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tv   ABC7 News 500AM  ABC  April 29, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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i've right now at five antiwar protests growing across the country and right here in the bay area. the action we're expecting just hours from now on, a new campus. >> and major progress could come this week on the war between israel and hamas. the urgent effort to negotiate a cease fire and hostage release as the delegation meets in egypt today, including secretary of state antony blinken, congresswoman nancy pelosi now getting involved in the investigation into a rising politician in san francisco. >> the allegations, she says the
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democratic party will be looking into. >> plus, federal agencies are working to slow the spread of the bird flu, a local disease expert explains the risks at home and why you don't need to worry about your breakfast this morning. >> good morning. it is monday, april 29th. >> hope you all had a wonderful weekend. >> it was amazing. i mean the weather. >> come on, you see the sun? yeah, we're going to have more of that. although the winds, if you are at the coast, you notice that it was quite gusty there. and that's all due to a couple of weak systems in the pacific northwest that will continue to affect us for the first half of the week. you can see a little activity there. otherwise we'll get into more sunshine today. a little patchy fog along the peninsula to start out, but otherwise we're in the low 50s from hayward to palo alto and concord up in the north bay, looking at lower 50s. santa rosa had quite a bit of wind last night, keeping the temperatures fairly elevated instead of those mid and upper 40s, so that keeps us anywhere from a couple degrees cooler in hayward to about five degrees milder in santa rosa. here's a look at
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those current wind gusts from 17 to 22 miles an hour from the coast up towards santa rosa, and they'll build throughout the day. today live. look outside there where temperatures are in the 50s. and then as we get towards noon, we'll look for a mid 60s around the bay, upper 60s inland. and then as we get towards the afternoon, those winds at the coast. but we'll manage those mid 70s inland with about 70 around the bay. >> lisa. thank you. protests against the israel hamas war are sweeping us campuses and showing no signs of letting up. today another bay area school is joining that movement. abc seven news reporter lena howland is here, and lena, students at san francisco state university are going to hold a rally for solidarity with gaza. >> reggie. that's right. good morning. a group called students for gaza at sfsu is behind today's demonstration. the group says the rally will be focused on calling on the csu system to stop providing support to israel. as sfsu associated students already voted to divest
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from israel back in 2020. their message follows calls for divestment from students on college campuses nationwide. at stanford, more than two dozen tents have been set up on the campus's white plaza. their demonstration first started on thursday for what student activists are calling a people's university for palestine. this group told us they're demanding stanford separate itself from any companies or organizations advancing military efforts in the israel-hamas war. and they're calling out three well-known companies stanford has ties with lockheed martin. >> stanford has ties with chevron with hp, and all three of those companies, are are hurting the palestinian people. you know, in some way or another. lockheed martin is more directly through weapons, right. but then there's technology, then there's gas. >> both stanford and uc berkeley's demonstrations have remained peaceful so far, but that hasn't been the case at places like columbia or usc. to
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protect students, a newly formed group called the faculty for palestine at sfsu is calling on the university administration to do three things refrain from dispatch police forces against potential student demonstrations . refrain from any academic retaliation against students, and respect students right to protest today's demonstration on campus is expected to start right around 1215 this afternoon on malcolm x plaza. live in studio lena howland, abc seven news lena, thank you. >> usc officials say protesters taking part in a demonstration on campus there damaged property over the weekend. the university says they vandalized the tommy trojan statue and a fountain. usc also says its president has tried numerous times to meet with the students, but they have declined these offers. this all comes after usc decided to cancel its main graduation, citing there wasn't enough time to process guests. with these new safety measures in place. police at more than a dozen
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college campuses have arrested about 600 people over the last week. the grand prix goes you hear tense moments at ucla yesterday as counter-protesters clashed with pro-palestinian demonstrators. the university says a group broke through a barrier meant to keep the protests apart. no word on arrests from this incident up north at cal poly humboldt, the campus is still closed. >> police are threatening people with arrest if they enter without permission. students are still camped out in two buildings. they're demanding the university divest from companies connected to israel. they also want the university to call for a ceasefire in gaza. the campus will remain closed. classes will continue to be remote through the end of the of the semester, and more students in gaza are sending messages of thank you to american students who are taking part in these college campus protests. yesterday, messages were spray painted on tents near a school in rafah and now serves as a shelter for displaced palestinians. one student says
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she was supposed to graduate from a university in gaza this year, but her school was bombarded. >> us gazan students go through go through pain and we suffer every single day. we have to also work on finding, maybe a way or any anything to continue our future to not lose what we learned. >> students say despite the brutality of the war, they vowed to remain resilient and are determined to persevere. and you can follow all our coverage of the campus protests in the bay area and nationwide on our website. abc7 this morning. >> there appears to be significant developments in a potential cease fire between israel and hamas. abc news confirms hamas is sending a delegation to cairo to resume negotiations today. and amanda, we understand that meeting comes as the white house is meeting with israel. >> u.s. secretary of state antony blinken flew into saudi arabia overnight to push for a
