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tv   ABC7 News 500AM  ABC  April 24, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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morning's live protest doesn't disrupt university operations. that'll be one situation. if it becomes disruptive, and that will dictate a different kind of response. >> happening now, ongoing student protests at universities across the country. while the demonstration at berkeley has remained relatively peaceful, tensions are rising on other campuses as police clash with students. >> we are doing so much work to support and uplift this community, and the day time has gotten much better. even though
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we know there's a lot of work that needs to be done. but the nighttime time needs to improve significantly. >> a bold new plan to clean up the tenderloin. we have details about the curfew. san francisco's mayor is now proposing another explosive day in court for donald trump. >> what a former confidant is revealing about the secretive business agreement he had with the former president. good morning. it is wednesday, april 24th. >> let's begin with a check of our weather. >> yeah. good morning. looks like may gray arrived a little earlier. we have a lot of cloud cover today. here's a live look from the exploratorium camera. we are reporting overcast skies, and there's likely going to be a little bit of drizzle this morning in areas. our marine layer is pretty expansive right now. it's around 4000ft deep. and what that means we're dealing with a lot of cloud cover this morning, and we're going to see limited sunshine as the day goes on. temperatures right now we're holding in the 50s in most areas. 57 in oakland this morning, 58 in san jose, we're at 53 in sonoma currently. so live look from sutro tower
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showing you underneath the cloud cover decent visibility, but we have those clouds, some spotty drizzle early on. we're staying in the 50s. it's one of those days where it's going to feel cool all day long. a little bit of sunshine around noon, and then by 4 p.m, temperatures actually bit below average for this time of the year, 50s and 60s for daytime high. so a lot of cloud cover this morning give way to a little bit of sunshine this afternoon. 63 in the city we'll go to 65 in oakland, 69 in san jose, a high of 65. in napa, reggie aqui drew, thank you. >> we are tracking the pro-palestinian protest disrupting college campuses across the country today. house speaker mike johnson will travel to columbia university in new york, where one of the largest protests is happening. he'll be meeting with jewish students to talk about anti-semitism on campus. the meeting comes as the university extends a deadline for hundreds of students still occupying columbia's west lawn to reach a deal to clear that encampment, activists have been protesting the biden administration's response to the israel-hamas war for a week now.
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they want the university to divest from companies with ties to israel and to increase financial transparency. tsay. it's the same demand students occupying campuses across the country are also making were some tense moments with campus police at cal poly humboldt monday night protests are still barricaded inside a building after officers tried to force them out. the whole campus is closed until tomorrow as school leaders negotiate with the group. >> the protesters are happening. the protests, i should say, are happening here in the bay area. two 300 pro-palestinian activists staged a demonstration at stanford on monday, according to the stanford daily. the solidarity walkout was to show support for the palestinian people and protesters at other colleges. we've been tracking this protest, as you see on your screen at uc berkeley for several days now, the number of tents outside sproul plaza continues to grow, and they're
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calling it the free palestine camp. the students say they are willing to risk expulsion and arrest. cal officials hope to keep it peaceful if the protest doesn't disrupt university operations. >> that will be one situation. if it becomes disruptive, it begins to interfere with the rights of others. the rights of students who want to attend class. and that will dictate a different kind of response. >> what i anticipate is what happened at columbia, where they gave them a 24 hour notice of the charges. the student conduct charges they would receive. after that, they called in nypd. i expect the same to happen here. >> a university spokesperson said. uc berkeley has no plans to change its investment policies and practices. tensions have run high on campus for months now. last month, jewish students held a rally demanding the university enforce policies equally and ensure jewish students feel welcome on campus. classes wrap up next week with final exams. >> the week after san francisco's fight against drugs and crime in the tenderloin may soon see a new tactic. mayor
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london breed wants to force some businesses to close early. that curfew would impact stores in the red square you see on this map that is between o'farrell and mcallister. from polk to jones, abc seven news reporter gloria rodriguez is here with more on how this would all work. gloria. >> good morning reggie. mayor london breed wants to require smoke shops, liquor stores and corner stores to close early, trying to stop drug related crime at night. so essentially, there would be a curfew for these businesses in some parts of the tenderloin between midnight and 5 a.m, a $1,000 fine would be imposed for every hour the business stays open past midnight. some say when people gather outside certain tenderloin businesses that stay open late, there is trouble. >> when we looked at the data around some of our kind of corner store operations, we discovered that that was where we had the most problems, especially at night. so this comes after looking at the data,
