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tv   ABC7 News 600PM  ABC  April 30, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT

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i'm dan ashley. >> thanks for joining us. stanford, cal, usc, ucla. they're all dealing with protests connected to the war in gaza. pro-palestinian activists are making demands and at some schools camping out at cal, the free palestine encampment continues to grow. >> abc seven news reporter leslie brinkley has the very latest on what stance the university is taking. as one jewish student says, she is fearful. >> last week there were 50 tents on the steps of sproul plaza at uc berkeley. yesterday it was up to 150. today, 175 tents are pitched at sproul, a camp which now extends onto the lawns on the sides of the building. walking through sather gate is now unimpeded. overall, the ucs have taken a firm stance opposing calls for a boycott against israel based academic programs or divestment from firms doing business with israel. at uc berkeley, a small area of graffiti materialized at the corner of sproul, cal says
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they're investigating in a formal statement. they said to date, there has been no disruption of university operations. we will continue to try to respond. per policy, to any and all claims of illegal conduct for harassment and or discrimination. some jewish students say they've been told to request chaperons if they're worried about walking on campus. >> as a jewish student, when i see two other jewish graduate students harassed when they enter that encampment and another who was punched and followed to the police station, that tells me that the university is not enforcing their policy around student code of conduct, a spokesperson for the camp told me they don't feel the need to talk with media today, but they do intend to hold future press conferences. >> this is the last week of classes at cal. next week is a study week before final exams and graduation. students walk past the camp peacefully.
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>> it's going to suck if graduation doesn't go through. but i mean, they're, you know, standing up for like a good reason. >> i just kind of try and ignore it, like just go to class and not not worry about it. >> at uc berkeley, i'm leslie brinkley, abc seven news. >> students at stanford say the pro-palestinian protests there have the university threatening unfair discipline. white plaza is the campus space for free expression. the university allows informational tables from 8 a.m. until 8 p.m, and says it has policies that include no overnight camping. organizers say they're aware of it and that there could be discipline, but say people who aren't involved with the encampment are wrongly facing punishment. they also say the university is targeting certain people. >> a variation of muslim brown, black or some mixture of any of those things. only white students that have been given this disciplinary letter were anti-zionist jewish students. >> the university issued a
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statement saying in part. there is evidence connecting individuals to specific policy violations. those involved are entitled to rights and procedures as provided in the stanford student conduct charter of 2023, and will be able to offer a defense. >> police ended the occupations of two buildings at cal poly humboldt, resulting in the arrests of 35 people. early this morning, the university president issued a statement saying, quote, this is a difficult day. unfortunately serious criminal activity that crossed the line put the campus at ongoing risk. the takeover began last week. police at cal poly humboldt detained a reporter as they broke up the protest last night. the reporter from the abc affiliate in redding was there documenting the arrests. you're watching video from her live stream as officers tell her to move, then call for handcuffs. officers told her to put her phone in her pocket, but her live stream captures the audio of what happened next. >> then put your hands behind
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your back. wait, i'm. press wait. can i at least touch my boss? >> yeah. she had the opportunity to leave. this is a crime scene. it's been declared a crime scene. >> the press knows that. >> our affiliate says police released the reporter shortly after detaining her. she is not facing any charges. >> more conflict at ucla last night. police in riot gear got involved after dozens of counter protesters attempted to push past the encampment barricades. one protester was arrested this morning for climbing scaffolding to display a palestinian flag. things have since calmed down. students are making their way, their way around the demonstration to get to their mid-term exams. >> i think it's important to really see not only your own perspective, your own values, where you come from, but also to see the other side. it's just as important to see why they're making this demonstration on. i do not think any student should be blocked from any parts of campus. i completely think the school's administration should be quick to condone that. but with that being said, you know, this is this is a pretty big issue. it's constantly changing. and there's only so much the campus can do on a day to day
