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tv   America This Morning  ABC  April 23, 2024 4:30am-5:01am PDT

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we have one more quarterfinal game, and it's tomorrow. we'll see you then. ♪♪ captioned by los angeles distribution and broadcasting, inc. . >> right now on america this morning. unrest growing at more college campuses as protests over the israeli-hamas war escalate, the arrests overnight and the security concerns at schools from coast to coast. bridge collapse, blame game.
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>> what the city of baltimore is now saying about the cargo ship that brought down the francis scott key bridge. >> did former president trump violate the gag order in his hush money trial? and if so, what should be the punishment? the crucial hearing this morning, as battle lines are being drawn following opening statements. >> big labor's big win. the new push by the united auto workers to expand in the deep south after an historic win in tennessee. the message from workers caught on camera from a smoke nato to a dust devil to one of the most damaging hail storms in recent memory. major league umpires under fire, one ejecting a manager for saying nothing, others taking heat for controversial calls. the push for change in the big leagues and later the new study that claims women doctors are better not just for women patients, but for men too. >> from abc news in new york, this is america this morning.
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good tuesday morning, everyone. i'm andrew dymburt. >> good morning. i'm alison kosik in for rihanna. and we begin with growing unrest on college campuses across the country amid protests over the israel-hamas war in california. >> protesters at one university barricaded themselves inside a building. and here in new york, more than 150 arrests as police in riot gear broke up a crowd. abc's lionel moise begins our coverage. >> overnight, tensions boiling over as pro-palestinian protests spread to more college campuses. from coast to coast. >> you have been warned by new york university to leave the area. police in riot gear dismantling this encampment at new york university, arresting multiple people accused of ignoring a deadline to disperse police and the school describing disorder orderly, disruptive and antagonizing behavior that has interfered with the safety and security of our community. >> i had one other earlier faculty members formed this
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human chain around the protesters. >> i am a professor here. i have every right to be everywhere on campus at nearby columbia university, where protests are entering a sixth day, a pro-israeli assistant professor said he was not allowed to enter campus where protesters have gathered, but was allowed access to his business school down the street. so they are willing to use jewish brains. but they don't want to let jewish people in. but i am not allowed to go on campus where they are allowing the hamas supporters, and that is a shame. >> the professor later posting earlier today, columbia university refused to let me onto campus. why because they cannot protect my safety as a jewish professor. this is 1938. after more than 100 arrests last week, a new encampment is growing at columbia, escalating concerns about security. student groups like those at other colleges and universities, are demanding columbia divest from
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companies that do business with israel. but critics highlight anti-semitic hate speech among the demonstrators. new york's mayor, pointing to this image showing a woman with a sign in front of pro-israel protesters reading al-qassam's next targets a reference to hamas military wing. >> there were people outside of campus one time with signs that said death to all jews. that is awful, and nobody should be having to experience that on their campus. >> a big name donor, new england patriots owner robert kraft, now pulling support for the university. kraft saying, i'm no longer confident that columbia can protect its students and staff overnight. columbia announcing classes for the rest of the semester will be hybrid, a combination of in-person and remote due to the security concerns. yesterday at yale, dozens of arrests for protests there and across the country in california, the campus of cal poly humboldt is closed as pro-palestinian protesters overnight barricaded themselves