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temporary cease fire. a six week pause in fighting. now, this trip coming after president biden and benjamin netanyahu spoke over the weekend, the u.s. is taking a clear position opposing israel's plans to invade rafah. that's where more than 1 million palestinians are sheltering. netanyahu's government is divided on how to move forward. right wing hardliners are threatening to leave the governing coalition of israel if israel agrees to what they call a reckless deal. other members are urging the government to prioritize the release of hostages. the u.s. military is working to install an offshore temporary pier to bring in large shipments of humanitarian aid into gaza, the white house says it will likely take 2 to 3 weeks before it's ready to use. and here we'll take a brief pause and head over to traffic alert. the headline here can't see it now, but i'm just going to tell you 37 and 680 that saw the major closures over the weekend. they have since reopened this morning, so there's nothing in your way if you are relying on those two
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strikes okay amanda. >> thank you. new developments in the fallout from sexual assault allegations against a rising political star in san francisco. our partners at the san francisco standard report that speaker emerita nancy pelosi is now weighing in on this investigation. san francisco's democratic party is launching a committee looking into allegations of sexual assault by john jacobo and at least one other political leader. jacobo was the director of a powerful housing nonprofit. he resigned after the standard published the allegations against him. at least three women say they filed police reports over alleged abuse and harassment, the standard reports pelosi sent a letter to the sf democratic party expressing her support for the committee. sfpd says it is still investigating the women's claims. >> abc seven news continues to follow the story of banco brown. he is the 24 year old man who was shot and killed by a security guard at a walgreens. the san francisco da says the guard was acting in self defense. abc seven news reporter
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tara campbell tells us one year later, people are still angry. his name, brown calls for justice the day a security guard shot and killed banco brown at a walgreens in san francisco. >> banco was the type of person to give you the shirt off his own back. that's how that's how much he thought about others. even when he was struggling himself. >> julia arroyo is the executive director of the young women's freedom center, where banco was coming into his own fighting for transgender rights. he organized to talk about trans housing and specifically for trans masculine folks. >> he educated his. he taught us a lot. >> anger still felt over what played out in this walgreens. a guard suspecting the 24 year old of shoplifting in a scuffle shooting banco, later saying he felt his life was threatened one year out, the anger is just coming from that. there really isn't justice for banco right
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now in this moment. >> the san francisco district attorney's office didn't charge the guard with bianco's killing, saying there was clear evidence it was self-defense. >> a year after banco brown sadly, things have not changed, they've only gotten harder and harder. >> gail. lola chavez is the executive director of lyric, a center in san francisco serving lgbtq+ youth. and they say the attacks on transgender rights across the country are taking a toll in the last year alone, tara, we we've seen about, i would say about 45% of our youth experiencing homelessness are coming from out of the state, out of the country. the increasing demand for services, strapping nonprofits desperate for more resources. >> it's really difficult times right now. we honestly don't know what to do. the only thing i do know our doors will remain open. they have to. for young people, similar to banco brown, tara campbell, abc seven news. >> good monday morning to you. sun coming up at 616. and we
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have temperatures in the upper 40s in the north bay. napa 47 by the delta 48. pretty breezy with low 50s around the bay from hayward to palo alto, 51 in san rafael and sonoma and as we look at our forecast highlights, sunshine returns today. breezy to windy conditions at the coast for your tuesday. sunny little change, more wind and more mild weather around the bay. but we're going to get into that subtle warming trend today. and tomorrow gets more dramatic as we get into wednesday and thursday. temperatures approaching 80 degrees inland, but we can't escape the wind. those steady onshore winds 30 to 40 miles an hour currently at the shoreline. and as we go through the afternoon, notice the colors begin to spread to the east. and that's bringing those gusty winds throughout marin county into the san mateo coast and breezy right through oakland and hayward. they'll get a little less windy and widespread through the overnight
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hours, but once again into wednesday, look at that 45 mile. an hour wind gusts along the coast and still quite windy in san francisco. so as we head towards wednesday and thursday, how about some 70 degree warmth downtown? we'll get into about the 70 degree mark there in the city, 76 in oakland. by thursday, little change. you see the mid 80s arriving and then into friday. looks like we're going to keep that warmth there. a little bit of a wind shift. unfortunately the first weekend of may trending cooler highs today 70 in oakland look for 73 in napa and livermore. and the accu weather seven day forecast featuring the mid 70s today, tomorrow, the warm up midweek and then by friday. still nice but getting set for a cooler weekend. stephanie >> reggie i hate to say that i was right, but i was right. beyonce did not show up at stagecoach over the weekend. i said i said last week she wasn't going to go. she called it. yeah, but the superstars influence show show through some of her country collaborators who did take the stage, and four
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years since drivers were allowed down jfk drive in golden gate park. >> now, safety advocates are celebrating it. the city is working to make streets safer without kicking cars off high traffic roads. >> the cosmetic procedure now coming with a warning from the cdc after three women contracted
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when you have moderate—to—severe eczema, it's okay to show off. with dupixent, show off your clearer skin and less itch. because you have plenty of reasons to show off your skin. with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, you can stay ahead of your eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your skin from within. many adults saw 90% clearer skin. some even achieved long—lasting clearer skin and fast itch relief after first dose. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ♪ show off to the world. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent.
