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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  April 26, 2024 11:35pm-12:38am PDT

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google tv, amazon fire tv and roku. download the app now so you can start streaming. all right. thank you so much for watching. i'm ama daetz for sandhya and larry and all of us. thanks for being here tonight. right now on jimmy kimmel, jon bon jovi have a great night and a wonderful weekend. >> lou: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- jon bon jovi, henry hall, and music from mk.gee. with cleto and the cletones. and now, jimmy kimmel!
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: thank you. welcome. very nice. thank you. i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching. thank you for coming. you picked a mighty good night to be with us tonight. we have a rock star-studded show tonight. for the first time ever, jon bon jovi is here. [ cheers and applause ] and not just a jon bon jovi, the jon bon. the real one is here. [ laughter ] [ cheers ] i know guillermo is fired up. you look good. >> guillermo: thank you. >> jimmy: you look super cool. >> guillermo: thank you, jimmy, thank you. >> jimmy: at one point it's like guillermo actually dressed like this, no kidding. how old are you here, guillermo? >> guillermo: 17, i think, or 18.
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>> jimmy: are those bootleg scorpions shirts you're selling? or were you an authorized dealer? >> guillermo: no, jimmy, no, no. >> jimmy: what is your favorite bon jovi song? >> guillermo: "you give love a bad name." >> jimmy: okay, there you go. [ cheers and applause ] you dug deep for that one. this is interesting. for the first time ever, the women's ncaa basketball final got more viewers than the men's final did. [ cheers and applause ] 24 million people watched south carolina beat iowa. a lot of it because of the phenomenal scoring machine caitlin clark, who will almost certainly be picked first in next week's wnba draft by the indiana fever, which i think is important to say is a very bad name for a basketball team. [ laughter ] indiana fever sounds like something mike pence gets from drinking room-temperature milk. [ laughter ] in washington, there was a big state dinner at the white house tonight. the bidens hosted the prime minister of japan and his wife. there they are posing for a
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photo, standing awkwardly. you know, joe biden, his state dinners are a little different than the usual. for one thing, they start at 4:30. [ laughter ] and you can only get in if you have a groupon. [ laughter ] they always have a theme. the theme of the dinner was a celebration of washington's famous cherry trees, which i didn't know this, were a gift from japan in 1912. and of course, the cherry tree is also the basis for one of our nation's most cherished untrue stories about a young george washington, who used his new hatchet to chop down his father's cherry tree, and then when his father asked "did you do this," he replied, "no, it was a total witch hunt." [ laughter ] "i never met that tree, and it was a perfect chop, and i'm allowed to chop that tree down because i'm president, waah waah waah." [ applause ] the musical entertainment for the event was paul simon. that's good. trump was lucky to get the surviving members of o-town for one of his state dinners.
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but japan got an evening of simon & joefunkel. [ laughter ] there's a lot of planning that goes into the menu for a state dinner. you don't want it to offend. they want it to reflect something about the guests' country, but still highlight american food. they want it to be seasonal and impressive but not too ostentatious, and then of course they need to consider what kind of food is least likely to come flying out of joe biden's mouth when he talks. [ laughter ] speaking of talking, one of the big debates right now is about if there will be any debates. five major news networks are working on a joint letter to both candidates. they said the letter isn't finished because they're waiting for more networks to sign on, and it's taking a while because no one at newsmax is able to read or write. [ laughter ] [ applause ] the networks would like biden -- the networks want biden and trump to commit to three debates. or one hilarious mma fight. [ laughter ] with the winner taking on either jake or logan paul, i'm not sure. [ laughter ] as november gets closer, the president is doing more interviews.
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last month he sat down with msnbc. last night he sat down with univision. i'm not sure if he's doing this for more exposure or if he just needs to sit down. [ laughter ] either way, biden gave an exclusive last night to the spanish language channel univision. the interview got off to a bumpy start when biden asked the guy interviewing him to bring chips and salsa for the table. [ laughter ] but other than that, it was a good interview. the president did well, and i thought the guy asking the questions knocked it out of the park. [ speaking in a non-english language ] >> joe biden, guillermo, the interview. exclusivo. >> guillermo: thank you for inviting me to your home, mr. president. this is the whitest house i ever been to. okay, my first question. out of all the people in the world, who do you think ate the most chicken nuggets? >> donald trump. >> guillermo: seriously? >> seriously. >> guillermo: next question. how come birds do not pay taxes? do you think that's fair?
