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tv   ABC7 News 600AM  ABC  April 24, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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doesn't disrupt university operations. that'll be one situation. if it becomes disruptive, and that will dictate a different kind of
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response. now at six, students protesting at universities across the country, the rising tensions as police clash with students and how some of the country's top leaders are getting involved. >> we are doing so much work to support and uplift this community, and the day time has gotten much better, even though we know there's a lot of work that needs to be done, but the night time needs to improve significantly. >> a bold new plan to clean up san francisco's tenderloin by forcing some businesses to close earlier. now we're hearing from mayor london breed about that idea and another explosive day in court for donald trump. >> what a former confidant is revealing about the secretive business agreement he had with the former president. good morning. >> it's wednesday, april 24th. >> we want to start with a look at our weather. much cooler. yeah. >> and cloudier this morning with some drizzle too. out there. we have a pretty deep marine layer to kick off our wednesday. you can take a live
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look at the exploratorium camera. and this is a similar view across the entire bay area. we have those overcast skies and it's one of those days where the sunshine will be very slow to break out this afternoon, and temperatures will be below average today. right now, most of us are holding in the 50s and it will be a morning where we stay in the 50s. that jacket, your best accessory this morning it will be after about 1 or 2 p.m. we start to see some areas get into the 60s for our temperatures. so looking at the day planner today, as you say hello to san rafael in the background we have cloudy skies, some drizzle along the coast right now, partly sunny midday. we're still dealing with a pretty deep marine layer even around lunchtime the afternoon we'll see some breaks in that cloud cover, but it's just a cooler afternoon. the coast staying in the 50s all day today away from the coast, will go into the 60s for daytime highs. only 65 in oakland today, 63 in the city, 69 in san jose, a high of only 65. in napa. >> reggie thanks drew. we're tracking the pro-palestinian
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protest disrupting college campuses across the country today. house speaker mike johnson will travel to columbia university in new york, where one of the largest protests is happening. he'll be meeting with jewish students to talk about anti-semitism on campus. that meeting comes as the university extends a deadline for hundreds of students occupying columbia's west lawn to reach a deal to clear their encampment. activists have been protesting the biden administration's response to the israel-hamas war for a week. they want the university to divest from companies with ties to israel and to increase financial transparency. it's the same demand students occupying campuses across the country are also making tense moments with campus police at cal poly humboldt monday night. protesters are still barricaded inside a building after officers tried to force them out. the whole campus is closed until tomorrow as school
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leaders negotiate with the group. >> the protests are happening here in the bay area to 300 pro-palestinian activists staged a demonstration at stanford on monday, according to the stanford daily. the solidarity walkout was to show support for the palestinian people and protesters at other colleges. we've been tracking this protest at uc berkeley for several days now. the number of tents outside in sproul plaza continues to grow. they're calling it the free palestine camp. the students say they are willing to risk expulsion and arrest. cal officials hope to keep it peaceful if the protest doesn't disrupt university operations. >> that will be one situation. if it becomes disruptive, it begins to interfere with the rights of others. the rights of students who want to attend class. and that will dictate a different kind of response. >> what i anticipate is what happened at columbia, where they gave them a 24 hour notice of the charges, the student conduct charges they would receive. after that, they called in nypd.
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i expect the same to happen here. >> a university spokesperson said. uc berkeley has no plans to change its investment policies or practices. tensions have run high on campus for months now. last month, jewish students held a rally demanding the university enforce policies equally and ensure jewish students feel welcome on campus. classes wrap up next week with final exams the week after. >> this morning. san francisco mayor london breed is talking about her latest plan to crack down on drug sales and other illegal activities in the tenderloin. so she wants to d other businesses that wouldres impact the area that you see on this map between o'farrell and mcst and from polk to jones. abc7 news reporter gloria rodriguez is here with a look at the plan. gloria, the mayor is calling this a new solution. >> good morning. reggie. yeah, the idea is to try to stop drug related crime at night. mayor london breed wants to require smoke shops, liquor stores and corner stores to close early. essentially, there would be a
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curfew for these businesses in some parts of the tenderloin between midnight and 5 a.m, a $1,000 fine would be imposed for every hour that the business stays open past midnight. some say when people gather outside certain tenderloin businesses that stay open late, there is trouble. >> when we looked at the data around some of our kind of corner store operations, we discovered that that was where we had the most problems, especially at night. so this comes after looking at the data, talking to residents and proposing this as a possible solution to help address the challenges we have in the evening. >> so i was not worth the headache for me to open late for business. they open late like 3:00, 4:00 in the morning. i don't think that's a good idea, because the only people going at this time at the street, people looking for trouble. >> that was edna romani. he's the owner of underground gift and smoke shop, which closes at 10:00 pm on weekdays. and he
