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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  April 24, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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emeryville camera showing sluggish traffic on westbound 80 heading toward the toll plaza from highway four, with a drive time of more than an hour this morning. and number seven, here's one way to beat that traffic. instead of driving in a car, this woman rode a horse on highway 24. in orinda. she was also holding a lasso. this happened monday during the afternoon commute. i love it. >> the lasso. >> it's a great. >> i mean, this ain't texas. tell me that you binged and listened to the beyonce album without doing that. >> that's right. good job for you. shaboozey >> george: good morning america. how donald trump used a tabloid to smear political opponents. the first trial ever for a former president. trump on trial. the former national enquirer boss on the stand saying he
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agreed to catch and kill negative stories about trump and create others about political rivals as the former president blasts the judge, who could find him in contempt. >> robin: college campuses in crisis. police in riot gear clashing with protesters. hundreds arrested. encampments growing, as more schools go remote due to safety concerns. >> george: overnight ultimatum. the clock ticking down for tik tok. details on the senate bill that's how heading to the president's desk. >> michael: smoke and skid. a boeing jet forced to land after losing a tire during takeoff. the travel alert this morning. the new rule you should know if your flight is cancelled. >> robin: abortion rights showdown. president biden speaking on reproductive rights in florida, where a restrictive law is about to go into effect. as the supreme court hears arguments challenging idaho's near total ban.
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>> george: held in russia. abc news in the moscow courtroom. wall street reporter evan gershkovich seen for the first time in a month and his latest appeal. >> robin: justice for gymnasts. the land mark settlement after the botched fbi investigation into the sexual abuse by team doctor larry nasser. >> we are heard and our voices matter. that, to me, is beyond anything else. >> robin: we hear from one of the survivors this morning. >> michael: on the prowl. >> no. no. >> michael: face to face with a coyote. the unlikely places they've been spotted, and the warning for your pets. ♪ like a prayer your voice can take me there ♪ >> george: and marvel meets madonna. super heroes ryan reynolds and hugh jackson and from just like a prayer, too, jerry seinfeld live in times square. my personal connection to his latest co-star.
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>> announcer: live in times square, this is good morning america. >> robin: was that who i thought it was? >> george: method acting. [ laughter ] >> robin: you never create that reaction. never. good morning america. >> michael: from like a prayer to -- cue it. ♪ livin on a prayer ♪ living on a prayer. that's right. we have a sneak peek at my conversation with jon bon jovi. that is coming up in our next hour. >> george: we are looking forward to that. we are going to begin with donald trump's criminal trial in new york. tabloid publisher david pecker was back on the stand tuesday talking about how he used the national enquirer to help trump's campaign. we are awaiting a decision from the judge on whether to hold trump in contempt for violating the gag order. aaron katersky is outside the courthouse. good morning, aaron. >> reporter: george, good morning to you. the trial is not in session on wednesdays, but the jurors have plenty of tabloid tales to contemplate as they prepare to return here tomorrow. it was august 2015 when former national enquirer publisher david pecker said he was summoned to trump tower.
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donald trump announced his candidacy. pecker testified trump and michael cohen asked me what can i do and what can my magazines do to help the campaign? he said the three men hatched a confidential agreement. the national enquirer would publish positive stories about trump and negative stories ability his opponents. he said trump amplified one story attempting to tie cruz's father to the kennedy assassination. >> what was he doing with lee harvey oswald shortly before the death, before the shooting? it's horrible. >> reporter: pecker testified the national enquirer created the story claiming to match photos of cruz's father with pictures of oswald. that's not all. pecker said he told trump, i will be your eyes and ears, agreeing to purchase damaging stories so they would not get published. that includes a story of a door man that was shopping an unfounded claim trump fathered a child out of wedlock.
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which he denied. the doorman spoke with gma in 2018. >> george: did you believe they were paying you to pursue the story or to kill the story? >> i thought it was really i think the enquirer bought stories. i figured they wanted to report the story, so i thought. now as i look back on things, it made sense to me more so that they were just trying to quiet me down. >> reporter: as pecker recounted the doorman's claim, trump silently shook his head. after court he complained about the gag order to prevent him from verbally attacking witnesses. >> i have a gag order which is totally unconstitutional. i'm not allowed to talk but people are allowed to talk about me. >> reporter: prosecutors accused him of violating the gag order and said it is posing a real threat to the trial. when the defense insisted trump is complying the judge said, you are losing all credibility. and we're waiting for the judge to decide whether to hold trump in contempt. prosecutors said, george, it's almost as if trump is angling
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for the judge to throw him in jail. law enforcement sources are telling abc news now the u.s. secret service is actually preparing for that possibility. george? >> george: hard to even contemplate. okay, aaron. thanks very much. let's bring our chief legal analyst dan abrams. how did pecker do? >> i think he did rhetty well for the prosecution. he lays the foundation for the key to the prosecution's case, which is that the falsification of the business records was about something else. the something else was to protect him in the 2016 campaign. pecker making the point he had never done one of these catch and kill deals before the 2015 point when michael cohen and donald trump are meeting with him and talking about how to deal with potentially negative stories. that's all very powerful and helpful for them on that critical legal question. >> george: how about any openings for the defense in his testimony? >> at the very end he said, when it came to karen mcdougal, who was a playboy model, who he's alleged to have had an affair
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with, where they paid $150,000. he apparently said to david pecker i don't buy stories. so that is something that certainly the defense is going to focus on to say, wait a second. didn't you say donald trump doesn't buy stories? pecker may say they ended up changing their mind. they ended up changing their minds. but from the defense perspective, they're going to try and focus on michael cohen being the decision maker here and not donald trump. >> george: we haven't heard from the judge on holding donald trump in contempt. it was a brutal hearing for his lawyers. >> it was. the question kept coming up exactly what is it that donald trump is responding to? they kept saying he's responding. to what? to what? i think in the end here, for now, he's going to get a slap on the wrist and very firm warning. >> george: no fine? >> fines, okay. i view that at this point a slap on the wrist. does he care if he gets a $1,000 fine? i don't think so. what he cares about is the possibility of something more than that. i don't think that's going to
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happen. >> george: he doesn't want to go to jail, does he? >> you know, i don't know. you have to tell me. politically. for one night how valuable could that be to donald trump? >> george: i think it would be crazy, but okay. [ laughter ] >> seriously, i don't think it's going to happen. certainly not going to happen in the context of the gag order here, right? the notion that sending him to jail over the gag order just seems very farfetched. but we'll see what he does after whatever the judge is ruling. >> george: thanks. michael? >> michael: thank you, george. overnight the senate passed a $95 billion foreign aid package for ukraine, israel and taiwan which also includes a ban on tik tok. the measure now heads to the desk of president biden. our selina wang is on capitol hill for us. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, michael. that countdown for tik tok begins after congress just passed that law that could ban the app in america but get ready for a drawn out legal battle because tik tok is going to fight this in the courts, saying it violates your right to free speech. >> the yays are 79. >> reporter: this morning the clock ticking down for tik tok after the senate passed a bill
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overnight giving the social media app's chinese parent company an ultimatum. sell the app or get banned in the u.s. >> tik tok is a major foreign threat. the bill we are passing today puts an end to that. >> reporter: lawmakers in both parties think tik tok is a serious national security risk. they claim the chinese government could force tik tok's owner, byte dance, to hand over america's data or use the app to spread misinformation. the platform is used by 170 million american, many of whom make a living off the app. >> have you heard of this? tik tok allows me the unique ability to be myself in front of a large audience and help people support my business because they like who i am and what i'm about. >> reporter: tik tok denies sharing data with the chinese government and says it stores data in the u.s. but senator mark warner say critics have not seen the evidence. >> at the end of the day, they have not seen what congress has seen. they've not been in the
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classified briefings that congress has had which have delved into some of the threat by tik tok. >> reporter: they have nine months to sell the platform. if it can't or won't sell, tik tok would not disappear from phones. users would be unable to up date or download the app. that legislation also includes $60 billion for ukraine and billions more for israel and taiwan. the president said he's going to sign this into law today kicking off that countdown clock for tik tok. >> robin: thank you. now the growing crisis on college campuses. protests and the israel hamas/war turning violent in sra california as schools from coast to coast are moving classes online. stephanie ramos is at columbia university with the latest for us. good morning, stephanie. >> reporter: robin, good morning. pro palestinian protests have spread across university campuses from coast to coast. columbia here at the center of this solidarity movement.