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basis. >> a statement from the university today says, in part, they're committed to safety, supporting free expression and minimizing disruption to teaching. and over at usc, university, president carol folt just put out a statement acknowledging a swastika that was drawn on campus. she says she condemns anti-semitic symbols and any hate speech. folt says the symbol has been removed. she's been meeting with pro-palestinian protesters, but they say she isn't bringing much to the table to address their demands. >> tonight, the white house is calling for an end to the violence and property damage on campuses, asking the student protesters to stay peaceful. new york's columbia university just sent a shelter in place order to its campus as those protests continue, the university is threatening to expel the students occupying an academic building. video from last night shows protesters smashing windows and barricading the doors with furniture. today on capitol hill, house speaker mike johnson is defending law enforcement. >> we called for the police to come in and take care of it. if
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they're unable, then we need the national guard. this is not protected free speech. what this is doing is violating the rights of others. jewish students who are merely on campus trying to get an education. >> this week, the house is set to vote on a bill to define anti-semitism, to enhance anti-discrimination laws. house republicans say it's needed to protect jewish students, but democrats argue it would limit free speech. you can follow our coverage of the college campus protests in the bay area and nationwide on our website, abc7 >> all right, let's move to your voice. your vote. the results are close to final and still close. and the recount for the district 16 congressional race. santa clara county confirmed its new totals today. evan lowe now leads joe simitian by four votes. lowe gained 11 votes and santa clara county's recount. simitian gained seven. we're waiting on san mateo county's official tally. if san mateo county's numbers don't change the outcome, it would put lowe ahead to advance with sam
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liccardo on the november ballot. this would drop simitian from the running altogether. see lion numbers are surging in san francisco. >> check out some live pictures from pier 39. a lot of people a lot of sea lions. there are so many out there. there's like no room for any more to come. well, pier 39 says this is the most that they have seen gathered there in about 15 years. abc seven news reporter suzanne fan is live at pier 39 with a look at why the numbers are so high right now. suzanne >> almost pretty remarkable to see exactly how many sea lions there are out here. every single one of these docks completely packed. now we know these animals come and go from this area throughout the year and last week, for some reason, a big number of them just suddenly showed up. visitors will find a lot to see and do around pier 39. the shops, the restaurants, the ferris wheel. but perhaps the star attraction right now are the sea lions. people are here hoping to get their best
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shot of the sea lions in the water and on the docks. >> it's very cute. like it? he sleeps like. >> the only reason i come down here is to see the sea lions. >> they're like, so funny and so nice. i love them and they're, like, pushing each other off the in the water. >> some visitors have noticed a big difference in the number of sea lions. tiffany hsieh is from taiwan. >> last year i come here, it's not like that much. >> sheila shander, the harbor master for pier 39, marina, says they've counted about a thousand sea lions this week. that's the most in quite some time. >> we haven't had these kinds of numbers of sea lions, probably for over 15 years, chandor says. >> the surge in sea lions started about a week and a half ago. the sea lions are moving in toward the bay because they're following the food, according to chandler. >> there's a huge herd of sea lions that are traveling south right now to the channel islands for mating, and there's a big school of anchovy out by the
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farallon islands that's come into the bay. >> it's kind of that dinner bell, if you will, that's ringing. and all the sea lions are coming in and enjoying that feast. >> adam ratner is with the marine mammal center. he says back in october of 2009, about 1700 sea lions gathered at pier 39. over the years, the numbers have really fluctuated. ratner believes the recent surge is a sign that san francisco bay is doing well. we get a sense of the health of the bay, the health of the sea lion population, and they're coming and going, according to ratner, the large gathering of sea lions is temporary. >> so my guess is that this is just something happening out in the water right now. a short term phenomenon where the fish that normally would be somewhere else are coming a little bit closer, making the sea lions therefore come a little bit closer. >> and the harbor master says the colony of sea lions here is stable. she says, it's hard to say if you know how many more of these sea lions are actually going to be arriving. but we do know for a fact that the shops and businesses around here, they're excited about the sea
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lions. they're also excited about all the visitors, because, of course, they're hoping the visitors will spend a little extra money. we're live here in san francisco, suzanne phan back to you. >> this is incredible. and just listen to them all. thank you. suzanne. >> that's crazy. well, hundreds of feet of snow days and days of rain. we've been through a very wet winter. so why are we still talking about the drought? >> i'm meteorologist sandhya patel. we're going to turn the clock back to winter before the week is up. >> but first comes the warmer weather. i'll be back with a complete look at t
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but his vision dimmed with age. he had amd. i didn't know it then, but it can progress to ga, an advanced form of the disease.
