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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  April 22, 2024 11:35pm-12:38am PDT

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app. it's available for apple tv, google tv, amazon fire tv and roku as well. download the app now and you can start streaming. all right. that is our report. thanks so much for being here. we appreciate your time. i'm dan ashley for sandhya patel chris alvarez right now on jimmy kimmel kim kardashian and ramon rodriguez. have >> lou: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- kim kardashian, ramón rodríguez, and music from real estate with cleto and the cletones and now, jimmy kimmel!
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u [ cheering and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: hello. hi. thank you. very nice. thanks. i'm jimmy. i'm the host. thank you for watching. please, settle in because we've got a very big day. as you may know, maybe you don't know, opening arguments began this morning in the people of the state of new york versus donald jessica trump. the city that never sleeps versus the defendant who keeps nodding off during the trial. the defendant was very defensive this morning. he was in all caps mode and then some. he posted --"witch hunt!" he posted "election interference!" -- little bursts of lunacy. like a crazy man, yelling at no one on a street corner. the prosecution said trump "orchestrated a criminal scheme
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to corrupt the 2016 election," and tried to cover it up by "lying in his business records over and over and over again." three overs. the defense had a different perspective -- trump's lawyer said "president trump is innocent. trump did not commit any crimes." he's a lawyer and he's funny. that's impressive. team trump also says there's nothing wrong with trying to influence an election. and there's nothing wrong with playing "hide the mushroom," with the star of the movie "hot showers 6." trump's defense basically seems to add up to, "even if i did commit these crimes, they're not really crimes." >> puts in a bill or an invoice, and you pay the bill and in the book. it's a little line that's a very small little line, can't even write more than two words. it's not like you can tell a life story. they mark it down to a legal defense. this is what i got indicted on.
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>> jimmy: right, right. that makes no sense. that's like a bank robber going, "i went into the bank, i took out money, i came out of the bank with the money. millions of people do that every day -- now, somehow, i'm a criminal?!" he left something key. trump's lawyers made it clear today that they're going to continue to deny trump had sex with stormy daniels, which -- if i was prosecuting this case, i could get him to admit that in one second. all you have to do is say is "clearly, mr. trump was not attractive, famous or wealthy enough to entice such a desirable adult film star. he'd jump up on his hands and knees and show you every position they did it in. and while the case itself is [ applause ] obviously important, the first time we've ever seen a former president up on criminal charges, what resonates most, from a historical perspective, at least, was this. >> i'm hearing from credible sources who know what's going on in the courtroom. and what i'm hearing is that -- take it for what its worth, but
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donald trump is actually farting in the courtroom. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: just when you think the insano-meter has topped out, donald trump adds farting to his list of atrocities. [ applause ] squo we're in unshartered territory here. of course, we don't know for sure that trump was farting in court. so it would not be right for me to state that he was. so while i cannot in good conscience report that trump was pumping gas like a barstow texaco, i can report that, to borrow a phrase he likes to use when spreading rumors, "many people were saying trump was farting in court." and not just saying it, having a lot of fun with it. this was trending on twitter "odor in the court." as was "trump stinks." and so many other fun little nuggets. we had some fun. we gave the jury gas masks in the courtroom sketch. just to be safe we drew in some stink lines.
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and again, here's the thing, there is no way to prove that donald trump was the one who dealt it. so please, don't re-post this video with a dumb caption like "julius squeezer," or "the shart of the deal," or "gassolini," or you are the right to remain silent but deadly. but we don't know if any of this is true. you can't call him gassolini. the only evidence we have that trump has been known to publicly emit is what we've seen in old video footage, like this. >> my military guys up here -- excuse me, excuse me. >> jimmy: again, please, i'm begging you, don't post that out of context, no! this is the kind of clip that could go viral and really make trump upset. videos like this -- >> like you'll go person -- [ far noise ] >> men, women, man, camera,
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tv -- [ farting noise ] >> jimmy: he will not like that so please don't post this one. ♪ and i'm proud to be an american -- [ fartin ] >> jimmy: none of those clips prove anything. and to give them a platform would be both disrespectful and wrong. meanwhile, his flatulency is said to be reaching levels of rage that are "maxed out, even for him." there was a story in rolling stone this weekend. he's privately stewing over everything from the look of his courtroom sketches to me. they wrote -- "the former, and perhaps future, president has voraciously monitored the media and entertainment coverage of the trial. he appeared especially upset with jimmy kimmel, the comedian and "abc late-night" host who has been commenting on the trial with relish." relish? relish? what relish? you know what relish makes you do?
