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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  April 22, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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slow moving from our emeryville camera, you can see that monday morning commute from highway four to the toll plaza will take you 45 minutes. >> number seven, an iconic san francisco bar. back in business, a stud reopened over the weekend at its new location at folsom and seventh street. it's the oldest lgbtq bar in san francisco, originally opening in 1966. >> right on. welcome back stud. yes, it's nice to have it in folsom again. it's fantastic. it is. i don't know where our invite was, but i'm glad you're back. >> let them open in peace >> george: good morning america. for the first time in american history, a former president will be tried in criminal court. donald trump on trial.
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opening statements today. we break down the case against the former president. who will take the stand? will the defendant testify? and what it means for his white house campaign? >> michael: big gamble. >> the bill is passed. >> michael: speaker mike johnson putting his job on the line to push through the massive foreign aid package. >> are you worried about your job? >> i don't worry. i just do my job. >> robin: tik tok tick tock. >> today i'm saying my final good-bye to tik tok. >> robin: the unprecedented move by the house that could see the app used by 170 millions of americans and millions of small businesses banned in the u.s. >> george: frosty morning. millions of americans in at least 23 states under freeze and frost alerts. >> michael: a diver's life or death battle with an alligator. >> at that point he shook me like a rag doll. >> michael: he tells us how he fought off the predator. >> robin: remembering mandisa. ♪
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the grammy winner, american idol alum passing away suddenly at 47. how she helped others become overcomers. >> i realized as i started to share this story, i started to hear from people who said, i'm just glad to know that i'm not alone. >> george: highway heroes. >> it's 100% a miracle. >> george: we hear from the good samaritans who saved a man trapped in his burning car. >> if strangers had not come together to form this community to get this man out of the car, i don't think he would be here today. >> michael: rock and fall. luke bryan slipping after objects were thrown onto the stage. >> did anybody see that? ♪ ♪ stop right now ♪ >> robin: stop right now, thank you very much. don't miss this posh party. a spice girls reunion with their biggest fan freaking out, david beckham. ♪ we run the world ♪
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and did i mention the spice girls? our ginger is spicing up your world on this earth day. >> ginger: good morning america. welcome to earth day. >> announcer: live in times square, this is good morning america. >> robin: this is good morning america. happy earth day. we cannot wait to see what ginger has to show us this morning. >> michael: she is live in new mexico. ginger is in an earthship, which is a self-sustaining home, for three days. we'll have much more on earth day ahead. >> george: we begin with something unprecedented in american history. opening statements in the criminal trial of a former president. presidents have been impeached. they've resigned. they've been voted out of office. never before has a former president faced a jury of his peers in a criminal court. aaron katersky is on the scene at the courthouse. good morning, aaron. >> reporter: george, good morning to you. this historic day is just now getting under way. former president trump seated at the defense table.
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as he walked in, he called this a sad day. both he and the country are experiencing something entirely new. prosecutors trying to prove a former president committed a crime, this case falsifying business records to conceal a hush payment to an adult film actress. this morning opening statements in the historic criminal trial of former president trump. >> it's a shame. it's a shame. i'm sitting here for days now, from morning til night. >> reporter: seated in court, trump relegated to silence. prosecutors will introduce the case, which they say is about whether the defendant, donald trump, broke the law in falsifying business records to cover up an agreement with others to unlawfully influence the 2016 presidential election. in their opening statement, defense attorneys are expected to say trump relied on lawyers to arrange the $130,000 payment to stormy daniels to keep her from revealing her claim of a sexual encounter with trump which he denied. >> i was paying a lawyer and marked it down as a legal expense. some accountant. i didn't know.
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some accountant marked it down as a legal expense. that's exactly what it was. >> reporter: prosecutors say trump turned to david pecker, who they say was paid to buy and bury unflattering stories about trump. pecker is among the early witnesses. stormy daniels will testify, along with michael cohen, trump's former fixer, who wired her the hush money. prosecutors said some of the witnesses have what you consider some baggage. trump said he could testify, too, during a trial expected to last six weeks. >> when i'm testifying, i tell the truth. all i can do is tell the truth. >> reporter: the testimony's going to be heard by a jury of seven men and five women that includes two native new yorkers and two immigrants. seven jurors have advanced degrees. one juror praised trump's out spokenness. another called the former president selfish. each promised to be fair and impartial. also this week the judge is going to consider whether trump violated the gag order which prohibits him from attacking witnesses. prosecutors said it happened
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several times through posts disparaging cohen and daniels. the defense denies it, but prosecutors want trump fined $1,000 for each offending post. the judge will hold a hearing on that on tuesday. as the proceedings got under way here today, george, there was an issue with one of the jurors. the judge said the juror had expressed some concern about being part of something that is getting so much attention and indeed there are lots of people in the courtroom, a lot of people following this outside. but the juror in the end is going to stay on the case. the opening statements that are just getting under way are going to last about 45 minutes for the prosecution. about 25 minutes for the defense. prosecutors will lay out this idea that this is the original election interference case. the defense trying to distance trump from any crimes.
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>> george: jon karl is here. let's go into more detail. from the president, impeach the credibility of michael cohen. >> absolutely. they will say he is a liar, fraud, committed perjurer. he is the key to his case and you cannot trust him. >> george: prosecutors will say he was lying for donald trump. >> he was his lawyer. the argument is look, $35,000 payment is for monthly retainers. they will also make the case at the end of the day hush money, catch and kill scheme, they will argue this is routine for somebody who is very wealthy simply trying to protect their reputation. >> george: what's not routine is trying to further a presidential campaign sitting as a defendant in a courtroom. >> no. i mean, come on, george. this is incredible. he's going to be stuck there as he was during jury selection while others talk about him and while you hear disparaging testimony. he was so frustrated last week. even at the temperature in the courtroom. you heard him go on and on about how it was too cold, it was freezing in there. this is a guy used to being in charge of everything, who can't even control the thermostat in a courtroom.
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>> george: he's spending an awful lot of money but raising it at the same time off of the case. >> as much as he's complaining and it really is bothering him. you can see it. i hear it from the people who are with him every day. he is making this his campaign both in terms of messaging, i am a victim, they're out to get me because they're really out to get my supporters. he is raising money. it has helped his fund-raising tremendously. every day you see more appeals directly tied to this. >> george: big day on thursday as the supreme court hears arguments over presidential immunity. we heard from liz cheney overnight. >> liz cheney essentially writing what was basically an open letter to the supreme court. and by the way, thursday's supreme court hearing on the issue of whether or not donald trump has absolute immunity for what he did as president is the week's most important legal development. liz cheney is saying the supreme court, if they delay, if they don't act quickly on this, they could prevent the public from ever hearing the evidence in the case.
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>> george: that's the point. it's almost certain that they are going to say any president is not immune. but the question is, will voters get to have the trial before the election? >> yeah. if liz cheney's point is, if this trial doesn't happen before the election, voters won't have that evidence. but if donald trump is elected, you may never see this case. the person who was responsible for january 6th may never be held to account for it. >> robin: thank you very much. now the tension on capitol hill. speaker mike johnson pushing through a massive foreign aid package opposed by some republicans. selina wang joins us from the hill. good morning to you, selina. >> reporter: good morning, robin. this is a transformational moment for speaker johnson. he went from being staunchly opposed to any more aid to ukraine to putting his own job on the line to push forward with the $95 billion foreign aid package. >> the bill is passed. >> reporter: this morning congress is one step closer to passing billions in foreign aid that's desperately needed by
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america's allies. with the senate set to vote on critical funding for ukraine, israel and taiwan after dramatic weekend in the house. >> the house will be in order. >> reporter: speaker mike johnson putting his job on the line to push through the massive aid package. $60 billion for ukraine, $26 billion for israel, $8 billion for taiwan and indo pacific allies and legislation to force a sale of tik tok from its chinese parent company or face a ban in the u.s. >> we did our work here and i think history will judge it well. >> reporter: for months johnson stalled on president biden's request for more funding, but after classified briefings, including with the cia director and lots of praying, the devout christian made a dramatic turn around. arguing to his fellow republicans that helping ukraine is critical to u.s. national security, and that they need to be on the right side of history. >> to put it bluntly, i would rather send bullets to ukraine
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than american boys. my son is going to begin in the naval academy. this is a live fire exercise for me as it is so many american families. >> reporter: but a majority of his members revolted. more than half republicans voting against aid to ukraine, with johnson forced to rely on democrats to even bring it up for a vote. now at least three hardliners are threatening to oust johnson over it. >> he betrayed us three times. >> if the vote was held today, mike johnson is a lame duck. he's done. >> reporter: with the gop's razor thin majority in the house, that's enough republicans to push johnson out, as democrats and moderate republicans praise johnson for bringing these bills to the floor. >> i commend it by name traditional conservatives led by speaker mike johnson for doing the right thing. >> reporter: but speaker johnson's job is still under threat. those hardline republicans can still try to oust him in the house which is back in session next week. the senate will vote on this tomorrow. the president said he's going to
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sign this legislation right away. michael? >> michael: all right, selina, thank you very much for that. now to the supreme court, hearing a major case on how communities deal with the growing crisis of people living on the streets. terry moran has the latest. >> reporter: this morning the supreme court is tackling its biggest case on homelessness in more than 40 years and cities and towns across the country struggle to deal with more and more people living on the streets. >> for all intents and purposes, a lot of behavior you see here today is illegal. >> reporter: at the center of the case is grants pass a small city of 40,000 in southwest oregon. in the parks around town, hundreds of homeless people have set up in encampments. in 2013 the city cracked down, local officials citing unsanitary conditions and crime, banning anyone sleeping in public from using a blanket, pillow or card board box. penalties included civil fines and a potential 30 day jail term for repeat offenders.
