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tv   America This Morning  ABC  April 29, 2024 4:30am-5:01am PDT

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captioned by los angeles distribution and broadcasting, inc. >> right now on america this morning, the deadly tornado outbreak across multiple states, an entire downtown damaged and destroyed a four month old. among those killed, homes flattened this warehouse left in ruins. and overnight, a tornado
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touching down north of houston. what to expect today talks for a potential hostage deal between israel and hamas resuming today. >> but this morning, word that israel's prime minister and other government officials are bracing for possible arrest warrants from an international court, plus a new crackdown overnight on crowds protesting the war on college campuses here in the u.s. >> a local district attorney caught on camera after refusing to pull over for speeding. >> i am the da. >> okay, her claim to the officer and how the governor is now getting involved. >> the governor eyed as a potential trump running mate this november, responds to the backlash over her story about shooting her dog for bad behavior. what kristi noem is now saying nightmare in paradise the list of americans now facing prison time in the caribbean for bringing bullets in their luggage. later, the major leagues reportedly making a major change to those controversial see through uniforms in the toddler who said
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there were monsters in the wall and was right sort of. >> from abc news in new york. this is america this morning. >> good monday morning, everyone. i'm andrew dymburt. >> good morning to you i'm rhiannon ally. we want to begin with the severe weather overnight. just hours after a deadly tornado outbreak left several people dead, including a four month old child. >> states from nebraska and iowa to oklahoma and now texas have seen these destructive and devastating storms. aerial video shows this dollar tree warehouse torn to shreds in oklahoma and debris was flying in kansas as this funnel cloud slammed into a house this morning. the multi-day severe weather outbreak now leaving its mark on texas. >> you see this right here? this is where a house was. >> the sheriff in trinity county posting this video overnight saying a tornado just touched down showing widespread damage to a community north of houston. >> it's no longer here. it's
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completely gone. cars turned completely upside down. it's kind of unheard of in our area. >> two people were rushed to the hospital after being rescued from a damaged home. powerful tornado. right here, right here, right here. since friday, more than 130 tornadoes have been reported across the middle of the country. at least four people were killed from the storms in oklahoma, including a four month old. the national weather service says a tornado that was at least ef3 strength packing winds up to 165mph destroyed the town of sulfur. >> i just haven't seen this much destruction from my time as governor. it seems like every business in downtown has been destroyed now. video from above shows the scope of the devastation. >> roofs ripped off, homes demolished. >> i just kept seeing pictures on the news and facebook, and you don't know how much real damage is done to your see it with your own eyes. >> in iowa, several people were injured and one person killed in minden, where officials say nearly half the city's homes have been destroyed. and authorities in nebraska say more than 150 homes were damaged in douglas county, the national weather service office in omaha
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issued 48 tornado warnings friday, the most ever issued in a single day. meanwhile, the hottest temperatures of the year are on the way for parts of the northeast today. we'll check your full forecast in just a few minutes. >> major developments now from the war in the middle east. talks for a potential cease fire and hostage deal are set to resume today, as members of israel's government brace for a new legal threat. in the meantime, a new crackdown on college students protesting the war on campuses nationwide. abc's christiane cordero is here now with the latest. christiane. >> good morning, brianna, and good morning. today cease fire talks come as we learn about potential arrest warrants for members of israel's government. this morning, top israeli officials reportedly believe they could face arrest warrants from the international criminal court in the near future, possibly this week. they include prime minister benjamin netanyahu and israel's defense minister, according to the new york times. the israeli officials could potentially be accused of preventing the delivery of humanitarian aid to the gaza strip and pursuing an
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excessively harsh response to the hamas led october seventh attacks on israel. netanyahu has defended his government's response. >> put yourself in israel's shoes. >> we were attacked. unprovoked attack, murderous attack on october 7th, the worst attack on jewish people since the holocaust. i think we've responded in a way that goes after the terrorists and tries to minimize the civilian population in which the terrorists embed themselves and use them as human shields, experts say the potential for an arrest warrant does not mean an arrest or a trial in the hague is imminent. >> it comes as negotiators meet today in cairo to discuss a potential cease fire deal between israel and hamas. the wall street journal reports. the potential deal includes around 20 hostages being released in return for israel releasing an estimated 500 palestinian prisoners and allowing 300,000 people to return to northern gaza, israel's foreign minister has said israel would delay its offensive in rafah in southern gaza, in exchange for a hostage
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deal. >> when you saw hamas released another video of an american israeli hostage over the weekend, keith siegel is seen breaking down in tears in the video. >> days earlier, hamas released video of 23 year old hirsh goldberg. poland i do think that these two videos are a signal from hamas that they are ready to make a deal and a reminder that there are american citizens being held, including including keith, here in the u.s, another university campus is grappling with protests over the war. police overnight were seen detaining protesters at virginia tech. hundreds of people were arrested at college campuses over the weekend. ucla is now adding security to campus after clashes between pro-palestinian and pro-israeli demonstrators, public universities and colleges and the police don't have the right to stop a message. >> they have a right sometimes to stop the manner in which the message is being conveyed. hate speech is not is not protected.
