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tv   ABC7 News 400PM  ABC  April 23, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT

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>> i think it's a very difficult time for a lot of jewish students. >> this is an actual crisis and an imminent threat. >> i condemn the anti-semitic protests. i also condemn those who don't understand what's going on with the palestinian cause. >> tensions boiling over as pro-palestinian protests spread to more college campuses. good afternoon. thanks for joining us. i'm larry biel and i'm dionne lim. >> those protests, which began a week ago, are now coast to coast and at universities right here in the bay area. abc seven news reporter leslie brinkley begins our coverage now from berkeley. >> it's called the free palestine camp sprouting up on the steps leading up to the administration building at sproul plaza at uc berkeley, 12/10 yesterday. and the camp is growing exponentially free. gaza messages are scrawled in chalk everywhere, and the center passage through sather gate also has a banner across it. this is all very organized. there's an area for encampment donations. there's a food area with hot
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coffee, and behind me at least 50 tents growing by the hour. >> we're standing here today because we're inspired by the students at columbia, who we consider to be the heart of the student movement. >> students take a look as they pass by on the way to class. some people definitely have complaints, but i think their cause is righteous. >> students, along with outsiders from the community, are demanding that uc berkeley divest itself from all investments and companies that make weaponry and do business with israel. >> they also want a cal internship program in israel to be shut down. they say the university has not reached out to them. over the last two months, there have been clashes with jewish student organizations on campus. >> what i anticipate is what happened at columbia, where they gave them a 24 hour notice of the charges. the student conduct charges they would receive. after that, they called in nypd. i expect the same to happen here, where the school will email us and or send a representative to the encampments directly, and if not, we'll send an ucpd and berkeley pd.
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>> the students say they are willing to risk expulsion and arrest cal officials are hoping to keep things peaceful if the protest doesn't disrupt university operations, that will be one situation, even if it becomes disruptive, it begins to interfere with the rights of others. >> the rights of students who want to attend class. and that will dictate a different kind of response. so we're going to watch carefully. >> classes wrap up next week, with final exams set for two weeks from now at uc berkeley. i'm leslie brinkly. abc seven news. >> meanwhile, more than 300 pro-palestinian activists staged their own demonstration at stanford, according to the stanford daily organizers label this event as a solidarity walkout to show support for the palestinian people and protesters at colleges nationwide. this group also called on stanford to divest from companies connected to israel and the war in gaza. earlier this month, stanford received an f grade in the anti-defamation league's first ever campus anti-semitism report card
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will be shut down through tomorrow after police failed to remove dozens of pro-police activists. they took over an academic building last night, and as you can see, the protesters successfully pushed the police back. one man hitting officers with a giant plastic water bottle. officers responding with their batons, according to reports, at least three people have been arrested. the exact number of activists occupying that building is not known. >> and in new york, a new encampment is growing at columbia university, now in its seventh day of protests. the protest at columbia had inspired this week's actions at other campuses nationwide. more than 100 people were arrested last week, and university officials announced last night that classes will be hybrid for the rest of the semester due to security concerns. >> i've been warned by new york university to leave the area. >> more than 150 people were arrested at new york university for ignoring a deadline to
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disperse, and there have been dozens of arrests at yale protests as well. >> a new proposal in san francisco to tackle those open air drug markets in the tenderloin. it's an issue that's been cover natnwide, and that proposal would impose curfews on smoke shops and corner stores, forcing them to close between midnight and five, where they would face fines. >> it would impact businesses between o'farrell and mcallister and from polk to jones. abc7 news reporter suzanne fawn is live for us in the newsroom with details and the big impacts this could have. suzanne. so, dion, larry, this proposed curfew would not apply to restaurants or bars or event halls. this is a pilot program, and supporters say it could help crack down on people who gather outside retail stores or smoke shops late at night and engage in drug related crimes. this is what the tenderloin looks like during the day. >> the daytime is relatively safe for people that are working here and living here. >> many people say the tenderloin looks dramatically different at night. mayor london breed wants to impose a curfew
