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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM Repeat  ABC  April 27, 2024 1:06am-1:42am PDT

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>> juju: and that's "nightline" for tonight. stay tuned to abc news for the latest on the college unrest across the country. we'll see you right back here monday. thanks for staying up with us. good night, america. have a great weekend.
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campus don't appear to be going anywhere anytime soon. this comes with the possibility of arrest and suspension for students. good evening. i'm ama daetz similar pro-palestinian protests have popped off all over the country, some remaining peaceful and others resulting in clashes with police. has the message gotten lost? here's abc seven news south bay reporter lauren martinez at the center of
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stanford's campus. >> pro-palestinian protests continue for a second night. a rope and protester standing by border the lawn the encampment sits on on friday evening. it's quiet and calm compared to the other protests that have erupted across college campuses like emory university in atlanta. >> i think there's too much noise there is way too much noise. >> adam swart is the founder of crowds on demand, a firm that organizes advocacy events and demonstrations. his company is not working with groups on either side of this issue. >> what's being lost is convince people who are on the fence to think about it more in your way. if you look at the gay rights movement and the civil rights movement were both based on bringing in moderate, perhaps even tepid supporters into the fold. >> at stanford, organizers of the protests say they want the
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university to separate itself from any companies or organizations that are advancing military efforts in the israel-hamas war to get more eyes on their cause. their demonstration went up during advent weekend, when hopeful students and parents tour the campus. >> many come with the goal of they want to do something with an education to solve problems of the world right? very, very broadly, but we've often seen that at times, universities with their deep financial links are not beholden to what some would call their stakeholders or those that give it that prestige. >> some encampments have led to confrontations and arrests. universities are having to balance free speech and disruption. >> they are all facing the same practical considerations of how to permit protest within their policies, and also find a way to prevent, violence or other, other destructive activities. >> i think what these students are doing may make them feel good and may look great on
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social media and may generate a great deal of media coverage, but it is ultimately not further their cause. >> in a statement on friday, the university said it started submitting names to the office of community standards that could result in suspension at stanford. lauren martinez, abc seven news. >> in the north bay, tents have gone up tonight on the sonoma state campus online. it's being called a solidarity with gaza encampment. organizers are demanding a cease fire. developing news with the protests on the cal poly humboldt campus today, the closure was extended until may 10th, which is the end of the semester. the university has switched to doing classes remotely in response to protesters taking over two buildings. it adds there have been numerous attempts to break into other buildings, as well as vandalism on campus. today was the deadline for demonstrators to clear out of buildings without facing arrest at columbia university. its senate
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today called for an investigation into the schools administration. columbia's president has faced criticism for calling in the new york city police department last week that led to the arrests of more than 100 protesters. camps have popped off at schools, across popped up, rather at schools across the country. and in many instances, police have moved in to make arrests. we have continuing coverage of the campus protests across the country and here in the bay area on our website, abc7 there is a link right there on our home page. new at 11 san francisco's democratic party is launching a committee to look into sexual assault allegations against john jacobo and at least one other political leader. that's according to our media partners at the san francisco standard. jacobo was the director of a housing nonprofit, but resigned there are multiple allegations against him, and at least three women filed police reports. the san francisco police department says it's investigating the cases. the standard reports. there are also allegations against kevin ortiz, who is the co-president of the latinx democratic club. his lawyer denied the allegations.