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but with no public shelters in grants pass, a group of homeless transients sued the city in federal court, arguing the law is unconstitutional because it violates the 8th amendment ban on cruel and unusual punishment. >> criminalizing people for being homeless is not the solution. >> reporter: the case has huge implications for the rest of the country. so many communities are swatched by homeless encampments which are often rife with unsanitary conditions, drug use, untreated mental illness and crime. >> these encampments in california are unacceptable. >> these homeless camps overwhelm quality of life. >> reporter: advocates say the homeless have nowhere else to go. >> criminalizing the victims of our failed housing policy is morally wrong and unconstitutional. that's essentially what the city of grant pass has done by making it illegal for someone to exist while being homeless. >> reporter: after over five
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years living in parks before a nearby church took her in, helen cruz telling our devin dwyer said she received $5,000 in camp related fines. >> i was holding down two jobs when i was out here and still not enough to be able to rent a place. their low income housing here is $1,000 a month. that's not workable either, you know? >> reporter: it is a national crisis, but the big legal question the justices will consider in this case is whether what grants pass has done really qualifies as cruel and unusual punishment under the constitution. a decision is expected by late june. george? >> george: terry, thanks. over seas now to israel where a car plowed into a group of pedestrians in jerusalem. tom soufi-burridge is in tel aviv. good morning, tom. >> reporter: good morning, george. yes, shocking video. a car ran into that citizen in jerusalem. three people lightly injured
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then escaping the two gun men who were later arrested. after that major intelligence failure prior to the october 7 terror attack the head of israeli military intelligence stepping down. in gaza, israel ramping up attacks on rafa. 22 people killed this weekend as u.s. lawmakers approve $17 billion of additional military aid for israel. thanks from israel's prime minister for that, but netanyahu reacting angrily to unconfirmed reports that the u.s. could take measures against an ultraorthodox unit of the idf. which has been accused of human rights abuses in the west bank. the israeli leader saying he will fight such a move with all his strength. secretary of state blinken expected to address that issue later today. robin? >> robin: tom, thanks to you. there are security concerns here at home at columbia university amid the israel/hamas war. rhiannon ally is here with the latest. >> reporter: that's right. right here in new york city, there is growing concern about safety at the school, as protests stemming from that israel hamas war intensify. the president of columbia
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saying, everyone needs a reset. classes will be remote today ahead of the first night of passover which begins tonight. this after a fifth day yesterday of columbia pro palestine students protesting. they want the ivy league school to divest its stocks, funds and endowments from companies they say profit from israel's violation of international law and palestinian human rights. over the weekend, several protesters were arrested. that's on top of the more than 100 from last week. in the midst of this, a rabbi is encouraging jewish students to leave campus. he says until the university and nypd can ensure student safety, the nypd continues to have increased presence around campus on stand by. guys? >> michael: hopefully the reset eases the tension. thank you very much. we're going to turn now to the nba. playoffs tipped off with some big games in the first rounds. will reeve is here with who to watch. good morning. >> good morning, michael. we're off to a hot start. 16 teams with a chance to get to
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the nba finals. here we go. first the boston celtics are the save. they won # 4 games in the regular season and cruised in game 1 of their best of seven series with miami. there was a young fan bringing the energy and the crowd. love to see that. don't love to see miami without star jimmy butler. he's out with a knee injury. which brings me to the second theme of the playoffs so far. injuries. kawhi leonard out from the clippers, but the clippers did take down the mavericks in their game one. giannis out as well for the bucks. no problems. it was dame time. damian lillard hitting that buzzer beater to end the first quarter. milwaukee won their first game. michael, the garden was eden saturday night. the knicks fans were buzzing with their game 1 win. got to take time to appreciate the insanity of this self-alley-oop situation from embiid. he ended up getting hurt on that play. he did return but that injury will be important to watch. what's an nba highlight without
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lebron? rematch of last year's western conference finals in denver. defending champion nuggets hosting lebron and the lakers. they beat l.a. fairly easily in game one. a stat, home teams are 8-0 so far in these nba playoffs. >> george: you never disappoint, will. thank you. >> michael: you say giannis. we both looked at you. >> i was looking at him. >> george: you nailed it. >> robin: you nailed it, as always, will. coming up, will tik tok be banned? house passing a bill telling its chinese owners to sell the platform or risk the app being blocked here in the u.s. >> michael: country star luke bryan falling on stage, slipping on a fan's cell phone. but first let's go to ginger. hey, ginger. >> ginger: hey, michael. colorado had some late april snow. in fact denver's airport, that's been there since 2008, the latest snow the most they've had.
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those records only go back to 2008 so it's probably longer than that. the cold air certainly dipped in. mid south, some 5 to 15 degrees below average. going to be another cool reinforcing shot of cool air by the end of the week. let's get your local weather in 30 seconds.
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>> george: coming up a diver tells us about his encounter with an alligator. . ...of adventure. grab your family, let's go. (♪) (♪) (♪) after a long day... jeepers! ... nothing brings the family together... watching national geographic... ...on disney+. hello there! (♪) 100% of dark spots are intensified by the sun. bright reveal daily sunscreen.
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no whitecast. wear spf every single day, rain or shine. anti-dark spot sunscreen by l'oréal paris. wow. that's good. almond breeze? you like the almond breeze i got you... that's sooo interesting. what's happening, dad? with delicious taste and 50% more calcium. blue diamond almond breeze. don't just milk it. almond milk it. i would describe my mom as... incredibly nurturing and encouraging. truly my rock. the most authentic and real person. i am who i am because she is who she is. diamonds for all mothers. pandora. lab-grown diamonds. starting a business is never easy, but starting it eight months pregnant, that's a different story. with the chase ink card, we got up and running in no time. earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase with the chase ink business unlimited card from chase for business. [car traversing over uneven ground.] chase ink business unlimited card [silence in the vehicle.] [car traversing over rocky ground]
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i'm investing in my dog's health and happiness. when migraine strikes, you're faced with a choice. accept the trade offs of treating? or push through the pain and symptoms? with ubrelvy, there's another option. one dose quickly stops migraine in its tracks. treat it anytime, anywhere without worrying where you are or if it's too late. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. allergic reactions to ubrelvy can happen. most common side effects were nausea and sleepiness. migraine pain relief starts with you. ask about ubrelvy. learn how abbvie could help you save. good morning. i'm reggie aqui from abc seven mornings. here's amanda with traffic. hi, reggie. >> we're going straight to drive time so we can tell you about your monday morning commute here
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at 723. you can see the typical slowdown. tracy to dublin is going to take you about 55 minutes. and then san rafael to san francisco 17 minutes and antioch to concord, 47 minutes. >> thanks, amanda. we're going to check in with meteorologist drew tuma for another it's built to command attention. it's not just a comfortable interior. it's a quiet refuge. ♪ ♪ they're not just headlights. they light the way forward.
