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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM Repeat  ABC  April 26, 2024 1:06am-1:41am PDT

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possibilities -- >> that might inspire us. >> or make us want a totally different one. >> back when it first started, it was known as "take our daughters to workday." ever since 2003, it's been open to everyone, like me. >> today at "nightline" -- >> we should shorten this, it kind of goes out -- >> we all got to see how tv news and magic is made. >> are we ready? where's my anchor? >> go, go, go! >> i think i can nail it. >> you want this one? >> yeah. >> that's cute. >> this was my favorite part. >> with our moms and dads -- >> nice. >> go! >> that was the chair. >> that was not the chair. >> that was the chair, look! >> for all our "nightline" kids, who maybe like yours couldn't make to it work today, to our future workforce surrounding me here tonight. thanks for watching and -- >> good night, america!
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>> yeah! >> juju: that's our "nightline" family. you can watch all our full episodes on hulu. we'll see you you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪
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now >> it's a scene playing out at college campuses across the country. students are protesting the war in gaza, and they're intensifying, with a big group now demonstrating at stanford. good evening. >> i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley. thanks for joining us. the tent camp at stanford started tonight. and the protesters say they plan to stay there at least through tomorrow. it's a pretty good sized crowd and they have been quite loud. >> we begin our coverage with
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abc seven news reporter j.r. stone. he's following this developing story and joins us live from the stanford campus. j.r. >> ama and dan a couple of hundred students are still out here this evening. they have set up camp here on campus at white memorial plaza. and as i talk about this, i do want to step out of the way and show you what it looks like out here this evening. at this point, no arrests have been made and police have not cleared this area. the chanting for gaza picked up after it got dark out earlier this evening. keep your arms up. you see, the large crowd of students, educators and community members. the director of public relations at stanford said earlier tonight that disruption of classes and university events are prohibited and that overnight camping is likewise prohibited under university policy. but we have not seen any actions by law enforcement. students here say they have established what they are calling, quote, people's
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university for palestine. end quote organizers tell me they are lined with other schools across the country demanding that their schools separate themselves from any companies or organizations that are advancing military efforts in the israel-hamas war. >> i've been watching the student protests across the country, and, i really feel as a community member that we need to stand with the students who are standing with the people in gaza, and not enough people are standing up. so the students actions are so inspiring. and such an example to the adults and to our elected officials who have, really not been speaking out and standing up the way they should. >> we're all here to support the students. we're all tired of watching kids die in our phone and our social media. when we open it up, we're seeing kids dying in gaza, and we're just really tired. and we're here to support the students here. >> and you are looking live right now on the campus of stanford university. students
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say this will be a multi-day pro-palestinian demonstration. school reps say they will enforce the rules. also keep in mind it is admit weekend. so that means new students and their families are here visiting, reporting live at stanford. j.r. stone, abc seven news. >> all right, j.r, thanks very much. let's go to another california college campus in southern california. today, usc canceled its main graduation ceremony because of the ongoing protests and concerns about safety. 90 protesters were arrested on campus last night during clashes with police. usc previously canceled a graduation speech by a pro-palestinian valedictorian. many members of this graduating class missed out on a high school graduation ceremony in the first months of the pandemic. now this. that includes pleasanton native mira popli, who's parents have been planning her college graduation celebration for months in 2020. >> being the covid year, she didn't get a high school
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graduation, so the first thought was, oh my god, you know, not again. >> tickets have been bought. i mean, we have people coming from all over the country in southern california, if the council is going to end up costing us thousands of dollars on top of the tuition and everything, it's the culmination of our four years at usc. >> and to have it pulled away, i think is, is a mistake on usc's part is disheartening. and i would have liked to see usc protect their students and protect their their voices. more. >> usc officials cited the safety of 65,000 attendees for the cancellation of the campus wide commencement, smaller ceremonies for individual schools and colleges will still be held. >> things are a little calmer on the uc berkeley campus, where students set up tents on monday, and the protest has remained peaceful. it's quite the contrast compared to what's happening elsewhere. i have a right to be here. it's not just california. tensions are rising on college campuses nationwide, as pro-palestine protesters are making themselves heard. >> who do you serve? >> as protests escalate, many
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local police departments and university officials are pushing back. police arrived in riot gear at northeastern university in boston thursday. protesters linked arms to form a chain to protect their encampment. >> university is supposed to be a place where there's discussion and, you know, the free exchange of ideas and you bring all those police in that has nothing to do with the free exchange of ideas. it's about control. i will live forever. >> similar scenes at emory university in atlanta. police pinned this demonstrator to the ground. students held signs reading police off our campus. now others yelled at stop. >> i just saw police use unnecessary violence for peaceful protesters. i saw police knock students to the ground. falmouth college these college protests, emboldened by the demonstrations at columbia university in new york, stretching into a ninth day thursday, pro-palestinian protesters have been warned to dismantle the encampment.