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we are seeing incredible pictures out of the midwest tonight where dozens of tornadoes have touched down in multiple states. hundreds of homes were damaged and several people injured. so far, though, there are no reports of anyone being killed in the storms. >> it's right over the airport right now. look at it. oh, my. >> this is one of multiple tornadoes that tore through nebraska today. this one hit an airport in omaha and left behind a trail of destruction. another video shows a storm that's so big, the funnel appears to be a gigantic cloud in the distance. one woman barely made it to safety as a tornado roared through her neighborhood. >> i got my babies in the basement. we covered up with a blanket. we got our dog down there. all of a sudden the lights went out and we heard everything being thrown around above us. and it was. it was so scary. it was so scary. >> homes were torn apart, or in some instances, flattened by the
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powerful winds. >> everybody, everyone's houses are they're gone. they're gone. >> i don't i else to say. >> i just hope everyone's okay. >> oh my gosh. look at that stovepipe. >> a large tornado was also seen near the capital city of lincoln. it crossed a freeway in lots of debris, was flying into the air as it churned on the outskirts of town, tearing the roofs off homes and turning now to our weather. fortunately of course, nothing that dramatic here. sandhya, how are things looking in that 24 hour accuweather forecast? yeah. >> quieter here. no doubt about it. ama. >> and there were hundreds of reports of funnel clouds and tornadoes in the midwest right now. i want to show you a live view from our emeryville camera. >> and it is just a really beautiful view. the winds have slowly begun to come down. peak wind gusts, big rock, 57 miles an hour. oakland airport was 4647 at altamont. right now it is still gusty near the coast but not inland. 32 at sfo. as we
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check out the winds hour by hour, it will be a little bit on the breezy side overnight and going into tomorrow. and here's a look at your planner in the morning. patchy clouds, 40s 50s sunny skies for noontime and mild at 4 p.m. and we're looking at a cooler evening. but really a nice looking weekend ahead. we've got even warmer days coming. i'll be back with a full forecast coming up. >> all right. look forward to hearing more. thank you sandhya. plans are now set for a memorial for the reverend cecil williams. a celebration of life will be held at glide memorial church on sunday, may 12th at 1 p.m. williams passed away monday. he'd been lead pastor at glide since the late 1960s, and is known around the world for his community and social justice work. a new state bill could give a fresh look at cold cases and hopefully bring long awaited closure to families. assembly bill 2913 would require law enforcement to review cases of open, unsolved homicides and reinvestigate if needed. the bill's author, assembly member mike gibson, is passionate about
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this as he lost his three year old son to a hit and run driver that happened over 35 years ago. >> this case is still unsolved. this bill will provide mechanics for murders victims families to petition for a fresh examination. >> the bill is currently making its way through the state assembly. we are learning more today about the tragic car crash that killed a family of four in pleasanton. police say speed may have been a factor in the crash on wednesday night, in which the car collided with a large oak tree. they say two parents and their children, both under the age of 15, died. the car caught fire after the crash. police say they are looking into all the circumstances. proposed changes to the traffic flow in a san francisco neighborhood are on hold tonight. last month, the crash killed a family of four. they're at a bus shelter in west portal. the city quickly moved to try to improve safety. local leaders say the current plan
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needs more consideration. they're asking a second proposal be developed with greater focus given to passenger zones, traffic impacts and the location of bus stops. some residents were also concerned about impacts on businesses. a fallen oakland police officer was honored. today, community and law enforcement members gathered at three crosses church in castro valley. jordan wingate was severely injured while responding to a call at the port of oakland in 2018. a car collided with wingate's patrol suv, causing it to crash into a parked big rig. he died on saturday after being on life support for nearly six years. >> thank you for being a great son and showing everybody that a kid that's not the fastest, definitely not the tallest, not the strongest who has to work hard to succeed, can chase his dreams. and through tenacity and hard work, be the best at what he does. >> and it is an especially difficult time for the department. after recently honoring the life of another
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officer, tuan lei. happening now. a stretch of freeway is shut down in the east bay and it won't reopen until monday. nine miles of 680 southbound are closed through pleasanton between the 580 connector and koopman road. caltrans is working on road repairs. it's tried to do this twice already, but rain has gotten in the way. 680 is set to reopen monday morning, and in the north bay westbound highway 37 is also closed all weekend. caltrans is repairing the pavement from vallejo to sears point. this is the second weekend in a row the road will be shut down. there were brutal delays on the detour route last week, with some people waiting 90 minutes just to go 13 miles. the road is supposed to reopen by 4 a.m. monday, though last weekend they ended the closure sunday night, making changes to the great highway in effort to clear out homeless encampments. but is it working and why? is there some pushback? san francisco has turned to night markets to help pump life back into the city. we'll tell you about a plan that
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could make it easier to hold them. what happens after your nfl career ends? the friendship two former 40 niners have built, two former 40 niners have built, and the message they are trying (screams) bleeding gums are serious, jamie. dr. garcia? woah. they're a sign of bacterial infection. crest gum detoxify's antibacterial fluoride works below the gumline to help heal gums and stop bleeding. crest saves the day. crest. to give your teeth a dentist clean feeling. start with a round brush head. add power. and you've got oral-b. round cleans better by surrounding each tooth to remove 100% more plaque. for a superior clean. oral-b. brush like a pro. i'm adding downy unstopables to my wash. now i'll be smelling fresh all day long.