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the fully electric audi q8 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. we're a handyman. >> they're scheduled, they're structured, they show up with the team, they're ready to go and in the world of construction and contractors, there's no one
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70s away from the coast at that time, and then into the afternoon we will find that cloud cover reemerging along the coast, but away from the coast. we have bright sunshine, 70s and 80s, away from the coast. so look at highs across the region. today we'll hit 81 in concord, a warm 82 in san jose, 80 in santa rosa, 73 in oakland, san francisco hit 68 a little cooler along the coast. so that afternoon, marine layer 61 for half moon bay, santa cruz, up to 66 degrees. >> reggie drew, thank you. another abc seven news update in 30 minutes. you can always catch us on our news app and abc seven the news continues now with good morning america. >> korean for great deals on the trucks that are built to serve ram during ram truck month. >> commercial customers now get 3500 total bonus cash on the 2024 ram. 2000 503,500 tradesman crew cab. >> in all of san francisco,
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the trucks that are built to serve ram during ram truck month, commercial customers now get 3500 total bonus cash on the 2024 ram. >> 2000 503,500 tradesman crew cab >> i'm moving hopes. i'm open land. i am the night you to follow me. >> coco. mademoiselle chanel at macy's, the fragrance destination. >> we all need fiber for our digestive health. but less than 10% of us get enough each day. good thing metamucil gummies are an easy way to get prebiotic plant based fiber. with the same amount of fiber as two cups of broccoli. metamucil gummies the easy way to get your daily fiber you've had thyroid eye disease
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for a long time, and you've lived with the damage it caused. >> but even after all these years, restoration is still possible. learn how at t e d help com i'm your nexgard plus helps you protect your dog from fleas, ticks, heartworm disease and more all in one delicious monthly soft chew. >> use with caution and dogs with a history of seizures or neurologic disorders. nexgard plus the one you want for one and done protection. sis, i'm turning into a mom, the sweater vest. oh my super soft skin. >> see jergens original cherry almond lotion. smooth. >> mom would ♪ >> robin: welcome back to gma. there was a spice girls reunion. i don't think anyone was more excited than that man right there, david beckham. the group dancing to their hit
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song victoria beckham's 50th birthday party. lara will have much more on posh's party in pop news. >> george: looks like a lot of fun. following a lot of headlines including first time in american history a u.s. president will be tried in court. opening statements will begin today. stormy daniels will testify along with michael cohen. trump's former fixer who wired her the hush money. lead witness likely to be david pecker who was part of the national enquirer. who worked with trump to put the stories away. also right now congress is one step closer to passing billions in foreign aid needed by america's allies. senate expected to vote on critical funding for ukraine, israel and taiwan after speak r mike johnson put his job on the line working with democrats to push through the aid package. >> michael: two chess champions squared off in the heart of times square looking to set a world record playing the game nonstop. the nigerian master and shawn martinez played for 60, yeah, 6-0.
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hours. it beat the previous record of 56 hours. chess fans around the world watched and cheered. he hopes to raise $1 million for kids education across africa with the event. >> george: 60 hours. >> robin: could you imagine? >> george: no. [ laughter ] >> michael: we didn't even announce a winner. we just said they played for 60. and we got a lot more ahead on this earth day including ginger exploring an earthship. she's going to break down what we can learn from these self-sufficient homes. that is all coming up, robin. >> robin: but right now the new fallout for tik tok after the house passed a bill over the weekend that could potentially ban the popular social media app within a year. janai norman is here with what this could mean for content creators and the more than 170 million users. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, robin. 170 million users and countless of those who rely on tik tok for their livelihood now concerned their financial
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security could be at risk. but for lawmakers, the concerns they say are about data security and personal information about all those millions of users. >> today i am saying my final good-bye to tik tok. >> reporter: this morning the clock could be ticking for popular app tik tok. >> breaking news, the house of representatives has officially passed another tik tok ban. >> reporter: over the weekend, the house of representatives passing legislation that could see the app banned in the u.s. if chinese owner byte dance doesn't sell within a year. >> the two options are sell to a u.s. owner or cease operating in the u.s. >> reporter: an unprecedented move that sparked serious concerns for some content creators. >> i'm happier than i have ever been. it is because this app has opened the door for me to figure out how i can make a difference in the world. >> reporter: there are over 170 million users on tik tok in the u.s., many like content creator jennifer gay, have found
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financial security from the platform. >> suddenly my voice mattered and i had a purpose and i start living boldly. 100% of my livelihood is connected to tik tok. >> reporter: the tik tok ban is a response to top intelligence and lawmakers' concerns that user data could become compromised. a tik tok spokes person calling the move unfortunate, telling abc news, the bill would trample the free speech rights of 170 million americans devastate 7 million businesses and shutter a platform that contributes $24 billion to the u.s. economy annually. >> i don't think it's going to pass first amendment scrutiny because there are less restrictive alternatives. we could have made it a crime to transfer american data to a foreign nation or foreign state interference. >> bill has now passed the house. it is on the fast track to becoming law. >> reporter: the senate is expected to take up the legislation tomorrow, and if passed, president biden has
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already indicated he will quickly sign it into law. but not so fast. experts say don't expect the app to go away any time soon. >> it's not like the app is going to delete off your phone right away. it could be months. it could be years of wading through regulatory and legal hurdles to actually get this done. >> so for now tik tok is not for sale but if and when that bill passes, it would likely kick off a lengthy legal battle. so, robin, michael and george, those dances on tik tok in good shape. [ laughter ] >> michael: thank you, janai. we'll be looking for your dances, too. luke bryan falling, slipping on a fan's cell phone during a concert this weekend. lara has the story. oops. good morning, lara. >> lara: good morning, michael. fortunately country star luke bryan seemed to take it in stride. he jumped up to his feet. to show fans an instant replay
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of the scary moment. he even had a sense of humor about the incident joking that his lawyer would be calling. ♪ this morning luke bryan, latest star falling victim to fans behaving badly. the country superstar performing in vancouver saturday when he slipped on a cell phone that had been left on stage sending him crashing to the floor. >> did anybody get that? [ laughter ] all right. it's okay. hey, my lawyer will be calling. >> lara: the play it again singer making light of his fall, even replaying the incident on a fan's phone. >> there it is! i need something viral. this is viral, right? >> reporter: last night on "american idol" host ryan seacrest and his fellow judges checked up on luke. >> are you damaged in any way? >> what are you talking about?
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>> lara: replaying the moment for viewers and fans alike. >> oh! >> lara: emily nicole was at the concert. >> there was a phone thrown on stage. there were cowboy boots, hats, water bottles. >> lara: she saw the fall happen firsthand and said the behavior of some fans was concerning. >> people were trying to get their stuff signed so they thought the best way to get that was by throwing things on stage which was not safe at all. just super disrespectful. >> lara: despite bryan's good humor about the incident, this is far from the first time celebrities have gotten hurt because of the antics of fans at their concerts. just last year, bebe rushed to the hospital after a fan threw his phone at her. >> i hope she's okay because that was definitely a hard hit. >> lara: and harry styles taking several hits over the years, one time being struck in the face with a flying object. >> artists have had enough.
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i think that's evident. so much remains to be seen about how incidents might change the concert experience. >> lara: through it all celebrities like adele beginning to let their fans know this type of behavior won't be tolerated. >> i dare you to throw something at me. >> i think there's definitely going to be a zero tolerance policy that will be put into place. >> lara: luke had a great sense of humor about it, but he could have gotten hurt. he did just kick off his country boy tour that hits the u.s. june through september. he's okay, but truly enough is enough. >> michael: scary fall. >> robin: all right. we will see you in pop news. all right, lara. next, the diver who came face to jaws with an alligator and survived. victor oquendo brings us that story. hey there, victor. >> reporter: hey, robin. this man says that he knew his life was on the line as soon as he saw the alligator. we'll tell you how he managed to survive coming up next.
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try killing bugs the worry-free way. not the other way. zevo traps use light to attract and trap flying insects with no odor and no mess. they work continuously, so you don't have to. zevo. people-friendly. bug-deadly. wow. that's good. almond breeze? you like the almond breeze i got you... that's sooo interesting. what's happening, dad? with delicious taste and 50% more calcium. blue diamond almond breeze. don't just milk it. almond milk it. ♪ wipe ♪
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♪ wipe ♪ [sniffs] ♪ wipe it ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ wipe ♪ [meowing] (♪) hi, what's your name? this is our new friend. we'll talk about it later, ok? (♪) what does a cat need? -chewy's here. (♪) [smash] (♪) no, no, no, no. that good? hey, wait, come back. (♪) is this normal? ask the chewy vet team. how much is too much catnip? for everything you need and everything you need to know. find it at chewy. type 2 diabetes? discover the ozempic® tri-zone.
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♪ ♪ i got the power of 3. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. i'm lowering my risk. adults lost up to 14 pounds. i lost some weight. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. living with type 2 diabetes? ask about the power of 3 with ozempic®.
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>> george: we are back with a south carolina man and alligator. he was pulled out of the river before fighting back and freeing himself. victor oquendo has details. good morning, victor. >> reporter: good morning, george. this man was not going down without a fight. he said when the alligator chomped down he felt pure fear but his instincts kicked in and now he's sharing his incredible story of survival. >> i knew the whole time i'm about to die no matter what i do.
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>> reporter: this georging william telling his story as he recovers from a vicious alligator attack he thought would end his life. >> strangely through all that fear, it was very clear what i knew i had to do. >> reporter: seen in this photo was diving for fossils in south carolina's cooper river last week. he remembers surfacing then spotting the alligator making a bee line to him from about 20 feet away. >> when he was about a foot away he turned his head and opened his mouth to chomp down basically on my head and shoulders. i defensively put my arm up. >> reporter: the gator lashing on to his arm. georgeitis fighting back with a screwdriver he uses to pry fossils from the river bed, trying to stab it. then wrapping his free arm and legs around its body. >> at that point he shook me like a rag doll. >> reporter: the gator dragging him 50 feet below the surface and pinning him to the bottom of the river. >> he landed on top of me with my arm still in his mouth. he just pressed down on me to basically try to drown me.
