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tv   ABC7 News 500AM  ABC  April 21, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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now at five. foreign aid approved. the house passes over $95 billion in aid. most of that money for ukraine and israel. why the decision could bar the
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house speaker plus trying to address the work issue also led to us understanding that, hey, they can't even afford to pay their rent. >> so we, you know, it was necessary to get involved in the tenant issue. and in a tenant fight in concord, rent control in the east bay, a new law taking effect to help renters and landlords after a years long effort. >> good morning everybody. it's sunday, april 21st. we begin with the weather. lisa is here and the warmth coming. yeah sure is. >> we are looking at some 80s arriving inland. it was beautiful yesterday. a bit of a sea breeze. live doppler seven right now showing all is quiet across california. it is 52 on the peninsula, 53 san jose, mid 50s oakland, concord, san francisco 53. and the coolest numbers up in the north bay 49. santa rosa and napa. anywhere from 2 to 5 degrees. milder from oakland to concord. this morning there's a look at the almost full moon. gorgeous view there. it's full on tuesday, so mostly sunny. 9:00, 50s and 60s by
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noontime. we're in the upper 60s around the bay, low 70s inland, but look what happens by 4:00 mid 70s around the bay shore, mid 80s inland and mid 60s at the coast. so less of a sea breeze at the shoreline. if you're thinking of beaching it today, it could be the best day out there. we'll see. return to some gusty winds late tomorrow. i'll have the details on the cooldown in a few minutes. >> stephanie. lisa. thank you. new developments now, the house of representatives passed a series of foreign bills. here's a live picture from capitol hill. the foreign aid bills include over $90 billion to ukraine, the indo-pacific region and israel. it comes as israel launched strikes on rafah, killing 18 people, including children. abc abc news reporter alison kosik has the bills controversy and next steps. >> after the house passed a massive $95 billion foreign aid package saturday after months of
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delays, the package included four bills, one with nearly $61 billion in aid for ukraine, another with more than $26 billion for israel and a third with $8 billion going to the indo-pacific region including taiwan. also included legislation to force the sale of tiktok by its chinese parent company. if it doesn't divest, however, house speaker mike johnson's push to see these aid bills through could cost him his job. >> you do the right thing and you let the chips fall where they may, the speaker relying on votes from democrats to clear a key procedural hurdle to get the bills to saturday's vote. >> gop hardliners not happy. >> mike johnson is a lame duck, are you? he's done. he's done. >> marjorie taylor greene did not move to oust the speaker on saturday before the house adjourned until april 29th. although she claimed her coalition against johnson is growing now that the bills have passed in the house, the senate will begin consideration of this
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foreign aid package on tuesday. alison kosik, abc news, new york . >> happening today, mayor london breed will be heading back to san francisco after securing a deal with china to bring giant pandas here to the city. as soon as she arrives to sfo from beijing, the mayor's office says she will be giving an update on these pandas. the san francisco zoo will receive the beloved animals as part of china's panda diplomacy program. when the city briefly hosted the pandas back in the 80s, the zoo had over 1 million visitors building a new enclosure. though could cost at least $25 million. secretary of state antony blinken is heading to china next week. this will be his second visit to the country as a top american diplomat. he went to china last year to stabilize relations after tensions rose when the u.s. military shot down a chinese surveillance balloon that was detected over us military sites. blinken's three day trip starts on wednesday, and he's expected
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to raise us concerns. beijing is helping russia build up its defense industry to fight the war in ukraine. we have new developments now. in a story, abc seven news has been following the oakland police officer hurt in a bad crash several years ago, has died from his injuries. officer jordan wingate was on his way to a call when he crashed into another car and a semi truck back in august of 2018. he ended up in critical condition in the 29 year old was forced to medically retire. oakland police say wingate died yesterday morning surrounded by family in the east bay. a new law to help out renters and landlords has taken effect in conquered. it comes after an eight year battle to get a rent control ordinance passed in the city, and legal challenges that threatened to push it to the november ballot. abc seven news reporter anser hassan is following it. >> jose and his wife were wrapping up their garage sale saturday afternoon. it's part spring cleaning in case they