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agrees with the mayor's proposed curfew. but some say a curfew is not the answer to curbing drug related crimes, saying that a curfew would impact business owners and also customers such as restaurant workers and kitchen staff, who often stop by late at night after work. the san francisco board of supervisors, still has to approve that curfew. live in the studio gloria rodriguez, abc seven news. thank you. gloria >> new at six a memorial service for oakland police officer jordan wingate will take place this friday. wingate was on duty when he crashed into another car and a semi truck back in august of 2018. he died because of his injuries on saturday surrounded by family. governor gavin newsom says flags at the state capitol will be flown at half staff in honor of officer wingate. friday's services will begin at 11 a.m. at three crosses church in castro valley. berkeley police say it's more important than ever for people to call them when they see crimes in progress, instead of trying to confront the suspects more and
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more. they say the people who commit property crimes like car thefts are armed and ready for violence. the san francisco chronicle reports berkeley's warning was issued during a recent meeting of the berkeley police accountability board. police cited two recent incidents in which car theft suspects fired shots. no one was hurt in either incident. they'll soon be 500 new cameras watching as you drive around san jose. >> the city is expanding its network of license plate cameras. police say their existing cameras have helped catch a group of people breaking into cars and suspects in other crimes. neighbors in east san jose told us the cameras will make them feel safer in the neighborhood they love. >> we've had shootings, we've had murders, we've had, auto theft. we had tons of crime. so the quality of life issue that we need in the east valley, that's what this is helping us. this is helping us with. >> there are some privacy questions with these cameras. they keep video for a full year, which is ten times longer than most cities that use them. san
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jose's acting police chief says the video is only used for criminal investigations. >> abc seven news continues to follow. former president donald trump's criminal trial in new york. the judge at any time could issue his ruling on whether trump violated the gag order in his recent posts and comments about people involved in the trial, one of those alleged violations was in his speech outside of the courtroom on monday. he railed against his former lawyer, michael cohen, a key witness for the prosecution. trump made similar comments in an interview with our sister station in philadelphia. >> michael cohen is a convicted liar and he's got no credibility whatsoever. he was a lawyer and you rely on your lawyers. >> the defense claims trump is only responding to political attacks he could face thousands of dollars in fines if the judge rules he violated the gag order. jail is unlikely. >> 609 we're taking a look at live doppler seven, along with satellite low pressure anchored
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off the southern california coastline this morning, has brought cooler weather and also pretty deep marine layer. we have a lot of cloud cover this morning, and that deep marine layer means sunshine will be slow to appear as the day goes on. take a look at the morning commute. you will find those overcast skies with all that cloud cover. temperatures very slow to warm. we're basically in the 50s all morning long before we start to see some 60s appear after lunchtime. so let's break down the forecast region by region inland. today we start out with those overcast skies. it's one of the first areas to see sunshine appear later on this afternoon. temperatures in the mid 60s around the bay shoreline will keep that fog through lunchtime with a little bit of sunshine later on today with temperatures in the low and mid 60s. the coast though it is just cloudy all day this morning. we even have some drizzle and into the afternoon. we'll keep temperatures in the mid and upper 50s for daytime highs. the entire coastline of california stays pretty cloudy and cool. in the 60s the central
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valley, mainly in the 70s, are warmer spots. will be in the 80s for daytime highs. back here at home, the pollen index trees are high, grasses are medium and mold is low. just a quick look at the next three days. turns windy around here on friday. but reggie, that cold front will bring about a nice weekend. we'll show you that coming up in just a few minutes. >> okay tara. thank you. a major development in scott peterson's fight for a new trial. coming up, why prosecutors from the original trial are now getting involved and automatic cash refund. the new action from the biden administration aimed at protecting you. the airline passenger. and we've already told you pandas are coming to san francisco. but it's not exactly a done deal. what needs to be done before the
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are firing back. they say the convicted killers request for new dna tests are unnecessary. the district attorney in stanislaus county just filed that new paperwork in court. peterson's defense team, the los angeles innocence project, is asking for the dna testing. the prosecutors say peterson filed a motion and had dna testing done in 2013 and again in 2019, and neither time did it reveal anything new. >> i think what the prosecution is saying here to the public and to the court is we got this right. scott peterson did have a fair trial, and nothing that can be done now is going to change the outcome of what that jury