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>> you can blow up the windmills, boom, boom, boom -- [ farting ] >> that's the end of that one. >> jimmy: that's what you get with relish. he is also mad at maggie haberman of "the new york times" because she was the first to report that he was falling asleep in court. the good news is maggie did not report that trump was falling asleep today. that duty fell to another reporter from the times, susanne craig. who wrote, "trump is struggling to stay awake. his eyes were closed for a short period. he was jolted awake when todd blanche, his lawyer, nudged him while sliding a note in front of him." tomorrow, the judge will officially weigh in on whether el ron tubbard violated the gag order he's been violating repeatedly all week on truth social and even in front of the courthouse. >> has to come off. people are allowed to speak and i have a gag order. just to show you how much unfair it is. the gag order has to come off. i should be allowed to speak. and the second thing is i have to be release to have had gag order. they've taken away my
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constitutional rights to speak. and that includes speaking to you. i have a lot to say to you, and i'm not allowed to say it. >> jimmy: that's right. the guy speaking to you is not allowed to speak to you. and that's wrong. that's just not america. also tomorrow, we will hear more testimony from the first witness in the case, which is trump's old friend, the former publisher of the national enquirer. david pecker. pecker helped trump with what they call "catch and kill" schemes. this is where you pay someone for the exclusive rights to a story, and then once they tell it, you don't publish it so no one ever sees it. pecker did that for trump, and also helped him plant stories about his enemies. which is very useful. for instance, let's say you're running against ted cruz and he's gaining ground -- all you do is have your buddy run a front page story saying his father killed jfk. and off he goes, scurrying to cancun! you understand? for all the talk trump does about the media being against him, he has a lot of peckers out there. it has been a tough month for the maga media.
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the gang at "fox & friends" for one, have been twisting themselves into pretzels trying to convince their viewers that this trial isn't just bad for trump, it's a big problem for the presidency itself. >> look, the consequence of this case, it could be life-altering for the former president. that's in the hands of these 12 people. >> set a precedent for other people who want to run for president. what if they had done something like this in the past oh, they told me in eighth grade they wanted to run for president. since they paid off a girl when they were 30 years old, then that was election interference. >> jimmy: what? what a strong hypothetical. even the other guys on the panel were i don't know what she is talking about. and by the way, trump wasn't in the 8th grade, he was 60. and then you have the wiffleheads, like south dakota governor kristi noem, who is so eager to be trump's running mate, she doesn't care if he committed a crime or not. >> if donald trump is convicted in this trial, will you still support him in november? >> if my choice is between joe
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biden and donald trump, every single day of the week, yes, he will support donald trump. have i from the very beginning. he has been someone that i have supported since 2016 because i recognized that he didn't think he was better than anybody else in this country. [ farting sound ] >> jimmy: i guess it's contagious. believe it or not donald trump's flatulence wasn't the biggest release of the weekend. that honor went to taylor swift, who dropped a new double album, [ cheering ] "the tortured poets department" on friday. it's already making history. spotify announced that the new album broke a record with 300 million streams in a single day. that's more streams than your uncle with the enlarged prostate. that's a lot of streams. taylor swift is so big right now, it's like michael jackson level big. yesterday, i was driving and i saw this bumper sticker that says "proud swiftie," and for a minute, i was confused. i was trying to figure out why this old guy driving around in his ford escort, put a pow-themed taylor swift sticker on his car. turns out "swiftie," was originally a nickname for
