she was ready to talk, vowing to still fight for her son. >> my son, you know he's not here no more. but i'm here. i'm still, you know, fighting for him. my son jerry, right here. and you know, his son, seven years old. and we always missing him in birthdays. you know, christmas and all the holidays. tomorrow is my birthday. if they do get charged, it's just it's not going to be enough.
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>> and i think we all could understand that. we all make mistakes. but if you make a mistake that big, you should probably find another career. yeah >> now we are expecting the celebration and vigil to go on until about 730 this evening. now, if those officers are found guilty, they face up to four years in prison and they are expected to be in court next month. dan and ama >> all right, tara, thank you very much for that. >> we move now to new developments in the controversy over the university of southern california's graduation ceremony, days after usc drew major criticism for canceling the speech by its pro-palestinian valedictorian, the university now says it won't have any commencement speakers. usc said it wouldn't allow for osnat tabassum to speak at graduation because of safety concerns. now, the university
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says it wants to keep the focus on the graduates by canceling all outside speakers. >> now to a story. abc seven news has been following for months. the supreme court could soon decide one of its most significant cases on homelessness in the past 40 years, one that could have a big impact here in the bay area. starting monday, the justices will hear arguments in the case of grants pass versus johnson. the justices will decide if ticketing those who are homeless amounts to cruel and unusual punishment. abc seven news reporter anser hassan has a look at the implications for cities here in the bay area. >> handcuffs won't fix the homeless problems. the advocates like jennifer friedenbach. >> there has never been a situation where a ticket led somebody off the streets. >> starting monday, the united states supreme court will hear arguments in the case grants pass boris johnson. the court will decide if ticketing homeless people amounts to cruel and unusual punishment. >> we don't want to see cities, using police and using criminalization and jail as a
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way to punish homeless people for being homeless. >> if grant pass wins, homeless people could face punishment for using a blanket or a tent to sleep on streets. >> there are some communities where nothing, nothing will change, and there are some communities where a lot will change. >> devin kurtz is with the cicero institute, a think tank focused on domestic policy. he says if the supreme court rules in grants pass favor, it would give smaller municipalities more flexibility to address homelessness. >> i think that those communities are the ones that you'll see the biggest change in, not necessarily a place like los angeles or san francisco. >> nisha kashyap is an attorney with the lawyers committee for civil rights of the san francisco bay area. it filed a friend of the courts brief in this case focused in part on causes of homelessness. >> the ruling from the supreme court is not going to change the fact that the true solutions to homelessness are housing. >> bishop argues that politicians too often blame the court for what are really failures of housing policy. she says the supreme court ruling won't prevent cities like san francisco from following through
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on regulations. already on the books. >> the city already has policies that require it to offer shelter to individuals prior to any type of enforcement, to ensure that folks are met with services and housing first instead of criminal enforcement. in san francisco, anser hassan, abc7 news. >> now to a story from the abc seven news i-team. it's a weekend full of home games for the san francisco giants, but there's a growing concern outside oracle park, as authorities say they're cracking down on the illegal sale of alcohol outside the stadium. despite their efforts, including an operation held earlier this month. abc seven news i-team reporter melanie woodrow discovered the booze is flowing. she joins us live outside the park. melanie >> amber, you can see right here over my shoulder. a couple of people are set up here on king street selling alcohol illegally. i was out here last night and saw the same thing. this not only takes away from licensed businesses here outside the stadium, it also creates a potential health and safety risk. the perimeter of oracle
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park is buzzing with happy fans during any san francisco giants home game, but authorities are frowning on the illegal sale of alcohol outside the stadium. earlier this month, the department of alcoholic beverage control held an operation outside oracle park for citations were issued and illegally sold alcohol was seized, including from one individual operating an unlicensed bar. >> this must be infuriating to all the local businesses that play by the rules and go for licenses. >> reporter district six supervisor matt dorsey says the city is seeing way too much of this in ways that are overwhelming. their ability to respond. despite the department of alcoholic beverage controls efforts in conjunction with the san francisco police department and the port of san francisco, the i-team saw several people illegally selling alcohol outside thursday night's home game. including one person with a margarita making bar complete with multiple types of tequila mixers and fruit garnishes taking their profits.