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this morning images showing protests turning violent. police struggling to control hundreds of pro palestinian demonstrators on the college campus. school now closed today. this comes on the heels of demonstrations across the country and nyu ramping up a new barricade after clashes with police. columbia university offering virtual learning for the last week of class after some jewish students said they felt unsafe on campus, like adan hunter who tells us he understands why people are protesting. >> i don't mean to diminish that. i'd say the majority of my friends, especially jewish friends, feel a sense of insecurity at this time. >> reporter: it's been more than 200 days since the start of the israel/hamas war prompting pro palestinian protests on college campuses, which are spreading. protesters demanding colleges divest from companies that deal with israel.
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>> we are not planning on packing up and going home. people in palestine are going through so much worse. >> reporter: protesters digging in, from berkeley, to the university of michigan to the university of minnesota, where police took down tents and made arrests. new york's mayor adams blaming outsiders for a violent turn in campus protests, pointing to this video showing bottles and chairs thrown at officers. >> people who peacefully protest for an issue, they're not throwing bottles and chairs. there are people who come, have nothing to do with the issue, and they want to aggravate. >> reporter: after a week of tensions on the columbia campus the university announcing there is some progress to break up the encampment of protesters. both sides agree to continue talks for the next two day, robin. >> robin: glad those talks are continuing. stephanie, thank you. now the abortion rights showdown at the supreme court. the justices will hear arguments about a near total ban in idaho.
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rachel scott is there for us. good morning, rachel. >> reporter: robin, good morning. the stakes here are high. this is the first time the supreme court is considering the scope of a state's abortion ban since roe versus wade was overturned. at the center of the case is idaho. the state bans aborgs in nearly all cases. it does include a narrow exception to save the life of the mother. the justice department is arguing even in states where abortion is banned under federal health care law hospitals are still required to terminate pregnancy if the patient's life or health is at serious risk. the justice is pointing to a law before roe versus wade was overturned that was originally created to ensure patients who do not have insurance are turned away from hospitals. anti-abortion rights advocates argue the biden administration is misusing this law to try to justify abortions. on the other side we have talked to doctors and patients who told us they are caught in a web of confusing laws.
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some doctors have told us they have questioned whether or not their patient is sick enough before they can even provide life saving care. doctors, of course, face serious penalties. loss of license, fine, even prison time. all of this is playing out in the back drop of an election year where the biden administration is hoping to use this to energize voters. george? >> george: president biden is targeting donald trump over abortion rights, blasting him yesterday at a florida campaign event over a six week abortion ban going into effect in the state next week. >> for 50 years the court ruled that it was a fundamental constitutional right to privacy. but two years ago that was taken away. let's be real clear. there's one person responsible for this nightmare and he's acknowledged it and brags about it. donald trump. >> george: mary bruce traveled with the president.
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good morning, mary. >> reporter: good morning, george. president biden is eager to put the issue of abortion front and center in this campaign. as you heard, he is trying to make donald trump own this, blaming him for the new restrictions and bans we are seeing across the country. yesterday in that speech in florida the president's first major campaign address on this issue by a dozen times. the president argued trump should be held accountable. trump has bragged about over turning roe versus wade. and since then 21 states have now enacted tough new restrictions and bans. the former president said this should be up to the states. he said they are handling it brilliantly. president biden obviously strongly disagrees. he said trump has to be held accountable. he is hoping this issue will drive voters to the polls in november. he is well aware that every time this issue has been on the ballot since roe was struck down, abortion rights have won. robin? >> robin: we will see what happens. thank you. the biden administration taking
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action to protect airline consumers. new rules that mandate automatic refunds. our transportation correspondent gio benitez is at la guardia here in new york for us. good morning. >> gio: robin, good morning. this is a major change from the department of transportation. it affects your money. take a look at this. passengers must now get automatic cash refunds when a flight is cancelled for any reason or delayed by more than three hours for domestic flights more than six hours for international. but there's more here. if the airline changes any of your airport, adds connections, downgrades your seat or even changes the plane to one that's less accessible to those with disabilities, those are all new reasons for cash refunds. also the smaller issue, if your checked bags aren't delivered in 12 hours or your wi-fi doesn't work, you're entitled to refunds. you should get that money back within 7 business days. gotta tell you though, this won't happen right away. that's because the dot says that airlines need some time to put
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it in place. there's a deadline though. they have six months to do it. michael? >> michael: gio, pretty sure lot of people will be looking out for that in six months. thank you for that. now concerns about the milk that might be in your refrigerator. remnants of the bird flu were detected in samples of pasteurized milk according to the fda. dr. ashton is here to walk us through it. good morning. >> good morning, my friend. >> michael: what do we know at this time? >> big picture. i think we all learned and remember during covid, it's important not to be in denial but also not to panic, especially when the science isn't there at this point. let's go through what we do know. highly pathogenic flu isn't new, first detected in 1996. we've been tracking over the last few years infections in poultry, sea mammals, dairy cows and one human case recently in this country. mild. at this point when you look for something in public health science and medicine, your chances of finding it go up.
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the milk supply pasteurized which is 99% of our milk supply now showing fragments of this avian bird flu. >> michael: what's the significance of finding it? >> remember in the covid era, when you tested with a pcr test after someone's been sick you found viral fragments. that does not mean they're infectious. right now, and i recently spoke to a senior official with the cdc about this. she said the overall risk to the general american population is low, particularly from dairy cows. however, quote unquote, they are taking this very seriously. >> michael: all right. thank you very much for that. coming up more possible trouble for boeing after a jet lost a wheel during takeoff and was forced to make an emergency landing. >> robin: also ahead new research on -- [ laughter ] we just want to share. [ laughter ] we all want to talk. you go. >> george: coyotes on the prowl turning up in very unlikely
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places, like central park. >> ginger: hi, friends! [ laughter ] >> michael: jump in ginger. >> ginger: let's talk about dallas this morning, prepping for days of severe weather starting tomorrow. we'll see severe storms, tornados involved through the weekend. your local weather in 30 seconds.
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protesting google's contract with the israeli government. organizers say at least 50 people involved have since been fired. in a post on x, the group no tech for apartheid says the layoffs are in a retaliation against workers. google says the protest was a clear violation of its policies and unacceptable behavior. amanda. >> how's traffic? well, mass transit commuter alert. >> there's a 25 minute delay for the ace train five between stockton and san jose, so just keep an eye out for commuters who are taking this train. >> we are going to check in with meteorologist drew tuma
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it's on a new 20-24 tig line during the volkswagen 75th anniversary sales event. >> create lasting memories under the big top at cirque du soleil kooza in san jose. kooza now playing at santa clara county
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there. temperatures right now are pretty much all in the 50s across the board. 53 in sonoma, we're at 56 in the city, 58 right now in san jose. and temperatures stay pretty steady throughout the morning. so here's the breakdown of the forecast region by region. inland. we have a cloud cover some sunshine this afternoon into the mid 60s. we go around the bay shoreline quite cloudy throughout the early afternoon low 60s there. we'll stay in the cloud cover all day long along the coast with temperatures in the 50s, so a high of 63 in the city, 65 in oakland we'll go to 69 in san jose, reggie aqui thanks, drew, for streaming us on the abc7 bay area app. >> abc seven at seven continues. everybody else is watching gma. >> adventure begins at your local jeep suv dealer with the most awarded suv brand right now. >> during the jeep celebration event, well qualified lessees norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better!