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>> reporter: running out of oxygen, he said he was prepared to sacrifice his arm to escape. >> i put my feet up against him just launched back as hard as i possibly could. somehow ripped my arm out and not off. >> reporter: finally free, he swam as fast as he could to the surface. his friend pulling him onto a boat then rushing him to the hospital. his right arm seriously injured, but saved. >> breathe in every moment from here on out as a blessing for me. >> reporter: williams' recovery will likely take about six months. his loved ones have set up a go fund for him. he said when all better he wants to go diving and fossil hunting again. guys? >> george: they always say that. [ laughter ] >> robin: they always say that. good for him. >> michael: okay. thank you, victor. next, we have the highway heroes who put their lives on the line. an incredible play of the day when we come back. (woman) with purina one true instinct, her true instincts really came alive.
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from day one, it's the high-protein nutrition she instinctively craves. it's making a real difference, supporting healthy energy and strong muscles. purina one true instinct is the food she was born to eat, helping her live the life she was born to live. (vo) purina one true instinct. a difference from day one. what's a walt disney world thrill feel like? it's like... [howdy, partners!] and like... [laughter] ♪ and also like... [screams] and it feels even better together. ♪ and check this out! you can thrill with this special 4-day, 4-park magic ticket offer. visit to learn more. disney thrills us like... [screams] i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein!
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those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪) for people who feel limited by the unpredictability of generalized myasthenia gravis and who are anti-achr antibody positive, season to season, ultomiris is continuous symptom control, with improvement in activities of daily living. it is reduced muscle weakness. and ultomiris is the only long-acting gmg treatment with the freedom of just 6 to 7 infusions per year, for a predictable routine i can count on. ultomiris can lower your immune system's ability to fight infections, increasing your chance of serious meningococcal infections, which may become life-threatening or fatal, and other types of infections. complete or update your meningococcal vaccines at least 2 weeks before starting ultomiris. if ultomiris is urgent, you should also receive antibiotics with your vaccines. before starting ultomiris, tell your doctor about all of your medical conditions and medications. ultomiris can cause reactions such as back pain, tiredness,
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dizziness, limb discomfort, or bad taste. ultomiris is moving forward with continuous symptom control. ask your neurologist about starting ultomiris. what's up, auntie? did you get the basketball shoes i need for tryouts this weekend? - oh, dude. - that's okay. i'm not going to be able to make it to dick's this week. you can just click on oh, dicks dot... hi. welcome to wow, they're beautiful. let's go shopping. are you kidding me? i'm in ball heaven. i like you. look at all these cups. i really like you. i don't even live near water. whoa, these arrived so fast. i know, right? you're about to get posterized. i'm going to shatter that glass. come on, let's go. dicks dot- ( ♪ ) (vo) tear into it... a new adventure. a new discovery. it's... all... out... there. they just need the crunch of nature valley to get after it. life happens. out there.
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>> michael: back now with our play of the day. a group of good samaritans jumped into action to rescue a man trapped inside his suv on a highway after it went off the road, hit a light pole and caught on fire. eva pilgrim has this incredible story. good morning, eva. >> eva: good morning, michael. it's remarkable when one person stops to help, but in this situation multiple drivers pulled over to help a perfect stranger trapped in his car on
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fire, putting themselves in harms way, saving a man's life. it's the fiery minnesota highway rescue caught on tape. >> all i see there's a man in a car can't get out and needs our help. >> eva: watch as good samaritans jump into action running to rescue the 71-year-old man who was trapped inside his honda suv that was engulfed in flames. >> you could feel how hot it was. the billow of smoke just wafting in the air. >> reporter: minnesota state patrol telling abc news the vehicle struck a light pole then guardrail thursday during rush hour on interstate 94 in st. paul. one of those good samaritans 24-yr-old registered nurse tessa sand. >> i was scared like shaking scared. the car just totally went up in flames. >> eva: she and several others stopping their own cars, rushing to help free orbovich. sand directing others to pull on
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the doors. >> i was trying to figure out, one, how to get him out of the car. trying to break the guardrail down, trying to get him out on the passenger side which was also engulfed in flames. >> eva: then highway response stepping in, smashing the driver's side window. good samaritans pulling the man out of the window to safety. >> you could see the fear and panic in his eyes. >> eva: he was taken to an area hospital, surviving with minor injuries. >> it's 100% a miracle. if strangers had not come together to form this community to get this man out of the car, i don't think he would still be here today. >> eva: yeah. lot of people calling these good samaritans heroes. one telling us he doesn't consider himself a hero but it does feel good he could help. >> robin: so many. so many helping. not hesitating. >> eva: makes you feel good all those people willing to help. >> michael: exactly. >> robin: got that right. thank you, eva. coming up ginger has something special for earth day. she's live from new mexico. look at you there. good morning, ginge.
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>> ginger: what a way to spend earth day with the gorgeous sunrise that happened. the land of enchantment is showing off. we are going to show you an earthship that lives with the planet versus against it. this will be a really special morning. we hope you take away tips you can bring for your house. stick around. we'll have much more coming up.
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♪ nothing and me go hand-in-hand, ♪ ♪ nothing on my skin, that's my new plan. ♪ ♪ nothing is everything ♪ now's the time,... ...ask your doctor about skyrizi,... ...the number one... ...dermatologist-prescribed biologic in psoriasis. learn how abbvie could help you save. target circle is free to join... and you get deals automatically? i love automatic! hey, wanna see a trick? sometimes i eat the barcode stickers! love my job! -oh, here comes the bread guy. -come on. if you save nearly $750 like this, imagine what we could get. oh, like blackberries, cranberries. -exactly. -halle berry. i'm just kidding, but i love her. switch to progressive, and you could save hundreds. >> ginger: welcome back to gma. we are celebrating earth day inside an earthship that is a vessel that lives with the
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planet versus against it. it's the type of home where sustainable living is very very big including something as simple as taking my coffee can that i had this morning and making it part of a facade of this beautiful building. so what can we take away from here and bring home? since probably all of us won't be building award winning owens corning platinum preferred contractor. one call to one company can save you thousands right now for a very limited time. when you bundle solar plus a new roof, the average customer saves almost $6,000 when you bundle
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solar plus a tesla powerwall three and a new roof, you can save an average of over $15,000. switch to solar, get two tesla power walls and a new roof, and you could save over $18,000 powerhouse savings. the more you bundle, the more you save. protect you and your family from outrageous electric bills this summer. go solar plus batteries and get a new roof from semper solaris. call now. >> 9-1-1 the troc now on my stepson. >> you guys don't know what happened that day. the day that my son died. you're not a good liar. he's just in a good way. the interrogation tapes tonight on abc, always live. >> abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning. i'm reggie aqui from abc seven mornings, and amanda is looking at traffic. >> good morning. reggie here at 755, we have a mass transit alert while bart and ace are on time. caltrain says train 301 has been canceled in the northbound direction. drew.
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>> hey there. >> we'll go from sutro tower to the temperatures this morning. you can see a lot of sunshine there. we are in the 50s if not low 60s this morning, near 60 in oakland at 62, in san jose, 60 right now in concord. so it feels mild out there already this morning. as we head throughout the day, we'll find that bright sunshine getting us above average once again along the coast, though this afternoon we will find fog returning later today and that will keep us on the cooler side in the 50s and 60s, but away from the coast we'll go into the 70s and into the 80s. so 73 in oakland today, 82 in san jose, a high of 68 in the city. reggie drew, thank you. >> another abc seven news update in about 30 minutes. you can always catch us on our news app. and abc seven and join us every weekday morning from 5 to 7 a.m. here's more gma. >> find your inner child in the totally talked out dodge hornet rt crossover right now. well
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qualified current fca lessees can lease the 2024 dodge hornet rt for 189 a month. >> type two diabetes discover the ozempic tri-zone ozempic. >> i got the power of three. i lowered my a-1c cb risk and lost some weight. >> in studies, the majority of people reached an a-1c under seven and maintained it. >> i'm under seven. >> ozempic lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack or death in adults. also with known heart disease. >> i'm lowering my risk. >> adults lost up to 14 pounds. >> i lost some weight. >> ozempic isn't for people with type one diabetes. don't share needles or pens or reuse needles. don't take ozempic. if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type two, or if allergic to it, stop ozempic and get medical help right away. if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase. low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea,
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vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. living with type two diabetes ask about the power of three with ozempic. >> you made a cow. >> actually, it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. >> how about a more solid way to save? >> i'm listening. >> well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward every month. you save cash reward, and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. >> wow. >> anything you can't do. >> mugs bmo excellent company. >> we had an idea of what we wanted, but we weren't sure how to put it together. >> it's kind of one of those things that i personally take pride in making sure that the people make the right decision. >> we highly recommend precision precision door service, a name you can trust to create lasting memories at cirque du soleil kooza in san jose. >> join us under the big top to
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share unforgettable moments with your loved ones, and be amazed by astonishing acrobatic feats kooza, now playing at santa clara county fairgrounds, kooza thanks its official partner, air canada. buy tickets at cirque du find your inner child in the totally talked out dodge hornet tt crossover. right now, well qualified current fca lessees can lease the 2024 dodge hornet tt for 189 a month >> george: good morning america. 8 a.m. donald trump on trial. the first time in american history, a former president will be tried in criminal. opening statements today. who will take the stand? will the defendant testify? what it means for his white house campaign?
