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tv   America This Morning  ABC  May 1, 2024 4:30am-5:01am PDT

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captioned by los angeles distribution and broadcasting, inc. right now on america this morning, breaking news. violence erupting at ucla overnight. physical confrontations at a protest site. injuries reported all just hours after the nypd stormed a building occupied by war protesters at columbia university. dozens arrested the latest from both locations as former president trump shedding
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new light on his goals for a second term, his plan for mass deportation of undocumented immigrants, and what he's saying about states potentially monitoring pregnant women for abortions. pollution concerns in the heartland. the new claims about a major food company and millions of pounds of toxic pollutants dumped into rivers and lakes. >> a new move by the federal government to legally reclassify marijuana. what it could mean for restrictions on the drug. >> the buzz in the big leagues. >> as you can see, it's quite a swarm down there. the unusual delay and who ended up saving the game? >> sea lions surge the mini invasion in the city by the bay, and the change coming to dave and buster's. >> a sign of the times. >> from abc news in new york. this is america this morning. >> good wednesday morning, everyone i'm andrew dymburt. >> happy wednesday i'm rhiannon ally. we want to begin with the
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breaking news overnight. police in riot gear arresting dozens of protesters at columbia university here in new york, some of them being described as professional agitators. >> also, overnight new clashes at ucla, groups of protesters and counter-protesters attacking each other. multiple injuries reported are los angeles station reports. no police officers were on hand at that time. it comes just hours after police took action here in new york. this is the moment the nypd entered columbia university. officers in riot gear taking back a building occupied by israel-hamas war protesters using an emergency vehicle equipped with a ramp mounted to its roof to gain access to the second story window, some entering with guns drawn. >> we see students, we see folks that have been out here for the last several hours watching this group disperse and run in the opposite direction. we also see some pro-palestinian demonstrators running in front
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of the police here. >> dozens of people were led away, hands tied behind their backs with zip ties and loaded onto a police bus. nearly 24 hours earlier. the protesters were seen smashing the building's windows, barricading themselves inside with furniture, later creating a makeshift system to deliver food. >> when you try to engage in a negotiation and things are absolutely shut down, that tells me there's some outside people there who are really firing things up. we'll know better when the arrests are made. >> the mayor blaming outside agitators unaffiliated with the university for much of the destruction on hands up, not far from columbia, violent scuffles and arrests at city college, the antiwar demonstrations now span coast to coast with more than 1000 arrests so far. a chaotic scene overnight at ucla, where clashes broke out between pro-palestinian and pro-israeli protesters. multiple people were seen throwing punches and spraying pepper spray. at one point, multiple fireworks were
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thrown. at one group. >> you could see smoke emanating from the front of those two blue tents, a firework thrown right in their direction. >> and at usc, officials now investigating a swastika on a campus fence at the university of texas in austin, 79 people were arrested earlier this week, the school now confirming 45 have no affiliation with the university back to columbia. those who occupied that campus building will be charged with burglary, criminal mischief and trespassing. the police operation last night was over in about two hours. columbia has requested police stay on campus through graduation later this month. >> some palestinians forced to flee gaza may soon be allowed to live here in the u.s. as refugees. the biden administration is considering a plan in which anyone who qualifies for refugee status would be eligible for housing assistance and a path to u.s. citizenship. ship breaking overnight, another deadly storm hits the plains. a tornado hit westmoreland, kansas, killing at
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least one person and damaging or destroying more than three dozen homes and buildings. we will check your forecast coming up in just a few moments. >> former president trump is shining new light on what his potential second term could look like. his new comments on immigration and abortion are now stirring debate. abc's perry russom has those details. perry. good morning. >> andrew, good morning to you. in a wide ranging interview, trump outlined his stance on several issues, from monitoring pregnant women for abortions to using the military to deport migrants. this morning, new insight into a potential second trump term. speaking to time magazine, the former president outlined his plans to deport millions of migrants illegally in the u.s. this is country changing, its country, threatening and its country wrecking. they have wrecked our country, the former president saying people need to be deported and saying he would use the national guard and local law enforcement to carry out the deportation, saying if they weren't able to, then i'd use the military. when asked about a law prohibiting the use of military force on civilians, trump replied, well, these aren't civilians. these are
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people that aren't legally in our country that claim about migrants, not being civilians would likely face a constitutional challenge. the time interview also covered abortion in a post-roe world. >> we broke roe v wade and we did something that nobody thought was possible. we gave it back to the states. >> asked if he believes states with abortion bans should monitor women's pregnancies, trump said i think they might do that again. you'll have to speak to the individual states. when asked if he'd be comfortable if states prosecute women who get abortions, trump responded, the states are going to make those decisions. the issue could be on the ballot in several battleground states this november, including pennsylvania, nevada, arizona and in florida, where a six week abortion ban takes effect today. to obtain the procedure, floridians in key west now have to drive 14 hours to north carolina, and trump was also asked about the potential for violence after november's election. he said it depends on the fairness of the election. rhiannon >> all right, perry, thank you for that. court is not in session today for trump's hush money trial. the judge yesterday
