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tv   ABC7 News 400PM  ABC  May 1, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT

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the bay area that is on top of recent college campus protests. all right. >> let's take a live look from sky seven right now. and this is over oakland, where one of those gatherings is happening right now. one group is gathering at the west oakland bart station. the original intent was to march to the port of oakland to try to disrupt business there. but there's nothing to disrupt because the port of oakland tells us the port is actually closed today for monthly union business. >> now to live pictures coming out of san francisco from where we understand protesters are marching downtown. you can see them in the center of your screen slowly making their way down market as we speak. >> all right, let's get to tim johns, who is live in oakland with more on the protest. tim >> yeah, larry dion, this protest is just about to get underway. and as we mentioned there, this is different than what was originally anticipated. initially these protesters were going to meet here at the bart station and then march down to the port of oakland, where the intention was to shut it down.
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however, the port tells abc seven news that they have a prescheduled stop work day and it's already closed down. therefore, these folks here are telling us that they are instead going to transform what would be a march into a so-called victory rally. around a dozen demonstrations happening around the bay area wednesday in honor of may day, the annual protests, always on may 1st, trace their roots back to the labor movement of the late 1800s. >> first is solidarity with all workers struggles, then solidarity with immigrant workers, and for the right to be here in san francisco. >> sky seven video shows hundreds gathering at a bart station before marching down to city hall in the morning, people calling for greater rights and protections for working class people amid growing struggles. >> may day 2024 is a struggle for survival for workers, and especially with ai and robotics, because the plan is to get rid of large numbers of workers. >> this year's demonstrations also merging with pro-palestinian protests to at another rally outside san francisco's ferry building in the afternoon, activists calling
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for an end to the war in gaza and us support for israel. >> the money that is going to support the genocide in palestine is yours and my tax money. >> many protesters specifically telling us they believe that money would be better spent tackling problems here at home. >> people are homeless in san francisco. they can't get health care. uh- why isn't the money being spent here? >> different protests are expected to continue throughout the day wednesday. workers here say they hope that helps to spread their message. >> there hasn't been a general strike in the united states since 1946. in oakland, it's time for another general strike, because that unites the entire working class and that's when all workers can join unions where the wind blows. >> now, these protesters tell us they will be out here for about an hour this afternoon. so we will, of course, be continuing to monitor it for you guys at home and bring you the very latest for now, i'm in oakland. tim johns, abc seven news. >> tim, everybody's safe, everything's cool and calm. >> where are they treating you? everything's cool and calm so far. yeah, definitely not like
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what we've seen at some of these universities. >> all right. thank you tim. >> now the 1st may day celebration took place on may 1st, 1886. 80,000 industrial workers in chicago went on strike demanding an eight hour workday. may day or international labor day was created to honor those workers and three activists accused in a bombing, but later pardoned. it's now a holiday that is recognized across multiple countries and is marked with protests calling for increased labor rights, among other issues like these protests in 2012, which demanded changes to income equality during the occupy wall street movement. >> now to the protests that are taking place on college campuses and overnight crackdown at columbia and violent clashes at ucla. abc news reporter alexis christoforous with the latest developments classes canceled today at ucla following clashes between protesters on campus. >> the lapd called in after the pro-israel counter-protest fighters surrounded the pro-palestinian encampment. >> tensions are extremely high
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right now. >> substances sprayed into the air, some protesters using planks of wood as weapons and some one throwing fireworks into the encampment at the university of wisconsin in madison. at least a dozen people arrested as police worked to clear away demonstrators. four officers injured during those arrests. and in new york city after protesters took over hamilton hall on columbia university's campus, barricading themselves inside the school, sharing video of ransacked classrooms as the nypd moving in at the request of columbia's president. entering the building through a second floor window, new york city mayor adams, blaming outside agitators for training and co-opting otherwise peaceful protests, saying those who occupied hamilton hall were unaffiliated with columbia university. these external actors with a history of escalating situations and trying to create chaos. some faculty members condemning the university's decision to bring
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in the nypd. >> this is not about columbia or ccny or berkeley or ucla or any other place where the students have risen up. this is the conscience of a nation speaking through your kids. >> columbia's president releasing a letter today saying tensions, quote, rose to new heights and the school was pushed to the brink, calling in the nypd due to safety risks. she added she was sorry we reached this point. and now, just hours after the nypd cleared encampments on columbia and city college campuses, fordham university students have set up their own encampment at the lincoln center campus in manhattan. alexis christoforous abc news, new york those campus protests reached santa clara university today. >> students on campus held a teach in on gaza. they're calling for a permanent cease fire and for the jesuit university to divest from companies doing business with israel. university officials say they met with organizers to make sure it does not present a safety risk for other students. >> one of the expectations is
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that expressive activities don't block access, so that the students who have class or have other commitments across the campus are able to access those. those spaces. >> student organizers say they want to build solidarity with palestinians. santa clara university has a contingency plan in place in case the event gets rowdy with counter-protest. >> meanwhile, the cal, the student encampment outside sproul hall, entered its 10th day today. a supporters held a poetry reading. they want the university to create a palestinian studies program, and also to divest from companies that do business with israel. uc's board of regents is considering a new policy to prevent faculty from making political statements on university owned websites. >> well, moving on now we are learning more about the death of a 15 year old pittsburgh girl found dead in san francisco two weeks ago, and now her family is desperately trying to figure out what happened. abc seven news i-team reporter melanie woodrow has been putting together the pieces and brings us the very latest.
