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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  April 25, 2024 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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than sweet. >> like they do something bad. then they they make up for being sour cream. >> just. >> i don't like golden oreos, so i'm out. but if you like golden oreos, go for it. i think an oreo should be black. >> an oreo. yeah. >> got it. why do anything to it ? i would try it. >> i don't know why not. there's some sweet. >> just give me a sour patch. >> it's sour cream. yeah, i like the fruity sour cream. what are you putting your >> george: good morning america. trump and his lawyers in two courts. breaking news overnight. the former president named as an unindicted co-conspirator in two election interference cases. breaking news overnight. new indictmentes in the fake electorate cases in michigan and arizona. mark meadows, rudy giuliani and more charged as trump is on trial here in new york and his
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case for presidential immunity is hours away from being argued in front of the supreme court. >> michael: nationwide movement on college campuses. overnight, more than 100 protesters arrested in boston. more chaos in texas. >> what are are you doing? >> michael: california and new york all amid the conflict. >> robin: tornado alley on alert. millions in the path of huge twisters, huge hail and damaging winds. ginger is tracking the severe weather on the move right now. >> george: the american hostage. hamas releases this video of hersh goldberg, the first proof of life since he was kidnapped 202 days ago. his message sparked rallies and protests overnight near the israeli prime minister's residence. >> these people want a deal to set the hostages free. >> george: we're live on the scene in jerusalem and hersh's parents join us live. >> robin: degree or no degree? the top companies dropping college requirements from thousands of high paying jobs.
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and what they're doing instead. one top ceo breaks it down for us. >> michael: football star reggie bush's heisman trophy reinstated. >> reggie bush. >> michael: how he got the honor back after being stripped of the award in 2010. >> robin: not at a nice price. could this top tourist destination cost you even more? the new rules for the floating city and will they pop up in other hot spots? we're there live. ♪ it's my life it's now or never ♪ >> michael: and are these kids living their best lives? being put to work on take your kids to workday at gma. plus, it's now or never in detroit. we're there live for the nfl draft, where dreams are about to come true. >> good morning america! >> michael: and the rock 'n' roll legend himself, bon jovi, is here live in times square.
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>> announcer: live in times square, this is good morning america. >> robin: we do say good morning america. do you remember draft day for you when you were waiting to hear your name called? >> michael: i was scared. [ laughter ] i was so nervous. oh, boy. what a relief when they did call my name. i went and took a nap. i was worn out. these young guys got a lot to look forward to tonight. >> george: sure do. >> michael: that's coming up. and also ahead, california, texas, new york and massachusetts all seeing a new wave of protests on college campuses. >> george: first an unprecedented day in american history. a former president, current presidential candidate facing four concurrent and consequential legal battles all centered on corrupting elections. overnight in arizona trump became unindicted co-conspirator number one in an election fraud case that has indicted his former lawyer, his white house chief of staff and one of his current lawyers. trump was also named in a similar michigan case yesterday. today trump's lawyers hit the
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supreme court, arguing he is immune from prosecution for his efforts to overturn the 2020 election. also this morning trump back in manhattan criminal court facing charges surrounding efforts to interfere in the 2016 election. nothing about this is normal. aaron katersky starts us off at the new york courthouse. good morning. >> reporter: george, good morning. former president trump would prefer to be at the u.s. supreme court arguments today but the judge would not allow it because he is a criminal defendant on trial. as you say, trump is named in two other criminal cases in two other states as an unindicted co-conspirator. this morning donald trump is unindicted co-conspirator one in a case out of arizona that said he and others schemed to prevent the lawful transfer of the presidency to keep trump in office after the 2020 election against the will of arizona's voters. the indictment names 11
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republican electors and references this video from december 2020 when they met at party head quarters to certify the election for trump even though joe biden won the state. >> donald j. trump of the state of florida number of votes 11. >> reporter: the arizona indictment also charges seven others including rudy giuliani, former white house chief of staff mark meadows and trump's senior adviser with trying to declare trump the 2020 winner contrary to vote r intent and the law. >> the people of arizona elected president biden. unwilling to accept this fact, the defendants charged by the state grand jury allegedly schemed to prevent the lawful transfer of the presidency. >> reporter: trump has also been named in michigan, where 16 republicans were charged with illegally trying to replace votes for biden with votes for trump. he plans to bring his 2024 campaign to michigan next week during a day off from his criminal trial in new york, where publisher david pecker returns to the witness stand to explain how the national enquirer ended up playing karen
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mcdougal $150,000 to take her story of a year long sexual relationship with trump off the market. trump denied the affair but by june 2016 pecker testified that he was serving as the eyes and ears of the trump campaign, changing the enquirer procedures. from buying stories to publish to buying stories to bury if they were damaging to trump's presidential aspirations. we're also waiting for the judge to decide whether to hold trump in contempt for violating the gag order. >> george: his lawyers will be at the supreme court making arguments about presidential immunity. terry moran is there. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, george. this is a monumental case that tests the boundaries of presidential power and the reach of the rule of law. former president trump is claiming that he cannot be prosecuted for his efforts to overturn the 2020 election because his lawyers will argue in court presidents have quote, absolute immunity from criminal prosecution for any official
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acts they take as president. and trump said that his efforts after the 2020 election were official. he said he was trying to ensure election integrity. so the trump legal argument here is that presidents must have that immunity from prosecution or else they won't be able to function in office. the argument goes they will always be looking over their shoulder worried about potential criminal prosecutions brought by partisan enemies. the trump team will also argue in court that neither the supreme court nor any court can review the official acts of the president based on the separations of power principle. now, special counsel jack smith's answer is simple and straight forward. presidents are not above the law and if they commit crimes they must be prosecuted. the timing is criminal. it could determine whether trump stands trial before the election or whether the case gets held after the election, per happens
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in a second trump presidential term. michael? >> michael: all eyes are on this, terry. thank you very much. we're going to turn to the protesters clashing with police on campuses across the country. california, texas, new york and massachusetts all seeing a new wave of demonstrators amid the israel/hamas war. trevor ault is in los angeles with the latest for us. good morning, trevor. >> reporter: good morning, michael. demonstrations here essentially shut down usc's campus. students and faculty have to show campus id just to get in. this was one of many schools across the country where we saw heated contentious clashes between protesters standing up for gaza and police telling them they need to leave. this morning the nationwide movement of campus demonstrations. getting sometimes violent. overnight at emerson college in boston, protesters attempting to form a human wall to stop police moving in, up to 100 protesters arrested.
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police at the university of southern california arresting 93 people while removing tents and protesters from a gaza solidarity camp. these tense moments after a scuffle between officers in riot gear and a pro palestinian group, virtually now closed to anyone but students. >> it makes me feel threatened and intimidated and i think the anti-semitic rhetoric must be condemned by the university. >> reporter: unauthorized protest breaking out at the university of texas in austin. dozens arrested as officers used horses to disperse crowds. some nearly crashing into our mireya villareal. a camera man thrown to the ground. similar encampments springing up at brown university and harvard. columbia, university officials
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extending a deadline to remove this large encampment thursday night as negotiations with students continue. >> myself, my peer, my colleagues, my friends, we're not going to stop. we're not going to rest. we will stand here until the university divests from israeli apartheid and their genocidal campaign in gaza. >> reporter: house speaker mike johnson visiting campus, criticizing school officials for allowing the continued demonstrations. >> we just can't allow this kind of hatred and anti-semitism to flourish on our campuses. they have chased down jewish students. they have mocked them. they have shouted racial epithets. >> reporter: speaker telling linsey davis schools could lose federal funding. >> they've been camped on the campus. they are threatening people and preventing them from exercising their freedom. that's the limit. that's the line. >> reporter: speaker johnson even said it's possible they could call in the national guard to these schools if needed. robin, this is all playing out as
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a lot of universities are in preparations for graduation ceremonies. robin? >> robin: all right, trevor. thank you. now the battle over abortion rights in arizona. the state's house of representatives voted to repeal the 1864 law banning the procedure but the fight is not over yet. rachel scott is at the supreme court with more. good morning, rachel. >> reporter: hey, robin. good morning. it's been nearly two years but the nation is still grappling with the impact of roe versus wade being overturned. it is now back in front of the u.s. supreme court arizona as takes one step to repealing their near total abortion ban. this morning arizona is one step closer to repealing a near total ban on abortion. written into law before it was even a state. >> we pass house bill 2667. >> reporter: after two weeks of stale mate the state legislature advancing a bill. 14 states have banned abortion from the point of conception since the supreme court
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overturned roe versus wade. and for the first time, the justices weighing the impact of one of the state abortion bans. the question now whether hospitals in idaho, which has a near total ban, can refuse to provide abortions in an emergency if the health of a woman is at serious risk. the justice department arguing federal law mandates they have emergency care even if that means an abortion. liberal justices insisting idaho's ban has a dire impact on patients. >> within these rare cases there's a significant number where the woman's life is not in peril but she's going to lose her reproductive organs. >> reporter: many seemed inclined to support the decision. >> the statute imposes on a hospital a duty to the woman and also to the child. it doesn't tell the hospital how it is to adjudicate conflicts between those interests.