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talking to residents, and proposing this as a possible solution to help address the challenges we have in the evening. >> so i was not worth the headache for me to open late for business. they open late like 3:00, 4:00 in the morning. i don't think that's a good idea, because the only people going at this time at the street, people looking for trouble. >> that was edna rahmani, the owner of underground gift and smoke shop, which closes at 10 p.m. on weekdays. he agrees with the mayor's proposed curfew, but some say curfew is not the answer to curbing drug related crimes, saying a curfew would impact business owners and also customers such as restaurant workers and kitchen staff, who often stop by late at night after work. the san francisco board of supervisors still has to approve the curfew. live in the studio gloria rodriguez, abc seven news. >> thank you. gloria. berkeley police say it's more important than ever for people to call them when they see crimes in progress, instead of trying to confront the suspects more and
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more, they say the people who commit property crimes like car thefts are armed and ready for violence. the san francisco chronicle reports. berkeley's warning was issued during a recent meeting of the berkeley police accountability board. police cited two recent incidents in which car theft suspects fired shots. no one was hurt in either incident. they'll soon be 500 new cameras watching as you drive around san jose. >> the city is expanding its network of license plate cameras . police say their existing cameras have helped catch a group of people breaking into cars and suspects in other crimes. neighbors in east san jose told us the cameras will make them feel safer in the neighborhood. they love. >> we've had shootings, we've had murders, we've had, auto theft. we had tons of crime. so the quality of life issue that we need in the east valley, that's what this helping us, this is helping us with. >> there are some privacy questions with these cameras. they're going to keep video for a full year, which is ten times longer than most cities that use cameras. san jose's acting
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police chief says the video is only used for criminal investigations. >> we're continuing to follow former president trump's criminal trial in new york, both sides are waiting for the judge to make a key ruling. abc news reporter andrew dymburt has the details on that decision today is a day off in the trump hush money trial, but a major decision looms large. >> the judge at any time could issue his ruling on whether trump violated the gag order in the case, with his recent social media posts and comments about certain people involved in the trial. one alleged violation trump's nine minute speech outside court monday, in which he railed against his former lawyer, michael cohen, a key witness for the prosecution. >> i got caught lying in the last trial and then again yesterday morning saying this to our station, wpvi. well, michael cohen is a convicted liar and he's got no credibility whatsoever. >> prosecutors at a hearing yesterday argued trump has willfully and blatantly violated the gag order. the defense claimed trump has merely been responding to political attacks.
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his lawyer also questioned whether trump's reposting of other people's attacks violates the gag order. the judge later responding, you're losing all credibility with the court. if trump is found in violation, he could face thousands in fines. jail is unlikely, but the secret service is now preparing for that long shot possibility, coordinating with officers to find a place where trump could be held. >> donald trump's not going to rikers island. he's not going to one of our local jail facilities. >> meanwhile, as testimony resumed in court, national enquirer publisher david pecker laid out the so-called catch and kill agreement. he made pecker testifying. he met with michael cohen and trump and pledged to run flattering stories about trump and hit jobs on trump's opponents, including a false story claiming senator ted cruz's father was involved in the jfk assassination. >> what was he doing with lee harvey oswald shortly before the death and before the shooting? it's horrible. >> pecker also offered to be the campaign's eyes and ears to alert cohen if he caught wind of any potentially damaging stories, pecker saying he told trump he tried to kill those
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stories so they'd never see the light of day. andrew dymburt, abc news, new york, 509. >> this morning we're taking a look at your travel forecast. new york city is experiencing some late day showers today, but it's a mild high of 70 degrees. another area we're watching, the pacific northwest for a little bit of rain as well. other places like la. looking lovely today. chicago, atlanta. we'll have temperatures in the 70s across a huge portion of the south. back here at home, it's all about morning cloud cover, giving way to a little bit of afternoon sunshine. we have that marine layer in place. part of the reason why this low pressure has allowed that marine layer to grow to about 4000ft in spots this morning, meaning we're dealing with some coastal drizzle. and that cloud cover will be slow to break down as the day goes on. in fact, you look at your morning drive, it's all that cloud cover early on. we're not seeing any areas of dense fog right now with those overcast skies through much of the morning. you can see temperatures hold pretty steady in the mid and upper 50s through about 11 a.m. let's break it
