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tv   ABC7 News 600PM  ABC  April 23, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT

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of our mission here at abc seven. and that's why we have team coverage on the topic tonight. >> abc seven news insider phil matier is here to give us some big picture perspective on this. but first, we want you to hear from abc seven news reporter suzanne fawn with details on what the mayor is proposing here. suzanne. >> so, dan, this proposed curfew would not apply to restaurants, bars or event halls. supporters say the proposed curfew could help crack down on people who gather outside retail stores or smoke shops late at night and engage in drug related crimes. this is what the tenderloin looks like during the day. >> the daytime is relatively safe for people that are working here and living here. >> many people say the tenderloin looks dramatically different at night. mayor london breed wants to impose a curfew on some small businesses selling prepackaged food or tobacco products between midnight and 5 a.m. that would affect convenience stores and smoke shops and part of the tenderloin. the curfew would impact this area between o'farrell and mcallister from polk to jones. some say when people gather outside certain
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tenderloin businesses that stay open late, there's trouble. san looper is with the tenderloin community benefit district open air drug markets. >> they will see open air, resale markets. and they're often coalescing around places that are open. and so that's not always the merchants fault. >> as part of the proposed curfew, a $1,000 fine would be imposed for every hour. the business stays open past midnight. we talked to edna rahmani, the owner of underground gift and smoke shop, on weekdays. he closes at 10 p.m, so i was not worth the headache for me to open late. rahmani agrees with the mayor's proposed curfew for business to open late, like 3:00, 4:00 in the morning. >> i don't think that's a good idea, because the only people going at this time at the street, people looking for trouble. >> one corner store employee tells me. restaurant workers and kitchen staff often stop by late at night, and a curfew would
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impact customers. david blood of the tenderloin can relate. >> i was a cab driver. i used to come home and i was so grateful for them to be open. >> blood doesn't think a curfew is the answer to curbing drug related crimes. >> to me, that it seems like, like a cruel, a cruel sort of crackdown on somebody that's not responsible for that. >> the mayor released this statement today about the proposed curfew. this is an idea for the community from the community. the drug markets happening at night in this neighborhood are unacceptable and must be met with increased law enforcement and new strategies. and the proposed curfew still needs to be voted on by the sf board of supervisors in mid-may or mid june. supervisor dean preston, who represents the tenderloin, is requesting a list of impacted stores. he says the legislation, quote, must be highly targeted to be effective and it's important to make sure small business owners are not punished unnecessarily. live in the newsroom suzanne fawn, abc seven news. >> an adjustment for them. suzanne, thanks very much. >> all right. so abc seven news insider phil matier joins us now. phil, is this just going to
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chase the bad actors into other neighborhoods, though? >> it might it might, but the point is, in this area, this is highly visible not only to local residents who, by the way, were the ones that asked for this. this didn't come out of the mayor's shop. this is a result of community meetings. so one, it's for them. two, it's to make the place look better. and three, let's be honest about it. where is the most photographed place in san francisco right now? when it comes to bad images? the tenderloin. so they say if the moths are going to gather around a light at the middle of the night, turn off the light and maybe they'll go someplace else, but it won't be what it is right now. >> great way to express that. well suzanne touched on it in her piece. >> what about people who work odd hours, who get home work, swing shift, and they depend on the convenience store to go? >> you're absolutely right. >> fair to them. >> but in policing and politics and policy, you never have a perfect solution. you have trade offs. and the question is what value are you going to assign to something and not in this case, they say the community concern outweighs that of people who may be inconvenience or the stores
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loss of revenue. and just remember, it was just a couple of months ago and we're still seeing it. the ban on sales on street vendors in the mission district, in which the city said, okay, even those with permits have to go because we have to clean up the streets. and now we're hearing people say the streets are cleaner. so that's the trade off politically. it's an election year as well. so let's not forget that the timing of it all. phil. oh of course, of course it all comes together. and so the mayor is under pressure to show some results. and the key word there is show and if you don't have those people congregating at that store, then you have something to show you do. >> that's true. >> all right phil, thanks very much. >> well, whether you live in san francisco or elsewhere in the bay area, we want to make sure you get the full picture of public safety where you live. the abc seven neighborhood safety tracker gives you a wide range of statistics. you'll find it on the front page of abc seven new at six u.s. marshals arrested a man today at a san francisco jewish