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have to move from concord. >> it's really hard for us to, like, just work for rent to pay the rent and we have more expenses than that, like the car repairs. >> jose, who didn't want to give his last name, pays $3,000 to rent this small three bedroom house. given what's at stake, he joined the coalition that fought an eight year battle to get rent control and conquered the ordinance passed in march. >> we need to have a place to stay or we be on the streets. the new ordinance caps rent increases to 3% a year and includes just cause eviction protections. >> but city officials say the ordinance was challenged by those seeking to get a referendum on the november ballot. however they failed to get the roughly 7000 signatures by thursday, so the ordinance took effect on friday. >> this was great. it was a great win, and the reason it's so important is because people were being evicted. rents were being raised like $1,000, $2,000 at a time. >> sabirah lockett is the deputy
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director for civic engagement at the east bay alliance for a sustainable economy, or ebay's. it fights for worker rights and tenant protections, he says. too often the focus was on cities like richmond and antioch, not concord, trying to address the work issue also led to us understanding that, hey, they can't even afford to pay their rent. >> so we, you know, it was necessary to get involved in the tenant issue and in a tenant fight in concord because no one else was organizing in, concord at the time. >> he believes this concord ordinance strikes a balance, which still gives property owners a return on their investment, and protects renters. >> people are making enough money to survive, so it needs some type of, equalizer or stabilization in, to be put into place so that people can actually survive in concord, anser hassan abc seven news. >> two empty hospitals in san francisco could be turned into housing. that's according to our media partners at the san francisco standard. both are located on california street in the presidio heights
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neighborhood. one is the old cpmc building and the other is down the street and used to be part of ucsf's campus. a developer by the name of the prado group submitted a plan last week for the cpmc location. it has moved forward on the old ucsf property. the plan could add about 1300 homes and hundreds of new parking spots. happening tomorrow, a 21 mile stretch of a north bay highway a.m. hhway7 from vallejo to by 4 sears point has been shut down for a repaving project. there are detours in place, but for those heading to wine country, they are running into some serious traffic. here's abc seven news reporter cornell bernard. >> what do you think about this traffic? >> it's crazy. >> frustrated drivers facing big delays in wine country. highway 29 through napa can be congested on most weekends, but this was especially tough because cars are being detoured away from highway 37. and here's why.
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caltrans is repaving the westbound lanes of 37. the 55 hour closure, which started friday night, stretches seven miles from solano to sonoma counties. >> we're doing almost 5000 tons of new asphalt in total for this weekend, and over 300 trucks will be needed. >> caltrans says the project will continue over the next four weekends to repave both west and eastbound lanes. detours are posted, so we asked the motorists, the travelers and the public to one plan ahead. but drivers like mary mcquinn from placerville say they didn't know anything about it. she's going to rohnert park. we're trying to see a baseball game at 2:00. >> oh, no. yeah, they're repaving it today. >> oh, all day. >> i see it all weekend. all weekend. they sure picked the right times to do it right. >> it's been a long time sitting in the van. it's taken us an hour and a half just to go 13 miles. >> it was. it was awful. >> lexi griggs and her friends are trying to get to petaluma.
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it's been a long journey. >> our eta went from 1:00 to 130 to now two. so it's not been fun at all. >> the chp posted on x telling marin bound drivers to use the richmond san rafael bridge. but check it out. even that was backed up by saturday afternoon. bianco winery in the sonoma valley, posting alerts on their website letting visitors know about the highway closures and detours. caltrans, urging drivers to be patient if you're local, you. >> you have driven state route 37. you know that the work was needed and it was due in sonoma. >> cornell, bernard abc seven news. >> now, the construction on highway 37 will continue until the weekend of may 11th. staying in the north bay, the sausalito pier remains closed, so there is no ferry service to san francisco. an issue was discovered during an inspection on friday, so there will be no golden gate ferry service until repairs can be made. busses are replacing the ferries, so no word yet on when that pier will
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reopen. all right, let's check on conditions outside. good morning. lisa >> hey stephanie. good morning to you. a little milder out there. what a view from mount tam 57 degrees. yesterday we were in the upper 60s. at about 2600ft. it will be warmer today all around the bay area, as much as 5 to 10 degrees above average. i'll have your full accuweather seven day forecast in a few minutes. >> lisa. thank you. also ahead, a former school board president facing felony charges. why? she says her arrest is retaliation as stockton authorities remain tight lipped. and for 20 celebrations continue at golden gate park despite the city scrapping the annual festival. we'll be right back. ♪ you've got a friend in me ♪ ♪ ♪ you've got a friend in me ♪ ♪ ♪ you just remember what your old pal said ♪ ♪ boy, you've got a friend in me ♪ ♪ it's a celebration of friendship & beyond. from the new parade to together forever -