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veterans who served on swift boats in vietnam, but it's almost impossible to find that online. even if you search vietnam swiftie, you get the twitter account for "the largest community of swifties in vietnam" if you try googling swiftie + swift boat, you get taylor's "cruel summer cruise; swifties at sea." they lost a lot of good tweens out there. and then i remember that former secretary of state john kerry, was on a swift boat. it was the center of a smear campaign about him when he ran for president. and to make it even weirder, when john kerry was on our show back in 2016, i asked him about kanye west being a jerk to taylor swift at the mtv awards. this was a story about it "-- we have a feeling that kerry might be a swift fan." he strongly defended her, which would make john kerry a swiftie who's also a swiftie! so congratulations to everybody, i think, right? [ applause ] now, the biggest female recording artist of all time,
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is not taylor swift yet, any way, she is about to play at the biggest concert ever. on may 4th, madonna is doing a free concert in rio de janeiro that is expected to draw more than a million fans. you know, madonna, is typically, the biggest star wherever she goes. but in mexico city this weekend an even bigger star joined her onstage. and man, oh man, did he put on a show! ♪ ♪ vogue, let your body go with the flow, you know you can ♪ [ cheering ] ♪ >> 10. >> where you're all walking up and down the runway. ooh. love it.
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american. one way. catch the ball, there! don't drop it. just across the boards back to the side. this category is sex times three, sex times three, ooh. >> oh, yeah. ♪ >> you like that? ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ across the board ♪ >> guillermo, come, let's take a
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picture. oh, yes, you're amazing. ♪ vogue, vogue, vogue ♪ [ cheering ] >> jimmy: i think we may have sex-trafficked guillermo. wow. [ applause ] >> jimmy: did that really happen or are we all on ayahuasca right now? was it fun? >> it was fun. it was great. >> jimmy: was it crazy? >> it was very crazy. >> jimmy: i heard it was hot and there was no alcohol backstage. >> guillermo: she turned the heater on. it was so hot. so i was looking for a beer. no alcohol. >> jimmy: oh my god, what a nightmare. >> guillermo: yeah, it was terrible. >> jimmy: not only did guillermo get to dance with madonna, she gave him a ride on her private jet afterwards. [ farting sounds ] >> jimmy: that is not -- you know what? we got the wrong, that's the wrong private jet clip. please, do not spread that around. congratulations, guillermo! [ cheering ]
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>> guillermo: >> jimmy: tonight from "will trent" here on abc, will trent himself, ramón rodríguez is with us. music from real estate. and we'll be right back with kim kardasian. ♪ abc's "jimmy kimmel live!" is brought to you by liberty insurance.
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and having a big day! in the middle of being the fun uncle! in the middle of being a kid again! beep! beep! there's something for everyone in illinois. the middle of everything!
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♪ >> jimmy: hi there. welcome back to the show. tonight from "will trent," which you can see here on abc, will trent himself, ramon rodriquez is with us. [ cheering ] then later a great band based in brooklyn, new york this is their sixth album, it's called "daniel." real estate from the don julio stage. [ cheering ] this week, we've got new shows with, carol burnett, will be with us, wanda sykes
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will be here, nicholas galitzine, and gabriel iglesias, with music from ernest, and christian nodal. >> jimmy: our first guest has a very scary and very popular show that doesn't involve squabbles with her sister. watch the season finale of "american horror story: delicate" wednesday on fx and the next day on hulu. please welcome kim kardashian. [ cheering and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: how are you? >> i'm good. how you? >> jimmy: everything is good:00 thank you. you know what? i heard something about you, because we were talking about madonna today, because guillermo was at -- >> i saw that. >> jimmy: yeah. and you apparently lived on the same block as madonna? >> yeah, she was my next-door neighbor when i was 7 and 8 years old. i was her dogwalker. >> jimmy: you were? >> kourtney and i would walk her