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[sniff] still fresh. ♪ get 6x longer-lasting freshness, plus odor protection. try for under $5! a ban on menthol cigarets. it says it will take more time to consider feedback, including from civil rights groups. studies have shown the menthol market primarily targets black communities. experts say the white house's pause could be an attempt to avoid backlash ahead of the election. abc seven news is committed to building a better bay area, and one issue that we've been reporting on a lot is san francisco's effort to clean up homeless encampments. one city leader successfully lobbied to change how people are parking along the great highway in parts of the outer sunset district, but as abc seven news reporter tara campbell found, not everyone is on board with the idea. >> rvs packed along the lower great highway in the outer sunset district, now gone in san
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francisco's latest attempt to clear a popular homeless encampment. >> we need a functioning city. our streets need to work. we need access for parking. people need to be able to use the parking spaces. >> district four supervisor joel engardio lobbied to put in this angled parking from lincoln to kirkham, an attempt to discourage people from permanently parking, and earlier this week, the plan went into action with freshly painted parking spots and new lane lines. >> we did outreach to the rv dwellers to let them know that they can't stay here if they need a service. we offered services and so some people took services, some people drove away. if we found a vehicle that was stolen or was unregistered or wasn't able to drive, then it was towed. >> if you're providing services that require you to do a run through all these hoops, that's the reason why it's a disinterest. and then to like, then make our lives further difficult is really just it's crappy. >> stevens dombrowski lives in this camper and says cutting
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people off from the parking isn't the answer. >> we're resilient, you know, so it's like it's not like a detrimental on on, like our overall outlook, but it's like it's what keeps people in their position. >> christa bosco has lived in the outer sunset district for more than 25 years. >> here's the deal about being out in the outer sunset. it's all about being a good neighbor, and there's a lot of care for people, whether they're homeless or not. but she says living less than a block away from the encampment has taken a toll. it's truly at a crisis point. >> neighbors describing unsafe conditions, drug use and violence around the encampment. it's not working. >> it's getting dangerous out here. we would really like to know what we can do because all we keep hearing is everybody's hands are tied. >> i want to be clear that not everybody is a bad neighbor, and there are rvs and people living in their cars that we actually care for and want to protect. and then there are people who are abusing that. >> tara campbell, abc seven news. >> tonight was night two of the
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nfl draft here on abc seven. the start of a dream career for dozens of young football players. this next story is about preparing for life. after that dream, a couple of former 40 niners teammates are sharing their journey of reinventing themselves and rebuilding their lives after retirement. eddie lewis and dan bunz played together on the niners in the late 70s when they retired from the nfl. lewis was 27. bunz was 30 years old, both struggled with leaving the game they loved and struggled even more to figure out what they would do next. >> i felt kind of lost. am i going to make a second career? who am i, your football player? who are you? who are you now? i felt like the worst father, the worst husband. >> a failure in the nfl, you know. oh these guys just blow their money. >> after several failed investments and other setbacks, lewis got into the insurance business and retired after 36 years. bunz opened a sports bar in the roseville area and became
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a teacher for 22 years. they both agree it would have helped if the league offered counseling to former players to help them transition their personal and professional lives, something the niners and other teams now do. >> they just recently had a roundtable session, and the roundtable was what are your issues? do you have drinking problem, drug problems? i mean, they were throwing everything out there. they said, we want to know. i think they're setting a way for the rest of the league to help players. when they're done, because there is a big transition. >> bunz and lewis have managed to help each other with the transition. all these years after teaming up on the field. they're now neighbors in the sacramento suburb of lincoln. they both say it's important for someone to teach young players that life in the real world starts after football. mayor london breed wants to make street markets and other outdoor events easier to produce. new legislation could drop fees and cut down the permitting process. it's a continued effort to revitalize the city and support local businesses, so we have to