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according to the world health organization, there were 320,000 cases in 2023, up from more than 171,000 in 2022. almost half of the cases were found in europe. in the us, we've had 300 confirmed cases from 2020 to this year, the cdc says that could mean the measles will lose its elimination status. measles is highly contagious. the best way to prevent the spread is to make sure your children are vaccinated. time now is 515. a new warning of hiv risks associated with a procedure called the vampire facial. the
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cdc says it's identified the first documented cases of the disease transmitted through cosmetic needles. three women contracted the virus after getting the procedure at a now closed medical spa in new mexico. if you aren't familiar vampire facials, use tiny needles to inject platelet rich plasma from blood into your face. an investigation found the clinic reused disposable equipment, and at least two previous clients had tested positive for hiv before their visits to the spa. >> that is horrifying. you might be hearing about the spread of bird flu through dairy cow populations in the u.s. the virus has been detected in grocery store milk. but what is the risk for your family? a man is at the live desk with the risk and what you can do to protect everyone. >> i'll start with this. the food and drug administration says milk from the grocery store is safe to drink, so you are fine to use milk in a refrigerator for your coffee or cereal this morning. that being said, the u.s. department of agriculture has issued a federal order that goes into effect today. it requires more testing in dairy cows. they want to stop
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the spread as soon as possible. >> i think people are worried that if this particular strain of bird flu infects a pig, because the pig can be infected with both human flu and bird flu, they can sort of like commingle and then create a kind of bird flu that can infect humans. >> right now, there are only two reported human cases in the u.s. medical experts have a few reminders in order to keep yourself safe. first, don't drink unpasteurized milk that means no raw milk. the pasteurization process is effective at getting rid of the live virus. next, don't handle dead birds or sick cows, and if you handle either, you should talk to your doctor as soon as possible. the bird flu was first found in about three dozen herds in eight states last month. back to you at the desk, stephanie. >> all right. amanda. thank you. taylor swift's latest double album is indeed the chart topper. many expected it to be. the tortured poet's department
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debuted at number one on the billboard 200 chart, selling 2.6 million units in the u.s. last week. swift is now tied with jay-z for the second most number one albums by a recording artist with 14. now that's second to the beatles, who had 19 top albums last week. >> some beyonce fans were buzzing about the possibility she would perform at stagecoach over the weekend. she didn't. however, fans were treated to performances by several artists who collaborated with queen bee on her new country inspired album brittney spencer tanner, adele and willie jones all performed without queen bee president willie nelson, willie nelson, willie nelson, who's willie jones? yeah, that meant to say willie nelson at age 90 oh oh. >> another cool artist i know, i know, there are some country artists i don't know, but is there a willie jones? we all love willie willie nelson, at
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least that willie jones, is he really 90? >> chapelle, age 90, a crowd pleaser. dang. i'm a big fan, but we all know you love beyonce. i do, and i also knew that she wasn't going to be there. >> there's just no way there was no reason for her to be there. yeah, we had this whole argument was it friday? >> yeah, it was friday. we were like, maybe it's dolly parton, maybe i thought maybe dolly parton would come. >> i certainly i expected willie jones to be there. but when willie jones didn't show up, that's when i knew beyonce wasn't going to show you that. >> that's it. how about that? that was a dead giveaway. oh, boy. >> all right. we're going to keep it pretty nice for the start of the workweek. no big changes here. as we look at live doppler seven, you'll notice the wind particles there on the satellite showing that we have that steady onshore flow. and a couple of weeks systems will continue to enhance the breeze around the bay area. so if you're not a fan of that later on in the week, you'll like the weather where the winds back off. temperatures warm up for most right now 53 in oakland, 52
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in hayward, san mateo and palo alto with some upper 40s. but all that wind you may have noticed last night allowed for the temperatures to stay up and as we go through the next several hours, it's breezy still at the shoreline and we'll continue to see some gusts there over 30 miles an hour. the rest of the bay will see those breezy winds once again. looking at oakland for the week ahead. beginning tomorrow, we'll have temperatures a bit above average. you should be at about 67 this time of year. warmest days wednesday thursday, mid 70s. so plan on that with a lot of sun and friday almost as nice temperatures begin to trail off. there's a system that wants to bring in another 180. surprise, surprise for the weekend, right where we'll see temperatures drop off considerably. here's another look at that week ahead. well, we'll see high pressure deflecting the storm systems to the north. this is friday. and this one model still wants to keep the bulk of the activity to the north. but notice the circulation here offshore. and
