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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM  ABC  April 28, 2024 11:00pm-12:01am PDT

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it's not who i am, it's what i do. ♪ living on a prayer ♪ did not figure out how to take an uncomfortable moment and turn it into a teachable moment. >> tonight, bubbling tensions on college campuses nationwide. bay area universities stuck in the middle of this struggle to restore order as once again, we see us colleges serving as the epicenter of social change. good evening, i'm dionne lim. while the demonstrations and tent encampments kept peaceful today at northern california campuses,
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the unrest certainly won't be ending anytime soon. it's why we're making it. tonight's abc seven news advancer at 11. it's our way. we like to get you ahead on the storylines you'll be hearing much more about in the days to come. student protesters are urging their university systems to break any financial connection to israel and its military response in gaza. after hamas terror attack today, things boiled over on the campus of ucla when counter protesters clashed with pro-palestinian demonstrators. grand prix cars line. colleges from mit and columbia to cal, stanford and cal poly humboldt are holding actions. over the past week, police said more than a dozen college campuses have arrested hundreds of people. tonight, abc seven news reporter j.r. stone spoke to the experts on the effectiveness of these protests to spark social change. >> college student protests over the israel-hamas war have spread
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to colleges and universities across the country. here in the bay area, protest encampments have been set up at uc berkeley, stanford and sonoma state. just to name a few. >> i think it's the biggest student movement of the 21st century in the united states. so it's very significant. and i think it's, it's a reflection of how how much the war is upsetting, students, and that the feeling that the united states should, should, should be more, cautious about what it does with its military aid. robert cohen is a history and social studies professor at nyu who has studied student activism. >> he says that historically, protests like this have been unpopular among americans over the past 60 plus years, but believes what we've seen over the last two weeks is historic. >> never in the history of student protest have protests been suppressed with so little, rule breaking. you know? in other words, the students at columbia were sitting on the lawn. the students here were sitting on the plaza in front of
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the student, the business school. i mean, in the 60s, you had to do something like take over a building or something like that. >> david cortright, who is professor emeritus at notre dame and visiting scholar at cornell, believes these student protests are growing. but the number of students protesting still does not compare to what we saw during vietnam antiwar protests of the 60s. >> you know, after the cambodia invasion and the killings of students at kent state, there was a national student strike, and there were student protests and more than 800 different colleges and universities here. i think we've seen many dozens. you know, it's hard to know how what the total number is. >> while most colleges and universities will finish their academic year in the coming weeks, both cortright and cohen say this issue does not appear as though it's going away anytime soon, both saying protester arrests seemed to ignite the movement and both point to the republican and democratic national conventions that could be locations for major protests. professors
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believe that these protester demands could be hard to come by trying to get universities to divest their holdings and companies that do business with israel is problematic because over 30 states have laws against that. cortright believes that the calls of protesters being anti-semitic are overblown, but also believes that the students need to do more to make it clear that they are against the initial attack. by condemning hamas, you need to build broad coalitions for movements to really be effective. >> and if you look historically, it's the ones that have the broadest support across the political spectrum, and, and this movement is still young. it hasn't done that yet. but i would hope that they could reach out and bring in, a lot of the jewish students who agree with them at uc berkeley, stanford and sonoma state, we have not seen vandalism or arrests. >> police have also kept a distance in those locations. there's also a belief that university leadership has felt the pressure from politicians and donors to clear some of
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these encampments in certain states, something that the professors believe will only ignite the movement even more. j.r. stone, abc seven news j.r, thank you. >> all of this comes as there are significant developments in a potential cease fire in the war between israel and hamas. abc news confirms the hamas terror group is now sending a delegation to cairo, egypt, tomorrow. negotiations are set to resume in a hostage and ceasefire deal. president biden spoke with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu this morning over the phone. the president urged netanyahu to consider more humanitarian aid to gaza and reiterated america's stance on a possible israeli ground invasion of rafah. >> we have to have a better understanding from the israelis about what they want to do. as a matter of fact, we've had several staff talks with them. we intend to do that more. they've assured us that they won't go into rafah until we've had a chance to really share our perspectives and our concerns with them. >> secretary of state antony
