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tv   ABC 7 News 700PM  ABC  April 21, 2024 7:01pm-7:31pm PDT

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good-bye to jordan and the lovely nya. you guys have been incredible. a huge part of our show. we love you. thank you very much. there you have it. say hello to your top we'll see you tomorrow and 7:00 central when meghan tr in the bay area this year washes up in an unusual place alameda. tonight, the clues and questions about what happened and san francisco mayor london breed back from china with a success
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story to share about panda diplomacy. plus, a complete weekend shutdown of highway 37 near napa is almost over, but drivers will soon be going through this again. >> always live abc seven news starts right now. >> hopefully we will be able to welcome the pandas here as early as sometime. at the beginning of next year. >> san francisco mayor london breed returning today with news about her economic development trip to china and above all, bringing pandas to the city. good evening and thanks for joining us, everybody. i'm diane lim, abc seven news reporter cornell bernard has details on the panda monium around panda diplomacy. >> it's definitely great to be home mayor. >> london breed back in san francisco with news about her weeklong trip to china. >> we were truly successful in our trip. we had numerous meetings with government officials, with airlines, and with business leaders. we held a
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business forum of people who have interest in not only doing business in san francisco, but investing in san francisco. >> reporter but breed said the highlight of the trip had nothing to do with business. just check out her luggage and of course, what everyone is truly excited about. >> pandas. >> mayor breed signing an agreement with chinese wildlife officials to bring pandas to the san francisco zoo as soon as early next year, we expect a pair of pandas and they are hopefully anticipated to come as soon as we're able to raise the resources, as do all the permitting, we are prepared to receive them so that when they do come to san francisco, their environment, their food, their support, it will allow for them to be healthy and to thrive. millions of dollars in private donations need to be raised to build an enclosure for the pandas at the zoo. the last time pandas were in san francisco was the 1980s. thousands lined up to see them. come on, come on,
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mayor breed. making this visit to see pandas up close. she called it a next level experience. >> i had a chance to go to the shanghai wildlife park, and it was the first time i actually saw a panda in person, and it was amazing. it was amazing to see them walk to eat, to sit up, to pick up things with their hands. >> the mayor also meeting with airline officials in china in an effort to bring more flights between sfo and chinese destinations. >> overall, when we look at international travel, we've recovered 95. what still remains, though, is china. we're still only at 50% of what we were doing back in 2019. >> we know that there is a real demand. we heard it from tour operators who said we want more flights uh- we heard it from people who said, we want to come to san francisco at sfo. >> cornell, bernard, abc seven news. >> happening tomorrow, the supreme court will consider the
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biggest case on homelessness in more than 40 years. the case is called grants pass versus johnson. the court will hear arguments on whether people can be punished for sleeping outdoors. the town of grants pass, oregon, is suing for the right to ticket people who sleep on the street when they have nowhere else to go. appeals courts say that is cruel and unusual punishment. california leaders want more freedom to clear encampments, but homeless advocates say sweeps won't solve the problem. the supreme court decision is expected by the end of june. also happening tomorrow opening statements in former president donald trump's hush money trial are set to begin. a 12 person jury has been sworn in and seated. they'll have to decide if trump is guilty of falsifying business records to cover up hush money payments to adult film actress stormy daniels. trump has pleaded not guilty and has been outspoken about the case. this is the first time a former us president has been tried in a criminal case, following a long battle on
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capitol hill. the $95 billion package with aid for ukraine, israel and other us allies has made it through the house and moves on to the senate. it also includes legislation to force the sale of the popular app tiktok. but getting this bill through the house may ultimately cost house speaker mike johnson his job. abc news reporter jay o'brien is in washington with more on the bill and what happens next. >> following months of delays, the house passing a $95 billion foreign aid package, that legislation now headed to the senate where it's expected to pass house speaker mike johnson turning to democrats to get this package over the finish line, angering some hardliners in his own party. congresswoman marjorie taylor greene did not immediately call a vote to oust johnson, but joining with two other members to advance a motion to remove him as speaker. but a majority of republicans are not backing greene's efforts and replace them with who? >> somebody tell me who you're going to replace him with.
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>> johnson may now need the help of democrats to keep his speakership. >> i think the respect for him has gone way up because he did the right thing, irrespective of his job that garnered a lot of respect and also from the democrat side, included in the foreign aid package. >> more than $60 billion for ukraine, $26 billion for israel and eight for allies in the indo-pacific region including taiwan. also included legislation to force a sale of tiktok from its chinese parent company or face a possible ban in the u.s. >> the clock would begin ticking when congress passes the bill. >> if the bill is signed into law, bytedance would have one year to find a us buyer. and if it doesn't, the app would face a nationwide ban. but that law could face potential legal challenges, citing first amendment rights to just ban 170 million americans or engage in speech and livelihood. >> the federal judge in montana struck it down. the judges struck it down. when trump tried this, i doubt it survives scrutiny. in the supreme court, a group of tiktok creators
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recently signing an open letter to president biden warning him this could be alienating young voters in an election year, while others are planning to rally outside the capitol on tuesday as the senate debates the legislation. >> jay o'brien abc news, washington. >> in less than 12 hours, a complete weekend closure of the westbound side of highway 37 will end in less than 12 hours. a complete weekend closure of the westbound side, as you can see on your map, will happen, and that 21 miles from vallejo to sears point that has been shut down since friday night for repaving that detour is highlighted in the green now involving the highways 2912 and 121. caltrans says almost 5000 tons of asphalt and more than 300 trucks were part of this weekend's project. the westbound lanes should reopen by 4 a.m. they will be shut down again next weekend, then the eastbound lanes will be closed for two weekends. the sausalito pier remains closed, so there is no ferry service to san francisco.