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on some small businesses selling prepackaged food or tobacco products between midnight and 5 a.m. that would affect convenience stores and smoke shops and part of the tenderloin. the curfew would impact this area between o'farrell and mcallister from polk to jones. some say when people gather outside certain tenderloin businesses that stay open late, there's trouble. ysanne looper is with the tenderloin community benefit district open air drug markets. >> they will see open air, resale markets. and they're often coalescing around places that are open. and so that's not always the merchants fault. >> as part of the proposed curfew, a $1,000 fine would be imposed for every hour. the business stays open past midnight. we talked to edna rahmani, the owner of underground gift and smoke shop, on weekdays. >> he closes at 10 p.m, so i was not worth the headache for me to open late. >> rahmani agrees with the mayor's proposed curfew for business to open late like 3:00,
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4:00 in the morning. >> i don't think that's a good idea, because the only people going at this time at the street, people looking for trouble. >> one corner store employee tells me. restaurant workers and kitchen staff often stop by late at night and a curfew would impact customers. david blood of the tenderloin can relate. >> i was a cab driver. i used to come home and i was so grateful for them to be open. >> blood doesn't think a curfew is the answer to curbing drug related crimes. >> to me, that it seems like, like a cruel, a cruel sort of crackdown on somebody that's not responsible for that. >> the mayor released this statement today about the proposed curfew. this is an idea for the community from the community. the drug markets happening at night in this neighborhood are unacceptable and must be met with increased law enforcement and new strategies. and the proposed curfew still needs to be voted on by the sf board of supervisors in mid-may or mid june. supervisor dean preston, who represents the tenderloin, is requesting a list of impacted stores. he says the legislation,
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quote, must be highly targeted to be effective and, quote, it's important to make sure small business owners are not punished under. we live in the newsroom. suzanne fawn, abc seven news a story we'll continue to follow. suzanne. thank you. today on getting answers, we spoke with san francisco district attorney brooke jenkins about the new curfew proposal. >> what we are experiencing now is a movement into the night hours. as soon as the sun goes down, we see an influx of people who are selling drugs and buying drugs. these stores, certain ones of them, are really contributing to attracting a certain element of people, into the area at night. and so that's what this is about. we have received a lot of feedback from residents and other stakeholders in the tenderloin community who have indicated that this is an issue i know that our law enforcement partners have have observed some of these issues, and so we're trying to do everything that we can to balance the interests of those who have businesses to run. but also keeping this a safe community, turning this into a safe community. and we have to
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be able to balance both of those issues. >> let's take a deeper dive now on this subject with abc seven news insider phil matier, who's joining us live in studio. how exactly would this curfew work, especially given the fact that san francisco remains woefully short of police officers? and if they could figure that part of it out, could it be successful? >> it could be i, you know, you know, it's kind of like there's 20 stores about in this area that are open and they're open all night. and it's kind of like, you know, a light with moss. you turn the porch light on, the moths gather around it, you turn the light off, they move on to someplace else. these stores have become sort of lights. and the moths of the drug trade hang around there. they get sodas, they get, snacks, but they also get paraphernalia for smoking, drugs and such like that. but they've become sort of gathering places in the early morning hours. so how would it work? well, they would close them. they would say, you can't be open in that area between 12 and 5. enforcement is obvious. you just say you're open. you're not
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supposed to close right now. >> okay. that really puts the stores in a bind. i mean, i don't know how much revenue would be generated in those five overnight hours, but it does hamper their operations. >> some it does. and but let's take a look at what the city did in the mission, where we had a problem about people selling stolen goods on the sidewalks. right. and they said, okay, what we're going to do is we're going to give those the people that are selling legitimate goods, permits and allow them to sell. well, that didn't work because they couldn't they were constantly trying to figure out who had a permit and who didn't. so the city just banned all sales in that area. yes, it hurt those small businesses, but the community says the street's a lot better. so, larry, they're one of the questions is going to be who's going to benefit from this? this is coming from the community. so the community wants to see this happen. the mayor is going to say, yes, they're doing other things as well. they're towing dealers. you leave a car there too long, they're going to they're towing that. so they're going after they're targeting people's cars. if they suspect they're a dealer too. these are different strategies that are being used. but some people are going to be hurt by it. yes.