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down. region by region for you inland. today we have that cloud cover giving way to the most sunshine we'll see later on this afternoon. but temperatures feeling cool in the mid 60s around the bay shoreline. we'll have a little bit of afternoon sunshine after our marine layer burns off temperatures in the low and mid 60s there, but it's the coast that will stay cloudy all day long and that means some drizzle. first thing this morning and then heading into the afternoon. those temperatures don't rise all that much, so it's a cloudy morning. a cool afternoon here. we'll keep those clouds tomorrow as well, with the chance of some isolated pockets of drizzle throughout the day. and then we'll see a cold front move through here on friday. and that's going to kick up our winds. but we'll bring about a nice looking weekend. we'll preview those winds and the weekend forecast reggie in just a few minutes. thank you. >> drew a major development in scott peterson's fight for a new trial. coming up why prosecutors from the original trial are now getting involved. trying >> a 77 year old woman and grandmother who went viral for
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stopping a robbery is now stepping up to make a different kind of difference in her east bay community pandas coming to san francisco. >> it isn't exactly a done deal. what needs to be done before the city can secure them and here at 511, a live look outside looking
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case are firing back. they say the convicted killers request for new dna tests is unnecessary. the district attorney in stanislaus county just filed the new paperwork in court. peterson's defense team, the los angeles innocence project, is asking for the dna testing. the prosecutors say peterson filed a motion and had dna testing done in 2013, and 2019, and neither revealed anything new. >> i think what the prosecution is saying here to the public and to the court is we got this right, scott peterson did have a fair trial and nothing that can be done now is going to change the outcome of what that jury decided, because the evidence was so overwhelming as to his
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guilt. >> the prosecution spent much of the new 337 page court filing also outlining how peterson repeatedly lied about his involvement in the death of laci and their unborn child. conner more than 20 years ago. they say those lies outweigh the need for any additional dna testing. the next hearing is set for the end of may. that should give us a good indication about whether peterson's attempt for a new trial has a chance. >> a great grandmother who went viral for stopping a robbery in oakland now plans to run for city council 77 year old faye taylor jumping into action to save her elderly neighbor during a robbery in 2022, using a cane and her german shepherd, troy. it drew recognition from then mayor libby schaaf, and it made headlines across the us. now, miss faye is hoping that recognition will win her oakland's third district city
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council race. >> i figured this would be the only time i'm going to have to run. you know, i don't want to be 99 and run. i'm going to do the best i can, and if i don't know what i'm doing, i'm going to ask somebody. i'm going to ask my community. >> miss faye wants to see more focus on crime reduction and youth and education. >> we're learning more about exactly what it's going to take to bring a couple of chinese pandas to san francisco. mayor london breed has introduced a resolution to the board of supervisors to allow city departments to start fundraising in support of the plan. >> san francisco has had its challenges, and we need joy and pandas represent joy. so i do think it's important for us to really focus on the positive about this. >> the chinese government agreed to allow the san francisco zoo to host a pair of the bears next year, as part of the country's panda diplomacy program. the deal is contingent on construction or renovation of a
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panda enclosure at the zoo. the exact cost is still unclear, but the mayor says it will be fully funded by donations. >> all right, let's talk about what's happened with outside lands because they released the lineup yesterday and the tickets go on sale this morning. some of the big artists to headline include tyler, the creator, the killers and sturgill simpson, who i have to fully admit to you, i did not know until ten minutes ago. same here we go is a country singer, post malone, speaking of country, will also perform. he will be doing a special country set again. tickets go on sale today. this morning at 10 a.m. they are expected to go quickly. the eager beaver presale tickets sold out in less than two hours, and that was for people who didn't even know what the lineup was. outside lands scheduled for august 9th through the 11th at golden gate park. i feel like if you are cool then you will really like this lineup. >> if you are cool, if you are cool. >> okay, i do love the killers, okay? >> and then do you know chapelle rhone uh? >> no. >> okay. see i didn't know who
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this was either until this week when i took a soulcycle class and they played it, and the instructor leaned in and said, so for you olds, chapelle, rhone is wow. and now i've added chapelle to my playlist. >> okay, so you are cool, the blessed madonna. yes. >> okay. victoria monet. no, that's another person. if you're cool. okay. you would know. you would know, no. do you know the name shaboozey? >> yeah. >> from the beyonce album. >> yeah. okay. that's why i was like, how do i know that name shaboozey will be there? okay. i think you're when you have that many artists not going to know every one of them. so don't feel bad about myself. if you're cool, you would, you know, i think i would feel bad about myself if i didn't know any of the headliners. i feel like i at least have heard i've at least heard the headline. yes, exactly. that'll be fun. i always love that, we'll go outside this morning and we'll see that we are going to deal with a lot of cloud cover today. hello, oakland. we'll take a look at your current observation. right now. it's a lot of cloud cover out there.