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a new nighttime spectacular fireworks show. pixar fest. at the disneyland resort for a limited time. starting april 26th. if you feel like things don't add up right now... you're not alone. rent is up, and every family outing costs an arm and a leg. well, we want to help. so when prices go up, we find new ways to go low. and now, we've lowered the price on hundreds of your favorite products. designing something beautiful is easy. designing something beautiful with great quality for a low price? that's a different story. it's why we're here. that's a promise. not a promo. business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning. the go-tos that keep us going. the places we cheer. and check in. they all choose the advanced network solutions and round the clock partnership from comcast business. see why comcast business powers more small businesses
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than anyone else. get started for $49.99 a month plus ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. don't wait- call today. a crash left a dozen cars smashed up in el sobrante. two cars appeared to have the worst damage, with several others
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parked that were banged up. it happened yesterday on san pablo dam road. a neighbor told us his mom and aunt were in one car, hit head on by another driver. he says his aunt was injured in this crash. >> basically, the whole steering wheel was like pressed against her. she was pretty bloody. her face was bloody. it was pretty bad. >> now it's not clear what led up to this accident or what happened to the other driver involved. a former school board president is accused of grand theft and embezzlement. former stockton unified school district board president angel ann flores was arrested on friday. investigators say while serving as the board's president, she used her assigned credit card for personal gain. but her lawyer says she's innocent and a victim of retaliation. in 2022, flores says she requested an audit from the district following reports of irregularities. that audit found evidence of fraud, mishandling of funds and irregular spending
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at the district. fast forward to last week. flores submitted claims against stockton unified school district, san joaquin sheriff, as well as the san joaquin county district attorney's offices. in 16 months, they never once charged her. >> two days, 48 hours after we filed this claim, they arrest her in the most public way and prevent her from having from being or tonight, in returning to the safety of her family and children. this is unbelievable. >> the district superintendent did not speak on flores arrest and said the focus should remain on the students. oakland appears determined to keep one sports team in town. the city may spend up to $20 million to buy properties for the oakland's minor league soccer team. our partners at the bay area news group report the city is considering buying out two properties from alameda cnty. one is the old raide practice facility on harbor bay parkway, right next to the oakland
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airport, and the other is a giant parking lot next to the coliseum known as the malibu lot. right now, the oakland roots fc practice at the former raiders compound. it wants to build a soccer stadium on the site near the coliseum. the city and county have co-owned the properties for years at the end of the month, the oakland city council is set to vote on buying out the county's shares. a uc berkeley student made history as the first ever undergraduate elected to berkeley city council. cecilia luna parra, a 22 year old senior, won the seat in a special election for district seven, which actually covers the university campus. she received 59% of the vote, and she focused her campaign on student representation, safety, affordable housing, and protections for tenants. hundreds of people gathered on hippie hill in san francisco's golden gate park to celebrate 420, a time and date where cannabis is always celebrated.
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abc seven news reporter tara campbell was there. >> joints rolled and bongs filled, crowds lighting up at san francisco's golden gate park. hundreds taking to hippie hill saturday in celebration of 420. >> there is good vibes going all around and just good flower. >> this year's official event was canceled. >> it is on hiatus just due to economic reasons. the organizer couldn't get the sponsorship he needed. the city is facing its own budget cuts and so we couldn't we couldn't cover any of those costs. >> but nothing's going to stop this crowd of cannabis lovers. >> it's really cool knowing that, you know, people will still come out and do whatever they want because they're still just in a celebration of it being 420. >> and for some, the tradition running generations deep. >> we've been coming out since long before it was ever even an organized event, my parents used to come out when they were teenagers in the 70s, and they celebrated every year, and i just been kind of continuing that tradition for them. >> me and my siblings have been
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coming out for the last eight years, and, we love coming out to hippie hill and hanging out with all the people out here. >> but he says in past years, the park's been more packed compared to the years before. >> it's about half as many people, but we're still a good outcome. >> activities like volleyball and kickball filling some of that open space we partner with the city this year, to bring some cool activities to the festivities that are already happening here on 420. and whether jumping high or getting high, the crowds getting along. >> and people have been really, really cool and respectful, i think, you know, everyone is sort of appreciating the fact that if they want to come down and hang out with us and play, that they have the opportunity to do that. >> i noticed, you know, they have some sort of sporting event going on that's not bothering us any, you know, a little less space, but we're all still enjoying ourselves, having a great time. happy for 20 abc seven news. >> thank you. thank you. >> well, volunteers across the bay area are helping make our area a cleaner place to live this weekend. it's all part of