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>> we are tired, exhausted. and it's so hard. >> jasmine pellegrini's family has been searching for answers for weeks. initially they were searching for jasmine. >> have you seen this 15 year old teen girl? >> they say she went for a walk the evening of wednesday, april 17th in pittsburgh and never returned. >> she was a runaway girl, you know. she she ran away several times, but you know, she came back earlier that evening. >> her family says she was released from martinez health center, one of several hospital stays over the last two years. her aunt says for depression, anxiety, ptsd and self harm in the wake of childhood sexual abuse after her disappearance that evening. for days, the family heard nothing. but while they had no contact with jasmine , people around the bay area say they did. and it's those reports that are now putting together the pieces of a puzzle still largely unsolved. >> solved my heart. just like, you know, that feeling that like you know, like there is somebody who seen something. >> the first possible spotting of jasmine on bart, where someone says she got on at the
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pittsburg bay point bart station thursday, april 18th, just before 6 a.m, a caller told the family he saw a girl with no shoes who got off at the powell station the next spotting. friday, april 19th. around 8:30 a.m. at the stonestown target, a woman who asked we not share her identity, says jasmine approached her while she was in line at starbucks. >> she had a blue post-it in her hand and she said, i need a ride to this place. and i looked down at her post-it note and it had writing on it that said, take the m muni train and get off at embarcadero. and she said, please take me here. this is the busiest place in san francisco. i just said, honey, i'm sorry. unfortunately, it's not something i can do. >> she says jasmine walked further into target. then, while she was still in line at starbucks, she says jasmine walked out the main entrance alone. >> she just seemed lost. honestly. >> more than a day later, on saturday, april 20th, just before 11:30 a.m, julius barnett was driving on lobo street in
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san francisco when he noticed someone on this driveway. there was face down, nose, forehead uh- the wrist was out swollen, ankles swollen, knees swollen, and i said, babe, i think something wrong with that person. barnett says. he called 911. jasmine's body was later identified. sad barnett wonders if she could have been saved, if somebody would have seen her for hours before, maybe an hour. >> look at all these houses. look at all these people. >> jasmine's family is now hoping surveillance video from lobo street, bart, muni or target might provide additional clues. san francisco police are investigating and have said there was no evidence of foul play. the san francisco medical examiner's office says a pathologist has not assigned the cause and manner of death in the case yet. also, given high case volume toxicology reports are complete within 21 to 60 days, leaving those who last saw jasmine wondering what she was doing in san francisco. >> i don't know how she got over here.
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>> she could have made it to the m train in the total wrong direction of embarcadero and her family, wondering if the missing pieces will help them find peace. >> to find out what happened to her, to find out her last hours in san francisco for the i-team. >> melanie woodrow, abc seven news. >> a major move by the united methodist church delegates at the church's general conference voted overwhelmingly to repeal a long standing ban on lgbtq clergy. the united methodist church also approved a measure that forbids regional administrators from penalizing clergy who perform same sex weddings. >> perhaps the external culture had shifted enough that the united methodist church could safely make this decision. i do suspect, however, that this will continue to be controversial and they may lose congregations for doing it. >> delegates to the united methodist church conference are also debating whether to replace a church doctrine that calls homosexuality incompatible with christian teaching, and change the definition of marriage from a man and a woman to a union of
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two people of faith. >> coming up on abc seven news at four. no more hidden fees and end to frustration for diners also looking in a new direction. how it could help fight climate change. and the new look for oakland's newest ballpark. >> i'm spencer christian. may day has brought us some may warmth, but rainfall may be just a few days away. i'll have the accuweather forecast coming up when your child has moderate—to—severe eczema, it's okay for them to show off. show off their clearer skin and noticeably less itch with dupixent. because children 6 months and older with eczema have plenty of reasons to show off their skin. with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, they can stay ahead of their eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your child's skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe.