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>> thumbing their nose at the law and the rules. all i got was like, i got paper bags. >> you can see from this seller who did not want to speak with me on camera, told me a ticket he received last year was dismissed and that it's a slap on the wrist. does san francisco have the resources to be out there enforcing something like this when there's so much else happening in the city right now, close to a third of the police department we're supposed to have, isn't there? >> there is hundreds of officers who are eligible for retirement, an sfpd spokesperson tells the i-team operations are dictated by available staffing, and that the department is focused on hiring qualified candidates to make up a shortage of more than 500 officers. >> writing in an emailed statement, quote, despite the staffing shortage, we prioritize public safety issues to ensure safe gatherings in and around these venues. the department of alcoholic beverage control tells abc seven news. in part, these illegal sales pose a potential public safety concern. this alcohol isn't regulated and these vendors aren't carding. >> we want to make sure that the
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people who are engaged in the business of selling alcohol are doing it responsibly. we said in an emailed statement. >> a san francisco giants spokesperson writes in part, quote, we appreciate the work of local authorities to minimize activities that compromise fan safety, detract from the ballpark experience, and negatively impact the neighborhood. is this like whack a mole? you give a citation and they just pop back up? >> we got to be persistent because criminal enterprises are very persistent. it's just completely unfair. and we've got to shut it down. >> supervisor dorsey says next tuesday he'll be calling for a hearing on this issue before the public safety committee. reporting live in san francisco for the i-team. melanie woodrow, abc seven news. >> all right, mel, thank you so much. and if you have a story for the i-team, you can call this number on your screen. 188840 i-team or go to abc7 news .com/ i-team. >> still to come on abc seven news at six is it is it time to come back to the office full
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time? >> see how many local city employees are still getting to work from home. >> i'm meteorologist sandhya patel. temperatures fell today. i'll show you when they'll rebound.
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it does from china, an accomplishment by san francisco's mayor london breed, during her current visit to china. abc seven news reporter luz pena spoke with the san francisco zoo and gardens deputy director about their plans. loose to get the pandas to the city. >> that's right. it's been nearly 40 years since san francisco hosted two pandas that
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were here for three months, and that resulted in the highest attendance the zoo has ever had. and soon that could happen again. it's official. pandas are coming to san francisco. what do you think about pandas coming to san francisco? >> good. are you excited accomplishment over a decade in the making that involved mayor london breed formally asking the chinese president on the tarmac last november after san francisco hosted the apec summit and panda experts from china checking the zoo this year. >> and now it's finally happening. >> san francisco is absolutely thrilled to be welcoming giant pandas to the san francisco zoo. >> the san francisco zoo will receive the giant pandas as part of china's panda diplomacy program. when the city hosted the pandas for a three month period in 1984 and 1985, the zoo had over 1 million visitors.
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>> we are so thrilled for the return of the giant panda after all these years to the san francisco zoo and gardens. as you know, the giant panda represents and symbolizes collaboration and also bridges divides between cultural differences. the latest estimates indicate there are less than 2200 giant pandas in the world today. >> the organization pandas international said. san francisco's cool weather will be ideal for the pandas. >> they're going to need an enclosure. they can get, you know, out of the elements. they're going to need a large yard, so they can walk around and have some space. they will need some enrichment, activities . >> the zoo's deputy director confirmed they've been gearing up for the pandas return. >> the renovation has to take place first before they can come. >> pandas in san francisco will come with a hefty price tag. before the pandemic, the estimated cost to build a new facility for the pandas at the zoo was estimated at $25 million. >> it's definitely worth the investment to bring san francisco zoo really on the map.