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his struggle with vision loss from amd made me want to help you see warning signs of ga. like straight lines that seem wavy, blurry, or missing visual spots that make it hard to see faces like this one, or trouble with low light that makes driving at night a real challenge. if you've been diagnosed with amd and notice vision changes, don't wait. ga is irreversible. it's important to catch it early. talk to your eye doctor about ga and learn more at
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was the scene about 11 a.m. on the westbound portion of the span, just past treasure island. sky seven was overhead. here's what was left of that burning vehicle. it was loaded onto a tow truck, creating a backup that stretched for more than a mile. it took about an hour and a half to get all of the lanes reopened. no one was injured. fire investigators are trying to determine the cause of a huge fire at a commercial building in concord. no one was injured, but the fire was so intense it caused part of the three three story building to collapse overnight. one neighbor saw the flames in the distance while out walking his dog, and saw a large billowing, uh- orangish red cloud in the distance, and it was pretty large. >> it caught my attention as soon as i walked out. i couldn't believe how big the cloud and cloud it was. i mean, i knew it had to be a large fire. >> the same neighbor says the building has been vacant for
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several years, but some renovations have been underway recently. >> now to developing news just into our newsroom. just in the last 30 minutes, oakland city council approved the contract for the city's new police chief, incoming chief floyd mitchell will be paid more than $365,000 a year. he's on a three year contract set to start next month. mitchell comes to oakland from lubbock, texas. he's promising change for a department facing huge challenges with crime and recruiting officers. about 15 minutes ago, the alameda county board of supervisors voted to delay a decision on scheduling the vote that could recall district attorney pamela price. the supervisors plan to hold a special meeting on may 14th, just to set the recall election date. that came after almost three hours of public comment. meanwhile, da price is fighting back, calling on state officials to investigate how the recall has been conducted. abc seven news reporter anser hassan has the latest on this developing news recall race, recall price. >> public safety is priceless, say members of the group safe,
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who are calling for a special election to recall alameda county district attorney pamela price, the recall is going to happen right away, and this is it. they gathered in front of the alameda county board of supervisors office ahead of the board's meeting, where they were met with da price supporters. troc secretary price stop state goalie cries during the meeting, a lawyer for da price challenged the legality of even scheduling a special election, claiming the registrar voters did not follow proper protocol during the signature count. the recall supporters are demanding an immediate vote on the recall election. after three hours of public comment, the board voted to decide the date for a recall election at a special meeting they'll hold on may 14th. that will give the supervisors the option of either scheduling a special election this summer or consolidating the recall election with the november election, possibly saving the county upwards of $20 million. >> a handful of wealthy folks who want to overturn the election has been rife with fraud, has been rife with
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harassment of my supporters. >> dear price announced tuesday that the california fair political practices commission, or fppc, has opened an investigation into the recall. da price filed complaints over allegations of illegal signature gathering and financial irregularities by the pac funding. the recall. >> we know that the pac that was used to raise money initially for safe was not properly designated. there are rules as to how a pac can be designated, and they did not follow those rules. >> carl chan with safe says the da is just trying to intimidate the recall camp. >> everything you know has to be disclosed so whatever she can claim is fine. but we know we are the people are doing everything illegally in oakland, anser hassan abc seven news. >> scientists say a ship strike likely killed the gray whale found floating off the coast of alameda this month. the 40 foot female whale washed up at crown beach two weekends ago. the
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first whale death in the bay area this year. in fact, the california academy of sciences and the marine mammal center are investigating the whales death. well, the last two winters were historic snow in the sierra and record rain across the state. a weather events known as snow deluges bailed out california from the mega drought. but as abc seven news reporter dustin dorsey explains, experts say we can't bank on another one to keep our water supply stable. >> when you see snow in the sierra like we saw the last two years, you know it's out of the ordinary. it's now officially known as a snow deluge. a super heavy snowfall that creates a deep snowpack that lasts through april first. abc seven's spencer christian says it's seen as a once in a 20 year event, but this time it happened twice this year and last. >> it's rare enough to get a snow deluge like we had this year. once every couple of decades, which is pretty much the average, roughly the average . but to get two consecutive