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>> well, guess what, man? it's about time they start paying their fair share. >> guillermo: i agree. i think we need more money from birds and ladybugs. and one more final question. mr. joe president, i notice you do not have a moustache. a lot of people are saying you should have one. >> who in god's name is saying that? >> guillermo: everybody, bro. would you be willing to have a moustache for america? >> absolutely. >> guillermo: okay. here you go. now you're going to win for sure. thank you, president biden, for this fake interview. do you want to do some shots with me? let's get crazy. [ cheers and applause ] back to you, tony! >> jimmy: well done, guillermo. >> guillermo: yeah. >> jimmy: you're really getting good at this. we ought to make that happen for real, you know? >> guillermo: yeah, of course. >> jimmy: donald trump today
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took a break from trying to derail his porn star hush money trial to make a "surprise" stop at a chick-fil-a in atlanta. he likes to go into fast food restaurants and buy everyone food, like a bigshot. he bought 30 milkshakes and some chicken, then started passing it around. and one young woman in attendance at the chick-fil-a became an immediate fan. >> i don't care what the media tells you, mr. trump, we support you. >> we love you. >> 4:00 p.m. >> let me give you a hug. >> okay? >> so nice, thank you. >> thank you! ah, tell my mama, baby! >> thank you, sweetheart, that's really nice. we took care of the black colleges, universities. they're taken care of ow. and she understands it. a lot of people don't understand it. biden did nothing for them. i did everything. i did everything. >> jimmy: just a former president muttering, "i did
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everything, i did everything" to himself at a fast food chicken restaurant. nothing unusual there. [ laughter ] i would have given anything for somebody to ask him right on the spot, name one black university. okay? [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] let's have a look at that photo. i'd like to see what that looked like. oh, yeah, there you go. [ laughter ] look at that. man of the people. [ laughter ] joe biden invested $7 billion in historically black colleges and universities. but donald trump, who lost georgia last time, believes bigly and strongly that this time he deserves to win there. >> why should people of atlanta vote for you? >> because i've done more for the people of atlanta than any other president by far. i've done more for the black community than any other president since abraham lincoln, and maybe including abraham lincoln, frankly. but since abraham lincoln. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: who is this person? the fact that he's able to say the words "i've done more for the black community than maybe
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abraham lincoln" and then not start laughing hysterically, it's incredible. [ laughter ] he might as well be saying "i am a black person." [ laughter ] it would be equally preposterous. [ cheers and applause ] meanwhile, our friend the mypillow man, mike lindell's still doing battle with imaginary voter fraud. i don't know if he's out of money or what, but he's doing everything he can to sell stuff to pay his mounting legal bills. and to fund this fight against the machines, which i am now starting to understand why he hates them so much. >> so the my store, everybody, if you scroll down there -- all the blankets. scroll down even further. there's the slippers. but scroll down. >> you're going to get the towels if you want -- >> scroll down. >> why don't you scroll down. >> scroll down a little more, brandon. >> scroll down, brandon. >> oh, yeah, i'm sorry. >> scroll down, logan. >> scroll down, tommy. >> scroll down if you can.
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>> scroll down if you can. >> keep scrolling down. >> keep scrolling down. >> past these guys here. >> keep going down, down, down, down. >> scroll up a little bit. >> scroll up a little bit. >> scroll up a little higher. >> a little higher. >> i'm sorry, the other way. >> scroll down maybe, i don't know. >> scroll down. >> scroll down. >> scroll down. >> scroll down. >> scroll down one more time. let's go down a little further. >> scroll down. >> scroll down. >> scroll down. >> scroll and joel. >> scroll right and left. >> scroll across. >> scroll up a little bit, please. >> that's all the way up. >> the other way, i'm sorry. >> scroll down. >> scroll down. >> scroll down. >> scroll down. >> scroll down to where you see my face. >> jimmy: he's on a scroll. what can you say? [ laughter ] we learned last week from donald trump, of all people, that mike lindell got married. which i didn't know about. he married his longtime girlfriend. they even have a bridal registry. this is, as far as we know, for real. mike lindell and kendra reeves. the guy who sells every product under the sun has a bridal registry on another website. one of the gifts they registered for is a trash can. which sadly nobody bought for him. it still says "1 of 1."