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wired a new approach, one that might be even better than the quick build method. >> abc7 news south bay reporter dustin dorsey shows us how it hopes to be the new standard in san jose. >> thousands in the city of san jose call tents, rvs in the streets, home, a challenge julia archibald faces every day. >> how hard has that been? it's hard maintaining food, maintaining cooking, keeping up with, hygiene and stuff and taking showers and stuff. >> it's been hard, but we have to do what we have to do to make sure we live and survive. and it's coming to an end. and that's what i'm excited about. >> that's because she hopes to be one of the first to move into the newest interim housing site on via del oro in south san jose. 150 beds will soon stand on this land, leased to the city for $1 a year for up to ten years from philanthropist john sobrato. we live in an area with the greatest concentration of
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wealth in the world. >> it's known as the center of innovation, and we ought to be able to figure out how to solve this homeless issue. >> san jose's created quick build communities before, but this project is different because it can't be here forever. only ten years. they can't change the land, so the units aren't built to be permanent. but with that, the units are quicker and cheaper to build. a model that mayor mehan thinks can be a game changer. >> it's all about getting people stabilized faster and connected to the supportive services that enable them to reclaim some control in their lives and to get on the path to greater self-sufficiency. >> the mayor hopes other landowners might be inspired to do similar leases, but the city knows even if that happens, it has to get communities around the sites to buy in to get south. san jose residents on board the city will now enforce a no encampment zone within a two block radius of this quick build, but a neighbor nearby says many feel it's still not enough. >> we wanted a half mile radius from each site, and, our council member and everyone else failed to do that. >> so why is the two block
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radius that it is now not enough? >> you're in a commercial area. and what's a two block radius? >> even though not everyone may be on board, the project will still open in early 2025. in south san jose. dustin dawsey, abc seven news the homeowners insurance crisis is hitting hard in the east bay city of orinda, an analysis by the san francisco chronicle found that nearly 1700 homes will likely have their insurance policies canceled by state farm. >> that's about a quarter of all homes in the city, which is nestled between the hills between oakland and walnut creek, an area that can be prone to brush fires. some homeowners say they are having a hard time finding replacement policies. >> the oakland ballers, they bet on the city of oakland beginning their renovations at historic raymond park even before they got the final approvals, and you could see the work underway. they're moving at warp speed right now. the grass is on the field, the bleachers already being installed. and with last night's unanimous final approval
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from the oakland city council, the oakland ballers released some new renderings of their $1.6 million renovation at raymond park. the team plans to reactivate the park in time for their home opener on june 4th. they'll play 48 games this season, and when the team is off the field, will then be open as a community space. >> all right, moving on to the weather situation right now, where it is beautiful out there, but things are about to cool down. spencer. >> yeah, you're right about that, diane. but spring days don't look much nicer than this one. on the 1st of may, let's take a look at our satellite radar composite image. you can see high pressure still the controlling factor in our weather, but look a little bit to our northwest up in the gulf of alaska. you see that spiraling low pressure system up there? that could be our next rainmaker as the weekend arrives. but right now we're looking at beautiful weather, blue skies. it's a nice and mild, but it's still quite windy across much of the bay area. gusts up to nearly 30mph at half moon bay and 30mph at oakland. so still got a pretty brisk breeze out there yet. it's warming up. 24 hours ago it was
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11 degrees cooler in novato than it is right now. it's three degrees warmer right now in oakland, four degrees warmer in hayward than yesterday at this time. so the warm up is area wide. blue skies over san francisco where it's 63 degrees right now, 69 in oakland, 71, hayward 78, san jose, redwood city 76 and 57 at half moon bay. all the temperature readings at this hour. looking northward. santa rosa 80 degrees only 72 at petaluma by 77 at napa. napa. we have low 80s at fairfield and concord and nearly 80 at livermore. and these are our forecast headlines. it will be sunny and warmer again tomorrow and friday. saturday, though a sharp cool down. i mean by 12 to 18 degrees from friday's highs. and they'll be rain on saturday. and then early next week it will be turning sunny again and getting milder and drier all over again. for tonight. look for mainly clear skies. a few thin, high clouds may pass by, but generally clear with overnight lows in the low 50s. so pretty mild overnight range of temperatures and then tomorrow under sunny skies with
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breezy conditions once again, especially at the coast. look for highs of 59 at half moon bay, 67. here in san francisco. mid 70s and the warmest locations around the bay shoreline up to about 8082 degrees in the warmest inland area. so we are still in that nice pattern that you would expect in early may. but as we skip ahead to the forecast animation starting at midnight friday night or 12 a.m. saturday, notice rain arriving first in the north bay in the early morning hours and then spreading quickly by mid-morning to virtually all parts of the bay area. so it's going to be a wet day on saturday across the entire region. certainly a chilly one with that sharp drop in temperatures that i was just talking about. here's the accuweather seven day forecast. two more lovely typical, more typical spring like days tomorrow and friday. then the big cooldown on saturday. high temperatures going from about 80 in many locations on friday to only 62 on saturday. about an 18 degree drop there. wet, windy, much cooler. a level one storm, then morning clouds on sunday giving way to sunny skies in the