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>> as a global attraction. this is a really important investment for san francisco and an investment in our visitor economy. regardless of age. >> several san franciscans view giant pandas coming to the city as a win, good for the relationship between the countries and good for san francisco. are you excited to finally be able to see a panda in real life? yeah yeah, he and the mayor's visit to china is not only bringing the news of the pandas, but also more tourism from china. the sf travel team said they're in talks with chinese airlines to increase flights between san francisco and china. luz pena abc seven news. >> pretty exciting news. a couple of questions. first, how long will the giant pandas be in san francisco and i know we have to raise a lot of money, but does the city have to pay china for them? >> well, this time we're told it will be longer than three months. but the pandas still belong to china, and they can request for the pandas to be returned any time now. how much will san francisco have to pay for the pandas? the san francisco zoo will have to pay
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an annual fee to china of $1 million a year. china is supposed to use that money on conservation efforts. oh, interesting. >> okay, louis, thanks a lot. we'll follow this progress. and today on abc seven news at four, our insider, phil matier, told us the panda push is part of the mayor's bigger effort to change the image of san francisco. >> you can't fight the image of san francisco. you just try to create a new one. i mean, people, new york has its problems. london has its problems. but you tend to forget that because there's so much going on. so this is one step in that direction. at the same time, she's getting the pandas, she's also on the phone to the ceo of macy's saying, listen, we know you're leaving, but can we get you to stay longer or maybe redesign or use a smaller store there? she's trying to keep that. she's trying to possibly get women's soccer playing in san francisco. another thing is maybe get a chinese university to locate a branch in the downtown area. in other words, making sort of good noise to keep things happening and have the public and the world aware
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of san francisco in a different light. >> and with the diplomatic part done, phil says the mayor's next challenge is raising the money. private money to pay for the pandas new enclosure. >> all right. will it be a good day to get out and visit places like the zoo over the weekend? that's a great question. >> meteorologist sandyha patel is here. sandy. yeah, you betcha. >> dan and ama, definitely a good weekend to get outside, whether it's the zoo or do you want to go for a nice hike? let me show you a live picture right now from our golden gate bridge camera. you can see the marine layer is advancing, certainly onshore breeze helping to push the low clouds along this evening. if you are stepping out, mix of sun and fog, gusty winds. so i would grab a jacket. if you have friday night plans. mostly cloudy at 11 p.m. and we will see a mix of fog and clouds overnight with a gray start for tomorrow morning. might even see a little bit of drizzle to start the day. onshore winds have really ramped up right now. sustained blowing from the ocean towards the land 32 miles an hour in san francisco. look at
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the delta breeze 25 miles an hour. that's what's been responsible for our cooler weather today. most areas have dropped off four degrees cooler in san jose, down eight in santa rosa. here is a look at what happened this morning. widespread gray to start the day. we even had a little spotty drizzle. the low clouds pulled away but they're pushing right back in again closing in on parts of the coast. so do expect that to expand. now a weak disturbance is pushing through the sierra, triggering some isolated thunderstorms. certainly bringing some mixed precip there. very well defined trough over the pacific. we're expecting that to stay well to our north. but it will reinforce our cooling influence going into tomorrow morning with the marine layer staying in place. a beautiful day from our pier 39 camera. sea lions, visitors, everyone enjoying the weather 57 degrees 60 in oakland. hayward 63 and 55. in half moon bay. here's a view from our oakland airport camera. you can see certainly some clouds overhead. santa rosa 62. right now it is 69 in fairfield, 70 degrees in
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concord and san jose is basking in the sun overnight tonight. fog expands at the coast this weekend. sunshine and spring warmth coming your way away from the beaches and the middle of next week is going to be more clouds and cooler, and we're going to bring the rain back at least a chance later on in the week. the marine layer 7:00 along the coast advances rapidly across many parts of our bayside communities. high clouds will increase as well. so overnight it's going to turn gray. tomorrow morning. we may even see some spotty drizzle once again, but by tomorrow afternoon, clouds will clear away. everyone gets to enjoy sunny in your morning. temperatures will be in the 40s and 50s. we'll call it partly to mostly cloudy to start. and then tomorrow afternoon in the south bay. just a beautiful day. 78 degrees in morgan hill, 77 in san jose. if you want sunshine and you want mild weather, you got it in redwood city, 73 degrees, 60, in half moon bay around san francisco, 67. same thing in south city. north bay temperatures 74 degrees in san rafael, up to 80 in calistoga. these temperatures coming up a
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few degrees from today. 79 in santa rosa. today's high temperatures came down. most areas were in the 50s to 70 range in the east bay, 71, oakland 73. fremont had inland. you'll need the sunscreen. take your plans outside. it's going to be a gorgeous day. 79 concord and fairfield, up to 80, in brentwood. here's a look at the accuweather seven day forecast. it does feature that morning fog, and it will give way to plenty of sun, a breezy afternoon, sunny and warmer on sunday, mid 80s inland low 60s coast. we will hold on to the spring warmth for monday, but the temperatures really drop off tuesday and wednesday and then by thursday and friday all bets are off. clouds are increasing. we're talking about a slight chance of showers thursday, but friday looks like a better opportunity right now. the climate prediction center is saying we could have above average precipitation late in the week, so stay tuned. >> ama and dan we will. thanks, candace. >> donald trump's trial is ready to get started on monday next, a look at the case
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a super thin, flexible patch with maximum otc strength lidocaine that contours to the body to relieve pain right where it hurts. and did we mention, it really, really sticks? salonpas, it's good medicine.