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>> robin: remembering mandisa. ♪ the grammy winner and "american idol" alum. ♪ sometimes i love you ♪ >> yes. >> yes. >> yes. >> robin: at 47 years old, passing away suddenly. this morning how she helped others become overcomer, and her legacy on and off the stage. >> michael: celebrating earth day. you'll save some green with green beauty and home products, starting at just $5. all from small businesses. ♪ who's gonna save the world ♪ >> george: and ginger is on a mission, exploring an earth ship on this earth day. what it's like to live in a totally sustainable home. as she says -- >> ginger: good morning america! welcome to the earthship! ♪ save the world ♪ >> announcer: live in times square, this is gma. >> robin: ginger is living her best life today. she is in her glory. good morning america. we have a very excited crowd
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here in times square this morning. they just got to meet k-pop star itzy. we are so looking forward to the performance in our next half hour. >> george: we, of course, are celebrating earth day. we just showed you ginger in new mexico, in a neighborhood of earthships. these are completely self-sufficient homes built into the earth. she's gonna show us around one and how we can become more sustainable. >> michael: first a look at top stories breaking at 8, starting with opening statements happening today in donald trump's historic criminal trial. let's go back to aaron katersky outside the courthouse in manhattan. good morning, aaron. >> reporter: good morning, michael. this case is about a criminal conspiracy with those words, one of the prosecutors began trying to prove that a former american president is guilty of a crime. telling the jury in his opening statement the defendant, donald trump, orchestrated a criminal
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scheme to corrupt the 2016 election. the defense will then follow, trying to distance trump from the hush payment to stormy daniels and the way it was recorded and instead saying trump relied on accountants and lawyers. the first witness will be david pecker. prosecutors say he was part of the scheme to purchase unflattering stories ability trump and make sure they stayed out of print. trump is slouched in his chair at the defense table listening to all of this. he is relegated to silence. when the court day began, the judge informed the parties there was some problem with one of the jurors. juror number 9 said he felt uncomfortable about all of the publicity around the case. after speaking with the juror, he is going to remain. it does show how intense things are as the trial of former president of the united states is well under way. >> george: also this morning terry anderson has died. he was middle east correspondent
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in 1985 when he was snatched off the street in bay beirut. islamic militants held him for nearly seven years. he was the longest held of several western hostages trying to put pressure on the u.s. to try to withdraw forces from lebanon. his family said that he died at his home due to complications from heart surgery. he was 76. >> robin: we are thinking of his family, george. now a new warning from the cdc about counterfeit botox after nearly two dozen people reported harmful reactions from mishandled injections with some even being hospitalized. stephanie ramos has the latest. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the consequences that may come with fake botox aren't pretty. the cdc now confirms 22 people in 11 states have experienced harmful reaction from counterfeit or mishandled botox injections. those people affected, 11 were sent to the hospital and 6 had to get a botulism treatment to make sure the toxin didn't spread beyond the injection site. health officials say there are mislabeled packages out there
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and vials bought from unlicensed sources that are being administered in nonhealth care settings, including homes or spas. here are some of the symptoms. they include blurry vision, drooping eyelids and difficulty swallowing. if you're unsure if the botox you are about to get is safe, go online and see if your state has a license look up tool where you can check to see if the provider or setting has the appropriate license. don't be afraid to ask questions. ask if the product is approved by the fda. check it out if you can. and, of course, when in doubt, do not get that injection. guys? >> robin: all good advice. stephanie, thank you. coming up in our gma morning menu, remembering mandisa. the grammy winning singer who we first got to know on "american idol" passing away at just 47. we look at her career and impact. >> george: also ahead a visit to an earthship on earth day. ginger tells us what it's like
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to live in one of these completely self-sustaining homes. >> michael: plus the hottest food trend on social media. stuffed bagels. our team had to give this one a try. lara is with some special guests. hey, lara. >> lara: i'm so excited. i'm here with itzy. lovely ladies are here to perform one of the hit singles off their brand new album. that's coming up here on good morning america. you guys ready? all right. get ready. why did i keep missing out on this? before you were preventing migraine with qulipta? do you remember the pain, the worry, the canceled plans? and look at me now. you'll never truly forget migraine but qulipta reduces attacks making zero-migraine days possible. it's the only pill of its kind that blocks cgrp and is approved to prevent migraine of any frequency. to help give you that forget you get migraine feeling. don't take if allergic to qulipta. most common side effects are nausea, constipation and sleepiness. learn how abbvie could help you save. qulipta, the forget-you-get migraine medicine.
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level up your love with the new petsmart treats rewards™. ♪anything for you♪ petsmart. anything for pets. kerendia presents the abc's of ckd. c is for chronic, because chronic kidney disease in type 2 diabetes gets worse over time. k is for kidneys, because kidney damage can lead to kidney failure and dialysis. d is for doing more to protect your kidneys. kerendia is for adults with ckd in type 2 diabetes and is a once—daily tablet that is proven to reduce the risk of kidney failure, which can lead to dialysis. kerendia also slows the progression of kidney damage and reduces the risk of cardiovascular events, such as heart attacks. do not take kerendia if you have problems with your adrenal glands or take certain medications called cyp3a4 inhibitors. kerendia can cause high potassium levels in your blood. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and ask before taking potassium supplements or salt substitutes containing potassium. kerendia can also cause low blood pressure and low blood sodium.
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kidney damage from ckd in type 2 diabetes is not reversible. don't wait to ask your doctor if kerendia is right for you. at oofos, we don't make footwear. we make shock absorbers. fatigue fighters. mobility maximizers. this is the science of active recovery. revolutionary oofoam technology absorbs impact and reduces pressure. it's the foundation of every pair of oofos, and the key to recovering faster. this is not a shoe. this is oofos active recovery. activate your recovery with oofos. wow. that's good. almond breeze? you like the almond breeze i got you... that's sooo interesting. what's happening, dad? with delicious taste and 50% more calcium. blue diamond almond breeze. don't just milk it. almond milk it. (♪) ♪ you must know what it's like ♪ ♪ to love somebody, to love somebody ♪
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♪ the way i love you ♪ (♪) >> robin: back now on this monday morning on gma as we remember the life of grammy winner, singer, gospel power house, american idol alum, mandisa, who passed suddenly at 47. she was one of the brightest lights on and off the stage.
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janai is back with her story. good morning again. >> good morning again, robin. broke my heart when i heard the news. that's what jennifer hudson posted after learning of mandisa's passing. it's a sentiment shared by so many, as there are still so many questions about what happened. ♪ tributes pouring in for grammy award winning gospel artist mandisa, who was found dead in her nashville area home thursday. her team releasing a statement writing, at this time we do not know the cause of death or any further details. we ask for your prayers for her family and close knit circle of friends during this incredibly incredible time. >> hey, what's your name? >> mandisa. >> mandisa what? >> just mandisa. >> reporter: it was during season 5 when the california native wowed the judges during her soulful audition on "american idol." ♪ sometimes i love you ♪ >> yes.