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afternoon and starting early next week we'll see sunnier skies once again and the warm up starts all over again. here just one day of rain. >> here we go. >> yeah i know, yeah. here we go again. >> all right. thank you. spencer. >> okay, well, ferry service between san francisco and sausalito resumed today. >> the popular golden gate ferry route was shut down for nearly two weeks after crews discovered one of the pylons at the sausalito pier was damaged. contractors were finally able to finish repairs to the steel pylon this week. the sausalito pier was originally built in the 1970s. >> bike month kicked off today with a special unveiling in daly city. this is the first bay wheels bike share station in san mateo county. the docking station in the bart parking lot has electric bikes to get to nearby neighborhoods, including the westlake shopping center. >> and you just opens up so many doors to the community in getting people around. this is only the beginning. we would like to see these everywhere. >> the daly city bike station is part of an expansion into
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neighborhoods with easy access to san francisco. bay wheels currently has 550 stations in six bay area cities, and you've tried them, right? >> yeah, it's a lot of fun. less work? yes. >> less pedaling. >> all right, well, new technology is changing how we hold back water. and it is here just in time for the changing environment. >> plus bringing in the music and the art of noise, the new exhibit that nexgard® plus helps you protect your dog from fleas, ticks, heartworm disease and more... all in one delicious, monthly soft chew. use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures or neurologic disorders. nexgard® plus. the one you want for one-and-done protection. when migraine strikes, you're faced with a choice. accept the trade offs of treating? or push through the pain and symptoms? with ubrelvy, there's another option. one dose quickly stops migraine in its tracks. treat it anytime, anywhere without worrying where you are or if it's too late.
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and sturdy levees, but there is a new design that's taking shape , and spencer christian is back with this new technology. spencer. okay, larry and dion, increasingly a nature based design is providing an alternative to alternative to the typical levee, one with significant benefits in the face of sea level rise. >> we quite literally mean the transition between two types of habitats. >> when we first met jessie olson, she was in the middle of a multiyear project creating what's known as a horizontal levee alongside a newly opened tidal marsh in menlo park. joining with volunteers and colleagues from save the bay, the team installed hundreds of plants that will help clean the bay waters as the tides surge in and out. >> a horizontal levee is not what you think of when you think of a traditional hardened levee. it's a gently sloping levee that comes out into the bay. >> the new tidal marsh was created from a former salt pond
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several months ago, when crews broke open a traditional levee to let bay waters in and it's green horizontal edge could be critical in keeping it healthy in the face of sea level rise. that's because the sloping strip acts as a stepladder, giving the marshy area room to expand. as water levels rise, it's possible for tidal marsh to get drowned out if it can't keep up pace with the rate of sea level rise, and providing these horizontal levee spaces gives them somewhere to grow upward and continue to provide that important habitat. and that list of opportunities is growing, including sections of the san francisco bay shoreline that serve a critical function housing many of the bay area's biggest wastewater treatment plants. we toured several facilities that are now preparing to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on upgrades to meet the tighter state water quality regulations for what's discharged into san francisco bay projects also set to include horizontal levees. >> yeah, so that is a part of what we call harbor marsh in
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palo alto. >> senior engineer samantha english showed us a marsh area next to the water quality control plant. that's where the district is planning to construct a horizontal levee prototype designed to fight erosion and potentially help add to the wastewater purification cycle and treat, wastewater a little bit more, and remove more nutrients and remove more contaminants of emerging concern across the bay. >> at the aura loma wastewater treatment plant in san lorenzo, volunteers from save the bay and other groups have helped to green yet another experimental levee project, again using marsh plants to help absorb materials from the wastewater. laurie antonio is executive director of the bay area clean water agency. >> our vision for our region over the long term is that when we do nutrient reductions, we also get multiple benefits. so if we're going to spend these funds, we want to get the biggest bang for our buck that we can for jesse olson, the adoption of horizontal levees is a force multiplier, adding new opportunities as the bay area