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synagogue. just as people were gathering to celebrate passover happened at the schneerson center on balboa street in the city's richmond district. the man is accused of repeatedly making threats. starting last august, u.s. marshals say there was a warrant out for his arrest. a member of the congregation tells abc seven news his own parents turned him in. >> his parents happened to be coming to the synagogue, and his parents are the ones who actually called uh- to have them apprehended. >> the schneerson center is the same synagogue where a man went inside and fired blank shots. in february of 2023. there's no word if the two incidents are connected. >> a pro-palestinian camp in is growing now at uc berkeley, students are calling this the free palestine camp, with several tents on the steps leading up to the administration building at sproul plaza. organizers say they were inspired by a similar action at columbia university. the students say they're willing to
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risk expulsion, even arrest cal. officials say the situation, while tense, is peaceful. >> if the protest doesn't disrupt university operations, that will be one situation, even if it becomes disruptive, it begins to interfere with the rights of others. the rights of students who want to attend class. and that will dictate a different kind of response. >> they say they'll watch it carefully. students, along with people from the community, are demanding that uc berkeley divest itself from all investments in companies that make weaponry and do business with israel. tensions have run high on campus for months now. last month, jewish students held a rally demanding the university enforce policies equally and ensure jewish students feel welcome as they are on campus this is the scene at cal poly humboldt. it's going to be shut down through tomorrow after police failed to remove dozens of pro-palestinian activists who
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took over an academic building last night. as you can see, protesters successfully pushed the police back, one man hitting officers with a plastic water jug, officers responding with their batons. according to reports, at least three people have been arrested. >> new developments about the crash that left the hole in the side of a cruise ship in san francisco at pier 27, the bar pilot has been cleared of any wrongdoing. investigators released their incident report today. it says there was not any misconduct when the collision happened last july, creating a hole in the side of the ruby princess. the ship had to be repaired before the cruise could continue. the board of pilot commissioners is now recommending all bar pilots in san francisco bay reexamine their cruise ship guidelines. within days, millions of californians could find themselves struggling to pay for their internet service. that's because a federal subsidy program launched during the pandemic is set to end on april 30th. if it happens, the impact could be felt sharply here in the bay area. abc seven news
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reporter tim johns explains why the federal government's affordable connectivity program has helped connect millions of people to the internet for the past three years. >> funding for the program is set to run out at the end of april. that means the subsidies it provides to low income households could disappear. >> the program should not go away. the program should stay, and there are thousands of reasons to keep it. >> ahmed bonhofer is a professor and technology expert at san jose state university. he says having internet access is critical to being able to function in society. of the millions of californians that could be impacted, students might face one of the biggest burdens here at oakland unified school district. officials tell us they've benefited greatly from this program, we went from 12% of our kids having access at home to 98. and a big part of that was the acp. >> john sasaki is a spokesperson for the district. he tells me the program was critical to allowing asd students access to remote learning during the pandemic. one of those students
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was senior allen clayborn. >> at home, sometimes the internet isn't the best and it only works like in certain spaces. so when i when i received the hotspot from the school, it was useful because i was able to complete my work in places where i may not have been able to prior without the acp sasaki worries students ability to connect to the internet outside the classroom will suffer a computer internet access. >> all that is just the same kind of tool as having a book, having paper, having pencil. you really can't access your education fully unless you have the ability to get on the internet. >> bonafe says. this program is worth the money for all of us. >> i think this is an investment in the future because now you are opening the door for everybody, whether they have money or not. so they can have access to this kind of education in oakland. >> tim johns, abc seven news a major development in scott peterson's fight for a new trial, 20 years after he was convicted of murdering his wife, laci, and their unborn son.