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>> students say they're still negotiating with the university. >> we're looking at a comprehensive package of agreement. >> on thursday, columbia officials said they've added additional security on campus and discussed further safety measures with the city's mayor and nypd. a final warning for the area immediately on the campus of ohio state police moved in thursday night and arrested more than a dozen people, hundreds of people had gathered on campus. cal poly humboldt has closed its campus through the weekend because of ongoing protests. students took over one of the buildings earlier in the week. today, the faculty passed a vote of no confidence in the president of the university and his chief of staff. it demands their immediate resignation. we do have continuing coverage of the campus protests on our website, abc seven there's a link right on our homepage in the east bay. >> we're following just a terrible story involving a pleasanton family. four of them died when their car they were in
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crashed and slammed into a tree on foothill road near stone ridge drive. this happened on wednesday night. the car, which was electric, burst into flames. abc seven news reporter lauren martinez spoke with people tonight who knew them, and of course they are stunned. they were over at our house back in december. >> loved ones, friends and strangers are paying their respects at the scene of a fiery crash that killed a family of four, pleasanton police say. around 9 p.m. wednesday, a vehicle hit a large oak tree along foothill road. a mother, father and two children under the age of 15 were inside. >> it's very shocking, you know, very nice person always, you know, energetic. >> hassan sheikh said he worked with the father at a south bay tech company. >> when i heard it, i said, you know, let me go towards that location and at least figure out what happened. just standing here, you can see how intense the crash was. >> you can still smell and see the remnants of the fire. police
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say they're still working to determine a cause. from sky seven, you can see the amount of foam firefighters used for fire suppression. our crew found parts labeled with the logo for vinfast, a vietnamese electric car brand. but authorities have yet to confirm the type of vehicle involved. the car reportedly reignited a few times while investigators were clearing the scene. the two children attend schools within the pleasanton unified school district, a spokesman said. they're providing extra support for students and staff during this time. >> we understand that the human impact that that that has on on our families, that's what we've been focused on all day. we've provided some extra counseling and support resources to students on campus. we have wellness centers at our middle and high schools, police say they're unsure if speed or alcohol played. >> factors in the crash. foul play is not suspected. >> it was a great family, a
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great personality, there was definitely, will be missed. it was a great, father, a great coworker and a great person overall in pleasanton. >> lauren martinez, abc seven news. >> sfmta workers protested unsafe working conditions in san francisco today. >> it makes me feel unvalued. it makes me feel like the people making these calls have no idea what we endure on a daily basis. >> the agency is planning a parking enforcement crackdown around the city, a push workers say they first learned about on the news, not from their bosses. some say they're worried the plan will make their jobs more dangerous. >> we're asking for time to heal after you see a traumatic accident. we're asking for ample staff coverage at our underground stations. we're just asking for health and safety for protection. >> workers say they've been attacked on duty and are afraid for their well-being. sfmta gave a statement saying crime is down within the system and their parking officers are equipped
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with de-escalation training, self-defense tools and help from sfpd. >> all right. we're going to shift to the weather for a few moments. we've seen some showers tonight, and it's also been windy. >> here's sandhya patel with the first look at the forecast. sandhya. >> yeah. and dan, as we take a look at live doppler seven, the showers were just enough to dampen some of the roadways. and you can see as we take you back the last several hours, those showers moving through anywhere from trace amounts to about five hundredths of an inch. as we take a look at street level radar right around the east bay milpitas six 8880 some light showers. also seeing some spotty returns from morgan hill to san martin on street level radar. this is a weak system, but it did kick up the winds and we are seeing some isolated thunderstorms up to our north. so as we go, hour by hour, i want to show you what you can expect overnight tonight, going into tomorrow morning, there will still be a few spotty showers and drizzle at commute time. at 1130, some more showers coming through, and then most of