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dog after school. >> jimmy: oh, wow. >> in exchange for her jewelry. yeah. no, seriously. >> jimmy: like what kind of jewelry are we talking about here? >> it's like she was transitioning out of the '80s neon phase. >> jimmy: okay. >> so one day she walked downstairs and handed us a shoe box of all these neon bracelets. and kourtney and i went to school and everyone was oh my god, i love your bracelets. we were thanks, madonna gave them to us. and everyone was no. >> jimmy: that's crazy! >> yeah. >> jimmy: do you still have those? >> no. >> jimmy: oh, wow. >> i know. that's crazy. >> jimmy: that's a collector's item. >> it's really crazy. >> jimmy: so this was just before the pointy bra phase of madonna? >> i think so. >> jimmy: she give you any pointy bras? >> i wish! >> jimmy: would you go trick or treating at her house? >> no. so what's so crazy is i never -- so then years later, i watched her shoot her cherish video shot by herb ritz. me and my friend were on the beach. it was the most magical moment
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ever. >> jimmy: you were there as a kid. >> as a kid. >> jimmy: she is in a black dress, right, and rolling around in the ocean. >> yeah. >> jimmy: and her hair is short. >> and wet. >> jimmy: can you tell i watched that video a few times? and then at 1:34, you see just a hint of her breast. >> and then never would i have ever dreamed in my wildest dreams that as an adult, i would then be neighbors with her myself. our homes, we lived in the same area. >> jimmy: again? >> again, yeah. and it's just crazy. >> jimmy: and did she -- i don't -- have i neighbors. i never see anyone. occasionally just walking the dog you see people. but i never really -- >> we ran into each other actually trick or treating, for real, yeah. >> jimmy: you did? >> we both had masks on. and we were going the same house and we looked at each other. i was m? kim? oh, hey. >> jimmy: what kind of masks did you and madonna have on?
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>> just like black ski masks. >> jimmy: ski masks. >> we weren't in costume. it was just us hiding. so that our kids can go trick or treating. for the kids. >> jimmy: yeah, right. wow. >> she was with hers. i was with mine. >> jimmy: would you knock on other celebrities' doors? i would imagine this is a celebrity neighborhood? >> i mean, i don't know who lived there. they very well could be. >> jimmy: but you got good candy? >> yeah. >> jimmy: madonna allowed her children to eat candy? she seems very healthy. >> she is very healthy. but i take it and then throw it away. >> jimmy: you do? >> or donate it. or donate it. >> jimmy: your kids, if you take away their candy, next time videotape it, and i'd like to have that. it's kind of a hobby of mine. >> i know, i know. >> jimmy: so now i mentioned madonna and her pointy bra. and i wanted to ask you about your bras. your shape wear actually, your company skims. >> yes. >> jimmy: for people who don't know, you're not only a
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celebrity, but are an inventor. >> yes. >> jimmy: you've invented the -- and this is kind of genius, really. you invented the bra with built-in nipples. >> yes. it is our nipple bra. and honestly, i wasn't expecting all of the amazing feedback that we got from a lot of breast cancer survivors. >> jimmy: oh. >> that really have -- >> jimmy: that kind of ruins my line of questioning. [ laughter ] [ applause ] i mean, that's wonderful. >> forget i said that. >> jimmy: that's so wonderful. i'm going pretend i didn't hear that. no, but what i'm wondering first of all, was it your idea to put the nipples in there? >> yes. and that is actually molded after my own boobs. >> jimmy: your own boobs? >> yeah. >> jimmy: so there is more than just nipples. it's padding. >> it's a pad, yeah, the nipple on it. so if you wanted to feel nippy.
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>> jimmy: if you saw a woman walking around with this on, would you recognize -- oh, those are my boobs? would you know? >> i would, actually. i think so. because khloe was wearing it and scott made a comment. this is a little inappropriate. he was saying it's inappropriate. and she was oh, no, they're not mine. they're kim's. and he was what? yeah. >> jimmy: if you have any leftover skittles that you're going throw out for halloween, you can use those too that would be nice. what happens if it gets cold? are there then four nipples on? >> the padding is super thick. >> jimmy: the padding is super thick. but then i would like wear this, and i showed up to a meeting once, and i was so insecure that i was covering my hair just to not show them. >> jimmy: uh-huh, yeah. >> so i think we're going to make one with a half nip. >> jimmy: oh. >> like not as hard, you know. like a half. >> jimmy: like a warm weather nipple. >> yeah.