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earth day celebrating with some tlc for mother nature in oakland . volunteers picked up litter across the city more than 100 people walked around estuary park hauling out the trash, and volunteers on boats also helped pull garbage out of the water. organizers tell abc seven they came across a lot of plastic, something they wished we'd all use less of. so many people are more aware of the plastic pollution and garbage, and i do think that people want to make a change. >> but it just the little things that people can do to stop using plastic and be more aware of the garbage they create would really help us for uplifting our earth. >> organizers say volunteers picked up about 3,000 pounds of garbage in just a few hours. in concord, the city organized events to spruce up several parks. this is from the cleanup at the markham nature area right off cowell road and in pacifica. volunteers hit the beaches to pick up litter and learn more
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about the ocean. well, as we celebrate earth day, it's certainly going to warm up for us today. lisa is tracking the latest temperatures. how's it looking? >> yeah, it's going to be nice. the winds are going to back off even in the city. so the giants game will be mild in the upper 60s and elsewhere. we'll have temperatures well into the 80s. yesterday it was 75. in san jose we had upper 70s in san rafael. and close to that in concord and livermore. but it was only a cool 58 degrees half moon bay. so average highs, low 60s san francisco, mid 60s in oakland and about 70 in san jose and santa rosa. there's a look at the pacific and the activity is well to the north of us. so we are quiet today. but eventually a couple of weather systems will visit us this week, allowing for much colder temperatures. so if you like the warmth today and tomorrow, even by late tomorrow, there's going to be a wind shift though 55 in oakland right now it is 51 in san rafael. looking
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at 49 in fremont. danville, the cool spot at 47. so if you might have noticed, the moon almost full out there. beautiful sight. it is full on tuesday, so the next two days, sunshine in spring, warmth with us. the middle of the week turning sharply cooler. and we're talking temperatures well below average right on through next weekend. and then we're going to add in that element of shower chances late thursday into friday. here's a look at the winds i want to show you how light they're going to be today. just a very light sea breeze out there. but as we get into your monday afternoon, not only do they switch out of the southwest, they get quite gusty all the way on the peninsula, through the north bay into the east bay. and that delta breeze just bringing in that cool, cool air. so full sunshine today. then we'll look at some clouds as we get into your monday morning. but monday still going to be nice with some sun. look what happens though, by the afternoon with that southerly breeze. then the clouds arrive, some mist, some drizzle for late monday into tuesday and then the temperatures really bottom out.
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so as for your highs tomorrow, look for those low 80s in our far inland areas, but still very mild from upper 70s danville. livermore could top out in the low 80s, but 80 in san jose and then slight cool down in the north bay. but look what happens on tuesday. no 80s, in fact, barely 70s out there. temperatures will be going from above average to much below average. this is a look at wednesday. still looking at some of that mist and drizzle. but the best chance of measurable rain. and it's looking like maybe a 10th of an inch or so arriving into friday. and even next weekend does look like we'll see dry conditions, but not like this. so enjoy the highs today from 81 in vallejo, 82 in livermore. look for upper 60s san francisco. a beautiful day here with low 60s at the coastline. the accuweather seven day forecast. sunny and warmer today. the warmth holds on for most of the day tomorrow. then we'll get that breeze picking up late in the day tuesday and wednesday. much, much cooler, partly cloudy skies as we get
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into the middle of the week. clouds increasing. thursday could see some possible showers on friday, and it looks like we'll be dry next weekend, but nothing like our warmth that we are hopefully going to enjoy today and tomorrow. stephanie. >> all right, lisa, we look forward to that. thank you. when we return another possible rate hike, this time for water in the south bay. what this could mean for santa clara county
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proposed increase from the santa clara valley water district is approved. abc seven news south bay reporter dustin dawsey explains just how much the rate hike could cost. >> silicon valley is already one of the most expensive places to live and utility rate increases aren't helping. from p-g-and-e's hikes to proposed raises from san jose water. now, santa clara valley water district is discussing their own increases that could spike bills for customers like martin quirk. now's the time.