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inside a building. republican lawmakers are demanding columbia's president resign over her handling of the protests. and as soon as tomorrow, she could face a censure vote from the university senate. andrew allison, lionel, thank you. >> and now to baltimore and a major development in the wake of that deadly bridge collapse last month, including new claims about who's at fault. this morning, the city of baltimore, with new accusations against the owner of the dolly, the cargo ship that lost power and slammed into the francis scott key bridge last month, causing it to collapse, killing six construction workers. in a new court filing, lawyers for the city argue the dolly's owner failed to repair known power problems before the collision, saying even before leaving port, alarms showing inconsistent power supply on the dolly had sounded, but the dolly left port anyways. the company has sought to cap its liability at $43 million, but baltimore leaders argue the liability should not be capped, claiming the company's negligence caused them to destroy the key bridge and
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single handedly shut down the port of baltimore, a source of jobs and revenue for the city. >> i think the last big devastation was the pandemic, and prior to that, nine over 11. in the case of a port closing, what's the nearest port that we can bring this product into? the collapse halted most traffic through the port of baltimore salvage crews have opened three temporary channels to allow some vessels to pass through about 15% of normal traffic, but the main shipping channel is expected to remain closed for several more weeks. >> as a result, experts say, consumers can expect higher prices on some goods, primarily industrial products and home building products. >> i think that's always a certainty, to be honest. i think most suppliers are of the mindset that they have to pass costs along when unexpected things happen and costs increase . >> but a federal court will ultimately decide who's responsible for the bridge collapse. >> another close call at a major airport, this time at new york's jfk airport. listen as a pilot realized four planes were
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crossing the same runway after he was cleared for takeoff. >> this was 170 above the runway for left there for takeoff, one seven kilo heavy rejected takeoff on the runway. >> this was airplane aborted takeoff. it happened last wednesday, one day before another close call at washington's reagan airport. the faa has acknowledged staffing shortages and has vowed to reduce air traffic controller fatigue. >> former president trump's criminal trial resumes in new york today. but first, a dispute over whether he violated the judge's gag order. abc's em nguyen has those details. m good morning. >> andrew. good morning. prosecutors are headed to court today with posts from trump's social media accounts, which they claim violate the court's gag order. this morning, prosecutors and former president trump's hush money trial are requesting he be held in contempt, claiming trump violated a gag order ten times in recent days. the list of potential violations includes social media posts that linked
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to articles calling michael cohen a key witness in the trial a serial perjurer. prosecutors want the judge to find trump $1,000 per violation and threatened further penalties. the judge scheduled a hearing on the issue before witness testimony resumes today. >> it's a very, very sad day in america. i can tell you that. >> prosecutors allege trump falsified business records to disguise a $130,000 payment to star stormy daniels, days before the 2016 election, so voters would not find out about daniels claim of an affair. at the time, news had just broken of the access hollywood tape, where trump is heard bragging about groping women. >> when you're a star, they let you do it. you can do anything during opening statements yesterday, the prosecutor quoted trump's words to the jury, saying the tapes impact was explosive and trump and his campaign were deeply concerned. >> when trump learned daniels was shopping a story, prosecutors said he was adamant
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word of the alleged affair not come out. trump denies any wrongdoing, his attorney telling the jury i have a spoiler alert. there is nothing wrong with trying to influence an election. it's called democracy and the defense claimed cohen has an obsession with getting trump and that he cannot be trusted. their first witness called to the stand was david pecker, the former publisher of the national enquirer. pecker has acknowledged by negative stories about trump only to bury them, a practice known as catch and kill. on the stand, pecker was blunt, saying, we used checkbook journalism. we paid for stories. pecker made a deal with prosecutors to avoid charges himself. he'll be back on the stand today. >> allison thanks, sam. the man accused of breaking into the official residence of los angeles mayor karen bass was reportedly able to get onto the second floor before being arrested. the la times reports. the mayor and her family hid in a safe room after the man smashed a window. the suspect,