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>> the abc seven news i-team has the latest for you at 630. also ahead, if you can't keep your word, you should be punished. >> she speaks her mind and she's speaking only to abc seven news about why, at the age of 77, she's running for office. >> i'm meteorologist sandhya patel. cooler than average. and clouds hanging tough today. i'll let you know when they will clear and when you can. expect some showers in the accuweather seven day forecast coming up
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named miss faye, and she went
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viral after she chased after and she stopped a robbery outside her west oakland home using a cane and her german shepherd. well, now she's making headlines again, this time for running for city council at the age of 77. >> abc seven news anchor dion lim joins us now with the story. you'll see only on seven. dion. >> yeah, dan and ama. you know, we normally don't do full stories on city council candidates because there simply are too many of them. however, we were so intrigued by miss faye's upcoming run for office, we knew we had to sit down with her. she's already a longshoreman, great grandma, and a viral sensation. when can she add councilwoman to that title? these days, 77 year old faye taylor's german shepherd, troy is more interested in sniffing around than springing into action like he did in october of 2022. who could forget the viral moment when taylor, who prefers to be called miss faye, spotted an older woman getting dragged for her purse outside her west oakland home? miss faye came
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running out hollering, even throwing her cane at the assailant who speeds away. were you scared at all to jump in because most of the time people are worried there might be a gun? >> i never thought about it. the fear never crossed my mind. >> this great grandma's quick thinking drew recognition from then mayor libby schaaf and then the nation. here she is as a guest on the drew barrymore show. why did you want to spring into action like this? >> because i'm crazy. i guess. >> channeling that spirit of crazy miss faye is back in the news, despite no political experience and her advanced age, i figured this would be the only time i'm going to have to run you know, i don't want to be 99 and run crimes like the one outside her door and elsewhere. >> i'm just upset about what's going on, especially in chinatown, are just some reasons why she's entering the district three city council race. there's so much crime. well the police station is a block away. you know, it's just like they're not scared. they have no fear.
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>> born and raised in oakland, miss faye tried running in 2020 but says covid stopped her from campaigning four years later. she believes homelessness in the city has not improved. >> and you're running for office. i'm going to do this and i'm gonna do that if you can't keep your word, you should be punished and wants to see more. >> focus on youth and education. >> that's what i would love to do to give the teachers a bonus, because they are really, really going. they're having a hard time. they're having a hard time with these kids because they have no discipline pulling them in and make them want to change their life instead of seeing them the next time in a casket. >> while ms. faye admits she may not have all the answers. >> i'm going to do the best i can and if i don't know what i'm doing, i'm going to ask somebody, i'm going to ask my community. >> she's vowing to serve her community with the same honesty and fearlessness. the world saw in 2022. >> i thank god is on my side this time. i think i can make it now. >> i asked incumbent city uh-
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city council member carol pfeiffer comment. she says she encourages everyone that is genuinely interested in the well-being of the city to throw their hat in the ring. warren logan, who is also running for d three, said in part he welcomes anyone who wants to work together toward making district three and oakland a better place to live, work and visit. my goodness, she has a lot to say. what a great does. >> she really does speak her mind. >> does she have any specific fixes that she'd like to implement? yeah, no, that's a great question. >> and you guys know the saying about every joke there has a little bit of truth behind it. she was very funny. i asked her about specific measures to address crime, especially break ins in oakland. she said, wouldn't it be nice if there was a fence that just came down whenever someone broke into a store and that fence could be electrified and lock them in? yeah, and i said, so basically you want to zap them like an electric fence. and she goes, yeah, kind of, oh my goodness. >> tough. >> you just send her out with a cane again. >> i mean all of oakland would be safe i guess. >> all right. >> thanks, diane very much.
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>> okay. let's turn to our weather. bit gray out there today. >> it was changed as sandhya told us it would. sandhya, when's it changing back? >> okay. want to mark our calendars? you're already looking ahead to the sunshine. i get it, okay, dan and anna. it's going to change back by friday afternoon. but until then, we've got to adjust to the below average temperatures for a few days. let me show you a live picture right now from our golden gate bridge camera. there's dion. hello, dion. nice to see you again. all right. you can see the clouds are stacked up. a little breezy out there. temperatures today, 2 to 9 degrees below average. santa rosa airport was 61 today, 78 yesterday. so quite the shift. 17 degrees cooler. the average is 70 degrees. not quite where you should be for this time of year, but i'm going to show you the upside with this gray, drizzly pattern. we are looking at keeping that fire danger down . you know, it's year round here in the bay area. so let's talk about your evening forecast. inland areas 7:00 in the 60s, a west wind at 13 9 to 11 p.m.