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blinken is now in saudi arabia and will be traveling across the middle east this week to help broker the negotiations, as the white house says he will be pushing for a six week cease fire tomorrow. another campus protest is scheduled for 1215 at san francisco state university. you can follow that. and our coverage of the campus protests in the bay area and nationwide, all on our website. you'll find it all at abc seven right. time now to take a look outside as we scope things out from our emeryville camera tonight. you can see it is dark yet clear, but it has been a windy weekend. as for what's next, let's get to spencer. tracking our 24 hour accuweather forecast. hi, spencer. >> okay, dion. well, that windy pattern you talk about is going to carry over through the day tomorrow and overnight as well. here's a look at our 24 hour forecast. and you can see 7:00 tomorrow morning throughout the day in fact sunny skies windy conditions. the only thing that's going to change is the temperature range. temps will be around 5052 degrees at 7 a.m. up
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to mid and upper 60s near the coast and near the bay rather and inland. at noon 4 p.m, our warmest weather, mid 70s, maybe even a few upper 70s inland. upper 60s around the bay shoreline. and then as we get to the 7:00 hour temperatures, mainly in the 60s throughout the day, we'll see gusts, especially near the coast and bay, between 30 and 40mph. the winds won't die down for a while. i'll have the full accuweather seven day forecast a little bit later. dion. all right. >> sounds good. spencer. thanks developing news now on the severe tornado emergency in the middle u.s. at least five people have died in the state of oklahoma, including a four month old child. president biden spoke to the state's governor, kevin stitt, today, offering the full support of the federal government. a total of seven southern and midwest states are affected right now. drone footage captured the destruction in douglas county, nebraska, where roads are filled with debris and roofs sheared off for that big of a storm to have the property damage that was so extensive. >> but the loss of life that's a
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tremendous attribute of the city of omaha. >> 22 million people have been under severe weather alerts. the storm system is expected to finally lose intensity by tomorrow morning, giving people an opportunity to start the recovery process. tonight, as federal agencies work to slow the spread of bird flu, a bay area infectious diseases expert is breaking down the risks here at home. here's abc seven news reporter tara campbell with what to be on the lookout for. >> it does give us a wake up call. >> doctor peter chin-hong is talking about the spread of bird flu. also known as avian flu. the virus has now been detected in cows in nine states and is showing up in milk on grocery store shelves. the fda emphasizing it is still safe to drink. >> we need to continue to do surveillance to be on the lookout for something that might affect our communities. >> the department of agriculture issuing a federal order this week requiring bird flu testing in dairy cows trying to stop the
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spread. the concern being if the virus keeps spreading among mammals, it could bring the disease closer to being able to be spread among humans. >> i think people are worried that if this particular strain of bird flu infects a pig because the pig can be infected with both human flu and bird flu , they can sort of like commingle and then create a kind of bird flu that can infect humans. and while there are no reports of the disease spreading among cows in california, the bay area has been hit hard by bird flu in past years. >> hundreds of thousands of chickens and ducks had to be destroyed after an outbreak in sonoma county last fall, causing egg and poultry prices to soar. the california poultry federation telling dan noyes of our abc7 news i-team the avian flu outbreak was devastating for the poultry industry. >> when you have a de-population of a ranch because of bird flu, the ranch is disinfected and cleaned and then it's got to stay empty for a while. for it
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to make sure it's not doesn't have any more diseases. so that farmer is out a few months of actually work, income. >> meanwhile, doctor chin-hong has a few reminders for staying safe. >> don't drink unpasteurized milk at this point. no raw milk. number two don't handle dead birds or sick cows. and number three, if you've handled dead birds or sick cows and you have uh- symptoms of flu, headache, you know, muscle aches, problems, breathing, red eyes, please seek medical attention. >> tara campbell, abc seven news. >> still ahead on abc seven news at 11. friends once again, former president trump meets with a political foe and it may carry major weight in his 2024 campaign. plus, this isn't your grandma's shopping mall. the secrets now out on how the hot, new trend saving malls across the country is faring. and some good news for your sunday evening. the oakland community
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that's showing up big for
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you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪ ) mugs.