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previously served prison time for assault in massachusetts. it's unclear if the break in was targeted. >> the nation's largest health insurer is trying to limit the damage from a major cyber attack. unitedhealth group now says a substantial portion of patient data was stolen from its systems in february, including personal and health information. the company says the hack came despite paying a ransom. >> erotic winds helped create a so-called smoke nato at a warehouse fire in washington state. evacuations were ordered sunday. crews were still on the scene yesterday, putting out hotspots. and this right here looks like a scene out of twister, a family's bounce house soaring into the air when a dust devil formed outside los angeles. wow. the wind also tossed around a trampoline. no one was hurt with that. >> let's take a look at your tuesday weather. well, the national weather service calls the hailstorm that hit rock hill, south carolina over the weekend one of the most damaging
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in memory. the hail cracked windshields and the wind hit 90mph. looking at the radar storms are possible in oklahoma and texas later today, and some showers are expected in parts of the midwest. checking today's high temperatures after a chilly start, 60s in the northeast 80s along the gulf coast, 80 also in miami and new orleans. up, celine dion speaks out about her health struggles. >> but first, big labor wins big in the south. how the united auto workers hopes to grow deep in the heart of dixie. >> and later, the best time to book your summer vacation and
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thursday jon bon jovi all live on good morning america. >> back with a police pursuit outside boston, officers tracked a speeding lexus across multiple
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highways. they say the car was stolen. the chase ended when the car crashed into the town of northborough. three people, including at least one juvenile, now face charges. >> the united auto workers union is looking to expand in the south. workers at two mercedes plants in alabama will vote next month on whether to join the union. it comes after a volkswagen plant in tennessee voted to unionize friday, becoming the first southern plant owned by a foreign automaker to join the uaw. >> what changed the most is everybody started seeing what we could get when the big three went on strike and they said, wait, hold on. if they can get all this, we should too. >> the governors of five southern states urged workers not to unionize, saying the union will threaten jobs. the uaw president called the governors puppets for corporate america. >> we turn now to the supreme court, weighing in on a case that could decide how the government fights homelessness. this morning, the supreme court appears open to allowing cities
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and towns to criminally punish homeless people at issue whether governments can ticket fine or possibly jail homeless people who sleep outside in public areas. opponents argue that violates the eighth amendment, which prohibits cruel and unusual punishment. justice amy coney barrett, questioning that claim so it would not violate the eighth amendment to punish public urination and defecation. the case stems from the city of grants pass, oregon, which has banned anyone who sleeps in public from using a blanket, pillow or cardboard box. >> i think that it is harmful for people to be living in public spaces on streets and in parks, whatever bedding materials. when humans are living in those conditions, we think that that's not compassionate. >> the case has nationwide implications amid the expanding problem of homelessness and public safety concerns. while many justices appeared sympathetic to the city, others
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pointed out the need for homeless people to sleep somewhere. >> it's sort of like breathing. i mean, you could say breathing is conduct, too, but presumably you would not think that it's okay to criminalize breathing in public. >> i would like to point to the federal regulations for a homeless person who has no place to go sleeping in public is kind of like breathing in public. >> one question the justices will need to decide is whether homelessness is someone's status or their conduct. their ruling is expected in june. >> coming up, a new legal battle in the world of luxury handbags. >> also ahead, the major league manager ejected for saying manager ejected for saying nothin shingles. some describe it as an intense burning sensation, or an unbearable itch. this painful, blistering rash can disrupt your life for weeks and could make it hard to be there for your loved ones. shingles could also lead to serious complications that can last for years. if you're over 50, the virus that causes shingles is likely already inside you.