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it is all coming back to me ♪ >> robin: back here on gma, classic celine dion. she sat down with vogue france talking about if she'll ever return to performing. that is coming up in our next hour. we sure hope so. >> george: we sure do. following a lot of headlines including donald trump's criminal trial. tabloid publisher david pecker was back on the stand talking about how he used the national enquirer to help his campaign. court is not in session wednesdays but the jury has plenty to come also right now countdown for tik tok begins after congress juss passed a law that could ban it. sell it in a year or get banned in america. more in the next hour. >> michael: questions about the future of tesla after a 55% drop in profit. some 14,000 recent layoffs and lackluster sales. elon musk tried to reassure investors during the conference call. tesla stock price climbed 10%
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after the call but it is now less than half of what it was at its peak 2 1/2 years ago. take a look at this dramatic rescue. two barbers in connecticut jumping into action as a little girl runs to a busy intersection. they dropped their scissors, caught up to the girl mere seconds before she reached a busy intersection. >> robin: oh, wow. >> michael: all the cars speeding by. the girl's mom said she was shocked and embarrassed but grateful at the same time. >> robin: quick thinking. >> michael: quick thinking. great job there. we got a lot more ahead including the new ftc ruling that could make a big difference for people looking to change jobs. that's all coming up, george. >> george: a moscow court rejected the latest appeal by wrongfully detained evan gershkovich. he was arrested a year ago, accused of spying. abc news was in the courtroom yesterday. marcus moore has the story. good morning, marcus. >> reporter: george, good morning. as you know, cameras and reporters are rarely allowed inside these hearings in russia but our abc news producer was there for evan's latest court appearance.
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she managed to ask him a question. this was his response. for the first time in nearly a month, jailed wall street journal reporter evan gerskovich seen here in a russian appeals court giving a thumbs up to reporters. gerskovich appeared behind a see through defendants box surrounded by guards, seen smiling at times and talking to his attorney. despite his seemingly good spirits, gerskovich's latest appeal was denied and his pretrial detention still in place until june. russian security services arrested the 32-year-old on a reporting trip more than a year ago, accusing him of spying. allegations the u.s. says are fabricated. president biden repeatedly vowing to secure his release, along with that of paul wheelan who is serving a 16 year sentence on similar charges. u.s. government officially designating them both as wrongfully detained. evan's parenting sitting down with george stephanopoulos in march. >> george: what keeps you going every day?
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>> if you let pessimism in, the game is over. there is a saying in our family, we are moving forward. >> reporter: his family holding onto hope this morning. the biden administration says that in december, russia rejected a proposed deal to free gershkovich and wheelan, but the administration and kremlin are signaling that negotiations are still on going. their families hope for a resolution soon. >> george: thank you very much. >> michael: now a boeing 737 jet losing a wheel during takeoff, forced to make an emergency landing. our transportation correspondent gio benitez is back with the latest. good morning again, gio. >> gio: michael, good morning. this was terrifying. it happened a new days ago. we are just now getting this video. the passenger and crew are all safe but it was a very dramatic landing. this morning frightening video
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out of south africa showing the moment a boeing 737 aircraft with nearly 200 passengers and crew makes an emergency landing after losing a tire on takeoff. ground staff seeing it all happen sunday, telling the pilot of the damage to one of the back wheels. the pilot then circling back, passing low so teams could inspect the gear before landing. the plane skidding down the runway with smoke billowing from it. >> a wheel coming off is an unusual thing. on any jetliner. they are designed to be able to land on even the hooks if the other wheel goes. that's what happened here. >> reporter: the airline saying in a statement, we extend our thanks to our customers for their patience and understanding through this process and to our crews, both on the ground and in the air, for managing this issue with the utmost control and care. exemplifying our commitment to safety, above all else. this just the latest in a series of alarming airline maintenance issues. >> united 35 you might have lost a wheel.
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>> reporter: the tire of this united airlines boeing 777 plummeting to the ground in march. earlier this month that southwest airlines engine cover flying off mid flight. in january this door plug detaching 16,000 feet in the air from that alaska airlines 737 max 9. >> when this does happen, or something like this happens, it gets everybody's attention and we have to delve into the question of why in what was allowed to happen here? >> gio: we do need to ask those questions, why. overnight the airline told us the cause of the tire damage is still under investigation but they are looking at both the aircraft itself and the runway. guys? >> robin: folks want answers. thank you. now the settlement in the case of larry nasser who sexually abused young girls and women in his care. the government agreed to pay nearly $139 million to his victims. the fbi admitting it botched the investigation. juju chang is here with more. good to see you. >> good to see you, robin. it's a big story.
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the massive doj settlement as to the half billion dollars paid out by michigan state and $380 million paid out by usa gymnastics and the u.s. olympics committee. after all the trauma and delayed justice, one of their lawyers said every survivor i know would trade all the money for this not to have happened to them. this morning a major win for the star gymnasts sexually abused by disgraced usa gymnastics doctor larry nasser. department of justice reaching a $138.7 million settlement deal with 139 of nasser's victims to resolve claims that the fbi failed to conduct an adequate investigation of nasser's conduct. >> that we are heard and our voices matter. that, to me, is beyond anything else. >> reporter: this comes 2 1/2 years after decorated gymnast simone biles, maggie nichols and alley raiseman gave emotional testimony before
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congress about their abuse. the fbi's failure to act in 2015, allowing nasser to assault even more victims before his eventual 2016 arrest. >> we have been failed and we deserve answers. >> reporter: hundreds have come forward detailing abuse during nasser's nearly two decade career. former olympic captain ali raiseman said it took over 14 months for fbi agents to respond to her multiple requests for an interview. >> nasser found more than 100 new victims to molest. >> reporter: in 2017 nasser plead guilty to numerous sexual assault crimes against minors and was sentenced up to 175 years in prison. >> for them to pay this kind of money in a case represents the seriousness of the conduct and recognition that what they did was wrong. >> reporter: for survivors like kelsey morris, the settlement is bitter sweet. >> very vindicating to feel like our voices were heard and that all the rest of us can close that chapter and say, you know, my life starts fresh with
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whatever that looks like for them. >> now the attorney for the victims we spoke with said an independent judge has already determined how much will go to each survivor. they are expected to receive those checks within the next 60 days. >> robin: 14 months she said. 14 months it took them to respond. >> lots of healing to be done now. >> george: thank you, juju. coming up, the study about parents feeling lonely an isolated, especially moms. and next close calls with coyotes in unlikely places. pla. for three days only may 4th through 6th. get excited to get up to 80% off. ooo, yes. plus score free shipping on everything. [ grunting ] [ bell rings ] and surprise flash deals. all way day long! wayday starts may 4th so mark your calendar. and start filling your cart! ♪ wayfair. every style. every home. ♪
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next! ♪ smiling first can help -next! someone find the courage to do the same. wow. that's good. almond breeze? you like the almond breeze i got you... that's sooo interesting. what's happening, dad? with delicious taste and 50% more calcium. blue diamond almond breeze. don't just milk it. almond milk it.
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>> michael: back now with close calls with coyotes from new york's central park to quiet neighborhoods across the country. janai norman has details on how to stay safe if you encounter one. good morning to you, janai. >> janai: good morning, michael. that is a big if, for me. unexpected, though not unheard of. still an unsettling sight to see a coyote on the prowl in central park. they are incredibly adaptable animals so it is not unusual to see them in a variety of environments. but you have to be careful. this morning coyote confrontation caught on camera, as increasing spring temperatures mean more of these predators are on the prowl for food. brett combs stopping in his tracks capturing this large coyote strolling through new york city's central park. >> i knew right away it wasn't a dog off its leash.
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>> janai: park officials confirming coyotes are living in the area and advises residents to keep their distance. in massachusetts one woman recounting the frightening moment she came face to face with a coyote while walking her dog. >> i have never been more scared. >> janai: watch as the coyote hops a fence, chasing after her and her dog. >> no, no. go, go. >> janai: the coyote, thankfully, walking away. experts say small dogs and cats can be viewed as potential prey and warn you should not allow pets to approach these wild animals. >> coyotes really don't pose a significant threat to people. they are very dangerous to pets especially cats and small dogs. have your pets on a leash. walk them, bring them inside. >> janai: michael, this is for you. when encountering a coyote, my friend, observe from a distance, don't
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try to feed them. if they approach just like you did, make yourself bigger. put your arms up and make loud noises. i'm glad you did it because i wasn't going to. >> george: did you just say to people don't try to feed them? >> lara: not a dog up for adoption. >> janai: exactly. >> michael: that was just to show everyone how to stay safe. >> janai: it was perfect. >> robin: coming up next, lara is here. are you answering our prayers? >> lara: did you call my name? life is a mystery. wow. wow. keep your day job. but the reason why madonna is surging in popularity is not going to be off on this journey any longer. need voice lessons. >> voice lessons in line one.