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years like that is just more than more than a smaller than a once in a lifetime thing. maybe, maybe a once in a two, a couple of centuries kind of event. >> and the national academy of sciences study reveals a major impact, thanks to the historic snow runoff from the two snow deluges. the latest u.s. drought monitor map shows are seemingly never ending. mega drought is completely gone, spencer says it's thanks to the late snowmelt in april, which is most beneficial to our water reserves. >> if the snow falls heavily in january, december january melts in february of march. that's not as helpful as the snow hanging around as it did this year until after april 1st. but we have to be concerned about how long this current condition will last. >> california is entering what's known as a la nina year, a traditionally cooler yet drier winter. oddly enough, it was a la nina year in 2023 when we saw the historic snowfall, highlighting how rare it truly was. california caught lightning in a bottle twice with the back to back snow deluges, but spencer says we can't bank on a
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meteorological miracle to happen again. >> given what we know about the atmosphere right now and the direction we're moving with climate change is kind of sad to , conclude that we'll probably never see another season like this. now we have to think about, the drier years that are likely to follow and what we need to do to conserve. >> because as we've seen many times, this decade in california, you never know when the next historic weather event may change everything again. dustin dawsey abc seven news. >> it's been an intense couple of years, though it is growing up here, i never stopped conserving even if we get a lot of rain, it is still conserve. always smart to do so. all right. meteorologist sandyha patel is here with the forecast. sandhya. windy out there today. >> yeah. because of the unreliability of our precipitation. good idea. umma and dan that's for sure. always a good idea to conserve. let's talk about the wind from our mount tam cam. certainly a shaky view there as the trees are getting blown around by the gusty winds. checking out the gusts right now. sfo 36 miles an
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hour. san mateo gusting to 30. even in santa rosa. it's pretty breezy right now. 22 miles an hour. if you're well inland, though, it's okay at this hour, but the wind is blowing off the cool ocean water. i mean, some of the buoy temperatures are in the low 50s, well below where they should be 51 down towards monterey bay. so when that wind is coming off that chilly water, it is feeling even colder near the coast. high pressure is back here over the pacific. a trough to our north. the winds are just coming out of the northwest and blowing right over that chilly water, which is what's bringing us that cool weather along the coast. so on live doppler seven, things are quiet. here's a look at the sea lion surge once again from pier 39. right now, looks like people are enjoying the sun as well. low 60s san francisco, oakland. today's high temperatures got up into the upper 50s to the upper 70s. san jose redwood city 68 and a gorgeous view from santa cruz. camera just sunny skies with people enjoying there as well. low 70s santa rosa, concord,
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fairfield, 61, in petaluma, livermore. you're at 68 degrees walnut creek camera showing you a lovely view tonight and tomorrow. breezy pattern continues next few days. sunny and warmer weather. and for your saturday we're talking about rain, wind and colder conditions. our producer, kate isn't too happy about that. all right, let's talk about the wind advisory for solano county. 11:00 tonight until 5 p.m. tomorrow. gusts up to 45 miles an hour out of the northwest. so if you do have any loose objects in maybe in your backyard or your patio, you might want to secure that. winds gusty along the coast tonight over 40 miles an hour here near the beaches, continuing at 9 p.m. but notice inland areas are just fine. tomorrow morning the breeze begins to pick up right around solano county, over 20 miles an hour, getting up to 30 at times. and then it continues along the coastline for the afternoon and the evening. this is a windy time of year, as you know. spring time, 7:00 tonight. you have 50s to 70s on those temperatures. 830 still pretty comfortable in most areas. and
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then tomorrow morning we will start out with mainly clear conditions 40s, 50s quickly warming up into the 60s and 70s away from the beaches. by the early part of the afternoon, we're already approaching 80 and will max out in the 80s for the warmest spots. your morning temperatures in the 40s and 50s. clear skies. you will need that jacket in the morning, perhaps a light jacket in the afternoon. i think short sleeve weather will do. low 60s to the low 80s, but windy on the coast. we bring in that rain on saturday. now this is a pretty deep trough for this time of year. morning it begins. it continues into the evening, snow and rain mixing in over the sierra early sunday morning could still have a chance. after that we dry out so the accuweather seven day forecast does feature a warmer start to may. spring warmth continues through the end of the workweek, and then a big drop in temperatures saturday. wet windy, lingering early chance on sunday before temperatures bounce back down in ummah. >> all right thank you sandia. >> all right. coming up next.