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>> how much of this is a legitimate attempt to get this under control? and how much of it is to position yourself appropriately for the upcoming election? >> how about both? one doesn't exclude the other, right? the mayor wants to look like she's doing something, and this is something the community has asked for. and by the way, that community is also suing the san francisco now in federal court saying you're not doing enough. so they are trying these various strategies on this. you know, they could they're going to take this before the board of supervisors. it's going to become an issue. it's going to be debated. all that going back and forth wasn't that long ago that the mayor would have just gone over to the police department, the health department, the building department said, i want inspectors on those places 24 over seven until they get the message to close during those hours. they're doing this legitimately. it's going to be up for debate. it'll be interesting to see if san francisco goes for it. but the idea is to turn out the lights so people don't gather. >> well, it would also be a nice idea just to arrest people who are breaking the law. well, they're doing that as well. >> and convictions are up. all of this is going on. but you
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know, what? san francisco has has done a lot of different things. but one thing it hasn't done is kept doing it consistently. and you don't get change in a neighborhood or a person or in behavior unless it's constant pressure. and so that's what we're seeing ongoing pressure. >> all right. thank you phil. appreciate it. we want to make sure you get the full picture of public safety especially where you live. the abc seven news neighborhood safety tracker gives you a wide range of statistics. you'll find it on the very front page of abc seven >> the us moves one step closer to a tiktok ban. all of this as millions of low income people could soon lose internet access. we'll tell you why. plus, the generation gap when it comes to texting, where do you fall? >> i'm spencer christian. you may have noticed this turned cloudier and cooler and there may be rain by the end of the week. i'll have the accuweather
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mugs. ♪ bmo ♪ sunnyvale city leaders celebrated the grand opening today, meridian is a 90 unit complex including seven townhomes and a four story multifamily building. 25% of the units are set aside for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities to hear the stories, to talk to the families, to hear how we're making a difference in people's lives is the best part.
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>> you know, it's like creating that space, creating, you know, a livable, livable home for people of all needs and ages. that's what every city should be doing. >> looks nice. the site was approved for redevelopment with significant community support in april of 2020. now in oakland, leaders broke ground today on that housing development near lake merritt. that site is at east 12th street and second avenue. there will be 91 units featuring a mix of studio one, two and three bedroom apartments. 25% are designated as permanent supportive housing for unhoused people and their families. the project also includes transit improvements, streets and sidewalks along the 10th street corridor will be upgraded. a new ac transit bus will also be added, and a bike share station will be installed near lake merritt. bart. >> millions of californians could possibly lose their internet service at the end of the month. that's because a federal subsidy program that was launched during the pandemic is set to end on april 30th. >> now, if all of that happens,
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the impact could be felt sharply here in the bay area. abc seven news reporter tim johns tells us why the federal government's affordable connectivity program has helped connect millions of people to the internet for the past three years. >> funding for the program is set to run out at the end of april. that means the subsidies it provides to low income households could disappear. >> the program should not go away, the program should stay, and there are thousands of reasons to keep it. >> ahmed benaissa is a professor in technology at sport at san jose state university. he says having internet access is critical to being able to function in society. of the millions of californians that could be impacted, students might face one of the biggest burdens here at oakland unified school district. officials tell us they've benefited greatly from this program. >> we went from 12% of our kids having access at home to 98, and a big part of that was the acp. >> john sasaki is a spokesperson for the district. he tells me the program was critical to allowing ousd students access to
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remote learning during the pandemic. one of those students was senior allen clayborn. >> at home, sometimes the internet isn't the best and it only works like in certain spaces. so when i when i received the hotspot from the school, it was useful because i was able to complete my work in places where i may not have been able to prior without the acp sasaki worries students ability to connect to the internet outside the classroom will suffer a computer internet access. >> all that is just the same kind of tool as having a book, having paper, having pencil. you really can't access your education fully unless you have the ability to get on the internet, bonafe says this program is worth the money for all of us. >> i think this is an investment in the future because now you are opening the door for everybody, whether they have money or not, so they can have access to this kind of education in oakland. >> tim johns, abc seven news. >> a tiktok ban in the u.s. could soon become a reality. the senate is expected to pass the
