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tv   ABC7 News 500AM  ABC  May 1, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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clay overnight. counterprotestors clashing with a pro-palestinian encampment. police moved in. this situation is still unfolding as we speak, and labor demonstrators are expected here in the bay area today. >> what we know about the rallies being planned for may day. >> a recall election for alameda county's district attorney is now being delayed. how supporters and critics of pamela price are reacting to that decision. good morning. it is wednesday, may 1st, the rent is due. >> yes. >> thank you. >> i know you can't forget. >> yeah, you got that grace period. but then, you know,
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things get weird. >> yeah. it's already may 30th. >> may and it's going to feel warmer this afternoon. a lot less wind than yesterday. here's a live look outside from the exploratorium camera this morning. we have totally clear skies once again. it is going to be another day where we are filled with sunshine. the big headline today we have slower winds. yesterday along the coast we had those winds gusting 30 to 40mph, so we'll have less wind along the coast and we will have a warmer afternoon on the way here today. temperatures right now we're in the upper 40s to the lower 50s. we have that cool start out there right now, and then we'll have that warm finish to the afternoon. so here's a look at your day planner. today. we have nothing but sunshine once again a light coastal breeze. your sun is up here at 613 this morning. now your sun is setting after 8 p.m. we'll go into the 60s and 70s away from the coast by noon. and then later on this afternoon, our warmest spots getting close to about 80 degrees. so highs today, a few degrees warmer than yesterday. we'll go to 73 in oakland, a mild 68 in the city,
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77 in san jose, 79 in santa rosa, a warm 80 degrees in concord this afternoon. guys >> drew thank you. breaking overnight from southern california. violent clashes on the ucla campus between pro palestinian students who set up an encampment and counter-protesters who claim to be pro-israel. this happened around 11 p.m. and lasted until the early morning hours. police were eventually called in to clear out the counter protesters so the fighting could stop, and this is a live look at ucla right now, and it appears calm in the last 20 minutes, we've seen police rebuilding a barrier between the encampment and the rest of the quad. now, unlike other protests on campuses across the country, officers did not move in to clear the encampment that has been growing throughout the week. a man is tracking all of this from the live desk. >> reggie. the violence between pro-palestinian protesters and supporters of israel went for on about three hours before police intervened. at times, protesters
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used barricades as weapons. fireworks were thrown inside the encampment. it's unclear how many people have been hurt. the university has declared the protests unlawful. officials at ucla declared a pro-palestinian encampment illegal, saying it violates university policy. they say if protesters do not leave, they risk suspension, which could lead to expulsion. students say the demonstration is affecting their education. >> it's wild to witness firsthand, it's gotten out of hand. it's gotten to the point where i can't even go to my classes. i can't study in the library, and it's dangerous. i agree with protesting on campus. but when you're actively having anti-semitic occurrences on this campus, having all of these moments is really, really difficult. >> the ucla chancellor shared this statement, saying ucla supports peaceful protest, but not activism that harms our ability to carry out our
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academic mission and makes people in our community feel bullied, threatened and afraid. these incidents have put many on our campus, especially our jewish students, in a state of anxiety and fear. and overnight, l.a. mayor karen bass tweeted about what's happening, saying the violence is abhorrent and inexcusable. back to you, stephanie. >> amanda, thanks. at usc, university president carol folt put out a new statement acknowledging a swastika that was drawn on campus. she says she condemns anti-semitic symbols and any hate speech. folt says the symbol has been removed now she has been meeting with pro-palestinian protesters, but they claim she isn't bringing much to the table to address their demands. in humboldt county, protesters are demanding the release of 25 people arrested at cal poly humboldt yesterday. some had been barricaded inside a campus building since last week, and the university says the protesters face charges ranging from unlawful assembly, vandalism, conspiracy and assault of police officers.