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it leaves that to state law. >> reporter: but justice amy coney barrett, a staunch opponent. said she was shocked by idaho's argument that women who may need emergency care could be turned away. >> it is case by case. the examples -- >> that's the problem. >> i'm kind of shocked. actually. i thought your own expert had said below these kinds of cases were covered. you're now saying they're not? >> i'm not. that's my point. >> you're hedging. >> reporter: a decision in that case is expected sometime in june. as for arizona, that bill still needs to clear the state senate before it hits the governor's desk. state lawmakes expected to return back to session next week. >> michael: thanks, rachel. appreciate you. now we're going to turn to reggie bush. the football star getting his 2005 heisman trophy back 14 years after he was stripped of the honor. mola lenghi is in los angeles with details. good morning, mola. >> reporter: good morning, michael. yeah. the ncaa returning the heisman trophy, perhaps the most prestigious award in college sports back to
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reggie bush due to the enormous changes to college sports in recent years. this morning reggie bush finally reuniting with his heisman trophy 14 years after ncaa sanctions led him to forefit it. bush celebrating posting on instagram, no one can take from you what god has for you. the former usc super star won college football's high eflt individual honor in 2005. >> reggie bush! >> reporter: but in 2010 he gave it back after the ncaa sanctioned usc claiming bush received illegal benefits while he was there, accusations he's denied. bush, speaking about the moment he lost the heisman in an i am athlete interview. >> i was spiritually on the inside broken and i was hurt. >> reporter: bush had one of the most storied careers in college football history. the running back electrifying fans around the country and leading usc to two national championships. he then went on to play in the nfl for 11 years winning a super bowl with the new orleans saints in 2010.
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the same year he was stripped of the heisman. >> it's hard to overstate what a big deal it was in 2010 when reggie bush forefitted his heisman trophy under intense scrutiny. >> reporter: in 2021 a land mark supreme court decision allowing college athletes to receive compensation for their name, image and likeness changing the landscape for student athletes. now the heisman trust reinstating bush's award saying enormous changes in college athletics over the last self-years led them to decide now was the right time to give it back. >> the heisman trust decision is reflective of the changing scope of college athletics. >> reporter: tonight's projected number one nfl draft pick, a former usc quarterback and winner of the 2022 heisman celebrating bush. >> reg, shout out to you. i know that it's been a long time coming. can't wait to see it back up there when i come around to usc.
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>> reporter: bush's 2005 season record, the season for which he was awarded the heisman trophy were vacated and it is still unclear, robin, whether those stats will be reinstated. >> robin: we'll see what happens there. mola, thank you. now the excitement growing for the nfl draft happening tonight in detroit. football fans descending on the motor city. officials expecting about 400,000 people. all hoping their team is gonna land a big name that will lead them to the promise land, the super bowl. will reeve is there in detroit. got some company. going to tell us who to watch. good morning, will. >> reporter: good morning, robin. it's a cold morning here in detroit, but these fans and i are trying to show off that grit that this city is so well known for. hours from now, behind us on that stage over there, lives will change, dreams will come true, and each of the 32 nfl fan bases will convince themselves that they've got the guy who's going to make this year their year. at the very top of the draft is a formality at this point.
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bears and caleb williams, a match made in heaven. they've been slotted to select the heisman winner for years now. he's going number one. number two consensus is building around reigning heisman winner jayden daniels. he's the quarterback who everybody's talking about. i got the chance to talk with him so take a look. it's been widely reported that caleb williams will go one to the bears and then widely assumed you'll go number two to the commanders. if you do go second all in the draft, what would that mean to you? >> i'll watch it if a team trades up or something like that. i'll be where god places me to be. i'm gonna, you know, embrace it. i'm blessed to be in this position. >> reporter: the patriots need a quarterback as well. will they take drake may? how about jj mccarthy from
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michigan? where is he going to go? it's qb heavy at the top but there are gems to be found everywhere. we, as nfl fans, can find them all together tonight in primetime 8 p.m. eastern, espn, abc. everybody's excited, right? [ cheers ] >> michael: thank you, will. going to be some cheering, some boos. there always are. they'll boo the commissioner. that's a tradition. doesn't mean they don't like him, just tradition. he's used to it. all right. coming up, something's happening in venice that may take tourists by surprise. >> robin: also ahead the top companies dropping college requirements from high paying jobs and what they're doing instead. >> george: the parents of hersh goldberg join us live for first time since he was kidnapped 202 days ago. ginger is here. >> ginger: we've got kansas city, missouri to start us off. they're prepping for severe storms tomorrow. there's a large area that will see tornados and big hail in oklahoma, texas and kansas today. it is right here, garden city,
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woodward's in it, all the way down just north of abolene. tomorrow it moves east. i want this area highlighted here to watch out.
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say they're willing to risk being arrested and expelled. university officials say the encampment is peaceful and there are no plans to change uc's investments. now here's traffic with amanda, actually with gloria, with gloria. >> good morning. reggie. yeah. so right now we're tracking a motorcycle crash in san francisco. this is causing some delays there. this is on southbound 101 before bayshore boulevard. and right now, one lane is blocked. so if you're driving in this area, just be aware. the backup right now is to cesar chavez street. >> reggie, we're going to check in
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$1.69 at any size, premium roast coffee. >> bottom of papa being a champion starts with care, preparation and the desire to win as a fierce fighter for injured clients. sweet james knows what it takes to be a winner when the stakes are high and winning matters. injured accident victims who hire sweet james can count on a 98% winning record over $1 billion in settlements and pay nothing until we win. the greatest athletes are your champions on the court. sweet james is your champion in the courtroom. awarded best attorneys in america >> to the tam cam we go a live look outside. got a couple of different layers of cloud cover, some low level stratus with our fog and some high level clouds as well. we're finding temperatures right now in the 40s and mid 50s. as we get you out the door this morning, looking at the forecast over the
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next couple of hours, it's a mostly cloudy sky. temperatures really staying in the 50s for much of the morning. so just like yesterday, if you kept your jacket on for much of the day, likely a similar story today your day planner shows partly sunny skies throughout the day. does turn windy later on this afternoon with winds between 15 and 25mph. 50s and 60s. your daytime highs. >> reggie drew, thank you for joining us on the abc seven bay area app. abc seven at seven continues. everybody else is watching good morning america surprise! >> everyone likes surprises, except when you get a bill that's higher than expected. >> that's why shag carpet offers a no surprise guarantee. the price they quote is always the price you pay. and during this months, by two, get one free sale by any two square feet of select shag carpet, hardwood, laminate and waterproof core and get one free that's like one third off and send g more than carpet. go to sg for the showroom nearest you, or to
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at cirque du flown. there's a light, a certain kind of light that always shines on me. >> there's a way. everybody say you want to know what it's like. >> baby, you must know what it's like to love somebody. to love somebody the way i love you >> i love to compete. give me a challenge. and watch me prove people wrong >> to 50 years with my best friend. no >> quick! the quicker picker. upper. >> bounty. absorb spills like a
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sponge and is two times more absorbent. so you can use less bounty. the quicker picker upper. >> i used to smoke. i thought it helped relieve my stress, but then i had open heart surgery. my tip is find healthy ways to cope with stress because open heart surgery is pretty stressful. >> you can quit for free help, call one 800, quit now. >> dude. dog food in the fridge. >> it's not dog food, it's fresh pet real meat. real veggies. >> real weird ♪ we're halfway there ♪ we're halfway there livin' on a prayer ♪ >> robin: back here on gma. jon bon jovi has been rocking for 40 years now. he's telling a story of decades of performing. is not holding back. michael found that out when he sat down recently with your special on sunday. >> michael: yep. >> robin: jon bon jovi will be
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here in our 8:00 hour. >> george: looking forward to that. following a lot of headlines. overnight donald trump became unindicted co-conspirator number one in an election fraud case. they indicted his former lawyer, his white house chief of staff and one of his current lawyers. he was also indicted in a similar case in michigan. today his lawyers will be at the supreme court. trump will be back in manhattan criminal court today facing charges surrounding interfering in the 2016 election. also protesters continue to clash with police on college campuses across the country. overnight in emerson college in boston protesters attempted to form a human wall to stop police from moving in. 100 protesters were arrested. demonstrations led to essentially a shutdown at usc campus in california. also we're getting a first hands look at the massive operation to clear the wreckage from the francis scott key bridge collapse. today 80% of ships will be able
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to pass in and out of the port including cruise ships and they're on track to have the port fully open by the end of may. >> michael: over a dozen corporations including home depot, mcdonald's and verizon have agreed to drop college requirements for high paying jobs and train workers internally. the ceo of wal-mart u.s. described the plan to abc news. >> there are so many different ways that people will find their own path to success. for some of us that means college. for some of us it means skill. we have a lot of programs here. we want to make sure people have the skills they need to be successful recognizing, while college is great for some, it is not exactly the right answer for everyone. >> robin: thank you, michael. that is important. that's right. now overseas and the new video released by hamas of an israeli american hostage who was severely injured in the october 7th attacks. his parents are now responding and will join us live in a few moments. but first tom soufi-burridge in jerusalem.