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bill banning that app if its chinese owners do not sell. top intelligence leaders are concerned the data of 170 million american users could become compromised. now, if tiktok does get banned, it will be the first time congress has passed a law aimed at shutting down a social media platform. president biden has signaled that he will sign the bill if the senate passes it. tiktok has vowed to fight that ban in court, first in the nation bill right here in california, aiming to crack down on airport security line cutting the proposed law goes after the expedited security screening company known as clear. users pay to verify their identity at a kiosk. then they're escorted past other people who have been waiting in tsa security lines. critics complain people who are poor cannot afford clear, so there's inequity there. if the new bill passes, it would ban clear and companies like it from operating at california airports unless they use their own security lines. >> us supreme court justices appear to agree with starbucks in the coffee chain's challenge
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to a lower court order. justices started hearing arguments today related to a 2022 case. you may remember a federal judge sided with the national labor relations board and ordered starbucks to rehire seven workers in memphis who were fired after leading efforts to unionize. now, the supreme court will review what powers the nlrb should have. it will also set standards for courts overseeing labor disputes. the high court ruling is expected by the end of june. the federal trade commission today voted to ban non-compete agreements. the agreements keep workers from jumping to competing companies for a specific period of time and affect roughly 1 in 5 workers. the ban will take effect in six months. however, the u.s. chamber of commerce has already said it will sue to block that measure. >> all right, turning to the forecast now, we had a couple of really warm, sunny days, but it's kind of like two steps forward, one step back. >> i mean, this is the story of us all spring, isn't it? >> it has been so far. call me weird and won't be the first
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time, but i sort of like these little periods of drizzly, dreary weather because they make us appreciate the sunny days more, right? okay, that didn't know. >> yes. right. weird, weird crickets. >> crickets. >> look at what's happening with our actual weather right now. here's the satellite radar composite image. we have a rather brisk onshore flow. we had that yesterday. we've had clouds for much of the day, especially those areas near the coast and bay. some of the inland areas got a little bit of sunshine this afternoon. we had some spots of drizzle earlier today and this pattern is going to be with us for a while. so let's talk about the gusty wind 30mph right now at sfo at 22 over at hayward. it's all around the bay or the wind flow is rather brisk and it is much cooler. right now than at this time yesterday, 14 degrees cooler in novato and livermore. seven degrees cooler here in san francisco at ten degrees cooler in concord. let's move along. take a look at current temperature readings here in san francisco, 59 degrees. we have mid 60s at oakland, hayward, san jose, palo alto, 57 at half moon bay. the shaky uh- uh- emeryville camera blowing in the
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breeze there looking westward shows us other temperature readings right now. 62 santa rosa 59 petaluma. low to mid 60s at napa, fairfield, concord and livermore. and then we go to our forecast headlines. we'll see areas of clouds and morning drizzle again tomorrow thursday and friday showers are possible more likely on friday. thursday we may see some late showers in the evening or nighttime, but friday is likely to be the wetter of the two days. if in fact, we get any measurable rainfall and the weekend will bring us sunnier, drier and milder weather. so for tonight, increasing clouds, we've got quite a few right now, so can increase very much overnight. low temperatures will still be on the mild side, mainly in the low 50s and a few inland areas will drop into the upper 40s and there could be some patchy drizzle near the coast again tonight and tomorrow morning. high temperatures tomorrow under variable skies. lots of clouds, breaks of sunshine here and there. highs will range from about 58 at half moon bay to low to mid 60s around the bay shoreline to upper 60s to around 70 in the mildest inland locations and here's a look at
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our future cast starting friday morning at 11. and you'll notice there'll be some showers around the bay area. we may not get a lot of rain out of this system, but there are likely to be some wet spots before it all winds down. friday night, and that will lead us into a mainly sunny weekend. despite the fact that wet weather will be sort of circulating all around the bay area, but not necessarily hitting us. here's the accuweather seven day forecast. so the next couple of days uh- even friday will be cooler than average with clouds lingering and breaks of sunshine here and there. wednesday and thursday and that chance of showers i mentioned on friday. but it'll be sunnier and milder over the weekend, and the warming trend that starts over the weekend will continue gradually into early next week, so that's probably good news for people who want the sunshine back again. >> absolutely. thank you spencer. >> okay, well a big announcement today about san francisco pride. we'll tell you who's going to be the grand marshal. that's just ahead. >> and the nfl draft is live on abc seven this week. round one is thursday starting at 5 p.m, followed by after the draft with
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yours truly. rounds two and three are on fri
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but his vision dimmed with age. he had amd. i didn't know it then, but it can progress to ga, an advanced form of the disease. his struggle with vision loss from amd made me want to help you see warning signs of ga. like straight lines that seem wavy, blurry, or missing visual spots that make it hard to see faces like this one, or trouble with low light that makes driving at night a real challenge. if you've been diagnosed with amd and notice vision changes, don't wait. ga is irreversible. it's important to catch it early.