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decided, because the evidence was so overwhelming as to his guilt. >> the prosecution spent much of the new 337 page court filing outlining how peterson repeatedly lied about his involvement in the death of laci and their unborn child, conner, more than 20 years ago. they say those lies outweigh the need for any additional dna testing. the next hearing is for is set for the end of the uh- the end of may, i should say that should give us a good indication whether peterson's attempt for a new trial actually has a chance. new. this morning you could get a cash refund if an airline changes or cancels your flight. the biden administration taking new action to protect airline passengers. automatic cash refunds when a flight is canceled for any reason or is delayed by more than three hours for domestic flights, more than six hours for international flights. if the airline your airports adds connections, downgrades your seat, or even
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changes the plane to one less accessible to people with disabilities, those are all new reasons for cash refunds. and if your checked bags aren't delivered within as little as 12 hours or your wi-fi doesn't work on the plane, you're entitled to refunds there, too. you should get that money back within seven business days. airlines have six months to put these new rules in place. a great grandmother who went viral for stopping a robbery in oakland now plans to run for city council. old faye taylor jumped into action to save her elderly neighbors during a robbery in 2022, using a cane and her german shepherd, troy. it drew recognition from then mayor libby schaaf and made headlines across the u.s. now, miss faye is hoping that recognition will win her oakland's third district city council race. i figured this would be the only time i'm
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going to have to run. >> you know, i don't want to be 99 and run. i'm going to do the best i can, and if i don't know what i'm doing, i'm going to ask somebody. i'm going to ask my community. >> miss faye wants to see more focus on crime reduction and youth and education. we're learning more about exactly what it's going to take to bring a couple of chinese pandas to san francisco. mayor london breed has introduced a resolution to the board of supervisors, which would allow city departments to start fundraising to support the plan. >> san francisco has had its challenges, and we need joy and pandas represent joy. so i do think it's important for us to really focus on the positive about this. >> the chinese government agreed to allow the san francisco zoo to host a pair of the bears next year, as part of the country's panda diplomacy program. the deal is contingent on construction or renovation of a panda enclosure at the zoo. the
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exact cost of all that is still unclear, but the mayor says it will be fully funded by donations. tickets for san francisco's biggest music festival go on sale this morning . >> outside lands released the lineup for the festival yesterday. some of the big artists to headline include tyler, the creator, the killers and sturgill simpson. post malone will perform a special country set. tickets go on sale this morning starting at ten a 10 a.m. they're expected to go quickly. the eager beaver presale tickets sold out in less than two hours. outside lands is scheduled for august 9th through 11th at golden gate park, and the weather will be kind of cloudy, partly cloudy, and also freezing by 6 p.m. >> right? >> so you start out freezing, you get warm in the middle, and then you freeze again at night. it's all about the layers. it's layers. you have to carry everything. but hey, listen, you want to be comfortable or do you want to be freezing? >> what about your cute outfits?
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>> it's all about. i would also like to correct something. >> earlier i was saying that apparently the three of us are not cool enough for outside lands because some of these artists we don't know. so much so that i completely butchered one of their names. oh well, there you go. so thank you to matt miller, one of our viewers who pointed this out. i said embarrassingly, that it was like, i don't even know how i said it. it's chappell, rhone. that's how you say her name now you know that? >> yeah, now i have. now i do know that i was like chappelle. >> rowan. >> yeah. you really? >> once again, proving my very cool credentials here this morning on abc seven. >> god, i have heard of. thank you. tiktok for that. i do know that person. >> she's very popular. >> she is. she's your artist. favorite artist i think that's it. here you go outside this morning from our east bay hills camera. it's a great start to our april wednesday morning here. right now. temperatures in oakland at 57 degrees. with those overcast skies the light
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south wind. and pretty much everybody is sitting in the 50s currently. and it's going to be one of those mornings. your jackets just your best friend. we have a lot of cloud cover and that means the warming process is slow. we stay in the 50s all morning long. it's not until this afternoon we start to see some 60s appear on the board. your weather wellness today. air quality is good. tree pollen is high. your uv index is six out of an 11 that is high for this time of the year. future weather. you see all that gray contour on your screen. that's the cloud cover. a little bit of sunshine peeks out here later on this afternoon. this is 430. we could see our marine layer still pretty well established in a lot of spots heading into tomorrow's kind of a rinse and repeat forecast. we have those gray skies, some drizzle, even the chance of some drizzle throughout the afternoon. this is 5:00 pm tomorrow as a cold front gets closer and may try and give us some wet weather. and then by friday we'll start to see some winds kick up as that front actually moves through here. so here's future tracker wind speed showing you friday morning. those winds. you'll feel them between about 15 and 30mph. but then it gets