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races against the clock to restore thousands of acres of tidal marsh around the san francisco bay in the upcoming decades. >> yes. >> nature based solutions. horizontal levees these these tidal marsh restoration projects, they are a major answer to how the bay is combating climate change and sea level rise. >> a more sustainable future rolling out before our eyes on our own bay area shoreline supporters also argue that the horizontal levees are a comparative bargain, with san francisco bay projected to rise by several feet in the next few decades. the cost estimate to protect the shoreline has already run into the billions of dollars, larry and dion. >> all right, spencer, thank you. check out the calendar. may first, and we are still waiting for the results from one south bay election. >> what we've learned now about the recount. >> yes. and more help for college students. the new
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the signal is a little sketchy. in and out, but the crowd of about 1000 people, they're peacefully marching down broadway. just one of several protests taking place simultaneously across the bay area. participants trying to call attention to many messages during this year's show of solidarity. we'll keep you posted on this again. the chopper having some issues, getting the signal to us. >> yeah, and certainly we've seen pictures from across the bay area. we'll try to bring those to you. >> and everything has been peaceful so far. we should point that out. >> yeah. well, moving on now to the south bay, where we finally know who won second place in the march 5th district 16 congressional race. that recount process is now finished
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following a tie for who would face the first place finisher, sam liccardo, this november. >> santa clara county released its final results, and we just got word on the final results there. abc seven news south bay reporter zach fuentes tracking the race and joining us live now zach, what do we know okay. >> so we had final results from santa clara county yesterday. and it showed that the two candidates were separated by four votes with evan low leading joe simitian. what we were waiting on were the final results from the other county in this congressional district, which was san mateo county. and just under 30 minutes ago, our media partners at the mercury news confirmed that evan low picked up one more vote in that county. joe simitian did not pick up any more votes, meaning that they're separated now by five. evan low is now that second candidate who is going to face off against sam liccardo. so this closely watched race is now down to two candidates. and after two months, it's been a long, complicated road to get there. multiple candidates ran in the march 5th primary race to replace retiring congresswoman anna eshoo. and though the primary was meant to come down
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to two candidates, it came down to three. >> we have the top two primary system in california, and we ended up with two candidates exactly tied for second place, this means that that three people would go to the runoff in november instead of two. >> sam liccardo won first place by a wide margin, and for weeks it was unclear if evan low or joe simitian won second place until the results revealed the tie for second, though, it seemed that all three would go to the november ballot. a recount was requested and it was a voter requested recount. >> there's not an automatic recount if the recount spans across more than one county, so in this instance, it was san mateo county and our county. >> the requester was jonathan padilla, according to his linkedin profile. he was a policy and finance director for liccardo's 2014 san jose mayoral campaign. he requested the recount on behalf of low low's campaign, said they're not connecd with him, insisting that padilla is acting on behalf of liccardo's campaign. but in this san jose inside op-ed, liccardo said he did not request the recount and said that
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neither he nor anyone in his campaign communicated with padilla. the santa clara county registrar's office said recount observers challenged 45 uncounted ballots. the registrar determined that seven of them that were initially uncounted were valid. the mix up with that batch had to do with signature matching in boxes that those voters forgot to mark, affirming their citizenship status. there were also mix ups with some other ballots. >> there were 12 ballots in a batch that weren't counted, so that was an error, a human error. we understand we're going to like, i said, going to tighten the processes. but that happened in that ballot counting room. and they were able to fix that and count those ballots. >> ultimately, in santa clara county, evan low gained 11 extra votes and joe simitian gained seven, meaning that low is leading simitian in that county by four votes. so we've so far gotten statements from sam liccardo, who said in part that democracy prevailed in this. we're also hearing from evan low, who just tweeted out a statement that said, in part, he's grateful to the staffs at the registrars of voters in both counties. he even goes on to thank joe simitian, who he said
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he's taken this wild, wild, wild ride with and said, whose decades of public service remain an inspiration to me. that's what evan low said. so now, with final results with both counties, they're now going to go on to be certified with the secretary of state right now, live in the san jose bureau. zach fuentes, abc seven news literally every vote counts. >> the saga continues. >> yes. thank you zach. >> well, thousands of former students who attended the san francisco art institute are having their student loans canceled. it's all part of an order by president biden to cancel more than $6 billion in debt. it specifically helps borrowers who took classes at art institutes across the country. from 2004 to 2017, the white house says the art institutes misled students about their job prospects. the san francisco art institute closed in 2022 because of financial problems. >> a bay area legislator is sponsoring a bill that aims to revive local journalism. state senator steve glazer says his bill would give a tax credit to news outlets that hire full time journalists, and they're talking
