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tv   ABC7 News 600AM  ABC  April 26, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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abc seven mornings live universally is supposed to be a place where there's discussion and, you know, the free exchange of ideas and you bring all those
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police in that has nothing to do with the free exchange of ideas. >> now, at six, rising tension on college campuses, including right here in the bay area, the response from stanford university while dozens set up camp to protest the war in gaza. >> and you might need to rethink your weekend plans another days long closure to impact drivers passing through the east bay, which portion of 680 you're going to want to avoid? >> plus, a new probe into a 2023 tesla. recall why federal officials are now questioning if the automaker actually fixed the problem. >> good morning. you've made it to friday, april 26th. >> we are so happy it is friday around here. we have a lot to talk about. we start with the forecast though. yeah. >> so it's windy later on this afternoon. but this morning we are seeing a couple pockets of drizzle out there. i want to take you to live doppler seven right now just over the last hour. this is associated with a cold front that is moving through as we speak. and those pockets of drizzle right now in the santa cruz mountains and parts of the east bay hills and the east foothills of san jose,
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this drizzle will only last until about 9 a.m. this morning. after that, we find brighter skies, but the winds will begin to pick up. so the big headline today we are wind whipped. this afternoon. those winds will gust 20 to 40mph already seeing those winds pretty active and a lot of areas. oakland right now gusting over 30mph to similar story across the city right now. temperatures we are in the 50s as we track those pockets of drizzle moving south and out of the bay area after 9 a.m. so taking a look at the forecast, we have those partly sunny skies early on. then the afternoon is all about those brighter conditions and those winds picking up temperatures today, mainly in the 50s and 60s. we'll take a closer look at those winds, julian, and preview a wonderful weekend forecast coming up in about eight minutes. >> we'll stay tuned for that. thank you drew. now we want to get you back to that breaking news. we've been tracking for about an hour now. a man is at the live desk with some new information about a big fire happening in san francisco. >> amanda, julian, a large fire at the building in the presidio heights neighborhood has been
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knocked down. that's the good news. and this is the video that we got within the past hour. firefighters confirmed the fire is out and smoke conditions have improved considerably. at least 60 firefighters worked to get the flames under control. at one point, heavy fire came from all four floors of what we believe is a single family home that may have been under construction. no word yet on what caused this fire. back to you, julian. >> okay. thank you so much, amanda. new here at six. the u.s. will not sanction israeli military units accused of human rights violations in the west bank. the biden administration says three battalions committed those violations before the start of the war with hamas. in a letter to house speaker mike johnson, which was obtained by abc news secretary of state antony blinken said the idf will remain eligible for u.s. military aid. he also said israel is taking steps to address the problem >> developing news this morning on the growing tensions on college campuses across the country. a pro-palestinian demonstration in stanford is getting bigger. amanda is at the
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live desk with how this protest is playing out. >> reggie, at least 100 students have set up camp at stanford's white memorial plaza. police have not made any arrests, and they have not cleared the area. the group started chanting after it got dark last night. your arms up. students, educators and community members are taking part in this people's university for palestine encampment, the director of public relations at stanford said, quote, disruptions of classes and university events are prohibited and that overnight camping is likely prohibited under is likewise excuse me, prohibited under university policy. but we haven't seen law enforcement take any action. organizers say they are aligned with other schools across the country. they're demanding their college separate themselves from any companies or organizations that advance military efforts. in the israel-hamas war, we need to stand with the students who are standing with the people in gaza and not enough people are standing up. >> so the students actions are
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so inspiring. and such an example to the adults and to our elected officials who have, really not been speaking out and standing up the way they should. >> the university is monitoring the protest site, and students say this will be a multi-day demonstration. back to you, julian. >> okay. thank you so much, amanda. now to the growing number of protests on campuses across the country that are turning violent images of demonstrators clashing with police have flooded social media in atlanta. a state trooper was seen repeatedly tasing a man at emory university. that's the video here. the georgia department of public safety says the man was resisting arrest. troopers deployed pepper balls to control the crowd. this is insane. >> i just saw police use unnecessary violence for peaceful protesters. i saw police knock students to the ground. clearly, you see a bunch of arrests going on. people were pepper sprayed. this is a school. like, why is this happening? >> across the country, more than
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400 people were detained yesterday on dozens of campuses. of course, we will have continuing coverage of the campus protests across the country and here in the bay area. you can find it on our website, abc seven we have a link for you right on our home page. >> police are investigating what caused a deadly cras that killed a family o four in the east bay. an electc car plowed into a large oak tree on foothill road neastonridge drive in pleasanton wednesday night. that car then burst into flames. a mother, father and two children under the age of 15 were inside. police say they are unsure if speed or alcohol played factors in the fiery crash, but foul play is not expected. is not suspected in the meantime, community members have been paying their respects. the two children were said to be middle and elementary school age . one person says they worked with a father at a south bay company. >> there was a great family, a great personality, definitely, will be missed. he was a great, great father, a great coworker, and a great person.