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all of this after an issue requiring immediate attention, was discovered during a routine inspection on friday. today we spotted a large crane and a barge ready to get to work. a city council member says they couldn't start until low tide just before five. golden gate ferry service is suspended until the repairs can be made, but are replacing the ferries, and city leaders are hoping service will resume early this week. coming up next, we'll get a little perspective on a dead gray whale that washed up in alameda. the threats these marine mammals are facing. plus, the best time to see the lyrid meteor shower and what else the night sky could interfere with with this good view. i'm spencer christian, looking at blue sky over san francisco after an almost summerlike day, i'll have the accuweather forecast to show you what's coming next in just a
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7:11 pm
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it was spotted off the coast of crown beach in alameda last night. the carcass drew a small crowd of onlookers this morning at about 1130. >> we saw people gathering, which usually isn't a good sign. we get a lot of beautiful things you don't see every day, but never this level of marine mammal action in the bay. and it's very shallow. >> officials will tow the carcass to angel island to determine the cause of death. they believe it's a young adult
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female gray whale estimated to be 40ft long. >> this is the time of year where gray whales are heading back to alaska from mexico. so we have we expect to see, a gray whale or two on their transit back. and sometimes they die. >> and when we see them on shore, we want to try and figure out why that's the best way to, advocate and conserve them. >> now, keep in mind this is not the same whale that was recently discovered entangled in fishing net near daly city. scientists declared a, quote, unusual mortality event back in 2019 due to an alarming number of gray whales dying and washing ashore all along the west coast. now scientists believe that event is over. climate change is likely a cause. here's what the marine mammal center told us last month when we did the story in the arctic, where there's been all this change in the amount of ice coverage and warming there, it looks like it has affected their food supply. they say the whales
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have adapted, gray whales have started feeding on fish instead of their usual crustaceans. but other dangers like ship strikes are still a risk. it will take a necropsy to determine how the whale that washed up in alameda died. a story like this brings back the memories of the exploding dead whale of 1970. it was a favorite story of longtime abc seven news reporter wayne freedman, who talked to the reporters and witnesses who were there that day. >> we were covered. we were permeated with redness and the smell. >> that would be the least of their problems. >> and this stuff starts hitting the ground. there's a big piece up there. it's kind of fluttering and floating around, just absolute stopped. and it came flat down and kapow! >> right on top of walter umenhofer 1969 oldsmobile. >> unbelievable.
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>> that was wayne's story. on the 25th anniversary of the explosion. we've put the full story online. you can check it out and share it with your friends at abc seven well, coming up next, will it be beach weather this week? we'll check out spencer's seven day forecast next. >> coming up in sports giants looking for a four game series win over the diamondbacks and an early exit for skipper bob melvin. what had him so fired up we'll show you a wild ninth in norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line...
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i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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else in the sky might make it difficult to see. let's talk about that, because we're all eyes in the sky for the weather conditions. >> well, we've got a very bright moon tonight, so that might diminish just to some extent, ideal viewing. but if you're in a rural area or far away from bright city lights, that that helps. so the best time to view the lyrics this year will be right after moonset, which will occur at 5:45 a.m. tomorrow and just before sunrise, which will be at 6:26 a.m. so there's that 41 minute window where we will have ideal viewing for the light. >> not as early as i expected. i thought you were going to say something like three in the morning. >> well, they'll be visible then, but you don't have to get up that early. >> okay, that's good to know. >> let's take a look at what's happening with our weather right now. here's our satellite radar composite image. and you can see high pressure is the controlling factor in our weather. right now we have an onshore flow a nice brisk one. but we've got mainly
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clear skies right now. winds are in the breezy range, but the strongest wind flow right now is at sfo with a wind speeds surface speeds up to 20mph. check out the 24 hour temperature change. it is significantly warmer in most locations, especially away from the bay and the coast, than at this time yesterday, even though yesterday was a warm day. but today, obviously even warmer. here's a view looking out over san francisco from sutro tower, 60 degrees in the city right now, mid to upper 60s at oakland and hayward and palo alto 74, san jose 55 at half moon bay. nice view from mount tam looking down onto the bay under blue skies. 75 in santa rosa 64, petaluma only 70 at napa but mid to upper 70s right now at fairfield, concord and livermore. all three of which were in the 80s. earlier in the earlier this evening and certainly in the afternoon. these are our forecast headlines. one more day of this almost summerlike warmth that's coming our way tomorrow, middle of the week, we'll be turning, turning sharply cooler. and by the end of the week, clouds come into the picture with a slight chance of some showers. but until then, our skies are
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looking pretty clear. here's our forecast animation overnight. we'll see a few high clouds swing through the sky, but basically we're looking at clear conditions overnight and mainly sunny skies to start the day tomorrow. overnight, low temperatures will be generally in the low to mid 50s. it's going to be very mild overnight after this very warm day that we had highs tomorrow almost as warmest tomorrow as today was. we'll see highs of 8-80 at santa rosa low 80s in the inland east bay, low 80s down in san jose and other parts of the south bay, mid to upper 70s around the bay shoreline. and as we skip ahead, a look at the maximum temperature trend, you can see the sharp drop by ten degrees or more on tuesday. that's a sudden cool down. it will remain in that. temperatures remain in that range on wednesday and on thursday. so we certainly have quite a bit of cooling coming our way later in the week. here's the accuweather seven day forecast. breezy and cooler on tuesday. cooling continues wednesday. even cooler still on thursday and friday as clouds increase with a slight chance of showers on friday. and after that, we can expect sunnier and milder weather next weekend.