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♪ bmo ♪ sources tell abc news. the two met privately today in florida to settle their differences. governor desantis requested the meeting through a mutual contact . that's according to one source familiar with the interaction. the two reportedly met for breakfast to bury the hatchet. desantis s office and trump's campaign both declined to comment. but earlier this month, desantis privately signaled he planned to fundraise for the former president's 2024 campaign. meantime, at last night's white house
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correspondents dinner, president joe biden delivered his election year roast. he poked fun at several topics scrubbing headlines recently, like trump's hush money trial and his age. >> i'm a grown man running against a six year old feel great. i really feel great. i'm campaigning all over the country pennsylvania, georgia, north carolina. i've always done well in the original 13 colonies. >> donald trump reacted to the roast on his truth social account. he called the event, quote, really bad and a disaster . new details tonight over california's recent minimum wage hike for fast food workers. some restaurant chains are now starting to increase prices to make up for the increase in pay. california's large fast food chains were required to bump up their minimum hourly pay to $20 an hour nearly a month ago.
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since then, according to market research firm datassential, fast food and fast casual restaurants have increased prices by 10% overall. the firm analyzed thousands of restaurants across 70 large chains. chick fil a, starbucks, taco bell and chipotle are among the restaurants that have increased prices. we make it our mission every day at abc7 to find pathways toward building a better bay area, and we love finding and sharing those breakthroughs happening in our neighborhoods. one such breakthrough we are seeing is how bay area shopping centers are reinventing themselves by catering to our taste buds. the concept is called eatertainment. like entertainment, malls such as the willows shopping center in concord have found success luring people in with unique culinary experiences like lazy dog restaurants serving fusion, comfort food in a locale designed to represent a ski lodge. then there's the all new eateries at westfield valley fair in the south bay, serving
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up korean barbecue and eataly, a food hall devoted to all things italian. experts say these restaurants help lure foot traffic to other mall tenants and boost overall success. well, our next abc seven building a better bay area breakthrough took us to the deck of the uss hornet in alameda. while the world war two era aircraft carrier may not be in military service currently, it is now a part of a project that could help counter the effects of climate change. our media partners at the east bay times report. the hornet was chosen as the home for the marine cloud brightening program. scientists from the university of washington will spend the next several months testing their equipment and computer models in real world conditions. the project hopes to find out if saltwater particles can reflect heat back into space. they're partnering with stanford's research institute to conduct the study and our final building a better bay area breakthrough is boosting up proud small businesses in oakland.