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the activity is done for the afternoon except for the isolated possibility in our inland east bay. it certainly still gusty. 29 mile an hour winds in fairfield 25 at novato. as we take a look at the hourly wind gusts, they come down a little bit and then ramp back up tomorrow afternoon and evening. i'll let you know what kind of changes you can expect for the weekend coming up. ama. >> all right, sandhya, thank you so much. the oceanside pier caught fire this afternoon. this is off the coast of san diego county. firefighting boats and helicopters battled the inferno. the structure at the end was once a restaurant, but it closed down three years ago. the roof caved in on a smaller grab and go shack called the brine box. crews are sticking around to watch for possible hotspots tonight. the cause isn't known just yet. oceanside pier was built in 1888 and has been rebuilt twice in its lifetime. now the city is vowing to do it again. >> well, it's draft day today. the 40 niners made an interesting pick, plus a wine country native hears his name called in the first round. we have you covered. >> two courtroom dramas today involving former president
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trump. the key takeaways from the case before the supreme court. >> and get ready to roll the new >> and get ready to roll the new option. visitors to go i'll be honest. by the end of the day, my floors...yeesh. but who has the time to clean? that's why i love my swiffer wetjet. it's a quick and easy way to get my floors clean. wetjet absorbs and locks grime deep inside. look at that! swiffer wetjet. you didn't live this strong, this long to get put on the shelf like a porcelain doll. if you have postmenopausal osteoporosis and are at high risk for fracture, you can build new bone with evenity®. ask your doctor if you can do more than just slowing down bone loss with evenity®. want stronger bones? then build new bone; evenity® can help in just 12 months. evenity® is proven to reduce spine fracture risk by 73%. evenity® can increase risk of heart attack, stroke, or death from a cardiovascular problem. do not take evenity® if you have low blood calcium,
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or are allergic to it. serious allergic reactions and low blood calcium have occurred. tell your doctor about jaw bone problems, as they have been reported with evenity®. or about pain in your hip, groin, or thigh, as unusual thigh bone fractures have occurred. don't let a break put you on a shelf. talk to your doctor about building new bone with evenity®! oh... stuffed up again? so congested! you need sinex saline from vicks. just sinex, breathe, ahhhh! what is — wow! sinex. breathe. ahhhhhh! at the start of every morning, making sense of it all. that's not always so easy. >> and that's where we come in. >> good morning america. we want you to know every morning we're right here. and we got you the las vegas raiders select brock bowers napa native brock bowers
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is a member of the silver and black tonight. >> he was taken in the draft at a private taking in the draft at a private party in fairfield. bowers went to napa high school and experienced a meteoric rise. after playing on a team that went winless his sophomore year. he had a huge junior year and received offers from some top programs, including michigan and notre dame, which wanted him to play defense. bowers decided he wanted to play offense and be in the south, so he chose georgia. his high school coach says he's much more than a football player. >> he can't help but root for them when you meet him as a young man. he's just such a good young man and just raising a good family and he just has all those attributes that you want somebody and there's another layer to bowers story. >> the football season was canceled during his senior season at napa because of covid. we'll have much more on the nfl draft a little later on in sports. >> former president trump's legal battles unfolded in two locations today. there is his
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hush money trial that's playing out in new york. and today the supreme court heard arguments about whether trump should be able to avoid prosecution for his effort to overturn the 2020 election. abc news reporter zohreen shah has more on what happened in both court proceedings. >> donald trump's historic legal battles simultaneously unfolding in two courts as his hush money trial in new york criminal court. the u.s. supreme court hearing arguments in his presidential immunity case. >> a president has to have immunity, absolute immunity, he claims, which would mean he couldn't be prosecuted for his efforts to overturn the 2020 election. >> liberal justices at the supreme court were not buying it. >> there's some things that are so fundamentally evil that they have to be protected against. if the president decides sides that his rival is a corrupt person and he orders the military or orders someone to assassinate
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him, is that within his official acts that for which he can get immunity would depend on the hypothetical that we can see. >> that could well be an official act. >> they could. and why? because he's doing it for personal reasons. >> conservative justices arguing presidents need some protection from prosecution. >> presidents have to make a lot of tough decisions about enforcing the law, and they have to make decisions about questions that are unsettled. >> did i understand you to say, well, you know, if he makes a mistake, he makes a mistake. he's subject to the criminal laws just like anybody else. you don't think he's in a special a peculiarly precarious position. >> the supreme court could rule by june. at trump's manhattan trial, prosecutors for the first time bringing up stormy daniels, trump is charged with falsifying business records to conceal a hush money payment to her so voters wouldn't learn of an alleged sexual encounter between them, which trump denies. happened. former national