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>> yes. >> yes. >> reporter: placing ninth with her powerful vocals, mandisa's rise to stardom was only beginning. ♪ let the whole world see your true beauty ♪ >> reporter: her debut album "true beauty" seizing the number one spot on the christian albums chart in 2007. fans drawn to her relatability. the singer, open about her struggles with depression and weight loss, something she wrote about in her book "out of the dark." >> the process of me coming out of the dark is learning the power of talking about uncomfortable things and how you have to in order to be healthy. >> reporter: mandisa releasing five album s throughout her nearly two decade career like "overcomers." ♪ you're an overcomer ♪ a song encouraging those facing adversity. music video featuring our own robin. >> robin: that was a song that
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helped so many people. you allow yourself to be transparent. you're letting us in. >> totally. i realized as i started to share this story, i started to hear from people who said, i'm just glad to know i'm not alone. >> reporter: the album of the same name winning a grammy for best christian album in 201. the music world now mourning the singer's untimely passing. jennifer hudson sharing, she was truly a woman of faith. a bright light that made such a powerful imprint on this world. paula abdul telling people, i'll always remember her poise, grace and dignity. how could anyone forget those vocals? taylor hicks writing, she was a powerhouse vocalist and she graduated to a wonderful career in gospel music. better yet, she was a powerhouse person and all of us will miss her dearly. mandisa was 47 years old. so young. when she was here discussing her memoir, she said she hoped it
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sparked conversations about mental health. robin, the day you return from your medical leave and she was here singing "stronger." you said it really helped you get through. there was a clip of you holding your sister's hand. >> robin: dorothy. >> you were all singing along. i know mandisa loved you. >> robin: she meant so much to so many people. she helped a lot of people, myself included, during a very, very challenging time. she was very open in talking about her issues that she had. just really thinking about all of her loved ones. thank you. yes, that was a special morning when she was here for us. thank you. >> george: going to move on to our earth week series, the power of us. heating, cooling creates more green house gas emissions in the u.s. construction and demolition create 500 million ton of debris each year. but things can be done
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differently. ginger is going to show us how from new mexico. hey, ginger. >> ginger: hey, good morning, george. you know, it's earth day. earth is showing up and showing out here in the land of enchantment. look at that sunrise over the crystal mountains. just gorgeous. as i'm standing in front of an earthship. this is a living vessel, not just a home, that's built into the earth utilizing geo thermal. there's at least one of these in every state. they've got features all over, like this, that looks like stained glass. it's actually upcycled glass bottles from the ones you and i drink out of. the question is, why don't we construct our buildings more like this? we figured, why not live in it and show you how possible it is? >> this is my routine in the morning. >> ginger: at first glance, mike reynolds morning doesn't look much different than ours. >> this water was rain. >> ginger: he doesn't live in a typical house. he lives in something bigger.
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this is an earthship. a home built into the earth made from trash, concrete and dirt. it is fully self-sustaining. >> i imagine that everybody on the planet can wake up in the morning and be comfortable without fossil fuel. everybody can grow food in their house that everybody can have electricity from the sun and wind. these buildings do that. >> ginger: look closely at the magnificent architecture. it's mostly upcycled trash. >> that beer bottle there, that's not garbage. that's a glass bottle that will turn into a stained glass brick. >> ginger: they have timers to save energy on hot water. washer and dryer. all the niceties of life. >> washer dryer, cook stove, refrigerator, hot and cold running water. >> ginger: it's just done smarter. like the rain water used four times. >> i'm using three gallons of water to take a shower. that same three gallons waters my banana trees and tomatoes. that same three gallons of water is recollected to flush the
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toilet. >> ginger: they have solar, but not for heat or ac. earthships heat themselves with used tires. >> each tire gets about four or five wheel barrows of dirt pounded into them. the sun comes in and heats that mass. and then the tire retains it and as the temperature drops, that heat would be released. >> ginger: we tested out the tire wall living in an earthship for three days. the house itself is 5,400 square feet. 2,000 is dedicated to growing space. in this house there's two ponds in the greenhouse. we have tilapia out there. you could catch a fish, wrap it in a banana leaf and grill it on the fire. >> ginger: our earthship has a wood burning fire but we did not keep the fire stoked so we're gonna go through the night without supplemental heat.
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good morning. first night. i slept pretty well. i'm definitely warm. i guess that's what counts. an obvious part of living in an earthship is return things to nature. leftover coffee going in the compost. but if there had to be one thing from earthship that we could apply to homes across america, what would be the most important? >> you can add a greenhouse on the south side of your house. that will heat those rooms that are near that. you can become aware of the fact that heat comes from that thing and you can catch that heat. >> ginger: back in new york, i'm taking his advice. i love to garden, but our season in new york is really short. so this is not an earthship but there are plenty of these smaller greenhouses that you can invest in and extend your season, be a little closer to earth. there are more than 100 earthships, but mike says we need more.
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>> i mean, the solutions or the way forward on this planet is gonna have to be this way. >> ginger: you can get a base model, two bed, two bath, for about $400,000. you can also rent them out. which is how we stayed here for three days two nights. they use decoration as insulation. heavy curtains that trap in heat, kind of like a layered effect throughout the home. being pesticide free and living with your food is huge. having a washer and dryer is huge. all that water, and the water that comes from your shower, which is from rain, that goes into the drains and then from that drain, it comes in through filters to water your plants. then it goes back into the toilet, which is how it flushes. efficiency beyond. i think it's so special that you can wake up, pick something, live with earth instead of
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against it. yes, in case anybody was wondering, i did get home and my city boy husband was like, come on, tell me we're not really gonna live in an earthship. i thought, well, we're gonna start trying. [ laughter ] >> michael: we have definitely learned a lot from this, ginger. we were all saying you probably don't want to come back. that's right up your alley. we thank you for bringing that to us. you can see more of ginger's earthship living experience by checking out abc news live prime tonight at 7:00 p.m. eastern and tomorrow the one simple thing in your kitchen you can replace to cut down on waste and save money. ginger, i'm tossing it back to you to give us some weather. what you got? >> ginger: yes. hey, as cold as it is this morning, they use solar for all the electricity here. i thought it would be important to see just how much solar has grown on this earth day. the states you see highlighted there are leading. texas and california are at the top. there are sometimes where solar is powering more than our fossil fuels. we are making great strides, but
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we are far from all living in an earthship. that is for sure. that's the big picture. let's get a check now closer to >> michael: time for a little monday morning pop tphaoutz with lara. what you got? >> lara: let's do it. busy morning. we are going to get spicy thanks to these ladies and their surprise reunion over the weekend. yep. posh, baby, ginger and sporty all got back together over the weekend to celebrate victoria beckham's 50th birthday. all five members of the spice girls doing an impromptu
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performance of their 1997 all captured on camera by mr. beckham. take a look. ♪ right now thank you very much i need somebody with a human touch ♪ ♪ hey you always on the run ♪ last time all five members of the spice girls performed together was in 2012 at the london olympics. opening ceremony. they still have the moves though, guys. other party goers included eva longoria, gordon ramsay, marc anthony, tom cruise, all there to wish posh spice a very happy birthday. the birthday girl herself posting photos on instagram, family and friends writing, i don't think i have ever felt as loved as i did last night. that's the way you should be. happy 50th birthday to victoria beckham. also this morning we believe -- go ahead.
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♪ ♪ do you believe in love ♪ >> lara: there you go. we do believe this legend is now a hall of famer. cher is among the 2024 of rock and roll hall of fame inductees. this year's class was revealed last night on "american idol" by ryan seacrest and lionel richie. take a look. ♪ >> cher! foreigner! dave matthews band! kool and the gang. mary j. blige. peter frampton. and ozzy! >> lara: wow. four of those eight performers were first time nominees. congratulations. plus dionne warwick and jimmy buffet will be honored with the musical excellence award. the chairman praising this diverse group of inductees
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saying they broke down barriers and influenced countless musicians that followed in their footsteps. hall of fame induction ceremony will take place october 19th in cleveland and will stream live on disney plus for a second year in a row, then we do a primetime special in the fall right here on abc. >> robin: we were there at the hall of fame for the eclipse. it is spectacular, rock and roll hall of fame in your hometown. >> lara: finally, the nhl stanley cup playoffs are officially under way. 16 teams competing to hold the iconic trophy. before any of them get it, we do. we are getting our chance to see the massive cup right here, right now. come on out! guys, want you to meet miragh. she is one of four professional stanley cup keepers. thank you for being with us. >> thank you for having me. >> lara: so exciting to have you and have this monster. it is so iconic. 35 pounds, right? >> yep.