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>> people are really frustrated. we grow weary of it. the bills have gone up so high. it's so much higher than inflation, a higher than the stock market goes up, you know how how can we how can we live with this? how can we keep going? >> a challenge for many. but valley water says the proposed charges have a purpose. the money will go towards infrastructure upgrades at places like anderson dam and the rinconada treatment plant. the board will vote on raising groundwater production and treatment plant charges for cities and private water retailers. >> our infrastructure is old. we need to make sure that we're updating it, providing the proper maintenance, repairing where we need to repair and also, you know, investing in new projects to provide water supply . >> here in santa clara county, the nearly 13% increase could end up costing customers just under $9 per month on average. but valley water says without the infrastructure improvements, it will cost the community even more. >> a reliable water supply is something we all take for granted. you know, you just expect to turn on your faucet
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and the water to come out, but that takes investment. we can't not invest in the infrastructure that provides the water here, because if we don't invest now down the road, it could have impacts, obviously, on the reliability of our water supply. ralph quirk understands rate increases are inevitable and he wants to see all companies that raise rates held accountable to follow through with the plans. >> that way, our money goes where they say it will. >> we do have to foot the bill for infrastructure. it's just is it responsible infrastructure or is it lying? that's that's to me the difference. >> the valley water board will meet tuesday the 23rd at 1 p.m. to hear from the community and vote on the proposed increases in san jose. dustin dawsey abc seven news. >> coming up in our next half hour over a dozen people hurt in universal studios. the new details coming out about a tram crash that happened last night, and hush money case, the former president's historic trial continues. what is expected inside the courtroom
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good morning, everybody. thank you for being with us this half hour. we're going to get right to lisa. she's tracking your sunday forecast in this nice warm up. yeah it's a little bit warmer this morning by a couple degrees out there. >> and that's going to set the stage for a gorgeous day with temperatures 5 to 10 degrees above average. plenty of sunshine. and that means more 80s out there inland. 54 in hayward. that may be too hot for you, but we have pleasant 70s for hayward and fremont on the way. right now it's 53, in san francisco with 46 in sonoma, so temperatures continue to drop before sunrise, which is about 625. it'll be about 8:00 when we see the temperatures turn around and begin to warm up. so there's our milder san francisco and concord this morning. and as we look at the afternoon or the morning hours, you'll notice how quickly we warm up towards noontime. we're in the low 70s for our inland areas. upper 60s. that's where you were yesterday for your afternoon highs. but we'll surpass that today along
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the bay shore in the mid 70s, san jose, about six degrees warmer than yesterday, and santa rosa topping out at around 81 degrees. the city upper 60s, less wind. and then look at that evening. by 730 we're still in the 70s. we'll talk about when we cool down. coming up stephanie. >> all right lisa, thank you. new this morning, 15 people are hurt after a tram crashed at universal studios overnight. the los angeles county fire department says patients were treated for minor injuries. it's not clear if other vehicles were involved in this incident. the cause of this crash is not known . posted on that tomorrow. opening statements are set to begin in former president donald trump's hush money criminal trial in new york, this after trump's legal team attempted to delay the trial last week. witness testimony will begin shortly after adult actress stormy daniels and trump's former lawyer, michael cohen, are expected to take the stand. the jury, consisting of seven men, five women and six
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alternates, were all picked last week. now to your voice. your vote. independent presidential candidate robert f kennedy jr will be included on hawaii's presidential ballot in november. state democrats, though, tried to disqualify his campaign's ballot access petition. a ruling on friday blocked that effort. kennedy also gained access to michigan's ballot recently, and then made it onto utah's ballot earlier this year. the kennedy campaign and a superpac backing him both report he has enough signatures to qualify for the ballot. in nine more states coming up on this week, silicon valley representative ro khanna will talk about his concerns over the bipartisan house foreign aid package that includes the effort to ban tiktok. you can watch the full interview on this week at eight. this morning right here on abc seven. back here at home the latest from seven on your side. some bay area residents got a phone call offering to save money on gas, but wound up
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getting switched to a third party gas company instead, and their gas bills went up. i spoke to many of them to get some answers, and are you aware that you will receive a welcome package from triple a natural gas that will include 94 year old ramona martinez? doesn't remember getting this call. >> you know, i don't know what you're talking about there. >> right now. ramona is listening to a recording of that call triple a natural gas of oklahoma, says it proves ramona agreed to a binding contract. >> i can't understand you very well, so get. let's get on with it. what are we doing? >> ramona also doesn't realize this is a recording. >> triple a will charge you a. >> oh! good luck. get off! stop >> you know you're taking advantage of someone who's 94 years old and has dementia. >> ramona just celebrated another birthday. she has advanced dementia and 24 hour care. so her trustee, ingrid