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>> abc seven sports is sponsored by your northern california honda dealers. >> with nearly the entire nl west starting slow out of the gate, the giants are in great position to move up in the standings. and with a win this afternoon, they took three out of four against the defending nl champion diamondbacks. these gamers bringing some great attitude there to the ballpark. bottom five giants down one. nothing runner on for mike yastrzemski. high, deep and gone to right on top of the arcade. his first homer of the year. giants go up two one. bench loved it, but arizona retook the lead the next inning to make it three two in the ninth. arizona threatening runners on the corners, no outs. nik avila looks like it's a strikeout of kevin newman, but the umpire calls a foul ball. bob melvin up in arms. looks like a clean strike out there on the replay. and then two pitches later stands the at bats life and newman. with a base hit to left. moreno scores for two. diamondbacks melvin still upset about that call, gets ejected and so did third base coach matt williams. arizona added another
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run. the giants lose five three. they dropped to fourth in the nl west, but they're just two and a half back of first place dodgers. all right a's and guardians condiment races in cleveland. and the mustard showing off the championship belt there scoreless in the second. will brennan homering off ross stripling, who has not won a game since 2022. remember he pitched for the giants last year as well. top of the fourth. same score. brant rooker gets the a's on the board. low liner gets up and out. fourth of the year two one game. bottom of the seventh. cleveland up three two. bases loaded, two outs. there was two strikes to josh naylor, but he made him pay a bases clearing double to right. a's lose six two. they're swept out of cleveland. they head to the bronx for four starting with the yankees tomorrow nba playoffs. giannis sitting out the bucks opener against the pacers. but oakland's own damian lillard made up for it big time. dame time right away 19 in the first quarter tied his career playoff high, including the buzzer beater to end the first. milwaukee up. big early and lillard kept it going after this . logo three. he had 29 points and indiana had 29 as a team. my
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goodness. still going now. lillard three pointer hoop and the foul. it's a four point play at 35 at the half. and one didn't score in the second half. he didn't need to. the bucks roll 109 94. they have a10 series lead. hey to see this. still nelly korda trying to become the first player since the great annika sorenstam to win five straight events. korda with a two shot lead heading to the par three 17th hole. and check out this swing roll roll roll oh. hits a flagpole uh. she would par the hole and a little smile down the fairway there on 18. chance a two putt for the win. got it done in one wins her fifth straight event while also capturing the first major of the year with a two shot victory. abc seven sports is sponsored by our northern california honda dealers. diana, let's do our little football. update 20 weeks until the season opens and like four days until the nfl draft starts. abc seven you know, so we have every pick of the draft. >> i'm surprised you don't have like a countdown clock in the
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sports office. ooh i was going to say at home, but i don't know if my wife would like that. still not too late. chantal, you hear that? anyway, chris. thank you. yeah, well, coming up next, we had to hold it for this story. the latest in the saga of overpriced and overdue no-li valley toilet
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it came down significantly, though, thanks to donations from two out of state companies. after the toilet bowl ceremony today, people now have a place to go in noe valley town square. >> you know, this made world news, so it was time to take back the narrative and if people are making fun of us, we'll just make fun of us too. >> toilet related treats for the occasion, complete with the popular emoji and toilet tree for people to decorate. rec and parks say they spent $300,000. all said and done, that leaves the city with 1.4 million for a similar project in bernal heights. well, coming up tonight on abc seven news at 11, some scary moments outside a popular san francisco church, police say someone stabbed a man. and church leaders say it's not the first time violence has come to their door. plus p-g-and-e's wants to use customer money to pay for ads. a bill to stop it is getting a second chance. all coming up tonight on abc seven
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