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>> lara: you are an nhl archivist and keeper. tell us about your job. >> i am the archivist for the hockey hall of fame in toronto. one of our most recognizable artifacts, of course, and famous artifacts in the world is the stanley cup at 131 years old. >> lara: it sure is. we've seen this cup go everywhere. can you explain how it works? how is it that we have seen this cup on boats? we've seen it at schools. how does it actually work? >> there's an amazing tradition in hockey. playoffs started so we're waiting to see where we'll be in the summer. but the tradition is that the players and staff get to have a day with the trophy to celebrate with it how they would with their family and their communities. all that goes wherever this cup goes. so whatever that player chooses to do with his day, we're with him. you're along for the ride. you bet. that's funny. but the stories you could tell. >> yeah, well, stanley could talk. >> it's interesting. i'm just
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getting a wrap. i'm getting a hard wrap. and one thing that's interesting is that every. this is the only trophy where it's not just the team name, it's the players on the cup. >> yeah, it's the only trophy in professional sports where the players names are engraved on it, as well as staff members. they have 52 names that they can that they can engrave on the trophy. >> wow. that's it's so. and thank you so much. thanks for bringing that to us. it's really nice to see you in person. anybody want to try to hold it up? we're out of time. the playoffs continues with a quadruple header. eight teams guys continuing their fight to the stanley cup. and the puck drops tonight starting at 7 p.m. eastern on espn. 7:30 p.m. on espn two. and i believe we have to go earth day celebration coming up. so hi, i'm andy and i'm sabrina, and we're moms juggling tons of stuff every day. >> like all you moms out there. and you know what? we love really love pop culture. so what happens when being obsessed with pop culture collides with being a mom? you get us. so listen now
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to our new podcast, pop culture moms, available ad free on amazon music right now. >> there's just so much happening in our world, so much at stake at the start of every morning. >> and that's why at good morning america, we're right here. >> and we got you, we got you, we got you. newscast. abc's world news tonight with david muir is now available on youtube. are you ready? because idol's got mentor meghan trainor. david archuleta returns a command performance. >> and we'll reveal your top ten. there's going to be a large cut tonight. >> american idol live tonight on abc. >> the nfl draft live thursday on abc. >> always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning everyone. i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven morning is going to look at traffic now with amanda. >> good morning. kumasi a slowdown in san francisco because of a two car crash on
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northbound 280. this is the connector ramp to southbound 101. you see, speeds are down to 11mph there because one lane is blocked. there is stop traffic from san jose avenue and you'll be seeing a seven minute delay. back to you. kumasi. >> thanks, amanda. meteorologist drew tuma has your accuweather forecast after the break. >> no one can undo an accidental death, but we can help manage what comes next. justice takes more than a fighter. you need a champion walk, a personal injury law visit, walk up >> the floor store's spring sale. save on every type of flooring plus 18 months interest free financing. floor. store your bay area flooring authority. >> our spring clearance sale is going on now. save up to 50% off store wide. an 18 months interest free financing. so if you can't find me wicked the untold true story of the witches of oz flies back to the orpheum theater from august 28th through october 13th.
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>> only visit broadway sf. com to get wicked. >> now is a great time to get an offer you'll love on the accord hybrid and cr-v hybrid inventory is here, so bring on the fun. bring on the weekend getaways. bring on the memories. and get a great offer on a honda named the 2023 kelley blue book's best value brand. buy online reserved from select dealers, or hurry into your local honda dealer today. >> no matter how long your journey to recovery may be. we'll be with you 100% of the way. justice takes more than a fighter. you need a champion walk, a personal injury law visit. walk up >> hey bay area, live with kelly and marcus. >> coming up, we'll chat with hiroyuki sanada from shogun. plus, we kick off live's go green week. >> that's at nine on abc seven. >> we'll see you in a little
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bit. here's a live look from our san jose camera this morning. got bright conditions out there. it's already pretty mild in many cities. 60s from napa to vallejo, 62 in san jose, we're at 55 currently in the city. a lovely view from our exploratorium camera. we'll find sunshine today. above average temperatures along the coast will stay in the 60s around the bay shoreline. we'll get into the 70s and inland will go into the low 80s for our afternoon highs. so 81 in concord, 82 in san jose, 73 in oakland, 68 in the city, up to 77 in napa, kumasi thank you, drew. >> we'll have another abc seven news update in about 30 minutes. you can always latest find the latest on app and at abc seven the news c >> a >> announcer: welcome back to gma live from times square. >> lara: we are back with our deals and steals earth day edition. tory john season is here. you have outdone yourself. i love all of these products,
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starting with this one. this is such a great one. >> you and i cannot walk around the studio without seeing somebody carrying one of these bags. they are awesome. >> lara: they're this little. keep it in your bag, bring it to the grocery store, pull this out. >> you can carry it anywhere. keep it in the glove compartment. in your desk at work. anywhere. as long as you need a bag, this will do it for you. it's super durable. holds up to 15 pounds. we've got all new bright fun patterns that are fun and fabulous and bright. we also have blu cloth. this is a paper towel alternative. this is a paper towel alternative. i have premoistened. >> lara: here's what it looks like. >> looks like a pretty piece of -- >> lara: looks like a napkin. >> i soak this in water. take that and wring it out. look how much water was in that one little cloth. >> lara: this will not rip. >> that's to show you how
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unbelievely absorbant it is. it looks prettier than paper towels. >> lara: can put it in the dish washer? >> yep. it's reusable. you did your job. that was perfect. these are all slashed in half. we've got sets with all of them start at $12. >> lara: love it. >> fabulous. >> lara: reusable containers. >> this is a plastic free silicone container that stands on its own. it can go from freezer to microwave to table back into the fridge or freezer depending what you're doing with your leftovers. once you pop this in the microwave you could bring this to the table to serve your beverage. >> lara: your lunch in it. >> you can use it for so many different things. snack foods, pasta, soup, stews. broths. >> lara: you name it, it can hold it. >> so many different options. they've created great kits for us. all slashed in half starting at $20. >> lara: didn't i sound like a
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good spokes person there? >> you did. you are a good spokes person. >> lara: these are fantastic. it's a snow ball that goes in your dryer. >> yes. it's a dryer ball. ding, ding, ding. what i love about the dryer ball is that it's 100% wool. it will help reduce static cling, help your clothes dry faster so you use lesson energy. helps reduce wrinkles. and then we also have from them what they're really known for, their laundry detergent sheets. what's great about these, these use 95% less water. >> lara: can i illustrate? >> i don't know if there's anything to demonstrate. you've got them. you can do a vanna demo, right? vamping. they use less water, which means less energy and emissions to transport and store. then you also have no plastic when you are finished with it. 96 load one here makes every load $0.17. we have fragrance free, fresh, clean baby.
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so many options. these start at $7.50. >> lara: really good stuff. i highly recommend those. >> okay. this is going to help eliminate odor instead of masking it. sometimes when you've got odor at home, whether you've got bathroom, closet, gym bag, sneakers. we spray stuff to mask that odor. it acts as a magnet that absorbs odor from the air and sucks it into this. it's 100% moso charcoal and bamboo. you can refresh them by putting them out in the sun once a month and they'll last two years. any place you've got odor, it's a pretty bag that's easy to put in the bottom of the garbage can. >> lara: gets the job done. >> gets the job done. we also have their spray option that will just release it from the air. these are slashed in half starting at $5.50. >> lara: let's get the kids involved. >> not just the kid, but all of us. makeup eraser. what's fabulous about makeup
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eraser, easiest way to remove makeup with just water. >> lara: how cute they are though. >> replaces disposable wipes. these are fabulous. people tell me they start stocking up now for christmas stocking stuffers. it's your day to shop at just $5. we have singles and sets from makeup eraser. then modern sprout. i love this because you don't need a green thumb to be able to grow greens. the one you're holding, that's the glow and grow kit. that's basil. burn that candle. after you burn the candle, comes with everything here to reuse the vessel to grow basil. what i love about these kilts, i'm growing mint in my kitchen. it comes with this whole hydroponic system. all you do is just put water in here, give it light and love, it will grow itself. you don't have to do anything. these kits are fabulous. again, no experience needed. they start at $6.50. >> lara: great gift idea or something great to have in your home. thank you so much. you gave us great deals that you
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can take advantage of. happy earth day, everybody. thank you, tory. coming up best selling author emily henry is here to talk about her new novel called "funny story." i can't wait to hear what that means. she's got a funny story for us coming up on gma.
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norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? we're in the middle of... seizing the date! in the middle of the perfect pairing ... and parking it here for the night! so come get away... together... illinois— the middle of everything.
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>> lara: we are back with the new york times best selling author known as the reigning
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queen of the beach reads, happy place, book lovers, people you meet on vacation, beach read. emily henry's latest book is called "a funny story." it's coming out just in time for warmer weather, and we cannot wait. we're so happy you came. >> i'm so happy to be here. thank you for having me. >> lara: i'm fan girling. i couldn't get "happy place" out of my head. i read it last summer. it made me so happy. it also keeps you gripped. you're wondering, we fall in love with these characters. give us a snippet about "funny story." i want to hear about the title and people in it. >> perfect. "funny story" is about this uptight librarian who is engaged. she thinks her life is perfect. she just moved to this new town to be with her fiance and then he breaks up with her and her whole life is thrown into chaos. she has to move in with petra's ex-boyfriend. >> lara: oh boy. chaos ensues. >> we love mess. at least it's a start. >> lara: of course.
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>> yeah. they kind of figure out that maybe it's not the worst thing in the world because they could lead their exes to think maybe they're together now, make them a bit jealous. >> lara: i can not wait. >> it's really fun. >> lara: you say rom coms are a huge inspiration for you. i totally see this. >> yeah. >> lara: it is like reading a rom com. you get so invested in the characters, they literally come to life on the page. >> thank you. >> lara: which rom coms would you say have inspired you the most? >> i feel like nora efron's catalog. >> lara: 100%. >> it doesn't get better than that. the desk set which her parents made is one of my favorites. i think those two have been so significant for kind of finding my own voice. >> lara: you sure have. so several of your books are headed to the big screen. i'm going to brag. beach read, people we meet on vacation and book lovers. the internet is buzzing about possible casting of two stars that we love.