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so i went ahead and bought it for him. even though i wasn't invited to the wedding! [ cheers and applause ] i thought it might be nice. i really want to know about his wife. i really do. let's check in with mike now, who's in pillowtown -- >> so use promo code drivesleepin for 79% off this beautiful handmade steerin' wheel pilla! >> jimmy: mike? >> is that you, jesus? >> jimmy: no, it's not jesus, it's jimmy kimmel. >> ah! come on now, you jimby criminal! >> jimmy: are you selling a pillow for people to sleep while they're driving? >> heck yes i am. i get some of my best sleep while i'm drivin! 10 and 2, that gives you a full 8! >> jimmy: isn't that dangerous? >> come on. is smoking crack dangerous? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah. >> well, i did that too, and look how totally fine i am. >> jimmy: well, anyway, congratulations on your wedding. did you get the trashcan i sent? >> huh? no, but i been fightin' with the mailman again. >> jimmy: okay, it'll come.
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eventually. but i'd love to hear more about your new wife. >> my new line of products you want to hear about? is that what you're saying? >> jimmy: no, i said your new wife. >> do you like buckets, jimbo? >> jimmy: not particularly. >> well you're gonna cream your dungarees for this! scroll down, scroll down, keep scrolling. >> jimmy: there's no scrolling here. >> scroll down. it's -- look, it's mybucket. and it's filled with enough creamed corn to force-feed a family of nine for 30 years! and if you run out, you can eat the bucket! >> jimmy: wait. the bucket's edible? >> anything's edible if you eat it! [ laughter ] get yours now for 50% off with promo code "i can't believe it's not bucket!" [ laughter ] >> jimmy: okay, but mike, i know you just tied the knot and i wanted to ask about the -- >> thanks for asking, knots are so hard to tie nowadays. and they're so tight.
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my bingo partner rick, his finger was getting' so bad from the arthur-ritis, he could barely hold his paint dauber no more, so guess what i invented? >> jimmy: a big rubber grip for bingo daubers? >> ah, no, scroll down. scroll up and then down. scroll -- >> jimmy: yeah, you can't scroll down. >> here's what i invented. a big rubber grip for handguns! >> jimmy: oh. >> i call it the gunbuddy. just cuz yer hands are goofy and your eyes can't focus don't mean you shouldn't be able to blindly fire your rounds at shapes and noises -- >> jimmy: mike, i really honestly wanted to ask about your wife is what i was interested in. >> bird poison! >> jimmy: no, not bird poison. >> bird poison! >> jimmy: wait, why would you poison birds? >> cuz they're stealin' all my birdseed! [ laughter ] >> jimmy: then why do you have birdseed? >> to catch my squirrels for supper! come on! keep up! [ laughter ] scroll down! i can't make yer brain work for ya! >> jimmy: yeah, all right. >> we got so many good new products that almost actually do something. brandon, scroll down. >> jimmy: okay, you can't scroll
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down. >> here's one. we've got this one. it's called the shot-stop. if somebody's trying to give you the jab, it's a shoulder cushion, huh? not today, fauci-pouchy! scroll down. scroll up, a little bit, right back down, go forward, okay, this one here. it's called bible wine. >> jimmy: uh-huh? >> it's made from real bibles. it ain't relapsin' if you drink the gospel! [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you shouldn't be drinking, mike. >> and then we got -- scroll down. scroll backwards. scroll in and then scroll out. here's one i love. it's called ghost coffee. >> jimmy: okay. >> it's made out of the unclaimed ashes from nigursky's funeral home! >> jimmy: i know for a fact you cannot drink human remains. >> no, but you can snort 'em! [ audience moaning ] now lemme ask you, do you like buckets? >> jimmy: you asked me that already. >> well, this is gonna make you blow a load o' laundry.
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scroll up. scroll up. come on, fellas, scroll it up there for a second. this one is mike lindell's old-fashioned window tar. >> jimmy: what? >> you just slather it on a window, and nobody can watch ya doin' number twos no more. >> jimmy: okay, well -- >> and if you run out, you can eat the bucket! >> jimmy: no, you shouldn't be eating the bucket, it's not -- >> but you can, you can. >> jimmy: but you shouldn't is what i'm saying. >> it's possible to do it, it's mybucket, come on. now stop peeping at me, ya pervo! >> jimmy: i'm not peeping at you. >> you are and i'm tired of it. i tate too much bucket and it's time for me to take a nice bm. >> jimmy: mike, i don't need -- >> i'm going to scroll down on you. >> jimmy: at least give my best to mrs. lindell. >> i never met her before in my life, sir. >> jimmy: okay, thank you. that's mike lindell, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: we have a very good show for you tonight. henry hall is here. [ cheers and applause ] we've got music from mk.gee. and we'll be right back with jon bon jovi.