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>> overall, pleasanton school district is offering resources for students and staff who may be impacted. >> you want to mentally prepare yourself for detours and delays. with the stretch of one east bay interstate shutting down this weekend, caltrans will close a portion of 680 for repairs at nine tonight, and it will not be reopening until monday morning. abc seven news reporter ryan curry joining us live in pleasanton with what you need to know. hey, ryan. >> yeah, julian good morning. it's work. caltrans says will make life easier for drivers and safer for drivers when they hit the road. but yeah, you got to be prepared because it's a big change that's going to be disrupting traffic all weekend long. so let's break it down for you. here's what it's going to look like starting later on tonight. six 8-80 will be shut down from the 580 connector down to cuban road. that's about nine miles. that's going to be shut down. so there's going to be detours. you'll have to take and have to consider if you're going to the south bay from the east bay, you're going to want to take 24 over or 580 over to 880
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and then back on down to for the south bay. if you're going down to if you're going from the further east, such as tracy highway 84, that will take you back to the closures, where 680 will then continue on down to the south bay. according to caltrans. this is work they've been doing for a while, and they're trying to make the roads safer for drivers to fix some of that deteriorating road that they've been trying to fix for the last few years. right now, they try closing it back in early parts of this year. in january and february, but the rain had to force them to postpone. they did do it back in march and now they're going to be doing it again. they say it's going to be beneficial for them because instead of this, they would have had to do about 40 nighttime closures and they didn't want to do that. they said closing it down just for the weekend will make things go a lot faster. so if you are heading down to the south bay, you got to keep an eye out for those closures and also give yourself some more time. those detours are going to be in place. the signs are already up. you can see one right behind me
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starting around 9 p.m. that's when chp is going to start deterring traffic, moving drivers away. so just keep an eye out for that. give yourself extra time because there might be some traffic and some of those other areas. but for now, reporting live in pleasanton. ryan curry, abc seven news. >> appreciate the warning. thank you. ryan in the north bay, a caltrans repaving project wi shut down a 21 mile section of westbound highway 37 for a second straight weekend that starts tonight. that goes again through monday morning. the eastbound lanes will be closed for the first two weekends of may. >> 608 this morning we're taking a live look outside from our abc seven oakland airport cameras. one of the aircraft pushes back. they're doing so under mostly cloudy skies. we do have some pockets of drizzle out there this morning. the reason why live doppler seven along with satellite. there is a cold front that is right on top of us right now. and those pockets of drizzle are mainly along the east bay hills. the santa cruz mountains as well, and that will only last until about 9 a.m. this morning. so get you out the
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door and you can see there's that 10% chance of seeing some of that drizzle until 9 a.m. after that, it's all about brighter skies and the winds will be the big story this afternoon. they're going to pick up. it's already breezy out there right now. but today we're really focusing on the afternoon where those winds will start to peak between 30 and 40mph. so we will be wind whipped across the region. here's the forecast. region by region. inland, we have a lot of sunshine, but it is windy. temperatures getting into the 60s around the bay shoreline, some pockets of drizzle early on giving way to sunshine and were windy along the coast. but we're also bright this afternoon with temperatures staying in the 50s. we have that morning drizzle the windy afternoon on the way, but the payoff is a really fantastic weekend. reggie will take a closer look at those daytime highs both saturday and sunday. coming up in about eight minutes. >> thank you. drew bracing for a retrial. reaction from the women who testified against ex movie mogul harvey weinstein on his conviction being overturned. plus a historic california pier burns and a massive fire taking
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down several businesses recovery plans as the investigation into the cause continues and a new park is open in san fncco, the family friendly activity is now available
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has requested a new trial. it comes after the court threw out the case due to the judge committing what the court called egregious errors. the court determined the judge allowed unfair testimony during the
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trial that wasn't part of the case against the ex hollywood mogul. weinstein's case helped launch the metoo movement, where women across the country have found a voice to advocate against rape and sexual misconduct. >> this was not about the witnesses or the victims who testified against mr. weinstein. this was about a strategy the prosecutor used bringing people to speak about him and now charging for those crimes. that's what this is about. it's not in any way a detriment to their credibility. >> weinstein remains in prison for another 2022 rape conviction in los angeles. new this morning. tesla under investigation over its autopilot driving system. the government is looking into whether last year's recall of the system did enough to make sure drivers pay attention to the road. a man is here again to tell us more about this probe. >> now, reggie, the national highway traffic safety administration is concerned about tesla's recall of more than 2 million cars. the recall was issued in december, impacting nearly all of tesla's electric vehicles in the u.s.