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fined the former president $9,000 for gag order violations and warned of potential jail time for future violations. >> police in austin, texas, are trying to find who's responsible for the city's largest opioid overdose outbreak in a decade. as many as eight deaths blamed on overdoses were reported in just a 27 hour period, and dozens of people had to be treated with narcan. >> we typically average about 2 to 3 overdose calls per day. yesterday we were in the 50s. that is well over 1,000% increase. >> the exact substance behind the overdoses remains unclear. >> a new report blames tyson foods for dumping millions of pounds of pollution into the nation's waterways. the report from the union of concerned scientists, claims that nitrogen and oil were among the 371 million pounds of pollutants that was released by tyson facilities in recent years, mostly in nebraska, illinois and
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missouri. the report claims the wastewater would be enough to fill 132,000 olympic sized swimming pools. tyson has not yet commented overseas. >> dramatic images from ukraine and academic building, known locally as harry potter castle, was hit during a russian missile attack in the city of odessa at least five people were killed. ukraine saying civilians were targeted. attacks by russia have been on the rise as ukraine waits for more foreign weapons to arrive. >> and now to an abc news exclusive. wnba star brittney griner. one on one with our robin roberts breaking her silence about her time behind bars in russia, the conditions there and just how low she got during her long ordeal. griner told robin about the moment she was arrested at the airport in moscow. >> i'm just like, oh my god, how like, how did i how did i make this mistake? >> in february 2022, griner was detained for carrying vape cartridges with cannabis oil. she pleaded guilty, saying the
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cartridges were in her luggage unintentionally. >> have you ever for forgot your keys in your car? left your car running? have you ever, you know, where's my glasses? they're on top of your head. where's my phone? oh, it's in my pocket. it's just so easy to have a mental lapse. >> griner was sentenced to nine years in prison. she says she thought about taking her life during the ordeal. >> just. i didn't think i could get through what i needed to get through. >> griner, who is now releasing her memoir coming home, also describes the conditions in the prison a blood stained mattress, no soap, no toilet paper and the toothpaste had expired. >> what, 50 years like 15 years ago? >> that toothpaste was expired. we used to put it on the black mold to kill the mold on the walls. after nearly ten months in prison, the u.s. agreed to swap griner for a convicted russian arms dealer. >> you said that you felt that you let down yourself, your family, your teams. >> yeah. so how did you work
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through that? what? you called this guilt that you were feeling ? >> at the end of the day, it's my fault. and i let everybody down. >> what an emotional interview. we'll have more of robin's interview on good morning america, and the full interview will air tonight on a special edition of 2020. >> time now for your wednesday weather. >> good morning. unfortunately we're talking about another round of severe weather in the central u.s. and this is true from nebraska through iowa and south towards texas. the greatest risk will be kansas and western oklahoma into northern texas, spots that have already seen severe weather this past week. thunderstorms blister up for the late afternoon evening hours and continue into the overnight hours. tonight these will slide east, which brings, you guessed it, another risk for severe weather from minnesota to texas. as we head through tomorrow for accuweather, i'm
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melissa constanza >> coming up, the man known as bitcoin jesus now facing justice. >> also ahead, questions surrounding the sudden death of a 16 year old whose father claims racial harassment could be to blame, and later, what nfl owners are now saying about moving the super
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russia tonight on abc. >> we are back. now. look at this. a sea lion surge in san francisco. more than a thousand of them have been counted at the city's pier 39, the largest group in about 15 years. experts say they are moving south for mating while following a school of anchovies. >> the man known as bitcoin. jesus is under arrest in spain
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on us tax and mail fraud charges. roger ver is accused of evading nearly $50 million in taxes after earning $240 million trading cryptocurrency meanwhile , the billionaire founder of the crypto exchange binance will serve four months in prison for allowing money laundering on the platform now to pennsylvania, where a coroner has ruled a 16 year old's death natural. >> but his family isn't so sure. they are asking if his death was the result of racial harassment. here's abc's andrea fujii this morning. >> the father of a pennsylvania teenager who died after running from his classmates is sharing his grief. >> i do everything in my life to make sure he can live a good life. and they took it away from the dauphin county, pennsylvania. >> coroner ruled justin johnson's death natural due to complications from sickle cell disease and a heart disorder. but justin's family wants a full investigation after home security video showed a group of
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boys repeatedly coming to their door last friday. at one point, one boy says he can see justin. >> i see you in the window, justin's dad says. >> his son called him, telling him he was going to play tag with friends. justin is seen on video coming out of the house, then running, appearing to be chased by the other boys. one boy asks where justin went. another answered back to africa justin eventually made it back to his house. when his father came home, he found justin unconscious. the 16 year old later died. >> he called me and said, dad, they didn't want to taste nobody bought me and i had to run fast. >> johnson says his son wasn't supposed to exert himself because of his health conditions . police are investigating, and the district attorney says just because justin died from natural causes doesn't mean the case is closed. >> we're looking at their communications to ensure that it wasn't a false friendship and
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that they were actually communicating, were being friendly along the way. and that there was no animus on the part of the people outside the house. >> the johnson family moved to pennsylvania from jamaica last year. justin would have turned 17 yesterday. andrew >> rhiannon. all right. andrea, thank you for that. coming up, the new move to legally reclassify marijuana, what it actually means. >> also ahead, outrage in florida. people dumping trash directly into the ocean. the search is on for those search is on for those sfx: [alarm clock ringing] sfx: [thunder] sfx: [email notification] ♪ ♪ rich, indulgent chocolate with a luscious caramel filling. discover ghirardelli caramel squares. in a bag and a bar.