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♪ >> jimmy: looking real good, guillermo. hey, welcome back. tonight, he has a funny new series called "dinner with the parents" starting april 18th. henry hall is with us. [ cheers and applause ] then later, his debut studio album is called "two star and the dream police." music from mk.gee. [ cheers and applause ] you can see mk.gee live and in concert two nights in a row at the fonda theater here in l.a. on april 24th and 25th. tomorrow night, tom hiddleston and joey king will join us, with music from phosphorescent.
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over four decades, our first guest has seen a million faces, and he's -- >> rocked them all! >> jimmy: thank you, wanted to see if you're paying attention. he is the subject of a new multi-part documentary. "thank you, good night: the bon jovi story." it premieres april 26th on hulu. please welcome jon bon jovi. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: wow. you look great. >> thank you. >> jimmy: good to see you. >> happy to be here. >> jimmy: very happy to have you here. boy. you know, i've been wanting to have you on the show for a long time. and i think the last time i saw you, i finally guilted you into coming out and doing it. >> no, no, no. it's -- it's my fault. i apologize. >> jimmy: people don't realize
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that you're under house arrest in the state of new jersey. [ laughter ] >> yes, i am. yes, i am. i'm happy to have broken free to come and see you. >> jimmy: you look great. and guillermo dressed up special for you. >> guillermo: just for you. >> i loved it. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: do you ever go in the closet and dig out the old stuff? >> oh, yeah. yeah, i put it on for my wife. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: halloween? yeah, yeah. >> come out wearing frills. >> jimmy: sexy time. i was interested to learn that you keep a lot of your -- you are pretty fastidious when it comes to keeping your old stuff? >> yeah. >> jimmy: yeah, and why? why do you think that is? >> garage sale. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah? i don't think that's it. i don't know. because i'm like that too. "oh, i gotta hang on to this." >> i don't know why i needed that coaster from that special dinner that night, but i did, i kept everything. so we archived it all, which led then to this documentary and this 40th anniversary. but i'm a hoarder. >> jimmy: it's a good thing. you have all this material to draw from. like do you have your first guitar? >> i do.
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i just bought it back. i sold to it a guy in the neighborhood some 45, 50 years ago now. and i found out that this same kid had it. and i asked him if i could buy it back. and he was great about selling it back. >> jimmy: so what year did you sell this to him? >> '78-ish? '79? >> jimmy: what year did you buy it back? >> 2024. >> jimmy: wow. just now? >> yeah, he was great. it was a kid from the neighborhood. i remembered his name. he lived there his whole life. he became a policeman in the town, his name is stevie goolich. thank you, stevie goolich, for being a good man. [ cheers and applause ] and i saw it in the same cardboard case i sold it to him in, the same five strings instead of six, if i'm not messing that up. i believe those sweat marks -- i don't think he ever touched it is the bottom line. >> jimmy: i hope not. >> i don't think he ever touched it. he said it's where it belongs. i wrote a song that's on the forthcoming record. >> jimmy: you wrote a song on your first guitar? [ cheers and applause ] >> it's called "i'm in love with
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my first guitar." >> jimmy: oh, that's the greatest. >> this whole new record is about joy in finding simple things that give you such joy. but yes, i got my first univox guitar back. >> jimmy: that's cool, that's great. how much did you have to pay for that? [ laughter ] more than you originally -- >> it's a good deal. >> jimmy: your first hit song was "runaway," right? >> yes. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i mean, this is the kind of thing, these stories that you hear, you don't ever hear about the thousand other guys who do this and it doesn't work out. but for you, you literally took the song to a radio station. >> right, and you can appreciate this, coming from radio. >> jimmy: yeah. >> look, the most passionate man in the music business is a deejay. why? because he's alone with a microphone preaching the gospel of music to who knows who. if anybody. and at that time, when deejays were really influential -- >> jimmy: right. >> and i wasn't getting any response to "runaway" as a cassette that i was sending around to anyone and everyone,
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i thought who's the guy? a deejay. let me go out there. and the station was so new, they didn't have a receptionist. so i literally knocked on the window of the booth. he said, shush. came out out of the show was over, heard "runaway," said, "it's a hit." i said, "i know." [ laughter ] now what? now i'm on eight stations nationwide. >> jimmy: they started playing it locally in new york, then it became a hit there, they said -- >> detroit, chicago, tampa, and i finally got my record deal, which i still have the same record deal. >> jimmy: just based on the merits of the song? >> it was a hit song. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's unbelievable. it's a great song. i still love hearing that song. but that was not your first -- i have to say, our team here is very excited that they found your actual first recording. >> yes, sir. >> jimmy: which is -- >> yeah? >> jimmy: believe it or not, this is going to seem like a joke, this is not a joke. on a "star wars" tribute christmas album. [ laughter ] "the star wars christmas album."