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the agency wants to know if the recall to install new autopilot safeguards is adequate. the autopilot driver monitoring system measures the torque on the steering wheel from a driver's hands. tesla issued a software update to increase warnings and alerts to drivers, but the agency says it found evidence of crashes after the fix, and that tesla added updates that were not part of the recall. the agency's investigation will look into why those updates were not part of the recall. back to you at the desk, reggie. >> thanks, amanda. san diego county vowing to rebuild the oceanside pier after it caught fire yesterday. fire fighting boats and helicopters battled the inferno. the structure at the end was once a restaurant, but it actually closed down three years ago. the roof caved in on a smaller grab and go shack called the brine box. no cause determined yet. oceanside pier was built in 1888 and has been rebuilt twice in its lifetime. >> new this morning, nearly $327,000 worth of stolen
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merchandise has been recovered in a retail theft bust. the chp san mateo county sheriff's woed together for this joint operation. officials say i september, they identified and arrested several peoe for their role in t rin. earlier were being sold out of two homes in oakland. two people have been arrested for selling those stolen products. >> college students are getting involved in the revival of downtown san francisco's failing shopping center. government officials heard ideas for the former westfield mall earlier this week, and the winning proposal came from five stanford students. it includes a massive co-working space and a green space connecting market and mission streets. a new concert venue would go into the old century movie theater, which closed last year, and there would also be a large food hall, 300 new apartments and other entertainment venues. it wouldn't come cheap. this plan would require a $1.1 billion investment, another major step in the ongoing development of
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san francisco's mission rock neighborhood. >> yesterday, mayor london breed led a ribbon cutting ceremony to celebrate the grand opening of china basin park. it's located across from mccovey cove near oracleark.he new park features five acres of open space, a sand beach for kids, connection to the bay trail, and some really incredible views. >> today we're living in the future by welcoming in this new park, and we're so excited and happy about what this means for san francisco. newest, hippest, coolest neighborhood. >> the park also features food and beverage concessions, bike parking, and amphitheater style seating facing mccovey cove. well, starting this weekend, you'll be able to rent some skates at golden gate park. they'll be available saturdays and sundays from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. at where else skate in place. city recreation parks department says safety gear will also be available to rent
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skating at the park. it dates back decades. skating place officially established in 1986, but we've been workshopping the name reggie. what you got? >> yeah, well, i don't maybe some of you are attached to skate in place. >> i think that it needs an update. yeah. >> you had a good idea? >> yeah, i think that it could be. >> so it's a golden gate park. >> okay, so it could be go. go what did i say? golden skate. >> rolling rolling rolling. gate park. >> remembering my own idea. >> mine. >> so not yours. finder's fee. you heard it here first on me, right? >> there's something about like the skating with the little apostrophed at the end, which feels like an 80s child. >> fillled something. yeah we can we can think more. >> but i like the idea it deserves its starting spot. >> would like it, though. i keep on saying youths because i laugh because you're old, you know? >> listen, if you're old, i'm older, so. >> okay. >> it's okay. i'm no longer a
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youth. >> i'm the one with icy hot on my back this morning. >> so, you know, we'll get you on some skates. yeah >> this is seven mornings. brought to you by barely alive. >> right? >> oh, my gosh. let's go outside. here's a live look at the exploratorium camera. we've got a lot of cloud cover out there this morning. and we do have some pockets of drizzle. those pockets of drizzle will last until 9 a.m. for the next 2.5 hours or so. after 9 a.m, we'll see those skies quickly clear. that cloud cover, and we turn windy this afternoon. those gusts between 20 and 40mph. that's a big headline today. it's just wind whipped later on. but the weekend is looking very nice. we have sunshine and warmer temperatures moving in. those winds are already active and a lot of cities this morning from san mateo up through the city into parts of marin county, we have winds gusting between 20 and 30mph. you can see oakland currently gusting to 31. and those winds just continue to increase. heading into the afternoon. future tracker wind speeds by 4 p.m, those winds
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strongest along the coast near 40mph, so that will continue late into the night tonight. and it will be a windy friday night. highs today will get you mainly into the 60s, so a little bit below average thanks to those winds. and we'll find increasing sunshine as we head later into the day. now friday night plans. we have no issues with drizzle. we actually have a really nice sky, clear skies, but then you have to factor in those winds. we'll have those gusts between 20 and 40mph. so it will be a windy friday night with temperatures gradually falling through the 60s and into the 50s overnight. tonight will eventually land in the 40s and in the 50s under partly cloudy skies into the weekend we go. we'll start to see a warm up. saturday. we'll have a lot of sunshine, 60s and 70s. sunday the warmer of the two days, but all in all, temperatures feeling very pleasant over the weekend. here's the accuweather seven day forecast showing you some morning drizzle giving way to a windy afternoon. then we have a sunny and warmer weekend on the way. we'll keep the sunshine