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talk to your eye doctor about ga and learn more at and headliner was revealed this morning on abc seven at seven. >> we're going to say that the celebrity grand marshal is also going to be the headliner. >> so it's a twofer. >> yeah, on the kaiser
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permanente stage. >> so what you're telling me is that the celebrity grand marshal is also a singer. >> he is, among many things, he's won an emmy. he's won a grammy, and he's a two time tony award winner. and when you get to honor the 2024 s.f. pride grand marshal for the celebrity caption is billy porter. >> billy porter. yes, i love this. >> yes. billy porter is so much fun. >> it kind of came together yesterday finalizing it. >> you're kidding. so. right. right. before you announce it here on abc seven. >> that's right. you're the first people to know. >> oh, that is so great. >> we're so excited, so exclusive. >> that's a great get. billy porter will take the stage on sunday, june 30th. s.f. pride also named six others as community grand marshals. you can watch the full announcement at our website, abc seven >> well, the lineup for san francisco's biggest music festival has been announced. some big names will be headlining outside lands, and those include tyler, the creator
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, the killers, sturgill simpson. post malone is going to perform a special country set three day general admission tickets go on sale tomorrow at 10 a.m. and they will go really quickly, most likely the eager beaver. presale tickets sold out in less than two hours. that was before the lineup was even announced. outside lands is scheduled for august 9th through the 11th at golden gate park. >> well, just ahead, new details about a 77 year old woman who went viral for stopping a robbery. are who could now? the woman, known as miss bay is stepping up to make a difference in her community. what she's doing next, and the new federal effort to address the epidemic of suicide in the u.s.
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job the pair, charged in his murder, have struck a plea deal. blake mose was killed last april while working as a theft prevention employee at the pleasanton home depot. police say benicia naps shot him over a stolen item. david guillory was the alleged getaway driver. both naps and guillory pleaded no contest in court yesterday. basically admitting to the crime. coming up on abc seven news at five. we'll have reaction from moe's mother. >> nearly two years ago, i introduced you to a great grandmother named miss faye. she went viral after she stopped a robbery outside her west oakland home using a cane and her german shepherd. now she's making headlines again. this time, though, for running for city council at the age of 77. it's a story you'll see only on abc seven these days, 77 year old faye taylor's german shepherd. troy is more interested in
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sniffing around than springing into action, like he did in october of 2022. who could forget the viral moment when taylor, who prefers to be called miss faye, spotted an older woman getting dragged for her purse outside her west oakland home. miss faye came running out hollering, even throwing her cane at the assailant who speeds away. were you scared at all to jump in? because most of the time people are worried there might be a gun? >> i never thought about it. the fear never crossed my mind. >> this great grandma's quick thinking drew recognition from then mayor libby schaaf and then the nation. here she is as a guest on the drew barrymore show. why did you want to spring into action? >> like, because i'm crazy. i guess. >> channeling that spirit of crazy miss faye is back in the news. despite no political experience and her advanced age, i figured this would be the only time i'm going to have to run. >> you know, i don't want to be 99 and run crimes like the one
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outside her door and elsewhere. i'm just upset about what's going on, especially in chinatown, are just some reasons why she's entering the district three city council race. there's so much crime. well the police station is a block away. you know, it's just like they're not scared. they have no fear. >> born and raised in oakland, miss faye tried running in 2020 but says covid stopped her from campaigning four years later. she believes homelessness in the city has not improved. >> and you're running for office. i'm going to do this and i'm going to do that if you can't keep your word, you should be punished and wants to see more. >> focus on youth and education. >> that's what i would love to do to give the teachers a bonus, because they are really, really going. they're having a hard time. they're having a hard time with these kids because they have no discipline. pulling them in and make them want to change their life. instead of seeing them the next time in a casket. >> while miss faye admits she may not have all the answers. >> i'm going to do the best i
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can, and if i don't know what i'm doing, i'm going to ask somebody. i'm going to ask my community. >> she's vowing to serve her community with the same honesty and fearlessness the world saw in 2022. >> i thank god is on my side this time. i think i can make it . >> i asked incumbent carol fife for a comment. she says she encourages everyone that is genuinely interested in the well-being of the city to throw their hat in the ring. warren logan, who is also running for d three, said in part he welcomes anyone who wants to work together toward making district three and oakland a better place to live and work and visit. >> i got her campaign slogan yes , speak softly and carry a big cane. yeah right. >> i mean, it it worked that one time, so we shall see. all right. >> yeah. as soon as possible. that's when supporters of the effort to recall alameda county district attorney pamela price want the recall election held now, they rallied this morning in oakland to call on alameda county supervisor to set a recall election date. they