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how did you wind up on this? >> i was a gofer in a recording studio fall of 1980 to '83 when we did the first record. there was a guy named mico menardo doing these tribute records, taking advantage of the "star wars" craze. he was pretending to be a young man singing the song, sounded like an old man pretending to be a young boy. he said, "young boy, can you sing?" and i said -- yeah, i think i can. he says go in there, and if you want to do this it pays $183. and i got $183. >> jimmy: do you remember the title of the song? >> yeah. >> jimmy: what was it? >> "r2d2 wish you a merry christmas." [ cheers and applause ] ♪ we wish you a merry christmas ♪ >> oh, yeah. ♪ we hope our little message gets to you ♪ ♪ and if the snow becomes too deep just give a little beep ♪ ♪ we'll go and warm your fire ♪ ♪ and warm your little wires ♪
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>> jimmy: unbelievable. [ cheers and applause ] >> legend. >> jimmy: you're part of the "star wars" universe. >> yep. >> jimmy: one of the other songs i just noticed the title is, "what can you get a wookiee for christmas when he already owns a comb?" [ laughter ] you're not on that one, are you? >> no. >> jimmy: that was the big hit. >> that came later in the '80s. >> jimmy: so you had -- we just talked about "runaway." you had the song. you knew it was a hit. yet in the documentary you say you didn't want to record "living on a prayer"? >> well, the thing about when we finally got around to writing the third record and we had some successes. you've got to remember, when -- it's really primarily four chords. that bass line wasn't developed until we got into rehearsal with the band. so it was all the lyric, the chord changes, the melodies, yes. but it would sound very simplistic just hitting quarter notes on the piano as we were writing it. it took shape, in all honesty, when tico and hugh started to play. >> jimmy: so the version you heard of the song was not the version --
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♪ tommy used to work on the docks ♪ it was this. ♪ the union went on strike down on his luck it's tough ♪ >> jimmy: sounds pretty good to me. >> we knew the lyric was right, we knew the chorus was right, we knew everything was right. and we were like, motown bass line. but we didn't work it up until we got to rehearsal. >> jimmy: did that make you question your other decisions in any way? >> yeah. >> jimmy: it did. bruce springsteen is your idol. and he's a guy you say you saw being from new jersey, being an italian kid from new jersey you're like oh, you can be a rock star. right? >> when you grew up in the late '70s, you know, you had posters from circus magazine on your wall, led zeppelin, queen, all the lynyrd skynyrd. but that was impossible. that was from another planet. but 30 miles south of sayerville, new jersey was asbury park. there was ten asbury jukes, seven e-street band members. they'd been making records, 10, 12 years older than i am. you can go down and touch the impossible. it was right there.