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>> it is literally in our constitution, our right to protest and if they're locking these people up, that is unconstitutional. >> as an alumni of an environmental studies, i have been taught that social justice is at the front of our concerns in a climate crisis. we are seeing war, crime after war crime, and our tax dollars are going to support that. and it needs to stop now. >> all classes have been moved online and the campus is closed until may 10th. >> we continue to follow the so-called free palestine encampment at uc berkeley. it is growing. last week there were 50 tents on the steps of sproul plaza. now there are at least 175. some jewish students say they've been told to request chaperons if they're worried about walking on campus. >> as a jewish student, when i see two other jewish graduate students harassed when they enter that encampment, and another who was punched and followed to the police station,
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that tells me that the university is not enforcing their policy around student code of conduct. >> abc seven news was at the encampment yesterday. a spokesperson for the camp said that they do not feel the need to talk right now, but will hold a future news conference. this is the last week of classes at cal. next week is a study week before final exams and graduation. in a formal statement, cal says today there has been no disruption of university operations. we will continue to try to respond, per policy, to any and all claims of illegal conduct for harassment and or discrimination. >> students at stanford claim pro-palestinian protests there have the university threatening unfair discipline. white plaza is the campus space for free expression. the university allows informational tables from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m, and says it has policies that include no overnight camping, organized. they say they're aware of it and that there could be discipline, but say people who aren't involved with the encampment are wrongly facing punishment. they
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also say the university is targeting certain students as a variation of muslim brown, black or some mixture of any of those things. >> only white students that have been given this disciplinary letter were anti-zionist jewish students. >> the university issued a statement saying in part. there is evidence connecting individuals to specific policy violations. those involved are entitled to rights and procedures as provided in the stanford student conduct charter of 2023, and will be able to offer a defense. you can follow our coverage of the college campus protests here in the bay area and across the nation. over on our website, abc seven >> a day of action could impact your commute. protesters are planning a series of may day marches and rallies across the bay area today. abc seven news reporter gloria rodriguez is here. gloria, one of the demonstrations is targeting the port of oakland. >> it is reggie, the port of oakland protest is scheduled for 4:00 this afternoon. there are
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also protests planned at the oakland federal building and the 24th street bart plaza in san francisco. may day is international workers day and seen a march and rally shut down. the port of oakland on may 1st is nothing new. we have some video of a past rally and today may day comes just weeks after pro-palestinian protesters shut down the golden gate bridge and interstate 80. professor rory little of uc law san francisco, says it's unclear what will happen today. >> nobody knows. and of course, the protesters don't want anyone to know exactly where they're going to be or what they're going to do, law enforcement is geared up, i think, for a pretty major responsive effort to keep highways and bridges open. >> professor little says there is much more acceptance of protests here in the bay area, but he believes the recent bridge and highway shutdowns by pro-palestinian protesters angered many people. as for those protests planned for today
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, the one at 24th street bar is set for 10 a.m. noon is the one at the oakland federal building. live in the studio. gloria rodriguez, abc seven news. >> gloria, thank you. 50 google employees were fired for their involvement in a pro-palestinian demonstration last month. now they filed a complaint against the company. the april sit in protested google's contract with the israeli government, according to the chronicle. the workers are seeking reinstatement to their job and back pay. they also want google leadership to guarantee that the company will not retaliate against workers for lawful collective protest. google said the protest was a clear violation of its policies and unacceptable behavior. >> the alameda county board of supervisors has decided to delay setting a date on a special election to potentially recall district attorney pamela price. the delay could allow them to combine the recall election with the november general election, saving millions of dollars regardless. recall supporters disapprove of yesterday's
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decision. >> nobody cares about that. the level of inconsistency and all of the questions that went on today, i feel was kind of unprofessional. i feel that at this point in time, they should be able to answer every question and they should have a procedure on what needs to be done next. this just didn't start yesterday. we started this a year ago, almost yesterday. >> price spoke publicly, calling on the supervisors to declare the recall signature count invalid. she she filed complaints alleging illegal signature gathering a handful of wealthy folks who want to overturn the election has been rife with fraud, has been rife with harassment of my supporters . yesterday, california's fair political practices commission said it will investigate the organization behind the recall effort. >> 5-10, this morning. let's take a look at your travel forecast. if you're taking to the skies later on this morning, we have some really quiet weather across the lower 48.
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denver will have a little bit of afternoon rain with a temperature of 67 degrees, but you can see from la to new york no issues. even atlanta, seattle. so most of our major hubs are doing just fine today when it comes to the weather. we'll take you to san jose this morning. a live look. there's the airport right there. we'll find a temperature right now in the low 50s, 51 degrees in the south bay with clear skies, a calm wind. we have clear skies reported across the entire region. so once that sun gets up here shortly after 6 a.m, it's going to be another bright day. here's a look at the out the door forecast this morning. we have clear skies, temperatures climbing through the 50s already into the 60s by 10 a.m. so today we warm a little bit quicker than we did yesterday. in fact, today is a warmer afternoon compared to the past several days. let's break it down. region by region inland today will warm into the 70s very fast today near 80 degrees later on this afternoon around the bay shoreline. very mild, lots of sunshine. you can get away
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without a coat this afternoon in the low 70s. a lot less wind along the coast. that's the big headline. and temperatures in the afternoon near 60 degrees. no changes, unfortunately, to the pollen forecast, grass is still running high. trees are medium and mold is low. the next three days. enjoy the sunshine, the warm temperatures because saturday reggie aqui we have some rain. we'll show you the latest timeline coming up in about eight minutes. >> thank you. drew. after weeks out of service, the sausalito ferry is back when the first rides take off this morning, and there's a new tool to speed up airport security lines. >> details on this tsa travel hack, plus the latest from columbia university in nearly 100 people taken into custody after the nypd moved in to clear a building occupied by protesters. >> new y
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today for higher pay. resident physicians at santa clara valley medical center in san jose say they work up to 80 hours a week, making as little as $17 an hour.