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throughout this week, the city is hosting 15 free virtual workshops, altering in small business week. this week, topics will include security, best practices using ai in business and tax and loan programs. if you or someone you know is interested, there is all the information on the city's website. oakland, ca dot gov. new tonight a small business owner robbed of her cash register in oakland is feeling the love. silvana chan has owned dick's donuts in oakland for over 20 years and this past thursday she says a man came into her shop and robbed them of their cash register with $1,400 inside. silvana who has millions of views on tiktok for posting cambodian recipe videos, shared the news on social media. the community came out in a big way, not only raising more than $4,000 in a go fund me, but buying out her entire inventory for two days in a row. today, oakland firefighters even stopped in to show their support
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as well. silvana is beyond grateful and has this hope for the future. >> i was so happy when i saw the firefighter went over there like a whole crew. people around uh- the world that messaged me, they concerned about me and they give me a supportive energy. just to keep me going on. i hope that mayor of oakland step up and do something about oakland and make oakland a better place for everyone to enjoy and for our kids, our grandkids in the future to enjoy beautiful oakland. >> she is so sweet. dick's by the way, isn't the only donut shop targeted by thieves. we've covered four robberies at colonial donuts in the lakeshore district over the past year. opd tells me an officer will review silvana's report and provide additional details soon. all right, once again, let's get to the weather situation with spencer standing by. and that
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warm up. i think we deserve it by now. >> it's coming our way, dion. but not until we get through this windy pattern that has been with us all weekend. here's the setup in the atmosphere on our satellite radar. composite image of vigorous onshore flow. we've got gusts right now along the coast up to 30mph. and it's not just along the coast. even in many of our inland areas. have gusty winds. right now. the wind forecast animation shows that even during the overnight hours, some locations will see gusts increase instead of decreasing. and then during the day tomorrow it remains gusty. it won't be until tuesday or so. those winds will start to taper off. right now we're looking at temperature readings mainly in the 50s, mid 50s san francisco, oakland, hayward, upper 50s san jose and redwood city. 52 at half moon bay. other temperature readings at this hour, mainly in the 50s as well, except petaluma 48 degrees. we've got mid 50s at santa rosa, napa, fairfield, concord, up to 59 and livermore 53. checking out the forecast headlines overnight. it will be windy near the coast and out over the bay as well tomorrow. sunny, windy and mild, much like today. but in the week ahead
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we'll see a warming trend developing through friday. as those winds diminish, midweek temperatures will start rising for tonight though. mainly clear skies of course. breezy to gusty overnight lows mainly in the upper 40s. a little chillier in the far north. high temperatures tomorrow under sunny and windy conditions. once again. upper 50s at the coast, up to about 70 around the bay shoreline. we'll see low to mid 70s in most of our inland communities. and looking at the futurecast taking us through the week, notice how active the storm track will be to our north going into the pacific northwest all week long, with rain hitting all those areas through friday. nothing coming into the bay area until about saturday when we'll see an increase in clouds, but we are not likely to see rain here over the weekend. here's the accuweather seven day forecast. we're going to have sunny skies all the way through friday, with temperatures beginning to rise on wednesday, up to about 80 inland, and then on thursday and friday, mid 80s inland, mid to upper 70s around the bay shoreline. we'll see some mid to upper 60s on the coast on thursday as well, but notice a sharp cooldown on saturday by
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about 8 to 10 degrees as clouds enter. the picture doesn't look like we're going to have any real threat of rainfall and sunday it gets even cooler with temperatures dropping far below average. so enjoy that mid to late week warm up. we will indeed. >> all right spencer thank you dion. well moving on. we want to take a moment now to remember a dear friend and colleague here at abc seven news who died suddenly earlier this month. a celebration of life was held in danville this afternoon to honor photojournalist henry gerkins. members of the abc seven family joined his loved ones to pay tribute to a loving husband, dedicated father and a devoted journalist who helped bring you the news every day. henry leaves behind his wife jenny, and two sons, bob and geoffrey. he was 59 years old and as a reporter, i can say that you'd be assigned to henry for the day and you knew it was going to be a good day. he would cover the story with so much passion and so much energy, and he was always your
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biggest cheerleader, trying to get you to be better every single day. he loved this business. he loved his family so fiercely. we know that we will miss him so much every single day