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as it moves onshore for a couple forecast models want to bring in some rain. so everything is all green out there. and you know the rainfall for average rainfall in san francisco is 7/10 for the month of may. so not out of the question that we could see some rain. it rains in may and we'll see the possibility increase saturday into sunday, not just in the city, but along the coast and in the north bay. mainly highs today from about 70 in oakland, mid 60s with those breezy day, gusty winds along the shoreline, 74 in vallejo look for 73 and livermore and the accuweather seven day forecast. so some subtle warming inland today tomorrow with the breezy winds. and then we'll get warmer. pretty much everywhere. the coast should come up a few degrees by thursday. and then looking at that cool down in time for the weekend, stephanie. reggie. >> lisa. >> thank you. we want to take a moment to remember a dear friend and colleague here at abc7 news who died suddenly earlier this month. a celebration of life was
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held in danville yesterday to honor photojournalist henry gerkins. members of the abc seven family joined his loved ones to pay tribute to a loving husband, dedicated father and a devoted journalist who helped bring you the news. every day. henry leaves behind his wife jenny, and two sons, bob and jeffrey. he was 59 years old. we
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maybe rich is less about reaching a magic number... and more about discovering magic. rich is being able to keep your loved ones close. and also send them away. rich is living life your way. and having someone who can help you get there. the key to being rich is knowing what counts. these new menu items at panera are perfect tens. they're also each under $10. more new sandwiches and salads, more in every bite and more new options under $10. come taste the new era at panera. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals,
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nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) morning, number one secretary of state antony blinken returned to the middle east overnight as ceasefire negotiations are set to resume. blinken is expected to meet with israeli officials during the three day visit. hamas representatives are traveling to egypt today, number two, in solidarity with gaza, another bay area college campus is joining the national movement, calling for a cease fire and divestment. >> students are planning a rally at san francisco state university around noon today on malcolm x plaza. >> number three, good news for your morning commute to major road projects are now finished. part of interstate 680 and a section of highway 37 were both closed this weekend and both reopened early this morning. >> number four a baby is among five people killed after a swarm
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of tornadoes hit four states over the weekend. the national weather service says there were 120 tornadoes reported in two days. >> number five, we've got a quiet start to the week with a return to sunshine. breezy winds around the bay come gusty at the coast, though. >> and number six, we'll take a look at your drive times. you can see the typical slowdown from tracy to dublin that will take you 48 minutes. >> san rafael to san francisco 16 minutes and then antioch to concord 15 minutes. >> number seven, an update on those see through baseball uniforms. our sister network, espn reports major league baseball is promising to address the issue. a fix will happen by next season at the latest. >> safety advocates are celebrating four years of jfk drive being shut down to vehicles. now city leaders looking into the changes on the table for other san francisco streets in the city. abc seven news reporter suzanne phan shows us the push to protect pedestrians and cyclists across the city. >> happy fourth birthday, jfk
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promenade for many, it's another beautiful day at golden gate park. but on this day with bikers, strollers, runners, even a pedal powered vw bug hundreds of people came out to celebrate another year that jfk drive has been car free. >> we're really excited to have a car free space in san francisco. this was a dangerous street. now all it does is spark joy. >> parents like tammy two are grateful for the safe space. >> it's really awesome because you get to ride and feel safe with your little ones. >> this park, i must say, for those of mayor london breed first made jfk drive car free during the pandemic so people could have a place to come and be socially distanced. >> it became permanently car free thanks to measures that passed at the polls last november. this rollerblader is ecstatic about that, and opportunities in the city to have everyone come together in a community environment is something to really nurture as a city, so i'm all for keeping this the way it is. since the west portal fatal accident a few weeks ago, there's been a big
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push to recommit to vision zero. that's the policy to end fatal traffic crashes. >> we're not trying to get rid of cars. we want to make sure we balance that with the right infrastructure and that leads to safety and efficiency. >> just this week, sfpd released this 32 page plan to help slow drivers down as part of a six month pilot project, police will step up enforcement in ten of the most dangerous intersections in the city of san francisco, sfpd says enforcing it will come in waves. this new crackdown on speeders comes at a time where data shows that the number of traffic tickets given by sfpd has dramatically dropped due to staffing or regulations. jody medeiros is with walk sf. >> we're encouraging the police to do this, to make sure that people know that our laws are going to be enforced, they are going to be focusing on speeding , which is the number one cause of our crashes and fatalities. >> besides keeping jfk drive car free. besides adding enforcement
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to a number of dangerous intersections, the city of san francisco is also adding speed cameras in san francisco, suzanne phan abc seven news the a's haven't even moved to sacramento yet, and the city's already facing protests. >> still ahead, how the fans are refusing to let their team leave without a fight. >> a live look outside it is 527.