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they're currently in the middle of contract negotiations. they're concerned the low pay will hurt the county's ability to attract new doctors to come and train here. the residents are calling their demonstration a unity break. it set to happen at noon. >> the company, hoping to build a new city near fairfield in solano county, says it does have enough signatures to qualify the project for the november ballot. amanda is at the live desk with what we know this morning. amanda yeah. >> stephanie. california forever ceo jan sramek announced they've collected 20,000 signatures. that's 60% more than required. he says the total shows that solano county residents are excited about the plan that would build new homes for 400,000 people. >> they are all saying, yes, we want to have a say in the future of this place that we love. yes, we want to end these long commutes and have good paying jobs. home here, close by. yes, we want to have homes for us and for our children, and we want to
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have them now. >> the signatures will now go to the county for verification. we've reached out to the opponents of the project for reaction, but have yet to hear back. back to you at the desk, reggie. >> all right. thanks, amanda. california's population is growing again, and that's the first time we can say that since 2020. a new report shows the state's population increased last year by about 67,000, bringing the total population above 39 million since the pandemic. the mortality rate has decreased. there's been a notable increase in immigration. so people moving here from other countries to nearly pre-pandemic levels, overall migration is still a net negative, meaning more people are moving out than moving in. but it's a lot closer to pre pandemic levels. and it's not just about quantity, but also quality. >> on average, the people who are moving into california tend to be younger and they tend to have a higher level of educational attainment in other words, a bachelor's degree or
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higher. >> the bay area is a mix. napa solano contra costa and san francisco counties all saw small increases in population. santa clara county's population is about. the same. sonoma, marin, alameda, and san mateo counties saw decreases. >> over 200 families who were unhoused in san francisco will now get monthly cash payments because of a new guaranteed income program. the program is part of a five year study on guaranteed income funded by google and multiple nonprofits. 225 randomly selected families will receive $1,000 monthly for one year, according to the chronicle. another 200 families, roughly will receive $50 a month. >> we're getting a better idea of what san francisco's great highway will look like when a portion of it closes to cars for good. we told you about this before the extension between slope boulevard and skyline boulevard will be turning into a mile long trail and beach front plaza. renderings show a new
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slope plaza that connects to a multi-use trail and ocean beach. the public utilities commission and recreation and parks departments presented the images to city supervisors. this week. one notable change you'll no longer be able to access the zoo's parking lot from great highway, the chronicle reports. a new entrance will be created near 47th avenue. the transformation is set to begin early 2026. >> if you use the sausalito ferry to commute, there's good news the ferry service resumes today after being suspended for a week and a half. it was shut down because of a damaged pylon that was found during a routine inspection back on april 19th. the repairs took longer than expected because crews needed to wait for low tide to work. the first departures this morning are scheduled for 705 from sausalito and at 740 from san francisco. >> there's a new event coming to outside lands this year, and it's not a musical act. attendees can now host their wedding ceremony recommitment ceremony or vow renewal all
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weekend long during the festival . organizers say spots are limited, so if you're interested, you should reserve one as soon as possible. outside lands takes place august 9th through the 11th at golden gate park, and i need more details. >> yeah. how much time do you get? >> i know, i mean, the package, that's something about it comes with an officiant. so it's like a random person that you know will officiate your wedding. >> okay, here's my pitch. it's chappell roan in a chapel. >> that could be cute. that could, you know, the chapel. >> roan's house of love. house of love. >> i love, love, love. >> oh, wow. i like that you have all the answers. >> and if you watch abc seven mornings that you know that we're very, very cool, hip. we're very much on the edge of everything. so we definitely know that it's chapel roan and not chapel rowan. >> we would never say that. >> i would never say that. that definitely did not happen one week ago. >> you'll never forget as long as. >> and now i'm a chapel roan stand. i have multiple songs downloaded. i shared it with you.