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a man set himself on fire today in a park across the street. police say he had traveled to new york from florida in the last few days. they say he tossed around pamphlets about conspiracy theories before setting the fire. he is in the
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hospital in critical condition. tonight. police are looking into whether to restrict access to that park as the trial continues . opening statements will be held on monday. in donald trump's trial today. jury selection finished trump is facing felony charges related to an alleged 2016 hush money payment to adult film actress stormy daniels, marking the first time in history a former us president has been tried on criminal charges. abc news reporter morgan norwood has a look at what happened inside the courtroom today. >> the entire jury is now seated in the criminal hush money trial against former president donald trump. after seating one alternate juror. yesterday, five others seated today as trump arrived at the courthouse in manhattan this morning, he sounded off about the judge's limited gag order on the case, prohibiting him from making statements about witnesses, jurors and individual prosecutors in the case. other than d.r. bragg. >> the gag order has to come off. i should be allowed to speak every time i come out to speak to you. i want to be open because we did absolutely
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nothing wrong inside the courtroom. >> trump looking on as those prospective alternates, answered the questionnaire one by one, with some jurors revealing loose connections to trump and others surrounding the case. one woman, who said her father was a friend of former republican presidential candidate chris christie, broke down crying during questioning, saying, quote, this is so much more stressful than i thought it would be. she was excused from serving a jury of 12. seven men and five women have already been sworn in to decide the outcome of the first criminal trial of a former president. together, the jurors will decide whether trump is guilty of falsifying business records related to a hush money payment. so voters in the 2016 presidential election would not find out about an alleged affair with adult film actress stormy daniels, which trump denies. he's also pleaded not guilty. it really is a, as prosecutors have said, a simple kind of cut and dry case in their eyes. >> they believe that trump falsified the records because his electoral prospects were going to be damaged. if word got out about his alleged affair
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with stormy daniels, which he denied. but it's going to be up to the defense to try and discredit the witnesses on cross-examination. >> ian, i'm morgan norwood, abc news, new york. >> a mixed day on wall street to end a rocky week. the dow enjoyed a good day, gaining 211 points, although it's slightly down for the week. the nasdaq had its worst week since november of 2022. the s&p saw its largest weekly percentage drop since last march. a state job training program is hiring thousands of young people in the bay area for a variety of positions. the california service corps is recruiting for nearly 2000 jobs. they include climate fellows to work in nonprofits, college students to work in schools and public agencies, and teenagers to get job experience in underserved communities. workers commit to the program for several months or up to two years. >> we can create the workforce of tomorrow. our teachers, our
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nurses, our business leaders, our tradespeople. that's what's represented behind me. >> service corps members get a living stipend after they are done with their commitment. many can get up to $10,000 to pay for college or pay off student loans . more information is available for you at california volunteers dot >> it's been almost three years since the state's stay at home order was lifted, but some state workers still aren't back in the office five days a week and neither are city workers here in the bay area. >> they're still having community meetings. it's just they're not always in the office. >> just how many are still working from home? we ran the numbers for the bay area's three biggest cities
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♪ you've got a friend in me ♪ ♪ ♪ you've got a friend in me ♪ ♪ ♪ you just remember what your old pal said ♪ ♪ boy, you've got a friend in me ♪
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♪ it's a celebration of friendship & beyond. from the new parade to together forever - a new nighttime spectacular fireworks show. pixar fest. at the disneyland resort for a limited time. starting april 26th. governor newsom finally told state employees they must come back to work in person at least two days a week. about a quarter million of them have been working from home full time. >> keep in mind that the stay at home order was lifted on june 15th, 2021. what about some of