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kirsten, was surprised to see this p-g-and-e's notice saying ramona had switched her gas supplier to triple a energy services. how did that happen? she called triple a and they said, well, we do it over the phone and we got phone verification on triple a, said ramona agreed to a 36 month contract and that the phone recording proves it. ingrid is not convinced there's a series of yes or no questions, and then you hear just a yes. >> and i can tell by the yes that it's not ramona on the recording, an agent reads off contract terms, then asks ramona if she understands each one yes or no. >> triple a will charge $0.85 per day. customer fee is this your understanding? >> on the recording? there's a 10 or 15 second delay after each question. then a one word reply. >> yes, thank you. >> ramona says nothing, but yes. >> this is not even her voice and the 10 to 15 second delay after every single question is suspicious in and of itself. >> now it seems clear ramona
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does not understand. >> yes, still, triple a said ramona would have to wait 60 days and pay a $100 fee to cancel the contract. >> you can clearly tell my mother did not know what she was was signing up for karen, markey said her 90 year old mother, mary, thought she was getting a discount on her gas bill. >> instead, she wound up switching her gas supplier from p-g-and-e's to triple a. >> they basically said, your mother agreed to it and you can't cancel it for two months, and there's a penalty fee. if you do so, triple a sent karen the phone recording as proof. >> karen says it proved questionable tactics. >> i'll be completing your enrollment today with triple a gas ecore transportation. >> oh my god, can you hold on just a minute so i can write all that down? >> oh, you're going to get all this in the form of paperwork as well then i don't need to. >> is that correct? >> yes, ma'am. >> they keep pushing, pushing, pushing and get her to say yes. >> do you agree that the agent
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has not offered you any other incentives? >> i guess so, yeah, but this is the discount. is that not true? >> and again, i don't work for triple a, so let me read the statement again. do you agree that the agent has not offered you any other incentives? >> i guess so i just need a yes or no for the recording. >> i guess i'll say yes, but that's only because i'm getting tired. >> i was painful, i think i shed a few tears. >> the program will be applied to your gas. >> oh my god, this is so complicated. jesus. mercy. >> so triple a began billing mary. but instead of saving money, mary's gas bill actually doubled. same for ramona. mary's utility bill shows p-g-and-e's would have charged her $90 for the gas she used last month. triple a charged $187. ramona's bill shows p-g-and-e's would have charged her $130 for gas, triple a charged $261. triple a tells us we do not target or
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discriminate based on age, race or any other basis. a live, independent third party explains and obtains customer consent to each sale. this includes informing the customer that their gas charges may be higher or lower than what p-g-and-e's would charge them. now the state puc allows third party gas suppliers like triple a to sell you gas, but p-g-and-e's will still charge you to deliver gas to your home. and we found it's often even more expensive to buy gas from a third party. still ahead this morning in oakland, middle school is going above and beyond at a time when other students are underperforming. what sets oakland unity apart? that's next. before we go, a live look from our roof camera at the bay bridge this morning. that feeling you get when you can... du more with less asthma. it starts with dupixent. dupixent is not for sudden breathing problems.
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i spot some sleepy sea lions there. it's 539. now to the ceremonial sendoff for bart's original train cars. bart held a retirement ceremony at oakland's macarthur station. hundreds were there to see the final dispatch of trains that traveled the bay area for decades. they departed from macarthur station and went to the fremont station, which was the original route from the 1972 opening. >> it's bittersweet. this is the legacy fleet is a 52 year old family member of the bart system. it's carried us. it's delivered bart for 52 years. so it's a little sad on its final journey. >> a majority of the legacy bart trains will be recycled. they've been replaced by bart's fleet of the future rail cars, which first went into service in 2017.
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abc seven news continues to follow the story on the state of oakland schools, and last month, we reported that the majority of the city's 45,000 students are not reading or doing math at grade level. but there are some schools that are excelling. so what are they doing right? abc seven news reporter anser hassan visited one school to find out. >> reporter eighth grader yaretzi fernandez enjoys the way english is taught at oakland unity middle school so much it's inspired her beyond the classroom because of him, i don't want to be an english teacher, so that's one of my dreams. that's a strong sentiment, considering that many of oakland's black and brown students are failing when it comes to english and math proficiency. a new report titled raise the bar, says if oakland's 45,000 students only 2 in 10 black and brown students are reading at grade level, 14 percentage points below the state average, and just 1 in 10 are doing math at grade level, 10% below the state average, but not at oakland unity middle school. >> we actually had the highest gains in math proficiency in all