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enquirer publisher david pecker testifying. he told trump's fixer michael cohen that daniels was shopping her story. he says cohen told him to buy it, but pecker refused, telling cohen, i am not going to get involved with a star. i am not a bank. cohen ended up paying $130,000 to daniels himself, but falsely labeling it as legal expenses. trump has pleaded not guilty to all charges. zohreen shah, abc news, los angeles. >> and to another high profile case, harvey weinstein's sexual assault conviction has been overturned in new york. his case garnered such public attention that it sparked the entire metoo movement. the state's appeals court threw out that 2020 conviction, citing the judge made egregious errors. it claims testimony of uncharged, alleged prior sexual acts on other people was unnecessary to establish his intent. today's decision makes way for a new trial, but weinstein will remain in prison for a 2022 rape
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conviction. in an la case, a win for internet accessibility in the nation. >> net neutrality was restored by the fcc today. this means internet providers must treat all online traffic equally and cannot block certain sites or offer higher speeds to higher paying customers. this decision sets clear rules to ensure internet openness. >> in our post-pandemic world, we know that broadband is a necessity and not a luxury. we know that it is an essential service. that is why we take this action today to help ensure that broadband is fast, open and fair for all of us. >> net neutrality was initially implemented by the commission in 2015. in the obama era, but was replaced in 2017 under the trump presidency. the measure to reinstate it passed today by a32 split, with democrats in favor and republicans opposed. all right. you'll be able to rent roller skates at golden gate park starting this weekend. they'll be available saturdays and sundays from 11 a.m. until 6
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p.m. at skating place, the city's recreation and parks department says safety gear will also be available to rent elbow pads, helmets, that sort of thing. skating at the park dates back decades, and skating place was officially established back in 1986. >> ooh, that sounds like fun. that does sound fun. maybe not this evening. no, i literally said it's raining. come on. no, not that sandhya didn't warn us, but she did warn us any more. >> this coming. sandhya. >> yeah. we still have a few more showers. i did warn you both, that's for sure. and dan and ama it's going to be good skating weather this weekend. but right now it is a snowy scene from the sierra. it's almost may, and yeah, we have snow flakes up in the mountains at this hour. i do want to show you the tahoe forecast in case you want to get up there tomorrow. snow slight chance of thunderstorms, 45 degrees. mainly sunny skies for the weekend and milder mid to upper 50s and it's going to warm up on monday 61 degrees. so checking out live doppler seven. believe
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it or not, it's rain at lake level, but at the higher elevations it has switched over to snow showers and looking at our local radar right now, the showers that we had go through in the last couple of hours winding down for the time being, but there are still a few more around. highway 101 monterey road between san martin and gilroy church avenue. so don't be surprised if you run into a few more showers. there's certainly been some thunderstorm activity to our north as well, and this is really in association with a weak front wind gusts right now, 48 miles an hour sustained mount diablo 30 at big rock ridge. the gusts have been anywhere between 40 to 45 for the windiest locations since this afternoon. now, tomorrow morning, it's going to be a little breezy, but not as windy as later in the day. 1:00 in the afternoon. we're talking 25 to 30 mile an hour winds and by 7 p.m, nearing 40 mile an hour winds around the coastline and over our higher terrain temperatures right now in the 40s and the 50s, a live view
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from our exploratorium camera. and here's a look at what you can expect a spotty showers overnight. gusty winds through tomorrow, sunshine and milder weather in time for the weekend. in time for pan can purple stride in san jose? it's the walk to end pancreatic cancer, mostly sunny skies at the 9 a.m. hour when the village opens. it is going to be nice, really ideal for walking. 1030 is when that walk begins and at 11 a.m, bright and milder temperatures will be in the low to mid 60s between 11 and noon. i will be there emceeing the event. i hope to see you there. so we go hour by hour and while you're sleeping, a few more showers are going to go through 5 a.m. spotty showers. watch out for damp roadways, low visibility, and then here comes another batch of showers at noontime. most of the activity is done after noon, but an isolated cell or two in the mid afternoon hours not out of the question. can't rule out a lightning strike in the distance, so just keep that in mind. a few hundredths of an inch to about four hundredths of an inch expected. where we do see the
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rain at morning temperatures 40s 50s. it is going to be windy and it is going to be turning brighter as the day goes on. high temperatures, 50s to 70s similar to today. accuweather 70 forecast. spotty showers, ay. wo forecast. spotty showers, ay. wo saturday and all of the things that you're looking for in a pad, that is always discreet. look at how it absorbs all the liquid. oh my gosh! and locking it right on in. look at that! totally absorbed. i got to get some always discreet. try killing bugs the worry-free way. not the other way. zevo traps use light to attract and trap flying insects with no odor and no mess. they work continuously, so you don't have to. zevo. people-friendly. bug-deadly.