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cut the red tape and roll out the red carpet when there a good ideas to transform san francisco and night markets are a great idea, and we proved it here in the sunset with the first ever sunset night market, 10,000 people showed up. >> it shows that this is a great idea to activate our streets, and we need to make it easier to do so. >> city fees can currently cost up to $10,000, depending on the scale of the event. the proposal would allow organizations and small businesses to seek up to 12 fee waivers per year. in the east bay, oakland's horn barbecue is back in business five months after a devastating fire. the popular restaurant opened at a new location today at one of the owner's other restaurant locations near downtown. last november, the flagship location was destroyed in a fire, which owner matt horn believes someone set intentionally. horn says he considered staying closed, but he is still not giving up on oakland. >> prior to open up the restaurant, we made a commitment to the city as well as to the community. you know, there's a lot of people, despite the challenges that are being faced here in oakland, that support
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what we do. and we do a lot of outreach. you do a lot in the community and we don't want to turn our backs on, on, on oakland. >> horn says he now has to smoke his meats at an off site location, but he's seeing more of a police presence at the new location, which he hopes makes the restaurant guests and staff feel safe. an old shuttered glass factory is providing a unique training space for some future firefighters, recruits currently participating in the oakland fire academy spent the day at the location. fire department organizers say it's a chance to practice under circumstances that are a little more like the real thing. >> anytime we have an opportunity to come out and do the things that we've been working on within our own training division in the real world, it helps us get better at what we're going to do is come to your home, find you. if you're down, put the fire out, affect the rescue, and then go home. >> about 35 recruits took part in today's exercise. it's part of the 20 week oakland fire academy training session in. all right, let's check on the weather, because the weekend is
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here. abc seven news meteorologist sandhya patel is also here. sandhya >> yeah. and i'm going to bring you dry weather for the weekend. so if you guys have any outdoor plans, good evening to all of you. it is going to be a nice weekend. let me show you the temperature trend. we've been lagging a little bit behind where we should be for april today, 66 in livermore. tomorrow you're going to be at 69. the normal high is 72 degrees. but as we turn the chapter to a new month next week, we start may in the middle of the week. those temperatures are going to rise above average into the upper 70s to low 80s. the factor that is going to bring the warmth is this area of high pressure that is going to slowly get closer to the bay area and bring us the warm weather. all is quiet in san jose right now. a live view. here's a look at what you can expect at pan can purple stride almaden lake park tomorrow in san jose. it is a walk for pancreatic cancer. 9:00 a few clouds, upper 50s. great walking weather at 10 a.m. it's going to be too hot, not too cold and not terribly windy like it was today at 11 a.m. sunny skies, low 60s,
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and by noontime we're talking about milder weather as the event is wrapping up into the mid 60s, i will be there emceeing the event. honored to take part in such a worthy cause. looking at live doppler seven right now and you will notice that we had some very active weather snow in the sierra, thunderstorms had rain here locally. we had some rain as well. it all started last night and it was just enough to dampen the ground and to measure in some areas, but it was long gone by the afternoon. a live view from our sutro tower camera looking at the golden gate bridge 400 is what we got in san francisco. mount tam 807 inch 1200 in milpitas. trace oakland, san jose and livermore. 100th of an inch. you can put this umbrellas away. temperatures right now 40s and 50s. a live view from exploratorium camera. your weekend forecast. mostly sunny and milder tomorrow afternoon. it's going to be breezy to gusty and early next week. we've got warmer spring weather on the way. so yes, it's still going to be breezy along the coast. tomorrow morning you will notice the winds starting