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>> shared it? yeah. >> you really love her. you didn't know her a week ago. >> he knew her. truly a fan. now, honestly. >> and that's all it takes. one little listen, a good idea. this morning. suzhou tower is looking fantastic. we've got a nice day ahead on the accuweather headlines. less wind today. that's the big headline. it was pretty windy along the coast yesterday. not too bad today. it's also a warmer afternoon here. later on through friday. sunshine warm days. but we do have to talk about showers on saturday. it's a quick moving system, but we do begin the weekend with wet and windy and cooler conditions. today though, it's all about sunshine. nice temperatures by 1030. we're well into the 60s. later on this afternoon we'll go into the 70s, if not 80 degrees and our warmest spot, and we have a really nice evening ahead. temperatures are slow to cool off as our marine layer is pretty weak right now, so we'll keep pretty warm temperatures through much of the afternoon and evening. 73 the high in oakland today. that's warmer than yesterday. near 80 in santa
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rosa, 77 in san jose. close to 70 in the city today. 80 in concord will hit about 60 in half moon bay with a lot less wind along the coast. your evening planner looking great for anything you have outside this evening. clear skies all throughout the afternoon and evening and temperatures again. very gradual to cool off as we head towards 10:00. we're still in the 60s in some cities overnight tonight clear skies do prevail and temperatures very similar to where we are right now in the upper 40s to lower 50s. let's talk about our temperature trend, because we do have warm temperatures tomorrow. once again that continues into friday as well. but watch what happens here on saturday. those temperatures dramatically cool off. and that does come with some rain. so we do bring in the abc seven storm impact scale for saturday. it's a level one for showers, slick travel conditions, rainfall for most between a quarter and a half of an inch. and i think most of this rainfall is going to occur saturday morning, probably by saturday evening. this system is out of here and that will lead to a drier back half of the
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weekend. so here's the accuweather seven day forecast. it's a warm start to may today. then we'll have that warm sunshine through friday. dramatically cooler, wet and windy on saturday. but by sunday we're dry, sunshine comes back and then a warming trend occurs early next week guys. >> all right drew thank you. coming up the seven things to know this morning. >> another instance of bees infiltrating a professional sports game. the beekeeper who became
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clashes broke out between counter-protesters and a pro-palestinian encampment on the campus. police were brought in to try and calm the scene. >> number two protesters against the war in gaza say they'll be marching in solidarity with may day actions across the bay area today. they're planning to be out at the port of oakland today. they have stated they're going to try to shut it down. number three, more student loan debt relief is on the way. >> the white house announced this morning that president biden is canceling debt for 317,000 students who attended the art institutes, which shut down last september. the school had campuses in san francisco and across silicon valley. >> number four a live look
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outside from our east bay hills. camera. today is the start of bay area air quality management districts. spare the air summer smog season. there's no alert today, but it's a good reminder for all of us to do our part to help keep air pollution at a minimum. >> yeah. number five, we have great air quality today. that pollen forecast, though, keeps grasses at high levels. we have a warmer afternoon on the way today. less wind along the coast as well. temperatures for the most part into the 70s and low 80s later on today. >> and number six, we're taking a look at our drive times on this early wednesday morning commute. tracy to dublin that will take you 42 minutes. san rafael to san francisco, 16 minutes and then antioch to concord, 15 minutes. >> number seven you may notice a change in your instagram feed. instagram is changing its algorithm to surface more content from smaller, original creators. >> finally, some good news for the oakland sports world. last night, the city council gave the green light for the oakland ballers to revive a historic park where they're going to start their first season of
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minor league baseball. >> oakland is about to make the biggest comeback in the history of sports, and it starts today. >> crews are already getting the team's new field ready at raymond park on monday. we saw workers roll out the new sod and tear down the old fencing. the team says it will share new renderings of the spruced up park tomorrow. the baller season starts in late may with their first home game june 4th. >> an eventful night in arizona. wow. take a look at this. a hive of bees decided to take up a post behind home plate. when the diamondbacks were set to take on the dodgers, the game was delayed for two hours and i see why. oh wow, that's how you do it. >> like, is that thing just like sucking up the bees like a vacuum? >> yeah, it looks that way. i just can you imagine being first up being like, all right, look at this. >> what? what's happening? >> he threw the ball. so. >> yeah. well, professional beekeeper was called in to remove this hive. the crowd there cheered on matt hilton,