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all of them wanted a free drink, so if you'd buy them a drink, they'd tell you anything. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: they'd talk to you. you and bruce are friends. you hang out. do you ever get over that? >> no. >> jimmy: no, yeah. >> no, he's him. >> jimmy: "i'm here with bruce." >> no, never. >> jimmy: you do things with bruce? >> we do. i've known him my whole adult life. then when i was a kid, the first time he jumped up on stage with me, 1979, i'm still in high school. so i go to school the next morning and i say i have a story to tell. i'm playing with southsider bruce. i'm still in high school. nowadays, we go out of our way to spend time together. the story that's gotten around is we take these drives. so we just -- no radio, no phones, nobody. the two of us will go for 100 miles where the two of us can lock the door and go for a ride and talk. >> jimmy: oh. >> catch up. >> jimmy: my god. >> for the first five, six, seven times i'd say god, i wish a cop would pull us over, this would be a great shot. [ laughter ] but now there's lots of
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sightings. it's like, you know, bigfoot because we've been everywhere. and people see you at the flea market or the ice cream parlor or the bar. you know, we've done it a bunch. >> jimmy: we've got bigfoot here. [ laughter ] he's got a documentary. it's called "thank you, good night: the jon bon jovi story." it's on hulu. we'll be right back with jon bon jovi. [ cheers and applause ] the best rate for youople t is a rate based on you, with allstate. because there's a right way to. stop! and the speed limit definitely isn't. 700 million mph. so why would you pay a rate based on. a terrible boss with a terrible haircut! save with, ooh. save with drivewise and get a rate based on you. you're in good hands with allstate
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that you thought was the end. it was being on the precipice of what was to become greatness and longevity, or falling backwards and being the end. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that is from "thank you, good night: the jon bon jovi story." premieres april 26th on hulu. so many great stories. i got an advance look at it, and you guys seem like you had a lot of fun? >> we had a lot of fun. we were in a rock band. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, yeah. there's a story i want to ask you about that is not in the documentary. people are going to get to see all these stories in the documentary. but bon jovi and michael jackson appeared in tokyo the same weekend? >> same period of time, yeah. >> jimmy: same period of time. there was some cross-over. and you -- did you spend time with michael jackson? >> yeah, everybody wanted to
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meet michael jackson. so ritchie and i had the opportunity to go up to his room, and we walked into his hotel room, which was all done up in mirrors so he could dance. they actually took a wall out between these rooms. >> jimmy: in the hotel? >> absolutely, because he was there for quite a while. and his manager takes us in, fixes his hair, puts his cigar out, fixes his shirt before he enters the room. all very surreal. and michael comes in with the bullet belts across his shirt. my eyes started to do that wee-wa. it's michael jackson in his hotel room. we were telling him a story about how we had come from australia. and it's the height of "slippery when wet" tour. and how we'd bought wigs and mustaches and beards so we could go out into the community and be with the young -- the crowd. and he just played along as though he'd never done any such thing. to find out, of course, that he had done that all the time. >> jimmy: yeah. >> so now, you know, we think we're friends. we say, "come on down to our floor and hang out, we've got the whole band here, the girls, our girlfriends and all are here."
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and unfortunately he didn't come. but he sends bubbles the chimp as his representative. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: wow. that's a strong -- >> that was big, right? bubbles comes down and wreaks havoc. bubbles partied like a rock star. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: how did bubbles arrive? bubbles was in your room loose? >> oh, yeah. [ laughter ] oh, yeah. jumping on the bed. putting on a show. oh, yeah. and i don't remember who brought him down or if he just came down on his own with a cigar. [ laughter ] bubbles showed up, man. he hung hard. >> jimmy: how long -- how long would you guess bubbles was in the room with you? >> seemed like a lifetime. [ laughter ] quite a while. >> jimmy: did bubbles -- >> to the point where hotel management came and threatened to throw us out. >> jimmy: is that true? >> oh, yeah. >> jimmy: wow. michael can have bubbles but you can't, how about that? >> we partied with bubbles. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: wow, that's great. you know, bubbles is still around. every once in a while i think about him -- >> he's on tour? >> jimmy: he lives in florida, i think he lives near legoland in
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florida. you should go by, reminisce. you mentioned "slippery when wet." >> oh, yeah. >> jimmy: i remember this so well. i remember reading about this controversy. >> yeah. >> jimmy: maybe i saw it on "entertainment tonight" or something like that. >> there it is, yeah. >> jimmy: this was the album cover. >> that could have been. >> jimmy: that could have been. this is -- this was rejected for content reasons, yes? >> i would have called it career suicide, but yes. >> jimmy: yeah. this -- true or false? the model is former speaker of the house nancy pelosi? [ laughter ] >> i can neither confirm nor deny. >> jimmy: so then they said, okay, you can't do that, not allowed. >> this is in an era before there was such thing as the computer. there was no fax machines. there was no fed ex. there was no cell phones. we're up in vancouver making this record. and it's out of our control, what's going on with this album cover. and they send a xerox copy --