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they are being talked about online as possible leading couple, i guess. what do you think about the buzz and what do you think about them in one of your books? >> i think my readers are so smart and have such good taste. so obviously if they think it's a good idea then i'm like, yeah, that would be amazing. they're very talented actors. >> lara: what do you think about the idea that three of your books will come to life on the big screen? >> it's surreal. as you were saying, i'm so inspired by romantic comedy films, and so it feels full circle in a way. yeah, i can't wait. >> lara: as you're writing, are you thinking movie? >> honestly, i'm not thinking, oh, this could be an adaptation. i'm such a visual person so i see it all play out. there's a piece of me that like it's already a movie in my head. >> lara: do you have a favorite or is it impossible? >> it's impossible. but i will say right now "funny story" is my favorite. it's something like your newest book is so close to your heart. close to the surface. >> lara: do you get sad towards the end when you're writeing? >> yeah. >> lara: i didn't want it to end.
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>> yeah. there is that bitter sweetness which is a feeling i'm always chasing as a reader as well as a writer. that shows i have done my job if i'm actually feeling reluctant to let go of the characters. >> lara: we have a lot of people who love you. some wanted to ask questions so we thought we'd throw it out there. first one is on tape. this is katie, everybody. take a listen. >> hey, emily, i'm katie. my question is, are any of your characters inspired by people in your own life? >> i love that. yeah. i mean, nobody is directly listed, but there are so many similarities between a lot of the side characters, especially in "beach read." the best friend was modelled fairly closely to one of my real life best friends. in "happy place" there's an urban farmer with stick and poke vegetable tattoos. i have a friend who has them. little details to make the characters feel more real. >> lara: cool. here's another question. i thought this was a good
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question. would you ever consider directing? it sort of feels, again, like -- i get that feeling that you'd be really good at it. >> thank you. i would love to try my hand at that. first things first. i need to get onto a movie set. but next. i love that. that would be so fun. like i said, i can see it. i'm very open to that. >> lara: last social media question. tortured poet in all of us. if funny story was a taylor swift song, which song would it be? >> it would probably start out with some down bad or loml. then kind of comes around to karma by the end. >> lara: oooh. you had me at hello. i'm really in. all right. emily, we thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you, lara. >> lara: such a pleasure. >> oh my gosh. >> lara: keep writing, please. everybody, you will want to check this out. it's called "funny story" out tomorrow wherever books are sold. i'm sure a movie before you know it. let's go to ginger now, back in new mexico.
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>> ginger: yes. here in front of the solar wall at this earthship. it's a chilly morning here in new mexico. especially far below average in much of the united states. at least in the northeast and parts of the mid south. some temperatures in tennessee subfreezing but should be closer to 50. you say wait a minute, i thought the globe was warming? average temperatures most definitely are. in fact, new mexico here, new jersey, delaware, amongst five top warming states in the united states. so it's all about the average temperature throughout the year. our overnight lows are actually going up more than anything. that's the big picture. let's get a check closer to home. >> eva: now to a viral food alert. it's our mission to bring you
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the latest on the mashup and cooking hacks. this morning it's all about the stuffed bagel. rhiannon is back. >> i am so happy to be part of this mission. bagels are pretty perfect as they are. >> eva: they really are. >> but stuffed bagels take them to a whole new level. i have two questions. are they easy to make and are they delicious? when i tell you these are the best bagels i have ever made, i mean it. it's the breakfast staple we know and love, but bagel buffs are skipping the spread and creating something even better, the stuffed bagel. the trend started in los angeles by co-founder alex stone. >> my wife, she is the best cook that i know. she had been making the garlic bread for friends and family. it's generated from korea. we always look around, what is really trending in the world? we bring it to los angeles. it kind of went viral on social media.
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>> we have acquired the bagels. oh my god, these look stunning. >> reporter: now, with the homemade version of the mashup spreading on social media. >> now we dump this in the bottle. >> time to see if this lives up to the hype. the first step is to cut your bagel. you're not going to cut it all the way through. now we're piping in the cream cheese. we're going to put a lot in each slit. next step is bathe it in butter. >> that looks so good. yeah. >> we preheat the oven. >> these are ready to go in. the cheese will melt. i think they're done. look at that. smells so good. this is what it should look like. time to try it. here you go. >> oh my gosh. >> mom, this is really good. >> she said, mom, this is really good. this trend definitely lives up to the hype. i am happy to report because
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they were easy to make the whole family loved them. you both are moms just like me. that's saying a lot, when the whole family loves them. >> lara: they'll participate and eat the whole thing. >> do you want another bite? >> lara: yeah. exactly. really delish. thanks. >> eva: coming up k pop sensation itzy performs live. pop sensations to be 20 7 performs live. ♪ ♪
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you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪
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♪ ♪ >> lara: we're back now on tour on gma. sorry i was captivated there. so many incredible artists are hitting the road this year, including k-pop super stars itzy. they have a new album out "born to be." they're currently on their second world tour. you can scan the qr code to get more information. we have some of their fans in the studio, very excited to see
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them this morning. thank you, fans, for being here. and thank you, itzy, in the house on gma. hi, girls. >> hello. >> lara: i'm going to ask you, you're about to head back to europe. >> yeah. >> lara: mostly excited to go and why? >> we were in mexico city last week. we came here to let you know we are on a world tour right now. we are going to europe. europe is our first time so i'm so, so excited. >> lara: are you excited about paris? >> yes. all the cities in europe. >> lara: take it all in. that's fabulous. >> eva: we have a question from one of our fans here, maya. >> what's it like preparing for a tour? how long does it take to get the dances and set list ready? >> actually, the tour we prepare a tour with our newest album.
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we edit opening tracks and escalator, considering about the full flow of the tour. so i think that was how we prepared it. also the set list, we talked about it a lot, several meetings. we think about all the songs and what you want to see. >> lara: can't wait to see them all. are you ready, guys? let's do it, everybody. singing "untouchable" here's itzy. [ applause ] ♪ >> one two three let's go! ♪ let's come together
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you're all gonna know all gonna know ♪ ♪ come together come together ♪ ♪ nothing gonna stop me ♪ ♪ let's go ♪ ♪ here we go now i'm untouchable you'll go on and on ♪ ♪ i'm untouchable ♪ bam, bam, bam, ba-ri nothing gonna stop me
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no-nobody ♪ ♪ bam, bam, bam, ba-ri nobody gonna touch me ♪ ♪ nobody, no one can touch me here we go now ♪ ♪ i'm untouchable on and on ♪ ♪ i'm untouchable keep it on the floor ♪ ♪ bam, bam, bam, ba-ri nothing gonna stop me no-nobody ♪ ♪ bam, bam, bam, nothing gonna touch me bam, bam, bam, ba-ri nothing gonna stop me nobody ♪ [ applause ]
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>> on tour on "gma"
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five out of the top 50 settlements came from sweet james call, the firm awarded best attorneys in america. call sweet james the middle of nowhere, the kind of place where if something's going to go wrong , it's going to happen here. >> good thing you're the type of person who maintains your toyota at a toyota service center right now. >> visit your local toyota dealer and buy three new tires and get the fourth for only a dollar. >> so go ahead, take the road less traveled toyota service centers. keep your toyota a toyota. simple. >> thank itzy for that great performer in. you. thank you. >> thanks for watching more americans choose abc news america's number one news source. >> right now there's just so
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is all we do. if you're injured in a motorcycle accident, don't fight the insurance companies with just any lawyer. call one 804 bikers. we ride, we care, we win. if you go down, call russ brown. motorcycle attorneys adventure begins at your local jeep suv dealer with the most awarded suv brand right now during the jeep celebration event, well qualified lessees can lease the 2024 wrangler sport s for by e for 369 a month. >> don't miss this great offer. >> always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning everyone. i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven mornings. here's a look at traffic with amanda. >> good morning kumasi. we're taking you straight to the east bay. where in oakland there is a two car crash. this is northbound 880. before 29th avenue. speeds are down to nine miles per hour. in that area,
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the left lane is blocked and traffic is stopped from marina boulevard in san leandro, with a 28 minute delay. drew. >> hey man, look at temperatures are already 66. that current number in hayward, the same in san jose. so it certainly is a mild morning out there. live look from our exploratorium camera. sunshine is with us. we'll get you into the 60s and 70s away from the coast by noon. and later this afternoon it will be above average 70s and 80s for daytime highs. so 73 in oakland hit 82 in san jose, 80 in santa rosa, a high of 68. in the city, kumasi. >> thanks, drew. now it's time for live with kelly and mark, and we'll be back at 11 for midday at 11 live. have a good ♪ ♪ >> announcer: it's "live with kelly and mark!" today, from the hit drama "grey's anatomy," kim raver.


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