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requested a meeting with each supervisor. recall supporters say price is soft on crime and they want an election in august. >> we don't need to wait till november. there is not a timeline on life and waiting until november is not an option. we need her to go right now. >> alameda county supervisors plan to set a recall election date during their meeting, which will take place next tuesday. now, last week, the county's registrar of voters announced that enough valid signatures were collected to get this recall measure on the ballot. prices supporters say she hasn't been given enough time to implement changes to public safety policies. >> the biden administration is taking new steps to address the epidemic of suicide in the u.s. today. second gentleman doug emhoff unveiled the administration's new national strategy for suicide prevention. he says the strategy outlines concrete recommendations for addressing gaps and meeting the needs of at risk populations with this plan and its call to
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action to care, to connect and collaborate, we commit to creating a world where no one has to experience the devastating impacts of suicide ever again. the strategy is accompanied by the what the administration calls a federal action plan, which identifies 200 discrete actions that will be initiated and evaluated over the next three years. officials say a bold strategy is needed to prevent the 132 deaths by suicide that happened every day in the country, a group of protesters is using climate week to call out the san francisco public utilities commission. >> members of the tuolumne river trust say the commission is doing a poor job of managing the san francisco bay delta's water supply, as well as its money. they held a protest before attending this afternoon's sfpuc meeting. the group is calling for accountability on several issues from alleged budget mismanagement to low water flows along the tuolumne river. >> it's an issue that's negatively impacting entire
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coastal towns and inland river communities that are not their fault because of poor policies that are governing our water, the protesters say. >> some of those water management decisions are devastate. several businesses, including the fishing industry, which is dealing with a shortened crab and salmon fishing season. now for the second year in a row. >> well, just ahead, taylor swift fans going to the extreme and the texting generation gap. the fourth floor is next
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but his vision dimmed with age. he had amd. i didn't know it then, but it can progress to ga, an advanced form of the disease. his struggle with vision loss from amd made me want to help you see warning signs of ga, like: hazy or blurred vision, so it's hard to see fine details, colors that appear dull or washed out, or trouble with low light that makes driving at night a real challenge. if you think you have ga, don't wait. treatments are available. ask a retina specialist about fda-approved treatments for ga and go to deo for your whole body? that actually works! how do they do it? native combines the best of nature with the best of science to make a deodorant spray with naturally-derived ingredients that fights odor at the source and is clinically proven to keep stank at bay. all day.
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after a fierce, intimidating force, at least to paste magazine. the publication's negative review of swift's new album did not include a byline that was purposely done to protect the writer's safety. paste says it took the writer's name off because back in 2019, the swifties were so outraged by the magazine's negative review of the singer's album lover that they threatened violence against the reviewer. spencer is a swiftie. why would you do that? i okay, my secret's out. >> i can't imagine why. why would anyone do that? just so, so crazy. i do love taylor. i'm a swiftie, but i would never threaten violence against anyone who writes a negative review. >> do you want to? >> look, i mean, being in news,
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there are many people who send very threatening, not very kind messages being critical of our reporting. i mean, i can't hide. so i feel as though if you are a journalist writing for a magazine, you shouldn't be able to hide either. that's just my $0.02. i mean, i've endured enough as it as it is. >> yeah, yeah, but i guess, you know, i'm a there's certain issues that warrant public protest. i'm not sure a negative review of an album really falls in just because she's taylor swift. >> she can do no wrong. i did hear someone say that on this new album. there are no bangers. i don't know, i have not listened to the whole album, but should somebody get, you know, i don't know, just because somebody doesn't love everything she does. i mean, come on. >> yeah, that part's not fair. they really shouldn't be. so cruel. yeah. all right, moving on. if you could pick a celebrity to be president, who would it be? according to a new survey, denzel washington is at the top of the list. dwayne the rock johnson was the number two
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choice. tom hanks, clint eastwood and george clooney wrap up the top five. believe it or not, oprah winfrey was the only woman in the top ten. she was in the sixth spot. i don't know how i feel about celebrities being president to begin with. >> i mean, how's that worked out? recently? i uh- spencer well, i knew you'd come to me on this one, actually, morgan freeman, michael douglas, tom hanks i mean, i think these are all, from what we know about them. reasonably smart, balanced people. so if i had to choose someone, i might choose one of them. >> give me a woman, though. >> viola davis. yes, i love her, meryl streep. >> oh, i do love kerry washington. >> well, there you go. >> kerry washington is actually really politically active. very outspoken. yeah, clint eastwood is like 93 years old. so i doubt he would want to do that. he's still actually directing movies. who else is on this list, george