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even stronger heading into the afternoon. by 3 p.m, those winds are gusting 30 to 40mph. so today we'll have those clouds giving way to a little bit of sunshine. temperatures below average in the 50s and in the 60s. overnight tonight it's another cloudy night with a marine layer coming right on back in areas. temperatures staying in the low and mid 50s. here's the accuweather seven day forecast. cloudy the next couple of days before that cold front on friday will bring about a windy afternoon, but behind that front it gives us a really nice weekend. the winds are lighter, the sunshine is back with a minor warming trend. 60s and 70s for most areas. by sunday guys. >> thank you drew. now we're going to bring in ginger zee with a look at what's happening on gma. >> good morning ginger. >> hey reggie amanda nice to be with you. so coming up here on a wednesday explosive new details in the donald trump trial. the former national enquirer boss that was on the stand saying that he agreed to catch and kill negative stories about trump and also, quote, create others about political rivals. trump waiting
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to learn if he'll be held in contempt. the judge's decision could come at any time. and then campus demonstrations turned violent. riot police dispatched to some universities. hundreds have been arrested and now colleges are cracking down, threatening expulsions. also some big news for workers this morning. the ftc making it easier for some people to switch jobs by banning non-compete clauses. i would love to tell a few of my news directors about that. the last. also, the new rules about overtime that could put money in your pocket, and then the hottest trends from prom season. jerry seinfeld, very funny. and i'm going to show you what happens after we donate our clothes, especially as we have consumed so much more in the last three decades. >> okay, i'm really glad you brought that up because i think that's the message we should send to these young people for the prom. please don't go out there and spend all this money at the mall or online or amazon or wherever it is. it's right. >> and it's a lot of times, too. it's like the consumption is, oh, i'm going to try ten of them
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and then send all of them back. and so the marketing is very much billions of dollars spent on trying to make people feel like, yeah, this is what we're supposed to do when there are just too many items that are right in front of us, whether you rent them, borrow that type of thing is totally an option and should be fashionable. >> i went in my grandma's closet for my prom. did you? it was beautiful vintage. i was like, yeah, look at you. >> you were ahead of the trend. >> kumasi leading. >> oh, it's amanda today. and just fyi, amanda's leading. >> yeah. >> here's the here's a little secret. ginger cannot see us, which is a tragedy. >> no. yeah, i never i'm always just in here like, i hear you, i hear you, i know, but we can see you. >> and you're always lovely and your message is totally right on. so. amen to that. we will see you at 7:00. thank you. join me or crohn's disease... put it in check with rinvoq...
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next. ask your gastroenterologist about rinvoq next. stop. we got it? no. keep going. again... [ gasps ] next. if you don't pick one, i... am i keeping you from your job? next. stop! do we finally have it? let's go back to the beginning. are you... your electric future. customized.
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the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. transit district citizens advisory committee is meeting to talk about possible service changes. this includes splitting route 121 at the daly city bart station, creating a route between the san mateo caltrain station and the college of san
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mateo. they're also considering making changes to the overnight schedule. riders are invited to give their say. the meeting starts tonight at six. the california garlic festival is on the move once again. the garlic festival will be celebrated in los banos this year. last summer, the festival was held in stockton, but organizers are now bringing it to merced county. the festival will run from august 30th through september 1st. organizers say they will be monster trucks, a carnival, vendors and, of course, plenty of garlic treats. this festival began after the gilroy garlic festival shut down back in 2022. bay area native and olympian kristi yamaguchi is getting her own barbie. yamaguchi is the first asian american woman or woman. excuse me to win a gold medal in figure skating in the olympics. her doll is wearing a black leotard, which is a reproduction of the costume she wore when she won gold at the 1992 winter games. mattel says yamaguchi is a fitting addition
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to its barbie inspiring women collection. the doll costs $35. next at 630. technology is taking a toll on investigators who help children in trouble. the flood of fake child abuse images that could be jeopardizing real kids losing internet access. the program that's set to expire at the end of the month, and how it could affect a bay area school district. but first, here's drew. >> hey, amanda, 627 this morning, we're looking at the morning drive is just going to be a cloudy one all morning long. temperatures slow to warm. so as you take a look at the forecast region by region, get used to the cloud cover a coo
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live now at 630. i getting in the way. investigators feeling the impact of technology when it comes to helping children in danger. and new at six. >> serious new allegations being made against boeing workers now accusing the company of retaliation after they tried to follow federal regulations. >> a live look outside drew is tracking a colder day as you prepare to get out the door. >> yeah. good morning everyone. it is wednesday, april 24th. hump day. we made it. >> we did make it and it is going to be colder today. and it's also cloudier out there.