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[ laughter ] >> yeah, so it's just not as uncomfortable. >> jimmy: and you never thought about adding a third one somewhere, just for the hell of it? because i think that would make some people very happy. and you also make men's undergarments, yes? >> we make underwear and loungewear. we're going to come out with our shape wear for men. >> jimmy: shape wear for men. okay. because i think somehow -- actually, send them out. because i think some of the women's shapewear -- [ cheering ] ♪ >> jimmy: you see what i'm saying? ♪ >> i love it! >> jimmy: right? >> you look amazing. i'm not going to look there. >> jimmy: are those your real nipple, guillermo? >> guillermo: yes, they're my
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real nipples, yeah. and warm. >> jimmy: how does it feel? >> guillermo: it feels good. very tight, very tight. everything is very tight. >> jimmy: that's the point of it, right? is to be tight. >> snatched. >> jimmy: and you think this needs any adjustments as kim moves into the world of men's shape wear or is this how it is. >> would you wear men's shape wear? this is not men's shape wear, but i mean, it could be. you look amazing in it. >> guillermo: sure. i will wear it if it make me look good, i'll wear anything. >> jimmy: well we see that, yes. would you consider using guillermo's stomach as the mold for the men's shapewear? and maybe if the guy had an outie, that could be a nice little bump in there also. >> you want to be our fit model for men? >> jimmy: oh, wouldn't that be great? >> guillermo: that would be fantastic. >> jimmy: i know we're joking. will you actually -- >> i'm actually not. >> jimmy: yeah? >>. [ cheering and applause ]
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>> jimmy: all right. go put on some loathes. kim kardashian is here. her show is "american horror story delegate." we'll be right back. go put on a robe! ♪ >> lou: portions of "jimmy kimmel live!" are brought to you by intuit, make of turbotax, credit karma, quick books and mail chimp. visit to learn more. ♪ready, go!♪ collect points with every purchase. ♪ save big on their favorite services. ♪ get free gifts on birthdays and gotcha days. ♪ and right now, buy 2 dog treats or chews and get the 3rd 50% off. ♪ level up your love with the new petsmart treats rewards™. ♪anything for you♪ petsmart. anything for pets. i know it's not easy dealing with us. we make sure everyone knows
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that we are important business people. and treat our seat like a personal spa. snickers? oop. i fired you. hahaha! sorry. so rich. so indulgent. it's new olay body wash. silky indulgent moisture. bye bye, dry skin. hello glow in just 14 days. indulge. with olay body wash.
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i hate to tell you, ms.
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corben, but that's not how this works. >> i hate to tell you, dr. hill, that's exactly how this will work. i'm going give you the life of your dreams. i'm going send you every high profile wealthy patient who will do anything for a baby, spend anything for a baby. you will become a number one fertility specialist in new york city while always looking amazing. and all you have to do is do exactly what i say. how does that sound? >> jimmy: that is kim kardasian in "american horror story: delegate." the finale is wednesday. the next day on hulu. do you love doing that? >> i can't -- it's so funny. i can't watch it back. i get so nervous. that's the first time i've seen it. i can watch my show, but i can't watch anything like -- i don't know. i get so nervous. >> jimmy: i think that's very common. oftentimes when we come back
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from the commercial and the clip is playing, the guests will turn their head away or start talking to me because they don't want to watch themselves acting. >> it's such a weird feeling. >> you must like it because it takes so much time, and also you get paid so much more to be you than to be somebody else, right? [ laughter ] >> basically. [ laughter ] >> i will say when i filmed for four months, but i would go for a really intense week, and i was doing promo and filming and everything, and back to back to back. so really long days. and i called my sisters. and i go guys, not to say you'd ever want to get into acting, but you are so lucky you can wake up and we can sit in bed and film, and you don't have to get up, hair and makeup, your own hours. there is no schedule. >> jimmy: you called them and said you guys are so lucky nobody is calling you to be in their shows? [ laughter ] >> did it come off that way? >> jimmy: i read into things. that's all, yes.