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it's going to drop down to the 50s. a little more cloud cover around the bay. we are looking at mostly cloudy skies. upper 50s and then eventually getting down to the mid 50s and near the coastline. mostly cloudy, 56 degrees at 7 p.m. if you're running errands, you'll want to grab that jacket dropping off into the low 50s later on tonight. so here's a look at live doppler seven. certainly, the marine layer footprint is pretty obvious other than parts of the south bay and east bay, where you're seeing some sun, it's pretty socked in. the marine layer is 3000ft deep. it came in this morning. we had drizzle was measurable in some parts. this area of low pressure spinning off the coast, keeping that west southwest wind going and that marine air flowing into our area. but it also has been providing the lift necessary for those thunderstorms. northern california and in parts of the sierra today, along with the heating from the sun, temperatures compared to 24 hours ago. 19 degree drop in ukiah. you'll notice nine degrees in novato, a few degrees from oakland to san francisco,
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seven degrees cooler, livermore and san jose. the sea breeze has picked up gusts to 30 right now in oakland, 21 in san jose. and you're seeing a few peeks of sun from emeryville, 60 degrees in oakland, 59 in san francisco, 60s for palo alto and san jose, half moon bay, 57 degrees, choppy waters and santa cruz. your temperatures santa rosa, petaluma and napa in the upper 50s. low 60s. concord, fairfield. sutro tower camera also showing you a cloudy view tomorrow. another gray, drizzly morning thursday into early friday morning. there's a chance of some spotty showers. i wouldn't change your plans. and for the weekend, sunnier and milder weather is coming your way. so we go hour by hour and you will notice not just the cloud cover, but there will be some drizzle first thing tomorrow morning at 5:00. just like this morning, and then the clouds will be slow to back away from our inland communities again. but i think in the afternoon and evening we will see some breaks and some peeks of sun. your temperatures in the morning, 40s and 50s. tomorrow afternoon you're looking at upper 50s to the upper 60s. a
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little breezy out there once again. now on thursday we will be tracking the potential for a few showers. the computer models keep putting in spotty showers between noon and 230. once again, it will be quick moving early friday morning could still be an isolated shower or two, but look at the clouds really breaking up. by friday afternoon. we're talking about a lot of sunshine taking you through friday morning, though a few hundredths of an inch possible up to our north, up to a half an inch to 8/10 of an inch around crescent city eureka area. the accuweather seven day forecast. morning clouds and drizzle tomorrow. chance of some showers thursday into friday morning and then warming it up, brightening it up for the weekend and even beyond. so looking nice. ama and dan. all right. >> thank you sandhya. >> well, day two of a historic trial against donald trump coming up, witness testimony and a gag order hearing
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the dow was up 263 points. the nasdaq also had a triple point gain, adding 245. the s&p gained 60. the senate has cleared a hurdle toward the passage of a $95 billion aid package for ukraine, israel and taiwan. the package could also mean the end of tiktok here in the u.s. eight
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republicans who previously voted against the package voted in favor during a test vote today. a final vote could happen tomorrow. the legislation includes four bills, one of the bills would impose sanctions on russia, iran and china. that would include the much talked about ban of tiktok here in the u.s. if its chinese parent company doesn't sell the app. >> it got combative in the courtroom today during a hearing on donald trump's alleged violations of a limited gag order. it's the first criminal case in history against a former american president, as you've heard. a trump is accused of falsifying those business records by trying to cover up an alleged sexual encounter with adult film star stormy daniels before the 2016 election. abc news reporter reena roy has more on everything that unfolded today in a new york courtroom. >> david pecker, a longtime friend of trump and the former publisher of the national enquirer, back on the stand testifying that he was the eyes and ears of the trump campaign ahead of the 2016 election. pecker testifying that he told trump and cohen, if i hear
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anything about women selling stories, i would notify michael cohen. >> of course, what david pecker is saying on the stand is something donald trump never wanted anybody to know, that any time a damaging story came to his attention via other sources, or from donald trump or michael cohen, he was in agreement that he would catch those stories, kill them, pay the person off and make it go away. >> trump, shaking his head in court as pecker testified about a false story from a trump tower doorman in 2015 claiming trump fathered an illegitimate child with a maid at the building, pecker, testifying he ultimately bought the story for $30,000, even though michael cohen was adamant it wasn't true. prosecutors say pecker told trump that adult film actress stormy daniels had a story that could turn into a sex scandal. at trump's direction, prosecutors say his fixer, michael cohen, wired daniels $130,000. and then to hide the true nature of the payment, trump allegedly decided cohen's reimburse amounts should be
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recorded as legal services. pecker also allegedly promising to publish positive stories about mr. trump and publish negative stories about his opponent. pecker says prior to the election, his magazines never caught and killed any stories for trump. trump has denied any sexual relationship with daniels and has pleaded not guilty to falsifying business records. trump slamming the case outside of court. >> we have a gag order, which to me is totally unconstitutional. i'm not allowed to talk, but people are allowed to talk about me. >> and that gag order trump is talking about. prosecutors have accused him of violating it. the judge held a contempt hearing on tuesday morning that got heated, ultimately saying he would not rule from the bench. reena roy, abc news, new york. >> will scott peterson get access to new dna testing in his quest for a new trial? the abc seven news i-team combed through 300 pages of documents. you'll see what our dan noyes uncovered next. plus plea deals in the
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deadly shooting of a home depot security guard by the victim's mother.