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when you have moderate—to—severe eczema, it's okay to show off. with dupixent, show off your clearer skin and less itch. because you have plenty of reasons to show off your skin. with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, you can stay ahead of your eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your skin from within. many adults saw 90% clearer skin. some even achieved long—lasting clearer skin and fast itch relief after first dose.
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serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ♪ show off to the world. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent. abc seven mornings live. >> mayor of auckland, step up and do something about auckland and make auckland a better place. >> it just keeps happening. uh- auckland donut shop robbed in the middle of the day, caught on camera. now a 530 how the community is banding together to support that shop owner. >> i think it's the biggest student movement of the 21st century in the united states, so it's very significant. it's a reflection of how how much the
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war is upsetting students and student protests taking over college campuses across the country. >> and right here in the bay area. we're taking a look at the impact it's having on the social and political landscape. >> you see this right here. this is the war square. a house was a deadly and destructive weekend. >> tornadoes tearing through several states in the middle of the country, leaving hundreds injured and thousands without power. and the threat isn't over yet. >> good morning everybody. it's monday, april 29th. >> we start with a check on the weather with lisa argen. >> all righty. good morning to you. and it's a quiet start out there. we do have some breezy winds at the coast but temperatures mainly in the low 50s from the peninsula to the south. bay 54 though in san jose and just a few 40s up in the north bay. the winds have kept the temperatures up. calistoga, though dropping to 42. the delta 52, and that keeps us slightly cooler. novato hayward, where we're milder from santa rosa, winds over 22 miles an hour there and they're quite gusty right at the shoreline. they'll continue to build those breezy onshore winds with us today, but
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still managing some mid 70s inland today. mostly sunny skies around the bay. upper 60s for you around palo alto and hayward . so a beautiful day on the way. but those winds certainly a factor at the coast where highs once again will just be in the mid 50s. we're going to change it up a little bit for the second half of the workweek. and then a big change for unfortunately, cinco de mile. we'll talk about that later on. reggie >> thanks, lisa. in the east bay, a small business owner robbed of her cash register in oakland is now being embraced by her community. a man is at the live desk with what we know this morning amanda. >> reggie, this is a heartwarming story. after a devastating loss to the local bay area business, savannah chan has owned dick's donuts in oakland for more than 20 years, and last thursday, she says a man came into her shop and robbed them of their cash register with $1,400. inside, savannah, who has millions of views on tiktok for posting cambodian recipe videos, she shared the news on social media. the community came out in a big
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way, not only raising more than $4,000 in a go fund me campaign, but by buying her out and buying her entire inventory for two days in a row. yesterday, oakland firefighters stopped in to show their support to savannah is beyond grateful and has this hope for the future. >> i was so happy when i saw the firefighter went over there like a whole crew. people around uh- the world that messaged me, they concerned about me and they give me a supportive energy. just to keep me going on. i hope that mayor of oakland step up and do something about oakland and make oakland a better place for everyone to enjoy and for our kids, our grandkids in the future to enjoy beautiful oakland. >> and this isn't the only donut shop targeted by thieves. we've covered four robberies at colonial donuts in the lake
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shore district over the past year. now, the oakland police department tells us here at abc seven, an officer will review savannah's report and provide additional details soon. back to you, stephanie. >> amanda, thanks. if you're noticing higher prices at fast food chains, you aren't alone. according to market research firm data, central prices are up by about 10. the price hikes come about a month after california increased the minimum wage to $20 per hour. data central analyzed thousands of restaurants across 70 large chains, including chick fil a, starbucks, taco bell and chipotle, all of which are the restaurants that have increased prices. we're learning more about the impact of an early pandemic push to help people facing eviction. a new city analysis says. san francisco's rent relief program saved about 20,000 people from eviction. san francisco launched the emergency rental assistance program back in 2021. it used money from increased property taxes on homes worth $10 million or more