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a fresh data raise concerns inflation will remain sticky today, the federal reserve began its two day monetary policy meeting is expected to announce tomorrow that it's keeping rates
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on hold. the dow lost more than 500 points today. the nasdaq dropped 325. the s&p went down by 80. all three indices are closing april lower than they started. that ends a five month long streak of gains. >> california's population is growing again for the first time since 2020. a new report released today shows the state's population increased last year by about 67,000, bringing the total population above 39 million since the pandemic. the mortality rate has decreased. there's been a notable increase in immigration, people moving here from other countries to nearly pre-pandemic levels. overall, immigration is still at a net negative, meaning more people are migration, i should say still a net negative, meaning more people are moving out than moving in. but it's a lot closer to pre-pandemic levels. and there's something else to know about this. >> on average, the people who are moving into california tend to be younger, and they tend to have a higher level of
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educational attainment. in other words, a bachelor's degree or higher. >> the bay area is a mix. napa solano, contra costa and san francisco counties all saw small increases in population. santa clara county's population is about. the same, while sonoma, marin, alameda and san mateo counties saw decreases. free fresh and healthy. >> so why aren't people using san francisco's water stations, we asked. the answers are nex
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as police start detaining those pro-palestinian protesters. as the student demonstrators had ignored the university deadline yesterday to clear out their encampment last night, a group barricaded inside an academic building, the university issued a shelter in place order for the campus just before officers moved in. >> we will, of course, update you as this situation develops. >> as you know, san francisco has some of the cleanest tap water in america. it is available for free yet some people still won't use public
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drinking fountains. why is that? >> abc seven news reporter lyanne melendez wanted to find out and see if drinking from these water stations might actually be a way to build a better bay area by eliminating the use of those plastic bottles. >> yeah, she is here now with what she found out as she poked around the city. >> why not use. i know, have you seen them? i've seen sessions. >> yeah, i have seen several of them. >> have you used them? >> no, i haven't actually. but i've often seen them in my car and i've seen them walking. but i haven't had my water bottle and i use them at the airport, but i haven't noticed them here. >> right? right. exactly. they're so obvious that the airport. now, you may have seen them public water bottle refilling stations all over san francisco. or maybe you haven't free a perfectly healthy fresh drinking water that many people say no thank you to. why? well, the answer might surprise you. we heard a rumor that one of san francisco's elusive water refilling stations was located just across the street from our building along the embarcadero. we went searching supply to see that it's been there all along,
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so i took the time to see how many people indulged after all, why not take advantage of something that's free? pacing back and forth? i waited and waited and waited. not a single person used it. next step would they follow my lead? did you know that there are stations all around the city like this one? i'm sure there are, yes. have you tried it? no. why not? >> oh, i don't trust the water here. >> come on. it's safe. no. it's fine. it says who? so i'm no expert. but i do have this tiny device which measures the tds, which stands for total dissolved solids, minerals, metals, solids, ions. so a low tds level is 100 ppm or less. so let's measure that was quick 48. so it's super safe. here's what the keepers of our water system, the
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sfpuc, say tap water is required under state and federal guidelines to be regularly tested. >> we test in san francisco almost 100,000 times per year. bottled water is not under that same standard, so we actually test the tap water many more times than bottled water actually is ever tested. >> why then the mistrust? ucsf researchers have worked with government agencies and found that people's perception of what comes out of here may depend on where they have lived. >> they're worried that the pipes haven't been updated, and we learned that immigrant folks bring with them the perception that public water isn't safe because they're coming from countries where public drinking water isn't safe. >> it's in those communities and in parks where the city has made a concerted effort to install more of these stations as a way to encourage people, especially young kids, to drink water instead of sugary drinks. residents in san francisco's
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bayview district, for example, have a high number of people with type two diabetes. right? when you're putting stress on your kidneys, stress on your liver, processing all this and your pancreas, it causes other issues in your body. joi jackson morgan is with the third street youth center and clinic. >> our mission at third street is that we want to help produce healthy and engaged young adults. and so part of that is that healthy youth build healthy lives. >> unfortunately, in other neighborhoods like the tenderloin, some of the stations have been used for other purposes. this one was not functioning properly. this one's just a trickle. a worker from saint anthony's showed us how some use the dog watering station to wash themselves. but what about the rest of the city? why haven't these stations caught the attention of more people? despite the sfpuc online locator map showing so many locations during the pandemic, the program suffered a setback