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there are certain kinds of speech that aren't protected. but protesting the government s involvement in a conflict overseas is classic first amendment protected activity in a phone call yesterday, the white house says president biden emphasized to netanyahu that the u.s. does not support a ground operation in rafah, where more than 1 million palestinians have sought shelter since the war began. >> andrew. christiane. >> thank you. former president trump's hush money trial resumes tomorrow after days of testimony from former national enquirer publisher david pecker. tomorrow a banker who testified about a shell company set up to pay adult film star stormy daniels will return to the stand. the jury also heard last week from trump's longtime executive assistant, who said trump had stormy daniels contact information. meanwhile, trump met privately in miami yesterday with florida governor ron desantis. sources say desantis requested the meeting to bury the hatchet after that contentious primary race, desantis endorsed trump after
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dropping out but has not campaigned with him. there's word he may begin fundraising for trump, a governor thought to be a contender for donald trump's running mate this november, is responding to the backlash over a story in her new book. >> it's a story about shooting her puppy this morning, south dakota governor kristi noem, considered to be in the running to become former president trump's pick for vice president, is responding to the backlash over a story in her upcoming memoir. in the book, noem says she shot and killed her 14 month old puppy named cricket for bad behavior. noem claims the wirehaired pointer had an aggressive personality that included misbehaving on a hunting trip, killing several chickens and biting gnome's hand. noem also detailed killing a goat she called nasty and mean. reaction has been swift from both sides of the aisle. conservative media personality laura loomer saying she can't be vp now. you can't shoot your dog
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and then be vp. the biden campaign posting these photos after the story emerged of the president and vice president with their dogs. and there was this moment at saturday's white house correspondents dinner, i am killing this dinner harder than kristi noem kills the puppies. but noem responding yesterday saying, i followed the law and was being a responsible parent, dog owner and neighbor, adding that shooting her dog wasn't easy, but often the easy way isn't the right way. her fellow republicans taking advantage of the controversy. kari lake also a potential trump vp pick, shared this photo wishing her dog a happy birthday and florida governor ron desantis posted this video encouraging people to adopt rescue dogs. in a sign of the challenges gnome may face, a new york post opinion column said, quote, we have finally found an issue that unites the country. >> time now for your monday weather.