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we're currently at 57 degrees but visibility is good. we have a south wind right now coming in at about 12mph currently across the region. we'll start our morning in the 50s. but these temperatures are going to be very slow to warm today. our highs will actually be a bit below average thanks to a pretty deep marine layer. first thing this morning. here's future weather showing you still by 1 p.m. we're dealing with a lot of cloud cover starting to see a few breaks in that cloud cover inland. we will see a fair amount of sunshine by about 4 or 5 p.m. as the day is winding down. but again, our marine layer comes right back in tomorrow morning, so expect another gray start to the day here on thursday and then throughout the afternoon on thursday. future weather showing you these pops of green on your screen. not on the chance we could see an isolated shower to finish out the day before these winds really begin to pick up on friday, thanks to a cold front moving through. so we'll finish out the week with some gusty conditions. here's future tracker wind gusts friday morning. you'll feel those winds elevated as that cold front gets closer to us. they're gusting over 20mph at times. but then as we head into the afternoon, those winds are racing between
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30 and 40mph. so just expect friday afternoon and friday evening to be rather windy. but that will set the stage for sunshine to return over the weekend, and warmer temperatures to arrive as well. highs today 50 along the coast, mid 60s for areas inland. that's about it with a little bit of sunshine in the afternoon, but a lot of cloud cover this morning. even some coastal drizzle. an update on the pollen index tree still high, grass is still medium and mold is still low today and tomorrow. here's the accuweather seven day forecast. a lot of cloud cover today and tomorrow. then we have that windy day here on friday. then the weekend is looking beautiful with lots of sunshine. temperatures start to rebound and then we'll find more sunshine coming our way early next week guys. >> all right thank you so much drew. >> now coming up the seven things you need to know this morning a former player for the a's now wants to rejoin the team when they go to sacramento. >> how he's hoping a court of public opinion could make it happen. >> and here at 520 we are taking
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so why would you pay a rate based on. a terrible boss with a terrible haircut! save with, ooh. save with drivewise and get a rate based on you. you're in good hands with allstate (vo) you've had thyroid eye disease for a long time. and you've lived with the damage it caused. but even after all these years, restoration is still possible. learn how at alice loves the scent of gain so much, she wished there was a way to make it last longer. say hello to your fairy godmother alice and long-lasting gain scent beads. part of the irresistible scent collection from gain! number one, president biden is expected to sign a foreign aid bill today that includes
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legislation that could trigger a tiktok ban in the u.s. tiktok is vowing to fight the ban in court. >> number two, house speaker mike johnson is set to meet with students at columbia university today to discuss anti-semitism on campus. that meeting comes as the university has shifted to mostly virtual learning. as a large pro palestinian protest continues on campus, activists are demanding the university divest from anything related to israel. >> number three, san francisco mayor london breed is proposing a curfew for some businesses in the tenderloin as part of an effort to curb crime in the neighborhood. she told abc seven news last night. it's a new solution to work that's already being done. >> number four, tesla is laying off more than 3300 employees in california. more than 1300 of those people work at the fremont factory. several dozen others also work in palo alto. >> and number five, we have a cloudy morning out there, some coastal drizzle as well. it's a cool day today. will repeat that tomorrow before winds kick up
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here to finish out the week on friday and number six we're taking a look at drive times. >> you can see the typical slowdown tracy to dublin will take you 45 minutes. san rafael to san francisco 17 minutes and then antioch to concord 61 minutes. at number seven, today is the third annual hatch day celebration at the berkeley art museum. they'll be live streaming. andy the falcon's nest on their outdoor screen starting at 9 a.m. annie's two remaining eggs are predicted to hatch today. the event includes falcon experts and a live raptor. >> we just love annie. i'm glad to see that she's thriving next time you visit the lake tahoe area, you may notice a common item is missing. plastic water bottles are now banned in south lake tahoe. it's part of an effort to reduce pollution in the area. that means single use plastic water bottles cannot be sold anywhere in south lake tahoe. the only exceptions water bottles can still be used during emergencies and at health care facilities. hundreds of volunteers took part in an earth day cleanup at lake tahoe. the league to save lake tahoe posted
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these photos of that effort. they say this year they had more volunteers to cover more ground. they ended up picking up 182 pounds less in trash compared to last year's cleanup, which is good because hopefully that means there was less of it. >> and a group of protesters is using climate week to call out the sf public utilities commission. members of the tuolumne river trust say the commission is doing a poor job of managing the san francisco bay delta's water supply, and it's money. they held a protest before attending yesterday's sf puc meeting. the group is calling for accountability on several issues from alleged budget mismanagement to low water flows along the tuolumne river. >> it's an issue that's negatively impacting entire coastal towns and inland river communities that are not their fault because of poor policies that are governing our water. >> protesters say some of those water management decisions are devastating. several businesses, including the fishing industry, which is dealing with a shortened crab and salmon
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fishing season for the second year in a row. former oakland a's great jose canseco is swinging for the fences again. the soon to be 60 year old launched a petition on under the name team canseco, urging people to support him in becoming the manager of the a's when they moved to sacramento next year. the petition touts canseco's legacy with the a's and leadership abilities. so far, he has 774 signatures out of a goal of 1000. the oakland ballers are sending out. congratulations to pitcher danny kirwan. he's their first player to be signed by a major league organization. the boston red sox purchased kirwan's contract from the oakland team after the ballers posted this video of him over the weekend, one of kirwan's fastballs clocked in at 98 miles an hour. the bar the ballers begin play later next month in the independent pioneer league. >> we're just one day away from the nfl draft. downtown detroit is where it's all happening, including the ultimate fan
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experience this week. over the next three days, fans will have the opportunity to meet players, get autographs, get an up close look at the vince lombardi trophy and all 57 super bowl rings. the nfl says. with all this excitement, they admit they might hit max capacity for the event. >> so very complicated, very disruptive. but we thought that this was provided the best backdrop for both the tune in the viewer at home, but also the experience of someone coming in person. >> the draft unfolds right here on abc seven. round one starts at 5:00 tomorrow night and stick with abc seven for a special edition of after the draft thursday at 830 and abc seven at news at 11 will be on as usual. >> next up 530. the reason millions of households could soon lose internet access. this is abc 724 seven. >> in san francisco, live at levi's stadium in san jose. >> live in oakland. >> yeah, you're watching abc
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seven news live anytime, anywhere. we are, we are, we are, we are, we are, we are where you are. >> never miss a moment of the news that matters to you. download our abc seven bay area streaming app. join us and
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it's tougher to do their jobs now at 530. how a flood of fake photos online could be getting in the way of investigators trying to help children in danger. >> tiktok now one step closer to a ban here in the u.s, the bill now sits on president biden's desk. he's expected to sign it later today. >> arming teachers in the classroom. the tennessee bill that just passed, allowing some teachers and staff to carry concealed handguns on public school grounds. >> good morning everyone. it's wednesday, april 24th. >> check on the weather. it is cool now.