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good morning, tom. >> reporter: good morning, robin. yeah, hersh goldberg who was born in california, seen for first time in captivity in gaza. the 23-year-old speaking under duress into camera in a hamas video saying he's been held in, quote, hell under ground. this morning more than 200 days after the world saw american israeli hostage hersh goldberg with his arm badly injured, put in the back of a pickup truck and taken into gaza. clear proof he survived that deadly attack. hersh sitting up right, appearing under duress with a shaven head, missing part of his left arm, blown off on october 7 when terrorists threw a grenade into a shelter. addressing the crowd in hebrew saying --
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hersh also demanding the israeli government do everything in its power to set him free. his parents wanting the world to watch that video. >> we're relieved to see him alive, but we are also concerned about his health and well being as well as that of all the other hostages and all suffering in the region. >> hersh, if you can hear this, we heard your voice today for the first time in 201 days. if you can hear us, i am telling you, we are telling you, we love you. stay strong. survive. >> reporter: the video of hersh spurring supporters onto the streets. protesters clashing with police overnight and israeli prime minister netanyahu's residence. protesters are out tonight in jerusalem. they're blocking the roads. you can see the police are trying to drive them back. these people want a deal to set the hostages free.
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it's thought around 100 hostages still being held in gaza. hersh, one of five americans. and, guys, right now those hostages negotiations appear to have stalled. in fact, the israeli military has made advance preparations to try and move hundreds of thousands of civilians out of southern gaza with the israeli government approving a ground offensive on what it says is hamas' last strong hold there in the coming weeks. george? >> george: tom, thank you very much. want to here now from hersh parents. john polin, his father, is joining us right now. john, it must be very hard to summarize, but tell us what you are thinking and feeling as you saw that video for the first time. >> sure. good morning, george. total mix of emotions. first and foremost, just huge sense of relief and gratitude to both see him and hear him. something about that multisensory was really overwhelming. he's alive. assuming this video is current,
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which we believe it is, he's alive. the flip side of that is, we, as parents, know our son better than anybody. we see a level of distress. we see some things that concern us about his health. not only obviously his arm that we knew was blown off. and so for us, we've already been fighting for 202 days at this point for his release and the release of all the hostages. it's fueled us even more. we need everybody involved in these negotiations to lean in, get this done, get these people home. >> george: what else did you see that gave you signals about his health? >> hersh is really thin. he's always been really thin. he's one of those kids who has tried to gain weight and struggled. i know lot of people in the world wish they had that problem. he looks kind of puffy in the video. there was like a swelling that concerned us around his face, his neck, his shoulders. we don't know fit's true, what it must be from. but it causes us concern.
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we've talked to a few doctors who have said that it could perhaps be a form of edema. could be a form of a no protein diet. you know, there are some things that we see that caused concern. like i said, further fuel us to get hersh and the 132 other hershes, each of whom have families fighting for them. we gotta get them home. >> george: rachel goldberg, hersh's mom, is joining us. we heard john talk about his reaction to the video. what was yours? >> i mean, it was extremely emotional. lots of tears. to be honest, i wasn't even listening to the content, i was just hearing my only son's voice. seeing him move and try to look into his eyes. any parent, anyone, anyone who has parents, can imagine after 201 days, more than half a year of doubt and fear and angst and
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trauma to have that, it was very bittersweet. and it was truly overwhelming. >> george: i can imagine. have you had any assurance before you saw the video that he was indeed alive? >> what we had been told by our intelligence officer, who's been with us since the beginning, that the families where it is known that their loved one is tragically not alive have been contacted. also the families where there's a high suspicion that their loved one is not alive has been contacted. so she is always saying to us, every day that we have no news is good news. so the working assumption was, please, hopefully, let's be optimistic that he's alive. but this, obviously, was much different than sort of a working assumption.
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>> george: john, what else can you tell us about contacts with the american and israeli government? >> so we continue to say that the american government, the biden administration, congress, people from both sides of the aisle, have been incredibly supportive of us and of all of the americans who are held. there are currently eight americans still being held. we get updates from the administration. their doors are open to us. every few weeks we're either there meeting some person are on zoom. so the support has been really, really remarkable. the israelis are deeper into things. our update tends to be more tactical. i don't need to say that it is such a complex situation. but it feels like so many people in the region, on all side, are just tired. tired of the trauma that we've
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all been under since the 7th of october. and hopefully, at this point we can get all the parties to really just go in a room, lock themselves in there and not come out until we have a deal to release our 133 hostages and to reduce the pressure all over the region. >> george: we all share that. finally, rachel, what is your message to hersh and all of our viewers? >> well, to hersh, every single day and many times a day i'm always saying to him, we love you, stay strong, survive. we love you, stay strong, survive. and i definitely, you know, more than ever, after seeing him and seeing that he is clearly medically compromised, medically fragile, that is my continued plea to him, to his soul, to hear me. and to people who are watching this, to remember that there are 133 hershes. every single person there has a family, has a life, has dreams, aspirations. when we think of them as one
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number, or one group, we do them a disservice. these are people from 25 different nations. there are christian, jews, muslims. hindus. it is an age range, the youngest is now 1 1/2 old. that's tragic he has spent so much of his childhood in captivity. the oldest is an 86-year-old grandfather. we must remember these people. they are human beings, and we must get them out. no matter what it take, no matter who you are, this could be your son. this could be your grandfather. this could be your daughter, your sister, your spouse. it's time. >> george: those are very powerful words. we love you. stay strong. survive. thank you for joining us this morning. we'll be right back. >> thank you so much for having us. ng us. place more expensive? my other daughter.
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cancun! jamaica!! why can't they use my backyard!! with empower, we get all of our financial questions answered. so we don't have to worry. can we get out of here? i thought you'd never ask. join 18 million americans and take control of your financial future with a real time dashboard and real life conversations. empower. what's next. [coughing] copd hasn't been pretty. it's tough to breathe and tough to keep wondering if this is as good as it gets. but trelegy has shown me that there's still beauty and breath to be had. because with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open and prevents future flare-ups. and with one dose a day, trelegy improves lung function so i can breathe more freely all day and night. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed.
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and it is all good. (vo) that's right, stream on the go, with six months of disney bundle on us. all your favorite content from hulu, disney plus and espn plus is all yours, and watch it all on the new galaxy s24+, also on us. only on verizon. (♪) ♪ healthier's not something that happens all alone ♪ ♪ it takes greg and lydia, and josie on the phone. ♪ ♪ it's grammy getting checked on in her favorite chair. ♪ ♪ or dolling herself up to go ♪ ♪ handle all of her care. ♪ ♪ with doctors to nurses ♪ ♪ and all the people in between ♪ ♪ healthier happens in more ways ♪ ♪ than ray's ever seen. ♪ ♪ healthier happens together. ♪
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>> michael: back now on gma. venice is now the first and only city in the world to start charging visitors an entrance fee. maggie rulli is there live. good morning, maggie. did you have to pay to get there? >> reporter: i did, michael! but come on, just look at this view. it's worth it. one look and you can see why venice is on so many people's must visit list. all of this love for this city means they now have a major problem with overtourism. venice, a city of canals, narrow street, rich history and tourists.