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to help low income renters. most of the funds went back went to back rent. that is so people would not be evicted. >> and new developments in a potential cease fire in the war between israel and hamas. abc news confirms the hamas terror group is now sending a delegation to cairo, egypt, today, negotiations are set to resume in a hostage and ceasefire deal. president biden spoke with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu yesterday over the phone. the president urged netanyahu to consider more humanitarian aid to gaza and reiterated that america's stance on a possible israeli ground invasion of rafah. >> we have to have a better understanding from the israelis about what they want to do. as a matter of fact, we've had several staff talks with them. we intend to do that more. they've assured us that they won't go into rafah until we've had a chance to really share our perspectives and our concerns with them. >> secretary of state antony blinken is traveling across the middle east this week to help broker these negotiations. the white house says he'll be pushing for a six week ceasefire. the food charity
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world central kitchen is resuming operations in gaza today. this is now four weeks after an israeli airstrike killed seven aid workers. the israeli military is investigating the incident. they say the strike was a grave mistake and it did not intend to hit those workers. world central kitchen says it is advocating for change to better protect all of its workers serving in gaza. >> now to this hamas released new video showing two more hostages 47 year old israeli citizen omri miron and 64 year old israeli american keith segal . segal is seen speaking under duress as he breaks down in tears. his wife was held with him in gaza for 51 days. she was released during a previous cease fire in hostage deal. last week, hamas released this video of 24 year old hirsh goldberg. poland who is from berkeley. he is still being held captive, happening today. >> students at san francisco state university will be holding a protest as rallies spread
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across us campuses. they'll be demonstrating in solidarity with gaza. abc seven news reporter lena howland is here with the details and lena sfsu students are asking for three specific things. >> hey, reggie. that's right. with some of the unrest we've seen at other schools across the country ahead of today's planned demonstration at sfsu, some faculty are calling on administration to refrain from dispatching police forces, refrain from any academic retaliation against students, and respects students right to protest at stanford. similar demonstrations started on thursday of last week for what student activists are calling a people's university for palestine run. over the weekend, we saw more than a dozen tents on the campus white plaza, the group told us. they are demanding stanford separate itself from any companies or organizations advancing military efforts in the israel-hamas war. they say this includes lockheed martin, chevron and hp. stanford refuses to disclose its,
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investments like where it puts its money. >> and that's another thing we would like the school to do to tell us where exactly its money is going at sfsu, students already voted to divest from israel back in 2020, which is why the group called students for gaza at sfsu say today's rally will be focused on calling on the csu system as a whole to stop providing support to israel. >> the demonstration on campus is expected to start around 1215 this afternoon in the malcolm x plaza live in studio lena howland abc seven news lena thank you. >> bay area universities are stuck in the middle of a struggle to restore order as we see us colleges serving as the epicenter of social change. while the demonstrations and tent encampments have been mostly peaceful at northern california campuses, the unrest won't be ending anytime soon. student protesters are urging their university systems to break any financial connection
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to israel and its military response in gaza. after hamas attack, protesters clashed with pro-palestinian demonstrators at ucla yesterday palestine colleges from mit and columbia to cal, stanford and cal poly humboldt are holding protests over the past week. police at more than a dozen college campuses have arrested hundreds of people. abc seven news reporter j.r stone spoke to the experts on the effectiveness of these protests to spark social change. >> i think it's the biggest student movement of the 21st century in the united states. so it's very significant. and i think it's, it's a reflection of how how much the war is upsetting, students, and that, the feeling that the united states should, should, should be more, cautious about what it does with its military aid. >> robert cohen is a history and social studies professor at nyu who has studied student activism. he says that historically, protests like this
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have been unpopped for among americans over the past 60 plus years. but believes what we've seen over the last two weeks is historic. >> never in the history of student protest have protests been suppressed with so little, rule breaking, you know? in other words, the students at columbia were sitting on the lawn. the students here were sitting on google plaza in front of the student, the business school, i mean, in the 60s, you had to do something like take over a building or something like that. david cortright, who is professor emeritus at notre dame and visiting scholar at cornell, believes these student protests are growing. >> but the number of students protesting still does not compare to what we saw during vietnam. antiwar protests of the 60s. >> you know, after the cambodia invasion and the killings of students at kent state, there was a national student strike, and there were student protests and more than 800 different colleges and universities here. i think we've seen many dozens. you know, it's hard to know how what the total number is.