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>> robin: back with our play of the day. a madonna hit that's making a comeback. lara has all those details. >> lara: i will not sing, i promise. good morning, everybody. the year was 1989. we were all adorned in our rubber bracelets up to our elbows when madonna gave us "like a prayer." now 35 years later her prayers may have been answered as well with the song surging in popularity again. her massive celebration tour
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wraps in may, but this song will see its day well into summer thanks to two of our favorite super heros in the marvel universe. take a look. ♪ life is a mystery ♪ >> i don't know anything about saving the world! but you do. ♪ i hear you call my name ♪ >> trust me kid, i'm no hero. you are x man. you are the x man. >> lara: yes. feels like home. the song features the trailer for deadpool and wolverine which made its debut monday, the same day, by the way, that "like a prayer" the album began a six week run at the top of the billboard album charts back in 1989. while that might sound like it was all very well coordinated, apparently not. ryan reynolds saying i swear to marvel jesus we did not plan this. deadpool and wolverine, that movie hits theaters july 26. it's going to be huge.
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>> michael: yes. >> george: fun. >> robin: you were glued watching that trailer. >> michael: i love both of those characters, both of those guys as human beings. i'm all in. >> lara: how much fun were they having filming that? you can see it. >> robin: we're going to have some fun. shloopy is here. jerry seinfeld is here. shloopy. [ laughter ] here live. (alice) dave was supposed to get him. (dave) i thought he's driving himself. (partygoer 1) what? (partygoer 2) you volunteered to pick him up. (dave) i don't think that... (partygoer 3) so can i eat some of this sandwich? (host 2) i got this. (vo) and 2% cash back on what you need... (luis) thank you! (vo) like a ride share. (crowd) surprise! (partygoer 4) dave was supposed to pick you up. (vo) the wells fargo active cash® credit card. that's real life ready. what's a walt disney world thrill feel like? it's like... and like...
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>> ginger: on this earth week we look back at billion dollar severe storms. texas leading, illinois. you can see it by the shade of your state how many you've had in the last 43 years. we've also seen a general increase in the number of severe storms and billion dollar severe events all the way through just
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last year. you can see that really stands out. and then, speaking of severe storms, we're going to see them thursday and friday. they open up in the plains from woodward oklahoma right in the center to friday. that includes parts of missouri and dallas. coming up i'll show you where your clothes go after you donate them and how on the fun. bring on the weekend getaways. bring on the memories. and get a great offer on a honda named the 2023 kelley blue book's best value brand.
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buy online reserved from select dealers, or hurry into your local honda dealer today. >> no matter how long your journey to recovery may be, we'll be with you 100% of the way. justice takes more than a fighter. you need a champion walk, a personal injury law visit. walk up >> tonight, the conners are back. >> i'm scared. daddy celebrate a brand new season. >> maybe bring over a large bouquet of beer. i'm planning on making a stunning arrangement for my belly. >> the conners new tonight on abc. always live abc starts right now. >> good morning. i'm reggie aqui from abc seven mornings. now. here's traffic with amanda reggi. >> we'll take a look at our san mateo bridge cam. traffic is stop and go after the toll plaza from hesperian boulevard on westbound 92. there is a report of a two car crash on the shoulder. as you can see, chp is
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on scene flashing their lights with a drive time of 16 minutes. getting into foster city. >> hey, amanda, we'll go to our abc seven oakland airport camera where you can see we have cloudy skies out there to similar story from our east bay hills. camera looking towards the city. so just a real cloudy morning out there. some drizzle along the coast. we'll see a little bit of afternoon sunshine, but it's one of those days where a lot of us are just stuck in the clouds. the coast for sure is overcast all day with temperatures in the 50s away from the coast. we'll go into the 60s. it's actually a bit below average for this time of the year, a high of 63. in the city today, we'll go to 65 in oakland, 69 in san jose, 65 in vallejo, santa rosa, up to 67 this afternoon. reggie. >> thank you. drew, if you're streaming us on the abc seven bay area app. abc seven at seven continues. everybody else is watching gma. >> your emblem of devotion have your engagement ring custom made by the jewelry exchange. choose a one carat lab grown diamond for 5.99 or a natural gia for
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>> mugs bmo average person throws away over 4 pounds of material a day? >> that's why recycling is so important. recycling rules have changed over the years, so it's time to learn how to recycle, right? have a waste sorting plan that starts inside your home? know what recycling material is accepted in your cart. keep recyclables empty, clean and dry. put loose items in the cart. avoid using bags. not sorting properly. keeps recycled materials from having a second life. for more information, visit oakland >> it's not just designed to look good, it's built to command attention. it's not just a comfortable interior, it's a quiet refuge. they're not just headlights. they light the way forward. the fully electric audi q8 e-tron. get exceptional
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offers at your local audi dealer . don't tell me. >> direct from broadway. funny girl is musical comedy heaven featuring celebrated songs like don't rain on my parade and people. this hilarious, brilliant and stunningly gorgeous production introduces rising star katarina mccrimmon as fanny brice is going to rain. don't miss that theatrical event of the season. funny girl, playing april 30th through may 26th at the orpheum theater. tickets at >> george: good morning america. it's 8 a.m. overnight ultimatum. the clock ticking down for tik tok. details on the senate bill that's now heading to the president's desk. >> robin: this morning the major ruling from the ftc. what they just banned that could affect one in five workers.
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and the good news on the way for people who get overtime. ♪ near far ♪ >> michael: celine dion is opening up with her battle with stiff persons syndrome. what she's saying about her surprise grammy appearance and if fans will ever see her on stage again. >> robin: it's on. prom season 2024 is in full swing. we're breaking down this year's top trends. >> these dresses you could wear any other time. >> robin: we've got a big prom surprise you do not want to miss. ♪ livin on a prayer ♪ >> michael: we're living on a prayer with the one and on the jon bon jovi. my interview on his life and legacy as a rock 'n' roll legend. ♪ how you like me now ♪
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>> george: and jerry seinfeld. talking about his new movie with a star studded cast. and that curb your enthusiasm finale. as we say good morning america. >> announcer: live in times square, this is gma. >> robin: this is gma. we cannot wait to catch up with jerry seinfeld and we will very soon. >> george: also it is prom season. lori bergamotto is with three high school girls with top looks for the big party. that is coming up. >> michael: but first a look at top stories breaking at 8. starting with breaking news overnight. the senate passing a $95 billion foreign aid package for ukraine, israel and taiwan, which also includes a ban on tik tok. the measure now heads to president biden's desk. let's go back to selina wang on capitol hill. good morning again. >> reporter: good morning again, michael. yeah, the countdown clock for tik tok begins after congress just passed that law that could ban the app. the law gives byte dance, tik tok's chinese parent company, an
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ultimatum. sell the app in a year or get banned in america. now, you've got lawmakers from both parties who say that tik tok is a serious national security risk. they fear that the chinese government could force tik tok to hand over american users data or use the app to spread misinformation. now, these are claims tik tok denies. they say they store american data in the u.s. but gear up for a very drawn out legal battle. tik tok is going to fight this in the courts saying this tramples over your right for free speech. in addition to that, even if this app does get banned, it's not just going to disappear from your phone. instead, it would be banned in the app store. legislatios passed overnight included a $95 billion aid package for ukraine, israel taiwan. president biden says he's going to sign it into law today, kicking off that countdown clock for tik tok. george? >> george: thanks. latest on donald trump's criminal trial in new york. david pecker was back on the stand talking about how he used the national enquirer to help trump's campaign.