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>> it is cool. and we're going to stay that way through the next couple of days. reggie live look from our abc seven oakland airport camera. the airport reporting overcast skies. in fact, everywhere we are seeing cloudy conditions because of a deep marine layer this morning. pretty uniform numbers. pretty much everybody is holding in the mid and upper 50s right now from gilroy to danville, 57 right now in oakland into the north bay. we're at 42 in calistoga beach. hop over to sonoma at 54 there. 53 right now in mill valley. so a live look from the exploratorium camera. you have all that cloud cover upstairs. it's one of those days where it seems like may gray has arrived just a little bit earlier. we're finding that overcast sky drizzle this morning along the coast, just partly sunny mid day the afternoon. the best bet of finding sunshine will be inland. the coast stays pretty cloudy and pretty cool. 50s all day long there. 60s away from the coast and that is below average for this time of the year. so high of 65 in oakland today, 63 in the city with limited sunshine and 69 in san jose,
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about 67 in santa rosa, 68 in concord, and then tsay. half moon bay is quite cool, 58 degrees, but soon we'll have winds whipping up. but that will set the stage for a beautiful weekend. we'll show you that preview coming up in just a few minutes. thanks, drew. >> will an overnight curfew cut down on crime and drugs in san francisco's tenderloin? that is what mayor london breed wants the county supervisors to approve. to find out the curfew could impact businesses in this area. between o'farrell and mcallister and from polk to jones. abc seven news reporter gloria rodriguez is here. and gloria, where store owners saying about this. >> well, reggie, there are mixed feelings about this one man who owns a smoke shop in the tenderloin says they already closed at 10 p.m. on weekdays and he agrees with the mayor's proposed curfew. but some say this is not the answer to curbing drug related crimes. mayor london breed wants to require smoke shops, liquor stores and corner stores in some parts of the tenderloin to close early. this to try to stop drug related crime at night. a curfew
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would be in effect for these businesses between midnight and 5 a.m, a $1,000 fine would be imposed for every hour that the business stays open past midnight. abc seven talked to the mayor and some opposed about this. >> we are still having some challenges around the evening, and that's one of the reasons why we're proposing a new solution to add to the work that we're already doing. >> i was a cab driver. i used to come home from, from, and, and, and i was so grateful for them to be open to me that it seems like, like a cruel a cruel sort of crackdown on somebody that's not responsible for that. >> and one person says a curfew would not only impact business owners, but also customers at these businesses, such as restaurant workers and kitchen staff, who often stop by late at night after work. the san francisco board of supervisors still has to approve the curfew, and they may not vote on this until mid june. live in the studio gloria rodriguez, abc seven news. thanks, gloria.
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>> a massive $95 billion foreign aid package is heading to president biden for final approval. this bipartisan win comes after months of tense infighting that threatened to split the republican party this package comes eight months after president biden's initial request for emergency foreign aid. he's expected to sign the bills today. another major component of the package is a possible ban on tiktok in the us under the legislation, tiktok's parent company bytedance will have nine months to sell the app and a possible three month extension of a sale is in progress. the bill would also bar the company from controlling people's algorithm, which feeds videos based on users interests. americans would not be able to update or download the app if bytedance does not sell by the deadline. for years, lawmakers from both parties have expressed concerns on tiktok. gives chinese authorities access to
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u.s. user data. >> they've not been in the classified briefings that congress has held, which have delved into more deeply some of the threat posed by foreign control of tiktok. tik tok denies claims that it's a security threat and plans to fight the ban in court. >> a warning on the alarming toll ai is having on children. researchers at stanford enforce stanford, i should say, say that law enforcement is not ready to handle the surge of child sex abuse images generated on the internet, and they're worried it will stop investigators from helping real children who need to be rescued. abc seven news reporter lauren martinez asked researchers what needs to happen to fix this situation. >> is there any pictures of this girl on his, facebook in influx of online child sexual abuse material? >> is a rising concern for law enforcement. a new stanford report examines the strengths and weaknesses of the online child safety ecosystem. >> it's not just that law enforcement are overwhelmed with
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the volume of reports, it's that they feel like they aren't able to accurately prioritize ties among reports for investigation. they feel like they can't figure out which report is most likely to lead to the rescue of a child who is actively being abused. >> the organization national center for missing and exploited children has a cyber tip line. it's a tool for members of the public or companies to report online child sexual exploitation . but many of the tips received are incomplete or inaccurate. >> many platforms are submitting cyber tip line reports that show a meme and the meme technically meets the definition of child sexual abuse material, so platforms are required by law to report it, these are typically images that people are sharing out of, like poor comedic intent. >> according to the center's data, nearly half of all reports made to the cyber tip line in 2022 were considered actionable. >> law enforcement might look at an image and not be able to tell if it's an ai generated image or
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an image of a real child who has not yet been identified, who needs to be, who needs to be rescued. and so that's just going to overwhelm. and already overwhelmed, overwhelmed system. >> san jose state associate professor bryce westlake says as ai generated images become more realistic looking, it's going to become more of a problem if they're spending time trying to determine if this ai generated content is a real victim, it's taken away their limited resources that they already have to rescue real children that are being abused. >> challenges. once an image gets out there, you can't do anything to get rid of it. and with ai generated content, it means that tons and tons of brand new images are being created every day. >> ncmec tells us with the complexity of reports evolving, they will continue to improve their cyber tip line in the south bay. lauren martinez, abc seven news and a traffic alert here at 537, we are taking you live to the bay bridge toll plaza, where the metering lights have been flipped on.