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>> i have always wanted to come. it's what i thought coming to italy would be. >> there's no other place like it in the world. >> reporter: lots and lots and lots of tourists. >> we have tourists on every street. >> reporter: nearly 40,000 people visit venice every day. that nearly doubles the city's population. local authorities are testing out a new system, trying to make sure this beautiful site doesn't get ruined by too many tourists. starting this morning venice is now the first and only city in the world to charge day trippers an entrance fee of five euros. here's how it works. first you have to register online. then you get a qr code, which will be checked by inspectors. if you're caught without one of these, you could be hit with a fine up to more than $300. so what exactly are we looking at? >> we're looking at the square. most important paofrt city. >> reporter: here at the smart control center, authorities will
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use the new qr codes, cell phone data and the cameras around venice to track and potentially regulate visitors. >> we are switching to action after 60 years. our goal is to find a new balance between the needs of the residents and the needs of the tourists. >> reporter: but many tell us a fee won't stop them from their once in a life time venitian get away. would paying a fee have stopped you from coming to venice? >> not at all. >> i would have paid more. >> reporter: now, guys, there are some exceptions to the fee. one is if you're staying overnight in hotels. register to get that qr code but you don't have to pay the fee. guys? >> robin: it is such a beautiful, beautiful city. >> michael: it is. >> robin: enjoy. you got the best assignment of the day. no doubt about that, maggie. >> reporter: i do! >> rin: upext a very special play of the day. come on back. back.
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♪ behr behr behr behrrrr behr behr behr ♪ ♪ behr behr behr behr behrrrr ♪ ♪ behr behr behr behrrrr behr behr behr ♪ ♪ behr behr behr behr behrrrr ♪ what is going on next - ♪ behr behr behr behrrr behr behr behr ♪ ♪ behrrr behr behr behr behr ♪ ♪ behrrrrr ♪ whether you're doing it yourself or hiring a pro, today let's paint. ♪ behr behr behr behrrrrr ♪ ♪ behr behr behr behrrrr ♪ - no, no. - sorry... exclusively at the home depot. wow. that's good. almond breeze? you like the almond breeze i got you... that's sooo interesting. what's happening, dad? with delicious taste and 50% more calcium. blue diamond almond breeze. don't just milk it. almond milk it. if you have wet amd, you never want to lose sight of the things you love. some things should stand the test of time. long lasting eylea hd could significantly improve your vision and can help you go up to 4
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>> lara: it's take your kids to workday! full kids takeover in our gma studio. our family's kids hard at work, backstage and makeup getting ready for deals and steal, behind the camera. you name it, they are taking over. you'll see more of it coming up on good morning america. stay with us. us. immune system ur to attack cancer. but opdivo plus yervoy is the first combination of 2 immunotherapies for adults
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call sweet james. here are just some of the recent wins for our injured clients. call the firm that wins. big call. sweet james . >> mean to you? i went to pursue my own legacy. >> doctors told me i'm never gonna play football again. but here i am. welcome to the nfl draft live. >> starting tonight on abc. >> abc seven news starts right now. good morning. >> i'm reggie aqui from abc seven mornings, and gloria is taking a look at traffic. >> good morning reggie. yes. so right now we're going to start straight away with our san jose two 8017 camera. and you could see right now the traffic is moving pretty nicely except in the direction from cupertino to san francisco in that direction. there's a little sluggish at this time. and looking at our emeryville camera right now, you could see traffic is also moving a little slowly. it is starting to fill in at the westbound 80
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direction to the bay bridge toll plaza. however there are no delays going eastbound on 80. in the albany direction. drew. hey, gloria. >> we'll take you to our santa cruz camera. you got some clouds out there this morning. temperatures you can see we're starting in the 50s. and it's one of those days. we're just really slow to warm. so out the door this morning, we have partly sunny skies out there and temperatures staying in the 50s at least through noon. so you'll find on your day planner partly sunny skies, a windy afternoon. those temperatures at or just slightly below average for this time of the year. reggie thank you, drew for streaming us on the abc seven bay area app. >> abc seven at seven continues. everybody else is watching. good morning america. >> it's not just designed to look good, it's built to command attention. it's not just a comfortable interior. it's a quiet refuge. they're not just headlights. they light the way forward. the fully electric audi
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q8 e-tron offers at your local audi dealer . >> at papa murphy's, we build your pizza with the freshest ingredients. you take it and bake it fresh in your oven. >> so technically, i make the pizza right now. >> get the limited time taco grande pizza. papa murphy's changed the way you pizza this season. >> our new nate and jeremiah collection for living spaces is an updated, well-traveled take on coastal living inspired by some of our favorite coastlines from california to montauk to portugal. >> the clean, modern lines and natural materials, including oak and marble, evoke a sense of calm sophistication designed to mix and match easily with the pieces you already own. >> the collection adds style along with functionality and comfort. >> elevate your home with our new voyage collection from nate and jeremiah only at living spaces. >> you made a cow.
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a winning experience. feel the thrill on our exciting casino floor. indulge in exquisite dining and fine wines. unwind in our luxurious and spacious hotel rooms right here in wine country, where you can enjoy live entertainment and special events. discover your winning experience today at twin pine casino and hotel in lake county, california. tv's biggest >> george: good morning america. it's 8 a.m. breaking news overnight. new indictments in arizona, michigan. mark meadows, rudy giuliani and more trump allies charged as trump is on trial here in new york and his case for presidential immunity is hours from being argued in front of the supreme court. >> michael: meet the dream makers, the women behind the nfl draft, quarterbacking the beloved event that turns college stars into pro player.
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we hear from jayden daniels from lsu, who will hear his name called tonight. >> robin: bucket list on a budget. summer travel season is heating up, and so are the prices. we're helping you plan a trip, with tips to save every step of the way. this morning, we're revealing the first destination. ♪ we are family ♪ >> george: and we're celebrating take your kid to workday. >> good morning america. i'm ayla. today i'm learning about marketing because today's bring your kid to workday. >> my mommy and daddy work at home. today we're going to be learning about data, data, data. >> george: kids from our gma family are taking over our times square studio. ♪ it's my life and it's now or never ♪ >> michael: plus, it's now or never because jon bon jovi is live in times square, talking about the new album, if the band is planning to tour. he's saying --
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>> good morning america. >> announcer: live in times square, this is gma. >> michael: good morning america. always fun to have a rock star in the house. not every day. so we're looking forward to sitting down with jon bon jovi. that's coming up. >> george: we have some future stars here on take your kid to workday. gma staff kids have taken over. they're running the show in the control room. you can see we're putting ray to work right there. we're going to hear from them. and some of the gma children and also viewers children coming up. >> robin: also we'll hear from a young man whose life is about to change. talking about jayden daniels of lsu, projected to be one of the top picks in tonight's nfl draft. more on him coming up. >> george: first look at the top stories. we start with the latest on donald trump and his lawyers in two courts. also overnight the former president named as an unindicted co-conspirator in two election interference cases. let's go back to aaron katersky. he's at the manhattan
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courthouse. good morning, aaron. >> reporter: good morning, george. some of donald trump's top advisers now face conspiracy, bribery and forgery charges in arizona for trying to keep trump in power even though he lost the 2020 election and president trump himself is an unindicted co-conspirator. this morning donald trump is unindicted co-conspirator one in a case out of arizona that said he and others schemed to prevent the lawful transfer of the presidency to keep trump in office after the 2020 election against the will of arizona's voters. the indictment names 11 republican electors and references this video from december 2020 when they met at party headquarters to certify the election for trump even though joe biden won the state. >> donald j. trump of the state of florida, number of votes, 11. >> reporter: the indictment also charges seven others including rudy giuliani, mark meadows and trump's senior adviser boris ep
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epstein stein with trying to declare trump the 2020 winner contrary to voter intent and the law. >> the people of arizona elected president biden. unwilling to accept this fact, the defendants charged by the state grand jury allegedly schemed to prevent the lawful transfer of the presidency. >> reporter: trump has also been named an unindicted co-conspirator in michigan where 16 republicans were charged with illegally trying to replace electoral votes for biden for votes for trump. and here at trump's criminal trial, prosecutors said donald trump violated the judge's gag order four more times in recent days during remarks in the hallway and interviews outside court. the judge still hasn't decided whether to hold trump in contempt. michael? >> michael: another big day of testimony. thank you, aaron. now back to terry moran at the supreme court. good morning again, terry. >> reporter: good morning, michael. this morning lawyers for former president trump will make an unprecedented, even startling argument in the supreme court. they'll say that presidents cannot be prosecuted for any
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official actions they take as president. absolute immunity they call that. trump faces charges for his efforts to overturn the 2020 election brought by special counsel jack smith. trump said all of his efforts were official acts. he said he was trying to ensure election integrity. his lawyers will argue all presidents must have immunity from prosecution so they can act without fear of being prosecuted for the good of the country. special counsel jack smith has a simple answer to all of this. he says presidents are not above the law. if they commit crime, they must be prosecuted. now, if the justices decide this case swiftly, there might be a trial in this case before the november election. but if they don't, it could be held until after the november election and perhaps even into a second trump term. if he was president he would probably have the right to stop this case altogether. robin? >> robin: terry, thank you. now to more on the nfl draft and an interview with jayden daniels.