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next week. we'll actually increase the warmth by tuesday and wednesday. we'll have widespread 70s and 80s in most cities away from the coast. guys. >> thanks, drew. now we're going to bring in ginger zee live with what's what's coming up on gma on this friday. >> hey good morning ginger happy friday. >> you too reggie julian nice to be with you. so it's a friday here. we'll start with donald trump's historic legal battles simultaneously playing out in a criminal court in new york and at the supreme court. the justices grilled his lawyers as they present their case for absolute immunity, while his criminal defense team prepares to cross-examine former national enquirer boss david pecker and then as many high school students and their parents are facing college commitment day, more protests erupted on campuses nationwide, and one school in your state even had to cancel graduation. and then we've got an exclusive with the secret service and the nationwide crackdown on credit card skimming. we're going to show you how thieves could use hidden devices to steal your money, and where we can find them. also, gma is going green. more on earth week. the right
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stuff. and lori bergamotto has got some eco friendly upgrades for your closet. and then i'm going to take you to the grocery store. we're going to talk about expiration dates and so much more, because the first thing people think when they go to the grocery store and you hear the word sustainable or organic, they're like, great, it's going to cost more. we are going to show you how to make that not so you can actually save money. and then we're also going to talk about the highly debated in my house expiration date and food waste. >> okay. i'm glad you're talking about this because yesterday at the grocery store, it was 50% off for these things that were expiring yesterday, meaning sell by yesterday. >> right. and i thought, what was the every one of these. they were like one of them was like a little fake chicken salad. they were kind of like prepared meals or, you know, prepared stuff from the deli. and i bought all of them. am i doing it right? >> i need to get rid of it. >> that's the right thing. right? >> you're doing it right. they are. suggestion. yeah. no. so and that's a big part of the food waste is that people have
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gotten the wrong idea about these. and then in my house, my husband is to the point where he likes to throw it away before the date. i mean, the guy is wild, like salsa. yes. he's like, we bought that last week. i'm like, and it has vinegar in it. and it's been in the refrigerator. yes and he's like, no, the kids can't eat that. i'm like, oh no, no, no, no, i'm taking a big spoon of it. i'm like, see, i'm fine. he's like, that doesn't prove anything to me. >> listen, the smell test never lies. if it passes the smell test, you're good. yes. >> that's what we were with an expert. and she's like, you are going to see it. and smell it if it is bad. and so most things like he loves a good spring clean out of condiments just to clean them out. i'm like, sir, mustard has vinegar in it. >> not the mustard. ginger and not he would have never survived 150 years ago without a refrigerator because he would have just never eaten. >> well, it's one way to keep the body together. listen, ginger, we'll see you at 7:00. those are really great tips. and have a great weekend. >> yeah, you'll see
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the newest member of the silver and black. he was taking in the draft last night at a private
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party in fairfield. bowers went to napa high school and experienced a meteoric rise after playing on a team that went winless. yes, zero wins his sophomore year. he had a huge junior year and received offers from some really top programs, including michigan and notre dame. but he chose georgia in the end. his high school coach says. he is so much more than a football player, he can't help but root for them when you meet him as a young man. >> he's just such a good young man and just raising a good family and he just has all those attributes that you want somebody and there is another layer to bowers story. >> the football season was canceled during his senior season at napa because of covid. and look at him now. incredible. the nfl draft continues today right here on abc seven. as hundreds of hopeful athletes wait to see if their names are called to play in the nfl. can you believe this? number? 275,000 people were reportedly in attendance during day one yesterday in detroit. number one draft pick caleb williams, a quarterback from usc, is now
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headed to the chicago bears. however, he wasn't the only qb being called for the first time ever. six of the first 12 picks were quarterbacks. williams father shared how proud he is of his son's accomplishments. >> it's been a long time, you know, from, hotel room in san antonio to, 12, 13, 14 years later, just doing the s over and over. dreams do come true. yeah >> so many offensive picks in that first round. you can watch rounds two and three today right here on abc seven. coverage kicks off at 4 p.m. and then stay tuned for our special edition of abc seven news at 830. well, coming up next here at 630, a key vote. columbia university's president faces punishment as violent protests. rock campus. the two reprimands up for consideration and why faculty may pull their punches. but first, another day's long highway
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live now at 630. usc cancels its main graduation ceremony due to ongoing protests. the reaction from some students saying not again. four years after the pandemic stopped their high school celebration.