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about up to 25% of the journalist's salary. the money would come from a use tax imposed on companies that extract online data from its users. glazer says these companies are using the data to sell advertising money that used to go to local newspapers. >> that power has allowed them to capture advertising dollars that once supported the kinds of public affairs journalism that underpins our democracy. >> glazer says advertising revenue dropped more than 680% in just the last ten years. he expects the bill would raise $500 million a year to promote the hiring and retention of journalists. >> the morning drive took quite a turn today for people in mill valley as part of an emergency drill. it focused on preparing for evacuations. police adjusted traffic control patterns on the major artery out of the city. the intent there is to help the free flow of traffic, first responders say they want to be prepared for anything. >> it's not just wildfire, you know, there's mudslides and there's flooding and there's all those other things. so it's good
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to be prepared, so although we hope this never happens, we want to make sure that our staff is prepared to do what's necessary to expedite and to keep our our people safe. >> the drill focused on east blithedale avenue, which merges from two lanes to one, then back to two. the evacuation drill temporarily reconfigured the road to make it continuously. two lanes coming up. >> no more hidden fees when you go out to eat, and your chance to stay in
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those junk fees could mean those extra surcharges on your restaurant bill will soon go away. that law is meant to stop businesses like restaurants from burying extra costs in service fees to make the prices appear lower. but even if surcharges are banned, it doesn't mean the customers would actually pay less. california's attorney general's office says those fees will have to fold into the menu prices instead, which i think most people would prefer, don't you, spencer? or do you want to jump in because, you know, you don't want to be surprised after you've ordered what you've ordered. now it's time to pay. >> go ahead. anna. >> i was just going to say i agree. i'd rather have it baked in so that i know what i'm paying instead of waiting to get the check. and then, oh geez, what's all this extra? >> but then baked in. i saw what you did there. >> oh, that was very low,
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spencer. see what she cooked up there? oh, see who's next. who's next? >> yeah, i'm just going to whisk this story away. >> oh, that's a good one. >> questionable. all right. moving on. apparently you can bet on all kinds of things these days. now even arcade games. dave and buster's has partnered with a company that will let customers place wagers on the dave and buster's app. the betting function is only for players over 18. it's expected to be available in most states. no word yet on betting limits, but the average is expected to be around $10. i see this as a very slippery slope, and i'm going to kick this over to you, spencer, because, you know. >> yeah, i have a history in gambling and an ugly one. >> as a matter of fact. you know, i'm not opposed to legalized gambling for people who want to do it and who can control themselves, but who's going to enforce the age thing there? how how do we know that under age, under 18 year olds won't somehow find a way to make these bets? >> well, and they're just seeing it happen. i mean, we go to dave
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and buster's, so my little one's there. what if i'm like, hey, i bet i can beat you at skee ball. i bet you ten bucks, right? >> yeah. >> well, no, look, if kids can get their hands on phones to place an order on amazon prime, then i could easily see them somehow just, you know, picking it up and figuring it out. >> i mean, it's one thing, if you go to las vegas and you lose money there, it's another thing when you go to dave and buster's, then you come home and go, honey, the mortgage. i lost it at dave and buster's after i had my hamburger. yeah, i feel like it was just what could go wrong. what could? fun kids just have fun. yeah, you don't need to gamble. >> lost my allowance and my appetite. >> so, this might help, then. the love of your life could be anywhere, even at your front door with food. spencer >> okay, okay. >> a minnesota couple is now planning on their wedding after meeting through grubhub. alec was working as a delivery driver when he met hannah, who was a customer. the two struck up a text conversation, and the rest is history. they've been dating
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now for two years. they just got engaged. look at the happy couple. they seem. they seem. that's a sweet story. really? that's actually so much more creative than meeting at a bar. >> you'll have something to tell people for the rest of your lives. >> don't. don't most of the delivery people just drop the food and then leave. like how many people actually knock on the door? >> you just never know when your love is right in front of your face giving you food, right? >> it's cute. >> you can find love in the strangest places, even on your doorstep. >> even when you're complaining about an order being cold, right? >> yeah. >> if that's your first interaction. well i think i think that's a red flag. if that's, you know, maybe, maybe not this one. >> oh, gosh. >> all right, finally. now airbnb is back with new iconic experiences. listen to this. you can now sleep inside pixar's up house in new mexico. the recreation even comes with 8000 balloon says. let's just hope it doesn't whisk you off into the atmosphere. there's also prince's purple rain house in minnesota, or a 2d animated recreation of marvel's x mansion