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is asking for new dna testing now the people are firing back. >> abc seven news i-team reporter dan noyes obtained the court filing today and joins us with the latest. dan. >> dan and ama, the original prosecutors in the case argue there is no need for new dna testing. the scott peterson's lies about his role in his wife's death make it unnecessary. the prosecutors from stanislaus county, who actually got scott peterson his murder conviction in 2004, argued in this motion filed yesterday that there was no need for additional dna testing. peterson filed a motion and had dna testing done in 2013 and again in 2019 that was equally fruitless, wrote the prosecutors. >> i think what the prosecution is saying here to the public and to the court is we got this right. scott peterson did have a fair trial and nothing that can be done. now is going to change
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the outcome of what that jury decided, because the evidence was so overwhelming as to his guilt. >> the prosecution spent much of the 337 page court filing outlining how peterson repeatedly lied about his involvement in the death of laci and their unborn child, conner, and how those lies outweigh the need for any additional dna testing. >> the prosecution has taken some hits during these hearings, suggesting that they hid the ball from the defense team during discovery. and what they're saying here is look at all of this evidence that was brought forward at the trial. there is no reasonable explanation for any other killer than scott peterson. >> the document describes how a friend who didn't know he was married set peterson up with amber frey and when that friend learned peterson was married, she threatened to expose him the next day, according to prosecutors, peterson bought the boat and began planning the murder. the document also shows a pair of pliers found on the
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boat with the hair consistent with lacey's. the bodies of laci and conner were found in san francisco bay months later. after a strong april storm. the filing also says that before his arrest, peterson played a cat and mouse game with law enforcement changing his appearance. at the time of his arrest, he had $15,000 in cash. other people's ids and credit cards, multiple cell phones and outdoor equipment. still, steven clark believes that chances are the judge will order new dna testing. >> the fact that the court is having these hearings is very significant, and i think says a lot that the innocence project got involved in this case in the first place. they believe there's a good faith reason to at least go back and look at this evidence to make sure that the jury got this right. >> the hearing on the dna issue is at the end of may. that should give us a good indication of whether peterson's attempt for a new trial has a chance. the prosecutors also argue that lacey's family deserves the
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right to have this case over. they say this new push by peterson is just harassment. painful for sure. yeah, definitely. absolutely >> all right, dan thank you. thanks. >> well, if you have a story for dan and the i-team, you can call the number on your screen one 888 40 i-team. they'd like to hear from you or go to abc seven slash i-team. >> recall supporters say they don't want to wait. they want an election soon to determine the fate of alameda county district attorney pamela price. they rallied today in oakland to call on alameda county supervisors to set a recall election date. they requested a meeting with each supervisor for recall. supporters say price is soft on crime and they want an election in august. >> we want her recalled. we want her recalled in the next few months and we're going to fight for that today. we're going to fight for it next week and we're going to get it done. >> alameda county supervisors plan to set a recall election date during their meeting next tuesday. enough valid signatures were submitted last week to get the recall measure on the ballot. price's supporters say she hasn't been given enough
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time to implement changes to public safety policies. we have new developments in the case of a deadly home depot robbery that claimed the life of a security guard last year, the two people accused of killing blake moss have taken a plea deal. >> abc seven news reporter ryan curry spoke with moss mother, who says this is what the family wanted, guided by faith and compassion. >> lori moss now feels enormous relief. >> the biggest burden you could carry that dropped for me yesterday. >> ever since her son's death, she fought to get justice. but she didn't want the most severe punishment. she wanted a punishment that would allow her son's killers time to better themselves. >> i would like to see them work on themselves in jail and really find i find faith. it's really important to me right? find skills. do something with your time that is going to change your life and your children's lives. out here. >> this week, the attorneys for david guillory and benicia naps