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who we just saw on the screen from blue sky pest control. as he arrived to save the day. and as you just saw, he threw the ceremonial first pitch to start the game. and this is funny, the beekeeper was not on the clock when he initially got this call. he was at his son's final t ball game of the season, which was 45 minutes from the baseball stadium. >> look at this, man. yeah that's what beekeepers look like. >> and he saved the day. look at us. he has the whole outfit and everything. >> i mean, he looks like a model. >> like what? >> well, a three man congressional race expected in november could soon be whittled down to just two candidates coming up at 530. the new results from a recount happening in the south bay. >> but first, this live look outside it is 527. this is abc 724 seven. >> in san francisco, live at levi's stadium in san jose. live in oakland. yeah, you're watching abc seven news live
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seven mornings live >> now at 530. violence on college campuses across the country. overnight in new york, police and military gear moving onto columbia's campus after protesters stormed the building. and we're tracking a situation unfolding at ucla right now, and it's being called the most significant u.s. drug policy change in over 50 years. >> the federal effort now underway to reclaim my cannabis time is running out. >> families who rely on discounted internet service
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could lose access this month. what the biden administration is asking congress to do about it. good morning everybody. >> it's wednesday, may 1st. >> we will start with a check on the weather. hi, drew. >> hey. good morning. we have a lot less wind along the coast today. we have a warmer afternoon as well, shaping up to be a very nice day. here's a live look from sutro tower with those clear skies up above temperatures. right now, we have our typical cool weather to start out the day. this morning we're at 41 in sonoma. good morning oakland 48. we're at 46 in san mateo. so the jacket keep it on until about 8 or 9 a.m. this morning. and then after that those temperatures warm very nicely. so the big headline today, slower winds along the coast. it's a warmer afternoon with that less wind. it's going to feel a lot nicer compared to yesterday for folks along the ocean. here's our day planner today. it's nothing but sunshine or sun's up here in about 45 minutes. your sunset now is after 8 p.m. so our days are getting longer. it's bright throughout the afternoon. we have that warmer day ahead with
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70s and low 80s expected and our warmest areas away from the coast, a high of 73. in oakland today, 77 in san jose, 68. in the city near 80 in santa rosa will hit 80 later on this afternoon in concord. reggie. all right, drew, thank you. >> protesters have announced plans to disrupt the port of oakland today, all part of a day of action on this may day. abc7 news reporter gloria rodriguez is here. protesters planning a series of marches and rallies across the bay area today. gloria, good morning, reggie. >> may day is international workers day and it is common to see demonstrations on may 1st at many locations, including at the port of oakland and bart stations. but this year, many of those planned protests are tied to the israel-hamas war, one flier saying that there will be no business at the port of oakland this may day as part of a pro-palestinian demonstration. this is video of a protest at the port from back in november. today, may day comes just weeks after pro-palestinian protesters shut down the golden gate bridge and interstate 80. professor
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rory little of uc law, san francisco, says there's much more acceptance of protests here in the bay area, but he believes the recent bridge and highway shutdowns by pro-palestine protesters have angered many people. >> so i think people were angry at their personal delays and also angry at the idea that these that a minority group of protesters could effectively shut down quadrants of the bay area, and i don't think that was good for their message. >> professor little says it is unclear what will happen today in terms of whether protesters will shut down bridges again, but it believes that law enforcement is geared up to keep highways and bridges open. and we do know there are several pro-palestinian protests planned for this may day, starting at 10:00 this morning. stephanie. >> gloria, thank you. breaking overnight on a story. we've been following police in l.a. are clearing out counterprotesters after they clashed with
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pro-palestinian students who set up an encampment at ucla. in the last hour, we have seen police rebuilding a barrier between the encampment and the rest of the quad area. they have not removed the encampment, though it took hours for police to move in overnight after the violence broke out. that has left many people upset. the school's newspaper, the daily bruin, shared an editorial piece overnight on these protests. they claim ucla is complicit in violence inflicted upon protesters and failed to protect students. they call out ucla chancellor gene block. they write, quote, will someone have to die on our campus tonight for you to intervene? gene block the blood would be on your hands. >> developing news from new york city. we're expecting to learn more about the protests at columbia university. mayor eric adams and the nypd will give an update after officers arrested nearly 50 people. a man is at the live desk with that reggie columbia university signed off
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on the nypd to move in on protesters barricaded inside one of its buildings. >> officers cleared the crowd at the encampment that has stood on campus on a campus lawn for the last two weeks. police climbed into the building through the second floor window to remove the protesters. they refused to leave by the university's deadline on monday, breaking into that building later that day. now, the university says people not affiliated with the school led the takeover. >> we will always protect the right to protest, but we must balance that right with the right to keep students, the school and our city safe. >> police say the people inside the building could be charged with burglary and criminal mischief. the protesters outside could face trespassing and disorderly conduct charges and a letter to the nypd. columbia's president is asking for officers to stay on campus at least through may 17th. that's two days after commencement to make sure the encampments don't come back. now, the nypd says all that's left of the protest are