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the former lsu quarterback and the heisman trophy winner expected to be the number two draft pick tonight. he sat down exclusively with our will reeve there in the motor city in detroit. good morning again, will. >> reporter: hello again, robin. still with the fans out in the cold, very excited for tonight. no more excited than jayden daniels. he's accomplished so much already in his career, but he doesn't quite know what his future holds, in terms of where he's going to work. all he knows is he'll hear his name called early in the draft tonight and he's going to be realizing a dream. >> jayden daniels again! touchdown lsu! >> reporter: jayden daniels is the favorite to go number two in tonight's nfl draft. do you have a team in your heart that you want to go to? >> i kinda do. i'm not going to disclose that. we will see what happens. >> reporter: the washington commanders likely to take the heisman winner out of lsu with the second overall pick.
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>> my agent, he's hearing stuff from different teams. trying to predict where i go, but nobody knows where you're going to go until it's time to get that call. >> reporter: what's the experience been like with the other draft class guys being here? >> i'm happy for the quarterbacks here. me, caleb, drake, being able to battled against and to be able to enjoy the experience with them, enjoy the moment, hearing the name called or being part of the draft class, being in detroit together. connecting with guys you don't usually see too much but you know. it's awesome. >> reporter: tomorrow morning you're in the nfl. >> yeah. >> reporter: you gotta go. what are you going to be doing? >> going to the team. obviously, doing all that. and then flying back. celebrating with my family. and then get to work. >> reporter: wherever he's drafted, daniels knows what he wants to accomplish as a pro. >> hopefully, i can be an idol to young african-americans that
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aspire to be a quarterback. or just in general. somebody to look up to. hopefully, i can be a role model for them. >> reporter: daniels has a big group of family and friends here with him, but two people he'll be missing always are his paternal grandparents. they died within a month of each other due to covid. jayden told me they won't be here, but he will honor them and they will be with him in spirit tonight and throughout his career and life, guys. >> robin: we're going to hear so many stories like that tonight. give him our best. thanks a lot, will. coming up in our gma morning menu, the women in charge of making dreams come true at tonight's nfl draft. >> george: also ahead, there is ray to kick off our series bucket list on a budget. we have expert tips on getting a great deal on your dream get away. >> michael: he's with the kids of our gma staff as we celebrate take your kids to work today. the kids are in charge this
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morning. guaranteed this will be the best show we ever had. lara is with a special guest. hey, lara. >> lara: we have to go over and see the kids. jon bon jovi is here with us. he's gonna talk about his kids. they're all grown up now. he's got stories about his career, family. sounds like you may have some news? maybe a tour? we're gonna find out coming up on gma. stay with us. (vo) you were diagnosed with thyroid eye disease a long time ago. and year after year, you weathered the storm and just lived with the damage that was left behind. but even after all this time your thyroid eye disease could still change. restoration is still possible. learn how you could give your eyes a fresh start at wanna know a secret? more than just my armpits stink. that's why i use secret whole body deodorant...
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everywhere. 4 out of 5 gynecologists would recommend whole body deodorant, which gives you 72 hour odor protection from your pits to your- (sfx: deoderant being sprayed) secret whole body deodorant. (man) that looks really high. (woman) (sfx: deoit is high.g sprayed) whenever you're ready. (man) are there any snakes? (woman) nope. (man) are you sure? here we go! (vo) it's time to push your limits. (woman) you're doing great! (man) oh, is that a buffalo? (woman) babe, that's a cow. (vo) the subaru crosstrek wilderness. adventure on the edge. depend keeps you drier than ever, so you can say yes to more than ever. yes-s-s! yes. yes! (mixed shouts, laughter) no. depend. the only thing stronger than us is you. (terrie) if you're a smoker. i have a tip for you.
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or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. living with type 2 diabetes? ask about the power of 3 with ozempic®. wow. that's good. almond breeze? you like the almond breeze i got you... that's sooo interesting. what's happening, dad? with delicious taste and 50% more calcium. blue diamond almond breeze. don't just milk it. almond milk it. open your eyes bigger. new panorama by l'oréal paris. a multi-level bristle brush, to catch every single lash, corner to corner. bigger, wider. see life in panorama. because you're worth it.
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the tortured poets department see life in panorama. phantom clear vinyl only at target >> good morning america. i'm 8 years old. i'll be learning how to be a realtor with my dad. >> good morning america. i'm learning about social activities today at bring your kids to workday.
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>> good morning america. my name is royalty brown. today's bring your child to work day. i'm learning how to be an entertainer. >> robin: oh. >> michael: yeah! she has the name for it, royalty brown. that's what i'm talking about. welcome back, everybody. we want to thank our viewers who shared videos of their kids for take your kids to workday. much more fun around our studio. that's coming up. >> robin: i remember when your little ones would be under the desk. >> george: under the desk. >> robin: nothing like looking there. okay. [ laughter ] we have our gma cover story right now. we are taking a closer look at the women behind the nfl draft. part of a growing group of leaders helping open new doors in a sport once exclusively ruled by men. let's go back there to detroit and will. >> reporter: hey there, robin. the nfl draft is a huge logistical operation. there's 400,000 plus fans
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expected to be here. so much going on on that stage, on tv, all of it. the spotlight will be on the players tonight, but right now we're going to shine it on three women at the nfl who make all this possible. it's the day dreams come true for hopeful nfl prospects. >> carolina panthers select bryce young, quarterback, alabama. >> reporter: but long before the first pick is selected, an all-star team quarterbacked by women like senior director of events nikki yule make sure it all goes off without a fumble. >> our home team is the detroit lions. we know detroit is a vibrant city. has a deep history in turning out nfl player. we have been working on this for years. it's really about the gratification you see on fans, all ages. could be somebody that wants to see the full collection of super bowl rings. >> reporter: draft security is second on the to the super bowl. the nfl's first female chief security officer manages the
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massive operation. >> we're seeing fans showing up over a couple of days. once the venue's selected we start making site visits, local public safety, with businesses in the area. where's the event going to be that's most advantageous for not only our event but city that's hosting us? so it's a lot of up front work that takes in a minimum 18 months. >> reporter: with over three decades of experience in the league and a chief football administrative officer, landed her role, announcing the moment players have waited their whole lives for. >> the philadelphia eagles select heely ringo. my biggest concern is getting their name right. it's pronouncing it correctly. the last thing you want to do is mangle their name as they are being announced into the national football league. >> reporter: draft day may be all about football, but these women don't play game, giving the next generation of women room to thrive in the nfl.
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>> if you can see it in your mind, you can achieve it. >> embrace the opportunity. take the seat at the table. find your voice. >> take a bold step. be brave. do things you haven't done before. and succeed. >> reporter: our thanks to dawn, nikki and cathy for making this happen and for their time. speaking of thank you for their time, thank you, fans. give yourself a round here. [ cheers ] all right. we are cold but we are excited for the nfl draft tonight 8 p.m. eastern, abc, espn. we'll be watching. >> george: thank you. now time for extra special pop news. >> lara: such a big day here at gma. we're celebrating national take your kid to work day. all morning long we've had a full gma takeover. from the control room to the makeup room, with the littlest members of our gma family all here to pitch in, to have fun to, see what mom and dad do for a living.