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reached an agreement with the alameda county da's office. they pleaded no contest to killing blake while robbing a pleasanton home depot in april last year. blake worked as a security guard and tried to stop them. a confrontation broke out in naps, pulled out a gun and shot blake. guillory, drove away with naps and their infant child in the car. the plea deal means lori will not spend more time in court fighting for her son's justice. she wanted to avoid a trial. >> they would clothe the mannequin in my son's clothes with all the blood, and then they would play by, play every single scene over and over of his murder. >> naps will serve 19 years to life in prison for second degree murder. guillory will serve seven years for child endangerment and accessory charges, both could have faced longer sentences, but with this agreement, lori and the moss family can move on. >> the joy that it brought us yesterday to walk into home depot to that crew and tell him they didn't have to testify, and the relief and the joy to text
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my family and say, guess what? it's done. >> thank open. it fell at me. >> they can focus now about the good times they've spent with blake. his mom says this decision is one he would have wanted. >> he's smiling. he's so proud. >> ryan curry, abc seven news. >> coming up next, a step toward a safer san jose. but some say it comes with a concern about people's privacy
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we >> it's horrifying. that's a woman screaming for help as a man approached her and carried her away, apparently against her will happened sunday night outside a home in oregon. the man was arrested today. the woman who lives at the house says she heard a knock, then saw the video. moments later, she called 911. police say the two people in the video knew each other in san jose. >> the city is hoping to crack down on crime by installing automated license plate readers. a 500 are scheduled to be up and running by this summer. many are hoping it will make a difference, but as abc seven
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news south bay reporter dustin dorsey explains, some are also worried about privacy. residents in the plata arroyo neighborhood of east san jose love where they live, but they worry about their safety. >> we've had shootings. we've had murders, we've had, auto theft. we had tons of crime. so the quality of life issue that we need in the east valley, that's what this helping us, this is helping us with. >> this is one of the 500 flock safety automated license plate readers being installed throughout san jose. it aims to make this neighborhood safer. just like other cameras have done across the city. >> our alpr network has helped our officers catch suspects with ghost guns, drugs, stolen packages, outstanding warrants for rape and domestic violence, and even a group of teens responsible for 60 vehicle break ins. >> the cameras take a picture of the back of a car to identify the make, model, color, and license plate characters. when a crime occurs, police use the cameras to search for these identifiers to solve the case. >> these cameras make a
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difference by helping to identify and apprehend suspects, curbing criminal activity, and providing crime victims with a feeling of closure and justice. >> the videos retained for 365 days. that's ten times longer than most cities that use flock cameras and privacy expert mike katz worries the longer a video is kept, the higher the risk not only of the information being compromised, but for the ability of someone who has access to that to abuse it. >> and the fact is, we do not have good mechanisms of oversight that would actually review the logs of who's accessed it and what for to determine whether or not there's abuse. >> acting chief paul joseph says the cameras are never used for immigration control or other non investigatory causes that would impact privacy, he says. they're used to solve crimes and make the community feel safe, like here in plata arroyo. >> we're not afraid to go up and down alum rock avenue because our community has been fighting for these protections. and slowly but surely and financially, they've been coming
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in east san jose. >> dustin dorsey, abc seven news. >> noticeably cooler weather today, and there's a chance of rain in the next few days. sandhya seven-day forecast next plus. >> she's a key part of american idol, but it's katy perry's final season as a judge, so who will take her
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adorable photo. look at that smile. yeah. today, in honor of his sixth birthday, he's the youngest child of william and kate. this is the first image released by the family since that official photograph was identified as being digitally manipulated, which raised concerns over transparency and honesty and triggered a wave of intense scrutiny. last month, kate announced she was undergoing treatment for cancer, which was discovered after she had abdominal surgery in january. >> this is the final season for katy perry as a judge on american idol. so what will the show look like when she's gone? reporter george pennacchio from our sister station in los angeles has some ideas. >> these guys i haven't known for very long, but they're artilley. they're already, like, protecting me from the cold. i am so happy that they are my other judges.