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>> it'll take you 17 minutes to get from the toll plaza into the city. millions of californians could lose internet service at the end of the month. a federal program that helps pay to provide internet to low income households is about to lose its funding. the affordable connectivity program has been around for three years, but its funding is set to run out at the end of april. the oakland unified school district says the program is critical to closing education achievement gaps at home. >> sometimes the internet isn't the best, and it only works like in certain spaces. so when i when i received the hotspot from the school, it was useful because i was able to complete my work in places where i may not have been able to prior. >> ousd says the program is a big reason it went from 12% of students having internet access at home to 98% about 300 bay area middle school and high school students are getting a behind the scenes lesson in movie magic from some of the best in the business.
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>> the art and science of lucasfilm is an annual series that brings professionals from lucasfilm together with kids to demonstrate how art and science play a role in the entertainment industry. yesterday's events included interactive multimedia presentations and in-depth discussions with directors, artists and engineers, and this is an opportunity for us to invite students into the lucasfilm facility and hear from some of our employees to understand what they do, how they how they do the work. >> a little peek behind the scenes, get kids excited about future careers in animation and visual effects. >> this is the 15th year of the event which lucasfilm hosts in collaboration with sf film. and we should say that disney is a parent company of lucasfilm abc seven. those kids are so lucky. no kidding. critics beware the reason a magazine was forced to publish their story about taylor swift without including the author's name, but first checking the weather with drew. >> all right, 539 this morning we'll take you to our sfo camera right now where the airport is reporting cloudy skies. in fact,
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we have a pretty deep marine layer this morning, which is leading to cloud cover across the entire region. here's part of the reason why live doppler seven, along with satellite this trough. you can see this dip in the jet stream. and this area of low pressure is allowing that marine layer to grow. this morning. it's pretty deep. it's about 4000ft thick. and what that means when you have a deep marine layer takes a lot of time trying to break it down throughout the morning. so it's one of those days where the afternoon is partly sunny, but we're slow to warm and temperatures later on today will be below average. the morning drive shapes up like this. just overcast sky. you see all that cloud cover on the map through the next 6 to 7 hours, and with those overcast skies means temperatures are just really slow to warm. this morning. we're basically staying in the 50s all morning long, so let's break the forecast down. region by region inland. today you have the cloud cover throughout the morning. the afternoon will turn partly cloudy and temperatures will get you into the mid 60s in our warmest spots inland around the bay shoreline. a lot of fog
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early on this morning that continues around lunchtime. in the afternoon we'll see a little bit of sun peeking out through those clouds. temperatures staying in the low 60s and along the coast is just a cloudy day all day. some coastal drizzle this morning, keeping temperatures in the 50s throughout the entire day. so looking at your boat, beach, and surf forecast, it's cloudy out there a south wind waves are pretty gentle. that swell period 15 seconds and that ocean water temperature is basically in the mid 50s. so look at the next three days today and tomorrow. it's pretty cloudy out there all day, but by friday a cold front moves through here will begin to wipe away the cloud cover. but our winds turn very gusty friday afternoon. we'll show you those numbers, how high those winds will go and a beautiful weekend on t
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sit in was protesting google's contract with the israeli government. organizers say at least 50 people involved have since been fired. in a post on x, the group no tech for apartheid says the layoffs are in retaliation against workers. google says the protest was a clear violation of its policies and unacceptable behavior. tesla has announced another round of layoffs, this time more than 3300 employees here in california will be impacted. the news comes after a filing with california's employment department yesterday. more than 1400 of the laid off employees work at the fremont factory and several dozen work in palo alto. tesla has been under pressure due to declining sales and stronger competition from other electric vehicle makers. oracle has announced plans to take its world headquarters to nashville. >> the news was reported by nashville's paper after oracle co-founder larry ellison spoke at a conference there yesterday. ellison says the city was chosen