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the tents students slept in. it will be up to the university to remove them. >> amanda. thank you. on capitol hill now, house speaker mike johnson is defending law enforcement response to the protests at college campuses across the country. >> we called for the police to come in and take care of it. if they're unable, then we need the national guard. this is not protected free speech. what this is doing is violating the rights of others. jewish students who are merely on campus trying to get an education. >> this week, the house is set to vote on a bill that would define anti-semitism to enhance anti-discrimination laws. house republicans say it's needed to protect jewish students, but democrats argue it would limit free speech. you can follow our coverage of the college campus protests here in the bay area and across the nation over on our website, abc seven >> oakland city council has approved the contract for the city's new police chief. floyd mitchell, will be paid more than $365,000 a year in total
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compensation, including salary and other benefits. he is on a three year contract that's set to start next month. mitchell comes to oakland from lubbock, texas. he's promising change for a department facing huge challenges with crime and recruiting officers. >> san jose police have arrested a man they say ran a brothel out of his house near downtown for years. officers arrested 53 year old john zulu on april 19th after they served a search warrant at the house on north 16th street. >> during the search of the residence, detectives did locate and identify two adult female human trafficking survivors, and they were provided with resources during that time. >> i know the police say officers also found an undisclosed amount of cash inside the house. lu's arrest followed a nearly five month investigation by the san jose pd trafficking task force, as well as the fbi. lu is currently in custody at the santa clara
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county jail, charged with pimping and pandering. >> the man known as bitcoin jesus, who once lived in santa clara, was arrested in spain over the weekend. roger ver was one of the earliest cryptocurrency investors. the justice department alleges he's evaded roughly $48 million in taxes owed to the irs from crypto exchanges. that gained him about $240 million in 2017. vvhere's accused of failing to report that amount. it's unclear when he'll be transferred to u.s. custody. the results are close to final in the recount for the district 16 congressional race, santa clara county confirmed new totals this morning. evan lowe now leads joe simitian by four votes. lowe gained 11 votes in santa clara county's recount, and simitian gained seven. we're waiting on san mateo county's official tally. if san mateo county's numbers don't change the outcome, it would put lowe ahead to advance with sam liccardo to
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the november ballot. and this would drop simitian from the running stocks linked to cannabis companies are surging this morning after the dea announced it's moving to ease restrictions on the drug. >> the change will reclassify cannabis from a level one substance, which includes heroin, to a level three substance similar to ketamine. the proposal would also recognize the medicinal uses for cannabis, and acknowledge it has less potential for abuse than other drugs. the head of the congressional cannabis caucus said the push is long overdue. >> just a tremendous moment in terms of policy reform, in terms of ending the failed war on drugs in showing how we can actually make progress. and this is going to accelerate it. >> now, the change still has to be approved by the white house, and it's important to point out it will not legalize marijuana outright for recreational use nationally, although 24 states
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have already done so. there's a new way to help you get through the airport security faster. you can now combine tsa precheck and clear into one service. it costs $200 a year. clear allows you to skip security lines, and precheck gets you through security screenings faster. right now, the sacramento international airport is the only place here in california you can actually sign up for the combined service. you may remember there was a proposal to ban the clear service recently that bill was watered down in committee last week, and now if it passes, it will only prevent clear from expanding to other airports in california, a smaller airline is expanding its footprint in the north bay. today. avelo airlines is opening a base at the sonoma county airport. two of its boeing jets will be based at the airport, along with around 50 crew members, including pilots and flight attendants. abc seven news was there when the budget airline launched its inaugural
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service out of sonoma county. back in 2021. it currently flies nonstop from sonoma county to bend, oregon. las vegas, burbank and palm springs, and a traffic alert for you here at 540. >> we're taking you live to the bay bridge toll plaza, where metering lights have been flipped on. it'll take you 15 minutes to get from the toll plaza into the city. here at 540, drew. nope. back to the desk, reggie. >> thanks, amanda. who needs las vegas when you can just go to dave and buster's? up next, the new service coming to the business. but first checking the weather with drew. you know, very similar. >> very similar outside this morning. here's a live look again from the bay bridge toll plaza. we have that sun slowly getting up here right now oakland airport. we're at 48 degrees, so most of us are beginning the day in the 40s. we have that typical chill first thing, but we'll warm up nicely this afternoon. here's live doppler seven along with satellite. i mean, it couldn't get any calmer around here. we have a light breeze right now. high pressure is in control.