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as people didn't want to touch surfaces. >> it was understandable in that moment, but we're not in that moment anymore. >> yet still today, we saw how hundreds of giants fans walked past this refilling water station and not a single person used it. 123456789 ten 1112 1314 1516. nobody stopping to get water. but after a long wait along the embarcadero, we finally found a skateboarder filling up his water bottle. >> there's one in union square. there's this one. there's one at the new visa spot that i use all the time. they're like, they're in skate spots and people need them to drink, and we need to do more of it, and we need that public information posted at each of those stations. >> so people know why they should trust that water. >> yet these water filling stations are so very popular at the airport at sfo. now, part of it has to do with the fact that you can't buy water or any kind
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of beverage that comes in a plastic bottle. now, they are certainly helping to reduce waste created by those plastic bottles. i think somebody has to come up with some kind of app or something, or sign that says the water here is right here in bright colors. >> people wouldn't think about turning on the very same tap in a house and drinking that water, right? same thing, same thing, same water. >> and it tastes great. >> yeah it does. and it's cold out of the relatively really cold. thanks very much, liane. >> text messages and testimony. next. the new evidence presented at donald trump's hush money trial. also ahead. >> it's just so easy to have a mental lapse, you know, granted, my mental lapse was on a more grand scale, but it doesn't take away from how that can happen. >> brittney griner speaks only to abc news about her months held captive in russia.
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slapped with a $9,000 fine in his hush money payment trial. the judge finding him in contempt of court for violating the gag order after he repeatedly slammed his former lawyer, michael cohen, and other witnesses. this afternoon, trump, removing the social media posts cited by the judge. more witnesses also taking the stand, including the former attorney for adult film actress stormy daniels and former playboy model karen mcdougal, both say they had sexual relationships with trump, which he denies. keith davidson testifying he played a central role in selling mcdougal's story to the national enquirer. jurors shown text messages between davidson and an editor at the publication, davidson telling the editor he had a quote, blockbuster trump story. the publication paying mcdougal $150,000. but in a deal with the trump campaign, never had any intention of actually running the story, according to prosecutors, these witnesses are supposed to be bringing in evidence that the defense would not otherwise stipulate to how
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ndas work, how catch and kill operates. >> that's giving the jury an understanding of a world that they might not otherwise have understood. coming into this trial, prosecutors say the trump campaign also wanted to keep daniels quiet. >> cohen paying her $130,000 just days before the 2016 election, improperly calling it a legal expense. >> this is a case that should never have been brought. it's a disgrace. >> trump has pleaded not guilty to charges of falsifying business records. gary farrow, cohen's former banker, also testifying that in late 2016, cohen was frantic about opening a new account. prosecutors say just a day later, cohen wired that hush money payment to daniels. from that account, reena roy, abc news, new york. >> new guidelines for mammograms were announced today. the u.s. preventive services task force says regular mammograms should start at age 40, not 50. the new guidelines are more consistent with other groups like the american cancer society, breast
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cancer is the second most common cause of cancer death for u.s. women. >> it's been more than a year since wnba star brittney griner came home after spending ten months in a russian prison in an abc news exclusive, the athlete tells robin roberts about the moment she was arrested at a russian airport. >> what is it like to be on russian soil? and cannabis oil is found, which, you know, is illegal there? what is racing through your mind during that time? >> just everything that i'm not going to see. i'm thinking about my wife. i'm thinking about what my family's going to think. public opinion is going to think . you know, i can just see the headlines now, like, i could just visualize everything i worked so hard for just crumbling and going away, and then to be somewhere where there's no understanding. in the us, i can articulate what happened, how this happened. i didn't plan to do this. this was
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a mistake. it was an accident, which i understand. accidents have repercussions, but there's nothing. there's none of that. >> the 2020 special prisoner in russia, the brittney griner interview airs tomorrow at 10 p.m. right here on abc seven. it will also be available on hulu the next day. >> we are enjoying a warm start to the week, but that is going to change this weekend. get prepared with sandy. the seven day forecast next also ahead. >> i'm doing this for all of the younger queer palestinians who have never seen someone be happy and be queer and palestinian. >> he's one man with music, a message and a mission. stay with
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in the united states. >> and as we close out the month, we're taking a look at how one san francisco man is using his talents to draw attention to the worsening situation in gaza as the war between israel and hamas continues, killing tens of thousands and displacing so many more. >> abc seven news anchor and race and social justice reporter julian glover has the story of dj sabo.