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the government employees here in the bay area who work for local cities? >> abc seven news reporter lyanne melendez is here to tell us what she found out about san francisco, san jose and oakland. >> yeah, the entire bay area. but i bet a lot of people didn't know that state workers were working from home five days a week, full time. yeah, that's about to change. now, here in the bay area, there's no sign that returning to the office is gaining steam among city workers. we've sort of hit that plateau. now let's talk about government productivity, because as one city worker told me, the job is getting done. it's just taking a little longer. but is that good for the economy? public servants are supposed to work for government and for citizens. so last week when we went to oakland city hall and found the offices were closed in the middle of the day, we wondered, what gives? so we return one week later. maybe that was a one off. let's try again. it's tuesday, one week
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later, still closed to the public. odd because one council member, noel gayo, was just coming to work, entering through a side door. a staff employee did the same, while another used their card key to get in. but why keep the public out when in the past, on average, 40 oakland residents a day would stop by city council's office and even more throughout oakland city hall? susan sanchez, executive assistant to city council, gave us the answer we were not anticipating. she blames it in part on the long terme anxiety left behind by covid that made people not want to be in close, in a close environment, workers, city workers and pandemic is gone. done >> and i think that, it there's so many sicknesses beyond covid, like the respiratory problem and so forth that everybody is nervous. >> the mayor's office remains
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locked. so does the city clerk's office. they still are meeting with their constituents. >> they're still having community meetings. it's just they're not always in the office . >> in oakland, any city employee that wants to work from home part of the time must apply for a hybrid telecommuting agreement. oakland currently has about 1200 employees signed up. that's 25% of their entire workforce working from home twice a week. last week, council member noel gayo told us it's hard to run a city like oakland when the business as usual model no longer exists. >> i'd like to see everyone return back to work because right now i have businesses. that mr. guy. i've been waiting for my permit for six months. >> when we stopped at the counter at the oakland department of transportation, the clerk told us they had just recently expanded to a four day week schedule to serve the public. looking at other major cities in the bay area, san jose has 1231 employees with a
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flexible workplace agreement. that's just over 15% of their workforce. it's fair to say that the surrounding small businesses have been negatively impacted. san francisco's nonessential workers have a three day minimum in person requirement when governor newsom announced that 240,000 state workers had to return to the office, at least two days a week, it angered union employees from seiu local 1000. >> it has reduced the impact on our environment. our carbon footprint has gone down, it had increased our productivity and increased our employee retention . in, it also increased the ability to have a better work life balance. but no one is happier to see state workers return to in-person duties than sacramento mayor darrell steinberg, who has heard plenty from small businesses that there aren't enough customers. >> i mean, that has been the
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issue for downtown sacramento since the pandemic. we are redefining our downtown, and we have to because it's never going to come back to five days a week. >> and again, even the mayor of sacramento says we are never going back to the way it was the solution, he says. and of course, other cities in the bay area have also said this is to have people move into the downtown area, but that is going to take years. yeah, yeah. >> expensive? >> yes. truly expensive, especially here in the bay area. i think sacramento is more reasonable, more doable. yeah. >> it's amazing how much things have changed since the pandemic really has. >> yeah. the impact we're still feeling. >> it still will be. thanks, liane. sure >> coming up next, a new way to fight the country's deadliest cancer. and it's available right here in the bay area. and more than levees and not just seawalls. >> tonight, the investment in a new way to fight rising sea levels in the bay area, using a natural feature that's already
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four cybertrucks because the accelerator pedal can get stuck,