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this... is the home... of real... adventure. this is the most dangerous environment on earth. these are real stories. wow! real heroes. real explorers. it's time to take it to another level. yesss! (♪) oh my god! (♪)
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beuh was not so well received. our sister network, espn reports changes are now coming to address the criticism of see through fabrics, small lettering and overall quality. the modifications include larger lettering on the backs of the jerseys, addressing the mismatched gray tops and pants, and fixing that whole see through fabric issue. the adjustments will happen by the start of next season at the latest. the league blames nike for the design problems. nike, though, has not responded to
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espn's requests for comment. speaking of sports, both bay area baseball teams looking for series victories and the nba playoffs roll on. chris alvarez joins us now with a preview of sports. hi, chris. >> hi deion. coming up in sports both the giants and a's with a chance to win their series today. and kevin durant's sons on the verge of elimination. could k.d. lead his team to a game four win over the
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(box thuds) (water boils) (packet tears) (tea bag clanks) (water pours) - listening to people that drink bigelow tea is so important to my family,
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because making that perfect cup, it's the reason we do what we do hi, guys! - hi! - hey! - so what are you guys drinking? - constant comment. - when i'm drinking bigelow tea, it's just a moment for me. it's just me time. - that's what a cup of tea is. - it is. - a moment for you, someone you love. - aw! (customer sighs) - it tastes really great. - yes! it was always bigelow tea - wow! that's what my family hopes for. cheers. - cheers. (bright upbeat music)
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not a season long ten game homestand this afternoon against the pirates, and with a win, they would secure a series victory in a happy flight to boston. giants begin a three game series at fenway park tuesday night. a colorful grateful dead boat in the cove. and hey, they even brought out some props. all right, bottom three thairo estrada takes the first pitch of the inning over the left field wall. fourth home run of the year one nothing. giants and a couple of pitches later, how about mike yastrzemski making it back to back for the first time this year? giants score three in the inning. starter keaton winn was solid on the mound. six innings struck out, five allowed just one run on three hits closer camilo duvall made it
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interesting in the ninth inning, and then former giant joey bart grounds out to short to end the ballgame. giants win three two. they earned that series win, finishing six and four on the homestand. uh- young a's fan in baltimore learning some moves out there. top of the ninth. a's down six five facing struggling orioles closer craig kimbrel blew the save friday night and first batter a four pitch walk. oriole fans wondering what's going on. baltimore has a meeting on the mound, kimbrel said. he's good to go and the next batter, catcher kyle mccann. full count two run shot to right for the eventual game winner. that was a no doubter. a's win, seven six back home tomorrow to host the pirates nba playoffs kevin durant and the suns facing elimination looking to avoid a sweep against minnesota. katie had 20 of his 33 in the first half. an easy slam there and then devin booker hits at the halftime buzzer. game high 49. phoenix was up five at the break but minnesota up one in the fourth quarter and anthony edwards taking over. first the deep three splash and
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then ant-man. and this is the highlight of the night. elevates whoa team high 40 points. and durant and the suns get swept 122 116. afterwards, the 35 year old durant asked if he still wants to play and he absolutely does. >> i live and breathe this bro like i have nothing else but like, you know, at this point in my life, i got a lot of going on outside of basketball. but what i mainly focus on this ball, bro. so like, yeah, i got motivation. i love to play. i'm going to come back next year, you know, ready to hoop, you know. so yeah, i don't think you should question that. let's go. >> 40 niners tight end george kittle and his wife claire went to game three of the predators canucks playoff series in nashville friday. that's where they live in the off season. george was miked up, chugged a beer on the jumbotron, and as you expect, it was all gold. my favorite is when, raiders fan is like, do i hate you? >> i'm like, your team left you. that's one of my favorite
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comebacks. i literally told the refs pre game no penalties. >> i know they didn't listen to you or not with idiot. >> hahahahaha. fudge sir. what game are you watching? because it's obviously not this one. >> whoa. i'll see you guys a little bit. let's go boys >> too much fun. abc seven sports, sponsored by river rock casino. dion uh. >> gotta love the. woo! all right, chris, thanks. well, much more to come on abc seven news at 11. the invasion of the cicadas. it's all the buzz and in certain parts of the country, it's about to be historic. and the adventure that may lead you to a serious jackpot. the san francisco scavenger hunt for you got it? let's go back to the beginning. are you... your electric future. customized. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. ♪ ♪