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we are waiting for a decision by the judge whether he'll hold trump in contempt of the gag order. aaron katersky is outside the courthouse. good morning, aaron. >> reporter: good morning, george. the trial is off on wednesdays but any time the judge could decide whether to hold trump in contempt for violating the gag order. prosecutors say it has happened repeatedly and intentionally, as if trump is angling for the judge to throw him in jail. when the defense insisted trump is compliant, the judge interrupted saying, you're losing all credibility. the testimony will pick up tomorrow with national enquirer publisher david pecker describing how he warned trump in 2016 that a playboy model was shopping her claim of a year long affair. pecker said he reached a highly confidential agreement to become the eyes and ears of the trump campaign buying damaging stories so they would never be published. prosecutors believe pecker is key to understanding trump's motive for paying off stormy daniels. so her story of an affair would
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not damage his electoral prospects. some of pecker's testimony may have made trump uncomfortable. when pecker described a story he bought and buried, trump silently shook his head. george, pecker was talking about a trump world tower doorman's unfounded claim that trump fathered a child out of wedlock. george? >> george: thanks. now the federal trade commission voting to ban non-compete clauses. could affect one in five workers. >> reporter: good morning, george. this is a move that could make it easier for workers to quit their jobs. one in five americans signed a noncompete agreement as part of their employment. industries ranging from fast food to health care. now the ftc wants to get rid of those agreements for good. this morning a sweeping move by the federal trade commission could reshape the job prospects of 30 million americans. >> the motion passes 3-2. >> reporter: the ftc voting to bannon compete agreements which prevent workers from switching jobs to work for a rival
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company. the nationwide ban means workers applying for a new job wouldn't be forced to sign a noncompete. almost all existing noncompete clauses would be voided. >> it's clear the freedom to leave your job and take another job is fundmental to a free an fair economy. >> reporter: the ftc said the ban will boost workers' wages by up to $488 billion over ten years because they would be free to seek out better paying jobs. >> small businesses, startups are going to benefit tremendously not having to work around noncompetes. >> reporter: jordan cane is the coo of a small trucking company in mississippi. he says 90% of job applicants he finds are stuck in noncompetes. >> if we didn't have non competes we could quickly hire people that check all the boxes for us. >> reporter: but business groups staunchly oppose the plan. the u.s. chamber of congress calling it a blatant power grab.
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the ftc ban is set to go into effect in august but that timeline could be delayed by a high stakes legal battle. chamber of commerce is vowing to sue the ftc as soon as today. george? >> george: we are about to see new rules on overtime? >> this is a big deal for up to 4 million workers. this is a major expansion over time. right now salaried workers earning under $35,000 qualify for overtime under federal law if you work more than 40 hours a week. the labor department said in july that salary threshold will expand. that includes people earning up to $44,000. in january it will be up to almost $60,000. >> robin: all right. add a little more to your pocket. thank you, elizabeth, as always. if you are a parent and you have ever felt lonely and isolated from the demands of parenting, you are not alone. morgan norwood is here with the results of a new survey. good morning. >> good morning. that's right. the survey doubles down on what many parents say they already know.
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parental burnout is real and that many moms and dads have been feeling it for awhile. i'm sure many can relate. researchers at ohio state looked at 250 parents. more than half said they felt lonely or isolated from the demands of parenthood. more moms than dads say they feel this way. more than half of parents said they often feel burned out. 79% telling us they long for a way to connect with other people outside of the home. now, previous research has found chronic loneliness cannot on impact parents' mental health, but their childrens' as well. talk about what parenteds can do. try to find other parents to connect with at your kids school or community organizations, parenting groups. there's many out there. it's all about taking that first step. if you are a parent and notice another parent struggling, lean in an offer support the best way that you can. guys? >> robin: unfortunately the results of that survey are not surprising. lot of people feeling that way. morgan, thank you.
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coming up in our gma morning menu, celine dion talking about living with stiff persons syndrome and if she'll ever perform again. >> michael: who is looking to appear on "abbott elementary?" we'll find out in pop news. >> george: chef newt nguyen is making one of his favorite dishes. one of our good friends. >> lara: george, i'm here with jerry seinfeld. he has done something for the very first time. directed a movie. feels right this movie should be about pop tarts. wait until you hear the story behind it, the all-star cast. we're getting into all of it. you know that, right? >> yes, i do. why else would i come here? [ laughter ] >> lara: all right, good. we're ready, coming up on gma. if you have wet amd, you never want to lose sight of the things you love. some things should stand the test of time. long lasting eylea hd could significantly improve your vision
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and can help you go up to 4 months between treatments. if you have an eye infection, eye pain or redness, or allergies to eylea hd, don't use. eye injections like eyla hd may cause eye infection, separation of the retina, or rare but severe swelling of blood vessels in the eye. an increase in eye pressure has been seen. there's an uncommon risk of heart attack or stroke associated with blood clots. the most common side effects were blurred vision, cataract, corneal injury, and eye floaters. and there's still so much to see. if you are on eylea or a similar type of treatment, ask your retina specialist about eylea hd today, for the potential for fewer injections. students...
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students of any age, from anywhere. using our technology to power different ways of learning. so when minds grow, opportunities follow. ♪ it's time to feed the dogs real food, not highly processed pellets. the farmer's dog is fresh food made with whole meat and veggies. it's not dry food. it's not wet food. it's just real food. it's an idea whose time has come. if you're taking an antidepressant, but you're still masking your depression, you could be experiencing a partial response to your antidepressant. partial response happens when your antidepressant alone isn't enough. let's try adding rexulti. when added to an antidepressant, rexulti significantly reduced depression symptoms more than an antidepressant alone. so you can build on your progress. rexulti can cause serious side effects. elderly dementia patients have increased
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risk of death or stroke. antidepressants may increase suicidal thoughts and actions and worsen depression in children and young adults. report new or sudden changes in mood, behavior, thoughts, or feelings, or if you develop suicidal thoughts or actions. report fever, stiff muscles, and confusion which can be life threatening or uncontrolled muscle movements, which may be permanent. high blood sugar which can lead to coma or death; weight gain; increased cholesterol; low white blood cells; unusual urges; dizziness on standing; falls; seizures; trouble swallowing, or sleepiness may occur. ask your doctor about rexulti. (♪) (♪) wow. that's good. almond breeze? you like the almond breeze i got you... that's sooo interesting. what's happening, dad? with delicious taste and 50% more calcium. blue diamond almond breeze. don't just milk it. almond milk it. ♪
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missing out on the things you love because of asthma? get back to better breathing with fasenra, an add-on treatment for eosinophilic asthma that is taken once every 8 weeks. fasenra is not for sudden breathing problems or other eosinophilic conditions. allergic reactions may occur. don't stop your asthma treatments without talking with your doctor. tell your doctor if your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. step back out there with fasenra. ask your doctor if it's right for you.
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>> robin: it is springtime. little drizzle here in times square. our gma cover story. celine dion's come back. she opens up in the latest issue of french vogue about living with illness and how she's overcoming the challenges. deborah roberts is here. we want to hear this, deborah. good morning. >> good morning, robin. that heart-stopping ballad remember "my heart will go on" has defined her soaring career for decades. she belted it out for the movie "titanic." this morning as she endures a rare and painful medical condition, she's sharing details of her daily struggles, her fight to get back on stage and, yes, declaring her heart still goes on. ♪ ♪ a new day has come ♪ it's a new day for celine dion. >> hello, vogue.
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this is celine dion. >> reporter: gracing the may issue of vogue france, opening up about her rare and incurable neurological disorder known as stiff persons syndrome. saying, i haven't beat the disease, as it's still within me and always will be. i hope we'll find a miracle, way to cure it with scientific research. but for now i have to learn to live with it adding, five days a week i under go athletic, physical and vocal therapy. ♪ dion, who hasn't made many public appearances since revealing her diagnosis in 2022, making an emotional return to the grammy stage in february, accompanied by her son rene charles. >> it was a very nerve-racking. it took a lot out of me. but my son rene charles came and gave me his support. when i say that i'm happy to be here, i really mean it from my heart. i was like, i can walk on stage with a coat?
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oh, yeah. you can do whatever you want. it's fashion. just have a good time. wear that coat, own that coat, go for it. it made me feel better for a moment to hold on to this coat, to hide myself a little bit from all these little things. >> reporter: this all as she weighs the possibility of returning to performing saying, for four years i have been saying to myself that i'm not going back, that i'm ready, that i'm not ready. as things stand, i can't stand here and say to you, yes, in four months. i don't know. my body will tell me. on the other hand, i don't just want to wait. but there's one thing that will never stop, and that's the will. it's the passion, it's the dream, it's the determination. what a fighter. the 56-year-old global super star clearly the same celine i met in 2016 just after the death her husband.