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>> plus, absolute immunity. the supreme court weighs trump's arguments months ahead of the presidential election, where justices on both sides are agreeing with him and disagree and plans to sell deny, tiktok's parent company officially responding to the potential nationwide ban. >> why the ceo says he's confident they'll be able to block the newly signed bill. >> there's so many people in a tizzy about what's going to happen with tiktok right now. >> i still don't even have it. >> well, good for you. you may not have it much longer. >> there you go. i never had i'll never miss it. wow you missed the face. i guess i did. it passed me right over. there you go. good morning. on this friday, april 26th. yeah. >> so happy to have you with us on this friday, we start with a look at the forecast here with you. >> so it's windy later on this afternoon. but this morning we do want to take you to the south bay where we are dealing with some pockets of drizzle first thing this morning. this is live. look at san jose where we do have some drops on the lens. overcast skies. what we have
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going on is a cold front that is essentially on top of us right now. it is supplying us with a little bit of light moisture in the santa cruz mountains. certainly the east foothills of san jose, and we only have this drizzle until about 9:00 this morning. after that, it's all about the winds this afternoon. the big headline today we are wind whipped. afternoon wind gusts between 20 and 40mph. because of this cold front that is currently moving through right now. winds have already ramped up. this morning. you can see from the city over into oakland those winds in excess of 30mph. elsewhere, those winds are higher than 20mph. so we'll keep that chance of drizzle until 9 a.m. after that, skies do clear for a lot of sunshine. then the winds are an issue this afternoon we'll take a closer look at those wind speeds, but in the wake of this front, we do get a beautiful weekend. julian will have those details coming up in about nine minutes. >> all rht. thank you drew. we continue to keep you updated on breaking news in san francisco this morning. a fire broke out overnight in a building near lyon and clay street in the presidio heights neighborhood. a man has been tracking the update at the live desk throughout the morning. >> hey, amanda and julian, in
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the last 45 minutes, firefighters confirmed the fire is out and smoke conditions have improved considerably. this is video from earlier this morning when the fire was still pretty big, at least 60 firefighters worked to get the flames under control at one point, heavy fire came from all four floors of what we believe is a single family home that might have been under construction. no word yet on what caused this fire. julian >> okay. thank you. amanda. a memorial service for an oakland police officer who died as a result of an on duty crash is set to happen at 11 a.m. today. officer jordan wingate died on saturday from injuries of a 2018 crash. he was on his way to a call when he crashed into another car and a semi truck. the 29 year old ended up in critical condition and was forced to medically retire. today's memorial service will be at the three crosses church in castro valley. if you're heading to the east bay this weekend, be ready to take a detour. >> happening tonight caltrans is shutting southbound 680, so crews can continue to make
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repairs. abc seven news reporter ryan curry joins us live in pleasanton with what you need to know. hi, ryan. >> hi, reggie. good morning. you can see the sign over my left shoulder there in all around this corridor and this area telling drivers that, yes, tonight, 680 will be shut down ins area. and therefore, you're going to want to ge yourself more time to plan for these detours, because there probably is going to be some extra traffic in some of these areas. so starting at 9 p.m. tonight, 680 will be closed from the 580 connector dowto koopman road. it's about nine miles that's going to be shut down. so if you need to get down to the south bay, 880 is going to be the best detour. you can take 24 or 580 and then head down south. if you're coming from further east, such as tracy, highway 84 will connect you back to southbound 680. past all the closures. it's the second time in just over a month caltrans will be shutting down 680. they tried to do it earlier in the year over the holiday weekends, but the rain forced them to postpone it. they are repairing deteriorating road they say will make it safer for
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drivers once they're done fixing it, closing it down for one weekend saves time in making these repairs. caltrans says it would take about 40 full nighttime closures to finish this job, so instead of doing that, they're closing it for the weekend. so expect later on tonight, chp cruisers will be in this area closing down the lanes, moving cars elsewhere, moving traffic elsewhere, and making sure drivers are getting to these detours and making sure they know where they're going. so if you are going to the south bay this weekend, give yourself extra time. the traffic on these other roads that are going to be leading to the south bay is probably going to be heavier than usual, so just make sure you plan for that for now. reporting live in pleasanton ryan curry, abc seven news a ripple effect for sure. >> thank you ryan. now to the new development in the war between israel and hamas. the hamas run health ministry says more than 34,000 palestinians have died since the conflict started on october the 7th. the ministry also says there are still many victims trapped under the rubble buildings leveled by
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israeli attacks have made it hard for rescuers to reach them, local israeli media reports. prime minister benjamin netanyahu approved a ground operation in rafah yesterday, but the israeli defense forces is still waiting for instructions. >> columbia university's faculty senate is fearing a vote to censure the school's president, so they are redrafting a resolution that would admonisher instead, according to the new york times, senators will meet today to vote on that resolution . they're worried that a censure vote could result in the removal during a critical time for the school. an admonishment would instead be more of a warning protest. there have set up an encampment urging columbia to cut its ties with israel. in southern california, usc canceled its main graduation ceremony because of the ongoing protests and what they're calling safety concerns. 90 protesters were arrested on campus wednesday night during clashes with police. usc previously canceled a graduation speech by a pro-palestinian valedictorian. many members of