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of oakland last year. >> damon grant is co-principal at a school located deep in east oakland. 85% of the majority of black and brown students qualify for free or reduced lunch. despite all that, grant says they have high expectations. >> our students are coming in sometimes with some gaps that we need to fill, but we're not going to only focus on filling the gaps. we're also going to make sure that they're being exposed to what eighth graders need to be exposed to. >> what's helped are it's learning labs, 70 minutes a day, four days a week, devoted just to math and english. >> there's part of the english period that's been in in a grammar and vocabulary building space. and then there's part that's been in book clubs and literature circles and, you know, more of like a conceptual and creative space teacher nicholas ward explains how a recent eighth grade math project involved pitching to members of the community who played the role of investors. >> the kids had to come up with a right equation and basically pitch their idea to these investors in a room, and i thought that was something i'd never saw in middle school, ever. it's a charter school, which often means smaller class size and more autonomy over its
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curriculum. >> the teachers are willing to slow down and look at data and see like, hey, this is something i might need to reteach with this group or particular student, principal grant says. >> retaining quality teachers. another key to its success. >> just really proud of our kids and our community, and it's been a lot of hard work to get to this point. but i think we've created something really special in oakland, anser hassan. >> abc seven news. >> as we head to break, let's check in with lisa. good morning. >> good morning. we're beginning to see the dawning of a gorgeous day out there. 625 is the official sunrise. a live look from our sutro tower camera. we're in the 50s. most of us, and temperatures today will be above average all around the bay area, as much as 5 to 10 degrees above average, making for some upper 60s here in downtown. so it's going to be quite warm. we'll have the full accuweather seven day forecast and talk
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♪ as time went on it was easy to see ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪ jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction. you may have an increased risk for lower limb loss. call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of infection in your legs or feet. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. ♪ jardiance is really swell ♪ ♪ the little pill ♪ ♪ with a big story to tell! ♪ posted a video in the pilot seat
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of a united flight. hensley meulens deleted the video. he took last week during a flight from denver to toronto. it showed the longtime giants coach and current rockies hitting coach sitting in the captain's seat, joking about landing the plane. we should note it is, of course, illegal for unauthorized people to be on the flight deck. united says it was a clear violation of their safety rules. rockies manager bud black says meulens apologized and his job is not at risk. today, you can watch the 2024 nba playoffs right here on abc seven. coverage begins at 930 with nba countdown. first, the celtics host the heat in boston for game one at td garden and tipoff is at 10:00. then stick around when the mavericks take on the clippers on the road in l.a. that game starts at 1230 on the diamond catcher patrick bailey and the giants made a splash at home yesterday at oracle park. abc seven sports anchor chris
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alvarez shows us how bailey capitalized on his own bobblehead day. >> good morning. now, the bad news for the giants they lost 17 to 1 to the diamondbacks on friday night. the good news saturday afternoon, a complete opposite result. great day to be a kayak in the cove. now these people will be back in our highlight very soon. keep an eye bottom one giants down one nothing. jungwoo lee leading off with a homer to right. it is gone. stays in the yard, but it's his first homer at oracle park. we're tied at one. how about the local kid de lasalle product? kyle harrison on the mound. he went four innings, struck out five three earned runs. so it's a tight game in the fifth. still tied at three. patrick bailey had his bobblehead day runner on for him. and cue up the splash cam ball driven right and the baseball goes right into the kayak on the fly. whoa. part of a four for four day. he was a triple short of the cycle. the dog looks unfazed. splash it. 103 mccovey cove. dave confirmed this is the first splash hit
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that didn't hit the water on the fly. giants win seven three. they can take the four game series later today. the a's in cleveland a cold day by the lake. there in cleveland, a's rookie max shuman in search for his first big league hit deep to left and los gatos native stephen kwan o makes a catch of the wall. great play on the warning track. watch max can't believe it and check out his family. they really want this hit. oh but don't worry i promise good times are coming. top five a's down two one. shuman at the plate gets a hold of one. going to right center and it is gone. first big league hit is a home run. and the kid that grew up in michigan with a big league memory in ohio. the family there and they love it. but bottom half of the inning cleveland goes back on top. josh naylor taking alex wood deep to right center and watch this bat goes to the helmet. ouch uh- a's lose six three. the rubber match later today. you saw it right here on abc seven western
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conference finals rematch in the first round. lakers in denver third quarter. this is where the game kind of turned san jose native aaron gordon throws it down. but lebron james answers dribble drive hoop and the foul off the window lbj at 27 points six rebounds and eight assists late third six point game denver turns defense to offense michael porter junior the block. nuggets in transition. former laker kentavious caldwell pope buries the three part of a 13 zero denver run. fourth quarter jamal murray lefty finish down low. he scored 22. lakers cut the lead to six at one point, but jokic with the steal and the big man going to score 232 points 12 rebounds seven assists. nuggets win 114 10310 series lead game two monday night denver has won nine straight over la. former michigan football head coach jim harbaugh kept his promise of getting a tattoo if the wolverines went undefeated. and check out the fresh ink on his right shoulder, he put the michigan logo with a 15 zero record. there it is. harbaugh