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her steely will and determination, guys, just as strong then as it is now. >> robin: you have a good relationship with her. i remember when we went to see her in las vegas perform. >> so special. so special. we just want to see her get back to feeling good, right? >> robin: we do. >> michael: we definitely do. thank you very much, deb. now to our earth week series the power of us. after spring cleaning, have you ever wondered where all the clothes in those donation bins go? it's not back to your community. some end up in trash piles around the world. ginger, our chief meteorologist and chief climate correspondent has the story. >> ginger: michael, we were just talking about that. there's just too much clothing in the world. as of 1991 the average american bought about 40 garments a year. but as of 2022, we bought nearly 70 pieces of clothing each year. nearly doubling. the cost and quality of clothing keeps going down so it is
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swamping the second hand market with too many clothes. in scramble of spring clean you might be haunted by piles of clothing that you then put in that bag. and then that bag is oftentimes blindly donated to a donation site or bin like this. what we've learned is that phoeflt of the clothing that's going in there is not staying in the united states. what donation centers can't sell or give away they smash together into thousand pound bales and sell it per pound or kilo to exporters, sellers and they will ship it to various places around the world, normally the global south. >> ginger: the united states exports the most secondhand clothing in the world, two times the amount china exported in the latest data from 2019. most hand me downs are exported to latin america and africa. >> the research was that 40% of the clothing wasn't sold and ended up being just waste. >> ginger: that waste is infamously showing up in
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landfills from kenya to chile. i have been painfully aware of that for years. the last thing i want is for my donations to end up in a landfill. in my closet, it's not just one bag, but many, that are supposed to go to all the right places. the spot that says we will take you clothes damaged. the one for unmentionables, the one for sneakers. bag after bag. i just want one place to send it all. that's when my phone read my mind and gave me trashie. trashie is a company that says, we'll take it all. just pay 20 bucks and they claim they'll get to it the right place. i packed up my bag and went to el paso to see the process. so we'll open your bag. >> ginger: okay. >> she's going to put the towels and linens. shoes. when we talk about sorting and grading, that really is the process for figuring out what's in your bag, what has value, where it can go, what can be
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reused. what can be recycled. so that is a really important part of the process for keeping things out of landfills. >> ginger: is that not happening after we donate to a regular place? >> reality is that different donation centers have different priorities. >> ginger: so globally we throw about 85% of texttiles into landfills. >> ginger: is there a guarantee my stuff won't end up in a landfill? >> there's no 100% guarantee. what we do is making sure it's the right quality, the right market, the right price for that market. >> ginger: other companies are doing the same thing. the secondhand market has taken a lot of heat lately but fashion and environmental experts say they're not the problem. are they a bit of the unsung hero? >> there's no magical place that they're able to put these garments so it's still going
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places. but i feel like the blame is pinned on them when the blame should be the industry that is producing them to begin with. >> ginger: that's the thing. salvation army or good will so great to donate to. they provide employment and resources and things for your community, but they just have too many clothes. the u.s. exported 150,000 tons of clothing in 1991. less than 30 years later we're sending away more than five times that. what do we do? number one thing you do, stop buying. take the no new clothes challenge like i have. it will be two years in june. that's where you buy second hand. you also could download little widgets that help you shop and where you might find an item or one like it secondhand. when you do buy new, buy quality, something that has a lot of cost per wear so it extends the life. guys? >> robin: this is going on your second year of not buying any new clothing. >> ginger: yes. lot of reasons behind it. it has been relatively easy. just gives you pause and reminds
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you we are trained by the marketing to consume. >> george: yeah. >> ginger: allows you a little moment. try it for a month. >> george: very thoughtful. >> robin: it is. >> lara: you practice what you preach, ginge. >> michael: love it. >> ginger: i have had this suit a long time. >> george: preach us some weather. [ laughter ] >> ginger: i will do that. let's start in new york. been chilly the last couple mornings. you're like, oh, okay. is it supposed to be april? we've been a little below average. that cold pocket of air only sticks around through parts of the weekend. then we're going to warm up and rapidly. we're about to go on a big rise. monday's high 80 in new york. washington, d.c. could see their warmest of the season at 87 similar to even texas. if you're looking at the first week of may, looking above average east of the rockies. let's get a check closer to home.
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>> lara: let's do pop news, shall we? good morning everybody. taylor swift has done it again. the super star setting records with her latest album the tortured poets department is the biggest streaming debut in spotify and amazon music history, and the fastest album in history to reach 1 billion streams. it's poised to be the biggest billboard 200 chart of her career. the lead single fortnight had the biggest single day streaming for any song in spotify history. i need to catch my breath from all of that. there is so much to talk about in the lyrics on the album and who or what they may be about. everybody is abuzz. all of the swifties.
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this morning taylor is sharing insight with amazon music about one of the songs "who's afraid of little old me." >> who's afraid of little old me was a song i wrote alone sitting at the piano in one of those moments where i felt bitter about just all the things we do to our artists as a society and culture. >> lara: there you have it. she said the song you are documentary.was inspired by a the idea after a heart break florida would be a good place to go to blend in. swifties are abuzz about how many songs can be about matty healy, lead singer of 1975 speculating that heely's love of typewriters is a clue, that it is him that she writes about in the title song. fans also think it's matty not joe that taylor writes about in loml which stands for love of my life i have now learned because of the references to a short romance among other things. the song "i can fix him no
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really i can" and "the smallest man who ever lived" those are also apparently, if you believe swifties are about matty, not joe. consensus is song "so long london" is about joe and "black dog" now confirms it. they are packed with swifties. those are definitely about joe. this is all thank you to the swifties. >> george: deep deconstruction from taylor swift. >> lara: you know i am an investigative journalist. [ laughter ] >> michael: are people enjoying the music or are they just breaking it down? >> robin: it's so good. >> michael: the music is gre she's sharing a part of herself and in and in doing so, letting go. michael, it's all very beautiful. and the music's great. anyway, let's talk about zoe kravitz. this will be my last story because we might have gone a little long there. zoe is
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expanding her already impressive resume, directing a new movie called blink twice, which stars her fiance channing tatum. here's the first look at the brand new trailer. >> not what i thought it was gonna be. >> we still have fun. it's just a little different. now what do you mean? >> can't. please wait for real. >> you don't have to do anything that you don't want to do. >> the film is a psychological thriller which follows a waitress named frida who meets a tech billionaire played by tatum. he invites her to his private island, and all is not what it seems. kravitz taking on triple duty on this one. she's directing, co-writing and co-producing the film, and channing clearly liked his fiance playing the boss. writing on instagram quote, this project project is near and dear to my heart in more ways than i can count. >> we all didn't know they were engaged. >> to them, my job is never done. i am very busy today. breaking news? yeah. blink twice everybody. it hits theaters this august. >> thank you. larry. jerry seinfeld's coming up next. >> tomorrow night, his life is
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about to change forever. as a top pick in the nfl draft. but first tomorrow morning he's on gma. jayden daniels. see why everyone's talking about him. plus jon bon jovi live tomorrow on good morning america. >> america's most watched newscast abc's world news tonight with david muir, is now available on youtube. >> duncan is selling the newspaper. >> jobs will be safe or they won't be. don't have a crystal ball right? >> you gotta stop this. i'll have my lawyer contact father's lawyer. that's how we plan christmas. >> everything ends, >> the nfl draft live thursday on abc. >> always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning. i'm reggie aqui from abc seven mornings. now. here's traffic with amanda. good morning. >> reggie. here at 827 we head straight to the east bay with a live look from our walnut creek
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cam. you can see things are bumper to bumper on southbound 680, heading toward highway 24, but drivers have no delays. northbound driving toward concord drew no. >> it's back to me for a second because meteorologist drew toma is coming to give your accuweather forecast. but after this break. >> what's the quickest, easiest, most affordable way to transform every room in your home? if you have old, ugly, or cheap hollow interior doors, one day doors and closets can replace them in just a few hours with absolutely no messy construction at your home, something's not right. >> when your doors aren't nice, a nice interior door just elevates the house. >> and right now, with one day doors and closets by any five doors and get another five doors absolutely free. but this offer is only available for a limited time. schedule your free in-home consultation today. >> listen to the updated mix of 96.5 koit now with more songs that pick you up and make you feel good while you work. today's hits. yesterday's favorites take a little breath.