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we'll have a lot of sunshine today and less wind along the coast. here's the forecast as we break it down. region by region. no matter where you are, you will have sunny skies from start to finish near 60 degrees along the coast. but you notice those winds nowhere near those 30 40 mile per hour gusts we experienced yesterday around the bay shoreline, sunshine and warm. getting into the low 70s and then inland will go into the upper 70s near 80 degrees for daytime highs. looking at your weather wellness today, air quality for the most part is good. we'll have some pockets of moderate air quality because high pressure tends to trap some of the particulate matter near the surface and some ozone as well. the grass pollen forecast remains high. your uv index, an eight out of an 11 that is very high. we do expect a lot of sunshine today. looking at the next three days. it's a warm start to may. today. we'll continue to have that warm sunshine tomorrow, maybe 1 or 2 degrees warmer by thursday afternoon, and we hang on to that mild weather for one more
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day on friday. but by saturday it's dramatically cooler and rain is back in the forecast. but the rain does not last all weekend. we'll time out the rain's arrival and more importantly, the rain's when you have moderate—to—severe eczema,
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it's okay to show off. with dupixent, show off your clearer skin and less itch. because you have plenty of reasons to show off your skin. with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, you can stay ahead of your eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your skin from within. many adults saw 90% clearer skin. some even achieved long—lasting clearer skin and fast itch relief after first dose. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ♪ show off to the world. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent.
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it's about her ten month detention in russia. here's abc news reporter andrew dymburt in this morning's gma first look, an abc news exclusive. >> when star brittney griner opening up to robin roberts about her nearly ten months in russian detention. >> do you know there are those who say, come on, how did you not know that you had cartridges in your in your luggage? >> in her new book, coming home, griner details her arrest after russian authorities found cannabis oil in her bag and the
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chilling reality of being sentenced to nine years of hard labor. >> and where are you heading to? it's called ic2. ic2, known as one of the worst prisons in russia. yeah. what were the conditions like there? >> really cold, it's a work camp. you go there to work. >> there's no rest this morning on gma, and tonight on a special edition of 2020, we'll have much more of robin's interview with brittney griner with your gma first look. i'm andrew dymburt, abc news, new york. >> millions of americans are set to lose home internet access. that's because federal funding for a pandemic era internet subsidy program is about to run out. amanda. digital advocates are warning of serious consequences if we let this program run out of money. >> now, reggie, april was the last month the federal government could pay these subsidies in full for the affordable connectivity program. the program has connected millions of americans to the internet since 2021. many who use this benefit are military veterans, senior citizens, and people who live in rural areas.
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digital advocacy groups are calling on the government to restore its funding. they say the digital divide in the us keeps growing. without it, that's the path we're on right now, is we're going to be returning to a place where kids are doing their homework in parking lots. >> folks can't access their telehealth. >> the fcc says people currently enrolled this month might get a reduced or partial benefit, but next month they won't get anything at all unless congress moves to restore funding. the white house says it will continue to push lawmakers for a renewal of the funding. experts suggest people currently enrolled in the affordable connectivity program should check in with their internet provider about lower or no cost internet plans for when the funds run out back to you at the desk. stephanie. >> thanks, amanda. eight newspaper publishers are suing microsoft and san francisco based openai. they say the companies used their news articles and generative artificial intelligence products without permission. the lawsuit also claims ai inaccurately
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attributes information to the papers. the mercury news is among the newspapers filing this lawsuit. european officials are investigating menlo park based meadows role in tackling foreign disinformation on its platforms. they're expected to focus its investigation on a russian backed influence campaign, it says. meta has not done enough to protect upcoming elections. the social media company could face millions of dollars in fines if the eu finds it violated rules to safeguard against disinformation and deceptive advertising. meta says it is cooperating with the eu. the dating app bumble is getting rid of a popular feature that, once separated it from other dating apps. >> before women had to initiate the conversation with their matches. now anyone can make the first move. it's part of a larger relaunch of bumble. another update includes dating intentions, so people can indicate if they want a life partner or just a casual date. bumble wants to turn the
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business around after a nearly $2 million net loss last year. dave and busters is taking gaming up a notch, allowing customers to bet on arcade games. loyalty members over the age of 18 will soon be able to put down real money on their friends gameplay. the function will work through the company's app in the coming months to compete on things like skee ball and hot shots basketball, their partner software company luca, says the average bet size is ten bucks. there will be a betting limit, although that hasn't been disclosed. i thought we were just playing for like, plastic spider rings here, you know? like what? what happened? >> hot shot basketball. >> so you're betting on your friend and. yeah. >> yeah, i know we need more details on how this would work. >> like, what if your friend throws it for somebody else? >> so what if, like, your friend is steph curry and you're like, all right, right. i know i'm making money today. >> if you're friends with steph curry and you're at a dave and