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everyone needs a place to recharge. how we get there matters. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. four years since drivers were allowed down the street and safety advocates are celebrating san francisco is grappling with the best way to make streets safer without kicking cars off its most central roads. tonight we are looking into the changes on the table for other streets
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in san francisco. abc7 news reporter suzanne fawn shows us the push to protect pedestrians and cyclists across the city happy fourth birthday, jfk promenade. for many, it's another beautiful day at golden gate park. but on this day with bikers, strollers, runners, even a pedal powered vw bug, hundreds of people came out to celebrate another year. that jfk drive has been car free. >> we're really excited to have a car free space in san francisco. this was a dangerous street. now all it does is spark joy. >> parents like tammy two are grateful for the safe space. >> it's really awesome because you get to ride and feel safe with your little ones. >> this park, i must say, for those. >> mayor london breed first made jfk drive car free during the pandemic so people could have a place to come and be socially distanced. it became permanently car free thanks to measures that passed at the polls last november. this rollerblader is ecstatic about that, and opportunities in the city to
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have everyone come together in a community environment is something to really nurture as a city. >> so i'm all for keeping this the way it is. >> since the west portal fatal accident a few weeks ago, there's been a big push to recommit to vision zero. that's the policy to end fatal traffic crashes. we're not trying to get rid of cars. >> we want to make sure we balance that with the right infrastructure. and that leads to safety and efficiency. >> just this week, sfpd released this 32 page plan to help slow drivers down as part of a six month pilot project, police will step up enforcement in ten of the most dangerous intersections in the city of san francisco. sfpd says enforcement will come in waves. this new crackdown on speeders comes at a time where data shows that the number of traffic tickets given by sfpd has dramatically dropped due to staffing or regulations. jody medeiros is with walk sf. >> we're encouraging the police to do this, to make sure that
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people know that our laws are going to be enforced, they are going to be focusing on speeding , which is the number one cause of our crashes and fatalities. >> besides keeping jfk drive car free, besides adding enforcement to a number of dangerous intersections, the city of san francisco is also adding speed cameras in san francisco, suzanne phan abc seven news. happening now we are just a handful of hours from the end of two major freeway closures. caltrans says highway 37 in the north bay and 680 in the east bay are both on track to reopen before the morning commute. the next time you drive south on 680 through pleasanton, it will be on new smooth pavement. caltrans crews poured the concrete this weekend, and the highway should reopen at 4 a.m. on highway 37 in the north bay. the repaving work is wrapping up on the westbound lanes. lanes are closed from vallejo to sears point, but they are also set to reopen at 4 a.m. next weekend.
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caltrans will start work on the eastbound side of the highway tonight. more than a dozen us states in the southeast and midwest are readying for a cacophony of nonstop cicada buzzing. we are on the cusp of a rare double brood event when trillions of cicadas will emerge from their years long underground stay. the two broods will emerge in some massive numbers to feed, make noise, mate and die. the last time this tsunami of cicadas emerged at the same time was 1803, when thomas jefferson was president. they are pretty impossible to ignore. >> they've called our non-emergency. they flagged deputies down. people that think they're hearing a siren, they think that that it may be like a burglar alarm. they don't bite. >> they don't sting. certainly this is not something you have to be afraid of. >> i've lived in the midwest. they are deafening at times. that message that you just heard. don't be afraid, is being shared widely. while annoying
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cicadas are indeed harmless, a collectible coin scavenger hunt worth thousands of dollars is still going on in san francisco. the owner of whitter coin shop hid the collectibles on friday. people found all but one, and today the owner moved that one coin to a new hiding spot and added a new coin to the search for as well. the coins were all minted in san francisco and are worth up to $2,500. if you find one of the last two, it is yours to keep. still ahead tonight on abc seven news at 11, new details about a 77 year old woman who went viral for stopping a robbery. woman known as miss fe is stepping up to make a difference in her community. what she's doing next. >> i'm spencer christian. our windy pattern from this weekend will continue into tomorrow. i'll show you when that will end and when we can expect a warm up my accuweather seven day
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forecast coming up. when abc
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you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save.