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>> dj sabo sets are growing in popularity across the bay area and on social media. >> music is everything. it's something that i use to weave my community fabric closer together . it is the entire range of human emotions joy, sadness is to me the great uniter. >> once he draws you in by listening to the music, he pulls you in even closer to listen to his message to them, palestine is a dinner conversation. >> to me, it is my life. >> dj sabo, whose real name is zippo, was born in the u.s. in 1992 to parents who immigrated from palestine. he moved back to palestine when he was six, then eventually returned to california to as a teen. for the last six months, sabo has watched in horror as the beloved home of his ancestors has been ripped apart in the fighting between israel and hamas. >> since october. i actually had
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to step it up because i had a narrative to tell that most people were not familiar with, and so i started using my platforms to talk about what it was like being queer in palestine, what it was like to experience the queer community in palestine, and what it is like to be somebody who has to fight not only for queer palestinian rights, but also palestinian recognition in general in the west. >> he does that in part through his music. sabo is self-taught. he learned to dj by watching youtube videos during the pandemic, while living in sacramento. >> i always was the person who took over the playlist when i was at parties and i always enjoyed it. my friends would tell me to bring, don't bring anything, just bring the playlist. >> now he's bringing awareness to the fear, the starvation, the death gripping gaza, being uh- palestinian man in the bay area, i think there's a lot of survivor's guilt about not having to experience that anymore and having people who i know have to experience that still. for sabo, deejaying
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allows him to mix two of his passions of organizing and education a continuation of his work he does in his day job working in hiv prevention for the state. >> if you're walking into a room and having to educate somebody about the available options, you're not really getting the best care at that point. >> it brings two of my life's elements together. deejaying is community organizing, working in hiv prevention is community survival and community health. and to me, those are a common missions. >> the missions for zahir sabo and dj sabo are similar, making his existence an act of resistance at a time when peace feels impossible to come by. >> this is who i am. i'm doing this for all of the younger queer palestinians who have never seen someone be happy and be queer and palestinian. >> julian glover abc seven news. >> good for him. >> yeah, absolutely. >> all right, let's talk about the weather. a little breezy out there today. will that change just a bit, sandhya?
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>> yes, i know it's going to stick around and dan. and let me show you your evening forecast. a beautiful evening, especially if you're inland. it's going to be in the 70s. 7:00. temperatures dropping slowly. there around the bay. clear skies from the low 60s to the mid 50s. and along the coast. this is where it's going to remain breezy and cool in the 50s. clear on live doppler seven. that will change on saturday. tomorrow you've got sunshine to enjoy. windy coast, low 60s to low 80s, so it's a warmer day. and thursday you feel that warmth inland with low 80s. notice on friday it's still holds, but saturday is a big change in the weather with 50s and 60s, so a major drop in temperatures. and then here comes the rain. accuweather seven day forecast. it's a level one for saturday. i think you can salvage your sunday after an early morning chance. the rest of the day is okay. >> ama and dan sandhya. the song is here comes the sun. >> the rain. true. clearly i didn't get the message. thank you sir. all right. >> sports director larry beals here. >> what's going on? >> we got some good stuff here.