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after an employee survey and because of its big health care industry. oracle will also have headquarters in austin, texas. it moved there from redwood city in 2020. a new restaurant owned by reality tv star lisa vanderpump is officially open near lake tahoe. it's called wolf by vanderpump. okay the restaurant cocktail lounge, described as cabin chic, is inside of harveys lake tahoe hotel and casino. vanderpump will also be opening a third restaurant in vegas this year called pinky's by vanderpump. i met lisa vanderpump outside of her restaurant in caesars palace . oh wow. accidentally, once as i was waiting for a celine dion show. >> that must have been an experience. >> i really enjoyed seeing her. she had her dogs there. it was a whole thing. >> all right. cabin chic. looking good. well, several madonna fans want to see the singer again, but this time in court. a group of fans say her concert in washington, d.c. last december was supposed to start at 8:30 p.m, but madonna did not
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get on stage until 1030. had they watched reggie's update on what to do before her concert, you would have known not to show up so early, but fans said they feel deceived by the singer and concert promoter live nation. they also complained madonna lip synched most of her performance. >> oh how dare they! >> another group filed a similar suit against madonna for her late concert start in brooklyn last year. yoshida no. yoshida. no. well it appears fans of taylor swift are a fierce, intimidating force. we already knew that, at least to paste magazine. the publication's negative review of swift's new album did not include a byline in order to protect the writer's safety. paste says it took the writer's name off because back in 2019, swift parties were so outraged by the magazine's negative review of the singer's album lover, they threatened violence against the reviewer. shortly after the latest review
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was published, a writer who noted that she had nothing to do with peace tweeted screenshots of disparaging messages she has been receiving. she says some swifties were convinced that she wrote it. swifties >> oh, that's a lot. >> i'm not going to say anything bad about you guys. if you could pick a celebrity to be president, who would it be? >> according to a new survey conducted by tucker research, denzel washington is at the top of the list. dwayne the rock johnson number two, tom hanks, clint eastwood and george clooney wrap up your top five. oprah winfrey was the only woman in the top ten. she came in overall at number six. >> okay. >> i know i'm trying to think of what i want. i've heard from denzel for quite some time. >> where has he been? i wonder where he is enjoying his life peacefully. >> maybe preparing for a presidential run? we don't know. >> was he behind this poll just to like to see? >> is he, like, just putting the by denzel? denzel washington, the washington foundation, like the washington foundation.
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>> that's weird. >> interesting. wouldn't it be? >> it'd be wild to have a second. washington. >> oh, yeah. >> as president. president oh, yeah. >> you know what? >> it's not. no. you know, we haven't heard from him and we haven't heard a no. we have seen wilder things. >> he's really have. let's see. he's putting his feelers out there. he's like, oh, people like this. okay. interesting this morning we have a lot of cloud cover out there. napa, for example, reporting overcast skies, temperature of 54 degrees right now, just a light wind out of the northwest at about five miles per hour. and pretty much everywhere we're holding in the 50s. and it's one of those days where temperatures, because of all the cloud cover, are going to be very slow to warm. and later on this afternoon, we'll basically be a bit below average in the 60s for our daytime highs. looking at your weather wellness today, air quality is good. tree pollen is high. also grasses are at medium levels. be aware of that. your uv index is a six that is high through all that cloud cover. here's future weather as we go throughout the
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day. you can see even into the afternoon we'll stop the clock here at 130 and there's still a lot of gray conditions overhead into the afternoon. later by about 4:00 or 5:00, we'll likely see a little bit of sunshine breaking out in parts of the inland east bay, the north bay. but it's one of those days. it's just going to be pretty cool and pretty cloudy. the jacket is your best accessory today and also tomorrow. by thursday morning. we're still dealing with fog out there. some coastal drizzle, and even the chance in the afternoon around the bay shoreline will have some wet pockets because of a cold front that's getting closer and closer to us. and by friday, that cold front is really going to pick up our winds. so future tracker wind speeds friday morning, you'll find those winds a bit breezy and then they ramp up even more likely, gusting 30 to 40mph friday afternoon. this is 3 p.m, but behind this front it will clear out the cloud cover and it will set the stage for a minor warm up as we head into the weekend. today we start out with overcast skies, limited afternoon sunshine, 50 along the
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coast, mid 60s away from the coast for daytime highs. our sunset getting closer and closer to 8 p.m. tonight we'll find mostly cloudy conditions, a deep marine layer once again and temperatures holding in the low and mid 50s. accuweather seven day. it turns windy around here on friday as that cold front moves through, but in the wake of it the weekend looking lovely sunshine, warmer weather and we'll hold on to those dry conditions early next week guys. >> thanks, drew. new at six protecting airline passengers from hidden junk fees. the rule being implemented by the biden administration that could save you some cash. >> but first, she's spent months in a russian prison. not knowing if she'd ever be free. now, wnba star brittney griner is sharing her story of her russian you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving.