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both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪
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his time since the show ended. and there are the people who say, help! i suck at first dates. that's coming up this week at 1 p.m, right here on abc seven. >> nearly two years ago, i introduced you to a great grandmother named miss faye. she went viral after she stopped a robbery outside her west oakland home using a cane and her german shepherd. now she is making headlines once again, this time for running for city council at the age of 77. it's a story you'll see only on seven. these days, 77 year old faye taylor's german shepherd, troy is more interested in sniffing around than springing into action, like he did in october of 2022.
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could forget the viral moment when taylor, who prefers to be called miss faye, spotted an older woman getting dragged for her purse outside her west oakland home. miss faye came running out hollering, even throwing her cane at the assailant, who speeds away. were you scared at all to jump in? because most of the time people are worried there might be a gun? >> i never thought about it. the fear never crossed my mind. >> this great grandma's quick thinking drew recognition from then mayor libby schaaf and then the nation. here she is as a guest on the drew barrymore show. why did you want to spring into action like this? >> because i'm crazy. i guess. >> channeling that spirit of crazy miss faye is back in the news. despite no political experience and her advanced age, i figured this would be the only time i'm going to have to run. >> you know, i don't want to be 99 and run crimes like the one outside her door and elsewhere. i'm just upset about what's going on, especially in chinatown, are just some reasons
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why she's entering the district three city council race. there's so much crime. well the police station is a block away. you know, it's just like they're not scared. they have no fear. >> born and raised in oakland, miss faye tried running in 2020 but says covid stopped her from campaigning. four years later, she believes homelessness in the city has not improved. >> you're running for office and say, i'm gonna do this and i'm gonna do that. if you can't keep your word, you should be punished and wants to see more. >> focus on youth and education. >> that's what i would love to do to give the teachers a bonus, because they are really, really going. they're having a hard time there, having a hard time with these kids because they have no discipline. pulling them in and make them want to change their life. instead of seeing them the next time in a casket. >> while miss faye admits she may not have all the answers. >> i'm going to do the best i can. and if i don't know what i'm doing, i'm going to ask somebody. i'm going to ask my community. >> she's vowing to serve her community with the same honesty
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and fearlessness the world saw in 2022. >> i think god is on my side this time. i think i can make it now. >> i recently asked incumbent carol pfeiffer comment. she said she encourages everyone that is genuinely interested in the well-being of the city to throw their hat in the ring. warren logan, who is also running for d three, said in part he welcomes anyone who wants to work together toward making district three and oakland a better place to live, work and visit. all right, one last check of the weather to our weather person who happens to be the same age as miss faye. exactly >> yeah, yeah. so good for her. i'm praying for her. look at you. >> you're still kicking it. >> and i might throw a cane at somebody, too. what the heck? not me. okay, let's take a look at what's happening with the weather. dion. the wind, the gusty wind that we have tonight is going to continue near the coast furiously. in fact, tomorrow will be sunny, windy and mild. and the week ahead we'll see a warming trend and diminishing wind, i'm happy to
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say, overnight under clear skies, look for low temperatures mainly in the upper 40s. highs tomorrow will generally be around 60 at the coast, upper 60s to about 70 near the bay and mid 70s inland. and here's the accuweather seven day forecast. two more days of mild, sunny, windy weather wednesday. the winds diminish and the temperatures begin to rise thursday and friday. we'll see mid 80s inland mid 70s around the bay. but then the weekend arrives with a few clouds and a sharp drop in temperature, so it gets cool all over again. >> dionne spencer you don't even have a cane. >> well, i'll get one if it makes me look more distinguished . >> how about the clicker? you can throw the clicker at me instead. so sounds good. all right, once again, let's get to chris alvarez with another preview of sports. hi, chris. >> hey, dion. coming up in sports, the nfl draft has come and gone. ricky pearsall leads the 40 niners new draft class and will take a trip down memory lane. brock purdy's journey from mr. irrelevant to franchise qb. sports