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you -- how are you and donald trump right now? i think on the outs, right? no good? >> listen, i don't think he likes me very much. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah. >> but i'm okay, you know. i think he did amazing stuff with prison reform and let a lot of people out and signed an amazing bill, the first i backed. so that's what i'll focus on. >> jimmy: did he ever let gas in your presence? no? >> no. >> jimmy: so he saves that for court situations. obviously people are interested in your life and the things that you do and they write things. sometimes they're true, sometimes they're not. i have some things that are kind of interesting i want to run by you. you tell me true or false. >> sure. >> jimmy: is it true you blow dry your jewelry before putting it on? >> very true. >> jimmy: why do you do that? >> because i hate being freezing. and when you put on cold jewelry or anything with a zipper, i need it warm. >> jimmy: really? >> and then to put it on.
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yeah. >> jimmy: how much jewelry are you wearing that it changes the temperature of your body? >> or a mesh metal dress. anything chain mail. >> jimmy: when i wear chain mail, i understand, yeah. that makes -- you wash your feet every night before getting into bed? >> i do. >> jimmy: good. you sleep with your eyes slightly open? >> i do. >> jimmy: how is that possible? how do you know? >> there is footage. because my sisters have taken videos and pictures. >> jimmy: i see. >> yes, yes. >> jimmy: and you don't wake up with dry eyes from that? >> no. >> jimmy: all right. you celebrated your 14th birthday at neverland ranch? >> i did. >> jimmy: that's crazy. oh, wow. you have someone take the starbucks sleeve off your coffee because you hate the sound of cardboard? >> yes, that's true. and i hate the feeling. >> jimmy: is that somebody's only job? is that like the -- [ laughter ] is there one guy who does that, or a woman? i don't want to -- >> whoever i'm with, i just
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can't see it being done, or i can't hear it. and i can't feel it. like the cardboard getting moves off of the cup is like nails on a chalk board to me. >> jimmy: wow. >> yeah. >> jimmy: so when the amazon delivery driver comes, do you run upstairs? this fear of cardboard that you have? [ laughter ] >> only on a coffee cup. >> jimmy: all this stuff is true so far. you had your own workout dvd called kim kardasian: fit in your jeans by friday? >> true. [ laughter ] [ applause ] a long, long time ago. >> jimmy: you can change a tire? >> i can. >> jimmy: who taught you? >> probably my stepdad? >> jimmy: really? >> yeah. i've had to do it. >> jimmy: you founded your own church? >> my mom did. >> jimmy: your mom did. your mom founded a church. >> some of these are not supposed to be true, but they really are and you guys didn't
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know. >> jimmy: it is true that you have six toes? >> no. but that was a thing. like everyone thought i did. >> jimmy: on one foot or total? [ laughter ] >> on one foot. >> jimmy: on one foot. because you would have 11 toes then or possibly 12. and you can put one of those little toes in the bra if you needed to, right? well, it's very good to see you. thank you for coming and for answering all these very important questions. the finale of "american horror story: delegate" is wednesday night 10:00 on fx. the next day on hulu. kim kardasian, everybody. thank you, kim. kim kardasian, everybody. thank you, kim. we'll be in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death
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>> lou: this week on "jimmy kimmel live," carol burnett, gabriel "fluffy" iglesias, nicholas galitzine, and wanda sykes. plus music from ernest, and christian nodal. to help protect from hiv, i prep without pills. with apretude, a prescription medicine used to reduce the risk of hiv without daily prep pills. with one shot every other month, just 6 times a year. in studies, apretude was proven superior to a daily prep pill in reducing the risk of hiv. you must be hiv negative, to receive apretude and get tested before each injection. if you think you were exposed to hiv or have flu-like symptoms,
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hidden valley ranch. [announcer 1] only serious about flavor. target circle is free to join... and you get deals hiautomatically?nch. i love automatic! hey, wanna see a trick? sometimes i eat the barcode stickers! love my job!