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parts of five seasons in the majors, winning three world series titles with the yankees, the mill valley natives, as those teams were special and shared the career accomplishment he treasures the most, getting ted williams out 24 times. >> wow, is that right? yeah. he never got a hit off me. unbelievable yeah, yeah. >> awesome. >> wasn't the only former big leaguer at the party. yeah >> former giants players and manager dusty baker stopped by to wish art a happy birthday. >> happy birthday, happy birthday. >> all right, well, round one of the nfl draft was tonight here on abc. 740 niners made a pick that will fuel more rumors about trades. >> that is so true. sports director larry beil is here. larry. >> dan, i'm a brandon aiyuk has been mentioned as a 40 niner candidate who might be traded. and their first round pick of and their first round pick of wide receiver ricky pierce (screams) bleeding gums are serious, jamie. dr. garcia? woah.
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they're a sign of bacterial infection. crest gum detoxify's antibacterial fluoride works below the gumline to help heal gums and stop bleeding. crest saves the day. crest. to give your teeth a dentist clean feeling. start with a round brush head. add power. and you've got oral-b. round cleans better by surrounding each tooth to remove 100% more plaque. for a superior clean. oral-b. brush like a pro. mom, is yellow a light or a dark? how do i clean an aioli stain? thankfully, tide's the answer to almost all of them.
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why do we even buy napkins? use tide. can cold water clean white socks? it can with tide. do i need to pretreat guacamole? not with tide. this is chocolate, right? -just use... -tide...yeah. no matter who's doing it, on what cycle, or in what temperature, tide works. so i can focus on all the other questions. do crabs have eyebrows? ahh... for all of life's laundry questions, it's got to be tide. good evening. the 40 niners did not trade wide receiver brandon aiyuk on day one of the nfl draft, despite a lot of speculation, more rumors are bound to follow because the red and gold drafted a former teammate of aiyuk from arizona state. another wide receiver with the 31st overall pick. >> the san francisco 40 niners select ricky pearsall, wide receiver, florida. >> pearsall played a year at
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arizona state with aiyuk before transferring to florida. as opposed to being mad, aiyuk actually texted gm john lynch and said, as they were walking into the press conference, said he loved the pick fire 40 niners. head coach kyle shanahan , asked to compare pearsall to another wideout, jokingly chose himself. >> reminds me of myself just a lot faster, a lot better. much better. hands can jump. >> brandon just texted. >> we got on the way in. yeah. >> fire pick, fire pick. no lie, can't lie. >> all right, let's tell you how teams value quarterbacks. six of the first 12 selections were qbs caleb williams, jayden daniels, drake maye, michael penix jr, j.j. mccarthy and bo nix. history is clear tells us that half of these quarterbacks will not turn into stars. the first 14 picks in the draft were offensive players. the draft continues tomorrow here on abc. seven a's trying to split their four game set looks chilly in the bronx. one one game in the third. man on for tyler nevin heading to the short porch in right. and that is a two run
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homer. a's take a31 lead. fast forward. bottom nine aaron judge is going to be the tying run at the plate. but mason miller is just a bad man. he has six saves. gets the pop out. a's win three one. they split the four game series and the giants had the day off steph curry. he's won just about everything. now there's a new honor. curry won the nba's clutch player of the year award. this is a very new honor also known as the jerry west trophy. they've been given out a couple of years. curry led the league in several clutch categories points, threes, field goals made, uh- percentage from three point range, clutch performances are defined by games that are within five points, with five minutes or less left in the contest. all right, nba playoffs game three nuggets, lakers. lakers by four at the half. but denver here nikola jokic to jamal murray for one of his nine assists murray with 22 points. and then murray is going to find aaron gordon the pride of san jose for the gentle jam here gordon with a team high 29. and jokic puts the cherry on top. the nuggets win 112 to 105. the lakers now on the brink of elimination
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