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nfl is going to release the regular season schedule sometime in the next month, so we'll get all those dates this week. the 40 niners made florida wide receiver ricky pearsall a number one pick when they took him 31st overall in the nfl draft. now just two short years ago, it was the 40 niners last pick that went from mr. irrelevant to franchise quarterback. here's a look back at brock purdy's journey from draft day until now. >> with the 262nd pick in the 2022 nfl draft, the san francisco 40 niners select brock purdy. >> little did anyone know, the 40 niners would find their franchise quarterback. iowa state's brock purdy, with the last pick in the 2022 nfl draft. the early reviews were mixed, but every time i watch brock purdy, i thought career backup in the nfl. >> i'm sorry it took till the
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end. uh- we find you very relevant, but you are going to be mr. irrelevant. >> we've loved you on tape, man. you know how to play the position in this is a hell of a day for you, man. >> but from the beginning, purdy showed the trademark confidence that ultimately led to a super bowl appearance in his first full season as a starter. >> i'll embrace the role and have some fun with it for sure. but, at the end of the day, you know, i'm trying to go and help a team win a super bowl. >> now, entering his third nfl season, brock has noticeably bulked up preparing for a new campaign in the off season. >> for me, you know, you want to add some muscle and stuff, but, just because it's a long season and realistically it can sort of wear off over time. you know, obviously come season, that's what matters is, being in the best shape possible for what is a marathon, a marathon with high expectations and a super bowl ready roster. you're playing football from. what is it, august till february. so like you go through a lot with these guys. and so you do have all these feelings and emotions. you put so much into it. you get to the final game and you come up
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short in overtime and so for all of us, it's like, dang, like, you know, in the moment it's heartbreaking. >> that window for winning super bowls. it's not always open, but as long as i've been here it's been open. >> every season's a new one. every group's a new one. you got to forge your identity and it's about the work now and it's about becoming a team. this year's team. >> when i see the guys in the locker room and stuff again, man, it's, i mean, we've obviously been through some, some stuff together, but that's the love that you have. like, we went to war together and now we get to do it again now. so it gets you excited. >> as for the last pick in this year's draft, the jets took alabama safety jalen key the last 11 mr. irrelevant have played at least one game in the nfl. former niners defensive coordinator robert saleh as the jets head coach, and he no doubt hopes key will be half as good as brock purdy. it also means that former alabama head coach nick saban has coached the top pick in the nfl draft, and now the very last pick. pretty cool. stephon curry has won just about everything during his career and earlier in the week, a new honor winning the nba's clutch player
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of the year award, also known as the jerry west trophy. curry led the league in several clutch categories, including points, three pointers, and field goals made. clutch performances are defined by games that are within five points of five minutes or less left in the game. nba playoffs today, no giannis or dame bucks down two. one of the pacers going into game four. third quarter indiana takes control myles turner. whoa. look out below. pacers led by as many as 19 in this game. that is an absolute poster. but milwaukee hanging tough stanford man and the kid from fresno brook lopez from deep gets him within six. he had a team high 27. but the pacers had a playoff franchise record 22 three pointers. turner had a game high 29 hitting seven from deep. pacers win 126, 113. they can eliminate milwaukee tuesday night. saw it right here on abc seven. game four clippers in dallas paul george and james harden without kawhi leonard, mavs were down by as many as 31. but late in the fourth, kyrie irving, who had a game high 40.
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they take their first lead since the first quarter. look at owner mark cuban just stunned next possession though paul george from fresno state. fadeaway three buckets tied for a team high 33. and then james harden scored 15 of his 33 in the fourth. clippers hang on. whoa 116 111 series tied at two. game five in la on wednesday, abc seven sports sponsored by river rock casino dion. >> chris thanks. and a reminder you can watch all of our newscasts live and on demand through the abc seven bay area connected tv app. it's available for apple tv, google tv, amazon fire tv and roku. all you have to do is download the app now and start streaming for free. well, that's all the time we have for tonight everyone. i'm dion lim, abc seven news continues tomorrow morning at 5:00 for spencer and chris and all of us here. thanks so much for joining us. we'll leave you now with a live look outside where things look pretty clear over at sfo. keep in mind that
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