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clooney would be a good choice. >> oh, george clooney, george clooney, right. >> take a break from selling his. wait. is it tequila? whiskey what does he sell? he's on a motorcycle with some other guy. >> all the more reason to vote for him. >> and nespresso. yeah, and he's always in italy somewhere. yeah, well, he'd have to have to hang out here a lot more, denzel, if he was the character in the equalizer, definitely take that. yeah, former oakland a's great jose canseco swinging for the fences sort of. again, the soon to be 60 year old launched a petition on under the name team canseco. he's urging people to support him in becoming the manager of the a's. when they move to sacramento next year. that petition touts canseco's legacy with the a's and leadership abilities, so far , he has 774 signatures out of a goal of 1000. so he's closing in on it. and i will say this for jose, he was right in everything he said about steroids in baseball. yeah, it was proven to be correct. but also, spencer, the a's do have a manager
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presently. his name is mark kotsay. i'm not sure he's just giving his position away. no. when they go to sacramento, you're right. >> and in all fairness to mark, let's give him a chance to see how he can turn the team around. but given the a's performance over the last few seasons, what's wrong with giving jose a shot? >> well, that's more a reflection of ownership than it is. yeah. that's true. >> that's exactly correct. >> yeah, well, make him the make him the new owner. >> how do we do that? >> i would take just about anybody at this point. anybody else for or against jose canseco. >> i mean it's got the name recognition. but i don't know. >> yeah. no comment. >> yeah okay. yeah. moving on. >> all right. how about this. if you are texting in sentence form apparently you're old. those words coming from gen z, 120 year old wrote about it in the irish examiner saying quote, listen up. anyone over 30 stop using full stops in texts. end quote. multiple short messages are best. instead of saying, for example, i'm five minutes away from your house, go with their in five. it's a text, not a
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contract. she says, did use brb the other day to tell someone that i was going to be right back, but that's pretty like common, right? i thought this was already a thing. ama yeah, i don't know. >> i'm not a huge fan of tons of abbreviations. i don't know, it just seems super impersonal. as impersonal as texts are. to begin with. and i don't like the rapid fire, although sometimes i am guilty of it. you know, one line said send another line, send another line send. it's usually, if i'm not thinking as a whole, but i don't know, i'd just rather get one nice text where i can understand what you're saying. you don't like texts from me. >> they are grammatically correct and they are well punctuated because i won't allow myself to communicate any other way. i love it, sorry, that is nice. >> i actually feel like spencer with that. like i hate, you know, when you type something and then it auto corrects to a different word. yeah. and it's just, have you gotten in trouble
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for that? no, i haven't in trouble. i'm not in trouble. but it's just it's frustrating. i mean, it should be it should understand me better. yeah >> we're all trying to do that on a daily basis. sorry. >> nice, nice. it was there. you hit it out. thank you. that's it for stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief.
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not the same. >> doesn't really roll off the tongue like devil comet. it only comes around once every 71 years. so, spencer seen it before. uh- to see it, all you have to do is look down at left from jupiter. it'll vanish from view in july. i'm back. spencer. two shots. yeah. it's of it. >> it's seen more vividly from helsinki. devil's coming. oh, no . here we go, folks. almost time for me to leave. and aren't you happy? we'll start with a look at our forecast headlines tomorrow. much like today. areas of lingering clouds and perhaps some spotty morning drizzle thursday and friday. even cloudier. chance of some showers. well, better chance of showers thursday. late going into the evening hours. friday. some showers are like more likely in the daytime and then over the weekend sunnier, drier and milder weather will return. but for tonight, look for lots of clouds, maybe some patchy drizzle overnight lows mainly in
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the low 50s. highs tomorrow. upper 60s, maybe up to about 70 degrees. here's the accuweather seven day forecast. once we get through the end of the week and that chance of showers, it will be sunnier, milder and drier going into the weekend. dion. all right spencer. >> thank you. plastic water bottles are now banned in south lake tahoe as part of an effort to reduce pollution in the area. that means single use plastic water bottles cannot be sold anywhere in south lake tahoe. the only exceptions, water bottles can still be used during emergencies and at health care facilities. >> animal crossings cannot only save the lives of animals, they can save human lives as well. >> a wildlife crossing over 101 in los angeles is under construction right now, and when complete, the $91 million project will be the largest wildlife crossing in the world. >> reporter ashley mackey, from our sister station in los angeles, looks at another important reason for this crossing. >> officials say it will be the largest crossing of its kind in the world, stretching 210ft over ten lanes of the 101 freeway. the wallis annenberg wildlife