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>> while most colleges and universities will finish their academic year in the coming weeks, both cortright and cohen say this issue does not appear as though it's going away anytime soon, both saying protester arrests seemed to ignite the movement and both point to the republican and democratic national conventions that could be located. plans for major protests. professors believe that these protests or demands could be hard to come by trying to get universities to divest their holdings and companies that do business with israel is problematic because over 30 states have laws against that. j.r. stone, abc seven news. >> that was j.r. stone reporting. you can follow our coverage of the campus protests in the bay area and nationwide over on our website, abc seven amanda and a traffic alert here for you at 541. >> the metering lights are on. here's a live look at the bay bridge toll plaza. there is really nothing in your way, even after the metering lights to get
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from the toll plaza into the city, it will take you 16 minutes back to you at the desk. >> thanks, amanda. the search is on for coins worth thousands of dollars. what you need to know about the ongoing scavenger hunt in san francisco. but first, let's check in with lisa. >> all righty. good morning to you. hope you had a nice weekend. it certainly was beautiful out there. the winds continue to be pretty breezy. in fact, they've been over 30 miles an hour at the coast. so a couple of weak systems to the north of us will allow for a reinforcing shot of the breezy conditions the next few days, and then high pressure builds in. the winds back off will warm up, and as we look at our sutro tower camera, isn't that a gorgeous sight? the sun coming up at 616 and setting before 8:00. so those days getting longer over 13 hours and 43 minutes of daylight to enjoy 51 in the city. it is 52. in hayward, looking at 50 half moon bay. so all that wind and mixing allowing for most of the temperatures in the 50s except for a few mid and upper 40s in
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the north bay. a view of the golden gate there. mid 40s petaluma 47. in napa and 49 for you in livermore. so sunny with a breezy to windy conditions today for your tuesday. a little change out there. wind gusts 30 to 40 miles an hour onshore. of course at the coast, but inside the bay you'll notice the breeze . and then later this week we're getting into that warming trend. so there's a look at the colors, which indicate how windy it's going to be throughout the day. and the winds build and in fact into oakland throughout the afternoon up to 22 mile an hour wind gusts and through the delta at about 20 miles an hour. so once again into your tuesday. pretty windy there. and as we look at napa for the week ahead check it out. it's getting warm above average for your wednesday and thursday and then dropping off into the weekend as we look at oakland mid 70s wednesday, thursday, holding to on the 70s on friday. and that a big change
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as the weekend arrives. so today with windy conditions mid 60s at the coast, mi
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and can help you breathe better in as little as two weeks. dupixent is an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma that's not for sudden breathing problems. dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. get help right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines, including steroids, without talking to your doctor. ask your specialist about dupixent.
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on southbound i-680, you'll notice smooth new pavement in the pleasanton area this morning. this was the second southbound weekend closure. caltrans says two weekends of work saved them from having to close the southbound lanes for 40 individual nights and on highway 37 in the north bay. repaving work is complete on the westbound lanes. lanes were closed from vallejo to sears point next weekend. be alert because caltrans will start work on the eastbound side of the highway this morning. people in the middle of the country are bracing for more severe weather after they endured tornado outbreaks over the weekend at least five people died in the
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state of oklahoma, including a four month old child. president biden spoke to the state's governor, kevin stitt, yesterday, offering the full support of the federal government. a total of seven southern and midwest states are affected right now. drone footage captured the destruction and douglas county, nebraska roads are filled with debris and roofs are torn off for that big of a storm to have the property damage that was so extensive. >> but the loss of life, that's a tremendous attribute of the city of omaha. >> 22 million people have been under severe weather alerts, and there are more tornadoes that could develop tomorrow. >> over a dozen u.s. states in the southeast and midwest will soon become inundated with cicada buzzing trillions of the insects are about to emerge from their years long underground stay. two broods will feed, make noise, mate and die. the last time this tsunami of them emerged at the same time was 1803, when thomas jefferson was
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president. they are impossible to ignore. >> they've called our non emergency. they flagged deputies down. people that think they're hearing a siren, they think that that it may be like a, burglar alarm. >> they don't bite, they don't sting. certainly this is not something you have to be afraid of. >> that message. don't be afraid is being shared widely. while annoying cicadas are harmless, but very annoying. >> not to my mental health. those red eyes are. they see through your soul in my mind. a collectible coin scavenger hunt worth thousands of dollars is still going in san francisco. the owner of whitter coin shop hid the collectibles last week. people found all but one. yesterday, the owner moved that one coin to a new hiding spot and added a new coin to search for as well. the coins are all minted in san francisco and are worth up to $2,500. so again, there are now two out there. if you find them, they're yours.
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>> what do you mean, like in like an easter egg hunt? >> like outside, but worth something. not just like you know, like some off brand candy. yeah. no i'm just curious if you get a hint. >> do they give them any hints? it could be anywhere in the city, i don't know, like that's wild. >> i mean, i don't want to know about this because i don't want to get involved in this. you know, like, i could see myself getting, like, a little too wrapped up. well, yeah. >> so pretty much over how many are left. two. there's two. >> okay. but i mean, no, it's a couple thousand bucks. >> no, but how much is your time worth? >> it's true. >> couple thousand bucks a nap. gold you know what i'm saying? like, okay, i hear you. we're talking thousands of dollars, though, you know, it's not nothing. >> i'll let you know. >> yeah, that nap doesn't go well, right? exactly. all right. good morning, everybody. here's a look at our satellite and radar composite where the activity has been in the pacific northwest. it's going to stay there for really the week ahead.