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this graduating class already missed out on their high school graduation ceremony. during the first months of the pandemic. that includes pleasanton native mira popli. her parents have been planning her college graduation celebration for months, 2020 being the covid year, she didn't get a high school graduation in. >> so the first thought was, oh my god, you know, not again. >> tickets have been bought. i mean, we have people coming from all over the country in southern california. if they cancel, it's going to end up costing us thousands of dollars on top of the tuition and everything. >> it's the culmination of our four years at usc. and to have it pulled away, i think, is, is a mistake on usc's part is disheartening. and i would have liked to see usc protect their students and protect their their voices more. >> usc officials cited the safety of 65,000 attendees for the cancellation of the campus wide commencement, smaller ceremonies for individual schools and colleges are still going to be held. >> cal poly humboldt is closed today because of ongoing
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protests there. students took over one of the buildings earlier in the week. yesterday, the faculty passed a vote of no confidence in the president of the university and his chief of staff. it demands their immediate resignation. the free palestine camp set up at uc berkeley has remained peaceful since students first pitched tents on monday. demonstrators say they have no plans to break down their camp across from sproul hall. abc seven news reporter anser hassan spoke with students about their demands. >> day four of the free palestine camp at uc berkeley and students say they don't plan to give up. >> it is important for me to be out here because i am outraged and devastated by what's going on in gaza and the occupation action more broadly, cal senior lev collins, who is jewish, knows the possible risks of being out here just three weeks from graduation. >> but he says they're building on similar campus protests from the 1980s to end apartheid in south africa. >> they camped out on the same steps that we are now. and so we
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draw a lot of inspiration from that campus leaders say there are now more than 70 tents at sproul hall. >> the students say they have four main demands. first, for uc berkeley to officially declare that what is happening in gaza is genocide. they also want cal to divest from companies with ties to israel or weapons manufacturing. and for more transparency, that's one of our other sub demands, is disclosure of these of these investments so that we can get a better understanding of where our tuition is actually going. they also want berkeley to cut academic ties with israeli institutions and finally, to provide more security for palestinian students and their allies. a confrontation between law student malacofauna and dean of the school of law erwin chemerinsky and his wife, law professor catherine fisk, went viral after a fan tried to speak about the war in gaza at a dinner at the couple's house. >> i myself never thought that a professor would be able to put her hands on me and be able to walk away without any consequences, but here we are, and it points to the deep seated islamophobia and anti-arab racism that is embedded in these institutions.
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>> afana is now one of the students camped out at sproul hall. in a statement to abc seven news, the university would not comment about concerns raised about palestinian student safety, but it added that it is focused on making sure the protest camp doesn't disrupt the university's operations. afana says it's important not to conflate the protest camp as a conflict with jewish or israeli students. >> this is nothing more than a tactic to try to divide us, but we know that no one is free until everyone is free and we're standing together. today at uc berkeley, anser hassan abc seven news. >> and of course, we have continuing coverage of the campus protest on our website, abc seven >> there's a link for you right on our home page. >> the supreme court is considering donald trump's claim that he has absolute immunity from alleged attempts to overturn the 2020 election. he says he was acting in his official duties as president. amanda has more now on what some of the justices are saying. >> yeah, reggie, the supreme court is weighing donald trump's unprecedented claim of absolute presidential immunity. he's
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arguing a president can never face criminal prosecution for anything they do in office linked to their official duties. the claim is central to trump's defense in the january 6th case that special counsel jack smith brought on trump says many of the election interference efforts smith alleges were official acts. liberal justices are not buying the argument. >> the framers did not put an immunity clause into the constitution. wasn't the whole point that the president was not a monarch and the president was not supposed to be above the law. >> conservatives on the high court are not fully embracing trump's defense, but they maintain the president needs some protections from prosecution. >> he makes a mistake. he's subject to the criminal laws just like anybody else. you don't think he's in a special a peculiarly precarious position >> to send this case back down to the trial court, if that happens, it would mean significant delays for trump's
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election interference case. back to you at the desk. reggie and julian. >> thanks, amanda. coming up on abc seven mornings, tech investors are getting some encouraging news. what's driving revenue for google and microsoft . >> and we want to give you a live look at the big board at the new york stock exchange. there it is. you can see trading is up. we'll have another update on the markets coming up next. and i love seeing this video. >> it is actress jenifer lewis meeting the character that she played in a princess and the frog. she's getting a sneak peak of mama odie as mama odie makes her way to disney world and disneyland in their new ride. but first, here's drew very cool, i love her. >> we'll take you to pier 39 this morning. >> the sea lions are up there these early morning hour where we will have some windy conditions later on this afternoon. here's live doppler seven along with satellite. a cold front is currently crossing us right now. we do have some areas of drizzle, some light showers in the santa cruz mountains and the east foothills of san jose. so we'll keep that chance of some pockets of