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♪ >> jimmy: hi there. welcome back. music from real estate is on the way. you know our next guest as a special agent with the georgia bureau of investigation, the gbi, "will trent" returns with a new tuesday episode a week from tomorrow here on abc. please welcome ramón rodríguez. [ applause ] ♪
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i like that. >> thank you, sir. >> jimmy: you look sharp. how are you? >> i'm well, i'm well, thank you. >> jimmy: congratulations. i know you got picked up for a third season. [ cheering ] it was a big deal. >> we did. >> jimmy: yeah. they announced it early. they didn't make you wait until the last second. >> they didn't put you through the torture of waiting after you wrapped to know what's going to happen next. we know we have work to come back to, which is really great. >> jimmy: that is nice. i think the last time you were here you told me that your mom had thrown you a premiere party. are they still very enthusiastic about the show? >> incredibly enthusiastic. they just at times tend to struggle understanding the difference between me and will trent. and so, you know, they'll call me and go still why do you speak like that? what's with the dialogue? why do you act like that? what's with the little mannerisms and the quirks? it's will trent. i'm acting.
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it's not ramon or your son or your brother. >> jimmy: that's not something that registers. >> they don't get it. i'll tell them everything i'm doing. >> jimmy: do they think it's a reality show, like keeping up with the kardashians? >> they might, they might. because they don't get it. that's for sure. >> jimmy: i have a photograph. would it be fair to say this is your fan club that i'm about to show? >> i think so. i think, yeah, that would be fair. we were shooting on location one day. n atlanta, georgia in the suburbs. and there was a group gathering across the street. we're at a home. and across the street from the lawn there was another home. and there was a fairly large group. we were setting up at 7:00 a.m. they were setting up their lawn chairs. about 30 people. didn't know who they were. and once we started shooting, one of the production assistants said hey, ramon, there are some people here that are fans of the show. would you mindwaving to them out the window. i'll wave, great. but i'm going go and say hi to them. so i walked on over. and it ended up being this beautiful lovely group of --
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>> jimmy: of very white women. >> of white women. [ applause ] >> one of them you can see is drinking prosecco, which she offered me. and i said i'm at work, ma'am, with all due respect, i can't drink on the job. >> jimmy: so they just set up a little town. >> lawn chairs. apparently it with australia whole gathering organized. and they wanted to show their support for "will trent." >> jimmy: were they disruptive? >> no. and they stayed all day long. >> jimmy: they did? >> 12 hours, outside, just hanging out on their lawn chairs and waiting for a wave or a look. >> jimmy: do they have a group name, like swifties or something like that? >> yeah. >> jimmy: the ramonsters or something like that? >> trentys. >> jimmy: for real? >> i just self-named them. >> jimmy: i think they'll probably run with it, yeah. or run slowly with it. >> trenty. >> jimmy: do you have fans who know everything about you in an
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almost frightening way? >> i think they know a lot. i think they know sort of what i put out there publicly. but then i think there is things that maybe they don't know or that i don't even know or family doesn't know. like, for instance, a made-up -- i have an internet birthday that i'm not aware. i didn't know about until i started receiving messages from some fans, but also by the way family. i've got cousins and agents that will send me gifts. >> jimmy: what do you mean by an internet birthday? >> it's a birthday that's not my birthday. >> jimmy: oh, somebody got it wrong. >> somebody got it wrong. and it's not my job to correct them. but what's hatched is i get messages. and we were actually filming the show this year during christmas in december. and i think it's december 20th. and i walked. i didn't think about it because it's not my birthday. >> jimmy: right, yeah. >> so i just show up to work, and the trailer is decked out with balloons, happy birthday, cupcakes with betty's face on it.