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start your day with the 7:30 a.m. commercial free workday kickoff. feel good 90s. long as you love me, today's hits and yesterday's favorites while you work. 96.5 co. it >> now is a great time to get an offer you'll love on the accord hybrid and cr-v. hybrid inventory is here, so bring on the fun. bring on the weekend getaways. bring on the memories. and get a great offer on a honda named the 2023 kelley blue book's best value brand. buy online reserved from select dealers, or hurry into your local honda dealer today >> hey, bay area live with kelly marcus. coming up, we'll chat with john leguizamo, plus miranda cosgrove from mother of the bride is here. that's at nine on abc seven. >> we'll see you in a little bit . here's a live look at our abc
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seven oakland airport camera. cloudy skies out there this morning with our marine layer overhead to similar story at sfo. so look at the day planner. it's just really cloudy out there. we have some coastal drizzle to deal with. it's one of those mornings where it's just gray. get a little bit of sunshine this afternoon inland, but around the bay shoreline and certainly along the coast it stays cloudy, 50s and 60s today, which is below average for this time of the year. a high of 58.5 moon bay 65. in oakland, we'll go to 69 in san jose with mostly cloudy skies, 63 in the city, about 65 in napa. reggie, thanks so much. >> drew another abc seven news update in about 30 minutes. you can alwaystch us catch us on ouc seven the news continues right now with good morning >> announcer: welcome back to gma live from times square. >> george: you all know him, tv
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and comedy legend jerry seinfeld. now he's directing for the first time. >> leave it there. >> george: i'm supposed to ask you about being a director. but we have to start, the movie is about pop tarts. we all have fond memories of pop tarts. >> right, yes. because it was a thing that you -- a kid could make themselves. you know? cereal was one thing. that was pretty easy. i was excited to make cereal because i knew where the bowl was. i knew where the spoon was. [ laughter ] when you're little, that's exciting, right? go into the kitchen, i'm gonna do something. but then this thing with the heat. now i'm operating the toaster. >> lara: yes. >> that really felt like i was doing something. >> george: you like them cold. >> lara: not that i like them cold. in a pinch my mother would throw it in my bag and say have a good day. >> they're okay cold but you should heat them up. we have them exploding out of the toaster. we did a shot, i'm very proud of it. it took a lot of work. do you remember apollo 13 with ron howard when the rocket takes
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off? i do that with the pop tart. [ laughter ] you go inside the toaster and see the launch. >> george: your first try as a director. you really push yourself to direct. >> yeah. well, it seemed easier. when they said, do you want to direct it? i said, well that seems easier. i can just tell the guys what to do instead of telling the guy to tell the guy what to do. [ laughter ] that was the idea. it's still a lot of work. it was all fun. look at these people i had. can you believe hugh grant did this? >> george: there we see him right there. >> he's tony the tiger. >> lara: oh my goodness. >> george: amy schumer. megan mccarthy. >> lara: ali wentworth. >> ali wentworth has one of the biggest laughs in the movie. we have a scene where someone loses their life in a tragic pop tart accident. [ laughter ]
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>> george: how does that happen? >> it happens, yeah. because of the heroism, he was buried with full cereal honors, which means we put milk and cereal into the grave. ali comes up and slices bananas. [ laughter ] the guy behind her strawberries. >> lara: oh my gosh. all of our favorites. it does pull at our heart strings. what was it like pitching when you said, i have a great idea for my directorial debut. >> i didn't think it was a great idea. spike ferris and the guy who used to write on my tv series who wrote the soup nazi pushed me during covid. he said we got nothing to do. we're sitting around. he says, why don't we write a movie while we're sitting around doing nothing? i said, there's no movie. you can't do a movie -- pop tarts are not a movie. let's write a movie. [ laughter ]
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then the real -- all this is made up except for "the post" really did invent this and kellogg's heard about it a couple months before it was about to hit the shelf. that was the space race. my other great guy andy robin, who is one of the writers. he said, let's do it like "the right stuff." the u.s. versus russia to get to the moon. i go, that's a movie. [ laughter ] >> robin: let's see a clip of the movie. here it is. >> we want more. >> more? >> here's more. let's add a new guy. how about snap crackle pop and boing. would you like to split your paycheck four ways with boing? or i could hire poop slap and smile. i can replace this whole act! like that! [ laughter ] that was the snap crackle and pop saying we want a beach movie. we want a movie deal.
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they're trying to move up. i had to crush them. >> robin: we keep looking. it's a who's who. was there anybody that you wanted that you couldn't get? >> sure, yeah. >> robin: who? >> you don't mention those names. [ laughter ] everybody's working. good people are working all the time and schedules are very difficult. i couldn't believe the people that came on to this. hugh granted was the biggest thrill. i'm a giant fan of his. >> george: had you worked with him before? >> i had never met him before. i like these english guys with nice shoulders. they know how to drink, you know? they're funny, witty. very witty. >> michael: you had worked with ali before, george's wife. how was it working with ali in >> great. that day we got rained out the whole morning and we had to fly through the afternoon. i said we're only going to get two shots at this.
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you have to fall apart slicing bananas on to the cereal and milk in the grave. you gotta fall apart. and she nailed it on the first take. it was great. >> george: proud of my wife. [ laughter ] >> why? who is hysterical slicing bananas? >> lara: i can't wait. >> george: gotta ask you about the curb finale. >> oh, yeah. >> george: what was that like? >> do you know what, george? it was one of the most exciting moments of my life, because the idea of let's talk about the seinfeld finale as we walk out happened in the moment. >> george: oh, wow. >> it was not in the script. we were just standing around. it was 11 p.m. at night. we were all exhausted. we just hit on that idea. soon as we said it, we realized,
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that's good. that's good. relating the two, we connected the two series at the end. i remember driving home in l.a. on the 10 and just feeling my head out of my body. i thought, to do something like that, we knew obviously people would be watching this, finale. relate to the other finale, which they always talk about. change it somewhat. and it was really the thing of setting up a joke in '98 and paying it off in '23. >> lara: yeah. >> unbelievable. >> michael: so much to celebrate. another thing to celebrate, next week your birthday. >> my birthday. >> michael: so we got a little something for you. >> you do? >> michael: yes, we do. >> george: bring it on out, guys. [ laughter ] >> wow! [ laughter ] >> lara: there you go. >> you gotta heat this up. i'm not eating it cold. [ laughter ] >> michael: happy birthday to you. celebrating you and your movie. >> thank you very much.
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thank you. >> lara: i just want this in the shot. there we go. beautiful. jerry, thank you for being here. everybody "unfrosted" is available on netflix friday, may 3rd. it's fantastic. coming up lori bergamotto is here with prom 2024. 2024.
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>> robin: it is that time of year, prom season. we're seeing some new prom fashion trends on social media, a nontraditional prom gown is winning this year's crown. our lifestyle contributor lori b. gonna tell us all about it. >> i have the latest, that's right. prom in 2024 means turning to tik tok to see what everyone else is wearing. one of this year's trends may surprise you. it's officially prom season. tik tok feeds are filled with this year's dress. what's missing glitz and glam of years past. coined as the brunch prom trend. gen z is opting for more under stated dresses. >> i think it has the internet so divided because of how drastic this style change is from the traditional prom dress styles that we've been used to seeing. >> these dresses you could wear literally any other time. i'm never going to wear my prom dress again. >> the internet is divided with
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many arguing, prom should be formal. it makes me so sad. where are the sparkles? but at the end of the day prom should be about what makes you feel your best. >> it is your prom and you should feel confident, you should feel comfortable. you should feel good in the dress you want and wear the style that you prefer. >> robin: lori's going to break down this year's prom trends and wearing the season's host looks from all around. we have three high school models. all of these outfits are shopable. let's get right to it. we got gabi. what is this? brunch? >> easter brunch trend. come on out. this is all about being able to rewear the dress again. much to ginger's point earlier, you want to reuse it. gen z is so good at this. yes, gabi. work it. we love this dress leans into that trend of, you could wear
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this to brunch, graduation dress. this dress is from windsor. it is $59. especially if you're going to wear it again, great cost for wear. we did want to elevate it. do you know what i mean? it is prom, after all. so we paired it with an accessory that has a fun ostrich feather, faux ostrich. that's like a ripped from the red carpet trend. really affordable from amazon. we just gave her some sparkle. we just wanted to make sure this versatile look got a little jazz. special prom. >> robin: you look great, gabi. thank you. thank you very much. now, sequins if you want to go a bit different. >> exactly. talia, come on out. look at this. i mean, sparkle, sparkle. yes, we did see in the piece and we know on tik tok that more casual trend is a thing. but there's a huge part of the population that wants some sparkle.