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busters okay, okay. >> you're right. >> listen, no, no, i've had many fun times in dave and busters. >> i'm not saying it's not fun time, i'm just saying i expect a different. he could build his own nation. >> he could build his own. david. >> i'm sure he has hot shot. i'm sure you have skee ball. yeah, he probably has some air hockey down there i don't know. >> yeah. you know. all right. >> we'll see how it goes this morning. it's looking lovely from our south beach camera. the bay bridge here you can see not a cloud in the sky. it is another day of warm sunshine. a lot less wind along the coast. we'll keep these sunny and warm days through friday. and then on saturday you're going to notice a lot of differences. it gets dramatic, cooler. it turns wet and windy with a level one light storm moving through the region. i know we just welcomed may this morning, but we do get rain in the month of may. average may rainfall. some areas like napa and santa rosa average more than an inch of rainfall this month. even san francisco oakland typically see about three quarters of an inch of rain. saturday will likely see about a quarter to a half of an inch of rain across the region. but
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today it's all about sunshine across the region near 80 degrees inland. today, feeling lovely around the bay shoreline. sunny skies and warm temperatures in the low 70s and along the coast. just less wind today, a lighter breeze and temperatures near 60 degrees this afternoon. overnight tonight we'll keep those clear skies and our typical cool numbers in the upper 40s and lower 50s. now, future tracker temperatures are warm today, warm tomorrow, warm on friday. and then watch what happens on saturday. it gets a lot colder around here. some areas likely seeing a 20 degree temperature drop from friday into saturday's daytime highs. that does come with rain returning to the forecast on the abc seven storm impact scale. it's a level one for saturday. showers return. it's breezy, slick travel expected with rainfall again about a quarter to a half of an inch. so future weather showing you it's likely most of this light rain is going to fall saturday morning. by saturday evening, it looks like this front is through us. this is 10:00 pm. we're drying out and sunday is completely dry, so if you have any saturday morning
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plans, if you can push them later into the day or hold off until sunday, that's the better bet to have some dry weather. here's the accuweather seven day forecast warm today that continues through friday. there's that level one saturday morning with wet and windy conditions were much cooler and drier. weather returns for sunday and warmer weather next week. guys. >> thank you. drew. new at six. the glitch causing many alarms on iphones to not go off correctly because it happened to you know it has happened to you. yeah like on this shift thank god not i know otherwise otherwise i mean you're here. >> so it worked out i know. >> but first we have some new rules for women. the updated recommendations for
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the us preventive services task force. the agency suggests regular mammograms should start at age 40, not 50. the new guidelines are more consistent with other groups like the american cancer society. breast cancer is the second most common cause of cancer death for us women. california's department of public health is giving the city of san francisco $3 million to help fight hepatitis b. the virus causes an infection of the liver and can lead to liver cancer. it's often called the silent killer because many people don't experience symptoms . san francisco leaders say hepatitis b particularly targets the aapi community. >> only 6% of the us population is aapi, but that 6% accounts for 58% of americans living with hepatitis b. san francisco has one of the largest aapi populations in the nation, which makes hepatitis b awareness an essential local issue.
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>> the donation will go to san francisco's chinese hospital association and northeast medical services, which is a health center nonprofit. it will use the money to raise awareness and encourage people to get the hepatitis b vaccine. >> an e coli outbreak has led to a walnut recall. nearly all of the sick people purchased organic walnuts from bulk bins and food co-ops, or natural food stores. the walnuts were supplied by gibson farms, with expiration dates between may 21st and june 7th, according to the cdc. 12 people and two states have been affected, half of these cases are here in california. seven people have been hospitalized. no one has died. if you bought martinelli's apple juice at target or whole foods recently, do not drink it. the watsonville based company is voluntarily recalling one liter bottles of the juice. tests conducted by the state of maryland found high levels of inorganic arsenic. the recall affects bottles with a best by date of either march 9th, 2026
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or march 20th, 2026. you can take them back to the store for a refund. >> that's scary. >> well, we have another consumer alert at six. service fees will no longer be allowed on your bills at california restaurants. if restaurants want to charge them, they'll have to increase their prices separately. >> then one of the country's most strict abortion bans is now in effect. the white house response and what it means for the election and new debt relief plan. >> president biden wiping out billions for students who attended now defunct art schools with campuses right here in the bay area. >> let's get you ready for your wednesday live look from the exploratorium camera. it's already looking clear out there right now. out the door. the light jacket is your best accessory early on because we do have temperatures. you see, updating in the 40s, but we'll quickly warm through the 50s and into the 60s, so that jacket doesn't stay on for long. and in fact, today is a warmer afternoon compared to yesterday. a lot less wind along the coast
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as well. most of us going to the 70s and then we are looking for you. we are the peace corps. with volunteers in more than 60 countries. living together. working together. transforming lives. together. join us.
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now abc seven mornings live. >> breaking overnight at six rallies on the campus of ucla. turning violent overnight. protesters clashing with counter-protesters as police and highway patrol officers get called in to calm the chaos. we're live in los angeles. >> then dozens of google


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