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how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪ norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? my dry eye's made me a burning, stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop.
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american journalist behind bars. a judge rejected the latest appeal from wall street journal reporter evan gershkovitch. gershkovitch was arrested in russia more than a year ago and charged with espionage. no evidence has been released supporting the claim. the us government is calling russia's justice system a sham process. it's been more than a year since wnba basketball star brittney griner came home after spending ten months in a russian prison. now, for the first time, she's opening up about the arrest, the prison stay, all of that changed her life. griner's arrest on a drug charge and ultimately, her release became an international political matter and an emotional interview with abc's robin roberts. griner shares for the first time details about the swap that led to her release and her time as a russian prisoner. here's a preview. >> the mattress had a huge blood stain on it. i had no soap, no toilet paper. that was the
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moment where i just felt less than a human. >> roberts also speaks with griner's wife about her role advocating for brittney's release. the 2020 special prisoner in russia. the brittney griner interview airs may 1st at 10 p.m. right here on abc seven. it'll also be available on hulu the next day. >> a settlement has been reached over the fbi's botched investigation into sexual assault allegations against former usa gymnastics doctor larry nassar. the department of justice will pay more than 100 victims a nearly $140 million settlement. victims sued the doj after the fbi violated policies in their initial investigation into nassar. he was convicted for sexually assaulting athletes while working as the usa team's physician. he's serving up to 175 years in prison. >> teachers in tennessee will soon be allowed to carry concealed handguns in classrooms . tiktok one did not come. the
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bill passed tennessee's house on tuesday despite protests from gun control advocates, and now heads to the governor for final approval. once signed, educators will be allowed to carry a concealed weapons, but they must first pass a background check, undergo a psychological evaluation, and take at least 40 hours of firearm safety training. the bill comes a year after a mass shooter stormed a nashville elementary school, killing six people, including three children. >> concerns have sparked over president joe biden's scheduled commencement address at morehouse college. it's one of two commencements he will deliver this graduation season. the president will speak next month at both morehouse and u.s. military academy west point. however, the atlanta based historically black college is holding a forum tomorrow to hear faculty concerns. it comes at a time when tensions are heightened on college campuses across the country over the us's continued support for israel and the war in gaza.
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>> the timing is bad. i mean, it would almost be like inviting lyndon johnson to come and speak at morehouse at the height of the vietnam war. i do expect that there will be a vocal outcry about this. but i do think, in the spirit of morehouse and the history of morehouse, it will be respectful, it will be intelligent, it will be effective. >> morehouse says it doesn't plan to rescind its accepted invitation from biden following tomorrow's conversation. >> in today's gma first look, as spring temperatures rise, many people are encountering coyotes, which can be a danger to pets. his abc news reporter jane norman in this morning's gma first look coyote confrontation caught on camera. >> it took me a second to realize, like, hey, this is the coyote. >> brett cohen stopping in his tracks, capturing this large canine strolling through new york city's central park. >> i knew right away it wasn't a dog off a leash. come on. brody. >> and in massachusetts, one woman recounting the frightening
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moment she came face to face with the coyote while walking her dog. >> i've never been more scared because i was like, this is insane. >> watch as the coyote hops a fence chasing after carrie chudnovsky and her dog, brody. no, no. >> as things get warmer, especially, spring is in the air. now, these animals are becoming more active and coming up at 7 a.m. >> how you can protect your pets with your gma first look. i'm jane norman, abc news, new york. >> next on abc. >> gma just discovered that coyotes okay. >> but we were just talking about that off camera. we see them all the time i mean, i'm in the south bay and we see them too, right? obviously here on the embarcadero. >> good morning. and good morning to you, coyote. brody. have a good day. >> brody. brody could have handled it. >> brody was gonna be all right. >> brody was gonna be all right. anyways, next on abc, seven mornings at six, planting new roots. the next location for california's famous garlic festival. >> then cracking down on drug related crimes. >> san francisco mayor london
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breeds proposal that could impact small businesses in the tenderloin, plus tensions rising on campuses across the country. >> and right here in the bay area. the resolution university officials are hoping for as protests remain pe a victory that is there for the taking. grab it. now that was a great halftime speech. let's go win. [jim valvano] don't give up. don't ever give up®
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♪ from the mountains to the coast... ♪ ♪ heatin' up the kitchen ♪ ♪ we got somethin different ♪ ♪ spreadin' good vibes all day ♪ ♪ todos a la mesa ♪ ♪ que buena la mezcla ♪ ♪ it don't get no better ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ lovin' this land everyday ♪ ♪ norte a sur lo puedes ver ♪ ♪ nada se puede comparar ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado...yeah ♪
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doesn't disrupt university operations. that'll be one situation. if it becomes disruptive, and that will


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