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oh wow. taking them through all the parts. since we are very serious about the work/life balance at gma, at times they do blend together. when kids come to work or see their moms and dads every day. guess what? it's not hard to imagine that they may see this as a super happy place. when they grow up, they want to work here. that is what's happening for several of our families. we wanted you to meet some of them. come on out, guys! come on out here. billy, dylan, paul, brooke. gary. >> michael: where's gary? >> lara: we're going to get to gary. i'm going to start with billy and his son dylan at the end. billy, how proud were you when your son came to join you in the props department? >> very proud. at home, he's been very helpful. like today. bring him to work with me. this is what i did. brought him on a day like this couple years back.
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he's been here since. >> lara: billy, what was it about your dad's job that was so appealing to you that you thought, do you know what? maybe i'd like to join pops at work. >> i just like the atmosphere. >> lara: isn't it fun? >> very fun. >> lara: it is really fun. you guys do a great job in the props department. [ applause ] and your dad is willing to go to great lengths, wearing wigs, costumes. [ laughter ] i wish we had that video. all right. i'm going to move on to our friend paul and someone i know very very well, brooke. paul, you are our audio guru here. you've been in the tv business for 50 years. so is it a dream to have not one, but both of your daughters follow in your footsteps into the biz? >> yep, certainly is. i am very proud of brooke and brittany. my father-in-law was also a camera man on the original kwlt good morning america. >> lara: come on. i didn't know that. this is really part of your dna. >> yep. >> lara: we just saw a picture of both girls. brittany works on special
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projects. in a way, you work in special projects, too. [ laughter ] because brooke does george's makeup. >> george: big project. [ laughter ] >> lara: she does my makeup every day which is also weird that we have the same person. you really -- you can do it all. you do it so well. >> thank you. >> lara: when you were coming here as a little girl, you said you remember. >> i remember being here sitting in the makeup room watching the other hair and makeup artists. >> lara: and thinking? >> i knew i wanted to do it. >> lara: you just love being with your dad so much you couldn't get away from him. [ laughter ] >> i knew i wanted to be a makeup artist. i had an in in the industry. >> lara: that's wonderful. we certainly -- last but certainly not least is our friend gary. this is gary's son, everybody. they also work in props. i'm assuming you created this
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prop of pop. [ laughter ] because pop couldn't be here today. matt, what was it about your dad and what advice did he give you that made you think, do you know what, this is the kind of man i want to emulate? [ laughter ] >> i don't know if there's any advice but he is a big role model in my life. >> lara: how is it having your dad have to boss you around at work? >> just like home life. [ laughter ] >> lara: you were prepared. we have a special message from gary, who is not with us. he said, michael, this is for you. [ laughter ] >> michael: gary, you know, i love your dad. you say he is a big role model to you. he's a little role model to me. [ laughter ] what? he's not here to defend himself, george. and this is not life size, people at home. i want you to realize that. it's larger than life size. it's larger. [ laughter ] i love you.
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i miss you. sit on my lap. [ laughter ] sit on my lap. >> lara: matt, billy, dylan, paul, brooke. so glad to see a new generation of incredible people working with our family at gma. love you guys so much. and our whole gma family. [ applause ] >> michael: yes, we do. >> george: let's keep the theme going. >> ginger: that would be a dream. i think miles has once mentioned being a meteorologist. miles and adrian are going to help me out with the weather. adrian, take it away. >> it's cold today. it's really cold today. >> ginger: it was bone chilling when he came in. he said it's chilly. you've got a baseball game later. >> mm-hmm. >> ginger: and so do -- >> the yankees. >> ginger: look at that. >> it's going to be a great night for baseball. >> ginger: you know it is. thank you, buddy. [ applau
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>> robin: tory johnson is joining us for a special deals and steals. with a special assistant. this is her daughter emma. it is take your daughter to work day. i remember in 2007. we watched you grow up. look at you with your brother. >> he's a tad taller now. >> robin: hey, just a little bit. but, hey, this is really great. >> all right. starting with one of our favorites. we got to get into it. >> we love a fresh
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especially one that dries in five minutes and lasts two weeks. that's what this delivers. this kit comes with everything you need, from prep, base color and top coat. >> it's $19 today. >> robin: great deal. >> yeah. >> next up a family favorite. we love their concealer. elaya used this on you this morning and look how radiant you look. very smooth, no caking, comes on great. we also have their fake away which is more a brow bend, like an awake eye look. if i wasn't wearing this now, i would look exhausted right now. we love it. and their juicy lip balm. >> number one concealer brand in america. only we have it 50% off today starting at $12. >> robin: you're a natural. you are a natural. >> we have their feather weight dryer. you can feel it. look how lightweight that is. >> robin: it is light. >> comes with four different adjustments so you can customize your heat and air flow. to really maximize your hair texture and your styling goals. my personal favorite their
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ceramic heated brush. for a sleek and shine look. i look like i just left the salon. >> robin: you do. yeah. >> all 50% off. these are what the pros use. plus free shipping. >> robin: we love free shipping. >> all right, em. you got that one there. tech candy. we have a slew of items from tech candy. look at that. compact mirror and power bank to charge your devices. this is perfect for you in key west a portable stand which is also a power charger. not your everyday cable thieves do not break like a standard six foot long candy makes the best tech accessories. >> we were like you and i. we couldn't decide what to show you, but that fan and powerbank is pretty fabulous. everything slashed at least in half. these start at 350, 350. all right, come on, come on, come on. we got we got to put you to work here. >> so we have this long
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resistance band for, you know, if you put that on your feet, you you give it some, you can give us one rep. and then we also have this smaller resistance bands, you know. oh. >> oh yeah. that's serious. right that's a, that's no joke. no. but they believe that like the pretty patterns make working out a little more fun. so we've got we gave you the toughest one but thank you. yeah. but we gave you the tough. so we got the lighter ones too. they're gorgeous. the patterns are so fun. >> makes fitness fun. >> and the reason to travel with us. >> well so easy to travel with. 6 to $10. really up your game. >> all right, this is what everybody. because of your mom. this was our christmas gift for the. this is the best ever. >> the name says it all. the snug hooded wearable blanket comes in three colors. it's really for everyone. >> it's how. >> how cozy and soft. i mean, it's the softest thing. >> you get the matchy matchy, comfy, comfy. that's what we say. that's like our whole family wears them. but this is their newest style. that's like the blanket size. so you get that like easy, like sunday morning feeling all the time. easy, easy like johnson morning,
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50% off and free shipping from sunday citizen. >> she truly is a mini me for you. >> that is the best compliment. thank you. >> thank you both. and we partnered with these companies on these great deals. you can get them on our website. you guys stick around for jon bon jovi. let the games begin american idol live sunday and monday on abc sunday night. >> people think they really know you. what do you think of the biggest misconception about you? michael strahan, jon bon jovi i'm a rock n roll star. >> i'm not a saint. i'm jon bon jovi. halfway there sunday, always live, abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning, i'm amanda delcastillo from abc mornings. let's get a look at traffic with gloria. >> good morning amanda. so right now we're going to take you right to a crash. this is a two car crash. this is on northbound 280. and this is in san jose right now. it is blocking the center divide. however, it is not blocking any of the lanes. there this is before 11 street,
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and speeds are down to ten miles per hour. traffic right now is stopped at capital expressway on southbound 680. so you'll have some delays in this area and then looking live at our oakland camera here on northbound 880, you'll see that traffic is bumper to bumper to the bay bridge toll plaza. but on the southbound side, traffic is moving freely towards san leandro. >> all right. thanks, gloria. meteorologist drew tuma has your accu weather forecast after the break. >> if you've been hurt in an accident and you need results, call sweet james. here are just some of the recent wins for our injured clients. call the firm that wins. big call, sweet james . >> are you ready for ultra reliable, ultra fast, award winning internet and better mobile experience? astounding service and savings tailored to your needs. all from astound. more value, superior customer
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service. get internet for just $20 a month and add unlimited mobile on one of the nation's largest, most reliable 5g networks. free for 12 months. be astounded and switch today. >> don't tell me direct from broadway. funny girl is musical comedy. heaven featuring celebrated songs like don't rain on my parade and people. this hilarious, brilliant and stunningly gorgeous production introduces rising star katarina mccrimmon as fanny brice. it's gonna rain. don't miss the theatrical event of the season. funny girl, playing april 30th through may 26th at the orpheum theater. tickets at broadwaysf. com >> if you've been hurt in an accident and you need results, call sweet james. here are just some of the recent wins for our injured clients. call the firm that wins big. call sweet james
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>> looking at temperatures this morning, we are in the 50s right now. heading into the next couple of hours with partly sunny skies out there, we'll slowly climb into the 60s later on this afternoon. so live. look outside, some sunshine peeking through those clouds. looking lovely over the city. partly sunny throughout the day. it is windy later this afternoon. those temperatures at or just slightly below average for this time of the year. amanda. >> all right. thanks, drew. havs update in about 30 minutes and always o >> announcer: welcome back to gma live from times square. >> michael: so many memories of that right there. welcome back, everybody. we have a true rock legend in the studio this morning. jon bon jovi, front man for the award winning multiplatinum selling band bon jovi. the band's 40 year journey is
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chronicled in a new hulu series called thank you good night. jon bon jovi, welcome to the studio. [ applause ] yeah. >> thank you. >> michael: you know, i got lucky. i got a sneak peek at this doc. >> yeah. >> michael: fantastic. >> thank you. >> michael: really fantastic. lot to talk about, 40 years being together. good times, bad times. what made this the right time to tell the story? >> how many 40th anniversaries do you get to have? >> michael: true. >> even if i jokingly say the first 40. i don't know if there will be another 40th. [ laughter ] i mean, it was an opportunity. in year 38 i started to think about it. i was also taking everything we had and archiving it at the same time so it allowed for the director, gotham chopra. who you may know his father is deepak chopra, award winning director, to do this. it really was just an opportune time.