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>> since 2017, i've been talking with katy perry, luke bryan and lionel richie about american idol for what's now in their seventh season. through katy's various haircuts and outfits, even through covid, we all kept on the idol beat, where every year the judges critiqued and then america crowned the winner in the competition. ryan perry is coming up on the end of her idol run next month, but she is moving ahead with nothing but fond memories. >> i've learned a lot and it's been so wonderful this growth for myself personally. i'm going to utilize it in the future for all of my future interviews. like i used to shoot a little bit more off, you know, the cuff shoot from the hip, and now i, i understand, there's a lot of different dynamics and a lot of things to be considered when you're speaking. words are really powerful. i really like when you draw us in and you create this intimate moment, and if you don't give them that feedback, it's they're not going
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to get better because you just need a coach. and coaches aren't always peachy keen. jelly beans. i really hope whoever comes to the show continues to speak their mind constructively. that's really important for me because, like, it helps these kids sharpen up after all they've been through as a team, fellow judge luke bryan told me he'll miss katy by his side from season one. >> we're machine. i didn't really know each other to really respecting what each other does. it's been really, really fun. >> thank you for taking it to the next level. >> she's just a pro at. she's just a pro at being herself. >> how do you take advantage of your final weeks on this show? so when you leave, you leave knowing you've done everything you possibly could, just trying to stay really present, really intentional, really grateful you're the one i'm going to miss the most. are you? oh was that on camera? >> yes. >> you are the one i'm going to miss. the most. >> katie's fellow judges, lionel richie and luke bryan, have both suggested taylor swift as
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someone to fill the seat. katie is leaving, so taylor, if you're interested in los angeles, george pennacchio abc seven news, you can watch american idol sundays at eight right here on abc seven. >> i don't know, do you think taylor swift would be successful in that role? >> would anybody i mean, she good at anything. can she can she handle it i don't know i'm waiting for us to rename the planet. >> i know. >> so true. all right, well, can she give us some good weather? i'd like that santa. >> maybe she could do a better job than i can. uh- ama and dan. let's take a look at a live picture right now from our east bay hills. camera. you are looking at the marine layer. it is so deep you could barely see the rays of the sun. it's about 3000ft deep right now, so do expect another night of cloudy skies and some spotty drizzle. you can pretty much see the footprint of the marine layer all the way up into the north bay. all the way out towards the delta. the east bay socked in the peninsula and the monterey
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bay. there are only parts of the south bay and the east bay that are seeing sun right now. tomorrow you're going to see peeks of sun, a lot of cloud cover near the coast, breezy upper 50s to upper 60s like today. it's going to be below average. and then thursday still in the 50s 60s range. but by friday, i think after the morning you will see milder weather. afternoon highs will be in the low 70s for the warmest spots, and we'll do it all over again on saturday. now speaking of saturday, there is a system that's trying to get here, but right now it looks like it's going to stay well to our north. it's not going to make it so other than holding our temperatures down really won't do a whole lot for us over the weekend. as a matter of fact, you're going to see lots of sun over the weekend. so here's your accuweather seven day forecast. we'll backtrack morning clouds and drizzle tomorrow. chance of spotty showers thursday into early friday. really spotty. i mean, that's why we don't have a storm impact scale up there yet. and then sunshine and warmth returns for the weekend, but it's not going to be terribly warm. just 70s inland saturday through tuesday, 50s, 60s coast side, but very pleasant. yes,
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beautiful. >> all right. larry beals here with sports. i have a friend who's obsessed with iuk and really was all she could talk about at her kids birthday party this weekend. >> are we sure it's a friend? yeah i kind of. well, anyway, are. well, okay, as far as the obsession goes, the 40 daughters are obsessed with them too. but are they really thinking about trading brands in iu? what's the real deal there? plus, who's got a better introduction than this? camilla duval of the giants with the red lights and the spotlights. that is so cool. sports
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but his vision dimmed with age. he had amd. i didn't know it then, but it can progress to ga, an advanced form of the disease. his struggle with vision loss from amd made me want to help you see warning signs of ga, like: hazy or blurred vision, so it's hard to see fine details, colors that appear dull or washed out, or trouble with low light that makes driving at night a real challenge. if you think you have ga, don't wait. treatments are available. ask a retina specialist about fda-approved treatments for ga and go to deo for your whole body? that actually works! how do they do it? native combines the best of nature with the best of science to make a deodorant spray with naturally-derived ingredients that fights odor at the source and is clinically proven to keep stank at bay.
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all day.