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abc sent me an actual basketball hoop because they learned i like basketball. so i get all these gifts, and i get these messages from people. >> jimmy: so you get two birthdays now every year? >> i learn there is a third one in march now. [ laughter ] >> would you stop that? >> jimmy: the good news is you get a lot of gifts. the bad news is you're 75 years old. >> who cares! your agent says you should know better. >> jimmy: your agent doesn't know your birthday. >> cousins. >> jimmy: your network doesn't know -- your network, the people who pay you and have all your information. >> that's correct. >> jimmy: they do not know when your birthday is? >> i don't know how this started. but i don't want it to end. i just want to keep building it. if i could have more birthdays. come on, you know. >> jimmy: well, yeah, i guess it makes sense. >> as long as it doesn't age you literally. >> jimmy: as long as it doesn't age you. i don't correct people. listen, yes. today is my birthday. >> jimmy: so you will do nothing to correct anyone?
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>> absolutely not. they sang me happy birthday. >> jimmy: can i ask you? can i ask you this. is one of the three birthdays your birthday? >> they're way off. >> jimmy: air all off. none are your birthday. >> none are near. >> jimmy: so on your actual birthday -- >> those who know and love me know it's my birthday, and i do celebrate my actual birthday. but i get a couple of others. >> jimmy:s they great. >> anew one in march. i had a cousin text me, cumpleanos. i don't message them incorrectly. i don't know if it's like facebook wikipedia where this started. >> did abc get you another gift on your actual birthday? >> i'm not going to -- i don't want to reveal my birthday. i'm not going say. >> jimmy: but i'm asking when it comes around. >> i'll let you know. if i don't get something. >> jimmy: well, it will come
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around. >> you're right. my actual birthday will come around. but if they don't -- >> jimmy: if they get it wrong again. >> or get it right. maybe they'll get it right. >> jimmy: you know what they should do? just send you a gift every single day for the whole year. they will eventually get it correct, right? >> i'll take it. i don't want to ruin people's enthusiasm for the day of my birthday. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: wow, that's crazy. all right. well, happy birthday. >> today could be. it could be today. thank you so much ♪ happy birthday ♪ >> jimmy: watch an all new episode of "will trent" a week from tomorrow here on abc and again the next day on hulu. ramon rodriquez, everybody. we'll be back with real estate. [ cheering and applause ] ♪ >> lou: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by tequila don julio, an icon of modern mexico.
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>> lou: the jimmy kimmel live concert series is presented by tequila don julio, an icon of modern mexico. >> jimmy: thanks to kim kardashian and ramón rodríguez. apologies to matt damon. "nightline" is next, but first, their album "daniel" is out now, here with the song "water underground." real estate!
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♪ ♪ ♪ take a look around i come from a town not too far from here ♪ ♪ there is a sound never figured out how to make it clear ♪ ♪ i hear a song there inside my head ♪ can't figure out what it's trying to say ♪ ♪ i hear a voice inside my head ♪ ♪ can't figure out what it's saying ♪ ♪ water underground
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won't you cool me down, wash over me ♪ ♪ water underground fall on me ♪ ♪ won't you cool me down wash over me ♪ ♪ take a look around always had a reason to remain near ♪ ♪ there is a sound like a signal between stations ♪ ♪ it's hard to hear i hear a song there inside my head ♪ ♪ i hear a song there can't figure out what it's
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trying to say ♪ ♪ i hair a voice inside my head ♪ ♪ i hear a voice inside can't figure out what it's saying ♪ ♪ water underground fall on me ♪ ♪ won't you cool me down wash over me ♪ ♪ water underground fall on me ♪ ♪ won't you cool me down wash over me ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ water underground fall on me ♪ ♪ won't you cool me down wash over me ♪ ♪ water underground fall on me ♪ ♪ won't you cool me down wash over me ♪
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♪ ♪ water underground won't you cool me down wash over me ♪ ♪ [ applause ] this is "nightline." >> tonight, fast fashion. >> giant teemu and boxing. >> from ads to online shopping,


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