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while we're looking back, we're looking ahead with a new record. >> robin: in june. got new music coming out in june. new album. >> we do. we do. >> robin: lara was asking, fans want to know. are you going out on tour? >> we're working on it. working on it. >> robin: all right! all right! >> no, it's not a no. no. >> george: what did you learn going back 40 years? >> it's not that i learned anything. do you know when they say you see your life flashed before your eyes then you die? [ laughter ] i saw my life flash, but i haven't died, you know? it was emotional because such a roller coaster that we've been on for 40 years. just looking out the dressing room window, i said i played times square after 9/11. i opened up hard rock theater across the street. i did a video on that corner. i have done so much, almost on every street corner you look out and go, memory, memory, memory, memory. >> george: so cool. let's give everybody a look. >> at 25, all i was thinking
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about was fun, success. at 30 i got married. i had looked at success differently. by 40 you start to measure, did you accomplish what you set out to do? by 50 you start to think about a legacy. by 60 i think as a chinese pro-verb said basically you are the man you were meant to be. >> george: that is for sure. you mention that word legacy. can you summarize it? >> work in progress because, you know, i mean, what you're trying to do is leave a body of work behind. at this point i didn't realize lot of these songs will be alive and well after i'm gone. >> george: great feeling, isn't it? >> it is an amazing feeling. >> michael: go ahead. >> lara: no, please. >> michael: you're so honest. all of you are so honest in this documentary. what was the hardest thing to discuss? >> well, there were a few things. my health scare and surprise were shocking, to me. i didn't anticipate anything
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like this happening to me. to chronicle it. but you had to be open and honest. i didn't want a vanity piece. dealing with guys and the issues they had personally. that wasn't easy to discuss. and making sure that we told the truth without being harsh. it's everybody's truth. that was the thing that was most telling to me is everybody's truth has a place to live in this doc. >> lara: i would love to chat with you about your kids. we were off stage talking. congratulations. three weddings coming up. [ laughter ] >> i have earned this gray hair. [ laughter ] >> lara: that's fantastic though. as we look around the set, take your kids to work day. it goes in a blink. >> i was just going to say that. absolutely. you snap your fingers and they're all grown up. >> lara: they're all grown up. planning three weddings cannot be easy. one of them i wanted to share that you've written songs for i think your daughter's wedding? >> i have. stephanie's probably watching right now.
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she's not heard this song. >> lara: she has not? okay. >> this is going to be the day i'm outed. i have been saying it but nobody's been on television talking about it. there's a song that i wrote for my baby. the other two are my sons, but i wrote this one for steph. >> lara: it's on the record. will you sing it at the wedding? >> if i can get through it. [ laughter ] >> lara: that's beautiful. >> it's called "kiss the bride." >> lara: that's gonna be tough for you. >> george: oh, boy. >> lara: and then your son is marrying a famous actress. >> jake and millie bobbi brown are being married in the near future. >> lara: they seem so happy. >> i'm aware. they're wonderful. >> lara: have you given them any advice about what it's like to grow up in the spotlight and to be a couple in the spotlight? >> you don't think they're going to listen, do you? [ laughter ] that's another bring your kid to work day. [ laughter ] you know, i mean, the magic for me has just been growing
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together with dorthea. every day is a challenge and change. but if you're growing together, hopefully things will work out. >> george: it's the example you set that matters the most to them. >> i try. [ laughter ] >> lara: exactly. >> robin: what's the best story you can tell us about george? >> i have known george a long long time. i know. we have a deep long history. >> lara: have you ever gotten him to dance? >> no. george doesn't dance. [ laughter ] >> michael: i have been trying for years. >> no, no. george and i sit together when everyone else goes, when our wives go and dance we sit there. no, no, no. >> robin: not just us. [ laughter ] >> that proves that i know george well. >> michael: i know you guys get fired up. i have been to several shows. i know just the emotion and feeling when you're ready to get out there on the stage. is there a little bit knowing that your life and legacy and this doc is coming out full display to everybody?
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little bit of that feeling? >> you know what's interesting now that i have seen a couple big documentaries recently, what i perceived to be the reception in the market place versus what is now the reception in the market place. see how politically correct i'm being? you watch some docu series that are out and i thought it was going to be this and it's not. players come out and are talking about it differently. you don't know. you just don't know. >> lara: so are you nervous? >> it's out of my hands now. it is our truth. it is our truth. how people receive it is not my business any longer. it's our truth. it's history. >> michael: you were truthful. you and i talked. we talked about so much more. that's in our primetime special "halfway there" which airs sunday 10 p.m. eastern right here on abc. thank you good night, the bon jovi story premieres tomorrow on hulu. big thank you to jon bon jovi. [ applause ] >> thank you. it was great. >> michael: coming up ray is ready to hit the road for our
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new series bucket list on a budget. budget.
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>> i'm eminem. this is roger goodell. we are so fired up for the nfl draft. >> live from the d. >> are you gonna say detroit? >> what does this moment mean to you? >> they told me i would never play football again but here i am. >> hosted by the college game day crew. >> welcome to the nfl draft. >> live starting tonight on abc. >> lara: i am so very happy to report it's almost time for summer travel season. plane ticket prices are 20% higher though than last year. so we've got the fix with our new series bucket list on a
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budget, where we plan trips to spectacular spots with tips to help you save big every step of the way. i love this. and here to help is the points guy, nicky kelvin in the house. hi. >> hello there. >> lara: i love what you do. it is that time of year. everybody loves a good getaway. it is very expensive. we've got some great tips from you, thank you. let's talk flights first. where do we begin to find the best deal? >> okay. i absolutely love google flights. it's such a simple platform. >> lara: i keep seeing that little tricks on like instagram. click here and click here. >> it's quite an easy one to do. you go on there, the great thing about google flights, you can several multiple destinations at the same time. we're starting in boston. click on the map function and you're able to see all the different prices for all different destinations in the u.s. but also further afield. the whole world. so you're able to get the best deal and best prices. >> lara: google is there going
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in using an algorithm to go down to the best price. if you're open minded, you look at a map and go, whoa, bora bora, $1400. you can get the best deal? is that right? >> flexibility will be the key. this is your tool to be flexible. >> lara: what about loyalty programs? they can really save you money if you know how to use them. >> they really can. if you're not doing loyalty programs, just do them. they're free to sign up. whenever you stay in a hotel, fly, get a car, they are free. you earn points in the background. some points gift you things for free just for signing up. some hyatt will give you free breakfast just for signing up. >> lara: every time you go in >> on on certain hyatt properties. >> lara: ask. >> always ask. rental cars. you have to pay for that extra driver sometimes. if you sign up for that program, they will give you the extra
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person driver. airlines. earn the points. and even if you think you won't earn enough for a flight, jet blue will allow you to just reduce the price of your next ticket. you can save money. don't leave those points on the table. those points mean money. >> lara: some people, myself included, get nervous about signing up for all of these loyalty programs because there must be a catch. you're just saying they want your business. >> the catch is if you don't do it. you're losing out. >> lara: all right. i love it. travel credit cards? >> okay. at the points guy we love a travel card. there's two big reasons. first of all, these travel reward cards are gonna give you protection, insurance. if your trip gets cancelled, if you lose your baggage. all these different areas. summer travel can be crazy. sometimes you're gonna need those. also earning points. we've got some of our best ones out there. best all around travel rewards card capital one venture rewards. we love it because of the 75,000 points sign up bonus.