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here's a live look at the exploratorium camera. you can certainly see that deck of overcast skies up above a marine layer is pretty deep this morning, and that means it's going to take its time trying to give us some sunshine later on this afternoon. temperatures right now, pretty uniform out there. we're in the 50s from livermore to palo alto, 56 right now. that current temperature in the city heading into the north bay, we have a mixed bag of 40s and 50s, 54 in napa, but 49 in clear lake. we're holding at about 55 in vallejo. your jacket is going to be your best accessory as we head throughout the day, because we will find those clouds hanging with us throughout much of the day. we have some drizzle along the coast this morning. by lunchtime, we're still dealing with a fair amount of cloud cover, a little bit of sunshine breaking out inland and then into the afternoon. it will just be a cooler afternoon. the coast is staying in the 50s. away from the coast will go into the 60s, so a high of 63 in the city today, 65 in oakland, a below average high of 69. in san jose, 65. in napa, concord, up to 68 degrees reggie aqui drew.
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>> thank you. will an overnight curfew cut down on crime and drugs in san francisco's tenderloin? that is what mayor london breed wants. the city supervisors to approve and find out. the curfew could impact businesses in this area between o'farrell and mcallister and from polk to jones. abc seven news reporter gloria rodriguez is here. so gloria, how are store owners responding? >> well, reggie, there are mixed feelings about this one man who owns a smoke shop in the tenderloin says they already closed at 10 p.m. on weekdays, and he agrees with the mayor's proposed curfew. but some say this is not the answer to curbing drug related crimes. mayor london breed wants to require smoke shops, liquor stores and corner stores in some parts of the tenderloin to close early. this did try to stop drug related crime at night. a curfew would be in effect for these businesses between midnight and 5 a.m. a $1,000 fine would be imposed for every hour that the business stays open past midnight, abc seven talked to the mayor and some opposed about
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this. >> we are still having some challenges. around the evening, and that's one of the reasons why we're proposing a new solution to add to the work that we're already doing. >> i was a cab driver. i used to come home from, from and, and, and i was so grateful for them to be open to me that it seems like, like a cruel, a cruel sort of crackdown on somebody that's not responsible for that. >> and that's just one person who says a curfew would not only impact business owners, but also customers at these businesses, such as restaurant workers and kitchen staff, who often stop by late at night after work. the san francisco board of supervisors still has to approve the curfew and they may not vote on this until mid june. live in the studio gloria rodriguez, abc seven news. >> thank you, gloria. a massive $95 billion foreign aid package is heading to president biden for a final approval. this bipartisan win comes after months of tense infighting that threatened to split the republican party.
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>> we tell our allies, we stand with you, we tell our adversaries, don't mess with us. we tell the world we will do everything to defend democracy in a way and our way of life. >> the package comes eight months after president biden's initial request for emergency foreign aid. he's expected to sign the bill today. another major component of the package is a possible ban on tiktok in the us. under the legislation, tiktok's parent company bytedance will have nine months to sell the app and a possible three month extension if a sale is in progress. the bill would also bar the company from controlling people's algorithm, which feeds videos based on users interests. americans would not be able to update or download the app if bytedance does not sell by the deadline. for years, lawmakers from both parties have expressed concerns. tiktok gives chinese authorities access to us user data.
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>> they've not been in the classified briefings that congress has held, which have delved into more deeply some of the threat posed by foreign control of tiktok. >> tiktok denies claims that it's a security threat and plans to fight the ban in court. >> a warning on the alarming toll artificial intelligence is having. researchers at stanford say law enforcement is not ready to handle the surge of child sex abuse images generated on the internet, and they're worried it will stop investigators from helping real children who need to be rescued. abc seven news reporter lauren martinez asked researchers what needs to happen to fix the situation. >> is there any pictures of this girl on his, facebook? >> an influx of online child sexual abuse material is a rising concern for law enforcement. a new stanford report examines the strengths and weaknesses of the online child safety ecosystem. >> it's not just that law enforcement are overwhelmed with the volume of reports, it's that they feel like they aren't able to accurately prioritize among
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reports for investigation. they feel like they can't figure out which report is most likely to lead to the rescue of a child who is actively being abused. >> the organization, national center for missing and exploited children, has a cyber tip line. it's a tool for members of the public or companies to report online child sexual exploitation. but many of the tips received are incomplete or inaccurate. many platforms are submitting cyber tip line reports that show a meme, and the meme technically meets the definition of child sexual abuse material, so platforms are required by law to report it, these are typically images that people are sharing out of, like poor comedic intent. >> according to the center's data, nearly half of all reports made to the cyber tip line in 2022 were considered actionable law enforcement might look at an image and not be able to tell if it's an ai generated image or an image of a real child who has not yet been identified, who