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that could cause the cybertruck to accelerate unintentionally and cause a crash, federal officials said. workers assembling the truck at tesla's factory near austin, texas, improperly used soap in the pedals assembly. the sticking issue was first raised in social media and online discussion group posts happening tonight. a repaving project is prompting the closure of westbound highway 37 from vallejo to sears point, a 21 mile stretch. the closure starts at 9 p.m. and runs all weekend through at least early monday morning. as you can see on this map, the detour involves highways 2912 and 121. caltrans says it's a challenging job on the two lane road, having a 55 hour closure allows our crews to stage safely. >> we be able to work on, like you said, that limited space and maneuver, so it's very beneficial for us to be able to do so. >> traffic is expected to be heavy not only due to weekend wine country visitors, but fans heading to a muscle car event at
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sonoma raceway. this project will shut down portions of the highway over the next four weekends. >> here's something he's very promising a doctors in burlingame are utilizing a robot to help patients suffering from the country's deadliest cancer. abc seven news south bay reporter dustin dorsey explains how a bay area innovation can help doctors detect and treat lung cancer like never before. >> 20 years ago, sutter health mills peninsula medical center became the first hospital in the bay area to offer early lung cancer detection. fast forward to today. >> the ion brings us back to the forefront of lung cancer care and gives us all the tools that we need to best diagnose and treat patients. >> a new way to fight the country's deadliest cancer. developed by sunnyvale based intuitive surgical, the ion robot can help doctors diagnose lung cancer faster and safer than ever before. >> the robot helps with the navigation out to where we're going, and tries to get us in the right spot, and then we use
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additional tools to confirm that we're in the right spot. and biopsy the spot and try to get an answer. >> pulmonary disease physician doctor alexander zidar took controls of the robot to show us how it could perform a lung cancer diagnostic procedure known as a bronchoscopy. >> i am going to the patient's lungs and their right and left lungs, and it provides a guide for me to get to the patient's nodule instead of using a large needle through the ribs to see into the lungs, like before the robot goes down the throat and helps doctors navigate the lungs, branches in a less invasive way. if you put a needle from the outside into the lung, the lung can collapse. it's like poking a balloon, and that happens 5 to 15% of the time, depending on what the patient's lungs are like. when we biopsy from the inside, that risk of lung collapse is around 1. >> the ion also allows doctors to biopsy places that were once too risky to reach. in the past, patients would have to wait until their condition got worse to get answers and start treatment. despite a study from the national institutes of
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health showing delaying care by even six weeks can decrease survival by up to 13. >> we hope by decreasing the time the patient's getting treated for their lung cancer, more patients will have good outcomes. >> the ion has already been used on three patients, and doctors are looking forward to helping many more in the future in burlingame. dustin dawsey, abc seven news warmer temperatures should return this weekend. >> sandia has the details in her seven day forecast
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bay area. as climate change pushes our tides higher and higher, it seems every year. >> but as abc7 news weather anchor spencer christian explains, the proposed solutions go beyond levees and seawalls to spongy tidal marsh. >> as with many pacific islanders living around east palo alto, the shoreline is a spiritual place to anthony tongia and violet siena. >> a lot of things you know happened, but this over here you can walk a nice. and here the water and then here the bird. and that's everything. >> they're part of a community that has helped restore this section of cooley landing park. and they say people here are keenly aware of the threat to
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the shoreline from flooding and sea level rise. >> many of them would say, oh, you know, we came to the united states because we want to feel safe. and now they're hearing of the same problems again. like where are they going to go next? right? they came here because of climate change and sea level rise. it is a beautiful place. >> we met the pair as sienna was leading a tour of the area with lawmakers who are sponsoring climate bond legislation designed to pay for shoreline projects, including the restoration of thousands of acres of tidal marsh that can help absorb the rising sea levels that have already begun flooding this area of east palo alto during king tides. >> you know, wetlands actually act as a sponge. they slow down the flow of water, they absorb high flood waters and then release them slowly when the tide goes down or when the storm passes. >> david lewis directs the environmental nonprofit save the bay. he says the region is barely halfway to its goal of restoring and protecting 100,000 acres of tidal marsh. but