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to ramp up at 3:00, but not as windy as today. still will remain gusty. your temperatures will begin with some patches of clouds in the 40s and 50s. and as we head into the afternoon already in the 60s, by noontime and at 3 p.m, we're going to see some 70s. so beautiful weather. your morning numbers, 30s to 50s, patches of clouds out there. bundle up for early plans tomorrow afternoon. nice day south bay, 6970, in morgan hill on the peninsula, 66, redwood city, 59, in pacifica, mostly sunny, 62, downtown san francisco, north bay, low 70s from napa to santa rosa 68. san rafael in the east, bay 66. oakland head inland and it's going to be a nice mild one. milder than today. 72 concord 69, in livermore. your accuweather seven day forecast temperatures going up just gradual over the weekend. mid 70s inland, upper 50s coast. and that warming trend takes us into next week. we'll be talking about more like spring weather with 80s showing up by the middle of the workweek and
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taking us into the end of the workweek my life is full of questions... mom, is yellow a light or a dark? how do i clean an aioli stain? thankfully, tide's the answer to almost all of them. why do we even buy napkins? use tide. can cold water clean white socks? it can with tide. do i need to pretreat guacamole? not with tide. this is chocolate, right? -just use... -tide...yeah. no matter who's doing it, on what cycle, or in what temperature, tide works. so i can focus on all the other questions. do crabs have eyebrows? ahh... for all of life's laundry questions, it's got to be tide. rsv is out there. for those 60 years and older protect against rsv with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. i chose arexvy. rsv? make it arexvy.
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coin shop put on a scavenger hunt today, stashing coins at 11 different locations across the city. all the coins were minted in san francisco and range in value from several hundred dollars to over 2500. clues were posted on the shop's instagram account. we have not heard whether all of the coins were found. the nfl draft continued tonight, with the 40 niners adding two new players. sports director larry beil is here with more larry ummah. >> the niners add a cornerback and an offensive lineman. certainly positions of need for the red and gold. plus we meet first round selection ricky first round selection ricky pierce, a former i love that my daughter still needs me. but sometimes i can't help due to burning and stabbing pain in my hands, so i use nervive. nervive's clinical dose of ala reduces nerve discomfort in as little as 14 days. now i can help again. feel the difference with nervive. sometimes jonah wrestles with falling asleep...
1:33 am he takes zzzquil. the world's #1 sleep aid brand. and wakes up feeling like himself. get the rest to be your best with non-habit forming zzzquil. ♪ ♪ how long their teammates with the niners remains to be seen, though the 40 niners introducing their first round pick, knowing that when they select a receiver, it's going to send the rumors into overdrive. pierce all 611 90 fearless. terrific against man coverage. the question is, does his arrival mean the exit for aiyuk or deebo samuel? the niners not involved in trade conversation with those two today? for now, pearsall can't believe he's a niner. >> words can't really describe my feelings right now, man. you know it hasn't hit. it hasn't hit yet, just trying to soak it all in. like i said, man, trying
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to be where my feet are at. obviously, this is a legendary program, and i just appreciate the entire organization taking a chance on me, man. and you know, i'm gonna prove them right. somebody i watched a lot was brandon aiyuk, so he was my teammate. you know, i got to watch him freshman year, and it just felt like every time he touched the ball or was throwing his way, he was taking it to the house. so you know, watching i do like that really helped me, you know, seeing, you know, what it takes to get to that next level. >> with their second round pick, the niners take florida state cornerback renardo green. some think he's the best corner in the entire draft. really physical db the niners then moved up in the third round to take kansas offensive lineman dominick puni six five, 313. didn't allow a sack in two years. and the draft continues tomorrow on abc. pirates and giants cal tailback jaden ott and his teammates with a football themed first pitch. straight gas but a little wide to the game giants lefty kyle harris, and he throws straighter. was dealing there. gets edward olivares six scoreless and seven k's for harrison. top nine giants and a jam. bases loaded camila duval gets brian reynolds 123 depee