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good evening. with the nfl draft, only two days away now, so many rumors about brandon aiyuk, the niners wide receiver. he wants a large contract extension, neighborhood of $25 million. he's the subject of a lot of trade speculation. clearly the niners don't want to trade him their super bowl window is right now before they have to pay the huge money to brock purdy. so we'll see what happens there. speaking of purdy , he's been working out with ex-ufc star caleb williams, who will likely be the first pick in the draft. purdy's rise from last pick in the draft to starter made trey lance expendable. the niners. you can't even describe how much they locked out after giving up three first round picks to move up to get lance, who was traded to dallas last season. >> yeah, we gave up a lot. we
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did it for, you know, reasons that that we had and motivations and, you know, it didn't work out. but thank god for mr. irrelevant. he he helped us last year. >> just i heard, you know, people talking about the amount of quarterbacks drafted and all that kind of thing. and maybe i had an effect on that. i'm not really sure, that's really what's what's gotten to me, like everyone's got their own story. and so, that's that's really all i, all i've heard and, and how i look at it, but obviously i'm a big believer in doesn't matter where you're drafted, it's what you do when you get there. you know, with that opportunity. so that's my advice to guys that are drafted day three or undrafted guys or whoever the nfl draft live right here on abc seven this week. >> round one is thursday starting at 5 p.m, followed by after the draft, we'll break it all down. rounds two and three are on friday starting at 4 p.m, so nba officials were told that the all star break allow more physical play and that just killed the 76 ers last night.
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today's nba two minute reports that tyrese maxey was fouled not once but twice in the final seconds. and nothing was called. knicks end up with a turnover. and ex-warrior donte divincenzo hit the game winning three for the knicks in the lakers nuggets game. another x dub. d'angelo russell got whacked in the face. i mean, this was so obvious. take another boom right there. that call was actually overturned by the replay center. they said it was incidental contact. lakers lose at the buzzer leaving lebron frustrated and confused. >> what do we have a replay center is going to go that doesn't it doesn't make sense to me. it makes no sense to me. it bothers me. >> it makes no sense to anybody. cool and crisp for the a's and yankees in new york, 51 degrees uh- paul blackburn has been awesome to start the season. first inning? not so much. anthony rizzo says. i'll show you the bronx a la bobby bonilla, a four run first inning for the yankees. they open up a41 lead. a's close the gap in
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the fourth. lawrence butler high, deep. aloha to make it a one run game. but the a's in a game that went final just moments ago, come up short four three. the giants they're playing the mets tonight. they unveiled a new introduction for closer camilo duval. although maybe you want to wait until he's done in the bullpen before you turn the lights out on the catcher throwing 99 miles an hour, duval jogs out in a sea of red lights with a spotlight focused on him. the giants installed all these fancy new led lights and a bunch of speakers at oracle park in the off season, but this was their first chance to use them because duval hadn't had any home games to save until last night. but that is a super cool intro now. now every player wants it. turn the lights down. i want the red light thing. abc seven sports. sponsored by your northern california honda dealers. a one more point on brandon on that. yeah, brandon aiyuk, deebo samuel did the same thing last year holding out the niners gave him a contract just before training camp started. same thing last year with nick bosa. this is the niners strategy. wait till the end. we'll see if they get a great offer on
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thursday. maybe they make a trade but otherwise they pay. >> it's a bit of a gamble. >> yeah they do and the window is now you got to win next year. all right. thanks. all right. >> tonight on abc seven at eight it's will trent followed by the rookie at ten. it's the interrogation tapes a special edition of 2020. then stay with us for abc seven news at 11. that is it for this edition of abc seven news. thanks for being here. i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley for sandhya patel. >> larry biel, all of us. we appreciate your time. we'll get larry one of those lighted windows. >> yeah, we're going to work for tonight. >> maybe at 11. we'll try. have a good evening. we'll see you later tonight. >> this is abc 724 seven. >> in san francisco, live at levi stadium in san jose. >> live in oakland. yeah. you're watching abc seven news live anytime, anywhere. >> we are, we are, we are, we are, we are, we are where you are. >> never miss a moment of the news that matters to you. download our abc seven bay area
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visit to learn more. doc? from the alex trebek stage at sony pictures studios, this is "jeopardy!" please, welcome today's contestants... a professor from philadelphia, pennsylvania... a piano teacher and musician from newton, massachusetts...
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and our returning champion, a playwright from mississauga, ontario, canada... whose one-day has winnings total $26,999. and now, here is the host of "jeopardy!," ken jennings. thank you, johnny gilbert. welcome to "jeopardy!" we have a new champion in nam nguyen, who put up a very impressive stat in yesterday's game. his buzzer percentage was 71%. that's almost unheard of, it means he got in almost three quarters of the time when he was ringing in on a clue. nam told us he attributes his buzzer speed to his vast video game experience. well, we'll see how that speed holds up today as he faces two new challengers, lianne and mark. good luck to all three of you. welcome. let's get to work in the jeopardy round. your categories will be... first... followed by...


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