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that's worth over $1300 if you use it properly. that's a good one. if you want to earn the most miles we've got chase by preferred. we love that because it's got multiples on earning in certain categories. like travel. when you spend on travel you get points. and finally, there's a cool one. no fee card. not everyone wants to pay the annual fee. on this one you can pay your rent with it. it's the only card you can pay your rent with it. rent is high at the moment. you could be earning while you're doing that. >> lara: that's great. the credit cards are, again, an area that make people nervous, but you say if you do your homework, you can get some great deals. >> you have to do your homework, find the right thing for you. if you find it, it can elevate travel. >> lara: glad we're talking about this next topic. you're going out of the country. you want to be able to have cell phone access, but it can be sneaky expensive. you've got some tips to save money there. >> $10, $15 a day for your whole family. it can really rack up.
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we move e-sims. so you load it on to your phone, true phone, big sky, there's different options. aero load is the one i'm using at the moment. you load an e-sim for a country and you can pay $9 for a full week of access. i'm going to south korea later tonight. i have paid $30 for a full ten days. unlimited data. i'm going to save hundreds. >> lara: we'll put that on our website. that's a good little hack. okay. so we are going to do this thing here at gma. we're calling it our best bucket list trip. our own ashan singh is going to take the very first trip. i'm very jealous. come on out, ashan and ray. [ applause ] all right. so you guys, you're going to, hopefully, use all of these tips that we just learned from the points guy. let's find out where you're going, ashan. [ applause ] yay! and you're going to iceland!
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you are going to have the best time, ashan. wow. you get baby ray as a neck pillow. >> i got a neck pillow. lara, i'm pumped. i have always wanted to go there but i heard it's pricey. i'm excited how we'll show you how to do it on a budget. >> lara: i hope you're following the tips today. the credit card, the phone. we've gotten a lot of tips. ashan, you're going to do reporting for us from iceland? >> yep, you got it. >> lara: ray, i don't think you're going. i'm sorry. but your baby is, as a neck pillow. all right. there you go. ashan will be live from iceland next week with tons of tips and tricks to plan the ultimate get away that is easy on your wallet. we're going to ginger and her pint size weather team. >> ginger: yes. do you know what? we saw that money hit the ground.
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miles was like, what is that? is that coupons? just checking. let's do the weather. miles and adrian have been helping make the graphics and change them up. we made one graphic specifically for grandparents and family that we have around the country. who lives in san matteo, california. >> grandpa. >> ginger: grandpa mark and tracy. how about arizona? >> mimi. >> ginger: and papa. who in michigan? >> grandpa and didi. and bob. >> ginger: there's the forecast for everybody. let's get a check now closer to your h >> george: just beat the wire there, lara. now to the new documentary on hulu that drops next thursday dives into the program, the man at the center of it and the fallout. here's a preview. >> what we are about to show you
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in a movie, i doubt anyone would believe it. >> denpa was the most popular show in japan at the time. the challenge is to see whether someone can survive on competition prizes alone. >> he has no food. no clothes. >> he doesn't even know he's on television. >> reality tv was not yet a thing. the truman show didn't come out until later the same year. >> for months my life has just been a struggle between sanity and madness. >> i think it's a rather grotesque program. >> every week more than 30 million people tune in.
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>> lara: back now with our take your kids to work celebration. we're taking a look at how the professional practice got started and the meaning behind the madness of inviting kids to take over your office. >> good morning america. i am going to the government planner to learn how to be a printer like my mom. >> lara: time honored tradition where kids call the shots. take your kid to work day. >> i'm going to be learning how to be a realtor with my dad. >> lara: the family fun got its start in the '90s. thanks to gloria steinem's news foundation. starting as a take your daughter to workday, but in 2003 expanded to include all kids curious about their parents jobs and living in the fast lane. >> today i'm going to be learning about data, data, data. >> lara: the goal? to show kids the value of education, and help them discover the power and possibilities in their future. >> when young people are more
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exposed to work, they start thinking more in terms of future goals and what they want to achieve in life. >> lara: paving the way for a brighter tomorrow. >> good morning america. >> good morning america. >> good morning america. >> lara: it's been so fun seeing our gma family, all the kids with us today. who's having a good time? [ cheers ] yeah, you are. stephanie's son giovanni. your mom is pretty cool, you know that, right? >> yeah. >> lara: she does a really good job. [ laughter ] what's the coolest thing you have seen today or gotten a chance to do on the set? >> being on live tv. meeting ray the mascot and meeting george. >> lara: aw. >> george: close second to the mascot. [ laughter ] >> lara: yeah, yeah.
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gabriella, your mom is our incredible production manager. you have no idea. we could not do any of our work remote without her. she's so smart and organized. what have you learned about her job today? >> i got to meet all of her coworkers and see what she does every day at work when i'm at school. >> lara: did it give you a new appreciation for your momma in >> yes. >> lara: i'm glad. what do you think? is it something you might like to do? >> maybe. i don't know though. [ laughter ] >> lara: there's momma. wow. we thank your mom and we thank you for coming. we thank all of you guys. what do you think? job in broadcast television maybe? [ applause ] >> george: that was so great. thank you, lara. we'll be right back. back.
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drinking? >> constant comment when i'm drinking. bigelow tea. it's just a moment for me. it's just me time. >> that's what a cup of tea is. a moment for you. someone you love. oh, it tastes really great. >> yes, it was always bigelow tea. wow. >> that's what my family hopes for. >> cheers. cheers >> no matter how long your journey to recovery may be, we'll be with you 100% of the way. justice takes more than a fighter. you need a champion walk, a personal injury law visit. walk up >> people think they really know you. what do you think of the biggest misconception about you? >> michael strahan, jon bon jovi i'm a rock n roll star. i'm not a saint, i'm jon bon jovi halfway there sunday night on abc. >> we're ready for that. so much fun. adrian miles, all the kids. >> yeah, they are the very best. >> they are champions.
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>> kind of blowing my mind. >> who are the jeopardy! masters six all time greats. one incredible tournament. i think i'm doing this correctly. bring it. >> jeopardy! masters prime time event starts wednesday. >> if you've been hurt in an accident and you need results, call sweet james. here are just some of the recent wins for our injured clients. call the firm that wins. big call. sweet james . i've never met a girl like you before. >> your >> the honda you want is here. get a great offer on the stylish hr-v or the civic. which car and driver called fun to drive there has never been a better time to drive in the moment with select dealers or hurry intorom
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magic of the islands with nonstop flights from oakland to paradise on southwest or hawaiian airlines. aloha begins at o.r.k. >> if you've been hurt in an accident and you need results, call sweet james. here are just some of the recent wins for our injured clients. call the firm that wins. big call. sweet james . always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning. i'm amanda delcastillo from abc seven mornings. we want to first pivot and take a look at traffic. starting off in pinole, there is a three car crash on westbound 80. the left lane is blocked and traffic is stopped. from highway four. there is a 27 minute delay with speeds down to nine miles per hour. then, over in san francisco, a two car crash on northbound 280 before 101 is blocking one lane with stop and go traffic to geneva avenue. there is a 12 minute delay
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there, with speeds down to 14mph drew and partly sunny skies. >> temperatures right now in the 50s region by region today inland, increasing sunshine into the 60s. we go around the bay shoreline to similar story low and mid 60s. there but along the coast it stays quite cloudy and cool in the 50. so highs today at or just slightly below average. breezy this afternoon amanda. thanks, drew. >> time now for live with kelly and mark. we'll be back at 11 for midday live. 11 for midday t day. deja vu: it's live with kelly and mark! [applause] ♪♪ today, award-winning film and broadway star, eddie redmayne. plus, exclusively for our amazing viewers, earth month bargains. also, tips for growing an eco-friendly lawn as we continue live's go green week. ♪ say cheese ♪ all next on live.


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