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>> we're tracking this line of severe thunderstorms getting ready to sweep across much of louisiana and arkansas this morning. you can see how robust these storms will be setting up, and this will bring with them the threat for strong winds, hail, and maybe even a few tornadoes. meanwhile, we're also tracking another severe threat for an area previously hit hard lincoln. omaha, nebraska. this region is already seeing devastating severe thunderstorms, and they could be in for more. tuesday afternoon. meanwhile, on the east coast, it's some of the hottest temperatures of the year. our nation's capital will reach around 90 degrees this afternoon. somara, theodore abc news, new jersey. >> coming up, zebras on the loose near seattle. >> also ahead, the district attorney caught on camera after refusing to pull over for speeding. what she told the officer and how the governor is now getting involved, and later, something unexpected on
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>> we're coming to you america. >> get ready get ready get ready . >> we're back with drivers seeing extra stripes on the road in the pacific northwest for zebras. got loose on interstate 90 east of seattle. authorities say the zebras escaped from their owner's trailer. they were eventually rounded up inside a nearby fence. >> now to new york, where a district attorney is under fire for what she did when police tried to pull her over for speeding and all of it was caught on camera. breaking overnight, new york's governor, now seeking a state investigation into a local district attorney's conduct during a traffic stop. >> get out of my house. >> police body camera footage obtained by our rochester affiliate, wham, shows monroe county da sandra doorley, moments after she refused to pull over for a traffic stop last week, instead driving home
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the officer followed her. >> what is the reason you're so against what i'm doing? i'm doing my job. you say you're a da. >> i am the da. okay, okay, let me get you my badge. i am the da of monroe county. >> doorley admitted she was speeding. >> i was going 55, coming home from work, 55, in a 35. i don't really care. >> why are you so upset? she claims she did not hear the sirens and she appeared to call the police chief. >> i'm going to leave me alone. >> eventually she told the officer to write her a ticket. >> i'm the one who prosecutes it. >> okay, just go ahead and do it. go ahead. you know what i've been dealing with all day? three murders in the city. and do you think i really care if i was going 20 miles over the speed limit? >> now, new york governor kathy hochul has referred dawley's case to the commission on prosecutorial conduct, saying doorley has undermined her ability to hold others accountable for violating the law. all nine members of rochester city council also calling for a state investigation. doorley, in a
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statement, said she pleaded guilty to speeding and said nobody, including your district attorney, is above the rule of law. doorley insists she had no intention of using her position to receive a benefit from the officer. >> a catholic priest near philadelphia has responded to theft charges. he's accused of stealing $40,000 in church funds and used it to play video games, including candy crush and pokemon go. police say he's getting counseling and he, quote, expressed feelings of stupidity. >> coming up, the list of americans now facing prison time in the caribbean for bringing bullets in their luggage. >> also ahead, the big leagues reportedly making a big change to those controversial see to those controversial see through uniforms camilla tried the new scent of gain relax flings and it changed everything. (♪) [silence] (♪) [silence] (♪) [silence] hey dave, don't knock it 'til you smell it.
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or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge as you. emerge tremfyant®. ask you doctor about tremfya®. ( ♪ ) . tonight >> welcome back. a tourist is recovering from a shark bite in the caribbean. the shark severed the british man's arm and leg off the coast of tobago. his wife says the 64 year old is in stable condition, though in the icu she says his friends stayed in the water to battle the shark. and at least four americans are now facing prison time in turks and caicos on ammunition charges. the latest arrest was last tuesday. tyler wenrick of virginia, was detained for allegedly trying to carry two nine millimeter rounds onto a cruise ship. now because of the country's strict new firearms law, he faces up to 12 years in prison, which has his wife terrified. >> like, i understand that there's laws and regulations.
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it's. but there should be fairness and grace when it comes to things, and especially the intent of them. there is no intent to harm anybody. >> the tsa has admitted failing to detect the rounds in weinrib's luggage. when he left the u.s, the oklahoma man we told you about last week faces the same possible sentence. his next court hearing is in june. >> we turn now to the sports uniforms being criticized as being see through. they're about to see some changes. after months of complaints about baseball's new uniforms. >> you can see the nike logo of this guy's like spandex under his pants. >> why did no one think to test the pants first change is coming. >> in a memo obtained by espn, the players association says the league will now remedy the many issues plaguing the jerseys. >> the numbers are too small. the lettering is too small. >> this makes your game your sport look cheap. >> instead of talking about
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ohtani and soto and baseball, we're talking about what the players look like. >> naked complaints have included the size of the names and numbers, mismatching colors, and the uniforms collecting too much sweat. but the biggest complaint mlb players are slamming the league's new uniforms because their pants are see through. >> let's check it out. >> yeah. >> oh, i get the feeling this year we're going to see a lot more dingers. >> in the memo, the players association blames nike, which spent a reported $1 billion to supply the uniforms. writing at its core, what has happened here is that nike was innovating something that didn't need to be innovated. nike not yet commenting overnight. meanwhile, a uniform change in pro football the nfl is allowing players to wear so-called guardian caps during games they've been testing the soft shell covers in training camps worn over the helmet. they provide extra padding and have been shown to reduce concussions by nearly 50. but some fans critical, claiming the caps will take away from the
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sport's tough guy image. you are this thing on your head, you've got no drip, zero swag. >> it is a hard l would be an absolute shock if somebody wore this in an actual game. >> others worry the caps might empower players to hit even harder, causing more injuries. no word yet on how many players might wear the caps next season. as for the major league baseball uniforms, it won't be a quick fix it could take until next season to make all the necessary changes, but players will be happy about that. >> though. coming up, a new way to mow the lawn. >> plus, the toddler who said >> plus, the toddler who said there were monsters in the wall nothing comes close to this place in the morning. i'm so glad i can still come here. you see, i was diagnosed with obstructive hcm. and there were some days i was so short of breath. i thought i'd have to settle for never stepping foot on this trail again. i became great at making excuses. but i have people who count on me so i talked to my cardiologist. i said there must be more we can do for my symptoms. he told me about a medication called camzyos. he said camzyos works by targeting what's causing my obstructive hcm.