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we've got a quiet week and enjoying sunshine. and if you can find a wind sheltered area, it's been really nice from our roof. camera 616 the official sunrise. it's 51 downtown as well as redwood city 52, hayward 53. in oakland with 54 in san jose and our exploratorium camera starting out clear could see a little patchy fog from the peninsula, but it's really a gorgeous morning with 53 santa rosa mid 40s in petaluma. so dropping off there. and as we look at the winds, we're not going to get rid of these for much of the workweek. as we get into wednesday. thursday it will be less windy. but right now it's breezy at the coast and the winds continue to climb to the 30 mile an hour range right along the shoreline and san francisco easily over 20 miles an hour, and we're seeing over 20 mile an hour winds all the way up to santa rosa. right now, 63 is the average temperature for this time of year in the city. and for tomorrow we'll hit that. we get we're getting warmer. wednesday thursday. those two days will feature some really nice weather around here
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with less wind. and then by friday, temperatures dropping off. and notice that this forecast model wants to bring in a few raindrops on saturday and sunday. a little too early to make that call. and this other model continues to show the systems, the troughs pushing up into the pacific northwest. as high pressure does that for us. it protects us right on into friday. but also this feature here is a little suspect, allowing for the possibility of that system to drop off into san francisco. so we do get rain in may and the possibility is there as we get into late friday, more likely saturday, late saturday along the coast, maybe in the north bay into sunday. but highs today, very pleasant, near average upper 60s around the bay shore into the mid 70s inland. >> thanks so much lisa. new at six. the new policy on a local college campus that allows non-citizen students to vote in school elections. >> but first, remember major league baseball is see through
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uniform fiasco. well a solution stay ahead of your moderate—to—severe eczema, and show off clearer skin and less itch with dupixent. the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, that helps heal your skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems
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such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent.
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revenge lawsuit. the filing, from last week claims there were procedural issues with the suit filed last year against combs by joi dickerson, neal dickerson, neil says combs intentionally drugged and then sexually assaulted her, and also filmed it back in 1991. combs denies her claims. since november, combs has faced six separate but similar civil lawsuits. >> remember this controversial new uniforms for major league baseball teams? a giants player? unfortunately was kind of the victim of this. the pants were see through well, it appears
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there's now a plan to address the issues. our sister network, espn, says mlb and nike are working to figure out something to make the see through fabric less, see through. they're going to use larger lettering for the back of the jerseys. it's unclear to me how that helps, but okay, the adjustments will happen by the start of next season. so i guess they have to just deal with the see through pants for this whole season. >> that seems. >> the league blamed nike for the problems. nike has not responded to espn's requests for comment. >> a lot more to sort through there. well, new location, same message as fans are taking their frustration on the road. well, that team sale, that team sale, that team saturday night, dozens of fans made the trip to sacramento to protest the team's temporary move next year. they chanted sell the team! during the sacramento river cats game against the las vegas aviators, fans showed up wearing air ace
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gear along with shirts and signs with the word sell. sutter health park in sacramento is expected to be the a's temporary home starting next season. then the team is hoping to permanently move to las vegas if they are able to build a new stadium. >> in today's gma first look, a barbershop in a high school in philadelphia is teaching students not only how to cut hair, but also how to give back to their community. here's abc news reporter jane norman in this morning's gma first look. >> rise and shine philadelphia in the heart of the city, there's a contagious camaraderie found at mustang barbershop. >> there's a fun experience. you just come in here. b.s.o. >> but the barbers behind the clippers are actually high school students. the shop inside dobbins technical high school. we are the only barbershop program within our city. >> our students can actually walk out being an entrepreneur or on top of learning about tapers and fades, these students are also giving back.
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>> dobbins just went to enon tabernacle baptist church one saturday and we gave haircuts there. >> if you give a student a career, you're giving them an opportunity. the sky's the limit. >> and coming up at 7 a.m, we're honoring the people making it happen. with your gma first look i'm jane norman, abc news, philadelphia. >> all new at six. the vice presidential hopeful criticized for killing a dog. she's now trying to clarify and defend her comments this morning. >> then the neighbors in the east bay calling for more help to end what they say is an increase in prostitution involving underage girls and the work to repair part of highway one near big sur. >> what it means for people trying to drive through the region for the next few weeks. >> good morning. here's a kind of a dark look getting light out there from our east bay hills. camera top vollmer peak, where we had a gorgeous weekend for most of us, it was a little breezy to windy in spots. and how about we do it all again to
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start the workweek? so it's quiet out there and we'll talk about how windy it's going to get, then how warm it's going to get when we ret then we are looking for you. we are the peace corps. with volunteers in more than 60 countries. living together. working together. transforming lives. together. join us.
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