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remember, it was blue on blue when they'd send it in a photographic form. they sent this thing. i said, "this is a terrible photograph, it's cropped really poorly, but by the way, what is the outline?" they said it's hot pink. i said, "where the hell did you get hot pink?" they said we matched it to her lipstick. i said, "it's career suicide." "you give love a bad name" is literally on the radio. i say we've got to do something about this album cover. our manager went to bat for us and they burned 500,000 album covers with the single on the radio. and they said you're in trouble because this album needs to be shipped. that album cover right there, the real one, this one, is a black hefty garbage bag i shot with the photographer. he shot it with water. i took my fingers and wrote "slippery when wet." i said, "there's your album cover, turn it in. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you know what? he's not just an artist, he's an artist. i mean, that's so crazy. >> that was scary. you know, at the time, i just said, "it worked for back in black, let's give them a black
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album cover." >> jimmy: unbelievable. it's going to be a lot of fun sharing your life with the world. >> well, we'll see about that. >> jimmy: are you nervous about it at all? >> it's crazy, because they say you see your life flash before you just before you die? i saw my life flash before me and i haven't died yet. [ laughter ] i'm waiting for the other shoe to fall. it's an incredible docuseries. gotham chopra directed it. it airs on april the 26th. >> jimmy: and you've got an album coming out too? >> yes, the first single, "legendary," is a hit on radio, which is crazy. album hits june 7th. >> jimmy: jon bon jovi, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] jon, "thank you, good night," april 26th on hulu. thank you for being with us. >> great to see you, jimmy. >> jimmy: we'll be right back with henry hall. [ cheers and applause ] an antidepressant, you're g but you're still masking your depression, you could be experiencing a partial response to your antidepressant. partial response happens
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♪ >> jimmy: hi, welcome back. music from mk.gee is on the way. our next guest made his television debut on "seinfeld" when he was nothing more than a zygote in the belly of elaine. now he has a show of his own. "dinner with the parents." it premieres a week from tomorrow on amazon freevee. please welcome henry hall.
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> i'm good, man, i'm good. >> jimmy: look at you, you're a man. you're a man now. >> it happened. i aged, and here we are, yeah, yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: how old were you when i met you? >> gosh, i must have been 17 or 18. >> jimmy: yeah, it was high school for sure. >> high school, yeah. >> jimmy: you look half exactly like your dad and half exactly your mom. it's remarkable. >> it's almost like they're my parents. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it is almost like it. and you're now -- you're acting, of course. >> yeah. >> jimmy: that was an inevitability, right? i mean, really. >> yeah, i think so, i think so. that's -- it's like the family trade or something, you know. >> jimmy: yeah. >> it's like we're in the -- some people are in the steel industry, then others. >> jimmy: that's right, are not, yes, yes. you don't handle metals of any kind? >> no, no. not yet, anyway. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you -- when we met was some kind of like -- gosh, i don't exactly remember what
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happened. your mom asked me to do something. >> sure, yeah. it was -- it was when my life peaked, basically, is when we met. i'll give the full rigamarole of the story. basically, so my high school we had this, you know, whole senior prank thing, right? you come up with a senior prank to do on the whole school, whatever. my friend zach and i thought the greatest senior prank that we could ever possibly do would be to figure out a way to get you to come to campus and get in a physical fight with one of us that was like choreographed in some way. >> jimmy: right. >> that would really be insane. maybe matt damon could show up, you guys could go at it, whatever. my mom comes on the show, and she brings it up to you. you have a laugh, whatever. in the commercial break you turn to her and go, "i need to do this." [ laughter ] like you were completely down in every way. like you wanted to be a part of it. >> jimmy: yeah. >> so anyway, cut to a few months later. it's our senior grad night, right? my mom had said maybe we don't
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have you fight a minor at the school. >> jimmy: fight a minor, yeah. >> we don't want you to be put in jail. so anyway. the fighting idea was kiboshed. senior grad night. and it's -- which is like the graduation night. they bring all the kids to some event so they don't go too crazy on the night they graduate, whatever. we go to a groundling show. it's an improv group here in l.a. it's great fun. they're doing all these awesome sketches and stuff. then one of the sketches is for some kids to come up and be interviewed on stage, right? but the guy's in a bear costume, so they had this on the front. >> jimmy: right. >> mr. bear. oh, that's so funny, whatever. he pulls out a name -- >> jimmy: is this the real sign from then? >> i've had this since that day. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh, wow. >> it stayed with me, yeah. so anyways, so the guy's using a bear costume. he picks a name out of a hat. and it's my name. and the whole grade goes crazy. "oh, henry, oh my god, you're going up there."