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♪ ♪ check out for imprint. com for imprint for certain. >> welcome back there is outrage and action being taken because of this video from florida showing people on a boat dumping garbage cans full of trash into the ocean off of boca raton. authorities have set up a hotline to call in case anyone on the boat or who recognizes the boat wants to come forward. all of those reportedly been identified and could face charges. >> as we turn now to a major change when it comes to marijuana, the biden administration, with an election fast approaching, appears ready to make a rule change. it could be one of the most significant changes in u.s. drug policy in more than 50 years. sources now confirming the biden administration will move to reclassify marijuana. >> marijuana is currently classified as a schedule one drug alongside heroin and lsd. >> the proposal would move it to schedule three alongside ketamine and anabolic steroids.
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>> the move would not legalize marijuana, but would recognize its medicinal uses and would open the door to marijuana being legally prescribed nationwide. it would also boost the cannabis industry, making it eligible for most standard tax credits. >> it's a step, hopefully, to get it moving in the right direction, where we're more of in line with other businesses, which you would consider normal businesses. >> but critics say the reclassification doesn't go far enough and will do little to change the legal landscape on a national level. the organization students for sensible drug policy saying, make no mistake, schedule three is not legalization and it is not decriminalized ation. it will not stop arrests, especially of young people. although president biden opposes federal legalization for recreational use, easing marijuana related punishments has been a cornerstone of his agenda, saying this in his state of the union this year, directing my cabinet to review the federal classification of marijuana and expunging thousands of convictions for the mere possession because no one should be jailed for simply using or
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have it on their record. all right, so what's next? well, several government organizations need to review the change and hold a public comment period, which could take several months. >> stay tuned. coming up, b's delay a major league baseball game. >> plus dave and buster's now >> plus dave and buster's now allowing you to gamble if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd like to be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪
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mmm...rainbow sprinkles, jammy filling and frosting?! friends, pop-tarts, pastrymates! lend me your ears! —oh boy. we're going off the crust again. wait till i get warmed up. pop-tarts! crazy good. you ready? >> brittney griner, prisoner in russia tonight on abc >> time to check the pulse. we begin with a buzz kill in baseball. >> so the arizona diamondbacks were about to play the dodgers in arizona when a swarm of bees took over the net behind home plate. the announcer asked fans to please be patient while they played the beatles let it be. eventually, a pest control guy removed the bees as the crowd chanted mvp and then the bee guy was allowed to throw out the
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first pitch. >> a pretty good job. >> yeah. >> next, an 18 game regular season seems to be one step closer to reality for the nfl. >> the washington post reports that adding another game to the season has won the support of most team owners. the idea still needs to be approved by the players union. >> another game would mean the super bowl moves to presidents day weekend. that means a lot of people would have the following monday off next, dave and busters is bringing gambling into its arcades in the next few months, members of its loyalty club will be able to place bets against their competitors in games like skee ball, hot shots and other arcade games. >> the wagers will be managed through the dave and busters app, and next, a utility company making quite the splash. >> denver water released a pretty epic video its version of the backstreet boys hit i want it that way, but the lyrics by the so-called splash street boys are aimed at getting people to conserve water in their yards. oh, water in the day time. >> no water in the sunshine.
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tell me why. don't let it all evaporate i water them >> well, the tips are being shared online, so i guess the campaign is working. >> and finally, a tribute to an american favorite. >> a giant hot dog is taking center stage in times square. it's a 65 foot long work of art. >> events related to the display >> events related to the display will include, dupixent can help people with asthma breathe better in as little as 2 weeks. so this is better. even this. dupixent is an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma that's not for sudden breathing problems. dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. tell your doctor right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines including steroids, without talking to your doctor. ask your specialist about dupixent. bother the bugs. not your family. ahh! zevo is made with essential oils
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clay overnight. counterprotestors clashing with a pro-palestinian encampment. police moved in. this situation is still unfolding as we speak, and labor demonstrators are expected here in the bay area today. >> what we know about the rallies being planned for may day. >> a recall election for alameda county's district attorney is now being delayed. how supporters and critics of pamela price are reacting to that decision. good morning. it is wednesday, may 1st, the rent is due. >> yes. >> thank you. >> i know you can't forget. >> yeah, you got that grace


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