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♪ get 6x longer-lasting freshness, plus odor protection. try for under $5! creditors. >> national debt relief. they got me out of debt. >> call or visit national debt relief comm to get started when you want it the most. >> there's no easy way out when you're ready. >> celine dion says she's learning to live with her diagnosis. an incurable neurological disorder known as stiff person syndrome. she tells vogue france that she's
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following a strict routine of physical and vocal therapy. she said, quote, i have two choices. either i train like an athlete and work super hard, or i switch off and it's over. i stay at home, listen to my songs, stand in front of my mirror and sing to myself. i've chosen to work with all my body and soul. i want to be the best i can be. >> the federal government wants to stop two high end handbag makers from merging. the parent companies of coach and michael kors have an $8 billion deal in the works, but the federal trade commission is suing to stop the deal, claiming a merger would hurt competition. the clothing retailer express has filed for bankruptcy. it's closing about 100 stores after years of plummeting sales now to baseball and the major league umpires calling some controversy. >> we got anything out to say? >> you're >> ejected for saying nothing, yankees manager aaron boone, furious after being thrown out of yesterday's game. the home plate ump thought boone was heckling him, but it was a fan
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in the stands who was talking trash there. you go. >> and now aaron saying, i didn't say anything. >> the ump had warned boone earlier after a separate outburst, but having said nothing this time, boone confronted him, unloading expletives. it's boone's 34th ejection since 2018, the most of any big league manager. after the game, he said this about the case of mistaken identity. >> it's embarrassing. it really is a bad. it's embarrassing. i heard you're gone, aaron. and that's what i was like. i couldn't believe it. >> other mlb umps have run afoul of fans in recent days. umpire angel hernandez, already behind a string of controversial calls, was roasted by fans after calling this pitch a ball during the mets dodgers game. one viewer posting at this point, i blame mlb for keeping him employed, and another ump took heat over the weekend for calling the opening pitch in the orioles royals game a ball. >> what part of that pitch was not a strike? >> well, some baseball enthusiasts are pushing the league to adopt a ball strike challenge system that could correct bad calls. a similar system is being tested in the
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minor leagues. >> coming up, the new study claiming women doctors are better for all patients. >> also ahead, the man who surfed the unsurvivable wave starting a business is never easy, but starting it eight months pregnant, that's a different story. with the chase ink card, we got up and running in no time. earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase with the chase ink business unlimited card from chase for business. if it's been a minute since you've been to panera, you might not want to wait a second longer.
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these aren't all the serious side effects. caplyta can help you let in the lyte™. ask your doctor about caplyta. find savings and support at thursday jon bon jovi all live on good morning america. >> time to check the pulse. we begin with a pair of wild endings in the nba playoffs, the nuggets and lakers were looking at possible overtime last night, but denver's jamal murray, he had other ideas. >> then we go to overtime. >> murray makes a move. denzel and. the nuggets. >> with time running out murray was in a hurry. that basket marked the first time denver led since early in the game. the
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nuggets lead the series two games to none and a wild ending in new york. the knicks overcame a five point deficit in the last 27 seconds against philadelphia, capped off by dante divincenzo's three pointer. new york is now also up two games to none. all right. next a likely new record for the biggest wave ever surfed. >> german surfer sebastian steudtner rode a wave that measured nearly 94ft high off portugal. >> gnarly. he called it surfing the unsurvivable because it happened during a storm. nice. next, a new study shows we are less likely to die in the hands of a woman doctor. researchers claim male and female doctors practice medicine differently. >> women doctors tend to spend more time with patients and take longer with surgeries than their male counterparts, the study found that the lower mortality rate and patients of female doctors doctors was clinically significant. >> next up proposal to stop people from cutting the security line at the airport. so a new bill in california would stop any future deals with vendors like clear. that company lets passengers pay for screening
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ahead of time to skip the tsa line. a state senator now wants to require companies like clear to establish their own checkpoint or be banned. >> speaking of traveling, experts predict summer travel will peak in june this year, with airfares about the same as last year. save money. book your flight about 21 to 60 days ahead of time. leave on monday to save big on international flights. leave tuesday for domestic flights and finally, a gang of wedding crashers. >> hundreds of ducks made quite a scene after this wedding ceremony running through a reception hall in vietnam, the reception hall in vietnam, the uninvited guests i'm your overly competitive brother. and i'm ready for a rematch. game on. i've been practicing. what the cello? you want me to lower the hoop? foul! what? you going to tell on me again? foul yah? foul bro! here take a free shot go ahead knock yourself out. your about to get served. seriously? get allstate, save money, and be better protected from mayhem, like me.
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refusing to leave. pro-palestinian protesters set up camp at uc berkeley. the changes they're demanding the university makes right away. >> plus, the growing protests over the israel israel-hamas war across the country as tensions rise, some universities now taking drastic measures to ensure safety on campus. >> 30 years of death penalty cases now under review. the accusations of bias that are prompting investigations into dozens of cases in alameda county, and rememberin


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