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so he prescribed it and i'm really glad he did. camzyos is used to treat adults with symptomatic obstructive hcm. camzyos may improve your symptoms and your ability to be active. camzyos may cause serious side effects, including heart failure that can lead to death. a risk that's increased if you develop a serious infection or irregular heartbeat or when taking certain other medicines. so do not stop, start or change medicines or the dose without telling your healthcare provider. you must have echocardiograms before and during treatment. seek help if you experience new or worsening symptoms of heart failure. because of this risk, camzyos is only available through a restricted program. before taking camzyos, tell your doctor about all of your medical conditions, including current or planned pregnancy. today with camzyos, i don't lose my breath as often. my symptoms have improved, helping me go from expecting less to experiencing more. my name is mike. and this is my camzyos moment. call your cardiologist today and see if a camzyos moment may be in your future too.
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was scared. after watching the movie monsters, inc. >> but a beekeepers thermal camera showed the girl was right. he opened the wall and found about 50,000 dead bees. people magazine showing these images, the cleanup costing about $20,000. that's a scary part. all right, next good news. if you dread mowing the lawn, you don't have to, at least for a while. >> yeah, you can join the no mow may movement. it urges people not to mow the lawn until june. and the reason is to give bees more space to pollinate plants. meanwhile more people are turning to robot lawn mowers. look at this. but some models are so expensive we're talking nearly six grand that some neighbors are teaming up to share the mower and the costs. >> next, caution flags are not unusual during auto racing, but this was something totally different. yeah >> take a look at what happened during lap 52 of the alabama indy grand prix. a mannequin fell from a pedestrian bridge. the man who built the venue said he wanted her right over the track so that the drivers would think someone was hanging off the bridge. i guess he's kind of
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a funny guy, but the drivers kept going. next, a florida woman's having a hard time checking in for flights at the airport. ever since her 100th birthday, the airlines have a two digit system, so every time mildred kirschenbaum enters her birth year as 23 for 1923, she shows up in the system as a baby and an unescorted minor. >> no one seems to know how to correct it, so i'm going through my second childhood. the unescorted minor. >> other centenarians are facing >> other centenarians are facing the same glitch. a 100 year we're still going for that nice catch. we're still going for that perfect pizza. and with higher stroke risk from afib not caused by a heart valve problem,... ...we're going for a better treatment than warfarin. eliquis. eliquis reduces stroke risk. and has less major bleeding. over 97% of eliquis patients did not experience a stroke. don't stop taking eliquis without talking to your doctor as this may increase your risk of stroke. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding.
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the most prescribed biologic in asthma. i've right now at five antiwar protests growing across the country and right here in the bay area. the action we're expecting just hours from now on, a new campus. >> and major progress could come this week on the war between israel and hamas. the urgent effort to negotiate a cease fire and hostage release as the delegation meets in egypt today, including secretary of state antony blinken, congresswoman nancy pelosi now getting involved in the investigation into a rising politician in san francisco. >> the allegations, she says


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