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incredible, but not as incredible as this bottom nine here comes the drama patrick bailey. hi. deep aloha means goodbye. hi. good night. game over. drive home safely. three. run. walk off bomb giants win three zero. a's and orioles. the milkman in the house for no apparent reason. extra innings in the 10th. brant rooker drive to left. shea langoliers. even though he's a catcher, he could run scores the game winner mason miller with his seventh save. a's win three two. caitlin clarke in the house. game three bucks. pacers. bucs came back from down 19 three seconds left. khris middleton line drive triple. and we're going to overtime in the ot. it's middleton again. are you kidding me. with this shot he had 42 with giannis out for a third straight game. but tyrese haliburton says enough of this overtime stuff. runner in the lane. with time winding down indiana wins 121 118 to take
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google tv, amazon fire tv and roku. download the app now so you can start streaming. all right. thank you so much for watching. i'm ama daetz for sandhya and larry and all of us. thanks for being here tonight. right now on jimmy kimmel, jon bon jovi have a great night and a wonderful weekend. you can't leave without cuddles. but, you also can't leave covered in hair. with bounce pet, you can cuddle and brush that hair off.
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bounce, it's the sheet. announcer: hey, bay area, it's time to share some amazing stories and feel good. we could all use some inspiration right now. and you've come to the right place. this show is all about good food, good people, and good living. ♪ ♪ on today's show, surf's up for veterans. the mochi craze takes over pizza. walt disney family museum's unique treasure. a vegan lover's dream. but first, a taste of greece right in the bay area. ♪ ♪ charles: whether it's in san francisco or new york or chicago or athens, and you mention souvla
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and people light up and it's, in general, the first reaction is, "oh, my god, i love souvla." and it's really wild because it's like oftentimes you'll be halfway around the world and it's like, "wait a minute, how do you know about this?" we're by and large, a relatively small business. it's really, really phenomenal. just to see how we've been able to become a part of so many people's lives. ♪ ♪ we've created sort of a... a genre of the fast casual sort of category. we've called it "fast fine." think of it really as sort of an elevated version of your counter service restaurant instead of, you know, a more conventional fast casual restaurant where you have your sort of serve line and you're watching your salad or burrito, whatever, being made in front of you. you do, obviously, to-go order at the counter, but everything is plated and brought to your table, right? and your food is served
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on beautiful blue and white enamelware. your wine is served in stemware. your table is bussed when you're done so it looks and actually feels like a full service restaurant. ♪ ♪ i'm a proud greek american. we do a sort of a version or an adaptation of what people commonly know as the gyro or souvlaki sandwich. but instead of the sort of the mystery cone meat or the little skewers of meat we roast on these beautiful machines that you see when you walk into our restaurant. we roast whole chicken, whole pork shoulder, whole lamb leg. and so that is made either into a pita wrap sandwich or over kale and romaine as a salad. so very, very simple, streamlined menu. but there is actually a lot of sort of flexibility. we have the country's only all-greek beverage list, down to the sparkling water, including our own line of greek wines. and then we also have our frozen greek yogurt, which has become, you know, something in and of itself.
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this really delightfully tangy, not super sweet frozen yogurt base that you can have topped with, you know, everything from crumbled baklava to sour cherry syrup, to olive oil and sea salt. we have a great partnership with strauss family creamery, who's manufacturing that for us now. so it's 100% organic and local. i really wanted souvla to be for everyone. i didn't necessarily want it to be something where it's like you had to be greek or you had to have been to greece to know and understand this thing, that anyone can walk in and understand the menu and get great service and understand what they're eating. consistency and quality is paramount to what we do, especially when you're serving two, 3,000 meals a day. our tagline at souvla is "make it nice and be nice." so that stems from my background in fine dining, but balanced with, you know, the more sort of humane and sort of more positive attributes of running a business


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