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needs to be, who needs to be rescued. >> and so that's just going to overwhelm and already overwhelm and overwhelmed system. >> san jose state associate professor bryce westlake says as ai generated images become more realistic looking, it's going to become more of a problem if they're spending time trying to determine if this ai generated content is a real victim. >> it's taken away their limited resources that they already have to rescue real children that are being abused. challenges. once an image gets out there, you can't do anything to get rid of it. and with ai generated content, it means that tons and tons of brand new images are being created every day. >> ncmec tells us with the complexity of reports evolving, they will continue to improve their cyber tip line in the south bay. lauren martinez abc seven news millions of californians could lose internet service at the end of the month, a federal program that helps pay to provide internet to low income households is about to lose its funding. >> the affordable connectivity
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program has been around for three years, but its funding is set to run out at the end of april. the oakland unified school district says the program is critical to closing education achievement gaps at home. >> sometimes the internet isn't the best, and it only works like in certain spaces. so when i when i received the hotspot from the school, it was useful because i was able to complete my work in places where i may not have been able to prior. >> ousd says the program is a big reason it went from 12% of students having internet access at home to 98% still ahead, read the fine print american airlines changing the way fliers earn rewards. >> how to make sure you still get your points and you are looking live at the big board at the new york stock exchange. >> you can see we're down about 21 points. another updates on how the markets are doing next, plus allegations of retaliation at boeing engineers now taking action after saying they received negative performance evaluations. >> but first here's drew. hey reggie 639. >> and we're taking a look at
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live doppler seven along with satellite. and we have this trough, this area of low pressure off the coast of southern california. and it's allowing for a pretty deep marine layer along the entire coastline this morning. and there's no exception here. you're starting out with overcast skies, a little bit of coastal drizzle as well. so looking at the morning drive you can see it's nothing but cloud cover as we head towards lunchtime. and that means temperatures very slow to warm. we're staying in the 50s through about 11 a.m. your jacket going to be your best friend, your best accessory. as we go throughout the day, let's break down the forecast region by region inland. this morning. we have those clouds later on this afternoon. it's the best area to see a little bit of sunshine. temperatures in the mid 60s for daytime highs around the bay shoreline. it's a similar story. a lot of fog this morning. still fairly cloudy around noon. by 5 p.m. we see a little bit of sun with temperatures in the low 60s, but it's all cloud cover, all the time along the coast today, with temperatures in the mid to upper 50. so take a look at your pollen index today. tree
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pollen is high, grasses are medium and mold is at low levels. the three day forecast shows you today and tomorrow. it's just mainly cloudy throughout the next 48 hours. but by friday a cold front is going to kick up our winds in the afternoon. but that sets the stage for a really nice weekend. on the way, we'll take a closer look at
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bush is getting his heisman trophy back after more than a decade. the usc football star forfeited his trophy in 2010 after being investigated for violating ncaa rules. bush was ruled ineligible to play back in 2004 after receiving pay for play benefits, including several thousand dollars on a car that wasn't allowed at the time. the trophy will now be returned to him. now that rules have changed for college athletes. >> we're just one day away from the nfl draft downtown detroit is where it'll all be happening, including the ultimate fan experience this week. over the next three days, fans will have the opportunity to meet the players, get autographs, get an up close look at the vince lombardi trophy and all 57 super bowl rings. the nfl says with all the excitement, they may hit max capacity for the event. >> so very complicated, very
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disruptive. but we thought that this was provided the best backdrop for both the tune in the viewer at home, but also the experience of someone coming in person. >> the draft unfolds right here on abc seven. round one starts at 5:00 tomorrow night. stick with abc seven for a special edition of after the draft thursday at 830, and abc seven news at 11 will be on as usual. >> former oakland a's great jose canseco is switching, is swinging for the fences again. the soon to be 60 year old launched a petition on under the name team canseco, urging people to support him in becoming the manager of the a's. when they move to sacramento next year. the petition touts canseco's legacy with the a's and leadership abilities. so far, he has 774 signatures out of a goal of 1000. the oakland ballers are sending out. congrats to pitcher danny kirwan, so listen to this. he's their first player to be signed by a major league organization. listen, this is an incredible story. the boston red sox purchased kirwan's contract
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from the oakland team after the ballers posted this video you're watching from over the weekend, one of kirwan's fastballs clocked in at 98 miles an hour. the ballers begin play later next month in the independent pioneer league. awesome. >> google is firing an additional 20 employees for their involvement in a protest at its sunnyvale campus. last week, sit in was protesting google's contract with the israeli government. organizers say at least 50 people involved have since been fired, and a post on x, the group no tech for apartheid, says the layoffs are in retaliation against workers. google says the protest was a clear violation of its policies and unacceptable behavior. tesla announced another round of layoffs, affecting more than 3300 employees statewide. a large number of those layoffs will hurt bay area workers, according to state filings. more than 2200 people will be laid off at a dozen locations in fremont, including 1400 from the company's factory. dozens of