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in westchester, new york. other experiences include a living room session with doja cat or an overnight stay at the musée d'orsay in paris. >> i'll take that one. >> yeah, that'd be fun. >> yeah, all of them. >> i think that one might be the coolest. >> i do that in prince. i mean, if i were going to do that sort of thing, which i probably wouldn't, but yeah, yeah, the real doja cat is going to be there. >> she's like in your living room or in her living room or in somebody's living room. i don't know, i need more information on that particular offering. >> do you see how classy we are? spencer and omar? and then here's larry. >> i just asked the question of like, you know, i don't expect any celebrity to, you know, to be welcoming me into their living room or anybody's living room. they don't want anything to do with it. so, i don't know, it just seems out of the blue. >> i'll still pick musée d'orsay. i've been there a couple of times and it's i i'd love to stay there for a few nights, and then you don't have
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to worry about waiting in line. >> i think prince would be my top choice. yeah, yeah, and the up house. but what if the balloons start popping? that's annoying. >> yeah, it seems like a hazard. >> oh, by the way, our producer says doja cat will perform for you. larry, it's not just you guys are chit chatting in someone's living room. >> that's pretty cool. >> okay, well, then that's that's a different thing. then it's like going to a private concert. yeah >> paint the town red. >> well, they very good. >> yeah, that was good. >> they should have. they should have said that, that's it for the fo
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when you have moderate—to—severe eczema, it's okay to show off. with dupixent, show off your clearer skin and less itch. because you have plenty of reasons to show off your skin. with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, you can stay ahead of your eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your skin from within. many adults saw 90% clearer skin. some even achieved long—lasting clearer skin and fast itch relief after first dose. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ♪ show off to the world. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent.
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nearly ten months in a russian prison. she spoke with gma's robin roberts. sam champion sat down with robin to discuss the interview and tonight's 2020 special, whose? >> the person that we meet with you tonight. sam, she really opens up. >> i didn't know when i was sitting down across which i was going to get the wnba star that was always buttoned up and would give you just so much. no no, you don't go through an experience like she went through and it doesn't affect you. and i can still see how it has impacted her. >> in her first extended interview, wnba star brittney griner explains in great detail what life was like in a russian prison. what were conditions like in that particular jail? >> the mattress had a huge bloodstain on it, and they give
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you these thin two sheets. so you're basically laying on bars from middle of my shin to my feet, stuck through the bars, which in prison you don't really want to stick your leg and arm through bars. you know, because someone go up and grab it, break it, twist it. and that's what was going through my mind. >> i would think that you'd try to block a lot of this out and shut down your memories. did you find that she had a really clear memory like catalog of all of this? >> oh, sam uh, she goes into great detail and i thought maybe she would hold back a little, because i could only imagine reliving that. and i asked her, i said, you know, talking about this again, are you reliving it? but it's very interesting to me. the times that she became emotional, it wasn't when she was describing these horrific conditions. she still dealing with guilt, guilt that she forgot about the cannabis oil in her carry on, and guilt that other americans remain in russian jails, including paul
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whelan, who griner hoped would be coming home with her. you wrote that you were hoping to see someone else on that plane. you were hoping to see paul whelan. >> when i walked on and i didn't see him, i was like, okay, maybe i'm early, maybe, you know, maybe he's next, maybe they're going to bring him next and when they closed the door i was like, are you serious. you're not going to let this man come home. >> griner and her wife are now on a mission to help other americans detained around the world. and robin tells us there's something else in griner's future. >> her wife is pregnant. they're expecting their first child together. they're very, very excited. and i and i said, well, are will there be a time that you're going to tell your child about the experience? and they said, you know, they'll play it by ear, but they feel that now they have more to share with that child. >> the 2020 special prisoner in russia, the brittney griner interview airs tonight at ten right here on abc seven. it will also be available on hulu tomorrow. and you know, one of
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the things that the nba has really gotten to pass on here, in my opinion, is, first of all, they own the wnba and have since its inception. but the reason that brittney griner was going to russia was simply because the wnba salaries are so low, especially compared to nba players, that a lot of the players feel the need to go to europe because they could get paid 4 or 5 times what they would make in the wnba. now, maybe with the arrival of caitlin clark and more sponsors, that will change. but the league you know, that wasn't widely publicized. so, you know, here we are and hopefully it doesn't happen to anybody else again. all right. let's get to an update on the weather forecast spencer rejoining us okay larry may. >> the month of may is off to a stunning start. how about today's weather? did you like that? tomorrow and friday more of the same sunny and warmer weather than on saturday. things change rather dramatically. a sharp drop in temperatures and there will be some rain. but early next week we can expect