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earlier this year, crews finally breached a levee at a nearby salt pond, creating the bay's newest tidal marsh alongside a green levee planted by the group. >> we've learned in the last 20 years that we can restore these diked off areas to tidal marsh, and that's really improved the health of the bay. >> but in the next few weeks, we could learn whether there will be money to keep up the pace. lawmakers have pressed governor newsom to back a climate bond of $10 billion or more in time to make the deadline for the fall ballot. but with the state facing a multi-billion dollar deficit, the financial landscape is growing more unpredictable. still, though, backers say the spending would help protect housing developments and existing communities. adrian covert is with the bay area council. >> i don't think that we can get the most cost effective flood solution for the bay area without incorporating and maximizing our tidal marsh restoration opportunities, and the urgency is easy to see with areas like bel, marin, keys near
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novato and foster city already needing to bolster everything from seawalls to improved levees and other flood control structures. >> backers believe expanding tidal marsh will help take some of the pressure off in coming decades and protect shoreline areas that have become both a gathering point and a refuge to communities around the bay are. >> it's a spiritual being, yes, even myself. i think us who grew up around the water and the ocean, we are pulled towards the water and committed to protecting it. >> in east palo alto, spencer christian abc seven news. >> and we have more information for you on both tidal marsh restoration and flood risks here in the bay area. we do. >> our abc seven data team has produced interactive maps that can zero in on your area. specifically, you'll find them on our website abc seven >> all right. are we sticking with the dry weekend? >> that's the question we want to put to meteorologist sandyha patel. >> yeah it's going to be a nice
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looking weekend that's for sure. now i wouldn't say 100% dry because ama and dan we may have a little bit of drizzle tomorrow morning. the marine layer is along the coastline. it is going to expand during the overnight hours and tomorrow morning there may be some patchy drizzle, but tomorrow afternoon plenty of sun, low 60s to the low 80s. it will be breezy right near the coastline. i do want to show you those temperatures on sunday. they're going up some more mid 80s for our warmest spots. monday is still beautiful spring warmth with us and then tuesday temperatures coming down 50s to 70s and here comes some bigger changes. so the computer models are going to paint the possibility of some wet weather as early as thursday night. and then you will notice by friday this model wants to bring in wet weather. the accuweather seven-day forecast morning fog giving way to the sunshine. it is going to be warmer sunday and monday is still nice and even tuesday and wednesday are nice. it's just going to be a little more cloud cover and cooler weather. we will bring in a slight chance of showers late
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thursday night, and a better opportunity on friday. so dan and anna, we're not completely done with our wet weather yet. all right. >> thanks, sandy. >> all right. we have casey pratt doing our sports tonight. >> hey, casey. >> warriors are done. so now we focus on baseball. >> yeah. and i was hoping for more baseball weather. wet weather. i don't like to hear that, sandy. >> okay, but, casey, you'll have a few days of baseball weather. >> i'll take it. i'll take it. baseball season is in full swing, but the giant swings, they're lacking something very specific at home. i'll explain. and boxing weigh ins are known for manufactured drama. but we'll show you why this time. there were some serious implications ahead. a bay area native, devin haney's
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cisco. they beat the defending national league champs last night, but their bats remain snakebitten through seven home games. the giants have yet to hit a home run even after installing cool led lights in the off season last night. nick ahmed hit one deep to left center. everyone thought this may be the first homer of the season, but it hit the wall. the stadium operations team, eager to cue the light show, accidentally set off the first home run light show of the season. oops hopefully they can do it for real tonight. a's and guardians. it's a cold one in cleveland tonight. third pitch of the game abraham toro with the leadoff home run deep to right, his second of the season.