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people working in palo alto are also impacted, as well as about 500 employees who work at lathrop. the cuts are part of tesla's effort to reduce its global workforce by 10. ceo elon musk first made the announcement last week. yesterday, tesla reported a 9% drop in revenue to $21.3 billion in the first quarter compared to a year ago. that's the biggest decline for the company in over a decade. new at six boeing is being criticized for allegedly retaliating against two of its engineers. the two employees were working on behalf of the faa to provide manufacturing oversight. a union representing those workers filed a complaint against boeing. they say the company retaliated against them after they insisted the company redo engineering work on planes to comply with new regulations. soon after, they say they received negative performance evaluations. boeing denies their claims. >> now it's your morning money report. if you're an american
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airlines flier, you may want to check those reward points guidelines. starting in july, the airline is changing the way you can earn rewards. people can earn points by booking flights only through american or its preferred channels. it's the company's way to get new customers to become loyalty members, travelers who earn points through co-branded credit card spending will not be affected. speaking of airlines, delta is showing its success by giving over 80,000 of its workers a pay raise flight attendants and ground workers will get a 5% hike. the minimum wage for us workers will also rise to $19 an hour. the new pay rates go into effect in june. delta is the most profitable us air carrier, earning $4.6 billion last year. that's more than what american united southwest and alaska earned combined. delta money off of those biscoff cookies. yeah. my goodness. amazon is launching a new
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grocery delivery subscription service. the service costs 9.99 a month and allows prime members to get free delivery on orders over 35 bucks. ebt cardholders can join for 4.99 a month without a prime membership. food will come from amazon's fresh stores, whole foods and other select retailers. now we take a live look at what's happening at the new york stock exchange. we're down this morning about 56 points. >> people gathered in belgium to show off their talent of sounding like a seagull in the annual european championships of golf, screeching >> very impressive. if you close your eyes, you might think it's a seagull. >> well, i won't close my eyes because now i'm completely befuddled by this banana that's
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hanging from the ceiling. what's going on here? >> let's see if it tells us. wait. no. a scientist from portugal won the title, and a nine year old boy took home the prize. >> in the junior category, judges scored the competitors on the sound of the screech and how well they understood the behavior of seagulls. okay, so the guy dressed like a crab clearly didn't understand. oh, this guy did. >> but i like the nine year old. i like the woman before who was wearing the very like, bjork kind of outfit. it was suggesting seagull without literally being a seagull, you know, make it fashion on seagull, but make it fashion. do seagulls like bananas? is that something that i just didn't know? >> like you ever been in the ninth inning at oracle park? they'll go for anything. you just hear them all, like coming around, getting all the leftovers. >> yeah. >> so you hear that sound. good job you guys. good job. >> that's scientists who spent all his years in academia to become a gulls creature. love that for them. outside this morning we'll take you to our sutro tower camera. it's just a
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gray day out there with a limited sunshine this afternoon to the accuweather headlines. we'll call for cloudy and cool weather today and tomorrow by friday, a cold front is going to move through here and it will become wind whipped in the afternoon. we'll find those winds gusting 30 to 40mph. but behind that front saturday and sunday looking fantastic. sunshine returns and we'll find a bit of a warm up coming our way right now. temperatures outside currently mainly in the 50s. it's pretty uniform this morning with all that cloud cover. those temperatures will stay in the 50s for pretty much all morning long. it's not until the afternoon we'll get some sunshine. those temperatures start to warm a little bit into the 60s. so here's future weather. by 130, we're still dealing with a lot of gray skies into the later portion of the day. this is 4:35 p.m, some sunshine breaking out inland. that's the best area to see. a little bit of bright skies as we head throughout our wednesday, but by thursday it's kind of a rinse and repeat forecast. our marine layers deep once again,
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pretty gray. we could even have the chance of a light sprinkle tomorrow afternoon ahead of that cold front that will bring those winds on friday. let's talk about those winds. future tracker wind gusts showing you by 8 a.m. friday, they'll start to pick up between about 15 and 30mph. but they come even stronger in the afternoon. this is 3 p.m. we'll likely find those winds gusting about 30 to 40mph behind the front over the weekend, the winds will calm down and brighter skies do prevail. but today it's all about that morning cloud cover. a little bit of afternoon sunshine. temperatures are below average for this time of the year. we'll stay in the 50s and 60s for daytime highs overnight. tonight it's mostly cloudy once again, some coastal drizzle likely developing and those numbers dipping into the low and mid 50s. the accuweather seven day forecast shows you pretty cloudy today and tomorrow, with that chance of some drizzle on thursday in the afternoon. it's a windy day here on friday as that cold front moves through, but behind it the weekend looking really nice. sunshine returns, warmer temperatures will get into the 60s and 70s by