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the sun to return and it will start getting milder all over again for tonight. mainly clear skies. maybe a thin, wispy high cloud will pass by, but skies will be mainly clear with low temperatures mainly in the low 50, so it'll be pretty mild overnight. then tomorrow another stunningly beautiful day. sunny skies, breezy at the coast. highs ranging from near 60 at the coast to mid 70s around the bay. shoreline to low 80s inland. and here's a little forecast animation starting friday night to show you what's coming our way on saturday. clouds will thicken early late friday and i should say early saturday morning. the first wave of rain arrives in the north bay and sweeps southward and eastward, and eventually covers the entire bay area by mid-afternoon on saturday. so here's the accuweather seven day forecast. sunny and mild to warm the next two days. a level one rain system coming in on saturday, along with about a 15 to 20 degree temperature drop from friday. then on sunday starts to get sunny all over again in early next week. sunny and milder weather and drier. >> larry. all right. thank you spencer. the moving power of music explored in an upcoming exhibit at sfmoma
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news got a sneak preview today of the art of noise exhibit. it's a multi-sensory look and listen at how design has changed the way we've experienced music over the past 100 years. artifacts include more than 400 san francisco psychedelic rock posters featuring legendary bands like the grateful dead, as well as rap, punk and rave fliers. families can explore the ways that music and visual art come together with hands on art making a sound based scavenger hunt, performances, story time with the san francisco public library. they got a lot of offerings there. sfmoma is offering free admission this saturday for the opening of the art of noise, just ahead the ups and downs of owning a soccer team joyous and then miserable, and then joyous and then, miserable, then triumphant. those guys are hilarious. the soccer documentary, the
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phenomenon known as welcome to wrexham, returns as if you have heart failure, entrust your heart to entresto, a medicine specifically designed for heart failure. entresto is the #1 heart failure brand prescribed by cardiologists. it was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. heart failure can change the structure of your heart, so it may not work as well. entresto helps improve your heart's ability to pump blood to the body. and with a healthier heart, you can keep on doing what you love. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto for heart failure. novartis may help you save on your prescription.
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the one you want for one-and-done protection. brittney griner interview. and then stay with us for abc seven news at 11. all right. you don't have to be a fan of soccer to fall in love with. welcome to wrexham. the docu series follows ryan reynolds and rob mcelhenney and their welsh soccer team
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reporter george pennacchio, from our sister station in los angeles has a look ahead now to season three. >> here we are again, beginning of another season. you and me. >> wrexham afc cochairman ryan reynolds and rob mcelhenney took a quick moment to take it all in before the emotional roller coaster that is season three of welcome to wrexham. >> joyous. and then miserable. and then joyous. and then, miserable. then triumphant and hopeful and then, in the doldrums of misery. that's kind of the way it goes. rocky one, he loses. season one. we lost rocky two. he wins. season two. we won. >> season three picks up as both the men's and the women's teams have been promoted to higher tiers. can they keep up the momentum? come on. we're about
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to find out. >> as we march inexorably closer to the end of the season, we will be right on top of it with the with the dock. we will. the trucks, the cameras will all be there, in the in the final moments and we're going to learn in almost real time how this how this shapes up for, for, for the community of wrexham. >> and it's the community that is always top of mind for both ryan and rob. >> just that people are so willing to share their stories and to be vulnerable and to and to open themselves up to, to cameras and microphones is it's really difficult for us. and we live in front of a camera. so somebody said that we are honorary welshmen, and i think that was just about the nicest thing any human being could say about us. >> so, yeah, being invited into this, what feels like a club that anyone would want to be invited into, but the club is actually just wales as a whole has been really for me, unexpectedly beautiful. >> george pennacchio for abc news.
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>> welcome to wrexham's incredible story. returns for season three tomorrow on fx, and you could stream it the next day on hulu. all right. that's going to do it for this edition of abc seven news at four. i'm larry beil. abc seven news at five with dan and ummah is coming up with dan and ummah is coming up next better in as little as 2 weeks. and when you can breathe better, what isn't better? this is better. this is better. that's better. and that. even this. dupixent is an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma. it works with your asthma medicine to help improve lung function. that's pretty good! dupixent is not for sudden breathing problems. it's proven to help prevent asthma attacks. it can reduce or even eliminate oral steroids. and doesn't that make things better? dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe.
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the naacp believes that it is a tragedy that the city of oakland missed this opportunity. it was an opportunity. they're just waiting for us and we did not take advantage of it. >> new criticism for the leaders of oakland following the release of a city audit, explaining why the deadline for huge crime, a huge crime fighting grant was missed. good e


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