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so i go up onstage, about to be interviewed by this guy in a bear suit and he says "oh, i forgot my hat, my bear head." he leaves. i'm sitting onstage alone for a good 15 seconds. all of a sudden, out of nowhere, i feel like an arm around my neck like this, like a fuzzy arm. i get out of it. and it's this guy in a full bear costume. and he goes, are you ready to fight a bear? like that. "i guess." and we start wrassling on stage. really grappling onstage. >> jimmy: yeah. >> and then the guy starts going, "pull my head off. pull my head off." i'm like what is going on? it was the craziest thing that had ever happened to me in my entire life. and it was about to get crazier because i pulled the head off, we separate. i'm panting like this. and i look up and it's jimmy kimmel. >> jimmy: that's right. it was me. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> come on. >> jimmy: when i came out as a furry. >> yeah. i have a photo. >> jimmy: then we turned the thing around, right? >> yeah. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: one of those deals. oh, you have a photo of it? >> sure do. >> jimmy: oh, yeah. >> so there we are. >> jimmy: a real photo, okay. let me show that. [ laughter ] >> you're holding the head. >> jimmy: wow, yes. [ applause ] annie leibovitz took this picture. well, it's good -- >> i mean, honestly, man, that was -- you are the greatest sport. >> jimmy: the truth is i'm in love with your mother, but that's really -- [ rim shot ] >> yeah. >> jimmy: if you really want to know why i volunteered. i thought it was some weird sex thing. [ laughter ] turned out to be really weird. >> taking off, that's right. >> jimmy: now you have your own show. >> yeah. >> jimmy: which has got to be exciting and also maybe overwhelming? >> yeah, i mean -- it's a whirlwind. like i never, you know -- i got this role kind of out of nowhere.
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i'd never been in something this big in my entire life. >> jimmy: who are your castmates on the new show? >> oh, man, the cast is really something. it's michaela watkins plays my mom who -- she actually plays my mom's sister in some other projects. >> jimmy: uh-huh? >> interesting web. >> jimmy: aunt becomes mom. >> yeah. aunt becomes mom. that's "ant-man 4." [ laughter ] dan bakkedahl plays my dad. daniel thrasher as my brother. carol kane, the legendary carol kane, she's the best of all-time, is nana. i get to be under a bed with nana while my like love interest is fornicating above us. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, i know what that means, yes. it's great to see you, congratulations. >> thank you. >> jimmy: please give your parents my best. the show is called "dinner with the parents." different parents. it premieres april 18th on amazon freevee. henry hall, everybody. we'll be back with mk.gee. ♪
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♪ california sky ♪ ♪ todos alcanzamos las estrellas ♪ ♪ sunny state of mind ♪ ♪ flexin' all the time ♪ ♪ todo es dorado ♪ ♪ y nos gusta picante ♪ ♪ cause this place is caliente ♪ ♪ 'tamos enchilado ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state with you ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado oooh ♪ ♪ we got that drip, drip, drip ♪ ♪ come take a sip, sip, sip ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado ♪
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>> jimmy: thanks to jon bon jovi, henry hall, and james adomian. apologies to matt damon. we ran out of time for him. "nightline" is next, but first, from his album "two star and the dream police," the song is called "are you looking up?"
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mk.gee! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪ rylee just waits on somebody to give her new light ♪ ♪ with the heaviest weight on a miracle to cut me slack ♪ ♪ so are you looking up are you asking why cause if you wanna go then baby go wild ♪ ♪ yeah i can shift shapes but i
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can't deny baby we can put it all to rest just for one night ♪ ♪ what's keeping you fenced off and who's got the power in your mind ♪ ♪ how're you gonna waste it all when somebody's playing to no one every night ♪ ♪ so are you looking up are you asking why cause if you wanna go then baby go wild ♪ ♪ yeah i can shift shapes but i can't deny baby we can put it all to rest just for one night ♪ ♪ so are you looking up are you asking why cause if you wanna go then baby go wild ♪ ♪ so are you looking up are you
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asking why baby we can put it all to rest just for one night ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> announcer: this is "nightline." tonight, the campus protests explode across the country. we're at the


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