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sunday afternoon. >> thanks. it's been more than a year since wnba basketball star brittney griner came home after spending ten months in a russian prison. now, for the first time, she's opening up about the arrest and the prison stay that she says changed her life. griner's arrest on a drug charge and ultimately her release, became an international political matter. in an emotional interview with abc's robin roberts. griner shares for the first time details about the swap that led to her release and her time as a prisoner. here's a preview. >> the mattress had a huge blood stain on it. i had no soap, no toilet paper. that was the moment where i just felt less than a human. >> roberts also speaks with griner's wife about her role in advocating for brittney's release. it's a 2020 special. it's called prisoner in russia. the brittney griner interview. it airs may 1st at 10 p.m. right here on abc seven. it'll also be available on hulu the next day. >> a new restaurant owned by
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reality tv star lisa vanderpump is officially open near lake tahoe. it's called wolf by vanderpump. the restaurant and cocktail lounge, described as cabin chic, is inside of harveys lake tahoe hotel and casino. vanderpump will also be opening a third restaurant in las vegas later this year called pinky's by vanderpump. teachers in tennessee will soon be allowed to carry concealed handguns in classrooms. tiktok the bill passed tennessee's house on tuesday, despite protests from gun control advocates. it now heads to the governor for final approval. once signed, educators will be allowed to carry concealed weapons, but they must first pass a background check, undergo a psychological evaluation, and take at least 40 hours of firearm safety training. the bill comes a year after a mass shooter stormed a nashville elementary school, killing six people, including three children. about 300 bay area
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middle school and high school students are getting a behind the scenes lesson in movie magic from some of the most talented people in the business. the art and science of lucasfilm is an annual series that brings professionals from lucasfilm together with kids to demonstrate how art and science play a role in the entertainment industry. yesterday's events include interactive, included interactive multimedia presentations and in-depth discussions with directors, artists, engineers and others. >> and this is an opportunity for us to invite students into the lucasfilm facility and hear from some of our employees to understand what they do, how they how they do the work. a little peek behind the scenes, get kids excited about future careers in animation and visual effects. >> this is the 15th year of the event which lucasfilm hosts in collaboration with sf film disney, the parent company of abc seven and lucasfilm. >> very important. >> have you been there? >> i have, when i went to pride, a few i attended pride a few
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week weeks years ago and we all met there. >> it's really cool now. >> you having never seen star wars, we're probably looking around like, what are these creatures and what is happening here? but if you have seen these movies, it is really like walking down memory lane because they have so many of the artifacts along the hallways. >> see, in the video i saw darth vader. i knew that much. you know, darth vader. >> good for you. all right. that's the first step. >> up next is seven things you need to know today. >> way to get to jar jar binks. that gets wild, c-3po. look r2 d2 choo! >> baka, yeah! oh my god, we'll be right back
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number one, president biden is expected to sign a foreign aid bill today that includes legislation that could trigger a tiktok ban in the u.s. tiktok is vowing to fight the ban in court. >> number two, house speaker mike johnson is set to meet with
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students at columbia university today to discuss anti-semitism on campus. the meeting comes as the university has shifted to mostly virtual learning as a large pro-palestinian protest continues on campus. activists are demanding the university divest from anything related to israel. >> number three, san francisco mayor london breed is proposing a curfew for some businesses in the tenderloin as part of an effort to curb crime in the neighborhood, she told abc seven news last night. it's a new solution to work that's already being done. >> number four this morning, the biden administration announced a new action to protect airline passengers. you'll soon get automatic cash refunds for a number of issues you might face, including delayed flights, seat downgrades, even if the wi-fi doesn't work, airlines have six months to put these new rules in place. and number five is going to be a cloudy and pretty cool day out there. >> live look from the tam cam showing you this overcast skies, temperatures today below average will go into the 50s and 60s for daytime highs. >> and number six in the east
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bay. a live look from our emeryville camera showing sluggish traffic on westbound 80 heading toward the toll plaza from highway four, with a drive time of more than an hour this morning. and number seven, here's one way to beat that traffic. instead of driving in a car, this woman rode a horse on highway 24. in orinda. she was also holding a lasso. this happened monday during the afternoon commute. i love it. >> the lasso. >> it's a great. >> i mean, this ain't texas. tell me that you binged and listened to the beyonce album without doing that. >> that's right. good job for you. shaboozey >> george: good morning america. how donald trump used a tabloid to smear political opponents. the first trial ever for a former president. trump on trial. the former national enquirer boss on the stand saying he


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