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crossing aims to provide a connection between the population of mountain lions and other wildlife to the larger and more genetically diverse populations to the north. >> we would not have mountain lions here. we probably wouldn't have a lot of wildlife here in the future. if we don't do this. so for me, it became a moral imperative. we have to get this done. and now looking at it and picturing what i'm going to feel when that first mountain lion walks across it, knowing that we actually did save this population that feels pretty good. >> construction crews have installed about ten of the 82 girders. the entire process is expected to take anywhere from 30 to 45 days. landscape architect robert rock says. in total, the project is about 60% complete. >> we're celebrating what has been another unique milestone and seeing the precast box girders get placed over top of the freeway. for the longest time, everybody could see those structures growing out of the ground, but this is the first time that people are driving underneath it, which is really exciting. starting to see that
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take shape. >> wildlife biologist jeff sikich has been studying wildlife in the area for two decades, and says the crossing should help with one of the biggest threats in the area, the 101 freeway. >> without connectivity to the mountains north of the freeway here, that can lead to very close inbreeding and low genetic diversity. and that's exactly what we've been seeing. so i like to say this crossing could not have come at a better time. >> ashley mackey, abc seven news. >> about 300 bay area middle school and high school students are getting a behind the scenes lesson in movie magic from some of the most talented folks in the business today. they got a chance to be a part of the art and science of lucasfilm. the annual series brings professionals from lucasfilm together with kids to demonstrate how art and science play a role in the entertainment industry. the day's events include interactive media presentations and in-depth discussions with directors, artists, engineers, and others. >> and this is an opportunity for us to invite students into the lucasfilm facility and hear from some of our employees to understand what they do, how they how they do the work. a
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little peek behind the scenes, get kids excited about future careers in animation and visual effects. >> it is an amazing facility. this is the 15th year of this event, which lucasfilm hosts in collaboration with sf film. >> i mean, this access is incredible. imagine the adults who would kill. >> oh, absolutely. absolutely. well just ahead, a look at tonight's season finale of shogun. >> this is abc 724 seven. >> in san francisco, live at levi's stadium in san jose. >> live in oakland? yeah >> you're watching abc seven news live anytime, anywhere. we are, we are, we are, we are, we are, we are where you are. >> never miss a moment of the news that matters to you. download our abc seven bay area streaming app. join us and start watching
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rookie attendants. the interrogation tapes, a special edition of 2020. and then stay with us for abc seven news at 11. at a time where there seems to be too much tv to keep up with, shogun is a standout. the historical drama transports the audience to feudal japan back in the 1600s. reporter joel gargiulo, from our sister station in new york, spoke with the star anna sawai ahead of the season's finale. >> what is one thing that you want everybody to know about
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this show and your time on it? >> i think that watching this show, you'll be able to relate because it has this universal theme of politics and power and relationships, but it'll also give you a very good glimpse on what japanese culture was really like. so you'll learn a lot this show. >> what has this ride been like for you? >> it's so surreal because we weren't expecting any of this to happen, and just the outburst of love that people are giving us, like it's a lot to process, like it doesn't feel real. the first eight episodes of it all, like she's very trapped and she is having to conceal all her struggles and all her pain. but in episode nine, she finally kind of finds her voice and she's given permission to vocalize it in front of people. and i think that it's been very liberating. and episode ten is just going to blow your minds. >> it's been so beautiful to watch your character grow throughout the series. how do you relate? >> i think any japanese woman can relate because it's unfortunate, but the struggles
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that we see in the women female characters in the show is so real. even today. it might not be as intense, but there are certain expectations and mannerisms and i, you know, i really wanted to make mariko feel real. >> what have you loved about being a part of this series? >> i've loved learning new things, learning new things about my culture, wearing a kimono and, being in it like my ancestors have been in it. i loved working with the horses. it was so much fun. i was asking for lessons every single day, it's just been such a great experience. >> everybody is going to be tuning in to this finale. what can you tell us about it? >> i think we see certain characters, changing their opinions, changing the course of how the country is going to move forward from here. and it's just a beautiful way to finish, this this season. >> i'm joelle gargiulo, abc news
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the shogun finale airs tonight on fx, but if you're really into it and you can't wait, it's actually streaming right now on hulu and disney plus, which are all owned by the same parent company, abc seven. >> abc seven news streaming for you 24 over seven. get the abc seven bay area streaming tv app so you can join us whenever you want, wherever you are. all right, that's going to do it for this edition of abc seven news at four. i'm larry biel, abc seven news at five is up next
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tonight, a major development in scott peterson's fight for a new trial, 20 years after he was convicted of murdering his wife, laci, and their unborn


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