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drastic times call for drastic measures. so is there any way the warriors could possibly pair steph curry with lebron james? lebron's future in la is very much like the air down there. very hazy right n
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road trip tonight in one of the most iconic ballparks in all of
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baseball. boston's fenway park giants, looking to rev up their offense and see if logan webb can keep his personal streak going. webb, rocking the mustache, getting ahead of mustache man. maybe we should all do that down. uh. or maybe not. uh. he's also rocking a 19 inning scoreless streak until this rob refsnyder singles up the middle. tyler o'neill scores. there goes the streak in the first inning. one. nothing. boston three. nothing. red sox in the fourth. wilmer abreu knocks webb out early here down the right field line a crazy carom. and this thing ends up being a triple. webb goes only three and two thirds innings. allows four runs on nine hits. game just went final a few minutes ago four zero red sox the final and the a's are hosting pittsburgh tonight. we aren't even past the first round of the nba playoffs. lebron james, steph curry and kevin durant all out for the first time. this trio has not been a part of the conference semis since 2005. i know wasn't until oh nine that all three went pro. the early years were just lebron, but still it shows there's a changing of the guard in the league. lebron and lakers bounced by the nuggets last
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night. james has a player option for $51 million for next season. the lakers want him back lebron knows he has leverage. warriors fans are dreaming about lebron joining steph. some want to see if k.d. will bail on the suns because they got swept. bring him back bring them all back. anyway after the season ending loss, lebron was asked about his future, tonight. >> was there any thought at all that, you know, this could have been your last game with the lakers? i'm not going to answer that, i appreciate it, haven't given a much thought, obviously, at some point i'll sit down with rich, my agent, and sit down with my family and, you know, see what's best. you know, what's best for my career. so you know, we'll cross that when we need to. >> i'm not going to answer that as an interesting answer. tracy morgan and ben stiller, check it out. game 570 sixers. knicks in the garden. former warriors head to head donte divincenzo with a three over kelly oubre. junior jalen brunson. little man just
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continues to astound and amaze the lefty driving right. he had 40 at last check final seconds. and phillies down three. this is in regulation. tyrese maxey from brooklyn. splash i tied it up at 9744 for maxi. jalen brunson gets one last look for the knicks. they end up going to overtime. and right now it's 110 106. so we'll see when it goes final ronnie lott was at san francisco's olympic club yesterday helping raise money for youth mental health services in the bay area. a lot was a first round pick of the 40 niners back in 1981. won four super bowls with the red and gold back in the 80s. the pro football hall of famer says the super bowl window for the current niners still very much open. >> i already know that for the next five years, if they play like they they're capable of playing, they're going to touch the super bowl a couple more times. john lynch has done a tremendous job. shanahan obviously has been a great coach, and they're going to find
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a way to lift that trophy up. and lifting that trophy up is going to be really nice. >> yeah, they don't want to just touch the super bowl. they want to take it and bring it back. i mean they have not won in 1995. i mean it was the 94 season. so we're talking a long time. >> yeah. but they're i mean they i mean they're be ready knocking on the door. >> yeah. >> thanks, larry. >> all right. >> tonight on abc seven at eight will trent followed by the rookie at ten. the good doctor. then stay with us for abc seven news at 11. that is it for this edition of abc seven news. thanks for being here. i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley for sandhya patel. >> larry beil, all of us. we appreciate your time. as always. enjoy the rest of your evening and we'll see you again at 11.
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from the alex trebek stage at sony pictures studios, this is "jeopardy!" ♪♪ please welcome today's contestants-- a webmaster from vienna, virginia... a mortgage loan originator from columbia, missouri... and our returning champion-- an er doctor from milwaukee, wisconsin... whose 4-day cash winnings total...
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and now here is the host of "jeopardy!"--ken jennings. [cheers and applause] thank you, folks. thank you, johnny gilbert. and welcome to "jeopardy!" we kicked off the week with a clutch come-from-behind victory for our champion amy hummel. she came up with the correct response of "big kahuna" in final jeopardy!, proving she is just that and securing her fourth win. a fifth win today, remember, will guarantee her a spot in the next tournament of champions. so much is at stake for her today as well as for her new challengers-- bryan and laura. good luck, everyone. here comes the "jeopardy!" round. and here are the categories. first... then some... followed by... and finally... amy, where to first? cookies, my favorite! for $1,000 if it's purim, it must be time


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