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drizzle until about 9 a.m. that's that 10% chance you see on your screen as we get you out the door. after that, it's all about brighter conditions, drier skies, and the winds will begin to pick up even more. it's already breezy out there in spots. you can see those winds continue to go up and up throughout the afternoon, peaking right around 3:00 where those winds will gusts close to 40mph today. so we'll break it down. region by region. a lot of sunshine inland today. upper 60s for daytime. highs around the bay shoreline. we are dealing with some pockets of drizzle, cloud cover giving way to sunshine but windy conditions. and even along the coast we will see a lot of sunshine this afternoon, but winds gusting close to 40mph, so we have those morning pockets of drizzle giving way to a windy afternoon today. but the payoff over the weekend is that behind this front we get sunshine, warmer temperatures. just a wonderful saturday and sunday we'll take a much closer look at these daytime highs coming up in nine
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norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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it comes after president biden signed a bipartisan law that requires bytedance to divest tiktok or face a ban here in the us. a man is standing by at the live desk with more on how the company is responding this morning. amanda. >> good morning, julianne. bytedance has denied plans to
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sell after reports surfaced it was exploring the sale of tiktok's us business this is th company's first official response since president biden signed a bill that could lead to a nationwide ban under current us law, tiktok now must find a new owner by january or be banned entirely. the ceo of tiktok says it will fight in the courts to stay online. he shared a video saying he expects the social media company to win a legal challenge to block the legislation. >> rest assured we aren't going anywhere. we are confident and we will keep fighting for your rights in the courts. the facts and the constitution are on our side and we expect to prevail again and we'll keep working to ensure you will always have the opportunity to safety and the freedom to enjoy all tiktok has to offer. >> tiktok is set to challenge the bill on first amendment grounds, and tiktok users are expected to take legal action as well. back to you at the desk, reggie. >> thanks, amanda. a workplace dispute in baltimore being
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called a wake up call about artificial intelligence. a teacher now faces charges for allegedly using ai to make his boss appear racist. the now former high school athletic director is accused of trying to retaliate against his school's principal with a recording of a racist rant. he shared it across social media, leading to the principal's removal. it turns out the recording wasn't entirely real. >> it's pretty easy to replicate someone's voice nowadays. it only takes about three to 10s of someone's voice uploaded into a tool online. >> the former athletic director now faces charges for disruption of school operations and retaliation, as well as stalking and theft. now it's time for your morning money report. good news for some tech investors. google's parent company is set to pay its first ever quarterly cash dividend. investors will get $0.20 a share in june, plus a boost from stock buybacks. the company says last quarter's revenue was 15% higher than the year before. i is the reason,
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which helped microsoft see a 17% revenue increase in the same period, and taking a live look at the new york stock exchange now, as trading gets underway. that was a conference room. >> it was up when we last checked and yeah, but now who knows. >> conference room, conference room. actress jennifer lewis is sharing her excitement, seeing the animatronic of her princess and the frog character. >> okay, so abc seven's parent company, disney shared a video of her and mama odie, which will be a part of the upcoming tiana's bayou adventure ride. >> oh my gosh, here it is. >> hey sweetie, it's mama odie. oh, not audio. tiana sure knows how to make a party special. >> i love when she goes. there's juju juju. >> her movements, everything is there. >> you guys did an amazing job on this.
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>> it is incredible. >> they're so lifelike at this point. >> it's. it looks real. yeah wow. look at jennifer lewis. >> she she takes every opportunity to perform. >> and these imagineers are trying to find the beat. >> yeah. find the beat. find the beat, girl. >> oh, my gosh. so she met with disney's imagineering team, came face to face with the animatronic tiana's bayou adventure is opening at disney world this summer and disneyland sometime later this year, and you'll be able to check out those animatronic there. >> you know, i always thought i wanted morgan freeman to voice my life, but now i think i just want jenifer lewis. >> yeah, okay. >> to be the voice. >> i'm your voice? yeah. >> my life. >> she'll make it work. i love her energy to make it interesting. so juju. right. juju. and i like when she goes not the audio right. that's funny. she is gold. yes. >> such a great actress. that is so cool. those animatronics really getting some upgrades for this year. yeah. very cool. this morning we'll take you to san jose where we are tracking a
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little bit of drizzle out there. we have these pockets of showers until about 9 a.m. as this front begins to move through the region. after 9 a.m, you'll see skies clear, very quickly. and it's all about winds this afternoon gusting 20 to 40mph. but the weekend we will lose the wind. we'll bring the sunshine back and we are warming up winds right now, already active across a big portion of the region, from novato to oakland to san francisco to sfo. you see those winds over 20 to 30mph, and they will just continue to increase heading into the afternoon. here's future tracker wind speeds by 4 p.m. this is what we're reaching the peak of our winds, and you can see our strongest gusts getting close to 40mph. so today we have those pockets of drizzle until 9 a.m. after that, it's increasing sunshine, but also increasing winds and temperatures in the 60s. friday night looks very nice, but just keep in the back of your mind. those winds will be with us over 20 or 30mph. temperatures will be in the 60s, early on, gradually falling into