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they want to glam. talia is giving it in this dress. the thing to remember here, they want to feel more mature so we gave her spaghetti straps but kept the neck line young and fresh. powder blue. it's all feeling very fresh, 2024. this dress is under $100 from lulu. the accessories super fun. i know you might not wear this again to brunch, but you could wear it if you were a guest at a wedding, a bridesmaid, a graduation party. talia is ready to go. >> robin: you know you look good in that. you know you do. thank you, talia. thanks so much. >> thank you. >> robin: pastels perhaps? >> yes. come on out arnai. >> robin: come on, come on. >> we wanted to finish with a nice grand finale. lot of people want that big, pastel prom.
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that throw back. this is the prom you and i might remember, right? that bridgerton look. that cottage look. it's all coming back with this pastel. all about ball gown. from macy's, $110. we just kept it fun and fresh. kept the jewelry simple so the dress really shines. she is working it. >> robin: you are. thank you. the other models, can you come out, gabi, talia. come on out. what are your top tips here? what would you say overall? >> i think keep it feeling -- what feels best on you is what you'll look the best in. go with what you feel the best in. confidence always looks better than everything. >> robin: you all feel good with what you have? >> yes! >> robin: i hope that you do. special thanks to you. do you know what? you get to keep them! yes! [ applause ] they are yours. >> you get a prom dress, you get a prom dress! >> robin: thank you all, beautiful models. have a good time at prom, all right?
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all right. let's get to ginger. >> ginger: yes, enjoy that. let's talk about tornados. next four days we're going to have a threat in a lot of places. we'll look at nighttime tornados which can be two times as deadly. 45% of tennessee's tornados are at night. the darker the color of the state there, the more night time tornados you have. right in the mid south. this is the threat for the next couple days. thursday in western oklahoma and kansas. then iowa, arkansas through the >> michael: jon bon jovi is celebrating 40 years of being a rock star in a new documentary. i had the opportunity to talk to him about his life and legacy for an abc news special.
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here's a sneak peek. had to be tough on a relationship. you're young. you're a sex symbol. >> i got away with murder. i'll say it again on camera. i'm a rock 'n' roll star. i'm not a saint. you know? i'm not saying there weren't 100 girls in my life. i'm jon bon jovi. things were pretty good. [ laughter ] if you think i was ever going to jeopardize my anything for believing that narcissist in me was real, what a stupid thing to do. what kind of excesses does a man need that's gonna fuel that fire? just not worth it. not worth it. >> michael: but it is worth watching, i can tell you that. my abc news special with jon bon jovi, halfway there, airs sunday night 10 p.m. eastern on abc. jon is joining us live here on gma tomorrow morning. looking forward to that. >> george: we are.
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coming up next one of social media's favorite chefs, newt nguyen is here cooking a favorite dish.
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>> lara: back now with newt nguyen, self-taught chef whose cooking videos have made him a super star with 50 million viewers including this girl. now he's written a cookbook for all. he is here this morning. welcome to "good morning america." i love your story because you're just like us, or many of us, where cooking didn't necessarily come naturally to you, but you found a passion for it. tell our audience how it began for you. >> i started cooking in a mobile home on a gas burner like this. very surreal that i'm back here. >> lara: doing just that. >> yeah. i started cooking because my sister, very hardworking. she was working three jobs and eating very unhealthy. since i had a lot of time on my hands, i wanted to say, let me cook. >> lara: let me try. >> yeah.
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i started to meal prep for her a lot. >> lara: really knowing nothing but is what makes i think you so successful and accessible. >> exactly. >> lara: in your videos. you are not afraid to admit that you make mistakes. >> i want to show my successes and failures. i want to be genuine and honest with people. >> lara: we succeeded with this dish. i took a sneak taste. this is a basil thai chicken? >> thai basil chicken. >> lara: oh, yes. let's do it. >> awesome. i like to start my dish with just the egg. i like topping it later. we have some hot oil. going to crack an egg straight in. >> lara: okay. >> like this. >> lara: that's the fried egg that will go on top of the dish. >> right. we're going to come back to it later. >> lara: fabulous. >> so let's start on the chicken. >> lara: ground chicken. >> we have some garlic, shallots. >> lara: absolutely. >> toss it in there. >> lara: how much of each? >> everything.
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about two tablespoons each. i just kind of have it aromatic. >> lara: this is a little spicy. this is for later? yeah. can you smell that? doesn't that smell good? >> lara: yes, yes. >> every time there's garlic and shallots i get hungry. >> lara: i get teary. >> we're going to add in bell pepper. help with that. >> lara: thank you. i have been given permission. >> of course. you always have permission. >> lara: thank you very much. >> we're going to add in our thai basil or thai chili. these are spicy so be careful. >> lara: in the world of television when we're mixing our ingredients, that's all sauteing for about how long? >> about 30 seconds. until you smell it in the kitchen. >> lara: okay, great. and then the chicken? >> we're going to add chicken in. >> lara: how long will that cook? >> until you don't see anymore pink. we season it with a little salt. can you help me with the pepper? >> lara: of course i can. i'm going to have us go over to the end product only because i want to make sure we get to the topping. >> of course. >> lara: at what point do you add in the basil?
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>> you can add it now. >> lara: wait until the chicken is cooked. correct? >> yes. >> lara: more basil. never too much basil. what about your sauces? >> let me explain the sauces. can you mix for me? >> lara: of course. so good. >> so delicious. right? right here we have sugar for sweetness. >> lara: okay. >> sprinkle it in. oyster sauce and fish sauce for that umami flavor. >> lara: don't be afraid of those sauces. it might sound foreign but they both really add such a great kick. >> so much flavor. then soy sauce. dark soy sauce. see the color. >> lara: all in how long is this dish taking us? >> just until the leafs wilt. maybe about 30 seconds. >> lara: the whole dish? to make the whole thing? >> five to ten minutes. super quick, super easy. >> lara: what could be better. at the end you add the fried egg on top. you've got your rice. you can choose your rice. what's your rice of choice? >> jasmine. >> lara: me, too.
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>> cool. >> lara: and you've got a really easy meal that's not some veggies, kick. >> healthy, flavorful, quick. do you like it? >> lara: i don't like it, i love it. guys, get the recipe on good morning we love your stuff. good morning his cookbook is out right now. check it out. we'll be right back on gma. you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving.
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>> just talk about how much we enjoyed jerry seinfeld. so much fun. cannot wait for the movie. that's right. and then we got jon bon jovi tomorrow. >> five tonight. the conners are back. i'm scared. daddy, celebrate a brand new season. if . you bring over a large bouquet of beer. >> i'm planning on making a stunning arrangement for my belly. >> the conners new tonight on abc. sweet james is not a typical name for a law firm, but we don't deliver typical results. >> if you've been hurt in an accident, you deserve the best, the best care, the best compensation, and sweet justice. that's sweet. james welcome to twin pine casino and hotel, where every visit is a winning experience. >> feel the thrill on our exciting casino floor. indulge in exquisite dining and fine wines, unwind in our luxurious and spacious. here in wine country where you can enjoy live entertainment and special events. discover your
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with your loved ones amazed by astonishing, acrobatic feats. kooza, now playing at santa clara kooza thanks its official partner, air canada. buy tickets at cirque du >> sweet james is not a typical name for a law firm, but we don't deliver typical results. if you've been hurt in an accident, you deserve the best. the best care, the best compensation and sweet justice. that's sweet. james always live abc seven news starts right now >> good morning. i'm reggie aqui from abc seven mornings. here's a look at traffic i'm ed good morning reggie. >> we're going to take you straight to our bay bridge toll camera here. just about 9:00 this morning. you can see it is pretty backed up all the way to west grand avenue. metering lights are on, but traffic opens up after treasure island with a
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drive time from the toll plaza into the city at 26 minutes. drew. thanks, amanda. >> we'll go to our oakland airport camera where it is cloudy out there. you can see that too from our bay bridge camera from south beach. so we are just in store for a real gray morning out there. some coastal drizzle temperatures today. they are going to stay below average later on this afternoon we will get just a little bit of sunshine, mainly inland. the coast stays cloudy and cool in the 50s. 63 the high in the city today 65 in oakland, 69. in san jose 67, santa rosa 68 and concord. reggie thank you drew. >> time now for live with kelly and mark. we see you again on the air at 11 ♪ ♪ >> announcer: it's "live with kelly and mark!" today, from the new series of "the green veil," john leguizamo. plus, st


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