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the a's jumped out to a10 lead, but that's all they'd get until the ninth. the fifth inning was a problem for oakland. two men on for andrés jimenez. he plates them both part of a five run fifth inning for cleveland. the guardians win it 10 to 2. bulls taking on the heat without jimmy butler. winner plays the celtics in round one. end of the first half coby white drives, but caleb martin kicks him to the curb. said get out. no, no no. the reactions are hilarious on that. the heat built a ten point halftime lead. third quarter bam adebayo finds a cutting jaime marquez for the slam. heat win one 1291. they will play the one seed celtics in round one. the nba announced their top jersey sellers for the second half of the season and surprise, not really. stephen curry tops the list. lebron james was in second, followed by jayson tatum. warriors jerseys were the third highest in all of the nba. curry's value to the warriors continues to be immeasurable. i think he's in a really good place, you know, and i think he's a player we'll continue to lean on both with his leadership
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and his play. and, man, that guy a resilient as they come. >> well, we'd hoped the warriors would be or r this weekend, but this isn't bad. lebron james and the lakers head to denver to face nikola jokic and the defending champs. coverage begins at 5 p.m, followed by toyota after the game and major drama at the devin haney, ryan garcia and garcia showed up 3 pounds overweight and drank a beer on the scale. haney, the undefeated junior welterweight champ from the bay area, will move forward with tomorrow's fight anyways. but garcia no longer has a chance to win the title. >> he's very unprofessional. i'm a true professional and i. i told him yesterday his antics will betray him and this should start tomorrow. the world will see that i'm levels above this average fighter. >> this abc seven sports report is sponsored by your local northern california honda dealers. and you guys get this trash talk. haney didn't believe garcia would be on weight for this fight. he bet him $500,000 per pound. oh and garcia
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accepted per pound. per pound. and then garcia showed up drinking a beer at weighing 3 pounds overweight for the fight. now he can't fight for the title . that's off the table. if haney loses, it'll just be vacant because garcia couldn't make weight. and now he apparently owes haney $1.5 million. so a win for devin haney. smart move for even fights. >> thanks, casey. that's crazy. thank you. all right. >> tonight on abc seven at eight, it's shark tank. followed at nine by 2020. then stay with us for abc seven news at 11. and do remember that abc seven news is streaming 24 over seven. get the abc seven bay area app so you can join us whenever you want, wherever you are. >> all right, finally, this friday, a few thoughts about what really matters. panda monium is coming to san francisco. as we've reported here tonight, san francisco will soon be home to a pair of one of the most beloved creatures on earth, and there is only one country on earth that can provide them those irresistibly adorable giant pandas. mayor
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london breed made the announcement in a video from her trade and goodwill trip to china. it's nice news for a lot of reasons. certainly a huge economic boost for the zoo. the city, and even the bay area. it's an image enhancer for san francisco and the mayor to both have been battered lately and talk about battered image. china within its borders, a troubled economy, disaffected citizens, especially young people globally, tension over taiwan, espionage, trade, nuclear weapons, human rights among many issues worrying many countries in asia and the west. it's a tense time. china's furry little diplomats are a win win on many levels, of course, but what really matters? pandas are no substitute for real progress and real security in an ever more precarious and important relationship. i always love to hear from you. let me know what you think. follow me on social media at dan ashley abc seven.
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>> all right, that is it for this edition of abc seven news. thanks for joining us. i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley for sandhya patel. >> casey pratt, all of us here. we appreciate your time. as always. hope you enjoy the rest of the evening and that we see you right here at 11. >> this is abc 724 seven. >> in san francisco, live at levi's stadium in san jose. >> live in oakland. >> yeah. you're watching abc seven news live. anytime, anywhere. >> we are, we are, we are, we are, we are, we are where you are. >> never miss a moment of the news that matters to you. download our abc seven bay area
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visit to learn more. doc? ♪♪ from the alex trebek stage at sony pictures studios, this is "jeopardy!" ♪♪ [applause] introducing today's contestants, a writer from queens, new york... a financial engineer and option trader from chicago, illinois...
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and our returning champion, a math professor from chapel hill, north carolina... whose one-day cash winnings total $3,799. [applause] and now here is the host of "jeopardy!" ken jennings! [applause] thank you, johnny gilbert. welcome to "jeopardy!" for the first time this week, we have a new champion in marko saric. this following a closely fought battle in yesterday's game that resulted in the five-game streak of alison betts coming to an end. scott and molly are with us today, hoping to start a streak of their own. good luck to all three of you. here are your categories in the jeopardy! round. we begin with... then... we have some... and ordinal phrases for you, followed by... and... marko, you're the champ now, you select first. let's try anatomy a to z for $600.


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