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the 50s. looking at the tahoe forecast, we have a mix of rain and snow this morning, giving way to a cloudy day, but after today it's lots of sunshine and warmer temperatures coming our way, especially on sunday and monday. it's looking lovely. a quick look at our afternoon highs on saturday 60s and 70s with sunshine. sunday. the warmer of the two days we'll find those temperatures a little bit above average for this time of the year. here's the accuweather seven day forecast next seven days for you. we have morning drizzle to winds this afternoon. then we lose the winds. we bring in the sunshine. it's looking lovely over the weekend with even warmer weather. next week. hi, amanda. >> hi, drew. thank you so much. and if you're heading to tahoe, you are just in time for our toyota tahoe report. the good news here is no chains are needed at all this weekend. but there are some closures to get to. you can see palisades parkway to get there from the city. that's going to take you three hours and 12 minutes. don't worry about northstar california heavenly, because those two are closed. a third closure to tell you about here sugar bowl resort though it's going to take you two hours and
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50 minutes again, no chains needed. sierra at tahoe is closed and then kirkwood is going to take you three hours and 31 minutes from the city. if you're headed up there, enjoy. >> thanks so much, amanda. if you live in fremont, you're going to have one less walmart store to shop. the company says it's closing its location on aubrey street next month. its last day will be may 24th. walmart says it's not performing well enough. the impacted employees are being given the ability to transfer to other nearby stores. >> the michelin guide is out with its list of top hotels, and four of them are right here in the bay area, and they're getting some love. there is auberge du soleil in rutherford, meadowood, napa valley in saint helena and healdsburg, singlethread in with only five rooms. the fourth hotel is on the peninsula. it's canyon ranch, woodside out in san mateo county. this is the first time michelin has ever ranked hotels. these hotels got three keys, which is comparable to michelin star ranking for restaurants. very cool. well, time is honoring some of the most influential people in the world.
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the magazine rolled out the red carpet last night in manhattan for its 100 most influential people of 2024, and among the honored there, a member of our abc team, kelly ripa, who attended, attended the gala with her husband, mark. she talked about being so successful in this business for so many years. >> there's tons of room at the table. i will always make sure there's a place set, it's just it's an endurance competition. that's all it is. who can endure. and that's all you need to do is just endure and persevere. >> and kelly has certainly done that. you'll have a chance to see the gala right here on abc seven. it will air on abc on sunday, may the 12th at 10:00. and of course, you can watch live with kelly and mark every day right here at nine on abc seven. >> i mean, she has she has been there through many hosts. >> yes, so many changes. one woman stands and still she rises . >> and she does with her husband. >> exactly. i mean, yeah. >> up next, the seven things you
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need to know to start your day. >> my husband doesn't want to be up here mostly because of the hour. >> you know he doesn't want to do a tag team show with you. not really. he's like i do that. i do that show every night. like leave me alone. >> imagine driving to work every day with your spouse. it's a lot . >> could we survive? >> i'm not sure, a reminder, you can watch all of our newscasts live and on demand through the abc seven bay area connected tv app, available for apple tv, google tv, amazon fire tv, and roku. download the app now you can start streaming and as we head to break, we
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the one firefighters have knocked down a big fire in san francisco's presidio heights neighborhood. it broke out before 5 a.m. the building appears to have been under construction. >> number two, i heads up about two freeway closures in the bay area this weekend. starting
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tonight, southbound interstate 680 will be closed from the i-580 connector in pleasanton to koopmann road in sunol, and a 21 mile stretch of westbound highway 37 will also be closed. number three, a memorial service will be held today for a former oakland police officer, jordan wingate. >> he died last weekend after he was badly injured in a 2018 crash. the service is open to the public. it starts at 11 a.m. at three crosses church in castro valley. >> number four remember, you can watch rounds two and three of the nfl draft today right here on abc seven. our coverage starts at 4 p.m. rounds four through seven start at 9 a.m. tomorrow. >> and number five, it is going to be a windy day. it's already a windy morning. sfo closing in on wind gusts of 40mph. so as we head throughout the day, you'll find increasing sunshine, but also increasing wind speeds. those winds peak later on this afternoon. temperatures to slightly below average for this time of the year, and number six in the east bay between fremont and sunol on northbound 684
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sheridan road, a solo crash is blocking the three right lanes. >> emergency crews are on scene. traffic is passing on the two left lanes, but traffic is stopped from washington boulevard with a 25 minute delay. >> number seven, wouldn't you want to spend the day like this? the oakland zoo shared this video of its foster mountain lion cub named willow. he's just hanging out in a hammock. willow and his sister, maple are the 25th and 26th mountain lions. the zoo has rescued. and they're like, why are you in my house? >> right? what are you laughing at? >> that cat knows it's on tv. yes, like. >> all of it. totally >> he's waving goodbye. thank you. have a >> george: good morning america. donald trump's historical legal battle, criminal court and the supreme court. the supreme court hears donald trump's absolute immunity claim. >> we'reri


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