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now prepares for his first nfl draft as chargers head coach. that begins thursday on abc seven and in junior welterweight boxing at 140 pounds, ryan garcia beats the bay area's own devin haney by major decision in 12 rounds. it's haney's first loss as a pro. that's your look at sports. have a great sunday. send it back to you. >> thank you chris. the giants added against the diamon again today. first pitch is at 105. hoping for another win lisa. yeah, absolutely. >> and with a lot of sunshine and lighter winds today. wow. this could be the place to be to enjoy the gorgeous day. 105, 67 degrees, sunny and mild, right on through the afternoon, upper 60s. usually we don't get that bump up in temperatures by the ninth inning, but today we are as high pressures are dominant weather feature. and as you look at our satellite and radar, composite winds are on the lighter side. high pressure is built in and all the activity, the very little activity there is, is in the pacific northwest. that's about to change, though, as we get a few pieces of energy
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dropping down and visiting us throughout the week ahead. what have you from our sutro tower camera? pretty sight, just a little patchy fog there. current numbers from the upper 40s in palo alto 53 san francisco. it is 55. in oakland with 54 half moon bay. so even at the coast, less of a sea breeze for you. and that's going to make a big difference in temperatures. mount tam upper 40s in the north bay from santa rosa, 46 in petaluma, looking at 47 in livermore yesterday you were 78 and concord as warm as well 55 in concord, 52 by the delta. now, by late tomorrow, you're going to get a substantial delta breeze. but as for today, a sunny skies and warmth arriving today for the beginning to the middle of the afternoon tomorrow. and then we get a strong wind shift. and that's going to bring the temperatures down sharply tuesday into the rest of the week and weekend, in fact, including a slight chance of showers as early as thursday. late thursday into friday. so the trends show tomorrow about
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80 degrees in san jose. average high 70. so not only today, but tomorrow about ten degrees above average. then that big drop off on tuesday you can see the cooldown right on through the rest of the workweek with temperatures bottoming out on friday. that model shows that we're going to stay dry, though, but as we look at oakland, you can see bringing in a chance of showers on friday with temperatures in the low 60s but upper 60s for you on monday. and then once again feeling the effects of those gusty winds and the big changes out there. 81 in san jose today, 78 in sunnyvale and milpitas on the peninsula, you had low 70s yesterday. we'll bump up the temperatures to 75 in mountain view, 76 in redwood city, a light sea breeze today out of the northwest for 68 downtown south city 72. in the north bay. look for low 80s in calistoga. napa about 80 degrees 78in novato, and even low 70s on the water for sausalito. 77 union city fremont, with 74. in oakland above average, there
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looks like a summer day, right, with low 80s in concord and livermore. the accuweather seven day forecast sunny and warmer today. the warmth holds on for tomorrow. late tomorrow. big wind shift, much breezy, breezier and cooler on tuesday. partly cloudy. wednesday could see a shower late thursday into friday and the cool weather lingers into next weekend. stephanie. lisa >> thank you. a reminder you can watch us live anytime, anywhere through the abc7 bay area connected tv app. it's available for apple tv, google tv, amazon fire tv, and even roku. you can download the app n
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joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines, including steroids, without talking to your doctor. who knows what you can do when you du more with less asthma. ask your doctor about dupixent. the most prescribed biologic for asthma. the vivek sj returns to the south bay today with an earth day edition. some six miles of the city will be closed to cars so people can bike, skate or go on a stroll. san jose was able to keep the tradition going despite fears last year of cuts due to budget constraints. in san francisco, now, the sounds
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of taylor swift's new album could be heard blaring through the marina district this weekend. that's because several bars hosted a taylor swift themed pub crawl. 14 bars in the marina and cow hollow neighborhoods hosted the event, each with a different taylor inspired theme, including jackson's where the eras tour was shown on the big screen. bartender chris checker is a big fan, and it was no surprise some swifties strut it in. proud to support taylor and local businesses. it's so exciting because i feel like she can just draw such a big audience, and she's doing amazing things right now and she's the biggest in the world, and i've loved her since i was a little kid, and i'm just glad that everybody gets to be a part of this and celebrate her success. >> she's an amazing woman, and her music is just absolutely amazing. >> the musician dropped her new album, the tortured poets department, a few days ago. well, we have much more to come
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on abc seven mornings at 6 a.m. a new law to help renters and landlords take effect in the east bay, plus the city of oakland considering new properties for one of its sports teams where $20 million could go. as the roots fc looks to expand
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